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On this page is stored the stats from the Emperor's Nightmare homebrew codex. This will be updated over time, so watch this space.
'''Since 6th Edition hit we've been tidying the codex up, trying to bring the wording in line with the new standard. If you see a wording error we missed, feel free to bring it up to speed.'''

[[File:Primus Right.jpg|200px|thumb|left|A Battlegroup Primus tactical squad]]
'''This is a second draft, there are still errors here and there (like A2 tactical marines). If you find a bug let us know about it in the discussion thread. Some units have points costs that are tagged with "not final value". These units need special attention for testing.'''
[[File:Primus Right.jpg|200px|thumb|right|A Battlegroup Primus tactical squad]]

=Unique Wargear, Special Rules and Psychic Powers=
=Unique Wargear, Special Rules and Psychic Powers=
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'''Secundus Darkfire Rounds''' - Special Ammunition, any enemy hit by a weapon with Darkfire Rounds counts as visible for the purposes of Night Fight.
'''Secundus Darkfire Rounds''' - Special Ammunition, any enemy hit by a weapon with Darkfire Rounds counts as visible for the purposes of Night Fight.

'''Secundus Hellfire Rounds''' - Models armed with hellfire rounds may fire them using a sniper rifle instead of a boltgun.
'''Secundus Hellfire Rounds''' - Models armed with hellfire rounds may fire them using a sniper rifle instead of a boltgun. This uses the rifles maximum range of 36".

'''Darkfire Flare Rifle''' - 24" range, S4, AP-, Assault 1. Darkfire Rounds. If the target is hit by the Flare Rifle, the rest of the wielder's squad can reroll any misses when shooting at the same target in that phase.
'''Darkfire Flare Rifle''' - 24" range, S4, AP-, Assault 1. Darkfire Rounds. If the target is hit by the Flare Rifle, the rest of the wielder's squad can reroll any misses when shooting at the same target in that phase.

'''Narthecium Glaive''' - Power Weapon. Can be wielded in 2 hands to give +1S. Alternatively, can be used to make 1 poisoned (2+) attack which does not ignore armour. If the enemy takes an unsaved wound from this special attack, they must pass a strength test or suffer Instant Death as the industrial-strength tranquilizers send them into a coma.
'''Narthecium Glaive''' - Melee weapon. S+1, AP3, Requires two hands. Alternatively, can be used to make 1 poisoned (2+) attack at AP-. If an enemy takes an unsaved wound from this special attack, they must pass a strength test. If this is failed the target suffers instant death as the massive injection of industrial-strength tranquilizers send them into a coma and paralyze all bodily functions.
'''Tactical Dreadnought Armour''' - Among most chapters terminator armour is used to deploy whole squads of marines as unstoppable shock troops. The Nightmares do not have the numbers for these usual tactics and instead spread the suits evenly among the chapter instead of concentrating them in the veteran 1st company. Consequently the terminators deployed by Primus Battlegroup are a more adaptable breed. Independent characters wearing terminator armour receive the Among Equals special rule. When withdrawing from combat terminators may elect to retreat towards other terminators, so long as there is a clear path.
'''Signs of the Sleepless''' - +1A, +1I, -1Ld. The character with Signs of the Sleepless must take a Leadership test at the start of each of the controlling player's turns. If failed at any point the unit succumbs to psychosis for the rest of the game, and any to hit rolls of 1 for shooting or close combat will hit his own unit or the nearest friendly unit within range.

'''Signs of the Sleepless''' - +1A, +1I, -1Ld. The character with Signs of the Sleepless must take a Leadership test at the start of each of the controlling player's turns. If failed at any point the unit succumbs to psychosis for the rest of the game, and any to hit rolls of 1 for shooting or close combat will hit his own unit or the nearest friendly unit within range. If the bearer is in combat and there is no one in contact, the hits simply miss.
'''Prophetic Dreams''' - After both sides have set up roll a dice for each non-vehicle enemy unit on the table. On the roll of 1, the character has been forewarned of the unit in his dreams and gains Preferred Enemy against it for the rest of the game.

'''Prophetic Dreams''' - After both sides have set up roll a dice for each enemy non-vehicle unit on the table. On the roll of a 1, the character has been forewarned of the unit in his dreams and gains Preferred Enemy against it for the rest of the game.
'''Dreamcatcher''' - Once per game, a character with a Dreamcatcher may add or subtract 1 from his Leadership. This ability may be used at any time and lasts until the end of the player turn.

'''Dreamcatcher''' - Once per game, the character with a Dreamcatcher may add or subtract 1 from his Leadership. This lasts until the end of the player turn.
'''Redundant Systems''' - Counts as Extra Armour and Power of the Machine Spirit. Redundant Systems can only shoot ordnance weapons in direct fire mode and their range is halved if the vehicle has moved.

'''Redundant Systems''' - Counts as Extra armour and Power of the Machine Spirit
'''MI Shoulder Mount''' - Based on the same mind impulse sensor technology that allows a crippled marine to pilot a dreadnought. Shoulder mounts were originally designed to attach ranged weaponry onto Icelus dreadnoughts while keeping the hands of the walker free for melee combat. Their use has since spread to the rest of the chapter's dreadnoughts. Although historical examples exist, mass deployment of dreadnought shoulder weapons is a unique trait of the Emperor's Nightmare chapter. Shoulder mounted weapons have a 90 degree arc of fire fixed on the right shoulder of the walker. If a dreadnought possesses a CCW with an integrated storm bolter, it may be moved to a shoulder mount for free and retained if the CCW is destroyed or exchanged for another weapon.

==Psychic Powers==
==Unique Psychic Powers==

'''Living Nightmares''' - The Librarian reaches into the minds of his foes, seeding horrid waking dreams into their consciousness which leave them disoriented at best. Pick an enemy unit within 18" and roll a D6 and consult the table below.
'''Living Nightmares''' - The Librarian reaches into the minds of his foes, seeding horrid waking dreams into their consciousness which leave them disoriented at best. Pick an enemy unit within 18" and roll a D6 and consult the table below.

:1 - ''You take me for a fool!?'' - The foes see through the hallucinations. Your opponent may move the target 2D6" in any direction, and that unit may not be affected by Living Nightmares for the rest of the game
:1 - ''You take me for a fool!?'' - The foes see through the hallucinations. Your opponent may move the target 2D6" in any direction, and that unit may not be affected by Living Nightmares for the rest of the game
:2 - ''Irritation'' - The foes are distracted by the dancing images. The target is at -1I and will only move and assault 5" in the ensuing turn.
:2 - ''Irritation'' - The foes are distracted by the dancing images. The target is at -1I and will move and charge 1 inch less than they otherwise would.
:3 - ''Confusion'' - The victims are baffled and frightened by what he sees. He must pass a Ld test at -1 each time he wishes to move, shoot, use a psychic power, or assault in the next turn.
:3 - ''Confusion'' - The victims are baffled and frightened by what he sees. He must pass a Ld test at -1 each time he wishes to move, shoot, use a psychic power, or assault in the next turn. If this is failed the action is not taken.
:4 - ''Panicked response'' - The victims believe these wicked phantasms to be real, and fire wildly at them until their ammunition is spent. The enemy is now low on ammunition, and unless they spend a full turn reloading all their weapons (Not moving, shooting or assaulting) they fire one less shot than they should (To a minimum of zero) and they lose their +1A for having a pistol and close combat weapon in assault.
:4 - ''Panicked response'' - The victims believe these wicked phantasms to be real, and fire wildly at them until their ammunition is spent. The enemy is now low on ammunition, and unless they spend a full turn reloading all their weapons (Not moving, shooting or assaulting) they fire one less shot than they should (To a minimum of zero) and they lose their +1A for having a pistol and close combat weapon in assault.
:5 - ''Horror''- The victims are badly shaken by their visions. They are at -1 to their WS, BS and Ld for the next turn.
:5 - ''Horror''- The victims are badly shaken by their visions. They are at -1 to their WS, BS and Ld for the next turn.
:6 - ''Despair'' - Their minds ravaged by the intensity of their horrific waking dreams, the enemies flee wildly, clawing at themselves and shrieking. The target must immediately fall back, and take 2D6 hits with a strength equal to the unit's majority strength.
:6 - ''Despair'' - Their minds ravaged by the intensity of their horrific waking nightmares. The enemies flee wildly, clawing at themselves and attacking hallucinations and each other. The target must immediately fall back, and takes 2D6 hits of a strength equal to the unit's majority strength.

'''The Blackest Night''' - The Librarian swathes the battlefield in inpenetrable gloom, enabling his fellows to advance unseen. This power grants 1 friendly unit within 24" a 5+ cover save. If they are already in cover, it simply adds +1 to the save given.
'''The Blackest Night''' - The Librarian swathes the battlefield in impenetrable gloom, enabling his fellows to advance unseen. This power grants 1 friendly unit within 24" a 5+ cover save. If they are already in cover, it simply adds +1 to the save given.

==Special Rules==
==Special Rules==

'''Sleep Beckons:''' Although the chapter's Dreadnoughts are supported by interfaces which prevent their chassis becoming non-functional when the Sleep takes them, these technologies are complex and a touch crude. At the beginning of the game, after deployment but before the first turn, roll a dice for each non-Icelus Dreadnought in your army. On the roll of a 1, sleep threatens to take the afflicted dreadnought. From the 2nd turn onwards do a leadership test for each afflicted dreadnought with a penalty equal to the turn number -1. If this is failed the dreadnought falls asleep, its WS and BS are reduced by -2. If there is another Dreadnought or a Techmarine on the field this penalty reduced to -1.
'''Sleep Beckons:''' Although the chapter's Dreadnoughts are supported by interfaces which prevent their chassis from becoming non-functional when the sleep takes them, these technologies are complex and a touch crude. At the beginning of the game, after deployment but before the first turn, roll a die for each non-Icelus dreadnought in your army. On the roll of a 1, sleep threatens to take the afflicted Dreadnought. From the second turn onwards, take a Leadership test for each afflicted Dreadnought, with a penalty equal to the turn number minus one; Dreadnoughts without a leadership score count as LD10 for the purposes of this roll. If this is failed. the Dreadnought falls asleep; its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are each reduced by two, to a minimum of 1. If there is another non-afflicted Dreadnought or a Techmarine on the field, Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are each reduced by only one, by a minimum of 1.
'''Redundant Crew:''' Because of the danger that a vehicle's crew will fall asleep at any moment. The crew of Nightmare fighting vehicles include an extra member when possible. Each crew member is extensively cross-trained to allow them to take over in the event that another marine is incapacitated.  

'''Among Equals:''' The scarcity and priceless nature of the chapter's terminator armour has forced the Nightmares to be adaptive when deploying them. Terminator squads often stand together or split apart at a moments notice to fit the situation on the battlefield. If they stand within range for unit coherency. Models wearing terminator armour may be considered a single squad for the purpose of movement and resolving combat. At the start of any phase you may combine characters and squads as you see fit, or negate this rule at any time BEFORE dice are thrown.
If a vehicle is shaken or stunned at the start of your shooting phase, roll a dice. On a roll of 4+ all shaken effects are ignored and the vehicle may shoot normally. On a roll of 1 this ability is lost because one of the crew has fallen asleep. Crew Stunned results can be negated on a 6+. A roll less than six has no effect, even if the tank has extra armour.

'''Among Equals:''' The rarity and priceless nature of the chapter's terminator armour has forced the Nightmares to be flexible when deploying them. Because of this scarcity, Terminator combat squads are sized at 3 instead of 5. They often stand together or split apart at a moment's notice to fit the situation on the battlefield. Each and every terminator is a leader in his own right and will command or follow his brothers without hesitation.
Any number of models or squads wearing terminator armour may join together into a single unit, as though each model bore the independent character rule. Once attached to a squad these models may not leave it if the total number of models in the unit would drop below 3.
You may join OR split models once at the beginning of the movement, shooting and assault phase. Any action you take must respect unit coherency rules at all times.
=Special HQ Characters=

==Isidore Demeter==
==Isidore Demeter==
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:''An army that includes Isidore Demeter may take Assault Squads as Troop choices.
:''An army that includes Isidore Demeter may take Assault Squads as Troop choices.

:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W4 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W4 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chapter Master (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Artificer Armour, The Sabres of Reality, Jump Pack, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo
:'''Wargear''': Artificer Armour, The Sabers of Reality, Jump Pack, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo

:'''The Sabres of Reality''':This ornate pair of swords was the last work of Sleepless Master of the Forge Zefirino Timeus. The blade is etched with thousands and thousands of names, which are rumoured to be the names and ranks of every member of the Imperium Timeus ever fought alongside.
:'''The Sabres of Reality''': This ornate pair of power swords is the final creation of Sleepless Master of the Forge Zefirino Timeus. The blades are etched with thousands upon thousands of names, which are rumoured to be the name and rank of every member of the Imperium Timeus has ever fought alongside.

:Master-crafted power weapons. Attacks made by the Sabres of Reality are made at S6.
:Two special power weapons. S6 AP3, Master Crafted.

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Chapter Tactics
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Chapter Tactics

:'''Chapter Tactics''':In you include Isidore Demeter then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Furious Charge universal special rule. If more than one character in your army has the Chapter Tactics special rule, you must choose which version will apply.
:'''Chapter Tactics''':In you include Isidore Demeter then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Furious Charge universal special rule. If your army includes both Adjutants, you may choose which version will apply.

==Eloyes Galen==
==Eloyes Galen==
Adjunant Secundus, The Keeper of the Dusk
Adjutant Secundus, The Keeper of the Dusk
:''An army that includes Eloyes Galen may take units of Secundus Nightkin as Troop choices''
:''An army that includes Eloyes Galen may take units of Secundus Nightkin as Troop choices''

:WS5 BS6 S4 T4 W4 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
:WS5 BS6 S4 T4 W4 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chapter Master (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Artificer Armour, Twilight's Herald, Power Weapon, Hunter-killer Missile, Camo Cloak, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo, 3 Servo Skulls.
:'''Wargear''': Artificer Armour, Twilight's Herald, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Hunter-killer Missile, Camo Cloak, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo, 3 Servo Skulls.

:'''Twilight's Herald''': Eloyes' main weapon is a heavily customised Sniper Rifle which fires bolts filled with Darkfire solution. Such is his skill that he can fire the fine weapon with alarming speed.
:'''Twilight's Herald''': Eloyes' main weapon is a heavily customised Sniper Rifle which fires bolts filled with Darkfire solution. Such is his skill that he can fire the fine weapon with alarming speed.
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:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Infiltrate, Independent Character, Chapter Tactics
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Infiltrate, Independent Character, Chapter Tactics

:'''Chapter Tactics''':In you include Eloyes Galen then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Scout universal special rule. If more than one than one character in your army has the Chapter Tactics special rule, you must choose which version will apply.
:'''Chapter Tactics''':In you include Eloyes Galen then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Scout universal special rule. If your army includes both Adjutants, you may choose which version will apply.
==Terminator Honour Guard==
Protectors of the Wake
:''The chapter Honour Guard may be deployed if your army is led by either Lord Adjutant. This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.''
:Chapter Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A3 Ld10 Sv2+
:Honour Guard:    WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chapter Champion, 2 Honour Guards
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Power Sword (Company Champion), Power Fist (Honour Guard)
*May include up to 2 additional Honour Guards - +40pts/model
*One Honour Guard may choose one of the following options:
:-replace his storm bolter with a heavy flamer - +5pts
:-replace his storm bolter with an assault cannon - +30pts
:-take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
*Any model may replace their power fist with a chainfist: +5pts/model
*Any model may replace their power fist and storm bolter with:
:-A Pair of Lightning Claws - Free
:-Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - +10pts
*The Chapter Champion may take digital weapons - +10pts
*One Honour Guard may carry the chapter banner - +25pts
:'''Dedicated Transports''': The Honour Guard may select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
:'''Special Rules''': Among Equals, Honour or Death (Chapter Champion only), And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics

The forty-sixth Terminator.
The forty-sixth Terminator.

