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==Ork== These are any close combat weapons that are neither [[Choppa|Choppas]] (Due to having a more complex system to manufacture) nor a [[Chain Weapon]] (Due to having parts that does not function like a Chain Weapon). Basically, they are any type of CCW typically used by an Odd Boy instead of your average shooty/choppy boy. ==='Urty Syringe=== [[File:EC-needle-uv-lif.jpg|200px|right|thumb|'Urty Syringe]] Ork [[Painboy|Painboys]] carry a bewildering variety of mean-looking tools, supposedly designed to aid the Mad Dok in his 'fixin' of wounded Orks. They may include various blunt saws, blades and hammers and other devices which an Imperial medic would never dream of using. However, his most used tool is the 'Urty Syringe. 'Urty Syringes are huge steel syringes filled with some toxic goo or liquid. When used in combat, they prove to be an extremely powerful weapon although they don't work against opponents with peculiar physiologies, such as daemons or Tyranids. The 'Urty Syringe as you may already know, is the Ork equivalent of the Space Marine Narthecium. ===Mek's Fixa=== [[File:Fixa.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Mek's Fixa]] More of a tool than a weapon. Ork [[Mekboy|Mekboys]] use all kinds of various tools to repair, kustomize and upgrade their vehicles and other unreliable pieces of Ork Technology. They often put them to use right on the battlefield to fix a vehicle that undertook damage in the fighting. Most of the tools used are rather primitive, but some may take a form of unusually sophisticated and bizarre devices. The most prominent tool of the Mekboy is the Mek's Fixa which is a giant wrench that is basically the Ork's swiss army knife, for it can function as the aforementioned wrench, a hammer, a cutting tool, a screwdriver and much, much more. It can even function as an axe, if the Mekboy feels particularly threatened. ===Tankhammer=== [[File:Tank_Hammer.PNG|200px|right|thumb|Tankhammer]] The Tankhammer is a ridiculous and suicidal weapon and is what happens when you combine a hammer with a RPG round. The Tankhammer is an Ork close combat weapon for use against enemy armor. Essentially a rokkit on a pole, it is used by old-fashioned Orks, who don't trust such unreliable devices as rokkit thrusters. The Tankhammer is swung directly into the vulnerable parts of enemy vehicles at close range, although it an be used against infantry with devastating effects. It is most commonly wielded by Ork Tankbustas. [[FATAL|Because it often explodes when struck, most of these Orks don't survive, much to the amusement of much smarter Orks.]] <gallery> File:Tankhammer.jpg|If you want to go out in style, the Tankhammer is for you! </gallery> ===Bangstikk=== [[File:Bangstikk.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Bangstikk]] The cousin of the Tankhammer and far more sensible. The Bangstikk is essentially the Orkified version of the Imperium's [[Basic Close Combat Weapons#Hunting Lance|Hunting Lance.]] Nothing more than a rokkit on a stick, a Bangstikk is a Feral Ork weapon. They are long poles with large amounts of explosives attached to the end and used when mounted on a Boar. Most probably used something like a lance, the bangstikk has a similar effect to the Krak Grenade and is used highly effectively against vehicle armour, although being poorly balanced they are not the easiest of weapons to use. It is not known why the Orks never seem to utilize more of these. It could be because more tech-savvy Orks aren't fans of [[Boarboyz]] and their [[Warboar|Warboars]], therefore the usage of these weapons seem fall out of use in the more Mek dominated areas of Ork control. However the Snakebite clan still utilize these en masse due to being Amish Orks. ===Stikka=== [[File:Stikka.JPG|250px|right|thumb|Stikka]] The more updated and 'advance' version of the Bangstikk. The Stikka is what happens when you leave a bunch of [[Ork]] [[Murderhobos]] called the [[Beast Snagga]]s with a Hunting Lance and tell them to fuck around and find out. And fuck around they did, as the Orks managed to one-up the Imperium in this regard. Rather than just being an over-glorified close-ranged Krak Grenade on a stick, the Orks decided to turn it into a type of Ork throwable spear. This weapon is called a Stikka and are the standard-issue weapon used by Beast Snagga [[Squighog Boy]]z for hunting prey. [[Awesome|Stikkas are mounted with rocket boosters and can thus be used as projectile weapons.]] In terms of crunch, the Stikka has both a 'shooting' phase and a melee phase. In terms of melee, It is a S+1 (Bumping total Strength to 6), AP-2, D2 weapon. Not bad especially on a charge, allowing your Boyz to skewer a few Space Marines a turn. However, if you want to throw the damn thing, you can only do it once. Throwing the Stikka gives it a 12" ranged, Assault 1, AP-2, D2 weapon that would increase its Strength characteristic of a +1 if it is within half range (So 6" to be effective). Given these mediocre stats, it's best to save the Stikka until all hell breaks loose. ===Breaching Ram=== [[File:Breaching_Ram.