Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Feral Orks(8E)

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This Feral Ork kill team is focused on melee more than any other faction. Your ranged options are limited, and the options you do get are underwhelming. This is made up for by some of the best melee units in the game. Your basic units get 4 attack in melee, and your cavalry get 6. This said, armour saves are pretty much unheard of, so make sure they survive long enough to get into combat. Overall they are an incredibly fun but unforgiving faction. Your common keywords are Xenos, Orks

General Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Mob Rule: Works the same as regular HOR orks. Remember, this rule includes grots too, so don't forget to take advantage of their numbers.
  • 'Ere We Go: Unchanged from the Orks codex, and even more useful here.
  • Warpaint: A 6+++ save on all of your units. Handy, given the almost universal lack of decent armour saves.
  • Shield: Several units can take shields, which improve the units armour gave by 1. You lose attacks for it though.

Blessings of Gork and Mork[edit | edit source]

At the beginning of the game, choose Gork or Mork, and then roll a D3 to see what effect you get.

Gork's Favor[edit | edit source]

  • 1 - Ferocious Brutality: Re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the fight phase.
  • 2 - Assault and Battery: Lets you use 'Ere we go to re-roll either one or both dice, pretty consistently increasing your charge distance.
  • 3 - Thunderous Charge: Gives your units an extra attack when they charge. Lets your basic troops put out 5 melee attacks on the charge.

Mork's Favor[edit | edit source]

  • 1 - Go All Sneaky-Like: Lets you move your models 6" after all units have been deployed. Helps you get your units into close combat quicker, but fairly mediocre.
  • 2 - Da Eye of Mork: Each time you spend a tactical point on a model with this blessing, on a 5+ that point is refunded. The tactical actions for this list are quite good, so you can get good value out of this.
  • 3 - Found Dis in Da Shakk: Gives all your models 2 stikkbombs each. You can still only throw 1 a turn though.

Savage Power Discipline[edit | edit source]

  • Deff March: Warp charge 5. Lets a friendly model within 18" attack a second time in the fight phase, even if that model is killed. Fantastic.
  • Rain Dance: Warp charge 6. Gives enemy models shooting friendly model within 6" of this model -1 to hit. Good for protecting your boys as they move up the field, but this doesn't prevent overwatch shots.
  • Haymaker: Warp charge 5. Target an enemy within 18" and roll to wound using the casters basic strength. If successful, that model is pushed 3+D3 inches away. Kind of situational, but can be brutal if you can manage to push models off really high places.
  • Hand of Mork: Warp charge 6. Gives a friendly model within 18" 12" movement and fly. There are better options considering it only affects a single model.
  • Brain Drain: Warp charge 7. Pick an enemy model within 18". That models aura abilities cease to function while the power is active and it cannot benefit from auras or psychic powers. Again, this one is situational, but against leaders with powerful support abilities (Ethereals, Inquisitors, Harlequins, etc), or teams with low leadership which rely on inspiring presence (Astra Militarum, Orks, etc) it can be quite powerful.
  • Waaaaghwind: Warp charge 7. Any enemy model which ends it's move or charge within 8" of this model must roll a D6. On a 1 that model is killed. Could work to discourage chargers, or just as area denial, but its a bit inconstant.

New Weapons[edit | edit source]

Melee[edit | edit source]

  • Pair of Choppas: Most units will have these, SU AP0 D1, but with two additional attacks, meaning your basic troops will be throwing out 4 attacks a turn.
  • Sticka: Taken with a shield for free on several of your units, you gain +1S and -1AP, but it's usually not worth losing two attacks for.
  • Uge Choppa: Your tin opener, Hits at +2S AP-2 D2. Again, you lose two attacks for it, so against hordes you are better off with the pair of choppas.
  • Big Stabba: This thing hits like a javelin missile, so use it as such. Tough, multi wound units like battlesuits and transports will hate this.
  • Warbeast Steed: This comes with all of your mounted units, and gives you two extra S6 AP-1 attacks. Always welcome.
  • Rune Clubs: Only used by the warchanter, they give and extra attack and AP-1 D2.
  • Drum Bangas: An extra attack and +1S.
  • Giant totem: Gives +3S and D2, but with no AP it is very situational.
  • Shamanic Stave: +2S AP-1 D3. Not bad at all.
  • Attack Squig: See armoury.

