Inner Sea of Ulthuan
The Inner Sea of Uthuan is the hole in the donut. It's the body of water which is mostly enveloped by the Island of Uthuan with a channel at Lothern leading out to the Great Ocean. The Western half is the Sea of Dusk and the Eastern Half is the sea of Dread. At the center is the Island of the Dead, in which the Vortex flushes away Chaos to prevent the world going to shit.
Regions and Areas of the Warhammer World | |
Areas of The Old World: | The Empire of Man - Bretonnia - Albion - Estalia - Tilea - Kislev - Norsca - Border Princes - Worlds Edge Mountains - Karak Eight-Peaks |
Areas of The New World: | Naggaroth - Lustria |
Areas of The Eastern Lands: | Cathay - Nippon - Ogre Kingdoms - Dark Lands - Kingdoms of Ind - Khuresh - Eastern Steppes |
Areas of The Southlands: | Nehekhara - Araby - Badlands - Marshes of Madness |
Other Areas of the world: | Ulthuan - Athel Loren - Chaos Wastes - Skavenblight - Lost Isles of Elithis |
Main bodies of Water: | The Great Ocean - The Far Sea - The Sea of Dread - Inner Sea of Ulthuan |