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Breaching Ram]] The Ork equivalent of the SLHG Pattern Assault Ram. The Breaching Ram or Breacha Ram is the Ork's portable Battering Ram and the primary weapon/equipment of the [[Breacha Boy]] of a [[Ork Kommando|Kommando Kill Team]]. They are large, heavy piece of solid metal used to punch through doors, walls or people with simple and brutal efficiency. Crunchwise, they are a cover-punching not-quite power fist, better keyed for breaking marines rather than vehicles. In Kill Team, they are given a special rule called '''Breach''', which allows them to perform a Normal Move, Dash or Charge action on each round. It can also move through parts of terrain features that are no more than a few feet thick as if they were not there. All in all, what you get is a discount powerfist that has no hit penalties and denies enemies cover, excellent against MEQ and usually the only option actually worth the points. ===Killsaw=== [[File:Warhammer-40k-bitz-orks-mega-nobz-killsaw-e1-right.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Killsaw]] ''[[Derp|Not to be confused with the much larger Kill Saw]]'' Killsaw is an Ork close combat weapon sometimes integrated into Mega Armour or used by Ork Mekboys. They are the smallest of the Buzzsaw family. A large variant of the Killsaw can be seen mounted on Mega-Dreads. On tabletop, the Killsaw is a weapon that trades out the 1d3 damage of the Klaw for a flat 2 damage and an additional point AP (Boosting the total to -4). If you can somehow take two, they give you an extra attack (kind of like lightning claws, or how older Editions' dual-wielding rules worked). It can only be equipped to Warbosses, Meks, Nobz, Painboyz or Meganobz, so it takes a bit of effort to get the most use out of it. In general, stick to the Klaw unless you have a way to get your Mek/Meganobz into melee without being shot at. <gallery> File:7e-meganob-killsaws.jpg </gallery> ===Saw Blades=== [[File:Saw_Blades_Dragsta.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Saw Blades]] A bunch of sawblades fitted either vertically to the front of [[Shokkjump Dragsta]]s to go all [[Seeker_Chariots_of_Slaanesh|lawn mower]] up in this horde, or horizontally to the sides of [[Rukkatrukk_Squigbuggy|Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies]] to catch gits' ankles as they drive past on the next food delivery. Weaker than the Buzz Saw in literally every way, with one less Strength, Armour Penetration, and Damage, but mounted on faster platforms (in the Dragsta's case, one that can even teleport without the use of a Stratagem), allowing them to reach the enemy much quicker, and skirt around heavier enemy elements to engage lighter ones better suited to them. <gallery> Image:Saw_Blades_Squigbuggy.JPG|Squigbuggy variant. </gallery> ===Spinnin' Blades=== [[File:Spinnin_Blades.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Spinnin' Blades]] A literal helicopter blender. This is the actual propellers of [[Deffkoptas]], the ones they use to stay up in the air with, employed as melee weapons. One can only assume the Flyboy rolls the thing upside-down at very low altitude to aim at people's heads, but still, this'd be an incredibly dangerous manoeuvre at the best of times for a veteran pilot, let alone during a dogfight with a crazed Ork [[Speed Freek]] at the helm. The careening flight path necessary to get the Spinnin' Blades at the right angle to strike ground targets, means you only get D3 Attacks with them at +1S. Despite the obvious danger inherent in their use, you suffer exactly zero penalties when striking. {{clear}} ===Buzz Saw=== [[File:Buzz_Saw.PNG|200px|right|thumb|Buzz Saw]] The generically named Buzz Saw is a huge, circular sawblade mounted on Killa Kans and Deff Dreads. The big brother of the Killsaw, the Buzz Saw is a unholy fusion of a powersaw and a power klaw (Without the power part) and are every bit as savage as the Orks that wields them. This means that the Buzz Saw can both grab and slice opponents into fine chunks of flesh. These weapons may include single large spinning blades, multiple small spinning blades, spinning blades with additional fixed or moving blades or crushing elements, or spinning blades with additional [[Chain Weapon|Chain Weapons]] attached. Despite this, they are grouped all under the Killa Kan/Deff Dread Close Combat Weapons and thus, all share the same profile of a Dread Klaw/Kan Klaw (Depending on the walker using them). [[Derp|Which means that this non-Power Weapons share the same function as an ''actual'' Power Weapon.]] {{clear}} ===Drilla=== [[File:Drilla.PNG|200px|right|thumb|Drilla]] A weapon designed in creating as many holes into a unfortunate bastard as possible. A large, motorised drill-bit meant to pierce through the toughest armor with comparitive ease. The Drilla is meant for anti-armor purposes whilst the rest of the Killa Kan's/Deff Dread's weapons can be free'd up to focus on mulching infantry. Despite this, they are grouped all under the Killa Kan/Deff Dread Close Combat Weapons and thus, all share the same profile of a Dread Klaw/Kan Klaw (Depending on the walker using them). [[Derp|Which means that this non-Power Weapons share the same function as an ''actual'' Power Weapon.]] {{clear}} ===Nose Drill=== [[File:Nose_Drill.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Nose Drill]] A larger but less accurate Drilla fitted to the nose of a [[Megatrakk Scrapjet]], so that the Ork Flyboy in the cockpit can actually do some serious damage when he rams something. To add insult to injury, whatever he does hit'll then get sucked up into the huge jet turbine directly behind the drill. As such, can be considered kind of unnecessary and redundant all things considered. The only way one can see a practical use for this in regards to the Orks, is that the nose drill could act as an okay battering ram against fortifications and walls. [[FATAL|Unfortunately, jet engines don't do so hot against things like space concrete and bricks.]] So these jet engines must be powered by a fuck ton of WAAAAGH energy to prevent it from blowing the fuck up. Compared to the one mounted on Killa Kans, this gives an additional +1 Strength, loses 2 Armour Penetration, and deals D3 Damage instead of a set 2. It's also obviously more unwieldy, only able to attack things directly in front of the vehicle. {{clear}} ===Wrecker=== [[File:Wrecker.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Wrecker]] A Wrecker (AKA the Wrecking Ball) is a large metal ball attached to an Ork combat walker's weapon arm with a chain. Think of it as a [[Basic Close Combat Weapons#Flail|Flail]] on a much larger scale. These weapons are used to crush buildings and other obstacles to rubble, allowing the Ork forces to move across the terrain easier. Wreckers can be used by both Killa Kans, Deff Dreads and sturdy/powerful Trukks, but are mostly found within urban combat zones. On tabletop, the Wrecker is a weapon that gives S+1 and AP-1 for a whopping 3 points. Can only hit with this weapon a maximum of 3 times, which is the maximum amount of attacks a Trukk can make, the unit most likely to have one anyway. At 3 points a pop, throwing them onto any Trukks you're running is not a bad way to spend floating points. Can help you actually deal damage if you decide to slam a Trukk into an opponent's shooty vehicles. Puts a Trukk up to S7 (in the first combat profile), which wounds most Space Marine vehicles on a 4+ and reduces their armor save to a 4+. If you charge a Dreadnought, don't expect the Trukk to survive the 'Dread's turn to fight. Frankly since Trukks die so fast it is probably better to get that extra Grot. Back in the day, Wrecker Balls as they were called were a popular weapon on [[Gorkamorka]], capable of smacking into an enemy buggy and sending boyz flying from the wreckage. One of the orks riding on the vehicle had to actually take the time to man (er, ork) the controls for the swinging death ball, and on a bad roll the mass of metal could swing back around and crush it's own vehicle. ===Spiked Ram=== [[File:Spiked_Ram.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Spiked Ram]] The simplest weapon that can be fitted to an Ork vehicle, being a couple of sharp metal spikes or even [[Squiggoth]] horns, attached to the front of the vehicle to use its momentum as a makeshift [[Siege_Weapons#Battering_Ram|Battering Ram]]. Previously known as the Reinforced Ram and available to any Ork vehicle as an upgrade, it's now only available as a Special Rule for the [[Kustom Boosta-Blasta]] and Megatrakk Scrapjet, letting them throw out a couple of d3 Mortal Wounds against some guys in base contact on a roll of 4+ (1" range, so basically base contact). It's more of a tertiary and back-up weapon, as such, only use it for close combat if you are doing so to primarily shut off that unit's shooting, then hopefully you do a couple of wounds in addition. ===Deffrolla=== [[File:Death_Rolla.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Deffrolla]] {{Topquote|[[Meme|ROODO ROOLAA DA!]]|[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure|Dio, the first person to coin such a term.]]}} The Deffrolla (also spelt Dethrolla or Deathrolla) is a large metal rolling pin with an assortment of spikes sticking out of it, a simple weapon but effective. Usually fitted to the front of some [[Junka#Mekboy_Junka|Junka]]s, [[Battlewagon]]s, [[Battlefortress#Deathrolla|Battlefortress]]es, and even [[Stompa#Goff_Rock-an-Rolla|Stompa]]s as an alternative to a Reinforced Ram, but in [[Epic]] was also the defining trait of [[Bonebreaka]]s and [[Bonecruncha]]s. On the tabletop, the Deffrolla turns a regular vehicle that might not do so well in close combat into a melee monster, making them hit on 2+ at AP-2 and D2 with their full number of Attacks. A Bonebreaka gets extra mileage out of it, hooking it up to whole load of extra gubbinz to milk an extra D6 Attacks on top of that on the charge. ===Grabbin' Klaw=== [[File:Grabbin_Klaw.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Grabbin' Klaw]] The Grabbin' Klaw is a miniature Rippa Klaw with only two blades, that can be mounted on vehicles or buildings such as [[Trukk]]s, [[Battlewagon]]s, and [[Mekboy Workshop]]s to give them a little extra [[Choppa|choppiness]], whilst a [[Gutrippa]] dual-wields a pair of them as its primary armament like a wheeled [[Deff Dred]]. Despite this, it is dual-purpose like most Ork technology and could also double mainly as a lifting arm to help [[Looted|recover]] damaged vehicles. [[Tl;dr]], it a giant weaponised claw machine. Like its big brother, the Grabbin' Klaw has AP-3 to shear through tough armour, but due to its smaller size only deals D3 Damage instead of D6, and because of it being on an awkward turret rather than an arm, you only get one good swing with it at the vehicles normal WS during an Assault, meaning all your vehicles' other Attacks have to go into ramming. ===Kill Saw=== [[File:Kill_Saw.PNG|200px|right|thumb|Kill Saw]] ''[[Derp|Not to be confused with the much smaller Killsaw]]'' The annoyingly named Kill Saw is the Killsaw's and Buzz Saw's dad and is possibly one of the most confusing names ever thought out by GW. [[FAIL|When the only way to differentiate between two different classes of weapons is a space between two words, you know you done fucked up.]] Kill Saws are massive saw-blades that are used by Ork Mega-Dreads and Kustom Meka-Dreads. The pilots of these walkers love seeing them rip through even the strongest of enemy armor. These saw weapons are much larger than the ones found on the smaller Deff Dreads and Killa Kans. On tabletop, the Kill Saw was a powerful melee and shred weapon. At Strength 10 and AP 2, this monster goes well with the Rippa Klaw at absolutely eviscerating enemy armor and infantry alike. If you have two Kill Saws, you can add +1 attack, you know, so that you can Rip and Tear fully. {{clear}} ===Rippa Klaw=== [[File:99590103074_OrkRippaKlawArm02.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Rippa Klaw]] Not specified to be a [[Power Weapon]]. Rippa Klaws are gigantic shear-bladed pincers that are capable of ripping open heavy armor with extreme ease. Rippa Klaws feature a large pincer with three blades that can grab and crush enemy units. These massive weapons are used by both Mega-Dreads and Kustom Meka-Dreads. Because they are not stated to be a power weapon like the Power Klaw, it can be said that the majority of its cutting power comes from pure hydraulic pressure powered from multiple pneumatic pumps. They are seen as one of the pinnacle of maximum [[RIP AND TEAR]]. In 7th edition, the Rippa Klaw was the go-to Close Combat Weapon for the Mega-Dread due to its high Strength and AP value. It is able to handle most vehicles and infantry by itself and is a deadly weapon on its own. In 8th edition, the Rippa Klaw is a weapon that can attack 5 times, each attack has a AP of -3 with S x2 and dealing D6 Damage. If your Mega-Dread is equipped with two of these bad boys, he would have the [[RIP AND TEAR|Rip n' Tear]] ability, which increase the attack characteristics by 1. {{clear}} ===Stompa Klaw=== [[File:99590103080_OrkStompaClawArm01.jpg|right|thumb|200px|right|thumb|Stompa Klaw]] Basically the Rippa Klaw's badass uncle. Stompa Klaws are giant Rippa Klaws meant to rip apart enemy Titans up close. Like the Rippa Klaws, the Stompa Klaw may not be a Power Weapon but a weapon where the majority of its cutting power comes from pure hydraulic pressure powered from multiple pneumatic pumps. They maybe more flexible and versatile than the Mega-Choppa, able to both crush and grab things at a whim before throwing it at a group of blobs. Meks sometimes deploy these giant Rippa Klaws to rend enemy war machines apart at close quarters β all the better to claim the choicest scrap for future projekts. They are seen as one of the pinnacle of maximum [[RIP AND TEAR]]. These weapons can be equipped with giant Buzz Saws to further aid its cutting power. On 9th edition, the Stompa Klaw is an absolute murdermachine of a melee weapon a Kustom Stompa, which is [[rape|Sx2 AP5 D9, and you can also cause D3 mortal wounds on a wound roll of 4+.]] If you deck it out under a [[Goff Klawstompa]] configuration (Which is ''two'' of these things mind you), you can [[RIP AND TEAR]] your way through vehicle mobs, not infantry mobs, ''vehicle mobs''. You can also swap it out with the [[Chain Weapon#Mega-Choppa|Mega-Choppa]], but [[derp|why the hell would you want that when you have the klaws of doom?]] {{clear}} ===Krusha Ball=== [[File:Krusha_Ball.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Krusha Ball]] The Wrecker's grandaddy and a Flail grown to truly Titanic sizes. Some Stompas feature an unusual weapon, known as the Krusha Ball, a huge chunk of scrap metal on a chain, which is mounted on a Stompa's arm in place of the regular close combat weapon. Its swings cause immense devastation, krushing everything in its path: soldiers, vehicles, buildings and terrain. Like the smaller Wrecker, it is designed to demolish fortifications and buildings. Krusha Balls are thus, extremely unwieldy and difficult to use, just like a Flail. The large and heavy metal ball is powerful enough to crumple even the tough armor of Titans and Superheavies, whilst being flexible and chaotic enough to be unpredictable and strike on odd angles, hitting weak/blind spots. However, it is not without its risks. If the backswing is too much, [[FAIL|it will smash back into the Stompa, causing immense damage to the Stompa itself.]] Back in the oldschool tabletop days, trying to use the Krusha Ball was a [[FAIL|over complicated trainwreck.]] Unless you're a genius at math, this thing took way too much time and effort to even ''judge'' if it hits anything. If you actually want to know the details, please continue to read below. Specifically, the Krusha Ball is a Titan melee weapon that replaces the standard close combat weapon the Stompa is armed with (Mega-Choppa). If the Stompa is not otherwise engaged in close combat, the hefty Krusha Ball can be swung in a vast sweeping arc of destruction. Nominate a direction (It is convenient to mark this with a Scatter dice) and roll 2D6. [[What|This is the number of inches in which the path of devastation travels (Whatever the fuck that means).]] Assume the path is 2" wide and measure directly below the position of your Krusha Ball. Any model in its path takes a single destroyer hit, although a infantry or jump infantry may take an Initiative test to avoid the blow. On a roll of a double 1 the backswing is too much and the Stompa itself takes a single destroyer hit in addition to any targets within 2" arc. Any terrain touched by the weapon is removed and replaced with rubble. {{clear}} ===Krusha=== [[File:Krusha_Arms.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Krusha]] ''[[Derp|Not to be confused with the similarly named Krusha Ball or the]] [[Chain Weapon#Crusha|Crusha]] [[Rage|(Seriously, what the fuck was GW thinking in using multiple weapons with similiar-as-fuck names!?)]]'' Ork Mega-Gargants feature weapons so big they dwarf even Mega-Choppas. Known as Krushas these are one of the biggest and most deadly close combat weapons in the Galaxy. Krushas are immense Rippa Klaws that can rip apart the limbs of even Emperor Titans. Through sheer power alone, a Krusha can use its immense hydraulic presses and pneumatic pumps to crush the centimeters thick reinforced ceramite platings of Titans with contemporary ease. The main downside however, is that Krusha's are large and expensive weapons that is only effective in really close range. These ranges put the weapon at a disadvantage when a Emperor Titan would gun the Gargant down before it even reaches. [[Anal circumference|But when it does reach, than gigantic assholes will be opened up and penetrated.]] <gallery> Krusha.PNG </gallery> {{40k-Ork-Weapons}}
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