Ranged[edit | edit source]

  • Bow 'n' Arrowz: Short range and underwhelming, but with +1 to hit. Usually better to stick to melee weapons.
  • Throwin' Stickas: A 12" S6 AP-1 D2 assault weapon, but the only units that can use it are BS5+, so you can realistically only expect it to hit a third of the time.
  • Blowgun: Always wounds non-vehicle models on a 2+, but with no AP and D1. That said, it's only 2 points.
  • Sharp stuff: A serious contender for worst weapon in the game, with 12" range and S2. With assault 2 and lots of cheap grots the volume of fire can add up quickly though.
  • Booming Voice: Effectively a 10" flamer with S5 AP-1, that the warchanter gets. Pretty good.
  • Roks: Most of your ork units come with these, and there's no reason not to throw them. They get +1S if the user advanced, but with -1 to hit they will only be hitting on a 6+. Just throw them anyway.
  • Stink Squig: See armoury.

Armoury[edit | edit source]

Most of the items here seem to be under-costed for their usefulness, so make sure to make use of them.

  • Sniffer Squig: 5pt upgrade that prevents units from deep striking withing 14" of this model. Useful if your opponent uses that a lot of deep strike units, but as written it also affects your models.
  • Grisly Trophies: Every enemy model this this model kills counts as 2 for the purposes of the opponents rout test on the next turn. For example, if a team of 10 units was down to 8, and this model killed 2, for the purposes of a rout test the opposing team would count as having lost 6 in total, and would therefore have to take a rout test.
  • Portable Shrub: 6pts and lets your unit hide in the open, but stops working when the unit is spotted. Might help you get a unit into melee before it is shot to pieces.
  • Attack Squig: Only 4pts, and it lets you make 2 additional attacks at SU AP-1 D1. Give this to all of your brutes.
  • Stink Squig: A S4 grenade, but a model hit by this weapon can't fire overwatch in the same turn. Great against armies which are good at that like Tau, and a steal at only 3pts.
  • Tellyporta Made Out of Coconuts and Grass: Lets the model teleport 2D6 inches instead of moving normally. A little inconsistent, but with 5" movement range it will statistically be faster than walking about 72% of the time, and moving through walls an models is always helpful. Definitely worth it for 5pts.
  • Bamboo Glider: This model is held in reserve, and at the end of each of your movement phases, roll a d6. On a 1-3 nothing happens, on a 4-5, place the model anywhere on the battlefield at least 9" away from an enemy. On a 6 you can choose. Deep strike is often useful, but there is a chance here, however small, that the unit will never turn up at all. Still a decent upgrade under the right circumstances.
  • Comically Large headdress: An upgrade for your leader that improves their invulnerable save by 1 or, since there is no other way for them to get an invulnerable save, gives them 6++. This adds a bit or durability to your leader, but costs 6pts.
  • Arm feathers: Lets the model ignore vertical movement and fall damage. Quite useful in kill team, especially if you use a lot of multi-level terrain, but it's also the most expensive upgrade at 9pts, so make sure you can get value out of it.
  • Exposed Rude Bits: Enemy units subtract 1 from their to hit rolls in the shooting phase. It only costs 3 points, it helps your models get into combat without getting shot to pieces first, and its hilarious. An auto take on every model with access to it.

Tactical Actions[edit | edit source]

  • Feral Ferocity: 1TP. Lets a unit fight a second time at the end of the fight phase. Given your units enormous damage output, and relatively low survivability, this can be a godsend to kill your target before they have a chance to strike back a second time.
  • Rok 'em: 2TP. Pick a model in the shooting phase, this model and every model withing 3" can immediately attack with roks even if they don't have them on their profile, with range increased to 18". Use it with massed grots, because they hit on 4+ instead of 5+, and with their smaller bases you can realistically get 13 grots in a 3" radius with careful placement.
  • Big finish: 1TP. Use when a model kills an enemy in the fight phase. Another enemy within 1" takes a mortal wound. Especially good when a leader model is down to its last wound, or when the opponent is one casualty away from a rout test.

Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]

Your FOC is as follows

  • Team Leader: 1 model.
  • Core: 1-30 models.
  • Special: 0-5 Models.

Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Feral Chief: An absolute beast in melee with 4 WS2+ S7 attacks at AP-2 D2, but with BS5+ his ranged output is lacking. His special rules let units withing 8" advance and charge, and he can force a rout test to pass by inflicting D3 wounds on a friendly non-grot model within 6". Fairly pricey at 50pts base though.
  • Beastie Boss: Same stat line as the Chief, but more survivable with and extra wound an toughness, 14" movement and extra attacks from the warbeast. All for only 8pts more. You do lose the chiefs support rules though.
  • Feral Shaman: Gets some really handy psychic powers, and a pretty great damage output in melee. This is not a psyker you want staying back out of combat where it can be shot at.
  • Feral Warchanter: A great support leader. Chooses a chant at the beginning of the shooting phase.
    • Stunning Shout: Choose an enemy unit within 12". That unit and every unit within 4" cannot fire overwatch this turn. Lets you charge masses gun lines, which would normally be a terrible idea.
    • War song: Targets a friendly unit within 12". That unit hits on a 2+ and rolls 4 dice to charge keeping the highest 2. Hilarious on a big stabba team, very good otherwise.
    • Call to Action: Choose an enemy unit withing 12". Friendly models may re-roll to hit rolls that target this model for the rest of the phase. As it is written, this only affects the current shooting phase, so not that great.

Core[edit | edit source]

  • Ork Savage: A cheap unit at 6 points each, and with an impressive melee damage potential. They lack a decent armour save, but with T4 and 2 wounds they are more survivable then many other army's basic troops. Nearly useless at range, so use your advance move every turn to get them into melee combat quickly. They can take bows, but don't, and don't bother with the shield because it will only put them up to 5+ anyway.
  • Beastie Boy: Expensive at 25 pts, but for that you get an enormous 14" movement range, T5 and a 5+ save, and two extra attacks from the warbeast steed. Maybe the only core unit in the game that can boast 6 melee attacks, but they will still go down quickly to focused ranged fire, so make sure to keep them out of line of sight until they are ready to charge. Capped at 0-5 without a beastie boss.
  • Feral Grot: Weak and squishy with S2 and T2, dirt cheap at 4pts each. With assault 2 weapons you can quickly amass large amounts of cheap ranged fire from these, and with +3 to saves when in cover they are the premier objective holders for your kill team. Has the punji trap rule, which means that evey time a model charges it while its in cover, roll at D6, and then on a 6 that model takes a mortal wound. Handy for discouraging charges.

Special[edit | edit source]

  • Pigdoc: Improves the warpaint save of models withing 6" to 5+++ rather than 6+++. Adds come much needed survivability to your team, and decent in melee as well.
  • Huntas: Ambush Units that can be set up on the battlefield 9" away from an enemy at the end of your movement phase, and gets AP-2 on its attacks if it charges at a unit they couldn't see it. Not that great, but its cheap at 8pts, and can be useful for getting rid of dangerous heavy weapons. But you will usually want to save your special slots for other things.
  • Stabba Team: Two orks carrying a hilariously large spear. A frankly ludicrous damage potential, especially if they charge a monster or vehicle, in which case they can add the highest number rolled on the charge dice to the weapons strength. This a potential strength of 14. This higher than an imperial knights reaper chainsword. In kill team. The trade off is that it's no more survivable that a base ork savage, so make sure you get it into combat quickly.
  • Skavenger: 15 pts gets you a big shoota and BS4+, with the opportunity to risk breaking the gun to shoot up to 3 times in a round. A good source of ranged firepower in a team which lacks it.
  • Drumma Boy: Friendly models within 6" can advance 3+D3" instead of 3. Really useful here. Can take a warbeast but it almost doubles his cost.
  • Banna Boy: 0-1. Can give friendly units within 12" +1 to hit at the beginning of one shooting phase or fight phase. This makes most of your units hit on a 2+ in melee, but its single use, and he costs 26pts. Can also take a warbeast.
  • Brute Savage: A great melee beatstick with 3 attacks S5 WS3+, and more survivable than most of your units with 3 wounds and a 4+ armour save. Stick with the 'Uge choppa and let him deal with the things the rest of your team tends to struggle with, or a pair of choppas for dealing with hordes. He can also take throwing spears for 10pts but at BS5+ it's probably not worth it.