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==The Aurelian Cult== Founded in Ultramar, the Aurelian Cult Worships Roboute Gulliman and The God-Emperor. It serves as this timeline's main replacement for the Ecclesiarchy. The Cult places great emphasis on the Emulation of Roboute Gulliman and his writings for how to live. They believe that in the fullness of time The Avenging Son will return with his Father in Glory to defeat the Traitors once and for all, and build an "Imperium Secundus" in the warp. The Aurelian cult would function a bit like the Bretonians as well, with Tanasha Euten acting as The Lady of The Lake. The Aurelian Cult is the Largest Religion in the Imperium claiming Trillions of Souls and almost 35% of the Imperium’s Total Population. While the actual nuances and theology of The Aurelian Cult's Varries between holy seats. There are some core beliefs that are considered to be essential truths that Holy seats are not permitted to deny without being deemed a heretic. ===Deities=== There are three chief deities of the Aurelian cult: The Father, The Son, and The Queen Mother ;The Father :The '''Not-God''' Emperor of Mankind, Those who practice the Aurelian Cult believe that the Spirit or Soul of the Emperor far outgrows his actual physical presence, and that while he is Physically present on Holy Terra, his spirit is everywhere. The Aurelian Cult is very careful not to call The Emperor a “God.” And while Theologians throughout the Imperium speculate on the nature and essence of Chaos Demons, The Heresiarchs, The Aurelian, or the Mother. Speculation on the Emperor himself is strictly forbidden. He is known as “The Undefinable one,” “He who is above all,” “Rightful Ruler of All Things” etc. ;Gulliman The Son :The Aurelian Cult believes that Gulliman was sent by his Father to Ultramar so as to teach men how to follow him. And that by living as a human among humans, he could set an example for what The God-Emperor expects of all his Children. The annals of Gulliman's life is recorded in a several sacred texts, but his own writings about life on Ultramar and the Imperium are also treasured. It is believed that by dying on Macragge Guliman was beloved by his father and uplifted to godhood, where he now fights for the souls of those loyal to the Emperor. ;The Queen Mother :Tarasha Euten, The Mother of Roboute Gulliman, she through her trials on the Flight to Holy Terra has become a god in her own right. She acts on behalf the Emperor and Her Son. She is seen as the "Facilitator" aiding man to follow the path to the Emperor laid out by Rouboute Gulliman. '''The Daughters of Tanasha''' :The Queen Mother Appeared to The Women of Ophelia during the m33 telling them to gather their swords and "Rebuild her Home." They eventually became the founders of The Adeptus Sororitas, as well as the leaders of the "Maccrage Cleansing." '''The Quests of The Mother''' :Those loyal servants of The Aurelian will receive tasks by the Queen Mother, those who dedicate their lives to The Lady of Ultramar and fulfill her tasks in protecting Mankind are bestowed with great power. ''Space Grail Knights!'' '''The Golden Sorrow''' :The Golden Sorrow or the Black Sorrow is believed to have been first bestowed upon The Queen Mother. Because of her connection to her son, she witnessed the death and torture of Roboute Gulliman. Certain Ultramarines are considered to receive the "The Black Sorrow in which they bear witness to the suffering and death of their fellow believers. This can be the suffering of those devout living today, or those heroes who have died like St Aeonid. To receive the suffering of Roboute himself is considered "The Golden Sorrow" and those who receive it are considered highly favored to be considered worthy to witness the Death of Gulliman. ===Imperium Secundus=== Imperium Secundus has taken on a spiritual meaning as an [[MidHammer_40,000_drafts#Sacred_Texts_Excerpts|Afterlife]]. It is believed that Rouboute is building Imperium Secundus in the warp, and all noble souls of the Imperium will join him in this new and final kingdom. The Aurelian is looking for those of noble and steadfast spirit who will join him in slaying chaos demons and transforming the warp into the imperial image. Imperial Secundus is believed to be both part of the warp and not. The telos of Imperium Secundus is up to debate by school, with some believing Imperium Secundus and The Immaterium will separate, others believe the Emperor and Aurelian will conquer the Immaterium. ===Apotheosis=== A Core belief of The Aurelian Cult is that of Apotheosis, and that those of the Emperor can become deified. Gulliman and Tanasha have achieved Apotheosis. ====Apotheosis of Gulliman==== Gulliman became a god because of his torture and sacrifice at the hands of Korphaeron. His nobility of spirit allowed him to Become a god. ====Apotheosis of