Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz
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Grand Alliance Destruction
Gloomspite Gitz |
The Bad Moon is rising and it's bringing an alliance of Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots and Troggoths with it.
Why Play Gloomspite Gitz
- You get Moonclan Grots, Spiderclan Grots, Troggoths and even the old Giant under one roof!
- New Models for a load of old classics, like Squig Hoppers and Fanatics!
- The grots ate so many hallucinogenic mushrooms they think the moon wants them to kill everyone.
- Want a horde army? Sure! What about an elite army instead? We got that too. All cavalry? You bet! And you can go magic heavy too (or not).
- Squig Hoppers and Mangler Squigs now count as flying models. Enjoy it - take them out on the aerial battleplans!
- All Arachnarok variants are now unique units with warscrolls and abilities! With some good abilities also.
- You get a quasi-summoning mechanic.
- Your synergies are off the charts. Half the book is designed to buff or enhance the other half. The Bad Moon buffs shit, your heroes buff shit, your wizards buff shit and debuff enemy shit, your baseline troopers like Sneaky Snufflerz and Sporesplatta Fanatics buff shit. It's easy to turn a mediocre unit into an insane blending machine when all the plates are spinning just right.
- Your hordes are stupid efficient. Cave Squigs are cheap as hell and hit hard, and Stabbas and Shootas are effectively 4 points per model when resummoned at max army size.
- Multiple ways of getting extra command points. In fact, it's arguable that the Gloomspite Gitz have the single best Command Point generation in the game, able to pump out upwards of SIX command points a turn.
- Almost everything wants your Squigs to run and charge in the same turn. Enjoy the vicious red herd of teeth.
- Multiple ways to debuff the enemy's to-hit rolls, making you surprisingly tanky when everything clicks and the enemy's got -2 or -3 to hit from Fellwaters, the Troggoth Hag, Geminids of Ulg-Hysh, Clammy Cowl, Barbed Nets, and so on. Hope your Brass Stampede likes hitting on 6's!
- You want to play as David Bowie in Labyrinth.
- This should pretty much go without saying, but our leadership is dogshit. Other horde armies have ways of buffing their leadership (Skaven, Order stuff like Freeguild) or a naturally high base leadership (Death), but the Gloomspite Gitz have very, very little in that aspect, and where we do have it, it's expensive or has a more important job than just sticking around to keep leadership up.
- While certainly powerful, there are a lot of interconnecting rules and abilities that can be easily forgotten. You need to read and then reread your book.
- The Bad Moon provides tons of benefits, but is kind of fiddly in how it gives them out. Read and reread the rules for the moon, and even if you know how it works, there's always the chance the moon just doesn't move how you want it to. Sometimes it'll fly to the center of the board and stay there for three turns, sometimes it'll fuck off by the start of turn 3, having only one turn of lunar goodness.
- You're gonna need those extra command points, as you're likely going to have to spam Inspiring Presence every turn to make up for your horrible bravery, or to activate your most powerful synergistic command abilities, like Bite Da Moon or Instinctive Leader.
- Keyword Bingo! It's not immediately clear which abilities and applicable to which units (eg Loonboss WITH giant cave squig is a GROT, whilst Loonboss ON giant cave squig is a SQUIG. And exactly which units have MOONCLAN?). Read carefully.
- This is fairly minor, but our to-hit rolls are generally bad. We'll usually hit on an acceptable 4 plus, but penalties to hit really hurt, and there's very few rerolls to hit, outside of the Troggboss's Instinctive Leader (Which is Troggoth specific). This is somewhat negated by the new command ability All Out Offense that the General's Handbook 2019 gave us, but it's pretty inefficient in bigger battles and requires a hero stay by to buff them again and again to keep it up, and we're already super thirsty for Command Points.
- Another minor one, our armor saves are pretty weak overall, and in general our defense is poor. Our great hordes soften this blow tremendously but it's easy to get little to no armor save and lose a bunch of models, and then lose a bunch more to our terrible leadership.
- We might look like the latest overpowered AOS faction, but we rely a lot on RNGesus.
- Some of the models are a little old. Good luck in getting the finecast Scuttleboss to hold together.
The Gloomspite Gitz Battletome has all the Warscrolls, Battations, Allegiance Abilities and Matched Play points.
- This should be supplemented with the Gloomspite Gitz Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
- Warscrolls for the FW units are in the Monstrous Arcanum.
- Alternatively, warscrolls can be found in the WH AoS app.
As with all factions you'll want:
- The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
- Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
- In you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
- Matched play battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's handbook 2018.
- All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.
Allegiance Abilities
Your choice of abilities are dependent on your type of Leader they are being given too, with a bucketload of choices for each.
Battle Traits
- The Bad Moon Rises: At the beginning of the game, you choose one of the corners of the board as the Bad Moon's starting point (if both players use Gloomspite Gitz, roll off to decide who places it). Starting from the second turn, it will start to move. To determinate how much it moves you roll a dice: on a 2+ it moves once, on a 6 it moves twice. Splitting the field in 4 equal sized quadrants, the Bad Moon moves in a straight line towards the opposite corner of the field stopping in the middle of the starting quadrant, in the middle of the field and in the middle of the opposite quadrant. Once it gets to the opposite corner, it's removed from the field and never comes back. So, if you're really unlucky it could be gone at the start of turn 3, giving you a single turn of benefits. With no 1s or 6s, it'll vanish at the start of turn 5, giving you three turns of goodness. Your only way of controlling it is by having Skragrott as your general, and that's only once per battle.
- Light of the Bad Moon: Units under the Bad Moon's light (AKA: If it's in the middle of a quadrant, it covers only the units in that quadrant; If it's in the middle of the field, everyone; if it's in a corner, nobody)
- A GLOOMSPITE GITZ GENERAL will generate an additional command point in each battle phase.
- GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARDS (that's all wizards here, including the Gobbapalooza wizards) get +1 to casting rolls.
- Every other WIZARD gets -1 to cast.
- MOONCLAN GROT units (that's Stabbas, Shootas... AND Skragrott, Loonboss, Loonboss with (but not on) giant squig, Madcap Shaman, Zarbag and gits, Fungoid, Sneaky Snufflers, and the Gobbapalooza), can reroll every 1 to hit.
- SPIDERFANG units's Spider Venom ability will activate on a 5+.
- SQUIG units (that's Loonboss on(but not with) giant cave, Loonboss on Mangler, Herds, Hoppers, Bounderz, Mangler, Colossal, Gobba) can run and charge in the same turn.
- TROGGOTH units (includes Mollog
& Hag(Designer's Commentary confirms Hag Regeneration is not effected by LotBM, unfortunately.)), can reroll the Regeneration rolls, or double the result. - You can also pick an enemy unit and roll a dice: if the result is equal or less than that unit's number of models it will suffer D3 mortal wounds.
- Note that there are no overlaps between Grot, Squig, Spiderfang and Troggoth units.
Command Traits
Your General, depending on its type, gets to choose one trait from the appropriate list.
Blessings Of The Bad Moon
Loonboss Only - Loonboss, Loonboss on/with Cave Squig, or Loonboss on Mangler Squig
- Cunning Plans: At the start of the first battle round, you receive 1 additional command point. A single additional command point for the entire game doesn't sound that great - however, remember command points don't spawn until your turn, so if you're going second then this gives you a command point you can spend during that first turn.
- Fight Another Day: Each time this general attacks with its melee weapons, it can make a 2D6" move after all of its attacks have been resolved. If it does so, it must finish the move more than 3" from ennemy units. (Put this on a Loonboss on Mangler Squigs and watch your opponent rage as you destroy his models while he’s unable to attack back.)
- Sneaky Stabba: You can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by this general. Since this only affects the Loonboss's attacks this is quite weak, as each Loonboss has roughly 3-5 attacks, none of which are particularly stellar. Usually the damage comes from the Squig you brought with you into battle, and this command trait doesn't affect them. You're better off trying to keep your Loonboss alive rather than turn him into a killing machine.
- Tough 'n' Leathery: Add 2 to this general's Wounds characteristic. Keep your guy alive! Never a bad choice! Always a boring one!
- Dead Shouty: Once per battle round, this general can use a command ability on their warscroll without a command point being spent. Demonstrably worse than Cunning Plans, since both give you an extra Command Ability but this one is only for the general and if he gets killed before you use it, you're outta luck. That being said, if you can keep your General alive (sometimes easy, sometimes very, very difficult) this ends up being amazing on certain models; the Mangler Squig Boss and Giant Cave Squig Boss drools thinking about all the command points they'll save not casting "Bite Da Moon" or "Let's Get Bouncin'" over and over,
- The Clammy Hand : If this general is within 12" of a Bad Moon Loonshrine at the start of your hero phase, you can use the Bad Moon Loonshrine's "Moonclan Lairs" scenery rule (AKA the one that resurrects Stabbas and Shootas) 2 times in that hero phase. Congrats, you've just committed to the most defensive playstyle ever. Because the Loonshrine can only be placed fully in your territory and because you have to stay within 12' to even use your command ability, and you have to have two whole grot units dead (which is either super easy, meaning you're getting your ass kicked, or it won't happen because your enemy can't kill all the damn grots) for this to even work, this command trait fuckin' sucks.
Gifts Of The Gloomspite
Moonclan Wizard Only - Madcap Shaman or Fungoid Cave-Shaman
- Low Cunning: At the start of the first battle round, you receive 1 additional command point. See Cunning Plans above.
- Spiteful Git: Roll a dice each time the General suffers a wound (mortal or not). On a 4+ the dealer suffers 1 mortal wound. On a 6, it suffers D3 mortal wounds instead. This would be really good if you could put it on someone with more than 4 wounds. As it stands if you're taking a Fungoid Cave-Shaman as your general then this helps keep your opponent from attacking them, and theoretically can even kill the attacker while leaving you alive thanks to your 4+ Feel No Pain, but unless you're the luckiest man alive you'll probably die early and this command trait's a waste.
- Great Shaman: General gets 1 extra spell from the Lore of the Moonclan. Just get Skrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron and know all of them.
- Dodgy Character: Opponents must reroll successful hit rolls against the General. This is pretty good, especially on a Fungoid who becomes the most annoying 4 wound model in the game with this.
