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'''Halo: The Covenant Codex'''
'''Halo: The Covenant Codex'''


I decided to do this instead of a Aprori Guard codex b/c a Guard 'dex is hard enough to make.  If you really want to play them, use Tau and take your Heavy support and such from the Guard codex.   
I decided to do this instead of a Apriori Guard codex b/c a Guard 'dex is hard enough to make.  If you really want to play them, use Tau and take your Heavy support and such from the Guard codex.   

Anyway, The Covenant are a really interesting bunch and bring a whole slew of new weapons, units, and tactics to the game so we shall try to make a pastiche that represents them fairly without making them either too weak or too strong.  
Anyway, The Covenant are a really interesting bunch and bring a whole slew of new weapons, units, and tactics to the game so we shall try to make a pastiche that represents them fairly without making them either too weak or too strong.  
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There also includes a separate page for the fluff section (To keep it more in line of a Codex) which is nothing more than a "what if" scenario of GeeDubs and Microsoft doing a crossover collaboration, so if there's any [[Skub|arguments about inaccuracies,]] take it with a grain of salt. This is 40k's Covenant after all.
There also includes a separate page for the fluff section (To keep it more in line of a Codex) which is nothing more than a "what if" scenario of GeeDubs and Microsoft doing a crossover collaboration, so if there's any [[Skub|arguments about inaccuracies,]] take it with a grain of salt. This is 40k's Covenant after all.

==Army Special Rules==
See [[Codex - The Banished]] for the Covenant's more heretical and rebellious cousins.
The following abilities are common to several Covenant units.
'''For the Great Journey!'''- You can re-roll failed Morale tests for this unit.

'''For the Great Journey!'''- ''The near insane religious zeal of almost all Covenant forces stems from the belief that by achieving the goals of the Prophets, such as firing the Halo array, they will become like gods themselves. Armed with this faith, they will gladly throw away their lives to see the Great Journey come to fruition.'' Any unit with this rule or that includes a model with this rule counts as Stubborn and may regroup normally even if below 25% unit strength
'''Two-Handed'''- A weapon with this ability requires two hands to wield, as such, an INFANTRY model making a shooting attack with it cannot make a shooting attack with any other weapon during that Shooting phase.

'''Hated Rivals'''- ''Elites and Brutes share a fierce rivalry that borders on infighting constantly in order to be the dominant militant arm of the Prophets. Elites detest being led by Brutes, and vice versa.'' An Elite Independent Character cannot join any unit containing at least one Brute and a Brute Independent Character cannot join any unit containing at least one Elite.
'''One-Handed'''- A weapon with this ability can be used effectively with one hand, as such, an INFANTRY model can choose to have this weapon count as a Pistol weapon for the purpose of firing multiple weapons in the shooting phase.

'''Dual-Wielding'''- ''Numerous weapons in the Covenant armory can be wielded by Elites and Brutes one-handed, allowing them to fire two weapons at once.'' A model with two different ranged weapons with this special rule may only choose to fire one in the Shooting phase. If the weapons are the same they may be fired as a single twin-linked weapon of that type. If the weapon is already twin-linked to begin with it may also re-roll failed rolls to wound.
==Hand of the Gods==
In this section you’ll find rules for Battle-forged armies that include Covenant Detachments –that is, any Detachment which only includes units with the COVENANT Faction keyword. These rules include the ability below and a series of Stratagems. This section also includes the Covenants’ unique Warlord Traits, Relics and Tactical Objectives. Together, these rules reflect the character and fighting style of The Covenant in your games of Warhammer 40,000.
:'''Breath of Annihilation''': If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Covenant Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker controls it even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the objective marker has a similar ability, then it is controlled by the player who has the most models within range as normal.
:'''Taking Our Due''': If your army is Battle Forged then any objective in your deployment zone that is not held by any side counts as being held by you.

===Covenant Warlord Traits===
===Covenant Warlord Traits===
# With Extreme Prejudice: ''In an attempt to exterminate his foes, a Warlord may order his subordinates to fire without regard for ammo.'' Your warlord and the unit he is attached to may use the Charged Profile of their weapons twice per game.
If a COVENANT CHARACTER is your Warlord, they can generate a Warlord Trait from the following table instead of the one in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You can either roll on the table below to randomly generate a Warlord Trait, or you can select the one that best suits your general’s battlefield objectives.
# Into the Fray: ''There is no greater motivation than the assurance that you're doing what's right.'' Your warlord and the unit your warlord is in have the Crusader and Fleet special rules.
# With Extreme Prejudice: ''In an attempt to exterminate his foes, a Warlord may order his subordinates to fire without regard for ammo.'' Your Warlord and any unit within any aura he possesses can re-roll failed To Hit rolls of one with shooting attacks. If they can already do this, then they can re-roll failed To Hit rolls of two as well.
# Master of Melee: ''After many decades of training, this Warlord has discovered the weakpoints of every sentient species and race known.'' The Warlord adds +1 to its To Wound and armor penetration rolls in close combat.
# Into the Fray: ''There is no greater motivation than the assurance that you're doing what's right.'' When your Warlord and a single friendly unit within 3" of them Advances, they may both add 6" to their Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of rolling a dice.
# To Retreat is Heresy: ''A high-ranking leader is often the only thing keeping the others from retreating.'' Any fleeing unit within 12" of your warlord or his unit automatically regroups even if under 25% strength.
# Master of Melee: ''After many decades of training, this Warlord has discovered the weakpoints of every sentient species and race known.'' Re-roll failed hit and wound rolls in the Fight phase for attacks made by your Warlord.
# Servant of the Abiding Truth: ''Faith can inspire warriors and foster courage.'' When calculating combat results for any combat involving your warlord or his unit, add 2 to your total.
# To Retreat is Heresy: ''A high-ranking leader is often the only thing keeping the others from retreating.'' You Automatically pass Combat Attrition Tests for friendly COVENANT INFANTRY units within 6" of your Warlord in the Morale phase.
# Hand of the Forerunners: ''All servants of the Covenant wish to claim Forerunner technology, but only the greatest among them can claim it.'' Your Warlord has a 6++ invulnerable save. If your warlord already has an invulnerable save then it is improved by 1.
# Servant of the Abiding Truth: ''Faith can inspire warriors and foster courage.'' Add 3" to the range of any abilities on your Warlord’s datasheet.
# Hand of the Forerunners: ''All servants of the Covenant wish to claim Forerunner technology, but only the greatest among them can claim it.'' Your Warlord has a 6+ invulnerable save. If your warlord already has an invulnerable save then add 1 to invulnerable saving throws made for your Warlord. (to a maximum of 3+)

===Allies Matrix===
====Named Characters and Warlord Traits====
If one of the following named characters is your Warlord, they must be given the associated Warlord Trait shown below.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Prophet of Regret !! The Arbiter !! Jiazah 'Thogamee !! Rtas 'Vadumee !! Tartarus
| Servant of the Abiding Truth|| Into the Fray || Hand of the Forerunners || Master of Melee || To Retreat is Heresy
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />

{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="left"
===Legendary Armory===
If your army is led by a COVENANT Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following Legendary Arms to a COVENANT CHARACTER. Named characters such as The Prophet of Regret already have one or more artefacts, and cannot be given any of the following relics. Note that some weapons replace one of the character’s existing weapons. Where this is the case, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, you must still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced. Write down any Legendary Arms your characters may have on your army roster.
! The Covenant
* Haka's Helm: ''The helmet of Haka, the killer of Arbiter Fal ‘Chavamee. Its glowing eyes and kuwagata-like appearance make him look like an otherworldly monster.'' A model wearing the Helm of Haka causes a -1 penalty to Leadership to all enemy units within 6", has +2" Movement and +1 Strength on the turn they charge.
* Kaidon Battleplate: ''Another relic of Sanghelios, this is a truly one-of-a-kind armor. It is the single best harness the Covenant has, having been improved upon gradually and consistently since time immemorial. It once belonged to Ther ‘Vadam himself.'' Prelates, Councillors, Zealots and Chieftains only. A model wearing the Kaidon Battleplate has a 2+ save and 4+ invulnerable save.
* Light of Urs: ''This fuel rod gun shoots faster and stronger bolts than usual.'' Model with Fuel Rod Gun only. The Light of Urs replaces the models Fuel Rod Gun and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| '''Imperium'''
| Light of Urs|| 54" || 6 || -2 || 2 || Assault D6 || Blast
| Allies of Convenience
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Talon of the Lost: ''Carefully crafted blamite needles can embed themselves even in Mgalekgolo‟s armor.'' Model with Needler only. The Talon of the Lost replaces the models Needler and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
|'''Chaos Daemons'''
| Talon of the Lost|| 18" || 4 || -4 || 1 || Assault 2 || One-Handed. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| Allies of Convenience
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Hailstorm: '' A pre-Covenant Elite needler that fires faster and better needles.'' Model with Needler only. Hailstorm replaces the models Needler and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
|'''Chaos Space Marines'''
| Hailstorm|| 24" || 4 || -1 || 1 || Assault 3 || One-Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 5+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| Allies of Convenience
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Spitfire: ''Spitfire is a Plasma Pistol with an expanded power cell, allowing it to make charged shots as often as a Plasma Pistol makes regular shots.'' Model with Plasma Pistol only. Spitfire replaces the models Plasma Pistol and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
|'''Dark Eldar'''
| Spitfire || 12" || 4 || -1 || 2 || Pistol 1 || This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.
| Desperate Allies
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Void's Tear: ''As it turns out, plasma pistols can fire black holes. Who knew?'' Model with Plasma Pistol only. Void's Tear replaces the models Plasma Pistol and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Void's Tear || || || || || || When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles below.
| Allies of Convenience
| Standard || 12" || 4 || 0 || 1 || Pistol D6 || Blast ||
| Allies of Convenience
| Overcharged || 12" || 4 || -1 || 2 || Pistol D6 || Blast. Overcharged shots re-roll failed To Hit rolls. However, Void's Tear can only be Overcharged once per battle.
| Come the Apocalypse
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Sword of the Faithful: ''This beam rifle once belonged to Lod Mron‟s bodyguard.'' Model with a Beam Rifle only. The Sword of the Faithful replaces the models Beam Rifle and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Sword of the Faithful || 48" || 6 || -2 || 1 || Rapid Fire 1 || Two-Handed, This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage.
| Allies of Convenience
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Krith's Left Hand: ''This beam rifle once belonged to the pirate prince Krith.'' Model with a Beam Rifle only. Krith's Left Hand replaces the models Beam Rifle and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
|'''Tau Empire'''
| Krith's Left Hand || 48" || 5 || -1 || D3 || Rapid Fire 1 || Two-Handed, This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage.
| Desperate Allies
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* White Scar: ''This plasma caster fires superhot blamite.'' Model with a Plasma Caster only. White Scar replaces the models Plasma Caster and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| White Scar (Standard) || 24" || 4 || -1 || 1 || Assault 3 || Two-Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4.
| White Scar (Overcharged) || 24" || 4 || -1 || 1 || Assault D6+D3 || Two-Handed, Blast. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. This Profile can only be used once per game.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Scourge of Fire: ''This plasma caster has been improved to not overheat.'' Model with a Plasma Caster only. Scourge of Fire replaces the models Plasma Caster and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Scourge of Fire (Standard) || 24" || 4 || -1 || 1 || Assault 6 || Two-Handed
| Scourge of Fire (Overcharged) || 24" || 4 || -1 || 1 || Assault 2D6+2D3 || Two-Handed, Blast. This Profile can only be used once per game.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
* Demon's Bane: ''The blade of Thel ‘Vadam, and the one that slayed a 1st Company Captain during the Glassing of Djangoris Alpha.'' Model with an Energy Sword only. Demon's Bane replaces the models Energy Sword and has the following profile:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Demon's Bane|| Melee || +1 || -3 || 2 || Melee || Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Hit Rolls of 1 with this weapon must be re-rolled, your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for INFANTRY units that have suffered any hits from Demon's Bane until the end of the turn.
| Come the Apocalypse
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<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />

===Covenant Tactical Objectives===
If your Warlord has The Covenant faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16) described in
If your army is Battle-forged and includes any COVENANT Detachments, you have access to the Stratagems shown below, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique tactics and strategies used by The Covenant on the battlefield.
Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
*Anger (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 2CP): ''Even the lowly Grunt can be pushed too far, when the warriors of the Covenant get angry, they will fire relentlessly, cutting their foes down in a hail of plasma.'' Use this Stratagem when you select one of your COVENANT units to shoot or fire Overwatch. Re-roll failed hit and wound rolls for models in this unit.
*Black Eye (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 2CP): ''Even in an age of guns, many of the Covenant favor the opportunity to batter and bruise the enemy into submission.'' Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select a COVENANT unit from your army – that unit can immediately fight for a second time.
If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Covenant player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16), generate the corresponding Sangheili Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally.
*Eye Patch (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 1CP): ''Sometimes, a unit displays phenomenal luck.'' Use this Stratagem when a COVENANT INFANTRY unit is targeted by a shooting attack. For the rest of  the phase, your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target that unit.
*Swarm (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 1CP): ''The Lekgolo and its myriad forms are one of the most formidable in the Covenant, whether a tiny Thanolekgolo or piloting a mighty Scarab.'' Use this Stratagem after a LEKGOLO unit from your army has inflicted an unsaved wound on an enemy unit in the Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to hit rolls for any other LEKGOLO units from your army that target the same enemy unit during that phase.
11. '''Remove this Filth''': ''With this sacrament of blood, we journey into the Divine Beyond.'' Score 1 victory point at the end of your turn if an enemy unit was forced off an objective by either completely destroying it or forcing it to flee. If 3 or more units were forced off an objective than score 3 victory points instead.
*Ghost (Covenant Epic Deed Strategem - 1CP): ''Time and time again has the faith of the Covenant allowed its warriors to fight on despite the deadly wounds suffered.'' Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a COVENANT CHARACTER model in your army that has not already been selected to fight this phase is destroyed. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks. If the selected model’s characteristics change as it takes damage, use the bottom row of that model’s profile when resolving those attacks. After resolving the destroyed model’s attacks, it is then removed.
*Thunderstorm (Covenant Epic Deed Stratagem - 1CP): ''Veteran Covenant have their faith tempered by their survival in battle.'' Use this Stratagem at the start of the Morale phase. Pick a COVENANT INFANTRY unit from your army that is required to take a Morale test. You can roll a D3 for the unit, rather than a D6, when taking this test.
12. '''Artifact Located''': ''Station and Salvation both command a heavy price.'' When this Tactical Objective is generated, roll a D6. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you control the corresponding Objective Marker. If your Warlord controls the corresponding Objective Marker, score D3 Victory Points instead.
*Relics of the Forerunners (Covenant Requisition Strategem - 1CP): ''Scouring the Covenant's armories, a high-ranking Covenant leader can call forth potent relics with which to slay his foes.'' Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your WARLORD has the COVENANT keyword. Select one COVENANT CHARACTER model from your army and give them one Legendary Arm (this must be an Arm they could have). Each Arm in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Arms. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
*Assassins (Covenant Strategic Ploy Stratagem - 1/3CP): ''The COVENANT launch their assault from multiple directions, fixing the enemy in a lethal crossfire and throwing them into a terrified confusion.'' Use this Stratagem during deployment. Choose either one or two (one unit costs 1CP, 2 units costs 3) COVENANT units to setup in ambush instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases these units can strike from hiding – set each of them anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
13. '''Smite the Demon''': ''The true devotee honours our name with actions, not words.'' Score 1 victory point if an enemy Character was killed during your turn. Score D3 victory points if your opponents Warlord was killed in a challenge during your turn.
*Grunt Funeral (Covenant Strategic Ploy Strategem - 1CP): ''Unggoy breed explosively, allowing the Covenant to crush their enemies under the sheer weight of Unggoy bodies.'' Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one UNGGOY INFANTRY unit from your army that is either within 6" of a battlefield edge or within 6" of your deployment zone. Up to D6+3 destroyed models can be added back to that unit. These returned models cannot be set up within Engagement Range of any enemy units, unless those enemy units are already within Engagement Range of that UNGGOY INFANTRY unit.
*Plasma Bombardment (Covenant Strategic Ploy Stratagem - 2CP): ''A ship hovering above the battlefield fires its Plasma Bombardment Mortar against a high value target as designated by the Warlord.'' Use this Stratagem in your Command phase, if a COVENANT WARLORD from your army is on the battlefield. Select one point on the battlefield and place a marker on that point. At the start of your next Command phase, roll one D6 for each unit within 6" of the centre of that marker, adding l if the unit being rolled for is within 3" of the centre of the marker and subtracting l if the unit being rolled for is a CHARACTER. On a 2-5, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6+, that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. The marker is then removed. You can only use this Stratagem once.
*That's Just... Wrong (Covenant Strategic Ploy Strategem - 2CP): ''Covenant motion trackers detect enemy movements, warning them of impending ambushes.'' Use this Stratagem at the end of the Reinforcements step of your opponent’s Movement phase. Select one COVENANT unit from your army. That COVENANT unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but its models can only target a single eligible enemy unit that was set up as Reinforcements this turn and that is within 18" of their unit when doing so.
*A Spoonful of Blamite (Covenant Wargear Strategem - 1C): ''The Supercombine nature of a Needler weapon inflicts horrific injuries in the soft flesh of biological targets.'' Use this Stratagem before a COVENANT unit from your army attacks in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to the wound rolls made for all of that unit’s needle weapons and increase the damage inflicted by any needle weapon by 1. For the purposes of this Stratagem, a needle weapon is any weapon profile whose name includes the word ‘Needle’ or 'Needler' (e.g. Heavy Needler, Needle Rifle) or is a relic that replaces a Needler.
*Blind (Covenant - Wargear Stratagem - 1CP): ''Under cover of active camo, holograms and electromagnetic jammers, the warriors of The Covenant confound their foes.'' Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of any COVENANT unit from your army. Until the end of the phase:
**Each time a model in that enemy unit makes an attack, the hit roll cannot be re-rolled.
**Each time a model in that enemy unit makes a melee attack, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
*Catch (Covenant Wargear Strategem - 1CP): ''Against packed formations of enemy infantry, a favoured tactic of The Covenant is to hurl an opening salvo of grenades en masse.'' Use this Stratagem before a COVENANT INFANTRY unit from your army shoots or fires Overwatch. Up to ten models in the unit that are armed with grenades can throw a grenade this phase, instead of only one model being able to do so.
*Excavate (Covenant Wargear Strategem - 1CP): ''When Locusts focus their fire, nothing can withstand their might.'' Use this Stratagem when you select a target for a Locust's Boring Laser. Do not resolve that weapon’s attacks until the end of the phase. Until then, any Locusts from your army can link fire with that Locust if it is visible to and within 60" of them; if they do so, when firing their Boring Laser they must target the unit that the first Locus targeted with its Boring Laser, ignoring range and visibility, and re-rolling failed hit and wound rolls. At the end of the phase, resolve the Boring Laser shots from the first Locust, re-rolling failed hit and wound rolls if at least one other Locust linked fire with it.

14. '''For the Great Journey''': ''Victory is secured, not from the throne, but from the front lines.'' Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or more units made a successful charge during your turn. If three or more units made successful charges during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.
===Covenant Secondary Objectives===

15. '''If They Came to Hear Me Beg''': ''On the blood of our fathers. On the blood of our sons. We swore to uphold the Covenant!'' If one of your units passes or has passed a Leadership test in this game turn, gain a Victory Point. Add one Victory Point for each passed Leadership test beyond the first.
'''Remove this Filth''': ''With this sacrament of blood, we journey into the Divine Beyond.'' Score 3 victory point at the end of your turn if an enemy unit was forced off an objective by either completely destroying it or forcing it to fall back. If 2 or more units were forced off an objective than score 5 victory points instead.

16. '''Momentary Dishonour''': ''Out of the darkness, these blades will light our way.'' Gain a Victory Point at the end of your turn if you successfully Deep Strike (via the Active Camouflage wargear) or Outflank an infantry unit. Gain D3 if you do so twice, and D3+3 if you do so three or more times in the same turn.
'''Artifact Located''': ''Station and Salvation both command a heavy price.'' When this Secondary Objective is generated, roll a D6. Score 2 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you control the corresponding Objective Marker. If your Warlord controls the corresponding Objective Marker, score 3 Victory Points instead.

===Artifact Retrieval Legion===
'''Smite the Demon''': ''The true devotee honors our name with actions, not words.'' Score 3 victory point if at least 1 enemy CHARACTER was slain by one of your COVENANT units in the Fight phase of this turn. Score 5 victory points instead if the enemy Warlord was slain in the Fight phase of this turn by an attack made by one of your COVENANT units.
Codex: The Covenant details a unique Detachment – the Artifact Retrieval Legion – that reflects a Covenant legion looking for forerunner relics. This follows all the Detachment rules presented in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.

'''Mandatory:''' 1 HQ, 3 Troops
'''For the Great Journey''': ''Victory is secured, not from the throne, but from the front lines.'' Score 1 victory point if, during your turn, a friendly Covenant unit successfully charged an enemy unit. If 3 or more friendly Covenant units made successful charges, score 3 victory points instead.

'''Optional:''' 9 Troops, 2 Fast Attack, 2 Heavy Support, 2 Elites, 1 Fortification, 1 Lord of War
'''If They Came to Hear Me Beg''': ''On the blood of our fathers. On the blood of our sons. We swore to uphold the Covenant!'' If one of your units passes or has passed a Morale test in this game turn, gain a Victory Point. Add one Victory Point for each passed Leadership test beyond the first.

'''Restrictions:''' All units must be from The Covenant faction or no faction.
'''Momentary Dishonour''': ''Out of the darkness, these blades will light our way.'' Score 2 victory points at the end of your turn if one or more friendly COVENANT units arrived as reinforcements using the Active Camouflage or Sneaky ability and were setup within 12" of any enemy units.
'''Command Benefits:'''
*Objective Secured: Every unit in this detachment has the Objective Secured special rule.
*Prophetic Rhetoric: If your warlord is part of this detachment you may re-roll your Warlord trait from the ''Codex: The Covenant'' table.

==Covenant Equipment==
==Covenant Equipment==
Line 101: Line 179:
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=right
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=right
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Weapon Table!! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
! Weapon Table!! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Plasma Pistol || || || || || || When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles below.
| Standard Pistol || 12" || Pistol 1 || 4 || 0 || 1 ||
| Overcharged Pistol || 12" || Pistol 1 || 5 || -1 || 2 || This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls. This profile can only be used once per battle.
| Plasma Repeater || 24" || Rapid Fire 1 || 4 || 0 || 1 || Two-Handed
| Spike Grenade || 6" || Grenade D3 || 5 || -1 || 1 || Blast
| Plasma Rifle || 18" || Assault 2 || 4 || 0 || 1 || One-Handed
| Concussion Rifle || 24" || Assault D6 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Two-Handed, Blast
| Plasma Caster || || || || || || When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles below.
| Plasma Pistol || 12" || 3 || 6 || Pistol, Overcharge
| Standard Caster || 24" || Assault 3 || 4 || -1 || 1 || Two-Handed
| Overcharged Pistol || 12" || 4 || 5 || Pistol, Haywire, Twin-linked
| Overcharged Caster || 24" || Assault D6+D3 || 5 || -1 || 2 || Two-Handed, Blast. This profile can only be used once per battle.
| Plasma Repeater || 24" || 3 || 6 || Rapid Fire, Overcharge
| Plasma Cannon || 36" || Heavy 3 || 5 || -1 || 2 || Two-Handed
| Overcharged Repeater || 24" || 3 || 6 || Salvo 2/4
| Twin Plasma Cannon || 36" || Heavy 6 || 5 || -1 || 2 || -
| Plasma Rifle || 18" || 3 || 6 || Assault 1, Overcharge, Dual-Wielding
| Heavy Plasma Cannon || 36" || Heavy 3 || 6 || -2 || 2 || -
| Overcharged Rifle || 18" || 3 || 6 || Assault 3, Dual-Wielding
| Heavy Plasma Repeater || 72" || Heavy 3 || 6 || -2 || 2 || Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against AIRCRAFT units.
| Plasma Caster || 24" || 4 || 4 || Assault 3
| Needler || 18" || Assault 2 || 3 || 0 || 1 || One Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| Overcharged Caster || 24" || 6 || 4 || Assault 1, Rending, Blast
| Heavy Needler || 24" || Heavy 4 || 6 || -1 || 1 || Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| Plasma Cannon || 36" || 5 || 5 || Heavy 3
| Needle Rifle || 30" || Rapid Fire 1 || 3 || -1 || 1 || Two-Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3.
| Heavy Plasma Cannon || 36" || 6 || 4 || Heavy 3
| Covenant Carbine || 30" || Rapid Fire 1 || 4 || 0 || 1 || Two-Handed
| Needler || 18" || 3 || - || Assault 1, Twin-linked, Rending, Dual-Wielding
| Focus Rifle || 36" || Rapid Fire 1 || 4 || 0 || 1 || Two-Handed. This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit.
| Heavy Needler || 24" || 6 || 5 || Heavy 4, Twin-linked, Rending
| Beam Rifle || 48" || Heavy 1 || 6 || -2 || 1 || Two-Handed. This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage.
| Needle Rifle || 30" || 3 || - || Rapid Fire, Rending
| Concussion Cannon || 36" || Heavy 2D6 || 5 || -1 || 1 || Blast
| Covenant Carbine || 30" || 4 || 6 || Rapid Fire
| Brute Shot (Shooting) || 24" || Assault D6 || 3 || 0 || 1 || Two-Handed, Blast
| Focus Rifle || 36" || 4 || 5 || Rapid Fire, Pinning
| Brute Shot (Melee) || Melee || Melee || +2 || -1 || 1 || -
| Beam Rifle || 48" || X || 4 || Heavy 1, Sniper
| Spiker (Shooting) || 12" || Assault 2 || 3 || 0 || 1 || One-Handed
| Concussion Rifle || 18" || 4 || 6 || Assault 1, Concussive, Blast
| Spiker (Melee) || Melee || Melee || User || 0 || 1 || Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
| Concussion Cannon || 36" || 5 || 5 || Heavy 2, Concussive, Blast
| Mauler || 12" || Pistol 1 || 3 || 0 || 1 || If the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon’s Strength.
| Brute Shot (Shooting) || 24" || 3 || 6 || Assault 1, Blast
| Fuel Rod Gun || 36" || Assault D3+3 || 5 || -2 || 1 || Two-Handed, Blast
| Brute Shot (Melee) || - || +1 || 6 || Melee, Two-Handed
| Twin Fuel Rod Pods || 36" || Heavy 6D6 || 6 || -2 || 1 || Blast. Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against AIRCRAFT units.
| Spiker || 12" || 3 || 6 || Assault 2, Bladed, Dual-Wielding
| Fuel Rod Cannon || 36" || Heavy D3+3 || 6 || -2 || 2 || Blast
| Mauler || 6" || 4 || - || Pistol, Pinning
| Fuel Rod Beam || 48" || Heavy 1 || 8 || -4 || D3+3 || -
| Fuel Rod Gun || 48" || 7 || 4 || Heavy 2
| Fuel Rod Storm || 36" || Assault 10 || 4 || -1 || 1 || This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.
| Fuel Rod Pod || 48" || 7 || 4 || Heavy 3, Skyfire, Interceptor
| Plasma Grenade || 6" || Grenade D6 || 5 || -1 || 1 || Blast
| Fuel Rod Cannon || 48" || 9 || 4 || Heavy 1, Blast
| Plasma Launcher || 36" || Heavy 4 || 6 || -1 || D3 || Two-Handed. All failed hit rolls with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| Fuel Rod Beam || 36" || 8 || 2 || Heavy 1, Lance
| Plasma Mortar || 48" || Heavy D6 || 5 || -2 || 2 || Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.
| Fuel Rod Storm || 36" || 5 || 5 || Assault 4
| Firebomb || 6" || Grenade 2D3 || 4 || 0 || 1 || Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of cover against that attack.
| Plasma Launcher || 36" || 6 || 4 || Heavy 4, Twin-Linked
| Plasma Beam || 72" || Heavy 2D3 || 16 || -4 || D6+3 || Blast
| Plasma Mortar || 48" || 5 || 5 || Heavy 1, Barrage, Blast
| Tyrant Gun || 120" || Heavy 3 || 18 || -5 || D6+6 || Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against AIRCRAFT units.
| Firebomb || 8" || 4 || 5 || Assault 1, Blast, Ignores Cover
| Energy Sword || Melee || Melee || +1 || -3 || 2 || Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
| Plasma Beam || 96" || D || 1 || Primary Weapon 2
| Gravity Hammer || Melee || Melee || x2 || -2 || 4 || When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the To Hit roll.
| Tyrant Gun || 96" || 9 || 2 || Primary Weapon 3, Melta, Skyfire, Interceptor
| Titanic Stride || Melee || Melee || User || -3 || 3 || Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1.
| Greater Titanic Stride || Melee || Melee || User || -4 || 4 || Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1.
===Ranged Weaponry===
'''Covenant Plasma Weapons'''- ''The Covenant chiefly employs a wide variety of plasma weapons in their arsenal, although not quite as destructive as their 40,000 counterparts. Complex force containment chambers gleaned from the Forerunners, however, allow their weapons to be wielded much more safely, with no risk of harm to the user, somewhat like Tau pulse and plasma weaponry.'' A large number of Covenant plasma weapons will have a secondary Overcharged profile that can be used instead of the normal profile given. If you choose to fire the Overcharged profile, the whole squad armed with the same exact weapon must do so as well. You may only use the Overcharged profile once per game, for each weapon with this rule. The only exception to this is the Plasma Caster which can use its overcharged profile as many times as possible.
'''Covenant Needler Weapons'''- ''More specialized weapons in the Covenant armory fire armor piercing crystal shards that have a limited tracking intelligence that allows for fired needles to hit targets unerringly. When these shards manage to penetrate armor they then explode, causing massive trauma similar to that of an Imperial bolt weapon, though a reaction between a cluster of needles causes a much larger explosion more akin to a frag grenade.'' As such, all Needle weapons have the Rending special rule.
'''Brute Weapons'''- ''Brutes tend to use their own special brand of firearms, all of which features sharp blade attachments to make them more suitable for the melee of close combat that most Brutes favor.'' A ranged weapon with the Bladed special rule counts as a close combat weapon in melee combat. Brute Shots have two profiles. One for shooting and one for melee.
===Melee Weaponry===
'''Energy Sword'''- ''While the blade is composed of plasma, the sword‘s hilt is a magnetic field generator that projects two envelopes of magnetic energy, which contain the sword‘s plasma. With sufficient momentum and force an energy sword can cut into the thickest of armor.'' An energy sword is a power sword that grants +1 Strength and has the Rending special rule.
'''Gravity Hammer'''- ''A large hammer that excels as a powerful melee weapon and is a highly symbolic Jiralhane weapon that is analogous to the Sangheili's Energy Sword. The Gravity Hammer can also be used to manipulate gravity, allowing it to push opponents away or pull them towards the wielder, as well as deflecting incoming projectiles and in some cases, create a localized gravity well.'' The Gravity Hammer counts as a Two-Handed Thunder Hammer.

===Miscellaneous Equipment===
===Miscellaneous Equipment===
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'''Plasma Grenades'''- ''These are timed devices that can stick to enemy vehicles or infantry and explode with in burst of super-heated plasma.''  These count as Plasma Grenades against infantry and Krak grenades against vehicles and monstrous creatures.
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! Equipment !! Effect
'''Spike Grenades'''- ''The primary fragmentary armament of choice for Jiralhanae infantry, these explode in a hail of heated spikes that only the most foolhardy of enemies would take on directly.'' Counts as Frag grenades as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the Pinning special rule.
| Guardian Shield|| Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
'''Firebombs'''- ''Primary used by Jiralhanae elite infantry, these explode in a gout of flames that make a mockery of cover.'' Counts as offense grenades as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and may be thrown in the Shooting phase with the profile given in the equipment stats table above.
| Point Defense Gauntlet|| Add 2 to Armour Saving throws for a model equipped with a Point Defense Gauntlet (invulnerable saving throws are not affected).
'''Guardian Shield'''- ''A shield that is equipped to high ranking Unggoy, Kig-Yar and some light or immobile weapons and vehicles.'' It grants a 5++ invulnerable save.
| Skirmisher Gauntlet|| Add 1 to Armour Saving throws for a model equipped with a Skirmisher Gauntlet (invulnerable saving throws are not affected).
'''Sangheili Combat Harness'''- ''Worn by most ranks of Sangheili squad leaders and units, the regenerative energy shielding of the armor grants superb protection against most small arms fire, and even limited protection against heavier weaponry.'' It grants a 4+ armor save and 6++ invulnerable save.
| Vehicular Energy Shielding|| Each layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding has 3 shield points. While this model has any layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding, it has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. Each time a saving throw is failed for this model against ranged attacks, if it has Vehicular Energy Shielding, it does not suffer any damage. Instead, for each point of damage inflicted, one of its Vehicular Energy Shields loses a shield point. Once a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding has lost a shield point, it must continue to lose shield points due to any further damage inflicted until it collapses. Each time an attack causes a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding to be reduced to 0 shield points, that layer collapses, the model loses that layer and any excess damage inflicted is lost. Vehicular Energy Shielding can never be used to prevent mortal wounds, the bearer takes damage as normal. At the start of your command phase all layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding have their shield points restored, including the ones that have collapsed.
'''Sangheili Assault Harness'''- ''Only worn by high-ranking Sangheili officers, this incorporates stronger materials into the base armor, as well as a more powerful energy shield with a faster recharge rate.'' It grants a 3+ armor save and 5++ invulnerable save.
'''Jiralhanae Combat Harness'''- ''While most Jiralhanae prefer to rely on their natural toughness to ignore enemy firearms, a coming shift in power dictated that they don their armor once more. While lacking a more durable form of energy shielding, it provides a generous modicum of protection to its bearer.'' It grants a 4+ armor save.
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'''Jiralhanae Assault Harness'''- ''Worn by higher ranking Jiralhanae units, it still notably lacks a cohesive energy shield system, but is comparatively more durable and perfect for close-combat assaults.'' It grants a 3+ armor save.
'''Heroes Harness'''- ''This harness is worn by the greatest of the Covenant. The Councillors of the Sangheili and the War Chieftans of the Jiralhanae.'' It grants a 2+ armor save, a 4++ invulnerable save and +1 toughness.
'''Stealth Harness'''- ''Available in both Sangheili and Jiralhanae versions, this is granted to Covenant special forces and incorporates a cloaking field that renders the wearer nearly invisible. The Sangheili version does not have an energy shield since there is not enough power to maintain both an energy shield and cloaking mechanism.'' It grants a 4+ armor save and the Stealth and Shrouded special rules. Note that the bonuses from these special rules only apply to the models wearing the armor, it does not benefit models such as Independent Characters that have joined the unit.
'''Unggoy Harness'''- ''A simplistic design, it integrates a methane re-breather system for Grunts.'' Provides a 6+ armor save.
'''T'vaoan Armor'''- ''The Kig-Yar species prefer to wear light armor that allows a greater freedom of movement for both frontline units using Point Defense Gauntlets and Marksmen squads sneaking into position.'' It provides a 5+ armor save.
'''Bonded Armor'''- ''This armor is made from the same material that starship hulls are made from, only the mighty Sharquoi and Megalekgolo can carry its weight.'' Grants a 3+ armor save.
'''Point Defense Gauntlet'''- ''The signature equipment of Kig-Yar, it is a powerful energy shield in a more traditional form.''  Provides a 4+ cover save. However each additional time the unit is called upon to make a save in any phase, it takes a cumulative -1 save modifier until the next player turn.
'''Enhanced PD Gauntlet'''- ''A stronger form of the Point Defense Gauntlet that also features a faster recharge rate.'' Provides a 3+ cover save. However each additional time the unit is called upon to make a save in any phase, it takes a cumulative -1 save modifier until the next player turn.
'''Active Camouflage:'''- ''Unlike the Stealth Harness active camouflage is not meant to be used in combat. Merely to get into position.'' A unit with Active Camouflage has the Deep Strike and Infiltrate special rules and does not Scatter when Deep Striking. In addition the unit may Deep Strike into area terrain (though not impassable terrain) and may charge rather than shooting on the turn they Deep Strike.
===Vehicle Wargear===
'''Vehicular Energy Shielding'''- ''A powerful energy field protects the vehicle.'' Grants a 2++ invulnerable save. Each layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding only protects against a single glancing or penetrating hit per shooting phase and has no effect against melee attacks.

==Weapon Options==
==Weapon Options==
===Standard Weapons===
===Standard Weapons===
*Plasma Pistol(*): Free
*Plasma Pistol: Free
*Plasma Repeater: Free
*Plasma Repeater(*): Free
*Mauler(**): Free
*Mauler(**): Free
*Covenant Carbine: +1pt
*Covenant Carbine: +2pts
*Needle Rifle: +1pt
*Needle Rifle: +2pts
*Needler: +2pts
*Needler: +2pts
*Concussion Rifle(*): +5pts
*Concussion Rifle(*): +5pts
*Plasma Caster(*): +5pts
*Brute Shot(**): +5pts
*Brute Shot(**): +5pts
(*)''May only be taken by Elites.''
(*)''May only be taken by Elites and Prophets.''

(**)''May only be taken by Brutes.''
(**)''May only be taken by Brutes.''
===Precision Weapons===
===Precision Weapons===
*Focus Rifle: +5pts
*Focus Rifle: +5pts
*Beam Rifle: +10pts
*Beam Rifle: +10pts
===Special Weapons===
===Special Weapons===
*Fuel Rod Gun: +10pts
*Fuel Rod Gun: +5pts
*Plasma Cannon(*): +10pts
*Plasma Cannon(*): +10pts
*Plasma Caster(**): +10pts
*Energy Sword(**): +15pts for first Energy Sword, +5pts for second Energy Sword
*Energy Sword(***): +20pts
*Plasma Launcher: +20pts
*Plasma Launcher: +25pts
*Gravity Hammer(***): +25pts
*Gravity Hammer(****): +30pts
(*)''Only available to Grunts and HQ choices.''
(*)''Only available to Grunts and HQ choices.''

(**)''Not available to Grunts.''
(**)''Only available to Elites and Prophets.''
(***)''Only available to Elites.''

(****)''Only available to Brutes.''
(***)''Only available to Brutes.''

===Jackal Weapons===
===Jackal Weapons===
A model may replace its Plasma Pistol with a:
*Needler: +2pts
*Needler: +2pts
*Plasma Repeater(*): +5pts
*Plasma Repeater: Free
*Needle Rifle(*): +5pts
*Covenant Carbine: +2pts
*Covenant Carbine(*): +5pts
*Needle Rifle: +2pts
*Focus Rifle(*): +10pts
*Focus Rifle: +5pts
*Beam Rifle(*): +15pts
*Beam Rifle: +10pts
*Energy Sword(**): +20pts
*Energy Sword(*): +15pts
(*)''If a model has a defense gauntlet (of any of the three types) then this option also replaces the defense gauntlet and costs 5pts less.''
(*)''Champions only.''

(**)''Champions only.''
==Unique HQ Characters==
===Prophet of Regret===
''"I shall light the holy rings, release their cleansing flame, and burn a path TO THE DIVINE BEYOND!"'' ~The Prophet of Regret giving a speech that would cause the most devoted of Ecclesiarchs to descend into a weep of envy.

