Campaign:Dungeon Fantasy/Serpentfolk

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Here's Serpentfolk as featured in the PFSRD and here is the Serpentfolk page on this wiki.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Racial Template: [170] Strength 9 [-10] Dexterity 10 [0] IQ 15 [100] Health 16 [60] Perception 16 [5] Will 16 [5] Speed: 7 [10]

Languages: [18] Aklo, both spoken and written [6] Common Undercommon, both spoken and written [6] Draconic, both spoken and written [6]

Advantages: [30] Infravision [10] Damage Resistance 4 [20]

Disadvantages: [-25] Callous [-5] Intolerance (Non-serpentfolk) [-10] Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]

Special Serpentfolk Traits:

Ancient Intellect: The leaders of the ancient world who were unfairly usurped by the surface dwellers, your kind possess a the will and power to reclaim the mantle of authority and rule once more. You will succeed in these ends through stealth, guile, cunning, and secrecy. 10 points/level to a maximum of 4.

Add +1 per level of this trait to these skills: Acting, Disguise (Humanoid), Detect Lies, Escape, Thaumatology. Furthermore, add +1 per level of this trait to the following spell-like abilities which function as the Wizard spell: Blink, Charm, Command, Illusion Disguise, Telepathy, Magic Resistance, Simple Illusion.