- Boss Shaman: Give the I'm Da Boss, Now Stab 'Em Good! command ability from the Loonboss warscroll. Are you yawning? I'm yawning. I guess you can save 70 points and 30 bucks by not buying a Loonboss, but the tiny little wizard with this doesn't want to be anywhere near a melee fight, even to buff the stabbas.
- Loon-Touched: Light of the Bad Moon gives the General +2 to casting rolls. Surprisingly good, if you can stay under the moon. Make sure to eat your Deffcap Mushroom while you do so for the extra spell.
Marks Of The Spider God's Favour
Scuttleboss Only
- Monstrous Mount: Spider Venom deals double wounds. Combine this with The Black Fang artefact for maximum lulz.
- Masterful Spider Rider:+4" Move. Be sanic fast.
- Ululating Battle Cry: -1 Bravery to enemy units within 9". Almost good, but your bravery shenanigans begin and end with this and the spell that gives terrain Sinister. -2 bravery is good, but not worth building around.
- Tough 'n' Leathery: +2 Wounds. Keep your guy alive! Always a good choice! Always a boring one!
- Dead Shouty: Once per battle round, you can use a command ability without spending a command point. See above.
- Creeping Assault: SPIDERFANGS units within 12" negate enemy cover when attacking. If you're fighting the kind of guy who demands that all terrain gives cover, this is pretty good. You're probably better off throwing models at the asshole's face until he stops trying to rules lawyer cover out of you.
Fortuitous Trogboss Traits
Dankhold Troggoth Hero Only - i.e. Dankhold Troggboss
- Tough as Rocks: +2 Wounds. Keep your guy al- ok, we're done with that. This is actually pretty nice because of your regeneration giving those two extra wounds even more mileage.
- Alpha Trogg: Reassuring Presence gives +2 Bravery instead of +1. Pretty great if you've got a history of failing battleshock. Awesome on your more elite units, like Troggoths, Boingrot Bounderz, and Spiderfang Riderz.
- Loonskin: General is always affected by the Light of the Bad Moon until it reaches the opposite edge of the battlefield. So that's both rerolling regeneration rolls AND generating an additional CP per turn. Super duper solid. GSG is insanely greedy for command points, so extra ones every turn is yummy, and better regeneration? Yes please. Just keep in mind that this is a command ability with an expiration date, because as soon as the moon's out, you're back to being a Trogg without a command trait.
- Pulverising Grip: Can reroll the Crushing Grip. I mean, if you really, REALLY enjoy squishing things this is fine, or if you are consistently fighting enemies with 4+ wounds (such as those fucking eels) then yeah this is pretty alright. Overall the damage-increasing traits are a little mediocre on the Dankhold Troggboss just because his damage is already great, and keeping him alive means he can dole out more of those hard-hitting attacks. Getting rerolls on your grip or damage is probably not going to pay off as your poor dumb general just dies when the opponent goes after him. Did you see that Loonskin trait above? Or the Alpha Trogg? Or the Tough as Rocks?
- Mighty Blow: Can reroll the damage characteristic of the general's Boulder Club. Are you falling asleep? I am.
- Realmstone-studded Hide: Can reroll the Magic Resistance roll. If you fight Nagash every single week, then yeah this is great, giving 75% magic immunity. But the enemy can just target other stuff with their magic then, and your general is left unharmed at the center of a huge magical scorch mark.
Artefacts Of Power
One Hero (plus an additional hero for each battalion), gets to choose an artefact from the appropriate list.
Troglodytic Treasures
Loonboss Only - Loonboss, Loonboss on/with Cave Squig, or Loonboss on Mangler Squig
- Spiteful Prodder: Use in your shooting phases. Pick a unit within 18" from the bearer and roll a number of dice equal to how many GROT units of 5+ models are wholly within 12" from that unit. It suffers D3 mortal wounds for every 5+ roll. A super weird shooting attack, that is only good if you have MSU grots... meaning you've got a lot Sneaky Snufflerz near them, or you've got 1-2 big units of Stabbas. Either way you're never going to get good odds on the mortals, and the payoff of d3 mortals is good but unlikely.
- Backstabber's Blade: Pick one of the bearer's weapons. If you roll a 6 to hit with that weapon, the save roll against it always fails. This would be weirdly good if you had better damage, but the damage on your weapons is d3 at best and you don't get enough attacks with them to make it a guaranteed thing every turn. Situational and kind of weak, if you're fighting heavily-armored Varanguard you should be relying on your Mangler Squigs for damage first.
- Loonstone Talisman: 5+ save against mortal wounds. Quite good, especially against armies with a lot of magic, or Skaven Warp-Lightning Cannons.
- The Pipes of Doom: -1 Bravery to every enemy unit within 12" from the bearer. Very meh, the enemy can just spend a command point to autopass battleshock if it matters that much, and you don't have leadership bomb potential to make this better.
- The Clammy Cowl: -1 to hit rolls towards the bearer. Stacks with other to-hit penalties. Make your enemy pull his hair out when your Loonboss With Giant Cave Squig absolutely styles upon his hero who's hitting on 4's at best.
- Leerin Gitshield: If you roll a 6 to save, opponent takes a mortal wound. This means that even if rend makes you unable to succeed an armor save, you should still roll it in case of a six for a "free" mortal wound.
Foetid Fetishes
Madcap Shaman Only
- Spiteshroom Familiar: -1 to be hit by enemy models while they are within 3" of the bearer. Great! The problem is that even with a to-hit penalty they're still attacking a Madcap Shaman, who dies if the enemy thinks mean thoughts about them.
- Moonface Mommet: At the beginning of every combat phase, you pick a unit within 12" from the bearer, which gets -1 to save rolls. Really really good. This makes a Madcap Shaman an excellent support model for any fight. Thanks to the forgiving range on the attack (within 12", not fully within) this means no opponent wants to go NEAR this shammy unless they plan on killing him outright.
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin': Bearer gets +1 to casting and unbinding for each enemy WIZARD or Artefact-bearing HERO within 12". Another weirdly good artefact, if the enemy has lots of close-range casters this little Shaman can easily be casting Vindictive Glare each turn at enemies to whittle them down. Just keep in mind that 12" is not a long distance, and you can very likely find yourself dead before the staff can even work.
Venomous Valuables
Spiderfang Hero Only - Scuttleboss, Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider or Webspinner Shaman
- Totem of the Spider God: For every friendly unit wholly within 12" of the bearer, the Spider Venom ability triggers on 5+ instead of 6. Hands-down brilliant, but keep in mind that it doesn't stack with the light of the Bad Moon. Great on Arachnarok Shamans on an outflank, where they're unlikely to be under the Moon's light for long.
- Headdress of Many Eyes:: -1 to hit rolls against the bearer. Fucking disgusting when stacked with the spell that gives a 12" aura of to-hit penalties. Turn an Arachnarok into an unbeatable tank with this goofy bullshit.
- The Black Fang: Upgrade 1 melee weapon of the bearer to deal D3 mortal wounds on a unmodified roll of 6 to hit. If the weapon already deals mortal wounds on a 6 roll, add those D3 mortal wounds to the weapon's. Combine this with the Monstrous Mount command trait from the Skuttleboss for a clean 5 damage spider venom.
- Nibbla's Itty Ring: Once per battle you can pick an enemy unit within 3" of the bearer and roll a dice. On a 2+ it suffers D3 mortal wounds, on a 6 it suffers D6 mortal wounds. This is fine, but there's other magic items to take first.
- Earskuttle: Once per battle, you can pick an enemy WIZARD within 3" of the bearer and roll a dice. On a 2+ it suffers D3 mortal wounds and gets a permanent -1 to casting and unbinding for each mortal wound suffered. Eh, against huge, undying wizards this is great, like Nagash or an Abhorrent Ghoul King on TGheist, but usually if you have a wizard that close, you can just kill them.
- Web-string Cloak: Ennemy units cannot retreat if they are within 3" of the bearer. How often are you fighting enemies that run away from a fight? As a tank item it's fine for holding targets in place, but the Headress of Many Eyes does that too and the enemy can't say "well, we can't flee, let's just kill them" and turn your hero into mincemeat.
Glinty Gubbins That Troggoths Found
Dankhold Troggoth Hero Only - Dankhold Troggboss, Hag is not DANKHOLD
- Shiny Wotnot: Roll a dice for each mortal wound from a spell. On a 6+, the mortal wound is allocated to the caster instead. If the source is an endless spell, negate the mortal wound and dispel the endless spell. Holy shit this one's bad. A 6+ feel no pain that only works against specifically enemy spells or endless spells is not great, even with the chance to reflect, because no one's going to be targeting a Dankhold Troggboss with magic in the first place, with the 4+ magic resistance they already have. Even if you fail your magic resistance check do you really think a 6+ shrug is going to be a worthwhile investment over say, the Moonface Mommet or Clammy Cowl?
- Glowy Howzit: Saves from wounds or mortal wounds on a 4+ roll. If you roll a 1, you can't use it anymore for the rest of the battle. In theory, the strongest magic item around. Adding a 4+ feel no pain is always a huge deal to an already tanky model, but in practice you could roll a 1 on turn 2 and the magic item is gone forever. Still not a terrible item, but there's still more reliable artifacts you could get instead.
- Pet Gribbly: If an enemy unit attacks the bearer before he was selected to attack, it will suffer D3 mortal wounds after dealing all its attacks. This one's interesting. It encourages you to attack last in order to deal free mortals, or dissuade enemies from attacking your expensive hero. Either way it's a nice tool, but don't overestimate your defensiveness and give up a beneficial first attack and possibly die in exchange for d3 mortals.
Notable Artifacts of the Realms
- It's time to address the elephant in the room. Gryph-Feather Charm, from Ghur, is possibly the best artefact out there. This artefact gives -1 to hit the wearer, and gives +1 inch of move speed. This is just a strictly better version of the Clammy Cowl Troglodytic Treasure and the Headdress of Many Eyes Venomous Valuable, except you can put it on anyone, even a Dankhold Troggboss. The GFC is probably the single best artefact out there by dint of being the best generalist artefact, period. Sure, there are artefacts that are stronger in certain situations, or make your hero tougher under the right conditions, but pound-for-pound GFC is unbeatable for making your dude tougher, keeping him alive, and making him faster on top of that. All that being said, try not to bring this thing every game. Show some pride in your gameplay, and switch it up a bit. If you're fighting in a tournament sure go ahead and use it every time, but in a casual environment it's like picking the top tier character in a fighting game every time, and ignoring that other, more interesting characters exist. Don't be that guy. Don't bring the GFC every game.