==Covenant Formations==
Rash, Violent, Immature, the High Prophet of Regret is an oddity among San'Shyuum in that he indulges in the culture and respect of the Sangheili. Specifically he disobeys the Writ of Union and fights alongside the Sangheili in battle. Despite this he does not go unprotected. His throne has powerful shields that make him nearly invulnerable to attack and Sentinels protect him at all costs.
Though these are all given a formation type, they only benefit from being a formation type in games of apocalypse.
===Mining Swarm of Absolution===
'''Formation Type''': Armoured Spearhead
'''Composition''': 3-5 Locusts

'''Special Rules''':
Power 9, Points per model 170
*Excavate: Two or more models in this formation may combine all of their shooting attacks that turn into a single attack. Nominate one Locust as the firer, and any number of others as contributors. All contributors must have line of sight to the firer. For the duration of that turn, the firing Locusts Boring Laser has the Twin-Linked special rule and uses whichever profile below is appropriate to the number of contributing to the number of contributing Locusts.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Regret|| 8" || 5+ || 4+ || 2 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 9 || -
| One Contributor|| 60" || 8 || 2 || Ordnance 1, Blast, Lance
| Sentinel|| 8" || 5+ || 5+ || 3 || 4 || 1 || 1 || 9 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:The Prophet of Regret is a single model armed with a Twin Fuel Rod Beam. Only one of this model may be included in your army. Regret's unit may include up to two Sentinel Healers (Power Rating +1 each/Points Cost +20 each), two Sentinel Protectors (Power Rating +1 each/Points Cost +20 each) and two Sentinel Defenders (Power Rating +1 each/Points Cost +20 each) Sentinel Defenders are armed with Sentinel Lasers.
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! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Two Contributors|| 72" || 9 || 1 || Ordnance 1, Large Blast, Lance
| Twin Fuel-Rod Beam|| 36" || Heavy 2 || 8 || -4 || D3+3 || -
| Three Contributors|| 84" || 10 || 1 || Ordnance 1, Massive Blast, Lance
| Sentinel Laser|| 24" || Assault 4 || 5 || -1 || 1 || Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target.
| Four Contributors|| 96" || D || 1 || Ordnance 1, Apocalyptic Blast
| Cleansing Beam|| 72" || Heavy D3 || 10 || -4 || D6 || Blast, This weapon can only be fired once per battle. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. When targeting units with 10 or more models, change this weapon’s Type to Heavy D6.
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<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
*For the Great Journey!
*Command Throne - Provides a 4+ invulnerable save.
*Protector - The Sentinel Protector grants a 6+ invulnerable save to the whole unit or improves its invulnerable save by 1 if it already has one.
*Healer - At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Sentinel Healer can attempt to heal or revive a single model. Select a friendly COVENANT unit within 3" of the Sentinel Healer. If that unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains D3 lost wounds. If the chosen unit contains no wounded models but one or more of its models have been slain during the battle, roll a D6. On a 4+ a single slain model is returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining. A unit can only be the target of the Healer ability once in each turn.
*Supreme Instrument of the Gods: Whilst The Prophet of Regret is on the battlefield, you may re-roll Morale tests for all friendly COVENANT units.
*The Prophet's Grace: Friendly COVENANT units within 6" of THE PROPHET OF REGRET may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords (The Prophet of Regret)''': CHARACTER, FLY, PROPHET, THE PROPHET OF REGRET
:'''Keywords (Sentinels)''': FLY, SENTINELS

===Regret's Wrath of the Gods===
===The Arbiter===
'''Formation Type''': Flyer Wing
''"My life matters not, only my skill in battle and the amount of terror I put in my foes would my death be forgiven"'' ~The Arbiter's Creed, recited before a battle.

'''Composition''': 3-5 Phantoms or Spirits
A highly skilled but dishonoured Elite, called The Arbiter when translated from the Covenant's common tongue, this once respected Supreme Commander is now shamed and must bear the weight of his title. It is required that any Arbiter must die in battlefields or missions to seek redemption in death. Clad in ritualistic armor in the coloring of silver, that is equipped with a ancient cloaking field which are then blessed from the sacred language and wards of the Holy Forerunners. He would then be gruesomely marked with the mark of shame, feeling all the pain, misery and shame he has bought to the Covenant. Showing no pity nor mercy, The Arbiter uses his skill of over a thousand battles and a hundred wars to slaughter and kill any enemy that stands in his way.

'''Special Rules''': Assault Vehicle
Power 8, Points per model 135
*Wrath of the Gods: Once per game, the formation leader may forgo its shooting in favor of calling down a cleansing beam with the following profile:
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|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Cleansing Beam|| Unlimited || 10 || 1 || Ordnance D3, Apocalyptic Barrage, Ignores Cover
| The Arbiter|| 6" || 2+ || 2+ || 4 || 4 || 5 || 5 || 9 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:The Arbiter is a single model armed with a Energy Sword, Plasma Rifle and Plasma Grenades. Your army may only include one ARBITER.
:'''Wargear Options''': May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
*For the Great Journey!
*Armor of the Arbiter: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save.
*Honor Before All Else: You can re-roll failed wound rolls of 1 for this model when attacking a CHARACTER or MONSTER in the Fight phase.
*Relentless Fury: : Roll a D6 each time this model loses his final wound; on a roll of 4+ that wound is not lost. In addition, if this model is slain in the Fight phase, once the unit that slew him has made its attacks, you can attack with him before removing his model as casualty, even if he has already attacked that phase.
*Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup The Arbiter as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Truth's Judgement of Fury===
===Jiazah 'Thogamee===
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
''"Afraid of a little thunder, blight? Then crawl underneath your wretched hole, for the thunder will strike you DEAD!"'' ~Jiazah 'Thogamee to Imperial Lord Algaezy Calriso

'''Composition''': 1+ Scarabs
The Supreme Grandmaster of the Ki-psyniotics and the Supreme Lieutenant of ''Darchron's Eternal Crusaders'', clad in a ritualistic silver armor of archaic origin and armed with an equally ornamental energy sword called ''Blight's Edge''. Jiazah 'Thogamee made his infamy throughout both Heltorous and Albameous sectors for his his mastery over Ki-psyniotics, so much so that he makes it an art-form. According to some Imperial reports, during a Chaos siege, Jiazah 'Thogamee manage to completely alter his Warp flow, so much so that he completely sucked the Warp powers like a "Psykic vampire" out of Chaos Champion, Alkazon the Lier, turning the Chaos Champion into a shriveled old man before being ripped apart by the Supreme Grandmaster himself.

'''Special Rules''':
Power 8, Points per model 160
*Judgement: If a Scarab from this formation shoots at a unit that has already been targeted by a different Scarab from this formation this phase, then the Scarab gets a +1 bonus to its Destroyer rolls and rolls on the vehicle damage chart.
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===Mercy's Holy Crusaders===
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
| Jiazah 'Thogamee|| 6" || 2+ || 2+ || 4 || 4 || 5 || 4 || 9 || 3+
*1-2 Elite Squads
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
*0-1 Stealth Elite Squads
:Jiazah 'Thogamee is a single model armed with Blight's Edge, a Plasma Rifle and Plasma Grenades. Your army may only include one JIAZAH 'THOGAMEE.
*0-1 Elite Ranger Squads
*0-1 Special Operations Units
*0-1 Heavy Elite Squads
'''Formation Restrictions''': A Special Operations Unit in this formation may not include any Special Operations Grunts.
'''Special Rules''':
*The Way of the Sword: The weapon skill of all units in the Formation is increased by 1.
*A Thousand Barbs: All weapons in the formation have the Rending special rule. If they already did, it rends on a 5+ instead. Unlike in other cases an Independent Character that joins this formation is affected by this rule.
===Covenant Aerial Swarm===
'''Formation Type''': Flyer Wing
'''Composition''': 3-5 Vampires
'''Special Rules''':
*Stasis Bomb: All Penetrating hits caused by the Stasis Beams of the Vampires in this formation automatically inflict a Crash and Burn result on the vehicle damage table when used against flyers.
*Vampirism Network: The Vampiric Repair special rule can by used to restore Hull Points to any Vampire in the Covenant Aerial Swarm, not just the one that inflicted the hit. Note that the Vampiric Repair special rule will still only restore a single hull point for each time that it damages a vehicle.
===Artifact Retrieval Team===
'''Formation Type''': High Command
'''Composition''': 3-10 Zealots (One of these may be The Arbiter and one of these may be Rtas 'Vadumee)
'''Formation Restrictions''': All of the Zealots in this formation must form a unit together that they can't leave and that can't be joined by additional Independent Characters. This is the exception to Independent Characters being unable to join The Arbiter.
'''Special Rules''':
*Take at All Costs: All models from this formation within 12" of an objective have the Zealot special rule.
*Field Marshall: One Zealot in this formation must be designated as the Field Marshall (if Rtas 'Vadumee is present then he is always the Field Marshall, The Arbiter can't be the Field Marshall). The Field Marshall has the following profile (unless he is Rtas 'Vadumee) and grants its unit the Relentless and Furious Charge special rules.
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|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Field Marshall|| 6 || 5 || 4 || 4 || 2 || 4 || 3 || 10 || 3+/5++
| Blight's Edge|| Melee || Melee || +1 || -3 || 2D3 || Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
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<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Wargear Options''': May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
*For the Great Journey!
*Councillor: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly SANGHEILI units within 6" of this model.
*Heroes Harness: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save.
:'''Psyker''': Jiazah 'Thogamee can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite power.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===High Court-Artisans of the Hierarchs===
===Rtas 'Vadumee===
'''Formation Type''': High Command
''"Shipmaster! They outnumber us three to one!"- "Then it is an even fight. All cruisers, fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!"'' ~A Sangheili tactical officer and 'Vadumee, just before the battle of Installation 00.

Leader of the entire Spec-Ops division and ship master of the ''Shadow of Intent'' and de-facto commander of the ''Fleet of Retribution'', Rtas Vadumee or more commonly known to his troops and enemies as "Half jaw" has seen multiple wars, some of which can drive even the most harden veteran into insanity. Mastering every weapon in the Covenant arsenal, even the brutish and crude Jiralhanae weapons, as well as being the most skilled Spec-Ops Commander to date. Rtas Vadumee has been known to be so skilled in the Energy Sword that he once challenged and won against two Dark Eldar Succubi from the Poisoned fang Kabal in a Duel over the Planet Bushurn III, to protect his men from being stolen away by the alien witches. It is said he lost part of his jaw after a clash with another Sangheili who has been infected by the Great Parasite, a long time ago.
*3-5 Councillors (One of these may be Jiazah 'Thogamee)
*1 unit of Honour Guard for each Councillor
'''Formation Restrictions''': Each Councillor must join a different unit of Honour Guard, and may not leave the unit during the battle.
'''Special Rules''':
*The Passion: All Sangheili within 12" of any Councillor have the And They Shall Know No Fear and Hatred special rules.
===Mgalekgolo Bond-Swarm===
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
*0-2 Thanlekgolo Behemoths
*3-6 Megalekgolo Bonded Pairs
'''Special Rules''':
*Bonded Swarm: If one unit in the formation successfully hits a target in the shooting phase, all further shooting attacks from units in this formation against the targeted unit are twin-linked for the rest of the turn.
===Sharquoi Stampede===
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
'''Composition''': 3-6 Sharquoi
'''Special Rules''': Fleet, Rampage
*Stampede!: Providing they are within 2" of at least two other models from their formation, models in a Sharquoi Stampede inflict D6 Hammer of Wrath attacks when charging instead of 1.
===Gods Hammer===
'''Formation Type''': Armoured Spearhead
*1 Shadow
*3 Wraith Squadrons
'''Formation Restrictions''': Each Wraith Squadron must have 3 Wraiths and all of the Wraiths in this formation must have a Heavy Plasma Mortar.

'''Special Rules''':
Power 7, Points per model 115
*Pounding Barrage: If all of the squadrons in the Gods Hammer artillery company are within 6" of the formations Shadow in the shooting phase, then the entire company may coordinate its fire into a Pounding Barrage. If this option is used, the vehicles in this formation may not make any other shooting attacks this turn. The Pounding Barrage is a shooting attack with the following profile. The attack is assumed to have been made by the Shadow for the purposes of line of sight, range and so on.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Pounding Barrage || 12"-48" || 8 || 2 || Ordnance X, Apocalyptic Barrage, Ignores Cover, Pinning, Pummel
| Rtas 'Vadumee|| 6" || 2+ || 2+ || 4 || 3 || 5 || 4 || 9 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:Rtas 'Vadumee is a single model armed with a Energy Sword, Plasma Rifle and Plasma Grenades. Your army may only include one RTAS 'VADUMEE.
:'''Wargear Options''': May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
*For the Great Journey!
*Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup Rtas 'Vadumee as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
*Spec-Ops Commander of the Covenant: A detachment containing Rtas 'Vadumee may take SPECIAL OPERATIONS units as Troops choices.
*Swordmaster: Melee attacks with a roll of 6 To Wound inflict an additional Mortal Wound.
*Zealot: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly SANGHEILI units that are within 6" of this model.
*Assault Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

*Pummel: X is equal to the number of Wraiths firing.
[[File:Concept-Tartarus-Crop.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Tartarus in all his [[Awesome|Mohawk Glory.]]]]''"*Growls* Your head would make a good trophy Angelos, *Sniffs* and your flesh would fill the bellies of my brothers"- "Then hurry up and take my flesh if you so need it Xeno, but I warn you that I won't go down easily"- "With pleasure"'' ~Chieftain of the Jiralhanae Tartarus and Chapter Master of the [[Blood Ravens|Blood Ravens]] [[Gabriel Angelos|Gabriel Angelos]], before their fight on Hyphurus III...what an [[Asdrubael Vect|Ass]].
===Jiralhanae Royal Hunting Pack===
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
*1+ Chieftans (One of these may be Tartarus)
*3+ Brute Packs
*2+ Elite Jiralhanae Units
*0+ Brute Jumpack Squads
'''Special Rules''': Feel No Pain, Rage
===Unggoy Swarm===
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
*1+ Deacons (One of these may be Dadab)
*6+ units of Unggoy Lances
'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!
*Endless Horde: Each Unggoy Lance that is removed as a casualty gets placed in reserves if a 4+ is rolled on a D6 dice roll.
===Swarm of Terror===
'''Formation Type''': Battle Formation
'''Composition''': 3-10 Yan'me Squads
'''Formation Restrictions''': Each squad must have a Patriarch.
'''Special Rules''': Fearless
*'''Blot out the Sun''': All units from this formation have the Fear special rule on the turn that they Deep Strike. In addition, they may charge on the turn they Deep Strike.
==Unique HQ Characters==
===Prophet of Regret - 230pts===
''"I will light the holy rings! release its cleansing flame! and burn a path TO THE DIVINE BEYOND!"'' ~Prophet of Regret giving a speech that would cause the most devoted of Ecclesiarchs to descend into a weep of envy.

Rash, Violent, Immature, the High Prophet of Regret is an oddity among San'Shyuum in that he indulges in the culture and respect of the Sangheili. Specifically he disobeys the Writ of Union and fights alongside the Sangheili in battle. Despite this he does not go unprotected. His throne has powerful shields that make him nearly invulnerable to attack and Sentinels protect him at all costs.
Often called in formality as the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae, Tartarus possesses skill and power unlike anything fought in the Covenant, strong, arrogant, brutish but cunning, Tartarus uses dirty tricks to fool his enemies into making a fatal mistake. Shielded by an Energy Barrier unlike anything seen by the Imperium, this shield grants him all but immunity to all but the most powerful Imperial Weapons, vulnerable to only a very few weapons. Armed with but a single Ancient Gravity Hammer called "Fist of Rukt" by his soldiers, this old but very powerful weapon was reported to create vortexes and miniature black holes as it manipulates and uses the power of gravity. He was also known as the king of assholes, and in a place where leaders would kill other leaders for the [[lulz|lulz]] and where supposed "Friends" would send your entire family to death because it is funny, that is saying something.

Power 9, Points per model 180
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Regret|| 2 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 1 || 10 || 2+/4++
| Tartarus|| 5" || 2+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 6 || 5 || 9 || 2+
| Sentinel|| 2 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 10 || 4+
:Tartarus is a single model armed with The Fist of Rukt, a Spiker and Firebombs. Your army may only include one TARTARUS.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': The Prophet of Regret
:'''Unit Type''': Jetpack Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked Fuel Rod Beam
*'''Command Throne'''- ''The Command Throne is standard for every High Prophet and allows them to hover above their subordinates in order to command them. The Throne itself is more than just a symbol of office, it contains powerful shields and weapons to protect the Prophet in case of attack.'' Provides a 2+ Armor save and 4++ invulnerable save. It is equipped with a Twin-linked Fuel Rod Beam.
*'''Protector'''- ''The Protectors provide additional shielding.'' The Sentinel Protector grants a 5++ invulnerable save to the whole unit or improves its invulnerable save by 1 if it already has one.
*'''Healer'''- ''The mechanisms of the Healers knit flesh back together and reassemble vehicle hulls.'' Grants the It Will Not Die special rule to any vehicle model within 3" of a Sentinel Healer and the Feel No Pain special rule to the Sentinel Healer's unit.
* Sentinel Laser (Sentinel Defender only)
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Sentinel Laser|| 24" || 5 || 5 || Assault 3
| The Fist of Rukt|| Melee || Melee || x2 || -3 || 4 || When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved with a Damage of 6.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Wargear Options''': May replace his Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons lists.
* May take two Sentinel Defenders for 20 points each.
* May take two Sentinel Protectors for 20 points each.
*For the Great Journey!
* May take two Sentinel Healers for 20 points each.
*Heroes Harness: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Writ of Union, The Prophet's Grace
*Our Time is Now!: Friendly JIRALHANAE INFANTRY units within 6" of this model at the start of the Charge phase can charge even if they Advanced this turn.
*'''Sentinels''': If Regret takes any Sentinels he can still join units. If he leaves the unit, his Sentinels leave with him. If Regret is killed while part of a unit, his Sentinels become part of that unit; and he has, for the purposes of Victory Points, been killed. If the Regret is killed while not in a unit, the surviving Sentinels remain. The Sentinels can no longer join units.
*Chieftain: Friendly JIRALHANAE INFANTRY units within 6" of this model may re-roll failed Charge rolls.
*'''Regret's Wrath''': Once per game Regret may call down a glassing beam from an orbiting Covenant Cruiser, provided he did not move the preceding Movement phase.  It has the following profile:
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
''"Preach, yes, a good thing! But sometimes me head says that too much preaching can leave the rest of the runts sleepy..."'' ~Dadab and one of his many "Influential" Speeches...
One of the most influential Unggoy, Dadab may lack the skill or firepower in a battlefield, but his inspiring aspect and influence is enough to change the tide of battles. Garbed in ceremonial white tunic that is more formal then even an average Deacon, and armed with a Legendary Plasma Pistol named "The Call of Balaho", Dadab carries around several Holy Chimes and a Covenant Holy Mural. Even the most humble of Unggoy become something fiercer in the presence of his oratory.  He is one of the best supportive HQ Characters, and could be essential in changing the tide of wars and battles, and might even save someone from certain defeat. Ironically, he is one of the select few in the Covenant who can use his powers for the most part without restraint and free from fear of suffering like the likes of undisciplined  Elites and even Brutes.
Power 2, Points per model 30
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Cleansing Beam|| Unlimited || 10 || 1 || Ordnance D3, Apocalyptic Barrage, Ignores Cover
| Dadab|| 5" || 4+ || 3+ || 2 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 7 || 6+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
*'''Supreme Instrument of the Gods''': All friendly units within 12" with the For the Great Journey! special rule may use Regret's leadership for Morale, pinning and Regroup tests. However, if Regret is removed as a casualty in a mission that uses victory points then your opponent gains 1 additional victory point.
:Dadab is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades and a Guardian Shield. Your army may only include one Dadab.
:'''Warlord Trait''': Servant of the Abiding Truth
:'''Wargear Options''': May replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler or an item from the Special Weapons list.
*For the Great Journey!
*Litanies of Fury!: Friendly UNGGOY INFANTRY units within 6" of this model can re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1.
*Deacon: This model cannot be your Warlord. Increase the leadership of all Covenant units within 6” of Dadab by 1.
*Zeal: Friendly UNGGOY infantry units within 6" of this model during the charge phase can activate their Plasma Grenades and hurl themselves at the enemy in a suicidal charge. The enemy can Overwatch early to gun the Grunt(s) down but cannot Overwatch later on in the phase if they do so. For each Grunt that successfully reaches within 1" of the enemy unit, inflicts an attack as if they were using their Plasma Grenades that automatically hits. The Grunts chosen to assault the enemy are now removed from play, even if they did not reach the enemy.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===The Arbiter - 215pts===
==HQ Units==
''"My life matters not, only my skill in battle and the amount of terror I put in my foes would my death be forgiven"'' ~The Arbiter just before a war.
===Sangheili Councillor===
Power 5, Points per model 70

A highly skilled but dishonoured Elite, called The Arbiter when translated from the Covenant's common tongue, this once respected Supreme Commander is now shamed and must bear the weight of his title. It is required that any Arbiter must die in battlefields or missions to seek redemption in death. Clad in ritualistic armor in the coloring of silver, that is equipped with a ancient cloaking field which are then blessed from the sacred language and wards of the Holy Forerunners. He would then be gruesomely marked with the mark of shame, feeling all the pain, misery and shame he has bought to the Covenant. Showing no pity nor mercy, The Arbiter uses his skill of over a thousand battles and a hundred wars to slaughter and kill any enemy that stands in his way.  
''"Only the faithful lives"'' ~Motto of the Councillors.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| The Arbiter|| 6 || 5 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 5 || 4 || 10 || 3+/5++
| Councillor|| 6" || 2+ || 2+ || 4 || 4 || 5 || 4 || 9 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Arbiter
:A Councillor is a single model armed with 2 Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Unique)
:'''Wargear Options''': The Councillor may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
:'''Wargear''': Master Crafted Energy Sword, Plasma Rifle, CCW, Plasma Grenades, Active Camouflage
*'''Armor of the Arbiter''': ''The traditional armor worn by every Arbiter. Before the position of The Arbiter became one of disgrace it was the greatest armor available to any Elite but has seen been surpassed by newer designs. Due to the suicidal nature of their missions, the armor tends to be destroyed or irrecoverable when the Arbiter dies so a new suit is made for each Arbiter, though with no deviance from the original design out of tradition.'' Provides a 3+ armor save and a 5++ Invulnerable save. Once per game, at the beginning of your movement phase, the Arbiter may benefit from the Stealth and Shrouding special rules until the beginning of your next turn.
*For the Great Journey!
:'''Special Rules''': Fearless, Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain, It Will Not Die, Rage
*Councillor: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly SANGHEILI units within 6" of this model.
*'''Honor Before All Else''': The Arbiter must always issue and accept challenges when in close combat. If an enemy refuses to fight him, he will immediately gain an additional D3+3 Attacks as he attempts to hack his way to the offending "leader"
*Heroes Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
*'''Relentless Fury''': Every roll of 6 to hit immediately generates an additional attack.  These attacks may not generate further additional attacks.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*'''Disgraced''': The Arbiter cannot be joined by Independent Characters.
:'''Warlord Trait''': Into the Fray
:'''Options''': May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.

=== Jiazah 'Thogamee - 220pts ===
===Sangheili Zealot===
''"Afraid of a little thunder, Child? Then crawl underneath your wretched hole for the thunder will strike you DEAD!"'' ~Jiazah 'Thogamee to Imperial Lord, Algaezy Calriso
Power 4, Points per model 55
The Supreme Grandmaster of the Ki-psyniotics and the Supreme Lieutenant of ''Darchron's Eternal Crusaders'', clad in a ritualistic silver armor of archaic origin and armed with an equally ornamental energy sword called ''Blight's Edge''. Jiazah 'Thogamee made his infamy throughout both Heltorous and Albameous sectors for his his mastery over Ki-psyniotics, so much so that he makes it an art-form. According to some Imperial reports, during a Chaos siege, Jiazah 'Thogamee manage to completely alter his Warp flow, so much so that he completely sucked the Warp powers like a "Psykic vampire" out of Chaos Champion, Alkazon the Lier, turning the Chaos Champion into a shriveled old man before being ripped apart by the Supreme Grandmaster himself.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Jiazah 'Thogamee|| 6 || 5 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 5 || 3 || 10 || 2+/4++
| Zealot|| 6" || 2+ || 3+ || 4 || 3 || 4 || 3 || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': Jiazah 'Thogamee
:A Zealot is a single model armed with 2 Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Unique)
:'''Wargear Options''': The Zealot may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons, Precision Weapons or Special Weapons list.
:'''Wargear''': Heroes Harness, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Grenades, CCW
*'''Blight's Edge''': ''After slaying Alkazon the Liar - a San'Shyuum who betrayed the Covenant and swore himself to the Chaos Gods - Jiazah 'Thogamee was approached by mysterious beings. They gave him this Energy Sword as recognition of his abilities. The sword itself is capable of resonating with Jiazah's psychic powers, something no San'Shyuum has been able to replicate in later designs.'' The Blight's Edge is an Energy Sword with the Force special rule.
*For the Great Journey!
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Independent Character, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Hated Rivals
*Assault Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
*'''Guardians of Sanctity''': Jiazah 'Thogamee allows you to take 0-3 units of Honour Guard instead of the usual one per Councillor/Enforcer. In addition, these units have the Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1) special rule and may generate their powers from the Biomancy, Pyromancy or Daemonology psychic disciplines.
*Zealot: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly SANGHEILI units that are within 6" of this model.
:'''Psychic Powers''': Jiazah 'Thogamee may generate his powers from the Biomancy, Pyromancy and Daemonology disciplines. In addition, he knows the Psychic Vampirism psychic power which does not count against the number of powers he may generate.
*Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup the Zealot as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
*'''Psychic Vampirism''': Warp Charge 1. Psychic Vampirism is a malediction that targets a unit within 24" of Jiazah 'Thogamee, while this power is in effect, the target unit has it's Psychic Mastery Level reduced by 1 (possibly making them no longer a Psyker until this power ends), is not affected by things like Chaos Marks or Chaos Icons, loses any Chaos Boons gained from the Champion of Chaos special rule and suffers a -1 penalty to its invulnerable save if it's a Daemon.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Warlord Trait''': Hand of the Forerunners
:'''Options''': May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons lists.
===Rtas 'Vadumee - 175pts ===
''"Ship-Master! they outnumber us three to one!"- "Then it is an even fight. All cruisers, fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!"'' ~Rtas 'Vadumee over a minor Jiralhanae uprising.

Leader of the entire Spec-Ops division and ship master of the ''Shadow of Intent'' and de-facto commander of the ''Fleet of Retribution'', Rtas Vadumee or more commonly known to his troops and enemies as "Half jaw" has seen multiple wars, some of which can drive even the most harden veteran into insanity. Mastering every weapon in the Covenant arsenal, even the brutish and crude Jiralhanae weapons, as well as being the most skilled Spec-Ops Commander to date. Rtas Vadumee has been known to be so skilled in the Energy Sword that he once challenged and won against two Dark Eldar Succubi from the Poisoned fang Kabal in a Duel over the Planet Bushurn III, to protect his men from being stolen away by the alien witches. It is said he lost part of his jaw after a clash with another Sangheili who has been infected by the Great Parasite, a long time ago.
===Brute Chieftain===
Power 4, Points per model 55
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Rtas 'Vadumee|| 7 || 5 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 5 || 3 || 10 || 3+/5++
| War Chieftain|| 5" || 2+ || 3+ || 4 || 5 || 5 || 5 || 9 || 3+
| Chieftain|| 5" || 2+ || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': Rtas 'Vadumee
:A Chieftain is a single model armed with 2 Spikers, a Guardian Shield and Spike Grenades. The Chieftain may be replaced with a War Chieftain (Power Rating +1/Points Cost +20)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Unique)
:'''Wargear Options''': The Chieftain may replace one or more of his Spikers for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
:'''Wargear''': Sangheili Assault Harness, Plasma Grenades, Plasma Rifle, Energy Sword, CCW, Active Camouflage
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Independent Character, Hated Rivals
*For the Great Journey!
*'''Spec-Ops Commander of the Covenant''': A detachment containing Rtas 'Vadumee may take Special Operations Units as Troops choices.
*Chieftain: Friendly JIRALHANAE INFANTRY units within 6" of this model may re-roll failed Charge rolls.
*'''Swordmaster''': Melee attacks with a roll of 6 To Wound have the Instant Death special rule.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Warlord Trait''': Master of Melee
:'''Options''': May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
===Tartarus - 220pts===
[[File:Concept-Tartarus-Crop.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Tartarus in all his [[Awesome|Mohawk Glory.]]]]''"*Growls* Your head would make a good trophy Angelos, *Sniffs* and your flesh would fill the bellies of my brothers"- "Then hurry up and take my flesh if you so need it Xeno, but I warn you that I won't go down easily"- "With pleasure"'' ~Tartarus towards Chapter Master of the [[Blood Ravens|Blood Ravens]], [[Gabriel Angelos|Gabriel Angelos]], before their fight in Hyphurus III...what an [[Asdrubael Vect|Ass]].

Often called in formality as the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae, Tartarus possesses skill and power unlike anything fought in the Covenant, strong, arrogant, brutish but cunning, Tartarus uses dirty tricks to fool his enemies into making a fatal mistake. Shielded by an Energy Barrier unlike anything seen by the Imperium, this shield grants him all but immunity to all but the most powerful Imperial Weapons, vulnerable to only a very few weapons. Armed with but a single Ancient Gravity Hammer called "Fist of Ruckt" by his soldiers, this old but very powerful weapon was reported to create vortexes and miniature black holes as it manipulates and uses the power of gravity. He was also known as the king of assholes, and in a place where leaders would kill other leaders for the [[lulz|lulz]] and where supposed "Friends" would send your entire family to death because it is funny, that is saying something.
===San'Shyuum Enforcer===
Power 2, Points per model 30
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Enforcer|| 4" || 5+ || 5+ || 2 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 9 || -
| Tartarus|| 6 || 4 || 5 || 5 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 10 || 2+/4++
| Prelate|| 4" || 2+ || 3+ || 3 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 9 || 3+
:'''Unit Composition''': Tartarus
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Unique)
:An Enforcer is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol and Guardian Shield. The Enforcer may be replaced with a Prelate (Power Rating +3/Points Cost +35) armed with a two Plasma Rifles and a Guardian Shield.
:'''Wargear''': Heroes Harness, Spiker, Spike Grenades
:'''Wargear Options''': Prelates may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
*'''The Fist of Rukt''': ''The Fist of Rukt is a ceremonial weapon used by the Chieftan of the Jiralhanae. It is the most ancient of all Gravity Hammers, as evident by still being made of wood and stone with new technology only incorporated into it.'' The Fist of Rukt is a Master-crafted Gravity Hammer that has the Knock Down special rule. In addition, at the beginning of each Assault phase, Tartarus may target D3 models in base contact to be caught in his hammer's Flux Vortex if he passes an Initiative check. These models count as WS 1 for the duration of the Assault phase.
:'''Special Rules''': Eternal Warrior, Fearless, For the Great Journey!, Hammer of Wrath, Independent Character, Hated Rivals
*For the Great Journey!
*'''Our Time Is Now!''': All Jiralhanae models have the Crusader special rule as long as Tartarus is alive and on the field.
*The Prophet's Grace: Friendly COVENANT units within 6" of PROPHET may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.
:'''Warlord Trait''': To Retreat is Heresy
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Options''': May replace his Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.

===Dadab - 50pts===
''"Preach, yes, a good thing! But sometimes me head says that too much preaching can leave the rest of the runts sleepy..."'' ~Dadab and one of his many "Influential" Speeches...
Power 1, Points per model 15
One of the most influential Unggoy, Dadab may lack the skill or firepower in a battlefield, but his inspiring aspect and influence is enough to change the tide of battles. Garbed in ceremonial white tunic that is more formal then even an average Deacon, and armed with a Legendary Plasma Pistol named "The Call of Balaho", Dadab carries around several Holy Chimes and a Covenant Holy Mural. Even the most humble of Unggoy become something fiercer in the presence of his oratory.  He is one of the best supportive HQ Characters, and could be essential in changing the tide of wars and battles, and might even save someone from certain defeat. Ironically, he is one of the select few in the Covenant who can use his powers for the most part without restraint and free from fear of suffering like the likes of undisciplined  Elites and even Brutes.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Dadab|| 3 || 4 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 9 || 6+/5++
| Deacon|| 5" || 4+ || 3+ || 2 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 6+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': Dadab
:A Deacon is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Unique)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Master-crafted Plasma Pistol, Unggoy Harness, Guardian Shield, Plasma Grenades
*May replace it's Plasma Pistol with a Needler
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Independent Character, Zeal, Deacon
*May take a Guardian Shield
*'''Litanies of Fury''': A squad that includes Dadab may re-roll all failed rolls to hit for shooting and close combat attacks.
*Deacon: This model cannot be your Warlord.
*For the Great Journey!
*Zeal: Friendly UNGGOY infantry units within 6" of this model during the charge phase can activate their Plasma Grenades and hurl themselves at the enemy in a suicidal charge. The enemy can Overwatch early to gun the Grunt(s) down but cannot Overwatch later on in the phase if they do so. For each Grunt that successfully reaches within 1" of the enemy unit, inflicts an attack as if they were using their Plasma Grenades that automatically hits. The Grunts chosen to assault the enemy are now removed from play, even if they did not reach the enemy.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

==HQ Units==
===Honor Guard===
===Sangheili Councillor - 110pts===
Power 2, Points per model 45
''"Only the faithful lives"'' ~Motto of the Councillors.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Elite Guard|| 6" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 4 || 2 || 2 || 8 || 3+
| Councillor|| 6 || 5 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 5 || 3 || 10 || 2+/4++
| Brute Guard|| 5" || 3+ || 4+ || 4 || 5 || 2 || 3 || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Councillor
:This unit contains 2 Elite Guards or 2 Brute Guards. The unit may contain 2 additional Guards (the entire unit must be the same species, Power Rating +2). All guards are armed with Honor Pikes (count as Energy Swords). Elite Guards are also armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades and Brute Guards are also armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades.
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': 2 Plasma Rifles, CCW, Heroes Harness, Plasma Grenades
*Any Elite Guard may replace its Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Independent Character, Hated Rivals
*Any Brute Guard may replace its Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
*Any Brute Guard may take Firebombs: +2pts each
*The Councillor may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
*May be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1). The Councillor may generate its powers from the Pyromancy, Biomancy or Daemonology tables: +25pts
*For the Great Journey!
*Heroes Harness (Elite Guard): Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
*'''You Will Not Lay A Hand Upon Him!''': Roll a D6 each time a friendly COVENANT CHARACTER loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this unit can intercept that hit – the CHARACTER does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords (Elite Guard)''': SANGHEILI, INFANTRY, HONOUR GUARD
:'''Keywords (Brute Guard)''': JIRALHANAE, INFANTRY, HONOUR GUARD

===Sangheili Zealot - 50pts===
===Honor Guard Ultra===
Power 4, Points per model 70
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Zealot|| 5 || 5 || 4 || 3 || 2 || 5 || 2 || 9 || 3+/5++
| Elite Guard Ultra|| 6" || 2+ || 3+ || 4 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 8 || 3+
| Brute Guard Ultra|| 5" || 2+ || 4+ || 4 || 5 || 4 || 5 || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Zealot
:The Honor Guard Ultra is a single model armed with an Honor Pike (count as a Energy Sword). Elite Guard Ultras are also armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades and Brute Guard Ultras are also armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades.
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': 2 Plasma Rifles, CCW, Sangheili Assault Harness, Plasma Grenades
*Any Elite Guard Ultra may replace its Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Independent Character, Hated Rivals
*Any Brute Guard Ultra may replace its Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
*A Brute Guard Ultra may take Firebombs: +2pts each
*May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
*For the Great Journey!
*May take Active Camouflage: +15pts
*Heroes Harness (Elite Guard): Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
*May be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1). The Zealot may generate its powers from the Pyromancy, Biomancy or Daemonology tables: +25pts
*'''You Will Not Lay A Hand Upon Him!''': Roll a D6 each time a friendly COVENANT CHARACTER loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this unit can intercept that hit – the CHARACTER does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Brute Chieftain - 65pts===
===Jackal (Kig'yar) Champion===
Power 2, Points per model 25
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| War Chieftain|| 6 || 4 || 4 || 5 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 10 || 2+/4++
| Jackal Champion|| 6" || 4+ || 2+ || 2 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 5+
| Chieftain|| 5 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 2 || 4 || 3 || 9 || 3+/5++
| Skirmisher Champion|| 8" || 3+ || 2+ || 3 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 5+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Chieftain
:The Jackal Champion is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol. It may be replaced with a Skirmisher Champion
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': 2 Spikers, Heroes Harness (War Chieftain), Assault Harness (Chieftain), Guardian Shield (Chieftain), Spike Grenades
*Any Champion may take an item from the Jackal Weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Furious Charge, Independent Character, Hated Rivals
*A Jackal Champion armed with a Plasma Pistol, Needler or Energy Sword may take a Point Defense Gauntlet.
*A Skirmisher Champion armed with a Plasma Pistol, Needler or Energy Sword may take a Skirmisher Gauntlert.
*May upgrade the Chieftain to a War Chieftain: +60pts
*The Chieftain may take Flame Grenades: +5pts
*Champion: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly KIG'YAR units within 6" of this model.
*The Chieftain may replace one or more of his Spikers for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons lists.
*Sneaky (Jackal Champion): During deployment, you may setup the Jackal Champion as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
*May be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1). The Chieftain may generate its powers from the Pyromancy, Biomancy or Daemonology tables: +25pts
*Swift (Skirmisher Champion): At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 8". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===San'Shyuum Enforcer - 30pts===
===Grunt (Unggoy) Lance===
Power 2, Points per model 3
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Enforcer|| 2 || 2 || 2 || 2 || 2 || 2 || 1 || 10 || 5++
| Grunt|| 5" || 5+ || 5+ || 2 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 4 || 6+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Enforcer
:This unit contains 10 Grunts armed with Plasma Pistols and Plasma grenades. The unit may contain 10 additional Grunts (Power Rating +1) or 20 additional Grunts (Power Rating +2)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Plasma Pistol, Guardian Shield
*For every 10 Grunts, one Grunt may take an item from the Special Weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Independent Character
*Any Grunt may replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +2pts each
*'''Writ of Union''': ''This historical writ divides the various species of the covenant into specified roles. Since the San'Shyuum are specified as being religious leaders they are not supposed to fight.'' A unit may still use the Enforcers leadership even if he refuses a challenge.
:'''Abilities''' - Mob Up: If a unit of Grunts includes 20 or more models, you can add 1 to their hit rolls.
*'''Instrument of the Gods''': ''The San'Shyuum, as the religious leaders of the covenant, are considered closest to the forerunners.'' All models from Codex: The Covenant within 12" of the Enforcer may use his leadership for Morale, Pinning and Regroup tests. If the Enforcer is removed as a casualty in a game with victory points then your opponent gains 1 additional victory point.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*'''The Prophets Grace''': All allied units within 12" have the Relentless and Preferred Enemy special rules.
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, UNGGOY
:'''Options''': May be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1). The Enforcer may generate its powers from the Divination, Telepathy or Daemonology tables: +25pts

===Deacon - 15pts===
===Jackal (Kig-Yar) Lance===
You may include one Deacon for every filled HQ choice or Troops choice in a Covenant detachment. They do not take up a Force Organisation slot, and do not qualify as a mandatory HQ selection. Before the battle, immediately after determining Warlord Traits, each Deacon must be assigned to a different unit from the following list, which they then cannot leave: Grunt Lances, Heavy Grunt Squads, Special Operations Unit and Shade Turrets. Only one Deacon can join each unit in this manner.
Power 2, Points per model 7
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Deacon|| 3 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 8 || 6+
| Jackal|| 6" || 5+ || 3+ || 2 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 5+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Deacon
:This unit contains 5 Jackals armed with Plasma Pistols. The unit may contain 5 additional Jackals (Power Rating +2) or 10 additional Jackals (Power Rating +4) or 15 additional Jackals (Power Rating +6).
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Plasma Pistol, Unggoy Harness, Plasma Grenades
*Any model replace their Plasma Pistol with an item from the Jackal Weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!
*Any model armed with a Plasma Pistol or Needler may take a Point Defense Gauntlet
*'''Zeal''': If a Grunt Lance or Special Operation unit has a Deacon present, then in the Shooting phase, you may sacrifice any number of Grunts to activate his Plasma Grenades and charge at an enemy unit. The enemy unit may choose to Overwatch early in order to gun the Grunt(s) down but cannot Overwatch in the following Assault phase if they do so. For each Grunt that successfully charges, resolve two S6 AP4 hits on the unit, allocated as if this was a shooting attack. The Grunts chosen to assault the enemy are now removed from play, even if they did not reach their opponent.
*'''Deacon''': ''The rank of Deacon is the highest rank an Unggoy can have but is still lower than the lowest ranks of all the other species.'' A Deacon may never be your warlord.
*Sneaky: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*May replace it's Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +3pts
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, KIG'YAR
*May take any of the following:
:-Guardian Shield: +15pts
:-Active Camouflage: +15pts
* May be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1). The Deacon may generate its powers from the Telekinesis, Telepathy or Daemonology tables: +25pts

===Honor Guard - 105pts===
===Elite (Sangheili) Squad===
A unit of Honor Guard may be taken for each Sangheili Councilor, San'Shyuum Enforcer or Brute Warchieftan (including the Prophet of Regret, Jiazah 'Thogamee and Chieftain Tartarus) taken as an HQ choice. The Honor Guard unit counts as an HQ choice but does not take up a slot on the FOC.
Power 4, Points per model 10
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Elite Guard|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 9 || 3+/5++
| Elite Guard Ultra|| 5 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 4 || 3 || 9 || 3+/5++
| Elite|| 6" || 4+ || 4+ || 4 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 4+
| Brute Guard|| 4 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 1 || 3 || 3 || 9 || 3+
| Elite Ultra|| 6" || 4+ || 4+ || 4 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 3+
| Brute Guard Ultra|| 5 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 1 || 3 || 4 || 9 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 3 Elite Guards or 3 Brute Guards (They must be Elites if taken to guard a Sangheili Councillor)
:This unit contains 4 Elites and 1 Elite Ultra armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Elites (Power Rating +2) or 10 additional Elites (Power Rating +2).
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Ultras are Characters)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Honor Pike, Plasma Rifle (Elites), CCW (Elites), Plasma Grenades (Elites), Spiker (Brutes), Spike Grenades (Brutes)
*Any model may replace their Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
*'''Honor Armor''': Counts as an improved version of each race's respective Assault Harness, that also grants +1 Toughness (included in the given profiles)
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts each
*'''Honor Pike'''- ''The primary weapon of choice for Honor Guard units, with a long reach and penetrating tip, it is an elegant tool used to defend the Prophets.'' Honor Pikes are Two-Handed weapons that grant +2 strength and is AP4. When charging or Counter-Attacking the Honor Pike grants +3 strength and is AP3.
*For the Great Journey!
*May take up to 2 additional Elite Guards or Brute Guards (Same species as the rest of the squad): +35pts each
*Combat Harness (Elite): Grants a 6+ invulnerable save.
*One Elite Guard or Brute Guard may be upgraded to it's respective Ultra which also makes it's Honor Pike Master-crafted: +15pts
*Assault Harness (Elite Ultra): Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
*Any Elite Guard may replace its Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Any Elite Guard may replace its Plasma Rifle with a Energy Sword: +20pts
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, SANGHEILI
*Any Brute Guard may replace its Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
*Any Brute Guard may replace its Spiker with a Gravity Hammer: +30pts
*Any Brute Guard may take Firebombs: +1pt
*May take a Shadow as a dedicated transport.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Counter-Attack, Hated Rivals, Furious Charge (Brutes Only)
*'''You Will Not Lay A Hand Upon Him!''': Any member of an Honor Guard automatically pass Look Out Sir! tests and may accept challenges issued to the Prophet. They may not do that for a Sangheili Councillor as that would be a great insult.

