Commander Dante is the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels and the oldest living (non-Chaos, non-Primarch, non-Dreadnought) space marine. No one outside of the Blood Angels inner circle actually knows how old he is. All that is confirmed is that he has been the Chapter Master for at least 1100 years. Even Logan Grimnar can't remember a time before Dante. He has kicked the asses of uncountable xenos, mutants and heretics in countless wars upon countless worlds. He is the victor of count-von-countless campaigns and his deeds are indistinguishable from legend. He also has long, straight black bishounen hair down to his waist (usually tucked in to his armor and golden mask when on the battlefield,) if the Blood Quest comic series is to be believed. Which it totally is! Old as hell but pretty as fuck. Just as a spehss vampire should be.
In the plot, Sanguinius made a prophecy that there would be some great battle that would kick the asses of all others and that there would be a great, golden warrior standing between the Emperor and the darkness. Dante thinks that this golden warrior is him (as opposed to Ollanius Pius) because he has an ego so massive that if it was a physical object it would collapse under its own weight and turn into a black hole from which nothing but douchebaggery may escape. In other words, it is about 10% the size of Rowboat Girlyman's, which is still an improvement.
Though, in the novels and the rest of the fluff, he's generally portrayed as a fatherly figure who's a good guy and doesn't afraid of anything. In an interesting bit of anti-Mary Sue, his Warlords info book makes it explicit that he became chapter master not because he was the brightest or the strongest of his peers, but simply because after a campaign that left only two hundred Blood Angels remaining, he was the only senior officer that was still alive. Actually a running theme in the book, where it's stated that as an initiate competing to become a space marine, he wasn't particularly special either. The book extends this theme into the present, where it's stated that Logan Grimnar is the most beloved chapter master and Marneus Calgar is the most respected, but Dante is still seen as the greatest simply because 1,100 years of service speaks for itself. That said, a chapter master with more than 1,100 years of experience is definately extremely capable of laying out copious amounts of whoop-ass.
Going by the black library when he doesn't wear his wargear he's totally like Inspector "Tequila" Yuen from Hard Boiled
He also worked with a Necron army to defeat a Tyranid hive fleet. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDD!
Also he's getting too old for this shit.
Sadly, this article has nothing to do with the titular writer of Dante's Divine Comedy. Just because you wrote the first self-insertion fan-fiction does not mean that you get your own article on /tg/. Though he did inspire the modern version of hell, which lends itself to Monstergirls and the Warp.
It also has nothing to do with the protagonist of the Devil May Cry series, who despite being the most awesome thing since sliced velociraptors, is both a Demon and a heretic by Imperium standards. Maybe a mutant, too, given the white hair. Never let the Inquisition near your video game collection, is what we're saying here.
An old piece from previous rulebooks and the times when Gee Dubs was cool.
The guy's Possibly facing a fucking titan here... it won't be quick for the poor titan though...
One of the best ever pieces depicting Dante.
Taking on a freaking Avatar of Khaine like a boss...
Cool guys like Dante always get cool stuff.