- The Thermalrider Cloak from Aqshy gives 4 more inches of movement and grants FLIGHT. Amazing on pretty much every character. You'll get a ton of use out of it on your smashier characters, especially the Dankhold Troggboss and Loonboss on Mangler Squigs. Even though the Mangler Squigs boss won't get benefit from the flight (Since he already flies) he'll appreciate such a big boost to his unreliable movespeed. Who doesn't want to move 3d6+4?
- The Doppelganger Cloak is probably the best defensive artefact in the game, alongsite the GFC. Just turn off your opponent's ability to fight you in melee for a turn! If your general is a Loonboss on Mangler Squigs this might not be an amazing choice as you already have the Live Another Day Command Trait, but if your general is anyone else, this is a perfect way to defend your squishy Mangler Boss. Also good on the Dankhold Troggboss, as it allows you to pop the effect when you're low health and at risk of dying, and regenerate back to a place of hopeful safety, wailing on the poor enemy the whole time.
- The Gyreblade from Ghyran is amazing on one character: The Dankhold Troggboss. His attacks all hit and wound on 3s, but only has a couple hard-hitting attacks. Make them even more ridiculous by giving him +1 to hit and wound, which makes his 4 attacks among the strongest in the game.2s to hit, 2s to wound, -2 rend, and d6 damage is really strong, even when there's only 4 of them a turn. You can even use Instinctual Leader to buff the hit rolls by rerolling 1s!
Spell Lore
Any Gloomspite Wizard Hero, depending on it's type, gets to choose one spell from the appropriate list.
Lore Of The Moonclan
Moonclan Wizard Only - Skragrott, Madcap Shaman, Fungoid or Zarbag
- Vindictive Glare: CV 5. Deal D3 mortal wounds to a unit within 12". Literally a slightly better Arcane Bolt.
- Itchy Nuisance: CV 6. Pick an enemy unit within 18". It's forced to fight after everyone else in the next Combat Phase. Great for combined charges against strong enemies, or when you're fighting multiple important battles.
- The Great Green Spite: CV 7. Pick a GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit within 18" and an enemy unit within 24". If the Gitz are less than 10, the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound; if they're 10-20, the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; if they're more than 20, the enemy unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. Surprisingly easy to set up, as the ranges on both halves are quite generous. Great long-range sniping if you have a big ass block of Stabbas nearby, and 6 mortal wounds is a very, very scary proposition.
- The Hand of Gork: CV 7. Pick a GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit wholly within 24" and at least 3" away from any enemy unit and warp it away, at least 9" from any enemy unit. The unit can't move in the next movement phase. This is the meme spell for teleporting a unit across the battlefield to get a chump charge on an unsuspecting unit.
- Squig Lure: CV 5. Pick D3 SQUIG units visible to the caster and within 18" from him. They can run and charge in the same turn. The designers love when Squigs can run and charge in the same turn, and here's yet another source for it!
- Call da Moon: CV 8. Pick an enemy unit visible to the caster and deal D3 mortal wounds to it. It the unit is under the Bad Moon you can reroll for the amount of mortal wounds. This spell looks really fucking weak on first sight, being only d3 mortals on a difficult 8 to cast, but Skragrott loves it because of the INFINITE range and the ability to reroll the damage under the moon which Skragrott can control better than anyone else, and has better casting than any other grot. Pretty weak on every other caster.
Lore Of The Spiderfangs
Spiderfang Wizard Only - Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider or Webspinner Shaman
- Deadly Webbings: CV 5. Pick a terrain within 24". Non-SPIDERFANG units will consider it Deadly and Sinister until the next Hero Phase. Easy to cast, but terrain's generally not going to be in the perfect location for you, and it affects your non-spiderfang models if you're bringing any.
- Venomous Spiderlings: CV 6. Pick an enemy unit within 12" and roll a dice for every model in it. It suffers a mortal wound for each 6 rolled. Hordes don't like this spell, elites just laugh it off.
- Scuttling Terrors: CV 7. Pick a SPIDERFANG unit within 24". That unit can run and either shoot or charge in the same turn. Zip Zoom!
- Sneaky Distraction: CV 7. All the enemy units within 12" from the caster get -1 to hit rolls until the next Hero Phase. Make yourself the most annoying thing ever by combining the Mask of Many Eyes (Or Gryph-Feather Charm if you're an asshole) artefact with this spell to be the tankiest monster ever.
- Curse of da Spider God: CV 7. Pick an enemy unit within 24". Until the next Hero Phase, that unit's hit, wound and save rolls of 1 or 2 will always fail. Very, very situational, but against Everchosen or armies that get a lot of 2+ to hit or wound this is alright.
- Gift of da Spider God: CV 8. Pick a SPIDERFANG MONSTER within 12" and heal D6 wounds from it. Looks tough to get off and it would be, if a Spiderfang Shaman on Arachnarok didn't already have a +1 to cast baked into his abilities. Combine this with the Moon's benefit and you're casting it on 6s, which is pretty palatable.
Endless Spells
- Malevolent Moon: (40pts) CV 6. Moves 12", flies, deals mortal wounds to units it flew over and gives -1 to casting rolls to not-GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARDS within 9" (-2 to those within 3" from it). Eats wizards for breakfast.
- Mork's Mighty Mushroom: (90pts) CV 6. Every unit within 8" from it must roll a dice for every model THAT IS WITHIN 8" OF THIS SPELL and suffer a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of 5+ rolled. Fantastic way to deny a huge part of the board. Unfortunately, since this works best against hordes, it also denies those parts of the board to you. Use with caution.
- Scuttletide: (30pts) CV 7 (+1 to the casting rolls for SPIDERFANG WIZARDS). If any non-SPIDERFANG unit end within 6" from it after a charge movement it will suffer up to 6 mortal wounds on 5+ rolls. Slightly less suicidal form of area denial, and if your placement is right, you can triple-dip on mortal wound rolls. Make it really hard for the opponent to reach your shooty gitz while leaving your Spider Riders unobstructed.
- Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron: (40pts) CV 5. It attaches to the caster, giving him +1 to cast and dispel rolls plus teaching him every Lore of the Moonclan spell, but at a price. At the beginning of every Hero phrase it deals D3 mortal wounds to a unit within 3" (including the caster itself of no one else is in the range). As this doesn't say "friendly unit" you can deal the D3 to enemies, use with combat wizards like the Hag or Arachnarok shaman for hilarity.
- Take note that these Endless Spells aren't bound to what Allegiance you are using, just to the keywords of the caster, so you can use the Cauldron as a way to get access to the spell lore even when you're playing Destruction Allegiance.
- All the units have exactly one of the following keywords: GROT, SQUIG, SPIDERFANG, TROGGOTH or GARGANT.
- Skragrott and all Loonbosses (including the SQUIG Loonbosses) have LOONBOSS.
- All units with GROT or SQUIG also have MOONCLAN.
- Loonsmasha Fanatics and Sporesplatta Fanatics are the exception as they have MOONCLAN and none of the other above keywords. This prevents their abilities working on themselves.
- And every unit has GLOOMSPITE GITZ.
- Skragrott, The Loonking: (220pts) The Great Poobah of the green weirdos himself and named leader.
- Goes around with a staff that can both shoot and hit in melee, and if he damages a model with multiple wounds by using it that model will suffer an additional mortal wound at the end of each Battle round.
- Gets a +4 to ignore wounds (includes mortals), a +1 to cast and dispel rolls, and can cast/dispell 2 spells every turn.
- If he is your General you get D3 extra command points on a 4+ roll at the beginning of each of your hero phases.
- Also requiring him to be a general, his command ability can be used once per battle and manipulates the Bad Moon movement for a turn, by making it not move or even move twice in the same turn.
- And then there is his spell (CV 8), that is basically an Arcane Bolt that targets single models instead of units... unless you rolled a 10+ to cast it, in which case it will also get the additional ability of destroying artefacts of power if the targeted model had one. That 10+ is essentially a 9+ due to the +1 to cast. Give him the Cauldron (he can shrug off those mortals on a 4+) and put him under the bad moon, you now only need a 7+ (a 58% chance)!
- Keep in mind: Skragrott's only got 6 wounds, and no source of healing. For the legendary hero of the Grots he's about as tough as two Ogors. Keep him waaaaay back out of danger and he'll cream the competition, but if he gets caught out there's only so much a 4+ save can do.
- You might be looking at this guy and be wondering, "this is the guy who leads the whole faction?" And it is true that he doesn't have the ability to make whole units vanish in the combat phase like Archaon, Gordrakk, or Alarielle, or be the ultimate wizard like eight-spells-fuck-you-Nagash. But that's not why you take Skragrott, because he's an insane toolbox at a steal of a price. He can generate command points, cast spells, be a long-range artillery piece, and provide control over the notoriously wiggly Bad Moon. Keep him safe and he'll cast Skrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron, and then as many endless spells as you want, forever.
- Loonboss: (70pts) Regular dude boss from the front cover of the Battletome with big crescent moon headpiece.
- Opponents get -1 to hit rolls against him
- His command ability allows a MOONCLAN GROT unit within 12" (24" if he is the General) to deal mortal wounds in melee if they roll an unmodified 6 to wound.
- Cheapest hero in the faction, and one of the cheapest heroes, period. You get what you pay for, with 5 leadership and wounds, only a 5+ armor save, and only 3 good attacks, but he adds some punch to a Moonclan-based list and doesn't break the bank.
- Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig: (100pts) The good old Skarsnik model reborn as a Loonboss.
- Exactly the same abilities as the Loonboss, but for those 30 extra points you get better attacking and opens up battleline options.
- His weapon has similar melee attacks as the Loonboss, but also has a 14inch shooting attack with D6 attacks. Presumably said attack is him either shooting green lasers ala Skarsnik or just yeeting the thing and summoning it back to him like Thor.
- The Squig adds another bunch of attacks.
- Sadly in finecast and no official round base size yet until GW publishes the FAQ.
- FAQ states this counts as a Squig Mounted, allowing Squig Hoppers as battleline when you take this guy as your General.