:WS7, BS5, S5, T4, W4, I8, A4, Ld2, Sv2+
:WS7, BS5, S5, T4, W4, I8, A4, Ld2, Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Living Nightmare (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''':Infantry
:'''Unit Type''':Infantry

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:'''The Ancient Dreamless''': Thureos has gone without sleep for so long, evaded capture for so long, that his thoughts and actions have truly become one. He suffers no penalties from wearing Terminator Armour, and he strikes in initiative order with his chainfist.
:'''The Ancient Dreamless''': Thureos has gone without sleep for so long, evaded capture for so long, that his thoughts and actions have truly become one. He suffers no penalties from wearing Terminator Armour, and he strikes in initiative order with his chainfist.

:'''Terrifying Presence''': Thureos is a uniquely terrifying figure, his hulking Terminator Armour seeming to barely weigh him down as he hacks his way through the battlefield. Any unit within 6" of Thureos is at -1Ld. This penalty is increased to -2 if he is in base contact.
:'''Terrifying Presence''': Thureos is a uniquely terrifying figure, his hulking Terminator Armour seeming to barely weigh him down as he hacks his way through the battlefield. Any unit within 6" of Thureos has -1Ld. This penalty is increased to -2 if he is in base contact.

:'''Loyal to No One''': Although Thureos has perfect recollection of his time in the Emperor's Nightmare, his lunacy has distorted his vision to the point where he sees them as enemies of the Emperor. If Thureos is fighting in the same combat as other Emperor's Nightmares, Thureos can choose to direct attacks upon them. For each wound caused he gains an extra 2 attacks he may use immediately. However, the Nightmares are well aware of the danger this madman causes, and any Emperor's Nightmare unit within 12" has to pass a Leadership Test at -1 or lose their nerve and open fire on him. Sleepless do not need to test, nor can Thureos attack Sleepless in this manner.
:'''Loyal to No One''': Although Thureos has perfect recollection of his time in the Emperor's Nightmare, his lunacy has distorted his vision to the point where he sees them as enemies of the Emperor. If Thureos is fighting in the same combat as other Emperor's Nightmares, Thureos can choose to direct attacks upon them. For each wound caused he gains an extra 2 attacks he may use immediately. However, the Nightmares are well aware of the danger this madman poses. At the start of the shooting phase, any Emperor's Nightmare unit within 12" of Thureos must pass a Leadership Test at -1 or lose their nerve and open fire on him. Sleepless do not need to test, nor can Thureos attack Sleepless in this manner.

==Captain Taheton Hector==
==Taheton Hector==
Captain Primus, The Red Dawn
2nd Company Captain, The Red Dawn

:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv2+
:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Captain (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Hypnos and Thanatos, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Jump Pack.
:'''Wargear''': Hypnos and Thanatos, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Jump Pack.

:'''Special Rules''': Strike Hard Strike Fast, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independant Character
:'''Special Rules''': Strike Hard Strike Fast, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character

:'''Hypnos and Thanatos''': These lovingly constructed lightning claws were part of a slew of gifts from the Adeptus Mechanicus as thanks for the Nightmare's handing over of the Icelus Pattern blueprints. On the back of each of the weapons is a symbol of the Mechanicus, each a compact teleport homer which relays details of the battle, as well as Hector's own vital signs, to his chapter.
:'''Hypnos and Thanatos''': These lovingly constructed lightning claws were part of a slew of gifts from the Adeptus Mechanicus as thanks for the Nightmare's handing over of the Icelus Pattern blueprints. On the back of each claw is a symbol of the Mechanicus, each a compact teleport homer which relays details of the battle, as well as Hector's own vital signs, to his chapter.

:Master-crafted Lightning claws. Hector counts as being equipped with a Teleport Homer, and if a unit deep strikes via drop pod and lands within 6" of him they may fire their weapons twice in the ensuing shooting phase. In addition, should Hector be removed as a casualty in combat, a retaliatory S10 AP1 Large Blast orbital bombardment will be centred on his last position. The blast scatters D6", if a hit is rolled the direction will be determined by the arrow on the hit sign.
:Two Master-crafted lightning claws. Hector counts as being equipped with a teleport homer. In addition if a unit deep strikes via drop pod and lands within 6" of him they may fire their weapons twice in the ensuing shooting phase. If Hector is removed as a casualty in combat, a retaliatory S10 AP1 Large Blast orbital bombardment will be centered on his last position. The blast must scatter D6", if a hit is rolled the direction will be determined by the arrow on the hit sign.

:'''Strike Hard Strike Fast''': Hector specialises in launching a single overwhelmng killing strike to the enemy's vitals, and the forces under his command are well-briefed and in full knowledge of their exact role. Once per game, the controlling player may choose to reroll any reserve roll he makes for that turn.
:'''Strike Hard Strike Fast''': Hector specializes in launching a single overwhelming strike to the enemy's vitals, and the forces under his command are well-briefed and in full knowledge of their exact role. Once per game, the controlling player may choose to reroll any reserve roll he makes for that turn.

==Captain Leander Nyseos==
==Leander Nyseos==
Captain Secundus, Lord of the Dusk
6th Company Captain, Claw of the Dusk

:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Captain (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Iron Halo, Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Astartes Sniper Rifle, Frag and Krak Grenades
:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Iron Halo, Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Astartes Sniper Rifle, Frag and Krak Grenades

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independant Character.
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, From the Shadows, No Place for Maniacs, Claw of the Dusk.

:'''Lord of the Dusk''': Nyseos, like all Captains of Battlegroup Secundus, is adept in crafting stunning works of Ambush in a surprisingly little time. If Captain Nyseos is in your army, all units exchange the Combat Tactics rule with the Infiltrate Universal Special Rule.
:'''From the Shadows''': Above all, the resource valued most by Battlegroup Secundus is surprise. Any squad joined by Captain Nyseos count their weapons as Pinning if the Night Fighting rules are in effect or they attack from more than 12" away.

:'''From the Shadows''': Any squad joined by Captain Nyseus count their weapons as Pinning if they are more than 12" from the target.
:'''Claw of the Dusk''': Captain Nyseos is an expert at directing his forces into spectacular ambushes, day or night. If Nyseos is in your army, any unit may exchange the Combat Tactics special rule with the Infiltrate universal special rule.

:'''No Place for Maniacs''': Captain Nyseos would not have his plans ruined by the berserker Sleepless. Any army which includes Nyseos cannot also include Sleepless or Waking Dead Dreadnoughts.
:'''No Place for Maniacs''': Captain Nyseos would not have his plans ruined by the berserking Sleepless. Any army led by Nyseos cannot include Sleepless or Waking Dead Dreadnoughts.

==Supreme Dreamwalker Theodore Dymas==
==Supreme Dreamwalker Theodore Dymas==
Chief Librarian, The Fist of the Dreaming
Chief Librarian, The Fist of the Dreaming
:WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Head Librarian (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Sword of Aurelia, Plasma pistol, Psychic Hood, Frag and krak grenades
:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Sword of Aurelia, Plasma pistol, Psychic Hood, Frag and krak grenades

:'''Sword of Aurelia''': According to the records this intricate force sword was a gift from the Blood Ravens chapter in an effort to ease tensions between the two chapters. The Blood Ravens have no record of this transaction. The complex circuitry on the hilt allows Dymas to control his power beyond his already-impressive limits.
:'''Sword of Aurelia''': According to the records this intricate force sword was a gift from the Blood Ravens chapter in an effort to ease tensions between the two chapters. The Blood Ravens have no record of this transaction. The complex circuitry inlaid into the hilt and blade allow Theodore to control his power beyond his already-impressive limits.

:Master-crafted Force Weapon. Theodore Dymas may cast 3 psychic powers per turn. Once per game he may give up one of these powers in order to make the save of himself and his unit Invulnerable until the Controlling player's next turn.
:S-, AP3, Master Crafted, Force. Theodore Dymas may cast 3 psychic powers per turn. Once per game he may give up one of these powers in order to make the armour or cover save of him and any squad he joins Invulnerable. This effect lasts until the controlling player's next turn.

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Master Psyker, Prophet of Slumber
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, The Fist of the Dreaming, Prophet of Slumber

:'''Master Psyker''': Theodore Dymas knows all the psychic powers available to Emperor's Nightmare Librarians
:'''The Fist of the Dreaming''': Theodore Dymas knows all of the psychic powers available to Emperor's Nightmare librarians.
:'''Prophet of Slumber''': Almost every moment of rest for Dymas is a vivid vision of the future and the past, shattered and shifting as it may be. It does not allow him to properly predict the future, but he is able to "remember" pivotal events a second or so before they happen. Dymas has the Preferred Enemy special rule against all enemies, and confers this upon any squad he joins. Furthermore if he is removed as a casualty in close combat, he will have taken the liberty of priming a parting gift for what should best him: A pair of krak grenades, which confer 2D3 S6 AP2 hits upon the model who took his last wound.

:'''Prophet of Slumber''': Almost every moment of rest for Dymas is a vivid vision, shattered and shifting as it may be. It does not allow him to properly see into the future, but he is able to "remember" the immediate future a second or so before it happens. Dymas has Preferred Enemy against all enemies, and confers this upon his squad.
==Honoured Brother Tibalt==
The Everseer

:Furthermore if he is removed as a casualty in close combat, he will have taken the liberty of priming a parting gift for what should best him: A pair of krak grenades, which confer 2D3 S6 AP2 hits upon the model who took his last wound.
:WS6 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I3 A3
==Brother Tibalt==
:'''Composition''': 1 Librarian Dreadnought (Unique)
August Dreamwalker in Iron, The Everseer
:WS6 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I3 A4
:'''Composition''': 1 Dreadnought (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)

:'''Wargear''': Dreadnaught close combat weapon, Force Weapon, Smoke Launchers, Extra Armour, Psychic Hood, Ironclad Assault Launchers
:'''Wargear''': Dreadnought close combat weapon with integrated storm bolter, Force Weapon, Smoke Launchers, Extra Armour, Psychic Hood, Ironclad Assault Launchers

*Replace Dreadnaught close combat weapon with:
*Replace Dreadnought close combat weapon with:
:-Assault Cannon - Free
:-Assault Cannon - 5pts
:-Plasma Cannon - 10pts
:-Plasma Cannon - 5pts
:-Twin-linked Lascannon - +30pts
:-Twin-linked Lascannon - +15pts

:'''Psychic Powers''': Brother Tibalt may select 2 of the Psychic Powers normally allowed to an August Dreamwalker in Iron.
:'''Psychic Powers''': Brother Tibalt may select 2 of the Psychic Powers normally allowed to an August Dreamwalker in Iron.
:'''Dedicated Transports''': May select a Drop Pod.

:'''Special Rules''': Everseeing, Psychic Pilot, Fire of Ages, Ancient Authority, Venerable,
:'''Special Rules''': Everseeing, Psychic Pilot, Fire of Ages, Ancient Authority, Venerable,

:'''Everseeing''' - Tibalt does not see the world like his fellows, instead bathing his senses in the nebulous world of dreams, where he sees things not by their formidable appearance but by the strength of their souls. Tibalt never has to roll for sight for night fighting, and anything which would obscure his vision (Dark Eldar Night Shields, the Stealth USR) is ignored. In addition, he has Preferred Enemy when striking Independant Characters or Monstrous Creatures. However, because of the unreliability of this vision the controlling player must roll a D6 at the beginning of each of their turns. On the roll of a 1 he cannot move or shoot, does not attack and will be hit automatically in Close Combat.
:'''Everseeing''' - Tibalt does not see the world like his fellows. Bathing his senses in the nebulous world of lucid dreams, he views things not by their material appearance but by the strength of their souls. Tibalt never has to roll for sight for night fighting, and anything which would obscure his vision (Dark Eldar Night Shields, the Stealth USR) is ignored. In addition, he has the Preferred Enemy rule when striking independent characters or monstrous creatures. However, because of the unreliability of this vision the controlling player must roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn. On the roll of a 1 he cannot move or shoot and will be hit automatically in close combat. He may not assault under these conditions, but will still defend himself if attacked.

:'''Ancient Authority''': Though he no longer commands troops in person, Tibalt has always had a knack for leadership and his very presence steels the hearts of his fellows. In the enemy opponent's phase, choose a friendly unit within 12". That unit has the Counter Attack special rule and count as being equipped with Defensive Grenades.
:'''Ancient Authority''': Though he no longer commands troops in person, Tibalt has always had a knack for leadership and his very presence steels the hearts of his fellows. During the enemy opponent's assault phase you may designate a friendly unit within 12" of Tibalt. That unit gains the Counter Attack special rule and count as being equipped with Defensive Grenades for a single assault phase.

==Chief Apothecary Eidelan==
==Chief Apothecary Eidelan==
Shepherd of the Dreamless
Shepherd of the Dreamless

:WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 (Unique)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Narthecium Glaive, Bolt Pistol, Narthecium, Frag & Krak Grenades
:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Narthecium Glaive, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independant Character.
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character.

:'''Shephard of the Dreamless''': Eidelan has spent more time tending to the Sleepless than perhaps he should, for he finds them a fascinating and terrifying picture of what they all might become. Thus he has worked out ways of curtailing their wrath. At the beginning of the Movement phase, if Eidelan is part of a Sleepless unit he may try to use a powerful mix of depressants in his Narthecium to reduce their psychosis by taking a leadership test. If failed, this is no effect. If passed the Sleepless lose their Rage for the rest of that turn, but must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test to represent the mind-clogging effects of that powerful a concoction
:'''Shepherd of the Dreamless''': Eidelan has spent more time tending to the Sleepless than perhaps he should, for he finds them a fascinating and terrifying picture of what they all might become. Thus he has worked out ways of harnessing their wrath. If Eidelan joins a unit of sleepless, this unit gains +1A on every round of combat after the first, provided they originally charged into the combat.

:'''Terror Tactics''': Eidelan knows well how best to form the Sleepless under his command into a howling wall of terror which renders the enemy insensible with fear. When charging into combat with a unit of Sleepless, the charged unit suffers a -2Ld penalty, as though charged by a scout unit out of a Land Speeder Storm.
:'''Terror Tactics''': Eidelan knows well how best to form the Sleepless under his command into a howling wall of terror which renders the enemy insensible with fear. When charging into combat with a unit of Sleepless, the charged unit suffers a -2Ld penalty.
==Terminator Honour Guard==
Protectors of the Wake
:''The chapter Honour Guard may be deployed if your army is led by either Lord Adjutant. This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.''
:Chapter Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A3 Ld10 Sv2+
:Honour Guard:........WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chapter Champion, 2 Honour Guards
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Power Sword (Company Champion), Power Fist (Honour Guard)
*May include up to 2 additional Honour Guards - +40pts/model
*One Honour Guard may choose one of the following options:
:-replace his storm bolter with a heavy flamer - +5pts
:-replace his storm bolter with an assault cannon - +30pts
:-take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
*Any model may replace their power fist with a chainfist: +5pts/model
*Any model may replace their power fist and storm bolter with:
:-A pair of lightning claws - Free
:-A thunder hammer and storm shield - +10pts
*The Chapter Champion may take digital weapons - +10pts
*One Honour Guard may carry the chapter banner - +25pts
:'''Dedicated Transports''': May select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
:'''Special Rules''': Among Equals, Honour or Death (Chapter Champion only), And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

==Emperor's Nightmare Captain==  
==Emperor's Nightmare Captain==  

100 Points
:100 Points
:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Captain
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Captain
:'''Unit Type: Infantry'''
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Iron halo.
:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Iron halo.
Line 260: Line 276:
:-lightning claw - +10pts
:-lightning claw - +10pts
:-thunder hammer - +20pts
:-thunder hammer - +20pts
:-heavy flamer - +5pts
:-assault cannon - +30pts
*Replace Terminator armour's power sword with:
*Replace Terminator armour's power sword with:
:-Lightning claw - +10pts
:-Lightning claw - +10pts
:-Power fist or storm shield - +10pts
:-Power fist or storm shield - +10pts
:-Thunder hammer or chainfist - +15pts
:-Thunder hammer or chainfist - +15pts
*Take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
*If Terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
*If Terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
:-Secundus upgrade (Gains Stealth, Darkfire Rounds, Infiltrate, Sniper Rifle becomes Heavy 2 Ap3) - +25pts
:-Secundus upgrade (Gains Stealth, Darkfire Rounds, Infiltrate, Sniper Rifle becomes Heavy 2 Ap3) - +25pts
Line 271: Line 290:
:''Mounted Assault: If your army includes a Captain on Space Marine bike, Space Marine bike squads of at least five models may be taken as Troops choices.''
:''Mounted Assault: If your army includes a Captain on Space Marine bike, Space Marine bike squads of at least five models may be taken as Troops choices.''