===Huragok (Engineer) - 25pts===
===Brute (Jiralhanae) Pack===
Each Covenant detachment may include 0-3 Engineers. They do not take up a Force Organisation slot, and do not qualify as a mandatory HQ selection.
Power 4, Points per model 10
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Brute|| 5" || 4+ || 5+ || 4 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 6 || 4+
| Engineer|| 1 || 0 || 3 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 1 || 5 || 4++
| Brute Captain|| 5" || 3+ || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Engineer
:This unit contains 4 Brutes and 1 Brute Captain armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Brutes (Power Rating +2) or 10 additional Brutes (Power Rating +2).
:'''Unit Type''': Jetpack Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Guardian Shield
*Any model may replace their Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': Independent Character, Bulky
*Any Brute may take an additional Spiker: +3pts each
*'''Protection of the Hierachs''': Any allied model within 6" of the Engineer has a 6++ invulnerable save. If the model (including itself which is already represented in its profile) already has an invulnerable save then it is improved by 1.
*Any Brute may take Firebombs: +2pts each
*'''State of Grace''': During the Shooting Phase, the Engineer may repair a single friendly vehicle that it is within base contact or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6. If the result is 3 or more, you may either restore a hull point lost earlier in the battle or repair a Weapon Destroyed or an Immobilized result instead; this is effective immediately.
:'''Abilities''': For the Great Journey!
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Jackal (Kig'yar) Champion - 45pts===
===Thanolekgolo Swarm===
Power 2, Points per model 11
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Kig'yar Champion|| 3 || 6 || 2 || 3 || 2 || 4 || 2 || 9 || 5+
| Skirmisher Champion|| 4 || 6 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 5 || 3 || 9 || 5+
| Thanolekgolo Swarm|| 6" || 5+ || - || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 4 || 7+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Kig'yar Champion
:This unit contains 3 Thanolekgolo Swarms. The unit may contain 3 additional Thanolekgolo Swarms (Power Rating +2) or 6 additional Thanolekgolo Swarms (Power Rating +4).
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Character)
:'''Wargear''': Plasma Pistol, T'voan Harness
*Technological Consumption: Against VEHICLES, this unit gains a +2 bonus to hit and wound rolls.
*'''Champion PD Gauntlet (Kig'yar Champion)''': Provides a 2+ cover save. However each additional time the unit is called upon to make a save in any phase, it takes a cumulative -1 save modifier until the next player turn.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Special Rules''': Independent Character, Night Vision, Move Through Cover, Infiltrate (Kig'yar Champion), Scout (Skirmisher Champion), Hit and Run (Skirmisher Champion), Fleet (Skirmisher Champion)
:'''Keywords''': SWARMS, LEKGOLO
*Any Champion may take an item from the Jackal Weapons list.
*A Kig'yar Champion may be replaced with a Skirmisher Champion: Free!
* Any Champion may be upgraded to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1). The Champion may generate its powers from the Telekinesis, Telepathy, Divination or Daemonology tables: +25pts

===Shade Turrets===
===Grunt (Unggoy) Lance - 30pts===
Power 3, Points per model 35
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Grunt Minor|| 2 || 2 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 5 || 6+
| Grunt Major|| 2 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 6+
| Elite Minor|| 3 || 3 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 7 || 4+/6++
| Elite Major|| 3 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 7 || 4+/6++
| Brute Minor|| 3 || 2 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 4+
| Brute Major|| 4 || 2 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 4+
| Shade Turret|| 0" || - || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 3 || - || 5 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 10 Grunt Minors
:This unit contains 1 Shade Turret. The unit may contain 1 additional Shade Turret (Power Rating +3) or 2 additional Shade Turrets (Power Rating +6). Each Shade Turret is armed with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Elites and Brutes are Characters)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Unggoy Harnesses, Plasma Pistols, Plasma Grenades (Grunts and Elites), Elite Combat Harness (Elites only), Plasma Rifle (Elites), CCW (Elites), Brute Combat Harness (Brutes), Spiker (Brutes), Spike Grenades (Brutes)
*Any Shade Turret may exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
:-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts
*May include up to twenty additional Grunt Minors: +3pts per model
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
*Any Grunt Minor may be upgraded to a Grunt Major: +1pt per model
*Any Shade Turret may be equipped with a Guardian Shield
*For every 10 Grunts, one Grunt may take an item from the Heavy Weapons list.
*May take up to three Elite or Brute minors: +10pts per model
*Artillery Battery: The first time this unit is setup, all models in this unit must be placed within 6" of each other. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit for all rules purposes.  
*Any Elite or Brute Minor may be upgraded to a Major: +5pts
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*Any Grunt may replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +2pts
*Skyfire: Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this model against targets that can FLY. Subtract 1 from the hit rolls made for this model against all other targets.  
*Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, ARTILLERY
*Any Brute may replace his Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
*Any Brute may take:
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts
:-Flame Grenades: +1pts
*May take a Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport.
:'''Special Rules''': , Hated Rivals (Elites and Brutes only), For the Great Journey! (Elite Majors and Brute Majors only), Furious Charge (Brutes only)

===Jackal (Kig-Yar) Lance - 35pts===
==Dedicated Transports==
===Orbital Insertion Pod===
Power 1, Points per model 30
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Jackal Minor|| 2 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 3 || 1 || 7 || 5+
| Orbital Insertion Pod|| 0" || - || - || 5 || 5 || 6 || - || 8 || 3+
| Jackal Major|| 2 || 5 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 3 || 1 || 8 || 5+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Jackal Minors
:A Orbital Insertion Pod is a single model.
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': T'vaoan Armor, Plasma Pistols, Point Defense Gauntlet (Enhanced for Major)
*Strategic Insertion: During deployment, you can set up this model, along with any units embarked within it, in orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can perform a strategic insertion – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models embarked inside must immediately disembark, but they must be set up more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that cannot be setup because there is not enough room are slain.
*Immobile: After this model has been set up on the battlefield it cannot move for any reason, and no units can embark upon it.
*May include up to fifteen additional Jackal Minors for: +7pts per model
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 5 COVENANT INFANTRY models with the exception of MEGALEKGOLO.
*May upgrade all models in the unit to Jackal Majors for: +5pts per model
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Any model may take an item from the Jackal Weapons list.
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, TRANSPORT
*May take a Shadow as a dedicated transport.
:'''Special Rules''': Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Infiltrate

===Elite (Sangheili) Squad - 45pts===
Power 5, Points per model 90
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Elite Minor|| 3 || 3 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 7 || 4+/6++
| Shadow|| * || 6+ || * || 6 || 7 || 10 || * || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
{| class="wikitable"
! Remaining W
! M
! BS
! A
| 6+
| 12"
| 4+
| 3
| Elite Major|| 3 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 7 || 4+/6++
| 3-5
| 6"
| 5+
| D3
| Elite Ultra|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 8 || 3+/5++
| 1-2
| 3"
| 6+
| 1
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:A Shadow is a single model equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Elite Minors
:'''Options''': May exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Ultra is a Character)
:-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts
:'''Wargear''': Elite Combat Harness (Assault Harness for Ultra), CCW, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Grenades
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
*May include up to 10 additional Elite Minors for: +9pts each
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*Any Elite Minor may be upgraded to a Elite Major for: +3pts each
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 12 COVENANT INFANTRY models with the exception of MEGALEKGOLO.
*Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, TRANSPORT
*A single Elite may be upgraded to an Elite Ultra for: +20pts
*The Elite Ultra may replace his Plasma Rifle for an item from the Special Weapons list.
*May take an Orbital Insertion Pod, Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport.
:'''Special Rules''': Hated Rivals, For the Great Journey! (Elite Majors and Ultras only)

===Brute (Jiralhanae) Pack - 45pts===
Power 5, Points per model 115
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Umbra|| * || 6+ || * || 6 || 8 || 11 || * || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
{| class="wikitable"
| Brute Minor|| 3 || 2 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 4+
! Remaining W
! M
! BS
! A
| Brute Major|| 4 || 2 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 4+
| 6+
| 12"
| 4+
| 3
| Brute Captain|| 4 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 3 || 8 || 3+
| 3-5
| 6"
| 5+
| D3
| 1-2
| 3"
| 6+
| 1
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:A Umbra is a single model equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Brute Minors
:'''Options''': May exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (Captain is a Character)
:-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts
:'''Wargear''': Brute Combat Harness (Assault Harness for Captain), Spiker, Spike Grenades
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
*May include up to 10 additional Brute Minors for: +9pts each
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*Any Brute Minor may be upgraded to a Brute Major for: +3pts each
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 20 COVENANT INFANTRY models.
*Any Brute may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Any Brute may take:
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, TRANSPORT
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts
:-Flame Grenades: +1pts
*A single Brute may be upgraded to a Brute Captain for: +20pts
*The Brute Captain may replace his Spiker for an item from the Special Weapons list.
*May take an Orbital Insertion Pod, Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey! (Brute Majors and Captains only), Furious Charge, Hated Rivals

===Thanolekgolo Swarm - 30pts===
===Deployment Carapace===
Power 6, Points per model 100
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Lekgolo Swarm|| 2 || 0 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 5 || -
| Deployment Carapace|| 0" || - || - || 7 || 7 || 10 || - || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 3 Thanolekgolo Swarms
:A Deployment Carapace is a single model.
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Special Rules''': Fearless, Swarms
*Strategic Insertion: During deployment, you can set up this model, along with any units embarked within it, in orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can perform a strategic insertion – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models embarked inside must immediately disembark, but they must be set up more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that cannot be setup because there is not enough room are slain.
*'''Technological Consumption''': During the assault phase, the Thanolekgolo Swarm may exchange all of its attacks to make a single attack with the following profile:
*Immobile: After this model has been set up on the battlefield it cannot move for any reason, and no units can embark upon it.
*Return to Ship: During the movement phase the Deployment Carapace may return to its ship, in which another unit in reserves then embarks on it and it can then perform another strategic insertion.
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 20 COVENANT INFANTRY models. MEGALEKGOLO take up 3 models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, TRANSPORT
===Hunter (Mgalekgolo) Bond===
Power 7, Points per model 40
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| - || 1 || - || Melee, Haywire
| Hunter|| 5" || 3+ || 4+ || 5 || 5 || 3 || 3 || 9 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Options''': May add up to 6 additional Thanolekgolo Swarms: +10pts per base
:This unit contains 2 Hunters. It may contain up to two additional Hunters (Power +7) or up to four additional Hunters (Power +14). Each Hunter is armed with a Fuel Rod Cannon and Hunter's Shield.
===Shade Turrets - 35pts===
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Weapon !! Range !! Type !! S !! AP !! D !! Abilities
| Shade Turret|| - || - || - || 7 || 2 || - || - || - || 3+
| Hunter Shield|| Melee || Melee || +1 || -2 || 2 || -
| Heavy Grunt|| 2 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 6+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Shade Turret, 1 Heavy Grunt
:'''Unit Type''': Artillery
*Assault Cannon: A Hunter unit can only use a single ranged weapon per turn.
:'''Wargear''': Unggoy Harness (Heavy Grunt), Plasma Pistol (Heavy Grunt), Twin-linked Plasma Cannon (Shade Turret)
*Hunter Shield: A Hunter Shield grants a 4++ invulnerable save.
:'''Wargear Options''':
*May add up to two additional Shade Turret (each one comes with a Heavy Grunt): +35pts per model
*Any Hunter may replace its Fuel Rod Cannon with a
*Each Shade turret may include an additional Heavy Grunt: +5pts per model
:-Fuel Rod Beam: Free
*Any Shade Turret may exchange its Plasma Mortar for a:
:-Fuel Rod Storm: Free
:-Fuel Rod Gun: Free!
*Any Hunter may take a:
:-Heavy Plasma Cannon: Free!
:-Fuel Rod Beam: +10pts
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: +20pts
:-Fuel Rod Storm: +10pts
*Any Shade Turret may be equipped with a Guardian Shield: +5pts
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Special Rules''': The Shade Turret has the Interceptor, Night Vision, AA Mount and Immobile special rules.
*AA Mount: Weapons that are AA mounted roll to hit vehicles with the Flyers special rule using their normal BS rather than requiring a 6 to hit.
*Immobile: The Shade Turret can not be moved and may never start the game in reserves.

==Dedicated Transports==
===Huragok (Engineer)===
===Orbital Insertion Pod - 25pts===
Power 2, Points per model 25
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Orbital Insertion Pod|| - || 11 || 11 || 11 || 2
| Engineer|| 8" || 6+ || - || 3 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 4 || 7+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Orbital Insertion Pod
:The Engineer is a single model armed with a Guardian Shield.
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Open-Topped)
:'''Transport Capacity''': 5 models (Once the Orbital Insertion Pod has arrived all models must disembark. They may not re-embark.)
*'''Protection of the Hierachs''': Any allied model within 6" of the Engineer has a 6+ invulnerable save. If the model already has an invulnerable save then it is improved by 1.
:'''Special Rules''': Deep Strike
*'''State of Grace''': At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single friendly COVENANT VEHICLE within 3". That model regains D3 lost wounds. A model may not be the target of the State of Grace ability more than once per turn, regardless of the source.
* Immobile: Can not move.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
* Unarmed: Can not contest objectives.
* Inertial Guidance System: Should a Orbital Insertion Pod scatter on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe) then reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle. If the Pod scatters off the board it suffers a Deep Strike mishap.

===Special Operations Grunts===
===Hunter (Mgalekgolo) Bonded Pair - 130pts===
Power 2, Points per model 5
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Hunter|| 4 || 3 || 6 || 5 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 9 || 3+
| SpecOps Grunt|| 5" || 5+ || 3+ || 2 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 6+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 2 Hunters
:This unit contains 5 SpecOps Grunts armed with Plasma Pistols and Plasma grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional SpecOPs Grunts (Power Rating +1) or 10 additional Grunts (Power Rating +2)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Fuel Rod Cannon, Bonded Armor
*For every 5 Grunts, one Grunt may take an item from the Heavy Weapons list.
*Hunter's Shield- The Hunter re-rolls failed armor saves against shooting attacks.
*Any Grunt may replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +2pts
:'''Abilities''' - Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
*Any Hunter may replace its Fuel Rod Cannon with a
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:-Fuel Rod Beam: Free!
:-Fuel Rod Storm: Free!
*Any Hunter may take a:
:-Fuel Rod Beam: +20pts
:-Fuel Rod Storm: +20pts
:'''Special Rules''': Very Bulky, Smash
*'''Empathetic Bond''': The last Hunter alive in a Bonded Pair gains the Furious Charge, Feel No Pain and Rage special rules.
*'''Seismic Sight''': Mgalekgolo are immune to Blind. If a Mgalekgolo were to be forced to fire snapshots for any reason other than overwatch or firing upon a Flying unit, they ignore that effect.

===Special Operations Unit - 25pts===
===Special Operations Elites===
Power 8, Points per model 19
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| SpecOps Grunt|| 2 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 7 || 6+
| SpecOps Elite|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 8 || 3+/5++
| SpecOps Elite|| 6" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 SpecOps Grunts
:This unit contains 5 SpecOps Elites armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional SpecOps Elites (Power Rating +7)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry (If the unit contains a single SpecOps Elite then that Elite is a Character)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Grunt Harnesses (Grunts), Elite Assault Harnesses (Elites), Plasma Pistol (Grunts), Plasma Rifle (Elites), CCW (Elites) Plasma Grenades
*Any SpecOps Elite may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
*May take additional SpecOps Grunts up to a maxiumum of 15: +5pts each
*Up to 10 SpecOps Grunts may be upgraded to SpecOps Elites (these upgraded models do not count towards the maximum number of Grunts): +12pts each
*The whole unit may take Active Camouflage: +3pts per model
*Any SpecOps Grunts may replace their Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +3pts
*Up to two SpecOps Grunts may take an item from the Heavy Weapons list.
*Any SpecOps Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle with a:
:-Plasma Repeater: Free!
:-Plasma Pistol: Free!
:-Covenant Carbine: +1pts
:-Needle Rifle: +1pts
:-Beam Rifle: +10pts
:-Energy Sword: +20pts
*Any SpecOps Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
*Any SpecOps Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Hated Rivals (SpecOps Elites only)
*For the Great Journey!
*Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
*Assault Harness: Models from this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Brute (Jiralhanae) Captain Pack - 85pts===
===Brute (Jiralhanae) Captain Pack===
Power 7, Points per model 16
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Brute Captain|| 4 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 3 || 8 || 3+
| Captain|| 5" || 3+ || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Brute Captains
:This unit contains 5 Brute Captains armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Brute Captains (Power Rating +7).
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Jiralhanae Assault Harness, Spiker, Spike Grenades
*May include up to 5 additional Brute Captains for: +17pts each
*Any Captain may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
*Any Captain may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
*Any Brute Captain may take:
*Any Captain may take:
:-Flame Grenades: +1pt
:-Firebombs: +2pts each
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts each
*May take an Orbital Insertion Pod, Shadow or Phantom as a dedicated transport.
:'''Abilities''': For the Great Journey!
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Furious Charge, Hated Rivals
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Brute (Jiralhanae) Stalker Pack - 90pts===
===Brute (Jiralhanae) Stalker Pack===
Power 5, Points per model 18
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Brute Stalker|| 4 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 8 || 4+
| Brute Stalker|| 5" || 3+ || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Brute Stalkers
:This unit contains 5 Brute Stalkers armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Brute Stalkers (Power Rating +6).
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Stealth Harness, Spiker, Spike Grenades
*May include up to 5 additional Brute Stalkers for: +18pts each
*Any Brute may replace his Spiker for:
*Any Brute may replace his Spiker for:
:-a Plasma Rifle: Free!
:-a Plasma Rifle: Free
:-a Plasma Repeater: Free!
:-a Plasma Repeater: Free
:-a Mauler: Free!
:-a Mauler: Free
:-a Brute Shot: +5pts
:-a Brute Shot: +5pts each
*Any Brute may take:
*Any Brute may take:
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts each
:-Flame Grenades: +1pts
:-Firebombs: +2pts each
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Furious Charge, Infiltrate, Hated Rivals
*For the Great Journey!
*Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 12" from any enemy models.
*Stealth Fields: Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Stealth Elite (Sangheili) Squad - 90pts===
===Stealth Elite (Sangheili) Squad===
Power 7, Points per model 14
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Stealth Elite|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 8 || 4+
| Stealth Elite|| 6" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Stealth Elites
:This unit contains 5 Stealth Elites armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Stealth Elites (Power Rating +7)
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Stealth Harness, Plasma Rifle, CCW, Plasma Grenades
*May include up to 5 additional Stealth Elites for: +18pts each
*Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for:
*Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for:
:-a Plasma Repeater: Free!
:-a Plasma Repeater: Free
:-a Plasma Pistol: Free!
:-a Plasma Pistol: Free
:-an Energy Sword: +20pts
:-an Energy Sword: +15pts for the first Energy Sword, +5pts for the second Energy Sword
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Scout, Infiltrate, Hated Rivals
*For the Great Journey!
*Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 12" from any enemy models.
*Stealth Fields: Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, SANGHEILI

==Fast Attack==
==Fast Attack==
===Drone (Yanme'e) Swarm - 60pts===
===Drone (Yanme'e) Swarm===
Power 4, Points per model 6
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Drone|| 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 8 || 6+
| Drone Patriarch|| 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 9 || 6+/5++
| Drone|| 12" || 4+ || 4+ || 3 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 6+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 10 Drones
:This unit contains 10 Drones armed with Plasma Pistols. The unit may contain 10 additional Drones (Power Rating +4) or 20 additional Drones (Power Rating +8)
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry (Patriarch is a Character)
:'''Wargear Options''': Any Drone may replace their Plasma Pistol with a:
:'''Wargear''': Unggoy Armor, Plasma Pistol, Wings (Jumppack), Guardian Shield (Drone Patriarch)
*Plasma Rifle: Free
*Needler: +2pts
*May include up to ten additional Drones for: +6pts per model
*One Drone may be upgraded to a Drone Patriarch for: +25 points.
*Swarm: If this unit contains 20 or more models, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 when it shoots or fights.
*Any Drone may replace their Plasma Pistol for a:
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:-Plasma Rifle: +1pt
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, FLY, YAN'ME
:-Needler: +3pts
*Any Drone may take Plasma Grenades for: +2pts
:'''Special Rules''': Hit & Run, Move Through Cover, For the Great Journey! (Drone Patriarch)

===Skirmisher (T'vaoan) Lance - 60pts===
===Skirmisher (T'vaoan) Lance===
Power 4, Points per model 11
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Skirmishers|| 3 || 4 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 7 || 5+
| Skirmisher Commando|| 3 || 5 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 8 || 5+
| Skirmishers|| 7" || 4+ || 3+ || 3 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 6 || 5+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Skirmishers
:This unit contains 5 Skirmishers armed with Plasma Pistols. The unit may contain 5 additional Skirmishers (Power Rating +4) or 10 additional Skirmishers (Power Rating +8).
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': T'vaoan Armor, Plasma Pistol
*May include up to ten additional Skirmishers for: +12pts per model
*May upgrade any Skirmisher to a Skirmisher Commandos for: +4pts each
*Any Skirmisher may take an item from the Jackal weapons list.
*Any Skirmisher may take an item from the Jackal weapons list.
:'''Special Rules''': Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Scout, Fleet, Hit and Run
*A Skirmisher equipped with a Plasma Pistol or Needler may take a Skirmisher Gauntlet.
*Swift: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 8". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Brute (Jiralhanae) Jumppack Squad - 80pts===
===Brute (Jiralhanae) Jumppack Squad===
Power 6, Points per model 16
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Jumppack Brute|| 4 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 8 || 4+
| Jumppack Brute|| 12" || 3+ || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Jumppack Brutes
:This unit contains 5 Jumppack Brutes armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Jumppack Brutes (Power Rating +5).
:'''Unit Type''': Jump Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Brute Combat Harness, Jump Pack, Spiker, Spike Grenades
*Any Jumppack Brute may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons list.
*Any Jumppack Brute may take:
*May include up to 5 additional Jump Pack Brutes for: +16pts each
:-Firebombs: +2pts each
*Any Brute may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons list.
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts each
*Any Brute may take:
:-an additional Spiker: +3pts
*For the Great Journey!
:-Flame Grenades: +1pts
*Phantom Strike: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Jumppack Brutes in a Phantom, instead of placing them on the battlefield. If you do so, they can Phantom Strike at the end of any of your Movement phases – set them up anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Furious Charge, Hated Rivals
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Elite (Sangheili) Ranger Squad - 80pts===
===Elite (Sangheili) Ranger Squad===
Power 6, Points per model 14
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Elite Rangers|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 8 || 4+/6++
| Elite Rangers|| 8" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Elite Rangers
:This unit contains 5 Elite Rangers armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Elite Rangers (Power Rating +5).
:'''Unit Type''': Jetpack Infantry
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Jet Pack, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Grenades
*Sangheili Ranger Harness: Grants a 4+ armour save, a 6++ invulnerable save and counts as Void Hardened in applicable Zone Mortalis missions.
*May include up to 5 additional Elite Rangers for: +16pts each
*Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for a:
*Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for a:
:-Plasma Repeater: Free!
:-Plasma Repeater: Free
:-Plasma Pistol: Free!
:-Plasma Pistol: Free
:-Covenant Carbine: +1pts
:-Covenant Carbine: +2pts
:-Needle Rifle: +1pts
:-Needle Rifle: +2pts
:-Focus Rifle: +5pts
:-Focus Rifle: +5pts
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
*Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Hated Rivals
*For the Great Journey!
*Phantom Strike: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Elite Rangers in a Phantom, instead of placing them on the battlefield. If you do so, they can Phantom Strike at the end of any of your Movement phases – set them up anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
*Ranger Harness: Grants a 6+ invulnerable save.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Ghost Squadron - 65pts===  
===Ghost Squadron===
Power 3, Point per model 55
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Grunt Rider|| 2 || 3 || 2 || 4 || 1 || 3 || 1 || 6 || 6+
| Elite Rider|| 3 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 4 || 1 || 7 || 4+/6++
| Ghost Ultra|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 8 || 3+/5++
| Ghost|| 16" || 4+ || 4+ || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 6 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Grunt Riders
:This units contains 3 Ghosts armed with a Twin Plasma Cannon. They unit may contain 3 additional Ghosts (Power Rating +3) or 6 additional Ghosts (Power Rating +6).
:'''Unit Type''': Jetbike
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Ghost Jetbike with Twin-linked Plasma Cannons
*Any Ghost may be equipped with a Guardian Shield: +5pts
:'''Special Rules''': Hated Rivals (Elite Riders only), For The Great Journey (Elite Riders only), Scout
*For The Great Journey
*May include up to 5 additional Grunt Riders for: +13pts per model
*Scouting Vehicle: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Ghosts on the army’s flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Ghosts can race in to encircle the foe – set them up so that each model is touching a battlefield edge and is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
*Any Grunt Rider may be replaced with Elite Riders for: +8pts
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Ghost may be equipped with a Guardian Shield for: +2pts
:'''Keywords''': BIKER, SANGHEILI
*A single Ghost may be upgraded to a Ghost Ultra, replacing its Twin-linked Plasma Cannon with a Twin-linked Heavy Plasma Cannon: +35pts

===Chopper Squadron - 105pts===  
===Chopper Squadron===
Power 3, Points per model 65
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Brute Rider|| 4 || 2 || 4 || 5 || 1 || 3 || 2 || 7 || 4+
| Chopper|| 14" || 4+ || 5+ || 4 || 5 || 2 || 2 || 6 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 3 Brute Riders
:This units contains 3 Choppers armed with a 35mm Autocannon and Ramming Targe. They unit may contain 3 additional Choppers (Power Rating +3) or 6 additional Choppers (Power Rating +3).
:'''Unit Type''': Bike
:'''Wargear''': Chopper Bike with Twin-linked 35mm Autocannon
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type
| 35mm Autocannon|| 24" || 7 || 5 || Heavy 4
| 35mm Autocannon|| 24" || 6 || -1 || 1 || Rapid Fire 3
| Ramming Targe || Melee || 7 || -1 || 2 || This weapon can only be used on the turn that the bearer charges.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Special Rules''': For The Great Journey, Furious Charge, Scout, Hated Rivals
*'''Ramming Targe''': The Choppers Hammer of Wrath attacks are resolved at S7 and are AP4.
*Ramming Speed!: At the end of a movement phase where this unit advanced, it can declare ramming speed. This unit cannot shoot in the shooting phase, but in the charge phase it may add 5” to the total charge distance.
*Steady in the Saddle: This unit ignores penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons.
*May include up to 5 additional Brute Riders for: +21pts per model
*For the Great Journey!
*Any Chopper may upgrade to a 3+ armor save for: +2pts
*Outriders: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Choppers on the army’s flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Choppers can race in to encircle the foe – set them up so that each model is touching a battlefield edge and is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': BIKER, JIRALHANAE

===Rapid Assault Squadron - 60pts===  
===Rapid Assault Squadron===
Power 3, Points per model 45
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Revenant|| 3 || 11 || 10 || 10 || 2
| Spectre|| 3 || 10 || 10 || 10 || 2
| Revenant/Spectre|| 15" || 4+ || 4+ || 4 || 6 || 6 || 2 || 7 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Spectre
:This unit contains 1 Revenant or Spectre. It can include 1 additional Revenant or Spectre (Power Rating +3) or 2 additional Revenants or Spectres (Power Rating +6). Revenants are armed with a Plasma Mortar and Spectres are armed with a Plasma Cannon.
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Open-topped, Fast, Skimmer)
:'''Wargear Options''':
:'''Wargear''': Turret Mounted Plasma Cannon (Spectre), Hull Mounted Plasma Mortar (Revenant)
*Any Spectre may take two side gunners, each armed with a:
*May add up to two additional Spectres: +60pts per model
*Any Spectre may be upgraded to a Revenant: +5pts
*Any Spectre may take two side gunners (counts as sponson-mounted), each armed with a:
:-Concussion Rifle: +10pts
:-Concussion Rifle: +10pts
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +20pts
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +20pts
:-Plasma Launcher: +50pts
:-Plasma Launcher: +50pts
*Any Revenant may take a passenger gunner (counts as pintle-mounted) armed with a:
*Any Revenant may take a passenger gunner armed with a:
:-Concussion Rifle: +5pts
:-Concussion Rifle: +5pts
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +10pts
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +10pts
:-Plasma Launcher: +25pts
:-Plasma Launcher: +25pts
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers 1 mortal wound.
*Evasive: If this model moved over 10" in its last Movement phase, it gains a 5+ invulnerable save.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE

===Prowler Squadron - 50pts===  
===Prowler Squadron===  
Power 3, Points per model 65
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Prowler|| 2 || 11 || 11 || 10 || 3  
| Prowler|| 12" || 4+ || 5+ || 4 || 6 || 10 || 4 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Prowler
:This unit contains 1 Prowler. It can include 1 additional Prowler (Power Rating +3) or 2 additional Prowlers (Power Rating +6). Prowlers are armed with a Plasma Cannon.
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Open-Topped, Fast)
:'''Wargear''': Turret-mounted Plasma Cannon
*May add up to two additional Prowlers: +50pts per model
*Any Prowler may take two side gunners, each armed with a:
*Any Prowler may take two side gunners (counts as sponson-mounted), each armed with a:
:-Brute Shot: +10pts
:-Brute Shot: +5pts
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +20pts
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +20pts
:-Plasma Launcher: +50pts
:-Plasma Launcher: +50pts
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers 1 mortal wound.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE

===Banshee Squadron - 65pts===  
Power 4, Points per model 90
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Banshee|| 3 || 10 || 10 || 10 || 2
| Banshee|| 20-35" || 6+ || 4+ || 4 || 6 || 6 || 2 || 7 || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:This unit contains one Banshee equipped with a Twin Plasma Cannon and a Fuel Rod Cannon. It can include 1 additional Banshee (Power Rating +4) or 2 additional Banshees (Power Rating +8).
:'''Wargear Option''': Any Banshee may take a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
*Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
*Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
*Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
*Strafing Run: You can add 1 to hit rolls for this model when targeting an enemy in the Shooting phase that cannot FLY.
*Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
*Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it crashes and explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*Banshee Squadron: The first time this unit is setup, all models in this unit must be placed within 6" of each other. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit for all rules purposes.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, FLY, AIRCRAFT
Power 9, Points per model 120
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Banshee Ultra|| 4 || 11 || 11 || 10 || 3  
| Vampire|| * || 6+ || * || 6 || 7 || 10 || * || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Banshee
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Flyer (Hover)
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Twin-linked Plasma Cannon (Banshee), Hull-mounted Twin-linked Heavy Plasma Cannon (Banshee Ultra), Hull-mounted Fuel Rod Cannon
! Remaining W
:'''Special Rules''': Strafing Run
! M
*Multi-Detonation Fuel Rods (Banshee Ultra): Fuel Rod Cannons and Fuel Rod Guns used by a Banshee Ultra have the Rending, Shred and Sunder special rules.
! BS
! A
*May add up to two additional Banshees: +65pts each
*Any Banshee may exchange their Fuel Rod Cannon for a twin-linked Fuel Rod Gun: +5pts
| 6-10+
*Any Banshee may take a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +15pts
| 20-60"
*A single unit of Banshees may be upgraded to Banshee Ultras: +25pts each
| 3+
| 3
===Shadow - 60pts===
| 3-5
| 20-40"
| 4+
| D3
| 1-2
| 20-25"
| 5+
| 1
:This unit contains one Vampire equipped with a Stasis Cannon, Heavy Needler and two Plasma Cannons.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Shadow|| 3 || 12 || 10 || 10 || 3
| Stasis Beam|| 36" || 5 || -2 || 2 || Heavy D6 || Blast. This weapon gains +1 to hit against AIRCRAFT units. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, the attack inflicts 2 mortal wounds on the target.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Shadow Troop Transport
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Open-Topped)
*Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
:'''Transport Capacity''': 12 Models (May not carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules.)
*Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
:'''Wargear''': Turret-mounted Heavy Plasma Cannon
*Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
*Vampire: You can add 1 to hit rolls for this model when targeting an enemy in the Shooting phase that can FLY.
*May exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
*Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
:-Fuel Rod Gun: Free!
*Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it crashes and explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.  
:-Twin-linked Plasma Cannon: Free!
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: +20pts
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, FLY, AIRCRAFT

==Heavy Support==
===Heavy Grunt Squad - 15pts===
Power 10, Points per model 185
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Heavy Grunt|| 2 || 3 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 6+
| Phantom|| * || 6+ || * || 8 || 7 || 14 || * || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Heavy Grunts
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Plasma Grenades
! Remaining W
! M
*May include up to 5 additional Heavy Grunts: +3pts per model
! BS
*The whole unit may have Plasma Pistols: +1pt per model
! A
*Every model MUST take a weapon from the Heavy Weapons list.
*May take an Orbital Insertion Pod or Shadow as a Dedicated Transport.
| 8-14+
| 20-45"
| 4+
| 3
| 4-7
| 20-30"
| 5+
| D3
| 1-3
| 20"
| 6+
| 1
:This unit contains one Phantom equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
:'''Wargear Options''': May take two sponson-mounted:
*Plasma Cannons: +20pts
*Heavy Plasma Cannons: +30pts
*Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
*Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
*Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
*Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
*Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*Heavy Transport: This model does not suffer the penalty for shooting Heavy weapons on a turn in which it has moved.
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 16 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 1 COVENANT VEHICLE model. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC and AIRCRAFT models cannot be transported.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, FLY, AIRCRAFT

===Heavy Elite Squad - 110pts===
===Spirit Dropship===
Power 12, Points per model 315
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Elite Ultra|| 4 || 4 || 4 || 3 || 1 || 4 || 2 || 8 || 3+/5++
| Spirit|| * || 6+ || * || 8 || 7 || 20 || 3 || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 5 Elite Ultras
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Infantry
:'''Wargear''': Assault Harness, Concussion Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades
! Remaining W
:'''Special Rules''': For the Great Journey!, Hated Rivals
! M
! BS
*Any Elite may replace their Concussion Rifle with a:
:-Fuel Rod Gun: +5pts
| 11-20+
:-Plasma Caster: +5pts
| 20-45"
*One Elite may replace his Concussion Rifle with a Plasma Launcher: +20pts
| 4+
*May take an Orbital Insertion Pod or Shadow as a Dedicated Transport.
| 5-10
| 20-30"
| 5+
| 1-4
| 20"
| 6+
:This unit contains one Spirit equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
*Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
*Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
*Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
*Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
*Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
*Heavy Transport: This model does not suffer the penalty for shooting Heavy weapons on a turn in which it has moved.
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 30 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 2 COVENANT VEHICLE models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC and AIRCRAFT models cannot be transported.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, FLY, AIRCRAFT

