Sonic Weaponry
One of the most exotic kind of weapons, sonic weapons emit vibrations tooled to disrupt anything they hit, shaking the target quite literally apart. Most commonly used by the Emperor's Children, the Eldar make used of them as well.
Noise Marine Weaponry
The warbands of the Emperor's Children use sonic weapons with great frequency (heyo!), and spot three variations of the weapon.
Sonic Blaster
The basic weapon used by Noise Marines, these can be fired in two settings: a continued blast that tears at a target with the force of a Bolter round, or shorter pulses capable of quite literally rocking your socks off.
The Blastmaster is the Sonic Blaster turned up to 11 (heyo!). Is capable of pinning down enemy units and can project its ROCK over a significant target area that can damage light and medium vehicles. Despite its name has nothing to do with Master Blaster, who is awesome in other ways.
Doom Siren
The Doom Siren (also known as the Angry/Agony Organ) is a backpack-mounted device that can weaponise the warcries of the wearer, turning his facemelters into literal facemelters.
The Eldar employ a number of sonic weapons as well.
Vibro Cannon
A peculiar weapon, the Vibro Cannon is a platform-mounted weapon that builds up a charge inside itself, and then lets it fly to rip things (and people) apart. The Vibro Cannon uses multiple successive devastating sonic blasts to kill things, so the longer it stays on a target the more dead it becomes. Comparable to the weapons used by the Noise Marines, except they use a single note or riff, instead of killing the enemy with dubstep. They can also combine with other Vibro Cannons to deal even more damage. As you might guess this weapon has been the butt of many a joke thanks to its name.
Sonic Lance
Weaponising sound to the extreme, the Sonic Lance can shake apart even superheavy vehicles. Due to its size this weapon can only be used by the Lynx super-heavy tank, or on the Revenant Titan.