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(56 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
Line 816: Line 816:
File:ThePaleWitchOfPasergard-part2.png | 795 - The Pale Witch of Pasergard (chapters 4 - 6) [[]]
File:ThePaleWitchOfPasergard-part2.png | 795 - The Pale Witch of Pasergard (chapters 4 - 6) [[]]
File:ThePaleWitchOfPasergard-part3.png | 796 - The Pale Witch of Pasergard (chapters 7 - 8) [[]]
File:ThePaleWitchOfPasergard-part3.png | 796 - The Pale Witch of Pasergard (chapters 7 - 8) [[]]
File:Hermit'sMagicalCave.png | 797 - The Magic of the Hermit's Cave
File:ThePaleWitchOfPasergard-part4.png | 797 - The Pale Witch of Pasergard (chapter 9) [[]]
File:Hermit'sMagicalCave.png | 798 - The Magic of the Hermit's Cave
File:Bristlehide'sEnd.png | 799 - Bristlehide's End
File:GhostlyTreasure.png | 800 - Ghostly Treasure
File:SavingSanta.png | 801 - Saving Santa
File:SeaTurtle.png | 802 - Sea Turtle [[]]
File:SkullOfMadness.png | 803 - Skull of Madness
File:PathToYandalai.png | 804 - The Path To Yandalai
File:TheDescent.png | 805 - The Descent
File:ChildrenOfTheStars.png | 806 - Children of the Stars
File:InTheShadows.png | 807 - In the Shadows
File:LonelyTower.png | 808 - Lonely Tower
File:CityOfTheAir.png | 809 - City of the Air
File:BladeOfAvalon.png | 810 - Blade of Avalon
File:MonstrousSiege.png | 811 - Monstrous Siege
File:MagicOfTheAncients.png | 812 - Magic of the Ancients
File:Engine181.png | 813 - Engine 181
File:OrcGirl.png | 814 - Orc Girl
File:IceBlue.png | 815 - Ice Blue
File:CarefreeSonAndWildsWife.png | 816 - Carefree Son and Wilds' Wife
File:InsectileDarkElf.png | 817 - Insectile Dark Elf
File:BritishSpaceEmpire.png | 818 - British Space Empire
File:MysteriousMonument.png | 819 - Mysterious Monument
File:CardCheat.png | 820 - Card Cheat
File:MaeliGodOfDeath.png | 821 - Maeli God of Death
File:ArmouredExplorers.png | 822 - Armoured Explorers
File:LichResearch.png | 823 - Lich Research
File:PirateOasis.png | 824 - Pirate Oasis
File:GhostlyPianist.png | 825 - Ghostly Pianist
File:StrangeEncounter.png | 826 - A Strange Encounter
File:LordOfIron.png | 827 - Lord Of Iron
File:PoisonedTomb.png | 828 - Poisoned Tomb
File:PhilippineFantasy.png | 829 - Philippines Fantasy
File:OnTheRun-Updated.png | 830 - On The Run
File:TheRedStagSong.png | 831 - The Red Stag Song
File:TheTragedyOfTheDrow.png | 832 - The Tragedy of the Drow
File:Aswang.png | 833 - The Aswang (see also: 829)
File:TheTreeMaidenAndTheBeekeeper.png | 834 - The Tree Maiden and the Beekeeper [[]]
File:RevenantProtector.png | 835 - Revenant Protector
File:SilverBullets.png | 836 - Silver Bullets
File:ApexPredator.png | 837 - Apex Predator
File:Post-ApocalypseMonk.png | 838 - Post-Apocalyptic Monk
File:BattleOfTheObsidianGate.png | 839 - The Battle of the Obsidian Gate
File:Water.png | 840 - Water
File:DarkMatron.png | 841 - Dark Matron
File:DinosaurSafariPark.png | 842 - Dinosaur Safari Park
File:NoProm.png | 843 - No Prom (see also non-picture section: 134, 137, 138, 143, etc, ect.)
File:GraubundenIncident.png | 844 - The Graubunden Incident
File:BerninaIncident.png | 845 - The Bernina Incident (another version of 844)
File:PirateHunters.png | 846 - Pirate Hunters
File:OathOfBlood.png | 847 - Oath of Blood
File:BodySnatchers.png | 848 - Body Snatchers
File:WarriorCaste.png | 849 - Warrior Caste
File:Bodyguard.png | 850 - Bodyguard
File:Kivinaisia-Chapter1.png | 851 - Kivinaisia, Chapter 1
File:BlackTentacles.png | 852 - Black Tentacles
File:LibertyPrimeDiscoversNanakochan.png | 853 - Liberty Prime Discovers Nanakochan
File:Mona'sGoodbye.png | 854 - Mona's Goodbye
File:RoadEnds.png | 855 - The Road Ends
File:Wizard'sTest.png | 856 - A Wizard's Test
File:TheHarbinger.png | 857 - The Harbinger
File:YoungWitch.png |  858 - A Young Witch
File:StormsRoar.png | 859 - Storm's Roar
File:AModestNecromancer.png | 860 - A Modest Necromancer
File:HisWatchNeverEnded.png | 861 - His Watch Never Ended
File:ImprisonedYuanTi.png | 862 - Imprisoned Yuan-ti
File:PigeonGirl.png | 863 - Pigeon Girl
File:KaravaThukanaChapterOne.png | 864 - Karava Thukana (Chapter 1)
File:SeaGoddessCurse.png | 865 - Curse of the Sea Goddess
