Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Death/Legions of Nagash

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Grand Alliance Death

Legions of Nagash

The first Necromancer and arguably the second most evil character biggest asshole most evil badass asshole character to ever curse the Warhammer Fantasy world

General Tactics

Legions of Nagash changes up the way death plays by removing magical summoning and banner regen for skellies and replaces them with hero based regen and grave sites. They also add several new allegiance abilities.

Why play Legions of Nagash?


  • SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS! Do you want to see hordes and hordes of skeletons endlessly marching out of the grave and pinging whatever it looks at with literally 400 attacks? Well, this is what you're going to want to play. You also get zombies, ghosts and all sorts of other creepy goodness!
  • A solid range of plastic miniatures and plenty of possibilities for conversion (looking at you triumvirate of Ynnead/vampires!)
  • More bodies with better durability for the cost than most and the ability to bring models back, when the stars line up you can end the game with net zero lost models.
  • You’ve got 4 legions to choose from as well as Death and Soulblight factions so you can test out a lot of stuff and play with lots of variations on a theme.
  • Did you play Orks in 40k? Would you like to throw a bucketful of dice? Well, if you get a unit of 40 skeletons into combat and buff them properly, they’ll be getting 5 attacks each with the possibility of piling in and attacking twice with Vanhels Danse Macabre. In a perfect storm that’s 400 attacks at 4+/4+!!!!
  • Is a summonable unit dead? Did you just kill an enemy unit within 6" of a gravesite? Start rolling your d6 because on a 4+, congrats! You get that unit back for free. You can also get them back with the use of a Command Ability given to your general.
  • Battleshock is something that happens to other people.
  • Vampire fullplate knights with lances are fuckin metal
  • At least vanilla skellies are stupidly easy to paint, and yet again, you don't need to be a Golden Demon winner to paint the armor of more complex models.


  • Zero. Ranged. Units (traditionally speaking). Not a single usable one. There are handful of short-range shooting attacks. Can’t even ally in Tomb Kings archers!
    • Ghosts, Terrorgheists and Zombie Dragons are all there is here... though Nagash can shoot death lasers from his eyes. Prince Vhordrai is just a named VLoZD, just with a ranged ability with an 8" range, rather than a 9" range and a less assassin-y spell. That said, the Terrorghiest still has the best range out of all the variations in this box.
  • Doesn't support Tomb Kings, the Flesh Eater Courts or the Mourngul.
  • One thing to note about our unconventional ranged weapons is that they all contest a leadership score; Usually 2d6 vs their bravery. With good positioning of our banners and the Overwhelming Dread spell our limited shooting can deal a fair amount of mortal wounds. Our shooting is extremely short ranged but they can put on some serious damage.
  • Rend -1 is effectively rend -2 for your skeletons, grave guards, black knights and blood knights. It hurts... a lot.
  • Quite a few slow units, including the all-important necromancer
  • How many skeletons do you want to paint? Whatever that number is you’ll need to paint more than that.
  • The removal of magical summoning also means you can't bring in new units, only bring back the ones that are completely destroyed if they have the summonable keyword, and you need to use a command ability to do so. Furthermore, if you are playing Matched Play if your general dies that means no resurrecting dead summonable units (except for Legion of Sacrament).

Allegiance Abilities

A bit of a long one as there are 4 allegiances for the Legions of Nagash. They are themed around Nagash and his three top generals. There are also two other allegiances; one for Soulblight and one for generic Death.

  • If a warscroll battalion has an allegiance, it can be taken in an army if it has the same allegiance, even if some of the units are from a different faction, but these units do not benefit from the armies allegiance abilities unless they have the appropriate keyword. So you can use Court of Nuhlamia in a Grand Host army, but models in the battalion will not be affected by deathless minions or legions innumerable, as you army can only have 1 allegiance at a time.

Grand Host and the 4 Legions

  • These abilities are common to the Grand Host of Nagash, Legion of Sacrament, Legion of Blood, Legion of Night, and Legion of Grief.

Grand Host of Nagash

  • This is Nagash's Legion/new overall Death force and it can include any units in the battletome. If it includes Nagash he must be the general (no shit).

Legion of Sacrament

  • This is Arkhan's legion, if he is included in this army he MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortarch units he has to be one of them.

Legion of Blood

  • This is Neferata's legion, if she is included in this army, she MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortarch units she has to be one of them.

Legion of Night

  • This is Mannfred's legion, if he is included in this army he MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortarch units he has to be one of them.

Legion of Grief

  • This is Lady Olynder's legion, if she is included in this army she MUST be the army general and if you include any Mortarch units she has to be one of them.
  • More Restrictive Legion, only able to take Deadwakers Deathlords, Deathmages, Deathrattle, and all the Nighthaunt. (No vampires allowed)
  • This is found in Forbidden Power.


  • The all-encompasing Vampire army, in case you wanted an undead army that doesn't have skeletons/zombies and their lookalikes. Also fullplate vampire knights with 10 foots lances and evil undead armored horses are EDGY AS FUCK and a total plus the the army.


This is for the player who wants the game to be on hard mode. Want to play Legions of Nagash, but without any of the bonuses that make them good, or do you want to play Grand Alliance: Death armies but without anything that prevented them from being shit? Then look no further! If you're interested in winning, however, pick literally any other Allegiance Ability. You are allowed to take any death unit.

