Kobold Press
Kobold Press is a 3rd-party publisher who produces materials for Dungeons & Dragons. Most of their work revolves around their own homebrew world, Midgard, although some of their supplements, in particular their bestiaries, tend to be presented in a more setting neutral fashion.
The company made its debut during the golden age of Paizo and 3rd-party publishing, cashing in on the sudden massive swell of Pathfinder 1st Edition after Wizards of the Coast foolishly tried to restrict the OGL as part of the already poorly-received Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition launch. This lasted until the creation of Pathfinder Second Edition and Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, when Kobold Press abandoned their Pathfinder roots and instead jumped ship to producing works for D&D 5e instead.
Nobody knows if this is because 5e had displaced PF1e as the biggest D&D-related title on the market, or because they believed that PF2e was going to go down even worse than D&D 4e had, or both. In either case, the decision had proved to be profitable for them, as they similarly rode the massive surge of popularity 5E got.
However, things have changed a lot since then. In January 2023, amid the disastrous scandal of the One D&D OGL leak, Kobold Press announced on their blog that, whilst they intended to finish their remaining 5e products that had been launched on Kickstarter, they were jumping ship again, this time to a new open-source "Core Fantasy" tabletop ruleset of their own design under the name "Project: Black Flag" before being renamed a more generic "Tales of the Valiant". While officially this was intended to "preserve their values", everybody knew this was a reaction to WotC shooting themselves in the head with the OGL 1.1 scam. They are also working with Paizo again to help solidify unity for the ORC License, along with several other 3PP publishers.