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The Q'Orl, also known scientifically as Bestiola Superior, are a type of intelligent, advanced insectoid aliens that lived in the galaxy and were native to the Swarmworld Loqiit, located in the Segmentum Pacificus.
[[Category:/tg/ 40,000]]

[[File:Q’Orl Prince.jpeg|600px|thumb|centre|]]

==Q'Orl Lore==
The Q'Orl, also known scientifically as Bestiola Superior, are a type of intelligent, advanced insectoid aliens that lived in the galaxy and were native to the Swarmworld Loqiit, located in the Segmentum Pacificus.
===The Q'Orl===
Commonly held theory holds the view that the Q'Orl are the evolutionary descendants of the primitive invertebrate lifeforms native to their homeworld of Loqqit. Whilst all are born equal, there are several distinct strains that are developed within the larval nurseries.  

This is done through the use of hormonal soups exuded by the queen which is responsible for siring the entirely male race by laying several thousand eggs every day.
==Army Rules==
At an unknown point, they developed space travel capabilities where they created elegant chainships. In time, they developed unbelievably advanced space vessels and became heavily armed, though they lacked Warp travel capability.  
As they expanded into space, they began placing planetary marker-stones, deep-space monoliths and archaeological sites containing a rich amount of Q'Orl text.
*'''Arthropods:''' ''The Q’Orl are a race of arthropod insectoids that resemble, to an extent, giant spiders and scorpions from Terra. This gives them a speed much higher than what their chitinous exterior leads to thinking.''
These texts all proclaim the announcement of the "Superiority of the Swarmhood", their ownership of select regions of space and their ultimate aim of conquering the Galactic hub. Their empire was known as the Q'Orl Swarmhood and they were centered around their single holy world.
::When a unit with this special rule advances, count a roll of 1 or 2 as a roll of 3 to determine the distance the unit moves. In addition, units with this special rule are never slowed down by Difficult Ground.

According to one text, four thousand years ago at the end of the 37th Millennium they became afflicted with some form of disease that may be Chaotic in origin. It is speculated that the disease was transmitted originally from Human settlers and may be attributed to Nurgle. During this time, they were assisted against this disease or Chaos by another race which some believe may be the Eldar. After the war was won, the pointy-eared allies demanded payment which was a Q'Orl queen to make an "uncorroded swarm"; possibly a race resistant to disease or Chaos.
*'''For the Queen:''' ''The Q'Orl live and die for the sole purpose of serving their precious Queen, she who stepped up to the task after the Empire was almost lost as a consequence to the Eldar stealing away their older Queen.''
This saw the Q'Orl dissolve their alliance and defend their queen, though the Eldar conducted a treacherous act that stole away the queen.  
::{{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} units that are within 6” of a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} unit can use that unit's Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.
Despite the loss of the queen, a newly formed queen-egg was laid bringing the reign of the next matriarch, though the Q'Orl never forgave the Eldar for their actions.

At some point, an Administratum colony-ark along with a fleet of ships as part of a seeding project was dispatched into the space held by the Q'Orl Swarmhood. Upon learning of this, the Q'Orl became less than pleased at seeing parts of their territory being held by Human trespassers. In retribution, they massacred an estimated number of thirty thousand pilgrims before a single colony-ark managed to escape and become the only survivor of its fleet.  
*'''Technological Genius:''' ''Q'Orl sophisticated technology comes from the unique usage of the biofluid extracted from the eggs the Queen lays. This fluid has an immense electrical potentiality, and when stimulated produces enough current to melt even metals.''
::Attacks made by {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} units can never suffer negative modifiers to their wound rolls or be forced to wound a flat roll which is worse than what they would originally require. In addition, if the Strength of an attack made by a {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} unit is more than double the target’s Toughness, the attack automatically wounds the target.

During the fifth year of Explorator Mari Alitz' travel of Segmentum Pacificus on St Thor's Eve, the colony-ark was encountered in the desolate region of space where they stayed for twenty days, though they never encountered a Q'Orl specimen.  
===Detachment Rules===
At some point, the Swarmhood began capturing a number of members of the Navis Nobilite in Segmentum Pacificus. This included Corchillio Haegrael of House Hagrael, who was implanted with a previously unknown organism in his brain.  
*'''Hive Hierarchy:''' ''In the rest of the galaxy, hierarchy is a fluid thing. A commissar could give orders to a general, a cadre leader could tell an Ethereal that they must reconsider their actions, a Hive Guard may be the strongest willed amongst their kin, but for the Q'Orl, everything is set in stone. In imperial society, even a beggar has the chance of become a high lord of terra. It is unlikely, but for humanity, everything is possible. For the Q'Orl, a worker will always be a worker, an engineer will always be an engineer, while a prince, will always be a prince. It is the Q'Orl's ultimate weakness, their hierarchy holds them back from true greatness. ''
::When mustering your army, if it contains the {{W40kKeyword|Hive Queen}}, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}}, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Commander}}, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Lieutenant}}, that model must be selected as your Warlord. If your army contains none of the listed models, select your Warlord as normal.

In the locality of Maachros System on 0.024.804.M41, the wayward frigate Macharius Memoriem encountered a Chain Ship with the Q'Orl captured Navigator that had been infested with a maggot-strain in his brain. This discovery led to increased security in Fleet Pacificus to prevent the capture of further Navigators.
*'''Hive Swarmhood:''' ''The ranks inside the Swarmhood are extremely well defined and understood. If a superior orders you to do something, you do it, no question asked. This strangely leads to an extreme morale increase, because the Q'Orl fully believe that the closest an entity is to the Queen, the more absolutely sacred that being is.''
::If your army is Battle-forged, all {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} units in {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} Detachments (excluding those in Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachments) gain a Swarmhood, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same Swarmhood.

===Q'Orl Anatomy===
*'''Hive Workers:''' ''Larvae, while the very basic form and completely necessary for the species survival, are always seen as inferior beings in the Swarmhood. They often get punched, kicked, eaten, and/or killed for no real reason.''
The Q’Orl are a race of arthropod insectoids that resemble, to an extent, spiders and scorpions from Terra. They have evolved a unique type of cheratin on their bodies that is said to be almost as impervious as Space Marine power armour; this has been proven true when, during an engagement with a Q’Orl scouting group of Soldiers, they were seen shrugging off lasgun fire and being barely scratched by it.
::Units composed entirely of {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} cannot benefit from any Swarmhood. In addition, Q’Orl Stratagems can only be used on these units if the Stratagem explicitly states so.

The Q’Orl are born all in the form of larvae that hatch from the eggs their precious Hive Queen lays everyday numbering in the thousands. These larvae are seen as inferior lifeforms by many Q’Orl, because their physiology makes it impossible to determine the strain that will change their evolution into the various classes of a Hive. For this reason, these barely sapient larvae are usually damaged, or straight up killed by the higher ranking Q’Orl inside a hive, deeming them as the only flaw in their evolutionary chain.  
*'''Objective Secured:''' ''While not able to utilize Warp travel, the Q'Orl are by no mean not interested in expansion. When they find new suitable places for the Swarmhood, they will fight with teeth and claws to keep it.''
Because of their harsh life, larvae often end up growing scarred, damaged, and are unable to fully form their empowered chiritine exterior. This is partially the reason why Q’Orl prefer ranged combat instead of assaults, being that the various cracks in their shells are often more exploitable in a brawl than they are from messy ranged fire.
::If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} Detachments gain this ability, apart from Larva units. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
Larvae that grow with a cracked exoskeleton are always relegated to three possible jobs: Technoengineering, Hive maintenance or low ranking soldiers.

At times, larvae manage to avoid damage while in their early months of evolution and evolve into a Q’Orl with fully formed armour. These exemplars are rare, for Q’Orl simply refuse to understand the importance of larvae in their society.
*'''Royalty of the Swarm:''' ''A Q'Orl swarm is made up of uncountable numbers of individuals, all grinding out their own existences as part of the vast machine which is the Q'Orl empire. The Q'Orl royalty however, sit separately to these workings, and instead spend their time overseeing the vast workings before themselves.''
When one does in fact grow to that stage, it is immediately relegated to a much more important social or military job.
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} units can be included in a {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} Detachment without preventing other units in that Detachment from gaining a Swarmhood.

===Q’Orl Society and Technology===
These jobs include internal organization of the Hive, research and development of new technology, higher ranking soldiers and direct submission to the Queen’s orders.  
*'''Afelhuk - The Scavenging Hive''' ''Afelhuk was the second Swarmhood ever created by the old Queen. The Q'Orl there are completely sure about one thing and one thing only: dying for the Queen is the best death one can hope for.''
Their military path opens up with the position of an elite version of Soldiers, rarely dispatched in the same way normal soldiers are. Eventually, they can be rewarded the position of Lieutenants, Captains or even Princes.
::When a model in a {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} unit is removed from the battle as the result of an enemy attack, that model can immediately make a shooting attack as if it were the shooting phase, ignoring all modifiers.
Some of the sturdiest Q’Orl are integrated in the Q’Orl Vanguard platoon.

Q’Orl technology is still not fully understood by the Imperium; they have proven themselves to be incredibly advanced technology-wise, lacking only warp travel to become a real problem for the Galaxy itself.
*'''Alakyrr - Assault Hive''' ''Alakyrr was the first Swarmhood created by the new Queen. Here, Q'Orl are grown to be stronger and faster, perfecting their bodies to form complex combat styles. While completely atypical for a Q'Orl to focus on melee combat, this Swarmhood has proven multiple times that half a ton of chitin and claws slamming against enemies works very well.''
Their researches are almost entirely focused on military discoveries and innovations. The Q’Orl utilize a special biofluid that is harvested from the fetal fluids left in the larvae eggs that the Queen produces to power extremely powerful weaponry.
::All {{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} units add 1 to their Weapon Skill rolls in the Fight Phase in a turn where they charged, were charged or performed a heroic intervention during the previous charge phase. In addition, all {{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} units add 1 to their Attacks characteristic.
This liquid has amazing electrical properties, but it is inert when in its pure form.

When correctly powered through the use of mini batteries implanted directly into Q’Orl weaponry, the liquid becomes electrified to voltages so extreme that they melt metal just from the pure excitement of atoms when they come in contact with such amperage.
*'''Gook - Blitz Warfare Hive''' ''Gook is the only Swarmhood that doesn't have a real place to call home. Gook's Q'Orls are always traveling to search places suitable for the Hive to grow in, and they excel at doing that because of a strain in their DNA that alters their growth and evolution to produce stronger and more flexible tendons, giving them faster speed.''
::All {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} units add 6” to their advance rolls instead of rolling a d6. In addition, Heavy weapons used by {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} units in a turn in which they advanced become Assault weapons instead.

This is used by Q’Orl soldiers in very small doses, because of how little they can get every day. The Neuroelectric rifle is the prime example of this: the basic weapon that most soldiers are equipped with spits out a condensed bullet of this fetal liquid that gets overcharged on launch and, upon colliding with the target, gets splashed over the victim. Once there, the electrical potency of the liquid acts by literally melting almost all material it comes in contact with. When a living creature comes in direct contact with it, they suffer instant paralysis as their nerves combust and liquify under the sheer amperage the bullet brings with it.
*'''Loqiit - The Queen’s Personal Army''' ''The original Swarmhood and the current location of the new Queen. This is where all the larvae are born and where the Queen's personal army stays. It's the most protected place in the Q'Orl Empire, and the Q'Orl there are the strongest ones of all the hives.''
The High Voltage Rifle is the direct evolution of the Neuroelectric Rifle. It dispatches bigger and more condensed projectiles of bioliquid and is built with a much stronger battery to power it. The effects are the same as the Neuroelectric Rifle, just enhanced to the extremes.
::All {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} units gain 1 Toughness and 1 Strength when within 12” of a {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}. In addition, {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} units can ignore lost wounds on a roll of 6+. However, when {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} units are more than 12"  away from a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} unit then roll a D6 at the start of each turn for that unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Another favoured weapon of the Q’Orl Swarmhoods is the High Control Heavy Spitter. This gun is rarely picked up, because of its extreme inefficiency when using the fetal biofuel. The way the weapon works is by literally spitting out liters of the liquid in a line to cover entire squads of enemies and frying most living creatures on the spot.
*'''Semmiheu - Crafter Hive''' ''Semmiheu is a Swarmhood almost completely composed of Engineers. They specialize in perfecting the usage of the biofluid extracted by the Queen's egg, to attempt to create more deadly weaponry, and to reduce the waste of biofluid per bullet as much as possible, because of its natural limited amount.''
::Change the ''Technological Genius'' special rule for {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} units to read:
::"Attacks made by {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} units can never suffer negative modifiers to their wound rolls or be forced to wound a flat roll which is worse than what they would originally require. In addition, {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} units always wound on a roll of 5+ or better. Finally, if the Strength of an attack made by a {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} unit is more than double the target’s Toughness, the attack automatically wounds the target."

The cuirasse that covers the Q’Orl bodies is slightly resistant to this liquid, and this is because the larvae are born with a miniscule amount of it in their bodies that is used, during development, to create the chitin.
==Specialist Detachments==
Once the Q’Orl discovered this, they also discovered shortly thereafter that the larvae, when electrified through a direct connection to the batteries that aliment their weaponry, become highly unstable. The larvae rarely survive this process, especially because the Q’Orl have discovered that supercharged larvae are highly explosive, and as such they are at times used as living grenades.
===Court of War (1 CP)===
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''One of the highest echelons of Q'Orl warfare is the Court of War. However, unlike other functions within Q'Orl warfare, it is not a permanent group of individuals, in order to ensure that no one Q'Orl is ever given too much power for too long. With the position however comes immense power, giving its noble members the resources and authority to simply make things happen. However, with such authority comes the expectation that the Court of War shall conduct itself with utmost perfection.''

The most intelligent of the Q’Orl are almost always relegated to the position of Technoengineer. These Q’Orl need to implant in their bodies a machine, inches away from their heart, which pumps pheromones in the Technoengineer’s blood stream. While not highly effective, this does increase the Q’Orl awareness.  
All {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} and {{W40kKeyword|Royal Guards}} units in this Specialist Detachment gain the {{W40kKeyword|Court of War}} keyword.
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The Queen’s personal army is divided in two major groups: the vanguards and the drones.
'''Warlord Trait:'''
The Vanguards are the Q’Orl born with the most complete and sturdy chiritin armour possible. As high as 2 meters, they are easily the biggest non-royalty Q’Orl. Highly resilient and extremely powerful, they proudly compare themselves to an immovable wall between the Queen and her enemies.
*'''Master of War:''' ''The court of war provides its overall commander immense power. Such a warlord has the power to make anything that is materially possible happen.''
The Drones are Q’Orl born from a very rare strain, which causes them to grow immensely strong wings. These Drones continuously fly around the Queen, never stopping and ever growing stronger, constantly watching for potential threats to instantly annihilate with extremely precise charges and with claws capable of slashing through metal like it was paper. They are not big, barely over a meter, and they utilize the gases produced by the Queen to sustain themselves in their eternal flight over the Queen’s body.
::At the start of each of your Command phase roll a D3. The first Stratagem you use that turn has its Command point cost reduced by that amount.

The strain that modifies the Larvae into Drones is not visible in the early stages of a larva cycle. After a week from their hatching, the larva sprout small wings from their backs which are the same that will evolve into the highly resistant ones typical of the Drones. These larvae are instantly brought to the Queen’s presence, and they start getting mutated by her liquid secretions which slightly halts their growth, but also slows their metabolism to a crawl. After just a few more weeks, the larvae begin their eternal flight around the Queen, and will not stop until something kills them.
*'''Superbly Planned (1 CP):''' ''The strategies employed by the hive princes are thought out in terrifying details, making it seem as if they can gaze into the future.''
::Use this Stratagem at any point of the battle. The next Stratagem that targets a {{W40kKeyword|Court of War}} unit within 12" of a {{W40kKeyword|Court of War}} Warlord has its cost reduced by 2 Command points.  

==Army Rules==
*'''Nanobot Lance:''' ''An intricate series of ducts and storage tanks which are grafted onto the exoskeleton of its bearer, in which is contained one of the many varients of Q'Orl nanobot. These nanobots are fired as a dense cloud at an enemy unit using the bearers own electro weaponry, and guided by careful eddies in reality generated by the bots. The nanobots are designed to generate a static charge between themselves to create an immensely powerful magnetic field. Once the bots hit their target they activate this magnetic field, locking the target in place. The effect is relatively short term, as the effect drains the nanobots of their reserve charge very quickly, but a relatively short time is a very long time on the battlefield.''
*'''Arthropods:''' ''The Q’Orl are a race of arthropod insectoids that resemble, to an extent, giant spiders and scorpions from Terra. This gives them a speed much higher than what their chitinous exterior leads to think.''
::During the bearer's Shooting phase you may elect for it to use its Nanobot Lance instead of firing normally. If so, select an enemy unit within 24", ignoring line of sight; that unit may not move or advance in its next Movement phase or charge in its next Charge phase. If the selected unit has the {{W40kKeyword|Titanic}} keyword then instead it subtracts 1" from its movement, advance and charge distances until your next Shooting phase.
::When a unit with this special rule advances, count a roll of 1 or 2 as a roll of 3 to determine the distance the unit moves.

*'''For the Queen:''' ''The Q'Orl live and die for the sole purpose of serving their precious Queen, she who stepped up to the task after the Empire was almost lost as a consequence to the Eldar stealing away their older Queen.''
==Specialist Formations==
::{{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} units that are within 6” of a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} unit automatically pass morale and combat attrition tests.
Special Formations are a special kind of detachment that is made up of variable and specific units. Each formation has to be made inside its own detachment and counts as an organized detachment. Stratagems found in this section can only be used on units from the correspondent formation.

*'''Technological Genius:''' ''Q'Orl sophisticated technology comes from the unique usage of the biofluid extracted from the eggs the Queen lays. This fluid has an immense electrical potentiality, and when stimulated produces enough current to melt even metals.''
===Queens Entourage (2 CP)===
::Each time you roll an unmodified hit roll of 6 for an attack with a ranged weapon made by a model in this unit, that hit roll succeeds regardless of any modifiers. In addition, if the Strength of the attack is more than half the target’s Toughness, the attack automatically wounds the target.
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''Like the titans of the Adeptus Titanicus, the Q'Orl hive Queen does not travel and enter battle by itself. There are retainers, bodyguards, cleaners, masters of logistics, and a thousand others who are needed to ensure that the Queen is kept alive and well.''
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*1 Hive Queen
*3 Royal Guards units
*3-6 Hive Soldiers units

===Detachment Rules===
*'''Hive Workers:''' ''Larvae, while the very basic form and completely necessary for the species survival, are always seen as inferior beings in the Swarmhood. They often get punched, kicked, eaten and or killed for no real reason.''
*All units in the formation must remain with 12” of the formations Hive Queen.
::Units composed entirely of {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} cannot benefit from any Swarmhood. In addition, Q’Orl Stratagems can only be used on these units if the Stratagem explicitly states so.

*'''Objective Secured:''' ''While not able to utilize Warp travel, the Q'Orl are by no mean not interested in expansion. When they find new suitable places for the Swarmhood, they will fight with teeth and claws to keep it.''
::If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} Detachments gain this ability, apart from Larva units. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
*All enemy units within 24" of the {{W40kKeyword|Hive Queen}} may not ignore modifiers when making morale or combat attrition tests.
*All {{W40kKeyword|Royal Guards}} units in this formation ignore damage received on a 5+ instead of on just a 6 when using their ''Shielded Chitin'' special rule.
*All {{W40kKeyword|Hive Soldiers}} units in this formation gain the ''Absolute Devotion'' special rule.
:'''Absolute Devotion:''' While a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} is within 3" of this unit, enemy units cannot target that unit with ranged weapons. In addition, this unit can perform a Heroic Intervention as if it was a {{W40kKeyword|Character}} and can do so against an enemy unit that charged a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} that is within 3" of this unit. In this case, the enemy unit may only attack this unit instead of the unit they charged.

*'''Swarmhood Royalty Soldiers:''' ''The ranks inside the Swarmhood are extremely well defined and understood. If a superior orders you to do something, you do it, no question asked. This strangely leads to an extreme morale increase, because the Q'Orl fully believe that the closest an entity is to the Queen, the more absolutely sacred that being is.''
::If your army is Battle-forged, all {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} units in {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} Detachments (excluding those in Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachments) gain a Swarmhood, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same Swarmhood.
====Battle Tactics Stratagems====
*'''Larvae Support (2 CP):''' ''The Hive Queen is capable of laying tens of thousand eggs in an extremely short period of time. While the larva mortality rate is extremely high, the sheers numbers of larvae make up for it.''
::Use this Stratagem when a {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} unit in your army is removed from the battle. Place a unit of 10 Larvae within 6" of the {{W40kKeyword|Hive Queen}} and more than 1” away from any enemy unit.

====Epic Deeds Stratagems====
*'''Afelhuk - The Scavenging Hive''' ''Afelhuk was the second Swarmhood ever created by the old Queen. The Q'Orl there are completely sure about one thing and one thing only: dying for the Queen is the best death one can hope for.''
*'''Ruthless Cruelty (1 CP):''' ''Oftentimes, it's best to remind the lesser beings of the hive what they are fighting for, and especially what happens when they don't meet their Queen's desires.''
::When a model in a {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} unit is removed from the battle as the result of an enemy attack, that model can immediately make a shooting attack as if it were the shooting phase. This attack can only hit on a roll of 5+, ignoring all modifiers.
::Use this Stratagem during the Morale phase. Select one {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit within 6" of a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}}; that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds but every friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} model whose unit is within 12" of that {{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} adds 2 to its Combat Attrition roll.

*'''Alakyrr - Assault Hive''' ''Alakyrr was the first Swarmhood created by the new Queen. Here, Q'Orl are grown to be stronger and faster, perfecting their bodies to form complex combat styles. While completely atypical for a Q'Orl to focus on melee combat, this Swarmhood has proven multiple times that hald a ton of chitin and claws slamming against enemies works very well.''  
====Requisition Stratagems====
::All {{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} units add 1 to their Weapon Skill rolls in the first turn of combat. In addition, all {{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} units add 1 to their Attacks characteristic.
*'''Biotechnological Clock Setting (1 CP):''' ''Q’Orl Technologists need to implant in their bodies a machine, inches away from their heart, which pumps pheromones in the bloodstream. While not highly effective, this does increase the Q’Orl awareness. Somehow.''
::Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Engineer unit and roll a Biotechnological Clock Overdrive check; that unit gains that buff for the rest of the battle. The same buff can't be gained again and re-roll results of 6.

*'''Gook - Blitz Warfare Hive''' ''Gook is the only Swarmhood that doesnt have a real place to call home. Gook's Q'Orls are always travelling to search places suitable for the Hive to grow in, and they excel at doing that because of a strain in their DNA that alters their growth and evolution to produce stronger and more flexible tendons, giving them faster speed.''
*'''Harden Up (3 CP):''' ''Because of their harsh life, larvae often end up growing scarred, damaged, and are unable to fully form their empowered chitinous exterior. This is partially the reason why Q’Orls prefer ranged combat instead of assaults, being that the various cracks in their shells are often more exploitable in a brawl than they are from messy ranged fire. Sometimes though, certain lucky larvae grow and evolve without being damaged, forming complete and more compact exoskeletons.''
::All {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} units add 6” to their advance rolls instead of rolling a d6.
::Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit in your army, that unit gains the ''Enhanced Chitin'' special rule for the rest of the battle.
::'''Enhanced Chitin:''' This unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.

*'''Loqiit - The Queen’s Personal Army''' ''The original Swarmhood and the current location of the new Queen. This is were all the larvae are born and where the Queen's personal army stays. It's the most protected place in the Q'Orl Empire, and the Q'Orl there are the strongest ones of all the hives.''  
*'''Setting the webs (1 CP):''' ''When the Q'Orl declare something their territory, they are most likely going to cover it in steel-hard webs to increase the maneuverability and protection they get from that area.''
::All {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} units gain 1 Toughness and 1 Strength when within 12” of a {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}. In addition, {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} units can ignore lost wounds on a roll of 6+.
::Use this Stratagem during deployment. Select a single piece of terrain other than a fortification. {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units in that terrain gain a 6+ Invulnerable save, including {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} units.

*'''Semmiheu - Crafter Hive''' ''Semmiheu is a Swarmhood almost completely composed of Engineers. They specialize in perfecting the usage of the biofluid extracted by the Queen's egg, to attempt to create more deadly weaponry and to reduce the waste of biofluid per bullet as much as possible, because of its natural limited amount.''
*'''Queen's Blessing (1 CP):''' ''The Queen always has prizes for her most loyal Q'Orl. Sometimes, when a Royalty Q'Orl gets granted a gift directly by the Queen, he also gets immediately promoted to the rank of Hive Prince.''
::The ''Technological Genius'' special rule is activated on a roll of 5+ for {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} units.
::Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} keyword. Select one {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Character}} model in your army and give them one Relic (this must be a Relic they can have). Each Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).

