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Ibixians, also known as Goatfolk, are a race of beastfolk who resemble humanoid goats - in case you actually needed to be told that. Intrloduced in 3.5's Monster Manual 3, it's unclear what kinship they may have, if any, with the Mystaran Goatmen of the Savage Coast.

Though their goat-like forms evoke a certain similarity to satyrs, ibixians are very much unlike those hedonistic and mischievous fey. Instead, they are more like the minotaurs whose body structure they emulate: aggressive, boisterous, rowdy and violent. They are a war-like and barbaric people, and spend much of their time fighting anyone who looks tough, be it outsiders or each other. Egalitarian, they don't care whether their leader is male or female; the strong rule and the weak follow. That's all they care about.

They're not incapable of acting in a civilized way, but they are a fairly rowdy and primitive race, mostly being ignored save for when they look to be of use as mercenaries.

Ibixians are known to inhabit Eberron, with tribes scratching out their primal existences in the wilderness and in out-of-the-way places. The largest concentrates of Eberronian ibixians can be found in hthe grassy steppes and foothills of the Blackcap Mountains, which spread from northern Breland into southern Aundair. These tribes are the legacy of the Last War; Aundair uses ibixian tribes as mercenary conscripts during battles against Breland and Thrane, during which they acquitted themselves so impressively that Breland decided to copy the trick and field ibixians of their own. Then came the Clash of the Horns; a battle between Aundair and Breland in which both side fielded ibixians. The goatfolk initially clashed, then spontaneously turned traitor, attacking both of their former employers side by side! This sudden betrayal, combined with the strength and ferocity of the ibixians, routed both Aundairians and Brelanders, after which the goatfolk retreated to the Blackcaps, where they have lived ever since, constantly waiting for reprisal from the human nations.

As a player character, an Ibixian has the following stats:

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Base speed 30 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Racial Hit Dice: 3 levels in Monstrous Humanoid, which provide 3d8 hit points, a Base Attack Bonus of +3, and Base Saving Throw Bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +3 and Will +3.
Racial Skills: 6 X (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) skill points, class skills are Intimidate, Listen, Spot and Survival.
+4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks
RaciaL Feats: 2 bonus feats
Weapon Proficiency: Greataxe and all Simple weapons
+2 natural armor bonus
Natural Weapon: Head Butt 1d6)
Pack Fervor (Ex): When an ibixian is within 30 feet of another ibixian, it gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, and a+4 moral bonus on saving throws against Fear effects.
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment: +1