Memories of a Stone Wall
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===Act XX: Bad Dreams=== :>A gunso informed us one of his hohei did not show for muster this morning. :>He said her name was Shiba Ayame. :>Did she stay in the barracks here? :>Hai, I shall show you. :>Please do, Shiba-san. :>As we headed towards the barracks Kitsuki-san looked again at the wakizashi. :>Yes, this is indeed the blade of a private fresh from her gempukku. :>In Rokugan, peasants are not allowed to carry weapons of any kind. :>The exception being ashigaru, and crab peasants. :>However, even peasant soldiers are never allowed to have a daisho. :>The paired long and short blades are the symbol of a samurai's status. :>Some Samurai do not wear their katana. :>Wearing it means you claim skill with it. :>And thus you must defend yourself with it. :>That means that if, say, Kitsuki-san were to be challenged to a duel, he would have to fight it himself. :>Whereas Naomi and Toshiro, who do not wear Katana, would have the right to name a champion to fight the duel in their stead. :>ALL samurai wear their wakizashi however. :>Even if, like Naomi, they only ever draw it to clean it. :>In fact, in many places where a samurai is expected to leave their weapons behind, it is still acceptable to wear one's short blade. :>For those of high rank, and especially those who expect never to have to fight with it, the short blade often becomes a work of art more than a weapon. :>Kitsuki-san spoke again. :>We will need to search her belongings thoroughly for any clue as to where she may have gone. :>I came to an abrupt halt as we entered the barracks. :>Or, she could have just overslept. :>I find that hard to be...oh you've GOT to be kidding me. :>Shiba Ayame lay on her futon, curled into a little ball and snored softly. :>A daisho stand was at the head of her futon. :>The saya for the wakizashi was empty. :>I knelt down and prodded her gently. :>Behind me I heard her gunso trying to decide if he should have a stroke, aneurysm, or apoplectic fit. :>Hmmm? Whua? :>Hey. Wake up. :>We need to talk. :>She sat up, bleary eyed and with a fairly advanced case of bed head. :>Ayame must be a fitful sleeper as her obi had come undone. :>I coughed loudly to help her wake up faster, and when she looked at me I pointed down a few times. :>GAH! :>She snatched her Kimono closed and began retying her obi. :>Though embarrassed she did a good job feigning aloof dignity. :>You don't sleep well? :>She glared at me. :>I don't see what business it is of yours. :>Who are all you people anyway? :>You didn't come here just on the off chance of catching a peek... :>She finally noticed her gunso. :>And that she was the only soldier in the barracks. :>Uh... gunso? What time is it? :>He decided he would have all three. :>You... YOU IMBECILE! Do you have any idea- :>Mantis-san stepped in front of him, cutting him off. :>Like I said, we need to talk. :>We gave her a moment to make her self presentable. :>Then we played a game. :>Good magistrate, better magistrate, bad magistrate, and keep that magistrate the hell away from me. :>More specifically, Kitsuki-san asked her firm, yet polite questions. :>Monkey would protest on her behalf at times, saying he could see she would not lie about this or that thing. :>Mantis-san took over directly glowering at Kitsuki-san's signal :>While I loomed just behind her, occasionally stepping just inside the edge of her vision for a moment or two. :>The four way assault left Shiba Ayame terribly confused, stammering and stumbling over her words. :>Kitsuki-san had said before that it was desirable for a suspect to be in such a state, as they would have a hard time remembering the little details of any lies they had to make up on the spot. :>She freely admitted that the wakizashi was hers. :>What is going on? :>Are you saying you found this somewhere? That someone took it from the barracks while I slept? :>Kitsuki-san shook his head. :>Are you still maintaining that? :>YES! I went to sleep around 10 last night, and I awoke here and now with you all leering at me! :>That is all! :>This charm here. What is it for? :>It's... nothing. :>Monkey blinked at her. :>Ya