====Strategic Ploy Stratagems====
*'''Larva Bomb (1 CP):''' ''Once the Q’Orl discovered that the larvae, when electrified through a direct connection to the batteries that aliment their weaponry, become highly unstable, they also discovered that it's because they are, partially, filled with the same bioliquid found in the eggs. The larvae rarely survive being connected directly to batteries, especially because the Q’Orl have discovered that supercharged larvae are highly explosive, and as such, they are at times used as living grenades.''
*'''Biotechnological Clock setting (1CP):''' ''Q’Orl Engineers need to implant in their bodies a machine, inches away from their heart, which pumps pheromones in the Technoengineer’s blood stream. While not highly effective, this does increase the Q’Orl awareness. Somehow.''
::Select a non-{{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} unit that is within 3” of a {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} unit. For this Shooting phase, the unit can sacrifice a {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} model to shoot a Larva Bomb that has the following profile:
::Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Engineer unit and roll a Biotechnological Clock Overdrive check; that unit gains that buff for the rest of the battle. The same buff can be gained again. Re-roll results of 6.
*'''Enhanced Optics (1CP):''' ''Q'Orl eyes are, sometimes, directly modified by the engineers of the hive. While the result is clearly better, this leaves the subject Q'Orl in a state where they are, at times, blind, while in other time frames their vision is extremely enhanced.''
::Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength characteristic of all the ranged weapons in that unit by 1.
*'''Harden Up (3CP):''' ''Because of their harsh life, larvae often end up growing scarred, damaged, and are unable to fully form their empowered chiritine exterior. This is partially the reason why Q’Orl prefer ranged combat instead of assaults, being that the various cracks in their shells are often more exploitable in a brawl than they are from messy ranged fire. Sometimes though, certain lucky larvae grow and evolve without being damaged, forming complete and more compact exoskeletons.''
::Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}} unit in your army, that unit gains the ''Enhanced Chitin'' special rule for the rest of the battle.
*'''Heating Up (1CP):''' ''The Biofire Ejectors are both hated and loved by the Q'Orl Fire Spewers: who doesnt love spraying your enemies with ignited, highly corrosive and extremely electrical bioliquid that can easily melt living beings in mere instants? The problem is that it wastes a ton of biofluid. Engineeres love this weapon so much that they spend extreme lenghts of time just to make it even 1% more efficient.''
::Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit armed with Biofire Ejectors in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength of the Biofire Ejectors by 1 for the rest of the Shooting phase.
*'''Larva Bomb (1CP):''' ''Once the Q’Orl discovered that the larvae, when electrified through a direct connection to the batteries that aliment their weaponry, become highly unstable, they also discovered that it's because they are, partially, filled with the same bioliquid found in the eggs. The larvae rarely survive being connected directly to batteries, especially because the Q’Orl have discovered that supercharged larvae are highly explosive, and as such they are at times used as living grenades.''
::Select a non-{{W40kKeyword|Larva}} unit that is within 3” of a {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} unit. For this shooting phase, the unit can sacrifice a {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} model to shoot a Larva Bomb that has the following profile:
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''Larva Bomb''' || 12" || Heavy D3 || 4 || 0 || D3 || An enemy hit by this weapon has a penalty of 1 to their hit rolls in their following shooting phase. If the enemy is a Psyker, a successful wound also inflicts 1 mortal wound.
|'''Larva Bomb''' || 12" || Heavy D3 || 4 || 0 || D3 || An enemy hit by this weapon has a penalty of 1 to their hit rolls in their following shooting phase. If the enemy is a {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}}, a successful wound also inflicts 1 mortal wound.

*'''Larvae Support (2CP):''' ''The Hive Queen is capable of laying tens of thousand eggs in an extremely short period of time. While the larva mortality rate is extremely high, the sheers numbers of larvae make up for it.''
*'''Marching to safety (1 CP):''' ''Even considering the abusive nature of their superiors, Q'Orl soldiers feel much safer when closer to them. They believe that the protection a high-ranking Q'Orl can give will grant them nigh invulnerability.''
::Use this Stratagem when a {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} unit in your army is removed from the battle. Place a unit of 10 Larva anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy unit.
::Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any Morale Phase. Select one {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit in your army, if that unit is within 6" of a friendly {{W40kKeyword|HQs}} unit, then its models subtract 1 from their Combat Attrition test. If it's more than 6" away from such unit, and it's not within Engagement Range of an enemy, it can move 3” towards the nearest friendly {{W40kKeyword|HQs}} unit. This unit cannot enter the Engagement Range of an enemy unit.

*'''Marching to safety (1CP):''' ''Q'Orl soldiers feel much safer when close to a superior, because they belive that the protection a high ranking Q'Orl can give to the hive often means that staying near a royalty means night invulnerability.''
====Wargear Stratagems====
::Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any Morale Phase. Select 1 {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}} unit in your army that is not within Engagement Range of an enemy and move it 3”. This unit cannot enter the Engagement Range of an enemy unit.
*'''Enhanced Optics (1 CP):''' ''Q'Orl eyes are, sometimes, directly modified by the engineers of the hive. While the result is clearly better, this leaves the subject Q'Orl in a state where they are, at times, blind, while in other time-frames their vision is extremely enhanced.''
::Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength characteristic of all the ranged weapons in that unit by 1.

*'''Overwhelming Voltage (1CP):''' ''When correctly powered through the use of mini batteries implanted directly into Q’Orl weaponry, the bioliquid becomes electrified to voltages so extreme that they melt metal just from the pure excitement of atoms when they come in contact with such amperage.''
*'''Heating Up (1 CP):''' ''The Biofire Ejectors are both hated and loved by the Q'Orl Fire Spewers: who doesn't love spraying your enemies with ignited, highly corrosive, and extremely electrical bioliquid that can easily melt living beings in mere instants? The problem is that it wastes a ton of biofluid. Engineers love this weapon so much that they spend extreme lengths of time just to make it even 1% more efficient.''
::Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. Select a unit equipped with weapons from the ''Voltage Weapons'' list; until the end of your Shooting phase,the weapons generate one extra hit roll whenever it generates extra hit rolls.
::Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a {{W40kKeyword|Fire Spewers Team}} unit in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength of the unit's Biofire Ejectors by 1 for the rest of the Shooting phase.

*'''Setting the webs (1CP):''' ''When the Q'Orl declare something their territory, they are most likely going to cover it in steel-hard webs to increase the manouverability and protection they get from that area.''
*'''Overwhelming Voltage (1 CP):''' ''When correctly powered through the use of mini batteries implanted directly into Q’Orl weaponry, the bioliquid becomes electrified to voltages so extreme that they melt metal just from the pure excitement of atoms when they come in contact with such amperage.''
::Use this Stratagem during deployment. Select a single piece of terrain other than a fortification. {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units in that terrain gain a 6+ Invulnerable save, including {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} units.
::Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. Select a unit equipped with weapons from the ''Voltage Weapons'' list; until the end of your Shooting phase, the weapons generate one extra hit roll whenever it generates extra hit rolls.

*'''Queen's Blessing (1/3CP):''' ''The Queen always has prizes for her most loyal Q'Orl. Sometimes, when a Royalty Q'Orl gets granted a gift directly by the Queen, he also gets immediately promoted to the rank of Hive Prince.''
===Swarmhood Specific===
::Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Queen's Treasure for 1 CP, or two extra Queen's Treasures for 3 CPs. All of the Queen's Treasures that you include must be different and be given to different {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Characters}}. This Stratagem can only be used once per battle.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} - Strategic Ploy Stratagem - Return in Kind (2 CP):''' ''Those who dare to hurt the swarm will receive the retribution they deserve.''
::Use this Stratagem during any phase a {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}} unit loses any number of models. That {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}} unit may then make a number of shooting attacks or melee attacks equal to the number of models it lost during that phase.

===Swarmhood Specific===
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} - Strategic Ploy Stratagem - Frenetic Charge (2 CP):''' ''The Alakyrr only want one thing: charging into battle to prove their worth to their Queen, and the sooner, the better.''
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} - XXX (x CP):''' ''x''
::Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase when you roll the dice for an Advancing {{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} unit. You can double the number you roll and add that total to their Move characteristic for that Movement phase, rather than following the normal rules for Advancing. That unit can charge during the turn even if it advanced, but if it does so, roll a die for each model in the unit; the unit suffers a mortal wound for each roll of 6.
::Use this Stratagem xxx
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Gook}} - Battle Tactic Stratagem - They're Down, But There's Always More! (3 CP):''' ''There's no end to the frenzied march of the Gook. Even when the enemy thinks they've stopped, they soon discover to be the next victims on their path.''
::Use this Stratagem at the end of the fight phase if a {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} unit has slain an enemy unit in the same fight phase. That {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} unit can immediately declare a charge on an enemy unit as if it was the charge phase, and may then make a full round of melee attacks if they succeed in the charge.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} - Battle Tactic Stratagem - You are Below Our Notice (1 CP):''' ''Loqiit consider most to be beneath them. Why would they care about an enemy who made a charge against them? They have their own job to complete, why would they care? This complete disregard for their enemy can be incredibly off-putting. Even an imperial conscript, when they being forced at bolt pistol point to charge an enemy, at least expects their enemy to look them in the eye as they are wiped from existence. But the Loqiit don't even give them that much.''
::Use this Stratagem during the Charge phase, when a {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} unit is declared as the target of a charge by an enemy unit; for the duration of this Charge phase, all enemy units charging against the selected {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} unit must subtract 2" from their charge distances.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} - Wargear Stratagem - Mortis Requisition Nanobots (1 CP):''' ''A dead Q'Orl is of no use, the best it can do is to serve as ammunitions for those worthy of being alive.''
::Use this Stratagem whenever a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} unit is slain within 6" of another {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} unit. The surviving {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} unit adds 1 to the Ap characteristic of 1 of its weapons for the rest of the battle. This effect can stack.

==Warlord Traits==
==Warlord Traits==
*'''1: Digging Deep:''' ''x''
*'''1: Dig Deep to Divert:''' ''Enemy tacticians have found themselves outmaneuvered by some Q'Orl warlords, who used their underlings to dig them tunnels in order to redistribute their significant firepower, to their opponent's detriment.''
::At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, you can remove your Warlord from the battlefield and set them up again following normal deployment rules.
::At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, you can remove your Warlord from the battlefield along with 1 other friendly {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} unit (or {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit if your Warlord is a Hive Prince) and set them up again following normal deployment rules.

*'''2: High Royalty:''' ''x''
*'''2: Genetically Re-Sculpted Chitin:''' ''With the latest developments in molecular sculpting, Q'Orl engineers have modified this warrior's hide to be harder than cherimite.''
::Units within 12" of this model count as being within 6" of a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} unit for the purposes of For the Queen.
::Reduce any damage inflicted on your Warlord by 1 (to a minimum of 1). If an attack made against this Warlord would have a Damage characteristic of 1, then the attack subtracts 1 from its wound roll.

*'''3: Technological Tinkering:''' ''x''
*'''3: High Royalty:''' ''Those who stand close to this fine specimen of the royalty of the hive feel inspired, and almost forced, to push their limits to conquer more ground for their Queen.''
::Once per Shooting phase, your Warlord can re-roll a single dice to determine the number of shots of a weapon.
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} unit only. Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 12" of this unit count as being 2 models instead of 1 while using their '''Objective Secured''' Detachment rule.

*'''4: Reinforced Chitin:''' ''x''
*'''4: Leading from the Front of the Swarm:''' ''This commander rides the tides of war and launches into the fight firsthand. Even though his courage and ferocity shine, sacrificable cannon fodder is never too far away to shield him when the time comes.''
::Reduce any damage inflicted on your Warlord by 1 (to a minimum of 1). For example, if your Warlord fails a saving throw against an attack that inflicts 3 damage, they will only lose 2 wounds.
::During the fight phase in which your Warlord charged, was charged, or performed a heroic intervention during the previous charge phase then your Warlord's attack characteristic is increased by 2. In addition, hit rolls of 6+ made by your Warlord during the Fight phase count as 2 hits instead of 1. If your Warlord already possesses such an ability/weapon with such an ability then it instead adds 1 to its hit rolls when using that ability/weapon.

*'''5: Into the fray:''' ''x''
*'''5: Royal Heritage:''' ''This Prince has been chosen directly by the Queen to lead her conquering armies to glory.''
::When your Warlord charges, is charged or performs a heroic intervention, increase its Attacks characteristic by 2.
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} unit only. This Warlord can be equipped with two Relics instead of only one. It may not get a second Warlord trait after getting this Trait.

*'''6: Richness:''' ''x''
*'''6: Technological Tinkering:''' ''With his higher intelligence, this warrior modified its weapons to grant him additional strength on the battlefield.''
::This Warlord can be equipped with a second Queen's Treasure. He may not get a second Warlord trait after getting this trait.
::During the Shooting phase, your Warlord may re-roll all dice when determining the number of shots they fire with their weapons.

===Swarmhood Specific===
===Swarmhood Specific===
*'''{{W40kKeyword|AFELHUK}} - xx:''' ''x''
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} - Maximum Efficiency:''' ''There are those warlords who look upon the vast swarms of soldiers who die at their command, and look at them not as lost numbers in a grinding battle, but instead as a potential boon to further the hive.''
::Roll a D6 each time a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}} unit is slain within 6” of this unit; on a 4+ this unit regains 1 previously lost wound. If this unit has no missing wounds then instead add 1 to its saving throws until the end of the current turn (this effect does not stack).

==Queen's Curse Discipline==
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} - Furious Brutality:''' ''Because of the cracks in the chitin, melee combat is generally avoided by the Q'Orl. It only makes sense to use its own ferociousness to make sure the enmy has no chance to fight back.''
*'''1: Symbiotic Exoskeleton'''
::Add 1 to the wound rolls for your Warlord in a turn in which it charged.
::'''Warp Charge:''' 7
::''The Cursed Shaman always tries to help others. Not because he cares about other Q'Orl survival, but because them living longer means he's more likely to survive encounters.''
:: Select a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} unit within 12” and in line of sight of the Psyker. That unit’s save characteristic is improved by 1. In addition, roll a die each time that unit suffers an unsaved wound; on a roll of 6+ the wound is ignored.

*'''2: Psychic Leech'''
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Gook}} - Hyperactive Mind and Body:''' ''Gook commanders are notorious for their inability to keep still; they are trained from birth to veer on the move. On the battlefield they rocket from skirmish to skirmish, smashing any opposition then flashing onto the next foe. As long as they keep moving, they are unstoppable, and their biology and psychology cannot handle sitting still. When they do stop, something doesn't seem to match up in reality, they become jittery, uncomfortable, and even manic. In extreme cases, they can even become self-destructive, so desperate is their desire to keep moving, to flow with the tides of entropy and motion.''
::'''Warp Charge:''' 6
::Add 6” to your Warlord's Movement characteristic and add 1 to its saving throws. However, your Warlord must always Advance during your Movement phase, and if there is ever a situation in which they cannot do so, then they automatically suffer D6 mortal wounds.
::''The Shaman likes to sip on that strange energy that some enemies emanate. Expecially because of how devastated they look after he has finished.''
:: Select one {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}} enemy unit within 12” of the Psyker. Both players roll 2d6. If the result of the enemy {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}} roll is equal or higher than yours, no effect takes place; if the result of the enemy {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}} roll is lower, during his next Psychic phase that {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}} must reduce the amount of powers he can manifest by 1.

*'''3: Suicidal Overcharge'''
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} - Genetic and Bionic Perfection:''' ''The shields of the queen are to be superior to every other Q'Orl. If their biology alone doesn't meet the expectations, then extensive genetic and technological modifications will grant them the strength they deserve.''  
::'''Warp Charge:''' 7
::Add 1 to this Warlords Strength, Toughness, and Wounds characteristics.
::''The promise of power often has dire consequences. The Q'Orl know, but they are always ready to accept the risk if it means working better for their Queen.''
:: Select a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}} unit within 12” of the Psyker. Add 1 to their Strength characteristic of weapons in that unit until the end of your turn. In addition, each time a model in that unit rolls a hit roll of 1, the unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

*'''4: Cursed Youth'''
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} - Implanted Ordnance Transponder:''' ''The Q'Orl have long battled against the issue that, despite how excellent their weaponry is, they could never efficiently deal with enemies that hide out of sight or out of range. The Ordnance Transponder solved this issue, by using a commander's own brain and personal computer to triangulate an enemy's precise location. This is then relayed to the targeting optics of all the units under their command, linking all their computers to provide a targeting solution that would be far beyond even the tau to achieve. Armies against this piece of high technology have been routed by the simple terror of being picked off, unit by unit, by a foe they may not even be able to see.''  
::'''Warp Charge:''' 6
::Each Shooting phase, your Warlord may declare that it will not fire any of its weapons, and instead select 1 enemy unit within 24" and within its line of sight. Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} units within 12" of your Warlord may add 24" to the weapon range if they target that unit. If the enemy unit is already within range of a unit's weapons, then that unit may target it even if it's not in its line of sight.
::''Not even the Shaman likes Larvae, but not because he considers them inferior. It's because no one has had the same past he has. No one was raised by the Symbiote.''
:: Select a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} unit within 12” of the Psyker. That unit can immediately move as it was the Movement phase, but it suffers D3 mortal wounds at the end of the Psychic phase.
*'''5: XXX'''
::'''Warp Charge:''' x
:: xxx
*'''6: XXX'''
::'''Warp Charge:''' x
:: xxx

===Melee Weapons===
===Melee Weapons===
*'''High Voltage Sabre Leg:'''
*'''High Voltage Sabre Leg:''' ''The legs of this Q'Orl have been mounted with high voltage blades ideal for multi-target assaults.''
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*'''Mastodontic Jaws:'''
*'''Mastodontic Jaws:''' ''The enormous jaws of the Queen. There are few things that do not fear the black void hidden inside and for a good reason.''
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*'''Multi Techno Tool:'''
*'''Multi Techno Tool:''' ''A small device mounted on the limbs or abdomen of the bearer. Although not a dedicated melee weapon, it can prove quite deadly when utilized by the most eminent of the Q'Orl race.''
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*'''Shielded Chitin:'''
*'''Ramming Chitin:''' ''A chitinous plating covered in thick spikes. For the bigger Q'Orls, their size is often their biggest weapon and this adaption makes sure work of that.''
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Shielded Chitin''' || Melee || Melee || x2 || -1 || D3 || When attacking with this weapon, subract 1 from the hit roll.
|'''Ramming Chitin''' || Melee || Melee || x2 || -1 || D3 || When attacking with this weapon, subract 1 from the hit roll.

*'''Sparkler Needle:'''
*'''Sparkler Needle:''' ''The small needle found on larvae; it's capable of generating a small current thanks to the biofluid contained into the larva's body, although its effectiveness is quite low.
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*'''Symbiote Staff:'''
*'''The Queen's Talons:''' ''The powerful limbs of the Q'Orl Queen, although not made especially for combat, these talons are more than capable of sundering flesh and armor with the impunity of the Queen's reign.
::{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Symbiote Staff''' || Melee || Melee || x2 || 0 || 1 || If an enemy model is slain as a consequence of an attack with this weapon, add a single model of {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} to this unit. The added {{W40kKeyword|Q’Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Larva}} doesn’t cost any reserve points and you must allocate wounds to it before allocating them to the High Shaman.
*'''The Queen's Talons:'''
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''The Queen's Talons''' || Melee || Melee || User || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
|'''The Queen's Talons''' || Melee || Melee || User || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll with this weapon counts as 2 hits instead of 1.

===Ranged Weaponry===
===Ranged Weaponry===
*'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker:'''
*'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker:''' ''This weapon attacks the nervous system of the target and melts the synapses together, inducing spasms and subsequently death.''
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*'''Biofire Ejector:'''
*'''Biofire Ejector:''' ''The weapon of the Fire Spewer teams. Contrary to other weapons, this burns the biofluid instead of charging it, producing a wall of fire especially deadly in close range.''
::{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Biofire Ejector (Short Range)''' || 1"-6" || Assault 2 || 4 || -2 || 1 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Biofire Ejector (Short Range)''' || 1"-6" || Assault 2D3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Biofire Ejector (Long Range)''' || 7"-12" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Biofire Ejector (Long Range)''' || 7"-12" || Assault D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || This weapon automatically hits its target.

*'''Biofluid Torrent:'''
*'''Biofluid Torrent:''' ''Even more wasteful of the High Control Heavy Spitter, this weapon vomits liters of biofluid onto the targets, drowning them in waves of corrosive liquid.''
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*'''Chiritine Ripper:'''
*'''Current Blaster:''' ''This weapon is a real exception to the weaponry of the Q'Orl; instead of using fetal biofluid, this weapon discharges lightning bolts so powerful they can even travel underground to strike hidden enemies.''
::{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Chiritine Ripper''' || 6" || Pistol D6 || 3 || -4 || 1 || -
*'''Current Blaster:'''
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Current Blaster''' || 40" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -3 || 1 || Every hit roll of 6+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.
|'''Current Blaster''' || 40" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -3 || 2 || Every hit roll of 6+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.

*'''Energy Megaton Pulse-generator:'''
*'''Energy Megaton Pulse-generator:''' ''This weapon generates a thin layer of biofluid that functions as a blanket that covers a large portion of the target. Once it hits, this weapon discharges a pulse of electrical energies that overheats the fluid and makes it capable of eating through almost any material.''
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*'''Grenade Weaponry:'''
*'''Grenade Weaponry:''' ''These small grenades are thrown thanks to a special launched apparatus found on the soldier's abdomen. Their effectiveness comes from the variant used and both function thanks to the immense knowledge of electrical energy the swarm possesses.''
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|'''Electric Pulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.
|'''Electric Pulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.
|'''Electric Impulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade 1 || 10 || -5 || 3 || This weapon only hits on an unmodified hit roll of 6.
|'''Electric Impulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade 1 || 10 || -5 || 3 || This weapon can only be used once per battle.

*'''High Control Heavy Spitter:'''
*'''High Control Heavy Spitter:''' ''A weapon highly favored among the hive Princes. This gun is rarely picked up, because of its extreme inefficiency when using fetal biofuel. This weapon works by literally spitting out liters of the liquid in a line to cover entire squads of enemies and frying them on the spot.''
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Control Heavy Spitter''' || 36" || Heavy 2D6 || 4 || -3 || 3 || Blast. Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a {W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}.
|'''High Control Heavy Spitter''' || 36" || Heavy 2D6 || 4 || -3 || 3 || Blast. Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}.

*'''Mortar Platforms:'''
*'''Mortar Platforms:''' ''A common mortar mounted on the back of some larvae. The unusual position often means less-than-optimal firepower so they are often armed with additional stabilizers to increase their effectiveness.''
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*'''Ordinance Aimers:'''
*'''Ordnance Aimers:''' ''This weapon fires small shells filled with electrified biofluids that explode on impact, generating a rain of boiling acid.''
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|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
|'''Long Range Ordinance Aimer''' || 36" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -2 || D3 || -
|'''Long Range Ordnance Aimer''' || 36" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -2 || D3 || -

*'''Sparkler Needle:'''
*'''Sparkler Needle:''' ''The electrical shock produced by this larva needle is small and can only hope to stun lesser forms of enemy armies.''
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*'''Symbiote Staff:'''
*'''Techno Crafter Tool:''' ''A tool often found on hive technologists, it is often employed in repair and surgical experiments but its energy can find its use even on the battlefield.
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|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Symbiote Staff''' || 24" || Pistol D3 || 5 || -1 || 1 || -
|'''Techno Crafter Tool''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 2 || 4 || -2 || D3 || Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}.

*'''Techno Crafter Tool:'''
*'''Voltage Weaponry:''' ''This family of weapons utilizes the biofluids harvested from the eggs produced by the Queen to create electricity-infused projectiles of boiling plasma that can even melt steel.''
::{| class=wikitable
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|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Techno Crafter Tool''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 2 || 4 || -2 || D3 || Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a {W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}.
|'''High Voltage Blaster''' || 24" || Heavy 1 || 7 || -4 || 3 || Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
*'''Voltage Weaponry:'''
::{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 3 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
|'''High Voltage Destructor''' || 36" || Heavy 1 || 9 || -5 || 3D3 || Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 3 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
|'''High Voltage Control Blaster''' || 24" || Heavy 1 || 8 || -5 || 3 || Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

===Queen's Tresures===
===Queen's Treasures===
*'''Enhanced Biological Clock:''' ''Some Engineers get the honor of receiving enhanced Biological Clocks directly by their Queen.''
::Model a '''Biotechnological Clock Overdrive''' only. Once per battle round, you can re-roll the result of the '''Biotechnological Clock Overdrive''' special rule.
*'''Hyper Focused Arrays:''' ''Through the usage of a special tube made by condensed bioliquid, it is possible to put much more power behind each bioliquid bullet shot.''
*'''Hyper Focused Arrays:''' ''Through the usage of a special tube made by condensed bioliquid, it is possible to put much more power behind each bioliquid bullet shot.''
::Increase the Range characteristic of all this model’s ranged weapons by 6”.
::Increase the Range characteristic of all this model’s ranged weapons by 6” and enemy units do not gain the benefit of Light Cover against ranged attacks made by this unit.