===Wraith - 100pts===
==Heavy Support==
===Heavy Grunt Squad===
Power 2, Points per model 4
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Wraith|| 3 || 13 || 11 || 10 || 3
| Heavy Grunt|| 5" || 5+ || 4+ || 2 || 3 || 1 || 1 || 5 || 6+
| Wraith Ultra|| 4 || 13 || 11 || 11 || 3
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Wraith
:This unit consists of 5 Heavy Grunts armed with Plasma Pistols. It may include 5 additional Heavy Grunts (Power Rating +2).
:'''Unit Type''': Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer, Heavy)
:'''Wargear Options''': Every model MUST take a weapon from the Special Weapons list.
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Heavy Plasma Mortar
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, UNGGOY
===Heavy Elite Squad===
Power 7, Points per model 13
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Heavy Plasma Mortar|| 48" || 8 || 2 || Ordinance 1, Barrage, Large Blast
| Scorched|| 48" || 7 || 3 || Ordinance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Ignores Cover
| Elite Ultra|| 6" || 3+ || 3+ || 4 || 3 || 1 || 2 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Special Rules''':
:This unit consists of 5 Elite Ultras armed with Concussion Rifles.
*Cluster Plasma (Wraith Ultra): Heavy Plasma Mortars (both firing modes) of a Wraith Ultra are Ordinance 3, Apocalyptic Barrage weapons. The Scorched profile still Ignores Cover.
:'''Wargear Options''':
*Multi-Detonation Fuel Rods (Wraith Ultra): Fuel Rod Pods fired by a Wraith Ultra have the Rending, Shred and Sunder special rules.
*Any Elite may replace their Concussion Rifle with a Fuel Rod Gun: +5pts
*One Elite may replace his Concussion Rifle with a Plasma Launcher: +25pts
*May add up to two additional Wraiths: +100pts each
*Any Wraith may replace its Heavy Plasma Mortar with a Twin-linked Fuel Rod Pod: Free!
*For the Great Journey!
*Any Wraith may take a Pintle-Mounted:
*Assault Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
**Plasma Cannon: +10pts
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
**Twin-linked Plasma Cannon: +15pts
:'''Keywords''': INFANTRY, SANGHEILI
*May take a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
*A single unit of Wraiths may upgrade all of its Wraiths to Ultra Wraiths: +40pts each

===Locust - 140pts===
Power 11, Points per model 170
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! FA !! SA !! RA !! I !! A !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Locust|| 3 || 4 || 6 || 11 || 11 || 10 || 3 || 2 || 3
| Wraith|| * || 6+ || * || 7 || 8 || 12 || * || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Locust
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Walker
:'''Wargear''': x2 Layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding, Hull-Mounted Boring Laser
! Remaining W
! M
! BS
! A
| 7-12+
| 10"
| 4+
| 3
| 4-6
| 7"
| 5+
| D3
| 1-3
| 4"
| 6+
| 1
:This unit contains one Wraith equipped with a Heavy Plasma Mortar.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Boring Laser|| 36" || 7 || 2 || Ordnance 1, Lance
| Heavy Plasma Mortar|| 48" || 8 || -3 || 3 || Heavy D3+3 || Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Wargear Options''':
*May add up to two additional Locusts: +140pts each
*Any Wraith may replace its Heavy Plasma Mortar with Twin Fuel Rod Pods: Free
*May take Extra Armor for: +10pts
*Any Wraith may take a Pintle-Mounted:
*May take one more layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding for: +20pts
**Plasma Cannon: +10pts
:'''Special Rules''':  
**Twin Plasma Cannon: +15pts
*'''Overdrive'''- The Locust pilot may drain energy from the vehicle's shields in order to increase the strength of the laser.  For every layer of shielding the player disables until his next shooting phase, increase the strength of the shot by 1.
*May take a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
*Heavy Skimmer: This model does not suffer the penalty for shooting Heavy weapons on a turn in which it has moved.
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE

===Vampire - 225pts===
Power 10, Points per model 100
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Vampire|| 4 || 12 || 11 || 10 || 3  
| Locust|| 6" || 4+ || 3+ || 5 || 7 || 8 || 2 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Vampire
:This unit contains one Locust equipped with a Boring Laser and two Layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding.
:'''Unit Type''': Flyer
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Heavy Needler, Hull-mounted Stasis Beam, two sponson-mounted Plasma Cannons
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Stasis Beam|| 36" || 2 || - || Heavy 1, Haywire, Skyfire
| Boring Laser|| 36" || 7 || -2 || 3 || Heavy 3 || -
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Special Rules''':
:'''Wargear Options''': May take one more layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
*'''Vampiric Repair'''- If a vehicle lost a Hull Point to the Stasis Beam, the Vampire may regain a Hull Point lost previously in battle up to its starting amount.
*Overdrive: The Locust pilot may drain energy from the vehicle's shields in order to increase the strength of the Boring Laser. For every layer of shielding the player disables until his next shooting phase, improve the Strength, AP and Damage of the shot by 1.
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE

===Phantom - 175pts===
Power 6, Points per model 82
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Phantom|| 3 || 12 || 12 || 10 || 4
| Sharquoi|| 6" || 4+ || - || 6 || 7 || 8 || 4 || 7 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Phantom
:This unit contains one Sharquoi. It may include 1 additional Sharquoi (Power Rating +6) or 2 additional Sharquoi (Power Rating +12). Each Sharquoi is equipped with Spike Fists.
:'''Unit Type''': Flyer (Hover)
:'''Wargear''': Turret-mounted Heavy Plasma Cannon, Searchlight
:'''Transport Capacity''': 16 models and/or 1 Vehicle
:'''Access Points''': 2 Side Transport Ramps
*May replace the Heavy Plasma Cannon with a Concussion Cannon: Free
*May take two sponson-mounted Plasma Cannons: +30pts
:'''Special Rules''': Deep Strike
===Sharquoi - 135pts===
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Sharquoi|| 3 || 0 || 7 || 6 || 4 || 2 || 3 || 8 || 3+
| Spike Fists|| Melee || x2 || -3 || 3 || Melee || When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Sharquoi
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Unit Type''': Monstrous Creature
:'''Keywords''': MONSTER
:'''Wargear''': Bonded Armor
:'''Options''': May add up to two additional Sharquoi: +135pts each

===Goblin - 250pts===
Power 6, Points per model 95
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! FA !! SA !! RA !! I !! A !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Goblin|| 5 || 5 || 9 || 12 || 12 || 11 || 3 || 4 || 4
| Goblin|| 8" || 4+ || 3+ || 5 || 5 || 5 || 3 || 6 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Goblin
:This unit contains one Goblin armed with a Power Fist, Concussion Rifle, Fuel Rod Beam and Shardstorm Launcher. It may include 1 additional Goblin (Power Rating +6) or 2 additional Goblins (Power Rating +12)
:'''Unit Type''': Jet Pack Walker
:'''Wargear''': Twin-linked Heavy Needler, Shardstorm Launcher, EMP Pulse, Grenade Launcher, Power Fist 
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Shardstorm Launcher|| 12" || 6 || -1 || 1 || Heavy 8 || Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| EMP Pulse|| 10" || 5 || - || Haywire, Small Blast
| Plasmablaster Launcher|| 12" || 4 || -1 || 1 || Heavy 8D3 || Blast, All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
| Needle Barrage|| 42" || 8 || 3 || Ordinance 2, Barrage, Medium Blast, Ignores Cover
| Power Fist|| Melee || x2 || -3 || D3 || Melee || -
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Special Rules''': Crushing Charge, Move Through Cover, And They Shall Know No Fear
:'''Wargear Options''':
*Needle Barrage- The Goblin targets up to 8 units in a rain of needles from its Shardstorm Launcher. Needles ignores cover and have the rending and shred special rules.
*The Goblin may swap any of its Fuel Rod Beams for a Heavy Needler: Free
*The Goblin may swap its Shardstorm Launcher with a Plasmablaster Launcher: Free
*The Goblin may swap its Twin-linked Heavy Needler with another Power Fist for close quarters combat: Free!
:'''Abilities''' - Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*The Goblin may swap its Power Fist with another Twin-linked Heavy Needler for long distance fire support: Free!
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, FLY, JET PACK

==Lords of War==
==Lords of War==
===Spirit Dropship - 280pts===
Power 75, Points per model 1500
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Spirit|| 4 || 11 || 11 || 11 || 6
| Lich|| * || 6+ || * || 8 || 8 || 80 || * || 8 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Spirit
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Flyer (Hover)
:'''Wargear''': Turret-mounted Heavy Plasma Cannon, Searchlight
! Remaining W
:'''Transport Capacity''': 30 models and/or 2 Vehicles
! M
:'''Access Points''': 2 Side Ramps
! BS
:'''Options''': May replace the Heavy Plasma Cannon with a Concussion Cannon: Free
! A
:'''Special Rules''': Deep Strike
| 61-80+
| 20-60"
| 2+
| 12
| 41-60
| 20-45"
| 3+
| 9
| 21-40
| 20-30"
| 4+
| 6
| 1-20
| 20-25"
| 5+
| 3
:This unit contains one Lich equipped with a Plasma Beam and four Plasma Cannons.
*Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
*Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the shooting phase.
*Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
*Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
*Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
*Crash and Burn: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 4-5, it explodes and each unit within 2D6" sufferes D6 mortal wounds. On a 6, it explodes and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D3 mortal wounds.
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 40 COVENANT INFANTRY. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Lich - 1600pts===
===Protos Scarab===
Power 50, Points per model 1000
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Lich|| 3 || 13 || 12 || 12 || 39
| Protos Scarab|| * || * || * || 8 || 8 || 80 || 4 || 10 || 2+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Lich
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Flyer (Hover)
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Plasma Beam, 4 sponson-mounted Plasma Cannons, Searchlight
! Remaining W
:'''Transport Capacity''': 40 models
! M
:'''Access Points''': All sides
! WS
:'''Firing Points''': 5 points on the left and right sides
! BS
:'''Special Rules''':
*Gravity Lift: Up to four units may disembark on the same turn.
| 61+
*Hovering Behemoth: Liches are immune to non-Witchfire psychic powers (and those must attempt to damage it normally). The Lich is so large that units without the Skyfire special rule may fire upon it with their full ballistic skill, but blast weapons still cannot target it.
| 20"
| 4+
| 3+
| 41-60
| 16"
| 5+
| 4+
| 21-40
| 12"
| 5+
| 4+
| 1-20
| 8"
| 6+
| 5+
:This unit contains one Protos Scarab equipped with a Plasma Beam and two Heavy Plasma Repeaters. It may also crush its enemies beneath its Titanic Stride.
*Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
*Flank Speed: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 12" instead of rolling a dice.
*Towering Monstrosity: A Scarab can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
*Orbital Deployment: During deployment, a Scarab can be set up in orbital deployment instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is not within Engagement range of enemy models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, TITANIC

===Scarab - 1300pts===
===Deutoros Scarab===
Power 80, Points per model 1600
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! FA !! SA !! RA !! I !! A !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Protos Scarab|| 2 || 3 || 10 || 13 || 13 || 11 || 1 || 3 || 24
| Deutoros/Devastator Scarab|| * || * || * || 8 || 8 || 100 || 4 || 10 || 2+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
{| class="wikitable"
! Remaining W
! M
! WS
! BS
| 76+
| 18"
| 4+
| 3+
| 51-75
| 14"
| 4+
| 4+
| Deutoros/Devastator Scarab|| 2 || 3 || 10 || 13 || 13 || 11 || 1 || 3 || 30
| 26-50
| 10"
| 5+
| 4+
| 1-25
| 6"
| 6+
| 5+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:This unit contains one Scarab. Deutoros Scarabs are equipped with a Plasma Beam, Heavy Plasma Repeater and three Plasma Cannons. Devastator Scarabs are equipped with a Tyrant Gun. Either variant may also crush its enemies beneath its Titanic Stride.
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Scarab
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Walker
*Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 6+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Plasma Beam, 3 Plasma Cannons (Deutoros/Devastator) (Mounted on the back and sides), Turret-mounted Twin-linked Fuel Rod Pod (Deutoros), Searchlight, 2 Heavy Plasma Cannons (Protos) (Mounted on the front and back), Tyrant Gun (Devastator)
*Flank Speed: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 12" instead of rolling a dice.
:'''Transport Capacity''': 20 models
*Towering Monstrosity: A Scarab can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
:'''Special Rules''': It Will Not Die (Deutoros/Deavastator), Deep Strike
*Orbital Deployment: During deployment, a Scarab can be set up in orbital deployment instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is not within Engagement range of enemy models.
*Towering Monstrosity (Scarab): This unit is completely immune to dangerous terrain, non-Witchfire psychic powers (Witchfire must damage it with its strength profile), and may not be locked in combat. Any unit that is not a Gargantuan Creature or Super-Heavy Walker may only hit Scarabs on a 6, and Super-heavy walkers and Gargantuan Creatures hit on a 5 or 6. Scarabs do not mishap when deep striking, and will always move the minimum safe distance necessary to enter. Haywire attacks only glance on a 6, and any non-Witchfire psychic powers are ineffective. Weapons with the Skyfire special rule may fire upon it with their full ballistic skill.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*Reactor Meltdown: If this unit is compromised. It would create a 15" blast template and have a 1 in 3 chance for it to be strength D. All units would be affected whether enemy or ally.
*Anti-Air Mounting: The Heavy Plasma Cannons on the Protos Scarab have the Skyfire special rule.
:'''Options''': May upgrade the Protos Scarab to a:
:-Deutoros Scarab: +250pts
:-Devastator Scarab: +250pts

===Harvester - 2200pts===
===Harvester/Super Scarab===
Power 130, Points per model 2600
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! FA !! SA !! RA !! I !! A !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Harvester|| 2 || 4 || D || 14 || 14 || 13 || 1 || 4 || 55
| Harvester/Super Scarab|| * || * || * || 8 || 8 || 140 || 5 || 10 || 2+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Harvester
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Walker
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Harvester Beam, Searchlight
! Remaining W
! M
! WS
! BS
| 105+
| 15"
| 4+
| 3+
| 71-105
| 9"
| 5+
| 4+
| 36-70
| 6"
| 5+
| 4+
| 1-35
| 3"
| 6+
| 5+
:This unit contains one Harvester or Super Scarab. Harvesters are equipped with a Harvester Beam. Super Scarabs are equipped with a Heavy Plasma Beam and two Heavy Plasma Repeaters. Either variant may also crush its enemies beneath its Greater Titanic Stride.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Harvester Beam || 96" || D || 1 || Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast, Harvester
| Heavy Plasma Beam || 72" || 16 || -4 || D6+3 || Heavy 3D3 || Blast
| Harvester Beam || 48" || 16 || -4 || 8 || Heavy 2D6 || Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 12.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Special Rules''': It Will Not Die
*Harvester: Each hit from the Harvester Beam is multiplied into D6 hits. When shooting buildings and fortifications, re-roll 1s on the destroyer damage chart.
*Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
*Towering Monstrosity (Harvester): The Harvester cannot fire upon units closer than 36” unless they are Monstrous Creatures, Flying Monstrous Creatures, Gargantuan Creatures, Flyers, Super-heavy vehicles or a vehicle with more than 2 hull points. This unit cannot be locked in assault. Infantry, Walkers, and Flying/Monstrous Creatures only hit in assault on a 6. Super-heavy Walkers and Gargantuan Creatures only hit on a 5 or 6 in assault. Haywire attacks only glance on a 6, and any non-Witchfire psychic powers are ineffective. Weapons with the Skyfire special rule may fire upon it with their full ballistic skill.
*Titanic Gait: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8" instead of rolling a dice.
*Transport Capacity: The Super Scarab can transport up to 30 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 2 VEHICLE models whilst the Harvester can transport 200 COVENANT INFANTRY models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC models cannot be transported.
*Towering Monstrosity: A Scarab can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Kraken - 2220pts===
Power 125, Points per model 2400
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Draugr|| * || * || * || 8 || 8 || 120 || 5 || 10 || 2+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
{| class="wikitable"
! Remaining W
! M
! WS
! BS
| 90+
| 18"
| 5+
| 3+
| 60-90
| 12"
| 6+
| 3+
| 35-60
| 9"
| 6+
| 4+
| 1-35
| 6"
| 6+
| 5+
:This unit contains one Draugr. Draugrs are equipped with five Boring Lasers and ten Layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! FA !! SA !! RA !! I !! A !! HP
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Kraken|| 3 || 3 || D || 15 || 15 || 15 || 1 || 3 || 45
| Boring Laser|| 36" || 7 || -2 || 3 || Heavy 3 || -
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Kraken
:'''Wargear Options''': May take up to five more layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts each
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Walker (Transport, Skimmer)
:'''Wargear''': 12 Twin-linked Plasma Cannons, Guardian Shield, Searchlight
*Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
:'''Transport Capacity''': 260 models
*Transport Capacity: This model can transport 100 COVENANT INFANTRY or VEHICLE models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. Each VEHICLE model takes the space of 10 infantry models. This model cannot transport TITANIC models.  
:'''Access Points''': All sides
*Overdrive: The Draugr pilot may drain energy from the vehicle's shields in order to increase the strength of a Boring Laser. For every layer of shielding the player disables until his next shooting phase, one Boring Laser may improve the Strength, AP and Damage of its shot by 1. The five Boring Lasers must be overdriven as evenly as possible.
:'''Firing Points''': 30 models may fire from the Kraken on any side.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Special Rules:''' It Will Not Die
*AA Mount: Any weapons fired by the Kraken roll to hit vehicles with the Flyer special rule using their normal BS rather than requiring a 6 to hit.
*Towering Monstrosity (Kraken): This unit is immune to Haywire, non-Witchfire psychic powers, and melee attacks from infantry and bikes. Monstrous Creatures, Gargantuan Creatures, and Super-heavy vehicles of any variety may only hit a Kraken on a 5+. Krakens may not be locked in combat. Krakens cannot fire upon units closer than 24” away unless they are Monstrous or Gargantuan Creatures, Super-heavy Vehicles, or Flyers of any variety. The Kraken makes one Stomp attack per attack in its profile (see Super-heavy Walker rules). Said Stomp attacks use the Large Blast template instead of the Blast template to Stomp. Should the Kraken ever suffer an Immobilized or Drive Damaged vehicle damage result, it loses the Skimmer rule instead. Weapons with the Skyfire special rule may fire upon it with their full ballistic skill.
*Any Twin-linked Plasma Cannon may be replaced with a:
:-Fuel Rod Gun: Free!
:-Heavy Plasma Cannon: Free!
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: +20pts

===Super Scarab - 2500pts===
Power 130, Points per model 2600
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! FA !! SA !! RA !! I !! A !! HP
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Super Scarab|| 3 || 4 || D || 15 || 15 || 13 || 1 || 6 || 50
| Kraken|| * || * || 4+ || 9 || 9 || 200 || 4 || 10 || 2+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Super Scarab
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Walker
:'''Wargear''': Hull-mounted Super-Heavy Plasma Beam
! Remaining W
:'''Transport Capacity''': 50 models
! M
! WS
| 151+
| 12"
| 4+
| 101-150
| 10"
| 4+
| 51-100
| 8"
| 5+
| 1-50
| 6"
| 6+
:This unit contains one Kraken equipped with 16 Heavy Plasma Cannons. It may also destroy enemies with a Focused Kick or crush them under its Greater Titanic Stride.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Super-Heavy Plasma Beam || 120" || D || 1 || Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast, Super Scarab
| Focused Kick || Melee || x2 || -5 || 12 || Melee || Any wound roll of a 6 made with this attack on any VEHICLE, MONSTER or BUILDING automatically inflicts an additional 2D6 mortal wounds on the target.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Special Rules''': It Will Not Die
:'''Wargear Options''':
*Super Scarab: Each hit from the Super-Heavy Plasma Beam is multiplied into D6 hits and ignores cover saves. When shooting buildings and fortifications, re-roll 1s on the destroyer damage chart.
*Any Heavy Plasma Cannon may be exchanged for a:
*Towering Monstrosity (Super Scarab): Its super-heavy walker status means the Super Scarab is immune to dangerous terrain but cannot fire upon units closer than 42” unless they are Monstrous Creatures, Flying Monstrous Creatures, Gargantuan Creatures, Flyers, Super-heavy vehicles or a vehicle with more than 2 hull points. This unit cannot be locked in assault. Infantry, Walkers, and Flying/Monstrous Creatures only hit in assault on a 6. Super-heavy Walkers and Gargantuan Creatures only hit on a 5 or 6 in assault. Haywire attacks only glance on a 6, and any non-Witchfire psychic powers are ineffective. Weapons with the Skyfire special rule may fire upon it with their full ballistic skill.
:-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts each
*Reactor Meltdown: If this unit is compromised. It would create a 36" blast template and have a 1 in 3 chance for it to be strength D. All units would be affected whether enemy or ally.
:-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
*Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
*Titanic Gait: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8" instead of rolling a dice.
*Gargantuan Monstrosity: A Kraken can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding TITANIC models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 250 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 16 COVENANT VEHICLE models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC models cannot be transported.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Khantolekgolo Behemoth - 570pts===
===Khantolekgolo Behemoth===
Power 27, Points per model 550
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Khantolekgolo|| 4 || 3 || 10 || 8 || 7 || 1 || 5 || 9 || 3+
| Khantolekgolo|| * || 3+ || 3+ || * || * || 46 || 8 || 9 || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Khantolekgolo Behemoth
{| class="wikitable"
:'''Unit Type''': Gargantuan Creature
:'''Wargear''': Heavy Assault Cannon, Bonded Armor
! Remaining W
! M
! S
! A
| 19+
| 10"
| 12
| 8
| 10-18
| 8"
| 10
| 7
| 1-9
| 6"
| 8
| 6
:A Khantolekgolo Behemoth is a single model equipped with a Heavy Assault Cannon. It may also crush enemies under its huge feet.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range!! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Heavy Assault Cannon || || || ||
| Heavy Assault Cannon || || || || || ||
| Cannon || 48" || 9 || 4 || Primary Weapon 1, Massive Blast
| Cannon || 48" || 6 || -2 || 1 || Heavy 6D6 || Blast
| Beam || 36" || 8 || 2 || Primary Weapon 3, Lance
| Beam || 48" || 8 || -4 || D3+3 || Heavy 6 || -
| Storm || 36" || 5 || 5 || Primary Weapon 12
| Storm || 72" || 4 || 0 || 1 || Heavy 60 || This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.
| Huge Feet || Melee || User || -4 || D3+3 || Melee || -
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
*Stampede!: Each time this model finishes a charge move, select one unit within engagement range of it and roll a D6; on a 2+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
*Gestalt Disperse: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6, it's gestalt disperses, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
*Gargantuan: A Khantolekgolo can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Khantolekgolo makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Deployment Carapace - 210pts===
Power 9, Points per model 190
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Tyrant/Weevil|| 0" || - || 5+ || - || 9 || 20 || - || - || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:This unit contains one Tyrant or Weevil. Tyrants are equipped with a Tyrant Gun and Weevils are equipped with a Weevil Mortar.
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! BS !! FA !! SA !! RA !! HP
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Damage !! Type !! Abilities
| Deployment Carapace|| - || 12 || 12 || 12 || 6
| Weevil Mortar || 72" || 10 || -4 || 5 || Heavy 2D6 || Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:'''Unit Composition''': 1 Deployment Carapace
:'''Unit Type''': Super-Heavy Vehicle (Transport)
*Immobile: This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. However, this model can still shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, and friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.
:'''Transport Capacity''': 20 models (Once the Orbital Insertion Pod has arrived all models must disembark. They may not re-embark.)
*Automated Weapons: Unless a friendly unit is embarked inside this model, each of its weapons can only target the nearest visible enemy. If two or more units are equally close, you may choose which is targeted.
:'''Special Rules''': Deep Strike, Inertial Guidance System, Immobile, Unarmed
*Fire Points: 10 models embarked in this model can shoot in their Shooting phase, measuring range and drawing line of sight from any point on this model. They can do this even if enemy models are within 1" of this model.
* Orbital Redeployment: A Deployment Carapace can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to return to orbit. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. Each time the Deployment Carapace arrives by Deep Strike, it may carry a different set of units that are in ongoing Reserves unless they have already been assigned to a Dedicated Transport.
*Plasma Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 4+ its plasma core explodes, and each unit within D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 20 COVENANT INFANTRY models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT

===Plasma Turrets===
===Tyrant/Weevil - 110pts===
Power 6, Points per model 80
'''Composition''': 1 main strongpoint
<br>'''Terrain Type''': Large Building (Armour Value 14) with battlements
<br>'''Access Points and Fire Points''': As per model.
<br>'''Weapons''': 1 Tyrant Gun
<br>'''Special Rules''': Mighty Bulwark
*'''Fully Automated''': The Tyrant Gun and Weevil Mortar can only fire using automated fire even if it is unoccupied. If an enemy unit manages to capture the building its control does not transfer to them, they'll instead destroy the reactor powering the gun making it unusable for the rest of the game.
*May add up to 4 emplaced Plasma Cannons: +10pts each
*May take options from the Buildings, Obstacles and Battlements & Battlefield (may not take either gun-emplacement options) lists.
*May replace the Tyrant Gun with a Weevil Mortar: +20pts
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
|- valign=top
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Weevil Mortar|| 12"-96" || 9 || 2 || Primary Weapon 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Armourbane
| Plasma Turret|| 0" || - || 5+ || - || 8 || 10 || - || - || 3+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
:A Plasma Turret is a single model equipped with a Twin Plasma Cannon. It can include one additional Plasma Turret (Power Rating +6).
:'''Wargear Options''':
*May take one of the following:
:-Two Plasma Mortars: +20pts
:-Two Heavy Needlers: +30pts
:-Two Fuel Rod Cannons: +30pts
*Immobile: This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. However, this model can still shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, and friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.
*Automated Weapons: This models weapons can only target the nearest visible enemy unit. If two or more units are equally close, you may choose which is targeted.
*Magazine Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6 its magazine explodes, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
:'''Keywords''': VEHICLE, BUILDING
===Deployable Watchtower===
Power 3, Points per model 70
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 align=left
|- valign=top
! Name !! M !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| Weevil Scorch|| 12"-96" || 8 || 3 || Primary Weapon 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Ignores Cover, Fleshbane
| Deployable Watchtower|| 0" || - || - || - || 7 || 10 || - || - || 4+
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
<br style="clear: both; height: 0px;" />
===Plasma Turrets - 40pts===
:A Deployable Watchtower is a single model. It can include an additional Deployable Watchtower (Power Rating +3).
'''Composition''': 1 Light Plasma Turret. If an additional Plasma Turret is purchased (see below), each is deployed as a separate fortification.
<br>'''Terrain Type''': Small Impassable Building (Armour Value 10)
*Immobile: This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. However, this model can still shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, and friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.
<br>'''Access Points and Fire Points''': None
*Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
<br>'''Weapons''': 1 Plasma Cannon
*Open Topped: Models embarked on a Deployable Watchtower can attack in their Shooting phase. Measure the range and draw line of sight from any point on the model they are embarked on. When they do so, any restrictions or modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its passengers; for example, the passengers cannot shoot if this model has Fallen Back in the same turn, the passengers cannot shoot (except with Pistols) if this model is within 1" of an enemy unit, and so on.
<br>'''Special Rules''':
:'''Transport Capacity''': This model can transport 10 COVENANT INFANTRY models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models.
*Sentry Defence System: A building with this special rule can use automated fire against enemy units, even if it is unoccupied. In addition, enemy units can shoot at and charge a building with this special rule, even if it is unoccupied.
:'''Faction Keywords''': COVENANT
*AA Mount: Weapons that are AA mounted roll to hit Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures using their normal BS rather than requiring a 6 to hit.
*May add one additional Light Plasma Turret: +40pts
*Any Light Plasma Turret may be upgraded to a:
:-Medium Plasma Turret, increasing the Armour Value to 11 and twin-linking its Plasma Cannon: +15pts
:-Heavy Plasma Turret, increasing the Armour Value to 12 and replacing the Plasma Cannon with a Heavy Plasma Cannon: +25pts
*Any Plasma Turret may take a:
**Twin-Linked Plasma Mortar: +15pts
**Twin-Linked Fuel Rod Gun: +15pts
**Heavy Needler: +35pts
*Each Plasma Turret may take items from the Obstacles list.
===Deployable Watchtower - 20pts===
'''Composition''': 1 Deployable Watchtower. If an additional Deployable Watchtower is purchased (see below), each is deployed as a separate fortification.
<br>'''Terrain Type''': Small Building (Armour Value 10) with battlements
<br>'''Access Points and Fire Points''': None
<br>'''Special Rules''':
*Watchtower: A Deployable Watchtower does not have any transport capacity. Instead, models can move from outside the Watchtower directly onto the battlement without entering the building.
*May take an additional Deployable Watchtower: +20pts
*Any Deployable Watchtower may take up to 3 emplaced Plasma Cannons: +10pts each
*May take options from the Obstacles and Battlements & Battlefield (may not take either gun-emplacement options) lists.
===Covenant Command Center - 40pts===
'''Composition''': 1 Outpost
<br>'''Terrain Type''': Large Building (Armour Value 14)
<br>'''Access Points and Fire Points''': As per Model
<br>'''Special Rules''':
*Teleporter: The Command Center treats any point within 6" of any allied Warlord from Codex - The Covenant as an access point for the purposes of disembarking but not embarking. Your Warlord may embark into the Covenant Command Center from any point on the map.
*May be upgraded to a:
**Keep, granting the Mighty Bulwark special rule: +10pts
**Citadel, granting the Mighty Bulwark special rule and increasing the armour value to 15: +20pts
*May take options from the Buildings, Obstacles and Battlements & Battlefield (may not take either gun-emplacement options) lists.
===Temporary Strongpoint===
*0-3 Deployable Watchtowers
*1-5 Aegis Defense Lines
*0-1 Skyshield Landing Pad
Please refer to each fortification’s individual datasheet entry for its Terrain Type, Fire & Access Points, Weapons, Special Rules, Options and Weapon Profiles. These fortifications must be represented appropriately to show that it is constructed by the covenant, simply borrowing a fortification from the Imperium is not allowed.
<br>'''Options''': Aegis Defense Lines in this fortification network may not take Emplaced Weapons from the Battlements and Battlefields list but may take up to 3 emplaced Plasma Cannons: +10pts each
===Covenant Base===
*1 Covenant Command Center (must be upgraded to either a Keep or Citadel)
*0-3 Void Shield Generators
*0-2 Plasma Turrets
*0-2 Skyshield Landing Pads
Please refer to each fortification’s individual datasheet entry for its Terrain Type, Fire & Access Points, Weapons, Special Rules, Options and Weapon Profiles. These fortifications must be represented appropriately to show that it is constructed by the covenant, simply borrowing a fortification from the Imperium is not allowed.

==Info on Covenant Vehicles==
==Info on Covenant Vehicles==
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'''Ghost:''' A light recon vehicle, akin to a Imperial Bike. Fast, quiet and maneuverable. Comes with two Plasma Cannons that does as much damage as a Heavy Bolter (Fluff wise). However it is weak and vulnerable.
'''Ghost:''' A light recon vehicle, akin to a Imperial Bike. Fast, quiet and maneuverable. Comes with two Plasma Cannons that does as much damage as a Heavy Bolter (Fluff wise). However it is weak and vulnerable.
*'''Ghost Ultra:''' A improved Ghost with silver armor and rapid firing high-explosive plasma cannons, shredding infantry and light to medium vehicles with ease, tougher but more expensive with an added 70+ point cost.
*'''Temple Ghost:''' Master-crafted Ghost in shining gold alloy. Rewarded to Zealots who have proven to the Hierarchs of their zeal and absolute selflessness towards the Great Journey. Stats improves Front, Side and Rear Armor by 2, faster speed, ability to fire while boosting and a 1+ invulnerable save. Increased point cost.

'''Wraith:''' Covenant MBT, but functions more akin to a Mobile Artillery, can come equipped with shields that gives it 4+ invulnerable save. Has a unique special ability called "Scorched" which allows the Wraith to shoot out a flaming sticky plasma gel that ignores cover saves. Main disadvantage however is that like all Covenant vehicle, it is based on quantity rather then quality, thus is weaker then most WH40K tanks and artillery.
'''Wraith:''' Covenant MBT, but functions more akin to a Mobile Artillery, can come equipped with shields that gives it 4+ invulnerable save. Has a unique special ability called "Scorched" which allows the Wraith to shoot out a flaming sticky plasma gel that ignores cover saves. Main disadvantage however is that like all Covenant vehicles, it is based on quantity rather than quality, thus is weaker then most WH40K tanks and artillery.
*'''Anti-Air Wraith:''' This specially modified Wraith has their Heavy Plasma Mortar replaced by two Heavy Fuel Rod Cannons that can home in and destroy almost any enemy aircraft with relative ease, however the Covenant can also re-purpose the Fuel Rods for anti-vehicle, causing immense damage to any light to medium tanks. Just like most Vehicles from the Covenant, they have a vast practicality use for each one, earning them the nickname of Jack-of-all-Trades and Master-of-None.
*'''Anti-Air Wraith:''' This specially modified Wraith has their Heavy Plasma Mortar replaced by two Heavy Fuel Rod Cannons that can home in and destroy almost any enemy aircraft with relative ease, however the Covenant can also re-purpose the Fuel Rods for anti-vehicle, causing immense damage to any light to medium tanks. Just like most Vehicles from the Covenant, they have a vast practicality use for each one, earning them the nickname of Jack-of-all-Trades and Master-of-None.
*'''Wraith Ultra:''' A silvery Wraith with advanced systems and armaments, this improved Wraith designed is meant for the most accomplished drivers in the Covenant army. It's a standard Wraith with an improved mortar that breaks apart like plasma cluster bombs creating several blast templates; balanced with a more expensive point cost.
*'''Temple Wraith:''' A Golden Master-crafted Wraith meant for only the most loyal of Sangheili Zealots. These Wraiths are distinguished from others in its technological and defensive improvements. Wraith with improved armor that raises its Front, Side and Rear Armor by a factor of 2, faster speed and improved rate of fire and an added 1+ invulnerable save. Balanced with a more expensive point cost.

[[File:Tumblr_mdodsnzlwL1rxhpbzo1_500.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Covenant Locust in action]]
[[File:Tumblr_mdodsnzlwL1rxhpbzo1_500.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Covenant Locust in action]]
'''Locust:''' Covenant Mining vehicle converted into a anti-building and anti-tank weapon. Automatically comes with a very strong energy shield that gives it 2+ invulnerable save for a single glancing or penetrating hit each phase. Armed with a single but very powerful Mining Laser that gives it very high damage against tanks, heavy tanks and mechs. Has a special ability called "Overdrive" which sacrifices its shield strength but boost its S value by 1. Main disadvantage is that it cannot fire on the move, making it vulnerable to flanking.
'''Locust:''' Covenant Mining vehicle converted into a anti-building and anti-tank weapon. Automatically comes with a very strong energy shield that gives it 2+ invulnerable save for a single glancing or penetrating hit each phase. Armed with a single but very powerful Mining Laser that gives it very high damage against tanks, heavy tanks and mechs. Has a special ability called "Overdrive" which sacrifices its shield strength but improve its strength, Ap and damage values by 1. Main disadvantage is that it cannot fire on the move, making it vulnerable to flanking.

'''Spectre:''' A covenant light troop transport, armed with a plasma cannon, has mostly similar stats of a Imperial Tauros, although the main difference is that the Spectre contains a boost function like most Covenant vehicles, enabling it to move faster then normal and can enable re-rolls.
'''Spectre:''' A covenant light troop transport, armed with a plasma cannon, has mostly similar stats of a Imperial Tauros, although the main difference is that the Spectre contains a boost function like most Covenant vehicles, enabling it to move faster then normal and can enable re-rolls.
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'''Shadow:''' Covenant troop transport that is often nicknamed "The Covenant Bus", can carry up to 12 models, slower than WH40K skimmer counterparts but is much tougher and its equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon, dealing massive damage over a short time.
'''Shadow:''' Covenant troop transport that is often nicknamed "The Covenant Bus", can carry up to 12 models, slower than WH40K skimmer counterparts but is much tougher and its equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon, dealing massive damage over a short time.
'''Umbra:''' The Umbra is a more heavy-duty cousin of the Shadow. Bigger and housing up to 20 passengers, the Umbra is also far better protected, having an amoured enclosed space to protect the troops at the cost of a slower top speed. Like its lighter cousin, the Umbra is only armed with a single Heavy Plasma Cannon

'''Chopper:''' A Brute made vehicle, it is primitive, crude, but incredibly effective, have mostly the same stats as a Ghost but is slower, comes with two light anti-vehicle cannons and has a special ability called "Charged" which can instantly destroys lighter vehicles, and heavily damage tanks.
'''Chopper:''' A Brute made vehicle, it is primitive, crude, but incredibly effective, have mostly the same stats as a Ghost but is slower, comes with two light anti-vehicle cannons and has a special ability called "Charged" which can instantly destroys lighter vehicles, and heavily damage tanks.
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'''Prowler:''' The Brutes version of the Covenant main-line Spectre and Imperium Tauros, like anything made from the Brutes they are crude, primitive and brutish in both design and affect. Shaped like a angler fish for psychological warfare, they have similar stats as the Spectre, but has more armor on both the front, left and right sides, however they are slow and sluggish compared to other Race's reconnaissance vehicles.
'''Prowler:''' The Brutes version of the Covenant main-line Spectre and Imperium Tauros, like anything made from the Brutes they are crude, primitive and brutish in both design and affect. Shaped like a angler fish for psychological warfare, they have similar stats as the Spectre, but has more armor on both the front, left and right sides, however they are slow and sluggish compared to other Race's reconnaissance vehicles.

'''Goblin:''' After decades of research in secrecy and rumored technological heresy, a group of lowly Unggoys have developed a diminutive bipedal walker that, under the supervision and approval of the Great Heirarchs have become the Covenant's key answer to the Tau Crisis Battle Suits which was plaguing Covenant logistics with their heavy armaments and quick speed. Named the Goblin due to their small size of a walker, these machines are not to be underestimated as their duty as an anti-walker has befallen countless Tau weapons of war that took it for granted. The Goblin is armed with double barreled Heavy Needler, a EMP Pulse and a Power Fist which makes this one of the best anti-vehicle unit in the Covenant as well as an in built grenade launcher and Shardstorm Launcher for anti-infantry purposes. It is armed with a powerful jump pack that enables the machine to traverse anywhere and have a special ability called "Needle Barrage" which allows the Goblin to fire a barrage of Needles from its Shardstorm Launcher on eight specific targets; main downfalls include its relatively weak shields on the canopy, making it vulnerable to Artillery.
'''Goblin:''' After decades of research in secrecy and rumored technological heresy, a group of lowly Unggoys have developed a diminutive bipedal walker that, under the supervision and approval of the Great Heirarchs have become the Covenant's key answer to the Tau Crisis Battle Suits which was plaguing Covenant logistics with their heavy armaments and quick speed. Named the Goblin due to their small size of a walker, these machines are not to be underestimated as their duty as an anti-walker has befallen countless Tau weapons of war that took it for granted. The Goblin is armed with a Heavy Needler, an EMP Pulse and a Power Fist which makes this one of the best anti-vehicle unit in the Covenant as well as an in built grenade launcher and Shardstorm Launcher for anti-infantry purposes. Additionally, the Goblin can be retrofitted with a modified and miniaturized Focus Cannon found typically on larger Covenant walkers and a Plasmablaster Launcher which replaces the Shardstorm Launcher's Needles with homing Plasma Grenades. It is armed with a powerful jump pack that enables the machine to traverse anywhere and have a special ability called "Needle Barrage" which allows the Goblin to fire a barrage of Needles from its Shardstorm Launcher on eight specific targets; main downfalls include its relatively weak shields on the canopy, making it vulnerable to Artillery.

===Covenant Air Vehicles===
===Covenant Air Vehicles===

'''Banshee:''' Main Covenant scout plane, weak and vulnerable but comes in obscene numbers and speed, as well as being able to be produced cheaply and quickly. Armed with two Light Plasma Cannons and a single Fuel Rod Cannon for added anti-tank damage. If equipped with vehicular energy shielding they are decent are resisting hits.
'''Banshee:''' Main Covenant scout plane, weak and vulnerable but comes in obscene numbers and speed, as well as being able to be produced cheaply and quickly. Armed with two Light Plasma Cannons and a single Fuel Rod Cannon for added anti-tank damage. If equipped with vehicular energy shielding they are decent at resisting hits.
*'''Ultra Banshee:''' A more advanced and tougher variation of the common Banshee, these silver harpies are the Covenant's ace, handpicked by the finest and capable of dog fighting the more durable aircraft the Covenant often face. They are more expensive but come with a improved rapid-firing Fuel Rod Cannon and High Damaging Plasma Cannons.
*'''Temple Banshee:''' Rewarded towards esteemed Zealots who are also aces in the sky. These Master-crafted golden Banshees have their Front, Side and Rear Armor upgraded by 2, faster movement speed, faster rate of fire for its Fuel Rod Cannon, ability to fire while boosting and a 1+ invulnerable save. Sacrifice with higher point cost.  

'''Vampire:''' Covenant anti-air vehicle, armed with one Heavy Needler Cannon, Stasis cannon and two medium plasma cannons. Slow, but dangerous to all air vehicles, its Needler Cannon does obscene damage and almost never misses, furthermore its special ability called "Stasis" uses its stasis beam to both trap and drain Enemy air vehicles until it blows up, dealing massive damage to any units below. Main disadvantage is that it can only target one enemy at a time.[[File:HW_Covenant_Vampire_S.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Covenant Vampire with early prototypes.]]
'''Vampire:''' Covenant anti-air vehicle, armed with one Heavy Needler Cannon, Stasis cannon and two medium plasma cannons. Slow, but dangerous to all air vehicles, its Needler Cannon does obscene damage and almost never misses, furthermore its special ability called "Stasis" uses its stasis beam to both trap and drain Enemy air vehicles until it blows up, dealing massive damage to any units below. Main disadvantage is that it can only target one enemy at a time.[[File:HW_Covenant_Vampire_S.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Covenant Vampire with early prototypes.]]
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*'''Protos Scarab:''' The second and less common model is the Protos model. Far more ancient and archaic then the newer Deutoros equivalent, this ancient excavator is still a wrecking behemoth when used in the right hands. At around 50 meters high, the Protos Scarab is both larger and more powerful then the Deutoros Scarab, unlike its more common cousin the Protos scarab is piloted in a conventional sense then the usual Lekgolo hive, armed with two medium Anti-Air turrets that does serious damage to enemy aircraft, and the same Super-Heavy Focus Cannon as their smaller brethren. These monsters are only used in the most heated engagements in the Covenant front line. However unlike their Deutoros cousin, the Protos Scarab is more vulnerable to boarding and retaliation due to its dependence on an actual crew.
*'''Protos Scarab:''' The second and less common model is the Protos model. Far more ancient and archaic then the newer Deutoros equivalent, this ancient excavator is still a wrecking behemoth when used in the right hands. At around 50 meters high, the Protos Scarab is both larger and more powerful then the Deutoros Scarab, unlike its more common cousin the Protos scarab is piloted in a conventional sense then the usual Lekgolo hive, armed with two medium Anti-Air turrets that does serious damage to enemy aircraft, and the same Super-Heavy Focus Cannon as their smaller brethren. These monsters are only used in the most heated engagements in the Covenant front line. However unlike their Deutoros cousin, the Protos Scarab is more vulnerable to boarding and retaliation due to its dependence on an actual crew.

'''Devastator Scarab:''' Another separate variant of the Scarab family known formally as the Type-36 Scarab, these beasts are armed with a specialized Class-4 Plasma Cannon which are analogous to those fitted on a Type-27 Mantis, allowing it to be a threat to most aerial vehicles, capable in vaporizing entire swarms of fighters and even damaging a Tau Manta in the appropriate distance. However its overspecialization causes this Scarab to be particularly vulnerable to other Titans and its lack of close range weaponry makes it an Achilles heel against smaller and more numerous vehicles.   
'''Sumda'te Scarab:''' Another separate variant of the Scarab family known formally as the Type-36 Scarab, these beasts are armed with a specialized Class-4 Plasma Cannon which are analogous to those fitted on a Type-27 Mantis, allowing it to be a threat to most aerial vehicles, capable in vaporizing entire swarms of fighters and even damaging a Tau Manta in the appropriate distance. However its overspecialization causes this Scarab to be particularly vulnerable to other Titans and its lack of close range weaponry makes it an Achilles heel against smaller and more numerous vehicles.   

[[File:Super_Scarab.png|240px|thumb|left|A Super-Scarab under construction.]]  
[[File:Super_Scarab.png|240px|thumb|left|A Super-Scarab under construction.]]  
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'''Super-Scarab:''' The Covenants answer to an Imperial Titan, these living legends are so large that it needs to be constructed on land then the usual orbital drops used by its smaller cousins. Although armed with a single Focus Cannon; its power is unmatched and so far remains the most powerful Covenant land-based weaponry known by Imperial records, able to tune its intensity that could rival even a star-based Energy Projector from a Covenant ship they are a force to be reckoned with. Could carry troops of up to 50, and is fast and mobile for something its size. Furthermore it has none of its disadvantages of its smaller brethren.
'''Super-Scarab:''' The Covenants answer to an Imperial Titan, these living legends are so large that it needs to be constructed on land then the usual orbital drops used by its smaller cousins. Although armed with a single Focus Cannon; its power is unmatched and so far remains the most powerful Covenant land-based weaponry known by Imperial records, able to tune its intensity that could rival even a star-based Energy Projector from a Covenant ship they are a force to be reckoned with. Could carry troops of up to 50, and is fast and mobile for something its size. Furthermore it has none of its disadvantages of its smaller brethren.

'''Harvester:''' A Covenant Walking Colossal dwarfing even a Imperium Imperator-Class Titan. Similar to the much smaller Scarab, these towering monsters are piloted by a Lekgolo hive on a massive scale, so much so that it is given an entirely different class called a "Sbaolekgolo Colony". Only Armed with a Single but heavily specialized Plasma Drill that could eat its way through a mountain, let alone a Titan. Does less damage then the Super-Scarab but is compensated for its quicker recovery.
'''Draugr:''' A Covenant Land Battleship. The Draugr is a mobile fortress that is roughly analogous to the Imperium's and Squat's Leviathans, Cyclops and Capitol Imperialis. At 168 meters long, these juggernauts are used in the most extreme of battlefields; often being deployed on planetary sieges. Armed with five Boring Lasers with one of the most powerful ground-based energy shields the Imperium has faced, the Draugr is a formidable ground asset that even Titan legions have trouble facing. This is further compounded with its large complement of a hundred Covenant troops plus an additional complement of several Scarabs acting as support units.

'''Kraken:''' A Covenant Super-Heavy Siege Tower, the Kraken is aptly named due to its close resemblance of the legendary sea monster of ancient Terran myths. This towering monstrosity boast a large complement of housing space large enough to fit a few Phantoms and over 250 troops for potential boarding. Additionally, its three large legs are powerful enough to crush mountains and toss smaller Titans into oblivion, creating a large blast template whenever it lands its feet. Its ability to hover for a limited time further increases its mobility and enables it to deep strike into enemy territory. However despite these advantages, the Kraken's long range weaponry is pitifully weak for a Titan-class unit, carrying only a few dozen Shade turrets to defend itself from smaller air units and ground units, forcing the Kraken in a very dangerous CQC range to effectively combat other Titans. This weakness is further compounded for its relatively unprotected and hollow mid section, which means any well placed shot from a rival Titan may effectively destroy the majority of the Kraken's troops. The Kraken's specialized role makes it highly effective against fortified positions but exceedingly poor within large open spaces.
'''Harvester:''' A Covenant Walking Colossal dwarfing even a Imperium Imperator-Class Titan. Similar to the much smaller Scarab, these towering monsters are piloted by a Lekgolo hive on a massive scale, so much so that it is given an entirely different class called a "Sbaolekgolo Colony". Only Armed with a Single but heavily specialized Ultraheavy Plasma Drill that could eat its way through a mountain, let alone a Titan. Does less damage then the Super-Scarab but is compensated for its quicker recovery.
'''Kraken:''' A Covenant Ultra-Heavy Siege Tower, the Kraken is aptly named due to its close resemblance of the legendary sea monster of ancient Terran myths. This towering monstrosity boast a large complement of housing space large enough to fit a few Phantoms and over 250 troops for potential boarding. Additionally, its three large legs are powerful enough to crush mountains and toss smaller Titans into oblivion, creating a large blast template whenever it lands its feet. Its ability to hover for a limited time further increases its mobility and enables it to deep strike into enemy territory. However despite these advantages, the Kraken's long range weaponry is pitifully weak for a Titan-class unit, carrying only a few dozen Shade turrets to defend itself from smaller air units and ground units, forcing the Kraken in a very dangerous CQC range to effectively combat other Titans. This weakness is further compounded for its relatively unprotected and hollow mid section, which means any well placed shot from a rival Titan may effectively destroy the majority of the Kraken's troops. The Kraken's specialized role makes it highly effective against fortified positions but exceedingly poor within large open spaces.

'''Lich:''' The only Covenant Air Titan, same size as a Scarab but is armed with four heavy Plasma Cannons and a giant Electrical Impulse Cannon which like the Vampire has a massive EMP strike on any vehicle. Each vehicle hit by the EMP Laser has to wait 8 turns, heavily armored and share no vulnerability at the rear. Could carry over 40 troops but is slow, cumbersome and expensive to produce. Acts as a Support Titan.
'''Lich:''' The only Covenant Air Titan, same size as a Scarab but is armed with four heavy Plasma Cannons and a giant Electrical Impulse Cannon which like the Vampire has a massive EMP strike on any vehicle. Each vehicle hit by the EMP Laser has to wait 8 turns, heavily armored and share no vulnerability at the rear. Could carry over 40 troops but is slow, cumbersome and expensive to produce. Acts as a Support Titan.

===Covenant Fortifications===
===Covenant Fortifications===
'''Mantis:''' The Mantis is the largest and most powerful Anti-Aircraft Cannon produced by the Covenant Empire. The sheer size of the Mantis means that only certain areas is doable enough to support the structure and only the largest of Covenant landcraft is able to support it such as the Scarab. As the Mantis is designated towards aircraft and low-orbiting spacecraft, it is thus, incredibly effective at destroying anything from Thunderhawks to even light Corvettes.

'''Tyrant:''' One of the most oft-used triple A pieces the Covenant use is the Type-38 Tyrant. The giant cannon fires powerful plasma bolts in three round bursts that are powerful and long-ranged enough for it to even be capable of acting as ground to space defences. The Tyrant is not only an artillery piece; it is also a fortification unto itself with multiple levels and cover for the troops stationed there. The Tyrant is powered by a pinch fusion reactor that gives it practically unlimited ammunition. The cost of this is that if the reactor core is destroyed, the artillery will explode.
'''Tyrant:''' One of the most oft-used triple A pieces the Covenant use is the Type-38 Tyrant. The giant cannon fires powerful plasma bolts in three round bursts that are powerful and long-ranged enough for it to even be capable of acting as ground to space defences. The Tyrant is not only an artillery piece; it is also a fortification unto itself with multiple levels and cover for the troops stationed there. The Tyrant is powered by a pinch fusion reactor that gives it practically unlimited ammunition. The cost of this is that if the reactor core is destroyed, the artillery will explode.

'''Weevil:''' The Weevil is the heaviest artillery piece in the covenant that can lob plasma over impressive distances. The differences between it and the Tyrant are only in the gun, they are both built on the same chassis design. Unlike the Tyrant it can only be used for ground engagements but is still capable of devastating anything that is in its range.
'''Weevil:''' The Weevil is the heaviest artillery piece in the Covenant that can lob plasma over impressive distances. The differences between it and the Tyrant are only in the gun, they are both built on the same chassis design. Unlike the Tyrant it can only be used for ground engagements but is still capable of devastating anything that is in its range.

'''Deployable Watchtower:''' One of the staple of any temporary fortification built by the covenant is the deployable watchtower. It can be placed and carried by any phantom or spirit and provides high ground for snipers and troops equipped with heavy weapons.
'''Deployable Watchtower:''' One of the staple of any temporary fortification built by the Covenant is the deployable watchtower. It can be placed and carried by any phantom or spirit and provides high ground for snipers and troops equipped with heavy weapons.
'''Deployable Energy Shield:''' A deployable energy shield covers a wide area in a spherical bubble that helps protects Covenant infantry and vehicles from artillery barrages, orbital bombardment and aircraft assaults. These fortifications is incredibly mobile and can be carried by either a phantom or spirit.

'''Plasma Turret:''' A more permanent fortification is the automated plasma turret that comes in small, medium and large sizes. Each size is tougher and has more firepower than the last. It is also a modular piece of defense that can be outfitted against infantry, vehicle, and aircraft as needed.
'''Plasma Turret:''' A more permanent fortification is the automated plasma turret that comes in small, medium and large sizes. Each size is tougher and has more firepower than the last. It is also a modular piece of defense that can be outfitted against infantry, vehicle, and aircraft as needed.
'''Shrike Turret:''' The Shrike Turret is a medium, automated anti-aerospace weapon emplacement system utilized at sites of significant strategic importance. Shrike Turrets are larger and more powerful than normal Shades that is armed with two high-powered plasma cannons. Shrike Turrets unlike conventional Covenant military assets is actually controlled by an A.I., although these artificial intelligence is relatively 'feral' and simple-minded, which is sanctioned and approved by the upper echelons of the Covenant.
'''Mega Turret:''' A giant, static turret used by both Banished and Covenant forces. These behemoths act as defensive artillery by lobbing giant and devastating Plasma Torpedoes that can destroy super-heavy vehicles or a large platoon of infantry in a single shot. They can switch into two firing modes, "Lingering Death" which ignores cover and creates an area denial affect that lasts two turns, reducing infantry to ash and "Compound Detonators" which creates a high strength explosion that can turn even the strongest vehicles inside out.

'''Covenant Command Base:''' Though a Covenant invasion will usually prefer to eliminate targets by glassing the area, digging up artifacts and then moving on there are sometimes situations where the Covenant will wish to stay in an area for a prolonged period of time. The Command Base is built for these purposes, it is equipped with communications equipment, weapon and ammunition stockpiles, barracks, a war room and even a teleporter so that leaders can be rapidly reinforced in combat.
'''Covenant Command Base:''' Though a Covenant invasion will usually prefer to eliminate targets by glassing the area, digging up artifacts and then moving on there are sometimes situations where the Covenant will wish to stay in an area for a prolonged period of time. The Command Base is built for these purposes, it is equipped with communications equipment, weapon and ammunition stockpiles, barracks, a war room and even a teleporter so that leaders can be rapidly reinforced in combat.

'''Temporary Strongpoint:''' The Temporary Strongpoint is built whenever the covenant needs to quickly fortify an important area but does not have the time to erect more permanent fortifications or the need to stay in that area for a prolonged period. The Strongpoint consists of multiple Deployable Watchtowers, deployable cover, emplaced plasma cannons and sometimes a landing pad.
'''Temporary Strongpoint:''' The Temporary Strongpoint is built whenever the Covenant needs to quickly fortify an important area but does not have the time to erect more permanent fortifications or the need to stay in that area for a prolonged period. The Strongpoint consists of multiple Deployable Watchtowers, deployable cover, emplaced plasma cannons and sometimes a landing pad.

'''Covenant Base:''' These permanent networks are built as a main military base to rally behind whenever the Covenant intends to permanently settle an area. They are stocked with enough supplies to withstand a long siege, are incredibly tough, can contain entire platoons, can be used as landing pads for ships and have powerful turrets to support its defenders. Enemies wishing to take this fortress will expect to have to invest considerable resources in its destruction and suffer heavy losses in the process.
'''Covenant Base:''' These permanent networks are built as a main military base to rally behind whenever the Covenant intends to permanently settle an area. They are stocked with enough supplies to withstand a long siege, are incredibly tough, can contain entire platoons, can be used as landing pads for ships and have powerful turrets to support its defenders. Enemies wishing to take this fortress will expect to have to invest considerable resources in its destruction and suffer heavy losses in the process.
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'''Gigas:''' The Gigas-class Fighter Bomber is the oldest archaic star fighter still being used by the Covenant Navy since their time in their home universe, although out-dated they still boast over a dozen Plasma Charges for bombing runs and three Pulse Lasers for both self-defense and anti-infantry.
'''Gigas:''' The Gigas-class Fighter Bomber is the oldest archaic star fighter still being used by the Covenant Navy since their time in their home universe, although out-dated they still boast over a dozen Plasma Charges for bombing runs and three Pulse Lasers for both self-defense and anti-infantry.

===Covenant Star-ships===
===Covenant Starships===
'''Brief Summary:'''
'''Brief Summary:'''
Covenant Star-ships are noted throughout Ultima Segmentum to be weaker then the Imperium counterparts in both offense and defense, but what makes them dangerous is their sheer numbers (Usually numbering in the dozens of hundreds) and speed of their ships. Xenologists and Tech-priests researching in the specialized section of Xeno tech, discovered that the main FTL drives are on a completely different scale, dubbed Slipspace by a captured Kig-Yar.  
Covenant starships are generally smaller and more lightly armoured than their Imperial counterparts, but they are armed with arcane plasma weaponry and equipped with powerful energy shielding that makes up for these deficiencies. Their chief advantage, however, lies in their faster-than-light technology. Xenologists and Mechanicus explorators have discovered that the Covenant use a form of FTL travel which operates on principles entirely different from the warp engines employed by nearly all known sentient races in the galaxy. When employing their FTL drives, Covenant ships enter a dimensional subdomain containing a number of non-visible infinitesimal dimensions, which can be manipulated to travel beyond lightspeed. This subdomain is referred to by Covenant personnel as "Slipspace". Xenologists have confirmed that this "Slipspace" is not coterminous with the Warp, making the Covenant one of only a few known races not to employ Warp-based FTL. Covenant FTL technology appears to be safer and more reliable than known Imperial warp technology by several orders of magnitude, and they have used this capability to outmaneuver Imperial battlefleets in several engagements. Despite this, experiments with this technology have not been authorized by any senior member of the Adeptus Mechanicus.  
Slipspace according of what has been studied, is an entire different Universe with its own set of dimensions, Xenologists found out that the Covenant are one of a few Xeno Race they encountered to use a non-Warp base FTL, what is more concerning is their size. Although still smaller then the Imperium, the Covenant Empire is big enough to cover the entire Orion Arm, larger than the Tau and definitely big enough to be seen from Imperial Space, though their Empire in this universe is significantly smaller due to only having what they can spare after sending it through the wormhole, their Size, Industry, Speed and Alieness causes the Imperium to be wary of their moves.  

Notably, Covenant naval doctrine disdains the usage of large battleships in favor of carriers, as Covenant admirals believe that strike craft in the end make for superior weapons than any amount of turrets. A theory shared by some Imperial naval strategists, but is [[Heresy|typically considered eccentric at best.]]
Although still smaller then the Imperium, the Covenant have seized a large number of systems and sectors throughout the Orion Arm. Their territory is currently larger than the Tau Empire, and is a definite threat to Imperial space. This being said, their empire in this universe is significantly smaller due to only having what they can spare after sending it through the wormhole. However, it is believed that their size, industry, speed and alien nature will compensate for these deficits, and senior members of the Ordo Xenos and adepts of the Biologis Xenologis have stated that the Imperium should remain wary of aggressive moves. Notably, Covenant naval doctrine disdains the usage of large battleships in favor of carriers, as Covenant admirals apparently believe that strike craft in the end make for superior weapons than any amount of turrets. A theory shared by some Imperial naval strategists, but is [[Heresy|typically considered eccentric at best.]]

[[File:Covenant_v_reapers_by_droidsbane-d4zz17v.jpg|550px|thumb|center|Xeno painting (From Ya'gurian decent) depicting a Covenant Assault Fleet destroying an entire La'vesh (Also known as Reapers) tentacle fleet, during a "Holy Conquest".]]
[[File:Covenant_v_reapers_by_droidsbane-d4zz17v.jpg|550px|thumb|center|Xeno painting (From Ya'gurian decent) depicting a Covenant Assault Fleet destroying an entire La'vesh (Also known as Reapers) tentacle fleet, during a "Holy Conquest".]]
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[[File:Covenant_ships_over_planet_reach.jpg|270px|thumb|right|''Covenant Fleet of Harmonious Justice'' during the "Damnation of Hyperios"]]
[[File:Covenant_ships_over_planet_reach.jpg|270px|thumb|right|''Covenant Fleet of Harmonious Justice'' during the "Damnation of Hyperios"]]

'''Covenant Cruisers:''' Come in both light, medium and heavy types, the most numerous but also one of the weakest. Equipped with several dozen Plasma Torpedoes and three Glassing Beams/Energy Projectors. Each Plasma Torpedo impacts at forces that can crack cities or cause mass extinction events depending on their size. Energy Projectors could be dialed up or down, and can go from merely making furrows in the ground to devastating continents
'''Covenant Corvettes:''' Covenant corvettes are small and relatively unimpressive ships armed with plasma torpedoes, pulse lasers, and plasma cannons or bombardment mortars, depending on their class. Corvettes are typically employed in supporting Covenant ground forces to achieve some form of aerial superiority. In space, corvettes are used to harass enemy ships when in sufficient numbers and covered by the larger ships in the Covenant Navy.

'''Covenant Assault Carrier:''' Command ships for the Covenant Navy, has even more Plasma Torpedoes, Multiple Pulse Lasers and five Energy Projectors, with stronger shields as well. Usually at the length of 5km, weaker then their Imperium counterpart carriers but comes in somewhat better numbers to compensate.  Like the name suggests, Assault Carriers prefer not to engage directly, but instead prefer to hang back and let their fighters and bombers do the work.
'''Covenant Destroyers:''' Covenant destroyers, like their Imperial counterparts, are typically employed as light escort and reconnaissance vessels. CPV-class heavy destroyers, however, are often used in the vanguard of fleet engagements and glassing operations and are equipped accordingly, with excavation beams, plasma torpedoes, cannons, and bombardment mortars, and pulse laser turrets.

'''Covenant Destroyers:''' Covenant ships that are slightly stronger then Cruisers (contrary to standard naval naming where Cruisers are somewhat larger than Destroyers) but is usually situated in Glassing.
'''Covenant Cruisers:''' Covenant cruisers are built in several classes, ranging from CRS-class light cruisers to ORS-class heavy cruisers. They are among the most numerous types of Covenant vessel, and are employed in a variety of roles, from fleet support to long-range reconnaissance and planetary assault. Armament varies depending on class, but Covenant cruisers are typically equipped with plasma torpedoes, beam lasers, plasma lances and cannons, and heavy excavation beams. Their plasma torpedoes have been recorded as impacting with enough force to shatter cities or cause mass extinction events, depending on their size. Their plasma and beam weapons are capable of planetary devastation when employed in sufficient numbers and with sufficient power.  

'''Covenant Super Carrier:''' At 28km long, it is truly the largest ship in the Covenant Navy. This Leviathan of a ship, dwarfs even the largest Imperium Ship the Retribution-Class, though it is primarily, as the name suggests, a carrier for strike craft, though it certainly has teeth of it's own. Armed with over hundreds of Plasma Torpedoes and Pulse Lasers as well as seven Energy Projectors, it is far from helpless despite being mainly a command ship.
[[File:20090306182445!High_Charity_wallpaper.jpg|220px|thumb|left|Pict-capture of Covenant hive-world/mobile space station High Charity, acquired by the Imperial cruiser ''Light of Benevolence '' shortly before it was atomized by a Covenant CSO-class supercarrier. In the foreground, a squadron of "Phantom" type dropships are seen inspecting the cruiser before its sudden demise.]]

[[File:20090306182445!High_Charity_wallpaper.jpg|220px|thumb|left|The only photo of High Charity captured by the Imperial Cruiser ''Light of Benevolence '' shortly before it was atomized by a Covenant Super Carrier, here seen a squadron of Phantoms inspecting the Cruiser before its sudden demise.]]
'''Covenant Carrier:''' The most common type of Covenant capital ship. Two types have thus far been logged by Imperial savants: the DDS-class carrier and the CAS-class assault carrier. These ships are among the most heavily armed vessels in the Covenant fleet. The DDS-class is equipped with plasma torpedoes and turrets and energy projectors, while the CAS-class assault carrier carries a heavy excavation beam, heavy plasma lances, torpedoes, and beam emitters, and 700 pulse lasers. These ships also carry armor and shielding that is much heavier than any other Covenant vessel. On a one-to-one basis, these vessels are typically inferior to their Imperial counterparts, but they are often employed in numbers that no Imperial battlefleet can match. Carriers do not typically engage in ship-to-ship engagements, instead standing off while their strike wings engage the enemy.  

'''High Charity:''' Covenant Holy City, comparable to Holy Terra, no Imperium ship could manage to find it due to it's mobile nature, its speed and its defenses that not even a medium crusade fleet could penetrate. Surrounded by literally hundreds of Assault Carriers and Super Carriers, rumors around the Imperium Sub-sector of Zargos-Prime were spread that the Xeno City itself has weapons that range from mere-anti fighter weapons to exterminatus grade munitions. With even worse rumors stating they have a ship of a design considerably in excess of their standard vessels.
'''Covenant Supercarrier:''' At 28km long and with an 11km beam, the CSO-class supercarrier is the largest known ship type in the Covenant Navy. These leviathans are equal in size to the mighty ''Gloriana''-class battleships which once led the Legiones Astartes into war during the Great Crusade. Supercarriers are only employed during campaigns with high strategic value, and serve as command and control ships for the Covenant invasion fleet and ground forces. The ship type is, as the name suggests, a carrier for strike craft, though it certainly has teeth of its own. CSO-class supercarriers are armed with plasma torpedoes, energy projectors, plasma turrets and pulse lasers, meaning that they far from helpless despite their designation as a command ship.
'''High Charity:''' The Covenant's Holy City and capital. It is a gigantic mobile space station, comparable to the ''Phalanx'' fortress-monastery of the Imperial Fists chapter, but built to a much larger scale. After initial contact in the Scarus Sector, Imperial expeditionary forces have been unable to relocate High Charity due to its mobile nature. During this initial engagement, the Imperial fleet suffered heavy losses from the station's escorting vessels and its own defenses. It is believed that the Covenant defend the station with hundreds of their capital-class vessels, including dozens of the CSO-class supercarriers. Rumors in the Zargos Prime subsector have suggested that the city itself is equipped with Exterminatus-grade munitions capable of cracking a planet in half.

==Info on Covenant Infantry==
==Info on Covenant Infantry==

[[File:Covenant_Stancei.jpg|450px|thumb|center|A Covenant artistic propaganda poster incorrectly depicting the Unggoys and Kig-Yars as more grotesque and fearsome then in real life, this was meant to frighten and scare the Civilian population and make the local Imperial Guardsmen feel nervous and intimidated in the Ultima Segmentum regions. A perfect psychological weapon.]]
[[File:Covenant_Stancei.jpg|350px|thumb|center|A Covenant artistic propaganda poster incorrectly depicting the Unggoys and Kig-Yars as more grotesque and fearsome then in real life, this was meant to frighten and scare the Civilian population and make the local Imperial Guardsmen feel nervous and intimidated in the Ultima Segmentum regions. A perfect psychological weapon.]]

===Light Infantry===
===Light Infantry===

'''Unggoy Lance:''' The lowest of the low, these walking meat shields are used as cannonfodder by the Covenant. Useless in almost everything except for numbers, as expected, morale in these xenos are always low but can be risen if a nearby Deacon or Elite is passed on as leader. Cheap and rapidly reproducing, the Grunts are usually armed with a Plasma Pistol in which (Fluff wise) it causes around the same damage as a Imperial Hotshot Lasgun, have a special ability called "Overcharged" which causes an EMP and disables enemy vehicles. Can be upgraded with a Needler which allows for better accuracy due to its homing function and more power through rending. Also equipped with a Plasma Grenade which is a Plasma Grenade that always stick to the target. When equipped with a Deacon, they receive a new ability called "Zeal" which is essentially an Unggoy suicide charge, sacrificing a few models, but the effects would be devastating to the opposing infantry or vehicle.
'''Unggoy Lance:''' The lowest of the low in the Covenant's religious hierarchy, the xenos species known as the Unggoy are used as cannon fodder by the Covenant. They are smaller and weaker than an average Imperial Guardsman, and must be employed in large numbers to have any effect on enemy troops. Their morale is fragile unless they are being led by an Elite or Deacon, and they are prone to panicked retreats when the tide of battle shifts against them. Cheap and rapidly reproducing, the Unggoy are typically armed with a plasma pistol; the per-shot damage of these weapons is comparable to an Imperial "Hotshot" lasgun. Like Imperial plasma weapons, these pistols can be overcharged to fire a more powerful shot, which increases the weapon's damage and causes an electromagpulse capable of disorienting machine spirits and damaging sensitive electronic components. Some Unggoy carry a Needler, an exotic solid-projectile weapon that bears little resemblance to the Imperial weapon of the same name. The Covenant needler fires explosive crystalline "needles" which home on their targets and inflict heavy damage. Unggoy lances are also equipped with plasma grenades. These grenades, through some technosorcerous means, are capable of adhering to their target once armed and thrown. When led by a Deacon, they receive the ability "Zeal" , which allows the Unggoy to embark on a suicide attack in which they charge the enemy with an armed plasma grenade in each hand. This move sacrifices a few models, but the effects can be devastating to opposing infantry or light vehicles.

'''Unggoy Heavy Weapons Team:''' A few lucky Unggoy get to be trained as Heavy Weapons Team, with every Grunt carrying a heavy weapon of some sort.
'''Unggoy Heavy Weapons Team:''' Some Unggoy are trained in the employment of Covenant heavy ordnance, such as fuel rod guns. Every Grunt in this team goes into battle carrying a heavy weapon of some sort. However, despite their formidable arsenal, these are still Unggoy and are thus prone to flee if the battle does not go their way as intended.  

'''Kig-Yar Lance:''' Used as scouts and reconnaissance, these mean snarly pirates carry around Energy Shields similar to an Elite, but is shaped like a shield. Can be either armed with a Plasma Pistol or Needler, are very good shots and could be re-purposed as a make-shift anti-light infantry squad. Occasionally in situations that forces the Kig-Yars to fight in CQC, they are allowed to trade their range weapons with an Energy Cutlass, an energy blade made from the exotic material of the Needler, which in turn causes any unfortunate victim to violently explode if slashed. They are however, vulnerable to flanking and have low toughness.
'''Kig-Yar Lance:''' Used as scouts and reconnaissance, these birdlike xenos carry portable energy shields. Unlike the Elites' personal shielding, these shields are carried in the hand, similar to Imperial storm shields. Kig-Yar can be either armed with a plasma pistol or needler. They are very good shots and are best employed against light infantry. Occasionally in situations that force the Kig-Yar to fight in CQC, they may trade their ranged weapons for an energy cutlass, an energy blade made from the same exotic material as the needler's ammunition, which in turn causes any unfortunate victim to violently explode if slashed. They are, however, vulnerable to flanking and have low toughness.
*'''T'vaoan Squad:'''Also known as "Skirmishers", an upgrade of the Kig-Yar, these cousins of the more common Kig-Yar are faster, stronger and tougher. Used as scouts and assassins, these Xenos kill their prey in lightning speed, so quick that not even Astartes could keep up. Armed with a Needle Rifle and Focus Rifle and can be upgraded to a T'vaoan Commando boosting their BS by one, they are a very good anti-infantry squad and have move through cover and stealth. However despite these benefits they lack the Kig-Yar defence gauntlets, therefore they are one of the most vulnerable units in the Covenant army.
*'''T'vaoan Squad:'''Also known as "Skirmishers", these cousins of the more common Kig-Yar are faster, stronger and tougher. Used as scouts and assassins, these xenos are fast, accurate, and ruthless. Armed with a needle rifle or focus rifle, the T'vaoan Squad can be upgraded to a T'vaoan Commando, boosting their BS by one. They are a very good anti-infantry squad and have Move Through Cover and Stealth. However despite these benefits they lack the shields carried by their cousins, therefore they are one of the most vulnerable units in the Covenant army.

'''Yanme'e Swarm:''' As weak as Grunts but as equally numerous with addendum of flight, and Fearlessness. Can choose a range of weapons including the Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifles and Needlers, and are naturally armed with razor sharp claws.
'''Yanme'e Swarm:''' As weak as Grunts but equally numerous, with the addendum of flight and Fearlessness. Each Yanme'e swarm is led by a Yanme'e Patriarch, which can be identified by its more regal colors and horns. These Patriarchs act as the commanding officer or leader of an entire swarm. Yanme'e swarms can choose from a range of weapons, including plasma pistols, plasma rifles, and needlers, and are naturally armed with razor sharp claws.

'''Thanolekgolo Swarm:''' The weakest form of Lekgolo is the Lekgolo themselves, these meter long worms, while individually weak on their own, makes up their disadvantages by overwhelming the enemy with numbers and voracity, these forms are called Thanolekgolo. What's more, their unstoppable appetite of metal, plastic and technology makes them a threat to the machinery and vehicles of their opponents by not only consuming the vulnerable wires or components, but also causing it to malfunction or even take complete control over their unfortunate targets, causing chaos and mayhem within the enemy's ranks. These swarms have a special ability called "Technological Consumption" which grants them either the ability to cause significant damage to a targeted machine, however they are vulnerable towards flame and melta-based weaponry and are completely useless against air units.
'''Thanolekgolo Swarm:''' The weakest form of Lekgolo is the Lekgolo themselves. These meter-long worms, while individually weak on their own, makes up for their disadvantages by overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers. These forms are called Thanolekgolo. Their unstoppable appetite for metals, plastics, and technological objects makes them a threat to the machinery and vehicles of their opponents; a hungry Thanolekgolo swarm can make short work of vulnerable wiring or components and even chew through armor plating, given sufficient time. Once inside a target vehicle, they are capable of causing it to malfunction in a variety of ways. They can even take complete control over their unfortunate targets, causing chaos and mayhem within the enemy's ranks. These swarms have a special ability called "Technological Consumption" which grants them either the ability to cause significant damage to a targeted machine. However, they are vulnerable to flame and melta weaponry and are completely useless against aerial units.

'''Sangheili Squad:''' Cocky, arrogant and naive. These youngbloods are sent into battle to test and harness their skill that is still in infancy. But don't let their age fool you, a single Sangheili Minor is still a worthy adversary. Akin to an Eldar Guardian, but slower albeit stronger in Melee range. Can be armed with a wide variety of weapons such as Plasma Pistols, Plasma Rifles, Needlers, Needle Rifle, Concussion Rifle, Fuel Rod Cannon and many more.
'''Sangheili Squad:''' Cocky, arrogant and naive. These youngbloods are sent into the thick of battle to hone their skills at warmaking. But don't let their age fool you. A single Sangheili Minor is still a worthy adversary. Akin to an Eldar Guardian, the Sangheili are slower than the Guardians, but stronger in melee range. Can be armed with a wide variety of weapons such as Plasma Pistols, Plasma Rifles, Needlers, Needle Rifles, Concussion Rifles, Fuel Rod Cannons and many more.

'''Jiralhanae Pack:''' These young, thuggish brutes are more akin to Ork Boys but hairier, this has earned them a nickname among the Imperial Guard as Bearded Ogryns, Brutes, or more commonly as Hairy Orks. Due to their viciousness and love of violence, they have earned a place in some Ork societies, often used as Mercenaries and Bodyguards among famous Ork Warbosses. Armed with a Brute Spiker, Spike Grenades or Brute Shot, and has a special ability called "Berserk" which grants them Feel No Pain and RAEG.
'''Jiralhanae Pack:''' These thuggish, savage xenos are often described as "like Orks, but hairier". This has earned them several epithets from Imperial Guardsmen who have faced them in battle, such as "bearded Ogryns", "hairy Orks", and "Brutes", the last of which has become their common name. Due to their viciousness and love of violence, they have earned a place in some Ork societies, often used as mercenaries and bodyguards among famous Ork Warbosses.

===Heavy Infantry===
===Heavy Infantry===

'''Mgalekgolo Pack:''' These heavily armoured walking behemoths are the Covenant answers to a Spacemarine Terminator and Eldar Wraith-Guard. Standing at 13 feet tall and weighing 5 tons, they easily dwarf any enemy short of a tank. Ridiculously fast and agile for their size, armed and with an Assault Cannon which is a heavily modified Fuel Rod Cannon. This Assault Cannon can be switched in three modes, a single shot blast, a beam to destroy armor and a machine gun mode. Furthermore it comes with a special ability called "Bond-Brothers" which once a single Hunter dies the other Hunter RAGES getting the Furious Charge, Rage, and Feel No Pain special rules.
'''Mgalekgolo Pack:''' These heavily armoured walking behemoths are the Covenant's answer to the likes of Space Marine Terminator squads and Eldar Wraithguard. Standing at 13 feet tall and weighing 5 tons, they easily dwarf any enemy short of a main battle tank. They are remarkably fast and agile for their size, and are armed with an Assault Cannon which is a heavily modified Fuel Rod Cannon. This Assault Cannon has three modes, a single shot blast, a concentrated anti-armour beam and a rapid-fire mode.

'''Sharquoi:''' With the height of around 25 feet and weighing around 60 tons, this is one of the biggest force in the Covenant, second to that of a Khantolekgolo Behemoth. Armed with two massive "Spike Fists" that could [[Rip and Tear|rip and tear]] most heavy vehicles with ease, coupled with its incredibly tough hide that could suffer the worst damage, but is slow and stubborn.
'''Sharquoi:''' Standing around 5 meters and weighing around 10 tons, this is one of the biggest infantry in the Covenant, second to that of a Khantolekgolo Behemoth. Armed with two massive "Spike Fists" that can [[Rip and Tear|demolish]] most heavy vehicles with ease, coupled with its incredibly tough hide, Sharquoi are capable of enduring and dealing out tremendous amounts of damage, but is slow and stubborn.

[[File:Drinol_Fight_Pose.png|250px|thumb|right|A Sharquoi in action, sketched by an Imperial Xenobiologist.]]
[[File:Drinol_Fight_Pose.png|250px|thumb|right|A Sharquoi in action, sketched by an Imperial Xenobiologist.]]

'''Sangheili Heavy Weapons team:''' Like their Unggoy brethren, these Specialised Elites carry a Concussion Rifle but could also swap it for a Plasma Launcher or a Fuel Rod Cannon. The powerful nature of such weapons make the Sangheili Heavy Weapons Team a formidable opponent.
'''Sangheili Heavy Weapons Team:''' Like their Unggoy brethren, these specialised Elites are trained in the use of heavy weapons. They carry Concussion Rifles, which can be swapped for a Plasma Launcher or a Fuel Rod Cannon. The powerful nature of such weapons make the Sangheili Heavy Weapons Team a formidable opponent.

