Codex: Orks Rewrite

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Way back in 2011, this one guy was looking at his Ork dex and thinking, "I'm alright with the randomness of the Weirdboy's powers, but can we at least separate the buffs and offensive stuff?". Some brainstorming yielded the Powers of Gork and Power of Mork tables doing exactly that. The bug had bitten, and within a year the entire book had been reexamined and rewritten, and it just kept going from there... Wot'z wiv da life story? Get on wiv it!

The Sales Pitch[edit | edit source]

Several years, editions and versions in the making, Codex: Orks Rewrite reimagines and expands upon current and previous official Codexes. In its pages, you'll find revised rules, units old and new, and plenty of brand new content.

A brief glimpse into COR:

  • Armywide special rules that give the feeling of a proppa Waaagh!
  • HQs, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, Lords of War and Fortifications
  • Revised unit positions in the FOC, allowing almost any kind of army imaginable
  • A wealth of unique characters, each putting their own spin on an army
  • The Great Waaagh! Detachment, to keep up with the other 7th Ed gitz
  • Wargear and relics aplenty
  • No less than SIX tables of Warlord Traitz
  • A unique Psychic Phase, with two tables of psychic powers
  • Support for Maelstrom of War and Apocalypse
  • A quick Reference for all units and weapons
  • Limited Battlescribe support [abandoned]

Downloads[edit | edit source]

Codex: Orks Rewrite Version 3.0.8 - the latest version

Quick Reference

Codex: Orks Rewrite Battlescribe Edition - incomplete, abandoned

Other Sites[edit | edit source]

COR's original home,, which has unfortunately been down for some time....

Obligatory DakkaDakka thread