File:TemulanTheMighty.png | 866 - Temulan The Mighty
File:FasterThanFast.png | 867 - Faster Than Fast
File:SorrowfulPanda.png | 868 - Sorrowful Panda
File:SacrificeForRain.png | 869 - Sacrifice for Rain
File:AceOfAces.png | 870 - Ace of Aces
File:AHomeAcrossTheSea.png | 871 - A Home Across The Sea
File:DamagedIdol.png | 872 - Damaged Idol
File:MoonMissionApocalypse.png | 873 - Moon Mission Apocalypse
File:Ch'ulPakal.png | 874 - Ch'ul Pakal
File:Snowfall.png | 875 - Snowfall
File:3rdLegion.png | 876 - 3rd Legion
File:Wizard'sCottage.png | 877 - The Wizard's Cottage
File:Oblation-Captive.png | 878 - Oblation & Captive
File:FateWeaver.png | 879 - Fate Weaver
File:QuestToSlayABeast.png | 880 - A Quest To Slay A Very Dangerous Beast
File:ElfHomecoming.png | 881 - Elf Homecoming
File:EngineersMission.png | 882 - Engineer's Mission
File:InTheDreamlands.png | 883 - In The Dreamlands
File:VampireVsWerewolf.png | 884 - Vampire Vs. Werewolf
File:ForestObelisk.png | 885 - Forest Obelisk
File:AlienMonolith.png | 886 - Alien Monolith
File:ARoomAMindAUniverse.png | 887 - A Room, A Mind, A Universe
File:ShapeshifterThrone.png | 888 - A Throne For A Travelling Shapeshifter
File:ImmortalityIsHell.png | 889 - Immortality Is Hell
File:LightningGod.png | 890 - Lightning God
File:BalloonFuneral.png | 891 - Balloon Funeral
File:CreationOfTheDragonborn.png | 892 - Creation of the Dragonborn
File:Anti-AlienResistance.png | 893 - Anti-Alien Resistance
File:HiddenWorldsOfNeoSedalia.png | 894 - Hidden Worlds of Neo Sedalia
File:GuardiansInvestigatingSirvank.png | 895 - Guardians Investigating Sirvank Village
File:Yearnrose.png | 896 - Yearnrose
File:PolishGun.png | 897 - Polish Gun
File:DuelOfWizards.png | 898 - Duel of Wizards
File:TheEqualizer.png | 899 - The Equalizer
File:ElfRescue.png | 900 - Elf Rescue
File:SchlossGrenzen.png | 901 - Schloss Grenzen [[]]
File:AHero'sDeath.png | 902 - A Hero's Death
File:ChineseMotorcycle.png | 903 - Cyberpunk Motorcycle Chase
File:UnderTheLightOfASilverMoon.png | 904 - Under the Light of a Silver Moon
File:MagicalSnowman.png | 905 - Magical Snowman [[]]
File:ChristianSamurai.png | 906 - Christian Samurai [[]]
File:Rainforest.png | 907 - Alien Rainforest
File:DealWithTheDevil.png | 908 - A Deal With A Devil
File:FutureShock.png | 909 - Future Shock
File:Contemplation.png | 910 - Contemplation
File:TheEnd.png | 911 - The End
File:Wolfhydra.png | 912 - Wolfhydra
File:AirshipPirates.png | 913 - Airship Pirates
File:IraeAndTheDawnstone.png | 914 - Irae and the Dawnstone
File:UnholyPriest.png | 915 - Unholy Priest
File:TrackingDownAnElf.png | 916 - Tracking Down an Elf
File:ThoroldTheSoleSurvivor.png | 917 - Thorold the Sole Survivor
File:GloryBe.png | 918 - Glory Be
File:FairySword.png | 919 - Fairy Sword
File:SnowHunt.png | 920 - Snow Hunt
File:UndergroundCyberneticsLab.png | 921 - Illegal Cybernetics Lab
File:DragonCreationStory.png | 922 - Dragon Creation Story
File:FairyMuse.png | 923 - Fairy Muse
File:HomeOfTheInfected.png | 924 - Home Of The Infected
File:RavenLawyer.png | 925 - Raven Lawyer
File:NecromancerAndAngel.png | 926 - The Necromancer and the Angel
File:MoonsOverCraxis.png | 927 - The Moons Over Craxis
File:AtFirstSight.png | 928 - At First Sight
File:BattleAftermath.png | 929 - Battle Aftermath
File:DefendingMotherRussia.png | 930 - Defending Mother Russia
File:KillTheGirlSaveTheWorld.png | 931 - Kill The Girl, Save The World
File:ConquestAndTheMiserKing.png | 932 - Conquest and the Miser King
File:KatarinaTheWitchHunter.png | 933 - Katarina The Witch Hunter
File:AllosaurPack.png | 934 - Allosaur Pack
File:GregoryAndTheHashNabauk.png | 935 - Gregory and the Hash Nabauk
File:ElectricitySpider.png | 936 - Electricity Spider
File:AlienCop.png | 937 - Alien Cop
File:DealWithADemonette.png | 938 - Deal With A Demonette
File:EmbersbendCastleV2.png | 939 - Embersbend Castle
File:HorrorOfTheSky.png | 940 - The Horror Of The Sky
File:KetrasBetrayal.png | 941 - Ketra's Betrayal
File:WarrenBattle.png | 942 - The Battle Of The Warrens
File:CursedFood.png | 943 - Cursed Food
File:UndergroundCity.png | 944 - Underground City
File:WhereDragonsComeFrom.png | 945 - Where Dragons Come From
File:SkeletonWarrior.png | 946 - Skeleton Warrior
File:LandOfTheGiants.png | 947 - Land Of The Giants
File:Entity'sJourney.png | 948 - Entity's Journey
File:MegacityChristians.png | 949  -  Megacity Christians
File:PostApocalypticPadre.png | 950  -  Postapocalyptic Padre
File:AbandonedCity.png |  951  -  Abandoned City
File:DeadIsland.png | 952  -  Dead Island
File:WerewolfDaemon.png | 953 - Werewolf Daemon
File:VoicesInTheRain.png | 954 - Voices In The Rain
File:MergirlMonster.png | 955 - Mergirl Monster
File:FamiliarTroll.png | 956 - Familiar Troll
File:CyborgWakingUp.png | 957 - Cyborg Waking Up
File:KjellesGift.png | 958  -  Kjelles Gift
File:TheJudicantAwakens.png | 959  -  The Judicant Awakens
File:1606565595824.jpg | --->
File:HunterWW1.pdf | 960 - Hunter
File:ForeverDeathless.png | 961 - Forever Deathless
File:1606755665627.jpg | --->
File:TheBasilisk.pdf | 962 - The Basilisk
File:ElfPriestessForestDragon.png | 963 - Elf Priestess Summons A Forest Dragon
File:FlowersForAGiantRobot.png | 964 - Flowers For A Giant Robot
File:NewGuy.png | 965 - New Guy
File:RusticGetaway.png | 966 - A Rustic Getaway
File:Kingmaker.pdf | 967 - Kingmaker
File:SirIfred'sHeart.png | 968 - Sir Ifred's Heart
File:ChristmasElves.png | 969 - Christmas Elves
File:UndeadTeacher.png | 970 - Undead Teacher
File:BabylonMotherOfHarlots.png | 971 - Babylon, Mother of Harlots
File:RoadToSapphireCity.png | 972 - The Road To Sapphire City
File:Boatman.png | 973 - The Boatman
File:SwordOfPreuss.png | 974 - The Sword Of Preuss
File:Anti-SlaverPirates.png | 975 - Anti-Slaver Pirates
File:AshesAndSand.png | 976 - Ashes and Sand
File:RebelDaemon.png | 977 - Rebel Daemon
File:TheEND.png | 978 - The E.N.D.
File:LulusStudies.pdf | 979 - Lulu's Studies
File:TheGreatReunionMountainHike.pdf | 980 - The Great Reunion Mountain Hike
File:BaudelaireInHell.png | 981 - Baudelaire In Hell
File:PrincessExecution.png | 982 - Princess Execution
File:WerewolfProtector.png | 983 - Werewolf Protector
File:FolieAPlusieurs.png | 984 - Folie A Plusieurs
File:ArtAssassin.png | 985 - Art Assassin
File:ModernRomance.png | 986 - Modern Romance
File:SandAtTheEndOfTheWorld.png | 987 - Sand At The End Of The World
File:PBandJ.png | 988 - PB&J
File:WhiteBalls.png | 989 - White Balls
File:PonyRides.png | 990 - Pony Rides
File:PowerBalls.png | 991 - Power Balls
File:TreeKnight.png | 992 - Tree Knight
File:BottledKnives.png | 993 - Bottled Knives
File:Goatman'sLair.png | 994 - Goatman's Lair
File:LiveAmmunition.png | 995 - Live Ammunition
File:AbandonedDoll.png | 996 - Abandoned Doll
File:HouseByTheSea.png | 997 - House By The Sea
File:EyesOfTheTitan.png | 998 - Eyes Of The Titan
File:ExplorerOfTheOldWorld.png | 999 - Explorer Archaeologist
File:OrcGreatness.png | 1000 - Orc Greatness
File:SonnetForADarkLady.png | 1001 - Sonnet For A Dark Lady
File:TheSnowman2-JudgementDay.pdf | 1002 - The Snowman 2: Judgement Day (see also: 905)
File:CyberpunkMarket.png | 1003 - Cyberpunk Market
File:NightBombardment.png | 1004 - Night Bombardment
File:SisterOfAndraste.png | 1005 - Sister Of Andraste
File:DangerousWoman.png | 1006 - A Dangerous Woman
File:DwarfChildrensBook.png | 1007 - Dwarven Children's Book
File:DangerousEden.png | 1008 - Dangerous Eden
File:SheWolf.png | 1009 - She Wolf
File:SnowHags.png | 1010 - Snow Hags
File:LifeMachine.png | 1011 - Life Machine
File:NoMoreCaptchas.png | 1012 - No More Captchas
File:PirateTreasure.png | 1013 - Pirate Treasure
File:WitchesShoppe.png | 1014 - Witches Shoppe
File:Fishmonger.pdf | 1015 - Fishmonger
File:JustMen.png | 1016 - Just Men
File:ForTheCause.png | 1017 - For The Cause
File:FacilityCompromised.png | 1018 - Facility Compromised
File:GunmaidsInvestigateAMurder.png | 1019 - Gun-Maids Investigate A Murder
File:SpaceGarbage.png | 1020 - Space Garbage
File:BrittlesInRuins.png | 1021 - Brittles In Ruins
File:Cosmonaut'sTomb.png | 1022 - Cosmonaut's Tomb
File:OldMechpilot.png | 1023 - Old Mech Pilot
File:Pulse.png | 1024 - Pulse
File:RoadToTakshapur.png | 1025 - The Road To Takshapur
File:LittleIshen.png | 1026 - Little Ishen
File:MusicallyGifted.png | 1027 - Musically Gifted