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independant Character
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character

==Command Squad==
==Company Command Squad==

''You may take one Command Squad for every Space Marine Captain in your army (Including Captain Hector and Captain Nyseos). This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.''
''You may take one Command Squad for every Space Marine Captain in your army (Including Captain Hector and Captain Nyseos). This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.''

:Company Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Company Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Apothecary:       WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Apothecary:..............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Veteran:         WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Veteran:...................WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Veterans, 1 Apothecary
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Veterans, 1 Apothecary
:'''Unit Type: Infantry'''
:'''Unit Type: Infantry'''
Line 286: Line 305:
:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Chainsword, Frag and krak grenades, Boltgun or bolt pistol, The Apothecary also has a narthecium.
:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Chainsword, Frag and krak grenades, Boltgun or bolt pistol, The Apothecary also has a narthecium.

:'''Unit Options''':
*One Veteran may carry the Company Standard - +15pts
*One Veteran may carry the Company Standard - +15pts
*One Veteran may be upgraded to a Company Champion with a power weapon and combat shield - +15pts
*One Veteran may be upgraded to a Company Champion with a power weapon and combat shield - +15pts
*The entire squad may ride Space Marine bikes - +90pts
*The entire squad may ride Space Marine bikes - +90pts
*If the accompanying Captain is Captain Nyseos or has the Secundus upgrade, the squad may come with Darkfire Rounds, Cluster Mines and 2 Demolition Charges - +20pts
*If the accompanying Captain is Captain Nyseos or has the Secundus upgrade, the squad may come with Darkfire Rounds, Cluster Mines and 2 Demolition Charges - +20pts
*'''Model Options''':
*Any Veteran may replace his chainsword and/or bolt pistol with:
*Any Veteran may replace his chainsword and/or bolt pistol with:
:-a storm bolter - +3pts
:-a storm bolter - +3pts
Line 312: Line 329:
==Emperor's Nightmare Librarian==
==Emperor's Nightmare Librarian==

:WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+

Line 322: Line 339:
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker

:'''Psychic Powers''': A Librarian has any of the two of the following powers:
:'''Psychic Powers''': A Librarian has any two of the following powers:

:Smite, Force Dome, Living Nightmares, Quickening, Null Zone, The Avenger, Might of the Ancients, The Gaze of Infinity, Vortex of Doom. If he has the Secundus Upgrade he must take The Blackest Night.
:Smite, Force Dome, Living Nightmares, Quickening, Null Zone, The Avenger, Might of the Ancients, The Gaze of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, The Blackest Night.

:'''Options''': Upgrade to a Dreamwalker (Epistolary) - +50pts
:'''Options''': Upgrade to a Dreamwalker (Epistolary) - +50pts
Line 331: Line 348:
:-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +15pts
:-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +15pts
:-a plasmapistol - +15pts
:-a plasmapistol - +15pts
*May have one of the following:
*May replace power armour, boltgun, frag and krak grenades for terminator armour and:
:-no additional weapon - +25pts
:-a storm bolter - +30pts
:-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +35pts
:-a storm shield - +40pts
*If terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
:-Jump pack - +25pts
:-Jump pack - +25pts
:-Space Marine bike - +35pts
:-Space Marine bike - +35pts
Line 338: Line 360:
==August Dreamwalker in Iron==
==August Dreamwalker in Iron==

:WS6 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I4 A2(3)
:WS6 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I4 A2(3)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Librarian Dreadnought
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)

Line 347: Line 369:
*Replace Dreadnaught close combat weapon with:
*Replace Dreadnaught close combat weapon with:
:-Assault Cannon - Free
:-Assault Cannon - 10pts
:-Plasma Cannon - 10pts
:-Plasma Cannon - 10pts
:-Twin-linked Lascannon - +30pts
:-Twin-linked Lascannon - +30pts

:'''Dedicated Transport''': Can select a Drop Pod
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May select a Drop Pod

:'''Psychic Powers''': An August Dreamwalker in Iron has any 2 of the following psychic powers:
:'''Psychic Powers''': An August Dreamwalker in Iron has any 2 of the following psychic powers:
Line 363: Line 385:
==Emperor's Nightmare Chaplain==
==Emperor's Nightmare Chaplain==

:WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chaplain
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chaplain
Line 380: Line 402:
*Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
*Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
*Take Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
*Take Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
*May have one of the following:
*May replace power armour, boltgun, frag and krak grenades for terminator armour and:
:-Jump pack - +15pts
:-a storm bolter - +30pts
:-Space Marine Bike - +35pts
:-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +35pts
*If terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
:-Jump pack - +25pts
:-Space Marine bike - +35pts
:'''Special Rules''': Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Differing ideals, Liturgies of Battle, Honour of the Chapter
:'''Special Rules''': Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Differing ideals, Liturgies of Battle, Honour of the Chapter

:'''Differing ideals''': A Chaplain can never join a unit with the Secundus Upgrade.
:'''Differing ideals''': A Chaplain can never join a unit with the Secundus Upgrade.
==Terminator Command Squad==
:''A single Command Squad may be deployed in terminator armour if your army is led by a Captain, Librarian, or Chaplain wearing terminator armour This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.''
:Company Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
:Veteran:...................WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Company Champion, 2 Veterans
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Power Sword (Company Champion), Power Fist (Veterans)
*May include up to 2 additional Veterans - +40pts/model
*One Veteran may carry the Company Standard - +15pts
*One Veteran may choose one of the following options:
:-replace his storm bolter with a heavy flamer - +5pts
:-replace his storm bolter with an assault cannon - +30pts
:-take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
*Any model may replace their power fist with a chainfist: +5pts/model
*Any model may replace their power fist and storm bolter with:
:-A pair of lightning claws - Free
:-A thunder hammer and storm shield - +10pts
:'''Dedicated Transports''': The Command Squad may select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
:'''Special Rules''': Among Equals, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

==Master of the Forge==  
==Master of the Forge==  

''Lord of the Armoury: If you include a Master of the Forge in your army, Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts and Ironclad Dreadnoughts may be taken as Heavy Support choices as well as elites Choices, and 1 Icelus Pattern Dreadnought may be taken as a Troops choice.''
''Lord of the Armoury: If you include a Master of the Forge in your army, Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts and Ironclad Dreadnoughts may be taken as Heavy Support choices as well as Elites choices, and 1 Icelus Pattern Dreadnought may be taken as a Troops choice.''

:WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
:WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Master of the Forge
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Master of the Forge
Line 409: Line 461:
*Take Melta Bombs - +5pts
*Take Melta Bombs - +5pts
*Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
*Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
*Take Phophetic Blueprints - +20pts
*Take Prophetic Blueprints - +20pts
*Take either:
*Take either:
:-a power sword - +15pts
:-a power sword - +15pts
:-a thunder hammer - +30pts
:-a thunder hammer - +30pts

:'''Dedicated Transports''': If accompanied by a retinue of servitors, may select a Rhino or Razorback

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent character, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defences, Structural Knowledge
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent character, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses, Structural Knowledge

:'''Prophetic Blueprints''' - Like a lot of the Chapter, a Master of the Forge may be visited by nebulous visions of the future. However, even in dreams these scions of the omnissiah are far more mechanically and practically minded than their fellows, and retain a lot of knowledge on the weaknesses of enemy armour. At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each enemy vehicle in the game, just as you would for Prophetic Dreams. On the roll of a 1 the Master of the Forge and any unit he is with have Tank Hunter against this vehicle, and the Master of the Forge counts his weapons as Master Crafted against it.
:'''Prophetic Blueprints''' - Like a lot of the Chapter, a Master of the Forge may be visited by nebulous visions of the future. However, even in dreams these scions of the Omnissiah are far more mechanically and practically minded than their fellows, and retain a lot of knowledge on the weaknesses of enemy armour. At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each enemy vehicle in the game, just as you would for Prophetic Dreams. On the roll of a 1 the Master of the Forge and any unit he is with have Tank Hunter against this vehicle, and the Master of the Forge counts his weapons as Master Crafted against it.

:'''Structural Knowledge''': The Emperor's Nightmare Master of the Forge knows Dreadnoughts and their likenesses better than anybody outside the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Master of the Forge always hits walkers on a 4+ unless he would hit them on less. This includes planting grenades.
:'''Structural Knowledge''': The Emperor's Nightmare Master of the Forge knows Dreadnoughts and their likenesses better than anybody outside the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Master of the Forge always hits walkers on a 4+ unless he would hit them on less. This includes planting grenades.
Line 428: Line 481:
:Terminator Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
:Terminator Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
:Terminator:         WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
:Terminator:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Terminator Sergeant, 2 Terminators
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Terminator Sergeant, 2 Terminators
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
Line 445: Line 498:
:-Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - +10pts
:-Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - +10pts

:'''Dedicated Transports''': The Terminator squad may select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
:'''Dedicated Transports''': May select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.

:'''Special Rules''': Among Equals, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics
:'''Special Rules''': Among Equals, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

==Night Owl Bulwark team==
==Night Owl Bulwark team==

:Night Owl Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Night Owl Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Night Owl:               WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Night Owl:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Night Owl Sergeant, 4 Night Owls
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Night Owl Sergeant, 4 Night Owls
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
Line 460: Line 513:

*May include up to five additional Night Owls - +25pts/mdoel
*May include up to five additional Night Owls - +25pts/model
*The Night Owl Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol and/or his boltgun with:
*The Night Owl Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol and/or his boltgun with:
:-a chainsword - free
:-a chainsword - free
Line 479: Line 532:

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics
==Secundus Nightkin==
:WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld9 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Nightkin
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Sniper Rifle, Bolt Pistol, Darkfire Rounds, Camo Cloak, Frag and Krak grenades
*May include up to 5 additional Nightkin - 20pts/model
*Any Nightkin can replace their Sniper Rifles with Combat Knifes - Free
**For every 5 Nightkin in the unit, one may replace their Sniper Rifle with:
:-Darkfire Flare Rifle - +5pts
:-Flamer - +5pts
:-Missile Launcher - +15pts
:-Meltagun - +15pts
:-Plasma Gun - +15pts
:-Power Sword - +15pts
*2 Nightkin may take a Demolitions Charge - +15pts each
*For every 5 Nightkin in the unit, one may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol - +15pts
*Any Nightkin can take:
:-Hellfire Rounds - +10pts/model
:-Melta Bombs - +5pts/model
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Stealth, Infiltrate, Combat Tactics, Combat Squads, Versatile
:'''Versatile''': The Nightkin are the cream of Battlegroup Secundus, trained to take on any circumstance. At the beginning of the turn, the controlling player may choose one of the following stances. The benefits of the stance last until the start of the controlling player's next turn.
*''May my aim be true'': Slow and Purposeful
*''None shall pass'': Defensive Grenades
*''Let nothing stand before us'': Move Through Cover
*''A prime vantage point'': Immediately go to ground, may still fire at BS3


:WS4 BS4 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A2
:WS4 BS4 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A2
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
Line 497: Line 585:
:-plasma cannon or assault cannon - +10pts
:-plasma cannon or assault cannon - +10pts
:-twin-linked lascannon - +30pts
:-twin-linked lascannon - +30pts
*Replace Dreadnought close combat weapon with twin-linked autocannon or missile launcher - +10pts
*Replace Dreadnought close combat weapon with twin-linked autocannon or twin-linked missile launcher - +10pts
*Take extra armour - +15pts
*Take extra armour - +15pts
*Upgrade to Venerable - +60pts
*Upgrade to Venerable - +60pts

Venerable Dreadnoughts gain +1WS and BS, the Venerable Special Rule, and may choose one of the Specialisations below:
Venerable Dreadnoughts gain +1WS and BS, the Venerable Special Rule, and may choose one of the Specializations below:

:Primus: Redundant Systems, Fleet
:Primus: Gain Redundant Systems, Fleet
:Secundus: Shoulder-mounted Darkfire Flare Rifle, +6" range to all weapons
:Secundus: Gain a shoulder-mounted Darkfire Flare Rifle, Stealth
:Night Owl: Tank Hunter/1 weapon becomes twin-linked/1 weapon becomes master crafted, choose after deployment.
:Night Owl: Gain Tank Hunter, weapon ranges increased by 6"
:Apothecary: Mechadendrite-mounted Narthecium Glaive
:Apothecary: CCW replaced with a Manipulator Arm.

:'''Dedicated Transport''': May select a Drop Pod
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May select a Drop Pod
Line 512: Line 600:
==Ironclad Dreadnought==
==Ironclad Dreadnought==

:WS4 BS4 S6 F13 S13 R10 I4 A2
:WS4 BS4 S6 F13 S13 R10 I4 A2(3)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Ironclad Dreadnought
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Ironclad Dreadnought
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)
Line 528: Line 616:
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May select a Drop Pod
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May select a Drop Pod

:'''Special Rules''': Move through cover
:'''Special Rules''': Move Through Cover

==Waking Dead Dreadnought==
==Waking Dead Dreadnought==

:WS5 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I4 A3(4)
:WS5 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I4 A3(4)
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
Line 549: Line 637:

''If you include a Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army, Dreadnoughts, Ironclad Dreadnoughts and Waking Dead Dreadnoughts may be taken as Heavy Support choices as well as Elites choices.''
:WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv2+
:Techmarine:...........WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld9...Sv2+
:Master of the Forge:WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Techmarine
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Techmarine
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Artificer armour, Servo-arm, Boltgun or bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades
:'''Wargear''': Artificer armour, Servo-arm, Boltgun or bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades

:'''Options''': Upgrade servo-arm to a servo-harness - +25pts
*One Techmarine in your army may be upgraded to a Master of the Forge - +30pts
*A Master of the Forge may replace his servo-arm and boltgun with a conversion beamer - +45pts
*Upgrade servo-arm to a servo-harness - +25pts
*Replace boltgun with:
*Replace boltgun with:
:-a storm bolter - +3pts
:-a storm bolter - +3pts
:-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +10pts
:-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +10pts
:-a plasma pistol - +15pts
:-a flamer: +5pts
*Take either:
:-a meltagun: +10pts
:-a plasma gun - +15pts
*Replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol - +15pts
*Take one of the following:
:-a close combat weapon - +5pts
:-a power weapon - +15pts
:-a power weapon - +15pts
:-a thunder hammer - +30pts
:-a thunder hammer - +30pts
*May take:
*May take:
:-Prophetic Blueprints - +20pts
:-Meltabombs +5pts
:-Dreamcatcher - +10pts
:-Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
:-Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
:-Dreamcatcher - +10pts
:-Structural Knowledge - +15pts
:-Prophetic Schematics - +20pts
:'''Dedicated Transports''': If accompanied by a retinue of servitors, may select a Rhino or Razorback
:'''Special Rules''': Icelus Assault, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses
:'''Icelus Assault''': A mass deployment of Icelus dreadnoughts will always be accompanied by many techmarines. Both to support walkers in the field and maintain their stealth systems before combat. For every Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army, you may take one Icelus Dreadnought as a Troops choice and one as an Elite choice.
:'''Prophetic Schematics''': Like many in the Chapter, a Techmarine may be visited by nebulous visions of the future. However, even in dreams these scions of the Omnissiah are far more analytical than their fellows. Upon waking some techmarines retain knowledge on the weaknesses of enemy armour. At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each enemy vehicle in the game, just as you would for Prophetic Dreams. On the roll of a 1 the Techmarine and any squad he joins will gain the Tank Hunter rule against this vehicle. The Techmarine counts his weapons as Master Crafted when attacking such targets.