sure? Cause I know that I can't see 'nothing' but I can see something on the end of your wakizashi here. :>I could almost see the smoke coming out of ears as she tried to figure out what the hell Monkey just said. :>I sympathized; I wasn't entirely certain Monkey wasn't having some sort of fit myself. :>Kitsuki-san gave a sigh that sounded like a mildly disappointed parent. :>Shiba-san, please do not insult my intelligence. :>As my companion here has pointed out that charm is clearly not 'nothing'. :>I will ask again. What is it? :>It's what you think it is. I have bad dreams... :>She seemed sullen about it. :>Kitsuki-san closed his eyes and considered her words, tapping his fan in his hand. :>Which was the signal for me to get back in her line of sight. :>I did so, and loomed magnificently if I do say so myself. :>That shocked her out of her sullen pout. :>What is the nature of these dreams, Shiba-san? :>Wh- why does that even matter? :>Answer my question. :>Monkey leaned in. :>Hey, I'd like to know too. They're just dreams, aren't they. :>Kitsuki-san turned to Monkey, but I could see him watching Ayame intently out of the corner of his eye as he replied. :>Dreams are never just dreams. They can show us glimpses of the future, or make sense of things we could not in our waking hours. :>Sometimes little things we perceive, but whose significance is lost on us, become apparent in our dreams. :>For example, a Lord once returned from winter court and had a nightmare that he was surrounded by a thousand enemies. :>He chose to heed the warning of his dream and strengthened his castle's defences. :>A week later, a military alliance that was formed during that winter court launched an attack on his castle, only to be repulsed due to his preparations. :>Though he had never even found a hint of the alliance, he nonetheless saw hints in the behavior of the conspirators, that his dream then revealed. :>Ayame bowed her head and shouted. :>I DO NOT REMEMBER THEM! :>Th-they slip from my grasp every time I awaken... :>Only the feeling remains. And it is hard to describe. :>Thump. :>Drag. :>While we had been interrogating her in another room, Toshiro and Naomi had searched her belongings for any clues. :>They must have found something pertinent. :>She looked up as Toshiro thumpdragged in. :>He handed a piece of paper to Kitsuki-san. :>Kitsuki-san unfolded it, and spread it out. :>A single line surrounded by black ink, with only a small space of blank paper around it, was on that paper. :>My painting! What are you doing with this? :>You went through my things!? :>Kitsuki-san ignored her questions. :>Is this... :>He tapped the painting with his fan. :>What you feel when you wake up? :>She looked around. :>Monkey gave her an encouraging nod. :>...Yes. It is. :>Toshiro nodded to me. :>I touched my jade to the back of her neck. :>She yelped and jumped almost high enough to hit the ceiling. :>But she did not burn. :>What was that! Who ARE you people? Why aren't you answering me!? :>She was on the verge of tears now. :>We are magistrates. :>Kitsuki-san replied. :>A crime has been committed, and you are a suspect in that crime. :>That is all you need to know. :>For now, I must ask you to please remain in this room while we continue our investigation. :>She went paler with every word. :>Oversleeping and missing muster was now the least of her worries. :>We left, with Monkey and Naomi both giving her encouraging smiles. :>Once we were alone. :>Do you not think you perhaps were a BIT too harsh Kitsuki-san? :>No Naomi-san, I do not. :>I needed to see the full range of her emotions with my own eyes, to better judge her. :>And? :>And she is telling the truth. She remembers only going to sleep and waking up. :>So then she didn't do it? :>Kitsuki-san shook his head. :>Not necessarily. :>It is possible for some criminals to truly not remember their crimes. :>Many killers drink so much that they cannot remember the night before and kill someone in a drunken rage, for example. :>Kitsuki-san narrowed his eyes. :>And, she harbors a bone deep hatred of the Mantis. :>Huh? :>Her eyes betrayed her, whenever she would look at you Mantis-san. :>Toshiro folded his