Line 891: Line 1,124:
File:Vignettes.png | Vignettes
File:Vignettes.png | Vignettes
File:ThreeStoriesAboutMonsterKids.png | Three Short Stories About Monster Kids
File:ThreeStoriesAboutMonsterKids.png | Three Short Stories About Monster Kids
File:ThreeShortPoems.png | Three Short Poems
File:DempseyCollection.png | A Collection From The Author Known As Dempsey

Line 1,039: Line 1,274:
File:ChaosChild.png | 140 - Chaos Child
File:ChaosChild.png | 140 - Chaos Child
File:ChildSoldiers.png | 141 - Child Soldiers
File:ChildSoldiers.png | 141 - Child Soldiers
File:LemanRussInCombat.png | 142 - Leman Russ Combat
File:EmperorsMercy.png | 143 - Emperor's Mercy
File:GoodReiksgrafVaclav.png | 144 - Good Reiksgraf Vaclav [[]]
File:WarbossMozgull.png | 145 - Warboss Mozgull
File:EmperorsAngels.png | 146 - Emperor's Angels
File:Angron'sNails.png | 147 - Angron's Nails
File:FemaleCommissar.png | 148 - Female Commissar
File:BrotherChaplainsSermon.png | 149 - Brother Chaplain's Sermon
File:Inspection.png | 150 - Inspection
File:SpaceHulkDiary.png | 151 - Diary Found In A Space Hulk
File:OswynAndSelene.png | 152 - Oswyn and Selene
File:Valkyria-WarhammerCrossover.png | 153 - Valkyria - Warhammer Crossover [[]]
File:Xenobane.png | 154 - Xenobane
File:ReturnOfXenobane.png | 155 - The Return Of Xenobane
File:TerrorOfXenobane.png | 156 - Terror Of Xenobane
File:FuryOfXenobane.png  | 157 - Fury Of Xenobane
File:RevengeOfXenobane.png | 158 - Revenge Of Xenobane
File:ReturnToGrace.png | 159 - Return To Grace [[]]
File:TheOne-EyedKings.png | 160 - The One-Eyed Kings
File:WarhammerHippos.png |  161  -  Hippo Gods
File:SpaceHulkDataConstruct.png| 162 - Space Hulk Data Construct
File:DiseaseInquisitor.png | 163 - Disease Inquisitor
File:Beastlord.png | 164 - Beastlord
File:NightLords.png | 165 - Nightlords
File:WoodAndIron.png | 166 - Wood and Iron
File:BlackShip.png | 167 - The Black Ship
File:KriegersCreed.png | 168 - Krieger's Creed

