Merlin Township
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==Notable Residents and Local Celebrities== *'''Kipp Ashby''', disembodied voice and host of 77.7 Merlin Radio, residing in the abandoned-yet-operational Merlin Radio Station. Wise, folksy and always in-the-know, Kipp is beloved by the entire town, and is the closest thing Merlin has to a local celebrity. In addition to all this, he is also an accomplished piemaker. Part Mr. New Vegas, part Garrison Keillor. Part Nyarlathotep. *'''The Callahan Girls''', a group of several dozen girls who make up the entirety of the staff at Callahan's Corner Market. Despite claiming to be unrelated, they are all identical, redheaded, freckled young women who constantly complete each other's sentences. Seen by many as Merlin's "girls next-door," the Callahans have been the subject of many stories of young-love over the years. *'''The Five Living Buddhas''' are a group of enlightened men and women that are scattered around Merlin Township. Only one, the man living on top of the water tower and trading enlightenment for a cheap meal, has been confirmed. The rest are purely speculation. The only reason that people know there are five of them is that the 'Tally Ho!' receives numerous anonymous submissions that clearly come from 5 distinct viewpoints and runs them in a regular column called 'Lightbulb!' *'''Horace Griswold''', a man in a sharp suit with a glimmering, iridescent pyramid for a head who is the president of the Merlin Township chamber of Commerce. He takes his job protecting the interests of the town's small business owners very seriously, but when not at work is a devoted family man, an avid bowler, and an incorrigible punster. *'''The Merlin Township Party Planning Committee''', or MTPPC, a shadowy not-so-secret society of crimson-cloaked figures who flit about at the edges of your perception and meet in their lair deep below Town Hall to plan local parades, celebrations and parties. *'''The Custodian''', keeper of the clock tower in city hall. Shadowy entity with an enthusiasm for tea. The Corvids are his eyes and ears around town. *'''The Corvids''' A murder of crows hangs out in front of the clock tower at midnight, and scatters at one. They will grant one wish, in exchange for an equivalent amount of corn. Any harmful wish costs, by default, "More corn than you could ever give." Crows, ravens and other blackbirds seem to have an affinity for those in need, and have the oddest habit of leaving you small gifts and tokens of appreciation like bus tickets, coins, winning lottery tickets and pieces of jewelry. *'''Mayor Wally Oakshott''' is a 3' tall butterball of a man in a pinstripe suit with boundless enthusiasm and a 'hands on personal' approach to life. He can read anyone's intentions and true nature. He is often found at local watering holes in the evenings. He is unmarried, in spite of the best efforts of the Curry Girls. *'''Erik Jorgenson''', Town Councilman, Hero of Merlin Township. Despite Erik Jorgensen's short stature and stout build, the man is as oak-strong and iron-bound as his barrel-like shape suggests, and as fiery as the liquor held within. Jorgensen used to be known as "The Bear of the Town Council" until an actual bear was voted into office in the last election. This caused less friction than was expected, as Jorgensen took an immediate liking to the newest Council Member, become fast friends and drinking buddies with the Bear. Jorgensen proudly claims descent from the Viking explorers of yore, in who's longship he just so happened to appear in Lake Morgan forty years ago. A proud and boisterous man, Jorgensen is known for his strong politics and, when the situation calls for it, a strong shield and axe as well. *'''Councilman Bear''' looks and generally acts like a regular grizzly bear, he can't talk, wear clothes or even ride a motorcycle. He understands English and can type slowly using two claws. He usually sticks to nodding (I like it) or snarling (No, I'd rather have ticks!) and body language to communicate. He is known for having a temper. His opinion can be swayed by gifts of live salmon, but gets quite riled if he decides that it is an attempt to bribe him for political purposes. Doc Ursus acts as translator for him when needed. *'''Mr. Edgeworth''' (a local Town Hero) is the town's librarian that seems to always know what sort of book you'd like to read. If you ask for a book and intend to use its contents for harm (like the sort of books that teach you how to make pipe bombs from household material) he will click his tongue disapprovingly and say: "That particular book isn't available at the moment." As Chief