arms. :>Mantis and Phoenix have had some minor issues in the past. :>Toshiro was rather fond of understatement and one liners. :>In hindsight, I'm embarrassed I didn't realize 'Empty' was his painting. :>Monkey snorted. :>'Minor' yeah. Like the last time we were here. :>Kitsuki-san stared at Monkey . :>There are times, Monkey, when your genius astounds me. :>Want to let the rest of us in that? :>Her hatred is deep, and much more personal than just clan rivalries. :>We need to split up, ask everyone you find about her. :>She has some reason for her hatred; we must find out! :>Naomi cocked her head at Kitsuki-san. :>Are you honestly suggesting that Shiba Ayame is so full of repressed hatred she went into some sort of fuge state and butchered Yohko? :>I'm not suggesting anything at this point Naomi-sama. :>But I will say it's a strong possibility. :>Mantis-san frowned. :>I find that a little hard to believe myself, Naomi-sama, but Yohko DID have all those wounds... :>Kitsuki-san nodded. :>And that painting. Ishigaki-san confirmed it was the taint taking hold of her, so it looks to me like madness instead. :>Monkey shook his head. :>I'm with Naomi-sama on this one. I just can't see it. :>Kitsuki-san looked at Monkey and Naomi expectantly. :>You have another explanation, then? :>We split up trying to find out the source of Shiba Ayame's hate. :>I was a bit distracted, wondering if I should have taken Kitsuki-san to task for the tone he took with my wife. :>He could be single minded when pursuing an investigation. :>And very self assured. :>He'd even forgotten Naomi outranked him, briefly. :>Unfortunately, our first day's inquiries revealed only that Ayame was too new to have made many acquaintances yet. :>We ate dinner in our rooms, attempting to avoid questions. :>Oka-san, however, came to speak with us. :>Naomi-chan, how is your investigation going? :>Kitsuki-san interrupted. :>We really should not discuss an ongoing investigation. :>Oka-san gave him a cold look. :>Let me ask you this then. Do you realize what is at stake here? :>I answered. :>The peace talks, yes. :>No, Ishigaki-san, there is more on the line than you realize. :>She looked at Naomi again. :>It was made quite clear to your father that failure in these talks was NOT an option. :>If the death of the Mantis delegate threatens the peace talks, then the Clan is quite willing to atone with the death of the responsible party. :>The realization struck me like a tetsubo to the gut. :>THAT explains Shoji's reaction, and why he was so desperate to find the killer. :>Naomi didn't take the news that unless we found someone more suitable her father was going to be a sacrificial piece in this game of inter-clan politics very well. :>No coughing fit, at least. :>But she was still visibly shaken. :>Who else knows how serious this is, Oka-san? :>The Karo, and the Council. :>It was their decision for Shoji to host the peace talks, since this was site of the last battle between our clans, and the Mantis were defeated here. :>The letter the council sent also let your father know EXACTLY how much was expected of him. :>I scratched my beard. :>Naomi, Toshiro, there's something I'd like to confirm. :>Kitsuki-san looked up. :>You have a thought, Ishiaki? :>Yeah, I do. :>I gathered up all of Ayame's belongings. :>There weren't that many, really. :>Daisho, stand, armor, naginata, kimono, and a spare, basic grooming tools, brushes and ink, a shogi board, a tea set and a few books. :>Alright. :>I started. :>Is it possible to cast a spell on something, and have it take effect later, when condition is met? :>Naomi nodded right away. :>There is indeed a potent water spell that does something like that. I can prepare a spell and set a condition under which the kami will grant it. :>Toshiro nodded as well. :>The Asahina family has a type of magic where they bind spells into objects. 