In Warhammer Fantasy, the High Elves are the original elves and lived on their home circle island/continent/atoll Ulthuan where they sang, built statues and temples, rode monsters into the sunset and out of the sunrise again, and all other things one would do in a perfect paradise made just for them. Then it all went to shit. This is because the Old Ones didn't close their goddamned warp gate thingy-majigers, or lost a war against Chaos, or it's all according to plan, or whatever. Chaos flooded out like a pierced beer can into the world and were going to destroy it without a problem. The first Phoenix King, Aenarion, got his shit together and closed the gate thereby saving the world. Then a bunch of shit happened Eventually his son Malekith got butthurt over not being picked the next king over some guy named Bel Shanaar and started the Dark Elves. Because the Dark Elves actually knew how to fucking fight they pushed really far into Ulthuan, but then Caledor the first came and Cosgrove'd Malekith back to the northern reaches of the New World (which apparently means Americans are Cenobites). Caledor the second pissed off the Dwarfs, ensuring things happen they way they should in fantasy settings, with Caledor II dying in the process. Then Malekith came back and fucked shit up good so the High Elves elected Caradryel who realized that keeping colonies and making war on Dwarfs when you're about to be wiped out is stupid and ordered all non-Dark Elves to come home and defend the motherland, but the colonists who discovered pot and treefucking said 'Fuck It'and retreated into the woods, becoming Wood Elves. At this point the High Elves are a dying race where every citizen is a soldier because there's so few left they can't support a standing army (although they still have high enough birth rate to make up for losses). They're still the strongest force in the world, and if they get wiped out then grim and dark Warhammer Fantasy becomes grimdarkness of Warhammer 40k. So yeah, they're kind of important if you aren't playing Daemons or Warriors of Chaos. Of course, most High Elves are douchebags and most of the rest of the world is too, so don't worry: everyone has a reason to fight each other.
8th edition High Elf book is out, and the summary is that while some notoriously overpowered things (Teclis, Book of Hoeth) were nerfed, they weren't nerfed into the ground. Better yet, with the light and medium cavalry being core again and the points and powers adjusted, the only thing that's still (relatively) useless is Shadow Warriors (although even they can be made viable at times) and possibly Eltharion. Matt Ward wrote the new book, but has unexpectedly not had the fluff raped or had characters made rapists. Females were even (re)added, the Everqueen and her servants!
Overall, we got off very well and are possibly a bit stronger than before. But what did you expect from the only Fantasy army with Marines?
High Elves measure time in a retarded way, and 99% of the time everyone goes by the reign of the Phoenix King during that period. Some eras are shorter than others as a result.
The Golden Time
Golden Time was before the Phoenix Kings. There isn't much fluff on it, as it is supposed to be the lost age of myth. Only that Ulthuan's kingdoms were run by the Everqueen alone who lead out a positive if hippy-driven jive. Then the warp gates at the world poles collapsed and chaos came, which immediately came after the Elves and fucked their shit up. The Everqueen's magic was mostly for peaceful shit and her soldiers had never faced anything worth mentioning before. The High Elves prayed to their head god, Asuryan, to help them.
Aenarion, the Defender
Aenarion was a world traveler, back in the days when that meant something. He heard some crazy shit was happening at home so he went back, and shit was way more crazy than he heard. Everyone figured the world was ending, and everything that had ever been was pretty much being turned to Swiss cheese by Slaaneshi Daemon cocks while the Bloodthirsters/letters stood back and called them faggots. So Aenarion went to the Shrine of Asuryan to pray. But, as typical of gods, they didn't do a god damned thing (primarily since every god who wants to do good also has an opposite who will fuck things up, so there's a permaban on screwing with mortals apparently which gives Asuryan more time to sit on his ass and contemplate his naval). Aenarion said fuck it and jumped into Asuryan's sacrificing fire, thinking that if he jumped in his god has to do fucking SOMETHING or else it'd be a way to an hero and not be around for the heresy that was to come. However, Asuryan actually DID get off his ass for once (kind of) as Aenarion was imbued with the power of Asuryan. He went outside the shrine, saw some Daemons, and fucked their shit up good by one hitting the biggest Daemon he saw and taking it's weapon to kill the rest before Slaanesh could even jizz in his pants. Elves all over suddenly saw someone with balls and promptly started cosplaying him, and because all elves look alike Daemons started taking psychology checks every time they saw pointy ears. Caledor the Dragontamer, who was like the first Teclis (but not anemic) swore fealty to Aenarion and gave him the death star plans to fucking over Chaos by making a black hole of magic somewhere so Daemons couldn't menifest in the world. He saved Astarielle, the Everqueen at the time, and they fell in love and wed. Soon everyone else asked to be on team Aenarion and gave him whatever shit they had that wasn't full of cockholes until the elves decided there'd be two rulers of their race from that point on, the elected king and the hereditary queen (one of the perks to being king is he bangs the Everqueen for a year until she gets a daughter to inherit the throne after her, but after that point they go back to their spouses and pretend it wasn't the best year of their life). However, Chaos attacked Avelorn where the Astarielle lived, and killed her in a way that is apparently beyond description, and the children of Aenarion and the Everqueen were lost. Aenarion was pissed. So he went to a far off island and drew the sword from the stone. Except this sword was the Widowmaker a sword of Khaine. Khaine is kind of like Rule 63 Khorne but with a penis, and unlike in 40k where he's a giant robot the Eldar use to fuck shit up, he's pure douchebag unleaded and likes fucking with elves more than Daemons do. So the sword, which apparently shapeshifts to whatever kind of weapon you'd like to use the most (Aenarion gets points for the damn thing not turning into a katana or something else stupid) curses you to a really bad fucking end which follows your entire line. Fun, huh? So Aenarion sets off to get it, and along the way everyone from his butler to all the elf gods, INCLUDING Khaine, and even the ghost of the Everqueen tell him he's about to go full retard. He nabs it anyway, and promptly goes apeshit by transforming into a trap version of Kratos. The most fucking crazy of the elves follow him to the westernmost part of Ulthuan where he forms a new kingdom built on bloodletters and severed Slaaneshi cocks. Along the way he rescues a witch named Morathi from some Slaaneshi fighters and promptly marries the chick (whether or not she was pregnant beforehand isn't known, but she gives birth to a son he names Malekith). The Nagarythe court becomes all kinds of fucked up, to a degree nobody knows about fully. Caledor, sick of waiting for the torture orgies to end, packed up and went to actually finish beating Chaos. Aenarion was about to go full retard and start a civil war in revenge for not participating in said orgies, but then the biggest Chaos invasion ever seen set up on the other side of the map and everyone knew everything was fucked 40k style. Caledor and his bros turned an island in the middle of Ulthuan into a magic drain, but it put them outside time forever in an I Have No Mouth and Must Scream kind of way (although Caledor exists outside it immortally making sure nobody buttfucks the mages while they're standing there in magical amber). However, Aenerion got a mortal wound during a faceroll against the four Avatars of the Chaos Gods themselves. So he ran back to where he got The Sword of Khaine and puts it back in the rock. From there, his body is never found. He's presumed dead, unlike everyone else that kind of thing happens to. For three days Ulthuan gets the New Orleans treatment from the weather, and most of the elf race dies. But then it turns out the children of Aenarion and the Everqueen lived! Her last act was to make some unknown deal with nature, which resulted in Dryads being bros with elves and carrying the kids away where they'd be safe. Her daughter Yvraine succeeded her as the Everqueen, and her son Morelion played it smart and chilled in his sister's court where he married one of her maids. Thanks to Aenarion's dick move with the sword however, every one of his kids has had to roll a WILL save every decade to not go full retard and go get the sword again.
Bel Shanaar, the Explorer
A picture of Malekith after Bel Shanaar was named Phoenix King
So a year after Aenarion died, the Princes of Ulthuan started deliberating over who to elect to be the new king. Malekith, who had become a badass Fighter/Wizard and knew how to cheat at chess, was the top candidate from an outside perspective. But since Nagarythe torture orgies weren't exactly socially acceptable, nobody was too keen on the idea. Also Yvraine, one of the kids that the Dryads saved was the new Everqueen and was Malekith's half sister. The Council thought it would be a bit fucked up since by law they had to produce a daughter (despite the fact that law was passed like five minutes ago in elf-years) who would be the next Everqueen and they didn't want an Everqueen who had two left hands, extra toes, and no chin. Now he was a known as a whiny little fuck head who had the emotional stability of a sack of rats in a burning meth lab, but pinkie swore that he just wanted to be king because it'd make his pappy proud, but he'd be alright with not being picked. So naturally they elected a war hero who was known for not wanting to slap his dick on everything for his own glory, an elf named Bel Shanaar who was from Tiranoc. Morathi went ballistic about her son (who she may or may not have been fucking at this point) not becoming king, but Malekith tried his hardest not to cry and went as far away from Ulthuan as he could by becoming an explorer like his father. He took all his whining over to the New World and set up a bunch of colonies, went Orc hunting on safari, and discovered Dwarfs. Bel Shanaar visited the Dwarfs too, and signed a peace treaty that was supposed to last for the entirety of the history of the two races. Yeah, we know how well that went, especially since Malekith was appointed ambassador. The elves reconstruct Ulthuan and repopulate it (in other words, an enormous amount of time passes). It's about this time that the Cult of Pleasure begins to appear. It was a Slaaneshi cult that was into crazy Slaaneshi things like sacrifice, torture, and wearing fursuits. Malekith came home to stamp that shit out since it was supposedly based in his home kingdom of Nagarythe. He found out his mother, Morathi, was a member and when he confronted her about it she revealed she was the founder and high priestess. Which overall wasn't much of a surprise to anyone. He turned them all in to everyone's surprise but then had the message spread that a meeting was needed at the shrine of Asuryan immediately to discuss how awesome he was for turning them in, so survival of the smartest went into effect as the Princes who didn't have much going on upstairs went, as well as Bel Shanaar since he had no choice. Malekith had the doors sealed, then told everyone Bel Shanaar was a furfag and poisoned him before he could say "wut?" then turned around expecting to be made Phoenix King on the spot. The Princes immediately moved to hold a vote on whether or not Malekith should investigate himself for being a cultust, so Malekith assured them everything was cool and walked into the sacrifice pyre like his father did. Asuryan was disappoint. So after coming back as a piece of elf-shaped bacon his followers killed everyone, and took off running back to Nagarythe where they sealed him in some body armor to keep his dumbass alive, complete with removable codpiece at his mother's request. That's when Malekith becomes the Witch King. What a douche.
Caledor I, the Conqueror
Prince Imrik (not the one from the current day, this is the first one) never liked Malekith. As a result he was one of the only Princes not at the Shrine when Malekith killed everybody, and since he was Caledor's son he took on that name in honor of his ancestor. However, despite how much he and a bunch of other High Elves didn't like Malekith lots of elves loved him. So a super fantastical fun Civil War started. It went back and forth, but lots of important folks turn to Malekith's side. Hotek, a priest to the elf god Vaul, stole the super awesome Hammer of Vaul and runs off to join Malekith. This is probably around the time the Ring of Hotek is made, which took a lot of Douchebaggery to form. The elves of Nagarythe went so evil, they started worshipping Daemons and renamed themselves Druchii (or as the Mon'keigh call them, the Dark Elves) to distinguish themselves from the Asur (High elves). Caledor fought really hard, and chased a lot of Dark Elves back to Nagarythe itself. That's when Malekith pulled a 'Just as Planned' and started to mess with the Vortex in the middle of Ulthuan, which caused a lot of the Nagarythe to panic and rejoin the High Elves. What Malekith's wizards planned to do is tear a hole directly to the realm of Chaos, where the Daemons would for some reason not rape them and eat their souls and instead help them and salute Malekith as God Emperor of Elfkind (kids, don't do meth. You make decisions like this). What it really did is sink most of Nagarythe, and lots of the kingdom to the south Tiranoc. The world was rocked so hard, the Dwarfs felt it and decided to make a bone and cat leather mural of it. Laughing, the majority of the Dark Elves load up in their ships made out of mountains (don't ask how that works) and head west. Some Dark Elves remain, and continue to mess up the High Elves like the Viet Cong. Due to this, the High Elves stopped talking with their colonies in the new world due to having more important shit to do. Malekith suddenly got a boner for the Widowmaker (and he's had one ever since) and the High Elves skirmish with the Dark Elves on the high seas and on the island itself. Caledor has a series of unbreachable fortress gates erected in Ulthuan to ensure that it's a fucking BITCH to try to invade, each named after one of the possible mounts High Elves can be seen on (Griffon, Eagle, Phoenix, Dragon, and Unicorn). Caledor fights back against those bastards, pushes the last of the Dark Elves off Ulthuan, finally coming to the Blighted Island himself to give Malekith the middle finger. He stood in the Altar of Khaine for awhile staring at the Widowmaker, then went "Naaaaah" and walked away wondering what kind of faggot would actually take it. On the way back though, a freak storm hits and some punkass Dark Elf pirates ambush him and light his ship on fire. But instead of being captured, the magnificent bastard decides to jump into the ocean fully dressed in his armor. He dies, of course. But the Emo Elves didn't get him. The kingdom he came from, the name of which was forgotten, was renamed in his honor for such badassery.
Caledor II, the Warrior
Caledor II was the kid of Caledor I and totally forgetting what the last son of a Phoenix King turned out like, the Princes elected him. However, as all kids are, he was a jackass. The Dark Elves shut themselves up in their home land while Malekith plotted a scheme for epic lols. About this time, contact with the Old World and the Dwarfs was reestablished. They heard there was some crazy civil war going on, but they didn't really understand why something like that would happen since Dwarf logic is "all Dwarfs do everything their fathers and the guy with the whitest beard say without question, and all fathers and white beards follow the king without question" so as far as they're concerned, the king is the voice of the hivemind. What Malekith decided to do was fuck with the Dwarfs. But not only did they attack the dwarfs, they dressed up like High Elves and stole everything that the Dwarfs would miss (so the anvils (also known as female Dwarfs), and booze). This left the Dwarf King, Gotrek Starbreaker, sending envoys back to the High Elves asking, "What the fuck, dude?" Caledor II, though, ignored them. Completely. Finally the Dwarfs began to demand stuff, which got their diplomats shaved. Gotrek swore if the Dwarfs didn't get the money equal to what had been stolen or it's price in elfblood, he'd shave himself which caused the entirety of the Dwarf race to more or less make the same oath. The largest force of Dwarfs ever seen before or since gathered and began their assaults on the Elven colonies in the Old World. This starts what is called "The War of the Beard (The War of Vengeance)". Its during this war that the item "Cloak of Beards" is created. Caledor II sends the entirety of the High Elf armies to kill Dwarfs. Both sides underestimated each other, and it was a complete loss on both sides. Dwarfs decide that all trees are evil and start clear cutting to piss of the elves, which gives some a sad but not to the extent the Dwarfs thought it would. When the Princes of Ulthuan vote to tell Caledor II he's a gigantic fuckhead, Caledor II screams like a 3 year old and tells everyone to fuck off. High Elves start using Dark Elf tactics like poisoning Dwarf water sources and desecrating shrines. After awhile Caledor II crosses the sea and tries to push the Dwarfs away from the colonies. He kills Gotrek's son and thinks he's a badass all of a sudden. At this point it's all downhill for the High Elves. Caledor II's bro gets killed by a Dwarf whose last name is changed to "Elfbane" after the feat, and the colony of Athel Maraya is wiped off the map. The Elves try and attack a few Dorf Fortresses, but are obliterated and sent scurrying back to their colonies, pursued by a single souped-up Dwarven miner. Few hundred years later Caledor II comes back and launches an attack that's supposed to kill off the dwarfs. That didn't really go according to plan. In a battle with King Gotrek himself, Caledor II is obliterated. They take the Phoenix Crown forged by all the Princes and Nobles of Ulthuan for Aenarion himself for his coronation, and heads back to their mountains. The Elves try to draw them out of the mountains but the Dwarfs refuse. Just as they're lining up to kamikaze Karaz-a-Karak, the Dorf capital, they hear Malekith is trying to rape Ulthuan. The High Elves in the Old World are ordered to get their ass back to their island, but some refuse, becoming Wood Elves (who continue to get consistently slaughtered by Beastmen and Dwarfs while fucking with Bretonnians). With the death of Caledor II, the bloodline of King Caledor I was broken, and as a result the people of Caledor began to consider every one of their naturalized citizens to be his descendants. Yep, that's how Caledorians roll.
Caradryel, The Peacemaker
Caradryel, wondering why the fuck everyone around him is such a fucking Double Mon'keigh.
See, while the High Elves were fighting the Dwarfs, Malekith took a bunch of his ships and invaded Nagarythe, and built a fortress there called Anlec made out of those mountain-ships. After the traditional one year mourning period ended, the High Elves decided to name Caradryel (a nobody Prince from Yvresse who's qualifications were more or less "nobody hates him") their leader since he was so unlike Caledor II. He was a shit soldier, but had a high WIS score so they figured he'd be good. Ulthuan fell under attack from Dark Elves, as well as beasties the Dark Elves brought and unleashed in the mountains that have never been wiped out (rumors that they are the inbred children of Malekith and Morathi are unfounded, but probably true). After his first proclamations came out from the Everqueen's bed, that the colonies were to be abandoned and the War of the Beard (as well as the Phoenix Crown) conceded to the Dwarfs, the Princes and Nobles started to complain. Caradryel promptly told them to STFU, said he'd rather lose the crown then the kingdom, and went back to making a new Everqueen. Since he was smart enough to know he didn't know shit about war and was busy being knee deep in the best elf democracy can buy, he called on the greatest elves among the Princes to lead the armies of Ulthuan against the Dark Elves (among them the line of Morelion). Tethlis, Prince of Caledor (the kingdom, not the wizard or the two kings), became the greatest of these military minded men and put the hurt on the Dark Elves (but wasn't able to beat them fully). During this time, most of the modern High Elf military tactics were developed. Caradryel even contributed when he got the idea that maybe giving his troops shore leave instead of leaving them in place until they died at their posts was a good idea! High Elves built a giant navy and became the dominant naval power in the world, and Caradryel eventually died in his sleep, becoming the first Phoenix King to get a happy ending (y'know, not counting that first year they all get).
Tethlis, The Slayer
Remember Tethlis? As a wee babby, Tethlis's entire family was slaughtered in the worst ways by Dark Elves doing a victory lap amongst the citizenry of Caledor after one of their raids overcame the local guards. This ensured he'd be ready to enact a non-expiring WAAAGH against them. Tethlis was a bro of Caradryel and learned how not to be a fuckhead when it came to the civilian side of things. After dragons began hibernating longer and longer, Tethlis wrote essays on military structure and ways to utilize strategies other than "we're better, we will win". After becoming King, he enacted most of those policies into practice and set out a mandate requiring every settlement to provide for the common defense with a citizen levy made up of civilians trained like soldiers, then let back into civilian life like a god tier militia. Each city was required to have the facilities necessary to train said levies from that point onwards. He sent the armies of Ulthuan out with CREEEEEED tier planning and strategy. High Elf armies only fought battles they could win with minimal casualties, towns and cities left entirely undefended were ones that were not in any threat of danger at all. Several centuries later, even the Shadowlands were reclaimed. At the eve of the assault on Anlec, Tethlis gave the orders that nothing was to be left of the city. No walls, plants, or prisoners. He reclaimed the Blighted Island minutes before the ritual to unlock the Widowmaker to work in Dark Elf hands was completed with the most violently bloody battle the High Elves had ever known prior (picture D-Day but with dragons, giant eagles, wizards, and Lothern Seaguard, but times a thousand). With every Dark Elf they could find dead, Tethlis gave the word the army was going to push straight onto Naggaroth and wipe out the Dark Elf race. But as he went back to his ship, he found himself drawn to the Alter of Khaine where the Widowmaker was. He found Aenarion's armor which was apparently either ignored or unseen by Morathi's witches, but without the body of the hero to go with it. He gave it to one of his companions named Auaralion, who was the descendant of Morelion (the firstborn son of Aenarion and the Everqueen of his time). Auaralion went back to the ship with his awesome new swag, and it was passed down the family to Tyrion in the present day. So now comes the point of the story that's left in doubt. One account says that Tethlis looked at the Widowmaker and wondered how anyone can be that far decided as to use even go want to do look more like just like Caledor the 1st did, and dismissed the White Lions so he could feel the sheer horror of the thing to steel himself for the assault on Naggaroth when a Druchii assassin killed him. The other version is that he decided to /fail and grabbed it. The White Lion bodyguards realized what would happen and teamkilled him with their giant fucking axes right before it was fully free from the base. Either way, Tethlis died the most heroic and fucking badass motherfucker who ever lived in Warhammer Fantasy. Can you dig it?
Bel-Korhadris, The Scholar King
After so many years of nonstop war, the High Elves despite for the first time in their history being on the offensive against the Dark Elves, couldn't bear any more war. They elected the most famous mage of that age, who was also a Prince. The Dark Elves had been reduced to just town guards and non-combatants with Malekith and Morathi being the only beings of any power they could call on, and Warriors of Chaos took advantage of their weakness to begin launching raids in revenge for the years that they had suffered as sport game for Druchii nobility, and while the High Elves still had a military force capable of sweeping the entire world clean they had little else as Ulthuan was so devastated by the years of war that 1940's Europe looked like a pristine diamond. He called back the invasion force halfway across the ocean, preferring to focus on ensuring the High Elf race would survive rather than ensuring the Dark Elf race didn't (so assuming Tethlis WAS going for the Widowmaker, the result would have been the good of DE no longer being in the game, and the curse of the HE not being supported by GW either). Monsters roamed Ulthuan with such freedom that it looked little different from the Chaos Wastes in summer. First order of business; slaughter them all. Bel-Korhadris declared an official age of rebirth, he literally declared a second golden age was about to happen. The White Tower of Hoeth (GW can't into creativity, it's a giant wizard tower) was rebuilt using every resource not being devoted to rebuilding everything else. He founded the Loremasters of Hoeth to guard Ulthuan, and to teach everything from swordplay to military strategy to every branch of magic (INCLUDING ways to use CHIM to make coffee!). All forms of knowledge are available in the libraries of Hoeth in books made as much out of magic as they are of paper (read; magic computers). Bel-Korhadris also realized that it takes all kinds to be badass, and manipulated pop culture within the High Elf race to encourage dick measuring contests amongst the nobility and those on shore leave from the levies and guard posts. As a result anyone who could hold a sword started becoming muderhobos and killing monsters the Druchii had left. Finally, he reinforced the Waystones and put thousands upon thousands of small protections made using magic throughout Ulthuan, from making parts of the coastlines unable to be navigated to making non-High Elves unable to find the Tower of Hoeth to weakening the gate between the world of living elves and dead elves to allow ancestors to participate in unseen ways to protect their heirs. Every place in Ulthuan got an enchantment to protect it, and many places got many more. Shortly before the Tower was complete, he died and unlike most Phoenix King's whose burials are overseen by the Phoenix Guard the body of Bel-Korhadris was overseen by his children and former students, being entombed at the base of the White Tower where his spirit sometimes helps kids with their term papers. Overall, a real bro tier king.
Aethis, The Poet
Now THIS king was a pussy. See, by this point the High Elf Princes and Princesses had some history to look back on, and saw that the best kings came in two flavors. Ones who were badasses known for beating the shit out of Dark Elves and Chaos, or guys with absolutely no military experience that were quietly spoken and unambitious. So they elected a guy who as very much the latter, a poet from Saphery who's only major accomplishments were being born to a very prominent High Elven family and entertaining the Everqueen's court with his artistic retellings of past glories of the elves (avoiding that awkward pre-coital moment where the Everqueen has to pretend to know his name). As a result of such a life, he knew jack shit about actually being in the military, most of his knowledge coming from the ballads of Tethlis, the two King Caledors, and Aenarion that he had told in the past. He was also a very bad judge of character to boot. Things went pretty well at first, Dark Elves stopped raiding and had no contact with High Elves for a long period, Dwarfs stopped being pissed at the High Elves and just resigned themselves to having a long grudge that would be resolved by insults spoken whenever possible instead of through bloodshed (this is the first time the High Elves start trying to get a price in gold for the return of the crown), and although the Empire was founded by Sigmar during the reign of Bel-Korhadris the High Elves living Ulthuan only heard of it in the early years of Aethis. High Elves started looking back at their own past now that they had a chance to catch their breath, and realized they had lost almost their entire history prior to Aenarion and that there was more unoccupied cities and ruins than populated cities and intact structures. They began to rebuild their culture by stepping up the baby making efforts, turning the Anulii of Chrace into a giant Mount Rushmore, creating magic items that WEREN'T made for war, composing some of the most beautiful music ever written, painting portraits that moved Harry Potter style of everyone who's face could be seen or still remembered, and generally making themselves the greatest race in the world without question again. Lothern went from some being Innsmouth to being New York. Military outposts were remade to be as majestic and enchanting as anything an invading army had ever seen before. Old weapons of war were decorated with silver and gold inlays, dead trees anywhere in Ulthuan were cut down and disposed of and new ones planted in their place. Now all this sounds really good right? Had that been the only thing Aethis was known for, it'd have been the perfect age. But that's not how things worked out. As time went on, the Elves became complacent. They began to believe that the peace would last forever, the navy was sent to drydock and taken apart for building materials, soldiers were dismissed, weapons and armor from every kingdom were sold overseas to humans and Dwarfs, and any veteran or soldier who tried to maintain their vigilance and keep Ulthuan ready to defend itself was mocked and manipulated out of power. The last great military commander of this age, Prince Valedor of Ellyrion, wound up stripped of his wealth and reputation by the dandies at the Phoenix Court after he delivered a SHORYUKEN to the face of some ponce sent to take the contents of the Griffon Gate armory for props for a theatrical production of Aethis's newest work. In previous editions Aethis sent a massive fleet to purge the Dark Elves, but instead the Dark Elves purged it; this is currently attributed to Aethis's successor instead. So after 622 years of rule by a guy looking to shore up the pride and pleasure of his race, the Cult of Pleasure unsurprisingly once again surfaced. The Swordmasters of Hoeth who maintain the terrorist watch list came to believe that someone at Aethis's court was a Dark Elf traitor, so the Loremaster of Hoeth at the time (Morvael) sent him a message to be on the lookout. Somehow this letter was mixed up with Aethis's fan mail (because let's face it, who the fuck would write him about ANYTHING else?), and after it was read to the entire court Aethis was assassinated in front of everyone by his Chancellor, Palpatine Girathon, who was the traitor. So altogether, this was the best of times and it was the worst of times. The most easily preventable fuckups happened in this age, but so did the things that make the current High Elves so glorious to behold. They know it too, the duality of things is big to the High Elves if you hadn't realized that looking at their language. At any rate, if there's a Phoenix King referred to most by High Elves it's probably this one.
Morvael, The Impetuous
Morvael was from Yvresse, and was the first High Loremaster of Hoeth after the founding of the order. Despite being a fucking genius, he had absolutely no clue how to lead a nation or run a military. In addition, he was VERY emotional and had to stop games of Warhammer 40k to properly mourn each Space Marine mini who was slain each turn. He also had extreme insomnia, constantly having nightmares about Matt Ward fucking up the High Elf 8th edition update. His first act was to order an attack on the Dark Elves with what was left of the navy. It went along the lines of "We should, um, like...we should...attack...someone. Yeah. Attack someone. Can I fuck the Everqueen now?" The Dark Elves, still rebuilding their offensive forces but having become quite adept at repelling attacks from sea, wiped out the High Elf fleet. The High Elves were not expecting this, having thought the Druchii more or less destroyed. To the contrary, the shoe had been put on the other foot after Aethis's reign. The Dark Elves immediately retook the Blighted Isle, rebuilt Anlec, and push as far south as the Griffon Gate. Morvael shat himself, then called on the citizen levies and increased their quota for troops to almost 100% of the able population. In addition, arms and armor was to be provided for as much by the individual as the nation. Taking a page out of Caradryel's book he then appointed a military-minded man, named Mentheus who was Caledorian, to be supreme commander of the Asur armies. The nation, formerly the single center of wealth in the world against which Dwarfs and Tomb Kings amounted to pennies, was rendered as broke as a Bretonnian meth addict building a new fleet. Meanwhile, he continued his counter intelligence against the Cult of Pleasure which was recruiting nobility used to lives of excess under Aethis who were easy to recruit into spywork and summoning Daemonettes to wreak havoc in cities. So many execution orders for heretics came to his desk he began to lose his shit on a regular basis, crying whenever he wasn't crawling on hands and knees trying his best not to an hero. He stayed good at his job though, and unlike his predecessor was an excellent judge of character, promoting individuals who knew their shit and finding ways to relieve those unfit or too old to continue to work excellently without pissing them off and turning them to the enemy. Fortresses outside Ulthuan were established, and High Elves began policing the world for Chaos and Dark Elves (High Elves confirmed for Americans in the best way). Mentheus, top general and most trusted adviser also became the only one keeping Morvael going. Finally it came time for pushing the Dark Elves back off Ulthuan again. Mentheus laid siege to Anlec and personally lead each charge from the back of his dragon companion Nightfang. Meanwhile, Morvael stayed at the Shrine of Asuryan in the protection of the Phoenix Guard. In the final day of the assault, Mentheus was killed and Nightfang flipped the fuck out, slaughtering the residents of the city and turning it to gravel again. As soon as word reached Morvael that his only remaining friend was dead, he walked into the sacrificing fire (still called that even though they don't use it that way anymore) a second time and for two days burned silently until on the third day at noon his ashes were blown by a magic wind into the inner sea of Ulthuan. So even though he may have been a bigger wuss than even Aethis, Morvael managed to get shit done and as long as shit gets done, you're golden.
Bel-Hathor, The Sage
So now the High Elf Princes and Princesses were divided on what to look for in a king. Some pointed to the need for a warrior, since the last two peaceful civilian kings were pansies. Some said they needed a peacemaker because warrior kings also have the tendency to fuck up royally, and this was the worst time to gamble on fate. Eventually they compromised and elected Bel-Hathor, from Saphery (third king in a row from there, that's worth noting). They did this because he was an eccentric dude who tended to, rather than argue, point out all valid points then quickly leave. Everyone figured they could manipulate him to their side. They thought wrong. Turns out he had a 30+ CHA rating, and could convince you after coming to him to demand the 3 month overdue rent for his apartment to instead drop your pants for him to fuck you roughly and you'd walk away thinking you got your way. All the douchebaggery from the powdered-wig elves that was encouraged in the time of Aethis was put a stop to right off the bat. The hawk nobles who wanted to go back to the era of Tethlis and pushed for an invasion of Naggaroth with the High Elf forces didn't get their way. The dove High Elves who wanted to go back to the era of Aethis and use the High Elf navy to get silk sheets from Cathay didn't get their way either. Instead, Bel-Hathor focused on getting shit done the same way the other Bel king, Bel-Korhadris, had. Suddenly mankind wasn't just some new insect in the jungles somewhere, they were patrolling the seas and dealing with elves on a regular basis in some colonies. The Warriors of Chaos population had boomed, and were now raiding all the nations of the world. Bel-Hathor had the mages of Hoeth set up a series of magical defenses for the east coast of Ulthuan that move around rocks and islands capable of sinking ships like nothing as well as mists that make you unable to see anything outside your boat and few things within it. Eventually humans from the Empire and Bretonnia managed to reach the coasts of Eataine during the beginning of the Age of Exploration (which apparently happens in the middle of the middle ages in the Warhammer Fantasy universe). Bel-Hathor banned all non-elves (and all Druchii obviously) from setting foot on Ulthuan under threat of death, but some elves became fascinated about the new civilizations of the humans. In particular, an Eataineian named Finubar set sail with the humans when they departed (see Finubar's entry for details of his journey). Upon returning, Finubar told the court of Bel-Hathor about the wonders he'd seen and the changes in the world and they listened like an audience seeing Star Wars for the first time. Finubar suggested allowing humans into Ulthuan, but with limits to keep them in check. Bel-Hathor agreed and Finubar's hometown of Lothern was shaped to a state that made it impossible to travel inland except by boat, which is one of the hardest things one could attempt if the High Elves don't want you to thanks to multiple giant gates manned by the most disciplined elves and best made Bolt Throwers imaginable. At the completion of the renovations, elf mariners were sent to guide humans to Lothern and EVERYONE wanted to go, even a small number of Dwarfs. Lothern went from a large fishing city to perhaps the greatest city in the world within a century. Bel-Hathor died of old age without any major shit going down in his time, and was hailed as one of the greatest Phoenix Kings.
Finubar, The Seafarer
Finubar is the present Phoenix King in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. He was featured in the (damnably non-canon) Warhammer Online MMO game, and as a result we finally have pics of what he looks like. Not that he's going to be getting a mini anytime soon however. During Bel-Hathor's reign humans first landed on Ulthuan, and after being held in lockup at the border security office they were told to GTFO and never return at Bolt Throwerpoint. Some elves of the nobility wanted to come with, especially Bel-Hathor's gay lover Finubar *FWIP* LIES AND SLANDER, FINUBAR HAD NO RELATIONS TO BEL-HATHOR PRIOR AND WAS SIMPLY THE HIGH PRINCE OF EATAINE! Finubar began his journey in L'Anguille of Bretonnia and observed how the mon'keigh there had based their entire culture on the High Elves of the colonies, the ruins of which their ancestors had hid from Orcs and Daemons in (Bretonnian Knights are confirmed as Silver Helm fanboys). While elves had all "known" that humans were incapable of anything other than mud and dung buildings and worshiping Daemons, the reality that the humans were at the same point more or less that the High Elves had been at during their Golden Age before Aenarion shocked him. He began making friends with any human who would speak to him and giving them gifts to ensure that humans and High Elves would be allies in the future. He ventured into Athel Loren and saw what became of the colonists who refused to return in the years of Caradryel, and how they'd become a race so vastly different from the High Elves, and although Finubar tried to befriend them the wood elves treated the High Elves the same as they did humans; that being "non Wood Elf, and thus not as smart as us". Finubar was the first elf since the days of Caledor to set foot in Dwarf Fortresses, where he did his absolute best to try and befriend them again (even going as far as trying Bugman's Light, a feat few Dwarfs have even ever achieved). Finubar returned to Ulthuan many years later a celebrity and brought thing such as Bretonnian tapestries and Empire bibles and Wood Elf charms and Dwarf ale back for the populous to be amazed at. After Bel-Hathor died, the Princes and Princesses of Ulthuan were left knowing that this was the beginning of a whole new age for their race, and they picked the one elf responsible for setting it all in motion (so it's either his legacy or all his fault). It didn't hurt Bel-Hathor had expressed desire for Finubar to be his heir though. Finubar seems to have learned from all his predecessors, getting shit done while not making stupid choices. While Finubar isn't some untrained poet (to the contrary, he's a badass in the battles he's been in) he's still more than willing to let other, more badass, individuals get shit done (and in this age of the High Elves there's more Mary Sues*FWIP* TREASON, it's no fault of the Asur that the lesser races cannot boast such glorious young men and women!). Finubar stays away from the powdered wig elves who play politics over minor things, and instead leaves his seat to young Princes and Princesses he sees promise in (of course while watching them and minimizing any fuckups they might cause), all to train the next generation as a whole to rule with authority and wisdom. He travels the world still, setting up diplomatic meetings with the humans (and Dwarfs) of the world. These two things together caused the Princes of Ulthuan to begin to revolt to depose him early in his reign while he was away having drinks with Thorgrim, and it took the Everqueen to walk into the headquarters of the soon to be rebellion, glare at the assembled nobles, slowly shake her head and crack her knuckles, then walk out to end it. While most Phoenix Kings deal with one major war in their reign, some none at all, Finubar has to deal with a giant world ending battle every month it seems. Initially there was small skirmishes in which Finubar sent individual High Elf Princes and Commanders to save the good aligned races of the world and to erect more Waystones. But soon came the Great Chaos incursion (which marks the beginning of the modern era for every civilization in the game) where the races of man, Wood Elf, and Dwarf were about to be wiped out by Chaos Daemons/Warriors as well as Orcs and the High Elves were under attack by the Dark Elves in the single biggest war between the two since the first one that marked the split between their races. Every kingdom suffered greatly, especially Avelorn, and the Everqueen was thought dead. Two of the greatest elves to ever live, the twins Tyrion and Teclis, saved her and won the Battle of Finuval Plain. Rather than become complacent, Finubar announced the High Elves must stay on the alert and the worst was yet to come. The heroes of Ulthuan all became personal friends of Finubar if they weren't before, each left to their own devices to see to the world as they saw fit while still being able to contact one another and send for aid if needed. Teclis, with the great approval of Finubar, went to save the Old World and teach humans disciplined magic where before that was only druidic mysticism gleaned from the Wood Elves. The kingdom of Caledor, which had become complacent and too prideful to participate in any battle that wasn't against the end of the world, suddenly sent word to Finubar that everything from Dragons to Dragon Princes was at his disposal against whatever foe he could find for them. Skaven began to assault Ulthuan for the first time (each time being beaten to the last rat). Yvresse was assaulted and razed to the city itself by Orcs, with the High Elves barely beating them back and causing the elves of Yvresse to become distant and unwilling to help the rest of their race unless it benefited their kingdom. Morathi once again tried to unmake the rift in the center of Ulthuan with a scheme that involved a mind controlled Reaver who was abandoned after a raid against Naggaroth, and resulted in the Everqueen almost being killed, Lothern almost falling, the Phoenix Gate being destroyed for the hundredth or so time, and finally the deaths of the best friends of Tyrion and Finubar respectively as the named redshirts needed to give the battles drama (on the plus side, Morathi was driven a bit less focused and a lot more insane, another of Slaanesh's champions was killed in a fuckawesome way by Alarielle, and Malekith's dragon was crippled for life as well as him losing his magic shield in the shallows of Ulthuan's coastline). The current development in the Warhammer Fantasy plot involves the kidnapping of Finubar and Alarielle's daughter Aliathra by vampires, upon whom the future of the Everqueen line as well as the High Elves friendship with Dwarfs hinges. Now that you know the history of the High Elves, you need to get your army and start playing! GLORY TO THE ASUR!
These are the ten main areas where army themes derive, plus colonies around the world. Fluff paint jobs and armies tend to come from these locations and use their colors and troop choices. Although the regions are called "kingdoms" and the leaders "princes and princesses", in truth Ulthuan is a democracy where the nobility appoint the princes who function as mayors and governors, and the princes elect the king. Oftentimes the same family will hold a position through the years, but the low population of elves (and rebellious youths trying to re-enact Romeo and Juliet but without the tragic ending usually) ensure that it isn't hard to get into the family. The kingdoms are divided into the 5 outer ones that border the ocean, and the 5 inner ones that border the inner sea with a large mountain ring that has very few passes separating the inner and outer kingdoms. The Annulii mountains, as they're called, are a magnet for the worlds magical energy, and as such chaos mutations are not uncommon among the wildlife. Even non-chaos beasties get buffed magically to tarrasque levels and come down south for elf snacks, requiring the forces of the High Elves (particularly Silver Helms, White Lions, and nobility who want to make a name for themselves are heroes) to keep such things at bay. No living thing has ever been to the top of ANY of Ulthuan's mountains, and supposedly a realm apart from either the Warp OR the material world has it's entrance there (High Elves believe it's the domain of the gods, but who the fuck knows). All High Elf kingdom lists can include Archers, Silver Helms, and Spearmen as default in their themes since these are so common to High Elves. Lothern Seaguard can be used as well since every kingdom has a coastline, even if having special marines as troops isn't what they're known for. Representing one kingdom in your army, or two that share a border or similar cultural values makes for a nifty looking army to show off to your friends. Alternatively, you can simply paint every High Elf mini you have in the colors that make the most sense to you (all Reavers in Ellyrion colors, all Silver Helms in Tiranoc colors, all Spearmen in generic High Elf colors, all Shadow Warriors in Nagarythe colors, or even all of your minis from all troop choices to look like an Autumn or Winter gear style, etc.) so if you like to switch strategies a lot and buy lots of minis cheap on eBay, you'll never have a truly mismatched army. The primary secondary paint jobs are for the five gates, the three fortresses in the world oceans that maintain safe passage for traders friendly to the High Elves, the shrines to the elven gods or mythological beings, and the remaining colonies. Although the days of rampant colonization are long past, Elves still do maintain holdings outside Ulthuan. Primarily these are established to keep watch over enemies, or to maintain a vigil over the important sides and routes around the world. Rarely, High Elves establish themselves in the cities of other races to promote relations or seek a mutual exchange to greater benefit. They may or may not don the local colors of whatever nation they are in, but they always maintain the colors of Ulthuan foremost. Noteable is Marienburg and Altdorf, although with increased relations with Dwarfs a player could field an army in the colors of a Dwarf Fortress as well. In addition, several fortresses are named in the Heraldry book but given no description (so they're a blank check for your paint job of choice).
Outer Kingdoms:
The outer kingdoms of Ulthuan lie outside the Annulii Mountains, and are generally the targets of Dark Elf and Warriors of Chaos raids. All of them are battered constantly by their foes, and have been toughened to the point where they are most accustomed to warfare. As such, elves from these kingdoms tend to be gruff and lack the niceties and general elfyness of the inner kingdoms.
Tiranoc: Tiranoc used to be the Eataine of Ulthuan, prior to the end of the Golden Age. They colonized the lands that would later become Naggaroth, every elf Prince was Uncle Scrooge, and their craftsmen were so glorious they could make wardrobes that functioned like Bags of Holding and crush salt with dandelions like a TES character to make a healing potion (doing all of this BEFORE adding magic). But then shit went down. Tiranoc suffered greatly from Daemons, bearing the blunt of the Nurgle Daemon invasions. Aenarion gave little fucks and stuck to killing Slaanesh and Khorne Daemons, leaving Tiranoc to mostly deal with it's own backyard. Things got worse. The creation of the vortex in the middle of Ulthuan's inner seas caused the ocean to batter Tiranoc, sweeping hundreds of thousands of elves to drown (I dare you to make a Japan joke). Then during the civil war between the newly founded Druchii and the Asur, the Dark Elves took the remaining colonies of Tiranoc and used them as a new homeland, and when Malekith fucked with the magic vortex most of Tiranoc sunk beneath the ocean leaving only the (mostly unpopulated) lands closest to the Annulii. Tiranoc has rebuilt itself, but the other kingdoms (Caledor, Saphery, Eataine, and Cothique primarily) have far surpassed it. After Nagarythe High Elves, Tiranoc High Elves have the most hate for Dark Elves. Tiranoc is primarily a horse-focused nation, having herds similar to those found in Ellyrion. But while Ellyrionese (Ellyrionish?) elves ride horseback, the more refined and structured Tiranoc elves focus on chariots. The maritime traditions never truly faded in Tiranoc either, and thus Tiranoc armies are very disciplined and very mobile forces that can cross land and sea quickly. Tiranoc colors tend to be springtime ones, with lots of greens and yellows and bright blues. Symbols tend for favor two designs: five spoked wheels which have the dual purpose of representing the chariots, and displaying their "what goes around comes around" attitude towards their hatred for Dark Elves as well as the belief they will rise in power again. Seahawks and falcons are shown on some flags, representing freedom power and majesty. Lothern Seaguard as Tiranoc Marines are appropriate. The fluff states that while they have Silver Helms, most are nobility in decline who can no longer afford chariots. Reavers as such would be even further down the slope, as Tiranoc nobility who can no longer even afford a full suit of armor and barding. White Lions, Swordmasters, Shadow Warriors, and Phoenix Guard all have the usual reasons for being in the army but are not particularly any more appropriate than that. Dragon Princes might represent nobility who have begun to regain their prestige, but either cannot yet afford a chariot or have taken to combat from the back of a horse too well to change their style (fielding the Dragon Prince models might not be the best option if you feel you can modify Silver Helm minis to look better armored). Otherwise, the close proximity of Tiranoc to Caledor and their similar attitudes give enough reason for Caledorians to assist them. Skycutters of Lothern are nice for a Tiranoc Marine feel, and they are complimentary with Tiranoc strategies as well. Bolt Throwers are too stationary for a Tiranoc list, which should be mostly cavalry. Great Eagles are a nice option, but Phoenixes are in doubt as there's no mention in the fluff that they would be around naturally (but there's little reason not to bring them if you really want to). Sisters of Avelorn are perhaps a bit too stationary to be Tiranoc maidens, and Avelorn is quite a ways away from Tiranoc. Princes do best mounted on horses, eagles, or chariots. Dragons are perhaps a bit too fancy unless it's a Caledorian lending assistance (a Caledorian outranking your highest ranked Tiranoc elf may also lend to that "fall from grace" theme). Archmages are not outlandish in Tiranoc. Anointed of Asuryan would show up if there's a reason for any Phoenix Guard to be there, otherwise leave him at home. Loremasters are a bit far from Saphery, unless Tiranoc is their homeland. Of course Sea Masters fit the theme of Tiranoc Marines.
The Shadowlands (Nagarythe): Welcome to Elf New Jersey, capital Elf Detroit. Formerly named Nagarythe this was the homeland of Malekith and most of the Dark Elves, and as a result it's been the front line of the war between the two for most of it's modern history. The current population is the elves of Nagarythe who stayed loyal to the Phoenix King during the war, and became more or less guerrilla revolutionaries who have suffered greatly at the hands of the Druchii. In appearance, the Shadowlands resemble every "bad place" fantasy picture ever, with tall cliffs of spiky rocks, dead black forests full of thorns and brambles, volcanoes (not the kind the Caledor dragons roost in, more like the kind tribals sacrifice virgins in), and swamps everywhere. The land itself is bitter, mostly getting the Winds of Magic the Waystones draw in from Naggaroth and all the bad shit they use magic for flowing through everything. The land isn't aligned with the Druchii though, apparently invading Dark Elf forces get picked off one by one by various things as they cross through the Shadowlands, and the trees that the Shadow Warriors make their arrows out of feel smooth but inside a Druchii body, it grows spikes to ensure that taking that thing out will HURT and possibly cause death from a shot to the knee. The people of Nagarythe aren't much different from the Druchii if truth be told, they spend a good chunk of their time thinking about ways to kill or torture THEN kill Dark Elves they find (at least they aren't slavers or Chaos-aligned though). They take no prisoners, ever, and to supplant their population they steal babies from the Dark Elves (which is what the Dark Elves do to the other kingdoms of Ulthuan every chance they get). "Eye for an eye makes YOU blind, and that's the only thing that matters" is the motto of their team. Most of the land is in ruins from the many battles and due to the magic backlash caused by Malekith wend he attempted to undo the Vortex. Most of the elven population are Shadow Warriors, the youngest doing patrols through the lands and killing any Dark Elf beasties, raiding parties, or similar hostiles they see. The experienced ones man lookout posts alongside non-Nagarythe patrols from the other kingdoms, infiltrate the other kingdoms to do counter-intelligence on Druchii spies or assassins, and the best of the best give the Dark Elves in Naggaroth a taste of their own medicine by raiding the coastlines, poisoning food supplies, and generally making the coastal towns fear the high Elves. Nagarythe troops are difficult to paint, since you want to have Dark Elf looking High Elves without them looking like Dark Elves. Old editions had generic symbols, like High Elf runes or stars on black backgrounds or themes other armies used but on black and with more subtle colors. 8th revealed the heraldry of Nagarythe is a black crow against the twin moons in a night sky. Badasses who are looking for a fight wear a lot of red and black to symbolize the violence they bring to Druchii, the rest favor black or camouflage colors. Unlike most armies here a Nagarythe-themed game would probably work best if you used Mordheim's ruleset due to the smaller scale. If you want to field a full Nagarythe army however, there's two main options. The first involves anything that can pass as Shadow Warriors but at different stages of their training, the second involves the Shadow Warriors fighting alongside the garrison of a sentry post along the shores that watches for a Druchii invasion army and thus could include anything in whatever colors. Alith Anar should be included whenever possible. Characters should be left unmounted usually, or modifications to the mount should be made to fit the theme (turning a Giant Eagle or Gryphon into a giant crow/buzzard or a very battle-scarred version of what it is). Gear your Princes and Nobles with bows, and make their magic items high-damage close combat oriented. Mages and Archmages should be in the Death or Shadow lores usually (the only High Elf list where those are truly appropriate). Anointed work if themed for one of the nastier High Elf gods (not Khaine, even the Shadow Warriors don't worship him). Sea Helms should be High Elf pirate captains or shore patrolmen along with the Seaguard to match. Unless shit REALLY hits the fan, the Everqueen and her forces would die before entering the Shadowlands. For core, go for things that can be themed as Shadow Warriors in training (Archers, Lothern Seaguard, Ellyrian Reavers) as well as Silver Helms (which are rare to find, but still exist although the Heraldry book makes specific mention that each one had black dominantly on their shield as they are trying to wipe out the traitorous aspects of their family histories from the civil war and forge new family names and reputations). White Lions are likely to be in the Shadowlands if hunting monsters, or Swordmasters if they are hunting down members of the Cult of Pleasure or any other Dark Elf spies the Shadow Warriors haven't taken care of yet. Dragon Princes work as a heavy version of the Nagarythe Silver Helms, and Phoenix Guard showing up is more of an indication of how fucked up things are about to get for your army. Really, you should load up all Special choices in Shadow Warriors though. Tiranoc Chariots work okay thematically, but since they're not very stealthy most Nagarythe would not use them. The only rare choices that line up with the theme are the Frostheart Phoenix if you favor a "desolation" theme. Bolt Throwers are something Nagarythe would bear against their foes gladly, but don't invest in them if you could take more Shadow Warriors instead.
Chrace: Prior to the Golden Age, Chrace was the backwoods. Elves who got sick of the city and wanted to return to Asuyranist fundamentalism and brew moonshine went to the giant forests of Chrace to isolate themselves from liberals. Then shit hit the fan twice, and suddenly Chrace was the easiest shore in Ulthuan for Dark Elves and Warriors of Chaos to reach. So as a result, the local elves (most of whom had been woodcutters and livestock fuckers) became one of the most badass forces in Uthluan. The sound of 'Dueling Lutes' inspires fear into the foes of Ulthuan. After saving the third Phoenix King from Dark Elf Assassins en route to being crowned, he gave the people of Chrace his direct permission to become murderhobos and do whatever the fuck they felt needed to be done. They also receive government funding (wellfare) so they can afford the best shit out there, things normally reserved for Nobles and Princes are available to the commonfolk who are just badass enough to earn it. The best of the best of the Chracians seek to become White Lions of Chrace, and kill one of the local White Lions by themself. If they succeed, they wear the magical pelt till the end of their days and become bodyguards for important elves throughout Ulthuan as well as minutemen at the borders of Ulthuan keeping monsters and wetbacked Humans and Dwarfs from entering the land. The REALLY badass elves will tame a White Lion or raise one from infancy to pull a White Lion Chariot. Chrace favors a red and white theme with hints of yellow. White Lions are their heraldry, with the best images being a lion head in gold depicting the first White Lion called "Rahagra". Some designs depict the axes used by White Lions of Chrace, or the axe denoting the station of Head of the White Lions (the one carried by Korhil). Soldiers who have gone to the aid of a fallen or isolated comrade are allowed to hang red ribbons from themselves and their gear, which is the mark of a badass. Chrace has a lot of archers who flit between the trees and nail enemies, so you should be sure to take some. Probably a no on the Seaguard or Silver Helms, maybe on the Reavers if you need them since they're just mounted archers. Your whole Special slot should be White Lions. Bar none. Unless you're using Shadow Warriors as Chracian Archers. Rare choices could include some wayward Sisters of Avelorn or Eagles. Phoenixes are not too outlandish in this list. Archmages and Princes are fine as are their lesser incarnates among the heroes. Skip the others.
Cothique: Ever taken a trip to the Pacific Northwestern United States, Greenland, or Wales in England? That's Cothique. Miles of rocky treacherous coast covered in mist, dense forests made of huge trees, gray skies that can't decide whether to rain or give up and become sunny, and short stretches of flatland ending in rocky hills leading to mountains. Cothique is chilly most of the year, but to the elves of other kingdoms used to winter being a 1 degree drop in temperature it's freezing. The waters of Cothique have more seamonsters than the rest of the world (some of which are loyal to the elves, some are not). After Malekith damaged the continent at the height of the first war between the Dark Elves and High Elves Cothique's coastline dropped and the beaches and surrounding areas fell beneath the sea along with the settlements, many of which were the largest in Cothique at the time. Since then the waters receded and many are now partially or fully above the water again. The elves inside these doomed places drowned quickly, and their ghosts remained. During times invasion these spirits don armor and attack landing enemies to soften them up for the living defenders of the coasts. The main thing to know about the Cothiquens is this: they are THE best sailors in the world. Lothern may boast bigger ships and fancier armor, but the Lothern Seaguard only defend Ulthuan and escort important figures. If you want to actually travel from Ulthuan to the outside world, you come to Cothique. Even Finubar with all his hometown pride and the Everqueen with her dedicated nation sail with Cothique sailors. Cothique elves patrol the waters of the world, updating maps and trading and exploring and attacking any hostile forces or seamonsters they encounter. They're the murderhobos of the ocean. Most information, be it news or gossip, about the outside world comes to Cothique before any other elven realm. Cothique buildings are grand, but not elaborate. Each building is built almost dwarf-like (iceberg is perhaps a better description) where what is above only hints at what is below. There's a lot of wealth and artifacts held within vaults in Cothique from the world over, even more within the ghostly mansions where living elves avoid. During times of invasion, most kingdoms send refugees to Cothique where the mansion of a single Prince can feed and house the population of entire cities in other kingdoms comfortably. Although Cothique itself is constantly being invaded, the combination of elves so toughened and stubborn that Dwarfs give them respect with the seamonsters and elven ghosts diminishing the hostile force has ensured Cothique has never been lost or even occupied. Generally speaking, Cothique Seaguard are not the same as Lothern Seaguard: LSG practice in both bow and spear to fight from the broad decks of their Dragon Ships while Cothique Seaguard simply fight as more badass Archers and Spearmen (the former on-board the sleek Eagle Ships, the latter as boarding parties). Cothique boasts something no other navy in the world has: shipboard cavalry. Their Silver Helms train the horses of Cothique to stay standing on the wet deck of a ship that is tossing and turning in the waves, and to leap vast distances and board enemy ships to trample and lance every living thing on it (let's see those Ellyrian or Caledorian bastards even stay standing on a ship upon choppy waves at all). Cothique also fields more Skycutters than Lothern does, which patrol the coasts for enemies and seamonsters. In times of war, Cothique forces tend to stage hit and run attacks and employ trickery that many elves (other than those of Nagarythe) would consider dishonorable. Finally, it's worth noting that the elven god Mathlann (who's portfolio is the ocean, he's the pointy eared bastard version of Poseidon) is considered a hostile god by all 3 races of elves, but Cothiquen elves revere him as their patron and protector. Cothique colors are the entire blue range (especially the ones with hints of green like turquoise and sea green) instead of just the standard elven blue, yellow, and red. They use any symbol that can be related to the sea like seagulls, octopi, seashells, waves, fish, seamonsters, and so on. Their kingdom heraldry is a seagull on a yellow morning sky above lightly colored waves, but the symbol of Mathlann is also acceptable. Since Cothique is the kingdom that will transport you away from Ulthuan, any army theme you think would be fighting somewhere else in the world could have something in Cothique colors marching with it, or vice versa if you want your Cothique army to include non-Cothique things. Speaking specifically about things to be found in Cothique all core choices are acceptable, but Silver Helms and Spearmen/Archers are the best choices. All Lords and Heroes are acceptable, but the Anointed should be a priest of Mathlann instead of Asuryan. Lothern Cothique Sea Helms are probably the best choice. Chrace shares a border with Cothique and the two groups of elves have similar outlooks, and thus Chracians are very appropriate in a Cothique force. Swordmasters have no real reason to be in Cothique, nor do Shadow Warriors as the Cothiquens are good at rooting out Dark Elves on their own. Phoenix Guard should be refitted to serve Mathlann instead. Dragon Princes of Caledor are perhaps the opposite in personality and temperament to a Cothiquen elf but as Seaserpent Princes of Cothique make a good option. Avelorn shares a border with Cothique as well, and the archery traditions are strong in both. Bolt Throwers and Skycutters are staples to Cothique, and Great Eagles have many roosts in the rocky coastal cliffs. The coldness of the coast is bad for Flamespyre Phoenixes, but Frostheart Phoenixes would have nothing to fear.
Yvresse: Everything found in Cothique can also be found in Yvresse, but amped up to 10. Mists don't just hang over the water, they cover the landscape. The coast isn't just rocky, it's surrounded by islands that move like barges and sink anything coming from the water and is rimmed by small mountains more than it is by cliff faces. Yvresses evergreen forests are more like wooden walls stretching for hundreds of miles at a time. While Cothique has seamonsters in it's waters, Daemons dedicated to lesser Chaos Gods somehow find their way into the world from Yvresse's mists and attempt to swim or fly to shore. As such, Yvresse doesn't have cities as much as it does outposts and has fortresses instead of cities. The constant exposure to such things makes Yvresse elves almost as fearless and grim as Phoenix Guard. While much more fearsome, Yvresse is considered livable by other elves that would call Cothique barren due to having a warmer climate, but most would rather avoid traveling to either. Yvresse has very few settlements, most live in the capital city of Tor Yvresse, the only surviving city from the Golden Age of the High Elves. Tor Yvresse is mostly vacant, entire districts of the city with amphitheaters that can seat a thousand and marketplaces as large as those in Lothern as silent as a graveyard in winter. Where Eataine displays the strength of the High Elves who have fought everything the Warhammer universe has to throw at someone and stood atop the broken corpse triumphant, Yvresse shows them as a dying race that cannot even repopulate enough to fill a single mansion before the family is wiped out by foes. High Elves of Yvresse wear small wayshards attuned to the network of waystones (which Yvressians familiarize themselves on maps of) to avoid getting lost. Much of Yvresse was damaged by a recent Orc invasion lead by Grom the Paunch of the Misty Mountain, who is the single biggest villain in the world to Yvressians. The Prince of Yvresse is known as the Warden of Tor Yvresse, with the current one being Eltharion the Grim. The heraldry of Yvresse is a sea hawk soaring above the waves on a night sky. The colors of Yvresse are dark blues, whites and grays to represent the mists, and small amounts of yellow or gold. Yvresse is best used as a low point skirmishing force, or played with Mordheim rules. The army of Yvresse is depleted and represents the low population of the kingdom, Yvressians are disdainful of outsiders from other kingdoms and prefer to keep them away, so as a result Yvresse have relatively few options by itself most of which are Core. Thematically anything taken that isn't Core, Giant Eagles, Frostheart Phoenixes, or Bolt Throwers would be support from other kingdoms sent in emergency (note that Eltharion is unlikely to call another kingdom for aid) or as the Spire Guard of Tor Yvresse, the elite group that protects the city (the SPire Guard are known as users of ranged weapons so Sisters of Avelorn would be the best thing to represent them, but Spire Guard might be the only explanation for Swordmasters or White Lions as Yvressians you can get). Yvresse is perhaps the least played High Elf kingdom theme as a result, so factor that into consideration if you feel frustrated by them or if you want to play a unique kingdom.
Inner Kingdoms:
While the outer kingdoms suffer from the assaults of mortals, the inner kingdoms have to deal with threats of their own. Winds of Magic flow all about the inner kingdoms making their geography and wildlife peculiar. A bad month of magic can leave whole sections of the countryside magically irradiated, and the dead of the twin seas (the Sea of Dusk and the Sea of Dreams) do not sleep soundly and are as likely to assault the living as they are to entrance those near the waters with visions of mortal lives long since passed. Daemons sometimes manage to break through the weak barriers of reality in some of the more chaotic sites, but they rarely get far or manage to do lasting harm.
Caledor: This is the kingdom, not the 3 characters of the same name (the first Caledor, Caledor the Dragontamer, first befriended dragons and forged some of the best magical shit the world has ever known. Whatever the kingdom was known before has been forgotten since Caledor's descendants and surviving followers renamed it in his honor). Most of Caledor is Annulii, of the volcanic variety with only enough land to live on and produce the food required to sustain the population. This has caused Caledor to always have a small population compared to the other kingdoms, so even though some kingdoms have ghost towns and manors and castles without population to fill them, Caledor has degraded little in that regard. Caledor's power waned only because the volcanoes have cooled as time went on, and as a result the dragons who siphon the heat of eruptions to keep their hearts beating started hibernating for decades, centuries, some for thousands of years. In addition the forges lack the heat they once had and less wonders are produced. Caledorians are proud bastards, the degree of prudishness and arrogance an elf has compared to a dwarf or human is the same in scale from a regular elf and a Caledorian elf. The shrine to Vaul, the smith god, is in Caledor on an island and in a volcano called Vaul's Anvil. It's there that anything worth mentioning is made (fuck your Dwarfish quality, magic metal beats mere hard metal). Although the other kingdoms have volcanoes and dragons within them, the majority of the draconic race is in Caledor and almost all dragon riding elves hail from here or trained here. The Banner of the World dragon, the bane of Daemon players, is the heraldry of Caledor; a winged dragon who's body is twisted into the shape of Ulthuan with yellow and white background (older editions depicted various things on the heraldry, like a volcano). However, unlike most kingdoms who display their kingdom's colors with uniformity, Caledorian pointy-eared bastards prefer to pick colors like those of dragons (so a unit of green Dragon Princes all hearkening to the founder of their order who rode a green dragon thousands of years ago marching beside Spearelves wearing white and red which was the color of the dragon who sleeps closest to their base of operations with a prince riding a young blue dragon but clothed in red, the color of that dragon's parent who the prince's great great great great grandfather rode during the Sundering). So whatever colors you want to field your army work, although the main colors for dragons are red/orange, gold/yellow, green, and blue with the colors starting bright in youth and fading as they age. But any colors you think look draconic work really as long as you avoid looking Dark Elf (at that point, might as well grab the Widowmaker and call it a day). Make them all the same color, or make every single elf bearing a different scheme at your choice. All Caledorians think that everyone with Caledorian blood is a descendant of the Caledor kings since Caledor II died without an heir and they'll never acknowledge that. Dragon Princes from Caledor are known for not saluting non-Caledorians, not even the Phoenix King. Prior to Finubar's reign, Caledorians didn't do jack shit since apparently killing anything less than a Bloodthirster is below them, but the current High Prince of Caledor named Prince Imrik (not the name of Caledor I before taking on the name Caledor, this is a new guy with the same name) realized that if you don't do shit there's nothing to brag about and as a result Caledorians will show up anywhere there's a fight they can be a part of. If there's a High Elf army made up of Lord and Hero choices, it's we Caledorians. Princes on dragons define us and should be seen whenever the dragons can be awakened! Archmages in the lore of Fire on a dragon are acceptable if the larger dragons cannot awake, and the Dragon Mage youths ride if none with experience available. The rest should be our well armed Nobles and Fire schooled Mages. Anointed of Asuryan works well, if you modify him to be a priest of Vaul (make him blind, and swap the Phoenix Motifs for generic fire and things like anvils and hammers). Any core except Reavers (children on horseback, bah!) and Seaguard (no Caledorian would go to battle smelling like fish!) are fine. Those Chracian blowhards can come (if they feel like the need to see a REAL elf fight that is), but their damnable Chariots have no place outside the savage kingdoms. Swordmasters may march with Caledorians, but only as long as they make themselves useful and take arrows for our pureblooded Caledorian Mages! Leave those vile bastard elves, the Shadow Warriors, in their blighted land and let them rot there. Phoenix Guard should be remade to serve Vaul, as is proper before they come along. Of course, most of your points should be spent on Dragon Princes of Caledor! Skycutters should be grounded to make way for our glorious dragons. Tiranoc Chariots decked in the livery of a Caledorian lord can see service along Dragon Princes, but really you should be taking more of Caledor's finest instead. Bolt Throwers are for fireless cowards who shun melee, not heroes and elves such as we! Eagles are great as provisions for the dragons, but never fight alongside us. Phoenixs are acceptable, but keep those vile Frosthearts away from the dragons lest we wait another hundred years to fight alongside them again. As lovely as the womenfolk of Avelorn are, battle is no place for their delicate features; let the Dragon Princesses ride in their stead!
Ellyrion: Ellyrion is one giant perfect perma-summer (in a good way) plain and steppe kingdom where a fuckton of horses that have the lifespans of elves are found in a constant state of divine stampeding. As a result of this, horses that elves can manage to lure away from the pack are better than any found anywhere in the world. The land itself is magic somehow; unless an Ellyrion shows you the way, the longer you walk the further you get from your destination. The Ellyrions learned anything worth knowing from the horses themselves, and the rest they figured out by running wild in the forest in barefeet. Hurting, or even talking in a mean voice to a horse get you an arrow in the head from out of nowhere in Ellyrion. As far as elves go, Ellyrion is a land of teenagers. Always doing stupid stunts for fun and excitement, quick to start a fight but slow to do anything that can be considered "fighting" other than throwing a punch after a lot of trash talk, and setting up highly transitional cliques (to be fair, this all makes them the elves most likely to be bros with mon'keigh even if they won't shut up about their newest ride's "horsepower" and the special name they gave it and their buddies back home and the stupid shit they've done with said elves). The capital city has an interesting feature. The same amount of buildings that are normally in a city, are instead all public castles with the roads being bridges made of silver between them. The water below the city is apparently ghost horses that'll rise up and gore the city and everyone in it to death if it falls to enemies (so the Ellyrions take a page out of Caradryan's book). Dark Elves like to try to raid Ellyrion for black horses, but if the amount of non-dinosaur cavalry options the Dark Elves have is any indication they usually aren't too successful. Obviously, everything-EVERYTHING-should be decorated in horse and Pegasus and unicorn motifs in an Ellyrion list, and apparently every single decoration they have represents a story (even if two look almost identical, there's apparently a whole different story behind it). Their colors are blue, white, and purple tones like plum and magenta. White Annulii factor into the backgrounds of their flags sometimes, as do thunderclouds. There's two High Elf kingdom lists that should be full cavalry, and the first is Ellyrion. Leave the birds and lizards at home, all your Lords and Heroes should be on horseback. Mages should be in the High, Beast, or Life lore. Leave the Anointed at home. Reavers should be the bulk of your core, with any spare room filled by Silver Helms. Chracians are acceptable. Swordmasters stay home, Shadow Warriors have a place in this list. Phoenix Guard should be dropped, Dragon Princes are nice as a melee hammer if your Reavers get bogged down. Skycutters shouldn't be there unless you modify it to have a Pegasus team. Tiranoc Chariots are your best choice for Special. Leave the entire Rare selections out, none of them are fitting for the Horse Lords of Ellyrion.
Avelorn: All High Elves originated in Avelorn, and while elf bureaucrats and nobility all around Ulthuan may go on about traditions and honor and policy, Averlorn is the most down to earth traditional of the kingdoms and in a lot of ways resembles Celts. Running a Wood Elf army as an Avelorn army isn't a crazy idea, but it's important to note that while Athel Loren is a very hostile and constantly evolving place, Avelorn is a place of relative safety containing species long extinct elsewhere in the world and oddball things like unicorns and fairies and the like. That isn't to say Avelorn is without teeth, the life of the forest is tied to the Everqueen; when she's angry you might as well be taking a trip to the realm of chaos between Tzeentch and Khorne, when she's grieving the forest is as inhospitable and dead as the frozen wastes, and when she's happy Avelorn may be the only place in the Warhammer world that can rightly be called "paradise". As long as Avelorn and the Everqueen live, most of Ulthuan exists in a state of constant spring/summer even in the autumn and winter months. Most of the beasties and Chaos creatures of the Annulii come to Avelorn looking for elfkibble, but that's about as successful for them as a Bretonnian peasant walking into Athel Loren with a heavy rock and looking to conquer it. The Everqueen's court is constantly on the move, mostly made up of tents and large friendly Treekin with hollows in their bodies for tired elves to curl up in and be rocked to sleep by it's walking to the next court site. Buildings like baths, temples, and other things dot the entire region and are simply returned to when needed. Most of Avelorn's civilian population is poets, artists, and mages who know little of war and all compete to amaze each other and the Everqueen with their talents like chirrens presenting things to their mum on Mother's Day. Anywhere you look, there's elves eating and having sex (which for elves is like 6 hours of foreplay and a kiss) and dancing and singing and acting, all the while politics and cultural movements as important as those that happen in Lothern take shape. It's like if Tolkein went to Woodstock. Avelorn's heraldry is red hearts on white and green, with thorns or depictions of the Everqueen sometimes appearing as well. The personal symbol of the Everqueen is a silver dove or swan. In times of invasion the artists of Avelorn quickly don their uniforms and march with perhaps more dedication than the other citizen levies, but their skill is arguable (eh, evens out and gives 'em something to sing and paint about if they come home). Each levy stores its gear at a shrine to Isha in Avelorn, and as such the equipment of each group bears her symbols (a weeping eye or a bleeding heart). For your army list most troops can be run as whatever you want them to be in their stats, but have their actual minis substituted for things like Dryads and Wood Elves so the appearance of the army matters more than the choices in this regard. Silver Helms would march with the forces of Avelorn if Tyrion is present in the forest at the time (he's always got an entourage of fanboys). Reavers may be present as Ellyrion shares a border with Avelorn and the cultural values are very similar. Cothique lies outside the Annulii from Avelorn, so Lothern Seaguard in Cothique colors are not a stretch either. Mages are a valid choice, but not as combat ready battlemages and not in the death lore. Dragons are not an appropriate choice for Avelorn lists, but the bird mounts are acceptable (gryphons over eagles for the exotic feel). White Lions may be present protecting the queen, a visiting noble of some kind, or eliminating Annulli monsters (or simply because Chrace is also on the other side of the Annulli from Avelorn). Swordmasters and their strict discipline are not suited to be amongst Avelorn's citizens unless they're in a bodyguard role, and Shadow Warriors are not tolerated for long in the forest or allowed in it's depths as they are entirely the opposite to the spirit of Avelorn (feel free to use Sisters of Avelorn minis to represent them though). Phoenix Guard are unlikely to make an appearance as the Maiden Guard fulfill their duties here. Dragon Princes would be here in a list with Tyrion in it, otherwise not thematic unless those prideful bastards are sweeping in to save the day and take all the glory. Tiranoc Chariots are alright in the colors of Avelorn, White Lions are acceptable for the same reasons White Lions of Chrace are. Bolt Throwers should be rare (no pun intended) as their lack of mobility hardly suits the nomadic lifestyle of Avelorns peoples, and Phoenixes kept far away as they not only would have difficulty dwelling in the forest but represent Asuryan while Avelorn mostly only acknowledges Isha. Sisters of Avelorn should be mandatory in this list. Skycutters from Cothique, or as pleasure barges/public transportation of the citizens of Avelorn being brought into battle are a reasonable choice.
Saphery: Saphery is the kingdom of wizards. The winds of magic flow through Saphery with such strength that claims about magic running in the blood of Sapherians isn't an expression, it's a legit theory. The ground sparkles and glows, the sky changes colors and at certain times of the day looks like a giant rainbow stretched over the kingdom, Saphery is impossible to map out because the land literally moves around (it's mentioned in the Black Library books that, upon resting, travelers to Hoeth notice suddenly that the hills in the distance were still moving even when they had stopped). To get from place to place, you simply need to start walking and know the destination that you want and the land will get you there if it thinks you are worthy in however long the land wants you to take. Sapherians never build their homes in eyesight of each other, and if the land could be seen from above they dot the landscape with no planning for roads or towns. Each is entirely unique as well, the mansion of (the now deceased) Anurion the Green is more plant than building and Hothar the Fey built a flying castle that simply floats all over Saphery as examples. Sapherian elves are not known for their sanity, but they are also not known for hostility or being dangerous (to friends). Even Tzeentchian devotees and daemons have trouble making Sapherians parts of their plans. The only real city in Saphery is Hoeth, and the massive Tower of Hoeth (the largest structure in the Warhammer world). Hoeth cannot be found simply by following the map, like anything else in Saphery you simply walk until you reach it. Unlike the rest of Saphery, seeking Hoeth with less than noble intentions results in you never being seen again. Spoooooooky. Even if you reach the city, there's an unknown number of spells protecting the Tower in various ways. Most of the knowledge in the world can also be found in the magical books (which work like computers, you can speak what you're looking for and turn the page to find information about it) in Hoeth, and in the Blood Bowl alternate (possibly) canon Hoeth is also the place where the Crystal Ball network (which works like television) is managed. Hoeth isn't just a place of wizards who act like scientists, it's also the center of martial arts and disciplines of the High Elves and as such produces the Swordmasters of Hoeth, the most skillful warriors in the world. Just like Yvressians, Sapherians wear wayshards to navigate their lands. The highest ranking nobility of the land is the Loremasters, who are the government officials of the kingdom with the High Loremaster of Hoeth being the representative Prince of the kingdom (Teclis is the current High Loremaster). The heraldry of Saphery is the Tower of Hoeth shining like a lighthouse on a nights sky. Alternatively, the symbol of the goddess Lileath is also used as she is the patron god of Saphery (usually by those protecting a mage, other than Spearmen who MUST be guarding a mage to bear it on their shields). Another popular symbol is twin swords, which represent a metaphor for magical boons granted directly by Lileath ("Alinor, Bringer of Knowledge" and "Valenor, Bringer of Power")The colors of Hoeth are the traditional white and blue of the high elves, but the blues tend to be darker and starry designs in both yellow and white are common on all surfaces. All of the nobles of Saphery are spellcasters, and as such are more appropriate than Nobles or Princes (for a BSB, the magic of the banner can be handwaved as the spell the noble who just happens to be carrying the flag is casting). Anointed of Asuryan should be Anointed of Lileath, Sea Helms could be explained as the guys who make the magic carriages of the Skycutters other kingdoms employ. Of course, Loremasters of Hoeth are advisable as are Mages and Archmages. All core are acceptable, or at least not contradicted anywhere. Swordmasters are the single best choice for Special, as the woodsmen of Chrace would no doubt hate to be in a kingdom where the lay of the land changes or Phoenix Guard who's patron is overshadowed by their patron's granddaughter (as well as their "we know what will happen" thing being kinda fucked up by the unpredictability of the land and the people in it). It's unlikely a Shadow Warrior would be allowed to enter Saphery by Saphery itself, likely ending walking in circles until they turn around and find themselves home. Skycutters are nice, fielded more as a magical chariot than a coastal defender. None of the Rare options are very Saphery-y, but none really contradict the theme of the army directly.
Eataine: Eataine is a lot like New York state. Miles and miles of nothing but farmland, then one fuckhuge city full of immigrants and assholes. Unlike New York City, Lothern is a glorious place that has pretty much all the wonders of the world in it (like a Civ 5 capital city on easy mode). BIG fucking polished marble lighthouse with thousands of torches in it so it glows from space, buncha gem-encrusted gates armed to the fucking teeth that are as hard to get past as Terra is to invade in 40k (more so perhaps) with each one named for the tens of thousands of gemstones set in them for no reason other than to color code them like a boss (Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby), and fuckhuge statues of the past and present Phoenix Kings and Everqueens as well as a statue of each elf god (even Khaine, who's statue is black with ruby eyes and hands instead of the marble and gems the others are made of). There's more non-elves than elves in Lothern, and it's the only place in Ulthuan non-elves are allowed to be without being labelled a "kill on sight terrorist" to elfkind. Finubar is from here, and the Phoenix Palace was relocated here upon his coronation. Although Lothern is the center of trade with the world (the ENTIRE world), the Lothern navy doesn't do much except protect the homeland, escort offensive armies, and attack Dark Elves. Lothern is known for it's entertainment, with lots of opera houses and theaters and museums and anything else are found there. Although Eataine's heraldry is a phoenix rising with a noonday sun all in red and white colors (which is also associated with the Temple of Asuryan, a giant pyramid located in Eataine that the Phoenix Kings go to for coronation), the heraldry of Lothern is sometimes used in its place which is a red sea dragon (who is a real being, named Amanar, who sleeps in Lothern's harbor and rises out of the water to slaughter anything that threatens the city. The Shield of the Merwyrm magic item you can use is one of his scales, making that item very Eataine in theme) rising out of the blue water on a white background. One final thing of note: earlier editions mentioned that elves of darker complexion hail from Eataine. So it's the land of lovely chocolate elves, and all the assorted heresies that brings (also the place where Warhammer basketball is more popular than Bloodball). A Lothern army contains Lothern Seaguard, Lothern Skycutters, and Lothern Sea Helms obviously, as well as Eagle Bolt Throwers (which are made mostly in Lothern and deployed everywhere). As the Shrine of Asuryan is located in Eataine, Phoenix Guard marching in an Eataine list keeps with theme. Silver Helms are also common as the region has ample nobles. White Lions can fit into an Eataine list as they are Finubar's bodyguard and wear the Lothern heraldry when they do, and the city would of course have more than it's fair share of mages. Dragon Mages, or Archmages/Princes on dragons are great, and are either Caledorians looking to get "defend the capital and the king" under their list of things to brag about or are actually from Eataine. Swordmasters are a a great option for maintaining order amongst the mon'keigh and keeping the Cult of Pleasure at bay or as escorts for local Mages. Tiranoc Chariots are probably more of a symbol of a noble's wealth rather than something that's fielded with regularity, but taking some isn't breaking theme. White Lion Chariots are acceptable since White Lions are in Lothern protecting Finubar anyway. The Everqueen's forces should be left out of Eataine lists unless you're theming a scenario around an apocalypse tier event where EVERYONE is needed. Shadow Warriors may be found in the city as counter-spies to any Dark Elf aligned traitors, but seeing them in a list is not likely. Dragon Princes may be pompous, but defending the capital of Ulthuan is incentive enough for glories to being them in. Reavers are probably too far away from home to be found here unless they're simply Silver Helms proficient in bows.
In eastern Ulthuan, five gates separate the outer kingdoms from the inner kingdoms by blocking the only routes an army could march across the Annulii from. The garrisons are drawn from all kingdoms in Ulthuan by enlistment, although the kingdoms closest to it will have the most troops there. Although it's rarely done, choosing an army theme based off one of the gates allows you to mix and match your model choices with greater freedom than a kingdom list could (although the colors of the army will clash greatly, resembling a force of Bretonnians at times). However, fluffwise your army will be defending the same location in every battle. The symbol for each gate is the animal for which it is named. All of the gates utilize Bolt Throwers and Lothern Seaguard despite being far from the sea or Lothern. A soldier who manages to survive his tour at the gate is treated respectfully no matter what his social class all the way up to the Phoenix King himself. They continue to wear the markings of the gate they served at, and with enough generations it may find their way into their family heraldry.
Eagle Gate: Southernmost of the Gates, it lies in the pass separating outer Tiranoc from inner Caledor and Ellyrion.
Griffon Gate: The griffon gate is crowned by two giant golden statues of griffons, polished and gleaming. The griffon gate falls under attack more often than any other gate, but has never once been breached by enemies. The kingdoms is separates are Ellyrion and Nagarythe.
Unicorn Gate: The least attacked of the gates due to being found at the end of a very narrow and dangerous pass, with a far more dangerous and monster-infested pass behind it. Most assaults come from these creatures instead, which are not entirely wiped out so as to remain a constant deterrent to invading foes. It boasts more Bolt Throwers and Archers than the other gates do. while this gate also lies between Nagarythe and Ellyrion, more Ellyrions man the walls than Shadow Warriors.
Dragon Gate: Although the Dragon Gate lies between Nagarythe and Ellyrion, it draws most of it's recruits from Caledor for one reason: it is the grandest. Caledor I moved his court to here, and build a giant palace that rivals the Phoenix Palace in Lothern today. It has living quarters for the nobility of all Ulthuan to retreat here in case of an apocalyptic invasion the likes of Aenarion's time, and boasts the largest army. Theoretically, that would be a deterrent for Dark Elf attacks. But Malekith is a prideful son of a Daemonette, and any time his troops make land he usually sends a large chunk of them at the Dragon Gate hoping it'd fall and be a slap in the face to the High Elves. Like the Griffon Gate, it has never fallen. Seriously Dark Elves, are you even trying?
Phoenix Gate: Like the latter 4, the Phoenix Gate separates Nagarythe from Ellyrion. Unlike the other gates, this one is manned almost entirely by Eataine recruits. The Phoenix Gate gets breached almost as soon as they finish rebuilding it, but inflicts a huge number of casualties on enemy forces for their efforts. Every time it falls it gets rebuilt larger, grander, and harder to assault (it's said in High Elf Heraldry that the tallest spires currently rise as high as the Annulii behind them). Despite how likely it is a recruit will die before their tour is up, the forces of the Phoenix Gate are confident that it's all according to their divine god emperor's plan, and they receive the best armor and most respect of any of His armies, their ammunition is blessed and anointed with divine oils coming straight from His temple in the homeland and-wait, this sounds awfully familiar...
Found in the southern parts of the world, these holds are staging and resupply areas for merchant ships, friendly military forces, and also serve to limit how far naval forces hostile to the High Elves can travel.
Tower of the Sun: A coastal fortress that lies at the southern tip of the Warhammer equivalent of what is either India or Indonesia. The colors of this fortress are white and yellow, with the symbol of a High Elf tower in black on everything.
Fortress of Dawn: The Fortress of Dawn is located at the tip of the Warhammer South Africa, beyond the impassable mountains that isolate the dead realm of the Tomb Kings. One of the largest Waystones in the world lies at the heart of this fortress. It's colors are light blues and the orange/yellow range, with white. The symbol of the fortress is a sun rising above a black wall or dark blue waves.
Citadel of Dusk: The Citadel of Dusk cannot be seen from the outside, and only those who are assigned to it or bring supplies can see it. Located at the southern tip of Lustria, it guards the southern routes leading to the Orient. It's colors are black, red, and dark blue. It's symbols are the same as the Fortress of Dawn.
These are light in fluff, if there is any at all.
Shrines of Ulthuan: Shrines are likely to be guarded by warrior priests, or surrounding areas with military strength will have troops that done their symbols and colors. Using Phoenix Guard modified to look like they belong to that particular shrine is useful, otherwise using whatever choices seem to fit the best (LSG for Mathlann, spellcasters and Swordmasters for Lileath, etc). The Shrine of Lileath lies in southern Eataine's coast, the Shifting Shrine of Loec (somewhere) on the islands south of Eataine, the Shrine of Asuryan where all High Elves of noble birth are expected to travel to once in their lives is north of Eataine on the coast of the Inner Sea, the Circle of Night in northern Eataine's coast, the White Tower of Hoeth is technically a giant shrine to Hoeth (also contains a shrine to Lileath as well), the proper Shrine of Hoeth is in northern Saphery's coast, the Shrine of Mathlann is found on an island east of Yvresse, Isha's Circle is in Avelorn's deeps and the Everqueen visits this site to pray for High Elf fertility and re-population as well as protection from Chaos, the Seven Sisters shrine is on the south eastern Cothique coast, the Moonspire Shrine in southern Avelorn's woods, Oakheart's Pyre (unknown purpose, possibly to a treekin?) in northern Avelorn, Lion's March is on Chrace's coast (likely to the first white lion Rahagra), the Gaen Vale (an island of amazon elves that can be represented as Sisters of Avelorn, who kill any male to set forth on the island and line the paths with their bones) is located on a large island south of Avelorn and near the middle of the Inner Sea and houses a shrine dedicated to all of the female gods as well as nature itself; all High Elf women are expected to take a pilgrimage to it at least once in their lives to learn a prophesy about their future. The Shrine of Khaine lies on the Blighted Island north of the borders of Nagarythe and Chrace, the Rock of Galirian lies north of Nagarythe on a large island, the Stone of Ellyrion (likely dedicated to Kurnous) is west of Ellyrion in the Annulii summit, the Shrine of Remembrance lies isolated by Annulii from Nagarythe but within it's borders, the Shrine of Addaioth lies in Caledor outside the Annulii, the Circle of Dawn is found on Caledor's coastline north in the Inner Sea, and Vaul's Anvil is found within a volcanic island south of Caledor.
Misc sites: These sites are named and given locations, but no description. It's a blank check for whatever you want your army to be. Tor Elithis lies in Warhammer Australia, the Gates of Calith lie between the southernmost tip of New Zealand and Antarctica, Tor Elasor lies in the southern Indian Ocean (obviously it is most likely on an island), the Tower of Stars lies in east Africa in the area Somalia would be. The sites of Ulthuan are too numerous to mention, just a glance at the updated map in the newest army book or heraldry book lists almost a hundred sites.
Tyrion: Tyrion is a total badass who doesn't give a fuck what you think about him (or a Mary Sue, depends on if you play High Elves or not). Awhile back, he was an up and coming noble in the courts and being descended from Morelion, he had a pretty substantial fortune as well as a big name to live up to. When the elves in the powdered wigs tried to embarrass him in front of the court, he usually responded with a challenge to a duel to the death. He quickly became known as a badass swordsman as well as a douche. Since people started saying he's Aenarion reborn (that might not be a compliment) he was allowed to wear Aenarion's armor and carry a sword one of Aenarion's buddies carried around on weekends if he signed them out from the Lothern Museum of Asur History, but he never gave it back and they were too afraid to report the shit missing. After adventuring around like a TES character and doing random shit for awhile, Ulthuan got clusterfucked by Daemons and Dark Elves. He heard that the Everqueen was being chased by Malekith's rapesquad and went to rescue her, killing them but got fucked right up from a poison hidden carefully in the anus of an assassin he was corpse humping after the fight, and Alarielle carried his dumbass around Ulthuan while he moaned "Bel...Dagobah system..." while running from a Keeper of Secrets. Then Teclis showed up and facerolled things. After they rejoined the Rebel Alliance rest of the High Elf forces and Tyrion was healed up, Alarielle decided he'd make a great addition to her harem. She gave him a magic engagement necklace that lets him give Death the middle finger, and the God Emperor of Horsekind Malhandir. Then he SMITE CLEAVE SMITEed 90% of the Dark Elf race personally at the Battle of Finuval Plain. Then he went back to adventuring, except when Alarielle sends a letter that she wants the cock whereupon he zips right home. He's a bit emo since Aenarion's curse makes him think about the Widowmaker like it's the ultimate sexual fetish all the time. Thinking about his brother gets his dick soft enough that he can think about Alarielle and get a boner for killing Dark Elves again. When his best bro got killed by Dark Elves, he took the dude's loli daughter as a squire and taught her how to slap around prissy nobility, brood, and /win battles. If he doesn't get wasted, he'll probably be the next Phoenix King, but since he's buddies with Finubar (also Eltharion, but Elthy is a dick to him now) he's not looking forward to it. Currently in the canon story, he's facerolling Vampire Counts lead by Mannfred von Carstein who's trying to resurrect either Vlad and Isabella or Nagash by sacrificing Alarielle and Finubar's daughter (and hence the next Everqueen, unless Finny dies soon enough for Tyrion to give Alarielle an heir(( and if Finubar does die and Tyrion becomes the next king, his first job will be to impregnate his mrs daughter, if only MW had decided to read a fucking high elf book where the current Everqueen was Finnys daughter he may of avoiding any fluff fuckups this time round, oh well). To represent Tyrion on the tabletop, at his current point in lore development his own mini and stats do nicely. Prior to Finuval Plain, a well geared Prince on foot or horseback does nicely while still using his own mini still or a custom one. A young Tyrion is best used as a champion in your Dragon Princes or your Silver Helms.
Teclis: Tyrion's twin brother. While Tyrion's "Aenarion's Curse" manifested in being a half step away from being Gollum for the Widowmaker, Teclis was born an anemic cripple with a bad cough instead. After spending most of his life in a magical wheelchair and being tended to (AKA experimented on) by the healing mages in Saphery, he wound up very thin and weak (even for an elf) and needs regular magic healing potions as well as the magical staff gifted to elfkind by Lileath the goddess of magic herself just to keep him standing upright. Don't think he's a no good weakling though (this goes double around Tyrion who will beat your ass if he finds out you're dissing his bro without a second thought. The two have a direct emotional psychic link, and while Teclis has a good deal of patience and good humor Tyrion...does not). Teclis, Nagash, and a few Slann are the strongest magic users alive (so to speak). After spending most of his teenage (hundreds of) years among mages and learning from them, he decided on the day that it became clear Ulthuan was about to be fucked that it was now or never to make something of himself. He began to forge a magic sword underneath Hoeth (a ritual that the Swordmasters, as well as their Loremaster superiors must do to become a man (or woman)), and upon it's completion (it was a really fuckawesome sword too, called the Sword of Teclis and in ages to come will probably be an awesome heirloom item for future heroes) was awarded the magical pimp hat of awesomeness (the War Crown of Saphery) as well as the rank of Loremaster. He set out to find his brother and the Everqueen, and caught up with them right as a Keeper of Secrets was pulling off Tyrion's and the Everqueen's pants for some serious assraping. The KoS...didn't make it. After engaging Teclis's brother, the Everqueen gave Teclis the aforementioned staff as a consolation prize, and the two brothers set out to carry the entire High Elf race in the Battle of The Finuval Plain. While Tyrion was committing genocide Paul Bunyan-style in melee, Teclis nuked EVERYTHING and dispelled every miscast. After a short magical duel between Malekith and himself, Teclis cast a spell so powerful that Malekith had to escape into Chaos itself to avoid being obliterated mind, body, and soul (how he escaped is unknown. Possibly Morathi summoned him as one would a Daemonette concubine). While Tyrion retired to the Everqueen's boudoir, Teclis decided that (in a very un Warhammer-ish way) it was the duty of those with great power to save the entire world, not just their own race. He left for the Empire, and taught humans true magic for the very first time (kickstarting the beginning of the Warhammer renaissance that is currently just beginning to take hold) by founding the schools of magic and fighting against the Daemons and Warriors of Chaos that were about to wipe out humanity. That task being complete, he set out to explore the world (apparently all great heroes are either world explorers or fuck the Everqueen. Finubar must be glorious to behold if he'd ever get a mini). Meeting the uncorrupted giants, Slann, amazons, all the minority civilizations there's never been an army for like Ind and Cathay, and even leading an expedition to see the Rift into Chaos at the north pole (and learn how to make toys!) Teclis returned home, whereupon he was made the head Loremaster. Recently Teclis was gravely injured from a bitch move assassination attempt from Morathi. Nowadays he chills in Hoeth, reading articles on the internet and feeling up Lileath's boobs on his ronery staff. To represent Teclis on the tabletop, at his current point in lore development his own mini and 8th edition stats do nicely. For a campaign where rules can be improvised, a Loremaster Teclis who has just returned home to Ulthuan after his travels is best represented by his 7th edition overpowered stats. For a pre-Loremaster Teclis, use very low base stats and equip him as a Loremaster of Hoeth generic hero while using a heavily modified mini (an archer makes a great base for this).
Alarielle The Radiant: The current Everqueen. Her role in society is to be the head elf hippy and just be a pinup who conducts fertility rituals and the like (which is really important since it keeps elf birth rates up), however due to her insistence at being present in battles where the fate of the world hangs in the balance the courts of Ulthuan are beginning to gossip that she might be a butch (despite this, everyone around her gets a hard on for good and figures GOD IS WITH US in her presence). Since her year with Finubar is up and she had a daughter, Aliathra, by him she's now toting around Tyrion like a puppy on a leash. The Everqueen's court in Avelorn is much different from the rest of Ulthuan, being a much more Wood Elf themed vibe combined with a drop of Tolkien elf mixed in (Games Workshop can't into subtlety, Everqueen's court is an 'R' rated Rivendell that changes location in the forest periodically). At first it's hard to see the difference between this and the Cult of Pleasure, but the main difference is that the casualty rate from lovemaking is 0% in Avelorn, people bathe in exotic oils and magical water instead of virgin blood and Daemonette semen, teasing is defined by making catty remarks at group poetry readings instead of cutting away the skin over a lover/cousin's ribs at a public execution (one on every corner!), and everybody involved in the activities is pretty okay with it and respects everybody else involved as an individual. For a summary on the Everqueen's personality, picture Snow White who has a bonus Avatar State like from that one cartoon about a monk kid saving the world that /co/ faps over and rages over between fap sessions (what was it called again? Oh yeah, Batman: The Animated Series). She is so pure and Noblebright (honest to god noblebrightness in a Warhammer setting? It's more likely than you think!) she kills Greater Daemon's by just asking them to go away please (and thank you!). In one of the novels, Slaanesh's champion (before Sigvald) devastates western Ulthuan and because Morathi has been cockteasing him for years (literally, his whole reason for wiping out the High Elves is Morathi promised him he can fuck her) he spends most of his time looking for a female elf that's still alive to annihilate with his cock ("desecrate" is the exact word used in the novel for what he needs to do) but because the only way to know an elf's gender is to see their junk, most bleed out before he can get their armor off. As soon as he saw Alarielle he made a mad dash for her only for her to take his hand and forgive him. The bombshell that in Fantasy, life magic (not the kind that comes from Winds of Magic that your Archmage uses, pure life magic that comes from nature) is stronger than Chaos and consumes it is dropped. She forgives him so hard, all Slaanesh's gifts are dispelled. Slaanesh began pouring all his energy straight into the champion, and the moment the Everqueen let go of him he mutated into a Chaos Spawn that was then hacked apart by generic heroes as she entered into a Disney musical number and strolled away. She had a model in the previous editions, but her stats were horrible and she was unusable. She was later removed, but now in 8th she's back. Her old model is decent, but really her new one is the one you should be using on the tabletop. Save the old one for her daughter.
Finubar: The current Phoenix King. Finubar is the modern day Caradryel, making all those silly "common sense" decisions that need to be made (my, what a fantastic age we live in). He doesn't really stand out much compared to the Phoenix Kings of the past, only being present in battles when shit hits the fan and primarily just keeping the High Elves alive through the most fucked up age since Aenarion's. However, there's no shortage of heroes in his era to make up for his behind the scenes work, why even the Everqueen shows up on the battlefield every so often to put the fear of mortals into Chaos. Finubar is know to be fairly likeable to those who know him, in particular the Dwarf King Thorgrim Grudgbearer has begun to consider trusting the High Elves again thanks to Finubar's politics. Tyrion was a childhood friend of his, as was Eltharion and Imrik. Korhil and him have a bromance (or possibly gay relationship, who knows) going on beyond the "bodyguard/king" relationship and Korhil regularly advises him on courses of action to take when Tyrion isn't around to point at the enemy and get behind something to avoid catching splatter from the ensuing carnage. The current Phoenix King doesn't get a model because Tyrion makes him kinda redundant since he's more on Korhil's level of power, and having the king as a hero choice ain't right. To use him on the tabletop, put one of the elves who comes with the Dragon kit on the legs of a Seamaster or else use a similar custom job that sets him drastically apart from everyone else (hard to beat "biggest helmet" as a means of making him special). Stat him as a Seamaster, Tyrion, or a pimped out Prince. He used to have a griffon, then a dragon, but the canonicity of either is dubious at this stage.
Eltharion The Grim:Elatharion is a fucking badass blind swordsman who lost his eyes after raiding NaggorothDERP RETCON! Ahem. Eltharion is a solid fighting Lord that saw some shit and hasn't been the same since. If you like to roleplay as you play, a Christian Bale Batman voice is mandatory for Eltharion (Say it with me. "WHERE'S GROM?!?"). After Tyrion, Eltharion has the best reputation out of anyone amongst the High Elves for badassery. He lead the first successful invasion of Naggarond and dealt the kinds of casualties to the Dark Elves they usually do to the Asur. He was elected to be the High Prince of Yvresse, and almost immediately the most devastating WAAAGH! to ever reach elfkind made landfall in Yvressian lands. Grom the Paunch of the Misty Mountain lead an army and attempted to destroy every Waystone in his path. Tor Yvresse fell, and it took every man that the Yvressians could muster to retake the city. Alone, Eltharion marched to confront the leader of the evil goblin shamans. It's spell backfired, killing it. Whatever Eltharion saw caused him to turn from Tyrion's always laughing best friend into a paranoid and humorless warrior. The Orcs and Goblins fled with more fear than they'd ever known, and after realizing he was suddenly alone Grom himself had to waddle into the waves and catch some driftwood to ride on. After the battle, the armies of the Phoenix King finally arrived to support Yvresse, and Eltharion simply told them to return home. From that point onwards he has never relied on aid from another High Elf kingdom and has only sent the minimal when asked by another. He first set about securing the land, sending out patrols to eliminate Orcs as they sprouted from the earth and ensuring that no remaining taint remained. He then secured the aid of a powerful Archmage, Loremaster Belannaer (known for his astrological divination) to mend the Waystones destroyed by Grom as well as toughen the magical defenses of the land. His home secured and the city rebuilt, Eltharion came to realize that most of the population of his already densely populated home had perished at the hands of the greenskins. He set out for Cothique to secure passage to the Old World, and with his most disciplined and trusted men went forth to either destroy the Orc and Goblin races or else cause them to fear elves forever more. Orc WAAAGH!s that had gone for thousands of years against the Dwarfs were wiped out within a single year from behind, fortresses with greenskin populations capable of wiping out mankind to the last were destroyed forever, and where he went peace was known. But it got to the point not even days would go by before Orcs would appear from nowhere and attack his small elite army. After questioning a Warboss, he learned that the Orcs had come to believe that "Pointy-'eads give 'em a proper fight." and the greenskin hordes from the world over were traveling to his current locations. He returned to Tor Yvresse, determined to make a fortress of the city that could withstand an assault from the best the greenskins could throw at the Asur and finish their race off once and for all in the aftermath.
Prince Imrik: Current High Prince of Caledor, rides a dragon named Minaithnir. He knows shit about and from dragons (who were the first created race and know shit even the Titans didn't) since he's good at keeping secrets and knows their languages. Like all Caledorians he's a pompous asshole among pompous assholes, but he's somewhat bro tier aside from that and had the common sense to realize that if Caledorians never get involved in battles, they'll have no battles to brag about and thus has begun sending them to do things they'd never even CONSIDER doing like patrols and fighting raiding parties. Also the dragons have told him that the FINAL BATTLE for the world is approaching, and either way the race of dragons will go extinct in it so Imrik is bound and determined to ensure the High Elves are worthy to fight alongside them. Minaithnir is one of the highest ranking (living) dragons, and thus commands authority. Apparently what it takes to awaken the dragons from sleeping is to sing dragon songs (simply knowing OF them can incinerate you), all of which detail epic battles that happened or will happen, and singing them for days and weeks without moving for sleep or nourishment. On top of that, the songs drain your body of it's life so your soul kind of becomes a warm breeze flowing into their nostrils and earholes. You've gotta just keep singing and hoping that the dragons will hear you in their dream hivemind, AND give a fuck. Imrik does this shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Notable accomplishments include saving Bretonnia and acting like a douche about it to them and beating the shit out of Malekith while Minaithnir beat the shit out of Malekith's bitch tier dragon. Although Imrik has an expensive mini, he's really just a proxy with a model for whatever Prince on Dragon you choose to use him as.
Alith Anar The Shadow King: After the big civil war and the Dark Elves left Ulthuan for Naggaroth, the remaining nobles elected Alith Anar as the successor to Malekith as leader of Nagarythe. Dude immediately went to the Phoenix Court and met Tethlis. Despite everyone blaming every elf from Nagarythe and considering wiping out the whole region, Tethlis and Alith Anar saw they were soulmates (*FWIP* TABLOID RUMORS!) two of the same kind. Alith's entire family had stayed loyal to Ulthuan and were wiped out by Malekith's forces personally with Alith Anar as the only survivor. Tethlis declared Alith Anar to be the legit Prince of Nagarythe, and with that approval Alith went to lead the French Resistance against the Dark Elves. Ever seen Saw? That's the kind of shit he did to EVERY Dark Elf he found, racking up a body count of thousands in a few years PERSONALLY. Hell, back then there were still some who were just fucking stupid and thought Malekith really was the legit Phoenix King. There's a reason there aren't any of those Dark Elves left. That reason is: Alith Anar. As soon as Ulthuan was reclaimed, Alith Anar lead the Shadow Warriors (the best of the best amongst the Nagarythe, who are ALWAYS on the offensive and yet also always there to support Ulthuan defenders, whether anyone knows they're there or not) straight to Naggaroth where they prowled city streets looking for pedo elves prowling the streets. The only Dark Elves they spared were the infants, who they took home to raise as Nagarythe (sounds fucked up, but Dark Elves started that practice. Hell, it's just rescuing kidnapping victims. Think the Space Marines would induct infants found amongst Cultists into the Space Marines? Didn't think so). Think this sounds badass so far? How about this: from the time of Tethlis through the current era, Alith Anar has been doing the same exact thing. No elves don't live that long, nobody knows how he's doing it. Maybe it's a mantle passed on from father to son (and manly daughters (but all elves are female? (*FWIP* THAT'S SLAANESHI TALK!)). Maybe his hate is somehow magically keeping him alive? Maybe he swore an oath to Khaine so he wouldn't die until Malekith is dead? Some Shadow Warriors believe he really is dead, and that he just sleeps in his tomb when he's not leading them wordlessly against Dark Elves (Alith Anar is a vampire? FUCK YEAH, VAMPIRE COUNTS FIGHTING IN AN EXTRA RANK!). Who knows. But what we DO know is that this one time, Alith Anar disguised himself as a Dark Elf, snuck into a fancy Dark Elf orgy where he danced with Morathi (and fucked her), stole the Stone of Midnight (which was originally given to Morathi by Aenarion as a wedding present) as well as Malekith's original "High Prince(cess)" crown in order to legitimize himself as the Shadow King of Nagarythe. He spent time fucking with Morathi's best assassins and leading them in circles, and finally tricked them into drinking blood in which he'd mixed a very powerful poison. That shit was so badass that Lileath broke her father's biggest law and descended down from the peaks of the Annulii to personally give Alith Anar a bow she made herself (and to smell his hair). Although Dark Elves like to talk a lot of shit, they won't even say Alith Anar's name out of fear he can hear them and will appear to buttfuck them and eat their souls (these are the same elves who summon Daemonettes to do their hair in the morning). Malekith has a prophesy that he fully believes in that only a Dark Elf male sorcerer will kill him (which is why Dark Elf males aren't allowed to learn magic) but he's STILL afraid of Alith Anar. There is only one way to field Alith Anar: like a boss. Use any model of him you like, they're all the same basically and they're all glorious. Sadly none of them look like that pic of him holding a severed head in the book.
Korhil: Korhil in one word: bro. Korhil likes to get drunk, values the friendship of anyone who Finubar says is okay, he goes hunting to kill things that need to be killed instead of just to make everything think his penis is bigger than it is (like the lion pelt on his shoulder, giant rampaging lion that nobody could beat. Korhil just shrugged and took care of business), and on top of it all is so fucking huge and muscular that he makes AHHNOLD look like Micheal Cerra on atkins. Korhil fights ANYWHERE he's needed, seeing him pop up anywhere in the world alongside one of the Order aligned armies isn't too surprising. He's the head of the White Lions of Chrace (as much as any one person is in charge anyway), and the personal bodyguard of the Phoenix King and the Everqueen (the latter service is usually left to her Maiden Guard, but the White Lions serve in both capacities). He's so nice, he even helps the whole unit he's placed in cross the forest (remember kids, look both ways before crossing a glade. Sometimes Steam Tanks have trouble seeing you. Always make sure someone over 2000 years old is around when you play, and never trust strangers that smell like bacon). He dual wields giant axes the size of his body, one is magical and glow-ey and he pulls this off without looking weaboo. Overall, no matter what kind of High Elf army you're running you aren't really breaking theme to include Korhil. Korhil has had several different models over the years, and all are pretty decent. If you're running a special army that would include a young Korhil, no special mini is needed. Just equip a giant axe (not both, one was awarded to him upon becoming head of the White Lions) on any old elf (that doesn't have a lion pelt) and stat him as a White Lion, or a Swordmaster even.
Caradryan: When he was a teenager, there was no bigger asshole to be found anywhere. The perfect bully, he started rumors about men who had grown to old age that destroyed their hard lived lives. He seduced noble ladies, and waved around their panties like trophies in front of their parents. He was the ultimate fratboy dick. Like all noblemen of the elves he took his pilgrimage to the Shrine of Asuryan, and brought his friends along with him. To impress them, he thought it would be a good idea to sneak into the secret hidden chamber of the Shrine called the Chamber of Days where Asuryan's grand plan for the High Elves is (cryptically) laid out. When he came out, he walked right past them without giving them a single high five, stood before the captain of the Phoenix Guard of the time, swore an oath to Asuryan on the spot and hasn't said a word since. Since then he's spent most of his time in that room, interpreting the words of Asuryan and realizing that not everything is set in stone (rather that many things are self-fulfilling prophesies, some of which can be willingly changed by the Phoenix Guard captains). Some thought that he was preparing to go against the word of Asuryan and commit a grave heresy, until the day that the runic name of Asuryan appeared in fire on his forehead marking him as the closest mortal to his god emperor (take that Gill-man!). One day his previous captain received a vision from Asuryan that Caradryan was to be his next mortal champion, and the Phoenix Blade was passed to him. Caradryan has lead the Phoenix Guard to the most battles they have ever seen in the current age. Whether this is because of the command of Asuryan, or him filling in the gaps of his god emperor's plans with small victories is unknown to any but him. Like all Phoenix Guard he knows the exact moment he will die and how and is thus unafraid of anything. What is known only to himself is that Asuryan has blessed him with words of power hich he will croak out with his death rattle, words that will change the world forever for the better of the Asur when the time is right.
Sea Lord Aislinn: As prideful as a non-Caledorian can be, Sea Lord Aislinn was the Prince in command of the naval forces of Lothern when the first non-Norseman pirate found his way to Ulthuan. Otto Steinroth, the Red Pirate of Marienburg, destroyed the city of Sardenath and took captives as slaves to be sold to unmentionable forces (take elf slave, wut do?). Aislinn's forces arrived too late. This was...unacceptable. Although Otto didn't know it as he sailed home, he was surrounded by the entire fleet of Lothern which Aislinn brought to ensure that humans knew what happens when you fuck with the High Elves. As soon as Otto's ship was docked Aislinn invaded the city. The Mages of his fleet sent a deadly mist through the city that blinded the humans, and sent Bolt Thrower bolts into every ship in the harbor other than the pirate ship, destroying each of them. The Lothern Seaguard disembarked and slaughtered the defenders (both confused city guard and pirate alike) to the last, and Aislinn personally lead his guard to kill the pirates onboard their ship. They then casually reclaimed all that was stolen, and sent forth a call for all the High Elves of the city (all of whom were VERY pissed about the fact their goods and warehouses had to be simply left behind (the contents of which, although capable of rebuilding the city's fleet, wound up in the hands of the ancestors to the current ogliarchs leading to the current state of Marienburg directly)). As one last "fuck you" to mankind, Aislinn told his mages to cast Fiery Convocation on the harbor, destroying it and most of the warehouses. He returned to the court of Lothern having single handedly pissed off every one of the other nobles of the court, cheerfully said good morning to everyone, then about-faced and went back to his ship to set sail for the Frozen Wastes to burn down some Warrior of Chaos villages. By this point, he was the single least popular noble among the High Elves. Except for the fact that Finubar realized this guy reminded him a lot of another dude he knew, except without the giant sword and the queen draping off one he appointed Aislinn to the rank of Sea Lord, the admiral in command of the High Elf navy. Ten years later, he sent a captain named Ethelis the White to lead a small fleet to head off Norscans who had traveled to Marienburg to destroy it. The Marienburgers promptly forgot about that past bad business, and High Elf merchants returned to the city to trade with the Empire. Sixty years later he was ambushed while on patrol by the Druchii named Lokhir Fellheart, who mortally wounded him and dumped him into the ocean to drown. Mathlann, the High Elf god of the seas, personally rescued him and healed his wounds leaving not even a scar, then sent him to wash up in his homeland of Eataine. A century and a half later Malekith personally invaded Lothern and wiped out the Lothern fleet. Aislinn himself defended his ship against no less than five Dark Elf boarding parties, sending their ships to the bottom of the sea when a giant Kraken swallowed his ship whole. Once again, a year after the battle, he washed back up on shore with no injures and no memory of what had happened. Now believed to be the mortal champion of Mathlann, he leads the rebuilt fleet of the Asur against Druchii, sea monsters, vikings, and anyone else near the sea who pisses him off. Sea Lord Aislinn has no model, and no special rules. But if you field a Lothern Seaguard army, he's going to be one of your Lothern Sea Helms.