Librarian of the Public Library, Mr. Edgworth would have access to all sorts of arcane knowledge, the complete and unabridged history of Merlin Township, and secrets within secrets that few others possess. He might have seen the writing on the wall for a while, but was unsure about how to act on what he knew. *'''Miss X'ltari''', a local high school student that wears a space suit everywhere she goes and claims to be an alien. Miss X'ltari's extraterrestrial status is generally accepted as fact by her teachers, peers and the Township a large, and the girl is permitted lead her school's Astronomy Club and ride on her own "Martian-American Pride" float in the Independence Day Parade. *'''Madeline Trant''', a local high school student who, after an unexplained incident, joined the ranks of Merlin Township's many aquatically-aligned residents. Taking everything in stroke, Madeline now works as an intern for the town's Parks and Recreation Department at Lake Morgan Park, teaching swim classes and lakeside safety to park visitors. *'''Knight of Summer'''. Hero of Merlin. Probably a contemporary citizen in disguise, based on his unorthodox use of Elizabethan English. *'''Vivian Nimue''', Dean of the Invisible College and women's swimming coach. Her ability to control water is unrivaled. All of the aquatic creatures hold Vivian in the highest regard, many seem to be in awe of her and a few are nearly worshipful. The reason why can be found in the Library. *'''Officer Mike, Officer Flint, Officer Bill, Officer Smith, etc''' One thing they have in common is that their 'work' name is always one syllable. There does not seem to be a chief of police or even sergeants. Each officer knows what the others know regarding work related matters. Not really a hive mind, more of a real-time data link. *'''Captain Aiden''' is the Chief of the Fire Dept. He is both a handsome young man and a medium-sized Western fire drake. His most useful ability is his mental ability to suppress existing conflagrations. *'''Cindy Russell''' is a young firefighter who isn't just a fiery redhead, she has actual fire for hair. Apparently it cannot be extinguished unless she is immersed underwater. *'''Agnes Nuthatch''', gossip columnist and astrologer for the Tally Ho. *'''Ms. Euphemia Hekaton''' a hundred-armed, hundred-headed, clairvoyant. the sole writer, editor, photographer, graphic designer and publisher of the Red Eye Report. *'''Vindaloo 'Vinnie' Daksha''' Is a red skinned 4 armed, tusked restaraunt owner who likes to sing, play music, and dance - all at the same time. He denies ever being a minor deity. "My sainted mother named me after him." *'''The Curry Girls (Rahbi, Idli, Prama, Shaa, Raskshi, and Nan)''', Six lovely and talented ladies who are skilled at many things, including cooking. None of them are married, all of them would like to be. It seems inevitable. *'''"The Well Dressed Man" (aka "Mr. Omega")''', as called by the people of Merlin, this admittedly very well dressed man is reported to have been renting the most expensive room in the Commodore Hotel for a very long time. He is always polite and amiable, and seems to be extremely generous with his money, but is at the same time an exceedingly private person who does not enjoy others prying into his affairs. The only other person who might know his business is Head of Housekeeping Luci Fergusson, but she is of course smart enough to respect her guest's privacy and stay out of the gossip all together. He recently opened the Omega Pawn Shop, which enabled people to address him by something other than "Sir". *'''Old Lady Tassler''', the town's longest non-living resident runs a clothing shop for ghosts. *'''The Cabajero''' Hero of Merlin. He arrived one morning, riding his cheval on the rails to Merlin Train Station. He was alive then. He spent his morning asking for the whereabouts of a certain "gringo loco", then fell in love with Merlin Town, and decided that this place was as good as any to set in. He's known for teaching kids how to ride, galloping around in Merlin Town, and for putting some badass in orphan teens he deemed worthy, living out the cow-boy life without any fear of seeing his town raided by some bad guy. He and his horsed passed away at the same time, peacefully, only to ride out of this grave, leaving his corpse behind. Since then, he's... well he's pretty much been doing the same as when he was alive: galloping around, putting some badass in teens and letting ghost kids ride on his ghostly horse. Someone once asked him a question that no ghosts or undead in Merlin Town managed to answer simply: why he didn't choose to go to Heaven. His answer? "Because I'm