4chan anime
And so it begins...
What would happen if all the boards on 4chan were living in the same building... Some seriously fucked up shit, that's what...
Story Arc Ideas
-Moot Collects the rent.
-/tg/ moves into the apartment
-/tg/ rescues /x/ from /b/
Character Sheet
/a/: Male. Crossdresser. Tsundere for /v/, /c/'s "nee-chan." Runs the Manga section of the LGS
/b/: Male. Landlord. Split into two different entities. The first is the "Cancer King", the lord of /b/. He wears a dirty, stained suit, and looks like Rorschach. Wears a "No Picture Available" mask, looks like Carl from ATHF underneath. The second is the horde of /b/tards, all of whom wear Guy Fawkes masks. Taking off their masks makes them powerless, and they are generally bumbling henchmen and local street punks.
/c/: Female. Young blond loli type. Very innocent, considers /a/ her "nee-chan." May or may not be related to /a/.
/ck/: Female. Tan Soft-spoken and sweet, loves cooking. /tg/'s first love interest, whom he loses to /co/.
/co/: Male. /tg/'s close friend. Wins /ck/ from him. Wears a trench coat, fedora, and mask. Vigilante type. Owns the LGS.
/d/: Female, nerdy type with the obvious freaky fetishes, but is good at keeping them to him/herself (maybe dickgirl? secret tentacle monster?)
/k/: Male. Weapons master and paranoid gun enthusiast. Like Dale Gribble but less stupid.
Gender/Physical Description: Female. Atrractive, but not overly so. Somewhat short. She has long, loosely curled hair which usually covers her left eye which is either completely red or black with a red pupil. She wears a black tank-top with a skull on it, black jeans, and sneakers. Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /x/ is a shy, quiet girl. She's intelligent, creative, and paranoid, sometimes to the point of insanity. Sometimes it seems she knows more about the way the world works than she lets on, maybe even more than most people.She loves to read, and her favorite books include the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" series and "House of Leaves". Special Power: /x/ "dabbles" a bit in witchcraft. She has a lot of magical potential, but she's too afraid of it to use it. Relationships: Of course, we all know that she and /tg/ become an item and that she is extremely afraid of /b/. As for the rest of the characters, she gets along with them and is pretty comfortable around them, but she wouldn't really call them friends. Job: I think that the best job for /x/ is a writer. She is either a supernatural/horror author with a cult following, or she writes a series of books in which she gathers "true" hauntings and other supernatural events.
/r9k/: /b/'s eventual replacement as landlord. Rumored to be a cyborg, regularly wears a top hat. Can never repeat himself.
Gender/Physical Description: Male. Somewhat skinny, average height, brown hair that reaches his shoulders. Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: /tg/ is an obsessive fan of many tabletop games, the foremost being Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer 40k. Has a tendency to narrate his own actions when things get hectic (ie. rushes into a room by forcing the door open, yelling "I KICK DOWN THE DOOR".)His behavior is influenced by this in some ways- for example, he has a tendency to narrate his own actions as he does them, in a style reminiscent of roleplaying. Special Power: Up for debate. May or may not be the Dice of Prestidigitation, which affect the world around /tg/ in small, subtle ways, as was suggested before. Relationships: /tg/ mainly hangs out with /co/ and /x/. He's also hung out with /v/, /ck/, /k/, and several other boards from time to time. Job: /tg/ works at the LGS owned by /co/. Has a tendency to narrate his own actions when things get hectic (ie. rushes into a room by forcing the door open, yelling "I KICK DOWN THE DOOR".)
/v/: Male. Tsundere for /a/. Hates the vidya and has the power of RAGE. Possibly related to /tg/.
/trv/: Male. Currently wandering the world, communicates by way of conveniently placed postcards.
/fit/: Male. In great shape, and stronger than most men. Friends with /sp/.
/g/: Male. Lives in the basement, manages the building's Internet connection. Has access to all kinds of forbidden information thanks to his amazing hacking skills, charges a 6-pack for it.
/u/: Female. Shy but perverted lesbian, like to hang out at the LGS. Enjoys "accidentally" touching /e/ and other females. Is not attracted to /a/ for reasons she doesn't know.
/e/: Female. Attractive, but not promiscuous. Often ends up in sexy situations through no fault of her own.
/t/: Male. Owns and operates a junk shop or library (we don't know which) with /rs/. Friends with /v/, as /v/ has an excellent gaming computer.
/toy/ is a tomboy collector girl with screw joints.
/rs/: Male. Owns and operates a junk shop or library (we don't know which) with /t/. Friends with /mu/.
/m/: Male. Lives in basement, works on a robot, argues with /k/ and claims to have "built" /r9k/.
/mu/: Male. Semi-reclusive musician. Works as a DJ at a night club, loves metal and everything vaguely related to it.
Gender/Physical Description: Large, Black Male (say, 6'4", 250 lbs), extremely muscular and atheletic, tends to wear an old sports jersey (perhaps #18) Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Extremely belligerent and spiteful, often reacting with threats of violence to even the most minor of offense. Obviously a steriods user, most likely from his days playing "in the pro leagues." (However, asking what sport he played, or why he no longer plays it, will cause /sp/ to react violently). Generally, the pompous jerk of the apartment, but still easier to stand than /b/. Likes watching and/or playing several sports, but also critiques them to no end. Special Power: For debate: I'm going to assume /fit/ is the one getting some form of super strength/superhuman abilities. As such, I believe it was mentioned earlier that /sp/ was "a werewolf". More generally, the power could simply be described as a form of shape-changing, except as opposed to that of /d/, /sp/'s is more like that of Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde, where he becomes different people altogether (like, for example, one is an equally pompous british soccer hooligan). As stated, this is up for debate. Relationships: Doesn't relate well with the other boards, although a rivalry with /fit/ is present. As well, there is room for /sp/ to carry a gun (but not know how to use it), leading to a relationship with /k/ as well. Job: A former professional athelete, but now is simply a sports beat writer for the local newspaper/online blog.
Moot: Male, dressed in a pink shirt with a cat mask. Building superintendent, rarely seen anywhere. Wishes to be the little girl, may have dealings with /d/ regarding this.
/tv/ - a guy probably, IDK what he'd look like. Always obsessed with a new actress, writes Supernatural fanfiction.
/w/ and /wg/ - Those two guys. Always arguing about aspect ratios and whether something is kawaii enough. Minor characters at best.
/p/ - Always taking pictures, kind of a voyeur. Loves motion blur and spending 10000 hours in Photoshop.
The Apartment Building - This is where the majority of the boards live.
The LGS- Owned by /a/ this is where /tg/ and /co/ work. Many of the boards that don't live in the apartment hang out here. (i.e /u/ and /e/)
TGINF (Thank God It's Not Friday)- Diner owned by /ck/, also /e/'s place of employment. A hangout for all the boards.