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==Wizard== ===Arcane Wayfarer=== Heir to the lost arts of the [[Dimensionalist]], the Arcane Wayfer forgoes the normal focus of the [[Conjurer]] to become a planar explorer, specializing in the ability to freely roam the [[multiverse]]. ''Blink Strike'' lets you teleport a target when you crit, ''Wayfarer's Action'' lets you teleport whenever you spend an AP, and ''Wayfarer's Step'' gives you teleport 2 as a new walk speed, replacing any need to shift. Hammerfall Step is a big blast that harms enemies but teleports allies caught within. Wayfarer's Evasion gives you an immediate teleport as an escape button. Terrifying Journey is a small ranged burst that teleports any targets and removes them from play for a bit, which can help with management but does nothing else. ===Bonded Summoner=== The 4th edition equivalent to the [[Conjurer]] of old, this is a wizard specialized in the arts of summoning, mastering esoterica which imbues their summoned creatures with far greater might than normal. To start with, you get ''Summoner's Action'' to expend an AP so you can issue a minor command on all summons, ''Summoner's Slip'' permits you to teleport 2 spaces whenever you use a conjuration or summoning power, and ''Summoner's Might'' eventually gives summons regeneration 10 to ensure that they don't die. Planar Gateway acts as a trap you set up and then slide away whoever gets close to it. Enduring Summons just heals a summoned creature by your surge value, which works well to save them and gives an incentive for amping up Con. Summon Bonded Protector gives you a big fella with a big reach and a nifty blast attack that can save-end dazes anyone and an Opportunity Attack that knocks a fool prone. ===Battle Mage=== The closest that early 4e wizard had to the old [[Evoker]] specialization, a Battle Mage focuses on blowing shit up. For features, you get ''Arcane Riposte'' so you can hit a foe with an opportunity attack that deals cold, fire, force or lightning damage, and ''Battle Mage Action'' for a huge bonus to attack rolls when you burn an action point at level 11, and ''Battle Edge'' that means the first time you get bloodied, you can use an At-Will power as an immediate reaction at level 16. For powers, you get Forceful Retort (burst of damage that knocks your enemies back and to the ground), Arcane Rejuvenation (immediately heal yourself the first time you get dropped to zero HP) and Closing Spell (blast a sizable area for cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage; vanilla damage is 3D10, but it increases to ''8D10'' if this is the last daily spell you can cast). ===Blood Mage=== By tapping into the power of their own blood, a blood mage becomes a source of pain for their enemies. Your level 11 features are ''Blood Action'', which causes an action point-fueled attack does ongoing damage, and ''Bolstering Blood'', which lets you self-inflict up to 2D10 damage whilst using a spell to inflict that much extra psychic damage on the spell's targets, whilst at level 16 you get ''Burning Blood'' , which lets you inflict psychic damage and ongoing fire damage on any enemies within 10 squares when you use your second wind Blood Pulse is an encounter power that splatters a burst across a distant area, causing damage and making the victims take more damage as they move. Soul Burn is a daily utility power that lets you spend a healing surge to restore a spent encounter power. Destructive Salutation is an extremely powerful ranged burst of psychic and ongoing psychic damage. ===Draconic Antithesis=== For whatever reason, you, a wizard, decided that dragons are the biggest menace to society. Now, normally you might need some trickery to stand a chance, but taking this path gives you the precise means to take them down with some tools that are equally useful against other foes. You start with ''Countering Thesis'', which grants resist 5 to whatever typed damage you take for a turn, and ''Dragon-Slayer's Action'' allows you to spend an AP so you can either re-roll an attack aimed at a dragon or end a condition a dragon caused, while you later get ''Sky-Slayer'' for a piddly +1 to hit against flying creatures. Energy Dispersal is an incredibly effective attack, since it not only slows the target, but it bars them from using any attacks tied to one energy type for the entire turn, which can piss off any attempts at using breath weapons. Earth-Binder gives you a massive aura to deny any flight, though this might also affect any allies with fly speeds. Energy Disruption is even more powerful by interrupting (and possibly negating) a close or area attack, and this still wastes the power if it isn't at-will. ===Hermetic Saboteur=== This is a rather trickster-like class, not unlike the Arcane Trickster. However, while the Arcane Trickster is a rogue who picks up some magic, the Hermetic Saboteur is all about traps and illusions. If one wants an ideal implement to work with, you'd probably want Orb of Imposition to ensure that your traps last a little