already there, amigo." *'''Roger Timmens''' has managed to die heroically in every major war Merlin has gotten involved in. Three times in the Battle of Gettysburg alone. - "I lost this here leg back in the war when I..." "Which war, Roge?" ...Err..Balderdash. It was the one with the flag, and all the marching... "That describes nearly all of them." "They're all the same, someone shouts at you, hands you a rifle, and whoops, there goes your leg, just in time for the next one. Sick of it, to be honest." - "How many stars?" "Say what?" "I mean on the flag. Fifty two? One?" "Four." "Alright, so we're in Worlds War II, gotcha." - "Do you remember D-day at all?" "Sure, I remember charging up that blasted soggy beach in the sand. Miserable time. I didn't even want to be in that one, they drafted me." "I thought you joined voluntarily every time." "Nope. Each time I die, I get a little paper with two little tic boxes that say, 'Die' or 'Get drafted' and a pencil. Some Bonehead always scribbles out the 'Die' option, so I'm stuck in a rut a bit." - "What do you mean you fought in the Clone Wars?" 'A lot of people fought in the Clone Wars! It wasn't just clones and robots going at each other." A tiny green passing ascetic stops for a moment, turn towards the chatting old men, and sadly shakes his head. "Hey don't give me that self-righteous guff! It was your job to keep the peace, your job to see it all coming! It was your lot who dropped the ball, magic man!" *'''Luci Fergusson''', Head of Housekeeping at the Commodore Hotel and Hero of Merlin Township. Luci is proud of her work and is considered the best at her job....well second best. Hard to compete with the ghost housekeepers sometimes. Don't have to sleep, dontcha know? She is a younger and overtly spooky version of [[Discworld]]'s Granny Weatherwax. She doesn't show an incredible (or any) amount of emotion herself, but is an expert in "Headology:" reading people, knowing what they want and how to get it, and knowing how to get them to do what needs to be done for their own good. Upon discovering the threat, she might sigh, say "Well. There's that then." and deligate the day's responsibilities to her subordinate housekeepers so she could go and assist. "It has been said that the difference between headology and psychiatry is that, were you to approach either with a belief that you were being chased by a monster, a psychiatrist will convince you that there are no monsters coming after you, whereas a headologist will hand you a bat and a chair to stand on." It has been discovered by Commodore Hotel and Boarding House's management that their that Head of Housekeeping, Lucy Fergusson, has literally never taken a sick day or a vacation. This is a problem because labor laws mandate that Hotel employees need to take a day off from time to time. To these ends, they have forced Ms. Fergusson to take a week-long vacation to one of Merlin Township's Sister Cities. It turns out, however, that Ms. Fergusson was much, much more than just the Head of Housekeeping, and without her omnipresent influence and judicious application of Headology, the Hotel is in real danger of capsizing while she's away. *'''Angela Reyes''', another Hero of Merlin Township. Angela rarely takes her costume off. When she does, she often has to be reminded to put the wire back on her halo. Angela is a spitfire and quick to judge a person. This upsets her father, who lives out of town, but is well known for being a kindly welcoming individual. He sent Angela to live with her aunt Gabriella Reyes while he's away on business, hoping she'll learn her lesson and cool her heels a bit. Maybe make some friends. *'''Lilac Bluebell''' 16, second youngest of the coven. She and Doc Ursus are the local veterinarians. *'''Petunia Bluebell''' 18, does concoct a nice yet diluted Mead of Poetry. Secretly a Hero of Merlin. Dresses like Catwoman but with a cat's face glamour when 'On the Prowl'. Her Hero name is 'La Gata!' *'''Mildred Bluebell''' Owner of the Bluebell Diner, coven member, and mother to Lilac and Petunia *'''Doctor Ursula Ursus''', a local veterinarian, is a extremely hirsute woman of indeterminate age from Inuvik, Canada. She can't actually talk to animals, but she does understand them. She is one of the few residents who can translate for Aunt Snarky and Councilman Bear. She says : "My granmere waz a grizzlee bar, an my granpere waz a real brave an real lonelee Inuit.!" *'''Senior Suarez, the Talking Alpaca''' is from Bolivia. He speaks Spanish, Aymara, Guarani, Quechua, and English (with a thick Spanish accent.) If some one is rude enough, he will spit a foul acidic green goo at them with great