- Essentially a Loonboss on foot +1. If you can spare the points he's just better at everything (except for their identical command abilities) than the regular Loonboss. Provides a nice midpoint between MOONCLAN GROT and SQUIG lists, and let's you have a wide variety of battleline options for cheap.
- An especially good strategy for this guy is the Command Trait “Tough ‘n Leathery” and “The Clammy Cowl” Artifact. Prepare to watch Skarsnik be reincarnated as he dodges all manner of attacks that make a lesser
goblin warlordLoonboss shit themselves.
- Madcap Shaman: (80pts) Regular small wizard.
- Like the Fungoid, he can cast two spells in the same turn once per battle. However, casting the second spell, if the roll is a double (thats a 1 in 6 chance) he gets D3 mortals - and he's only got 4 to start with. Those mortals are dealt after the spell has gone off, so if he does die you still get the effect.
- Exclusive spell (CV 5) protects an ally within 12" by giving -1 to hit rolls against him in Shooting Phase.
- Four different models exist for this guy. There is the Madcap Shamans two pack, the Madcap Shaman that used to be sold as a Gitmob Grots Grot Shaman, and the shaman from the Forgeworld Night Goblin Command Set.
- Look at that price again. 80 points is stupid, stupid cheap for a wizard, and a hero to boot. Keep him safe and you'll be getting all the lovely spells your heart desires. But you should probably spend 10 more points to get a Fungoid Cave-Shaman instead, unless you're really dead set on those magic items.
- Zarbag: (160pts) Named Leader pulled in from Warhammer Underworlds. Kinda generic Shaman, but you bring along his Zarbag's Gitz for free.
- Has a once-per battle that gives him a +2 to casting rolls if he rolls a 2+ before trying to cast a spell
- Exclusive spell (CV 5) that forces an enemy unit to retreat (or suffer D6 mortal wounds if unable to do the retreat movement)
Is a Madcap Shaman, so can take an Artefact from the Foetid FetishesZarbag is a named character, and thus can't take any Artefacts.
- Fungoid Cave-Shaman: (90pts) The Malign Portents model that turned was a portent of things to come. A bulky wizard.
- A 4+ to ignore wounds and mortal wounds makes him less squishy that a regular wizard hero.
- Standard wizard melee attack, but with an additional weapon in the form of the Spore Squig, makes him a little more aggressive than normal wizards.
- Can cast two spells in the same turn once per battle
- On a 4+ gets you an additional command point in each hero phase. Traditionally, CPs have been very useful in Grot based armies.
- Exclusive spell (CV 7) is essentially Arcane Bolt, but it works against any unit within D6.
- Not a Madcap shaman, so cannot take any of the Gloomspite artefacts of power (you could still give him a realm specific artefact though).
- Some short range attacks and additional save makes him seem like he should be up near the frontline dealing damage, but only has 4 wounds and you want to keep him alive for that 50% chance of a CP every turn. Maybe best having him supporting a large unit camping on a mid board objective, or keep him on the backline until you no longer need those extra CPs.
- If you just want to maximise commands points per turn, consider two Fungoids over Skragrott. For 40 points less, you get 75% chance of at least 1CP and 25% chance of 2CP, compared to 50% chance of at least 1CP, 33% chance of at least 2CPs and 16.6% chance of 3CPs. Plus, if a Fungoid gets sniped, you still have the other still alive still giving 50% chance each turn. However, you do loose all the other goodies Skragrott brings.
- A fun little toolbox of a wizard, the Fungoid is a cheap source of Command points, something the Gitz desperately crave, and is a surprisingly good spell caster. The only real weaknesses is his measly 4 wounds and that he can't take the Madcap Shaman's magical items.
- Note, not a Madcap Shaman.
- Stabbas: (130/360pt, min 20, max 60) Unconditional Battleline.
- Melee grots. Can take either stabbas or pokin' spears (latter has more range but -1 to hit).
- Get +1 to wound as long as the unit has 15+ models (+2 when 30+) and +1 to save as long as there are 10+ models. Can take banners for extra buffs and can take netters to trip up enemy attackers. Very good tarpit when paired with the new bravery boosting abilities of the army.
- Gong Basher: Only 1 every 20 models. +2 to run rolls for the unit.
- Standard Bearer: Only 1 every 20 models. Can pick either the Moonclan Flag (+1 Bravery) or the Bad Moon Icon (+1 Save against missile weapons).
- Netter: Only 3 every 20 models. 3 melee attacks plus -1 to enemy hit rolls in melee.
- Stabbas are better for units of 20, spears for units of 60. Remember though that unit of 60 comes back as a unit of 30.
- This is the Horde to end all Hordes. They may seem unimpressive for their base value (6.5 points per model) but when you consider that unless you're extremely unlucky you'll be getting the effect of the Loonshrine to resurrected half in pretty much every game, they're much more effecient (4.333 points per model now). This gets even better with the discount for max unit size (6 points per model without being resurrected, 4 points per model if resurrected)! Keep in mind that you only can roll to resurrect a unit once per turn (twice per turn, one turn if you have the Clammy Hand command trait) and that the more units of Stabbas and Shootas you have the more likely you are to flub your rolls and just not get the benefit of the Shrine or the efficiency of the hordes.
- Of additional note is, there's nothing saying that the unit's leader can't also be one of the grots wielding a Net, giving you 3 attacks hitting on 3s instead of 4s.
- When given max buffs, this unit can have:
- +2 to wound, from unit size bonuses
- Rerolling 1s to wound, from the Spiker of the Gobbapalooza
- Dealing a mortal wound on every 6 rolled to wound, in addition to damage, from the Loonbosses' Command Ability
- Rerolling run and charge rolls, from the Scaremonger of the Gobbapalooza
- Rerolling 1s to hit, from the All Out Offense Command Ability
- +2 attacks, one from a unit of Sporesplatta Fanatics, one from a unit of Sneaky Snufflerz (More, if you have more Snufflerz units and don't mind taking 2d6 mortals per extra attack)
- +1 to armor saves, +2 to armor saves against ranged attacks, from their Moon Shields
- Immunity to Battleshock Tests, from the Boggleye of the Gobbapalooza
- Shootas: (120pt, min 20, max 60) Unconditional Battleline.
- Shooting Grots. They get +1 to wound in combat in a 15+ models unit, +2 to wound in combat in a 30+ unit. In shooting you get a +1 to hit in squads of 15 or more. They can also take netters. A little odd that most of their unit buffs are for combat even thought they are a shooting unit. Anyways with the right combos they can rain death from afar and make a pretty good tarpit like all grot hordes.
- Has the same Gong Basher, Standard Bearer and Netter abilities as the Stabbas
- These guys might look terrible, but they're definitely worth considering over Stabbas, in 40s. If you kit them out with all the same melee tech that the Stabbas get, they have a worse armor save and attacks than the Stabbas with knives. That being said, the ranged attacks are nothing to sneeze at, and with the Loonshrine's ability to ressurect maybe the defense penalties aren't as harsh as they seem. Certainly worth considering is the fact that with all your fat hordes running around, board space is going to start being an issue, and the ability to reach out and tag an enemy from 16" is nice when you're elbow deep in Stabbas and the opponent has you bottlenecked.
Other Units
- Zarbag's Gitz: A mixed bag of stuff that comes free alongside Zarbag. You get 3 Shootas, a Netter, a Squig Herder with 2 Squigs and a single Loonsmasha Fanatic hidden inside.
- Sneaky Snufflers: (70 pt, min 6, max 18) Mushroom-hunting Grots.
- Instead of moving, They can search for mushrooms: you roll a dice and if the result is less than the number of models in the unit they find the mushrooms and give them to a MOONCLAN unit within 12", so that each model in that unit gets an extra attack for each melee weapon, Note that the keyword specified is MOONCLAN and not MOONCLAN GROT, meaning you can buff a whole shitload of units, including Cave Squig Herds, Boingrot Bounders (A free extra two attacks per model? Yes please!), and Squig Hoppers. They can even buff themselves.
- if you have multiple Sneaky Snuffler units and want to give more mushrooms to the same unit, that unit gets 2D6 mortal wounds for each additional buff. Remember kids, shroom overdose is bad!
- With the FAQ, unit size went from 5 max 15, to 6 max 18. That means the buff is guaranteed to go off with an undamaged minimum unit.
- Snufflers are tied with Cave Squigs as the cheapest points-per-wound in the army, at 5.8 points per wound. Unlike with squigs you can't really spam them in endless hordes, but they make up for it by making excellent support units. Spend every turn sprinting them up the board, or maybe hit 'em with a Hand of Gork to teleport them near whatever they're buffing (they can't move in the movement phase, but that doesn't stop them from throwing shrooms!). If they ever get caught in melee, just have them buff themselves for an extra 2 attacks per model. They won't do much better than before, but they'll at least have a better chance of survival.
- Gobbapalooza: (200pts) 5 Unique non-Heros. Must all be taken together, but each acts as an individual unit.
- Two are wizards whilst the other three have a skill known as a Gobbapalooza Know-Wotz, a peculiar MOONCLAN GROT buff that can be activated on a 3+ roll during Hero Phase.
- 6+ save, but they get +2 on the first round and a +1 on the second round.
- Shooting attacks against them have a -1 to hit as long as they stay within 3" from any MOONCLAN unit with 3+ models.
- Whilst two of the members have the WIZARD keyword, none of them have the HERO keyword, so they don't count in the point limit for Leaders, cannot be your General, can't take command traits or artefacts and cannot take a spell from the MOONCLAN lore. The Arachnacauldron could come in use here, but with only 3 or 4 wounds, don't expect your wizard to last long.
- Individually very cheap (40pts). But the three Know-Wotz guys are only of use to MOONCLAN. So for pure Squig/Trog/Spider lists consider them as two wizards for 100pts each plus free chaff. (Technically, the Spiker and Scaremonger can buff themselves/other Gobbapalooza, but it's not going to be of much use).
- Shroomancer: The one on a mushroom
- Wizard. Spell (CV5) picks an enemy unit within 8" and gives it -1 to hit and save rolls.
- Probably the best of the Gobbapalooza's menagerie of fools. His spell, while short range, is absolutely crippling if it goes off. Enemies will go pale when you describe his magic, and will avoid him like the 40-point plague.
