While Paladins encompass everything Noblebright and good-hearted, Blackguards, often called antipaladins by players, serve as the spiritual opposite to their pure-spirited and benevolent counterparts. Blackguards are known to affiliate themselves with demons and serve dark, generally malevolent deities, and are described as being hated by all other races and classes that serve good. Blackguards are allowed to perform a variety of malignant actions such as using minions to do his scrimpy work for them, using sneaky and backstabbing tactics to get the better of their allies and/or enemies, or generally bully those who serve the forces of good in order to assert his overwhelmingly evil and mean-spirited dominance over others.
Non-playable Blackguards are usually found either in positions of leadership, such as leading hordes of Undead and other nasties within their posses in order to throw eggs and post dog shit through all the doors across their targeted realm, or serving as kiss-asses dark lieutenants for even more unpleasant and villainous
entities and characters, which they know full well could end their mean-streaks by sending them to their rooms in a plane of torment and imprisonment and throwing away the key. Blackguards can also be seen as lone wanderers, either working as sell-swords due to having taken the "money is the root of all evil" philosophy in literal context or just skulking around committing crimes and making public spectacles for the sheer hell of it.