accuracy. It does no lasting harm but it is very unpleasant and hard to wash off. *'''Caleb the Chimney Sweep''' is an unusual man, even by MT standards. He dresses in traditional garb with a top hat. No one knows where he lives, and he seems to live outdoors and never sleep. He never talks, he appears thin enough to slide down the chimneys he cleans, and he wanders the streets followed by a herd of '''Sootycats''', black cat-like creatures who do the actual chimney cleaning using their furry bodies. They take payment by raiding the customers' larder for food and drink which they share with Caleb. They do clean up their tiny sooty footprints on the way out. *'''Bloody Mary''' People meet her, but can only remember: "There was a lot of Red...Everywhere!" *'''The K'vaaleshi Coven''' including Adelphina West (12), Lilac Bluebell, (16), Petunia Bluebell (18), Mildred Bluebell (43) and 3 of the Gorista ladies. *'''The Black Knight''' is a seemingly Intimidating Spirit who haunts small roadways, back alleys, suburb snickets and forest paths. When encountered, usually by lone strangers or small groups, the Black Knight issues out a challenge of skill to any who wish to cross his pathway he is "Defending" The Challenge of skill is utterly random, some are: Trial by foam sword combat, Spelling bee, Dance offs:breakdance/Disco, Rap battle, Checkers, Beer Pong, Squash (when in alleys), 20 questions, and Cluedo. Failing the test offers no drawbacks, as the Black Knight will simply stand firm and refuse passage until he is beaten. When beaten, he simply vanishes declaring that it was a merely a draw. On occasion he has been sighted in the local watering hole during Pub Quiz night. *'''Sir Charles Wensleydale Buckingham III''' A pipe smoking Welsh Corgi, prefers to play whist over poker. Resides at the Commodore. *'''Spooky Sally - The Scariest Little Ghost Girl Ever''' She can scare off most other creatures. Even though she's just shouting "Go away!" While flailing her arms, even skeletons, zombies and ghouls will turn tail and run much like a child would with them. *'''Little Mary Little''' has been little for a very long time. She has lots and lots of fun playing with all the living children over the years, and is sure to show up with a smile at any MTPPC event. *'''Susan Willis''' and '''Mordecai''' normal teenaged girl and overly helpful spirit friend. *'''John Smythe''' student and '''Maddie the Well-Endowed Ghost''' who dated Dickens. *'''The Dunwich Wingman''' A creature shuffles out of the darkness towards you, its spidery limbs dragging a bloated form across the floor. "Excuse me, do you have the time?" Before you can respond, the creature shakes its head and says, "No, you don't." Before you know it, the creature is gone. In your hands is a bouquet of flowers, and a letter addressed to your sweetheart. *'''Able Goodman'''. Sometimes, books are more colorful than the people that read them. One such example are the works of A. Goodman, author of the "A Great Person" series. They are a self help series that range from the general (like the sordid "A Great Lover" and the verbose "A Great Speaker") to the more arcane ("A Great Shaman", "A Great Parapsychologist") and even ranging to the not-so-greats ("A Great Mailroom Clerk", "A Great Sanitary Worker"). Each book looks normal from the outset, but opening one up leads to an unexpected discovery: the pages of the book form a human face. Each book speaks with its own unique personality and voice, engaging you in conversation while teaching you the principals behind its text. When the book flips to the last page, it will no longer speak with you. However, you know all the contents by heart, and if you look at the Dedications page, you'll see your name. *'''Honest Jo'''. (Hero of Merlin - although reluctantly) Although Josephine McBrady is known as Merlin Township's resident "criminal element," she is mostly known for being rude, crude and dirty, only sometimes engaging in a little light shoplifting and pickpocketing. Oddly enough, despite her chosen "profession," Honest Jo has earned her name by being completely and utterly incapable of telling even the smallest lie. *'''Ambrose Dorian Constantine''' There is a resident lich in this town, he lives in a shack in the outskirts. Instead of a skeletal corpse, his body is a combination of loose materials, odds and ends, metal utensils, and the like.His shack is filled with mechanical parts and strange constructs.His voice, although raspy and thin, feels almost gentle. when asked about his work, he will simply say that it's for one he used to love. He sometimes tends the graves, using dark magics to simply talk to the