Spell Lore

When giving out additional spells, Deathmages can pick spells from the Lore of the Deathmage, Vampires get Lore of Vampires, and Deathlords has access to both. There is also the Locus of Shyish. Cast any spell from any lore on an unmodified casting roll of 9+, and you get to resolve the effect twice. Which provides a great boost to many of these spells if you are lucky (~27% chance of casting twice is pretty fucking sweet). Legion of Grief doesn't get access to any of this. Which sucks massively

Lore of the Deathmage

  • Overwhelming Dread: At a casting value of 5, a unit within 18" loses 1 from hit rolls and 1 Bravery until your next hero phase.
  • Fading Vigour: At a casting value of 6, a unit within 18" loses a melee attack and rolls only one dice on charges until your next hero phase.
  • Spectral Grasp: At a casting value of 6, pick a terrain feature within 18", until the next hero phase, halve the movement of enemy units within 3" of the terrain at the start of their movement phase.
  • Prison of Grief: At a casting value of 7, a unit within 12", until your next hero phase, when they try to move, on a roll of 5+, they can't.
  • Decrepify: At a casting value of 6, a Hero within 18", subtract 1 from its wound rolls and melee weapon damage (to a minimum of 1) until your next Hero phase.
  • Soul Harvest: At a casting value of 7, enemy units within 3" of the caster suffer D3 mortal wounds. Then on a roll of 5+ for each allocated mortal wound that was not negated, heal the caster by 1.

Lore of the Vampires

  • Blade of Shyish: roll for each enemy unit within 12" suffer a mortal wound on a 5+. Terrible, even if you're up against an army that spams small units they usually have enough wounds in those units that this has no real effect. Pick something else.
  • Spirit Gale: roll three dice and inflict a mortal wound on each 5+. if you rolled doubles, subtract 1 from their hit rolls. If you roll trebles then also subtract 1 from their wound rolls until your next hero phase. Not great, but it's better than Blade of Shyish.
  • Vile Transference: an enemy unit 12" away takes d3 mortal wounds and then a friendly unit within 6" heals that many wounds. Pretty good both for keeping your Dragon topped up, as well as your Blood Knights (un)healthy. Remember kids, the caster counts as a friendly unit, so he can use this to heal himself.
  • Amethystine Pinions: Increases the casters movement by 5" and grants Fly. This is an odd one since anyone who can take this can already choose to have wings by default. You also shouldn't really need the extra movement anyway, especially since that takes away extra protection you can give your dudes, or the extra hurt you can put on the enemy (you can only cast one spell with the user, why waste it on this one?).
  • Soulpike: Target a unit within 18", until your next Hero phase, if the unit charges, roll an amount of dice equal to the charge roll. For each roll of 5+ the unit suffers a Mortal Wound. Excellent, your hardest hitters need to get the charge and this helps enemy units think twice before going for a long-range charge to take away your charge advantage.
  • Amaranthine Orb: has a casting value of 7, draw a 1mm line that extends 12" away from the caster. Roll a dice for each unit (friend or foe, apart from the caster) that has any models beneath this line. On a 4+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. Also great, pair it on a Vampire Lord that can fly (preferably not one on a dragon as that can be hard to position right) and have the line extend right down a combat cluster to rake up the enemy units hit. If you are scared of using it against yourself, then just remember that there's little to no issue using it through Bat Swarms, since they can heal all the wounds you deal to them unless you accidentally roll a 6.


While the units in the Legions of Nagash can be used alongside each other without penalty (depending on which allegiance you have anyway) there are still various factions that the dead can be broken down into. As such this section will be split between the various factions.


The super-units of the army. This encompasses the main leaders of the dead (Nagash, Arkhan, Neferata, and Mannfred), as well as Nagash's most powerful servants, the Morghasts.


The vampire faction and one of the most elite armies in the game, right behind the Deathlords and Everchosen armies. Good if you want a cavalry-heavy force, very fast and very hammery, not so much if you want a cheap army (both in terms of cash and points).


Spooky ghosts. The Nighthaunt have their own book and if you want to use them exclusively, you should look elsewhere first. With the release of Age of Sigmar 2.0, many Nighthaunt units have been FAQ'd to be available to Grand Host of Nagash, Legion of Sacrament, Legion of Blood or Legion of Night armies. Several of these units are pretty great in a LoN army and should certainly be considered. You still have to ally in any other Nighthaunt units from their Battletome though.

Deathmages and Deadwalkers

Necromancers and their zombies. Your main source of cheap wounds and surprisingly effective hordes, the spells to keep your army in the fight and the Mortis Engine.


Your skeletons and Wight Kings. They vary between chaff and actual damage dealers. They form a very reliable backbone for the Legions of Nagash armies.


Terrorgheists and Zombie Dragons! The two biggest units not covered by any existing army.


  • Flesh-eater Courts: currently the only supported Death Faction you can Ally with. you could use Crypt Flayers like VARGHEISTS that can deal mortal wounds. Here's a thought, in 2000 point games you can ally an Abborant Ghoul King on Terrogheist and use his command ability to summon either 3 Crypt Flayers or 3 Crypt Horrors for free.
  • Nighthaunt: Now with AoS 2.0 we can ally with Nighthaunt not included in the LoN book or starter set! This also includes the Mourngul who briefly could not be part of a LoN list. Myrmourn Banshees and Chainghasts are great additions to LoN as one is a dedicated anti-magic unit while the other actually gives Death respectable shooting.

Mercenary Companies

GHB2019 just called and we can hire these guys now to help our cause.

  • Blacksmoke Battery:
  • Greyfyrd:
  • Grugg Brothers:
  • Gutstuffers:
  • Nimyard’s Rough-Riders:
  • Order of the Blood-Drenched Rose: The only good thing about this is that your knights in this company are immune to battleshock tests.
  • Rampagers:
  • Skroug’s Menagerie:
  • Sons of the Lichemaster: You add an additional attack to your zombies and skeletons within 18" of the necromancer. That's it. And it only applies for this company.
  • Tenebrous Court: Just field them as regular allies. Their ability isn't worth the trouble.

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics