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The Ur-Priest is an evil Prestige Class in Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, introduced in the Complete Divine and Book of Vile Darkness.

In many ways mechanically akin to a divine-focused Spellthief, the Ur-Priest's fluff is that they are typically an evil power-hungry soul who seeks to steal divine magic from gods so they can have that power without needing to go through the trouble of worshipping and serving them. Ironically, there are non-evil themes for them; an Athar who uses their abilities to provide healing magic to his fellows whilst emphasizing his point that the "Powers" aren't worthy of being called gods, or the last priest of a dead god who seeks to "borrow" magic from others whilst he crusades to resurrect his fallen master.

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Prestige Classes
The Manual of the Planes Divine AgentGatecrasherPlanar ChampionPlaneshifter
Oriental Adventures Battle MaidenBear WarriorBlade DancerEunuch WarlockHenshin MysticIaijutsu MasterKishi ChargerNinja SpyShadow ScoutShapeshifterShintao MonkSingh RagerTattooed MonkVoid DiscipleWeapon Master (Kensei)Witch HunterYakuza
Book of Vile Darkness Cancer MageDemonologistDiabolistDisciple of AsmodeusDisciple of BaalzebulDisciple of DispaterDisciple of MammonDisciple of MephistophelesLifedrinkerMortal HunterSoul EaterThrall of DemogorgonThrall of Graz’ztThrall of JuiblexThrall of OrcusUr-PriestVermin LordWarrior of Darkness
Savage Species Emancipated SpawnIllithid SavantMaster of FliesScaled HorrorSirenSlaad BrooderSurvivorSybilWaveriderYuan-Ti Cultist
Unapproachable East Aglarondan GriffonriderBlack Flame ZealotDurthanMaster of the YuirwoodNar DemonbinderNentyar HunterRaumathari BattlemageRunescarred BerserkerShou DiscipleTalontar BlightlordTelflammar Shadowlord Thayan Slaver
v3.5 revision
Dungeon Master's Guide (3.5) Arcane ArcherArcane TricksterArchmageAssassinBlackguardDragon DiscipleDuelistDwarven DefenderEldritch KnightHierophantHorizon WalkerLoremasterMystic TheurgeRed WizardShadowdancerThaumaturgist
Book of Exalted Deeds Anointed KnightApostle of PeaceBeloved of ValarianCelestial MysticChampion of GwynharwyfDefender of SealtielEmissary of BarachielExalted ArcanistFist of RazielInitiate of Pistis SophiaLion of TalisidProphet of ErathaolRisen MartyrSentinel of BharraiSkylordSlayer of DomielStalker of KharashSwanmaySword of RighteousnessTroubadour of StarsVassal of BahamutWonderworker
Miniatures Handbook Bonded SummonerDragon SamuraiHavoc MageSkullclan HunterTactical SoldierWar HulkWarchief
Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons Bloodscaled FuryDisciple of AshardalonDispassionate Watcher of ChronepsisDracolyteDragon AscendantDragonkithDragonriderDragonslayerDragonsong LyristDragonstalkerElemental MasterHidecarved DragonHoardstealerInitiate of the DraconicMysteriesPlatinum KnightSacred Warder of BahamutTalon of TiamatUnholy Ravager of Tiamat
Complete Warrior Bear WarriorBladesingerCavalierDark HunterDarkwood StalkerDervishDrunken MasterExotic Weapon MasterEye of GruumshFrenzied BerserkerGnome Giant-SlayerHalfling OutriderHulking HurlerHunter of the DeadInvisible BladeJusticiarKensaiKnight of the ChaliceKnight ProtectorMaster ThrowerMaster of the Unseen HandMindspyNature’s WarriorOccult SlayerOrder of the Bow InitiatePurple Dragon KnightRage MageRavagerReaping MaulerRoninSpellswordStonelordTattooed MonkThayan KnightWar ChanterWarshaper
Complete Divine Black Flame ZealotBlighterChurch InquisitorConsecrated HarrierContemplativeDivine CrusaderDivine OracleEntropomancerEvangelistGeomancerHoly LiberatorHospitalerPious TemplarRadiant Servant of PelorRainbow ServantSacred ExorcistSacred FistSeeker of the Misty IsleShining Blade of HeironeousStormlordTemple Raider of OlidammaraUr-PriestVoid DiscipleWarpriest
