ASOIAF Miniature Game
ASOIAF Miniature Game is a new rank and file wargame that's based on A Song of Ice and Fire. Despite being made by a company with a bad miniature system record but good boardgame record, it still manages to be a rather fun game. Also it is based on the book, so they can choose to not copy stupid shit from the show.
It received a resurgence on /tg/ but noone gives a fuck about it on the general. They were some fan-made factions early on (Greyjoy, Yunkai, Tully) but even those people fucked off.
Meh later
Game Mechanics
ASOIAF is a rank and file system
All characters are unique and for the most part pretty cool looking. Units are made from 12 dudes, with around 4 variataion in model sculpts + 1 Banner. So you have around some samey looks. Cavalry has 4 sculpts. Models are good and for the most part realistically made. The body are made from PVC, also shitty boardgame plastic but all weapons and fragile is made from normal plastic. So that is okay. Then the Baratheon showed up.
The Factions
Like all game under the sun, you will have different factions and playstyle. While this lead to widely different armament and technology in a unified realm, having all look the same would be stupid as fuck.
As of now there are Stark, Lannister, Night Watch, Free Folk, Neutral, and Baratheon. Greyjoy is the next upcoming faction.