Princess Eldyra: So once upon a time, Dark Elves retook the Shadowlands for the thousandth fucking time and the powdered wig elves at Finubar's court thought the "defend the homeland" fund was better spent on snuff and petticoats. So Finubar promptly called Tyrion, who responded with an elf WAAAGH to fuck some Druchii. Battle didn't go well, Druchii had bunkered down for the counterattack and most of the army failed their break test on turn 2 and ran. Except a guy called Eldyr, who was Tyrion's buddy. Eldyr and his men held firm and allowed everyone to regroup (and Tyrion to climb his way out of a pile of Dark Elf corpses) but his chariot was smashed and DE Executioners cut him to pieces, then Tyrion turned around and did the same to them. An assassin was about to kill Tyrion while he was once again buried in bodies but then Everqueen, who had been schlicking behind a tree, shot the coward with an arrow and disappeared again. Not long after, Eldyr's daughter Eldyra got her first pube and took up daddy's sword. She walked straight to Finubar's court and presented herself as her father's replacement. Finubar wasn't there, having buried himself in either the Everqueen's used panties or Korhil (it was actually Dwarf porn, Malekith's old collection). The nobility of the court told her she was a snot-nosed pizza-faced teenager who smelled like fish, and she ran from the court crying. Tyrion heard about the event and went to fix things. He swore to her she WOULD be her father's equal, and lead her back to the assembled court (that he hadn't been to in centuries) where he introduced her as his squire. Since nobody wanted to be challenged to a duel then promptly impaled at the end of Sunfang, they clapped politely. Yeahs later, after she'd been taught everything of value Tyrion knows (brooding, sexing up royalty, cleaving through hordes like a chainsword through Tau noncombatants, how to motorboat the Everqueen, and generally getting shit done) she became a general ranked just under Tyrion himself. Around the same time, Prince Sigvald (the champion of Slaanesh) decided that since High Elves have prettier hair than him, they needed to be wiped out (that's not a joke. That is literally his motivation for the attack). Eldyra sniped his Chaos Warriors assembly, raided them, poisoned them, killed their horses, used magic to hide every settlement in their path, and alltogether made the genocide run into a march through the DMZ. Sigvald wound up having to play Ork and kill his subordinates to keep them from killing each other, and in the middle of a duel with one of their best Eldyra attacked. After a flawless victory from the High Elves, Sigvald finally beat his opponent and just wandered away deciding to attack Bretonnia instead. Since then she's made her lord Tyrion proud securing victory after victory over the lesser races. Eldyra is, simply put, another named option for a generic hero in your army. Slap some boobs on it, it's Eldyra. Best used as a Noble if she's still a squire, a Prince if she's proven herself, and in the current era she should be the General of your army. Hell, use her as a stand-in for Tyrion if you like.
Aliathra: The daughter of Phoenix King Finubar and Alarielle the Radiant. One day she is set to take over as Everqueen and preside over the commune in Avelorn while praying to Isha on behalf of the High Elf race and otherwise just inspiring women to forget that prior to Aenarion, they ruled the High Elf race and men took the backseat. Her first major act in the fluff was to head to meet with the Dwarfs (who she is very popular with apparently, to the point they don't even think of her as an elf!) to speak of peace on behalf of her parents. Mannfred von Carstein figured she'd make a GREAT Frank Frazetta style sacrifice and manipulated Kemmler and some Orcs into blitzing the Elves and Dwarfs. They slaughtered everyone and carried her off, leading to the Elves and Dwarfs blaming each other and threatening war. Apparently Alarielle can sense if her daughter is alive or not (which sort of makes sense, since Alarielle's soul will one day inhabit her daughter's body) and told her past and present flings, Finubar and Tyrion, to save her babby. Finubar went to make peace with the Dwarfs (possibly leading to a plot development in the Dwarfs book when it comes out) while Tyrion gathered an army and went to kill the fuck out of things like he always does. Current plot has Tyrion riding towards a MASSIVE fucking undead force with the unconscious Aliathra in the saddle behind him. She may be a vampire at this point (although the Everqueen would probably know if that was the case since vampires detect as "dead" magically in Warhammer), or be a Bloodswain (which means she'll crave Mannfred's fangs and cock until he's killed or banished). If you want to field the Everqueen in your army but want your list to be a bit more low profile and free for non-Avelorn options, taking a different mini and calling it Aliathra is a great alternative. If you're lucky enough to have the old Everqueen mini that works fine, otherwise greenstuffing some small boobs onto something else works fine too. There's no canon appearance for Aliathra, so anything goes based on how you imagine her to look like.
Generic Characters
Princes: Princes represent the highest ranking of the nobility of Ulthuan. Some are government officials or even the leaders of the kingdoms, some are badass heroes known for getting shit done, some are military commanders, some are just Nobles who bought a fuckton of magic crap and intend to get a medal so they can elevate themselves in society. Whatever their backstory, they're the finest amongst the elves who can fight in melee.
Archmage: A spellcaster of great renown amongst the High Elves. Most Archmages come from Saphery or have a home in Saphery. Invariably every Archmage has spent time at the Tower of Hoeth. While there's some indication that there's an official way to become an "Archmage" or that it is a title awarded by somebody (likely the High Loremaster of Hoeth), it's unknown presently. For now just assume they're Mages who you could probably recall the name and lore of choice of with an average difficulty Knowledge: High Elves skill check.
Anointed of Asuryan: Not much fluff to go with these guys, other than they're badasses amongst the Phoenix Guard. Interestingly, despite the fact that Caradryan is the personally hand selected champion of Asuryan he is a Hero choice while these guys who are likely in his inner circle are Lords. Chock it up to the fact that Caradryan is a bro who's a lot more likely to show up and lend aid than a redshirt officer perhaps?
Loremaster of Hoeth: While Archmages have specialized in a specific lore, these guys want to learn everything. They know a good amount of knowledge about each lore (fluff has them knowing more than the tabletop, where they only know the single most important spell that all casters in that lore should know) in addition to the art of war as described in billions of fucking scrolls penned by elven generals over the years, as well as the kind of martial arts badassery that makes House of Flying Daggers look like House of Plastic Forks. Loremasters primarily focus their energies on the Tower of Hoeth itself, training new Mages and defragging the magic computers there. They also wander Ulthuan (with Swordmasters accompanying them of course) to reinforce the magic of the land, to root out Dark Elves and those tempted by Chaos, or to offer the kind of sagely advice that only a High Elf Monk/Bard can to whoever will listen.
Noble: Not much to say, they're bluebloods amongst the elves but in your army are probably the bitch to whatever Lord choices you've made, just carrying their flag and looking pretty.
Mage: It's a High Elf spellcaster. Has more magic in his toenails than Empire wizards can even call upon when TRYING to miscast, but on the tabletop he's just a spellcaster. That being said, it's the upgrades that make the elf caster more than that. Also worth noting how the boon from Asur spellcasters "Lileath's Blessing" that grants a bonus to the Lore of High Magic has the subtext that the more elf casters you have in one place the more the gods are paying attention and lending support.
Dragon Mage of Caledor: So while most dragons hibernate and prepare themselves for the final battle where their race will be wiped out and the coin that decides if Chaos can be truly beaten or it Warhammer Fantasy becomes just another section of the Warp will be flipped, there are dragons with ADD or headbutted the egg too many times while hatching and are a little too wound up to care about that. Said dragons cannot be counted on to not do a barrel roll because some smartass Beastman shouts to and drop their rider straight onto the cock of a Minotaur, so as a result it's only the elves with ADHD and are more likely to blow themselves up than actually do something useful that are put on them. Of course, such elves invariably come from Caledor *SLASH* SLANDER FROM THE MOUTH OF A LOWBORN FROM ONE OF THE UPSTART KINGDOMS! In 7th edition, these were a gamble worthy of the Skaven but with 8th they now can take magical equipment, and are cheap for what they can do making them a very nice option. If this is reflected in the fluff, it's due to the Dragon Mages who survived being essentially a nuke with a flamethrower on top for so long that enough blunt force trauma from ranged attacks to the head rendered the dragon and the rider to be of average intelligence, and thus worthy of riding the regular sized ships to battle instead of the short ship with the Ellyrians *Crunch* HOW'S THE VIEW FROM UNDER MY SWEET MOUNT, MON'KEIGH?
Lothern Seahelm: These guys are the commanders of Lothern's forces, and represent everything from the captain of a single ship all the way through the Prince of Eataine (and thus Lothern) himself, Sea Lord Aislinn. However if you field one, you can fluff it as the naval forces of whatever kingdom you're fielding, as a Cothique escort from the ship that brought your army to wherever it is away from home, or just proxy another kind of elf in it's place if you aren't into naval themes at all since really all they represent is a Hero level elf with a spear and shield who can take a bow and shouts commands at his underlings who obey without question (note that no BLAMMING is required to get this to happen, once more proving the superiority of the Asur to the mon'keigh (and Eldar)).
Handmaiden of the Everqueen: She's the top ranking member of the Sisters of Avelorn. She doesn't get a name because the Maiden Guard are rotated out, and thus this is a post currently held by someone who is the best of the current crop rather than a named character who is the Handmaiden of the Everqueen year after year. Korhil is to Finubar what the Handmaiden is to Alarielle (although without the homosexual undertones) *FWIP* THE QUEEN MAY DO AS SHE PLEASES, ALL LOVE IS NATURAL AND WELCOME IN AVELORN!
Archers: All elves of Ulthuan from butlers and maids to farmers and musicians all the way through the highest of the high high society high elves (who are sometimes high) serve in the military in some capacity, and draft cards drop on a dime when Finubar gets the chills. If they're terrible and can't afford to buy enough magic shit to pretend to be a Noble , they usually end up as a nameless faceless bowelf. While in the service of the Ulthuan army, all previous allegiances (like from said butler to the gentlemen who's manor he serves in) are expected to be left at home. They still cloth themselves in the colors of the kingdom they hail from, or the post they're assigned to, or the commander they serve under, but white is the standard color of all High Elves and usually on the uniform somewhere (with blue, red, or both to accompany it). The best archers are put into elite archer divisions and given light armor to wear (as opposed to just their uniform/red shirt), otherwise once they've seen enough action from afar or been trained enough that they can be trusted to be a bit more disciplined in the face of death, they graduate to be Spearmen.
Spearmen: Mostly archers who have earned the right to be armed with full armor and weapons, or guys with really shitty aim who have finished their time fetching the REAL archers water and more arrows. While you're looking at the acceptably competent chumps of the High Elves here, each of these fuckers has spent several hundred years (about 1-5 years or so in mon'keigh years) in mandatory military service Israeli-style. The fruitiest among them can still out tactic, out nerve, and out discipline any other army's middle to high grade troops (fluffwise).
Lothern Seaguard: Final tier of the red shirt elves, these guys (fluffwise only) are masters with bows, spears, and shields (compared to the ALMOST mastery the spearelves and bowelves have apparently). They hit the beach USMC style, and pave the way for all other elf forces on the attack. While the minis are called "Lothern Seaguard", any coastal force would have a Seaguard equivalent (although not in the numbers Lothern and Cothique do). Elfmarines are also the best disciplined troops among the elves (but since everyone is Ld 8 anyway, mon'keigh like you don't notice a difference). Since elfmarines are expected to get up and close into the action, they don't bother with longbows and instead rely on the idea that anything outside arms distance deserves more arrows in it, and anything too far to shoot is the spearelf's problem. "From the halls of Thorgrim Grudgbearer, to the shores of Lustria..."
Silver Helms: Welp, the nobility needed a purging anyway. These fuckers are rich enough to own well bred horses and full armor, and when the call of war came simply organized the boy's club hunt this year to, instead of for foxes and magical flying lions and the other standard Ulthuan game, to be for whatever race is currently the enemy. Silver Helms are about as proud as a High Elf can be without being a dick to other High Elves as well. Most of the common folk look at them as the best of the best that the high Elf race can offer, most of the popular elven fictional stories and poems depict Silver Helms as the heroes who slay Daemons and rescue princesses. Most of all that you need to know is that these guys make the Bretonnian knights look humble. The High Elf race is the center of their worship instead of a "mysterious magical woman with mysterious magical fluid from a mysterious magical cup" (*ahem* Wood Elf drug dealers *cough*), and they actually believe they've already won in any given conflict they're involved in. Any kill made on the battlefield that isn't a Silver Helm kill will end up with these fuckers complaining about kill stealing at the end.
Ellyrian Reavers: While Silver Helms are the preppies of the cavalry, the Ellyrian Reavers are the Boyscouts. Elves are notorious for being bros with horses, and Ellyrians more so than anyone. These bastards just LOOK at a horse and know it's "inner name" and whatever it's feeling and shit like being born in Ellyrion makes you a horse-whisperer. These guys spent more time outside than inside as children in dangerous forests, their houses and apartments and manors are designed to let more of the outside in that keep it out and as a result Reaver Knights make Eagle Scout Boyscouts look like germophobic city slickers. They can live off the land wherever you put them, and with absolute fearlessness go on hit and run attacks that can wipe out entire armies before they even taste melee (once again, fluff only. But if you field Reavers, imagine that the army your opponent puts on the table is a quarter of what he started with when the Reavers met him and you're just dealing the finishing blow now). Unlike most troop types where the musician and standard bearer are better trained or veterans, Ellyrian Reavers derive that status purely as a matter of "who got the most kills last battle?" and the champion is the one who is personally favored by the elf god Kurnous currently.
White Lions of Chrace: A long time ago, when Caledor the 1st was first told by telegram that he won the popular vote and the recount was expected to come in his favor, he was in the middle of a hunt. He immediately set out for the Temple of Asuryan to walk into the magic fire and be crowned King. Suddenly, a Dark Elf street gang showed up and since Caledor didn't know the right gang signs to flash, they moved in for the kill. Apparently the Chracians, who are like the elf version of hill folk, don't like Darkies in their neck of the woods because they moved in with woodcutting axes and skullfucked the assassins. They followed Caledor all the way back to the pyramid to be crowned, and Caledor immediately established them as an order of High Elf bodyguards. So now that the hillfolk were crowned CIA operatives and given a license to kill, they wandered around the kingdom protecting anyone rich and pale enough to warrant armed escort. Many of the White Lions are descendants of those original woodcutting elves who are still carrying around their logging tools as magical weapons that never need sharpening. Others are just Spearelves who have gotten enough XP to advance, and chose "White Lion" prestige class instead of going into the "Lothern Seaguard" multiclass. Either way, the trial of becoming one of their order is to travel to Chrace and kill a white lion, who's pelt they'll continue to wear for the rest of their lives. That may seem cruel, but apparently white lions aren't an endangered species. To the contrary, they breed far faster than elves do and when there's enough of them they raid villages (even animals think they can fuck with High Elves), so it's an actual legitimate concern to keep their numbers down. The white lions pelts they wear grant them a good resistance to shooting damage, and look snazzy. White Lions don't really have a set pecking order, instead they kind of wander Ulthuan killing monsters and bolstering any local armies that they find need some balls to go with their spears. As such, like that sexy beast Korhil, the White Lions can be found in a fluff-friendly way among any kingdom's armies (which is great, because they're a nice addition to all non-full cavalry High Elf lists). Usually they don the livery of whoever they're currently protecting (so if they were protecting the Everqueen green with red hearts or if following Finubar then white with red dragons coming out of blue water). Otherwise, they stick with red and white themes.
Lion Chariot of Chrace: Sometimes White Lions of Chrace find cubs who's mother they killed. Instead of letting them go back to the wilderness, they spay/neuter them and hitch them up to chariots. Not much to say other than that, except that they can be found anywhere White Lions of Chrace go and that you DON'T want one of these on top of you.
Swordmasters of Hoeth: Trained for hundreds of years, memorizing thousands of different combat routines and maneuvers, being sent against monsters born straight from Chaos itself. Wielding giant blades, balanced to everything from their height, shoe size, genital size (isn't that the same?), finger lengths, hair length, eyelash weight, and so forth so that they are able to swing something that weighs hundreds of pounds like it's as light as a twig, the force going straight into the swing. Not even the priests of Vaul make greatswords as fine as those forged beneath the Tower of Hoeth. Oh yeah, they can also deflect arrows so if you want to field jedi knights, you field Swordmasters of Hoeth. Swordmasters have three main jobs. The first, guard the Tower of Hoeth and continue to train and be badasses. Job number two is escorting Mages and Sapherian nobles as bodyguards. Final job: CIA/FBI. They maintain the intelligence offices of the High Elves in the Tower of Hoeth, and root out Dark Elf spies, the Cult of Pleasure, and anyone else that can be considered a terrorist in the eyes of the Phoenix King. Whenever the Phoenix King sends his forces, in defense of a kingdom or to attack a foe, the Swordmasters of Hoeth send detachments along to collect intelligence on the foe and the battle for Hoeth to further refine their documentation of military strategies, and of course to let off some pent up steam by obliterating 100+ hordes of Clanrats in two turns.
Shadow Warriors: While the civil war of the High Elves/Dark Elves was brutal, the Nagarythe who stayed loyal to the Asur suffered the most. Forced out of cities, with entire lineages destroyed or turned traitor, the survivors resorted to hit and run tactics to continue the fight. They swore oaths to their gods that the traitors would be wiped out to the last, oaths that certain gods (okay, mostly just Khaine) hold them to. It's possible that the first Dark Elves might have destroyed the High Elves had any Dark Elf force not at least a hundred strong or more that left the safety of a city been slain before the first fork in the road, their bodies hung (sans internal organs and eyes, with their genitals sewn into their mouths and lives snakes sealed in their bellies) from the trees outside the cities they sallied out from. When Dark Elves invade Ulthuan, they are never not being picked off by Shadow Warriors from all sides including above and below. When there are no Dark Elves on Ulthuan to fight, the land of Naggaroth becomes even more dangerous as huge bands of impossible to find killers poison water supplies, kill livestock and mounts, destroy fields of food, and assassinate important figures. Also steal babies to raise as their own, they do that shit too. Shadow Warriors aren't forces you give orders to, you can send a request for assistance from Nagarythe and receive nothing but after the battle find more dead enemies with black arrows that twisted through the body of the corpse than those fired by your Archers of Sisters of Avelorn.