'Fetishes' they call them. :>Hai. And the Iuchi have their gaijin crystal magic, though I do not know more than that some Iuchi use crystals in place of Scrolls... :>I nodded. :>Okay then, if there were a spell that subverted a person's mind... :>Toshiro and Naomi looked at one another. :>Pulled scrolls and began to work their magic. :>Kitsuki-san watched intently, gnawing on the tip of his fan. :>At this point, everyone knew what I was thinking. :>THEM. :>Toshiro let up a cry. :>The Charm! :>It's the damn charm! :>He pulled a pair of chopsticks and pulled the charm off with them. :>Naomi selected one of the scrolls she had spread out. :>Careful, don't touch it directly. :>There's some taint left on this thing. Very faint, but it's there. :>Naomi held her hands just around the charm. :>They started to glow with a soft blue light. :>Yes... yes there was magic in this charm. :>It's gone now though, I can't tell anymore than that. But it was Maho! :>So. We all let the implications of that sink in for a moment and properly terrify us. :>We then went to ask Shiba Ayame where she had gotten the charm. :>Huh? The charm? I bought it, from a traveling merchant. :>Is he still here? :>I don't know, I've been locked up in this room all day thanks to you! :>Well what did he look like? :>Just a merchant, pudgy guy, plainly dressed, big pack on his back full of trinkets to sell... :>What, what's going on? :>That merchant sold you a Tainted charm. :>What, tainted how? Wait. Do you mean Tainted tainted? THAT Tainted?! :>I nodded. "It had a Maho spell place upon it, that brought out your hatred of the Mantis." :>How do you know? :>I jerked my head over to Kitsuki-san. :>So, what is it? Why do you hate them? :>...p... :>What? :>... e... :>Speak up! :>SENPAI! :>Uh... :>Those bastards KILLED HIM! :>Here! Right here in this castle! :>Holy shit. :>Wait. Ayame-san, are you saying that your senpai graduated and was stationed here when the Mantis attacked? :>Yes. :>And now they have the gall to come waltzing back in, making more demands, as though they didn't get trounced the last time! :>We all stared at each other in shock. :>Toshiro said it. :>Destiny is a bitch. :>Bonds of fate. :>Connections to people we didn't even know, or notice. :>Events in out past impacting the present. :>Ayame looked at us in confusion. :>What is it? :>Naomi spoke to her. :>How much do you know of what happened that night Ayame-san? :>Only that the Mantis attacked in the dead of night, like cowards. Senpai died when an arrow struck him. It was one of the first they fired. :>Samurai are supposed to have glorious, honorable deaths! :>He was just standing there when an arrow came out of the night and hit him! :>She was glaring at Mantis-san. :>Had been, the whole time. :>Naomi knelt down beside her. :>Ayame-san, I am a water tensai. :>Huh? But you're a Hida. :>By marriage. :>She glanced my way, and Ayame followed her gaze. :>Oh. :>Before that I was Isawa Naomi. :>Oh :>And I was here that night. :>So was everyone else, save Toshiro. :>Everyone...? :>And we all fought to protect this castle. :>But... :>I don't think they had any idea I was here. :>And no one bothered to tell me they were going to start some shit. :>I see. :>Wow. :>... :>You said I was sold a tainted charm, and a Maho spell influenced me somehow. :>But you touched me with jade, right? :>Yeah. You're clean. :>She looked relieved. :>So. You still haven't told me what I did. :>You killed Yoritomo Yohko, the head of the Mantis delegation. :>Her eyes went wide. :>What's going to happen to me now? :>That was a very good question. :>Kitsuki-san frowned. :>On the one hand, we know what really happened to you. :>On the other hand we have no real testimony to support this. :>Monkey spoke up. :>Wait, wouldn't it be Toshiro and Naomi testifying what they learned with magic? :>That last part is the problem. :>Little different than when we use physical evidence to lead us to the answers. :>Oh. Shit. :>Indeed. :>Mantis-san slipped out of the room. :>Still, in this case there is no testimony to directly tie you to the crime either. :>It depends greatly on the magistrates in question then, but it's not uncommon for the person with the most... apparent guilt to be asked to confess. :>And that would be me. :>Yes. :>The outcome can vary greatly depending on the crime in question, the status of the individuals involved... the list of considerations goes on for quite some time... :>What do you think will happen then, Kitsuki-sama? :>He