An excerpt from a novel called Morrworld, The Blackstar (written by Darcy Folland, 2013-2014)
The Dark Mistress[edit | edit source]
Chapter 12[edit | edit source]
Rowina crossed the open courtyard quickly and silently; her feet made no sound and she knew the sentries would be hard pressed to see her while she wore her dark cloak. She stopped in the shadows of the livery and glanced around. She concentrated for a moment and felt the darkness deepen around her body. She sprinted for the gates, avoiding the light from the bastions, and chose a spot to climb the wall furthest from the guards.
It only took a few seconds to reach the top of the wall and climb down the other side. She peered into the trees that studded the hillside, letting her vision adjust until the details of the forest floor came into focus. She began making her way slowly down the slope trying not to step on the twigs and dry leaves that littered the ground. She knew there would be a stream when she got to the bottom of the hill and that the main road was to her left and met up with the north-south road connecting the towns and villages of Nycans lands.
She had been taking this route for many months now – always when there was a Moon in the night sky. She didn’t need the silvery orb to see by but the lunar conditions made it more likely to meet up with her. Since Rowina’s escape from the Under Dark she had been anticipating an encounter with the Dark Mistress; her once mentor and confidant. They had formed a bond and Rowina never doubted the woman would seek her out after her fall and exile.
Upon reaching the stream she chose a tree and sat down with her back against the smooth bark. Her eyes and ears scanned the area for movement as she waited. Something flapped its wings and flew to another tree; something else disturbed the dead leaves in search of food. Rowina closed her eyes and concentrated on her Interioris Ignis. She could feel it drawing power from around her as it slowly recharged.
Near two hours later Rowina heard leaves rustling and looked up. Across the stream two wolves stood looking in her direction. Their eyes blazed red and they sniffed the air as if searching for a scent. She stood slowly and opened her cloak, keeping her eyes on the wolves. They both pricked up their ears and stared at her. A whisper came to her ears from somewhere amongst the trees, “Cross the stream; follow the wolves.”
Rowina hopped across the rill easily and regarded the wolves with her large eyes. They turned around and padded further into the trees with Rowina following behind them. She lost sight of them as they bounded through a thicket and picked up her pace. Instead of trying to push her way through the brambles she launched herself over top of them and rolled as she cleared the other side. Coming gracefully to her feet she beheld a small clearing with two small boulders. The wolves were sitting on their haunches, watching her with their hellish eyes.
A woman stood between the boulders. She was just taller than a man with hip-length, silver hair. Her eyes were of a rare hazel that some men would have called old world. Her dusky skin was smooth and betrayed no age or blemish. She had one hand on her hip while the other held a staff that appeared to be made of a black metal but Rowina knew it was of Ironwood. It had a softly glowing, green aura and had a device at the top which contained a large Moonstone.
The woman pursed her ample lips and said, “Hello my old friend…Rowina Phaeanna, former Queen of the Drow. You look well for a surface dweller.” She smiled mischievously and tossed her hair with a shake of her head.
Rowina took in her beauty and the way her soft leather harness clung to her full body then bowed her head and replied, “Mistress Hecate, I have missed you and our talks. I knew you would find me, even here in this world of sun, trees and Men.” Rowina surprised herself at the sound of delight in her own voice.
Hecate looked on Rowina with fondness then spoke softly to the wolves in a strange language. The wolves left the clearing, both going in the same direction. Rowina knew they would seek out another of their kind; the Mistress always had three wolves as her companions.
The Dark Mistress regarded Rowina for a moment then she said, “I followed your trail up from the dark, through the territories of the underlings, always up, toward the light. From the moment of our last talk I knew what would befall you. Your followers weren’t strong enough to defy the Priestesses and it was only because of my spy that you received word in time to avoid the assassins.”
Hecate shifted to look up at the Moon. Her gaze seemed reverent and a small smile touched her lips. “How long has it been since I last saw her silvery face? She shines on all beings of the night, and yet, few appreciate her radiance.” Hecate looked at Rowina. “Tell me, what has it been like for you here? Does the lord of this keep regard you with respect? Does he know your past?”
Rowina nodded. “He found me, half blind and about to kill his men. He offered me sanctuary and a home in return for my knowledge of the dark ways and we taught each the other our native tongues. He is a mage coming to power and through him I will right the wrongs against me.”
Hecate interrupted her. “You mean revenge, don’t you Rowina? Why follow that Doom when you could resume your teachings with me? Did I not aid you in your ambition to rule the Drow? Oh, I know you are not weak and could likely have achieved that end yourself; you had the wit and will even back then.”
Rowina’s eyes were ablaze with the memories of the betrayal she had endured. She made a conscious effort to calm herself. She did not want to offend her former mentor. “Is it possible for me to resume contact with you and remain loyal to Nycan? We have a pact which is beneficial to both of us. He can help me and he has taught me so much of Alchemy and Scribing.”
Hecate stepped across the clearing with her long legs and ran her hand across Rowina’s shoulder. “My dear, you are not a surface creature; you need not sleep as they do. We can meet in a secret place and, once again, exchange ideas and arcane delving. You are my Sister in Spirit…we share the night and the Moon, the love of dark places and the secrets they hold.”
She let go of her staff but it did not fall to the ground. It hung in the air, shimmering green and wondrously crafted in a time unknown to most alive in this age.
Hecate pulled Rowina in close and held her shoulders. Her hazel eyes were bright and wet and full of mysterious power. She placed her lips on Rowina’s and kissed her for a long time. Both women sighed and when Hecate broke the embrace the Drow woman shivered and nearly clawed the other woman’s ribs.
Hecate looked sad as she took one of Rowina’s hands and said, “I have been alone for so long. I have wondered this world without a purpose since my Masters left Eos and its people to their own devices. Since meeting you a new fire has woken within me. I feel strong enough now to start gathering those who are like-minded and tire of the Politics of Men. Meet with me again and I will tell you of my plans. Will you?”
Rowina squeezed her hand and nodded. “I will but I have not changed my mind about the betrayal. I feel we will be powerful enough to enter the Under Dark and we have friends willing to aid us.” She looked at the Moon and continued. “Enough talk about revenge and betrayal. I want to walk in the light of the Moon with you. Where are Meph, Carch, and Saug?”
The two women began walking beside the stream, enjoying the sound of water over rocks and feeling the comfort of the enveloping darkness. Hecate held out her hand and the staff floated into her grasp. “They are investigating something for me and will join us soon.”