Tarasha==== Gulliman's Mother, Tarasha Euten, takes on special significance in both Ultramar and The Aurelian Cult. This is not only because of her connection to her son, but also because of the events of "The Macragge Armada." The Macragge Armada were the ships that Gulliman was able to save from Macragge's destruction along with Billions of Ultramar Citizens. The Refugee Ships went through their own Grimbright version of The Flight of The Eisenhorn, where the Gellar Field failed on their warp to Terra. Tarasha Euten stood defiant against the Demons and horrors of the warp, and took command of the fleet. Because Tarasha was there and because there were billions upon billions on board, rather than a single battleship, Tarasha was able to comfort the fearful refugees; and rally them to faith. By Using herself and Gulliman as the focal point for their belief, the Refugees were inspired to repel the demons and were able to build a sort of substitute Gellar Field of Faith." The other result of this was that Tarasha Euten [[MidHammer_40,000_drafts#Apotheosis_of_Tanasha_Euten|ascended]] into a minor god (not a demon-prince of Gulliman, a minor God, like Isha, or The Chaos God of “The Greater Good”). Gulliman himself also achieved Apotheosis as a result of this Flight and there are occasional sightings of "The Aurelian" a Man in Gold and Blue coming to the aid of The Imperium. The Tasks of The Mother: (Space Grail Knights!) Those loyal servants of The Imperium will receive tasks by the Queen Mother, those who dedicate their lives to The Lady of Ultramar and fufill her tasks in protecting Mankind are bestowed with great power. ====Eventual Apotheosis of The Primarchs==== It is believed that should they die, the noble primarchs will join The Aurelian in the Regency of Imperium Secundus. Whether or not they will become gods or not varries by Holy Seat. ====The Non-Apotheosis of The Emperor==== The Emperor will not become A God upon his death, the Emperor is the Emperor, and does not need to ascend. He is already ascended in a way greater Than The Aurelian. To say that the Emperor will become a god is Stelafilism, which is a condemned heresey. To say that the Emperor already a god is Lorgarism, and is also a condemned heresy. To say that one can become Emperor-like is Vandirism, a most condemned heresy. ===The End Times=== By dying, Guilliman saved the souls of humans from drowning in the warp he is building his "Imperial Secundus" in the warp. When the End Times come, The Aurelian will reunite with the Emperor, bringing with him the souls of those noble souls who served the Emperor in Life and Served him and The Aurelian in Death. Then The Aurelian with Join his brothers and all Imperials and lead them into the Eye of Terror to slaughter the ruinous powers. ===Demonic Entities=== The Aurelian Cult does not refer to the Ruinous powers in the same way that Cultists do. Even your average Ancillae will not know the true symbols or names of the chaos gods. When mentioning these dark beings in popular and vernacular sources, such as artwork, common portrayals, and grimoires for low-level Ancillae and non-specialist astartes, "sanctioned names" are often used. These sanctioned names and symbols come in two forms: ===Traitor Primarchs=== The forces of chaos are often refered to by the Traitor Primarchs that serve them. The myth of the Great Treachery is well taught and well known throughout the Imperium, and The old Heraldric symbols of these Entities are used in official religious artwork regarding the cult. Only church officials that specialize in demonology and excorcist astartes chapters recognize the true names and symbols of the Ruinous Powers. ;Alpharomegon The Schemer :Is seen as a trickster force, often dissuading loyal worshippers of Gulliman towards being unfaithful or neglecting duties. Many popular depictions of corrupt leaders, ecclesiarchs, and scholars are portrayed with the symbol of Alpharomegon somewhere. ;Perturabo The Great Temptor :Is the most commonly depicted of all of the chaos primarchs. Perturabo tempts the common man with promises of desires fufilled. ;Angron & Saporin The Corruptors :Seen as entities encouraging despair and cowardice. The actual relationship between Angron and Saporin varries from depiction to depiction: some portray Saporin as a temptress to angron, some reverse this, some see them both falling for unknown reasons. ;Mortarion of Wroth. ;Lorgar The King of Demons ;Korphaeron The Desecrator :Korphaeron has obtained his own place in the grimoires and pantheons of the Auerlian cult, because of his involvement with the destruction of Maccragge. He is seen as the spirit of sacrilege. ====Sanctioned Names==== In many Aurelian grimoires there exist "Sanctioned Names and Symbols" of the Ruinous powers. These are used to refer to the chaos forces without resorting to corrupting their tomes