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===Realmspace=== [[File:Realmspace.jpg|right|500px]] {{dnd-stub}} {{NeedsImages}} Because [[Spelljammer]], Toril is part of a solar system with planets you can fly to. ====The Crystal Sphere==== Back in 2e, when the [[Phlogiston]] was a thing and every [[wildspace]] system was enclosed by a Crystal sphere, The inside of Realmspace's Crystal sphere was covered in colossal spell Glyph, which the occasional wizard will get Nuked by a spell upcasted to 10th level+ as they foolishly try to decipher them. Portals into and out of the sphere open and close randomly, with an estimated 3,200 portals existing at a time. Also, the stars in Realmspace are portals of versus sizes to the [[Inner_Planes#Radiance|Quasielemental of Radiance]]. Another unique feature inside the Realmspace Crystal Sphere is the hundreds of thousands of humanoids from a mix of races, marching in a line around the sphere's meridian; all have the mark of [[Torm]] on their palms, silent chant, and wave hands like they are casting spells. Legends say that they are the evilest souls that die each quinquennial, so they are punished by gods to eternally open portals so spelljammers can get in and out. [[derp|This duty/curse doesn't stop them from falling into the Phlogiston when a portal opens on the meridian]]. With 5e Officially abolishing the [[Phlogiston]] and Crystal Spheres, consider this all [[retcon|retconed]] away factoids. ====The Sun==== The hottest place in the system, which may be the result or as a byproduct, the sun has many portals to the [[Inner_Planes#Fire|Plane of Fire]], so fire [[elemental]]s, [[efreeti]], [[Helian]], [[firenewt]], [[salamander]]s, Giant Lavaworms, and other creatures of flame like it here (many scholars think they are here because the like the smell of nuclear fusion). As you would expect, the surface is covered with lakes of molten earth and liquid flame, with fire pillars erupting millions of miles up - helians like to ride them, bronco rider style. This may be the most obvious way to get into the plane of fire, but there are many dangers as we are talking about 2e's plane of fire. You're basically trying to get close to a plasma-filled star, and the best you have is old-school fire immunity which will not only not protect your clothes from turning ash, but also that ring of fire immunity also has limits as it will melt in your hands with you along with it. Another problem is making sure to avoid the 12 100,000-mile diameter dead magic zones orbiting the sun, called sargassos. They also have to contend with the Helians, who will shoot down any ship that gets close enough to prevent other races from exploiting their home planet. ====Anadia==== The closest planet to the sun, so 70% of the planet is a barren wasteland filled with the biggest canyons in Realmspace and predators that would feel at home in [[Dark Sun]]. The exception to this are the poles, where massive glaciers produce rivers of meltwater that nourish fertile hill-country. The dominant race of Andia is an unnamed [[halfling]] subrace, distinguished by their dark sin, smaller eyes and ears, and visual adaptation to a naturally brighter world - these guys basically have the opposite of darkvision, having a hard time seeing when it's ''not'' lit up like a neon Christmas tree. They also are noted for being very emotionally extreme, though it's unclear if this is a personality trait or a cultural trait; if they like something, then they love it, but when they don't like it, they abhor it. The Northern Polearate is a constitutional democracy made up of 13 counties, of which only four are safe to visit for outsiders on spelljammers, as the other nine violently discourage visitors with primed anti-air batteries. Well, for a given value of being "safe". See, the Northern Polearates are not only violently paranoid about outsiders stealing their precious water reserves, but also militant halfling supremacists; they believe halflings are the intellectually dominant race of [[Wildspace]], and other races should be shepherded into reserves under their control "for their own wellbeing". Don't mean they won’t accept business with outsiders, just stay <s>outside the segregated</s> inside the visitor-allowed zone and don't get left behind by your vessel. The Southern Polearate, in contrast, is a parody of the violently warring Italian city-states from the age of Shakespeare. Seriously, these guys are ridiculously aggro compared to your regular