Madam Tricella's Travelling Loli Brothel
OP tries to end a campaign session early by grossing out his players with pedo stuff, but things take an unexpected turn when everyone at the table is into it. The original thread.
I'll be the first to admit that mistakes were made. Before the session started, I had undergone a 40 hour vidya binge with a good friend. I should have called it off. Rescheduled. But no, I went through with it. Because what kind of GM would I be if I wasn't there for my group? A GM that wouldn't have ended up in this situation, that's what.
To make a long story short, a realm was opened and it was quite magical. Or maybe it doesn't count as a magical realm. Because the response has left me baffled and unsure of what to do. Things have quite spiraled out of control, I think. I'm playing with fire and it feels like it's in my lap but I'm afraid to look down.
To make a short story long, let me tell you about how the party came to encounter Madam Tricella's Travelling Loli Brothel.
> it is late
> at this point, I am become caffeine, warder of sleep and jitterer of limbs
> the party (elven cleric, human ranger, half-orc rogue, dorf bard)has spent the last four and a half hours just rolling lazily through town, cleaning up some random goblins
> I have dropped some very subtle quest hooks in the form of rumors about a strange cult in a town to the north
> subtle like pink-winged mountains with lisping voices that fly to and fro through the air
> but the party is not having it
> or they just want to get a job done right
> even though the mayor told them that just kicking a few goblin asses would be more than enough
> no, we pro goblin exterminators now
> and so we go
> and the longer we go, the more I feel like I might start railroading
> or better yet, tie them to railroads
> with unbreakable magic bonds
> but no
> GM pride won't let me
> if only my GM pride had latched onto more than one thing I wouldn't do
> because I find myself thinking
> wuzzat thing /tg/'s always talking about that players hate
> oh yeah, fetish stuff
> and sleep deprived me hatches a plot
> maybe if I toss some fetish stuff at 'em, they'll leave
> I'm sure my brain was like, 'yo, what, no, no no no, what, no, how do you even
> but I wasn't listening
> I was a genius
> and so some haunting yet catchy tune starts to float through the air
> and it's not alone, a great big book is floating with it, a bag in tow
> and that great big book stops in the town's square, opens, and starts dropping rhymes
> I'm not sure what kind of voice I was going for but I was told later that the book sounded like John Cleese
> and what it said went something like this:
> "Hello there people, my fellows, my peers
> do me a favor, just lend me your ears
> let it be known to all within reach of this sound
> that Madam Tricella's Travelling Loli Brothel is back in town!
> Oh we've got all kinds from flat to budding
> and each single one is ripe for a raunchy good rutting
> come on down to our tent, do pull up a seat
> hell, just ask, they'll even use their feet!
> All you have to do is sign your name
> drop your coin in the bag, think nothing of shame
> Have a guiltless night and of merriment and revels
> with these darling saucy devils!
> To be fair though, a warning
> for those that would like to wake next morning
> treat these girls right to escape being ended
> by nasty means, drained of more fluids than you intended.
> but enough dark talk, come, find best of all
> in this, our sinner's festival!"
> note that this is an approximation
> I've slept for nine hours straight and still fell dead tired, details are fuzzy
> but the book said its piece and floating candles hovered in, marking off the path toward the aforementioned tent
> and my still addled self waited for the party to groan or something and move on
> I dunno what I was expecting, but it didn't happen
> nor did what, in hindsight, I might've expected to happen
> the party, you see, approached the book
> oh, maybe they're going to get all high and mighty and mess it up?
> then leave this lurid place in a huff?
> if only
> they each marked down their names and dropped money in the bag
> now this is when my brain finally started to catch up
> and I got a serious case of the ohshits as it beat what little sense it could across my fatigued consciousness
> but it was too late
> I was in the soup now
> little did I know how deep and absurdly tasty it was
> all right maybe I did know how delicious but I thought that was only to me
> because my players just drank it down
> a small apology to any reading this; I won't bore you with the many and thorough descriptions of lolis in various states of little to no dress and draped in varying amounts of scents and oils
> but I rattled them off as I went through my loli folder
> so, if you have waifu'd a loli from some popular mango or animu
> it's likely that I cast her as a whore in this trainwreck of a freakshow
> so, sorry
> and still I waited for the party to trash the place
> just go wild, since they were varying degrees of good
> I mean, yeah, this brothel wasn't some terrible den of evil, but
> but come on
> and with the straightest of faces
> they each took a girl
> the half-orc took two
> thank goodness I wasn't so far gone as to forget fade-to-blacks
> lord knows what horrors might've come about then
> but blacks were faded and some rolls were made for efforts and treatments and such
> the cleric, as a sidenote, was gifted magic loli-climaxing hands by the dice gods
> and so the night went
> and what did they do when they woke up, to my half-sober half-asleep self's amazement
> they patted sleeping loli heads and demanded to see the person in charge of this establishment
> now, I thought I was ready for everything at this point
> but as I scrambled together a Madam Tricella (an aged loli vampire, if it matters), they proved that I wasn't
> because they started asking the Madam about how well-oiled this operation was
> for one, they had noticed a lack of guards
> these roads were quite dangerous, talk of strange cults in the north and all
> perhaps they could help each other out?
> and so we ended the session with the Madam seriously considering their offer
> that fucking dorf's rolls, why
> he was in top bard form that morning
> maybe a blessing from loli lewds
> but I find myself looking toward the future with a whyboner of mixed horror and disbelief
> because I think I've somehow set in motion the Travelling Loli Brothel arc of this campaign
> may the emprah have mercy on my soul
And there you have it. They left me bleary-eyed and listening to snatches of conversation about how this might be a great opportunity. A fully-staffed and mobile base of operations, they said. They'd just run protection to start, but they were already leaping ahead. By all that is good and holy, they were excited. A fervor was in them that I'd rarely seen before. Its cause? The ramblings of an exhausted to the point of madness pervert of a GM. I'm not sure where I'm going with is or what will happen, but please, fellow GMs, don't go without sleep. Save yourselves from this strange limbo.
And of course, /tg/, I ask you: what the nether hell should I do?