- Boggleye: The one with big eyes and a smoking staff
- Wizard. Spell (CV6) picks an allied unit within 12" and make it pass Battleshock tests automatically or pick an enemy unit within 12" and force it to attack after everyone else in Combat Phase.
- The other wizard, and pretty good too. His spell isn't the insane unit-crippling debuff that the Shroomancer's is, but is way more versatile. Quite powerful and another target the enemy will be wary of.
- Spiker: The one with many legs
- His Know-Wotz allows a MOONCLAN GROT unit within 18" to reroll every 1 to wound.
- His buff is quite good on basic grot Stabbaz, especially when they can easily have a 2+ to wound. Otherwise, a little lackluster.
- Scaremonger: Masked guy atop a skull
- His Know-Wotz allows a MOONCLAN GROT unit within 18" to reroll run and charge.
- Has the best attack profile of the bunch with 4 attacks at rend -1, damage D3.
- Of the three non-wizard chumps, the Scaremonger's probably the best, with an actual melee profile and a useful buff for movement for your big ass horde of grots, you'll be glad he's around.
- Brewgit: Guy underneath a bubbling cauldron.
- His Know-Wotz allows a MOONCLAN GROT HERO within 18" to reroll every hit roll.
- Really boring. A shame, considering his great model, but his buff is pretty insignificant. The only grot heroes who care are the Loonboss With Giant Cave Squig, or Skragrott (both of which can reroll their shooting and melee attacks). This is the guy you'll leave behind to sit on an objective, or have him run a suicide run along the board's edge, because otherwise you'll forget you got him.
- Overall, an alright unit with the point reduction from 240 to 200, but still hard to make the cut for a list. Both wizards are great, and the buffs that the Scaremonger and Spiker give out are pretty good too, but the Brewgit is so fucking useless that he actually brings the whole unit down. Pure grot lists already struggle to find points to fill in between the hordes of grots and heroes, and a Gobbapalooza probably won't make the cut over two Fungoid Cave-Shamans instead. Not to mention, buying this essentially guarantees that you won't finish deployment first, as the 200 points have to be deployed separately. If that's something you care about at all, these guys are already off your purchase list.
Other Units
- Loonsmasha Fanatics: (140pt, min 5, max 15) Classic Fanatics. They hide inside any MOONCLAN GROT unit with 5+ models and can come out at the beginning of any charging phase, they always attack first in combat phase and if you roll a double when charging one of them dies and every unit within 1" from them suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Obviously, classic fanatics have classic fanatic playstyles. Laughably bad defense for a 28 point model (6 up save, one wound), but if a unit of 5-10 fanatics charges in and doesn't kill what they're aiming at, you've got cursed dice. These spinning idiots will pulverize just about anyone, but will die when the enemy coughs on them.
- Sporesplatta Fanatics: (120pt, min 5, max 15) New variant of Fanatics, which are not hidden in other units but get some additional abilities, such as blocking the enemy's line of sight (except for Monsters and flying stuff) and giving an extra attack to every MOONCLAN GROT unit within 12".
- Note their buff lasts until the next hero phase. So even if your enemy shoots them off the board, your grots will still be buffed in that round's combat. Also remember that they don't have the GROT keyword and so don't benefit from their own attacks buff.
- Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig: (110pts) The guy who makes your Squigs go on faster.
- Can reroll every failed hit and wound roll once per battle
- Command ability gives SQUIGS within 12" +3 movement.
- Sadly, also in finecast.
- We're getting a plastic version in the new Looncurse box. The problem is trying to find someone to split the box with. (Except you can buy the squig half on ebay for cheaper than splitting the box and with free shipping!!!)
- Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: (280pts) It's a hero that rides a pair of huge-ass Squigs chained together. You can't get any crazier.
- Is kinda like standalone Mangler Squigs, except with 5 more attacks, a once-for battle ability to reroll failed hit and wound rolls (but only for the aforementioned attacks of the Loonboss, not the Squig ones) and a command ability that gives +1 to wound rolls to every friendly SQUIG units within 18".
- The be-all, end-all for Squig lists. This is your General and likely your most important model. Besides hitting like the angry fist of Mork 'Imself, the Command Ability changes the Squig list from being fine in melee to being absolutely blendy. Pretty much everything with the Squig keyword is now wounding on 2+. and the radius is phenomenal, reaching just about a quarter of the battlefield in volume. The only downside of the Command Ability is that it only lasts one combat phase, meaning that to activate it in both Combat phases of a turn you'll need two Command points. Combine this model with the Command trait "Fight another Day" to create a ping-pong ball of death that charges into melee, beats the shit out of his target, and then hops away merrily and denies the enemy a chance to fight back. Try to find a magic item that either increases his Durability (The Clammy Cowl does this great, and the Gryph-Feather Charm does it slightly better), or makes him more reliable at killing (Bonuses to hit, or rerolls to hit. Bonuses to wound or rerolling wounds is pretty unlikely to help as you're already wounding on twos with the Command ability).
- Just alright in non-squig lists. He's pretty expensive, and although he's quite strong his command ability isn't nearly as helpful when it's only affecting him, and you'll be getting a similar level of killiness from a regular Mangler Squig at that point. Certainly not a BAD choice as far as out-of-synergy picks goes, but if you're running mostly non-squigs, you'll probably be better served by an Arachnarok with or without Shaman, a Troggboss or just a Dankhold Troggoth, or maybe even just a Giant when it comes to big smashy idiots.
- Squig Herds: (70pt, min 6, max 24) Battleline with Moonclan General (includes all Squig Mounted Generals).
- Now the herders are part of the unit (at least one for every 5 Squigs), and they allow the unit to reroll run and charge. For each squig that fails its battle shock it will deal a mortal wound on an 4+ to the nearest other unit within 6", so beware.
- Tied with the Sneaky Snufflers for the single best point-to-wound ratio in the book, at 5.8 points per wound. This makes Squigs technically the cheapest source of wounds you can get in-faction. A full unit of 24 is a grand total of 48 wounds, and only costs 280 points, quite cheap for that expenditure. Keep in mind their awful, awful leadership, but this can actually work in your favor, as killing big swathes of squigs means a nastier battleshock failure, meaning more potential mortals on a model that squigs wouldn't normally be able to harm. Drown Alarielle and Nagash and Celestant Prime in a wave of gibbering idiot ball-monsters! Laugh at the enemy commander's fury as your horde of Squigs costs hundreds of points cheaper than their big dumb hero, but still get heavily injured in the exchange! Big hordes of Squigs are also great for boxing other troops, as they hit hard enough to threaten many units while simultaneously being worthless enough that dying in groups isn't breaking the points-bank.
- Squig Hoppers: (90pt, min 5, max 20) Battleline with Squig Mounted General.
- Regular boingy people. Deal a mortal wound on a 4+ when they move over a unit.
- Suprisingly decent character assassins: try marching a full unit of these single-file over a model.
- The bounce ability can be used in ways most players won't even consider. What exactly counts as a "Normal Move?" As it turns out, Normal Moves consist of Basic movement, running, and retreating. This means that you don't have to make a full 12-to-6 hop over a unit to deal the bounce mortals, all you need is to run them over the enemy models in the front then make a quick U-turn and land 3" away, great for those turns where you roll a 15-18 for movement/run but can't quite clear the whole unit, or if you want to charge under moonlight or simply chump block. Lastly, if you're stuck in a shitty combat you can't win, on your turn retreat over the enemy model(s), and get your bounce mortals that way as a final "fuck you" to something that would just kill the Hoppers in melee anyway.
- The Lightest of Light Cavalry for the Gloomspite, Squig Hoppers are cheap enough that they're great screeners in small 5-man groups, or run as a fast and irritating tarpit in a big block of 20. Their attacks have two profiles: the absolutely shitty rider attack, and the excellent Squig attacks. Each rider come with one Rider attack that hits and wounds on 5+ and no rend, and two Squig bites of 4+ hit and 3+ wound, and -1 rend as a cherry on top. A save of 6+ means they won't survive long in melee against most anything that's actually good at combat, but their acceptable 3 attacks per model and 2 wounds apiece makes them able to stick around occasionally. However, their biggest weakness is their tremendously stinky Bravery of four. These are acceptable battleline after a handful of squigs and fill a good role of being harassing flankers, or compounding a charge with another unit, such as Boingrot Bounderz or an Arachnarok.
- Regular boingy people. Deal a mortal wound on a 4+ when they move over a unit.
Other Units
- Boingrot Bounderz: (100pt, min 5, max 15) Squig Hoppers that sacrifice speed for defence and offense.
- On a charge, deals a mortal wounds on the charge on a 4+, and gains +1 to wound with their spears.
- 4 attacks of +4/+3 with rend! -1/1 By far the best unit per points cost in the whole faction. Expect some point rises in the next Generals Handbook.
- These guys hit hard. With 4 attacks apiece, -1 rend on all four attacks, and a 50% chance of a mortal on the charge these models are going to thump in combat against most things, and with a few buffs they get truly crazy. Put a Loonboss on Manglers nearby and activate his command ability to give all 4 attacks a 2+ to wound on the charge, and will box effectively against many units even after the charge is over thanks to their stellar (for a Grot) defensive capabilities with 2 wounds and a 4+ save. Their biggest weakness (as with all Gloomspite, really) is their horrible leadership, a measly 5. Although these models are quite slow for cavalry with 2d6 move, this is mitigated by the sheer number of command abilities and spells that allow running and charging or simply a flat +3 inch move (thanks cave squig boss!). Although they won't wipe out a big block of Tzaangors or Ironguts or Putrid Blightkings on the charge, they'll certainly wipe out a chunk of it even in small numbers, and can box whatever survives for at least a turn or two, allowing you to maneuver troops into a stronger attack position. Try and keep some command points around just to help them survive the battleshock phase and they'll perform bouncy miracles.
- Mangler Squigs: (240pts) Two huge Squigs chained together, finally with a new model. As usual they work kinda like a giant Fanatic, with random movement, +1 to hit with one of their melee weapons in the turn they charge and dishing out mortal wounds to anyone within 6" on a 4+ roll once they die.
- Mangler Squigs are angry, 240-point missiles. If they can't kill what they charged outright, it'll likely get killed in response, so the best use is as a fast flanking unit to bully backline heroes, or to compound charges with other units, such as a big 60-strong horde of Stabbas, or with a companion group of 15-strong Squig Hoppers. The size of these models is weird, because their base size is small for a monster making them easy flankers especially with their flight, but their height means archers will nearly always be able to target them. Another weird aspect of them is their damage table, which decreases their stats as they approach half health, but increases back to full the closer they get from half health to death, meaning a 2 wound Mangler Squig is just as dangerous as a full health one. If you can wrangle survival at 1-2 health you'll be better off than you'd be if you tried to play safe once the squig hits half health.
- Colossal Squig (Forgeworld): (300pts) Big huge Squig with big huge damage output. Moves 4d6' and can chuck out a bunch of bite attacks that can influct mortal wounds in addition to its feet attacks. Causes units in melee to subtract 1 from their hit rolls agianst it and when it dies it explodes into a bunch of smaller squigs. So basically one giant wrecking ball of death that can move ridicously fast or kinda slow. Just throw it into the enemy as soon as possible and you should be fine. Though keep it protected from shooting as while it has a lot wounds its save is a little low and bracketing will hurt its damage potential.
- Squig Gobba (Forgeworld): (160pts) A good old forgeworld kit and also pretty much the closet thing this army gets to artillery without resorting to allies or the bad moon. While having reasonable melee output its abysmal movement stats mean that is not really practical and besides its shooting abilitiy is why you want to bring it anyway. with 30' range and 6 attacks that do d3 damage each it can put out a reasonable amount of damage. And it can also hit targets that are not line of sight. So those pesky heroes hiding behind a rock are not safe from you.
- One of the only real ranged attacks available to the GSG, and a pretty good one. Useful for harassing heroes in the back of the enemy's army, especially ones that provide annoying command abilities or spells. The Gitz have such good magic that artillery might not be as interesting compared to flinging endless spells around, but reliable artillery is always a good consideration.
All Arachnaroks and the Scuttleboss have these rules:
- Wall Crawler: During movement phase, the unit can pass through terrain like it was flying.
- Spider Venom: When you roll a 6 to hit with a spider mount's Fang attacks, don't make a wound roll and just inflict a mortal wound (D3 for Arachnarok Spiders).
- Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider: (100pts) The SPIDERFANG non-magic hero. Command ability allows a SPIDERFANG GROTS unit within 18" to reroll charge and hit rolls with their crooked spears.
- Only unit that can take the Marks Of The Spider God's Favour Command Traits.
- Combine the Monstrous Mount Command Trait and the Black Fang magic item to potentially deal six fucking mortal wounds per 6 to hit. Unlikely to happen, but your opponent will be scared shitless of your little 100 point hero.
- Webspinner Shaman: (80pts) SPIDERFANG wizard on foot. Gets a 5+ to ignore wounds and mortal wounds and an exclusive spell that allows a SPIDERFANG unit within 24" (D3 units if you rolled a 8+ to cast) to run and shoot in the same turn.
- On one hand, he’s loads cheaper than most of the other Spiderfang models, but with the mounted version being much more versatile, it’s hard to justify using this footslogger. Maybe if you’re running a mixed list and want a cheap wizard/support hero for your Spider Riders consider him, but even then he’s arguably worse than the Scuttleboss.
- Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider: (280pts) Spider-Wizard on a giant spider. If he is your General all the SPIDERFANG units within 24" get +2 Bravery, also he gives every other SPIDERFANG WIZARD within 12" +1 to cast and dispel rolls. Exclusive spell picks a SPIDERFANG unit within 16" (D3 units if you rolled a 10+ to cast) and doubles the number of Spider Venom wounds they deal in that turn.
- Consider putting into a non-spider list and give it the Headdress of Many Eyes and Curse of the Spider God spell. -1 to hit in a 12" bubble is pretty huge on a pie plate model like this, and a -2 to hit him specifically is infuriating for how little you're paying.
- Spider Riders: (100/540pt, min 5, max 30) Battleline with Spiderfang General.
- Your classic Spider God groupies. Now able to hold bows and spears at the same time!
- These are your true Light Cavalry. In a non-spiderfang-only list, these are great for harassing a flank or bothering a hero, or maybe just charging up the board to get to the war machines. The biggest difference between the Squig Hopperz and the Spider Riderz is that the Spider Riderz have a ranged attack, potential for mortals, a better armor save, and more reliable movement, but the Squig Hopperz are going to be much faster on average, have real flight instead of the semi-flight spiders get, and two of the Squig attacks have Rend making them slightly more reliable for piercing light to medium armor.
- Skitterstrand Arachnarok: (240pts) Naked Huge Spider. With no Grot on his back, he is able to begin the game in reserve and pop out at the end of any of your movement phases before the fourth round.
- Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty: (230pts) Huge spider covered with people. Loses the ambush ability, but gets 10 shooting attacks and the ability to reroll run and charge rolls, plus dealing D3 mortal wounds on a 2+ roll after charging. Finally giving you a reason to take this over the one with Shaman.
- Arachnarok Spider with Flinger: (250pts) Huge spider covered with people and a catapult. 2 less shooty and spear attacks attacks and no reroll+impact damage, but the Flinger itself aims at a unit within 36", rolls a dice and on a 6+ (5+ on a 5+ models unit, 4+ on a 10+ models unit) deals D3 mortal wounds and forces the targeted unit to be the last to attack in the successive combat phase. Great at tripping up large blobs and while not reliable the one time you get this on a big monster might be worth the gamble.
- Dankhold Troggboss: (270pts) Your Hero option for a Troll solo army.
- Gets 4 good melee attacks plus a Crushing Grip (Pick 1 enemy model in range of the attack and roll a dice: if you get more than that model's wounds is dead).
- Always remember that with the Crushing Grip, you pick a model, not just a unit, so keep picking those champions and banner bearers.
- An additional ability that allows you to roll a dice for every enemy unit within 3" and deal them a mortal wound if the roll is higher than the number of models in that unit, great for discouraging Heroes from attacking your Trogg.
- Regenerates D3 wounds at the beginning of each turn if you roll a 4+
- Ignores effects of spells (Endless ones too) on a 4+ roll. Does not differentiate between friend and foe, though, so don't waste buff spells on him. (The roll to ignore is optional so buff away!!)
- Gives +1 Bravery to every GLOOMSPITE GITZ friendly unit within 18", including himself, not that it should ever matter.
- His command ability allows TROGGOTHS within 18" to reroll every 1 to hit.
- Despite his size and stats, is not a monster/behemoth, so doesn't degrade as he gets wounded and benefits from both look out sir and cover.
- Gets 4 good melee attacks plus a Crushing Grip (Pick 1 enemy model in range of the attack and roll a dice: if you get more than that model's wounds is dead).
- Mollog: (170pts) Straight outta Shadespire, here comes a midget Troggboss with his crew.
- Named Hero.
- Comes with 3 minions that can take wounds for him and give him extra abilities as long as they're on field: The Bat Squig can deal a mortal wound to an enemy unit within 18" on a 5+ roll, the Spiteshroom can give -1 to hit rolls to enemies within 3" in melee on a 5+ roll and the Stalagsquig haves a chance of surviving after taking a hit for Mollog (you guessed it, on a 5+ roll).
- His attacks have particular properties: his shooting attack gives -1 to hit rolls to the targeted unit after wounding it, while the melee attacks deals mortal wounds (on a 2+, his attack deals a mortal wound, and it deals D3 mortal wounds on a 4+).
- Regeneration, spell immunity and Bravery boost are the same as regular Troggboss.
- His damage output is way worse than that of the Troggboss (understandable, he's way cheaper) but his durability is almost the same as a 300 point model! He's one tanky boi.
- Troggoth Hag (Forgeworld): (380pts) Hero, Wizard, Monster and money sink.
- These old flabby ladies are an incredible addition to your band of Trolls.
- They have a massive amount of Wounds (16, up from 14 prior to the battletome), a good save and even stronger regen than your average Troggoth
- While they are not so hot in melee comparatively, they barf five times the damage (needs confirming, probably no longer true) the normal Troggoths do and with higher range. Seeing as their barfing is a high-Rend, high-damage attack, this makes the lady absolutely terrifying
- Her spell is a reverse Mystic Shield that lowers enemy Saves even further and heaps on another To Hit penalty, and is now only 7 to cast.
- The lady has a chance of dealing damage to you if you try to go around all the To Hit penalties and just shoot her ass with magic - on a roll of 4+ she deals D3 mortals.
- Finally, she even heals D6 wounds every hero phase!
- If you give her the Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron spell, then let it damage her for D3 wounds (which happens at the start of the hero phase), then immediately heal them back with the D6 heal (which can happen any time during the hero phase - so that's always after you've dealt the damage). Even better, if you are in melee with an enemy unit assign it to them for a free Arcane Bolt!
- Not Dankhold so can't take the Trogg Command Traits or Artefacts.
- Rockgut Troggoths: (140pt, min 3, max 12) Battleline with Troggboss General.
- The sturdy ones.
- Comes with a 5+ save to negate wounds and mortal wounds if they fail their armour save.
- Can throw rocks at stuff (pick a unit within 12" in shooting phase and deal it D3 mortal wounds on a roll that is equal or less to the number of models in
itthe Trogg unit). That's a guaranteed hit so long as you have six Troggoths in the unit. Also it doesn't count as a shooting attack, so throw it from out of combat, throw it at Heroes, after running or retreating, whatever. - Awesome rend and damage, with a -2 rend and 3 damage a SWING. That being said, they don't have much weight of fire with only two swings a trogg, so the attacks are best used against low model count and high armor targets.
- Comparing against the Fellwaters, both have a similar ranger attack - Rockgut have twice the range, but it only really works against larger units; both can regenerate, but the Rockguts are less likely to get hurt in the first place. The Rockguts have fewer attacks but their attacks are more powerful than the Fellwater. Consider the Rockguts for use against stronger battleline, and Fellwater against weak hordes.
- DAMN GW, guess you didn't sell enough of these guys. Dropped by 20pts in GHB2019/Errata. Minotaurs be jealous.
- Fellwater Troggoths: (150pt, min 3, max 12) Battleline with Troggboss General.
- The smelly ones.
- Like the FW Hag, have a vomiting range attack, and it's a good one too with -2 rend and d3 damage. However it is very short ranged (6 inches) so you are probably better off shooting the attack in melee to finish whomever your fighting.
- Melee is on par with a Kurnoth Hunter.