Phoenix Guard: In the Chamber of Days is the name of every elf who will ever become a Phoenix Guard. Underneath the name is the events that lead up to their decision to become one, and after that is everything they'll do, and finally when and where and how they'll die, then a little blurb about what'll happen to their soul. If the entry says "assraped and soul eaten by a Keeper of Secrets while waiting for reinforcements" they grimly come to grips with this and fulfill their duty with absolutely no fear, just dedication to Asuryan and loyalty to their race through him. Every Phoenix Guard memorizes this wall of text about themselves. As for what usually leads an elf to become one...having a sad. Girlfriend break up with you? Join the Phoenix Guard. Mom die? Join the Phoenix Guard. Attempt to betray your brother, marry his fiance, find out he's alive and batshit insane almost causing the deaths of Teclis and the Everqueen against his will via Dark Elf mindfucking, confront him and have him shrug and go "you ain't worth it", rekindle a friendship with him, watch your wife fall for him all over again, survive an almost apocalyptic battle only to hear they sacrificed themselves into a fate worse than death because they knew at least they'd always be together? Caradryan shows up at your door holding your armor already fitted to you (spoilers on that last sentence by the way). They fight with magic granted directly by Asuryan, magic that burns enemies who dare touch them and absorbs the blow from anything all the way up to the force of rushing liquid Slaanesh's biggest orgasm itself. Phoenix Guard aren't a force you ask for, they simply show up. When they do you know you're in for a fucking assreaming, and just because they show up doesn't mean you'll win either. Could be that they're there to buy time for the force that will REALLY beat the enemy to assemble. Or they just showed up to discourage someone from attacking you, because the reputation of the Phoenix Guard is WORLD RENOWNED. Seriously, it's the PGs and the Archmages and the Sisters of Avelorn that the world thinks about then they think of High Elves as a military force. Only three beings can give orders to the Phoenix Guard, and in order of rank from highest to lowest: Asuryan, the Captain of the Phoenix Guard, and the motherfucking Phoenix King himself. Asuryan himself takes their fear from them, and in combat resolution if they break ranks it is because they were instructed by an entry under their name in the Chamber of Days that they were to do so and they were just waiting for when to do it. When a Phoenix King dies, the Phoenix Guard of the world are present at the battle to whisk his body away for preparation for his funeral. It's worth noting that the Sons of Ellyrion/Defenders of Ulthuan novels have Caradryan and the Phoenix Guard showing up to a massive battle between Finubar and the combined forces of eastern Ulthuan against Malekith and most of the Dark Elf race where he grimly salutes Finubar. After the battle ends without Finubar dying, Caradryan has a massive fucking smile on his face and when asked by Tyrion what the fuck is so damn funny Caradryan gestures to a giant statue of Finubar that was destroyed by Malekith during the fight. The Phoenix Guard then depart. So the Chamber of Days that vague? Does Asuryan intentionally mislead the Phoenix Guard sometimes? Did Caradryan use an excuse of misinterpretation to march and turn the tide of the battle more in the High Elves favor than before, possibly even saving Finubar? Who the fuck knows except Caradryan and Asuryan. Either way, the Phoenix Guard are fucking badasses.
Dragon Princes of Caledor: In the Golden Age and during Aenarion's reign, the Dragon Princes of Caledor were all linked by the bloodline of Caledor and rode dragons like Ellyrians rode horses. But then the magic of the world had to be contained and dragons slept for long periods of time, and Caledor II died without an heir. So now they ride horses, burying their shame at the idea of what their ancestors would think of them beneath 300% pure concentrated dickishness. As far as a Caledorian is concerned, an elf of another kingdom may as well be a human or an orc. The Phoenix King might rank as high as a private, and the Everqueen is pretty to look at (about as pretty as a Caledorian cousin AKA fiance *SLASH* SECOND COUSINS DON'T COUNT YOU UNDEVELOPED SCUM!) but her words have no meaning in Caledor. Only a Caledorian may give an order to a Caledorian, all else is a suggestion that will be considered. Dragon Princes never salute a non-Caledorian, they never offer compliment unless an insult is attached to it, and any supposed "ally" that gets in the way of a unit of Dragon Princes and the most dangerous and therefor worthy challenge on the battlefield is just part of the scenery. Despite all this, they really ARE good at what they do. The common Dragon Prince has armor the likes of which a Lord level Prince of another kingdom would bring to battle, their martial prowess and training is on par with that of a Swordmaster, and while they are the absolutely most unlikeable assnozzles off the battlefield, during a fight they would jump in front of a lowly Spearman from the poorest elven village to save their life. So yeah. High Elven Bretonnians.
Lothern Skycytter: Since Lothern forces are the "elf marines" they needed a chariot that can fight on both land and water, so at some unknown point in the fluff they used magical boat-shaped chariot wagons and make a roc (not a Giant Eagle, although there's absolutely no creativity on GW's part in the model to distinguish the two) pull one in the air. Lothern Sea Helms ride them to shout orders to the army, but aside from ignoring dangerous terrain there's absolutely no bonus to doing this so it's a purely fluffy choice to do. Otherwise, it's a standard chariot which goes in small skirmishing groups on patrols around the shores of Ulthuan, or supporting the ground forces in beach landings (or wherever it's needed really). It can also be outfitted with a small Bolt Thrower, with is awesome. It's not specified in the fluff if the Asur have begun to use them for paratroop deployments, but now that I've mentioned it you are currently envisioning a scenario game where you get to do this D-Day style. Make it happen, you know you want to. It's worth noting the Warhammer 40k model Dark Eldar Raider can be converted and stuck on a chariot base as a nifty looking Skycutter (since the Roc gets an attack, you may want to stick something on it to represent that).
Tiranoc Chariot: Tiranoc Chariots embody the spirit of High Elves from a bygone age. Using ancient and deeply magical works of art made from trees now extinct or else found only in the forests of Avelorn, the riders form into ranks wheel to wheel that stretch as far as the eye can see while sending an endless rain of arrows into the forces of darkness, and instead of crashing into an enemy they ride around them, reforming flawlessly as soon as they are through the enemy lines (which are now considerably smaller, having been lanced clean through for the most part), then turn as one body without a single overturned carriage, and do so again. All the while crews sing battle songs that literally paint a picture of the glory days of the elves through the magic of the land and that found within the spirits of the elves. while the Chracian chariots bring ferocity, the Dragon Princes bring pride, and the Lothern Skycutters bring superior strategy and range, the elves of Tiranoc bring something far different to the battle: art, beauty, and hope.
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower:
Great Eagles:
Flamespyre Phoenix:
Frostheart Phoenix:
Sisters of Avelorn:
Another nice way to customize your armies, and GW uses adding more elfgods both as a way to cheap out and have some more fluff that affects nothing so it's not really an update to the plot of Warhammer, and at the same time differentiate ass-kicking High Elves from those bitch tier losers the Eldar. If you thought High Elf standard runes were complex looking, each god has a very large rune as a name. Each name-rune doubles as a picture of themselves in abstract, as well as a few hidden images (like Lileath being both the devil horned invocation of magic that early High Elf models had, the twin moons, herself seated in an elegant pose, and a few standard High Elf runes mixed throughout). Many of these emblems appear fully on High Elf shields, banners, capes, and any other flat or ripply surface really. Unlike the 40k Eldar gods who mostly god nommed or raped into oblivion by Slaanesh, High Elf gods are quite powerful and can go toe to toe with the Chaos gods. Mostly they spend their time bickering like any pantheon however, or else elevating their champions/favored type of infantry in dick measuring contests of "who's mini got more kills that battle". Also, Khaine is less of a dick to the other gods and the mortals than his 40k equivalent, instead preferring to play it like Khorne and start/watch fights rather than actually participate in them. High Elves worship most of the pantheon, and simply try not to piss off the rest. Wood Elves worship some, and the others they've modified the mythos of to be more Wood Elf-y. Dark Elves entirely ignore the light side of the pantheon, and worship the darkest aspects of the darker gods (who don't seem to care much about the twisting of the myth since the DEs are the only ones actively worshiping them, and someone getting your myths wrong is better than nobody). The humans of Albion worship their own version of a few of the Elf gods as well, and it's possible some masquerade as the gods of the Old World.
Asuryan, the Creator
Vaul, the Maker
Elf Hephaestus. A total badass who challenged Khaine to single combat a long time ago on behalf of Lileath and Kurnous. During the fight he was crippled and his eyes were ripped out, and Khaine chose to spare him and thus make him his servant. Ever since then, his blessing go almost exclusively to weapons and armor of war. He doesn't challenge Khaine again or take his own life because the mortal High Elves need his badassry and gifts to continue surviving and to eventually wipe out the Dark Elves. When forging the Widowmaker for the first time, he asked Draugnir, the first dragon, to provide the heat to make it. But the sword was evil from day one, and it sucked his life away. When the sword was cast into the mortal world, it bound the destinies of dragons and mortal elves together until one race or the other is wiped out.
Isha, the Mother
The goddess of love, life, and mother of the elves. The second most common worship of the pantheon and threw her the High Elves are able to keep their birth rates high enough to make up for losses. Unlikes in 40k she's not caged up by Nurgle so that's cool.
Kurnous, the Hunter
Hoeth, Lord of Wisdom
The god of progress, curiosity, and paperwork. Most of the knowledge known by the good races (reading, writing, gravity, how to sail, and so forth) was granted by Hoeth directly. There's two versions of WHY Hoeth did this. The first, because that's a good thing and he's a nice guy. The second, because knowledge is the stuff of LIBERALS and thus the enemy of conservatives and religious nutcases. To support the second theory is the fact that Asuryan, god of among other things tradition and the right to rule because nobody has ever questioned why he's allowed to rule, torched Hoeth's entire personal library as revenge for it. But since Hoeth had invented magic computers by this point he gave no fucks.
Lileath, the Maiden
Of the Warhammer world's two moons, the one that is NOT made of pure evil chaos crystals is the home to many goddesses (or maybe the same one worshiped by different races). The first of the, the elven one, is Lileath. She personally blesses good-aligned spellcasters. She is the sister of the entire High Elf race, born from Isha and Kurnous. She's associated with innocence, forgiveness, mercy, and all those other not-grimdark things. Those among the High Elves who sin against their own race, or the Shadow Warriors who use underhanded and oftentimes downright evil tactics, rely on her to forgive them on behalf of the entire High Elf pantheon.
Loec, the Shadow Dancer
Mathlann, Lord of the Deeps
Elf Poseidon, except he doesn't rape virgin brides on their wedding night. Mathlann likes creating sea monsters for kicks and creating storms by practicing his belly flop in the middle of the ocean. He's also a god of horses to a small extent, although it's likely because he's Kurnous's buddy rather than him creating them. Most elves think of him as evil and a god you only try to not piss off like Khaine, but Cothique holds him as their patron god above Asuryan and the elves of Lothern think he's a bro. While this is technically HERESY, other elves just bitch and make fun of them instead of FWIPing them.
Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God
Similar his 40k part only not in pieces. There was no prophesy that the Elves would harm him, so that 40k story about him trying to wipe the mortal elves out didn't happen in the Fantasy universe because he had no reason to dislike the mortal elves. The Swords of Vaul story DID happen however, and that final Sword was the Widowmaker which somehow ended up in the mortal world (a lot of Khaine's shit does actually). He's not as outright evil as in 40k, rather he's pretty neutral and the High Elves acknowledge the duality of "evil has to be killed by good, there can be no joy without sorrow, etc" with him. Overall, Khaine is a huge asshole and High Elves acknowledge him as part of the Pantheon but do not worship him (barring a small minority amongst the Nagarythe who are a bit more fucked up than the rest of the lot, which is saying something). High Elves do not insult him however, and still include a depiction of him amongst the High Elf Pantheon. He's not overly fond of ANY of the elf races in the mortal world, but since the Dark Elves revere him instead of big boss Asuryan (Eldar confirmed for Dark Elves, Dark Eldar confirmed for badass Dark Elves *Slash* TRAITOR, DIE IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD ASURYAN AND THE PHOENIX KING!) he grants them boons then sits back with some popcorn and watches the Elves slaughter each other. Some editions imply the Widowmaker being grabbed by Aenarion and thus causing the Dark Elves to happen is his plan come to fruition so there'd always be elves fighting and thus his portfolio would mean something. Other times, he's with the other gods in facepalming when he nabbed it and cursed himself. It's open to interpretation.
Ereth Khial, the Pale Queen
God of the dead. A very powerful goddess who once tried to suck Asuryan's dick while he was passed out on the couch watching Blood Bowl reruns. He woke up banned her from ever entering his house again, which pissed her right the fuck off. But because she can't do anything to him personally, she decided to take it out on mortal elves. While the favored servants of the elf gods dwell in their respective domains, and kings and high nobility live with Asuryan, mortal elves of low class and no renown who would normally dwell on Ulthuan forever are drug by her servants, banshee-like creatures called rephallim, to her hell-like underworld where they are tortured constantly. While sometimes Slaanesh gets to snag an elf soul that dies too far from a waystone and who's patron god wasn't paying attention at the time, he has to compete with Ereth Khial for them. Generally speaking, as an evil god, she's not worshiped. However those elves too afraid of being eaten by Slaanesh and thus ceasing to exist offer her prayers in hopes she'll get them first. Society frowns on this greatly, and there's a stigma that only the truly insane worship her. It's unknown if there's mortals she favors and thus DOESN'T torture but there could be.
Nethu, Keeper of the Last Door
Anath Raema, the Savage Huntress
Morai-Heg, the Crone
Yes, High Elves do grow old. Morai-Heg looks older than any High Elf will likely ever look however. She's essentially the Fates of the Pantheon in one body (and with both eyes). She grants prophesy to the High Elves when other gods ask it, she gets to re-arrange the stars at her will (which is why astrological signs aren't bullshit in Warhammer. Quite the contrary, you really can predict when shit hits the fan if you stargaze and it's all thanks to Morai-Heg). Unlike the other gods, Morai-Heg doesn't have a duality to her. She's full True Neutral. She only does things that benefit her, and every event will benefit her. All beings, both those born and divine, will end up owing her more than they can ever pay by the time they die. She has an army of banshees that she uses as hunting dogs, sniffing out where great deaths will occur and either seeking to prevent them or hasten them as she sees fit (so yeah, that 6 you were hoping to roll or that 1 that lost you the game might be her fault). Ravens are her mortal worshipers more than mortals, as her only shrine is at the Gaen Vale where all female elf gods have representation. As a result, being cruel to a raven really is unlucky especially if you are an archer or gunner. Non-archers call this superstition, but elven archers impart the wisdom of befriending ravens to even the races of the Old World when they can.
Hekarti, Mistress of Magic
Asharti, Lady of Desire
Ladrielle, Lady of Mists
Estreuth, Lord of Hunger
Addaioth, Bringer of Fire
Eldrazor, Lord of Blades
Ellinill, Lord of Destruction
Hukon, the Sunderer
Drakira, Queen of Vengeance
Misc Fluff
High Elves believe in the concept of duality in all things. Their language is built so that every happy word is also sad, every angry word is also friendly, and so on. Makes learning the language a bitch, makes subtleties of speech a lifetime study, and makes it so anyone can misinterpret what you're saying entirely based on their mood (and they know it too). Although in the past they only had a queen, current elves can't accept the idea of a single leader; disagreements are almost encouraged, with the fact there's a dissenting opinion being a comfort (so their political system is like a non-fucked up version of the fucked up politics in the real world (also, when you've fucked up as much as they have in the past it helps to know at least somewhere, someone is right)). Dark Elves usually disregard this aspect of elven culture (Only the Druchii deal in absolutes!) except the smarter ones, who generally think of things in terms of "having fun and alive" and "not having fun and dead". Wood Elves complicate it even further than High Elves, with there being a billion different fucking things to learn about every single word and all their aspects based on the time of day (Good morning on a Monday is a marriage proposal, good morning on Tuesday is a declaration of war, and they'll say it both days knowing full well just because they're crazy like that).
The way elves keep Chaos from destroying the world is by taking the Warp energy (AKA magic) and shooting it back into the Warp since the Warpgates at the poles shoot WAY too much magic into the world (a world that has achieved magic homeostasis apparently can't manifest Daemons). They accomplish this via Waystones, which are white monoliths with inset gems and elf writing of varying sizes from small mountain through tabletop decoration. These channel the winds of magic through specific points like bodies of water all the way through the world into the Annulii and further into the center of Ulthuan. Slann used their magic to help the elves from afar erect them in the first place, but the only one who knows that is Teclis and mages loyal to him since everyone else screams HERESY when he brings it up (not that anyone has the right to purge him unless he shows up for class with a Slaanesh tattoo). Elves protect these at all costs; they've gone to full scale war to prevent Wood Elves from carving their names into them, they've saved all of Bretonnia from Daemons just to protect one (they didn't tell the mon'keigh that of course), and they've established dealings with Tomb Kings in order to erect more in order for each to be less important. But that doesn't mean people don't go full retard. Orcs see them as an insult to statues of Gork and Mork (or Gork and Mork?) and smash them every chance they get, humans think the jewels are spiffy and otherswise move them around because a giant floating elf rock in the town square really brings in the tourists, Tomb Kings remake them as statues of themselves, Wood Elves are fucking chaotic neutral morons who do stupid shit arbitrarily, the forces of Chaos and Evil usually play with them as magic-enhancing tools like altars the the like, and the fucking Dark Elves are convinced Slaanesh is their friend so destroying them all and letting the Warp overtake all reality is their idea of a good end.
Alright, this is the fun part. High Elves get some very nice special rules. Almost all High Elf options have the Always Strikes First rule. What's even better, is that this isn't modified by the weapon speed so a High Elf with a Great Weapon STILL Always Strikes First (all you lesser races go after we've had our turns). Then, they also have "Valour of Ages" which means whenever they go against Dark Elves, they may reroll any failed psychology test, which is awesome. Many High Elf troops have the new rule "Martial Prowess" which allows models that have that rule to fight or shoot in one extra rank, which is cumulative with any other rule that lets them shoot in extra ranks (long story short, fuck you we're better and we're gonna stab and or shoot you until you believe it). Spellcasters get a rule called "Lileath's Blessing" which adds a +1 to casting attempts from the Lore of High Magic, the High Elf specific lore. Also, it used to be the case that you needed less core units and could take more rare and special units. This is no longer the case since the arrival of 8th edition, but errata from GWs website says you can have as many multiple units as you like (other armies are now limited to two identical special or rare units in games of less than 3000 points). High Elf horses can get the "Ithilmar Barding" option, which increases armor like regular barding but doesn't affect movement speed. Finally, if you wanted Flame Attacks you've picked the best army for them.