Line 1,056: Line 1,319:
File:ClanInvasion1.png | 1 - Clan Invasion (part 1)
File:ClanInvasion1.png | 1 - Clan Invasion (part 1)
File:ClanInvasion2.png | 2 - Clan Invasion (part 2)
File:ClanInvasion2.png | 2 - Clan Invasion (part 2)
SCP series related:
File:SCPSiteJComplaint.png | 1 - Site J Complaint Letter
World of Warcraft related:
File:Darkshore.png | 1 - Darkshore
Miscellaneous Established IPs
File:Simpsons.png | 1 - Bart's Future (Simpsons)

Line 1,167: Line 1,445:
File:ShamanDreams.png | 85 - Shaman Dreams
File:ShamanDreams.png | 85 - Shaman Dreams
File:TheLifeOfAttsi.png | 86 - The Life Of Attsi
File:TheLifeOfAttsi.png | 86 - The Life Of Attsi
File:TheLifeOfAttsi.png | 87 - The Life Of Attsi
File:JournalEntryThree.png | 88 - Journal Entry Three - The Bathhouse (see also: 80, 82)
File:JournalEntryThree.png | 88 - Journal Entry Three - The Bathhouse (see also: 80, 82)
File:StarCrossedLovers.png | 89 - Star Crossed Lovers
File:StarCrossedLovers.png | 89 - Star Crossed Lovers
Line 1,216: Line 1,495: | 135 - The Hill People [[]] | 135 - The Hill People [[]]
File:TheMountain.pdf | 136 - The Mountain [[]]
File:TheMountain.pdf | 136 - The Mountain [[]]
File:PhilosophersStone.png | 137 - Philosopher's Stone
File:PhilosophersStone.png | 137 - Philosopher's Stone (see also: 134)
File:HighschoolMage.png | 138 - Highschool Mage
File:HighschoolMage.png | 138 - Highschool Mage (see also: 134, 137)
File:Tested.png | 139 - Tested
File:Tested.png | 139 - Tested
File:GronkInOz.png | 140 - Gronk in Oz
File:GronkInOz.png | 140 - Gronk in Oz
File:SkirmishAtSmoletsya.png | 141 - Skirmish at Smoletsya
File:SkirmishAtSmoletsya.png | 141 - Skirmish at Smoletsya
File:AdriftInSpace.png | 142 - Adrift in Space
File:AdriftInSpace.png | 142 - Adrift in Space
File:DiscourseOnMagicalLaw.png | 143 - Discourse On Magical Ethics
File:DiscourseOnMagicalLaw.png | 143 - Discourse On Magical Ethics (see also: 134, 137, 138)
File:SkullFacedFae.png | 144 - Skull-Faced Fae
File:GarridoSonOfGarrido.png | 145 - Garrido, son of Garrido (chapter 1)
File:GarridoSonOfGarrido-part2.png | 146 - Garrido, son of Garrido (chapter 2)
File:Breakers.png | 147 - Breakers (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143)
File:CivilisedGoblin.png | 148 - Civilised Goblin
File:GarridoSonOfGarrido-part3.png | 149 - Garrido, son of Garrido (chapter 3)
File:BattleScars.png | 150 - Battle Scars
File:EverlastingRiches.png | 151 - Everlasting Riches
File:Skyfire.png | 152 - Skyfire
File:GhostTale.png | 153 - Ghost Tale [[]]
File:TheModernPrometheus.png | 154 - The Modern Prometheus
File:WendigoHunt.png | 155 - Wendigo
File:RitualsOfDeathAndLife.png | 156 - Rituals of Death and Life
File:AlienWorld.png  | 157 - Alien World
File:OFortuna.png | 158 - O Fortuna
File:Anklebiters.png | 159 - Anklebiters
File:ScornedWitch.png | 160 - Scorned Witch
File:MagicalMurder.png | 161 - Magical Murder
File:TransgenderCinderella.png | 162 - Transgender Cinderella
File:TalesOfGy'yhre.png | 163 - Tales of Gy'yhre
File:TrollhuntersApprentice.png | 164 - Troll Hunter's Apprentice
File:Helvita'sRun.pdf | 165 - Helvita's Run
File:Diabolists.png | 166 - The Diabolists (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147)
File:DonRonaldMcDonald.png | 167 - Don Ronald McDonald
File:Outcast.png | 168 - The Outcast (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166)
File:PromQueenGhostStory.png | 169 - Prom Queen Ghost Story
File:GarridoSonOfGarrido-part4.png | 170 - Garrido, son of Garrido (chapter 4)
File:AngusMcWurfSellsHisSoul.png | 171 - Angus McWurf Sells His Soul
File:AngelicRest.png | 172 - Angelic Rest
File:MoreDiabolists.png | 173 - More Diabolists (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168)
File:OneDayADuke.png | 174 - One Day A Duke
File:Akademy.png | 175 - Akademy (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173)
File:TheFalcon.png | 176 - The Falcon
File:OldFriends.png | 177 - Old Friends
File:DarkInvitation.png | 178 - Dark Invitation (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173, 175)
File:MemoryLoss.png | 179 - Memory Loss
File:UndeadTown.png | 180 - Undead Town
File:MelodysLaw.png | 181 - Melody's Law (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173, 175, 178)
File:BreakersMakeNoSense.png | 182 - Breakers Make No Sense (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173, 175, 178, 181)
File:TemplarBaseFalls.png | 183 - Templar Base Falls (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173, 175, 178, 181, 182)
File:TheNewCouple.png | 184 - The New Couple (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173, 175, 178, 181, 182, 183)
File:Aftermath.png | 185 - Aftermath (see also: 134, 137, 138, 143, 147, 166, 168, 173, 175, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184)
File:StewOfLostYouthAndLongpig.png | 186 - Stew of Lost Youth and Long Pig