halfling; most halflings here ''die'' around age 25 due to being murdered in some clan-feud or another. It doesn't help that a; the pole's cultural motto is literally "Anything worth fighting over is worth dying for", and b; social standing is literally determined by how valuable the stuff you own is. Even minor details of one's personal properties, such as the size of your land in inches or the kind of fences you use to mark your borders, is stuff that these halflings will stab each other for. Spelljammers wisely stay the fuck away from these bumblefucks, lest they be swarmed by loot-crazed blood-vendetta-swearing halflings. Even [[orc]]s or [[goblin]]s would probably be more hospitable. In the wasteland areas, the dominant sapient race (because, remember, they technically ''are'' sapient) are the [[Umber Hulk]]s, the feral descendants of [[Neogi]] fighting slaves abandoned here when the neogi tried to invade, only to get so sick of getting their shit kicked in that they cut their losses and left. The local halflings like to credit this to their racial luck and ingenuity. Outsiders suspect the '''real''' reason has to lie with two of Anadia's dominant predators; the [[gremlin]]-like [[Painsjan]], which are voracious carnivores that swarm the wastes in huge hordes, and the [[Anadjiin]], a race of large, humanoid dino-bugs with genius-level intellects who have taken on the personal responsibility of balancing Anadia's ecosystem. Evidently, they've decided that crazy halflings and burrowing beetle-apes are a decent choice for dominant sapient lifeforms, so their tastes are obviously quite questionable, though they do eat a lot of them. ====Coliar==== A warm Gas Giant filled with hundreds of earth and water islands orbiting inside the planet a various altitudes. The planet is primarily inhabatied by [[Lizardfolk]], [[aarakocra]], and [[dragon]]s. Thunderstorms happen a lot near the top, so the aarakocra prefer living in on the lower islands. The aarakocra have 100 separate democratic governments, which happened to be all matriarchal for the last 1,200 years by popular vote. They often trade spelljammer gems they mine for Gun to deal with Lizardfolk expansion. The [[Lizardfolk]] are [[communist]]s, making sure everything is shared equally amongst them selves. At their ports, they sell aarakocra meat and feathers, overpriced water, and include the air tax as a docking fee. They have an interest in spelljammers, specifically buying or renting them so they (and some dragons) can get their eggs as close as possible to the sun to produce superior children. The section on the Sun explains the inherent dangers of getting so close to that ball of fire. Finally, acting as a neutral party are the dragons. Having a more neutral alignment leaning than the chromatic and metallics on most other worlds, not going into open conflict with each other, and even some more willing to interbreed. Being more cooperative, they scheme together to increase their hoards. Acting as a neutral party between lizardfolk and aarakocra, they will lean towards whichever side they can profit from more but will come to the of either side if they notice them being attacked by outsiders (which some shadier folk take advantage to destroy vessels that flee their ports without <s>getting all their money rung out</s> pay all the dock fees). All dragons also have an agreement with the two races to be able to use any spelljamming at any time. ====Toril==== See top of page =====[[Selune]]===== From Toril, Selune looks like a glowing Tidal-locked wheel of cheese, and that is what moon people want the people of Toril to think. Despite being named after the goddess of the moon, the native palled-skinned humans and elves actually worship and named their world [[Leira]], the goddess of illusions and trickery. The moon is very earth-like. The moon people have a culture that values aesthetics and intense passions, with the average citizen buying art, fine foods, and fancy furniture. The moon people import silk and pay fine gold for the safe travel of foreign artists (who tend to survive only for a few days or weeks on Selune before getting stabbed by another artist). They also buy deadly magical items... The people of Selune are mostly open with everyone except the people of Toril. The Reson is that they are culturally paranoid that Toril will invade them (a not unreasonable conclusion given how many [[Yuan-ti|clandestine]] [[Zhentarim|expansionist]], [[Thay|power-hungry mages]], and [[Elder Evils|world-ending threats]] only kept in check by the stumbling of [[Player Character|exceptional samaritans]]. In this paranoia, the Toril facing side of the moon is shrouded in an illusion to hide the cities and habitability. All citizens are traned from a young age in guerrilla warfare and made hundreds of secret underground bunkers. All spelljammer must dock on the Darkside of the moon to hide geographical and trade information from most Toril onlookers. Toril inhabitants are allowed on Selune but will be treated as potential spies with the executioner axe ready within the hour as soon as they stumble on a military or trade secret. =====Tears of Selune===== Circa −3500 DR, this asteroid field trailing behind the moon of Selune had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Many groundings have their own self-centered interpretations, but many space people point to the mysterious castle at the center of the cluster as the main puzzle piece, though knowone has yet to return from that Brown Pudding-filled castle. Many asteroids have been converted into spelljammer ports like the Dragon Rock or pirate hideouts where Mind flayers, neogi, and Githyanki hide out and plan their future raids on Toril. Also, The Citadel is a fortress where groundling dwarfs in the system find their spacelegs before becoming entrepreneurial space dwarves. The [[Rock of Bral]] is heavily hinted at being canonically here until outright stated in the 5e release. ====Karpri==== A planet covered only by water, a water world if you may, but you are not invited. It doesn't even have a solid planetary core. The world is divided into three sections; each one is hostile to spelljammers in different ways. The warmest it will ever at the Poles get is -10 degrees during the hottest summer days. Your are losing your landing gear at best if you make the mistake of letting your ship touch the ice. You will find any creature that would be at home in the [[Inner_Planes#Ice|Frostfell]] like polar bears, [[Homunculus]] (bets me why they here), [[Hydra|cryohydra]], [[Slime|white pudding]], [[remorhaz]], ice toad, [[winter wolf]], and [[yeti]]. Their also a group of marooned gnomes on the southern pole. The equator sargasso is covered in a massive seaweed forest. There are leaves large enough to support a landing spelljammer, but The giant hungry insects mean the only reason to land here is for quick emergency repairs (or have heavy-duty bug repellent). In between the two is only open water with telepathic dolphins and xenophobic Sea elves that had immigrated from Toril. They hate whalers, and all foreigners are whalers. Orbiting the planet is a hunted military space station made of seven archaic man-o-war ships. it was placed there by the [[Elven Imperial Fleet|Elven Imperial Navy]] to oversee the relocation of the Sea elves but mind flayers attack, and now it floats dialectic with elven ghost guarding it. ====Chandos==== In contrast to Karpri, Chandos is covered with islands but just as unfriendly to Spelljammers. Chandos is described to be comprised of earth motes, that shift and move like marble in a jar. About every 48 hours, Everything moves, with mountains and land masses suddenly rising or sinking back under the water. Landing something as heavy as a spelljammer always has a chance of the island suddenly shifting. There are tribes of Humans, dwarves, and orcs that eke out a nomadic lifestyle, searching for food while betting on which land mass will be safe to stay when the islands start changing. They are the survivors of a spelljammer cracking on Chandos generations ago. The orcs are the friendliest and most civilized, while the Humans and dwarves have become very debased from their time surviving on Chandos. ====Glyth==== A ringed, seeming barren, [[Far Realm|Far Realms]]-touched, inhospitable planet, which actually houses a thriving community of Mind Flayers and their 'skull cattle' farms. To prevent the cattle from hiding on the surface, the Mind Flayers periodically burn down their own forests which causes the atmosphere to smell like a charnel house and rain acid. There is a drinkable gelatin ocean which is kept clean by slurping everything from the surface down to the sea floor. Underground are the Mind Flayer cities, raising Oortlings and other varieties of humanoids as child geniuses for culinary brains, while any offworlders or slaves bred for muscle are put to hard labor. Still, several slaves escaped and rebelled on Glyth, with the Free Thinkers