Falcon's Claws

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Custom Falcon's Claws model done by Johanhgg.

The Falcon's Claws (or Burgediin Sarhvu) were White Scars warriors during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Falcon's Claws were warriors that excelled at reading the battlefield and were able to determine where the Legion's enemies, were most likely to launch their attacks or defense. They were effectively the White Scars own take on the Reconnaissance Squad.

Before the White Scars' battle took place, the Falcon's Claws were deployed far ahead of their Legion and began acting as long-range scouts, ambushers, assassins and harriers against their foes. They would attempt to eliminate key commanders, mark key points of assault and destroy supply routes - all of which they reported back to their Legion. When the White Scars' attack finally began, the actions of the Falcon's Claws had shaped the battle to their Legion's advantage and helped ensure they were victorious. This was not the end of their duties however, as the Falcon's Claws were then charged with pursuing and slaughtering any surviving enemies, that escaped the White Scars' attack.

Unlike the majority of Space Marine legions of its time, the Falcon's Claws were unique in the fact that they were the only ones equipped with Cameleoline Recon Scout Armour, the Falcon's Claws went into battle with twin pairs of Lightning Claws and Grenades, though some also wielded Thunder Hammers, Powerfists, Hand Flamers, Plasma Pistols, Bolt Pistols, and Volkite Serpentas.

Crunch[edit | edit source]

On the Horus Heresy tabletop, they were Scouts with Lightning Claws (or power weapons and bolt pistols, they cost the same) which was a wild sort of concept to work with. While they lack Infiltrate and Scout, they do have Outflank so they can pop in wherever they like without worrying about them being pulped halfway across the field. They also get Marked for Death and Precision Strikes (5+) so they can take down whatever their intended target is. This is further supported if you pick up a hawk for extra re-rolls against targets you didn't mark. They are obviously meant for shredding soft targets in the enemy's backline, but the champion can swap one claw for a power fist or thunder hammer if you need some extra oomph.

Forces of the White Scars
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant
Chaplain - Chapter Master - Command Squad
Stormseer - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Chapter Serf - Scout Squad
Tactical Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Ebon Keshig - Falcon's Claws - Golden Keshig
Karaoghlanlar - Legion Outrider Squad - Sky Hunter Squad
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Imperial Jetbike - Javelin Attack Speeder
Kyzagan Assault Speeder - Land Speeder (Tempest)
Predator Tank - Rhino Transport
Flyers: Nephilim Jetfighter - Fire Raptor - Storm Eagle
Stormhawk - Stormtalon - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Drop Pod (Adeptus Astartes - Deathstorm)
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines