Rape, in a man's point of, is sexually assaulting someone by penetrating someone's orifice with either his reproductive organ or another type of orifice, that or just fondling someone without their consent. In a woman's point of vew.......you have to be assaulting a faggot or you're that buttfuck ugly for him to consider you forcing yourself on him to be rape.
Usage as slang
In rape, you are forced in a helpless situation where you pretty much give up trying to get away from you assailant and just get the fuck down in the hopes he stops before he fires the Plasma gun inside you (from a woman's view anyway). Much like this, getting "raped" in the non-sexual sense, is being utterly owned by the opposition with no hope of any threatening retaliation.
Examples of getting non-sexually raped
- A squad of Assault Terminators charging a 10-man squad of Eldar Guardians.
- A Chaos Vindicator against a squad of Tactical Marines.
- A Hive Tyrant against a team of Tau Firewarriors.
- A lowly heretic against an Inquisitor.
- A horde of lesser daemons against a squad of Grey Knight Terminators.
- Abaddon the Despoiler against everything at meele.
- A Tau Crisis suit with a plasma cannon against a Rhino Transport.
- An stationary XV88 Broadside battlesuit team against a Chimera.