- So smelly that opponents get -1 to hit in melee against you.
- On a 4+ in the hero phase heals D3 wounds to help them linger.
- Great for taking shitty hordes and making them useless, a great tarpit for tarpits. The penalty to hit makes most tarpit units lose a lot of damaging power, and the regen makes the Trogs likely to shrug off whatever damage the tarpit did do. Their melee attacks are just good enough to chop down a bunch of light guys as well, having a bunch of medium-damaging attacks with just enough rend to likely deactivate the 6+ save the horde had.
Other Units
- Dankhold Troggoth: (200pt, min 1, max 3) Slightly cheaper version of the new huge Troggoth.
- Same as the Trogboss, but for 70 fewer points, you lose 2 wounds, 1 bravery, 1 attack on the club, the command ability to reroll 1s for Troggoths, and the unlocking of Troggoth battline.
- You do gain the ability to take as a unit of up to 3. That's a trap, though. You do NOT want to run the risk of losing a 200 points model to Battleshock. If your army is generating lots of command points then that might not be an issue.
- Aleguzzler Gargant: (160pts) Good ol' Giant is here. If you roll a double when he charges, he is too drunk to do it and forces the two players to confront dice rolls in order to choose where he will fall down and deal D3 mortal wounds. Same thing when he dies. And when he piles up, you pick the closest enemy model, roll a dice and instantly kill it if the result is the double of that model's wounds.
- Bonegrinder Gargant (Forgeworld): (400pts) Essentially just a bigger and meaner Gargant that has the the chance to just straight eat a model if its wounds is 4 or less. Melee wise his weapons are pretty much just like the Aleguzzler Gargant but doing more damage and he trades the headbutt attack for a ranged attack that does similar damage. At the end of combat he has a chance to inflict d6 mortal wounds on the enemy if you roll equal or less than the units size (so can effect single models like monsters or heroes on a 1). He can pile-in a greater distance than usual and also retains the rule when he dies he has a chance to do mortal wounds. Overall he is basically a bigger and more durable Gargant who can dish out way more damage. Though always be cautious as he will be difficult to shield on the battlefield and your opponent will likely try to put him down quickly with everything they got, which can also be a good thing if his job is to be a distraction (though given his cost you should at least try to get him into combat).
- Bad Moon Loonshrine: The main help for your little guys for zero points cost
- Before armies are setup, place one of these in your section of the board at least 12inches from enemy territory and more than 1inch from other scenery.
- Makes friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ units within 12" pass Battleshock tests automatically. Whilst amazing, it will only ever have any effect on your own side of the board.
- Allows you to attempt to resurrect a unit of SHOOTAS or STABBAS which has been entirely destroyed on a 4+ roll at the end of each of your turns (every unit can be resurrected only once).
- Great LOS blocker for artillery (Squig Hopper).
- Less useful for pure Squig/Troggoth/Spiderfang lists due to lack of resurrection. But there is no reason to ever not take it.
- Nothing saying you can't place this on top of an objective. It's pure size might then make it impossible for anyone to take that objective, which would be amazing for plans like Battle For The Pass where the enemy gets many points for capturing the objective on your side.
- FAQ states that number of special models in units returned by the Loonshrine should be the number in the original unit halved (rounded up), even if this breaks what is listed on the warscroll. This essentially makes your returned units slightly more powerful than regular ones.
(110 p) (min/max All 5 Gobbapalooza.
- Each member of the Battalion gets +1 to casting and to activate their Gobbapalooza Know-Wotz ability when within 8" from at least one of the others. Slightly odd battalion as you have to take all Gobbapalooza together anyway. (Lets you deploy them as a 1 drop rather than as 5, not to mention the Artefact/CP for 110 more points)
- A minor note, you can use the Shroomancer and Boggleye to cast endless spells while standing next to each other for the +1 to cast, but this is probably still too expensive for what you're getting.
Skulkmob Horde
(160 p) (min; no max .pt) 3+ units of Stabbas or Shootas and 3 units of Loonsmasha/Sporesplatta Fanatics.
- Once per battle, when using the Bad Moon Loonshrine ability to respawn a unit of Stabbas or Shootas from this battalion, you can respawn it with all the models instead of only half of them.
- Expensive. The effect you're getting is very good, but at minimum sizes Stabbas and to a lesser extent Shootas aren't very effective, so you're looking to probably bump up any Stabba units in here to at least 40, maybe 60, and that tacks on a lot of additional cost. At 2k points this can work, but the effect only brings back more gobbos and has no benefit to the fanatics. How often are 60 Stabbas going to die early enough that bringing back all 60 is a massive benefit?
Moonclan Skrap (Superbattalion)
(120 p) (min; no max .pt) 1-3 LOONBOSSES, 0-1 MOONCLAN WIZARDS, 0-1 Gobbapalooza, 1-3 units of Sneaky Snufflers, 0-2 Squig Herds, 1+ Skulkmob Hordes and 0-3 Squig Rider Stampedes.
- Every unit in the Battalion passes automatically Battleshock tests when under the Light of the Bad Moon.
- Just like the Skulkmob Horde, this is really expensive. At least you can fit your heroes and wizards under it, and likely all your squig support too, making this better for a one-and-done drop army. The effect is amazing, but you're still looking at upwards of 2500+ points for anything except minimum sizes.
Squig Rider Stampede
(140 p) (min; max 2-3 units of Squig Hoppers or Boingrot Bounderz and 0-1 Mangler Squigs.
- Every unit in the Battalion can reroll the movement.
- If you're running Squig Hopperz or Boingrot Bounderz in any serious capacity, this is great. Relatively cheap, and you can fit a cheeky Mangler Squigs Boss in there too, this just makes your unreliable Cavalry faster for a pretty competitive cost.
Squigalanche (Superbattalion)
(90 p) (min; no max .pt) 1 Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig or Mangler Squigs, 0-3 Loonbosses on Giant Cave Squigs, 1+ Squig Hopper Stampedes, 1-3 Mangler Squigs and 0-2 Squig Herds.
- When under the Light of the Bad Moon, each model in the Battalion can attack units within 6" in combat phase and do a 6" pileup.
- If you want to one drop this, then you have to take Loonboss on Mangler Squig or the Loonboss with/on Giant Cave Squig as general in order to fulfil battleline.
- This is another strong battalion power, but is expensive, again. You're spending 230 points on just battalions, and due to the way the Squigalanche works, you can't have your Mangler Squigs Boss who's leading the 'Lanche also be in the Squig Rider Stampede. That being said, the ability to pile in 6" can make auto charges possible, which is great especially for Cave Squigs and Squig Hopperz as they have no bonuses to charge.
Zaggit's Squigalanche (Looncurse)
(min/max The full contents of Looncurse, namely: 1 Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, 1 Squig Herd containing 10 Cave Squigs and 2 Squig Herders, 1 unit of 5 Squig Hoppers, 1 unit of 5 Boingrot Bounderz.
- There are no point values for the Looncurse battalions, preventing use in matched play games. In reality only useful when playing against against a Druanti's Wraithkin army (The Sylvaneth side of Looncurse).
- At the end of each of your turns, you can pick 1 Friendly Squig Heard, Squig Hoppers or Boinggrot Bounderz unit in this battalion that has been destroyed. Roll a dice, on 4+ add a replacement unit with half the models of the original (Rounding Up). Set up within 6" of edge of the Battlefield in your territory and more than 9" away from enemy units. Each unit can only be replaced once - Replacement units can not be replaced.
Arachnorok Spider Cluster
(100 p) (min; max 2-4 Arachnarok Spiders with Spiderfang Warparty or Flinger and 0-1 Skitterstrand Arachnarok.
- Each member of the Battalion can reroll every 1 to hit when within 6" from another of them.
- The Monster Mash battalion. A good battalion with a good benefit for good, cheap monsters. The only real downside is you can't fit Shaman-backed Arachnaroks in there, which makes it a little tough to squeeze all your battleline and heroes in a list with all this.
Skitterstrand Nest
(110 p) (min; max 2-3 Skitterstrand Arachnaroks.
- +1 to charge rolls to each model for each of them that came on the battlefield in the current turn.
- Very good. Bring 3 Skitterstrands, have all of them deep strike, and get +3 to charge, making your opponent very sad. Only downside is that to run this you've got to buy, assemble, and paint two to three arachnaroks.
Spider Rider Skitterswarm
(120 p) (min; no max .pt) 0-1 Scuttleboss on Giant Spider and 3+ units of Spider Riders.
- +2" movement to every Battalion member.
- Solid. What else is there to say? For the price of 6 Spider Riders you can turn all of your Spider Riders into extra fast zoomy boys.
Spiderfang Stalktribe (Superbattalion)
(110 p) (min; no max .pt) 1 Webspinner Shaman (with or without the Arachnarok Spider), 0-2 Webspinner Shamans, 1-2 Arachnarok Spider Clusters, 1+ Spider Rider Skitterswarms and 0-1 Skitterstrand Nest.
- Each model in the Battalion that is within 24" from the Battalion's Webspinner Shaman(s) can reroll every 1 to save.
- Great for a superbattalion, the effect is maximized with the giant base size of the Shaman on Arachnarok, making your whole army a little more survivable. Especially good if you have a second Arachnarok shaman or even another Spiderfang Shaman on foot. If you're running a 2k or 2.5k list of Spiderfang, this is definitely a great battalion to consider. All that being said, there's a lot of Arachnaroks in this battalion, and you'll probably start hitting the Behemoth cap, meaning that fitting Spiderfang Arachnaroks in your list can get tough.
(180 p) (min; max A Dankhold Troggboss, 3-9 units of Dankhold/Fellwater/Rockgut Troggoths and 0-2 Aleguzzler Gargants.
- Every time a model in the Battalion makes an unmodified 6 to wound roll, that attack deals one extra damage. The only Trogg battalion, and it seems a little pricey for what you get.
- Can't include Mollog or the Hag.
- No options to include a second hero to take that second artefact, which makes a true one drop Troggoth army expensive. *you can give the Hag a generic relic with the extra one, ie Gryphfeather Charm from Ghur*
- Probably not worth it. Your heroes are already expensive and an extra artefact might be nice, but you might be better off spending the 180 points on two Fungoid Cave-Shamans and have not only more command points, but better magic support as well.