and warriors with their actual symbols. ;Caedes :Khorne ;Lagamas :Slaanesh ;Siadas :Tzeentch ===Holy Entities=== These holy entities do not have power inof themselves, rather, they are bestowed Miracles on behalf of their Lords, the Holy Triad. ====The Celestial Saints==== These include holy men and women from Gulliman and The Emperor's past who are believed to be in Imperium Secundus with Gulliman. They work on behalf of him and the faithful of the galaxy. Like the Living Saints their power is granted by the Holy Triad. ====Examples of the Celestial Saints==== ;St. Malcador the Hero ;St. Olanius Pius ;St. Konor of Maccragge ;St. Aeonid Theil ;St. Genetrix (the wife of Gulliman whose name is lost to history) ;St. Avilla Ordinata ====The Living Saints==== =====The Divine Brethren===== The Primarchs are considered to be somewhere between gods and Saints. =====Charismateurs===== =====Daughters of Tarasha===== ===Sacred Texts=== *"The Protoevangelion of St Konor" :St. Konor of Maccragge, foster father of The Aurelian, reveals unto Antoli sacred truths of the life of Rouboute Gulliman *"The Psalter of The Matron" :The Hymns sang by Tarasha Euten during the the "Flight to Terra" *"The Apocalypse of The Steward" :Account of the Last Battle for Maccragge by an unnamed Servant who remained on the planet. It was found during the Holy Crusade of Macragge in M35 reclamation by "The Daughters of Tanasha" *"Last Testament of Aurellion" :Collection Gulliman's Last Writings, his thoughts and warnings to the people of Ultramar, to the Imperium, and to His Astartes. ===The Codex Astartes=== Obviously the laity has little in the way of use for a book written to provide guidence towards managment of astartes legions, and battle tactics, however, that has not stemmed the fascination the laity has for the Last Words written by their god. As such, the Ancillae have created abriged and commentated versions of the Codex Astartes for private devotional use. These abridged codexes, often truncated to a bare sentence quotes with paragraphs of interpretation, are crafted by the individual chapters for use by the population under their command. So there are countless collections of devotional codexes. However, a few published by the more famous Holy Seats stand out and can be read regularly. ====The Yanna-Gaëlle Codex (The Masali Codex)==== {{topquote|Those we send to die on strange soil, unfathomable distances from their homes, are not turning to The Divine Gulliman for a course, they do not seek a disertation before turning to their bunks. They trust in us, in Horus, and in the emperor, to guide their weapons and their feet in such matters. And thus we have compiled our collection of the Codex astartes, not to feed the soul, but to anchor it. Let the mind of Lord Gulliman and his wisdom soothe them with knowledge of his oversight, as a father does his child. Not with understanding of his methods, but comfort in knowing that he has them. | Abbess Anaïs Gaëlle to Spiritual Liege Mael Perig of Masali}} {{topquote| If you want to learn about your Ultramari Auxillaries, look at their Copy of The Codex. Don't look at their uniform, badges, hair, or mannerisms. You aren't going to learn anything from that, because the Ultramari are too proud and vain to let their appearance convey anything other than pride. But the Soldier's Codex is arranged by reflections into particular difficulties or dilemmas, it becomes a key to the Trillileur's Heart. Take this one Officer I met, her bright Prandium Orange Jacket was clean though worn, while her face, hair, and smile portrayed a look of mischief and youthful beauty. I asked her if she was in need of anything from the church, but she smiled and just asked for the standard needs for her subordinates and comrades. But as I looked the codex strapped to her waist, i saw a book almost untouched, save for a single section towards the second third of the book. The creases and dogears of where the section were well thumbed, uneven, and stuffed with loose leaves of personal writings. A few days later, I am administering a funeral. A captain abandons their company, and from reports, was laughing and howling at a squad of Fire Warriors before her demise. I was shocked to find that it was the same beguiling woman I had met only a few days before. Finding the copy of the codex again, I looked at the worn sections. "Reflections on St Aeonid, the Last Man at Calth," "Gulliman on the duties of survivors," "Prayers for Captured Comrades," "Recovering from Assaults on The Mind," "The Fate of Cowards and Deserters." The Aurelian had borne this woman's soul to me, and I was too blind to read it. We in the Ecclesiarchy should not disparage this diluted version of Our Lord Gulliman's work. We should study it well and use it, for our Lord has given us a key into the souls of his subjects.