Union hiding deeper underground (an Under-Underdark, if you will) being the largest group the Mind Flayers are desperate to find. Most Realm spacers (except most of Toril) are aware, just like the Neogi, that you shouldn’t trust or deal with Mind Flayers directly. Rational people avoid Glyth, but they still keep seminally active Spelljammer ports just so they can trade with off-world Mind Flayers and other aberrations, or occasionally trick the odd foreign Spelljammer into delivering its crew as new slaves. Glyth has three moons: Haven is the only neutral ground between rival cities and the base of the Glyth Security and raiding fleet; the frozen moon Mingabwe is one of the only friendly ports in the region to land and plan raids against the Mind Flayers; its still living founder, the pirate turned paladin, Justin "Do Good" Demonslayer, went to the third moon Polluter to hide two evil magic items but settled on Mingabwe to found one of the few sanctuaries on Glyth. Given how optional the lore of the Spelljammer and Elder Evil Books were, it is questionable if The Elder Evil [[Atropus]], the World Born Dead, ever destroyed all life on Glyth with its necromantic presence. As of 5e we do know the Mind Flayers are still doing fine. By the late 15th century DR, Captain N'ghathrod in [[Dungeon of the Mad Mage]] had left his underground city to be a space pirate. So the bulk of the Illithid cities were fine, assuming the Atropus scenario is canon. Some also have the headcanon that the reason why the Realms Space stopped being a major center of Spelljamming (outside Spelljammer was never meant to be part of the main continuity) was that this is an alternate timeline where everyone else except the protagonists (PCs) drove off Atropus at the last minute, thus destroying the space economy in the process and why until recently there was a secret academy to train Spelljammers. ====Garden==== Is an A-class-sized cluster of Asteroids held together by the roots of an ancient and massive sentient Clonal tree known as Yggdrasil's Child, a relationship to the one in [[Ysgard]] is undetermined as the "plant" speaks to no one. Its main trunk is a twisting of many smaller 100 feet in diameter trunks all covered in thick foliage, and it is practically immortal as it's immune to cold, heat, and electrical damage and regenerates faster than a stubborn troll. The rest of the planet is a labyrinth of rock and root systems with a passageway between 33 to 100 yards, just large enough to navigate a spelljammer through the maze. This is a popular spot for tree huggers, but also a population of small ferry animals, making it a common pit stop for spelljammers, and also hidden smuggler and pirate coves; you could fly within 10 yards of a pirate ambush, and neither side knows it because of how thick the root walls are. ====H'catha==== Looking like a cartwheel being gravitationally locked with the sun, the planet is a disk world with a 1,000 miles tall spindle-shaped mountain at the center surrounded by an ocean in its outer circumference and its underside (you also find one of three crashed ships on the underside as a relic of H'catha's previous civilization's Round H'catha Society). H'catha is inhabited by several hives of [[beholder]]s, doing what they do best. What they are also fighting over, in addition to the typical beholder-on-beholder race wars, is over the hundreds of hundreds of hidden mind-readying stations supposedly created by the beholder gods and tasked to the original hive before the civil war to use H'catha to gather all knowledge in existence and impart it into a living mind. You do need to be big-brained not to go crazy if you do gain ultimate knowledge. The Bartender, [[Large Luigi]], is the only beholder to ever "gain complete knowledge of everything", and that made him a pretty chill guy living on the [[Rock of Bral]]. ====[[Abeir]]==== The counter-Toril is a parallel planet no one knew about before because it occurred in the same dimensional space until the spellplague screwed with reality. Home to the [[Dragonborn]] and primordial elementals, as well as all the new sub-giant races and whatever else was introduced in 4e. Ruled over by evil draconic overlords, barring a few kingdoms founded by rebellious giants and humans. Oh, and some weird undead empire that has magical undead-only portals connecting to all graveyards and mausoleums and crypts on Toril, which they claim as their territory.
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