longer.. ''Attune Target'' gives you a 1/encounter ability to cast a power from any point within 20 squares (with ''Adjust Attunement'' eventually giving Combat Advantage over any targets), and ''Saboteur's Action'' gives you Combat Advantage over anyone you hit with a close or area power after spending an AP. Psychic Detonations sets up three traps that attack anyone that gets close to them and knocks them prone. Sabotage Trap acts as a fix for any accidental triggerings (like if an ally sets off a trap), switching the original target's place with another target - your allies will especially appreciate the +4 to defenses against your traps if you saved them from one. Saboteur's Zone gives you a massive sustainable area that can strike and save-ends daze whoever tries to attack you. ===Rimetongue Caller=== This path is only open to wizards who can speak primordial. A strange combination of a frost [[elementalist]] and a [[conjurer]], the Rimetongue Caller seeks to improve its summons by imbuing them with elemental cold, as well as enhancing itself in the same way. You start off with ''Blizzard's Action'', which uses an AP to deal 5 (10 at epic) cold damage and slowing to anyone next to you, and ''Winter's Embrace'', which grants summons Resist 5 cold (or ups their resistance by 5), while you eventually grab ''Frostbite Summoning'' to grant all your summons an aura of cold damage. Wall of Winter summons a big wall that hits anyone near it and does even more damage and save-ends slowing to anyone inside the wall. Icy Calling gives your next summons immunity to cold and extra cold damage on their attacks. Summon Rimefrost Brute gives you a big motherfucker to smack things with with the ability to literally freeze shit and knock things on their ass. ===Shadow Shaper=== Open to any wizards with illusion powers, this particular path grants you the mastery over blending darkness and illusions and find way to turn shadows into very real threats. ''Mind and Body'' makes this the most obvious by making illusion powers that target Will instead target Fortitude while ''Nightmare Made Manifest'' expends an AP to maximize the damage on an illusion at-will and ''Spectral Dominance'' grants you Combat Advantage over anyone subject to your illusions. Night Terror makes a rather nasty trick, dealing both necrotic and psychic damage and then turning the target into your origin for any close or melee implement powers you have for the rest of the turn. Never-Ending Nightmare lets you prolong the duration of an illusion power for a turn, which has uses whether or not you use Orb of Imposition. Nightscape gives you a huge zone of difficult terrain and partial cover(for your pals) after save-ends dazing every target. ===Simbarch of Algarond=== A [[Forgotten Realms]]-exclusive path, this path teaches you the secrets passed down from the legendary witch queen Simbul, ruler of Algarond. Though you most certainly have the right to join the ruling council, you have decided to go adventuring to perfect your magical craft, a powerful blend of destruction and self-sustenance. ''Arcane Healing'' cuts down on your AP economy as it enables you to take an action and spend a Healing Surge on one AP, ''Sorcerous Vitality'' grants you 2 additional surges, and ''Determined Mage'' grants you +1d10 HP on any Healing Surge you take while bloodied. Silver Fire may seem like a basic attack, it also has the potent bonus of adding half your level to any damage you deal to that enemy afterwards. Synostodweomer is a strange and kinda wasteful sort of support, spending a Healing Surge just so an ally can then spend their own. Simbul's Tempest lands a ranged burst that can then grant you a saving throw for every enemy you hit. ===Spellguard Wizard=== A [[Forgotten Realms]] based path that focuses on being the magic protector of a city that has suffered the infamous spellplague. ''Spellguard Action'' uses an AP to both add Dex to the damage of any close bursts you make and add +2 AC vs melee, ''Spellguard Training'' lets you turn any ranged burst power into a close blast power of the same size (which can offer some decent utility), and ''Spellguard Combat Toughness'' also adds +2 healing surges. Spellguard Force Lash is an immediate interrupt that slaps any asshole that approaches you on their ass. Mythal Splinter gives a sustainable AoE that denies any healing or teleportation while inside it. Mythal Spark is similar to Mythal Splinter in that it denies any healing or teleport powers while inside the area, only now it's a ranged burst with impressive size. ===Spellstorm Mage=== Trying to channel the power of raw magic, a Spellstorm Mage channels their power as if it were a raging storm. You get extra damage to its attacks after using an action point through ''Extra Damage Action'', you can make a Wisdom check once per day to recover a random encounter or daily spell with ''Storm Spell'', and the first time you get bloodied, you trigger ''Storm Fury'' and zap all enemies with lightning damage. Storm Cage is a spell that blasts an area with