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defences
:'''Structural Knowledge:''': The Emperor's Nightmare Techmarines know Dreadnoughts and their contemporaries better than anybody outside the Adeptus Mechanicus. A Techmarine will always hit walkers on a 4+ unless he would hit them on less. This includes planting grenades.

==Servitor Retinue==

:''You may include one unit of Servitors for every Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army.''
:''You may include one unit of Servitors for every Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army. This unit does not count against your Elite allowance.''
:WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Sv4+
:WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Sv4+
Line 582: Line 690:

*May include up to four additional Servitors - +15pts/model
*May include up to four additional Servitors - +10pts/model
*Up to two Servitors may replace their servo-arm with:
*Up to two Servitors may replace their servo-arm with:
:-a heavy bolter - +20pts
:-a heavy bolter - +15pts
:-multi-melta or plasma cannon
:-a multi-melta or plasma cannon - +25pts

:'''Special Rules''': Mindlock
:'''Special Rules''': Mindlock
==Secundus Nightkin==
:WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld9 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Nightkin
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Sniper Rifle, Bolt Pistol, Darkfire Rounds, Camo Cloak, Frag and Krak grenades
*May include up to 5 additional Nightkin - 20pts/model
*Any Nightkin can replace their Sniper Rifles with Combat Knifes - Free
*2 Nightkin may replace their Sniper Rifles with:
:-Darkfire Flare Rifle - +5pts
:-Flamer - +5pts
:-Missile Launcher - +10pts
:-Meltagun - +10pts
:-Plasma Gun - +10pts
:-Power Sword - +15pts
*2 Nightkin may take a Demolitions Charge - +15pts each
*For every 5 Nightkin in the unit, one may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol - +15pts
*Any Nightkin can take:
:-Hellfire Rounds - +10pts/model
:-Melta Bombs - +5pts/model
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Stealth, Infiltrate, Combat Tactics, Combat Squads, Versatile
:'''Versatile''': The Nightkin are the cream of Battlegroup Secundus, and are trained to take on any circumstance. At the beginning of the turn, the controlling player may choose one of the following stances: The benefits of the stance last until the start of the controlling player's next turn.
*May my aim be true: Slow and Purposeful
*Bulwark of Righteousness: Defensive Grenades
*Let nothing stand before us - Move Through Cover
*A prime vantage point: Immediately go to ground, may still fire at BS3

Line 627: Line 701:
==Tactical Squad==
==Tactical Squad==

:Space Marine Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine:               WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Space Marines, 1 Space Marine Sergeant
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Space Marines, 1 Space Marine Sergeant
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
Line 653: Line 727:
:-a power fist: +25pts
:-a power fist: +25pts
*The Space Marine Sergeant may take:
*The Space Marine Sergeant may take:
:-melta bombss: +5pts
:-melta bombs: +5pts
:-teleport homer: +15pts
:-teleport homer: +15pts
:-dreamcatcher - +10pts
:-dreamcatcher - +10pts
Line 663: Line 737:
==Scout Squad==
==Scout Squad==

:Scout Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv4+
:Scout Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv4+
:Scout: WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv4+
:Scout:.............. WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv4+
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Scouts, 1 Scout Sergeant
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Scouts, 1 Scout Sergeant
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
Line 695: Line 770:
==The Sleepless==  
==The Sleepless==  
:60 Points
:80 Points
:Sleepless:             WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld7 Sv3+
:Sleepless: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld7 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 3 Sleepless
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Sleepless
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Frag and Krak grenades
:'''Wargear''': Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Frag and Krak grenades

:'''Options''': Add up to seventeen Sleepless: +20 Points/model
:'''Options''': Add up to twenty seven Sleepless: +16 Points/model
*Any Sleepless can replace their bolt pistol and/or chainsword for:
*Any Sleepless can replace their chainsword with:
:-A Power Weapon: 15 Points/model
:-A Power Weapon: 10 Points/model
:-A Power Fist: 25 Points/model
:-A Power Fist: 20 Points/model
:-A Thunder Hammer: +30 Points/model
:-A Thunder Hammer: 25 Points/model
*For every five models in the squad, one Sleepless can replace his bolt pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 Points/model
*For every five models in the squad, one Sleepless can replace his bolt pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 Points/model
*The entire squad can have Jump Packs: +15pts/model
*The entire squad can have Jump Packs: +15pts/model

:'''Dedicated Transport''': If the squad does not have Jump Packs, it can select any dedicated transport.
:'''Dedicated Transport''': If the squad does not have Jump Packs, it may select a Rhino or Drop Pod as a dedicated transport.

:'''Special Rules''': Rage, Fearless, Furious Charge
:'''Special Rules''': Rage, Fearless, Furious Charge

:'''Faltering Reality''': The Sleepless are so crazed that they can barely distinguish friend from foe. If there is no Independant Character within the unit it must take an Ld test each movement phase. If this is failed the squad must move as fast as they can towards the nearest unit (Friend or Foe), fire at it (Even if after the movement phase there is a closer unit) and, if possible, assault this unit. If the unit is friendly it attacks back as usual, but do not fight in the enemy's turn and if the Sleepless pass their test the next turn, combat immediately ceases. If a double 6 is ever rolled for this leadership test, the Sleepless go absolutely beserk. Every unit (Friend or Foe, excluding other Sleepless) within 2D6'' takes 2D6 S5 hits. Vehicles are hit on their side armour. After this, remove the unit from play.
:'''Faltering Reality''': The Sleepless are so crazed that they can barely distinguish friend from foe. If there is no Independent Character within the unit it must take an Ld test at the start of each movement phase. If this is failed the squad must move at full normal speed towards the nearest unit (Friend or Foe), fire at it (Even if after the movement phase there is a closer unit) and, if possible, assault this unit. If the unit is friendly it attacks back as usual, but neither unit attacks during the enemy's turn and if the Sleepless pass their test at the beginning of the next turn combat immediately ceases, with both units reconsolidating 2d6 inches. If a double 6 is ever rolled for this leadership test the Sleepless go berserk, self-destructing in a whirlwind of indiscriminate violence. Every unit (Friend or Foe, excluding other Sleepless) within 2D6 inches takes 2D6 S5 hits. Vehicles are hit on their side armour. After these attacks are resolved, remove the Sleepless unit from play.

[[Category:Emperor's Nightmare]]
[[Category:Emperor's Nightmare]]
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==Phobetor  Dreadnought==
==Phobetor  Dreadnought==
:100pt (not final value)
:''A single Phobetor Dreadnought may be fielded for every 5 Sleepless in your force, to a maximum of 2.''
:''A single Phobetor Dreadnought may be fielded for every 5 Sleepless in your force, to a maximum of 2.''
:WS4 BS4 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A2  
:WS4 BS4 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A2  
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Dreadnought
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle(Walker)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)

:'''Wargear''': 2 Dreadnought Manipulator Arms with integrated Narthecium Glaives. 1 Shoulder Mounted Storm Bolter.
:'''Wargear''': 2 Dreadnought Manipulator Arms with integrated Narthecium Glaives. 1 Shoulder Mounted Storm Bolter.

:'''Dedicated Transport''': The Phobetor Dreadnought may select a Drop Pod
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May select a Drop Pod

:'''Special Rules''': Apothecary in Iron, Hands of Healing, Only in Death, The Nightmare Ends, They Deserved Better!.
:'''Special Rules''': Apothecary in Iron, Hands That Heal Can Also Destroy, Only in Death, The Nightmare Ends, They Deserved Better!.

:'''Apothecary in Iron''': Although the Phobetor Dreadnought cannot join units, one unit within 3", chosen at the start of the controlling player's turn, gains Feel No Pain until the start of their next turn. If one of the units in range is the Sleepless, the FNP must be granted to them.

:'''Hands of Healing''': Manipulator arms are dreadnought CCWs that have been modified for increased dexterity. In place of guns they have been mounted with Narthecium Glaives to aid with caring for the Sleepless. They may be used to attack normally at S10 or switched to a +2 poisoned attack that does not ignore armour. If both arms are destroyed the Phobetor loses its ability to grant FNP.
:'''Healing hands''': Manipulator arms are dreadnought CCWs that have been modified for increased dexterity. In place of guns they have been mounted with Narthecium Glaives to aid in caring for the Sleepless. These may be used to attack normally at S10 or de-powered to use the glaive's toxins, striking as a 2+ poisoned AP- attack. A single glaive attack can be made per hand, plus a third if both arms are undamaged. At the beginning of the turn choose 1 unit within 3" of the Phobetor. That unit gains Feel No Pain until the beginning of your next turn. If a unit of Sleepless are within 3", they must be the target of this ability.

:'''Only in Death''': A Phobetor will not abandon his charges under any circumstances. It must remain within unit coherency with the Sleepless at all times. If it is not, it must move towards them at the best speed possible. So long as one remains within range, Phobetors grant +1 leadership to the Sleepless in addition to FNP.
:'''Only in Death''': A Phobetor pilot will not abandon his charges under any circumstances. The walker must remain within unit coherency with the Sleepless whenever possible, or else move to join them at top speed. If the Sleepless declare a charge the Phobetor dreadnought must also declare a charge at the same target. So long as at least one Phobetor remains within 3" range, even as a vehicle wreck, the Sleepless gain +1 Ld in addition to Feel No Pain.  If two Phobetors are within range of a Sleepless unit it instead gains +2 Ld, Stubborn, and Feel No Pain.

:'''The Nightmare Ends''': If all of the Sleepless are killed each Phobetor remaining must take a leadership test at Ld6 to check for APOTHECARY RAGE. If it succeeds the Phobetor becomes an independent Apothecary in Iron for the rest of the game. If the test is failed the Phobetor goes berserk and must charge the closest enemy unit and attack it until all have been destroyed. If you have two Phobetors on the field and the first succeeds the test, the second may reroll once.
:'''The Nightmare Ends''': If all Sleepless are killed each Phobetor remaining must take a leadership test at Ld6. If it succeeds the Phobetor becomes an independent Apothecary in Iron for the rest of the game. If the test is failed the Phobetor goes berserk and must move as quickly as possible towards the nearest enemy unit and charge it. If more than half of the Sleepless are killed by enemy ranged attacks before the entire squad is wiped out. Phobetors automatically fail the leadership test and receive +1WS for the rest of the game.
:'''They Deserved Better!''': If more than half of the Sleepless are killed by enemy ranged attacks or other abilities before the entire squad is wiped out. Phobetors automatically fail the leadership test and receive +1WS for the rest of the game.

=Dedicated Transports=
=Dedicated Transports=
Line 746: Line 818:

:BS4 F11 S11 R10
:BS4 F11 S11 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Rhino
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Rhino
Line 763: Line 835:
:'''Transport Capacity''': Ten models
:'''Transport Capacity''': Ten models

:'''Special Rules''': Repair
:'''Special Rules''': Repair, Redundant Crew


:Bs4 F11 S11 R10
:Bs4 F11 S11 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Razorback
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Razorback
Line 787: Line 859:
:-redundant systems - +30pts
:-redundant systems - +30pts

Transport Capacity: Six Models
:'''Transport Capacity''': Six Models
:'''Special Rules''': Redundant Crew

==Drop Pod==
==Drop Pod==

:BS4 F12 S12 R12
:BS4 F12 S12 R12
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Drop Pod
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Drop Pod
Line 810: Line 884:
==Icelus Dreadnought==
==Icelus Dreadnought==

:100pts (not final value)
:WS5 BS5 S5 T 4(6) W4 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv3+
:WS5 BS5 S5 T 4(6) W4 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Icelus Pattern Dreadnought
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Icelus Pattern Dreadnought
Line 831: Line 905:
:-Meltagun - 10pts
:-Meltagun - 10pts
:-Plasma Gun - 15pts
:-Plasma Gun - 15pts
:-Heavy Bolter - 15pts
:-Heavy Bolter - 5pts
:-Autocannon - 15pts
:-Autocannon - 10pts
:-Multi-Melta or Missile Launcher - 20pts
:-Multi-Melta or Missile Launcher - 10pts
:-Lascannon or Plasma Cannon - 35pts
:-Lascannon or Plasma Cannon - 25pts
:-Assault Cannon - 40pts
:-Assault Cannon - 30pts

(Note that if a Heavy Bolter, Autocannon, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Lascannon or Assault Cannon is selected the Icelus loses the Nimble special rules)
''If a Heavy Bolter, Autocannon, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Lascannon or Assault Cannon is selected the unit loses the Nimble special rule.''

:'''Special Rules''': Acute Senses, Stealth, Move Through Cover, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Quiet As The Grave, Nimble
:'''Special Rules''': Acute Senses, Stealth, Move Through Cover, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Quiet As The Grave, Nimble
Line 847: Line 921:
==Assault Squad==
==Assault Squad==

:Space Marine Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine:               WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Space Marines, 1 Space Marine Sergeant
:'''Unit Composition''': 4 Space Marines, 1 Space Marine Sergeant
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infanty
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry

:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Jump pack
:'''Wargear''': Power armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Jump pack
Line 868: Line 942:
:-a thunder hammer or pair of lightning claws - +30pts
:-a thunder hammer or pair of lightning claws - +30pts

:'''Dedicated Transport''': The squad may remove its jump packs to count as Infantry. It may then have a Drop Pod or Rhino for free. Note that upgrades must be bought as normal.
:'''Dedicated Transport''': The squad may remove its jump packs to count as Infantry. It may then have a Drop Pod or Rhino for free. Note that upgrades must be bought as normal. A squad with jump packs may have a Drop Pod, but each marine counts as two models.

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics
Line 874: Line 948:
==Night Owl Storm Squad==
==Night Owl Storm Squad==

:Night Owl Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Night Owl Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Night Owl:               WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Night Owl:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Night Owl Sergeant, 4 Night Owls
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Night Owl Sergeant, 4 Night Owls
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry
Line 899: Line 973:
:-Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
:-Prophetic Dreams - +15pts

:'''Dedicated Transport''': The squad may remove its jump packs to count as Infantry. It may then have a Drop Pod or Rhino for free. Note that upgrades must be bought as normal.
:'''Dedicated Transport''': The squad may remove its jump packs to count as Infantry. It may then have a Drop Pod or Rhino for free. Note that upgrades must be bought as normal. A squad with jump packs may have a Drop Pod, but each marine counts as two models.

:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics, Heroic Intervention
:'''Special Rules''': And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics, Heroic Intervention
Line 905: Line 979:
==Land Speeder Squadron==
==Land Speeder Squadron==

:BS4 F10 S10 R10
:BS4 F10 S10 R10
:'''Unit composition''': 1-3 Land Speeders
:'''Unit composition''': 1-3 Land Speeders
Line 925: Line 999:

:'''Special Rules''': Deep Strike
:'''Special Rules''': Deep Strike

==Land Speeder Storm==
==Land Speeder Storm==

:BS3 F10 S10 R10
:BS3 F10 S10 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Speeder Storm
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Speeder Storm
Line 941: Line 1,014:
:-multi-melta - +15pts
:-multi-melta - +15pts
:-assault cannon - +35pts
:-assault cannon - +35pts
*Upgrade the Land Speeder Storm to accomidate Secundus Operatives (+1BS, no longer counts as open-topped) - +20pts
*Upgrade the Land Speeder Storm to accommodate Secundus Operatives (+1BS, no longer counts as open-topped) - +20pts

:'''Transport Capacity''': Five Models (Scouts Only)
:'''Transport Capacity''': Five Models (Scouts Only)
Line 949: Line 1,022:
==Space Marine Bike Squad==
==Space Marine Bike Squad==

:Biker Sergeant:       WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Biker Sergeant:........WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
:Space Marine Biker: WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
:Space Marine Biker: WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
:Attack bike:             WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
:Attack bike:.............WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Biker Sergeant, 2 Space marine Bikers
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Biker Sergeant, 2 Space marine Bikers
:'''Unit Type''': Bike
:'''Unit Type''': Bike
Line 979: Line 1,052:
==Attack Bike Squad==
==Attack Bike Squad==

:WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W2 I4 A2 Ld8 Sv3+
:Attack Bike: WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W2 I4 A2 Ld8 Sv3+
:'''Unit Composition''': 1-3 Attack Bikes
:'''Unit Composition''': 1-3 Attack Bikes
:'''Unit Type''': Bikes
:'''Unit Type''': Bikes
Line 993: Line 1,066:
=Heavy Support=
=Heavy Support=

==Avialae Beacon Pod==
==Devastator Dreadnought Squad==
:155pts each (not final value)
:WS3 BS5 S6 F12 S12 R10 I2 A1
:'''Unit Composition''': 1-2 Dreadnoughts
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)
:'''Wargear''': Multi-melta, Shoulder-mounted Storm Bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight, Redundant Systems

??pts (work in progress, needs testing)
:BS4 F12 S12 R12
*Must choose one of the following weapon configurations to replace the left arm:
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Drop Pod
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle
:Missile Launcher - Hellfire Configuration: A hellfire missile launcher counts as two separate weapons. The dreadnought may fire both launchers at once, but no more than 3 weapons may be fired in a single turn.
:Autocannon - Rifleman Configuration: A dreadnought in Rifleman configuration may halve the number of shots from its autocannon(s). The remaining shots ignore cover saves, including those granted to skimmers and turbo boosting bikes.
*May replace the multi-melta with:
:-Twin-linked heavy flamer - free
:-twin-linked heavy bolter - +5pts
:-twin-linked autocannon - +10pts
:-plasma cannon or assault cannon - +10pts
:-twin-linked lascannon - +25pts
*Replace Storm Bolter with:
:-Flamer - Free
:-Astartes Grenade Launcher - +5pts
:-Meltagun - +10pts
:-Plasma Gun - +15pts
*Take up to two hunter-killer missiles - +5pts each
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May take a Drop Pod each. If a squad of two takes drop pods they always deploy at the same time and count as a single reserve roll. Place one drop pod down and roll to scatter in the usual manner. The second Drop Pod then scatters D6" from the first pod.

:'''Wargear''': Strike Beacon, Guidance Beacon, Smoke Launchers.

:'''Special Rules''': Falling Star, Redundant Guidance Systems, Beacon Pulse, Immobile, Drop Pod Assault
:BS4 F13 S11 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Predator
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Falling Star''': An Avialae pod does not decelerate during planetfall and impacts the ground with tremendous force. This partially buries the pod in the ground and causes an explosion of debris and shrapnel. The landed pod always benefits from a minimum 5+ cover save. (Except for direct hits from barrage weapons.) When a pod lands, all friendly units within 6" (including the pod and other vehicles) count as having defensive grenades until the next deployment phase.
:'''Wargear''': Autocannon, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight

:'''Redundant Guidance Systems''': This rule replaces Inertial Guidance Systems. If the pod scatters the deploying player may choose the direction of movement OR reroll the dice once. It is possible that the pod may be unable to land on open ground. Perhaps you royally fudged a reroll. If this occurs the pod is destroyed, resolve an orbital strike centered on the point of impact and remove the pod from play. If you choose not to deploy the pod on your first turn. From turn 2 onwards you may replace any successful reserve roll with the pod and deploy it instead.
*Replace autocannon with a twin-linked lascannon: +45pts

:'''Beacon Pulse''': For every turn that the pod is on the table (including immediately) the pod may activate one or both of its beacons during the deployment phase. Using a beacon does not count as firing a weapon so smoke launchers may be activated freely. However both beacons do count as weapons for the purpose of calculating vehicle damage. Beacons can be repaired by a techmarine, but any attempt (successful or not) will make the pod open-topped for the rest of the game.
*May take side sponsons with:
:-heavy bolters for +25pts
:-lascannons for +60pts
*If sponsons are not taken, the tank may have spaced armour for +20pts

:''Beacons must activate one at a time. If a beacon is destroyed the corresponding ability is lost.''
*May take any of the following:
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
:-a dozer blade - +5pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-redundant systems - +30pts

:'''Strike Beacon''': Target an orbital strike within 6" of the pod and roll for scatter. This attack benefits from the pod's BS4 and may be used once per turn to a maximum of 3 shots.
*One predator tank in your army may have a tank commander for +30pts
*If your army includes a tank commander you may upgrade any predator to be Fast for +10pts

:'''Guidance Beacon''': One unit in reserve OR any unit of terminators in your army (including one on the table!) may immediately deep strike to the pods location. Units must arrive within 12" of the pod and benefit from a Locator Beacon if within 6". Terminators teleporting from elsewhere on the table must appear within 3".
:'''Special Rules''': Redundant Crew

==Land Raider==

:BS4 F14 S14 R14
:BS4 F11 S11 R10
:'''UnitComposition''': 1 Land Raider
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Whirlwind
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked heavy bolter, Two twin-linked lascannons, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
:'''Wargear''': Whirlwind multiple missile launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight

*May take any of the following:
*May take any of the following:
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
:-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
:-a multi-melta - +10pts
:-a dozer blade - +5pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-redundant systems - +30pts

:'''Transport Capacity''': Twelve Models
:'''Special Rules''': Redundant Crew

:'''Special Rules''': Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle

==Land Raider Crusader==
:BS4 F13 S11 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Vindicator
:BS4 F14 S14 R14
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Raider
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked assault cannon, Two hurricane bolters, Frag assault launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
:'''Wargear''': Demolisher cannon, Storm bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight

*May take any of the following:
*May take any of the following:
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
:-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
:-a multi-melta - +10pts
:-a dozer blade - +5pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-redundant systems - +30pts

:'''Transport Capacity''': Sixteen Models
*If your army has a tank commander you may upgrade any vindicator to be Fast for +15pts

:'''Special Rules''': Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle
:'''Special Rules''': Redundant Crew

==Land Raider Redeemer==
==Land Raider==

:BS4 F14 S14 R14
:BS4 F14 S14 R14
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Raider
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Raider
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked assault cannon, Two flamestorm cannons, Frag assault launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked heavy bolter, Two twin-linked lascannons, Smoke launchers, Searchlight

Line 1,075: Line 1,184:
:'''Transport Capacity''': Twelve Models
:'''Transport Capacity''': Twelve Models

:'''Special Rules''': Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle
:'''Special Rules''': Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle, Redundant Crew

==Land Raider Crusader==

:BS4 F13 S11 R10
:BS4 F14 S14 R14
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Predator
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Raider
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Wargear''': Autocannon, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight
:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked assault cannon, Two hurricane bolters, Frag assault launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight

*Repace autocannon with a twin-linked lascannon: +45pts
*May take side sponsons with heavy bolters for +25pts
:-or with lascannons for +60pts
*May take any of the following:
*May take any of the following:
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
:-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
:-a dozer blade - +5pts
:-a multi-melta - +10pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
-redundant systems - +30pts

:'''Transport Capacity''': Sixteen Models

:'''Special Rules''': Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle, Redundant Crew
:BS4 F11 S11 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Whirlwind
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Wargear''': Whirlwind multiple missile launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
==Land Raider Redeemer==

*May take any of the following:
:BS4 F14 S14 R14
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Land Raider
:-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
:-a dozer blade - +5pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-redundant systems - +30pts
:BS4 F13 S11 R10
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Vindicator
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank)

:'''Wargear''': Demolisher cannon, Storm bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked assault cannon, Two flamestorm cannons, Frag assault launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight

*May take any of the following:
*May take any of the following:
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a storm bolter - +10pts
:-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
:-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
:-a dozer blade - +5pts
:-a multi-melta - +10pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-extra armour - +15pts
:-redundant systems - +30pts
==Devastator Dreadnought Squad==
:155pts each
:WS3 BS5 S6 F12 S12 R10 I2 A1
:'''Unit Composition''': 1-2 Dreadnoughts
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Walker)
:'''Wargear''': Multi-melta, Shoulder-mounted Storm Bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight, Redundant Systems
*Must choose one weapon to fit on the left mount:
:-Hellfire Configuration: Missile Launcher - free
:-Rifleman Configuration: Twin-linked autocannon - free
*May replace the multi-melta with:
:-Twin-linked heavy flamer - free
:-twin-linked heavy bolter - +5pts
:-twin-linked autocannon - +10pts
:-plasma cannon or assault cannon - +10pts
:-twin-linked lascannon - +25pts
*Replace Storm Bolter with:
:-Flamer - Free
:-Astartes Grenade Launcher - +5pts
:-Meltagun - +10pts
:-Plasma Gun - +15pts
*Take up to two hunter-killer missiles - +5pts each
:'''Dedicated Transport''': May take a Drop Pod each. If a squad of two takes drop pods they always deploy at the same time and count as a single reserve roll. Place one drop pod down and roll to scatter in the usual manner. The second Drop Pod then scatters D6" from the first pod.
=Example Army Lists=
*'''The Dusk - Battlegroup Secundus AKA We need stealth, bring the Missiles'''
:Emperor's Nightmare Captain w/ Sniper Rifle, Relic Blade, Artificer armour, Dreamcatcher, Secundus Upgrade + Melta Bombs - 190
:Emperor's Nightmare Librarian w/ Secundus Upgrade, Plasma Pistol, The Blackest Night and Living Nightmares - 135
:Night Owl Bulwark Squad, +1 Night Owl, 5 Combi-meltas, Darkfire Flare Rifle, Sergeant w/ melta bombs + Dreamcatcher, Razorback w/ TL Lascannon - 255
:Secundus Operative Squad, +5 Operatives, 9 sniper rifles, Darkfire Flare Rifle, Camo Cloaks, Sergeant w/ Melta Bombs + Dreamcatcher - 200
:Secundus Operative Squad, +5 Operatives, 9 sniper rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks, Sergeant w/ Melta Bombs + Dreamcatcher - 200
:Secundus Operative Squad, +5 Operatives, 9 sniper rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks, Sergeant w/ Melta Bombs + Dreamcatcher - 200
:Secundus Operative Squad, 4 shotguns, Darkfire Flare Rifle, Sergeant w/ Melta Bombs + Power Fist - 130
-Fast Attack-
:3 Icelus Pattern Dreadnoughts - 225
:Land Speeder Storm w/ Secundus Upgrade + Multi-melta - 85
:-Heavy Support-
:2 Hellfire Dreadnoughts w/ Twin-linked Lascannon, Meltagun, Missile Launcher, 2 Hunter-killer Missiles + Drop Pod - 380
'''Total - 2000'''
:Emperor's Nightmare Captain w/ Terminator armour, thunder hammer, Lightning claw, prophetic dreams, Dreamcatcher - 190
:Emperor's Nightmare Chaplain w/ melta bombs, combi-flamer, jump pack, prophetic dreams -150
:Terminator Squad w/ Thunder Hammer + Storm Shield - 260
:Waking Dead Dreadnought w/ Drop Pod w/deathwind missile launcher - 180
:The Sleepless w/ +7, jump packs - 343
:Tactical Squad w/ +5, meltagun, missile launcher, Sergeant combi-flamer, sergeant power weapon, sergeant melta bombs, dreamcatcher, drop pod w/locator beacon - 260
:Tactical Squad w/ +5, meltagun, missile launcher, Sergeant combi-flamer, sergeant power weapon, sergeant melta bombs, dreamcatcher, drop pod - 250
-Fast Attack-
:Assault Squad w/ flamer, sergeant Lightning Claws - 140
:Night Owl Storm Squad w/ sergeant Relic Blade, Dream Catcher, Prophetic Dreams, meltabombs - 225

:'''Transport Capacity''': Twelve Models

'''Total - 1998'''
:'''Special Rules''': Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle, Redundant Crew

*'''The Sleepless - AKA Cut the Chain and Run'''
[[Category: Warhammer Homebrew]]
:Thureos, the Forty-Sixth Terminator - 350
:Waking Dead Dreadnought - 135
::Drop Pod w/Deathwind Missile Launcher - 55
:The Sleepless w/ +17, Jump Packs, 20 Thunder Hammers, 4 Plasma Pistols - 1360
:Phobetor Dreadnought - 100
'''Total - 2000'''

Latest revision as of 15:42, 20 June 2023

Since 6th Edition hit we've been tidying the codex up, trying to bring the wording in line with the new standard. If you see a wording error we missed, feel free to bring it up to speed.

This is a second draft, there are still errors here and there (like A2 tactical marines). If you find a bug let us know about it in the discussion thread. Some units have points costs that are tagged with "not final value". These units need special attention for testing.

A Battlegroup Primus tactical squad

Unique Wargear, Special Rules and Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Secundus Darkfire Rounds - Special Ammunition, any enemy hit by a weapon with Darkfire Rounds counts as visible for the purposes of Night Fight.

Secundus Hellfire Rounds - Models armed with hellfire rounds may fire them using a sniper rifle instead of a boltgun. This uses the rifles maximum range of 36".

Darkfire Flare Rifle - 24" range, S4, AP-, Assault 1. Darkfire Rounds. If the target is hit by the Flare Rifle, the rest of the wielder's squad can reroll any misses when shooting at the same target in that phase.

Narthecium Glaive - Melee weapon. S+1, AP3, Requires two hands. Alternatively, can be used to make 1 poisoned (2+) attack at AP-. If an enemy takes an unsaved wound from this special attack, they must pass a strength test. If this is failed the target suffers instant death as the massive injection of industrial-strength tranquilizers send them into a coma and paralyze all bodily functions.

Tactical Dreadnought Armour - Among most chapters terminator armour is used to deploy whole squads of marines as unstoppable shock troops. The Nightmares do not have the numbers for these usual tactics and instead spread the suits evenly among the chapter instead of concentrating them in the veteran 1st company. Consequently the terminators deployed by Primus Battlegroup are a more adaptable breed. Independent characters wearing terminator armour receive the Among Equals special rule. When withdrawing from combat terminators may elect to retreat towards other terminators, so long as there is a clear path.

Signs of the Sleepless - +1A, +1I, -1Ld. The character with Signs of the Sleepless must take a Leadership test at the start of each of the controlling player's turns. If failed at any point the unit succumbs to psychosis for the rest of the game, and any to hit rolls of 1 for shooting or close combat will hit his own unit or the nearest friendly unit within range.