spirits. He is very open about his phylactery, which is a small music box. some fear him, others shun him. When asked about himself, he will reply: "Time with oneself will change all aspects of life. But the dead still want to see the world around them. it is with reverence that I indulge them." *'''Rotty Gator''' (not to be confused with Aunt Snarky)There have been reports of a strange being in the river. This creature resembles a large crocodile, if it had been dead for weeks, it's scales sun-bleached, and bones visible through massive tears in the flesh. This creature has a habit of watching boaters and children on the shore. It never moves, unless somebody falls off of the boat, or a child goes too far out and has trouble swimming. Then it swiftly moves up to the imperiled person, lifts them upon it's decayed snout, and drags them to the shore. Children also often report that it reprimands them in a rough, creole accent. It is often seen walking semi-upright on the docks or the shore, but usually only in the presence of children or children's ghosts. When asked about the creature, many children have said that it likes to read them stories. More strange, is that the creature has a hard time reading, and more often than not, the children are the ones who read the stories to the creature.When it gets late, the creature tells the children where their parents are, and that they should go be with them. He also advises the ghosts of children about passing on to the next life, and several child spirits have gone to him shortly before passing on. *'''The Child Oracle''' Children and young adults will sometimes visit a particular playground in a particular neighborhood late at night to visit with a very particular girl and her cat. The cat seems to be nothing special, but the girl is extremely pale and wears a strange sailor outfit, even in the depths of winter. If asked by a child, this girl will truthfully answer any question usually ignored or sugarcoated by adults. If asked by an adult, the girl will merely say "I dunno..." unless the question pertains to the well-being of a child. *'''Old Lady Vespa''''s house is a little strange. Wasps and hornets can be seen almost filling the air around the house, but there aren't any hives visible on the many nearby trees and gardens. Wasps and hornets are almost unheard of in a six-block radius around the house, and everyone's flowers seem unusually vibrant these days, *'''Jimmy Krausen''' The local yuckster knows everyone in town and just how to cheer them up. However, he rarely ever takes to the stage during the Yearly Joke Competition, save when a jokester is making cruel jokes. If that happens, he goes on stage and chides them in the form of embarrassing but ultimately not harmful jokes about their lives in intimate detail. He and Mister Horace are best friends. *'''Wallace the Snack Boy''' There's a boy at the local high school that goes by the name Wallace. Every day, he enters the school, and goes down the hallway with a cart of assorted cakes, candies, and other sweets. His cart is always full, and he gives freely to anyone who asks. If you do not ask, the cake disappears from your hand, and you hear a stern lecture on the importance of not stealing in your head. Wallace has been coming and going from the school for forty years now. No one knows where he came from. *'''Teagreen Grace''', a popular Imaginary Friend amongst Merlin Township's children. She is childlike in form, with green hair and ram's horns, and carries with her a toy sword and bunny. *'''Tuesday, the Park Ranger''' Every Tuesday, from 6:30AM to 8:30 PM, a man appears in the park. If approached, he will greet you in a friendly manner and, as if by instinct, he will begin to ask you about your problems. He's been known to give sound advice, leave food for homeless people living in the park, and stop any crimes and suicide attempts within the park perimeter. At precisely 8:29 PM, he drops everything he is doing, walks into the oncoming lane of the nearby street, and disappears. *'''Sidewalk Sid''', one of MT's colorful homeless men, often sleeps in the bus terminal. People bring him food and drink and listen to his uplifting stories. Many believe he is one of the 5 Secret Living Buddhas of Merlin Township. He never gives out bus tickets and claims to not know how to get one. *'''The Three Winos named Merlin''' Don't bother wondering if any of them are really are him in disguise. Just be glad it makes them happy. Not everyone is secretly powerful, but everyone needs to feel that way. Give them a dollar or a beer. Then go wash your hands afterwards.
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