thunder & lightning before forming a temporary cage that electrocutes anyone who tries to escape. Sudden Storm is a sustainable utility power that lets the wizard conjure up a violent storm to create difficult terrain, and Malestrom of Chaos is a huge burst of force damage and enemy teleportation. ===Tome Adept=== This path is exclusive to Tome wizards. These bookworms learn how to dig deeper and more effectively into books and are especially useful to wizards who spend a lot on rituals. ''Paper Secrets'' in particular stacks well by adding an additional new daily and utility power every time you level up thereafter (especially giving Binding wizards more options for summons), ''Secret Formularies'' halves the cost of copying rituals into your spellbook and gives +2 to ritual tests, ''Tome of Confusion'' uses an AP to daze anyone you hit, and ''Maze of Words'' then similarly dazes on crits. Knowledge Blast is a rather stacked attack, not only harming but also pushing, dazing, and penalizing the next attack, plus you get to shoot words from a book. Ritual Master gives a +10 to rituals, which can guarantee the better results on them. Librus Phantasma is a reliable attack that can literally trap an enemy in your book, removing a particular nuisance for a bit while the rest get managed. ===Unseen Mage=== The 4th edition equivalent to the [[Illusionist]] of old, this is a wizard specialized in the arts of invisibility, capable of launching deadly ambushes and then vanishing before its foes can retaliate. Your first secrets come in ''Enhanced Invisibility'', which gives you a chance to stay invisible for one turn after it's supposed to expire, and ''Unseen Action'', which uses an AP to turn you invisible for a turn, while you eventually get ''Unseen Advantage'' to deal extra damage whenever you hit someone who can't see you. Vanishing Act is a basic hit then disappear move. Gillaume's Veil gives a sustainable AoE around you that turns yourself and allies invisible until they attack. Vanishing Legion gives a small ranged burst that makes anyone it catches unable to see you or any of your allies until they make a save. ===Wizard of the Spiral Tower=== An attempt to do a [[gish]] class in PHB1, this would later be surpassed by the [[Swordmage]] class. For features, you get to use a Longsword as an implement of your choice with ''Corellon's Implement'' (which could later be invalidated by the Eladrin Sword Wizardry feat from Arcane Power), ''Spiral Tower Action'' lets you burn an action point to regain a spent encounter power, and ''Radiant Censure'' makes enemies take radiant damage if they try and attack your Will. For spells, you get the One Sword (strike with your sword for double damage, and on a successful secondary attack you daze them and don't expend the spell), Shape the Dream (nullify an attack vs. Will once per day) and Corellon's Blade (strike all close-by enemies for triple sword damage and teleport them out of your way for a turn). ===War Wizard of Cormyr=== A [[Forgotten Realms]] exclusive path that's available to any wizards allied with the nation of Cormyr. This path is similar to the Academy Master path in that it bolsters your utility, but it doesn't amp your at-wills to silly levels. ''Arcane Fundamentals'' only lets you treat one at-will or encounter power that targets a single enemy as a basic attack, ''War Wizard's Training'' spends an AP to make all ranged and area attacks not trigger Opportunity Attacks, and ''War Wizard's Determination'' adds +5 damage whenever you crit. Lightning Ripple gives a big blast that adds +2 to your next Int-based attack roll if you hit. One-Way Barrier erects a sustainable wall that protects you from ranged attacks while also letting you to hurt anyone beyond it. Storm of Victory is a ranged burst that grants your party Combat Advantage over anyone inside. ===Weaver of Chance=== Whilst sorcerers are the most naturally adept at wielding [[Wild Magic]], some wizards also see things to admire in the chaotic flux of magic in its rawest form. The Weavers of Chance are those who embrace magic, worshipping a philosophy of chaos and chance which their powers seem perfectly suited to embody...if only the benefits gave you more. ''Channel Entropy'' gives you a pool that's filled by you rolling nat 20s and drained by nat 1s and can be used to add to d20 rolls, ''Entropic Action'' gives you a chance to either gain or lose entropy points while also teleporting an enemy, and ''Play the Odds'' gives you a +d6 to your attack roll that either adds to the entropy pool upon a hit (while dealing extra damage) or drains the pool on a miss (and hits you). Entropic Reshuffling is a blast that either slides or pushes your foes. Agency of Chance can give you a chance to either add or subtract from the entropy pool based on your next d20 roll. Random Spell is quite obvious: it grants you one random wizard daily that you then have to use or waste it, though 2 entropy points could allow you to pick the spell you want.
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