Extinct chapters
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This page is dedicated in remembrance of all those [[Space Marine Chapter]]s that are entirely and definitely very dead. This does not include chapters that fell to [[Chaos]], so all those lost (wiped out, turned heretic, barely survived or still missing) during the [[Abyssal Crusade]] aren't listed here, for that see [[Judged]]. Special mentions to the [[First_Founding#Two_Unknown_Legions|2 lost legions]]. == Angels Excelsis == {{main|Angels Excelsis}} These poor bastards got off to a rocky start to begin with, losing most of their three hundred founders within a year of the Chapter's creation, but it was the [[Devastation of Baal]] that ultimately did them in. They were overwhelmed by [[Tyranid]] bioforms during the void battle - their flagship/Fortress-Monastery ''Essence Eternal'' being torn to shreds by several Tyranid void-krakens and the rest of their ships being overwhelmed shortly after. == Angels Glorious == Another Chapter made purely to eat shit and die, they were destroyed during the Devastation of Baal. == Angels of Retribution == {{main|Angels of Retribution}} One of those Chapters made to fill in a spot, they were destroyed entirely in an ambush on the planet Alantor X. Allegedly, the Officio Assassinorum was involved. == Astral Drakes == Mentioned only in the 8th Ed. Ork Codex, they were wiped out by [[Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka]] during one of his rampages. == Astral Knights == {{main|Astral Knights}} Sacrificed their chapter to destroy the [[Necrons]]' [[World Engine]] in 926.M41. The last few survivors, consisting of 30 Marines and Dreadnought Thade (who was effectively Chapter Master), either attacked their replacement Chapter (the [[Sable Swords]], which were refounded themselves to replace the Astral Knights) and were wiped out or convinced by the Sable Swords to partake in a Crusade until their deaths in battle. It is believed that the survivors departed on the crusade, but their fates are unknown. == Blood Eagles == A Blood Angels successor with little of note to them, beyond the fact that they tore themselves apart to form the Angels Numinous and Red Seraphs Chapters. The latter two (and their allies, the [[Charnel Guard]]) currently use their abandoned homeworld as a meeting place. == Blood Wings/Brothers of Jarad == {{main|Devastation of Baal}} Both destroyed in the Devastation of Baal; like many of the Chapters who fell there, they were created purely to be wiped out. == [[Khorne|Brazen Skulls]] == Wiped out as a Chapter sometime prior to the Ultima Founding, they were subsequently refounded using Primaris Marines. == Brothers of the Red == An unfortunate case of a [[Blood Angels]] successor who [[RAGE|RAGED]] way too hard; they lost too many Battle-Brothers to the [[Black Rage]] to survive, and were eventually exterminated as a Chapter through simple attrition. == Celestial Swords... and Celestial Swords == {{main|Celestial Swords}} In an epic failure of Imperial bureaucracy, these two chapters were founded with identical heraldry and names in the 38th Millennium in an unknown founding and from an unknown lineage at the same time. The mistake wasn't discovered until both Chapters went to the same engagement against the 9th Black Crusade (537.M38) and were both wiped to a man and the bodies of nearly two thousand Battle Brothers were found in the Cicerine System. In a small stroke of mercy, both Chapters were wiped out within the same millennium they were founded in and in the same engagement, preventing further confusion. == Crimson Axes == Successors to the [[Executioners]] Chapter, they were wiped out by the time of (or possibly during) the [[Badab War]]. This probably means they were ganked by the secessionists, though since they're another born to die Chapter it's never going to be elaborated on. == Crimson Castellans == {{main|Crimson Castellans}} This chapter was fighting against renegades from their own chapter when a [[Tyranid]] [[Hive Fleet]] came by and ate them both, a handful of loyalists who were away from the civil war on other deployments when the fighting broke out were absorbed into other Chapters. == Crimson Consuls == {{main|Crimson Consuls}} Seriously, don't put crimson in the chapter's title if you want to live. This chapter was taken out piece by piece in a series of freak accidents which were only discovered to have been arranged by the Alpha Legion when their battle-brothers' subliminal programming was activated to wipe out the Chapter leadership. == Crimson Legion == [[Lamenters|Seriously, what is it with crimson-colored names and dying?]] They were another Blood Angels successors and colossal dicks toward their [[Death Company]], treating them in the same manner that [[Commander Kubrik Chenkov|Chenkov]] does conscripts; ironically enough, they were probably wiped out due to excessive amounts of the Black Rage manifesting in their ranks. == Dark Paladins == {{main|Dark Paladins}} Annihilated by Necrons while investigating Jarrman Prime. == Emperor's Swords == {{main|Emperor's Swords}} Destroyed by the [[Alpha Legion]] who contaminated their recruiting pool and implanted subconscious triggers in their recruits. You'd think that after what happened to the Crimson Consuls, chapters would take measures against this specific brand of Alpha Legion fuckery, but it seems that some fools are destined fall for the same trick twice. == Emperor's Swords again == Based on Bellicas, which turned out to be a [[tomb world]]. And yes, just like the Celestial Swords they shared a name with a different Chapter which was also wiped out. Begin face-palming. == Fire Hawks == {{main|Fire Hawks}} Lost in the [[warp]]. Surviving members may or may not make up the [[Legion of the Damned]]. == Fists Exemplar == {{main|Fists Exemplar}} Discreetly replaced the completely depleted Imperial Fists along with a handful of other volunteers from the Imperial Fists' other successors after [[The War of The Beast]], with their records purged on orders of their last Chapter Master [[Maximus Thane]] (he became the rebuilt Imperial Fists Chapter Master) after it was discovered that the remaining members of the chapter had defected to the [[Iron Warriors]] (specifically, a unit under the last First Captain, Zerbyrn, was forced to ally with them during WAAAGH! The Beast as they lost contact with the Imperium and killed Imperial troops in their defense, but one company of loyalists managed to return and also joined the rebuilt Imperial Fists). == Flame Falcons == {{main|Flame Falcons}} A chapter from the [[Cursed Founding]]. Declared excommunicate traitoris by the Inquisition and officially extinguished by Grey Knights. A few survived, but the Chapter as a whole is gone. == Golden Sons == {{main|Devastation of Baal}} Blood Angel successors with a reputation for being equal parts scholar and warrior, with a well-known and extensive Librarius maintained aboard a fleet of gilt-hulled voidships. They were also massive dicks toward their Death Company, not that that matters much now. They were wiped out during the space battle of the Devastation of Baal, losing almost all of its personnel and material to the void. == Imperial Fists == {{main|Imperial Fists}} I know what you're thinking: the Imperial Fists? Sons of Rogal Dorn and the direct continuation of the VIIth Legiones Astartes, wiped out to a man? Well, it's more likely than you'd think. So much so that their Primarch specifically put in place a plan called the "Last Wall protocol" in case this exact scenario ever were to happen: it basically consists of rebuilding the Imperial Fists from their successors, since they have the same [[geneseed]]. Oh and the Legion can formally reunite in case of another [[Horus Heresy]] scale apocalyptic war. That's it. You can tell Dorn made it by how straightforward it is. When the chapter was destroyed during the [[War of The Beast]], it was secretly replenished with the [[Fists Exemplar]] and other successors thanks to the Last Wall protocol, the Fist Exemplar themselves making up at least a plurality of the rebuilding as they themselves had the dishonor of having the first Astartes to fall to Chaos after the Heresy due to circumstances in the War of The Beast as detailed in their own section and thus the loyalists decided to erase their own records and essentially [[Retcon]]ned their entire loyalist lineage into the Imperial Fists. Chapter Master [[Slaughter Koorland]] managed to activate the protocol before his death, technically making it so that the Chapter wasn't fully extinct. The new command cadre and some of the veterans were Horus Heresy veterans in the Legion as well, notably Fists Examplar Chapter Master and rebuilt Imperial Fists Chapter Master [[Maximus Thane]], meaning that the Chapter never actually went extinct. == Knights of Blood == {{main|Knights of Blood}} Declared Renegade after going way too far in the throes of the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. Sacrificed themselves to a man in a desperate effort to protect [[Baal]] from the Tyranid and Khorne-Daemon smackdown, with their last Chapter Master (Firstblade) Sentor Jool being the last to die, personally telling [[Ka'bandha]] to [[Awesome|go fuck himself after being offered to be made a]] [[Daemon Prince]]. Due to their reputation as borderline-heretics, it wasn't rebuilt in the [[Ultima Founding]] but the Renegade status was rescinded and the Chapter was declared loyal martyrs. == Knights of Eternity == {{main|Knights of Eternity}} Another chapter presumed to have been eaten by the [[Kraken]]. == Knights Sanguine == Stated to have been "consumed by war" during the 5th Ed. Blood Angels Codex and never mentioned again. == Lions Sable == {{main|Lions Sable}} Wiped out during M32, when they made the [[derp|galaxy-brained]] decision to [[Judged|mount a campaign into the Eye of Terror]] whilst in pursuit of <s>the notorious Fallen known as Cypher</s> [[Cypher|A FOUL TRAITOR WHO WAS CERTAINLY NOT ASSOICATED WITH THE DARK ANGELS IN ANY WAY]]. Their progenitors subsequently [[Inquisition|wiped out any trace of their existence]] to keep their Chapters' secrets. Must be nice, being a son of the Lion! == Marines Mordant == Formerly tasked with guarding the Maelstrom Zone alongisde the Crimson Consuls, Nova Legion, and Vindicators (no, not [[Vindicator|those ones]]). They were wiped out whe the Alpha Legion utilized chemical weapons to drive hordes of civilians toward the Fortress-Monastery; when the Chapter Master decided to be [[This Guy]] and let them in, [[grimdark|the Alpha Legion's infiltrators and sleeper agents stormed the place, holding it until the Chapter was forced to bombard it to ash from orbit.]] == Marines Vigilant == Some kind of phenomenon - implicitly xenos or [[psyker|psychic]] in nature - rendered these Astartes unwilling to fight any hostile forces, regardless of whether they were daemons, heretics or even xenos. Since an Astartes who's unwilling to fight is about as useful as a chocolate teapot in the eyes of the [[Inquisition]], they ordered the [[Crimson Fists]] to exterminate the Chapter via orbital bombardment - [[grimdark|an act they carried out without any resistance on the part of the Marines Vigilant, and which would be go down in infamy among the Chapter as one of the most distasteful moments of the Fists' history.]] == Nova Legion == Formerly tasked with guarding the Maelstrom Zone alongside the Crimson Consuls, Marines Mordant and Vindicators. They were wiped out by the Alpha Legion, though we're not entirely sure how beyond it being done at the same time as the other three. One Devastator Marine survived due to being in a penance cell at the time, but the Alpha Legion soon found him and ensured he wouldn't be talking to anyone ever again. == Obsidian Glaives == {{main|Obsidian Glaives}} Chapter destroyed by the Red Waagh. Detailed in Sanctus Reach campaign. == Prototype Legionary == Prototypes of Space Marines and their Legion basis. Created with Lion El'Jonson's stable Gene-seed, most did not survive. == Sable Swords == {{main|Sable Swords}} Extinct by M41. Refounded to replace Astral Knights. == Shadow Wolves == {{main|Shadow Wolves}} Rendered extinct by the hand of the Tyranids; their Fortress-Monastery was overrun at some point, and the survivors were wiped out trying to link up with a [[Black Templars]] strike force under [[Grimaldus]] a few weeks later. They're