*'''Hyper Voltage Rifle:''' ''A unique relic from the past Reign. This was built with the use of the last gift from the old Queen: a strange stone, which continuously produces small amounts of her bioliquid. The difference in strength is absolutely immense.''
*'''Hyper Voltage Rifle:''' ''A unique relic from the past Reign. This was built with the use of the last gift from the old Queen: a strange stone, which continuously produces small amounts of her bioliquid. The difference in strength is absolutely immense.''
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*'''Light Bending Cuirass:''' ''Some Q'Orl are granted a single bath in the Queen's bioliquid. This causes them immense pain, as their exoskeleton almost melts from the pure electrical shock the bath gives them. Those who survive, emerge with a shiny white cuirass, which bends the light that touches it in ways that make the Q'Orl barely visible to inexperienced eyes.''
*'''Light Bending Cuirass:''' ''Some Q'Orl are granted a single bath in the Queen's bioliquid. This causes them immense pain, as their exoskeleton almost melts from the pure electrical shock the bath gives them. Those who survive, emerge with a shiny white cuirass, which bends the light that touches it in ways that make the Q'Orl barely visible to inexperienced eyes.''
::Enemy units targeting this model with a ranged attack suffer a -1 penalty to their hit rolls.
::Enemy units targeting this model with a ranged attack suffer a penalty of 1 to their hit rolls. If the firing enemy unit is within 6" of the bearer of this Relic then any missed attacks hit the firing unit instead.
*'''Mechandendrite Cloak:''' ''A cloak made up of a swarm of mechanical tendrils, which flows behind the wearer in an intimidating, black cloud. Initially, the cloak was crafted as a tool of statecraft, to intimidate other nobles by slowly encroaching a pure black shadow around them, scary even for a Q'Orl noble the size of a greater demon. It was quickly discovered that the cloak could also harm others, becoming a tool of state assignation, where the cloak would lash out and dissolve an enemy and the wearer's command. Unfortunately, the original creator was killed by a bearer of the cloak in a fit of short-sightedness, to ensure that no other cloak could be created.''
::The bearer of this Relic must subtract 1 from all armor save throws they make. However, they gain a 4+ Invulnerable save (or they add 1 to their Invulnerable save if they already have one) and at the start of each Fight phase, each enemy unit within 3" of the bearer of this Relic suffers 1 mortal wound.

*'''Memento of the Old Queen:''' ''A piece of the old Queen's exoskeleton, left in the hands of the Grand Warrior Kurrik while he was attempting to stop alone the Aeldari from stealing her away.''
*'''Memento of the Old Queen:''' ''A piece of the old Queen's exoskeleton, left in the hands of the Grand Warrior Kurrik while he was attempting to stop alone the Aeldari from stealing her away.''
::After the first turn has begun, roll a die each time you or your opponent use a Stratagem; on a 6 you gain one Command Point.
::Roll a die each time you or your opponent use a Stratagem; on a 6 you gain one Command Point.
*'''Metaphysical Biological Clock:''' ''The heart pump that once belonged to a mad Technologist warped by Chaos. The strength it bestows is great, but the cost of such power is even greater.''
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Technologist}} only. Change the model's ''Biological Clock Overdrive'' special rule to the following:
::'''Metaphysical Biological Clock:''' At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, this model suffers 1 mortal wound. In addition, roll a die; for the remainder of the turn, this unit gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:
::'''1)''' +6” Movement but may not advance
::'''2)''' Add 1 to this units wound rolls
::'''3)''' +3 Strength and -1 Toughness
::'''4)''' +3 Toughness and -1 Strength
::'''5)''' +8 Attacks and -1 to hit rolls
::'''6)''' Roll 3d6 and gain three bonuses instead of 1, if the result is 6 again, re-roll the die.
*'''The Limpet Crown:''' ''A lesser form of Q'Orl rather than a relic, this creature clamps itself on the skull of the bearer and drills tendrils into its brain. This invasive procedure gives the host access to the creature's senses and memories which it carries from previous bearers. However, the crown still has a sense of self-preservation, and will abandon its host to their fate and flee if death is near, in a process which is even more traumatic than its original merging.''
::The bearer of this Relic adds 1 to all their hit and wound rolls. However, when the bearer of this Relic drops below a quarter of their maximum wound count (rolling up as necessary) then the bearer losses this relic. When they do so roll a D6; on a 2+ the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound, on a roll of 6 they suffer D3 mortal wounds instead.
*'''Warp Flow Stabilizer:''' ''Q'Orl haven't developed any kind of tech that allows them to tap into the powerful energies of the Immaterium yet. In recent times, though, the study of imperial warp-based technology has made possible the creation of small devices capable of altering the chaotic flow of nearby warp entities. An important role was played by a hive technologist fallen corrupt by the demonic terrors.''
::Enemy {{W40kKeyword|Psykers}} must subtract 2 from Psychic tests and Deny the witch tests they take if they are within 12" of this unit. In addition, once a turn, the bearer may attempt to Deny the Witch as if it was a {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}}.
====Swarmhood Specific====
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} - The Swarmling Goad:''' ''A spine ridge made up of thousands of tiny tendrils, capable of stretching to a hundred times their length. The bearer controls these tentacles with a minuscule amount of will, whereupon they lash out to strike a nearby Q'Orl hivelings. Against any of species, this would feel like a tiny flick from a child, but each tentacle contains the precise genetic receptors to cause untold agony to a Q'Orl. This combined with the fact that the tentacles can lash out hundreds of times a minute, allows a single (very sadistic noble) to goad a swarm into a desperate frenzy, in an attempt to outrun the agony.''
::Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}} units within 6" of this unit add 1" to their movement, advance and charge distances. Such units may also charge after advancing, but once the charge has been resolved those units suffer D3 mortal wounds each.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} - The Whispering Blade:''' ''A failed (or you might say successful) experiment by a Hive Technologist, who wished to bind their consciousness to a blade of a metal chitin hybrid. However, when the Technologist began to binding procedure something went terribly wrong, and all that was later found by their assistants was the Technologists charred, and blackened corpse. The blade they had been experimenting on, however, was found in its cradle, unharmed, the light glinting off its organic and inorganic surface like a blinking eye, or like a mouth, pulsating in a never-ending scream.''
::This Relic replaces a single weapon the bearer was originally equipped and has the following profile:
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''The Whispering Blade''' || Melee || Melee || +2 || -3 || 3 || Each time the bearer of this relic fights it must make D3 addition attacks using this weapon profile. Failed hit rolls of 1 inflict a mortal wound on the bearer.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Gook}} - Translocation Reality Flipper:''' ''An item which even the Q'Orl don't truly understand, and only the Gook are aggressive enough to use. The device takes the bearer and swaps their location in time and space with another unit that holds the corresponding beacon. Imperial observers who have seen the device in action believed that it might be a form of warp technology, which has sections of the Imperium terrified of an impending Q'Orl invasion. In reality, the device has more uncommon which Eldar Webway technology, by punching a very unstable and short distance tunnel through reality and then dragging the paired becomes through opposite ends. It's too dangerous even as a last-ditch escape device, but the violence and devastation caused by its use makes it excellent at defeating a foe by simple shock and awe.''
::When setting up your army, select another friendly {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} unit to possess the corresponding beacon for this Relic. During any phase, the bearer of this Relic may activate its beacon. Remove the bearer from the battlefield and the friendly unit which carries the corresponding beacon. Then redeploy the bearer of this Relic in the position of the other friendly unit and visa versa. If either unit was within 1" of an enemy unit then its corresponding unit must also be placed within 1" of that enemy unit as well. Both units then suffer D3 mortal wounds, but may then either make a full round of shooting attacks as if it was the shooting phase, declare a charge as if it was the charge phase, or make a full round of melee attacks.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} - Queen's Aegis:''' ''Half Adamantium shield, half extra limb, the Queen's Aegis is not only a potent defensive item but a symbol of the might of the Q'Orl and their Queen's all-encompassing power. The shield glitters, like a setting sun, and effect created by its built-in refractor field and the army of Q'Orl who constantly polish it, using a special cream of nanobots who reposition the shield's surface atoms, ensuring its integrity. The extra limb which carries the shield is a cybernetic which is grown into the bearer's flesh, a process that only the strongest (and most fanatically devoted) Q'Orl can endure. The end result is a Queen's champion who can survive even the wrath of a primarch in combat.''
::The bearer adds 1 to all their saving throws. In addition, all enemy units within 12" subtract 2 from their Leadership characteristic.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Simmiehu}} - Ordnance of the Scuttling Gods:''' ''An Ordnance Aimer used in a long series of battles for succession amongst the Q'Orl. Whenever a new Nobel would acquire the weapon they would use it to slay all their rivals, only to be later killed by a coalition of the survivors, whereupon the weapon would fall into a new set of hands. It is said that this weapon alone has killed more Q'Orl nobles than the entirety of the Imperiums space marine chapters combined, but despite its gruesome history no Q'Orl can quite bring themselves to destroy it.''
::This Relic replaces a '''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' and has the following profile:
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Ordnance of the Scuttling Gods''' || 36" || Rapid Fire 3 || 8 || -3 || D3 || -

===Other Wargear===
===Other Wargear===
*'''Battery Carrier:''' ''Some Soldiers have highly powered batteries on their backs to give extra power to his team's biofluid weapons.''
*'''Battery Carrier:''' ''Some Soldiers have highly powered batteries on their backs to give extra power to his team's biofluid weapons.''
::Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.
::Improve the Ap characteristic of '''Neuroelectric Rifles''' and '''High Voltage Rifles''' in this unit by 1.
*'''Cerebral Computer Implant:''' ''A bionic computer implanted into a high-rank Q'Orl's head. The added boost to one's tactical genius takes a toll on the bearer's sanity.''
::All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.

==Q'Orl Wargear List==
*'''Current Shield:''' ''A special shield made of thin electrified cables that shock incoming enemies and blows, commonly utilized by the guards of the royals. Its sight is a symbol of fear and respect among the lesser Q'Orl for it means a royal is near.''
===Advanced Techno Weapons===
::When an enemy unit charges this model, roll a D6; on a 4+ the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
::-Bionegineered Nerve Breaker - 10 pts.
::-Energy Megaton Pulse Generator - 20 pts.
::-High Control Heavy Spitter - 25 pts.

===Basic Techno Weapons===
*'''Gamma Mortis Protocol:''' ''Little devices of gruesome technology. When the host is killed, they temporarily take control of the corpse and move it like a puppet without its strings, to make sure whatever the body's purpose was, it won't go to waste.''
::-High Voltage Rifle - free
::If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.
::-Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer - 15 pts.
::-Techno Crafter Tool - free

====Hive Prince====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 1 Hive Prince ('''Power Rating 8'''). Only one Hive Prince can be included in a Q’Orl Army.
====Hive Commander====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''The highest Q'Orls in command that are not part of the royalty, hive commanders are a strain tempered by the harshest of battles and possess a thick chitin armor. Their presence on the field is overshadowed only by the great hive princes.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Commander. ('''Power Rating: 6''').
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Hive Prince || 8" || 2+ || 2+ || 6 || 7 || 8 || 4 || 10 || 2+
| Hive Commander || 8" || 3+ || 2+ || 5 || 6 || 5 || 3 || 9 || 3+ || 110

*High Control Heavy Spitter
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Multi Techno Tool
'''High Voltage Rifle'''
*Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Dangerous Pride:''' ''x''
<tab name="Arthropods">
::When this unit shoots his High Control Heavy Spitter, when rolling to determine the number of shots a roll of 1 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the Hive Prince.
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Direct Serveant of the Queen:''' ''x''
::Units within 12" of this model count as being under the effect of the For the Queen special rule.
<tab name="Enhanced Chitin">
*'''Enhanced Chitin:''' ''x''
This Unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
::This Unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
*'''For the Queen'''
<tab name="Instilled Fear (Aura)">
*'''Minor Lifeforms:''' ''x''
Friendly {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit within 12" of this model suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership but reduce the first model that flees as a result of a Morale test doesn't escape and add 1 to the Combat Attrition rolls for models in that unit.
::When this unit suffers an unsaved wound while within 3” of a Larva unit, you can roll a d6. On a roll of 2+, the Larva unit suffers a number of Mortal Wounds equal to the damage he would have taken instead. On a roll of 1, the Larva unit takes the damage anyways, but so does the Hive Prince.
*'''Prince of the Hive:''' ''x''
<tab name="Technological Genius">
::{{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} Units within 6" of this unit can reroll hit rolls of 1.
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Technological Genius'''
<tab name="Violent Training (Aura)">
Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 6” of this model can re-roll hit rolls of 1 during the Shooting phase.
*'''Prince's Wings:''' ''Some Hive Princes have the same wings that the Queen's Drones are equipped with.''
::Increase this model's Movement characteristic to 12" and add the {{W40kKeyword|Fly}} keyword to its datasheet.

*This model may replace its Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer with two High Voltage Rifles - 4 pts.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*This model may take the '''Prince's Wings''' - 25 pts./2 PL
This model may replace its '''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' with two '''High Voltage Rifles''' - free
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This model may take a '''Cerebral Computer Implant''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Cerebral Computer Implant:''' All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.</div>

*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQ}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Monster}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQs}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Commander}}

====Lord Engineer====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 1 Lord Engineer. ('''Power Rating 4''').
====Hive Lieutenant====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Hive lieutenant are often found near groups of lesser soldiers. They act as supervisors and incite the underlings to serve the best they can their Queen with their imposing figure and crude methods.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Lieutenant ('''Power Rating: 4''').
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Lord Engineer || 6" || 3+ || 2+ || 3 || 4 || 4 || 2 || 9 || 3+
| Hive Lieutenant || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 8 || 4+ || 80

*High Voltage Rifle
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Techno Crafter Tool
'''High Voltage Rifle'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-High Voltage Sabre Leg'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Sabre Leg''' || Melee || Melee || +1 || 0 || 1 || Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Biological Clock Overdrive:''' ''x''
<tab name="Accompanying Superior">
::At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, roll a die. For the remainder of the turn, the Lord Engineer gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:
When this unit is deployed, it can be deployed alongside any other {{W40kKeyword|Troop}} unit.
::1- +2 Toughness
::2- +2 Strength
<tab name="Arthropods">
::3- +3” Movement
See Army Rules - Universal
::4- +4 Attacks
::5- Improve WS and BS by 1
<tab name="Instilled Fear (Aura)">
::6- Roll 2d6 and gain two bonuses instead of 1, if the result is 6 again, re-roll the die.
Friendly {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit within 12" of this model suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership but reduce the first model that flees as a result of a Morale test doesn't escape and add 1 to the Combat Attrition rolls for models in that unit.
*'''Deafening the Machine Spirits''' ''x''
::Once per battle round, select a friend or an enemy unit. Friendly models gain +1 to their hit rolls; enemy models suffer a -1 hit roll penalty.
<tab name="Quick Fire (Aura)">
*'''For the Queen'''
Neuroelectric Rifles fired by friendly {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} units within 6" of this model count as Assault 2 and generate 2 extra hits on a hit roll of 5+ instead of 6+.
*'''Technological Genius'''
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This model may take a '''Cerebral Computer Implant''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Cerebral Computer Implant:''' All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.</div>
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQ}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}, {{W40kKeyword|Lord Engineer}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQs}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Lieutenant}}

====Q'Orl Commander====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 1 Q'Orl Commander. ('''Power Rating 6''').
====Hive Prince====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''The pinnacle of Q'Orl biology, only inferior to the Queen itself. These brutal generals lead the expansion campaigns with ferocity and cold blood. They do not care whether their soldiers die or not, as long as their victory can be acknowledged by the Queen and their status elevated into history.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Prince ('''Power Rating: 11'''). Only one of this model can be included in each one of your Detachments.
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Q'Orl Commander || 8" || 3+ || 2+ || 5 || 6 || 5 || 3 || 9 || 3+
| Hive Prince || 8" || 2+ || 2+ || 6 || 7 || 8 || 4 || 10 || 2+ || 225

*High Voltage Rifle
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Multi Techno Tool
'''High Control Heavy Spitter'''
*Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Control Heavy Spitter''' || 36" || Heavy 2D6 || 4 || -3 || 3 || Blast. Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''Multi Techno Tool'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Multi Techno Tool''' || Melee || Melee || User || 0 || 1 || Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Chief Commander:''' ''x''
<tab name="Arthropods">
::When this unit is deployed, it can be deployed alongside any other {{W40kKeyword|Troop}} unit.
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Enhanced Chitin:''' ''x''
::This Unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
<tab name="Direct Servant of the Queen (Aura)">
*'''For the Queen'''
Units within 12" of this model count as being under the effect of the For the Queen special rule, instead of only 6".
*'''Technological Genius'''
*'''Violent Training:''' ''x''
<tab name="Enhanced Chitin">
::Units within 6” of a Q’Orl Commander can re-roll hit rolls of 1 on their shooting attacks.
This Unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
<tab name="Instilled Fear (Aura)">
Friendly {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit within 12" of this model suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership but reduce the first model that flees as a result of a Morale test doesn't escape and add 1 to the Combat Attrition rolls for models in that unit.
<tab name="Minor Lifeforms">
When this unit suffers an unsaved wound while within 3” of a {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit, you can roll a d6. On a roll of 2+, the {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit suffers a number of Mortal Wounds equal to the damage he would have taken instead. On a roll of 1, the {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit takes the damage anyways, but so does the Hive Prince.
<tab name="Prince of the Hive (Aura)">
Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 6" of this unit can re-roll hit rolls of 1.
<tab name="Royal Pride">
Add 1 to this model's Attacks characteristic for each friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit within 12", up to a maximum of +5.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

<tab name="Prince's Wings">
Increase this model's Movement characteristic to 12" and add the {{W40kKeyword|Fly}} keyword to its datasheet.

*This model may replace its Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer with two High Voltage Rifles - 4 pts.

This model may replace its '''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' with one of the following:
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*{{W40kKeyword|HQ}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}, {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl Commander}}
-'''Biofluid Torrent''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Biofluid Torrent''' || 24" || Assault D6 || 6 || -3 || 2 || Blast.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''Energy Megaton Pulse-generator''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Energy Megaton Pulse-generator''' || 18" || Assault 2 || 7 || -3 || D6 || If the target is within half of this weapon’s range, add 2 to this weapon's Damage characteristic.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-Two '''High Voltage Rifles''' - free
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-Two '''High Voltage Blasters''' - +5 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Blaster''' || 24" || Heavy 1 || 7 || -4 || 3 || Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
This model may take the '''Prince's Wings''' Upgrade - +25 pts./+2 PL
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This model may take a '''Cerebral Computer Implant''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Cerebral Computer Implant:''' All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.</div>
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQs}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Monster}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}}

====Q'Orl High Shaman====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 1 Q'Orl High Shaman. ('''Power Rating 4''').
====Hive Technologist====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Technologists have different purposes in Q'Orl society, serving as doctors and mechanics as well as scientists. In battle, they are usually found in the rear of the army, managing the artillery nodes and enhancing the wounded soldiers, although sometimes one can see some wander through the field in search of specimens to experiment on.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Technologist ('''Power Rating: 4''').
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Q'Orl High Shaman|| 6" || 3+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 9 || 4+
| '''Hive Technologist''' || 6" || 3+ || 2+ || 3 || 4 || 4 || 2 || 8 || 3+ || 80

*Symbiote Staff
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''High Voltage Rifle'''
'''Special Rules:'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*'''For the Queen'''
*'''Symbiotic Assimilation:''' ''x''
::The High Shaman Q’Orl can, when a psychic power is declared to be cast, sacrifice models from a unit of Q’Orl Larva within 6” of him, or any Q’Orl Larva currently present in its own unit. For each Larva slain this way, add 2 to the psychic test. On a roll higher than 12, the Q’Orl High Shaman only suffers perils of the Warp if the result of the roll is even.
*'''Technological Genius'''
*'''Tormented Past:''' ''x''
::When suffering Perils of the Warp, the High Shaman Q’Orl doesn’t suffer Mortal Wounds, but any {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}within 3” of him suffers 1 mortal wound.
'''Psyker:''' A Q'Orl High Shaman can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite and two psychic powers from the Queen's Curse discipline.
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQ}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}}, {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl High Shaman}}
====Q'Orl Slaver====
This unit contains 1 Q'Orl Slaver. ('''Power Rating 3''').
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|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Q'Orl Slaver || 8" || 2+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 3 || 2 || 9 || 3+
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''Techno Crafter Tool'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Larva || 5" || 6+ || 5+ || 2 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 6+
|'''Techno Crafter Tool''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 2 || 4 || -2 || D3 || Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}.
*High Voltage Rifle
*Chiritine Ripper

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Enhanced Chitin:''' ''x''
<tab name="Arthropods">
::This Unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''For the Queen'''
*'''Scarring the Weak:''' ''x''
<tab name="Biological Clock Overdrive">
::Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} units gain +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, and +3” movement while within 6” of this model.
At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, roll a die. For the remainder of the turn, the Hive Technologist gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:
*'''Technological Genius'''
:'''1)''' +3” Movement
*'''Violent Training''' ''x''
:'''2)''' Improve WS and BS by 1
::Units within 6” of a Q’Orl Slaver can re-roll hit rolls of 1 on their shooting attacks. If the weapon is a Pistol, they can re-roll all hit rolls instead.
:'''3)''' +2 Strength
:'''4)''' +2 Toughness
:'''5)''' +4 Attacks
This model can take up to 10 Larva models to accompany it - 5 pts./model - 2 PL/5 models
:'''6)''' Roll 2d6 and gain two bonuses instead of 1, if the result is 6 again, re-roll the die.
<tab name="Deafening the Machine Spirits">
Once per battle round, select a friend or an enemy {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}} unit. If it's friendly, consider its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill as one point better; if it's enemy, consider them one point worse instead.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

'''Keywords (Slaver):'''
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQ}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Slaver}}
*{{W40kKeyword|HQs}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Technologist}}

'''Keywords (Larvae):'''
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}}

====Hive Gunner====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Hive Gunners====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Slightly more trained than the average Q'Orl soldier, gunners have a peculiar code inside a chip implanted into their brains that makes them incredibly aggressive towards the enemy. Modifications like these are common inside the military and it's almost an honor for them to possess them.''</div>
This unit contains 5 Hive Gunners ('''Power Rating: 2'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Hive Gunners ('''Power Rating: +2''') or up to 10 additional Hive Gunners ('''Power Rating: +4''').
This unit contains 5 Hive Gunners ('''Power Rating: 2'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Hive Gunners ('''Power Rating: +2''') or up to 10 additional Hive Gunners ('''Power Rating: +4''').
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Line 598: Line 789:
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Hive Gunner || 6" || 5+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 4+ || 8
| Hive Gunner || 6" || 5+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 4+ || 9

Line 609: Line 800:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 3 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
Line 631: Line 822:

Every 5 models, a Hive Gunner can replace his '''Neuroelectric Rifle''' with one of the followings:
Every 5 models, a Hive Gunner can replace his '''Neuroelectric Rifle''' with one of the following:
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''High Voltage Rifle''' - +2 pts.
-'''High Voltage Rifle''' - +2 pts.
Line 639: Line 830:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 3 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer''' - +6 pts.
-'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' - +6 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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{| class=wikitable
Line 649: Line 840:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit can take a '''Gamma Mortis Protocol''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Gamma Mortis Protocol:''' If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.</div>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
Line 658: Line 854:

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Troops}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}}, {{W40kKeyword|Gunner}}, {{W40kKeyword|Core}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Troops}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Gunner}}, {{W40kKeyword|Core}}

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Hive Soldiers====
====Hive Soldiers====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''The expendable cannon-fodder of the armies of the Queen. They aren't very well equipped and their death isn't very counted. They are always followed by a higher-ranking warrior that one day will be promoted to lieutenant, if he survives, that is.''</div>
This unit contains 9 Hive Soldiers and a Hive Warrior ('''Power Rating: 4'''). It can contain up to 10 additional Hive Soldiers ('''Power Rating: +4''') or up to 20 additional Hive Soldiers ('''Power Rating: +8''').
This unit contains 9 Hive Soldiers and a Hive Warrior ('''Power Rating: 4'''). It can contain up to 10 additional Hive Soldiers ('''Power Rating: +4''') or up to 20 additional Hive Soldiers ('''Power Rating: +8''').
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Line 669: Line 869:
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Hive Soldier || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 6 || 4+ || 8
| Hive Soldier || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 4+ || 8
| Hive Warrior || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 7 || 4+ || 8
| Hive Warrior || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 8 || 4+ || 8
Line 691: Line 891:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 3 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
Line 716: Line 916:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 3 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
The Hive Warrior may take a '''Cerebral Computer Implant''' - +7 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Cerebral Computer Implant:''' All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.</div>

Every 10 models, a Hive Soldier may replace its '''Neuroelectric Rifle''' with one of the followings:
Every 10 models, a Hive Soldier may replace its '''Neuroelectric Rifle''' with one of the following:
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''High Voltage Rifle''' - +2 pts.
-'''High Voltage Rifle''' - +2 pts.
Line 728: Line 933:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 3 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer''' - +6 pts.
-'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' - +6 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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Line 738: Line 943:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''Semi-automatic Ordinance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
Line 748: Line 953:
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities  
|'''Electro Pulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.
|'''Electric Pulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remainder of the phase.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit can take a '''Gamma Mortis Protocol''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Gamma Mortis Protocol:''' If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.</div>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
Line 757: Line 967:

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Troops}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}}, {{W40kKeyword|Core}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Troops}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Core}}

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Q'Orl Larvae====
====Q'Orl Larvae====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Larvae are the most hated part of Q'Orl society and are seen as the only flaw in the species' evolutionary path. They are often treated poorly and damaged every time there's a chance. It is unfortunate that the Q'Orl don't see the potential hidden inside these creatures.''</div>
This unit contains 5 Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: 1'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +1'''), up to 10 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +4'''), up to 15 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +6'''), up to 20 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +8''') or up to 25 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +10''').
This unit contains 5 Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: 1'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +1'''), up to 10 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +4'''), up to 15 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +6'''), up to 20 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +8''') or up to 25 additional Q'Orl Larvae ('''Power Rating: +10''').
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Line 768: Line 982:
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Q'Orl Larva || 5" || 6+ || 5+ || 2 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 6+ || 5
| Q'Orl Larva || 5" || 6+ || 5+ || 2 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 4 || 6+ || 5

Line 785: Line 999:

