Scrollhammer Rulebook
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==Special Rules== Whenever a creature or weapon has an ability that breaks or bends one of the main game rules, it is represented by a special rule. A special rule might improve a model's chances of causing damage by granting it poisoned weapons, or give it a boost to its Strength. Conversely a special rule may improve a model's survivability by granting it resistance to pain, or the ability to regrow damaged flesh. Special rules allow snipers to target the weak spots of their foes, scouts to range ahead of the army and heroes to decapitate great beasts. What Special Rules do I have?: It may seem obvious, but unless stated otherwise, a model does not have a special rule. Most special rules are given to a model by the relevant entry in its Army Book. That said, a model's Attacks can gain special rules because of the weapon it is using. Similarly, a model might get special rules as the result of spells, scenario special rules or being hunkered down in a particular type of terrain. Where this is the case the rule that governs the magic spell, scenario or terrain type in question will make this abundantly clear. Most of the more commonly used special rules in Scrollhammer are listed here, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Many troops have their own unique abilities, which are laid out in their army book. For ease of consultation, we've presented the special rules in alphabetical order. There's also an index at the back of the book to help you locate any particular special rule you're after. ===A-G=== '''Absorb''' A model or weapon with Absorb Health(X+), if inflicting a wound, may roll a d6. On an X+, that model restores a wound up to its starting amount. Hitting with an Absorb weapon does not count as an attempt to Heal, but only one wound can be restored per turn per model, which counts as Healing for the turn. A model or weapon with Absorb Magicka(Y on an X+), if hitting an enemy, may roll a d6. On an X+, the enemy model suffers Magicka Drain(Y), and the absorbing model immediately gains Y power dice. '''Acute Senses''' If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit arrives on a random table edge (due to Outflank, or other special rules), then you can re-roll to see which table edge they arrive from. '''Atronach''' An Atronach is an elemental golem native to the planes of Oblivion. Atronachs can never hold objectives. '''Autohit''' This attack automatically hits. If it would use the scatter die, it never scatters. '''Backfire''' Whenever a model with this special rule, or using a melee attack with this special rule rolls to hit in close combat, on the roll of a 1(after any re-rolls), that model takes a wound, saves allowed as normal. Whenever a model fires a ranged weapon with this special rule rolls to hit at a range, on the roll of a 1(after any re-rolls), that model takes a wound, saves allowed as normal. Template and Blast weapons with Backfire roll a die separate from the weapon. On the roll of a 1, the model shooting the weapon takes a wound, saves allowed as normal, even if the weapon hits. '''Barrage''' Barrage weapons act as Blast or Large Blast weapons(see below), with following additional rules: *Barrage weapons are always Pinning. *Barrage weapons determine Cover Save(if any) from the central hole of marker. *Barrage weapons can fire indirectly. If so, they can fire even without Line of Sight, but always roll full scatter. Multiple Barrages: Place the barrage weapon template from one of the weapons first, before the other weapons are resolved. Then scatter as normal. Remaining shots scatter to touch the edge of the first template at the angle of the scatter. If a Hit! is rolled, the controlling player may choose at which angle to put the template, or to put it at the same spot as the first hit. After placing all the templates, resolve hits and wounds '''Bestial Instinct''' This model is merely an animal, and so can never hold objectives(of course, this doesn't stop models without Bestial Instinct in its unit from doing so, if otherwise allowed to). '''Blast and Large Blast''' A weapon's profile might designate it as being Blast or Large Blast; Blast refers to the (3") blast marker and Large Blast refers to the (5") blast marker. Large Blasts follow all of the rules for Blasts. When firing a Blast weapon, models do not roll to hit as normal. Instead, place the blast marker over a model in the enemy unit that is in range and Line of Sight, so that the center hole is entirely over that model. You may position it to attempt to put over certain other models. Roll the Scatter Die and 2d6. In the case of a Hit!, keep the relevant blast marker there, and count the models whose bases it is over. You cannot place the blast marker so that the base of any friendly models or units locked in combat are even partially under it. The large area affected by the blast means it's going to be very hard to miss completely. Nonetheless, the shot might not land exactly where intended. If your model rolled a Miss, roll for the blast marker to scatter and subtract the firer's Ballistic Skill from the distance that it scatters, to a minimum of 0". Note that it is possible, and absolutely fine, for a shot to scatter beyond the weapon's maximum or minimum range and line of sight. This represents the chance of ricochets, the attack blasting through terrain, and other random events. In these cases, hits are worked out as normal and can hit and wound units out of range and