Prophetic Dreams - After both sides have set up roll a dice for each non-vehicle enemy unit on the table. On the roll of 1, the character has been forewarned of the unit in his dreams and gains Preferred Enemy against it for the rest of the game.

Dreamcatcher - Once per game, a character with a Dreamcatcher may add or subtract 1 from his Leadership. This ability may be used at any time and lasts until the end of the player turn.

Redundant Systems - Counts as Extra Armour and Power of the Machine Spirit. Redundant Systems can only shoot ordnance weapons in direct fire mode and their range is halved if the vehicle has moved.

MI Shoulder Mount - Based on the same mind impulse sensor technology that allows a crippled marine to pilot a dreadnought. Shoulder mounts were originally designed to attach ranged weaponry onto Icelus dreadnoughts while keeping the hands of the walker free for melee combat. Their use has since spread to the rest of the chapter's dreadnoughts. Although historical examples exist, mass deployment of dreadnought shoulder weapons is a unique trait of the Emperor's Nightmare chapter. Shoulder mounted weapons have a 90 degree arc of fire fixed on the right shoulder of the walker. If a dreadnought possesses a CCW with an integrated storm bolter, it may be moved to a shoulder mount for free and retained if the CCW is destroyed or exchanged for another weapon.

Unique Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]

Living Nightmares - The Librarian reaches into the minds of his foes, seeding horrid waking dreams into their consciousness which leave them disoriented at best. Pick an enemy unit within 18" and roll a D6 and consult the table below.

1 - You take me for a fool!? - The foes see through the hallucinations. Your opponent may move the target 2D6" in any direction, and that unit may not be affected by Living Nightmares for the rest of the game
2 - Irritation - The foes are distracted by the dancing images. The target is at -1I and will move and charge 1 inch less than they otherwise would.
3 - Confusion - The victims are baffled and frightened by what he sees. He must pass a Ld test at -1 each time he wishes to move, shoot, use a psychic power, or assault in the next turn. If this is failed the action is not taken.
4 - Panicked response - The victims believe these wicked phantasms to be real, and fire wildly at them until their ammunition is spent. The enemy is now low on ammunition, and unless they spend a full turn reloading all their weapons (Not moving, shooting or assaulting) they fire one less shot than they should (To a minimum of zero) and they lose their +1A for having a pistol and close combat weapon in assault.
5 - Horror- The victims are badly shaken by their visions. They are at -1 to their WS, BS and Ld for the next turn.
6 - Despair - Their minds ravaged by the intensity of their horrific waking nightmares. The enemies flee wildly, clawing at themselves and attacking hallucinations and each other. The target must immediately fall back, and takes 2D6 hits of a strength equal to the unit's majority strength.

The Blackest Night - The Librarian swathes the battlefield in impenetrable gloom, enabling his fellows to advance unseen. This power grants 1 friendly unit within 24" a 5+ cover save. If they are already in cover, it simply adds +1 to the save given.

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

Sleep Beckons: Although the chapter's Dreadnoughts are supported by interfaces which prevent their chassis from becoming non-functional when the sleep takes them, these technologies are complex and a touch crude. At the beginning of the game, after deployment but before the first turn, roll a die for each non-Icelus dreadnought in your army. On the roll of a 1, sleep threatens to take the afflicted Dreadnought. From the second turn onwards, take a Leadership test for each afflicted Dreadnought, with a penalty equal to the turn number minus one; Dreadnoughts without a leadership score count as LD10 for the purposes of this roll. If this is failed. the Dreadnought falls asleep; its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are each reduced by two, to a minimum of 1. If there is another non-afflicted Dreadnought or a Techmarine on the field, Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are each reduced by only one, by a minimum of 1.

Redundant Crew: Because of the danger that a vehicle's crew will fall asleep at any moment. The crew of Nightmare fighting vehicles include an extra member when possible. Each crew member is extensively cross-trained to allow them to take over in the event that another marine is incapacitated.

If a vehicle is shaken or stunned at the start of your shooting phase, roll a dice. On a roll of 4+ all shaken effects are ignored and the vehicle may shoot normally. On a roll of 1 this ability is lost because one of the crew has fallen asleep. Crew Stunned results can be negated on a 6+. A roll less than six has no effect, even if the tank has extra armour.

Among Equals: The rarity and priceless nature of the chapter's terminator armour has forced the Nightmares to be flexible when deploying them. Because of this scarcity, Terminator combat squads are sized at 3 instead of 5. They often stand together or split apart at a moment's notice to fit the situation on the battlefield. Each and every terminator is a leader in his own right and will command or follow his brothers without hesitation.

Any number of models or squads wearing terminator armour may join together into a single unit, as though each model bore the independent character rule. Once attached to a squad these models may not leave it if the total number of models in the unit would drop below 3.

You may join OR split models once at the beginning of the movement, shooting and assault phase. Any action you take must respect unit coherency rules at all times.

Special HQ Characters[edit | edit source]

Isidore Demeter[edit | edit source]

Adjutant Primus, The Keeper of the Dawn

An army that includes Isidore Demeter may take Assault Squads as Troop choices.
WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W4 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Chapter Master (Unique)
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
Wargear: Artificer Armour, The Sabers of Reality, Jump Pack, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo
The Sabres of Reality: This ornate pair of power swords is the final creation of Sleepless Master of the Forge Zefirino Timeus. The blades are etched with thousands upon thousands of names, which are rumoured to be the name and rank of every member of the Imperium Timeus has ever fought alongside.
Two special power weapons. S6 AP3, Master Crafted.
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Chapter Tactics
Chapter Tactics:In you include Isidore Demeter then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Furious Charge universal special rule. If your army includes both Adjutants, you may choose which version will apply.

Eloyes Galen[edit | edit source]

Adjutant Secundus, The Keeper of the Dusk

An army that includes Eloyes Galen may take units of Secundus Nightkin as Troop choices
WS5 BS6 S4 T4 W4 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Chapter Master (Unique)
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Artificer Armour, Twilight's Herald, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Hunter-killer Missile, Camo Cloak, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo, 3 Servo Skulls.
Twilight's Herald: Eloyes' main weapon is a heavily customised Sniper Rifle which fires bolts filled with Darkfire solution. Such is his skill that he can fire the fine weapon with alarming speed.
36" range, SX, AP2, Poison (3+), Sniper, Heavy 3 or Rapid Fire
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Infiltrate, Independent Character, Chapter Tactics
Chapter Tactics:In you include Eloyes Galen then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Scout universal special rule. If your army includes both Adjutants, you may choose which version will apply.

Thureos[edit | edit source]

The forty-sixth Terminator.

WS7, BS5, S5, T4, W4, I8, A4, Ld2, Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Living Nightmare (Unique)
Unit Type:Infantry
Wargear: Terminator Armour, Chainfist.
Special Rules; Fearless, Fleet of Foot, Eternal Warrior, The Ancient Dreamless, Terrifying Presence, Loyal to No One
The Ancient Dreamless: Thureos has gone without sleep for so long, evaded capture for so long, that his thoughts and actions have truly become one. He suffers no penalties from wearing Terminator Armour, and he strikes in initiative order with his chainfist.
Terrifying Presence: Thureos is a uniquely terrifying figure, his hulking Terminator Armour seeming to barely weigh him down as he hacks his way through the battlefield. Any unit within 6" of Thureos has -1Ld. This penalty is increased to -2 if he is in base contact.
Loyal to No One: Although Thureos has perfect recollection of his time in the Emperor's Nightmare, his lunacy has distorted his vision to the point where he sees them as enemies of the Emperor. If Thureos is fighting in the same combat as other Emperor's Nightmares, Thureos can choose to direct attacks upon them. For each wound caused he gains an extra 2 attacks he may use immediately. However, the Nightmares are well aware of the danger this madman poses. At the start of the shooting phase, any Emperor's Nightmare unit within 12" of Thureos must pass a Leadership Test at -1 or lose their nerve and open fire on him. Sleepless do not need to test, nor can Thureos attack Sleepless in this manner.

Taheton Hector[edit | edit source]

2nd Company Captain, The Red Dawn

WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Captain (Unique)
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
Wargear: Hypnos and Thanatos, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Jump Pack.
Special Rules: Strike Hard Strike Fast, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character
Hypnos and Thanatos: These lovingly constructed lightning claws were part of a slew of gifts from the Adeptus Mechanicus as thanks for the Nightmare's handing over of the Icelus Pattern blueprints. On the back of each claw is a symbol of the Mechanicus, each a compact teleport homer which relays details of the battle, as well as Hector's own vital signs, to his chapter.
Two Master-crafted lightning claws. Hector counts as being equipped with a teleport homer. In addition if a unit deep strikes via drop pod and lands within 6" of him they may fire their weapons twice in the ensuing shooting phase. If Hector is removed as a casualty in combat, a retaliatory S10 AP1 Large Blast orbital bombardment will be centered on his last position. The blast must scatter D6", if a hit is rolled the direction will be determined by the arrow on the hit sign.
Strike Hard Strike Fast: Hector specializes in launching a single overwhelming strike to the enemy's vitals, and the forces under his command are well-briefed and in full knowledge of their exact role. Once per game, the controlling player may choose to reroll any reserve roll he makes for that turn.

Leander Nyseos[edit | edit source]

6th Company Captain, Claw of the Dusk

WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Captain (Unique)
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power Armour, Iron Halo, Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Astartes Sniper Rifle, Frag and Krak Grenades
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, From the Shadows, No Place for Maniacs, Claw of the Dusk.
From the Shadows: Above all, the resource valued most by Battlegroup Secundus is surprise. Any squad joined by Captain Nyseos count their weapons as Pinning if the Night Fighting rules are in effect or they attack from more than 12" away.
Claw of the Dusk: Captain Nyseos is an expert at directing his forces into spectacular ambushes, day or night. If Nyseos is in your army, any unit may exchange the Combat Tactics special rule with the Infiltrate universal special rule.
No Place for Maniacs: Captain Nyseos would not have his plans ruined by the berserking Sleepless. Any army led by Nyseos cannot include Sleepless or Waking Dead Dreadnoughts.

Supreme Dreamwalker Theodore Dymas[edit | edit source]

Chief Librarian, The Fist of the Dreaming

WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Head Librarian (Unique)
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Sword of Aurelia, Plasma pistol, Psychic Hood, Frag and krak grenades
Sword of Aurelia: According to the records this intricate force sword was a gift from the Blood Ravens chapter in an effort to ease tensions between the two chapters. The Blood Ravens have no record of this transaction. The complex circuitry inlaid into the hilt and blade allow Theodore to control his power beyond his already-impressive limits.
S-, AP3, Master Crafted, Force. Theodore Dymas may cast 3 psychic powers per turn. Once per game he may give up one of these powers in order to make the armour or cover save of him and any squad he joins Invulnerable. This effect lasts until the controlling player's next turn.
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, The Fist of the Dreaming, Prophet of Slumber
The Fist of the Dreaming: Theodore Dymas knows all of the psychic powers available to Emperor's Nightmare librarians.
Prophet of Slumber: Almost every moment of rest for Dymas is a vivid vision of the future and the past, shattered and shifting as it may be. It does not allow him to properly predict the future, but he is able to "remember" pivotal events a second or so before they happen. Dymas has the Preferred Enemy special rule against all enemies, and confers this upon any squad he joins. Furthermore if he is removed as a casualty in close combat, he will have taken the liberty of priming a parting gift for what should best him: A pair of krak grenades, which confer 2D3 S6 AP2 hits upon the model who took his last wound.

Honoured Brother Tibalt[edit | edit source]

The Everseer

WS6 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I3 A3
Composition: 1 Librarian Dreadnought (Unique)
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Dreadnought close combat weapon with integrated storm bolter, Force Weapon, Smoke Launchers, Extra Armour, Psychic Hood, Ironclad Assault Launchers
  • Replace Dreadnought close combat weapon with:
-Assault Cannon - 5pts
-Plasma Cannon - 5pts
-Twin-linked Lascannon - +15pts
Psychic Powers: Brother Tibalt may select 2 of the Psychic Powers normally allowed to an August Dreamwalker in Iron.
Dedicated Transports: May select a Drop Pod.
Special Rules: Everseeing, Psychic Pilot, Fire of Ages, Ancient Authority, Venerable,
Everseeing - Tibalt does not see the world like his fellows. Bathing his senses in the nebulous world of lucid dreams, he views things not by their material appearance but by the strength of their souls. Tibalt never has to roll for sight for night fighting, and anything which would obscure his vision (Dark Eldar Night Shields, the Stealth USR) is ignored. In addition, he has the Preferred Enemy rule when striking independent characters or monstrous creatures. However, because of the unreliability of this vision the controlling player must roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn. On the roll of a 1 he cannot move or shoot and will be hit automatically in close combat. He may not assault under these conditions, but will still defend himself if attacked.
Ancient Authority: Though he no longer commands troops in person, Tibalt has always had a knack for leadership and his very presence steels the hearts of his fellows. During the enemy opponent's assault phase you may designate a friendly unit within 12" of Tibalt. That unit gains the Counter Attack special rule and count as being equipped with Defensive Grenades for a single assault phase.

Chief Apothecary Eidelan[edit | edit source]

Shepherd of the Dreamless

WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power Armour, Narthecium Glaive, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character.
Shepherd of the Dreamless: Eidelan has spent more time tending to the Sleepless than perhaps he should, for he finds them a fascinating and terrifying picture of what they all might become. Thus he has worked out ways of harnessing their wrath. If Eidelan joins a unit of sleepless, this unit gains +1A on every round of combat after the first, provided they originally charged into the combat.
Terror Tactics: Eidelan knows well how best to form the Sleepless under his command into a howling wall of terror which renders the enemy insensible with fear. When charging into combat with a unit of Sleepless, the charged unit suffers a -2Ld penalty.

HQ[edit | edit source]

Terminator Honour Guard[edit | edit source]

Protectors of the Wake

The chapter Honour Guard may be deployed if your army is led by either Lord Adjutant. This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.
Chapter Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A3 Ld10 Sv2+
Honour Guard:........WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Chapter Champion, 2 Honour Guards
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Power Sword (Company Champion), Power Fist (Honour Guard)
  • May include up to 2 additional Honour Guards - +40pts/model
  • One Honour Guard may choose one of the following options:
-replace his storm bolter with a heavy flamer - +5pts
-replace his storm bolter with an assault cannon - +30pts
-take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
  • Any model may replace their power fist with a chainfist: +5pts/model
  • Any model may replace their power fist and storm bolter with:
-A pair of lightning claws - Free
-A thunder hammer and storm shield - +10pts
  • The Chapter Champion may take digital weapons - +10pts
  • One Honour Guard may carry the chapter banner - +25pts
Dedicated Transports: May select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Among Equals, Honour or Death (Chapter Champion only), And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

Emperor's Nightmare Captain[edit | edit source]

100 Points
WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Captain
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Iron halo.
  • Replace bolt pistol and/or chainsword with:
-a boltgun - free
-a storm bolter - +3pts
-a sniper rifle - +5pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +10pts
-a storm shield, power sword, lightning claw or plasma pistol - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
-a relic blade - +30pts
-a thunder hammer - +30pts
  • Replace power armour with artificer armour - +15pts
  • Take melta bombs - +5pts
  • Take digital weapons - +10pts
  • Take hellfire rounds - +10pts
  • Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
  • Take Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
  • Take a Dreamcatcher - +5pts
  • Take auxiliary grenade launcher - +15pts
  • Replace power armour, bolt pistol, chainsword, frag and krak grenades with Terminator armour with storm bolter and power sword - +40pts
  • Replace Terminator armour's storm bolter with:
-combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +5pts
-lightning claw - +10pts
-thunder hammer - +20pts
-heavy flamer - +5pts
-assault cannon - +30pts
  • Replace Terminator armour's power sword with:
-Lightning claw - +10pts
-Power fist or storm shield - +10pts
-Thunder hammer or chainfist - +15pts
  • Take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
  • If Terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
-Secundus upgrade (Gains Stealth, Darkfire Rounds, Infiltrate, Sniper Rifle becomes Heavy 2 Ap3) - +25pts
-Jump pack - +25pts
-Space Marine bike - +35pts
Mounted Assault: If your army includes a Captain on Space Marine bike, Space Marine bike squads of at least five models may be taken as Troops choices.
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character

Company Command Squad[edit | edit source]

You may take one Command Squad for every Space Marine Captain in your army (Including Captain Hector and Captain Nyseos). This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.