'''Special Rules:'''
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
<tab name="Weak but Numerous">
During the Morale phase, instead of rolling morale for the unit, roll a d6 for each Larva model that was removed this turn. On a roll of 1,  a model is removed. On a roll of 6, add 2 Larva models to the unit. These extra units don’t cost Reserve Points and can’t bring the Unit size over 30 Larvae.
*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Troops}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Troops}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}}

====Q'Orl Vanguard====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 3 Q'Orl Vanguards. It can contain up to 3 additional Q'Orl Vanguards, at Power Rating +7. ('''Power Rating 7''').
====Fire Spewers Team====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Fire spewers are the only soldiers that hold a biofire ejector. There are seen as outcasts in the eyes of the other Q'Orl for their peculiar methods of warfare but they are still well regarded by their superiors who can look behind the appearances to see their real worth.''</div>
This unit contains 5 Fire Spewers ('''Power Rating: 8'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Fire Spewers ('''Power Rating: +8''').
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|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Vanguard || 7" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 4 || 3 || 8 || 4+
| Fire Spewer || 6" || 6+ || 3+ || 3 || 5 || 2 || 1 || 7 || 4+ || 30

*High Voltage Rifle
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Shileded Chitin
'''-Biofire Ejector'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Biofire Ejector (Short Range)''' || 1"-6" || Assault 2D3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Biofire Ejector (Long Range)''' || 7"-12" || Assault D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Electric Impulse Grenade'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Electric Impulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade 1 || 10 || -5 || 3 || This weapon can only be used once per battle.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="Arthropods">
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Shielded Chitin:''' ''x''
::Models with this ability have a 4+ Invulnerable save and a 6+ Feel No Pain.
<tab name="Escalating Heat">
*'''Scary Presence:''' ''x''
If a unit is killed by an attack made with a Biofire Ejector in this unit, increase the Strength characteristic of the Biofire Ejector by 1.
::When an enemy unit declares a charge against this unit, reduce the charge distance roll result by 2”.
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Volatile">
If a model in this unit is slain during the Fight Phase, the enemy unit which attacked suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

*Each Vanguard can replace its High Voltage Rifle with any weapon from the Basic Techno Weapon list
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Elites}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fire Spewers Team}}

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
====Hive Vanguards====
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Vanguard}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Hive vanguards are amongst the most armored creatures in the Queen's army, using their sheer weight and mass against their targets. Because of this, they lack the ability to fly, not that it concerns them very much''</div>
====Q'Orl Technologist====
This unit contains 3 Hive Vanguards ('''Power Rating: 5'''). It can contain up to 3 additional Hive Vanguards ('''Power Rating: +5''').
This unit contains a single Q'Orl Technologist ('''Power Rating 2''').
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Technologist|| 6" || 4+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 3 || 2 || 5 || 4+
| Hive Vanguard || 7" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 4 || 3 || 8 || 2+ || 35

*High Voltage Rifle
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Techno Crafter Tool
'''-High Voltage Rifle'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Ramming Chitin'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Ramming Chitin''' || Melee || Melee || x2 || -1 || D3 || When attacking with this weapon, subract 1 from the hit roll.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="Arthropods">
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Biotechnological Clock Overdrive:''' ''x''
Biotechnological Clock Overdrive - At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, roll 1d6. For the remainder of the turn, the Technologist gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:
<tab name="For the Queen">
1- +2 Toughness
See Army Rules - Universal
2- +2 Strength
3- +3” Movement
<tab name="Intimidating Presence (Aura)">
4- +4 Attacks
When an enemy unit declares a charge against this unit, reduce the charge distance by 2”. In addition, units within 12" of this unit, other than {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}, suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership characteristic.
5- Increase WS and BS by 1
6- Roll 2d6 and gain two bonuses instead of 1
<tab name="Shielded Chitin">
This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time a model from this unit suffers a wound; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Engineer}}
Any model in the unit can replace its '''High Voltage Rifle''' with a '''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' - +4 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit can take a '''Gamma Mortis Protocol''' - +20 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Gamma Mortis Protocol:''' If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.</div>
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Elites}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Vanguards}}

====Q'Orl Lieutenant====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains a single Q'Orl Lieutenant. It can contain up to 10 Q'Orl Soldiers, at Power Rating +4 per 10 Soldiers. ('''Power Rating 4''').
====Royal Guards====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Where there is royalty, there are guards. The sole purpose of these soldiers is to protect their prince with their life. The kinds of weapons they possess have been crafted specifically for this reason and show great harmony between the ruthlessness of the usual Q'Orl battle style and a more defensive approach.''</div>
This unit contains 2 Royal Guards ('''Power Rating: 4''').
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Lieutenant || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 8 || 4+
| Royal Guard || 8" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 4 || 3 || 8 || 3+ || 40
| Soldier || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 6 || 4+

*Lieutenant - High Voltage Rifle
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Lieutenant - High Voltage Sabre Leg
'''-Current Shield'''
*Soldiers - Neuroelectric Rifle
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Current Shield:''' When an enemy unit charges this model, roll a D6; on a 4+ the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.</div>
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-High Voltage Rifle'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="Absolute Devotion">
While a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} is within 3" of this unit, enemy units cannot target that unit with ranged weapons. In addition, this unit can perform a Heroic Intervention as if it was a {{W40kKeyword|Character}} and can do so against an enemy unit that charged a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} that is within 3" of this unit. In this case, the enemy unit may only attack this unit instead of the unit they charged.
*'''Command Chain:''' ''x''
::Neuroelectric Rifles shot by models in this unit count as Assault 2 and generate an extra hit roll on a hit roll of 5+.
<tab name="Arthropods">
*'''Platoon Assemblement:''' ''x''
See Army Rules - Universal
::The Lieutenant can join another Q’Orl SOLDIER unit. Doing so requires the Lieutenant unit to be within 2” of the selected unit. This merges the two units together, which from that point onwards count as a single unit. When doing this, the total unit size cannot increase over 30 and any extra models are removed from the battle. The new unit will be a Q’Orl Lieutenant unit, with only up to 29 SOLDIER models attached.
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Shield of Royalty">
If your army is Battle-forged, then for each {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} unit included in a Detachment, one {{W40kKeyword|Royalty Guards}} unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. You cannot include more {{W40kKeyword|Royalty Guards}} units in a Detachment than there are {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} units in that Detachment.
<tab name="Shielded Chitin">
This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time a model from this unit suffers a wound; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

*The Q’Orl Lieutenant can replace its High Voltage Rifle with any weapon from the Advanced Techno Weapons weapon list
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
Any model in the unit may replace its '''High Voltage Rifle''' with a '''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' - +4 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit can take a '''Gamma Mortis Protocol''' - +20 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Gamma Mortis Protocol:''' If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.</div>

*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Elites}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Royal Guards}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}}

===Fast Attacks===
===Fast Attacks===
====Attack Larva====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 10 Attack Larva. It can contain up to 20 additional Attack Larvae, at Power Rating +3 per 10 Attack Larvae. ('''Power Rating 3''').
====Hive Walker Battalion====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Mechanized battle walkers are a common sight in Q'Orl armies, their design allows them to quickly move through destroyed areas to redirect their support to the area it most needs it.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Walker ('''Power Rating: 4'''). It can include 1 additional Hive Walker ('''Power Rating: +4''') or 2 additional Hive Walkers ('''Power Rating: +8''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Attack Larva|| 8" || 5+ || 4+ || 3 || 2 || 1 || 2 || 4 || 6+
| Hive Walker || 12" || 5+ || 3+ || 5 || 6 || 6 || 3 || 9 || 4+ || 70

*Short Sticked Sprawler
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-High Voltage Rifle'''
'''Special Rules:'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*'''Weak, but many:''' ''x''
::During every Morale Phase, roll a d6 for each Larva model that was removed this turn instead of rolling morale for the unit. On a roll of 1,  a model is removed. On a roll of 6, add 2 Larva models to the unit. These extra units don’t cost Reserve Points and can’t bring the Unit size over 30 Larvae.
*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larva}}
====Q'Orl Mechanoid====
This unit contains 1 Q'Orl Mechanoid. It can contain up to 2 additional Q'Orl Mechanoids, at Power Rating +4 per model. ('''Power Rating 4''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Q'Orl Mechanoid|| 14" || 6+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 5 || 2 || 8 || 3+
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
*Bioengineered Nerve Breaker
*Two High Voltage Control Blasters

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="All-Terrain Walker">
This model is never slowed down by Difficult Ground.
*'''Stolen Technology:''' ''x''
::This unit can reroll 1s to wound when targeting a VEHICLE.
<tab name="Independent Reconnaissance Units">
*'''Technoengineered Flesh:''' ''x''
The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit.
::Models in this unit have a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

*Mechanoids can replace one or both their HVC Blasters for one or two Bioengineered Nerve Breakers.
Any model may replace its '''High Voltage Rifle''' with one of the following:
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker''' - +6 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker''' || 24" || Assault 3D3 || 4 || 0 || 1 || Blast.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' - +6 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}, {{W40kKeyword|Mechanoid}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Fast Attacks}}, {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Walker}}

====Q'Orl Attack Soldier====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 5 Attack Soldiers. It can contain up to 25 additional Attack Soldiers, at Power Rating +3 per 5 models. ('''Power Rating 3''').
====Winged Q'Orl Soldiers====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''A winged variant of the common soldier. The added mobility makes them excellent for hit and run tactics and surprise ambushes, although they still remain nothing more than expendable flesh and chitin.''</div>
This unit contains 5 Winged Q'Orl Soldiers ('''Power Rating: 3'''). It can include up to 5 additional 5 Winged Q'Orl Soldiers ('''Power Rating: +3''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Attack Soldier || 12" || 5+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 6 || 4+
| Winged Q'Orl Soldier || 12" || 5+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 4+ || 9

*Neuroelectric Rifle
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Neuroelectric Rifle'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="Arthropods">
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Flying Threats:''' ''x''
::During deployment you can set this unit up in the sky. When you do so, at the end of any of your movement phases you can set this unit anywhere in the battlefield that is at least 9” away from enemy models.
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Flying Threats">
During deployment, you can set this unit up in the sky. When you do so, at the end of any of your Movement phases you can set this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 9” away from enemy models.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

*Every 5 models an Attack Soldier can replace his Neuroelectric Rifle with a High Voltage Rifle.
For every 5 models, a Winged Q'Orl Soldier may replace its '''Neuroelectric Rifle''' with one of the following:
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''High Voltage Rifle''' - +2 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
-'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' - +6 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
Every 5 models, one Winged Q'Orl Soldier can take an '''Electric Pulse Grenade''' - free
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Electric Pulse Grenade''' || 6" || Grenade D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit can take a '''Gamma Mortis Protocol''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Gamma Mortis Protocol:''' If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.</div>

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}}  
*{{W40kKeyword|Fast Attacks}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Winged Q'Orl Soldiers}}

===Heavy Supports===
===Heavy Supports===
====Heavy Gun Squadron====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 5 Heavy Gunners. It can contain up to 5 additional Heavy Gunners, at Power Rating +8. ('''Power Rating 8''').
====Hive Conquerors Squadron====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Conquerors are the Q'Orl equivalent of armored tanks and are very rarely not present on the front of an assault. They are mounted with the extremely powerful high voltage destructor that has made a name for itself in countless encounters for its brutal strength and efficiency at killing. Despite being heavy, they are still extremely agile.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Conqueror ('''Power Rating: 8'''). It can contain 1 additional Hive Conqueror ('''Power Rating: +8''') or 2 additional Hive Conquerors ('''Power Rating: +16''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Hive Conqueror || '''10"''' || '''4+''' || '''3+''' || 6 || 7 || 8-14 || 5 || 9 || 4+ || 160
| Hive Conqueror || '''8"''' || '''5+''' || '''4+''' || 6 || 7 || 4-7 || 5 || 9 || 4+ || 160
| Heavy Gunner || 6" || 6+ || 3+ || 3 || 5 || 3 || 1 || 5 || 4+
| Hive Conqueror || '''6"''' || '''6+''' || '''5+''' || 6 || 7 || 1-3 || 5 || 9 || 4+ || 160

*Long Range Ordinance Maimer
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-High Voltage Destructor'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Voltage Destructor''' || 36" || Heavy 1 || 9 || -5 || 3D3 || Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Two Long Range Ordnance Aimer'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Long Range Ordnance Aimer''' || 36" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -2 || D3 || -

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="All-Terrain Walker">
This model is never slowed down by Difficult Ground.
*'''Techno-advanced Legs:''' ''x''
::Vertical movement is ignored when determining how far this unit can move.
<tab name="Conqueror Squadron">
*'''Advanced Sight Biotechnology:''' ''x''
The maximum cohesion distance of models in this unit is 6" instead of 2".
::This unit can reroll hit rolls of 1. This unit can reroll all hit rolls if it remained stationary in its previous Movement Phase.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Heavy Soldier}}  
*{{W40kKeyword|Heavy Supports}}, {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Conquerors}}

====Techno Gunner Platoon====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 10 Techno Gunners. It can contain up to 10 additional Techno Gunners, at Power Rating +4. ('''Power Rating 4''').
====Hive Gunners Squadron====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''These common gunners have been modified to sport improved optics that lets them not only wield more powerful weapons but also increase their deadly accuracy.''</div>
This unit contains 5 Heavy Gunners ('''Power Rating: 8'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Heavy Gunners ('''Power Rating: +8''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Techno Gunner || 6" || 6+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 4+
| Heavy Gunner || 6" || 6+ || 3+ || 3 || 5 || 3 || 1 || 7 || 4+ || 32

*Current Blaster
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Long Range Ordnance Aimer'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Long Range Ordnance Aimer''' || 36" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -2 || D3 || -

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*Technological Genius
*For the Queen
<tab name="Advanced Optical Enhancement">
This unit can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when making a shooting attack. This unit can re-roll all hit rolls if it remained stationary in its previous Movement Phase.
*'''Bioengineered Hatred:''' ''x''
::If this unit declares a shooting attack against an enemy currently within 3” of an objective marker, increase the Strength characteristic of all its guns by 1.
<tab name="Arthropods">
*'''Electrified Earth:''' ''x''
See Army Rules - Universal
::This unit can declare attacks against units that are outside its line of sight. By declaring an attack against an enemy outside of line of sight, this unit is considered to have Ballistic Skill 6+ for the shooting phase.
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Techno-enhanced Legs">
Vertical movement is ignored when determining how far this unit can move.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Techno Gunner}}  
*{{W40kKeyword|Heavy Supports}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Heavy Gunners}}

====Larva Mortar====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 1 Larva Mortar. It can contain up to 2 additional Larva Mortars, at Power Rating +2 per model. ('''Power Rating 2''').
====Larva Mortars====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''These mortars are mounted on the back of giant larvae and are a peculiar sight on the field. While a mortar is supposed to be precise and immobile, the shacking nature of the beasts that carry them makes them quite hard to use. For this, they are usually mounted with additional stabilizers or the larvae tortured until they can't move anymore.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Larva Mortar and 1 Mortar Attendant ('''Power Rating: 2'''). It can contain 1 additional Larva Mortar and Mortar Attendant ('''Power Rating: +2''') or 2 additional Larva Mortars and Mortar Attendants ('''Power Rating: +2''').
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|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Larva Mortar || 3" || 6+ || 3+ || 2 || 5 || 1 || 1 || 4 || 5+ || 20
| Larva Mortar || 3" || 6+ || 3+ || 2 || 5 || 1 || 1 || 3 || 5+
| Mortar Attendant || 8" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 4+ || 20

'''Wargear (Larva Mortar):'''
*Unstable Mortar Platform
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Unstable Mortar Platform'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Unstable Mortar Platform''' || 12"-60" || Heavy 1D3 || 5 || -1 || 2 || This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Wargear (Mortar Attendant):'''
*'''Squashed by Heavy weaponry:''' ''x''
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
::When this unit fires an Unstable Mortar Platform, if the roll to determine the amount of shots from the gun is a 1, the unit is considered to have a Ballistic Skill of 5+ for this shooting phase.
'''-Neuroelectric Rifle'''
*'''Extreme weight:''' ''x''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
::When this unit advances, roll 1d3 instead of 1d6.
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

'''Special Rules (Larva Mortar):'''
*For 10 points per model, you can upgrade an Unstable Mortar Platform in a Stable Mortar Platform
<tab name="Extreme Weight">
When this unit advances, roll 1D3 instead of 1D6.
<tab name="Mortar Squadron">
The maximum cohesion distance of this unit is 6".
<tab name="Squashed by Heavy Weaponry">
When a model from this unit fires an Unstable Mortar Platform, if the roll to determine the number of shots from the gun is a 1, the model is considered to have a Ballistic Skill of 5+ for the remainder of the Shooting phase.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

'''Special Rules (Mortar Attendant):'''
*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larva}}
<tab name="Arthropods">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Weapon Attendant">
A {{W40kKeyword|Larva Mortar}} can only fire its weapon if there's at least one {{W40kKeyword|Mortar Attendant}} within 3" of it.

====Fire Spewer Team====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains 5 Fire Spewers. It can contain up to 5 additional Fire Spewers, at Power Rating +3. ('''Power Rating 3''').
Any Larva Mortar may replace its '''Unstable Mortar Platform''' with a '''Stable Mortar Platform''' - +10 pts.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Fire Spewer || 6" || 6+ || 3+ || 3 || 5 || 2 || 1 || 5 || 4+
|'''Stable Mortar Platform''' || 12"-60" || Heavy 3 || 6 || -2 || 2 || This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.

'''Keywords (Larva Mortar):'''
*Biofire Ejector (short range)
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*Biofire Ejector (long range)
*{{W40kKeyword|Heavy Supports}}, {{W40kKeyword|Beast}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}}, {{W40kKeyword|Larva Mortar}}
*Electro Impluse Grenade

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Keywords (Mortar Attendant):'''
*Technological Genius
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*For the Queen
*{{W40kKeyword|Heavy Supports}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Mortar Attendant}}, {{W40kKeyword|Character}}
*'''Escalating Heat:''' ''x''
::If a unit is killed by an attack made with a Biofire Ejector in this unit, increase the Strength characteristic of the Biofire Ejector by 1.
*'''Volatile:''' ''x''
::If a model in this unit is slain during the Fight Phase, the enemy unit which attacked suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|Swarmhood}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldier}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fire Spewer}}

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Techno Gunners Platoon====
====Queen's Drones Swarm====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
This unit contains 1 Queen's Drone ('''Power Rating: 9'''). It can include 1 additional Queen's Drone ('''Power Rating: +9''') or 2 additional Queen's Drones ('''Power Rating: +18''').
''Another modified version of the common gunner, techno gunners sport peculiar weapons that make no use of the peculiar larval biofluid all other Q'Orl weapons rely on. This strange nature of their weapon allows them to even target unseen enemies, making them perfect supports for charing units.''</div>
This unit contains 5 Techno Gunners ('''Power Rating: 5'''). It can contain up to 5 additional Techno Gunners ('''Power Rating: +5''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Queen's Drone || 20" || 5+ || 3+ || 6 || 7 || 10 || 3 || 9 || 3+
| Techno Gunner || 6" || 6+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 4+ || 20

*Long Range Ordinance Maimer
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
*Two Bioengineered Nerve Breakers
'''-Current Blaster'''
*Two High Voltage Rifles
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Current Blaster''' || 40" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -3 || 2 || Every hit roll of 6+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Boosted Wings:''' ''x''
<tab name="Arthropods">
::When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase – do not roll a dice.
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Enhanced Senses:''' ''x''
::This model can Advance and fire Assault weapons without taking penalties to his hit rolls.
<tab name="Bioengineered Hatred">
*'''For the Queen'''
If this unit declares a shooting attack against an enemy currently within 3” of an objective marker, increase the Strength characteristic of all its ranged weapons by 1.
*'''Technological Genius'''
<tab name="Electrified Earth">
This unit can target units that are not in its line of sight. If they do, consider its Ballistic Skill to be of 6+ for the remainder of the Shooting phase.
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Techno-enhanced Legs">
Vertical movement is ignored when determining how far this unit can move.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Heavy Supports}}, {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}}, {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Techno Gunners}}

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Flyer}}, {{W40kKeyword|Monster}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}, {{W40kKeyword|Queen's Drone}}

===Dedicated Transports===
====Hive Carrier Swarm====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
This unit contains a single Hive Carrier. ('''Power Rating 6'''). It can include 1 additional Hive Carrier (Power Rating +6) or 2 additional Hive Carriers (Power Rating +12).
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Utilizing the technology found in the Q'Orl hive ships, a chainfly is actually composed of three different sections that combine into one flyer. Although not heavily armed, an unprepared enemy can be easily drowned in light fire, and the triple nature allows them to quickly evade returning fire.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Chainfly composed of 3 Chainsections ('''Power Rating: 12''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Hive Carrier || * || 6+ || * || 5 || 7 || 6-10 || * || 9 || 3+
| Chainsection || 20" || 6+ || 4+ || 5 || 6 || 7 || 1 || 9 || 4+ || 80

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Two Bioengineered Nerve Breaker'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Remaining W !! M !! WS !! A
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| 6-10+ || 12" || 3+ || 3
|'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker''' || 24" || Assault 3D3 || 4 || 0 || 1 || Blast.
| 3-5 || 8" || 4+ || D3
| 1-2 || 4" || 5+ || 1
*Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer
*Two Biofire Ejector

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Explodes:''' When this model is destroyed, roll 1d6. On a roll of 6 it explodes, and every unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*'''Technological Genius'''
<tab name="Chainflier">
When this unit is deployed, this unit counts as one Chainfly, which means all three Chainsections must be deployed at the same time and within 1" of one another. During your Movement phase, before moving this unit, you may decide to detach the different Chainsection; from that point onward every Chainsection functions as a separate unit for all ends and purposes. As long as this unit remains into a Chainfly formation, add 1 to the hit rolls for shooting attacks made by this unit and allocate all damage taken evenly among the three models.
<tab name="Scatter Away">
If one model is slain while this unit is in Chainfly configuration, the formation immediately breaks, and the remaining Chainsections are treated as separate units.
<tab name="Small and Hard to Hit">
While this unit is in the divided into Chainsections, enemy units must subract 1 from their hit rolls when targeting a single Chainsection.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal

'''Transport:''' This model can transport 12 {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}} models.
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Flyers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}, {{W40kKeyword|Chainflier}}, {{W40kKeyword|Chainsection}}

*Faction:{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Dedicated Transport}}, {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}, {{W40kKeyword|Transport}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Carrier}}

===Lords of War===
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Hive Queen====
====Queen's Drones Swarm====
This unit contains a single Hive Queen. ('''Power Rating 25'''). Only one Hive Queen can be included in your army.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Hive drones are usually found in the Queen chamber and float over the gasses continuously produce by their sovereign's body. Even in battle, they follow their queen and scout the area in search for any threat to their queen's safety.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Queen's Drone ('''Power Rating: 8'''). It can include 1 additional Queen's Drone ('''Power Rating: +8''') or 2 additional Queen's Drones ('''Power Rating: +16''').
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! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
| Hive Queen|| * || * || 2+ || 9 || 9 || 35 || * || 10 || 2+
| Queen's Drone || 20" || 5+ || 3+ || 6 || 7 || 10 || 3 || 8 || 3+ || 150

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Long Range Ordnance Aimer'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Remaining W !! M !! WS !! A
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| 17-35+ || 14" || 2+ || 6
|'''Long Range Ordnance Aimer''' || 36" || Heavy 2 || 5 || -2 || D3 || -
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Two High Voltage Rifles'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| 9-16 || 11" || 2+ || 2D3
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
| 1-8 || 8" || 2+ || D3
*Bioengineered Nerve Breaker
*Biofluid Rain
*Mastodontic Jaws
*The Queen's Talons

'''Special Rules:'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Honor in Death (Aura):''' ''x''
<tab name="Arthropods">
::{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Core}} units within 6” of this model can Heroically Intervene for 6” if the Hive Queen is ever declared as the target of a successful charge.
See Army Rules - Universal
*'''Leader of all:''' ''x''
::The Hive Queen can never gain the benefits of a {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}, but she can be taken in a battle-forged army without losing the battle-forged bonus.
<tab name="Boost Wings">
*'''Perfected Chitin:''' ''x''
When this model Advances, increase its Movement characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase – do not roll a dice.
::This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 5+ the wound is not lost.
*'''Supreme Being of the Hive (Aura):''' ''x''
<tab name="Enhanced Senses">
::{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 12” of this model are considered to be in range of the ''For the Queen'' special rule. Also, {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 12” of this model can re-roll all failed to-hit rolls and 1s to wound rolls.
This model can Advance and fire Assault weapons without suffering penalties to its hit rolls.
*'''Technological Genius'''
<tab name="For the Queen">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="The Queen's Drones">
If your army is Battle-forged, then if it contains the {{W40kKeyword|Hive Queen}}, a {{W40kKeyword|Queen's Drones}} unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up an additional Battlefield Role slot.
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Flyers}}, {{W40kKeyword|Monster}}, {{W40kKeyword|Fly}}, {{W40kKeyword|Queen's Drones}}

*{{W40kKeyword|Lord of War}}, {{W40kKeyword|Monster}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Queen}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}