line of sight (or even your own units, or models locked in combat!). If the shot scatters so that the hole in the centre of the marker is beyond the table's edge, the shot is a complete miss and is discarded. Once the final position of the blast market has been determined, take a good look at it from above - each unit with models under the marker suffers one hit for each model with its base fully or partially beneath the blast marker (see diagram). This even applies to units whose models are out of range or line of sight! Once the number of hits inflicted on the unit has been worked out, roll To wound and save as normal. Any unsaved wounds are then allocated on the unit as for a normal shooting attack. Multiple Blasts: If a unit is firing more than one shot with the Blast special rule, resolve each shot, one at a time, as described above. Scatter each individually, then determine how many hits are scored by each blast marker. Finally, resolve these, and the rest of the unit's shots, as normal. Blast Weapons and Rerolls: If a model can reroll with a Blast weapon, they reroll all their dice to-hit with the weapon, including the scatter die. '''Blind''' A Blinded model gets -1 to hit for the duration of the effect. If a duration of this effect is not given, count it as lasting until the end of next turn. '''Chameleon''' A model with Chameleon has a 6+ cover save in Close Combat. A unit consisting entirely of models with Chameleon have Stealth(+1). A model with Chameleon(X) gets Stealth(+X) if it is in a unit consisting entirely of models with Chameleon, and always has the minimum cover save that it would get from Stealth(X) in close combat. '''Chill''' A Chilled model gets -1 Initiative. If a duration of this effect is not given, count it as lasting until the end of next turn. '''Command''' A Commanded model is an opponents model. If it is successfully Commanded, it attacks the nearest model in its own unit (randomly picked if tied), and then is attacked back by that model, during close combat. Those models fight each other: they cannot attack their enemies that round. You may choose to equip any set of items for the Commanded model, even if other items were already equipped, but once chosen each turn, you cannot equip different items, unless a special rule says otherwise. Once a model has been Commanded, you control any spells or optional special abilities it might use as long as it is Commanded. '''Counter-Attack''' If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule is charged, it may attempt to Counter-Attack if it is not Pinned Down/Gone to Ground or already locked in combat. It must choose to hold as a reaction to the charge in order to do so. To Counter-Attack, the unit takes a Leadership test. If it passes, the models in the unit gain all bonuses that they would get for charging; both sides count as having charged this round! '''Critical Strike''' Each To Wound roll of 6 this model or weapon rolls has Multiple Wounds(d3) and ignores Feel No Pain(see below) '''Deep Strike''' In order for a unit to be able to Deep Strike, all models in the unit must have the Deep strike special rule and the unit must start the game in reserve. When placing the unit in reserve, you must tell your opponent that it will be arriving by Deep Strike (sometimes called Deep Strike reserve). Some units that must arrive by Deep Strike. They always begin the game in reserve and always arrive by Deep Strike. When working out how many units can be placed in reserve, units that must be deployed by Deep Strike (along with any models embarked upon them) are ignored. In addition, a unit that ''must'' arrive by Deep Strike must do so even if you are playing a special mission where the Reserves special rule is not being used. of course, all the Standard Missions presented later do use Reserves, so you won't usually need to worry about this distinction. Arriving By Deep Strike Roll for the arrival of all deep striking units as specified in the rules for Reserves and then deploy them as follows: *First, place one model from the unit anywhere on the table, in the position where you would like it to arrive, and roll for scatter to determine the model's final position. *Next, the unit's remaining models are arranged around the first one. Models must be placed in base contact with the first model in a circle around it. When the first circle is complete, a further concentric circle must be placed with each model touching the circle inside it. Each circle must include as many models as will fit. *Models deploying via Deep Strike treat all difficult terrain as dangerous terrain. In the Movement phase during which they arrive, deep striking units may not move any further, other than to disembark from a deep striking transport unit if they are in one. Units deep striking into ruins are placed on the ground floor. Deep striking units count non-ruined buildings (except for their battlements) as impassable terrain. In that turn's Shooting phase, these units can fire (or March) as normal, and obviously count as having moved in the previous Movement phase. In that turn's Close Combat phase, however, these units cannot charge. This also applies to units that have disembarked from transports models that arrived by Deep Strike that turn. Deep Strike Mishaps: If any of the models in a deep striking unit cannot be deployed, because at least one model would land partially or fully off the table, in impassable terrain, on top of a friendly model, or on top of or within 1 " of an enemy model, something has