| Fratres Paschal Decimus, Astra Militarum Chaplain, SUEU}} Sometimes also called the Soldier's Codex, or The Tarrasque Codex. It was the work of Ordo Militant Abbess Magali Yanna and Ordo Gramaticus Abbess Anaïs Gaëlle under the Commission of The Spiritual Liege of Masali. The Yanna-Gaelle Codex, was written for the Trillileurs, who are stationed nearby. Rather than arranging the codex in a way that apes its original composition, Magali Yana designed the codex under the conceit that a soldier turning to this book would be looking for words of comfort, healing, and solace. collects passages of the Codex and comprises them as "Reflections." Some of these reflections are taken from the Glossia of Chapters under the leadership of Masali, others are composed from interviews, others are drafted by Megali Yanna, herself a veteran of several wars. These reflections are written by Ultramarine warriors, Pious leaders, and Ancillae, who discuss the passage in relation to life of war and travel. ===Organization=== Unlike the Ecclesiarchy of The Imperium of Man, the Aurelian cult is far more heavily decentralized both dogmatically and hierarchically. Each Sanctioned Successor Chapter of the Ultramarines, Sororitas, and Human Branches of The Ecclesiarchy are considered to be micro-churches in of themselves. Several of these groups have wildly different interpretations of the writings of gulliman and the codex, and even their own traditions carried down from chapter master to chapter master. Organizations like the "Aurelian Mechanicus," or Cordinlumbae Cult are viewed to be in "harmony" with the Greater Aurelian system of beliefs. Even a few syncretized xenos faiths such as The Optibene and Ambulaequilla cults are also considered to be in harmony with the Aurelian cult (no matter how suspiciously they are viewed). ====Leadership==== The Leadership of the Aurelian Cult gives primacy to "Holy Seats." Chapter Masters and Non-mutant membership of the church are all considered to be their own sub-cults with their own traditions. On occasion these leaders convene for a sacred council regarding all inter church matters. =====Chapter Masters===== The Cult is Headed by the Chapter Master of The Ultramarines, headquartered in Espandor. He is considered "First Among Equals" Among the Other Chapter Masters The Chapter-masters occasionally convene at Espandor in a Conclave to discuss, declaration of heretics and inter-cult discipline. These meetings are specific ceremony-bound practices, and should not be confused with the Chapter-Masters regular Duties as leaders of the Adeptus Astartes. =====Ancillae===== The "Handmaidens of Tarasha" follow their own organizational rules, and answer only to their Spiritual Liege the "Lord of Ultramar." Because their code was seen to be derived by The Queen Mother Herself, none dare challenge it. =====The Black Eutenites===== (this world's black templars/death company Grimbright Sad Marines) A fanatical and controversial order of Legions who have received "The Golden Sorrow" where upon they are witness to the Suffering and Death of Rouboute Gulliman. Additionally they are witness to the "the current sufferings of gulliman today" Where they are given visions of all those in the Galaxy whose prayers are yet to be answered, or in a need of aid. They call themselves the Black Eutenites because it was reveiled to them they are in descent to Tanasha Euten, who was the First to Recieve "The Golden Sorrow" as she was spiritually connected to Roboute Gulliman as he was tortured and killed on Maccragge. While Emotionally, Spiritually, (and physically) painful the Black Eutenites see this as a great honor, and have their own term for it - "The Gift of The Mother." This order is particularly controversial because they see themselves as an order apart from the rest of The Ecclesiarchy (and the Imperium for that matter), and that they are charged by Gulliman and Tanasha themselves to right the wrongs of the imperium (including when righting said wrongs puts them at odds with the The Ecclesiarchy and other Imperial Administrations). ====Holy Sites==== The Ecclesiarchy of the Aurelian Cult is Set around 13 Sacred Sites. Espandor (contentiously) holds the honor of First Among Equals. However Each Holy Seat is powerful in its own right. Every Ultramarine Successor Chapter and Sister of Battle Chapter Must Choose one Holy Seat in which they are beholden to. Terra used to be one of the most important seats, but it has been relegated following The Great Apostasy. Many are advocating that Maccragge be made into the First seat of The Aurelian cult. =====Ist Solium Espandor===== :The Oldest seat of The Ecclesiarchy in Maccragge, Espandor is considerd the capital of the Aurelian Cult. The City is a beautiful shrine world dedicated to St Antoni, Chapter Master of The Ultramarines. =====II<sup>nd</sup> Solium San Leor===== :The Site of where Tanasha Euten's