==Point Costs==
===Dedicated Transports===
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Hive Carrier Swarm====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''Hive carriers are used to transport all kinds of troops into battle from orbit or the hive fortresses scattered onto the planet surface. They are fairly armored and discreetly armed and find many uses in a Q'Orl assault.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Carrier ('''Power Rating: 6'''). It can include 1 additional Hive Carrier ('''Power Rating: +6''') or 2 additional Hive Carriers ('''Power Rating: +12''').
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons included)
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
|'''Hive Prince''' || 1 || 175pts
|'''Q'Orl Commander''' || 1 || 100pts
|'''Q'Orl High Shaman''' || 1 || 70pts
| Hive Carrier || 12" || 6+ || 3+ || 5 || 7 || 10 || 3 || 9 || 3+ || 110
|'''Lord Engineer''' || 1 || 55pts
|'''Q'Orl Slaver''' || 1(+ 0-10 Larva) || 45pts

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons not included)
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Q'Orl Vanguard''' || 3-6 || 18pts
|'''Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer''' || 24" || Rapid Fire 3 || 4 || -2 || D3 || -
|'''Q'Orl Technologist''' || 1 || 40pts
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
|'''Q'Orl Lieutenant''' || 1(+ 0-10 soldiers) || 75pts
'''-Two Biofire Ejectors'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
====Fast Attacks====
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons not included)
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Attack Larva''' || 10-30 || 6pts
|'''Biofire Ejector (Short Range)''' || 1"-6" || Assault 2 || 4 || -2 || 2 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Q'Orl Mechanoid''' || 1-3 || 90pts
|'''Biofire Ejector (Long Range)''' || 7"-12" || Assault 1 || 4 || -1 || 1 || This weapon automatically hits its target.
|'''Q'Orl Attack Soldier''' || 5-30 || 9pts
'''Special Rules:'''
<tab name="Arthropods">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="Independent Carriers">
The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal
'''Transport Capacity:'''
.:This model can transport 10 {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}} {{W40kKeyword|Infantry}} models.
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}, {{W40kKeyword|<Swarmhood>}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Dedicated Transports}}, {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}}, {{W40kKeyword|Transport}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Carrier}}

====Heavy Supports====
===Lords of War===
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====The Hive Queen====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''The sole and only queen of the Q'Orl race, it almost never makes an appearance on the battlefield. The few occasion when this happens go down in history and are taken as an example of Q'Orl superiority. When the majesty herself goes to war, for the enemy there is no chance at winning.''</div>
This unit contains 1 Hive Queen. ('''Power Rating: 25'''). Only one of this model may be included in your army.
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons not included)
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv !! Pts/model
|'''Heavy Gun Squadron''' || 5-10 || 15pts
| Hive Queen|| '''12"''' || '''2+''' || '''2+''' || 9 || 9 || 17-35 || '''6''' || 11 || 2+ || 900
|'''Techno Gunner Platoon''' || 10-20 || 9pts
| Hive Queen|| '''8"''' || '''3+''' || '''3+''' || 9 || 9 || 9-16 || '''2D3''' || 11 || 2+ || 900
|'''Larva Mortar''' || 1-3 || 20pts
| Hive Queen|| '''4"''' || '''4+''' || '''4+''' || 9 || 9 || 1-8 || '''D3''' || 11 || 2+ || 900
|'''Fire Spewer Team''' || 5-10 || 50pts

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Bioengineered Nerve Breaker'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons not included)
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Queen's Drone''' || 1 || 110pts
|'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker''' || 24" || Assault 3D3 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Blast.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Biofluid Rain'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons not included)
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Hive Carrier''' || 1 || 80pts
|'''Biofluid Rain''' || 36" || Assault 3D6 || 6 || -3 || 2 || Blast. This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
====Lords of War====
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
'''-Mastodontic Jaws'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Unit !! Models per unit !! Points per model (weapons included)
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Hive Queen''' || 1 || 500pts
|'''Mastodontic Jaws''' || Melee || Melee || x2|| -4 || 4 || -
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
====Melee Weapons====
'''-The Queen's Talons'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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! Weapon !! Points per weapon
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''Multi Techno Tool''' || free
|'''The Queen's Talons''' || Melee || Melee || User || -2 || 2 || Each hit roll with this weapon counts as 2 hits instead of 1.
|'''Symbiote Staff (melee)''' || free
|'''High Voltage Sabre Leg''' || free
'''Special Rules:'''
|'''Shielded Chitin''' || free
<tab name="Arthropods">
See Army Rules - Universal
|'''Mastodontic Jaws''' || free
<tab name="Honor in Death (Aura)">
{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Core}} units within 6” of this model can Heroically Intervene for 6” if the Hive Queen is ever declared as the target of a successful charge.
<tab name="Perfected Chitin">
This unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 5+ the wound is not lost.
<tab name="Supreme Being of the Hive (Aura)">
{{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 12” of this model are considered to be in range of the ''For the Queen'' special rule. Also, {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 12” of this model can re-roll all failed to-hit and to-wound roll.
<tab name="Technological Genius">
See Army Rules - Universal
<tab name="The One Above All">
This model can never have any Relic. In addition, in a Crusade campaign, this model can never have any '''Battle Trait''', '''Battle Scars''', '''Weapon Enhancement''' or Crusade Relics.
'''Warlord Trait:'''  If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait:
<tab name="The Q'Orl Queen (Aura)">
Friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} units within 12" of this model add 1 to their movement, advance and charge distances.
*Faction: {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}}
*{{W40kKeyword|Lords of War}}, {{W40kKeyword|Monster}}, {{W40kKeyword|Titanic}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Queen}}, {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}}
=Crusade Rules=
*'''Never Retreat:''' ''Even in dire situations, the swarm never retreats, for the Q'Orl's might is stronger than the enemy's wrath.''
::Keep a Bravery tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit from your army. At the end of each Morale phase, add 1 to that unit's Bravery tally if it didn't lose any model during that phase.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every mark on its Bravery tally.
*'''Psyker Captive''' ''Psykers are peculiar creatures to the Q'Orl and are highly sought-after by their researches to experiment on warp-driven technologies. Perhaps, their sadistic approach is rooted in the ancient betrayal of the Aeldari.''
::Keep a Captive tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit from your army. At the end of each Shooting or Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Captive tally if it completely destroyed an enemy {{W40kKeyword|Psyker}} unit.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 2 experience points for every mark on its Captive tally.
*'''Q’Orl Might Makes Right:'''  ''"Only the Q'Orl royalty is fit to rule the stars, all the other races must kneel in the dust and build them their rightful throne."''
::Keep an Execution tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Character}} unit from your army. At the end of each Shooting or Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Execution tally if it destroyed an enemy {{W40kKeyword|Character}} unit.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 3 experience points for every mark on its Execution tally.
*'''Technological Experience:''' ''It takes practice to operate the Q'Orl weaponry; those that master this peculiar art are rewarded with increased expertise in killing.''
::Keep a Technological Experience tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} unit from your army. Add 1 to that unit's Technological Experience tally every time it automatically wounds 10 times its targets via the ''Technological Genius'' special rule.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 2 experience points for every mark on its Technological Experience tally.
===Swarmhood Specific===
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} - Redemption in Death:''' ''Even if they fall in battle, the mere thoughts their bodies will be carved a path to the future envisioned by the Queen fills these warriors with immense joy and pride.''
::Keep a Redemption tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} {{W40kKeyword|Character}} unit from your army. When a {{W40kKeyword|Afelhuk}} {{W40kKeyword|Character}} unit slays an enemy unit thanks to its ''The Scavenging Hive'' ability add 1 to its Redemption tally.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every mark on its Redemption tally. Any unit which gains experience this way does not suffer any battle scars as a result of being slain or losing this battle.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} - Cut Down by Razor Chitin:''' ''In contrast with the normal attack strategies of the Q'Orl, the Alakyrr swarm jumps into the heart of the battle to bring the might of the Queen upon their enemies.''
::Keep an Execution tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Alakyrr}} {{W40kKeyword|Character}} unit from your army. At the end of each Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Execution tally if it destroyed an enemy unit.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every mark on its Execution tally.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Gook}} - To Halt is to Fail:''' ''There is no stopping, there is no peace, this is the fate of the Gook and the belief they take into their graves.''
::Keep a Speed tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Gook}} unit in your army. At the end of each movement phase, add 1 to a unit's Speed tally if it moved its max movement distance and advanced at least 6” in the movement phase.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 3 experience points for every 2 marks on its Speed tally.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} - Stoicism for the Queen:''' ''The Loquiit have one mission, and one mission only, protect the Queen at all costs. For this, they'll ignore even the most gruesome of wounds to not let the deceive of the past repeat.''
::Keep a Stoicism tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Loqiit}} unit in your army. At the end of each turn, add 1 to a unit's Stoicism tally for each wound it ignored during that turn.
::At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every 5 marks on its Stoicism tally.
*'''{{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} - Masters of Technology:''' ''With a hive composed of mainly engineers, the battle is a chance to improve the older designs of war and produce even deadlier weapons.''
::Keep a Masters of Technology tally for each {{W40kKeyword|Semmiheu}} unit from your army. Add 1 to that unit's Masters of Technology tally every time it wounds an enemy unit on a 5+ on a D6 10 times.
::At the end of the battle, each unit with at least 2 marks on its Technological Experience tally gains a Weapon Enhancement on one of its ranged weapons.
*'''For the Glory of the Empire! (3 RP):''' ''Each time another fortress falls, another planet succumbs to the greatness of the Q'Orl race, the soldiers of the hive rejoice, for it brings them immeasurable pleasure.''
::Purchase this Requisition after a victory is achieved in a battle in which you gained at least double the amount of Victory Points of your opponent. Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of all units in your army (other than {{W40kKeyword|Larvae}} units). In addition, your Warlord gains 1 Battle Trait; increase its Crusade points accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card.
*'''Metamorphosis (1 RP):''' ''To those princes that achieve great feats in battle it's granted the honor to ascend to a new form, one closer to the Queen's but always one step lower.''
::Purchase this Requisition after a victory is achieved in a battle. Select one Hive Prince from your army that doesn't have the '''Prince's Wings''' Upgrade. That model immediately gains that upgrade without spending any additional points or Power Rating. Add 1 to the Crusade points of the unit accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card.
*'''Technologist Tinkering (1 RP):''' ''Even taking into account their short life span, Q'Orl technologists create a myriad of different devices and apparatuses. When they are let unto the battlefield, they are more than eager to put their experiments on the test.''
::Purchase this Requisition when you add a {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}} unit to your Order of Battle, or when a {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}} unit in your Crusade force gains a rank, if your Crusade force includes a {{W40kKeyword|Hive Technologist}}. That {{W40kKeyword|Vehicle}} unit gains one Weapon Enhancement; increase its Crusade points accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card.
==Battle Traits==
==={{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} Units Only===
*'''1) Conqueror of the Hive:''' ''This prince of the hive has fought countless battles and conquered innumerable worlds for the Q'Orl Queen, his presence can be felt choking those holding the line against him.''
::This model gains the ''Objective Secured'' special rule and counts as three models for the purpose of determining which unit is currently holding an objective. In addition, enemy units within 6" of this model and 3" of an objective have to subtract 2 from their Leadership characteristic.
*'''2) Leader Figure:''' ''The sight of this behemoth inspires the lesser Q'Orl organism to fight even harder for the glory of the Queen.''
::Double the range of this model's ''Direct Servant of the Queen'' special rule.
*'''3) Scorching Pride:''' ''A powerful commander with nothing to fear, the blows of the enemies of the swarm are like medals that inspire him to fight with an even greater ferocity.''
::During the Fight phase, this model gains a bonus to its Attack characteristic equal to the number of attacks enemy units have made against this model that have hit.
==={{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} Units Only===
*'''1) A Necessary Sacrifice:''' ''These warriors will happily throw their lives away if it means they'll be of help to their superiors.''
::When this unit is being chosen as the target of a Hive Prince's ''Minor Lifeforms'' special rule, do not roll a die; this unit automatically intercepts the attack. In addition, roll a die for each mortal wound suffered this way; on a 5+ the wound is not lost.
*'''2) Failure Is Not An Option:''' ''While in the presence of a superior, failure is not an option and the fear of disappointing their masters overshadows the pain of the wounds suffered.''
::Roll a die each time this unit suffers a wound while within 6" of a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|HQs}} unit; on a 6 that wound is not lost. If the {{W40kKeyword|HQs}} unit is a Hive Prince, then the wound is not lost on a roll of 5 and 6.
*'''3) Tempered Minds:''' ''A powerful commander with nothing to fear, the blows of the enemies of the swarm are like medals that inspire him to fight with an even greater ferocity.''
::This unit doesn't suffer a penalty to its Leadership characteristic due to the ''Instilled Fear'' special rule.
==Weapon Enhancements==
===Voltage Weapons===
'''-1) Additional Battery Charges:''' ''Additional batteries are mounted on the weapon to empower the strength of the charge.''
:In your Shooting phase, when shooting with this unit, unless the Stratagem has already been used this phase, you can use the '''Overwhelming Voltage''' Stratagem for 0 CPs.
'''-2) Compact Energy Directer:''' ''An insulating barrel mounted at the tip of the weapon makes it possible to fire it at close range, although dampening its long-range capabilities.''
:Change this weapon's Type to Pistol but subtract 6" from its Range characteristic.
'''-3) Lightning Arc Amplifier:''' ''The weapon is mounted with a special array of electricity-conductive materials that enlarges the diffusion radius of the bolts.''
:When shooting with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 causes one additional hit on the target.
==Battle Scars==
==={{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} Units Only===
'''-Dishonored:''' ''For the wounds suffered in battle and the humiliation of defeat, this once great Q'Orl prince is cast aside, cursed to wander the field until it'll shos its worth again or perish trying.''
*This model loses all of its Aura abilities and ''Minor Lifeforms'' and ''Royal Pride'' special rules. In addition, this model loses its {{W40kKeyword|Hive Royalty}} keyword.
*Subtract 1 from this model's Toughness and Attacks characteristics and subtract 1 from all its saving throws.
*This Battle Scar can't be removed by the '''Repair and Recuperate''' Requisition.
==={{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} Units Only===
'''-Living Failures:''' ''Weaklings who are of no use to the Queen have no place in the hive. It won't be much longer until they are discarded like the rotten flesh they are.''
*Subtract 2 from this unit's Leadership characteristic.
*This unit can't benefit from the bonus to their Combat Attrition rolls from the ''Instilled Fear'' special rule.
==Crusade Relics==
===Artificer Relics===
*'''Cranial Sentry Implant:''' ''In battle, knowing where the enemy is is an important part of one's strategy. This cranial implant informs the wearer of any nearby activity, making him prepared for any enemy assault.''
::Enemy units do not gain any benefits in the Fight phase from charging, being charged, or by performing heroic interventions against this unit. In addition, this unit may Overwatch once a turn without the need for the associated Stratagem.
*'''Grafted Winglet Gyroscopes:''' ''A number of minuscule gyroscopes are mounted on this Q'Orl's wings, granting him an extreme maneuverability.''
::Unit with the {{W40kKeyword|Fly}} keyword only. Add 6” to this unit's movement distances. In addition, this unit can charge even in a turn in which it fell back.
*'''The Queen's Armor:''' ''This individual has been bestowed a piece of the Queen's exoskeleton, crafted into an armor of complex design to aid him in his conquests.''
::Add 1 to this unit's Thougness characteristic and Armor saving throws.
===Antiquity Relics===
*'''Palanquin of the Honoured Dead:''' ''Even in Q'Orl society, with its regimented hierarchy and oppression, there is some honor to be had for the humble workers and warriors. The Palanquin of the Honoured Dead is a giant, suspensor borne display of the skulls of Q'Orl's who have fallen heroically in battle. Although heroically for the Q'Orl is more dependent on whether your act aided the survival of those higher up the hierarchy than you, the Palanquin f the Honoured Dead is unusual because the skulls of those it honors are from all levels of Q'Orl strata. You will find the skull of a humble worker who jumped in the way of a bolt shell right next to that of a Prince who dueled an imperial knight. At the center of the display, with all the other skulls carefully arranged so that they both look outwards but also seem to gaze up the centerpiece, is the skull of a long-deceased queen, made iridescent by careful refractions and eddies of light caused by the suspensor field. The Palanquin is also not a single relic, but a host of such morbid items which are routinely returned to the Q'Orl homeworld to be updated with new skulls and repaired. Once renewed the palanquin is dispatched to a frontline sector. There, a commander is selected by a panel scholars and other commanders, who select a Q'Orl who has recently distinguished themselves in battle to be borne aloft on the palanquin, to attend to and defend the display it carries. This being Q'Orl society, however, this can be a double-edged honor. On one hand, the panel may have given the honor in honest recognition of the Q'Orl's deeds in warfare. Alternatively, the panel may contain a cabal of the nobility who wish for one particular Hive Prince to be put in a position where they may be killed by an enemy. For the honor of riding upon a Palanquin of the Honoured Dead is not one you can refuse. To be chosen means going into battle on the relic, and either winning or dying, anything else would mean disgrace.''
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} only. The unit gains the {{W40kKeyword|Titanic}} keyword and roll a D6 whenever this unit suffers a wound; on a 5+ the wound is ignored. In addition, roll a D6 every time a friendly {{W40kKeyword|Q'Orl}} {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} model loses a wound within 12" and line of sight of this unit; on a 6 that wound is ignored. However, this unit may never move in a direction that would take it further away from any enemy units, and if it is eligible to charge an enemy unit then it must do so. If you lose a battle with a unit equipped with this relic, then they automatically gain the '''Dishonored''' Battle Scar and loses this Relic.
*'''The Shell of Shangri Mei:''' ''A gruesome item, the chitinous shell of a Q’Orl Prince who defied their Queen and attempted to overthrow the entirety of Q’Orl aristocracy. Nobody knows what drove them to such a suicidal act, but they failed, and were captured and was sentenced to the most humiliating and agonizing punishment a Q’Orl can ever undergo. They were chained outside the palace of the queens on the Q’Orl homeworld and doused in a nanobot solution. Over the course of five Terran decades, the nanobots slowly began to peel away Shangri Mei’s chitinous carapace, stimulating the nerves beneath with electrical shocks and pain-inducing antigens, while also ensuring that no diseases would take hold and synthesizing nutrients from the air so Mei wouldn’t simply die. For 50 years, Mei sat screaming outside the palace, as one by one their chitin plates were stripped from them and collected by attendants. When finally, Mei was left standing as naked as a flayed human, the Queen was brought from her palace on a gigantic palanquin, whereupon she took one look at Mei, and vomited gout of acid onto the prisoner. In one final torment of agony, Mei was dissolved by the acid, screaming as they were reduced to nothing more than a slurry of biological sludge, which was quickly cleaned up by menials. An armour fashioned from Shangri Mei’s shell was created and is grafted onto a noble who is deemed to have grossly transgressed or failed in battle, sending a simple message. Repent and make up for your failure, or end up like Shangri Mei.''
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} with '''Dishonored''' Battle Scar only. This unit adds 1 to its Saving throws and Toughness characteristic and may fire twice during its Shooting phase and fight twice during the Fight phase. If you lose a battle with a unit with this Relic equipped then this unit is automatically slain and removed from your crusade force (i.e., they lose all progression they may have had up to this point). However, if you win the battle then this Relic is removed from this unit and this unit gains double experience from the battle and loses its '''Dishonored''' Battle Scar.
===Legendary Relics===
*'''Neuroelectric Cranial Amplifier:''' ''A seemingly simple array of wiring and charge arrays that connects every Q’Orl in a unit. The system does nothing while a unit is moving, but when stationary it shuts down all the brain functions responsible for balance, moving, and other similar functions, accounting for about 50% of a Q’Orl’s brain function. This excess function is then used to generate a building charge, which is amplified by static arrays between all other Q’Orl in the unit. In other creatures, this would be useless as they would simply fall over without that 50% of their brain, but Q’Orl can lock their shell segments together to prevent this. The stored power is then channeled to their weapons, for devastating effect.''
::A unit with this Relic adds +2 to the Strength characteristic and +6” to the Range characteristic of weapons from the ''Voltage Weaponry'' list this model is equipped with for every turn in which it and at least another {{W40kKeyword|Soldiers}} unit within 1” did not move. This can stack up to +4 strength and +12” range. If a unit benefits from these bonuses in the Shooting phase then it may not charge in the following Charge phase.

====Ranged Weapons====
*'''The Queen’s Reach''' ''The Queens of the Q'Orl are not blind to what takes place in their society. They are aware of the backstabbing, the plots, the outright wasting of the lives of their underlings, as much as the rest of the Q'Orl population may think that the Queen is too far above them to pay any notice, the exact opposite is the case. Most of the time, however, the Queen does not need to take any action, as Q'Orl society and military have become adept at managing the chaos that their otherwise orderly hierarchy hides. When a Queen normally wishes to act she will dispatch nobles to delivery a message or challenge someone to a duel on her behalf. There are times however when the queen requires a more subtle touch, and for that, she has the Queen's Reach. The Queen's Reach is a rifle that is grafted onto a chosen of the queen and fires a solid slug using a vast, electromagnetic charge. What makes the round so dangerous however is that the core of the projectile fired is made of a solid lump of nanobots. When penetrating or colliding with a target the nanobots bury deep into whatever surface they find and begin to deconstruct it. Even the mightiest of foes, who would normally not be harmed by such a weapon, find themselves falling apart at the atomic level. Even refractor shields are of no use against this weapon, as even if the round is stopped by a force field, the nanobots within are propelled forwards through the shield regardless. To ensure that Q'Orl society does not become aware of this tool of the Queen the ones who use it are mind-wiped before and after its use, and the weapon itself can be easily sculpted to look like any weapon a Hive Prince might already carry. Thus, the will of the Queen can be enacted, without any other soul alive being aware that anything ever happened.''
{| class=wikitable
::{{W40kKeyword|Hive Prince}} only. This Relic replaces a weapon the bearer is equipped with and has the following profile:
::{| class=wikitable
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Weapon !! Points per weapon
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
|'''High Control Heavy Spitter''' || 25pts
|'''Energy Megaton Pulse-generator''' || 20pts
|'''Hyper Voltage Rifle''' || Relic
|'''Semi Automatic Ordinance Maimer''' || 15pts
|'''High Voltage Rifle''' || 2pts
|'''Symbiote Staff (ranged)''' || free
|'''Techno Crafter Tool''' || free
|'''Chiritine Ripper''' || free
|'''Neuroelectric Rifle''' || free
|'''Electro Pulse Grenade''' || free
|'''Electro Impulse Grenade''' || free
|'''Short Sticked Sprawler''' || free
|'''High Voltage Control Blaster''' || 10pts
|'''Bioengineered Nerve Breaker''' || 10pts
|'''Long Range Ordinance Maimer''' || free
|'''Current Blaster''' || 10pts
|'''Unstable Mortar Platform''' || free
|'''Stable Mortar Platform''' || 10pts
|'''Biofire Ejector (short range)''' || free
|'''Biofire Ejector (long range)''' || free
|'''Biofluid Torrent''' || free
|'''The Queen’s Reach''' || 60” || Heavy 3 || 8 || -3 || 3 || This weapon may target {{W40kKeyword|Character}} units and invulnerability saves made against this weapon suffers -1 to their rolls. Each time an enemy {{W40kKeyword|Character}} is slain by this weapon; you gain 1 additional Victory Point and may fire with this weapon an additional time as if it was the Shooting phase. Additional attacks from this weapon cannot generate further additional attacks.

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Latest revision as of 15:55, 20 June 2023

The Q'Orl, also known scientifically as Bestiola Superior, are a type of intelligent, advanced insectoid aliens that lived in the galaxy and were native to the Swarmworld Loqiit, located in the Segmentum Pacificus.

Army Rules[edit | edit source]

Universal[edit | edit source]

  • Arthropods: The Q’Orl are a race of arthropod insectoids that resemble, to an extent, giant spiders and scorpions from Terra. This gives them a speed much higher than what their chitinous exterior leads to thinking.
When a unit with this special rule advances, count a roll of 1 or 2 as a roll of 3 to determine the distance the unit moves. In addition, units with this special rule are never slowed down by Difficult Ground.
  • For the Queen: The Q'Orl live and die for the sole purpose of serving their precious Queen, she who stepped up to the task after the Empire was almost lost as a consequence to the Eldar stealing away their older Queen.
Q’Orl units that are within 6” of a Hive Royalty unit can use that unit's Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.
  • Technological Genius: Q'Orl sophisticated technology comes from the unique usage of the biofluid extracted from the eggs the Queen lays. This fluid has an immense electrical potentiality, and when stimulated produces enough current to melt even metals.
Attacks made by Q’Orl units can never suffer negative modifiers to their wound rolls or be forced to wound a flat roll which is worse than what they would originally require. In addition, if the Strength of an attack made by a Q’Orl unit is more than double the target’s Toughness, the attack automatically wounds the target.

