"I take no joy in this. Nor do I despair. It is merely something that must be done. All we ask is payment of the Tithe. These people had their chance! They chose their fate! Perhaps I am wrong though... perhaps I deceive myself. For in truth, there is... some joy in this."
- – Katakros on his 9 to 5.
"Wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this!"
- – Pontius Pilate
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end."
- –
SemisonicMarcus Annaeus Seneca
Full name Orpheon Katakros, the newest member of the Mortarchs, Katakros had died and returned again and again, and had survived "The fall of the Storm God's hammer" meaning he had either faced the Celestant-Prime or Sigmar Himself and was defeated. The other hints were that he died a general defending his birth city, and came back in death as an Emperor, and his promotional material was visually similar to Drachenfels, while some hopefuls thought that there was Tomb Kings influence in the army he led. This also came after the plot focused on Lady Olynder working to free an ancient evil that Sigmar had beef with in the past, with many people thinking that was either Drachenfels or Krell.
All of this could only mean one thing: he was a new character nobody had ever heard about before and is being included in an "oh by the way" fashion.
In life was an incredibly talented tactician and strategist, but not great at making friends due to being a bossy perfectionist. He died for the first time when he made a charge but no one was there to support his autistic ass so he got plucked off his chariot and ripped to pieces by a Ghorgon (but not before he dealt a fatal blow that later killed it). Katakros' manner of death also gave him a disdain for mounts of all kinds so in undeath he walks everywhere. After being sent to one of the afterlives of shyish he became the general there just in time to witness Nagash's birth into the mortal realms and his subsequent omnoming of all the death gods and afterlives. Katakros managed to defend his afterlife for longer than any other, to the point Nagash had to step in personally to curb stomp. Katakros, seeing the situation was hopeless, offered his services before he was stomped out and Nagash actually said yes, which should say a lot about this boy.
He became the first Bonereaper, which was all fine and dandy until Sigmar invaded. Katakros knew he had no chance against Sigmar but he had his orders from Nagash and his glaive was made using similar arts to the weapon that first killed Nagash in the World-That-Was, so Katakros figured it might be up to the task of god-killing and gave it his best shot. It didn't work and Katakros and got his skull concaved by Ghal Maraz. Since this was before Sigmar thought about making the best warriors/leaders into Sigmarines, and he was still sore about Nagash's treachery and afterwards he apparently didn't feel like turning Katakros into a Stormcast, he threw the general into a Stormvault. Then he trusted the enchantments to hide it from Nagash rather than do something sensible like move it someplace Nagash couldn't easily access it. Katakros spent his time mulling over tactics, stewing in his rage towards Sigmar and probably bouncing a ball against the opposite wall to pass the time. Jump forward in time to the present and Lady Olynder opened it up and here he is, ready to start the Tithe.
That being said, Katakros is the Mortarch of the Necropolis, and has his own legion, the Ossiarch Bonereapers (also called the Ossiarch legions). He also commands his own personal legion of 10,000 Bonereapers within the Ossiarch legions. Unlike most undead characters inhabiting thin bone-bodies that are inevitably broken, Katakros is a soul housed within a fucking massive bone-construct (one that has a ridiculous bulge that would make David Bowie from Labyrinth blush) and also leads a legion of bone constructs, each housing several souls to make them more effective then brittle skeletons or slow-ass zombies (but for some reason still less effective than grave guard, who cost more than mortek guards for 10 points). Apparently Nagash saw Sigmar's Stormcasts and wanted to steal the gimmick for his own in revenge for all those tasty souls he will never own.
Katakros is also described as being "perhaps the greatest military strategist (living, or dead) the Mortal Realms have ever known", which is at odds with his track record seeing as how he fought and lost three times in three major ways. He is also seen as the paragon of Nagash’s dreams for the Mortal Realms; a consummate professional focused solely of the efficient completion of tasks, unfettered by the weight of emotion or free will despite demonstrating a capacity for joy and self-deluding in the above quote.
Also, he looks like a Primarch cosplaying as an Alien: Covenant Space Engineer. Because apparently THAT is a successful enough idea to rip off, even if it does match the alien molded bone look of his skeleton Stormcasts.
Currently Katakros is leading an invasion on the Allpoints, which probably means he's going to run into Archaon, the guy who beat both Sigmar and Nagash. In any case, it's a chance for him to get a really good win for once.