Ship Crash Landed, during Maccragge's Famous "Flight to Terra." Is one of the Oldest Seats of the Ecclesiarchy, and is also the founding site of both The Ancilliae and The First Sisters of Battle order. Most Sisters of Battle Claim this Seat as their Spiritual Liege. =====III<sup>rd</sup> Solium Calth===== :The world now has an atmosphere thanks to the work of Fulgrim (serving as a test for Terra). The planet's great caverns continue to be used and is the site of "The Temple of St Aeonid." Many Successor chapters who focus on fighting demons have chosen Calth to be their Spiritual Liege. Calth is also one of the few worlds where the social hierarchy of the city moves down, with the surface world being filled with the poorest, and the underground caverns to be covered with beautiful shrines and mansions. In current years, the Holy Seat is being pulled in two separate directions, between its exorcist orders who demon-warriors demand the strictest personal orthodoxy, and its [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Ultramar#Grottoliers_of_Calth|miners and workers]], and their more [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Aurelian_Cult#Aurelian_Mechanicus|Konor-esque]] views on spirituality. =====IV<sup>th</sup> Solium Macragge Extremis (SUEU)===== :Also called Solium Ultramar Extra Ultramaris or "The Seat of Ultramar outside of Ultramar" :Originally the seat of Maccragge in exile, and the only migratory Holy Seat, Macragge extremis tends to the spiritual needs of the many Aurelian faithful who live outside of Ultramar, especially in the Astra Militarum. The seat also became a refuge for more conservative Aurelian cult members during the Vandire and Thorian periods of Terra. It is technically the oldest Holy Seat in the Cult, with its worship predating the formal establishment of the Aurelian tennents. Its practices also heavily incorporate traditions from ancient Maccragge. SUEU, are also recognized as the descendents of the XIIIth legion. As direct successors to The Ultramarines, they are not under the same [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Codex#Section_1.28b.29_Regula_Collegii|restrictions]] as the other ecclesiastic chapters, and have access to all the armor and equipment that other First founding legions do. =====V<sup>st</sup> Solium Novae Thulium===== :The Death World Thulium and Nova Thulium are some of the most widely known and influential seats in The Imperium. This is due to their role as the seat of the "Archivists" orders who seek to record the names of all those who serve in the Aurelian Cult. On the feast of the Voyage to Terra, the Astartes and Ancillae of Nova Thulium conduct the ''Census Mortui'' a great procession where planet to planet, the cult of Thulium collect and process the names of all those who have died serving the Emperor and The Divine Lord Gulliman (not to be confused with The [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Imperium#Lord_Gulliman|Lord Gulliman]], a member of [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Imperium#Terran_Government | The High Lords of Terra]]). =====VI<sup>th</sup> Solium Sancta Terra===== :Because of The Stringent rules about religion and Cults on “Holy Terra,” The Seat of Holy Terra is not on Terra itself, but on "The Temple of The Holy Martyrs” on Luna. The Church also owns several “Monuments” on Holy Terra, that serve both sites of Pilgrimage as well as tourism. This seat has caused the most headaches for the Cult, and has prompted several schisms and heretical movements. Originally the Seat was ranked first, but following The Heresy of Sebastian Thor, it was relegated. =====VII<sup>th</sup> Solium Masali===== :The Seat of a Small agri-world cluster, Masali's official status of importance is overshadowed by its neighboring planets Quintem IV, where the [[MidHammer_40,000:_Religion#Origin|Cult of the Walking Eagle]] was founded, and Tarentus, where The [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Ultramar#Ultramari_Trillileurs |Ultramari Trillileurs]] are stationed. The Spiritual Liege of Masali is consequently the leader of all [[MidHammer_40,000_drafts#Tarrasque |Tarrasque]] of Ultramar, and must tend to their spiritual needs as well as those of his own flock. Otherwise, the Masali seat is very conservative as befitting an agriworld seat. Masali has never openly contested SUEU or Terra for their control over Extra Ultramari faithful, but it has passively left its mark on Galactic community of the faithful, particularly through the "Yannae-Gael Codex" =====VIII<sup>st</sup> Solium Prandium===== :A Seat famous for their unique Theology. The "Prandium School" is known for their veneration of a third entity known as Spectra Pietas or "The Spirit of Duty." The Spectra Pietas is a manifestation of Wills of the Aurelian and the Emperor that is an entity in its own right. :The