Detachment Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Hive Hierarchy: In the rest of the galaxy, hierarchy is a fluid thing. A commissar could give orders to a general, a cadre leader could tell an Ethereal that they must reconsider their actions, a Hive Guard may be the strongest willed amongst their kin, but for the Q'Orl, everything is set in stone. In imperial society, even a beggar has the chance of become a high lord of terra. It is unlikely, but for humanity, everything is possible. For the Q'Orl, a worker will always be a worker, an engineer will always be an engineer, while a prince, will always be a prince. It is the Q'Orl's ultimate weakness, their hierarchy holds them back from true greatness.
When mustering your army, if it contains the Hive Queen, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a Hive Prince, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a Hive Commander, that model must be selected as your Warlord. Otherwise, if your army contains a Hive Lieutenant, that model must be selected as your Warlord. If your army contains none of the listed models, select your Warlord as normal.
  • Hive Swarmhood: The ranks inside the Swarmhood are extremely well defined and understood. If a superior orders you to do something, you do it, no question asked. This strangely leads to an extreme morale increase, because the Q'Orl fully believe that the closest an entity is to the Queen, the more absolutely sacred that being is.
If your army is Battle-forged, all <Swarmhood> units in Q’Orl Detachments (excluding those in Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachments) gain a Swarmhood, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same Swarmhood.
  • Hive Workers: Larvae, while the very basic form and completely necessary for the species survival, are always seen as inferior beings in the Swarmhood. They often get punched, kicked, eaten, and/or killed for no real reason.
Units composed entirely of Q’Orl Larvae cannot benefit from any Swarmhood. In addition, Q’Orl Stratagems can only be used on these units if the Stratagem explicitly states so.
  • Objective Secured: While not able to utilize Warp travel, the Q'Orl are by no mean not interested in expansion. When they find new suitable places for the Swarmhood, they will fight with teeth and claws to keep it.
If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Q’Orl Detachments gain this ability, apart from Larva units. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
  • Royalty of the Swarm: A Q'Orl swarm is made up of uncountable numbers of individuals, all grinding out their own existences as part of the vast machine which is the Q'Orl empire. The Q'Orl royalty however, sit separately to these workings, and instead spend their time overseeing the vast workings before themselves.
Hive Royalty units can be included in a Q'Orl Detachment without preventing other units in that Detachment from gaining a Swarmhood.

Swarmhoods[edit | edit source]

  • Afelhuk - The Scavenging Hive Afelhuk was the second Swarmhood ever created by the old Queen. The Q'Orl there are completely sure about one thing and one thing only: dying for the Queen is the best death one can hope for.
When a model in a Afelhuk unit is removed from the battle as the result of an enemy attack, that model can immediately make a shooting attack as if it were the shooting phase, ignoring all modifiers.
  • Alakyrr - Assault Hive Alakyrr was the first Swarmhood created by the new Queen. Here, Q'Orl are grown to be stronger and faster, perfecting their bodies to form complex combat styles. While completely atypical for a Q'Orl to focus on melee combat, this Swarmhood has proven multiple times that half a ton of chitin and claws slamming against enemies works very well.
All Alakyrr units add 1 to their Weapon Skill rolls in the Fight Phase in a turn where they charged, were charged or performed a heroic intervention during the previous charge phase. In addition, all Alakyrr units add 1 to their Attacks characteristic.
  • Gook - Blitz Warfare Hive Gook is the only Swarmhood that doesn't have a real place to call home. Gook's Q'Orls are always traveling to search places suitable for the Hive to grow in, and they excel at doing that because of a strain in their DNA that alters their growth and evolution to produce stronger and more flexible tendons, giving them faster speed.
All Gook units add 6” to their advance rolls instead of rolling a d6. In addition, Heavy weapons used by Gook units in a turn in which they advanced become Assault weapons instead.
  • Loqiit - The Queen’s Personal Army The original Swarmhood and the current location of the new Queen. This is where all the larvae are born and where the Queen's personal army stays. It's the most protected place in the Q'Orl Empire, and the Q'Orl there are the strongest ones of all the hives.
All Loqiit units gain 1 Toughness and 1 Strength when within 12” of a Loqiit Hive Royalty. In addition, Loqiit units can ignore lost wounds on a roll of 6+. However, when Loqiit units are more than 12" away from a Hive Royalty unit then roll a D6 at the start of each turn for that unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Semmiheu - Crafter Hive Semmiheu is a Swarmhood almost completely composed of Engineers. They specialize in perfecting the usage of the biofluid extracted by the Queen's egg, to attempt to create more deadly weaponry, and to reduce the waste of biofluid per bullet as much as possible, because of its natural limited amount.
Change the Technological Genius special rule for Semmiheu units to read:
"Attacks made by Semmiheu units can never suffer negative modifiers to their wound rolls or be forced to wound a flat roll which is worse than what they would originally require. In addition, Semmiheu units always wound on a roll of 5+ or better. Finally, if the Strength of an attack made by a Semmiheu unit is more than double the target’s Toughness, the attack automatically wounds the target."

Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]

Court of War (1 CP)[edit | edit source]

One of the highest echelons of Q'Orl warfare is the Court of War. However, unlike other functions within Q'Orl warfare, it is not a permanent group of individuals, in order to ensure that no one Q'Orl is ever given too much power for too long. With the position however comes immense power, giving its noble members the resources and authority to simply make things happen. However, with such authority comes the expectation that the Court of War shall conduct itself with utmost perfection.

All Q'Orl Hive Prince and Royal Guards units in this Specialist Detachment gain the Court of War keyword.

Warlord Trait:

  • Master of War: The court of war provides its overall commander immense power. Such a warlord has the power to make anything that is materially possible happen.
At the start of each of your Command phase roll a D3. The first Stratagem you use that turn has its Command point cost reduced by that amount.


  • Superbly Planned (1 CP): The strategies employed by the hive princes are thought out in terrifying details, making it seem as if they can gaze into the future.
Use this Stratagem at any point of the battle. The next Stratagem that targets a Court of War unit within 12" of a Court of War Warlord has its cost reduced by 2 Command points.


  • Nanobot Lance: An intricate series of ducts and storage tanks which are grafted onto the exoskeleton of its bearer, in which is contained one of the many varients of Q'Orl nanobot. These nanobots are fired as a dense cloud at an enemy unit using the bearers own electro weaponry, and guided by careful eddies in reality generated by the bots. The nanobots are designed to generate a static charge between themselves to create an immensely powerful magnetic field. Once the bots hit their target they activate this magnetic field, locking the target in place. The effect is relatively short term, as the effect drains the nanobots of their reserve charge very quickly, but a relatively short time is a very long time on the battlefield.
During the bearer's Shooting phase you may elect for it to use its Nanobot Lance instead of firing normally. If so, select an enemy unit within 24", ignoring line of sight; that unit may not move or advance in its next Movement phase or charge in its next Charge phase. If the selected unit has the Titanic keyword then instead it subtracts 1" from its movement, advance and charge distances until your next Shooting phase.

Specialist Formations[edit | edit source]

Special Formations are a special kind of detachment that is made up of variable and specific units. Each formation has to be made inside its own detachment and counts as an organized detachment. Stratagems found in this section can only be used on units from the correspondent formation.

Queens Entourage (2 CP)[edit | edit source]

Like the titans of the Adeptus Titanicus, the Q'Orl hive Queen does not travel and enter battle by itself. There are retainers, bodyguards, cleaners, masters of logistics, and a thousand others who are needed to ensure that the Queen is kept alive and well.


  • 1 Hive Queen
  • 3 Royal Guards units
  • 3-6 Hive Soldiers units


  • All units in the formation must remain with 12” of the formations Hive Queen.


  • All enemy units within 24" of the Hive Queen may not ignore modifiers when making morale or combat attrition tests.
  • All Royal Guards units in this formation ignore damage received on a 5+ instead of on just a 6 when using their Shielded Chitin special rule.
  • All Hive Soldiers units in this formation gain the Absolute Devotion special rule.
Absolute Devotion: While a friendly Hive Royalty is within 3" of this unit, enemy units cannot target that unit with ranged weapons. In addition, this unit can perform a Heroic Intervention as if it was a Character and can do so against an enemy unit that charged a friendly Hive Royalty that is within 3" of this unit. In this case, the enemy unit may only attack this unit instead of the unit they charged.

Stratagems[edit | edit source]

Universal[edit | edit source]

Battle Tactics Stratagems[edit | edit source]

  • Larvae Support (2 CP): The Hive Queen is capable of laying tens of thousand eggs in an extremely short period of time. While the larva mortality rate is extremely high, the sheers numbers of larvae make up for it.
Use this Stratagem when a Larva unit in your army is removed from the battle. Place a unit of 10 Larvae within 6" of the Hive Queen and more than 1” away from any enemy unit.

Epic Deeds Stratagems[edit | edit source]

  • Ruthless Cruelty (1 CP): Oftentimes, it's best to remind the lesser beings of the hive what they are fighting for, and especially what happens when they don't meet their Queen's desires.
Use this Stratagem during the Morale phase. Select one Q'Orl Soldiers unit within 6" of a Hive Prince; that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds but every friendly Q'Orl Soldiers model whose unit is within 12" of that Hive Prince adds 2 to its Combat Attrition roll.

Requisition Stratagems[edit | edit source]

  • Biotechnological Clock Setting (1 CP): Q’Orl Technologists need to implant in their bodies a machine, inches away from their heart, which pumps pheromones in the bloodstream. While not highly effective, this does increase the Q’Orl awareness. Somehow.
Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Engineer unit and roll a Biotechnological Clock Overdrive check; that unit gains that buff for the rest of the battle. The same buff can't be gained again and re-roll results of 6.
  • Harden Up (3 CP): Because of their harsh life, larvae often end up growing scarred, damaged, and are unable to fully form their empowered chitinous exterior. This is partially the reason why Q’Orls prefer ranged combat instead of assaults, being that the various cracks in their shells are often more exploitable in a brawl than they are from messy ranged fire. Sometimes though, certain lucky larvae grow and evolve without being damaged, forming complete and more compact exoskeletons.
Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Soldiers unit in your army, that unit gains the Enhanced Chitin special rule for the rest of the battle.
Enhanced Chitin: This unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost.
  • Setting the webs (1 CP): When the Q'Orl declare something their territory, they are most likely going to cover it in steel-hard webs to increase the maneuverability and protection they get from that area.
Use this Stratagem during deployment. Select a single piece of terrain other than a fortification. Q'Orl units in that terrain gain a 6+ Invulnerable save, including Larvae units.
  • Queen's Blessing (1 CP): The Queen always has prizes for her most loyal Q'Orl. Sometimes, when a Royalty Q'Orl gets granted a gift directly by the Queen, he also gets immediately promoted to the rank of Hive Prince.
Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your Warlord has the Q'Orl keyword. Select one Q'Orl Character model in your army and give them one Relic (this must be a Relic they can have). Each Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).

Strategic Ploy Stratagems[edit | edit source]

  • Larva Bomb (1 CP): Once the Q’Orl discovered that the larvae, when electrified through a direct connection to the batteries that aliment their weaponry, become highly unstable, they also discovered that it's because they are, partially, filled with the same bioliquid found in the eggs. The larvae rarely survive being connected directly to batteries, especially because the Q’Orl have discovered that supercharged larvae are highly explosive, and as such, they are at times used as living grenades.
Select a non-Larvae unit that is within 3” of a Larvae unit. For this Shooting phase, the unit can sacrifice a Larvae model to shoot a Larva Bomb that has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Larva Bomb 12" Heavy D3 4 0 D3 An enemy hit by this weapon has a penalty of 1 to their hit rolls in their following shooting phase. If the enemy is a Psyker, a successful wound also inflicts 1 mortal wound.
  • Marching to safety (1 CP): Even considering the abusive nature of their superiors, Q'Orl soldiers feel much safer when closer to them. They believe that the protection a high-ranking Q'Orl can give will grant them nigh invulnerability.
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any Morale Phase. Select one Soldiers unit in your army, if that unit is within 6" of a friendly HQs unit, then its models subtract 1 from their Combat Attrition test. If it's more than 6" away from such unit, and it's not within Engagement Range of an enemy, it can move 3” towards the nearest friendly HQs unit. This unit cannot enter the Engagement Range of an enemy unit.

Wargear Stratagems[edit | edit source]

  • Enhanced Optics (1 CP): Q'Orl eyes are, sometimes, directly modified by the engineers of the hive. While the result is clearly better, this leaves the subject Q'Orl in a state where they are, at times, blind, while in other time-frames their vision is extremely enhanced.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a Q'Orl unit in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength characteristic of all the ranged weapons in that unit by 1.
  • Heating Up (1 CP): The Biofire Ejectors are both hated and loved by the Q'Orl Fire Spewers: who doesn't love spraying your enemies with ignited, highly corrosive, and extremely electrical bioliquid that can easily melt living beings in mere instants? The problem is that it wastes a ton of biofluid. Engineers love this weapon so much that they spend extreme lengths of time just to make it even 1% more efficient.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a Fire Spewers Team unit in your army declares a shooting attack. Increase the Strength of the unit's Biofire Ejectors by 1 for the rest of the Shooting phase.
  • Overwhelming Voltage (1 CP): When correctly powered through the use of mini batteries implanted directly into Q’Orl weaponry, the bioliquid becomes electrified to voltages so extreme that they melt metal just from the pure excitement of atoms when they come in contact with such amperage.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. Select a unit equipped with weapons from the Voltage Weapons list; until the end of your Shooting phase, the weapons generate one extra hit roll whenever it generates extra hit rolls.

Swarmhood Specific[edit | edit source]

  • Afelhuk - Strategic Ploy Stratagem - Return in Kind (2 CP): Those who dare to hurt the swarm will receive the retribution they deserve.
Use this Stratagem during any phase a Afelhuk Infantry unit loses any number of models. That Afelhuk Infantry unit may then make a number of shooting attacks or melee attacks equal to the number of models it lost during that phase.
  • Alakyrr - Strategic Ploy Stratagem - Frenetic Charge (2 CP): The Alakyrr only want one thing: charging into battle to prove their worth to their Queen, and the sooner, the better.
Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase when you roll the dice for an Advancing Alakyrr unit. You can double the number you roll and add that total to their Move characteristic for that Movement phase, rather than following the normal rules for Advancing. That unit can charge during the turn even if it advanced, but if it does so, roll a die for each model in the unit; the unit suffers a mortal wound for each roll of 6.
  • Gook - Battle Tactic Stratagem - They're Down, But There's Always More! (3 CP): There's no end to the frenzied march of the Gook. Even when the enemy thinks they've stopped, they soon discover to be the next victims on their path.
Use this Stratagem at the end of the fight phase if a Gook unit has slain an enemy unit in the same fight phase. That Gook unit can immediately declare a charge on an enemy unit as if it was the charge phase, and may then make a full round of melee attacks if they succeed in the charge.
  • Loqiit - Battle Tactic Stratagem - You are Below Our Notice (1 CP): Loqiit consider most to be beneath them. Why would they care about an enemy who made a charge against them? They have their own job to complete, why would they care? This complete disregard for their enemy can be incredibly off-putting. Even an imperial conscript, when they being forced at bolt pistol point to charge an enemy, at least expects their enemy to look them in the eye as they are wiped from existence. But the Loqiit don't even give them that much.
Use this Stratagem during the Charge phase, when a Loqiit unit is declared as the target of a charge by an enemy unit; for the duration of this Charge phase, all enemy units charging against the selected Loqiit unit must subtract 2" from their charge distances.
  • Semmiheu - Wargear Stratagem - Mortis Requisition Nanobots (1 CP): A dead Q'Orl is of no use, the best it can do is to serve as ammunitions for those worthy of being alive.
Use this Stratagem whenever a friendly Semmiheu unit is slain within 6" of another Semmiheu unit. The surviving Semmiheu unit adds 1 to the Ap characteristic of 1 of its weapons for the rest of the battle. This effect can stack.

Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

Universal[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Dig Deep to Divert: Enemy tacticians have found themselves outmaneuvered by some Q'Orl warlords, who used their underlings to dig them tunnels in order to redistribute their significant firepower, to their opponent's detriment.
At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, you can remove your Warlord from the battlefield along with 1 other friendly <Swarmhood> unit (or Q'Orl unit if your Warlord is a Hive Prince) and set them up again following normal deployment rules.
  • 2: Genetically Re-Sculpted Chitin: With the latest developments in molecular sculpting, Q'Orl engineers have modified this warrior's hide to be harder than cherimite.
Reduce any damage inflicted on your Warlord by 1 (to a minimum of 1). If an attack made against this Warlord would have a Damage characteristic of 1, then the attack subtracts 1 from its wound roll.
  • 3: High Royalty: Those who stand close to this fine specimen of the royalty of the hive feel inspired, and almost forced, to push their limits to conquer more ground for their Queen.
Hive Prince unit only. Friendly Q'Orl units within 12" of this unit count as being 2 models instead of 1 while using their Objective Secured Detachment rule.
  • 4: Leading from the Front of the Swarm: This commander rides the tides of war and launches into the fight firsthand. Even though his courage and ferocity shine, sacrificable cannon fodder is never too far away to shield him when the time comes.
During the fight phase in which your Warlord charged, was charged, or performed a heroic intervention during the previous charge phase then your Warlord's attack characteristic is increased by 2. In addition, hit rolls of 6+ made by your Warlord during the Fight phase count as 2 hits instead of 1. If your Warlord already possesses such an ability/weapon with such an ability then it instead adds 1 to its hit rolls when using that ability/weapon.
  • 5: Royal Heritage: This Prince has been chosen directly by the Queen to lead her conquering armies to glory.
Hive Prince unit only. This Warlord can be equipped with two Relics instead of only one. It may not get a second Warlord trait after getting this Trait.
  • 6: Technological Tinkering: With his higher intelligence, this warrior modified its weapons to grant him additional strength on the battlefield.
During the Shooting phase, your Warlord may re-roll all dice when determining the number of shots they fire with their weapons.

Swarmhood Specific[edit | edit source]

  • Afelhuk - Maximum Efficiency: There are those warlords who look upon the vast swarms of soldiers who die at their command, and look at them not as lost numbers in a grinding battle, but instead as a potential boon to further the hive.
Roll a D6 each time a friendly Afelhuk Infantry unit is slain within 6” of this unit; on a 4+ this unit regains 1 previously lost wound. If this unit has no missing wounds then instead add 1 to its saving throws until the end of the current turn (this effect does not stack).
  • Alakyrr - Furious Brutality: Because of the cracks in the chitin, melee combat is generally avoided by the Q'Orl. It only makes sense to use its own ferociousness to make sure the enmy has no chance to fight back.
Add 1 to the wound rolls for your Warlord in a turn in which it charged.
  • Gook - Hyperactive Mind and Body: Gook commanders are notorious for their inability to keep still; they are trained from birth to veer on the move. On the battlefield they rocket from skirmish to skirmish, smashing any opposition then flashing onto the next foe. As long as they keep moving, they are unstoppable, and their biology and psychology cannot handle sitting still. When they do stop, something doesn't seem to match up in reality, they become jittery, uncomfortable, and even manic. In extreme cases, they can even become self-destructive, so desperate is their desire to keep moving, to flow with the tides of entropy and motion.
Add 6” to your Warlord's Movement characteristic and add 1 to its saving throws. However, your Warlord must always Advance during your Movement phase, and if there is ever a situation in which they cannot do so, then they automatically suffer D6 mortal wounds.
  • Loqiit - Genetic and Bionic Perfection: The shields of the queen are to be superior to every other Q'Orl. If their biology alone doesn't meet the expectations, then extensive genetic and technological modifications will grant them the strength they deserve.
Add 1 to this Warlords Strength, Toughness, and Wounds characteristics.
  • Semmiheu - Implanted Ordnance Transponder: The Q'Orl have long battled against the issue that, despite how excellent their weaponry is, they could never efficiently deal with enemies that hide out of sight or out of range. The Ordnance Transponder solved this issue, by using a commander's own brain and personal computer to triangulate an enemy's precise location. This is then relayed to the targeting optics of all the units under their command, linking all their computers to provide a targeting solution that would be far beyond even the tau to achieve. Armies against this piece of high technology have been routed by the simple terror of being picked off, unit by unit, by a foe they may not even be able to see.
Each Shooting phase, your Warlord may declare that it will not fire any of its weapons, and instead select 1 enemy unit within 24" and within its line of sight. Friendly Semmiheu units within 12" of your Warlord may add 24" to the weapon range if they target that unit. If the enemy unit is already within range of a unit's weapons, then that unit may target it even if it's not in its line of sight.

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • High Voltage Sabre Leg: The legs of this Q'Orl have been mounted with high voltage blades ideal for multi-target assaults.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Sabre Leg Melee Melee +1 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
  • Mastodontic Jaws: The enormous jaws of the Queen. There are few things that do not fear the black void hidden inside and for a good reason.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Mastodontic Jaws Melee Melee x2 -4 4 -
  • Multi Techno Tool: A small device mounted on the limbs or abdomen of the bearer. Although not a dedicated melee weapon, it can prove quite deadly when utilized by the most eminent of the Q'Orl race.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Multi Techno Tool Melee Melee User 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
  • Ramming Chitin: A chitinous plating covered in thick spikes. For the bigger Q'Orls, their size is often their biggest weapon and this adaption makes sure work of that.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Ramming Chitin Melee Melee x2 -1 D3 When attacking with this weapon, subract 1 from the hit roll.
  • Sparkler Needle: The small needle found on larvae; it's capable of generating a small current thanks to the biofluid contained into the larva's body, although its effectiveness is quite low.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sparkler Needle Melee Melee User 0 1 -
  • The Queen's Talons: The powerful limbs of the Q'Orl Queen, although not made especially for combat, these talons are more than capable of sundering flesh and armor with the impunity of the Queen's reign.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Queen's Talons Melee Melee User -2 2 Each hit roll with this weapon counts as 2 hits instead of 1.

Ranged Weaponry[edit | edit source]

  • Bioengineered Nerve Breaker: This weapon attacks the nervous system of the target and melts the synapses together, inducing spasms and subsequently death.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Bioengineered Nerve Breaker 24" Assault 3D3 4 0 1 Blast.
  • Biofire Ejector: The weapon of the Fire Spewer teams. Contrary to other weapons, this burns the biofluid instead of charging it, producing a wall of fire especially deadly in close range.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofire Ejector (Short Range) 1"-6" Assault 2D3 4 -2 2 This weapon automatically hits its target.
Biofire Ejector (Long Range) 7"-12" Assault D6 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
  • Biofluid Torrent: Even more wasteful of the High Control Heavy Spitter, this weapon vomits liters of biofluid onto the targets, drowning them in waves of corrosive liquid.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofluid Torrent 24" Assault D6 6 -3 2 Blast.
Biofluid Rain 36" Assault 3D6 6 -3 2 Blast. This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
  • Current Blaster: This weapon is a real exception to the weaponry of the Q'Orl; instead of using fetal biofluid, this weapon discharges lightning bolts so powerful they can even travel underground to strike hidden enemies.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Current Blaster 40" Heavy 2 5 -3 2 Every hit roll of 6+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.
  • Energy Megaton Pulse-generator: This weapon generates a thin layer of biofluid that functions as a blanket that covers a large portion of the target. Once it hits, this weapon discharges a pulse of electrical energies that overheats the fluid and makes it capable of eating through almost any material.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Energy Megaton Pulse-generator 18" Assault 2 7 -3 D6 If the target is within half of this weapon’s range, add 2 to this weapon's Damage characteristic.
  • Grenade Weaponry: These small grenades are thrown thanks to a special launched apparatus found on the soldier's abdomen. Their effectiveness comes from the variant used and both function thanks to the immense knowledge of electrical energy the swarm possesses.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Electric Pulse Grenade 6" Grenade D6 4 -1 1 Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.
Electric Impulse Grenade 6" Grenade 1 10 -5 3 This weapon can only be used once per battle.
  • High Control Heavy Spitter: A weapon highly favored among the hive Princes. This gun is rarely picked up, because of its extreme inefficiency when using fetal biofuel. This weapon works by literally spitting out liters of the liquid in a line to cover entire squads of enemies and frying them on the spot.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Control Heavy Spitter 36" Heavy 2D6 4 -3 3 Blast. Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a Vehicle.
  • Mortar Platforms: A common mortar mounted on the back of some larvae. The unusual position often means less-than-optimal firepower so they are often armed with additional stabilizers to increase their effectiveness.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Unstable Mortar Platform 12"-60" Heavy 1D3 5 -1 2 This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
Stable Mortar Platform 12"-60" Heavy 3 6 -2 2 This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.
  • Ordnance Aimers: This weapon fires small shells filled with electrified biofluids that explode on impact, generating a rain of boiling acid.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -
Long Range Ordnance Aimer 36" Heavy 2 5 -2 D3 -
  • Sparkler Needle: The electrical shock produced by this larva needle is small and can only hope to stun lesser forms of enemy armies.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sparkler Needle 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.
  • Techno Crafter Tool: A tool often found on hive technologists, it is often employed in repair and surgical experiments but its energy can find its use even on the battlefield.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Techno Crafter Tool 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 -2 D3 Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a Vehicle.
  • Voltage Weaponry: This family of weapons utilizes the biofluids harvested from the eggs produced by the Queen to create electricity-infused projectiles of boiling plasma that can even melt steel.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Blaster 24" Heavy 1 7 -4 3 Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
High Voltage Destructor 36" Heavy 1 9 -5 3D3 Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 4 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Queen's Treasures[edit | edit source]

Universal[edit | edit source]

  • Hyper Focused Arrays: Through the usage of a special tube made by condensed bioliquid, it is possible to put much more power behind each bioliquid bullet shot.
Increase the Range characteristic of all this model’s ranged weapons by 6” and enemy units do not gain the benefit of Light Cover against ranged attacks made by this unit.
  • Hyper Voltage Rifle: A unique relic from the past Reign. This was built with the use of the last gift from the old Queen: a strange stone, which continuously produces small amounts of her bioliquid. The difference in strength is absolutely immense.
This Relic replaces a High Voltage Rifle and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Hyper Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 6 4 -3 2 Every hit roll of 5+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.
  • Light Bending Cuirass: Some Q'Orl are granted a single bath in the Queen's bioliquid. This causes them immense pain, as their exoskeleton almost melts from the pure electrical shock the bath gives them. Those who survive, emerge with a shiny white cuirass, which bends the light that touches it in ways that make the Q'Orl barely visible to inexperienced eyes.
Enemy units targeting this model with a ranged attack suffer a penalty of 1 to their hit rolls. If the firing enemy unit is within 6" of the bearer of this Relic then any missed attacks hit the firing unit instead.
  • Mechandendrite Cloak: A cloak made up of a swarm of mechanical tendrils, which flows behind the wearer in an intimidating, black cloud. Initially, the cloak was crafted as a tool of statecraft, to intimidate other nobles by slowly encroaching a pure black shadow around them, scary even for a Q'Orl noble the size of a greater demon. It was quickly discovered that the cloak could also harm others, becoming a tool of state assignation, where the cloak would lash out and dissolve an enemy and the wearer's command. Unfortunately, the original creator was killed by a bearer of the cloak in a fit of short-sightedness, to ensure that no other cloak could be created.
The bearer of this Relic must subtract 1 from all armor save throws they make. However, they gain a 4+ Invulnerable save (or they add 1 to their Invulnerable save if they already have one) and at the start of each Fight phase, each enemy unit within 3" of the bearer of this Relic suffers 1 mortal wound.
  • Memento of the Old Queen: A piece of the old Queen's exoskeleton, left in the hands of the Grand Warrior Kurrik while he was attempting to stop alone the Aeldari from stealing her away.
Roll a die each time you or your opponent use a Stratagem; on a 6 you gain one Command Point.
  • Metaphysical Biological Clock: The heart pump that once belonged to a mad Technologist warped by Chaos. The strength it bestows is great, but the cost of such power is even greater.
Hive Technologist only. Change the model's Biological Clock Overdrive special rule to the following:
Metaphysical Biological Clock: At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, this model suffers 1 mortal wound. In addition, roll a die; for the remainder of the turn, this unit gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:
1) +6” Movement but may not advance
2) Add 1 to this units wound rolls
3) +3 Strength and -1 Toughness
4) +3 Toughness and -1 Strength
5) +8 Attacks and -1 to hit rolls
6) Roll 3d6 and gain three bonuses instead of 1, if the result is 6 again, re-roll the die.
  • The Limpet Crown: A lesser form of Q'Orl rather than a relic, this creature clamps itself on the skull of the bearer and drills tendrils into its brain. This invasive procedure gives the host access to the creature's senses and memories which it carries from previous bearers. However, the crown still has a sense of self-preservation, and will abandon its host to their fate and flee if death is near, in a process which is even more traumatic than its original merging.
The bearer of this Relic adds 1 to all their hit and wound rolls. However, when the bearer of this Relic drops below a quarter of their maximum wound count (rolling up as necessary) then the bearer losses this relic. When they do so roll a D6; on a 2+ the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound, on a roll of 6 they suffer D3 mortal wounds instead.
  • Warp Flow Stabilizer: Q'Orl haven't developed any kind of tech that allows them to tap into the powerful energies of the Immaterium yet. In recent times, though, the study of imperial warp-based technology has made possible the creation of small devices capable of altering the chaotic flow of nearby warp entities. An important role was played by a hive technologist fallen corrupt by the demonic terrors.
Enemy Psykers must subtract 2 from Psychic tests and Deny the witch tests they take if they are within 12" of this unit. In addition, once a turn, the bearer may attempt to Deny the Witch as if it was a Psyker.

Swarmhood Specific[edit | edit source]

  • Afelhuk - The Swarmling Goad: A spine ridge made up of thousands of tiny tendrils, capable of stretching to a hundred times their length. The bearer controls these tentacles with a minuscule amount of will, whereupon they lash out to strike a nearby Q'Orl hivelings. Against any of species, this would feel like a tiny flick from a child, but each tentacle contains the precise genetic receptors to cause untold agony to a Q'Orl. This combined with the fact that the tentacles can lash out hundreds of times a minute, allows a single (very sadistic noble) to goad a swarm into a desperate frenzy, in an attempt to outrun the agony.
Friendly Afelhuk Infantry units within 6" of this unit add 1" to their movement, advance and charge distances. Such units may also charge after advancing, but once the charge has been resolved those units suffer D3 mortal wounds each.
  • Alakyrr - The Whispering Blade: A failed (or you might say successful) experiment by a Hive Technologist, who wished to bind their consciousness to a blade of a metal chitin hybrid. However, when the Technologist began to binding procedure something went terribly wrong, and all that was later found by their assistants was the Technologists charred, and blackened corpse. The blade they had been experimenting on, however, was found in its cradle, unharmed, the light glinting off its organic and inorganic surface like a blinking eye, or like a mouth, pulsating in a never-ending scream.
This Relic replaces a single weapon the bearer was originally equipped and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Whispering Blade Melee Melee +2 -3 3 Each time the bearer of this relic fights it must make D3 addition attacks using this weapon profile. Failed hit rolls of 1 inflict a mortal wound on the bearer.
  • Gook - Translocation Reality Flipper: An item which even the Q'Orl don't truly understand, and only the Gook are aggressive enough to use. The device takes the bearer and swaps their location in time and space with another unit that holds the corresponding beacon. Imperial observers who have seen the device in action believed that it might be a form of warp technology, which has sections of the Imperium terrified of an impending Q'Orl invasion. In reality, the device has more uncommon which Eldar Webway technology, by punching a very unstable and short distance tunnel through reality and then dragging the paired becomes through opposite ends. It's too dangerous even as a last-ditch escape device, but the violence and devastation caused by its use makes it excellent at defeating a foe by simple shock and awe.
When setting up your army, select another friendly Gook unit to possess the corresponding beacon for this Relic. During any phase, the bearer of this Relic may activate its beacon. Remove the bearer from the battlefield and the friendly unit which carries the corresponding beacon. Then redeploy the bearer of this Relic in the position of the other friendly unit and visa versa. If either unit was within 1" of an enemy unit then its corresponding unit must also be placed within 1" of that enemy unit as well. Both units then suffer D3 mortal wounds, but may then either make a full round of shooting attacks as if it was the shooting phase, declare a charge as if it was the charge phase, or make a full round of melee attacks.
  • Loqiit - Queen's Aegis: Half Adamantium shield, half extra limb, the Queen's Aegis is not only a potent defensive item but a symbol of the might of the Q'Orl and their Queen's all-encompassing power. The shield glitters, like a setting sun, and effect created by its built-in refractor field and the army of Q'Orl who constantly polish it, using a special cream of nanobots who reposition the shield's surface atoms, ensuring its integrity. The extra limb which carries the shield is a cybernetic which is grown into the bearer's flesh, a process that only the strongest (and most fanatically devoted) Q'Orl can endure. The end result is a Queen's champion who can survive even the wrath of a primarch in combat.
The bearer adds 1 to all their saving throws. In addition, all enemy units within 12" subtract 2 from their Leadership characteristic.
  • Simmiehu - Ordnance of the Scuttling Gods: An Ordnance Aimer used in a long series of battles for succession amongst the Q'Orl. Whenever a new Nobel would acquire the weapon they would use it to slay all their rivals, only to be later killed by a coalition of the survivors, whereupon the weapon would fall into a new set of hands. It is said that this weapon alone has killed more Q'Orl nobles than the entirety of the Imperiums space marine chapters combined, but despite its gruesome history no Q'Orl can quite bring themselves to destroy it.
This Relic replaces a Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Ordnance of the Scuttling Gods 36" Rapid Fire 3 8 -3 D3 -

Other Wargear[edit | edit source]

  • Battery Carrier: Some Soldiers have highly powered batteries on their backs to give extra power to his team's biofluid weapons.
Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.
  • Cerebral Computer Implant: A bionic computer implanted into a high-rank Q'Orl's head. The added boost to one's tactical genius takes a toll on the bearer's sanity.
All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.
  • Current Shield: A special shield made of thin electrified cables that shock incoming enemies and blows, commonly utilized by the guards of the royals. Its sight is a symbol of fear and respect among the lesser Q'Orl for it means a royal is near.
When an enemy unit charges this model, roll a D6; on a 4+ the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Gamma Mortis Protocol: Little devices of gruesome technology. When the host is killed, they temporarily take control of the corpse and move it like a puppet without its strings, to make sure whatever the body's purpose was, it won't go to waste.
If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.

Units[edit | edit source]

HQs[edit | edit source]

Hive Commander[edit | edit source]

The highest Q'Orls in command that are not part of the royalty, hive commanders are a strain tempered by the harshest of battles and possess a thick chitin armor. Their presence on the field is overshadowed only by the great hive princes.

This unit contains 1 Hive Commander. (Power Rating: 6).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Commander 8" 3+ 2+ 5 6 5 3 9 3+ 110


High Voltage Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Enhanced Chitin"> This Unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost. </tab> <tab name="Instilled Fear (Aura)"> Friendly <Swarmhood> Soldiers unit within 12" of this model suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership but reduce the first model that flees as a result of a Morale test doesn't escape and add 1 to the Combat Attrition rolls for models in that unit. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Violent Training (Aura)"> Friendly Q'Orl units within 6” of this model can re-roll hit rolls of 1 during the Shooting phase. </tab> </tabs>


This model may replace its Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer with two High Voltage Rifles - free

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

This model may take a Cerebral Computer Implant - +10 pts.

Cerebral Computer Implant: All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQs, Character, Infantry, Hive Commander

Hive Lieutenant[edit | edit source]

Hive lieutenant are often found near groups of lesser soldiers. They act as supervisors and incite the underlings to serve the best they can their Queen with their imposing figure and crude methods.

This unit contains 1 Hive Lieutenant (Power Rating: 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Lieutenant 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 2 3 8 4+ 80


High Voltage Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-High Voltage Sabre Leg

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Sabre Leg Melee Melee +1 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Accompanying Superior"> When this unit is deployed, it can be deployed alongside any other Troop unit. </tab> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Instilled Fear (Aura)"> Friendly <Swarmhood> Soldiers unit within 12" of this model suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership but reduce the first model that flees as a result of a Morale test doesn't escape and add 1 to the Combat Attrition rolls for models in that unit. </tab> <tab name="Quick Fire (Aura)"> Neuroelectric Rifles fired by friendly <Swarmhood> units within 6" of this model count as Assault 2 and generate 2 extra hits on a hit roll of 5+ instead of 6+. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


This model may take a Cerebral Computer Implant - +10 pts.

Cerebral Computer Implant: All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQs, Infantry, Character, Hive Lieutenant

Hive Prince[edit | edit source]

The pinnacle of Q'Orl biology, only inferior to the Queen itself. These brutal generals lead the expansion campaigns with ferocity and cold blood. They do not care whether their soldiers die or not, as long as their victory can be acknowledged by the Queen and their status elevated into history.

This unit contains 1 Hive Prince (Power Rating: 11). Only one of this model can be included in each one of your Detachments.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Prince 8" 2+ 2+ 6 7 8 4 10 2+ 225


High Control Heavy Spitter

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Control Heavy Spitter 36" Heavy 2D6 4 -3 3 Blast. Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a Vehicle.

Multi Techno Tool

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Multi Techno Tool Melee Melee User 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Direct Servant of the Queen (Aura)"> Units within 12" of this model count as being under the effect of the For the Queen special rule, instead of only 6". </tab> <tab name="Enhanced Chitin"> This Unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost. </tab> <tab name="Instilled Fear (Aura)"> Friendly <Swarmhood> Soldiers unit within 12" of this model suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership but reduce the first model that flees as a result of a Morale test doesn't escape and add 1 to the Combat Attrition rolls for models in that unit. </tab> <tab name="Minor Lifeforms"> When this unit suffers an unsaved wound while within 3” of a Soldiers unit, you can roll a d6. On a roll of 2+, the Soldiers unit suffers a number of Mortal Wounds equal to the damage he would have taken instead. On a roll of 1, the Soldiers unit takes the damage anyways, but so does the Hive Prince. </tab> <tab name="Prince of the Hive (Aura)"> Friendly Q'Orl units within 6" of this unit can re-roll hit rolls of 1. </tab> <tab name="Royal Pride"> Add 1 to this model's Attacks characteristic for each friendly Q'Orl unit within 12", up to a maximum of +5. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>

Upgrades: <tabs> <tab name="Prince's Wings"> Increase this model's Movement characteristic to 12" and add the Fly keyword to its datasheet. </tab> </tabs>


This model may replace its Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer with one of the following:

-Biofluid Torrent - +10 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofluid Torrent 24" Assault D6 6 -3 2 Blast.

-Energy Megaton Pulse-generator - +10 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Energy Megaton Pulse-generator 18" Assault 2 7 -3 D6 If the target is within half of this weapon’s range, add 2 to this weapon's Damage characteristic.

-Two High Voltage Rifles - free

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Two High Voltage Blasters - +5 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Blaster 24" Heavy 1 7 -4 3 Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.

This model may take the Prince's Wings Upgrade - +25 pts./+2 PL

This model may take a Cerebral Computer Implant - +10 pts.

Cerebral Computer Implant: All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.


  • Faction: Q'Orl
  • HQs, Character, Monster, Hive Royalty, Hive Prince

Hive Technologist[edit | edit source]

Technologists have different purposes in Q'Orl society, serving as doctors and mechanics as well as scientists. In battle, they are usually found in the rear of the army, managing the artillery nodes and enhancing the wounded soldiers, although sometimes one can see some wander through the field in search of specimens to experiment on.

This unit contains 1 Hive Technologist (Power Rating: 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Technologist 6" 3+ 2+ 3 4 4 2 8 3+ 80


High Voltage Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

Techno Crafter Tool

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Techno Crafter Tool 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 -2 D3 Double this weapon's Strength characteristic if the target is a Vehicle.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Biological Clock Overdrive"> At the beginning of each friendly or enemy Command Phase, roll a die. For the remainder of the turn, the Hive Technologist gains one of the following buffs based on the number rolled:

1) +3” Movement
2) Improve WS and BS by 1
3) +2 Strength
4) +2 Toughness
5) +4 Attacks
6) Roll 2d6 and gain two bonuses instead of 1, if the result is 6 again, re-roll the die.

</tab> <tab name="Deafening the Machine Spirits"> Once per battle round, select a friend or an enemy Vehicle unit. If it's friendly, consider its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill as one point better; if it's enemy, consider them one point worse instead. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • HQs, Character, Infantry, Hive Technologist

Troops[edit | edit source]

Hive Gunners[edit | edit source]

Slightly more trained than the average Q'Orl soldier, gunners have a peculiar code inside a chip implanted into their brains that makes them incredibly aggressive towards the enemy. Modifications like these are common inside the military and it's almost an honor for them to possess them.

This unit contains 5 Hive Gunners (Power Rating: 2). It can contain up to 5 additional Hive Gunners (Power Rating: +2) or up to 10 additional Hive Gunners (Power Rating: +4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Gunner 6" 5+ 3+ 3 4 1 1 7 4+ 9


-Neuroelectric Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 4 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Bioengineered Hatred"> If this unit declares a shooting attack against an enemy currently within 3” of an objective marker, increase the Strength characteristic of all its ranged weapons by 1. </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


Every 5 models, a Hive Gunner can replace his Neuroelectric Rifle with one of the following:

-High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

This unit can take a Gamma Mortis Protocol - +10 pts.

Gamma Mortis Protocol: If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.

One Hive Gunner in the unit can take a Battery Carrier - +6 pts.

Battery Carrier: Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Troops, Infantry, Soldiers, Gunner, Core

Hive Soldiers[edit | edit source]

The expendable cannon-fodder of the armies of the Queen. They aren't very well equipped and their death isn't very counted. They are always followed by a higher-ranking warrior that one day will be promoted to lieutenant, if he survives, that is.

This unit contains 9 Hive Soldiers and a Hive Warrior (Power Rating: 4). It can contain up to 10 additional Hive Soldiers (Power Rating: +4) or up to 20 additional Hive Soldiers (Power Rating: +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Soldier 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+ 8
Hive Warrior 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 2 3 8 4+ 8


-High Voltage Sabre Leg

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Sabre Leg Melee Melee +1 0 1 Each hit roll of 5+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

-Neuroelectric Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 4 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


The Hive Warrior may replace his Neuroelectric Rifle with a High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

The Hive Warrior may take a Cerebral Computer Implant - +7 pts.

Cerebral Computer Implant: All attacks made by a model with a Cerebral Computer Implant ignores the benefits of Light and Heavy Cover possessed by the targeted unit.

Every 10 models, a Hive Soldier may replace its Neuroelectric Rifle with one of the following:

-High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

Every 10 models, one Hive Soldier can take an Electric Pulse Grenade - free

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Electric Pulse Grenade 6" Grenade D6 4 -1 1 Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remainder of the phase.

This unit can take a Gamma Mortis Protocol - +10 pts.

Gamma Mortis Protocol: If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.

One Hive Soldier in the unit can take a Battery Carrier - +6 pts.

Battery Carrier: Improve the Ap characteristic of Neuroelectric Rifles and High Voltage Rifles in this unit by 1.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Troops, Infantry, Hive Soldiers, Soldiers, Core

Q'Orl Larvae[edit | edit source]

Larvae are the most hated part of Q'Orl society and are seen as the only flaw in the species' evolutionary path. They are often treated poorly and damaged every time there's a chance. It is unfortunate that the Q'Orl don't see the potential hidden inside these creatures.

This unit contains 5 Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: 1). It can contain up to 5 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +1), up to 10 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +4), up to 15 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +6), up to 20 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +8) or up to 25 additional Q'Orl Larvae (Power Rating: +10).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Q'Orl Larva 5" 6+ 5+ 2 2 1 1 4 6+ 5


-Sparkler Needle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sparkler Needle Melee Melee User 0 1 -
Sparkler Needle 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Troops, Infantry, Larvae

Elites[edit | edit source]

Fire Spewers Team[edit | edit source]

Fire spewers are the only soldiers that hold a biofire ejector. There are seen as outcasts in the eyes of the other Q'Orl for their peculiar methods of warfare but they are still well regarded by their superiors who can look behind the appearances to see their real worth.

This unit contains 5 Fire Spewers (Power Rating: 8). It can contain up to 5 additional Fire Spewers (Power Rating: +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Fire Spewer 6" 6+ 3+ 3 5 2 1 7 4+ 30


-Biofire Ejector

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofire Ejector (Short Range) 1"-6" Assault 2D3 4 -2 2 This weapon automatically hits its target.
Biofire Ejector (Long Range) 7"-12" Assault D6 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.

-Electric Impulse Grenade

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Electric Impulse Grenade 6" Grenade 1 10 -5 3 This weapon can only be used once per battle.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Escalating Heat"> If a unit is killed by an attack made with a Biofire Ejector in this unit, increase the Strength characteristic of the Biofire Ejector by 1. </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Volatile"> If a model in this unit is slain during the Fight Phase, the enemy unit which attacked suffers 1 Mortal Wound. </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Elites, Infantry, Soldiers, Fire Spewers Team

Hive Vanguards[edit | edit source]

Hive vanguards are amongst the most armored creatures in the Queen's army, using their sheer weight and mass against their targets. Because of this, they lack the ability to fly, not that it concerns them very much

This unit contains 3 Hive Vanguards (Power Rating: 5). It can contain up to 3 additional Hive Vanguards (Power Rating: +5).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Vanguard 7" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 2+ 35


-High Voltage Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Ramming Chitin

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Ramming Chitin Melee Melee x2 -1 D3 When attacking with this weapon, subract 1 from the hit roll.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Intimidating Presence (Aura)"> When an enemy unit declares a charge against this unit, reduce the charge distance by 2”. In addition, units within 12" of this unit, other than Hive Royalty, suffer a penalty of 2 to their Leadership characteristic. </tab> <tab name="Shielded Chitin"> This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time a model from this unit suffers a wound; on a 6 that wound is not lost. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


Any model in the unit can replace its High Voltage Rifle with a Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer - +4 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

This unit can take a Gamma Mortis Protocol - +20 pts.

Gamma Mortis Protocol: If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Elites, Infantry, Hive Vanguards

Royal Guards[edit | edit source]

Where there is royalty, there are guards. The sole purpose of these soldiers is to protect their prince with their life. The kinds of weapons they possess have been crafted specifically for this reason and show great harmony between the ruthlessness of the usual Q'Orl battle style and a more defensive approach.

This unit contains 2 Royal Guards (Power Rating: 4).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Royal Guard 8" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 40


-Current Shield

Current Shield: When an enemy unit charges this model, roll a D6; on a 4+ the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

-High Voltage Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Absolute Devotion"> While a friendly Hive Royalty is within 3" of this unit, enemy units cannot target that unit with ranged weapons. In addition, this unit can perform a Heroic Intervention as if it was a Character and can do so against an enemy unit that charged a friendly Hive Royalty that is within 3" of this unit. In this case, the enemy unit may only attack this unit instead of the unit they charged. </tab> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Shield of Royalty"> If your army is Battle-forged, then for each Hive Royalty unit included in a Detachment, one Royalty Guards unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. You cannot include more Royalty Guards units in a Detachment than there are Hive Royalty units in that Detachment. </tab> <tab name="Shielded Chitin"> This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time a model from this unit suffers a wound; on a 6 that wound is not lost. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


Any model in the unit may replace its High Voltage Rifle with a Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer - +4 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

This unit can take a Gamma Mortis Protocol - +20 pts.

Gamma Mortis Protocol: If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Elites, Infantry, Royal Guards

Fast Attacks[edit | edit source]

Hive Walker Battalion[edit | edit source]

Mechanized battle walkers are a common sight in Q'Orl armies, their design allows them to quickly move through destroyed areas to redirect their support to the area it most needs it.

This unit contains 1 Hive Walker (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Hive Walker (Power Rating: +4) or 2 additional Hive Walkers (Power Rating: +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Walker 12" 5+ 3+ 5 6 6 3 9 4+ 70


-High Voltage Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="All-Terrain Walker"> This model is never slowed down by Difficult Ground. </tab> <tab name="Independent Reconnaissance Units"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>

Options: Any model may replace its High Voltage Rifle with one of the following:

-Bioengineered Nerve Breaker - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Bioengineered Nerve Breaker 24" Assault 3D3 4 0 1 Blast.

-Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Fast Attacks, Vehicle, Hive Walker

Winged Q'Orl Soldiers[edit | edit source]

A winged variant of the common soldier. The added mobility makes them excellent for hit and run tactics and surprise ambushes, although they still remain nothing more than expendable flesh and chitin.

This unit contains 5 Winged Q'Orl Soldiers (Power Rating: 3). It can include up to 5 additional 5 Winged Q'Orl Soldiers (Power Rating: +3).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Winged Q'Orl Soldier 12" 5+ 3+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+ 9


-Neuroelectric Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 4 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Flying Threats"> During deployment, you can set this unit up in the sky. When you do so, at the end of any of your Movement phases you can set this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 9” away from enemy models. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>

Options: For every 5 models, a Winged Q'Orl Soldier may replace its Neuroelectric Rifle with one of the following:

-High Voltage Rifle - +2 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

-Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer - +6 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

Every 5 models, one Winged Q'Orl Soldier can take an Electric Pulse Grenade - free

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Electric Pulse Grenade 6" Grenade D6 4 -1 1 Blast. If a 6 is rolled to determine the number of shots this weapon fires, increase the AP characteristic of this weapon to -2 for the remaining of the phase.

This unit can take a Gamma Mortis Protocol - +10 pts.

Gamma Mortis Protocol: If a model in a unit with a Gamma Mortis Protocol is slain in the Fight phase before it has made its attacks, leave the model where it is. When its unit is chosen to fight in that phase, it can do so as normal. Once it has done so, remove the model from the battlefield.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Fast Attacks, Infantry, Fly, Soldiers, Winged Q'Orl Soldiers

Heavy Supports[edit | edit source]

Hive Conquerors Squadron[edit | edit source]

Conquerors are the Q'Orl equivalent of armored tanks and are very rarely not present on the front of an assault. They are mounted with the extremely powerful high voltage destructor that has made a name for itself in countless encounters for its brutal strength and efficiency at killing. Despite being heavy, they are still extremely agile.

This unit contains 1 Hive Conqueror (Power Rating: 8). It can contain 1 additional Hive Conqueror (Power Rating: +8) or 2 additional Hive Conquerors (Power Rating: +16).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Conqueror 10" 4+ 3+ 6 7 8-14 5 9 4+ 160
Hive Conqueror 8" 5+ 4+ 6 7 4-7 5 9 4+ 160
Hive Conqueror 6" 6+ 5+ 6 7 1-3 5 9 4+ 160


-High Voltage Destructor

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Destructor 36" Heavy 1 9 -5 3D3 Damage in excess from this weapon carries over to other models in the targeted unit.

-Two Long Range Ordnance Aimer

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Long Range Ordnance Aimer 36" Heavy 2 5 -2 D3 -

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="All-Terrain Walker"> This model is never slowed down by Difficult Ground. </tab> <tab name="Conqueror Squadron"> The maximum cohesion distance of models in this unit is 6" instead of 2". </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Heavy Supports, Vehicle, Hive Conquerors

Hive Gunners Squadron[edit | edit source]

These common gunners have been modified to sport improved optics that lets them not only wield more powerful weapons but also increase their deadly accuracy.

This unit contains 5 Heavy Gunners (Power Rating: 8). It can contain up to 5 additional Heavy Gunners (Power Rating: +8).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Heavy Gunner 6" 6+ 3+ 3 5 3 1 7 4+ 32


-Long Range Ordnance Aimer

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Long Range Ordnance Aimer 36" Heavy 2 5 -2 D3 -

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Advanced Optical Enhancement"> This unit can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when making a shooting attack. This unit can re-roll all hit rolls if it remained stationary in its previous Movement Phase. </tab> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Techno-enhanced Legs"> Vertical movement is ignored when determining how far this unit can move. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Heavy Supports, Infantry, Soldiers, Heavy Gunners

Larva Mortars[edit | edit source]

These mortars are mounted on the back of giant larvae and are a peculiar sight on the field. While a mortar is supposed to be precise and immobile, the shacking nature of the beasts that carry them makes them quite hard to use. For this, they are usually mounted with additional stabilizers or the larvae tortured until they can't move anymore.