Serpent Kingdoms Ancient MasterCoiled CabalistFang of SsethMaster of VipersNaga OverlordSerpent Slayer
Races of Stone Blade BravoBattlesmithCragtop ArcherDawncallerDeepwardenDivine PranksterEarth DreamerGoliath LiberatorIron MindPeregrine RunnerRunesmithShadowcraft MageStoneblessedStonedeath AssassinStonespeaker Guardian
Frostburn Cloud AnchoriteCryokineticistDisciple of ThrymFrost MageFrostragerKnight of the Iron GlacierPrimevalRimefire WitchStormsingerWinterhaunt of Iborighu
Shining South Crinti Shadow MarauderGreat Rift Deep DefenderHalruaan ElderHalruaan MagehoundHand of the AdamaJordain VizierLuiren MarchwardenMaquar CrusaderScourge Maiden
Libris Mortis Death's ChosenDirgesingerEphemeral ExemplarLurking TerrorMaster of RadianceMaster of ShroudsMaster VampirePale MasterSacred PurifierTomb WardenTrue Necromancer
Complete Arcane Acolyte of the SkinAlienistArgent SavantBlood MagusEffigy MasterElemental SavantEnlightened FistFatespinnerGeometerGreen Star AdeptInitiate of the Sevenfold VeilMage of the Arcane OrderMaster TransmogrifistMindbenderSeeker of the SongSublime ChordSuel ArcanamachWayfarer GuideWild Mage
Races of Destiny ChameleonLoredelverMenacing BruteOutcast ChampionScar EnforcerShadow SentinelUrban Soul
Complete Adventurer Animal LordBeastmasterBloodhoundDaggerspell MageDaggerspell ShaperDread PirateDungeon DelverExemplarFochlucan LyristGhost-Faced KillerHighland StalkerMaesterMaster of Many FormsNightsong EnforcerNightsong InfiltratorOllamShadowbane InquisitorShadowbane StalkerShadowmindSpymasterStreetfighterTempestThief-AcrobatVigilanteVirtuosoWild Plains Outrider
Races of the Wild Arcane HierophantChampion of Corellon LarethianLuckstealerRuatharSkypledgedStormtalonWhisperknifeWildrunner
Sandstorm Ashworm DragoonLord of TidesSand ShaperScion of Tem-Et-NuScorpion HeritorWalker in the Waste
Lords of Madness AbolisherBeholder MageDarkrunnerFleshwarperKeeper of the Cerulean SignSanctified MindSavant AbolethTopaz Guardian
Weapons of Legacy Legacy Champion
Stormwrack Knight of the PearlLegendary CaptainLeviathan HunterScarlet CorsairSea WitchStormcasterWavekeeper
Heroes of Horror Death DelverDread WitchFiend-BloodedPurifier of the Hallowed DoctrineTainted Scholar
Races of the Dragon Disciple of the EyeDracolexiDragon DevoteeDragonheart MageSinger of Concordance
Tome of Magic Acolyte of the EgoAnima MageBereftBrimstone SpeakerChild of NightDisciple of the WordFiendbinderKnight of the Sacred SealMaster of shadowNoctumancerScion of DantalionShadowbladeShadowsmithTenebrous ApostateWitch Slayer
Complete Psionic Anarchic InitiateEbon SaintEctopic AdeptFlayerspawn PsychicIllumine SoulSoulbowStorm DiscipleZerth Cenobite
Tome of Battle Bloodclaw MasterBloodstorm BladeDeepstone SentinelEternal BladeJade Phoenix MageMaster of NineRuby Knight VindicatorShadow Sun Ninja
Dragon Magic Diamond DragonDragon DescendantDragon LordHand of the Winged MastersPact-Bound AdeptSwift WingWyrm Wizard
Faiths of Eberron Planar Shepherd
Complete Mage Abjurant ChampionEldritch DiscipleEldritch TheurgeEnlightened SpiritHoly ScourgeLyric ThaumaturgeMaster SpecialistNightmare SpinnerUltimate MagusUnseen SeerWild Soul
Cityscape Ebonmar Infiltrator
Complete Scoundrel Avenging ExecutionerBattle TricksterCloaked DancerCombat TrapsmithFortune’s FriendGray GuardMagical TricksterMalconvokerMaster of MasksMountebankPsibond AgentSpellwarp SniperUncanny Trickster
Dungeonscape Beast Heart AdeptTrapsmith
Complete Champion Fist of the ForestForest ReeveHolt WardenMythic ExemplarOrdained ChampionParagnostic ApostleParagnostic InitiateSanctified OneShadowspyShadowstrikerSquire of Legend