Prandium Throne is also the head of the small but devoted [[User:Wammnebu/Midhammer_40k_Stories_and_rds/MH_40k/Aurelian_Cult#Guelomin_Tau_.28Optibene_Cult.29|Gueloman Cult of Optimagna]], a T'au philosophy that has syncretized Prandium's school with its own traditions. =====IX<sup>th</sup> Solium Konor===== :A heavily Industrialized world, Konor is both the Birthplace and Seat of the Cult of [[MidHammer_40,000_drafts#The_Aurelian_Mechanicus|The Aurelian Mechanicus]]. All Ultramarine successors and Ancillae with their equipment and techmarines. =====X<sup>th</sup> Solium Saramanth===== =====XI<sup>th</sup> Solium Nucreria===== =====XII<sup>th</sup> Solium Laphis===== :Referred to Solium "Laxis" by more traditionalist Aurelians. :Because of its practice of "open hand" doctrinal flexibility, and benign neglect, Laphis is infamous among more hardline members of the aurelian cult. Their Astartes chapters tend to be the most doctrinally diverse, to Laphis' detriment and benefit. Despite making some reforms following the ''Tau Founding,'' its reputation for flippancy with teachings remains. =====XIII<sup>th</sup> Solium===== ;The Thirteenth Seat prior to M40 was known as '''Solium Alius''' :Originally the Thirteenth seat was one held in rotation by the minor seats throughout the Faithful. Following the Maccragge Crusade, and the creation of its own seat, Macragge fills this role. ;XIII<sup>th</sup> Solium Nova Macragge (since M40) :When Macragge was recaptured during the sisters crusade of M39, it was origionally merely a place of Pilgrimage. The Seats of San Leor, Masali, Epandor, Konor and SUEU had a presence on the planet. It was decided that that The Seat of New Maccragge would be the permanent location of The Thirteenth seat. Maccragge represents all of the minor Holy seats throughout the Galaxy, and its Spiritual Liege is selected from among their number. ===The Major Spiritual Lieges=== ====The Knights of St. Aeonid (Calth)==== The Knights of St Aeonid were origionally founded with the purpose of defending the realm of Ultramar against demonic forces. And it is for this purpose that many of the most ancient and revered Exorcist forces of Ultramar answer to them, such as the Mortifactors. However; as the threat of Imperium Undivided become more and more feeble, and the shadowing caverns of Calth are filled with villages and mining complexes, the chapter has been slowly drifting into the Orbit of the Fabresegnor of Konor. This is in no small part thanks to the Grottoliers of Calth, who have adopted many of the traditions of the Aurelian Mechanicus such as the veneration of sainted machine spirits. Calth must balence a delicate line between its Affiliated chapters, who expect a more mainline, traditional calth upon which they can rely on as an anchor, and its mechanicus minded populous, who see the spiritual needs of their equipment and the care for machine spirits as vital as those of their own children. ====Minor Holy Sites==== There are several other spiritual lieges who, while not given the same clout and authority as the Great Thirteen, do have some autonomy in their own spiritual affairs, and can found Astartes Chapters and Ancillae orders. *Assam :Located in the Ultima sector bordering Tau space. The Assam sector is the head location of the "Cordinumbae Cult." It is also the home planet of the Lotus Hearts Space Marine chapter, which is considered to be one of the few successes of the "Tau Founding." *Monarchia :The Church of the Aurelian Triumphant is a minor but important seat that commemorates the Ultramarine's first victory over demonic forces. *Maccragge :Despite its obvious religious Importance, Maccragge was only purged of the Demonic Taint of Nurgle following the Sister's Crusade of M37. Technically Maccragge was under the Jurisdiction of Maccragge Extremis seat, but this was considered to be too large of a domminion. Maccragge was also considered a had a sister seat of both Ophelia, Espandor, and Nova Thulium there until M39, when the Seats were united under a single Spiritual Liege. *Ophelia :Formerly a site of the "Imperial Soter" cult established by Lorgar Pseudourelian, all doctrinal traces of Lorgar and his Lectitio have been purged and this seat Holy seat is considered now to be one of the most dogmatically orthodox, if perhaps over-zealously so. *Talassar :The Wealthy Talassar system has been able to assert its influence due to its over representation among Ancillae and Astartes recruits. The discipline and noble character of this planet has resulted in some of the Finest men and women to serve the Aurelian cult. *Gantz Noveau :Founded by the Techmarines and Charismateurs who accompanied Macharios on his great conquest, they were able acquire a planet for the purpose of establishing a Aurelian Mechanicus Forgeworld in Grand Macharia
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