Company Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Apothecary:..............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Veteran:...................WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 4 Veterans, 1 Apothecary
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Chainsword, Frag and krak grenades, Boltgun or bolt pistol, The Apothecary also has a narthecium.
  • One Veteran may carry the Company Standard - +15pts
  • One Veteran may be upgraded to a Company Champion with a power weapon and combat shield - +15pts
  • The entire squad may ride Space Marine bikes - +90pts
  • If the accompanying Captain is Captain Nyseos or has the Secundus upgrade, the squad may come with Darkfire Rounds, Cluster Mines and 2 Demolition Charges - +20pts
  • Any Veteran may replace his chainsword and/or bolt pistol with:
-a storm bolter - +3pts
-a flamer or sniper rifle - +5pts
-a meltagun - +10pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +15pts
-a plasma gun, power sword or lightning claw - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
-a thunder hammer - +30pts
  • Any Veteran may replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol - +15pts
  • Any Veteran may have the following:
-melta bombs - +5pts
-a storm shield - +15pts
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics
Dedicated Transports: May select a Drop Pod, Rhino or a Razorback

Emperor's Nightmare Librarian[edit | edit source]

WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Librarian
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Boltgun or bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Force weapon, Psychic hood
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker
Psychic Powers: A Librarian has any two of the following powers:
Smite, Force Dome, Living Nightmares, Quickening, Null Zone, The Avenger, Might of the Ancients, The Gaze of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, The Blackest Night.
Options: Upgrade to a Dreamwalker (Epistolary) - +50pts
  • Replace boltgun with:
-a storm bolter - +3pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +15pts
-a plasmapistol - +15pts
  • May replace power armour, boltgun, frag and krak grenades for terminator armour and:
-no additional weapon - +25pts
-a storm bolter - +30pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +35pts
-a storm shield - +40pts
  • If terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
-Jump pack - +25pts
-Space Marine bike - +35pts
-Secundus Upgrade - +20pts (Gains Stealth, must take The Blackest Night psychic power)

August Dreamwalker in Iron[edit | edit source]

WS6 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I4 A2(3)
Unit Composition: 1 Librarian Dreadnought
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Dreadnought close combat weapon with built in storm bolter, Force Weapon, Psychic Hood, Smoke Launchers, Ironclad assault launchers
  • Replace Dreadnaught close combat weapon with:
-Assault Cannon - 10pts
-Plasma Cannon - 10pts
-Twin-linked Lascannon - +30pts
Dedicated Transport: May select a Drop Pod
Psychic Powers: An August Dreamwalker in Iron has any 2 of the following psychic powers:
Smite, Living Nightmares, Quickening, Null Zone, The Avenger, the Gaze of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, The Blackest Night
Special Rules: Venerable, Psychic Pilot, Fire of Ages
Fire of Ages: The August Dreamwalkers in Iron are mighty psykers of immense age. They may cast 2 psychic powers per turn.

Emperor's Nightmare Chaplain[edit | edit source]

WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Chaplain
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Boltgun or bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenade, Rosarius, Crozius Arcanum
  • Replace boltgun with:
-a storm bolter - +3pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +15pts
-a power fist - +15pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
  • Take melta bombs - +5pts
  • Take digital weapons - +10pts
  • Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
  • Take Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
  • May replace power armour, boltgun, frag and krak grenades for terminator armour and:
-a storm bolter - +30pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +35pts
  • If terminator armour is not chosen, may have one of the following:
-Jump pack - +25pts
-Space Marine bike - +35pts
Special Rules: Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Differing ideals, Liturgies of Battle, Honour of the Chapter
Differing ideals: A Chaplain can never join a unit with the Secundus Upgrade.

Terminator Command Squad[edit | edit source]

A single Command Squad may be deployed in terminator armour if your army is led by a Captain, Librarian, or Chaplain wearing terminator armour This unit does not count against your HQ allowance.
Company Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
Veteran:...................WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Company Champion, 2 Veterans
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Power Sword (Company Champion), Power Fist (Veterans)
  • May include up to 2 additional Veterans - +40pts/model
  • One Veteran may carry the Company Standard - +15pts
  • One Veteran may choose one of the following options:
-replace his storm bolter with a heavy flamer - +5pts
-replace his storm bolter with an assault cannon - +30pts
-take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
  • Any model may replace their power fist with a chainfist: +5pts/model
  • Any model may replace their power fist and storm bolter with:
-A pair of lightning claws - Free
-A thunder hammer and storm shield - +10pts
Dedicated Transports: The Command Squad may select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Among Equals, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

Master of the Forge[edit | edit source]

Lord of the Armoury: If you include a Master of the Forge in your army, Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts and Ironclad Dreadnoughts may be taken as Heavy Support choices as well as Elites choices, and 1 Icelus Pattern Dreadnought may be taken as a Troops choice.

WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Master of the Forge
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Artificer armour, Servo-harness, Boltgun or bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades
  • Replace servo-harness and boltgun with:
-Conversion beamer - +20pts
  • Replace Boltgun with:
-a storm bolter - +5pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +10pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
  • Take Digital Weapons - +10pts
  • Take Melta Bombs - +5pts
  • Take Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
  • Take Prophetic Blueprints - +20pts
  • Take either:
-a power sword - +15pts
-a thunder hammer - +30pts
Dedicated Transports: If accompanied by a retinue of servitors, may select a Rhino or Razorback
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent character, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses, Structural Knowledge
Prophetic Blueprints - Like a lot of the Chapter, a Master of the Forge may be visited by nebulous visions of the future. However, even in dreams these scions of the Omnissiah are far more mechanically and practically minded than their fellows, and retain a lot of knowledge on the weaknesses of enemy armour. At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each enemy vehicle in the game, just as you would for Prophetic Dreams. On the roll of a 1 the Master of the Forge and any unit he is with have Tank Hunter against this vehicle, and the Master of the Forge counts his weapons as Master Crafted against it.
Structural Knowledge: The Emperor's Nightmare Master of the Forge knows Dreadnoughts and their likenesses better than anybody outside the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Master of the Forge always hits walkers on a 4+ unless he would hit them on less. This includes planting grenades.

Elites[edit | edit source]

Primus Terminator Squad[edit | edit source]

Terminator Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
Terminator:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Terminator Sergeant, 2 Terminators
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Power Sword (Terminator Sergeant), Power Fist (Terminators)
  • May include up to 2 more Terminators - 40pts/model
  • One Terminator may choose one of the following options:
-replace his storm bolter with a heavy flamer - +5pts
-replace his storm bolter with an assault cannon - +30pts
-take a cyclone missile launcher - +30pts
  • Any terminator may replace his power fist with a chainfist: +5/pts/model
  • Any terminator may replace their power fist and storm bolter with:
-A Pair of Lightning Claws - Free
-Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - +10pts
Dedicated Transports: May select a Drop Pod or a Land Raider of any type as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Among Equals, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

Night Owl Bulwark team[edit | edit source]

Night Owl Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Night Owl:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Night Owl Sergeant, 4 Night Owls
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Special Issue Ammunition, Frag and krak grenades
  • May include up to five additional Night Owls - +25pts/model
  • The Night Owl Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol and/or his boltgun with:
-a chainsword - free
-a power weapon or lightning claw - +15pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
  • Any model may replace his boltgun with a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +5pts
  • The Night Owl Sergeant may take:
-melta bombs - +5pts
-dreamcatcher - +10pts
-Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
  • Two Night Owls may replace their boltguns with:
-a flamer, meltagun, darkfire flare rifle, heavy bolter, multi-melta or missile launcher - +5pts
-a plasma gun, plasma cannon or heavy flamer - +10pts
-a lascannon - +15pts
Dedicated Transport: May select a Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics

Secundus Nightkin[edit | edit source]

WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld9 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 5 Nightkin
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power Armour, Sniper Rifle, Bolt Pistol, Darkfire Rounds, Camo Cloak, Frag and Krak grenades
  • May include up to 5 additional Nightkin - 20pts/model
  • Any Nightkin can replace their Sniper Rifles with Combat Knifes - Free
    • For every 5 Nightkin in the unit, one may replace their Sniper Rifle with:
-Darkfire Flare Rifle - +5pts
-Flamer - +5pts
-Missile Launcher - +15pts
-Meltagun - +15pts
-Plasma Gun - +15pts
-Power Sword - +15pts
  • 2 Nightkin may take a Demolitions Charge - +15pts each
  • For every 5 Nightkin in the unit, one may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol - +15pts
  • Any Nightkin can take:
-Hellfire Rounds - +10pts/model
-Melta Bombs - +5pts/model
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Stealth, Infiltrate, Combat Tactics, Combat Squads, Versatile
Versatile: The Nightkin are the cream of Battlegroup Secundus, trained to take on any circumstance. At the beginning of the turn, the controlling player may choose one of the following stances. The benefits of the stance last until the start of the controlling player's next turn.
  • May my aim be true: Slow and Purposeful
  • None shall pass: Defensive Grenades
  • Let nothing stand before us: Move Through Cover
  • A prime vantage point: Immediately go to ground, may still fire at BS3

Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

WS4 BS4 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A2
Unit Composition: 1 Dreadnought
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Wargear: Multi-melta, Dreadnought close combat weapon (with built in storm bolter), Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • Replace storm bolter with heavy flamer - +10pts
  • Replace multi-melta with:
-twin-linked heavy flamer - free
-twin-linked heavy bolter - +5pts
-twin-linked autocannon - +10pts
-plasma cannon or assault cannon - +10pts
-twin-linked lascannon - +30pts
  • Replace Dreadnought close combat weapon with twin-linked autocannon or twin-linked missile launcher - +10pts
  • Take extra armour - +15pts
  • Upgrade to Venerable - +60pts

Venerable Dreadnoughts gain +1WS and BS, the Venerable Special Rule, and may choose one of the Specializations below:

Primus: Gain Redundant Systems, Fleet
Secundus: Gain a shoulder-mounted Darkfire Flare Rifle, Stealth
Night Owl: Gain Tank Hunter, weapon ranges increased by 6"
Apothecary: CCW replaced with a Manipulator Arm.
Dedicated Transport: May select a Drop Pod

Ironclad Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

WS4 BS4 S6 F13 S13 R10 I4 A2(3)
Unit Composition: 1 Ironclad Dreadnought
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Seismic Hammer (with built in meltagun), Dreadnought close combat weapon (with built in storm bolter), smoke launchers, Searchlight, Extra armour
Options: Replace storm bolter with heavy flamer - +15pts
  • Replace meltagun with heavy flamer - +5pts
  • Replace Dreadnought close combat weapon and storm bolter with a hurricane bolter - free
  • Replace seismic hammer with a chainfist - free
  • Take up to two hunter-killer missiles - +10pts each
  • Take Ironclad assault launchers - +15pts
Dedicated Transport: May select a Drop Pod
Special Rules: Move Through Cover

Waking Dead Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

WS5 BS4 S6 F13 S12 R10 I4 A3(4)
Unit Composition: 1 Dreadnought
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with built-in storm bolter, Dreadnought close combat weapon with built-in meltagun, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • Replace storm bolter with heavy flamer: +10pts
  • Replace either Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with Lightning Claws - Free
Dedicated Transport: Can select a Drop Pod
Special Rules: Fleet, Furious Charge, None Can Stay My Wrath, Rage

Techmarine[edit | edit source]

If you include a Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army, Dreadnoughts, Ironclad Dreadnoughts and Waking Dead Dreadnoughts may be taken as Heavy Support choices as well as Elites choices.

Techmarine:...........WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld9...Sv2+
Master of the Forge:WS4 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit Composition: 1 Techmarine
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Artificer armour, Servo-arm, Boltgun or bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades
  • One Techmarine in your army may be upgraded to a Master of the Forge - +30pts
  • A Master of the Forge may replace his servo-arm and boltgun with a conversion beamer - +45pts
  • Upgrade servo-arm to a servo-harness - +25pts
  • Replace boltgun with:
-a storm bolter - +3pts
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +10pts
-a flamer: +5pts
-a meltagun: +10pts
-a plasma gun - +15pts
  • Replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol - +15pts
  • Take one of the following:
-a close combat weapon - +5pts
-a power weapon - +15pts
-a thunder hammer - +30pts
  • May take:
-Meltabombs +5pts
-Dreamcatcher - +10pts
-Signs of the Sleepless - +15pts
-Structural Knowledge - +15pts
-Prophetic Schematics - +20pts
Dedicated Transports: If accompanied by a retinue of servitors, may select a Rhino or Razorback
Special Rules: Icelus Assault, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses
Icelus Assault: A mass deployment of Icelus dreadnoughts will always be accompanied by many techmarines. Both to support walkers in the field and maintain their stealth systems before combat. For every Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army, you may take one Icelus Dreadnought as a Troops choice and one as an Elite choice.
Prophetic Schematics: Like many in the Chapter, a Techmarine may be visited by nebulous visions of the future. However, even in dreams these scions of the Omnissiah are far more analytical than their fellows. Upon waking some techmarines retain knowledge on the weaknesses of enemy armour. At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each enemy vehicle in the game, just as you would for Prophetic Dreams. On the roll of a 1 the Techmarine and any squad he joins will gain the Tank Hunter rule against this vehicle. The Techmarine counts his weapons as Master Crafted when attacking such targets.
Structural Knowledge:: The Emperor's Nightmare Techmarines know Dreadnoughts and their contemporaries better than anybody outside the Adeptus Mechanicus. A Techmarine will always hit walkers on a 4+ unless he would hit them on less. This includes planting grenades.

