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The Z'zor are an insectoid race in Warpath. They currently only have one set of models and that's for Dreadball. Although mentioned in the rule book since first edition, they along with Marauder Orx were not included in the recent kickstarter army project as a full force. Like the Marauders, they may finally get some official rules though. Could be useful for Q'orl conversions, too.

Background[edit | edit source]

Originally encountered beyond the edge of Corporation space, the Z'zor are a race of alien insects that have shown a relentless hostility towards Corporation forces. Repeated efforts by the Corporation to communicate with them have failed and they seem to attack their forces and colonies on sight. At first they were thought to be operating only on an instinctual level, but repeated encounters revealed they were capable to communicate with one another and organize with brutal efficiency. Efforts to decipher their language however, have thus far been fruitless.

Dreadball[edit | edit source]

In Dreadball the Z'Zor team is called the Locust City Chiefs and are one of the few teams that have access to all four types of team players. Their fluff says that viewers often find their non-humanoid movements jarring and hard to watch, although like a lot of teams this seems to be swept under the rug by the League in favor of increased ratings and profits. Their base team kit comes with seven jacks, three strikers, a guard, and a keeper, which is a solid player selection compared to a lot of teams that usually only get two or three player types. You also get one of those prone figures newer kits come with that no one ever uses.

On the tabletop they're pretty solid all around. The whole team gets a single automatic pass on every armor check. They also can never be knocked down by a Slam action, meaning you're almost never getting knocked down, and can always dash even if they have someone next to them. The "Ultrazone Superstars" kit also includes a MVP for the Chiefs named Ludwig. Both his rules and the team's rules are in the "Season 2" book. Ludwig plays like the rest of the team, but can also jump over the top of opposing players.

Factions of the Warpath universe
Main Factions Asterians - Enforcers - Forge Fathers
Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere - Marauders
Plague - Veer-Myn
Minor Factions Mazon Labs - Nameless
Rebels - Z'zor