File:TheHunterAndTheCorpse.png | 187 - The Hunter and the Corpse
File:TooLate.png | 188 - Too Late (see also: 184, 183, 182, etc, etc)
File:DemonicTreachery.png | 189 - Demonic Treachery
File:SantaClausIsDead.png | 190 - Santa Claus Is Dead (see also: 188, 184, 183, etc, etc)
File:NotYourProblem.png | 191 - Not Your Problem (see also: 190, 188, 184, etc, etc)
File:ForgingOfPeacebreaker.png | 192 - The Forging of Peacebreaker
File:HowlingDeathOfGrimnirTheWise.png | 193 - The Howling Death Of Grimnir the Wise
File:BreakersOrigin.png | 194 - The Breakers (see also: 192, 190, 188, etc, etc)
File:AngelOfDeath.png | 195 - Angel of Death
File:MementoMori.png | 196 - Momento Mori (see also: 195, 192, 190, etc, etc)
File:CommonwealthLaw.png | 197 - Commonwealth Law
File:PrinciplesVsPrincipal.png | 198 - Principle vs. Principal (see also: 198, 195, 192, etc, etc)
File:RecruitingAMonster.png | 199 - Recruiting A Monster
File:GoodMaidBadMistress.png | 200 - The Maid and Her Mistress
File:Rosebush.png | 201 - Rosebush
File:DragonHoard.png | 202 - Dragon Hoard [[]]
File:InformalGods.png | 203 - Informal Gods
File:WWJD.png | 204 - WWJD (see also: 200, 198, 195, etc, etc)
File:Downtime.png | 205 - Downtime (see also: 206, 200, 198, etc, etc)
File:SpaceWarfare.png | 206 - Space Warfare
File:BanditCyborg.png | 207 - Bandit Cyborg
File:Archivist.png | 208 - The Archivist
File:WeighingCosts.png | 209 - Weighing Costs (see also: 207, 206, 200, etc, etc)
File:BrainWormsAndOtherDelicacies.png | 210 - Brain Worms and Other Delicacies
File:GuidebookI.png | 211 - Guidebook I (see also: 212, 207, 206, etc, etc)
File:TheHorrorOfTheLight.png | 212 - The Horror Of The Light (see also: 215, 212, 207, etc, etc)
File:SnakeAnecdote.png | 213 - An Anecdote About Snakes
File:AHartstaccsCrush.png | 214 - A Hartstacc's Crush
File:$64000Question.png | 215 - The $64,000 Question (see also: 216, 215, 212, etc, etc)
File:ThePriceWePay.png | 216 - The Price We Pay (see also: 219, 216, 215, etc, etc)
File:Greenhouse.png | 217 - Greenhouse
File:HowAstridBecameAKnight.png | 218 - How Astrid Became a Knight
File:SevenTimesASurvivor.png | 219 - Seven Times a Survivor
File:AnyGivenDay.png | 220 - Any Given Day (see also: 220, 219, 216, etc, etc)
File:HuntingATalkingCow.png | 221 - Hunting A Talking Cow
File:AnyGivenDay-Part2.png | 222 - Any Given Day part 2 (see also: 224, 220, 219, etc, etc)
File:HeadlessWarrior.png | 223 - Headless Warrior
File:TailOfFelixLeChat.pdf | 224 - The Tail of Felix Le Chat
File:Strangelands.png | 225 - Strange Lands
File:GnollTravellers.png | 226 - Gnoll Travellers
File:AcrossTheSea-SpineBound.png | 227 - Across the Sea: The Spinebound
File:YouCantBeSerious.png | 228 - You Can't Be Serious
File:AcrossTheSea-DisasterOfTheAlabaster.png | 229 - Across the Sea: The Disaster of the Alabaster (see also 232)
File:AcrossTheSea-Husk.png | 230 - Across the Sea: The Husk (see also 234, 232)
File:AcrossTheSea-LivingShip.png | 231 - Across the Sea: Living Ship (see also 235, 234, 232)
File:IagoAndTheCircus.png | 232 - Iago and the Circus
File:LifeOfAThief.png | 233 - Life of a Thief
File:DreamsOfApocalypse.png | 234 - Dreams of Apocalypse
File:AnyGivenDay-Part3.png | 235 - Any Given Day part 3 (see also: 226, 224, 220, etc, etc)
File:TheDevilHisself.png | 236 - The Devil Hisself
File:Miscalculation.png | 237 - Miscalculation (see also: 243, 226, 224, etc, etc)
File:Tatterdemalion.png | 238 - Tatterdemalion
File:TestingTheRKUnitTrial8.png | 239 - Testing the RK Unit Trial 8
File:Gifts.png | 240 - Gifts
File:AVampireAWerewolfAndAWarlock.png | 241 - A Vampire, A Werewolf And A Warlock Walk Into A Bar
File:OfBerenAndLuthien.png | 242 - Of Beren And Luthien
File:TheEyesBeneath.png | 243 - The Eyes Beneath
File:DragonSkies.png | 244 - Dragon Skies
File:WarehouseRitual.png | 245 - Warehouse Ritual
File:BloodIsPower.png | 246 - Blood Is Power
File:BlackMage.png | 247 - Black Mage (by the same author, but not in the same series as 245, 243, 226, etc, etc)
File:Catatonia.png | 248 - Catatonia
File:EmancipatedDuel.png | 249 - Emancipated Duel
File:ArmiesOfTheDead.png | 250 - Armies of the Dead
File:AngelsWelcomeHere.png | 251 - Angels Welcome Here (see also: 245, 243, 226, etc, etc)
File:WhereTheSunDon'tShine.png | 252 - Where The Sun Don't Shine (by the same author, but not in the same series as 245, 243, 226, etc, etc)
File:AlvarosNightmare.png | 253 - Alvaro's Nightmare
File:Malifaux.png | 254 - A Malifaux Story
File:ExtendedShitpost.png | 255 - An Extended Shitpost
File:BelasGoblinStory.png | 256 - Bela's Goblin Story
File:TheWallsAreHungry.png | 257 - The Walls Are Hungry (by the same author, but not in the same series as 245, 243, 226, etc, etc)
File:SantiagoAndLem.png | 258 - Santiago And Lem
File:DarkestDay.png | 259 - Darkest Day
File:HollywoodWerewolves.png | 260 - Hollywood Werewolves