In general, the Gloomspite Gitz is a Synergy faction, that relies heavily on buffs, spells, careful positioning, and picking your battles. The vast majority of your army is made up of no-neck chumps too stupid to hold a sword the right way (Squig Hopperz, Stabbaz, Shootaz, Sneaky Snufflerz), and you'll have to counteract that by using them to exhaust the impetus of the enemy while the slightly-competent mooks (Boingrot Bounderz, Troggoths, Spiderfang Riderz) come in and mop up the remainder of the fight. GSG (Gloomspite Gitz) has good hordes, but terrible leadership brings them down significantly. While Death factions can have huge numbers and a fantastic Leadership 10-14, you're likely going to be stuck at leadership 6-7, factoring in the group size bonus. When you're facing the sheer number of lost models that hordes inevitably have, Death can replace the models easily and won't have many run away from a bad leadership failure. You, on the other hand will likely lose half again what you lost in casualties to the battleshock phase unless you're willing to spend an oh-so-precious Command Point to auto-pass the check. This is slightly counteracted by how cheaply we can GET these hordes (130 points for 20 Stabbaz is a pretty great deal even compared to skeletons, and Cave Squigs are the cheapest pile of wounds per points invested in them in the army) and that all we need the tarpit to do is hold the enemy in place for a turn, maybe two, while we get into position to stab them in the back.
The first step to bein' a dead kunnin' Loonboss is looking over all your spells, command abilities, and special rules for pretty much everything you're planning on buying. Don't just get Sneaky Snufflerz because they look good, if you're making a whole army of Troggoths then the Snufflerz ability to buff can't be used on them, as it only affects MOONCLAN models. We recommend you start by picking a rough theme for your army, and building around that. Pick one or two units that you can't play without and decide to focus on making them good. Boingrot Bounderz are great, but to get the most out of them you can back them up with Sneaky Snufflerz, a Loonboss on Mangler Squigz, and/or a Fungoid Cave-Shaman with the Squig Lure spell. An Arachnarok with Spiderfang Shaman on top is a great leader, but his spells are most powerful alongside other Spiderfang models, such as Spider Riderz, a Spiderfang Boss on Giant Spider, or a second Arachnarok. Six Rockgut Troggoths are a hard-hitting unit that only get stronger with the support of a Dankhold Troggboss and a couple Madcap Shamans following them around, casting Arcane Shield on them and Itching Nuisance on their enemies. You don't necessarily have to go balls-deep on a theme by buying nothing but Spiderfang models, but keep in mind that Synergy is a HUGE thing for this army and as such you'll need to support each piece to see it fully reach its potential.
Figure out who your General is, because they'll likely help you figure out what you'll have for the rest of your army. A Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig is a good, cheap general alongside 40-60 basic Grot Stabbaz and Shootaz, but a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig will likely be unable to help them the same way as his ability only affects SQUIGS. Once you've picked a general, it's pretty recommended to follow that up with a nice, cheap wizard (unless you picked Skragrott as your general, in which case, pick MORE wizards!). Wizards can cast spells obviously, but the Lore of the Gloomspite is great for helping smooth out the rough patches in your army, allowing Squigs to run and charge to get where they need to be, forcing a dangerous unit to fight last so you can charge it with multiple small units, or even teleport a dangerous unit into position to disrupt your enemy's gameplan right away. Secondly, Wizards can try and dispell which is extremely helpful against crippling curses or dangerous enhancement spells turning otherwise nonthreatening enemies into grot-cleaving powerhouses.
There's a couple basic themes you as an army builder can follow. Of course, you can mix and match to your heart's content, but the Gloomspite Gitz has very tribal synergies.
- MOONCLAN HORDES: The Basic Stabbaz, Shootaz, and Fanatics are a great build-around for the horde player. With huge numbers of models taking up vast areas of board space, the enemy will be hard-pressed to avoid your tarpits, and even less able to kill them all, especially with the free ressurection offered by the Loonshrine. Best lead with a basic Grot hero such as Skragrott himself, or a Loonboss on foot with or without a Cave Squig companion. Backed up by phenominally cheap heroes such as Madcap Shamans, Loonbosses, and a Gobbapalooza, you can actually make a big block of crummy basic Goblins quite dangerous.
- MAGIC HEAVY: A subset of the basic Moonclan Grot army, this list brings tons of Endless Spells and cheap ass wizards to cast them. Bring the bare necessity of Battleline (Usually basic Stabbaz, but Cave Squigz can do it too) and then go absolutely insane with Fungoid Cave-Shamans, Madcap Shamans, Spiderfang Shamans, Gobbapalooza Boggleyes and Fungalmancers, and lead this crew with Skragrott for maximum magic stupidity. At higher points levels you'll be casting more spells than Nagash will, and as soon as the Bad Moon flies over your wizards your magic will become truly oppressive.
- SPIDERFANG: The Spiderfang is a fifty-fifty split of cavalry and monsters, perfect for the player that likes mid-size armies with great mobility and mortal wound potential. Lead with a Spiderfang Shaman atop an Arachnarok aside a handful of Spider Riderz, with a Skitterstrand Arachnarok sitting in the wings to flank from any side. Keep a balance between monsters and troops - It's easy to get too many Arachnaroks and realize that your whole army is five slow monsters. Compound charge with Riderz and Arachnaroks for best results.
- TROGGOTHS: Wait, the Night Goblins can be run as super-elites? You bet they can. A Dankhold Troggboss with the Loonskin Command Ability is a genuinely amazing general, and if you back him up with 9-12 Rockgut and/or Fellwater Troggoths he'll be a truly scary threat. If you have points left over you can expand with a Dankhold Troggoth or two or even a Troggoth Hag if you decide to run Forge World. Your army of cockroaches will never die and you'll simply outlast most opponents. Just don't try and outrun them, you're too slow to keep up. And if you want magic but don’t feel like donating an organ to buy a Hag, a Fungoid and a Madcap Shaman will usually get the job done. Plus you’d have to be a zoggin’ idiot to turn down all those extra CP.
- SQUIGALANCHE: THE fastest army in the book, make no mistake. Sometimes you'll roll shitty and have movement 3 Squig Hopperz, but honestly that's all part of the fun. Almost everything flies, and it's phenomenally easy to run and charge, you're the Dark Eldar of Age of Sigmar. A Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig or Mangler Squigz is a good start, then back it up with a handful of Cave Squigs to contest objectives, before going all-out with Squig Hopperz, Boingrot Bounderz, and Mangler Squigz. The enemy will dissapear before they even get a a chance to attack back, and you're fast enough to threaten backline wizards and war machines by as early as turn 2. Just try and avoid situations where you have to make Leadership checks, your bravery is terrible.
Lastly, here's some basic work-around ideas that have a specific theme and playstyle. Very much memes, but the whole point of the game's to have fun, right?
Fanatic Bomb
Thanks to The Honest Wargamer for this one. Goodbye to your friends and may the Dank rule all! Use Hand of Gork to teleport 60 Grots 9.1" away from the opponent. Release your 15 Fanatics 6.1" away. Be very cunnin' & sneaky to cast Chronomantic Cogs. Congratulations, your opponent now has to deal with a guaranteed charge of 15 Fanatics and a potentially a solid charge from 60 Stabbas. This is so going to be FAQd.
Pie In The Face
From Warhammer Weekly. Go Grand Alliance Destruction. Take Spiderfang Stalktribe with three Skitterstrands (setup offboard) and a Scuttleboss. Take Gordrakk. Take a wizard and cogs. Then take whatever else to fill your points, trying to keep within Spiderfang Stalktribe. Take first turn due to low number of drops. Cast Cogs and set to +2 for the charge. Move Gordrakk forwards. Setup Arachnaroks 9inch from the enemy - this gives them a +3 for the charge. Activate Voice of Gork on them for a 3 dice charge (as well as +2 attacks). Ensure the Scuttleboss is nearby so you can reroll the charge. Now CHARGE for total of +5, three dice and a reroll on the Arachnaroks and a plain +2 on Gordrakk.
- Sadly you can't use Scuttling Terrors spell as the Skitterstrand are not on the board at that point.
- Named so because you have 4 units on 160mm pie dishes all alphastriking.
- More for the lols than optimal.
Allied Armies
- Bonesplitterz: Anti-monster units, cavalry with constant movement. Also pairs aesthetically well with the Spiderfang Grots.
- Greenskinz: has better archers, cavalry with constant movement, and a Rogue Idol which improves nearby grot's casting rolls and bravery by 1.
Note, Ironjawz can take our Moonclan and Troggoths as allies; whilst Gutbusters can take Troggoths. So you might want to consider those armies allegiance if you want to mix.
Mercenary Companies
Gloomspite Gitz doesn't really need Mercenaries, especially when said mercenaries, with their presence alone, eat your first turn's command point. Honestly, that's more valuable than any mercenary crew in the world, but if you want to mix and match your collection, here's how to do it.
- Blacksmoke Battery: Some decent artillery would be nice for this army. Especially what happened to their standard cousins when this released
- Greyfyrd: Do you want to run sub-optimal Fyreslayers that are already slower and more synergy-reliant than your goblins, only now they have to be babysat by your general, and you can't afford enough points to bring all your support heroes? Now's your chance, I guess.
- Grugg Brothers: Field two of them and they get to re-roll failed hit rolls of one when they are close to each other which is not bad in all honesty.
- Gutstuffers: If you want Ogors in your army without having to breaking your allegiance, this is it.
- Nimyard’s Rough-Riders: Shooting cavalry! And scouting! You don't really need either of these, exactly, but the ranged combat is nice.
- Order of the Blood-Drenched Rose: Excellent all-around cavalry that blends well with squig armies especially their Boingrot Bounderz. They even (nearly) share the same color too.
- Rampagers:
- Skroug’s Menagerie: Just weak here. You get a basic giant with a couple minor, minor benefits that only help your weird chaos animals. And it costs you CP to use his abilities, no less.
- Sons of the Lichemaster: 'tis simple. They respawning chaff, your behemoths/Dankhold Troggoths smash.
- Tenebrous Court: Weirdly alright, unless you really wanted to bring a crap ton of Terrorgheists. You can bring some nice hordes that can actually punch better than your Stabbaz, and some cheap and tough wizards to support them. Plus, Tomb Horrors on the charge are pretty high damage here, and GSG has a bit of a hard time dealing huge damage.
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