This unit contains 1 Larva Mortar and 1 Mortar Attendant (Power Rating: 2). It can contain 1 additional Larva Mortar and Mortar Attendant (Power Rating: +2) or 2 additional Larva Mortars and Mortar Attendants (Power Rating: +2).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Larva Mortar 3" 6+ 3+ 2 5 1 1 4 5+ 20
Mortar Attendant 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+ 20

Wargear (Larva Mortar):

-Unstable Mortar Platform

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Unstable Mortar Platform 12"-60" Heavy 1D3 5 -1 2 This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.

Wargear (Mortar Attendant):

-Neuroelectric Rifle

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neuroelectric Rifle 24" Assault 1 4 -1 1 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules (Larva Mortar): <tabs> <tab name="Extreme Weight"> When this unit advances, roll 1D3 instead of 1D6. </tab> <tab name="Mortar Squadron"> The maximum cohesion distance of this unit is 6". </tab> <tab name="Squashed by Heavy Weaponry"> When a model from this unit fires an Unstable Mortar Platform, if the roll to determine the number of shots from the gun is a 1, the model is considered to have a Ballistic Skill of 5+ for the remainder of the Shooting phase. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>

Special Rules (Mortar Attendant): <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Weapon Attendant"> A Larva Mortar can only fire its weapon if there's at least one Mortar Attendant within 3" of it. </tab> </tabs>


Any Larva Mortar may replace its Unstable Mortar Platform with a Stable Mortar Platform - +10 pts.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Stable Mortar Platform 12"-60" Heavy 3 6 -2 2 This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.

Keywords (Larva Mortar):

  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Heavy Supports, Beast, Larvae, Larva Mortar

Keywords (Mortar Attendant):

  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Heavy Supports, Infantry, Soldiers, Mortar Attendant, Character

Techno Gunners Platoon[edit | edit source]

Another modified version of the common gunner, techno gunners sport peculiar weapons that make no use of the peculiar larval biofluid all other Q'Orl weapons rely on. This strange nature of their weapon allows them to even target unseen enemies, making them perfect supports for charing units.

This unit contains 5 Techno Gunners (Power Rating: 5). It can contain up to 5 additional Techno Gunners (Power Rating: +5).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Techno Gunner 6" 6+ 3+ 3 4 1 1 7 4+ 20


-Current Blaster

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Current Blaster 40" Heavy 2 5 -3 2 Every hit roll of 6+ with this weapon generates an extra 2 hit rolls.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Bioengineered Hatred"> If this unit declares a shooting attack against an enemy currently within 3” of an objective marker, increase the Strength characteristic of all its ranged weapons by 1. </tab> <tab name="Electrified Earth"> This unit can target units that are not in its line of sight. If they do, consider its Ballistic Skill to be of 6+ for the remainder of the Shooting phase. </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Techno-enhanced Legs"> Vertical movement is ignored when determining how far this unit can move. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Heavy Supports, Infantry, Soldiers, Techno Gunners

Flyers[edit | edit source]

Chainfly[edit | edit source]

Utilizing the technology found in the Q'Orl hive ships, a chainfly is actually composed of three different sections that combine into one flyer. Although not heavily armed, an unprepared enemy can be easily drowned in light fire, and the triple nature allows them to quickly evade returning fire.

This unit contains 1 Chainfly composed of 3 Chainsections (Power Rating: 12).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Chainsection 20" 6+ 4+ 5 6 7 1 9 4+ 80


-Two Bioengineered Nerve Breaker

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Bioengineered Nerve Breaker 24" Assault 3D3 4 0 1 Blast.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Chainflier"> When this unit is deployed, this unit counts as one Chainfly, which means all three Chainsections must be deployed at the same time and within 1" of one another. During your Movement phase, before moving this unit, you may decide to detach the different Chainsection; from that point onward every Chainsection functions as a separate unit for all ends and purposes. As long as this unit remains into a Chainfly formation, add 1 to the hit rolls for shooting attacks made by this unit and allocate all damage taken evenly among the three models. </tab> <tab name="Scatter Away"> If one model is slain while this unit is in Chainfly configuration, the formation immediately breaks, and the remaining Chainsections are treated as separate units. </tab> <tab name="Small and Hard to Hit"> While this unit is in the divided into Chainsections, enemy units must subract 1 from their hit rolls when targeting a single Chainsection. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Flyers, Vehicle, Fly, Chainflier, Chainsection

Queen's Drones Swarm[edit | edit source]

Hive drones are usually found in the Queen chamber and float over the gasses continuously produce by their sovereign's body. Even in battle, they follow their queen and scout the area in search for any threat to their queen's safety.

This unit contains 1 Queen's Drone (Power Rating: 8). It can include 1 additional Queen's Drone (Power Rating: +8) or 2 additional Queen's Drones (Power Rating: +16).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Queen's Drone 20" 5+ 3+ 6 7 10 3 8 3+ 150


-Long Range Ordnance Aimer

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Long Range Ordnance Aimer 36" Heavy 2 5 -2 D3 -

-Two High Voltage Rifles

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
High Voltage Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Boost Wings"> When this model Advances, increase its Movement characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase – do not roll a dice. </tab> <tab name="Enhanced Senses"> This model can Advance and fire Assault weapons without suffering penalties to its hit rolls. </tab> <tab name="For the Queen"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The Queen's Drones"> If your army is Battle-forged, then if it contains the Hive Queen, a Queen's Drones unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up an additional Battlefield Role slot. </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Flyers, Monster, Fly, Queen's Drones

Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]

Hive Carrier Swarm[edit | edit source]

Hive carriers are used to transport all kinds of troops into battle from orbit or the hive fortresses scattered onto the planet surface. They are fairly armored and discreetly armed and find many uses in a Q'Orl assault.

This unit contains 1 Hive Carrier (Power Rating: 6). It can include 1 additional Hive Carrier (Power Rating: +6) or 2 additional Hive Carriers (Power Rating: +12).

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Carrier 12" 6+ 3+ 5 7 10 3 9 3+ 110


-Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Semi-automatic Ordnance Aimer 24" Rapid Fire 3 4 -2 D3 -

-Two Biofire Ejectors

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofire Ejector (Short Range) 1"-6" Assault 2 4 -2 2 This weapon automatically hits its target.
Biofire Ejector (Long Range) 7"-12" Assault 1 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Independent Carriers"> The first time this unit is set up on the battlefield, all of its models must be placed within 6" of at least one other model in their unit. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> </tabs>

Transport Capacity: .:This model can transport 10 <Swarmhood> Infantry models.


  • Faction: Q'Orl, <Swarmhood>
  • Dedicated Transports, Vehicle, Transport, Hive Carrier

Lords of War[edit | edit source]

The Hive Queen[edit | edit source]

The sole and only queen of the Q'Orl race, it almost never makes an appearance on the battlefield. The few occasion when this happens go down in history and are taken as an example of Q'Orl superiority. When the majesty herself goes to war, for the enemy there is no chance at winning.

This unit contains 1 Hive Queen. (Power Rating: 25). Only one of this model may be included in your army.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts/model
Hive Queen 12" 2+ 2+ 9 9 17-35 6 11 2+ 900
Hive Queen 8" 3+ 3+ 9 9 9-16 2D3 11 2+ 900
Hive Queen 4" 4+ 4+ 9 9 1-8 D3 11 2+ 900


-Bioengineered Nerve Breaker

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Bioengineered Nerve Breaker 24" Assault 3D3 4 -1 1 Blast.

-Biofluid Rain

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Biofluid Rain 36" Assault 3D6 6 -3 2 Blast. This weapon can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer.

-Mastodontic Jaws

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Mastodontic Jaws Melee Melee x2 -4 4 -

-The Queen's Talons

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Queen's Talons Melee Melee User -2 2 Each hit roll with this weapon counts as 2 hits instead of 1.

Special Rules: <tabs> <tab name="Arthropods"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="Honor in Death (Aura)"> Q'Orl Core units within 6” of this model can Heroically Intervene for 6” if the Hive Queen is ever declared as the target of a successful charge. </tab> <tab name="Perfected Chitin"> This unit has a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, roll a die each time this model would lose a wound; on a 5+ the wound is not lost. </tab> <tab name="Supreme Being of the Hive (Aura)"> Q'Orl units within 12” of this model are considered to be in range of the For the Queen special rule. Also, Q'Orl units within 12” of this model can re-roll all failed to-hit and to-wound roll. </tab> <tab name="Technological Genius"> See Army Rules - Universal </tab> <tab name="The One Above All"> This model can never have any Relic. In addition, in a Crusade campaign, this model can never have any Battle Trait, Battle Scars, Weapon Enhancement or Crusade Relics. </tab> </tabs>

Warlord Trait: If this model is your Warlord, it has the following Warlord Trait: <tabs> <tab name="The Q'Orl Queen (Aura)"> Friendly Q'Orl units within 12" of this model add 1 to their movement, advance and charge distances. </tab> </tabs>


  • Faction: Q'Orl
  • Lords of War, Monster, Titanic, Hive Queen, Hive Royalty

Crusade Rules[edit | edit source]

Agendas[edit | edit source]

Universal[edit | edit source]

  • Never Retreat: Even in dire situations, the swarm never retreats, for the Q'Orl's might is stronger than the enemy's wrath.
Keep a Bravery tally for each Q'Orl Soldiers unit from your army. At the end of each Morale phase, add 1 to that unit's Bravery tally if it didn't lose any model during that phase.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every mark on its Bravery tally.
  • Psyker Captive Psykers are peculiar creatures to the Q'Orl and are highly sought-after by their researches to experiment on warp-driven technologies. Perhaps, their sadistic approach is rooted in the ancient betrayal of the Aeldari.
Keep a Captive tally for each Q'Orl unit from your army. At the end of each Shooting or Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Captive tally if it completely destroyed an enemy Psyker unit.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 2 experience points for every mark on its Captive tally.
  • Q’Orl Might Makes Right: "Only the Q'Orl royalty is fit to rule the stars, all the other races must kneel in the dust and build them their rightful throne."
Keep an Execution tally for each Q'Orl Character unit from your army. At the end of each Shooting or Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Execution tally if it destroyed an enemy Character unit.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 3 experience points for every mark on its Execution tally.
  • Technological Experience: It takes practice to operate the Q'Orl weaponry; those that master this peculiar art are rewarded with increased expertise in killing.
Keep a Technological Experience tally for each Q'Orl unit from your army. Add 1 to that unit's Technological Experience tally every time it automatically wounds 10 times its targets via the Technological Genius special rule.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 2 experience points for every mark on its Technological Experience tally.

Swarmhood Specific[edit | edit source]

  • Afelhuk - Redemption in Death: Even if they fall in battle, the mere thoughts their bodies will be carved a path to the future envisioned by the Queen fills these warriors with immense joy and pride.
Keep a Redemption tally for each Afelhuk Character unit from your army. When a Afelhuk Character unit slays an enemy unit thanks to its The Scavenging Hive ability add 1 to its Redemption tally.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every mark on its Redemption tally. Any unit which gains experience this way does not suffer any battle scars as a result of being slain or losing this battle.
  • Alakyrr - Cut Down by Razor Chitin: In contrast with the normal attack strategies of the Q'Orl, the Alakyrr swarm jumps into the heart of the battle to bring the might of the Queen upon their enemies.
Keep an Execution tally for each Alakyrr Character unit from your army. At the end of each Fight phase, add 1 to that unit's Execution tally if it destroyed an enemy unit.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every mark on its Execution tally.
  • Gook - To Halt is to Fail: There is no stopping, there is no peace, this is the fate of the Gook and the belief they take into their graves.
Keep a Speed tally for each Gook unit in your army. At the end of each movement phase, add 1 to a unit's Speed tally if it moved its max movement distance and advanced at least 6” in the movement phase.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 3 experience points for every 2 marks on its Speed tally.
  • Loqiit - Stoicism for the Queen: The Loquiit have one mission, and one mission only, protect the Queen at all costs. For this, they'll ignore even the most gruesome of wounds to not let the deceive of the past repeat.
Keep a Stoicism tally for each Loqiit unit in your army. At the end of each turn, add 1 to a unit's Stoicism tally for each wound it ignored during that turn.
At the end of the battle, each unit gains 1 experience point for every 5 marks on its Stoicism tally.
  • Semmiheu - Masters of Technology: With a hive composed of mainly engineers, the battle is a chance to improve the older designs of war and produce even deadlier weapons.
Keep a Masters of Technology tally for each Semmiheu unit from your army. Add 1 to that unit's Masters of Technology tally every time it wounds an enemy unit on a 5+ on a D6 10 times.
At the end of the battle, each unit with at least 2 marks on its Technological Experience tally gains a Weapon Enhancement on one of its ranged weapons.

Requisitions[edit | edit source]

  • For the Glory of the Empire! (3 RP): Each time another fortress falls, another planet succumbs to the greatness of the Q'Orl race, the soldiers of the hive rejoice, for it brings them immeasurable pleasure.
Purchase this Requisition after a victory is achieved in a battle in which you gained at least double the amount of Victory Points of your opponent. Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of all units in your army (other than Larvae units). In addition, your Warlord gains 1 Battle Trait; increase its Crusade points accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card.
  • Metamorphosis (1 RP): To those princes that achieve great feats in battle it's granted the honor to ascend to a new form, one closer to the Queen's but always one step lower.
Purchase this Requisition after a victory is achieved in a battle. Select one Hive Prince from your army that doesn't have the Prince's Wings Upgrade. That model immediately gains that upgrade without spending any additional points or Power Rating. Add 1 to the Crusade points of the unit accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card.
  • Technologist Tinkering (1 RP): Even taking into account their short life span, Q'Orl technologists create a myriad of different devices and apparatuses. When they are let unto the battlefield, they are more than eager to put their experiments on the test.
Purchase this Requisition when you add a Q'Orl Vehicle unit to your Order of Battle, or when a Q'Orl Vehicle unit in your Crusade force gains a rank, if your Crusade force includes a Hive Technologist. That Vehicle unit gains one Weapon Enhancement; increase its Crusade points accordingly and make a note on its Crusade card.

Battle Traits[edit | edit source]

Hive Prince Units Only[edit | edit source]

  • 1) Conqueror of the Hive: This prince of the hive has fought countless battles and conquered innumerable worlds for the Q'Orl Queen, his presence can be felt choking those holding the line against him.
This model gains the Objective Secured special rule and counts as three models for the purpose of determining which unit is currently holding an objective. In addition, enemy units within 6" of this model and 3" of an objective have to subtract 2 from their Leadership characteristic.
  • 2) Leader Figure: The sight of this behemoth inspires the lesser Q'Orl organism to fight even harder for the glory of the Queen.
Double the range of this model's Direct Servant of the Queen special rule.
  • 3) Scorching Pride: A powerful commander with nothing to fear, the blows of the enemies of the swarm are like medals that inspire him to fight with an even greater ferocity.
During the Fight phase, this model gains a bonus to its Attack characteristic equal to the number of attacks enemy units have made against this model that have hit.

Soldiers Units Only[edit | edit source]

  • 1) A Necessary Sacrifice: These warriors will happily throw their lives away if it means they'll be of help to their superiors.
When this unit is being chosen as the target of a Hive Prince's Minor Lifeforms special rule, do not roll a die; this unit automatically intercepts the attack. In addition, roll a die for each mortal wound suffered this way; on a 5+ the wound is not lost.
  • 2) Failure Is Not An Option: While in the presence of a superior, failure is not an option and the fear of disappointing their masters overshadows the pain of the wounds suffered.
Roll a die each time this unit suffers a wound while within 6" of a friendly Q'Orl HQs unit; on a 6 that wound is not lost. If the HQs unit is a Hive Prince, then the wound is not lost on a roll of 5 and 6.
  • 3) Tempered Minds: A powerful commander with nothing to fear, the blows of the enemies of the swarm are like medals that inspire him to fight with an even greater ferocity.
This unit doesn't suffer a penalty to its Leadership characteristic due to the Instilled Fear special rule.

Weapon Enhancements[edit | edit source]

Voltage Weapons[edit | edit source]

-1) Additional Battery Charges: Additional batteries are mounted on the weapon to empower the strength of the charge.

In your Shooting phase, when shooting with this unit, unless the Stratagem has already been used this phase, you can use the Overwhelming Voltage Stratagem for 0 CPs.

-2) Compact Energy Directer: An insulating barrel mounted at the tip of the weapon makes it possible to fire it at close range, although dampening its long-range capabilities.

Change this weapon's Type to Pistol but subtract 6" from its Range characteristic.

-3) Lightning Arc Amplifier: The weapon is mounted with a special array of electricity-conductive materials that enlarges the diffusion radius of the bolts.

When shooting with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 causes one additional hit on the target.

Battle Scars[edit | edit source]

Hive Prince Units Only[edit | edit source]

-Dishonored: For the wounds suffered in battle and the humiliation of defeat, this once great Q'Orl prince is cast aside, cursed to wander the field until it'll shos its worth again or perish trying.

  • This model loses all of its Aura abilities and Minor Lifeforms and Royal Pride special rules. In addition, this model loses its Hive Royalty keyword.
  • Subtract 1 from this model's Toughness and Attacks characteristics and subtract 1 from all its saving throws.
  • This Battle Scar can't be removed by the Repair and Recuperate Requisition.

Soldiers Units Only[edit | edit source]

-Living Failures: Weaklings who are of no use to the Queen have no place in the hive. It won't be much longer until they are discarded like the rotten flesh they are.

  • Subtract 2 from this unit's Leadership characteristic.
  • This unit can't benefit from the bonus to their Combat Attrition rolls from the Instilled Fear special rule.

Crusade Relics[edit | edit source]

Artificer Relics[edit | edit source]

  • Cranial Sentry Implant: In battle, knowing where the enemy is is an important part of one's strategy. This cranial implant informs the wearer of any nearby activity, making him prepared for any enemy assault.
Enemy units do not gain any benefits in the Fight phase from charging, being charged, or by performing heroic interventions against this unit. In addition, this unit may Overwatch once a turn without the need for the associated Stratagem.
  • Grafted Winglet Gyroscopes: A number of minuscule gyroscopes are mounted on this Q'Orl's wings, granting him an extreme maneuverability.
Unit with the Fly keyword only. Add 6” to this unit's movement distances. In addition, this unit can charge even in a turn in which it fell back.
  • The Queen's Armor: This individual has been bestowed a piece of the Queen's exoskeleton, crafted into an armor of complex design to aid him in his conquests.
Add 1 to this unit's Thougness characteristic and Armor saving throws.

Antiquity Relics[edit | edit source]

  • Palanquin of the Honoured Dead: Even in Q'Orl society, with its regimented hierarchy and oppression, there is some honor to be had for the humble workers and warriors. The Palanquin of the Honoured Dead is a giant, suspensor borne display of the skulls of Q'Orl's who have fallen heroically in battle. Although heroically for the Q'Orl is more dependent on whether your act aided the survival of those higher up the hierarchy than you, the Palanquin f the Honoured Dead is unusual because the skulls of those it honors are from all levels of Q'Orl strata. You will find the skull of a humble worker who jumped in the way of a bolt shell right next to that of a Prince who dueled an imperial knight. At the center of the display, with all the other skulls carefully arranged so that they both look outwards but also seem to gaze up the centerpiece, is the skull of a long-deceased queen, made iridescent by careful refractions and eddies of light caused by the suspensor field. The Palanquin is also not a single relic, but a host of such morbid items which are routinely returned to the Q'Orl homeworld to be updated with new skulls and repaired. Once renewed the palanquin is dispatched to a frontline sector. There, a commander is selected by a panel scholars and other commanders, who select a Q'Orl who has recently distinguished themselves in battle to be borne aloft on the palanquin, to attend to and defend the display it carries. This being Q'Orl society, however, this can be a double-edged honor. On one hand, the panel may have given the honor in honest recognition of the Q'Orl's deeds in warfare. Alternatively, the panel may contain a cabal of the nobility who wish for one particular Hive Prince to be put in a position where they may be killed by an enemy. For the honor of riding upon a Palanquin of the Honoured Dead is not one you can refuse. To be chosen means going into battle on the relic, and either winning or dying, anything else would mean disgrace.
Hive Prince only. The unit gains the Titanic keyword and roll a D6 whenever this unit suffers a wound; on a 5+ the wound is ignored. In addition, roll a D6 every time a friendly Q'Orl Soldiers model loses a wound within 12" and line of sight of this unit; on a 6 that wound is ignored. However, this unit may never move in a direction that would take it further away from any enemy units, and if it is eligible to charge an enemy unit then it must do so. If you lose a battle with a unit equipped with this relic, then they automatically gain the Dishonored Battle Scar and loses this Relic.
  • The Shell of Shangri Mei: A gruesome item, the chitinous shell of a Q’Orl Prince who defied their Queen and attempted to overthrow the entirety of Q’Orl aristocracy. Nobody knows what drove them to such a suicidal act, but they failed, and were captured and was sentenced to the most humiliating and agonizing punishment a Q’Orl can ever undergo. They were chained outside the palace of the queens on the Q’Orl homeworld and doused in a nanobot solution. Over the course of five Terran decades, the nanobots slowly began to peel away Shangri Mei’s chitinous carapace, stimulating the nerves beneath with electrical shocks and pain-inducing antigens, while also ensuring that no diseases would take hold and synthesizing nutrients from the air so Mei wouldn’t simply die. For 50 years, Mei sat screaming outside the palace, as one by one their chitin plates were stripped from them and collected by attendants. When finally, Mei was left standing as naked as a flayed human, the Queen was brought from her palace on a gigantic palanquin, whereupon she took one look at Mei, and vomited gout of acid onto the prisoner. In one final torment of agony, Mei was dissolved by the acid, screaming as they were reduced to nothing more than a slurry of biological sludge, which was quickly cleaned up by menials. An armour fashioned from Shangri Mei’s shell was created and is grafted onto a noble who is deemed to have grossly transgressed or failed in battle, sending a simple message. Repent and make up for your failure, or end up like Shangri Mei.
Hive Prince with Dishonored Battle Scar only. This unit adds 1 to its Saving throws and Toughness characteristic and may fire twice during its Shooting phase and fight twice during the Fight phase. If you lose a battle with a unit with this Relic equipped then this unit is automatically slain and removed from your crusade force (i.e., they lose all progression they may have had up to this point). However, if you win the battle then this Relic is removed from this unit and this unit gains double experience from the battle and loses its Dishonored Battle Scar.

Legendary Relics[edit | edit source]

  • Neuroelectric Cranial Amplifier: A seemingly simple array of wiring and charge arrays that connects every Q’Orl in a unit. The system does nothing while a unit is moving, but when stationary it shuts down all the brain functions responsible for balance, moving, and other similar functions, accounting for about 50% of a Q’Orl’s brain function. This excess function is then used to generate a building charge, which is amplified by static arrays between all other Q’Orl in the unit. In other creatures, this would be useless as they would simply fall over without that 50% of their brain, but Q’Orl can lock their shell segments together to prevent this. The stored power is then channeled to their weapons, for devastating effect.
A unit with this Relic adds +2 to the Strength characteristic and +6” to the Range characteristic of weapons from the Voltage Weaponry list this model is equipped with for every turn in which it and at least another Soldiers unit within 1” did not move. This can stack up to +4 strength and +12” range. If a unit benefits from these bonuses in the Shooting phase then it may not charge in the following Charge phase.
  • The Queen’s Reach The Queens of the Q'Orl are not blind to what takes place in their society. They are aware of the backstabbing, the plots, the outright wasting of the lives of their underlings, as much as the rest of the Q'Orl population may think that the Queen is too far above them to pay any notice, the exact opposite is the case. Most of the time, however, the Queen does not need to take any action, as Q'Orl society and military have become adept at managing the chaos that their otherwise orderly hierarchy hides. When a Queen normally wishes to act she will dispatch nobles to delivery a message or challenge someone to a duel on her behalf. There are times however when the queen requires a more subtle touch, and for that, she has the Queen's Reach. The Queen's Reach is a rifle that is grafted onto a chosen of the queen and fires a solid slug using a vast, electromagnetic charge. What makes the round so dangerous however is that the core of the projectile fired is made of a solid lump of nanobots. When penetrating or colliding with a target the nanobots bury deep into whatever surface they find and begin to deconstruct it. Even the mightiest of foes, who would normally not be harmed by such a weapon, find themselves falling apart at the atomic level. Even refractor shields are of no use against this weapon, as even if the round is stopped by a force field, the nanobots within are propelled forwards through the shield regardless. To ensure that Q'Orl society does not become aware of this tool of the Queen the ones who use it are mind-wiped before and after its use, and the weapon itself can be easily sculpted to look like any weapon a Hive Prince might already carry. Thus, the will of the Queen can be enacted, without any other soul alive being aware that anything ever happened.
Hive Prince only. This Relic replaces a weapon the bearer is equipped with and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Queen’s Reach 60” Heavy 3 8 -3 3 This weapon may target Character units and invulnerability saves made against this weapon suffers -1 to their rolls. Each time an enemy Character is slain by this weapon; you gain 1 additional Victory Point and may fire with this weapon an additional time as if it was the Shooting phase. Additional attacks from this weapon cannot generate further additional attacks.