Archon Tahril

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Archon Tahril is (was) one of the lesser leaders of the Black Heart Kabal and the Raid Leader in the Kaurava system in Dawn of War Soulstorm.

Tahril, like any Dark Eldar, is very arrogant, smug to the extreme, super backstabby, yet has both the skills and wits to back this up. Sadly besides that, he ain't on the level of Vance Stubbs. Hell, apart of him being a very arrogant, smug to extreme, super backstabby evil space pixie fairy that avoids the Eldar's more rage inducing characteristics, and in general being a Dark Eldar, he belongs into the same category as Caerys, the Necron Lord of Kaurava III, Selena Agna and Commander Or'es'ka in the personality department...that is, barely any.

He and his force got an awesome Corrupted Webway Gate Portal that lets them go in and out into any webway gate, surgically raiding the other forces in the Kaurava system however they see fit.

Most of the time he trolled the Chaos Space Marines of the Alpha Legion Warband under Firaeveus Carron's command for a while until he was defeated by someone (maybe Vance Motherfucking Stubbs). Added that he considered Carron the only competent commander along with Farseer Caerys does say something about him (and no, it's not a good thing here considering what Carron was famous/infamous for). For one thing, maybe he shouldn't have stationed himself on the moon orbiting Carron's base.

After Soulstorm, nobody knows what happened to him. Considering that Asdrubael Vect joined him in the raids and got his Dais (and a lot of Soul Cages) blown up along with multitudes of slaves being freed, whether or not Tahril survived entirely depends on just how pissed off Vect was about that. Knowing Vect, it's highly probable that Tahril is dead. Or enjoying the ministrations of a haemonculus. Assuming Tahril actually got away with failing utterly he most likely did so by still having some manner of usefulness to offer, because if Vect was ripshit pissed enough to want to actually kill him there wouldn't have been a single dark corner of Commorragh that Tahril would've been able to hide in, nevermind start a new kabal.