hesitated. :>Do not lie to me, please. :>The death of the Mantis delegate is a serious issue. The Phoenix clan must make amends with either the life of the murderer, or the life of the Lord who failed to protect the dignitary in his care. :>We all know you are not the murderer, but the tool used to commit the crime. :>The Mantis delegation simply will not accept that. Someone must pay for this. That is all there is to it. :>And right now that someone is either a Shiba hohei or the Isawa who rules this castle. Hah. :>Unless you can find the one merchant I bought a charm from a week ago. :>Kitsuki-san nodded. :>Naomi was looking at me. :>I could see the tears welling up. :>I had to look away. :>This was leaving a foul taste in my mouth. :>Ayame looked up at the ceiling. :>And... even if you did catch him, he's just a merchant. I doubt the Mantis would accept he was the real culprit unless you caught him red handed with Maho. :>The pained grimace on Kitsuki-san's face told me she was probably right about that. :>Her shoulders shook a bit. :>Will they at least allow me to cleanse my shame? :>That depends on the judge. For internal matters the highest ranked magistrate or the local lord would fill that role. :>For crimes committed by a samurai from one clan to a samurai of another clan, it would require someone who carries the authority of the Emperor. :>Isn't that you? :>Well, it should be Emerald Magistrates, not Jade, as we are. :>Our being appointed to investigate this matter was originally unusual. :>It is also possible for the Lords of both Samurai, or the ones who speak with their voice to agree on a judgment and resolve the matter themselves. :>That is the most likely I think. Shoji will bow to the desires of the Mantis as it is they who are wronged. :>So my fate, whether I can least die with honor or not, is in the hands of the Mantis? :>Kitsuki-san nodded. :>I must have done something truly terrible to deserve this. :>Mantis-san came back in. :>He whispered into Kitsuki-san's ear. :>Really? :>Nod. :>Kitsuki-san looked at Ayame. :>A week ago, you said? :>She nodded. :>He stood up. :>The rest of us straightened as well. :>Hey, what is it? :>I... I do not want to get your hopes up. :>But Mantis-san says the guards report no one leaving the castle in almost two weeks. :>He may still be here after all. :>We headed down to the courtyard. :>This castle was a pagoda. :>Layer upon layer reaching up, a tall thin tower. :>A rectangular wall ran along the outside, creating a long courtyard which contained, among other things, housing for the servants and and lower class guests. :>We went to the building where traveling merchants would stay. :>Rounded up every last one of them. :>And brought them all before Shiba Ayame. :>She looked at each in turn, and shook her head. :>So, the little bastard realized he was in deep shit and is hiding. :>Naomi went to her mother requesting the gates be officially closed until we could find him. :>Her father was apparently going to protest until it pointed out that if he HAD already gotten away that meant that he had done so under the noses Shoji's guards. :>I suggested Kitsuki-san to go to the Mantis delegation. :>He looked taken aback by that. :>Well, we are basically saying a merchant, the lowest class of peasant there is, is the one responsible. :>They might need some... extra persuasion on this. :>Y- you're right of course, but Naomi-sama... :>Is busy dealing with her father. Also, the daughter of the Phoenix lord here. :>It has to be you. :>You want me to go? Or Monkey? :>No. No I see your point. :>He sighed deeply as he took off. :>Leaving Me, Mantis-san and Monkey to question the other merchants in the hopes of learning something about their now absent colleague. :>Toshiro was busy checking around for tainted things. Some scrap that may help prove Maho was at work and give us the authority to judge this case after all. :>While Toshiro found noting, some of the merchants DID remember a fellow who didn't speak to many others. :>We were even able to get a (very) rough description. :>Now we just had to figure out where in this castle he was hiding.
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