Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Legends/Tamurkhan's Horde

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Here comes the great horde of Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord !!!

He brings chaos and despair in his wake.

Tamurkhan's Horde Summary

Tamurkhan's Horde Warscrolls

Named characters

Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord: Big, mean and perfect to destroy the heroes of the other side. Can take control of the hero which manage to kill him.

Kayzk the Befouled: 7" move, 7 HP, 7 bravery (I think I see a pattern...)

Sayl the Faithless: A nice wizard. Only 1 spell/turn but his special spell give 1 friendly unit at 10" a move of 18" and the ability to fly until your next hero pahse. If his pet his around (less than 3") he can redirect his wounds on him/it on a 4+.

Nightmaw: The pet. A cute hellspawn devoted to his master.

6HP, 4+ save (increased to 3+ against spell and shoot), 5+ special save against wounds and mortal wounds. And he heals himself 1 wound per turn.


Plague Ogres:

Bile Trolls:

Daemon Plague Toads:

Daemon Pox Riders:


Gigantic Chaos Spawn:

Chaos War Mammoth:



Army Building

External links


Forge world rules are here [1]

Tamurkhan :Just shoot at him with 40 bretonian peasant bowmen, a paladin and you will mathematically kill him in one turn. If you are not a bretonia player, make sure you have many shooters and/ or mages to stop him before he is in close combat; because even nagash will be killed very soon( if tamurkhan is at full strength) P.s. He also regens d3 mortal wounds each turn and in combat he wins bonuses against heroes AND if you kill him in close combat your heroe will take 1d3 mortal wounds:if it kills him tamurkhan will take possession of his body.Oh,he has 18 wounds.

Khayzk The befouled:Tamurkhan's lieutenant, his stat's and rules are very, very similar to a regular khorne lord on juggernaut, with a few exceptions( his command ability isn't that great,either, it makes one unit within 14' immume for battleshock tests for one turn.

Sayl The Faithless and Nightmaw: Sayll is a wizard who can cast and unbind one spell each turn.His signature spell gives fly and a 18' movement tohimself or one nearby allied unit until next heroe phase.Once per game he can cast a spell with 3d6.He also has a one use 8' throw weapon who causes 1d3 automatic mortal wounds. Nightmaw acts as his bodyguard and is resilient but not a reliable fighter in close combat, with 2d6 attacks each phase.