also implied to be [[Traitor Legion Loyalists]] of some kind, with ADB himself confirming they were designed as loyalist [[Luna Wolves]]. == Silver Stars == [[Derp|Derped up and failed to recover enough of their fallen's]] [[Gene-seed|Progenoid Glands]], resulting in a slow death through attrition. == Sky Sentinels == Ate shit and died at [[Magnus the Red]]'s hands during the Thirteenth Black Crusade; the Thousand Sons completely overran their homeworld of Pranagar, taking all present Battle-Brothers of the Chapter (i.e.: all of them) with them. == Sons of Gideon == Another fine example of the Crimson Fists being [[Kharn|team-killing fucktards]] [[Red Hunters|at the Inquisition's behest]], though it was slightly more justified due to the majority of the Chapter turning Renegade. == Sons of Gorgax == Same as the Silver Stars- botched the recovery of their brethren's geneseed in the field and were slowly broken down by attrition. == Sons of the Raven == Wiped out at the hands of the [[Warp Ghosts]] during an ambush around the Hell-Forge of Sarum. Their ships were promptly [[Looted]] by the victorious Chaos forces, and their last Chapter Master is currently being worn as a meat-suit by one of the warband's captains. Based on the name, they were a rare [[Raven Guard]] successor. == Soul Drinkers == {{main|Soul Drinkers}} Declared extinct. After becoming disillusioned with the Imperium and turning renegade, they were finally brought to trial and ended up sacrificing themselves to fend off a daemon army that manifested during the trial and the sections of the Chapter that had fallen to Chaos, with only three loyalists including the Chapter Master and one traitorous ex-Chapter Master surviving the daemonic incursion/civil war wombo-combo. The three loyalist survivors exiled themselves into the Warp, dragging their heretic brother along for the ride. Have been refounded with Primaris Marines as part of the Ultima Founding. == Star Scorpions == Suffered a double whammy of their geneseed being unusually heavily mutated and being trapped in the [[Warp]] with a bunch of [[Daemons]]. [[The Pure|Suffice to say, the results were not pretty.]] == Tiger Claws == {{main|Tiger Claws}} Lost in the [[warp]], surviving members absorbed by their founders, the [[Astral Claws]], who later caused the [[Badab War]] and turned traitor as the [[Red Corsairs]] after escaping following the defeat. == Venerators == They got tricked into attacking an Imperial city right as [[Abaddon|Abbadabbadoo]] made a shitload of [[Khorne|blood sacrifices]], leaving them trapped in a room with thousands of pissed-off Bloodletters, Black Legionnaires, and [[Doombreed|one very, very angry Daemon Prince.]] Needless to say, they got raped. == Vindicators == Wiped out by the Alpha Legion along with the Crimson Consuls, Nova Legion, and Marines Mordant. Fucked if we know how, though. == Unnumbered Sons == {{main|Unnumbered Sons}} The initial reserve of [[Primaris Marines]] who weren't part of the first wave of the [[Ultima Founding]] that Guilliman took with him on the [[Indomitus Crusade]] and used to reinforce existing Chapters, refound Chapters or found new Chapters in the intermittent portion of the Ultima Founding along the way, before they were entirely reorganized into existing chapters or formed new or legacy chapters. Not technically extinct, but no longer exists as a functioning unit and was officially disbanded when their final core of veterans after the Battle of Raukos (which ended [[Retcon|the first phase of]] the Indomitus Crusade) were used for the last wave of the Ultima Founding and to reinforce the few Chapters that hadn't yet received reinforcements. == Warhawks == Same as the Venerators - they actually died alongside them, being part of the strike force that Doombreed ate during the Fifth Black Crusade. == Wolf Brothers == {{main|Wolf Brothers}} Succumbed to the instabilities of their gene-seed. Any survivors are now feral [[wulfen]] or renegades fighting among the [[Red Corsairs]] and possibly [[Skyrar's Dark Wolves]]. [[Category:Warhammer 40,000]] [[Category:Space Marines]]
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