File:Heir.png | 275 - Heir (see also: 263, 245, 243, etc, etc)
File:TheDyingArtOfUndeath.png | 276 - The Dying Art of Undeath (see also: 275, 263, 245, etc, etc)
File:ABriefTruthOfNecromancy.png | 277 - A Brief Truth Of Necromancy (not by the same author, but a follow on from 276)
File:BasicsOfMagic.png | 278 - Basics Of Magic
File:SailingIntoTheWarpingSea.png | 279 - Sailing into the Warping Sea
File:The Seekers.png | 280 - The Seekers (see also: 276, 275, 263, etc, etc)
File:InvestigatingFrontierBattles.png | 281 - Investigating Frontier Battles
File:NerdFuneral.png | 282 - Nerd Funeral
File:RestStop.png | 283 - Rest Stop (see also: 270, and for more by the same author 275, 263, 245, etc, etc )
File:Sanctuary.png| 284  -  Sanctuary (see also: 280, 276, 275, etc, etc)
File:AlvarosMaster.png | 285  -  Alvaro's Master
File:Meat.png |  286  -  Meat
File:AngelicWitchHunter.png | 288 - Angelic Witch Hunter
File:BittersweetHope.png | 289 - Bittersweet Hope
File:DutyIsItsOwnReward.png | 290 - Duty Is It's Own Reward (see also: 284, 280, 276, etc, etc)
File:Scrying.png | 291 - Scrying
File:RIFTS-poem.png | 292 - Vibroknife: A RIFTS poem
File:TalkingOwl.png | 293 - Talking Owl
File:MillionTonGravelSale.png | 294 - A Million Tons Of Gravel
File:TheCrueltyOfVaresa.png | 295 - The Cruelty Of Varesa
File:CyberpunkMogadishu.png | 296 - Cyberpunk Mogadishu
File:KillTeam.png | 297 - Kill Team
File:Kindling.png | 298 - Kindling
File:WindAndBrine.png | 299 - Wind And Brine
File:WinterDisappearance.png | 300 - Female Santa Claus
File:K'halInTheArena.png | 301 - K'hal In The Arena
File:JadeColoredGlasses.png | 302 - Jade Colored Glasses (see also: 290, 284, 280, etc, etc)
File:TrailerParkVampire.png | 303 - Trailer Park Vampire
File:BladesInTheDarkHomo.png | 304 Love and Betrayal (set in Blades In The Dark)
File:SupremumLupus.png | 305 - Supremum Lupus
File:GarridosJustice.png | 306 - Garrido's Justice
File:CracksInTheArmor.png | 307 - Cracks in the Armor (from the same author but not in the same series as 290, 284, 280, etc, etc)
File:StepUpFromDad.png | 308 - Step (Up From) Dad (see also: 302, 290, 284, 280, etc, etc)
File:ObligationOfAleksandr.png | 309 - The Obligation of Aleksander
File:Cog.png | 310 - Cog
File:SorceressKiller.png | 311 - Sorceress Killer
File:DrengAndMargitesVsGorillaDemon.png | 312 - Dreng And Margites Vs A Gorilla Demon
File:NighttimeInTheSecondWorld.png | 313 - Nighttime In The Second World
File:StealingFromADragon.png | 314 - Stealing From A Dragon
File:SpaghettiSalesman.png | 315 - Spaghetti Salesman
File:FightAgainstLordDerrida.png | 316 - Fight Against Lord Derrida
File:NaniteAge.png | 317 - Nanite Age
File:DemonsAndDevils.png | 318 - Demons and Devils
File:WW1GermansWithDragons.pdf | 319 - Empire of Dragons
File:TrainStory.pdf | 320 - A Train Journey
File:PostcardsAndGuns.pdf | 321 - Postcards and Guns
File:OniHunters.pdf | 322 - Oni Hunters
File:DevilInDisguise.pdf | 323 - The Devil In Disguise
File:MutantWastelands.png | 324 - Hostage Rescue in the Mutant Wastelands
File:TerribleProphetess.png | 325 - Fearsome Prophetess
File:APartyToDieFor.png | 326 - A Party To Die For
File:Triblelord.png | 327 - Tribelord
File:TheHeartOfTheSword.pdf | 328 - The Heart Of The Sword
File:OccupationalHazard.png | 329 - Occupational Hazard (see also: 308, 302, 290, 284, etc, etc)
File:PriceVerseRules.png | 330 - Priceverse Rules (see also: 329, 308, 302, 290, etc, etc)
File:AnAwfulSymbiosis.png | 331 - An Awful Symbiosis (see also: 330, 329, 308, 302, etc, etc)
File:ShreddingMan.png | 332 - The Shredding Man
File:Terminus.png | 333 - Terminus
File:TrainHeist.png | 334 - Train Heist
File:BlackOoze.png | 335 - Black Ooze
File:ForestMother.png | 336 - Forest Mother
File:InMemoriam.png | 337 - In memory of anon's friend
File:TarotReading.png | 338 - Tarot Reading
File:SweetNLowsLovePoem.png | 339 - SweetnLow's Love Poem
File:MurderousElf.png | 340 - Deadly Elf
File:Paladin'sProof.png | 341 - Paladin's Proof, part 1 (from the same author but not in the same series as: 330, 329, 308, 302, etc, etc)
File:Paladin'sProofPart2.png | 342 - Paladin's Proof, part 2 (see also: 341)
File:AWarlock'sBargain.png | 343 - A Warlock's Bargain (from the same author but not in the same series as: 330, 329, 308, 302, etc, etc)
File:FieldOfConsciousness.png | 344 - Field Of Consciousness
File:TheTrialOfSerigoMavanus.png | 345 - The Trial of Sergio Mavanus (see also: 343)
File:EightKings.png | 346 - Eight Kings
File:PlanetLife.png | 347 - The Life Of A Planet
File:DeadlyBargain.png | 348 - A Deadly Bargain
File:HoneyBear.png | 349 - Honey Bear
File:Dynasty Warriors fanfic.jpg | Three Kingdoms
File:EternalLove.png | Eternal Love
File:AgathasKittens.png | Agatha's Kittens
File:Intervention.png | Intervention (see also: 331, 330, 329, 308, etc, etc)
File:RudolphTheReindeer.png | Rudolph The Reindeer