Servitor Retinue[edit | edit source]

You may include one unit of Servitors for every Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army. This unit does not count against your Elite allowance.
WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Sv4+
Unit Composition: 1 Servitor
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Servo-arm
  • May include up to four additional Servitors - +10pts/model
  • Up to two Servitors may replace their servo-arm with:
-a heavy bolter - +15pts
-a multi-melta or plasma cannon - +25pts
Special Rules: Mindlock

Troops[edit | edit source]

Tactical Squad[edit | edit source]

Space Marine Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Space Marine:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 4 Space Marines, 1 Space Marine Sergeant
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Boltgun
  • May include up to five additional Space Marines - +16pts/model
  • If the squad numbers ten models, one Space Marine may replace his boltgun with one of the following:
-a flamer: Free
-a meltagun: +5pts
-a plasma gun - +10pts
  • If the squad numbers ten models, one Space Marine may replace his boltgun with one of the following:
-a heavy bolter, multi-melta or a missile launcher: Free
-a plasma cannon: +5pts
-a lascannon: +10pts
  • The Space Marine Sergeant may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with:
-a chainsword: Free
-a combi-melta, -flamer or -plasma: +10pts
-a storm bolter: +10pts
-a plasma pistol: +15pts
-a power weapon: +15pts
-a power fist: +25pts
  • The Space Marine Sergeant may take:
-melta bombs: +5pts
-teleport homer: +15pts
-dreamcatcher - +10pts
Dedicated Transport: May select a Rhino or a Razorback. If the squad numbers ten models, may take a Drop Pod.
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, combat Squads, Combat Tactics

Scout Squad[edit | edit source]

Scout Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv4+
Scout:.............. WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv4+
Unit Composition: 4 Scouts, 1 Scout Sergeant
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Scout armour, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag and krak grenades
  • May include up to five additional scouts - +13pts/model
  • Any model may replace his boltgun with a shotgun, combat blade or sniper rifle - Free
  • One Scout may replace his boltgun with a heavy bolter (with hellfire shells), a missile launcher or a Darkfire Flare Rifle (Only of Secundus Upgrade is taken) - +10pts
  • The Scout Sergeant may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with:
-a chainsword - free
-a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma - +10pts
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
-a power weapon - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
  • The Scout Sergeant may take:
-melta bombs - +5pts
-teleport homer - +15pts
-Dreamcatcher - +10pts
  • The squad may have camo cloaks - +3pts/model
  • The squad may be upgraded to Secundus Operatives - +4pts/model

Secundus Operatives are WS4, BS4 and are equipped with Power Armour and Darkfire Rounds

Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Scouts

The Sleepless[edit | edit source]

80 Points
Sleepless: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld7 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 5 Sleepless
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Frag and Krak grenades
Options: Add up to twenty seven Sleepless: +16 Points/model
  • Any Sleepless can replace their chainsword with:
-A Power Weapon: 10 Points/model
-A Power Fist: 20 Points/model
-A Thunder Hammer: 25 Points/model
  • For every five models in the squad, one Sleepless can replace his bolt pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 Points/model
  • The entire squad can have Jump Packs: +15pts/model
Dedicated Transport: If the squad does not have Jump Packs, it may select a Rhino or Drop Pod as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Rage, Fearless, Furious Charge
Faltering Reality: The Sleepless are so crazed that they can barely distinguish friend from foe. If there is no Independent Character within the unit it must take an Ld test at the start of each movement phase. If this is failed the squad must move at full normal speed towards the nearest unit (Friend or Foe), fire at it (Even if after the movement phase there is a closer unit) and, if possible, assault this unit. If the unit is friendly it attacks back as usual, but neither unit attacks during the enemy's turn and if the Sleepless pass their test at the beginning of the next turn combat immediately ceases, with both units reconsolidating 2d6 inches. If a double 6 is ever rolled for this leadership test the Sleepless go berserk, self-destructing in a whirlwind of indiscriminate violence. Every unit (Friend or Foe, excluding other Sleepless) within 2D6 inches takes 2D6 S5 hits. Vehicles are hit on their side armour. After these attacks are resolved, remove the Sleepless unit from play.

Phobetor Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

100pt (not final value)
A single Phobetor Dreadnought may be fielded for every 5 Sleepless in your force, to a maximum of 2.
WS4 BS4 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A2
Unit Composition: 1 Dreadnought
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: 2 Dreadnought Manipulator Arms with integrated Narthecium Glaives. 1 Shoulder Mounted Storm Bolter.
Dedicated Transport: May select a Drop Pod
Special Rules: Apothecary in Iron, Hands That Heal Can Also Destroy, Only in Death, The Nightmare Ends, They Deserved Better!.

Healing hands: Manipulator arms are dreadnought CCWs that have been modified for increased dexterity. In place of guns they have been mounted with Narthecium Glaives to aid in caring for the Sleepless. These may be used to attack normally at S10 or de-powered to use the glaive's toxins, striking as a 2+ poisoned AP- attack. A single glaive attack can be made per hand, plus a third if both arms are undamaged. At the beginning of the turn choose 1 unit within 3" of the Phobetor. That unit gains Feel No Pain until the beginning of your next turn. If a unit of Sleepless are within 3", they must be the target of this ability.
Only in Death: A Phobetor pilot will not abandon his charges under any circumstances. The walker must remain within unit coherency with the Sleepless whenever possible, or else move to join them at top speed. If the Sleepless declare a charge the Phobetor dreadnought must also declare a charge at the same target. So long as at least one Phobetor remains within 3" range, even as a vehicle wreck, the Sleepless gain +1 Ld in addition to Feel No Pain. If two Phobetors are within range of a Sleepless unit it instead gains +2 Ld, Stubborn, and Feel No Pain.
The Nightmare Ends: If all Sleepless are killed each Phobetor remaining must take a leadership test at Ld6. If it succeeds the Phobetor becomes an independent Apothecary in Iron for the rest of the game. If the test is failed the Phobetor goes berserk and must move as quickly as possible towards the nearest enemy unit and charge it. If more than half of the Sleepless are killed by enemy ranged attacks before the entire squad is wiped out. Phobetors automatically fail the leadership test and receive +1WS for the rest of the game.

Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]

Rhino[edit | edit source]

BS4 F11 S11 R10
Unit Composition: 1 Rhino
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Storm bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
-a dozer blade - +5pts
-extra armour - +15pts
-redundant systems - +30pts
Transport Capacity: Ten models
Special Rules: Repair, Redundant Crew

Razorback[edit | edit source]

Bs4 F11 S11 R10
Unit Composition: 1 Razorback
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Twin-linked heavy bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • Replace twin-linked heavy bolters with:
-twin-linked heavy flamer - +25pts
-twin-linked assault cannon - +35pts
-twin-linked lascannon - +35pts
-lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun - +35pts
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
-a dozer blade - +5pts
-extra armour - +15pts
-redundant systems - +30pts
Transport Capacity: Six Models
Special Rules: Redundant Crew

Drop Pod[edit | edit source]

BS4 F12 S12 R12
Unit Composition: 1 Drop Pod
Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped)
Wargear: Storm bolter
  • Replace storm bolter with deathwind missile launcher - +20pts
  • take a locator beacon - +10pts
Transport Capacity: Twelve models, one Dreadnought or one Thunderfire Cannon
Special Rules: Inertial guidance System, Immobile, Drop Pod Assault

Fast Attack[edit | edit source]

Icelus Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

100pts (not final value)
WS5 BS5 S5 T 4(6) W4 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Icelus Pattern Dreadnought
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
Wargear: Pair of Lightning Claws, Astartes Sniper Rifle, Frag Grenades
  • Can replace either Lightning Claw with:
-Combi Melta/Plasma/flamer - Free
-Storm Bolter - Free
-Power Fist - 15pts
-Relic Blade - 15pts
-Thunder Hammer - 20pts
-Storm Shield (One) - 30pts
  • Can replace Astartes Sniper Rifle with:
-Astartes Shotgun - Free
-Flamer - 5pts
-Astartes Grenade Launcher - 5pts
-Meltagun - 10pts
-Plasma Gun - 15pts
-Heavy Bolter - 5pts
-Autocannon - 10pts
-Multi-Melta or Missile Launcher - 10pts
-Lascannon or Plasma Cannon - 25pts
-Assault Cannon - 30pts

If a Heavy Bolter, Autocannon, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Lascannon or Assault Cannon is selected the unit loses the Nimble special rule.

Special Rules: Acute Senses, Stealth, Move Through Cover, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Quiet As The Grave, Nimble
Quiet as the Grave: All enemies suffer -1 Ld within 6" of the Icelus, or -2 if in base contact with the Icelus.
Nimble: Icelus pattern dreadnoughts are designed to have an almost freakish mobility. As such, they have the Furious Charge, Scout, Hit And Run and Fleet of Foot Universal Special Rules and may roll two dice and pick the highest when running.

Assault Squad[edit | edit source]

Space Marine Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Space Marine:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 4 Space Marines, 1 Space Marine Sergeant
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Jump pack
  • May include up to five additional Space Marines - +18pts/model
  • For every five models in the squad one Space Marine may replace his bolt pistol with one of the following:
-a flamer - +10pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
  • The Space Marine Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol and/or chainsword with:
-a dreamcatcher - +10pts
-a storm shield - +15pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
-a power weapon or lightning claw - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
-a thunder hammer or pair of lightning claws - +30pts
Dedicated Transport: The squad may remove its jump packs to count as Infantry. It may then have a Drop Pod or Rhino for free. Note that upgrades must be bought as normal. A squad with jump packs may have a Drop Pod, but each marine counts as two models.
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics

Night Owl Storm Squad[edit | edit source]

Night Owl Sergeant: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Night Owl:...............WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Night Owl Sergeant, 4 Night Owls
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
Wargear: Power armour, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades, jump packs chainsword (the Sergeant instead has a power sword).
  • May include up to five additional Night Owls: 22pts/model
  • The Sergeant may replace his power sword with:
-a lightning claw - free
-a power fist - +10pts
-a thunder hammer or relic blade - +15pts
  • Any model may replace his bolt pistol and/or chainsword with:
-a storm shield - +15pts
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
-a power weapon or lightning claw - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
-a thunder hammer - +30pts
  • Any model may take melta bombs - +5pts/model
  • The sergeant may take:
-Dreamcatcher - +10pts
-Prophetic Dreams - +15pts
Dedicated Transport: The squad may remove its jump packs to count as Infantry. It may then have a Drop Pod or Rhino for free. Note that upgrades must be bought as normal. A squad with jump packs may have a Drop Pod, but each marine counts as two models.
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics, Heroic Intervention

Land Speeder Squadron[edit | edit source]

BS4 F10 S10 R10
Unit composition: 1-3 Land Speeders
Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer)
Wargear: Heavy Bolter
  • Any Land Speeder may replace its heavy bolter with:
-heavy flamer - Free
-multi-melta - +10pts
  • Any Land Speeder may be upgraded with one of the following:
-a Typhoon missile launcher - +40pts
-a tornado pattern:
-heavy flamer - +10pts
-heavy bolter - +10pts
-multi-melta - +20pts
-assault cannon - +40pts
Special Rules: Deep Strike

Land Speeder Storm[edit | edit source]

BS3 F10 S10 R10
Unit Composition: 1 Land Speeder Storm
Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped
Wargear: Heavy Bolter, Jamming Beacon, Cerberus Launcher
  • Replace Heavy Bolter with:
-heavy flamer - +10pts
-multi-melta - +15pts
-assault cannon - +35pts
  • Upgrade the Land Speeder Storm to accommodate Secundus Operatives (+1BS, no longer counts as open-topped) - +20pts
Transport Capacity: Five Models (Scouts Only)
Special Rules: Deep Strike, Scouts

Space Marine Bike Squad[edit | edit source]

Biker Sergeant:........WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
Space Marine Biker: WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
Attack bike:.............WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1 Biker Sergeant, 2 Space marine Bikers
Unit Type: Bike
Wargear: Power armour, Bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades, Space Marine Bike
  • May include up to five additional Space Marine Bikers - +25pts/model
  • The Biker Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol with:
-a plasma pistol - +15pts
-a combi-melta, -flamer or -plasma - +10pts
-a power weapon - +15pts
-a power fist - +25pts
  • The Biker Sergeant may take:
-melta bombs - +5pts
-Dreamcatcher - +10pts
  • Up to two bikers may replace their bolt pistols with:
-a flamer - +5pts
-a meltagun - +10pts
-a plasma gun - +15pts
  • Add one heavy bolter armed Attack Bike to the Squadron - +40pts
  • The Attack Bike may upgrade its heavy bolter to a multi-melta - +10pts
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics

Attack Bike Squad[edit | edit source]

Attack Bike: WS4 BS4 S4 T4(5) W2 I4 A2 Ld8 Sv3+
Unit Composition: 1-3 Attack Bikes
Unit Type: Bikes
Wargear: Power armour, Bolt pistol, Frag and krak grenades, Space Marine Bike, Heavy Bolter
  • Any Attack Bike may upgrade its heavy bolter to a multi-melta - +10pts
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

Devastator Dreadnought Squad[edit | edit source]

155pts each (not final value)
WS3 BS5 S6 F12 S12 R10 I2 A1
Unit Composition: 1-2 Dreadnoughts
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Multi-melta, Shoulder-mounted Storm Bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight, Redundant Systems


  • Must choose one of the following weapon configurations to replace the left arm:
Missile Launcher - Hellfire Configuration: A hellfire missile launcher counts as two separate weapons. The dreadnought may fire both launchers at once, but no more than 3 weapons may be fired in a single turn.
Autocannon - Rifleman Configuration: A dreadnought in Rifleman configuration may halve the number of shots from its autocannon(s). The remaining shots ignore cover saves, including those granted to skimmers and turbo boosting bikes.
  • May replace the multi-melta with:
-Twin-linked heavy flamer - free
-twin-linked heavy bolter - +5pts
-twin-linked autocannon - +10pts
-plasma cannon or assault cannon - +10pts
-twin-linked lascannon - +25pts
  • Replace Storm Bolter with:
-Flamer - Free
-Astartes Grenade Launcher - +5pts
-Meltagun - +10pts
-Plasma Gun - +15pts
  • Take up to two hunter-killer missiles - +5pts each
Dedicated Transport: May take a Drop Pod each. If a squad of two takes drop pods they always deploy at the same time and count as a single reserve roll. Place one drop pod down and roll to scatter in the usual manner. The second Drop Pod then scatters D6" from the first pod.

Predator[edit | edit source]

BS4 F13 S11 R10
Unit Composition: 1 Predator
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Autocannon, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight
  • Replace autocannon with a twin-linked lascannon: +45pts
  • May take side sponsons with:
-heavy bolters for +25pts
-lascannons for +60pts
  • If sponsons are not taken, the tank may have spaced armour for +20pts
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
-a dozer blade - +5pts
-extra armour - +15pts
-redundant systems - +30pts
  • One predator tank in your army may have a tank commander for +30pts
  • If your army includes a tank commander you may upgrade any predator to be Fast for +10pts
Special Rules: Redundant Crew

Whirlwind[edit | edit source]


BS4 F11 S11 R10
Unit Composition: 1 Whirlwind
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Whirlwind multiple missile launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
-a dozer blade - +5pts
-extra armour - +15pts
-redundant systems - +30pts
Special Rules: Redundant Crew

Vindicator[edit | edit source]

BS4 F13 S11 R10
Unit Composition: 1 Vindicator
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Demolisher cannon, Storm bolter, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter-killer missile - +10pts
-a dozer blade - +5pts
-extra armour - +15pts
-redundant systems - +30pts
  • If your army has a tank commander you may upgrade any vindicator to be Fast for +15pts
Special Rules: Redundant Crew

Land Raider[edit | edit source]


BS4 F14 S14 R14
Unit Composition: 1 Land Raider
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Twin-linked heavy bolter, Two twin-linked lascannons, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
-a multi-melta - +10pts
-extra armour - +15pts
Transport Capacity: Twelve Models
Special Rules: Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle, Redundant Crew

Land Raider Crusader[edit | edit source]


BS4 F14 S14 R14
Unit Composition: 1 Land Raider
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Twin-linked assault cannon, Two hurricane bolters, Frag assault launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
-a multi-melta - +10pts
-extra armour - +15pts
Transport Capacity: Sixteen Models
Special Rules: Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle, Redundant Crew

Land Raider Redeemer[edit | edit source]


BS4 F14 S14 R14
Unit Composition: 1 Land Raider
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Wargear: Twin-linked assault cannon, Two flamestorm cannons, Frag assault launcher, Smoke launchers, Searchlight
  • May take any of the following:
-a storm bolter - +10pts
-a hunter killer missile - +10pts
-a multi-melta - +10pts
-extra armour - +15pts
Transport Capacity: Twelve Models
Special Rules: Power of the Machine Spirit, Assault Vehicle, Redundant Crew