gone wrong. The controlling player must roll on the Deep strike Mishap table and apply the results. If the unfortunate unit is also a transport, the Deep strike Mishap result applies to both the unit and anything embarked within it. Deep Strike Mishap Table: 1: Destroyed! The unit is immediately removed as a casualty 2-3: Misplaced! Your opponent may choose where to place the Deep Striking unit(anywhere on the table) 4-6: Delayed! The unit goes back into reserves, to attempt to Deep Strike again next turn as permitted by the rules for Reserves '''Dragonborn''' A model with this special rule is immune to the effects of Instant Death. In addition, if it is a Tongue, it automatically passes the Leadership test required to use the Thu'um. '''Eternal Warrior''' A model with this special rule is immune to the effects of Instant Death. '''Ethereal''' An Ethereal model has a 4+ Ward save against Mundane attacks. '''Fear''' A unit that causes Fear has an intimidating presence on the battlefield. Enemy units must pass a Leadership test to charge a unit containing one or more models that cause Fear. If a unit has a charge declared against it by an enemy that causes Fear, it must immediately take a Morale test. If it fails, and is outnumbered by the charging unit, it must flee as its charge reaction. If it fails and has equal or greater numbers to the charging unit, it is reduced to WS1 this round of combat, should the enemy charge succeed. If the Morale check is passed, the combat is resolved as normal. A unit that containing at least one model that causes Fear is itself immune to Fear, and treats models that cause Terror as causing Fear instead. '''Fearless''' A unit containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass all types Morale tests, Fear tests and Regroup tests. They cannot Go to Ground for any reason, however. They cannot flee as a charge reaction. No Retreat!: If a Fearless unit loses combat, instead of testing morale, it takes extra wounds. For each point a side lost the combat by, if any number of units in that combat are Fearless, an additional wound must be allocated to those models(these wounds do not count further towards combat results). Saves may be taken as normal against these wounds. You may attempt to have your Fearless units suffering No Retreat wounds gather their senses: you may roll an Initiative test to avoid some of the wounds, on the highest value among your Fearless units in the combat. If they succeed, reduce the number of No Retreat wounds taken by d3. '''Feel No Pain''' When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being wounded (this is not a saving throw). Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a 4 or less, you must take the Wound as normal. On a 5+, the unsaved Wound is discounted - treat it as having been saved. Note that Feel No Pain rolls cannot be made against unsaved Wounds that inflict Instant Death. If a unit has the Feel No Pain special rule with a number in brackets afterwards - Feel No Pain (6+), for example - then the number in brackets is the D6 result needed to discount the Wound. '''Fleet of Foot''' There are many variants of this rule: Fleet of Foot, Fleet of Claw, Fleet of Hoof. Title aside, all models with these abilities are treated the same. A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule may add +d3 to its movement during the movement phase, and may re-roll failed charge distance rolls. '''Fleshbane''' If a model has this special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has this special rule, they always wound on a 2+ in close combat. Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has this special rule, they always wound on a 2+. '''Frenzy''' A model with this special rule begins the game Frenzied. A Frenzied model: *must always attempt to charge the nearest unit in charge range, and cannot flee as a charge reaction. Non-frenzied models in the unit must still do this, as long as at least one model is Frenzied. *is immune to Fear, Terror and Panic *gains +1 bonus Attack If a Frenzied unit is beaten in close combat, or fails a Morale check, it loses its Frenzied state for the remainder of the game. There are other special rules that may invoke a Frenzied state in a model under certain conditions. '''Furious Charge''' In a turn in which a model with this special rule charges or Counter-Attacks, it adds +1 to its Strength characteristic until the end of that phase. ===H-Q=== '''Hatred''' Commonly, a model only has Hatred towards a specific type of foe, in which case, the unlucky target will be expressed, in brackets, after the special rule. This can refer to a whole army, or a specific unit from that army. For example, Hatred (Imperial Legion) would mean any models from that Army Book, whilst Hatred (Dragoons) would mean only Dragoons. A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all misses during the first round of each combat - he does not get to make re-rolls for Hatred in subsequent rounds. In addition, if charged by the Hated foe, this unit can never flee: in the case of a failed Fear or Terror test, the unit with Hatred is always reduced to WS1 regardless of unit size. '''Hit and Run''' A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule that is locked in combat can choose to leave close combat at the end of any Assault phase. If the unit wishes to do so, it must take an Initiative test. *If the test is failed, nothing happens and the models remain locked in the fight. *If the test is passed, choose a direction - then roll 3D6. As long