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File:BabylonianCreationMyth.png | Babylonian-esque Creation Myth [[]]
File:BabylonianCreationMyth.png | Babylonian-esque Creation Myth [[]]
File:BabylonianCreationMyth-part2.png | Babylonian-esque Creation Myth [[]]
File:BabylonianCreationMyth-part2.png | Babylonian-esque Creation Myth [[]]
File:BattleOfMtCranochburne.png | The Battle of Mount Cranouchburne
File:SeizureOfCordwine.png | The Seizure of Cordwine
File:GrettirTheGlibsDivineComedy.png | Grettir the Glib's Divine Comedy

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Latest revision as of 03:59, 23 June 2023

What are Storythreads?[edit | edit source]

A dedicated thread where writefags can come and create stories, thus saving other, innocent, /tg/ threads from being burdened with things like creativity and imagination. Many writefag threads could technically be described as Storythreads, but this page is for threads whose sole purpose is to provide a platform for writefags, rather than threads which are dedicated to /tg/ topics like Warhammer, MTG, etc, and happen to produce writefaggotry in the process.

What goes on in Storythreads?[edit | edit source]

Sometimes the OP will set a topic - which can be just about anything - thus inviting others to both read his writefaggotry, and contribute their own. However, the most common incarnation of Storythreads on /tg/ are the more freestyle Post A Picture, Write A Story threads.

Why are Storythreads important, and what do they have to do with /tg/?[edit | edit source]

If you ever want to be an even half-decent DM/GM, you need to be able to write good stories, and create good settings to put them in. Hell, if you even want to play traditional games it generally helps to have some understanding of how to create decent characters and narratives. Even where Storythreads do not appear to involve direct /tg/-related material, it's all good creative exercise for when your players de-rail you so thoroughly that you have to create an entirely new campaign in the space of one bathroom break.

Post A Picture, Write A Story[edit | edit source]

The name is self explanatory - people post pics, and then writefags come along a write about what they think is going on in the pic. Some anons suspect that this is part of a secret NSA psy-ops program to administer a variant of the Rorschach Ink-Blot Test to large segments of the online community. There are two flaws with this theory:

1) The vast majority of anons are too lazy to write anything, and

2) I create a lot of those threads and if I'm working for the NSA, I am being grossly underpaid.

These follow no particular theme and are in no particular order:

A lot of pics only get a few lines written about them. Many of them are still well worth reading, but are too short to stand on their own. Instead of creating individual images for every single one, it's easier to store them in collages.

Some stories fit into more traditionally /tg/ themes:

Warhammer related:

Star Wars related:

Battletech/Mechwarrior related:

SCP series related:

World of Warcraft related:

Miscellaneous Established IPs


Other Story Formats[edit | edit source]

Not every Storythread has the Post A Picture Write A Story format. Some try to innovate, experimenting with presenting their work in new ways, like this set

Most are in the traditional form: simple text. A few run a series are on a single theme, while others have no theme at all and are simply stories. First, the miscellaneous:

The Epics of Grettir The Glib

The following gallery contains the first thirteen chapters of an unfinished fantasy novel written by a German anon and translated by me, Chronicler. It concerns a young woman searching for her best friend, who in the process acquires a dangerous power and is catapulted out of the world she knows. The title in the original German is 'Herz aus Licht und Schatten', and the original text can be found on (and it may well have more chapters by the time you read this). In English, the title is:

Heart of Light and Shadow

This next gallery contains the work of a writefag who temporarily named himself Storytimer, for the duration of the thread. He had come across a thread on the Paradox Interactive forums, where someone, some years ago, had written a series that purported to be a chronicle of the events of the alternate timeline from the Resistance game series (see - Resistance: Fall of Man, and its sequels. Although if you are unfamiliar with the games then I strongly suggest that you don't read up on it until after you've read this, because spoilers). Storytimer found the work unfinished, and decided that he would expand, improve, and complete it himself.

Sadly, although Storytimer made a valiant effort, it was just too big a task and the series remains unfinished to this day. However, what we have is well worth reading in and of itself, and it furthermore inspired a few other anons to make their own contributions. So at the end of the day, good times were had by all and we got a few good stories.

(Numbered pics, 1 through 14, are Storytimer's series, while 'extra' pics are the contributions of other anons)

The Chimera Series