Bringers of Despair
The Bringers of Despair are an elite fighting force within the Black Legion which serves as the personal bodyguard of Abaddon the Despoiler. Selected from the strongest and most vicious Chaos Terminators, these fearsome warriors are a precursor for the arrival of the Despoiler himself.
The big kids on the block of chaos dudes. Originally drawn from the surviving members of the Justaerin terminators, i.e. the origninal bodyguard of Horus--nowadays those survivors are supplemented by Abaddon handpicking the 'ardest motherfuckers from all the warbands and having them duke it out for a spot on his own personal bodyguard. In short they are the toughest Chaos warriors. With the strongest of Chaos' toys. Acting as the bodyguard for the most dangerous of Chaos' champions. Making them the most muckfutheringest of all chaos warrior elites.
tl;dr dead 'ard and killy.