as the distance rolled, in inches, is sufficient to allow the entire unit to move over 1 " away from all of the enemy units they are engaged in combat with, the unit breaks away from combat and immediately moves a number of inches in the chosen direction equal to the 3D6 result, ignoring the units they were locked in combat with. No Sweeping Advance rolls are made. Enemy units that are no longer locked in combat immediately Consolidate D6". A Hit & Run move is not slowed by difficult terrain, but treats dangerous terrain normal. It may not be used to make an illegal move into other units or impassable terrain, and models instead stop immediately(1 " away in the case of enemy models). Nor can the unit move out of coherency: the unit moves as far as it can without doing so. If there are units with this rule on both sides who wish to disengage, roll-off to determine who goes first and then alternate disengaging them. If the last of these ends up no longer in combat, it Consolidates instead. '''Ignores Cover''' Cover saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by weapons with the Ignores Cover special rule. '''Immunity''' A model with "Immune to X" is completely immune to that particular type of damage. For example, a model with Immune to Flame is unaffected by Flame damage. Exception: A model with Immune to Poison causes Poisoned attacks to roll normally against it, rather than using the Poisoned special rules. In addition, any weapons that count as having an unusual "poison" on them lose the special rules granted by that poison. '''Infiltrate''' Units that contain at least one model with this special rule may be deployed last, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed. If both sides have Infiltrators, the players roll-off and the winner decides who goes first, then alternate deploying these units. Infiltrators can be set up anywhere on the table that is more than 12" from any enemy unit, as long as no deployed enemy unit can draw line of sight to them. This includes in a building (see page XX), as long as the building is more than 12" from any enemy unit. Alternatively, they can be set up anywhere on the table more than 18" from any enemy unit, even in plain sight. Having Infiltrate also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Infiltrators that are kept as Reserves (see page XX). An Independent Character without the Infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit that has decided to Infiltrate during deployment. '''Independent Character''' Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that always consist of a single model (such as most vehicles and Monstrous Creatures). They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multicharacter unit. Joining and Leaving a Unit: An Independent Character can begin the game already with a unit, either by being deployed in unit coherency with it or, if the unit is in reserve, by informing your opponent of which unit it has joined. In order to join a unit, an Independent Character simply has to move so that he is within the unit coherency distance of a friendly unit at the end of their Movement phase. If the Independent Character is within coherency of more than one unit at the end of its Movement phase, the player must declare which unit it is joining. If an Independent Character does not intend to (or cannot) join a unit, it must (where possible) remain out of coherency from it at the end of the Movement phase. This is to make clear whether they have joined a unit or not. Note that after an Independent Character joins a unit, that unit can move no further that Movement phase. An Independent Character can leave a unit during the Movement phase by moving out of unit coherency with it. He cannot join or leave during any other phase - once arrows are let loose or charges are declared, it is too late to join in or duck out! An Independent Character cannot leave a unit while either he or the unit is locked in combat, falling back or has gone to ground. He cannot join a unit that is locked in combat or falling back. If an Independent Character joins a unit, and all other models in that unit are killed, he again becomes a unit of one model at the start of the following phase. While an Independent Character is part of a unit, he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes, though he still follows the rules for characters. While an Independent Character is a unit of one model, or is part of a unit consisting of only Independent Characters, he uses the Skirmish Formation. Heroic Morale: A unit that contains one or more Independent Characters does not need a double 1 to Regroup if reduced to below 50% of its starting numbers, but instead tests as if it had at least 50% remaining. Special Rules: When an Independent Character joins a unit, it might have different special rules from those of the unit. Unless specified in the rule itself (as in the Stubborn special rule), the unit's special rules are not conferred upon the Independent Character, and the Independent Character's special rules are not conferred upon the unit. Special rules that are conferred to the unit only apply for as long as the Independent Character is with them. Independent Characters and Ongoing Effects: Sometimes, a unit that an Independent Character has joined will be the target of a beneficial or harmful effect. If the character leaves the unit, both he and the unit continue to be affected by the effect, so you'll need to mark the character accordingly. Conversely, if a character joins a unit after that unit has been the target of an ongoing effect (or joins a unit after himself having been the target of an ongoing effect) benefits and penalties from that effect are not shared. '''Instant Death''' Unsaved Wounds inflicted by an Attack with this special rule automatically inflict Instant Death, regardless of the victim's Toughness (see page XX). '''Invisibility''' An Invisible model: *Cannot be targeted or seen(but his unit still can be if it contains non-Invisible models)except in close combat. However, his unit can be targeted, if non-invisible models in the unit can be seen. *A unit consisting entirely of Invisible models must be charged as if through Difficult Terrain. Enemies cannot counter-attack a completely invisible unit. A completely Invisible unit has Stealth(+3) and Hit and Run. *An Invisible model may choose to strike at either Initiative 10 or Initiative 1 the first round of combat. He may choose not to attack each round of combat, however. An Invisible model has has a 4+ cover save in close combat. *If an Invisible model attack, shoots, uses an activated special ability, or tries to cast another spell, he instantly forfeits the Invisibility. '''Magicka Drain''' A model hit by Magicka Drain(X) replenishes X fewer Power Dice at the start of its controller's next turn. If that model would replenish less Power Dice than it currently has due to this effect, it instead replenishes as many as it currently has. If the model has equal or more Power Dice than its Mg, it immediately loses Power Dice until it has 1 less than its Mg. A model hit by Magicka Drain(total) immediately loses all its Power Dice, and does not replenish its Power Dice Pool at the start of its controller's next turn. '''Master-Crafted''' Weapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn with that weapon. '''Monster Hunter''' A unit containing at least one model with this special rule re-rolls all failed to-wound rolls against Monstrous Creatures. '''Move Through Cover''' A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule rolls an extra D6 when rolling to move through difficult terrain. In most circumstances, this will mean that the unit rolls 3D6 and picks the highest roll. In addition, when marching through difficult terrain, the unit rolls an extra die, whether a d3 or a d6(whichever is required). In most circumstances, this will mean that the unit rolls 3D3 and picks the highest roll. This does not apply to charges through difficult terrain. '''Multiple Wounds''' Each unsaved wound inflicted by this attack deals multiple wounds. For example, wounds created by a weapon with Multiple Wounds(d3) split into d3 wounds when they are inflicted. '''Night Fighting''' This mission special rule is described in full detail on page XX. '''Night Eye''' A model with this special rule ignores the effects of Night Fighting. '''Outflank''' During deployment, players can declare that any unit that contains at least one model with this special rule is attempting to Outflank the enemy. This means they are making a wide sweeping move to get behind enemy lines or come at the foe from an unexpected direction. When an Outflanking unit arrives from Reserves, but not Ongoing Reserve, the controlling player rolls a D6. *On a 1 -2, the unit comes in from the table edge to the left of their controlling player's own table edge *On a 3-4, they come on from the right *On a 5-6, the player can choose left or right Models move onto the table as described for other Reserves. An Independent Character that cannot outflank cannot join a unit that has decided to outflank during deployment. '''Paralyze''' A Paralyzed model is reduced to WS1 I1 and treats all terrain as difficult. If a duration of this effect is not given, count it as lasting until the end of next turn. '''Physical God''' This model is the physical incarnation, or perhaps even the true form, of a god. It has a 2+ Ward Save, Eternal Warrior, and Feel No Pain, cannot be Silenced, and is unaffected by Disease. This model is not a mortal(see page XX). '''Pinning''' If a non-vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must immediately take a morale test. This is called a Pinning test. If the unit fails the test, it is pinned and must immediately Go to Ground (see page XX). It has become pinned down. As the unit has already taken its saves, going to ground does not protect it against the fire of the Pinning weapon that caused the test (or indeed from any other weapon fired by the same unit that phase) - it's too late! As long as the test is passed, a unit can be called upon to take multiple Pinning tests in a single turn, but only once for each unit shooting at them. If a unit has already gone to ground, no further Pinning tests are taken. If the special rules of a unit specifies that the unit can never be Pinned, the unit automatically passes Pinning tests. Such units can still Go to Ground voluntarily if they wish. '''Poisoned''' If a model has the Poisoned special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets) unless a lower result would be required, when attacking in close combat. In addition, if the Strength of the wielder (or the poisoned weapon) is the same or higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls To Wound in close combat. Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required. If no number is shown in brackets, the rule is Poisoned (4+). Unless otherwise stated, Poisoned attacks without a given Strength are treated as having a Strength of 1. '''Precision''' If a model or weapon with the Precision Strike ability rolls a 6 to hit in close combat, its controller, not the opponent, allocates those wounds. Likewise its controller, not the opponent, determines which models the rolls of 6 counted as hitting and wounding for the purposes of any abilities they might have. If the model has two separate profiles, such as Monstrous Cavalry, or is Artillery, the controller chooses against which profile the precision strike is rolled; the wound and all other effects must be assigned to that one. If a model or weapon with the Precision Shot ability rolls a 6 to hit while shooting, its controller, not the opponent, allocates those wounds. Likewise its controller, not the opponent, determines which models the rolls of 6 counted as hitting and wounding for the purposes of any abilities they might have. If the model has two separate profiles, such as Monstrous Cavalry, or is Artillery, the controller chooses against which profile the precision strike is rolled; the wound and all other effects must be assigned to that one. Shots fired from a Stand and Shoot action can never be precision shots. Look out, Sir!: If the model targeted by a precision strike or precision shot is a character, the opponent may roll a d6: on the roll of a 3+, the strike or shot is reassigned as per the usual rules(usually the opponent's choice). This may only be rolled once per model per strike or shot, and the model that it is reassigned to must be declared immediately, and treated as the model hit by the attack. In the case of multiple profile models or Artillery, the Look Out Sir! may target another model of a different type, a multiple profile model or an artillery piece in the unit, or it target itself(in which case, the hit is randomly allocated to one profile/model as usual). '''Preferred Enemy''' This rule is often presented as Preferred Enemy (X) where X identifies a specific type of foe. If the special rule does not specify a type of foe, then everyone is a Preferred Enemy of the unit. A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule re-rolls failed To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1 if attacking its Preferred Enemy. This applies to both shooting and close combat attacks. ===R-Z=== '''Rampage''' At the start of any Fight sub-phase, models with the Rampage special rule gain +D3 Attacks if the combat they are in contains more enemy models than friendly models - count all models in all units locked in the combat, not just those models that are engaged. Calculate each rampaging model's bonus Attacks separately. '''Regeneration''' At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each wound on this model less than its starting amount. For each roll of a 6, one wound is restored. Regeneration(X), such as Regeneration(4+), indicates a different roll in brackets necessary to regenerate a wound. If a model has multiple values for Regeneration, it may choose which one to use, but may only use one per turn. '''Relentless''' Relentless models treat all weapons as Fire and Charge, and ignore all movement, marching, shooting and charge restrictions on spells they cast. '''Rending''' If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that his close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll of a 6, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of his Toughness. These Wounds are resolved at AP5. Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of 6 wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 5. *'''Killing Blow''' A model or weapon with the Killing Blow special rule has the Rending Special Rule. In addition, its Rending attacks cause Instant Death against models other than Monstrous Creatures and Artillery pieces. *'''Heroic Killing Blow''' A model or weapon with Heroic Killing Blow has the Rending Special Rule. In addition, so skillful and mighty are the strikes that Rending attacks from that model or weapon cause Instant Death against all models other than Artillery pieces. '''Reserves''' This mission special rule is described in full detail on page XX. '''Scout''' After both sides have deployed (including Infiltrators), but before the first player begins his first turn, a unit containing at least one model with this special rule can choose to redeploy. If the unit is Infantry, Artillery, or a Monstrous Creature, each model can redeploy anywhere entirely within 6" of its current position. If it is any other unit type, each model can instead redeploy anywhere entirely within 12" of its current position. During this redeployment, Scouts must remain more than 12" away from any enemy unit. A unit that makes a Scout redeployment cannot charge in the first turn. A unit cannot embark or disembark as part of a Scout redeployment. If both sides have Scouts, roll-off, the winner decides who redeploys first. Then alternate redeploying Scout units. This rule also confers the Outflank special rule (see page XX). If an Independent Character without the Scout special rule was joined to a unit of Scouts during deployment, that unit cannot redeploy. '''Shred''' If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred special rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat. Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has the Shred special rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls. '''Silence''' A model that is Silenced cannot cast spells or use the Thu'um. If a duration of this effect is not given, count it as lasting until the end of next turn. '''Slow''' Any model that is Slowed gets -1 Initiative and moves as if it is in difficult terrain. It is a good idea to mark affected models with counters or coins so that you remember. Monstrous Creatures are immune to the effects of Slow. '''Slow and Purposeful''' A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule cannot March or make a sweeping advance, but counts as Relentless. '''Sniper''' If a weapon has the Sniper special rule, or is fired by a model with the Sniper special rule, each To Hit roll of a 6 results in a Precision Shot (see page XX). Furthermore, if a weapon has the Sniper special rule, or is fired by a model with the Sniper special rule, its shooting attacks always wound on a To Wound roll of 4+ or better, regardless of the victim's Toughness. Sniper weapons also have the Pinning and Rending special rules. '''Soul Trap''' If a model or weapon with this ability slays a model, that model(or model using the weapon) gains a soul gem counter, lasting until the game ends, or until it is spent. Keep track of soul gem counters using a die next to the model, if necessary. A model may spend one soul gem counter at any time to re-roll one miss or failed wound while using a magic weapon(other than a spell). '''Split Fire''' When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule shoots, a model with this special rule may attempt to shoot at a different target to the rest of his unit. To do so, the unit must first take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the unit shoots as normal. If the test is passed, choose one model in the unit with this special rule, and immediately make a shooting attack with it. Once this shooting attack has been resolved, resolve the shooting attacks made by the rest of the unit, which must be at a different target. '''Stealth''' A model with this special rule counts its cover saves during the Shooting Phase as being 1 point better than normal. Note that this means that a model with the Stealth special rule always has a cover save of at least 6+, even if it would not currently have a cover save. This rule is often presented as Stealth X, where X is a numerical value. Stealth(+2) indicates giving +2 to the model's cover save while in cover, or a 5+ save while no other cover save is available, and so on and so forth. It may also be presented as Stealth (Y), where Y indicates a specific type of terrain, such as Stealth (Forests) or Stealth (Ruins). If this is the case, the unit only gains the benefit whilst it is in terrain of the specified type. Multiple instances of Stealth stack. '''Stubborn''' When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks or Pinning tests, they ignore any negative Leadership modifiers. If a unit is both Fearless and Stubborn, it uses the rules for Fearless instead. '''Swarms''' *If a Swarm suffers an unsaved Wound from a Blast, Large Blast or Template weapon, each unsaved wound is multiplied to two unsaved Wounds. *Swarms do not suffer Instant Death from taking an unsaved wound with Strength double their Toughness, unless that weapon is a Blast, Large Blast or Template weapon. *Swarms are adept at crossing terrain that would slow others - they are not slowed by Difficult Terrain, but must test for dangerous terrain as normal. *Swarms have the Stealth(+1) universal special rule against weapons other than Blast, Large Blast and Template weapons, being hard to hit. *Swarms can never hold objectives, and never block line of sight or grant a cover save to units blocked by them. '''Template''' A Template weapon is a shooting weapon does not roll to hit. To fire, place the teardrop-shaped Template so that the narrow end is touching the edge of the base of the firing model, and no friendly models or models locked in combat are underneath the Template. Enemy units underneath the Template are automatically hit, once for each model underneath. Template weapons have Ignores Cover. '''Terror''' A model that causes Terror prompts the same tests as a model that causes Fear, except that if a unit charged by a Terror-causing unit fails its Terror test, it must always flee, even if it outnumbers the charging unit. If a unit passes a Terror test, whether to charge or in reaction to a charge, it treats Terror as Fear for the remainder of the game. A unit containing at least one model that causes Terror is immune to Fear and Terror. '''Torrent''' When firing a weapon with this special rule, place the Template so that the narrow end is within 12" of the weapon and the wide end is no closer to the weapon than the narrow end. The weapon is then treated like any other Template weapon. '''Tongue''' This model may use the Thu'um(see page XX for details) '''Two-Handed''' This weapon or spell requires two open hands to equip(see page XX). '''Unwieldy''' A model attacking with this weapon does so at -1 Initiative, unless it is a Monstrous Creature. *'''Very Unwieldy''' A model attacking with this weapon strikes at Initiative 1, unless it is a Monstrous Creature. '''Volley Fire''' A shooting weapon with Volley Fire can be fired from an entire unit, not just from the front two ranks. '''Ward''' A spell with Ward, if cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells, prompts a Ward attempt. The caster of the Ward spell and the caster of the enemy spell roll d6's, and add their respective Mg values to them. If caster of the Ward spell's final score is higher, he and his spells become immune to the effects of that spell for its duration. Hits resolved on him from the spell do nothing.
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