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Just about the only way you can get away with dual-wielding scimitars.

Named after the Egyptian goddess of legal justice and protector against snakes and scorpions, the Maftet are monsters from the third Bestiary of Pathfinder. They appear as bronze-skinned humans fome 7' tall with the lower bodies of lions and large feathered wings. In essence they look like a humanoid Sphinx, but there is no such connection made in the monster's description. Thre are a few hints at a connection: Maftet prides nest in the same places that sphinxes do, they are both part humanoid and part leonine, Maftet speaking the Sphinx language and their vague north-African look.

As CR6 monstrous humanoids they make for poor player characters, mainly because of their ability to fly (60' poor) and their spell-like abilities. They ALWAYS get the bonus of Mage Armor, Magic Weapon 3/day and Cat's Grace and Protection from Evil 1/day. That last ability paired with their Neutral alignment suggests that they are not intended as villainous NPCs, and instead act as a potentially helpful group to the party. The source of their magical powers is their magic tattoos, which they are given as part of a coming of age ceremony. These are given by their shaman, who is often the oldest female in a pride. The tattoos are never given to a non-Maftet. She shares the race's oral history and legends with her daughter, as the Maftet have been doing for thousands of years.

In combat they use their flying abilities to their fullest. They can dive down while in the air to strike in a way that's difficult to defend against and lets them strike at full power (+2 on their attack, can make a full attack as part of the dive). Their preferred weapon of choice is the twin scimitar, which they use to such skill their off-hand scimitar count as light weapons for the purpose of two-weapon fighting.

The image in the Bestiary is that of an attractive female Maftet who doesn't seem to be wearing any clothing aside from a pair of gloves and some jewelry. The text suggests nothing about them being a monogendered species as it specifies female Maftet (and therefore male Maftet exist), but it's always an option to apply the Golden Rule and handwave it by linking them to to Sphinxes somehow, perhaps as some kind of half-Sphinx half-humanoid crossbreed. Beware though, Sphinxes are pretty large.