'''Shade:''' A stationary gun that can either be equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon, Fuel Rod Cannon or an Anti-Air Plasma Charge. Cannot move but is tough and has heavy suppressive firepower.
'''Shade:''' A stationary gun that can either be equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon, Fuel Rod Cannon or an Anti-Air Plasma Charge. Cannot move but is tough and has heavy suppressive firepower.
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===Specialized Infantry===
===Specialized Infantry===

'''Spec-Ops Team:''' A group of highly trained "Special Operation" Sangheilies and Unggoys. Used for missions that is highly dangerous and risky, these elites uses a wide range of Covenant Weaponry to execute their job in the most efficient way possible. Infamous for their black coloring, these Spec-Op teams have Sangheili skilled enough to give Astartes a tough challenge while their Unggoy are no slouches either who are more akin to a Imperial Guard Stormtrooper.
'''Spec-Ops Team:''' A group of highly trained "Special Operation" Sangheili and Unggoy. These squads are employed on high-risk mission with low survival rates, and employ a wide range of Covenant weaponry to execute their job in the most efficient way possible. They are easily identified by their black armour. Spec-Ops Sangheili are skilled enough to give Astartes a challenge, and their Unggoy are comparable to the Tempestus Scions of the Imperial Guard.

'''Sangheili Rangers:''' Specialized group of Sangheili that is equipped with a Jetpack, enabling to cross distances quickly and have the move through cover ability; armed with a Plasma Repeater and could be swapped with a Focus Rifle.
'''Sangheili Rangers:''' Specialized groups of Sangheili that are equipped with jump packs, enabling them to cross distances quickly; these squads are armed with Plasma Repeaters, which can be swapped with a Focus Rifle.

'''Sangheili Stealth Squad:''' Although these elites lack shields making them very vulnerable, they are equipped with a heavily specialized cloaking ability. These benefit from invisibility at all times. They are all armed with Energy Swords, which makes their attacks very close ranged, but their attacks are devastating since they have the same stats as a Power Sword.
'''Sangheili Stealth Squad:''' These Elite squads trade their energy shielding for a specialized cloaking ability known as "active camouflage". Though their lack of shields makes them more vulnerable than a line Sangheili trooper, their cloaking fields allow them to strike and fade before an enemy knows what hit them. They are all armed with Energy Swords, which restricts them to melee combat only, but their attacks are devastating since they have the same stats as a Power Sword.

'''Jiralhanae Jumppack Squad:''' Highly trained Jiralhanae that master in the arts of the Jumppacks. These flying brutes soar through the air, and crashes down in vengeful fury. Armed with Brute shots and a Giant Machete, these beasts are trained in both psychological and physical warfare. They are however, lightly armored for a specialized unit.
'''Jiralhanae Jump-Pack Squad:''' Highly trained Jiralhanae that are masters of jump-pack assault. These flying Brutes soar through the air, and crash down upon the enemy with vengeful fury. Armed with Brute Shots, these beasts are trained in both psychological and physical warfare. They are however, lightly armoured for a specialized unit.

'''Jiralhanae Stalker Squad:''' They are the Jiralhanae answers to a Sangheili Stealth Squad, since they are Jiralhanae they share their stats to that of their brethren, and because they have cloaking technology, it enables them to become invisible. They are usually armed with two Maulers which makes them [[Twin-Linked]], can carry Firebombs which ignores cover saves and count as offense grenades. However they are quite expensive for a specialized unit and their weapons are incredibly short ranged, with the Mauler having the range of 12" and the Firebomb with the range of 8".
'''Jiralhanae Stalker Squad:''' These squads are the Jiralhanae answer to the Sangheili Stealth Squad. Since they are Jiralhanae, they share their stats with their brethren. However, they are equipped with active camouflage technology, enabling them to become invisible. They are usually armed with two Maulers which makes them [[Twin-Linked]] and can carry Firebombs which ignore cover saves and count as offensive grenades. However, they are quite expensive for a specialised unit and their weapons are incredibly short-ranged. The Mauler has a range of 12" and the Firebomb has a range of 8".

'''Kig-Yar Snipers:''' When veteran Kig-Yars are promoted, they are trained and given the highly deadly beam rifle. These Kig-Yars are so deadly and efficient with the rifle, that they can pick off entire squads of Infantry and in some cases, shooting pilots of their Aircraft despite moving at top-speed.  
'''Kig-Yar Snipers:''' When veteran Kig-Yar are promoted, they are trained as snipers and armed with the accurate and lethal Covenant beam rifle. These Kig-Yar are ruthlessly efficient killers, capable of picking off entire squads of infantry and in some cases, shooting pilots out of their aircraft.

'''Huragok Squad:''' A very useful support unit, dubbed as Engineers in Low Gothic, these Xenos are an anomaly among the Universe, studied by Xenologists they are regarded as "Living Computers" and are noted to be created entirely artificially, despite their appearance. Although weak and fragile, these units are vital in the Covenant army as it gives them two unique abilities called "Flatuence Harmony" which allows them to repair vehicles, and "Protection of the Hierarchs" which gives ALL units a powerful energy shield, granting or improving their invulnerable save.
'''Huragok Squad:''' A very useful support unit. These unusual xenos are known as Engineers in Low Gothic, and they are an anomaly among the bellicose species of the Covenant. Xenological analysis has shown that Huragok are created artificially, despite their appearance. Each specimen is a living computer and a natural engineer, capable of repairing nearly any technological item given sufficient time. Although weak and fragile, these units are a vital part of the the Covenant army. They have two unique abilities called "Mechanical Harmony", which allows them to repair vehicles, and "Protection of the Hierarchs" which gives ALL units a powerful energy shield, granting or improving their invulnerable save.

===Elite Infantry===
===Elite Infantry===

'''Zealots:''' Highly ranked Sangheilies, their skills and mastery of weaponry and warfare makes them a threat to even the toughest of Spacemarines. These Sangheili shimmer in the battlefield in their golden colored armor, butchering every enemy that stands in their way. All of them are armed with Energy Swords which counts as power weapons, making them incredibly deadly in Melee, capable of being worthy adversaries for a Khorne berzerker.  
'''Zealots:''' Highly ranked Sangheili, whose skills and mastery of weaponry and warfare makes them a threat to even the toughest of Space Marines. These Sangheili are easily distinguished on the battlefield by their golden armour. All of them are armed with Energy Swords which counts as power weapons, making them incredibly deadly in Melee, even when faced with enemies such as the infamous Khorne Berzerkers.

[[File:Elite.jpg|235px|thumb|right|A Sangheilie Zealot, suppressing a minor Jiralhanae Uprising.]]
[[File:Elite.jpg|235px|thumb|right|A Sangheili Zealot, suppressing a minor Jiralhanae uprising.]]

'''Sangheili Field Marshall:''' Comes only with a single model, but incredibly powerful. These Field Marshalls are the commanders of entire armies and often lead groups of Zealots in the battlefield. They are the Zealot of the Zealots, the same way the Zealots are to Unggoy. Very few enemies comes close to the sheer martial prowess in the battlefield and very few survive their first encounter with them. Armed with everything their pick of covenant weaponry and is equipped with a shield that can withstand heavy fire, have an aura that any nearby Covenant Units within the same unit as the Field Marshall gets the Relentless, and RAEG special rules. 
'''Sangheili Field Marshal:''' Sangheili Field Marshals are the commanders of entire Covenant armies and often lead groups of Zealots on the battlefield. They are the Zealot of the Zealots, the same way the Zealots are to Unggoy. Very few enemies can come close to a field marshal's sheer martial prowess, and even fewer survive their first encounter with them.

'''Jiralhanae Captains:''' These Captains of the Jiralhanae show skill and brutal cunningness that can impress Ork Kommandos. Glimmering in gold and bronze, these brutes show authority to their lesser brethren and inspire them to fight more violently, giving them feel no pain, or improving it by one if they already have it. Armed with a Brute shot, Spike Grenades, Fire Bombs and the infamous Gravity Hammer, these lieutenants can break infantry squads and vehicles alike.
'''Jiralhanae Captains:''' These war-leaders of the Jiralhanae display exceptional skill at warmaking and a level of brutal cunning that impresses even Ork Kommandos. Glimmering in gold and bronze armour, these Brutes inspire their lower-ranked brethren to fight more violently, giving them a Feel No Pain save or improving it by one if they already have it. Armed with a Brute Shot, Spike Grenades, Fire Bombs and the infamous Gravity Hammer, these lieutenants can break infantry squads and vehicles alike.

===HQ Infantry===
===HQ Infantry===
'''Deacons:''' Only the very few "Intelligent" Unggoy are given the honour to uphold the title as Deacon. Although still regarded as the lowest position in the Covenant Politics, these Unggoys are often needed to help and inspire other Covenant troops on the Battlefield. Lacking the firepower and health to be in the front lines, these support units are instead used by the Covenant as Missionaries or Preachers. Standing out among Covenant troops with their white garments, these Unggoys have an ability called "Zeal" which turns normal Unggoy into suicidal, zealotry units
'''Deacons:''' Only a very few Unggoy are given the honour of calling themselves Deacons. Although still regarded as the lowest position in the Covenant hierarchy, these Unggoy are sent into the battlefield to inspire other Covenant troops. Lacking the firepower and health to be on the front lines, they instead serve as missionaries or preachers, spreading the word of their heretical "Great Journey". Standing out among Covenant troops with their white garments, these Unggoy have an ability called "Zeal" which turns normal Unggoy lances into suicidal assault units.

'''San'Shyuum Enforcers:''' Although not meant to be situated in Warfare, and definitely not meant to fight. These low-ranking San 'Shyuum instead use their faith and inspiring aspect at the very back-lines. Frail and fragile, these preachers are protected by an entire squads of Honor Guards, making them incredibly costly and expensive. However they are eventually worth the cost, these Enforcers are equipped with a few abilities, "Instrument of the Gods" which allows Covenant units to use his leadership and Prophet's Grace which grant nearby units the Relentless and Preferred Enemy special rules. Armed with only a Prophet Staff and Covenant Holy Codex, these are one of the best supportive units in the Covenant Army.
'''San'Shyuum Enforcers:''' These low-ranking San 'Shyuum do not take to the battlefield as warriors. Instead, they use their faith and inspiring aspect to rally shaken warriors and encourage the Covenant troops around them to fight to the death. Frail and fragile, these preachers are protected by an entire squad of Honor Guards, making them incredibly costly and expensive. However they are worth the cost, as these Enforcers are equipped with powerful support abilities: "Instrument of the Gods", which allows Covenant units to use his leadership for morale tests, and Prophet's Grace, which grant nearby units the Relentless and Preferred Enemy special rules. Armed with only a Prophet Staff and Covenant Holy Codex, these are one of the best support units in the Covenant Army.

'''San'Shyuum Prelates:''' While most San'Shyuums are weak and frail, certain remarkable individuals are noted either for their brilliance in both physical and martial prowess. Such is the case of the Prelates, gifted San'Shyuum children given the honor to have their bodies augmented by holy Forerunner machinery within the Sacred Promissory. Being trained in martial combat since childhood, these elite warriors are unlike their fragile and unaugmented brothers and sisters. Equipped with a specialized power armor that comes with an anti-grav belt to glide along the battlefield, energy shields of superb strength, and a Forerunner hardlight projection on their arm that doubles as a shield and a melee weapon. These magnificent soldiers of holy virtue can strike fear among lesser mortals and even match Space Marines in combat. These units have the ability to move through cover and ignores suppression.
'''San'Shyuum Prelates:''' While most San'Shyuum are weak and frail, certain remarkable individuals are noted for their physical and martial prowess. Such is the case of the Prelates, gifted San'Shyuum children given the honour of having their bodies augmented by holy Forerunner machinery within the Sacred Promissory. Trained in martial combat since childhood, these elite warriors are unlike their fragile brothers and sisters. Equipped with specialized power armour that comes with an anti-grav belt to glide along the battlefield, energy shields of superb strength, and a Forerunner hardlight projection on their arm that doubles as a shield and a melee weapon, these magnificent soldiers of holy virtue can strike fear among lesser mortals and even match Space Marines in combat.

'''Sangheili Councillors:''' One of the Highest Ranks Elites, these Elite of the Elite of the Elites hold high position in the Covenant Politics, and when the need for battle is called onto them, they will respond without hesitation. Infamous among the Imperial outer sector for its large and elongated head-dress, and are armed with shields so powerful that it is usually best to bring out large quantities of heavy weapons to down them. Has a special ability called "The Passion", which offers Hatred to nearby elites on the Battlefield and hands out the rule to rule all rules, And They Shall Know No Fear.
'''Sangheili Councillors:''' These Sangheili are the elite of their race; they have reached the apex of the Covenant hierarchy and sit in council with the Prophets themselves. Despite their exalted political position, they will take to the battlefield without hesitation when the the need arises. They are easily identified by their elongated headdress and elaborate armour, and are armed with energy shields so powerful that current Imperial tactical doctrine recommends employing concentrated heavy weapons fire to bring them down.

'''Honor Guards:''' Comes in both Sangheili and Jiralhanae forms, these elite of the elites are the very protectors of the High Prophets themselves, and they are the gateway and barrier between a lowly Unggoy to the highest San-Shyuum. Showing skill that very few can match, these elites are known to handle entire squads of Acolytes. Glowing with intelligence, strength, skill, cunningness and tactical brilliance, they are a force to be reckon with.
'''Honour Guards:''' Comes in both Sangheili and Jiralhanae forms. The Honour Guards are the chosen protectors of the High Prophets themselves, and they are the gateway and barrier between a lowly Unggoy to the highest San-Shyuum. Possessed of martial skill that very few can match, these guards have been seen to defeat Space Marine Terminators, Tau Riptide squads, Eldar Wraithguard, and Tyranid Carnifexes. Their intelligence, strength, skill, cunning and tactical brilliance make them a force to be reckoned with.

'''Honor Guard Ultras:''' Often called the "Light of Sanghelios", one of the highest rank Sangheili, above the already impressive status of a typical Honor Guard. These living guardians carry a typical Energy Stave, but is so skilled that it is not unheard of them to kill an entire Stormtrooper squad, all of them with their eye-piece pierced and shattered with such precision. Have almost the same stats and abilities as a Sangheili Councilor, but has a worse WS. 
'''Honour Guard Ultras:''' Often called the "Light of Sanghelios", these Sangheili have risen above the already impressive status of a typical Honour Guard by virtue of their dominance on the battlefield. These mighty guardians carry an Energy Stave; they are so skilled with these weapons that multiple eyewitnesses have reported seeing a lone Ultra dispatch an entire Astartes squad with single strikes through their helmet lenses, shattering their reinforced skulls with ruthless precision.

'''Jiralhane Chieftains:''' These are the Alpha males of the pecking order in Jiralhanae society. These lumbering brutes carry authority and might over others, and carry skill and cunning that would make even an Astartes think twice about their situation. Strong and immensely powerful in both close and range combat, it is quite common for these monsters to rip apart vehicles with their bare hands and powerful enough to challenge Nobz and Bosses. These Patriarchs can be either armed with a Light Plasma Cannon, Fuel Rod Cannon or a Gravity Hammer.
'''Jiralhane Chieftains:''' These mighty Brutes are the apex of the pecking order in Jiralhanae society. Their authority is unquestioned, for they have earned their rank through victory on a hundred battlefields. Their raw martial skill and savage cunning is such that even an Astartes might think twice before confronting a Chieftain. Strong and immensely powerful in both close and ranged combat, it is quite common for these monsters to rip apart vehicles with their bare hands. They are powerful enough to challenge almost any other individual combatant in the galaxy, and some Jiralhanae Chieftains have managed to acquire Ork retinues after defeating their Warboss on the field. These Patriarchs can be either armed with a Light Plasma Cannon, Fuel Rod Cannon, or a Gravity Hammer.

==The Covenant:Great Journey and Beyond==
==The Covenant:Great Journey and Beyond==
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Image:Tumblr_mk8qvp7J0j1qli3zyo1_500.jpg|Covenant Cruisers "Glassing" ''Sythorus'', a Recruiting-world for the [[Ultramarine|Ultramarines]].
Image:Tumblr_mk8qvp7J0j1qli3zyo1_500.jpg|Covenant Cruisers <s>"Glassing"</s> saving the galaxy by destroying <s>''Sythorus''</s>Macragge, a <s>Recruiting-world</s> very important world for the [[Ultramarines|Ultramarines]].
Image:91b52c9cf51ffa6b9712e5452320cd3304d6dca9.jpg|Guardsmen of ''Hydorian'', preparing for defense.
Image:91b52c9cf51ffa6b9712e5452320cd3304d6dca9.jpg|Guardsmen of ''Hydorian'', preparing for defense.
Image:Covenant_War_Images.jpg| A Gue'vesa Soldier of the Bork'an Sept, shortly before all contact was lost  with the eighth planet in the Bork'an System.
Image:Halo_Capitalship_scale_2010.jpg|Whats that? Your Emperor-Class ship is 7km long? That's cute...
Image:Halo_Capitalship_scale_2010.jpg|Whats that? Your Emperor-Class ship is 7km long? That's cute...
Image:Arcadia_scout001c--article_image.jpg|Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!
Image:Arcadia_scout001c--article_image.jpg|Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!
Image:Codex_Covenant.png|Old Codex Cover
File:Halo_Grunt_3D_Print.jpeg|3D Printed Grunt (stl file available on thingiverse).

[[Category:Video Games]] [[Category:Warhammer 40,000]] [[Category:Warhammer Homebrew]] [[Category:Awesome]]
[[Category:Video Games]] [[Category:Warhammer 40,000]] [[Category:Warhammer Homebrew]] [[Category:Awesome]]

Latest revision as of 16:02, 24 June 2023

Halo: The Covenant Codex

I decided to do this instead of a Apriori Guard codex b/c a Guard 'dex is hard enough to make. If you really want to play them, use Tau and take your Heavy support and such from the Guard codex.

Anyway, The Covenant are a really interesting bunch and bring a whole slew of new weapons, units, and tactics to the game so we shall try to make a pastiche that represents them fairly without making them either too weak or too strong.

Discussion is more than welcome for this codex. We are trying to streamline rules as much as possible as previous iterations tended to overload the codex with rules for every Grunt and his uncle.

There also includes a separate page for the fluff section (To keep it more in line of a Codex) which is nothing more than a "what if" scenario of GeeDubs and Microsoft doing a crossover collaboration, so if there's any arguments about inaccuracies, take it with a grain of salt. This is 40k's Covenant after all.

See Codex - The Banished for the Covenant's more heretical and rebellious cousins.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

The following abilities are common to several Covenant units.

For the Great Journey!- You can re-roll failed Morale tests for this unit.

Two-Handed- A weapon with this ability requires two hands to wield, as such, an INFANTRY model making a shooting attack with it cannot make a shooting attack with any other weapon during that Shooting phase.

One-Handed- A weapon with this ability can be used effectively with one hand, as such, an INFANTRY model can choose to have this weapon count as a Pistol weapon for the purpose of firing multiple weapons in the shooting phase.

Hand of the Gods[edit | edit source]

In this section you’ll find rules for Battle-forged armies that include Covenant Detachments –that is, any Detachment which only includes units with the COVENANT Faction keyword. These rules include the ability below and a series of Stratagems. This section also includes the Covenants’ unique Warlord Traits, Relics and Tactical Objectives. Together, these rules reflect the character and fighting style of The Covenant in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Breath of Annihilation: If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Covenant Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker controls it even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the objective marker has a similar ability, then it is controlled by the player who has the most models within range as normal.
Taking Our Due: If your army is Battle Forged then any objective in your deployment zone that is not held by any side counts as being held by you.

Covenant Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

If a COVENANT CHARACTER is your Warlord, they can generate a Warlord Trait from the following table instead of the one in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You can either roll on the table below to randomly generate a Warlord Trait, or you can select the one that best suits your general’s battlefield objectives.

  1. With Extreme Prejudice: In an attempt to exterminate his foes, a Warlord may order his subordinates to fire without regard for ammo. Your Warlord and any unit within any aura he possesses can re-roll failed To Hit rolls of one with shooting attacks. If they can already do this, then they can re-roll failed To Hit rolls of two as well.
  2. Into the Fray: There is no greater motivation than the assurance that you're doing what's right. When your Warlord and a single friendly unit within 3" of them Advances, they may both add 6" to their Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of rolling a dice.
  3. Master of Melee: After many decades of training, this Warlord has discovered the weakpoints of every sentient species and race known. Re-roll failed hit and wound rolls in the Fight phase for attacks made by your Warlord.
  4. To Retreat is Heresy: A high-ranking leader is often the only thing keeping the others from retreating. You Automatically pass Combat Attrition Tests for friendly COVENANT INFANTRY units within 6" of your Warlord in the Morale phase.
  5. Servant of the Abiding Truth: Faith can inspire warriors and foster courage. Add 3" to the range of any abilities on your Warlord’s datasheet.
  6. Hand of the Forerunners: All servants of the Covenant wish to claim Forerunner technology, but only the greatest among them can claim it. Your Warlord has a 6+ invulnerable save. If your warlord already has an invulnerable save then add 1 to invulnerable saving throws made for your Warlord. (to a maximum of 3+)

Named Characters and Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

If one of the following named characters is your Warlord, they must be given the associated Warlord Trait shown below.

Prophet of Regret The Arbiter Jiazah 'Thogamee Rtas 'Vadumee Tartarus
Servant of the Abiding Truth Into the Fray Hand of the Forerunners Master of Melee To Retreat is Heresy

Legendary Armory[edit | edit source]

If your army is led by a COVENANT Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following Legendary Arms to a COVENANT CHARACTER. Named characters such as The Prophet of Regret already have one or more artefacts, and cannot be given any of the following relics. Note that some weapons replace one of the character’s existing weapons. Where this is the case, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, you must still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced. Write down any Legendary Arms your characters may have on your army roster.

  • Haka's Helm: The helmet of Haka, the killer of Arbiter Fal ‘Chavamee. Its glowing eyes and kuwagata-like appearance make him look like an otherworldly monster. A model wearing the Helm of Haka causes a -1 penalty to Leadership to all enemy units within 6", has +2" Movement and +1 Strength on the turn they charge.
  • Kaidon Battleplate: Another relic of Sanghelios, this is a truly one-of-a-kind armor. It is the single best harness the Covenant has, having been improved upon gradually and consistently since time immemorial. It once belonged to Ther ‘Vadam himself. Prelates, Councillors, Zealots and Chieftains only. A model wearing the Kaidon Battleplate has a 2+ save and 4+ invulnerable save.
  • Light of Urs: This fuel rod gun shoots faster and stronger bolts than usual. Model with Fuel Rod Gun only. The Light of Urs replaces the models Fuel Rod Gun and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Light of Urs 54" 6 -2 2 Assault D6 Blast

  • Talon of the Lost: Carefully crafted blamite needles can embed themselves even in Mgalekgolo‟s armor. Model with Needler only. The Talon of the Lost replaces the models Needler and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Talon of the Lost 18" 4 -4 1 Assault 2 One-Handed. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.

  • Hailstorm: A pre-Covenant Elite needler that fires faster and better needles. Model with Needler only. Hailstorm replaces the models Needler and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Hailstorm 24" 4 -1 1 Assault 3 One-Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 5+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.

  • Spitfire: Spitfire is a Plasma Pistol with an expanded power cell, allowing it to make charged shots as often as a Plasma Pistol makes regular shots. Model with Plasma Pistol only. Spitfire replaces the models Plasma Pistol and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Spitfire 12" 4 -1 2 Pistol 1 This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.

  • Void's Tear: As it turns out, plasma pistols can fire black holes. Who knew? Model with Plasma Pistol only. Void's Tear replaces the models Plasma Pistol and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Void's Tear When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles below.
Standard 12" 4 0 1 Pistol D6 Blast
Overcharged 12" 4 -1 2 Pistol D6 Blast. Overcharged shots re-roll failed To Hit rolls. However, Void's Tear can only be Overcharged once per battle.

  • Sword of the Faithful: This beam rifle once belonged to Lod Mron‟s bodyguard. Model with a Beam Rifle only. The Sword of the Faithful replaces the models Beam Rifle and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Sword of the Faithful 48" 6 -2 1 Rapid Fire 1 Two-Handed, This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage.

  • Krith's Left Hand: This beam rifle once belonged to the pirate prince Krith. Model with a Beam Rifle only. Krith's Left Hand replaces the models Beam Rifle and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Krith's Left Hand 48" 5 -1 D3 Rapid Fire 1 Two-Handed, This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage.

  • White Scar: This plasma caster fires superhot blamite. Model with a Plasma Caster only. White Scar replaces the models Plasma Caster and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
White Scar (Standard) 24" 4 -1 1 Assault 3 Two-Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4.
White Scar (Overcharged) 24" 4 -1 1 Assault D6+D3 Two-Handed, Blast. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. This Profile can only be used once per game.

  • Scourge of Fire: This plasma caster has been improved to not overheat. Model with a Plasma Caster only. Scourge of Fire replaces the models Plasma Caster and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Scourge of Fire (Standard) 24" 4 -1 1 Assault 6 Two-Handed
Scourge of Fire (Overcharged) 24" 4 -1 1 Assault 2D6+2D3 Two-Handed, Blast. This Profile can only be used once per game.

  • Demon's Bane: The blade of Thel ‘Vadam, and the one that slayed a 1st Company Captain during the Glassing of Djangoris Alpha. Model with an Energy Sword only. Demon's Bane replaces the models Energy Sword and has the following profile:
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Demon's Bane Melee +1 -3 2 Melee Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon. Hit Rolls of 1 with this weapon must be re-rolled, your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for INFANTRY units that have suffered any hits from Demon's Bane until the end of the turn.

Stratagems[edit | edit source]

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any COVENANT Detachments, you have access to the Stratagems shown below, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique tactics and strategies used by The Covenant on the battlefield.

  • Anger (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 2CP): Even the lowly Grunt can be pushed too far, when the warriors of the Covenant get angry, they will fire relentlessly, cutting their foes down in a hail of plasma. Use this Stratagem when you select one of your COVENANT units to shoot or fire Overwatch. Re-roll failed hit and wound rolls for models in this unit.
  • Black Eye (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 2CP): Even in an age of guns, many of the Covenant favor the opportunity to batter and bruise the enemy into submission. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select a COVENANT unit from your army – that unit can immediately fight for a second time.
  • Eye Patch (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 1CP): Sometimes, a unit displays phenomenal luck. Use this Stratagem when a COVENANT INFANTRY unit is targeted by a shooting attack. For the rest of the phase, your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target that unit.
  • Swarm (Covenant Battle Tactic Strategem - 1CP): The Lekgolo and its myriad forms are one of the most formidable in the Covenant, whether a tiny Thanolekgolo or piloting a mighty Scarab. Use this Stratagem after a LEKGOLO unit from your army has inflicted an unsaved wound on an enemy unit in the Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to hit rolls for any other LEKGOLO units from your army that target the same enemy unit during that phase.
  • Ghost (Covenant Epic Deed Strategem - 1CP): Time and time again has the faith of the Covenant allowed its warriors to fight on despite the deadly wounds suffered. Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a COVENANT CHARACTER model in your army that has not already been selected to fight this phase is destroyed. Do not remove that model from play - it can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks. If the selected model’s characteristics change as it takes damage, use the bottom row of that model’s profile when resolving those attacks. After resolving the destroyed model’s attacks, it is then removed.
  • Thunderstorm (Covenant Epic Deed Stratagem - 1CP): Veteran Covenant have their faith tempered by their survival in battle. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Morale phase. Pick a COVENANT INFANTRY unit from your army that is required to take a Morale test. You can roll a D3 for the unit, rather than a D6, when taking this test.
  • Relics of the Forerunners (Covenant Requisition Strategem - 1CP): Scouring the Covenant's armories, a high-ranking Covenant leader can call forth potent relics with which to slay his foes. Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if your WARLORD has the COVENANT keyword. Select one COVENANT CHARACTER model from your army and give them one Legendary Arm (this must be an Arm they could have). Each Arm in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Arms. You can only use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
  • Assassins (Covenant Strategic Ploy Stratagem - 1/3CP): The COVENANT launch their assault from multiple directions, fixing the enemy in a lethal crossfire and throwing them into a terrified confusion. Use this Stratagem during deployment. Choose either one or two (one unit costs 1CP, 2 units costs 3) COVENANT units to setup in ambush instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases these units can strike from hiding – set each of them anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
  • Grunt Funeral (Covenant Strategic Ploy Strategem - 1CP): Unggoy breed explosively, allowing the Covenant to crush their enemies under the sheer weight of Unggoy bodies. Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one UNGGOY INFANTRY unit from your army that is either within 6" of a battlefield edge or within 6" of your deployment zone. Up to D6+3 destroyed models can be added back to that unit. These returned models cannot be set up within Engagement Range of any enemy units, unless those enemy units are already within Engagement Range of that UNGGOY INFANTRY unit.
  • Plasma Bombardment (Covenant Strategic Ploy Stratagem - 2CP): A ship hovering above the battlefield fires its Plasma Bombardment Mortar against a high value target as designated by the Warlord. Use this Stratagem in your Command phase, if a COVENANT WARLORD from your army is on the battlefield. Select one point on the battlefield and place a marker on that point. At the start of your next Command phase, roll one D6 for each unit within 6" of the centre of that marker, adding l if the unit being rolled for is within 3" of the centre of the marker and subtracting l if the unit being rolled for is a CHARACTER. On a 2-5, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6+, that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. The marker is then removed. You can only use this Stratagem once.
  • That's Just... Wrong (Covenant Strategic Ploy Strategem - 2CP): Covenant motion trackers detect enemy movements, warning them of impending ambushes. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Reinforcements step of your opponent’s Movement phase. Select one COVENANT unit from your army. That COVENANT unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but its models can only target a single eligible enemy unit that was set up as Reinforcements this turn and that is within 18" of their unit when doing so.
  • A Spoonful of Blamite (Covenant Wargear Strategem - 1C): The Supercombine nature of a Needler weapon inflicts horrific injuries in the soft flesh of biological targets. Use this Stratagem before a COVENANT unit from your army attacks in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to the wound rolls made for all of that unit’s needle weapons and increase the damage inflicted by any needle weapon by 1. For the purposes of this Stratagem, a needle weapon is any weapon profile whose name includes the word ‘Needle’ or 'Needler' (e.g. Heavy Needler, Needle Rifle) or is a relic that replaces a Needler.
  • Blind (Covenant - Wargear Stratagem - 1CP): Under cover of active camo, holograms and electromagnetic jammers, the warriors of The Covenant confound their foes. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of any COVENANT unit from your army. Until the end of the phase:
    • Each time a model in that enemy unit makes an attack, the hit roll cannot be re-rolled.
    • Each time a model in that enemy unit makes a melee attack, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
  • Catch (Covenant Wargear Strategem - 1CP): Against packed formations of enemy infantry, a favoured tactic of The Covenant is to hurl an opening salvo of grenades en masse. Use this Stratagem before a COVENANT INFANTRY unit from your army shoots or fires Overwatch. Up to ten models in the unit that are armed with grenades can throw a grenade this phase, instead of only one model being able to do so.
  • Excavate (Covenant Wargear Strategem - 1CP): When Locusts focus their fire, nothing can withstand their might. Use this Stratagem when you select a target for a Locust's Boring Laser. Do not resolve that weapon’s attacks until the end of the phase. Until then, any Locusts from your army can link fire with that Locust if it is visible to and within 60" of them; if they do so, when firing their Boring Laser they must target the unit that the first Locus targeted with its Boring Laser, ignoring range and visibility, and re-rolling failed hit and wound rolls. At the end of the phase, resolve the Boring Laser shots from the first Locust, re-rolling failed hit and wound rolls if at least one other Locust linked fire with it.

Covenant Secondary Objectives[edit | edit source]

Remove this Filth: With this sacrament of blood, we journey into the Divine Beyond. Score 3 victory point at the end of your turn if an enemy unit was forced off an objective by either completely destroying it or forcing it to fall back. If 2 or more units were forced off an objective than score 5 victory points instead.

Artifact Located: Station and Salvation both command a heavy price. When this Secondary Objective is generated, roll a D6. Score 2 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you control the corresponding Objective Marker. If your Warlord controls the corresponding Objective Marker, score 3 Victory Points instead.

Smite the Demon: The true devotee honors our name with actions, not words. Score 3 victory point if at least 1 enemy CHARACTER was slain by one of your COVENANT units in the Fight phase of this turn. Score 5 victory points instead if the enemy Warlord was slain in the Fight phase of this turn by an attack made by one of your COVENANT units.

For the Great Journey: Victory is secured, not from the throne, but from the front lines. Score 1 victory point if, during your turn, a friendly Covenant unit successfully charged an enemy unit. If 3 or more friendly Covenant units made successful charges, score 3 victory points instead.

If They Came to Hear Me Beg: On the blood of our fathers. On the blood of our sons. We swore to uphold the Covenant! If one of your units passes or has passed a Morale test in this game turn, gain a Victory Point. Add one Victory Point for each passed Leadership test beyond the first.

Momentary Dishonour: Out of the darkness, these blades will light our way. Score 2 victory points at the end of your turn if one or more friendly COVENANT units arrived as reinforcements using the Active Camouflage or Sneaky ability and were setup within 12" of any enemy units.

Covenant Equipment[edit | edit source]

The united forces of the Covenant employ a wide variety of technology and weapons, either that gleaned from study of Forerunner artifacts or by separate development through constant war.

Weapon Table Range Type S AP D Abilities
Plasma Pistol When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles below.
Standard Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1
Overcharged Pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 -1 2 This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls. This profile can only be used once per battle.
Plasma Repeater 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Two-Handed
Spike Grenade 6" Grenade D3 5 -1 1 Blast
Plasma Rifle 18" Assault 2 4 0 1 One-Handed
Concussion Rifle 24" Assault D6 4 -1 1 Two-Handed, Blast
Plasma Caster When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the two profiles below.
Standard Caster 24" Assault 3 4 -1 1 Two-Handed
Overcharged Caster 24" Assault D6+D3 5 -1 2 Two-Handed, Blast. This profile can only be used once per battle.
Plasma Cannon 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 2 Two-Handed
Twin Plasma Cannon 36" Heavy 6 5 -1 2 -
Heavy Plasma Cannon 36" Heavy 3 6 -2 2 -
Heavy Plasma Repeater 72" Heavy 3 6 -2 2 Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against AIRCRAFT units.
Needler 18" Assault 2 3 0 1 One Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
Heavy Needler 24" Heavy 4 6 -1 1 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
Needle Rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 3 -1 1 Two-Handed. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3.
Covenant Carbine 30" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Two-Handed
Focus Rifle 36" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Two-Handed. This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit.
Beam Rifle 48" Heavy 1 6 -2 1 Two-Handed. This weapon may target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage.
Concussion Cannon 36" Heavy 2D6 5 -1 1 Blast
Brute Shot (Shooting) 24" Assault D6 3 0 1 Two-Handed, Blast
Brute Shot (Melee) Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -
Spiker (Shooting) 12" Assault 2 3 0 1 One-Handed
Spiker (Melee) Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
Mauler 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 If the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon’s Strength.
Fuel Rod Gun 36" Assault D3+3 5 -2 1 Two-Handed, Blast
Twin Fuel Rod Pods 36" Heavy 6D6 6 -2 1 Blast. Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against AIRCRAFT units.
Fuel Rod Cannon 36" Heavy D3+3 6 -2 2 Blast
Fuel Rod Beam 48" Heavy 1 8 -4 D3+3 -
Fuel Rod Storm 36" Assault 10 4 -1 1 This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.
Plasma Grenade 6" Grenade D6 5 -1 1 Blast
Plasma Launcher 36" Heavy 4 6 -1 D3 Two-Handed. All failed hit rolls with this weapon may be re-rolled.
Plasma Mortar 48" Heavy D6 5 -2 2 Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.
Firebomb 6" Grenade 2D3 4 0 1 Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of cover against that attack.
Plasma Beam 72" Heavy 2D3 16 -4 D6+3 Blast
Tyrant Gun 120" Heavy 3 18 -5 D6+6 Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against AIRCRAFT units.
Energy Sword Melee Melee +1 -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
Gravity Hammer Melee Melee x2 -2 4 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the To Hit roll.
Titanic Stride Melee Melee User -3 3 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1.
Greater Titanic Stride Melee Melee User -4 4 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1.

Miscellaneous Equipment[edit | edit source]

Equipment Effect
Guardian Shield Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
Point Defense Gauntlet Add 2 to Armour Saving throws for a model equipped with a Point Defense Gauntlet (invulnerable saving throws are not affected).
Skirmisher Gauntlet Add 1 to Armour Saving throws for a model equipped with a Skirmisher Gauntlet (invulnerable saving throws are not affected).
Vehicular Energy Shielding Each layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding has 3 shield points. While this model has any layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding, it has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. Each time a saving throw is failed for this model against ranged attacks, if it has Vehicular Energy Shielding, it does not suffer any damage. Instead, for each point of damage inflicted, one of its Vehicular Energy Shields loses a shield point. Once a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding has lost a shield point, it must continue to lose shield points due to any further damage inflicted until it collapses. Each time an attack causes a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding to be reduced to 0 shield points, that layer collapses, the model loses that layer and any excess damage inflicted is lost. Vehicular Energy Shielding can never be used to prevent mortal wounds, the bearer takes damage as normal. At the start of your command phase all layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding have their shield points restored, including the ones that have collapsed.

Weapon Options[edit | edit source]

Standard Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Plasma Pistol: Free
  • Plasma Repeater(*): Free
  • Mauler(**): Free
  • Covenant Carbine: +2pts
  • Needle Rifle: +2pts
  • Needler: +2pts
  • Concussion Rifle(*): +5pts
  • Plasma Caster(*): +5pts
  • Brute Shot(**): +5pts

(*)May only be taken by Elites and Prophets.

(**)May only be taken by Brutes.

Precision Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Focus Rifle: +5pts
  • Beam Rifle: +10pts

Special Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Fuel Rod Gun: +5pts
  • Plasma Cannon(*): +10pts
  • Energy Sword(**): +15pts for first Energy Sword, +5pts for second Energy Sword
  • Plasma Launcher: +20pts
  • Gravity Hammer(***): +25pts

(*)Only available to Grunts and HQ choices.

(**)Only available to Elites and Prophets.

(***)Only available to Brutes.

Jackal Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Needler: +2pts
  • Plasma Repeater: Free
  • Covenant Carbine: +2pts
  • Needle Rifle: +2pts
  • Focus Rifle: +5pts
  • Beam Rifle: +10pts
  • Energy Sword(*): +15pts

(*)Champions only.

Unique HQ Characters[edit | edit source]

Prophet of Regret[edit | edit source]

"I shall light the holy rings, release their cleansing flame, and burn a path TO THE DIVINE BEYOND!" ~The Prophet of Regret giving a speech that would cause the most devoted of Ecclesiarchs to descend into a weep of envy.

Rash, Violent, Immature, the High Prophet of Regret is an oddity among San'Shyuum in that he indulges in the culture and respect of the Sangheili. Specifically he disobeys the Writ of Union and fights alongside the Sangheili in battle. Despite this he does not go unprotected. His throne has powerful shields that make him nearly invulnerable to attack and Sentinels protect him at all costs.

Power 9, Points per model 170

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Regret 8" 5+ 4+ 2 4 4 1 9 -
Sentinel 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 9 4+

The Prophet of Regret is a single model armed with a Twin Fuel Rod Beam. Only one of this model may be included in your army. Regret's unit may include up to two Sentinel Healers (Power Rating +1 each/Points Cost +20 each), two Sentinel Protectors (Power Rating +1 each/Points Cost +20 each) and two Sentinel Defenders (Power Rating +1 each/Points Cost +20 each) Sentinel Defenders are armed with Sentinel Lasers.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Twin Fuel-Rod Beam 36" Heavy 2 8 -4 D3+3 -
Sentinel Laser 24" Assault 4 5 -1 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target.
Cleansing Beam 72" Heavy D3 10 -4 D6 Blast, This weapon can only be fired once per battle. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. When targeting units with 10 or more models, change this weapon’s Type to Heavy D6.

  • For the Great Journey!
  • Command Throne - Provides a 4+ invulnerable save.
  • Protector - The Sentinel Protector grants a 6+ invulnerable save to the whole unit or improves its invulnerable save by 1 if it already has one.
  • Healer - At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Sentinel Healer can attempt to heal or revive a single model. Select a friendly COVENANT unit within 3" of the Sentinel Healer. If that unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains D3 lost wounds. If the chosen unit contains no wounded models but one or more of its models have been slain during the battle, roll a D6. On a 4+ a single slain model is returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining. A unit can only be the target of the Healer ability once in each turn.
  • Supreme Instrument of the Gods: Whilst The Prophet of Regret is on the battlefield, you may re-roll Morale tests for all friendly COVENANT units.
  • The Prophet's Grace: Friendly COVENANT units within 6" of THE PROPHET OF REGRET may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT
Keywords (Sentinels): FLY, SENTINELS

The Arbiter[edit | edit source]

"My life matters not, only my skill in battle and the amount of terror I put in my foes would my death be forgiven" ~The Arbiter's Creed, recited before a battle.

A highly skilled but dishonoured Elite, called The Arbiter when translated from the Covenant's common tongue, this once respected Supreme Commander is now shamed and must bear the weight of his title. It is required that any Arbiter must die in battlefields or missions to seek redemption in death. Clad in ritualistic armor in the coloring of silver, that is equipped with a ancient cloaking field which are then blessed from the sacred language and wards of the Holy Forerunners. He would then be gruesomely marked with the mark of shame, feeling all the pain, misery and shame he has bought to the Covenant. Showing no pity nor mercy, The Arbiter uses his skill of over a thousand battles and a hundred wars to slaughter and kill any enemy that stands in his way.

Power 8, Points per model 135

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
The Arbiter 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 3+

The Arbiter is a single model armed with a Energy Sword, Plasma Rifle and Plasma Grenades. Your army may only include one ARBITER.
Wargear Options: May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Armor of the Arbiter: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save.
  • Honor Before All Else: You can re-roll failed wound rolls of 1 for this model when attacking a CHARACTER or MONSTER in the Fight phase.
  • Relentless Fury: : Roll a D6 each time this model loses his final wound; on a roll of 4+ that wound is not lost. In addition, if this model is slain in the Fight phase, once the unit that slew him has made its attacks, you can attack with him before removing his model as casualty, even if he has already attacked that phase.
  • Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup The Arbiter as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Jiazah 'Thogamee[edit | edit source]

"Afraid of a little thunder, blight? Then crawl underneath your wretched hole, for the thunder will strike you DEAD!" ~Jiazah 'Thogamee to Imperial Lord Algaezy Calriso

The Supreme Grandmaster of the Ki-psyniotics and the Supreme Lieutenant of Darchron's Eternal Crusaders, clad in a ritualistic silver armor of archaic origin and armed with an equally ornamental energy sword called Blight's Edge. Jiazah 'Thogamee made his infamy throughout both Heltorous and Albameous sectors for his his mastery over Ki-psyniotics, so much so that he makes it an art-form. According to some Imperial reports, during a Chaos siege, Jiazah 'Thogamee manage to completely alter his Warp flow, so much so that he completely sucked the Warp powers like a "Psykic vampire" out of Chaos Champion, Alkazon the Lier, turning the Chaos Champion into a shriveled old man before being ripped apart by the Supreme Grandmaster himself.

Power 8, Points per model 160

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Jiazah 'Thogamee 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+

Jiazah 'Thogamee is a single model armed with Blight's Edge, a Plasma Rifle and Plasma Grenades. Your army may only include one JIAZAH 'THOGAMEE.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Blight's Edge Melee Melee +1 -3 2D3 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.

Wargear Options: May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Councillor: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly SANGHEILI units within 6" of this model.
  • Heroes Harness: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save.
Psyker: Jiazah 'Thogamee can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite power.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Rtas 'Vadumee[edit | edit source]

"Shipmaster! They outnumber us three to one!"- "Then it is an even fight. All cruisers, fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!" ~A Sangheili tactical officer and 'Vadumee, just before the battle of Installation 00.

Leader of the entire Spec-Ops division and ship master of the Shadow of Intent and de-facto commander of the Fleet of Retribution, Rtas Vadumee or more commonly known to his troops and enemies as "Half jaw" has seen multiple wars, some of which can drive even the most harden veteran into insanity. Mastering every weapon in the Covenant arsenal, even the brutish and crude Jiralhanae weapons, as well as being the most skilled Spec-Ops Commander to date. Rtas Vadumee has been known to be so skilled in the Energy Sword that he once challenged and won against two Dark Eldar Succubi from the Poisoned fang Kabal in a Duel over the Planet Bushurn III, to protect his men from being stolen away by the alien witches. It is said he lost part of his jaw after a clash with another Sangheili who has been infected by the Great Parasite, a long time ago.

Power 7, Points per model 115

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Rtas 'Vadumee 6" 2+ 2+ 4 3 5 4 9 3+

Rtas 'Vadumee is a single model armed with a Energy Sword, Plasma Rifle and Plasma Grenades. Your army may only include one RTAS 'VADUMEE.
Wargear Options: May replace his Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons, Special Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup Rtas 'Vadumee as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
  • Spec-Ops Commander of the Covenant: A detachment containing Rtas 'Vadumee may take SPECIAL OPERATIONS units as Troops choices.
  • Swordmaster: Melee attacks with a roll of 6 To Wound inflict an additional Mortal Wound.
  • Zealot: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly SANGHEILI units that are within 6" of this model.
  • Assault Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Tartarus[edit | edit source]

Tartarus in all his Mohawk Glory.

"*Growls* Your head would make a good trophy Angelos, *Sniffs* and your flesh would fill the bellies of my brothers"- "Then hurry up and take my flesh if you so need it Xeno, but I warn you that I won't go down easily"- "With pleasure" ~Chieftain of the Jiralhanae Tartarus and Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens Gabriel Angelos, before their fight on Hyphurus III...what an Ass.

Often called in formality as the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae, Tartarus possesses skill and power unlike anything fought in the Covenant, strong, arrogant, brutish but cunning, Tartarus uses dirty tricks to fool his enemies into making a fatal mistake. Shielded by an Energy Barrier unlike anything seen by the Imperium, this shield grants him all but immunity to all but the most powerful Imperial Weapons, vulnerable to only a very few weapons. Armed with but a single Ancient Gravity Hammer called "Fist of Rukt" by his soldiers, this old but very powerful weapon was reported to create vortexes and miniature black holes as it manipulates and uses the power of gravity. He was also known as the king of assholes, and in a place where leaders would kill other leaders for the lulz and where supposed "Friends" would send your entire family to death because it is funny, that is saying something.

Power 9, Points per model 180

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Tartarus 5" 2+ 3+ 4 5 6 5 9 2+

Tartarus is a single model armed with The Fist of Rukt, a Spiker and Firebombs. Your army may only include one TARTARUS.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
The Fist of Rukt Melee Melee x2 -3 4 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved with a Damage of 6.

Wargear Options: May replace his Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons lists.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Heroes Harness: Grants a 4+ invulnerable save.
  • Our Time is Now!: Friendly JIRALHANAE INFANTRY units within 6" of this model at the start of the Charge phase can charge even if they Advanced this turn.
  • Chieftain: Friendly JIRALHANAE INFANTRY units within 6" of this model may re-roll failed Charge rolls.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Dadab[edit | edit source]

"Preach, yes, a good thing! But sometimes me head says that too much preaching can leave the rest of the runts sleepy..." ~Dadab and one of his many "Influential" Speeches...

One of the most influential Unggoy, Dadab may lack the skill or firepower in a battlefield, but his inspiring aspect and influence is enough to change the tide of battles. Garbed in ceremonial white tunic that is more formal then even an average Deacon, and armed with a Legendary Plasma Pistol named "The Call of Balaho", Dadab carries around several Holy Chimes and a Covenant Holy Mural. Even the most humble of Unggoy become something fiercer in the presence of his oratory. He is one of the best supportive HQ Characters, and could be essential in changing the tide of wars and battles, and might even save someone from certain defeat. Ironically, he is one of the select few in the Covenant who can use his powers for the most part without restraint and free from fear of suffering like the likes of undisciplined Elites and even Brutes.

Power 2, Points per model 30

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Dadab 5" 4+ 3+ 2 3 3 1 7 6+

Dadab is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades and a Guardian Shield. Your army may only include one Dadab.
Wargear Options: May replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler or an item from the Special Weapons list.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Litanies of Fury!: Friendly UNGGOY INFANTRY units within 6" of this model can re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1.
  • Deacon: This model cannot be your Warlord. Increase the leadership of all Covenant units within 6” of Dadab by 1.
  • Zeal: Friendly UNGGOY infantry units within 6" of this model during the charge phase can activate their Plasma Grenades and hurl themselves at the enemy in a suicidal charge. The enemy can Overwatch early to gun the Grunt(s) down but cannot Overwatch later on in the phase if they do so. For each Grunt that successfully reaches within 1" of the enemy unit, inflicts an attack as if they were using their Plasma Grenades that automatically hits. The Grunts chosen to assault the enemy are now removed from play, even if they did not reach the enemy.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

HQ Units[edit | edit source]

Sangheili Councillor[edit | edit source]

Power 5, Points per model 70

"Only the faithful lives" ~Motto of the Councillors.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Councillor 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+

A Councillor is a single model armed with 2 Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades
Wargear Options: The Councillor may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Councillor: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly SANGHEILI units within 6" of this model.
  • Heroes Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Sangheili Zealot[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 55

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Zealot 6" 2+ 3+ 4 3 4 3 8 3+

A Zealot is a single model armed with 2 Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades
Wargear Options: The Zealot may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons, Precision Weapons or Special Weapons list.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Assault Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
  • Zealot: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly SANGHEILI units that are within 6" of this model.
  • Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup the Zealot as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Brute Chieftain[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 55

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
War Chieftain 5" 2+ 3+ 4 5 5 5 9 3+
Chieftain 5" 2+ 4+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+

A Chieftain is a single model armed with 2 Spikers, a Guardian Shield and Spike Grenades. The Chieftain may be replaced with a War Chieftain (Power Rating +1/Points Cost +20)
Wargear Options: The Chieftain may replace one or more of his Spikers for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Chieftain: Friendly JIRALHANAE INFANTRY units within 6" of this model may re-roll failed Charge rolls.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

San'Shyuum Enforcer[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 30

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Enforcer 4" 5+ 5+ 2 2 3 1 9 -
Prelate 4" 2+ 3+ 3 4 4 3 9 3+

An Enforcer is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol and Guardian Shield. The Enforcer may be replaced with a Prelate (Power Rating +3/Points Cost +35) armed with a two Plasma Rifles and a Guardian Shield.
Wargear Options: Prelates may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • The Prophet's Grace: Friendly COVENANT units within 6" of PROPHET may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own when taking Morale tests.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Deacon[edit | edit source]

Power 1, Points per model 15

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Deacon 5" 4+ 3+ 2 3 3 2 7 6+

A Deacon is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol and Plasma Grenades.
Wargear Options:
  • May replace it's Plasma Pistol with a Needler
  • May take a Guardian Shield
  • Deacon: This model cannot be your Warlord.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Zeal: Friendly UNGGOY infantry units within 6" of this model during the charge phase can activate their Plasma Grenades and hurl themselves at the enemy in a suicidal charge. The enemy can Overwatch early to gun the Grunt(s) down but cannot Overwatch later on in the phase if they do so. For each Grunt that successfully reaches within 1" of the enemy unit, inflicts an attack as if they were using their Plasma Grenades that automatically hits. The Grunts chosen to assault the enemy are now removed from play, even if they did not reach the enemy.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Honor Guard[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 45

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Elite Guard 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 3+
Brute Guard 5" 3+ 4+ 4 5 2 3 8 3+

This unit contains 2 Elite Guards or 2 Brute Guards. The unit may contain 2 additional Guards (the entire unit must be the same species, Power Rating +2). All guards are armed with Honor Pikes (count as Energy Swords). Elite Guards are also armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades and Brute Guards are also armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades.
Wargear Options:
  • Any Elite Guard may replace its Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • Any Brute Guard may replace its Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • Any Brute Guard may take Firebombs: +2pts each
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Heroes Harness (Elite Guard): Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
  • You Will Not Lay A Hand Upon Him!: Roll a D6 each time a friendly COVENANT CHARACTER loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this unit can intercept that hit – the CHARACTER does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Honor Guard Ultra[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 70

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Elite Guard Ultra 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+
Brute Guard Ultra 5" 2+ 4+ 4 5 4 5 8 3+

The Honor Guard Ultra is a single model armed with an Honor Pike (count as a Energy Sword). Elite Guard Ultras are also armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades and Brute Guard Ultras are also armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades.
Wargear Options:
  • Any Elite Guard Ultra may replace its Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • Any Brute Guard Ultra may replace its Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • A Brute Guard Ultra may take Firebombs: +2pts each
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Heroes Harness (Elite Guard): Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
  • You Will Not Lay A Hand Upon Him!: Roll a D6 each time a friendly COVENANT CHARACTER loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this unit can intercept that hit – the CHARACTER does not lose a wound but this unit suffers a mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Jackal (Kig'yar) Champion[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 25

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Jackal Champion 6" 4+ 2+ 2 3 3 2 7 5+
Skirmisher Champion 8" 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2 7 5+

The Jackal Champion is a single model armed with a Plasma Pistol. It may be replaced with a Skirmisher Champion
Wargear Options:
  • Any Champion may take an item from the Jackal Weapons list.
  • A Jackal Champion armed with a Plasma Pistol, Needler or Energy Sword may take a Point Defense Gauntlet.
  • A Skirmisher Champion armed with a Plasma Pistol, Needler or Energy Sword may take a Skirmisher Gauntlert.
  • Champion: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly KIG'YAR units within 6" of this model.
  • Sneaky (Jackal Champion): During deployment, you may setup the Jackal Champion as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
  • Swift (Skirmisher Champion): At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 8". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Troops[edit | edit source]

Grunt (Unggoy) Lance[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 3

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Grunt 5" 5+ 5+ 2 3 1 1 4 6+

This unit contains 10 Grunts armed with Plasma Pistols and Plasma grenades. The unit may contain 10 additional Grunts (Power Rating +1) or 20 additional Grunts (Power Rating +2)
Wargear Options:
  • For every 10 Grunts, one Grunt may take an item from the Special Weapons list.
  • Any Grunt may replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +2pts each
Abilities - Mob Up: If a unit of Grunts includes 20 or more models, you can add 1 to their hit rolls.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Jackal (Kig-Yar) Lance[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 7

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Jackal 6" 5+ 3+ 2 3 1 1 6 5+

This unit contains 5 Jackals armed with Plasma Pistols. The unit may contain 5 additional Jackals (Power Rating +2) or 10 additional Jackals (Power Rating +4) or 15 additional Jackals (Power Rating +6).
Wargear Options:
  • Any model replace their Plasma Pistol with an item from the Jackal Weapons list.
  • Any model armed with a Plasma Pistol or Needler may take a Point Defense Gauntlet
  • Sneaky: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Elite (Sangheili) Squad[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 10

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Elite 6" 4+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 6 4+
Elite Ultra 6" 4+ 4+ 4 3 1 2 7 3+

This unit contains 4 Elites and 1 Elite Ultra armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Elites (Power Rating +2) or 10 additional Elites (Power Rating +2).
Wargear Options:
  • Any model may replace their Plasma Rifle with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts each
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Combat Harness (Elite): Grants a 6+ invulnerable save.
  • Assault Harness (Elite Ultra): Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Brute (Jiralhanae) Pack[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 10

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Brute 5" 4+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 4+
Brute Captain 5" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 3 7 3+

This unit contains 4 Brutes and 1 Brute Captain armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Brutes (Power Rating +2) or 10 additional Brutes (Power Rating +2).
Wargear Options:
  • Any model may replace their Spiker with an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • Any Brute may take an additional Spiker: +3pts each
  • Any Brute may take Firebombs: +2pts each
Abilities: For the Great Journey!
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Thanolekgolo Swarm[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 11

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Thanolekgolo Swarm 6" 5+ - 3 3 3 3 4 7+

This unit contains 3 Thanolekgolo Swarms. The unit may contain 3 additional Thanolekgolo Swarms (Power Rating +2) or 6 additional Thanolekgolo Swarms (Power Rating +4).
  • Technological Consumption: Against VEHICLES, this unit gains a +2 bonus to hit and wound rolls.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Shade Turrets[edit | edit source]

Power 3, Points per model 35

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Shade Turret 0" - 4+ 4 4 3 - 5 3+

This unit contains 1 Shade Turret. The unit may contain 1 additional Shade Turret (Power Rating +3) or 2 additional Shade Turrets (Power Rating +6). Each Shade Turret is armed with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
Wargear Options:
  • Any Shade Turret may exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts
-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
  • Any Shade Turret may be equipped with a Guardian Shield
  • Artillery Battery: The first time this unit is setup, all models in this unit must be placed within 6" of each other. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit for all rules purposes.
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Skyfire: Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this model against targets that can FLY. Subtract 1 from the hit rolls made for this model against all other targets.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]

Orbital Insertion Pod[edit | edit source]

Power 1, Points per model 30

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Orbital Insertion Pod 0" - - 5 5 6 - 8 3+

A Orbital Insertion Pod is a single model.
  • Strategic Insertion: During deployment, you can set up this model, along with any units embarked within it, in orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can perform a strategic insertion – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models embarked inside must immediately disembark, but they must be set up more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that cannot be setup because there is not enough room are slain.
  • Immobile: After this model has been set up on the battlefield it cannot move for any reason, and no units can embark upon it.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 5 COVENANT INFANTRY models with the exception of MEGALEKGOLO.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Shadow[edit | edit source]

Power 5, Points per model 90

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Shadow * 6+ * 6 7 10 * 7 3+

Remaining W M BS A
6+ 12" 4+ 3
3-5 6" 5+ D3
1-2 3" 6+ 1
A Shadow is a single model equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
Options: May exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts
-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 12 COVENANT INFANTRY models with the exception of MEGALEKGOLO.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Umbra[edit | edit source]

Power 5, Points per model 115

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Umbra * 6+ * 6 8 11 * 7 3+

Remaining W M BS A
6+ 12" 4+ 3
3-5 6" 5+ D3
1-2 3" 6+ 1
A Umbra is a single model equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
Options: May exchange its Heavy Plasma Cannon for a:
-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts
-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 20 COVENANT INFANTRY models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Deployment Carapace[edit | edit source]

Power 6, Points per model 100

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Deployment Carapace 0" - - 7 7 10 - 8 3+

A Deployment Carapace is a single model.
  • Strategic Insertion: During deployment, you can set up this model, along with any units embarked within it, in orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can perform a strategic insertion – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models embarked inside must immediately disembark, but they must be set up more than 9" away from any enemy models. Any models that cannot be setup because there is not enough room are slain.
  • Immobile: After this model has been set up on the battlefield it cannot move for any reason, and no units can embark upon it.
  • Return to Ship: During the movement phase the Deployment Carapace may return to its ship, in which another unit in reserves then embarks on it and it can then perform another strategic insertion.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 20 COVENANT INFANTRY models. MEGALEKGOLO take up 3 models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Elites[edit | edit source]

Hunter (Mgalekgolo) Bond[edit | edit source]

Power 7, Points per model 40

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Hunter 5" 3+ 4+ 5 5 3 3 9 3+

This unit contains 2 Hunters. It may contain up to two additional Hunters (Power +7) or up to four additional Hunters (Power +14). Each Hunter is armed with a Fuel Rod Cannon and Hunter's Shield.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Hunter Shield Melee Melee +1 -2 2 -

  • Assault Cannon: A Hunter unit can only use a single ranged weapon per turn.
  • Hunter Shield: A Hunter Shield grants a 4++ invulnerable save.
Wargear Options:
  • Any Hunter may replace its Fuel Rod Cannon with a
-Fuel Rod Beam: Free
-Fuel Rod Storm: Free
  • Any Hunter may take a:
-Fuel Rod Beam: +10pts
-Fuel Rod Storm: +10pts
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Huragok (Engineer)[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 25

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Engineer 8" 6+ - 3 4 4 1 4 7+

The Engineer is a single model armed with a Guardian Shield.
  • Protection of the Hierachs: Any allied model within 6" of the Engineer has a 6+ invulnerable save. If the model already has an invulnerable save then it is improved by 1.
  • State of Grace: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single friendly COVENANT VEHICLE within 3". That model regains D3 lost wounds. A model may not be the target of the State of Grace ability more than once per turn, regardless of the source.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Special Operations Grunts[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 5

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
SpecOps Grunt 5" 5+ 3+ 2 3 1 1 6 6+

This unit contains 5 SpecOps Grunts armed with Plasma Pistols and Plasma grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional SpecOPs Grunts (Power Rating +1) or 10 additional Grunts (Power Rating +2)
Wargear Options:
  • For every 5 Grunts, one Grunt may take an item from the Heavy Weapons list.
  • Any Grunt may replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler: +2pts
Abilities - Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Special Operations Elites[edit | edit source]

Power 8, Points per model 19

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
SpecOps Elite 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 1 2 7 3+

This unit contains 5 SpecOps Elites armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional SpecOps Elites (Power Rating +7)
Wargear Options:
  • Any SpecOps Elite may replace one or more of his Plasma Rifles for an item from the Standard Weapons or Precision Weapons lists.
  • Any SpecOps Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
  • Assault Harness: Models from this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Brute (Jiralhanae) Captain Pack[edit | edit source]

Power 7, Points per model 16

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Captain 5" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 3 7 3+

This unit contains 5 Brute Captains armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Brute Captains (Power Rating +7).
Wargear Options:
  • Any Captain may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons or Special Weapons list.
  • Any Captain may take:
-Firebombs: +2pts each
-an additional Spiker: +3pts each
Abilities: For the Great Journey!
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Brute (Jiralhanae) Stalker Pack[edit | edit source]

Power 5, Points per model 18

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Brute Stalker 5" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 2 7 4+

This unit contains 5 Brute Stalkers armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Brute Stalkers (Power Rating +6).
Wargear Options:
  • Any Brute may replace his Spiker for:
-a Plasma Rifle: Free
-a Plasma Repeater: Free
-a Mauler: Free
-a Brute Shot: +5pts each
  • Any Brute may take:
-an additional Spiker: +3pts each
-Firebombs: +2pts each
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 12" from any enemy models.
  • Stealth Fields: Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Stealth Elite (Sangheili) Squad[edit | edit source]

Power 7, Points per model 14

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Stealth Elite 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 1 1 7 4+

This unit contains 5 Stealth Elites armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Stealth Elites (Power Rating +7)
Wargear Options:
  • Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for:
-a Plasma Repeater: Free
-a Plasma Pistol: Free
-an Energy Sword: +15pts for the first Energy Sword, +5pts for the second Energy Sword
  • Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Active Camouflage: During deployment, you may setup this unit as hidden on the battlefield instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, he may reveal himself – set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 12" from any enemy models.
  • Stealth Fields: Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Fast Attack[edit | edit source]

Drone (Yanme'e) Swarm[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 6

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Drone 12" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 6+

This unit contains 10 Drones armed with Plasma Pistols. The unit may contain 10 additional Drones (Power Rating +4) or 20 additional Drones (Power Rating +8)
Wargear Options: Any Drone may replace their Plasma Pistol with a:
  • Plasma Rifle: Free
  • Needler: +2pts
  • Swarm: If this unit contains 20 or more models, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 when it shoots or fights.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Skirmisher (T'vaoan) Lance[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 11

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Skirmishers 7" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+

This unit contains 5 Skirmishers armed with Plasma Pistols. The unit may contain 5 additional Skirmishers (Power Rating +4) or 10 additional Skirmishers (Power Rating +8).
Wargear Options:
  • Any Skirmisher may take an item from the Jackal weapons list.
  • A Skirmisher equipped with a Plasma Pistol or Needler may take a Skirmisher Gauntlet.
  • Swift: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 8". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Brute (Jiralhanae) Jumppack Squad[edit | edit source]

Power 6, Points per model 16

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Jumppack Brute 12" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 2 7 4+

This unit contains 5 Jumppack Brutes armed with Spikers and Spike Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Jumppack Brutes (Power Rating +5).
Wargear Options:
  • Any Jumppack Brute may replace his Spiker for an item from the Standard Weapons list.
  • Any Jumppack Brute may take:
-Firebombs: +2pts each
-an additional Spiker: +3pts each
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Phantom Strike: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Jumppack Brutes in a Phantom, instead of placing them on the battlefield. If you do so, they can Phantom Strike at the end of any of your Movement phases – set them up anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Elite (Sangheili) Ranger Squad[edit | edit source]

Power 6, Points per model 14

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Elite Rangers 8" 3+ 3+ 4 3 1 1 7 4+

This unit contains 5 Elite Rangers armed with Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenades. The unit may contain 5 additional Elite Rangers (Power Rating +5).
Wargear Options:
  • Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle for a:
-Plasma Repeater: Free
-Plasma Pistol: Free
-Covenant Carbine: +2pts
-Needle Rifle: +2pts
-Focus Rifle: +5pts
  • Any Elite may take an additional Plasma Rifle: +3pts
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Phantom Strike: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Elite Rangers in a Phantom, instead of placing them on the battlefield. If you do so, they can Phantom Strike at the end of any of your Movement phases – set them up anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
  • Ranger Harness: Grants a 6+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Ghost Squadron[edit | edit source]

Power 3, Point per model 55

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Ghost 16" 4+ 4+ 4 4 3 1 6 4+

This units contains 3 Ghosts armed with a Twin Plasma Cannon. They unit may contain 3 additional Ghosts (Power Rating +3) or 6 additional Ghosts (Power Rating +6).
Wargear Options:
  • Any Ghost may be equipped with a Guardian Shield: +5pts
  • For The Great Journey
  • Scouting Vehicle: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Ghosts on the army’s flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Ghosts can race in to encircle the foe – set them up so that each model is touching a battlefield edge and is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Chopper Squadron[edit | edit source]

Power 3, Points per model 65

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Chopper 14" 4+ 5+ 4 5 2 2 6 4+

This units contains 3 Choppers armed with a 35mm Autocannon and Ramming Targe. They unit may contain 3 additional Choppers (Power Rating +3) or 6 additional Choppers (Power Rating +3).
Name Range S AP Damage Type
35mm Autocannon 24" 6 -1 1 Rapid Fire 3
Ramming Targe Melee 7 -1 2 This weapon can only be used on the turn that the bearer charges.

  • Ramming Speed!: At the end of a movement phase where this unit advanced, it can declare ramming speed. This unit cannot shoot in the shooting phase, but in the charge phase it may add 5” to the total charge distance.
  • Steady in the Saddle: This unit ignores penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons.
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Outriders: During deployment, you can set up a unit of Choppers on the army’s flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Choppers can race in to encircle the foe – set them up so that each model is touching a battlefield edge and is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Rapid Assault Squadron[edit | edit source]

Power 3, Points per model 45

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Revenant/Spectre 15" 4+ 4+ 4 6 6 2 7 4+

This unit contains 1 Revenant or Spectre. It can include 1 additional Revenant or Spectre (Power Rating +3) or 2 additional Revenants or Spectres (Power Rating +6). Revenants are armed with a Plasma Mortar and Spectres are armed with a Plasma Cannon.
Wargear Options:
  • Any Spectre may take two side gunners, each armed with a:
-Concussion Rifle: +10pts
-Fuel Rod Gun: +20pts
-Plasma Launcher: +50pts
  • Any Revenant may take a passenger gunner armed with a:
-Concussion Rifle: +5pts
-Fuel Rod Gun: +10pts
-Plasma Launcher: +25pts
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers 1 mortal wound.
  • Evasive: If this model moved over 10" in its last Movement phase, it gains a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT
Keywords: VEHICLE

Prowler Squadron[edit | edit source]

Power 3, Points per model 65

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Prowler 12" 4+ 5+ 4 6 10 4 7 3+

This unit contains 1 Prowler. It can include 1 additional Prowler (Power Rating +3) or 2 additional Prowlers (Power Rating +6). Prowlers are armed with a Plasma Cannon.
  • Any Prowler may take two side gunners, each armed with a:
-Brute Shot: +10pts
-Fuel Rod Gun: +20pts
-Plasma Launcher: +50pts
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers 1 mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT
Keywords: VEHICLE

Flyers[edit | edit source]

Banshee[edit | edit source]

Power 4, Points per model 90

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Banshee 20-35" 6+ 4+ 4 6 6 2 7 4+

This unit contains one Banshee equipped with a Twin Plasma Cannon and a Fuel Rod Cannon. It can include 1 additional Banshee (Power Rating +4) or 2 additional Banshees (Power Rating +8).
Wargear Option: Any Banshee may take a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
  • Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
  • Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
  • Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
  • Strafing Run: You can add 1 to hit rolls for this model when targeting an enemy in the Shooting phase that cannot FLY.
  • Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
  • Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it crashes and explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Banshee Squadron: The first time this unit is setup, all models in this unit must be placed within 6" of each other. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit for all rules purposes.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Vampire[edit | edit source]

Power 9, Points per model 120

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vampire * 6+ * 6 7 10 * 7 3+

Remaining W M BS A
6-10+ 20-60" 3+ 3
3-5 20-40" 4+ D3
1-2 20-25" 5+ 1
This unit contains one Vampire equipped with a Stasis Cannon, Heavy Needler and two Plasma Cannons.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Stasis Beam 36" 5 -2 2 Heavy D6 Blast. This weapon gains +1 to hit against AIRCRAFT units. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, the attack inflicts 2 mortal wounds on the target.

  • Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
  • Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
  • Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
  • Vampire: You can add 1 to hit rolls for this model when targeting an enemy in the Shooting phase that can FLY.
  • Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
  • Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it crashes and explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Phantom[edit | edit source]

Power 10, Points per model 185

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Phantom * 6+ * 8 7 14 * 8 3+

Remaining W M BS A
8-14+ 20-45" 4+ 3
4-7 20-30" 5+ D3
1-3 20" 6+ 1
This unit contains one Phantom equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
Wargear Options: May take two sponson-mounted:
  • Plasma Cannons: +20pts
  • Heavy Plasma Cannons: +30pts
  • Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
  • Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
  • Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
  • Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
  • Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Heavy Transport: This model does not suffer the penalty for shooting Heavy weapons on a turn in which it has moved.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 16 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 1 COVENANT VEHICLE model. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC and AIRCRAFT models cannot be transported.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Spirit Dropship[edit | edit source]

Power 12, Points per model 315

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Spirit * 6+ * 8 7 20 3 8 3+

Remaining W M BS
11-20+ 20-45" 4+
5-10 20-30" 5+
1-4 20" 6+
This unit contains one Spirit equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon.
  • Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
  • Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
  • Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
  • Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
  • Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
  • Heavy Transport: This model does not suffer the penalty for shooting Heavy weapons on a turn in which it has moved.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 30 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 2 COVENANT VEHICLE models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC and AIRCRAFT models cannot be transported.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

Heavy Grunt Squad[edit | edit source]

Power 2, Points per model 4

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Heavy Grunt 5" 5+ 4+ 2 3 1 1 5 6+

This unit consists of 5 Heavy Grunts armed with Plasma Pistols. It may include 5 additional Heavy Grunts (Power Rating +2).
Wargear Options: Every model MUST take a weapon from the Special Weapons list.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Heavy Elite Squad[edit | edit source]

Power 7, Points per model 13

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Elite Ultra 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 1 2 7 3+

This unit consists of 5 Elite Ultras armed with Concussion Rifles.
Wargear Options:
  • Any Elite may replace their Concussion Rifle with a Fuel Rod Gun: +5pts
  • One Elite may replace his Concussion Rifle with a Plasma Launcher: +25pts
  • For the Great Journey!
  • Assault Harness: Grants a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Wraith[edit | edit source]

Power 11, Points per model 170

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Wraith * 6+ * 7 8 12 * 7 3+

Remaining W M BS A
7-12+ 10" 4+ 3
4-6 7" 5+ D3
1-3 4" 6+ 1
This unit contains one Wraith equipped with a Heavy Plasma Mortar.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Heavy Plasma Mortar 48" 8 -3 3 Heavy D3+3 Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.

Wargear Options:
  • Any Wraith may replace its Heavy Plasma Mortar with Twin Fuel Rod Pods: Free
  • Any Wraith may take a Pintle-Mounted:
    • Plasma Cannon: +10pts
    • Twin Plasma Cannon: +15pts
  • May take a layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
  • Heavy Skimmer: This model does not suffer the penalty for shooting Heavy weapons on a turn in which it has moved.
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT
Keywords: VEHICLE

Locust[edit | edit source]

Power 10, Points per model 100

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Locust 6" 4+ 3+ 5 7 8 2 7 3+

This unit contains one Locust equipped with a Boring Laser and two Layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Boring Laser 36" 7 -2 3 Heavy 3 -

Wargear Options: May take one more layer of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts
  • Overdrive: The Locust pilot may drain energy from the vehicle's shields in order to increase the strength of the Boring Laser. For every layer of shielding the player disables until his next shooting phase, improve the Strength, AP and Damage of the shot by 1.
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT
Keywords: VEHICLE

Sharquoi[edit | edit source]

Power 6, Points per model 82

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Sharquoi 6" 4+ - 6 7 8 4 7 3+

This unit contains one Sharquoi. It may include 1 additional Sharquoi (Power Rating +6) or 2 additional Sharquoi (Power Rating +12). Each Sharquoi is equipped with Spike Fists.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Spike Fists Melee x2 -3 3 Melee When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.

Faction Keywords: COVENANT
Keywords: MONSTER

Goblin[edit | edit source]

Power 6, Points per model 95

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Goblin 8" 4+ 3+ 5 5 5 3 6 3+

This unit contains one Goblin armed with a Power Fist, Concussion Rifle, Fuel Rod Beam and Shardstorm Launcher. It may include 1 additional Goblin (Power Rating +6) or 2 additional Goblins (Power Rating +12)
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Shardstorm Launcher 12" 6 -1 1 Heavy 8 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -3. All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
Plasmablaster Launcher 12" 4 -1 1 Heavy 8D3 Blast, All failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon may be re-rolled.
Power Fist Melee x2 -3 D3 Melee -

Wargear Options:
  • The Goblin may swap any of its Fuel Rod Beams for a Heavy Needler: Free
  • The Goblin may swap its Shardstorm Launcher with a Plasmablaster Launcher: Free
Abilities - Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Lords of War[edit | edit source]

Lich[edit | edit source]

Power 75, Points per model 1500

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Lich * 6+ * 8 8 80 * 8 3+

Remaining W M BS A
61-80+ 20-60" 2+ 12
41-60 20-45" 3+ 9
21-40 20-30" 4+ 6
1-20 20-25" 5+ 3
This unit contains one Lich equipped with a Plasma Beam and four Plasma Cannons.
  • Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can FLY, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can FLY.
  • Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the shooting phase.
  • Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase –do not roll a dice.
  • Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
  • Gravitic Propulsion: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
  • Crash and Burn: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 4-5, it explodes and each unit within 2D6" sufferes D6 mortal wounds. On a 6, it explodes and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D3 mortal wounds.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 40 COVENANT INFANTRY. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Protos Scarab[edit | edit source]

Power 50, Points per model 1000

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Protos Scarab * * * 8 8 80 4 10 2+

Remaining W M WS BS
61+ 20" 4+ 3+
41-60 16" 5+ 4+
21-40 12" 5+ 4+
1-20 8" 6+ 5+
This unit contains one Protos Scarab equipped with a Plasma Beam and two Heavy Plasma Repeaters. It may also crush its enemies beneath its Titanic Stride.
  • Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
  • Flank Speed: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 12" instead of rolling a dice.
  • Towering Monstrosity: A Scarab can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
  • Orbital Deployment: During deployment, a Scarab can be set up in orbital deployment instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is not within Engagement range of enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Deutoros Scarab[edit | edit source]

Power 80, Points per model 1600

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Deutoros/Devastator Scarab * * * 8 8 100 4 10 2+

Remaining W M WS BS
76+ 18" 4+ 3+
51-75 14" 4+ 4+
26-50 10" 5+ 4+
1-25 6" 6+ 5+
This unit contains one Scarab. Deutoros Scarabs are equipped with a Plasma Beam, Heavy Plasma Repeater and three Plasma Cannons. Devastator Scarabs are equipped with a Tyrant Gun. Either variant may also crush its enemies beneath its Titanic Stride.
  • Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 6+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
  • Flank Speed: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 12" instead of rolling a dice.
  • Towering Monstrosity: A Scarab can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
  • Orbital Deployment: During deployment, a Scarab can be set up in orbital deployment instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is not within Engagement range of enemy models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Harvester/Super Scarab[edit | edit source]

Power 130, Points per model 2600

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Harvester/Super Scarab * * * 8 8 140 5 10 2+

Remaining W M WS BS
105+ 15" 4+ 3+
71-105 9" 5+ 4+
36-70 6" 5+ 4+
1-35 3" 6+ 5+
This unit contains one Harvester or Super Scarab. Harvesters are equipped with a Harvester Beam. Super Scarabs are equipped with a Heavy Plasma Beam and two Heavy Plasma Repeaters. Either variant may also crush its enemies beneath its Greater Titanic Stride.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Heavy Plasma Beam 72" 16 -4 D6+3 Heavy 3D3 Blast
Harvester Beam 48" 16 -4 8 Heavy 2D6 Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 12.

  • Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
  • Titanic Gait: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8" instead of rolling a dice.
  • Transport Capacity: The Super Scarab can transport up to 30 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 2 VEHICLE models whilst the Harvester can transport 200 COVENANT INFANTRY models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC models cannot be transported.
  • Towering Monstrosity: A Scarab can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Draugr[edit | edit source]

Power 125, Points per model 2400

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Draugr * * * 8 8 120 5 10 2+

Remaining W M WS BS
90+ 18" 5+ 3+
60-90 12" 6+ 3+
35-60 9" 6+ 4+
1-35 6" 6+ 5+
This unit contains one Draugr. Draugrs are equipped with five Boring Lasers and ten Layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Boring Laser 36" 7 -2 3 Heavy 3 -

Wargear Options: May take up to five more layers of Vehicular Energy Shielding: +20pts each
  • Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
  • Transport Capacity: This model can transport 100 COVENANT INFANTRY or VEHICLE models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. Each VEHICLE model takes the space of 10 infantry models. This model cannot transport TITANIC models.
  • Overdrive: The Draugr pilot may drain energy from the vehicle's shields in order to increase the strength of a Boring Laser. For every layer of shielding the player disables until his next shooting phase, one Boring Laser may improve the Strength, AP and Damage of its shot by 1. The five Boring Lasers must be overdriven as evenly as possible.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Kraken[edit | edit source]

Power 130, Points per model 2600

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kraken * * 4+ 9 9 200 4 10 2+

Remaining W M WS
151+ 12" 4+
101-150 10" 4+
51-100 8" 5+
1-50 6" 6+
This unit contains one Kraken equipped with 16 Heavy Plasma Cannons. It may also destroy enemies with a Focused Kick or crush them under its Greater Titanic Stride.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Focused Kick Melee x2 -5 12 Melee Any wound roll of a 6 made with this attack on any VEHICLE, MONSTER or BUILDING automatically inflicts an additional 2D6 mortal wounds on the target.

Wargear Options:
  • Any Heavy Plasma Cannon may be exchanged for a:
-Twin Plasma Cannon: +5pts each
-Fuel Rod Cannon: Free
  • Cataclysmic Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
  • Titanic Gait: When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8" instead of rolling a dice.
  • Gargantuan Monstrosity: A Kraken can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Scarab makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding TITANIC models) as if they were not there, though at the end of its move it must be more than 1" away from all enemy units, and when it does, it can be moved within Engagement range of such models though cannot finish its move within engagement range of any of them.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 250 COVENANT INFANTRY models and 16 COVENANT VEHICLE models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models. TITANIC models cannot be transported.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Khantolekgolo Behemoth[edit | edit source]

Power 27, Points per model 550

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Khantolekgolo * 3+ 3+ * * 46 8 9 3+

Remaining W M S A
19+ 10" 12 8
10-18 8" 10 7
1-9 6" 8 6
A Khantolekgolo Behemoth is a single model equipped with a Heavy Assault Cannon. It may also crush enemies under its huge feet.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Heavy Assault Cannon
Cannon 48" 6 -2 1 Heavy 6D6 Blast
Beam 48" 8 -4 D3+3 Heavy 6 -
Storm 72" 4 0 1 Heavy 60 This weapon re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.
Huge Feet Melee User -4 D3+3 Melee -

  • Stampede!: Each time this model finishes a charge move, select one unit within engagement range of it and roll a D6; on a 2+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
  • Gestalt Disperse: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6, it's gestalt disperses, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
  • Gargantuan: A Khantolekgolo can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still charge during its turn. When a Khantolekgolo makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, it can be moved across other models (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER models) as if they were not there.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Fortifications[edit | edit source]

Tyrant/Weevil[edit | edit source]

Power 9, Points per model 190

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Tyrant/Weevil 0" - 5+ - 9 20 - - 3+

This unit contains one Tyrant or Weevil. Tyrants are equipped with a Tyrant Gun and Weevils are equipped with a Weevil Mortar.
Name Range S AP Damage Type Abilities
Weevil Mortar 72" 10 -4 5 Heavy 2D6 Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack.

  • Immobile: This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. However, this model can still shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, and friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.
  • Automated Weapons: Unless a friendly unit is embarked inside this model, each of its weapons can only target the nearest visible enemy. If two or more units are equally close, you may choose which is targeted.
  • Fire Points: 10 models embarked in this model can shoot in their Shooting phase, measuring range and drawing line of sight from any point on this model. They can do this even if enemy models are within 1" of this model.
  • Plasma Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 4+ its plasma core explodes, and each unit within D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 20 COVENANT INFANTRY models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Plasma Turrets[edit | edit source]

Power 6, Points per model 80

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Plasma Turret 0" - 5+ - 8 10 - - 3+

A Plasma Turret is a single model equipped with a Twin Plasma Cannon. It can include one additional Plasma Turret (Power Rating +6).
Wargear Options:
  • May take one of the following:
-Two Plasma Mortars: +20pts
-Two Heavy Needlers: +30pts
-Two Fuel Rod Cannons: +30pts
  • Immobile: This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. However, this model can still shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, and friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.
  • Automated Weapons: This models weapons can only target the nearest visible enemy unit. If two or more units are equally close, you may choose which is targeted.
  • Magazine Explosion: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6 its magazine explodes, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Deployable Watchtower[edit | edit source]

Power 3, Points per model 70

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Deployable Watchtower 0" - - - 7 10 - - 4+

A Deployable Watchtower is a single model. It can include an additional Deployable Watchtower (Power Rating +3).
  • Immobile: This model cannot move for any reason, nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase – do not make hit rolls. However, this model can still shoot if there are enemy models within 1" of it, and friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.
  • Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Open Topped: Models embarked on a Deployable Watchtower can attack in their Shooting phase. Measure the range and draw line of sight from any point on the model they are embarked on. When they do so, any restrictions or modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its passengers; for example, the passengers cannot shoot if this model has Fallen Back in the same turn, the passengers cannot shoot (except with Pistols) if this model is within 1" of an enemy unit, and so on.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 10 COVENANT INFANTRY models. Each MEGALEKGOLO takes the space of three infantry models.
Faction Keywords: COVENANT

Info on Covenant Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Covenant Land Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Ghost: A light recon vehicle, akin to a Imperial Bike. Fast, quiet and maneuverable. Comes with two Plasma Cannons that does as much damage as a Heavy Bolter (Fluff wise). However it is weak and vulnerable.

Wraith: Covenant MBT, but functions more akin to a Mobile Artillery, can come equipped with shields that gives it 4+ invulnerable save. Has a unique special ability called "Scorched" which allows the Wraith to shoot out a flaming sticky plasma gel that ignores cover saves. Main disadvantage however is that like all Covenant vehicles, it is based on quantity rather than quality, thus is weaker then most WH40K tanks and artillery.

  • Anti-Air Wraith: This specially modified Wraith has their Heavy Plasma Mortar replaced by two Heavy Fuel Rod Cannons that can home in and destroy almost any enemy aircraft with relative ease, however the Covenant can also re-purpose the Fuel Rods for anti-vehicle, causing immense damage to any light to medium tanks. Just like most Vehicles from the Covenant, they have a vast practicality use for each one, earning them the nickname of Jack-of-all-Trades and Master-of-None.
Covenant Locust in action

Locust: Covenant Mining vehicle converted into a anti-building and anti-tank weapon. Automatically comes with a very strong energy shield that gives it 2+ invulnerable save for a single glancing or penetrating hit each phase. Armed with a single but very powerful Mining Laser that gives it very high damage against tanks, heavy tanks and mechs. Has a special ability called "Overdrive" which sacrifices its shield strength but improve its strength, Ap and damage values by 1. Main disadvantage is that it cannot fire on the move, making it vulnerable to flanking.

Spectre: A covenant light troop transport, armed with a plasma cannon, has mostly similar stats of a Imperial Tauros, although the main difference is that the Spectre contains a boost function like most Covenant vehicles, enabling it to move faster then normal and can enable re-rolls.

Revenant: Medium anti-heavy infantry vehicle from the Covenant. Combines the speed of a Spectre with the firepower of a AT gun. Armed with a plasma mortar, that although slow, once it hits a target, does as much damage as a plasma-cannon. However they are as vulnerable as a Spectre or Ghost.

Shadow: Covenant troop transport that is often nicknamed "The Covenant Bus", can carry up to 12 models, slower than WH40K skimmer counterparts but is much tougher and its equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon, dealing massive damage over a short time.

Umbra: The Umbra is a more heavy-duty cousin of the Shadow. Bigger and housing up to 20 passengers, the Umbra is also far better protected, having an amoured enclosed space to protect the troops at the cost of a slower top speed. Like its lighter cousin, the Umbra is only armed with a single Heavy Plasma Cannon

Chopper: A Brute made vehicle, it is primitive, crude, but incredibly effective, have mostly the same stats as a Ghost but is slower, comes with two light anti-vehicle cannons and has a special ability called "Charged" which can instantly destroys lighter vehicles, and heavily damage tanks.

Prowler: The Brutes version of the Covenant main-line Spectre and Imperium Tauros, like anything made from the Brutes they are crude, primitive and brutish in both design and affect. Shaped like a angler fish for psychological warfare, they have similar stats as the Spectre, but has more armor on both the front, left and right sides, however they are slow and sluggish compared to other Race's reconnaissance vehicles.

Goblin: After decades of research in secrecy and rumored technological heresy, a group of lowly Unggoys have developed a diminutive bipedal walker that, under the supervision and approval of the Great Heirarchs have become the Covenant's key answer to the Tau Crisis Battle Suits which was plaguing Covenant logistics with their heavy armaments and quick speed. Named the Goblin due to their small size of a walker, these machines are not to be underestimated as their duty as an anti-walker has befallen countless Tau weapons of war that took it for granted. The Goblin is armed with a Heavy Needler, an EMP Pulse and a Power Fist which makes this one of the best anti-vehicle unit in the Covenant as well as an in built grenade launcher and Shardstorm Launcher for anti-infantry purposes. Additionally, the Goblin can be retrofitted with a modified and miniaturized Focus Cannon found typically on larger Covenant walkers and a Plasmablaster Launcher which replaces the Shardstorm Launcher's Needles with homing Plasma Grenades. It is armed with a powerful jump pack that enables the machine to traverse anywhere and have a special ability called "Needle Barrage" which allows the Goblin to fire a barrage of Needles from its Shardstorm Launcher on eight specific targets; main downfalls include its relatively weak shields on the canopy, making it vulnerable to Artillery.

Covenant Air Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Banshee: Main Covenant scout plane, weak and vulnerable but comes in obscene numbers and speed, as well as being able to be produced cheaply and quickly. Armed with two Light Plasma Cannons and a single Fuel Rod Cannon for added anti-tank damage. If equipped with vehicular energy shielding they are decent at resisting hits.

Vampire: Covenant anti-air vehicle, armed with one Heavy Needler Cannon, Stasis cannon and two medium plasma cannons. Slow, but dangerous to all air vehicles, its Needler Cannon does obscene damage and almost never misses, furthermore its special ability called "Stasis" uses its stasis beam to both trap and drain Enemy air vehicles until it blows up, dealing massive damage to any units below. Main disadvantage is that it can only target one enemy at a time.

Covenant Vampire with early prototypes.

Phantom: Heavy Covenant troop transport that can carry over 16 models as well as a tank or artillery such as the Wraith. Armed with three Plasma Cannons (one heavy and two light) that does massive damage, but is also very vulnerable to enemy aircraft.

Spirit: A light Covenant troop transport, although its large cargo hold causes it to be classified as a Super-Heavy, only equipped with one Heavy Plasma Cannon, but could carry more then double the troops as a Phantom as well as a tank or artillery.

Covenant Drop Pods[edit | edit source]

Single-Occupant Insertion Pod: A light and small orbital drop pod meant to carry one Covenant individual, most notably a Sangheili into the midst of battle. Its small size and usage of one unit means these pods can be launched into orbit without any noticeable trace, making it useful during stealth approach. Furthermore, its small size means that it is much more cheaper then conventional multi-occupant drop pods. Like most drop pods is has the Deep Strike special rules.

Multiple-Occupant Insertion Pod: A much more larger orbital drop pod meant to ferry a entire lance or group of Covenant units into the battle, usually has the capacity to house 5 or more models of any unit type making it akin to a Space Marine drop pod. Like most drop pods, it has the Deep Strike special rules, however these drop pods are split into three identifiable classes. The lack of any armament means that it has little tactical use after deploying its cargo.

  • Individual Breaching Carapace: The Covenant's mainstay conventional multi-occupant insertion pod and the most common type, its use of a gravitational rocket propellant located at the bottom of the pod makes for a much safer journey then that of other drop pods, preventing unwanted casualties. Is capable of carrying 5 models.
  • Squad Breaching Carapace: Similar to the Individual Breaching Carapace although only able to house only 3 models at a time. They are much more smaller in regard and thus, only used when trying to achieve a tactical advantage.
  • Mass Deployment Carapace: The largest of the multi-occupant drop pod family and the most valuable, being only used to overwhelm the enemy by sheer force of numbers, surprise and shock. These drop pods are fitted with an advance form of gravitational rockets, allowing it to re-embark and be a reusable source of troop deployment. Its large housing space allows it to carry up to 15-20 models at once, making it highly valuable in the battlefield.

Covenant Apocalypse Units[edit | edit source]

Khantolekgolo Behemoths: These giant Lekgolo behemoths are one of the largest of them all. Quaking and shattering the very ground they walk, and standing tall enough to dwarf a Warhound-Class Titan. If it was not for their organic origins, they would have been mistaken as Titans by the Imperium. Armed with a enormous version of an Assault Cannon, once fired it can create explosions that would vaporize and raze entire fortresses, and in some cases turning an entire Imperial Knight into molten slag. They are a threat that can not be ignored by the Imperium, and are often first to be targeted.

Scarab: A Covenant Super-Heavy Battle Tank, often confused as a Titan; since it borderlines on what the Imperium would consider as a Super-Heavy and a Titan. It has two different models.

  • Deutoros Scarab: The first and most common model of Scarabs. Unlike conventional pilots, these beasts are controlled by an entire hive of Lekgolo worms, creating an unnerving and almost natural or animalistic behavior to a otherwise mechanical machine. Is armed with a Heavy Focus Cannon that does considerable damage to anything, other Titans included. Further armed with a single Heavy Anti-Air Cannon that also does serious damage to any enemy aircraft, three Light Plasma Cannons for anti-infantry. Main disadvantage is that is has a very weak backspot, making it very vulnerable at the rear. Despite being smaller than the Protos Scarab, the Deutoros Scarab is a far more resilient vehicle. This can be attributed to its differing design with stronger better armored legs, a decentralized piloting system that makes it more difficult to slay the drivers and its unconventional piloting system allowing it to be better armored.
  • Protos Scarab: The second and less common model is the Protos model. Far more ancient and archaic then the newer Deutoros equivalent, this ancient excavator is still a wrecking behemoth when used in the right hands. At around 50 meters high, the Protos Scarab is both larger and more powerful then the Deutoros Scarab, unlike its more common cousin the Protos scarab is piloted in a conventional sense then the usual Lekgolo hive, armed with two medium Anti-Air turrets that does serious damage to enemy aircraft, and the same Super-Heavy Focus Cannon as their smaller brethren. These monsters are only used in the most heated engagements in the Covenant front line. However unlike their Deutoros cousin, the Protos Scarab is more vulnerable to boarding and retaliation due to its dependence on an actual crew.

Sumda'te Scarab: Another separate variant of the Scarab family known formally as the Type-36 Scarab, these beasts are armed with a specialized Class-4 Plasma Cannon which are analogous to those fitted on a Type-27 Mantis, allowing it to be a threat to most aerial vehicles, capable in vaporizing entire swarms of fighters and even damaging a Tau Manta in the appropriate distance. However its overspecialization causes this Scarab to be particularly vulnerable to other Titans and its lack of close range weaponry makes it an Achilles heel against smaller and more numerous vehicles.

A Super-Scarab under construction.

Super-Scarab: The Covenants answer to an Imperial Titan, these living legends are so large that it needs to be constructed on land then the usual orbital drops used by its smaller cousins. Although armed with a single Focus Cannon; its power is unmatched and so far remains the most powerful Covenant land-based weaponry known by Imperial records, able to tune its intensity that could rival even a star-based Energy Projector from a Covenant ship they are a force to be reckoned with. Could carry troops of up to 50, and is fast and mobile for something its size. Furthermore it has none of its disadvantages of its smaller brethren.

Draugr: A Covenant Land Battleship. The Draugr is a mobile fortress that is roughly analogous to the Imperium's and Squat's Leviathans, Cyclops and Capitol Imperialis. At 168 meters long, these juggernauts are used in the most extreme of battlefields; often being deployed on planetary sieges. Armed with five Boring Lasers with one of the most powerful ground-based energy shields the Imperium has faced, the Draugr is a formidable ground asset that even Titan legions have trouble facing. This is further compounded with its large complement of a hundred Covenant troops plus an additional complement of several Scarabs acting as support units.

Harvester: A Covenant Walking Colossal dwarfing even a Imperium Imperator-Class Titan. Similar to the much smaller Scarab, these towering monsters are piloted by a Lekgolo hive on a massive scale, so much so that it is given an entirely different class called a "Sbaolekgolo Colony". Only Armed with a Single but heavily specialized Ultraheavy Plasma Drill that could eat its way through a mountain, let alone a Titan. Does less damage then the Super-Scarab but is compensated for its quicker recovery.

Kraken: A Covenant Ultra-Heavy Siege Tower, the Kraken is aptly named due to its close resemblance of the legendary sea monster of ancient Terran myths. This towering monstrosity boast a large complement of housing space large enough to fit a few Phantoms and over 250 troops for potential boarding. Additionally, its three large legs are powerful enough to crush mountains and toss smaller Titans into oblivion, creating a large blast template whenever it lands its feet. Its ability to hover for a limited time further increases its mobility and enables it to deep strike into enemy territory. However despite these advantages, the Kraken's long range weaponry is pitifully weak for a Titan-class unit, carrying only a few dozen Shade turrets to defend itself from smaller air units and ground units, forcing the Kraken in a very dangerous CQC range to effectively combat other Titans. This weakness is further compounded for its relatively unprotected and hollow mid section, which means any well placed shot from a rival Titan may effectively destroy the majority of the Kraken's troops. The Kraken's specialized role makes it highly effective against fortified positions but exceedingly poor within large open spaces.

Lich: The only Covenant Air Titan, same size as a Scarab but is armed with four heavy Plasma Cannons and a giant Electrical Impulse Cannon which like the Vampire has a massive EMP strike on any vehicle. Each vehicle hit by the EMP Laser has to wait 8 turns, heavily armored and share no vulnerability at the rear. Could carry over 40 troops but is slow, cumbersome and expensive to produce. Acts as a Support Titan.

Covenant Fortifications[edit | edit source]

Mantis: The Mantis is the largest and most powerful Anti-Aircraft Cannon produced by the Covenant Empire. The sheer size of the Mantis means that only certain areas is doable enough to support the structure and only the largest of Covenant landcraft is able to support it such as the Scarab. As the Mantis is designated towards aircraft and low-orbiting spacecraft, it is thus, incredibly effective at destroying anything from Thunderhawks to even light Corvettes.

Tyrant: One of the most oft-used triple A pieces the Covenant use is the Type-38 Tyrant. The giant cannon fires powerful plasma bolts in three round bursts that are powerful and long-ranged enough for it to even be capable of acting as ground to space defences. The Tyrant is not only an artillery piece; it is also a fortification unto itself with multiple levels and cover for the troops stationed there. The Tyrant is powered by a pinch fusion reactor that gives it practically unlimited ammunition. The cost of this is that if the reactor core is destroyed, the artillery will explode.

Weevil: The Weevil is the heaviest artillery piece in the Covenant that can lob plasma over impressive distances. The differences between it and the Tyrant are only in the gun, they are both built on the same chassis design. Unlike the Tyrant it can only be used for ground engagements but is still capable of devastating anything that is in its range.

Deployable Watchtower: One of the staple of any temporary fortification built by the Covenant is the deployable watchtower. It can be placed and carried by any phantom or spirit and provides high ground for snipers and troops equipped with heavy weapons.

Deployable Energy Shield: A deployable energy shield covers a wide area in a spherical bubble that helps protects Covenant infantry and vehicles from artillery barrages, orbital bombardment and aircraft assaults. These fortifications is incredibly mobile and can be carried by either a phantom or spirit.

Plasma Turret: A more permanent fortification is the automated plasma turret that comes in small, medium and large sizes. Each size is tougher and has more firepower than the last. It is also a modular piece of defense that can be outfitted against infantry, vehicle, and aircraft as needed.

Shrike Turret: The Shrike Turret is a medium, automated anti-aerospace weapon emplacement system utilized at sites of significant strategic importance. Shrike Turrets are larger and more powerful than normal Shades that is armed with two high-powered plasma cannons. Shrike Turrets unlike conventional Covenant military assets is actually controlled by an A.I., although these artificial intelligence is relatively 'feral' and simple-minded, which is sanctioned and approved by the upper echelons of the Covenant.

Mega Turret: A giant, static turret used by both Banished and Covenant forces. These behemoths act as defensive artillery by lobbing giant and devastating Plasma Torpedoes that can destroy super-heavy vehicles or a large platoon of infantry in a single shot. They can switch into two firing modes, "Lingering Death" which ignores cover and creates an area denial affect that lasts two turns, reducing infantry to ash and "Compound Detonators" which creates a high strength explosion that can turn even the strongest vehicles inside out.

Covenant Command Base: Though a Covenant invasion will usually prefer to eliminate targets by glassing the area, digging up artifacts and then moving on there are sometimes situations where the Covenant will wish to stay in an area for a prolonged period of time. The Command Base is built for these purposes, it is equipped with communications equipment, weapon and ammunition stockpiles, barracks, a war room and even a teleporter so that leaders can be rapidly reinforced in combat.

Temporary Strongpoint: The Temporary Strongpoint is built whenever the Covenant needs to quickly fortify an important area but does not have the time to erect more permanent fortifications or the need to stay in that area for a prolonged period. The Strongpoint consists of multiple Deployable Watchtowers, deployable cover, emplaced plasma cannons and sometimes a landing pad.

Covenant Base: These permanent networks are built as a main military base to rally behind whenever the Covenant intends to permanently settle an area. They are stocked with enough supplies to withstand a long siege, are incredibly tough, can contain entire platoons, can be used as landing pads for ships and have powerful turrets to support its defenders. Enemies wishing to take this fortress will expect to have to invest considerable resources in its destruction and suffer heavy losses in the process.

Covenant Star fighters[edit | edit source]

A Covenant Construction Spire. They are known to build both aerial and space-born Covenant vessels.

Seraph: Main star fighter of the Covenant Empire, boasting several pulse lasers and medium plasma cannons, as well as several plasma charges for bombing runs, couples with a relatively strong shields. Usually accompanied with several Space Banshees or three extra Seraphs as wing-mans and scouts. Can enter Slipspace for scouting purposes.

Space Banshee: Just like their aerial cousins, but is much more faster and much more agile. Could also do Slipspace jumps for scouting and reconnaissance purposes.

Phantom Gunboat: A larger and more heavily armored version of their aerial cousins. Armed with six heavy plasma cannons and could carry up to 20 troops and has very decent speeds as well as having a special ability like all Covenant Star fighters to do pinpoint slipspace jumps, making it very independent from its Star-ship.

Tarasque: An out-dated and archaic star fighter that is still being used in limited production in the Covenant Empire. Boasting four Plasma Pulse Lasers and six Plasma Missles, their compact shape and size allow it to suffer the worse of damage.

Gigas: The Gigas-class Fighter Bomber is the oldest archaic star fighter still being used by the Covenant Navy since their time in their home universe, although out-dated they still boast over a dozen Plasma Charges for bombing runs and three Pulse Lasers for both self-defense and anti-infantry.

Covenant Starships[edit | edit source]

Brief Summary: Covenant starships are generally smaller and more lightly armoured than their Imperial counterparts, but they are armed with arcane plasma weaponry and equipped with powerful energy shielding that makes up for these deficiencies. Their chief advantage, however, lies in their faster-than-light technology. Xenologists and Mechanicus explorators have discovered that the Covenant use a form of FTL travel which operates on principles entirely different from the warp engines employed by nearly all known sentient races in the galaxy. When employing their FTL drives, Covenant ships enter a dimensional subdomain containing a number of non-visible infinitesimal dimensions, which can be manipulated to travel beyond lightspeed. This subdomain is referred to by Covenant personnel as "Slipspace". Xenologists have confirmed that this "Slipspace" is not coterminous with the Warp, making the Covenant one of only a few known races not to employ Warp-based FTL. Covenant FTL technology appears to be safer and more reliable than known Imperial warp technology by several orders of magnitude, and they have used this capability to outmaneuver Imperial battlefleets in several engagements. Despite this, experiments with this technology have not been authorized by any senior member of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Although still smaller then the Imperium, the Covenant have seized a large number of systems and sectors throughout the Orion Arm. Their territory is currently larger than the Tau Empire, and is a definite threat to Imperial space. This being said, their empire in this universe is significantly smaller due to only having what they can spare after sending it through the wormhole. However, it is believed that their size, industry, speed and alien nature will compensate for these deficits, and senior members of the Ordo Xenos and adepts of the Biologis Xenologis have stated that the Imperium should remain wary of aggressive moves. Notably, Covenant naval doctrine disdains the usage of large battleships in favor of carriers, as Covenant admirals apparently believe that strike craft in the end make for superior weapons than any amount of turrets. A theory shared by some Imperial naval strategists, but is typically considered eccentric at best.

Xeno painting (From Ya'gurian decent) depicting a Covenant Assault Fleet destroying an entire La'vesh (Also known as Reapers) tentacle fleet, during a "Holy Conquest".
Covenant Fleet of Harmonious Justice during the "Damnation of Hyperios"

Covenant Corvettes: Covenant corvettes are small and relatively unimpressive ships armed with plasma torpedoes, pulse lasers, and plasma cannons or bombardment mortars, depending on their class. Corvettes are typically employed in supporting Covenant ground forces to achieve some form of aerial superiority. In space, corvettes are used to harass enemy ships when in sufficient numbers and covered by the larger ships in the Covenant Navy.

Covenant Destroyers: Covenant destroyers, like their Imperial counterparts, are typically employed as light escort and reconnaissance vessels. CPV-class heavy destroyers, however, are often used in the vanguard of fleet engagements and glassing operations and are equipped accordingly, with excavation beams, plasma torpedoes, cannons, and bombardment mortars, and pulse laser turrets.

Covenant Cruisers: Covenant cruisers are built in several classes, ranging from CRS-class light cruisers to ORS-class heavy cruisers. They are among the most numerous types of Covenant vessel, and are employed in a variety of roles, from fleet support to long-range reconnaissance and planetary assault. Armament varies depending on class, but Covenant cruisers are typically equipped with plasma torpedoes, beam lasers, plasma lances and cannons, and heavy excavation beams. Their plasma torpedoes have been recorded as impacting with enough force to shatter cities or cause mass extinction events, depending on their size. Their plasma and beam weapons are capable of planetary devastation when employed in sufficient numbers and with sufficient power.

Pict-capture of Covenant hive-world/mobile space station High Charity, acquired by the Imperial cruiser Light of Benevolence shortly before it was atomized by a Covenant CSO-class supercarrier. In the foreground, a squadron of "Phantom" type dropships are seen inspecting the cruiser before its sudden demise.

Covenant Carrier: The most common type of Covenant capital ship. Two types have thus far been logged by Imperial savants: the DDS-class carrier and the CAS-class assault carrier. These ships are among the most heavily armed vessels in the Covenant fleet. The DDS-class is equipped with plasma torpedoes and turrets and energy projectors, while the CAS-class assault carrier carries a heavy excavation beam, heavy plasma lances, torpedoes, and beam emitters, and 700 pulse lasers. These ships also carry armor and shielding that is much heavier than any other Covenant vessel. On a one-to-one basis, these vessels are typically inferior to their Imperial counterparts, but they are often employed in numbers that no Imperial battlefleet can match. Carriers do not typically engage in ship-to-ship engagements, instead standing off while their strike wings engage the enemy.

Covenant Supercarrier: At 28km long and with an 11km beam, the CSO-class supercarrier is the largest known ship type in the Covenant Navy. These leviathans are equal in size to the mighty Gloriana-class battleships which once led the Legiones Astartes into war during the Great Crusade. Supercarriers are only employed during campaigns with high strategic value, and serve as command and control ships for the Covenant invasion fleet and ground forces. The ship type is, as the name suggests, a carrier for strike craft, though it certainly has teeth of its own. CSO-class supercarriers are armed with plasma torpedoes, energy projectors, plasma turrets and pulse lasers, meaning that they far from helpless despite their designation as a command ship.

High Charity: The Covenant's Holy City and capital. It is a gigantic mobile space station, comparable to the Phalanx fortress-monastery of the Imperial Fists chapter, but built to a much larger scale. After initial contact in the Scarus Sector, Imperial expeditionary forces have been unable to relocate High Charity due to its mobile nature. During this initial engagement, the Imperial fleet suffered heavy losses from the station's escorting vessels and its own defenses. It is believed that the Covenant defend the station with hundreds of their capital-class vessels, including dozens of the CSO-class supercarriers. Rumors in the Zargos Prime subsector have suggested that the city itself is equipped with Exterminatus-grade munitions capable of cracking a planet in half.

Info on Covenant Infantry[edit | edit source]

A Covenant artistic propaganda poster incorrectly depicting the Unggoys and Kig-Yars as more grotesque and fearsome then in real life, this was meant to frighten and scare the Civilian population and make the local Imperial Guardsmen feel nervous and intimidated in the Ultima Segmentum regions. A perfect psychological weapon.

Light Infantry[edit | edit source]

Unggoy Lance: The lowest of the low in the Covenant's religious hierarchy, the xenos species known as the Unggoy are used as cannon fodder by the Covenant. They are smaller and weaker than an average Imperial Guardsman, and must be employed in large numbers to have any effect on enemy troops. Their morale is fragile unless they are being led by an Elite or Deacon, and they are prone to panicked retreats when the tide of battle shifts against them. Cheap and rapidly reproducing, the Unggoy are typically armed with a plasma pistol; the per-shot damage of these weapons is comparable to an Imperial "Hotshot" lasgun. Like Imperial plasma weapons, these pistols can be overcharged to fire a more powerful shot, which increases the weapon's damage and causes an electromagpulse capable of disorienting machine spirits and damaging sensitive electronic components. Some Unggoy carry a Needler, an exotic solid-projectile weapon that bears little resemblance to the Imperial weapon of the same name. The Covenant needler fires explosive crystalline "needles" which home on their targets and inflict heavy damage. Unggoy lances are also equipped with plasma grenades. These grenades, through some technosorcerous means, are capable of adhering to their target once armed and thrown. When led by a Deacon, they receive the ability "Zeal" , which allows the Unggoy to embark on a suicide attack in which they charge the enemy with an armed plasma grenade in each hand. This move sacrifices a few models, but the effects can be devastating to opposing infantry or light vehicles.

Unggoy Heavy Weapons Team: Some Unggoy are trained in the employment of Covenant heavy ordnance, such as fuel rod guns. Every Grunt in this team goes into battle carrying a heavy weapon of some sort. However, despite their formidable arsenal, these are still Unggoy and are thus prone to flee if the battle does not go their way as intended.

Kig-Yar Lance: Used as scouts and reconnaissance, these birdlike xenos carry portable energy shields. Unlike the Elites' personal shielding, these shields are carried in the hand, similar to Imperial storm shields. Kig-Yar can be either armed with a plasma pistol or needler. They are very good shots and are best employed against light infantry. Occasionally in situations that force the Kig-Yar to fight in CQC, they may trade their ranged weapons for an energy cutlass, an energy blade made from the same exotic material as the needler's ammunition, which in turn causes any unfortunate victim to violently explode if slashed. They are, however, vulnerable to flanking and have low toughness.

  • T'vaoan Squad:Also known as "Skirmishers", these cousins of the more common Kig-Yar are faster, stronger and tougher. Used as scouts and assassins, these xenos are fast, accurate, and ruthless. Armed with a needle rifle or focus rifle, the T'vaoan Squad can be upgraded to a T'vaoan Commando, boosting their BS by one. They are a very good anti-infantry squad and have Move Through Cover and Stealth. However despite these benefits they lack the shields carried by their cousins, therefore they are one of the most vulnerable units in the Covenant army.

Yanme'e Swarm: As weak as Grunts but equally numerous, with the addendum of flight and Fearlessness. Each Yanme'e swarm is led by a Yanme'e Patriarch, which can be identified by its more regal colors and horns. These Patriarchs act as the commanding officer or leader of an entire swarm. Yanme'e swarms can choose from a range of weapons, including plasma pistols, plasma rifles, and needlers, and are naturally armed with razor sharp claws.

Thanolekgolo Swarm: The weakest form of Lekgolo is the Lekgolo themselves. These meter-long worms, while individually weak on their own, makes up for their disadvantages by overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers. These forms are called Thanolekgolo. Their unstoppable appetite for metals, plastics, and technological objects makes them a threat to the machinery and vehicles of their opponents; a hungry Thanolekgolo swarm can make short work of vulnerable wiring or components and even chew through armor plating, given sufficient time. Once inside a target vehicle, they are capable of causing it to malfunction in a variety of ways. They can even take complete control over their unfortunate targets, causing chaos and mayhem within the enemy's ranks. These swarms have a special ability called "Technological Consumption" which grants them either the ability to cause significant damage to a targeted machine. However, they are vulnerable to flame and melta weaponry and are completely useless against aerial units.

Sangheili Squad: Cocky, arrogant and naive. These youngbloods are sent into the thick of battle to hone their skills at warmaking. But don't let their age fool you. A single Sangheili Minor is still a worthy adversary. Akin to an Eldar Guardian, the Sangheili are slower than the Guardians, but stronger in melee range. Can be armed with a wide variety of weapons such as Plasma Pistols, Plasma Rifles, Needlers, Needle Rifles, Concussion Rifles, Fuel Rod Cannons and many more.

Jiralhanae Pack: These thuggish, savage xenos are often described as "like Orks, but hairier". This has earned them several epithets from Imperial Guardsmen who have faced them in battle, such as "bearded Ogryns", "hairy Orks", and "Brutes", the last of which has become their common name. Due to their viciousness and love of violence, they have earned a place in some Ork societies, often used as mercenaries and bodyguards among famous Ork Warbosses.

Heavy Infantry[edit | edit source]

Mgalekgolo Pack: These heavily armoured walking behemoths are the Covenant's answer to the likes of Space Marine Terminator squads and Eldar Wraithguard. Standing at 13 feet tall and weighing 5 tons, they easily dwarf any enemy short of a main battle tank. They are remarkably fast and agile for their size, and are armed with an Assault Cannon which is a heavily modified Fuel Rod Cannon. This Assault Cannon has three modes, a single shot blast, a concentrated anti-armour beam and a rapid-fire mode.

Sharquoi: Standing around 5 meters and weighing around 10 tons, this is one of the biggest infantry in the Covenant, second to that of a Khantolekgolo Behemoth. Armed with two massive "Spike Fists" that can demolish most heavy vehicles with ease, coupled with its incredibly tough hide, Sharquoi are capable of enduring and dealing out tremendous amounts of damage, but is slow and stubborn.

A Sharquoi in action, sketched by an Imperial Xenobiologist.

Sangheili Heavy Weapons Team: Like their Unggoy brethren, these specialised Elites are trained in the use of heavy weapons. They carry Concussion Rifles, which can be swapped for a Plasma Launcher or a Fuel Rod Cannon. The powerful nature of such weapons make the Sangheili Heavy Weapons Team a formidable opponent.

Shade: A stationary gun that can either be equipped with a Heavy Plasma Cannon, Fuel Rod Cannon or an Anti-Air Plasma Charge. Cannot move but is tough and has heavy suppressive firepower.

Specialized Infantry[edit | edit source]

Spec-Ops Team: A group of highly trained "Special Operation" Sangheili and Unggoy. These squads are employed on high-risk mission with low survival rates, and employ a wide range of Covenant weaponry to execute their job in the most efficient way possible. They are easily identified by their black armour. Spec-Ops Sangheili are skilled enough to give Astartes a challenge, and their Unggoy are comparable to the Tempestus Scions of the Imperial Guard.

Sangheili Rangers: Specialized groups of Sangheili that are equipped with jump packs, enabling them to cross distances quickly; these squads are armed with Plasma Repeaters, which can be swapped with a Focus Rifle.

Sangheili Stealth Squad: These Elite squads trade their energy shielding for a specialized cloaking ability known as "active camouflage". Though their lack of shields makes them more vulnerable than a line Sangheili trooper, their cloaking fields allow them to strike and fade before an enemy knows what hit them. They are all armed with Energy Swords, which restricts them to melee combat only, but their attacks are devastating since they have the same stats as a Power Sword.

Jiralhanae Jump-Pack Squad: Highly trained Jiralhanae that are masters of jump-pack assault. These flying Brutes soar through the air, and crash down upon the enemy with vengeful fury. Armed with Brute Shots, these beasts are trained in both psychological and physical warfare. They are however, lightly armoured for a specialized unit.

Jiralhanae Stalker Squad: These squads are the Jiralhanae answer to the Sangheili Stealth Squad. Since they are Jiralhanae, they share their stats with their brethren. However, they are equipped with active camouflage technology, enabling them to become invisible. They are usually armed with two Maulers which makes them Twin-Linked and can carry Firebombs which ignore cover saves and count as offensive grenades. However, they are quite expensive for a specialised unit and their weapons are incredibly short-ranged. The Mauler has a range of 12" and the Firebomb has a range of 8".

Kig-Yar Snipers: When veteran Kig-Yar are promoted, they are trained as snipers and armed with the accurate and lethal Covenant beam rifle. These Kig-Yar are ruthlessly efficient killers, capable of picking off entire squads of infantry and in some cases, shooting pilots out of their aircraft.

Huragok Squad: A very useful support unit. These unusual xenos are known as Engineers in Low Gothic, and they are an anomaly among the bellicose species of the Covenant. Xenological analysis has shown that Huragok are created artificially, despite their appearance. Each specimen is a living computer and a natural engineer, capable of repairing nearly any technological item given sufficient time. Although weak and fragile, these units are a vital part of the the Covenant army. They have two unique abilities called "Mechanical Harmony", which allows them to repair vehicles, and "Protection of the Hierarchs" which gives ALL units a powerful energy shield, granting or improving their invulnerable save.

Elite Infantry[edit | edit source]

Zealots: Highly ranked Sangheili, whose skills and mastery of weaponry and warfare makes them a threat to even the toughest of Space Marines. These Sangheili are easily distinguished on the battlefield by their golden armour. All of them are armed with Energy Swords which counts as power weapons, making them incredibly deadly in Melee, even when faced with enemies such as the infamous Khorne Berzerkers.

A Sangheili Zealot, suppressing a minor Jiralhanae uprising.

Sangheili Field Marshal: Sangheili Field Marshals are the commanders of entire Covenant armies and often lead groups of Zealots on the battlefield. They are the Zealot of the Zealots, the same way the Zealots are to Unggoy. Very few enemies can come close to a field marshal's sheer martial prowess, and even fewer survive their first encounter with them.

Jiralhanae Captains: These war-leaders of the Jiralhanae display exceptional skill at warmaking and a level of brutal cunning that impresses even Ork Kommandos. Glimmering in gold and bronze armour, these Brutes inspire their lower-ranked brethren to fight more violently, giving them a Feel No Pain save or improving it by one if they already have it. Armed with a Brute Shot, Spike Grenades, Fire Bombs and the infamous Gravity Hammer, these lieutenants can break infantry squads and vehicles alike.

HQ Infantry[edit | edit source]

Deacons: Only a very few Unggoy are given the honour of calling themselves Deacons. Although still regarded as the lowest position in the Covenant hierarchy, these Unggoy are sent into the battlefield to inspire other Covenant troops. Lacking the firepower and health to be on the front lines, they instead serve as missionaries or preachers, spreading the word of their heretical "Great Journey". Standing out among Covenant troops with their white garments, these Unggoy have an ability called "Zeal" which turns normal Unggoy lances into suicidal assault units.

San'Shyuum Enforcers: These low-ranking San 'Shyuum do not take to the battlefield as warriors. Instead, they use their faith and inspiring aspect to rally shaken warriors and encourage the Covenant troops around them to fight to the death. Frail and fragile, these preachers are protected by an entire squad of Honor Guards, making them incredibly costly and expensive. However they are worth the cost, as these Enforcers are equipped with powerful support abilities: "Instrument of the Gods", which allows Covenant units to use his leadership for morale tests, and Prophet's Grace, which grant nearby units the Relentless and Preferred Enemy special rules. Armed with only a Prophet Staff and Covenant Holy Codex, these are one of the best support units in the Covenant Army.

San'Shyuum Prelates: While most San'Shyuum are weak and frail, certain remarkable individuals are noted for their physical and martial prowess. Such is the case of the Prelates, gifted San'Shyuum children given the honour of having their bodies augmented by holy Forerunner machinery within the Sacred Promissory. Trained in martial combat since childhood, these elite warriors are unlike their fragile brothers and sisters. Equipped with specialized power armour that comes with an anti-grav belt to glide along the battlefield, energy shields of superb strength, and a Forerunner hardlight projection on their arm that doubles as a shield and a melee weapon, these magnificent soldiers of holy virtue can strike fear among lesser mortals and even match Space Marines in combat.

Sangheili Councillors: These Sangheili are the elite of their race; they have reached the apex of the Covenant hierarchy and sit in council with the Prophets themselves. Despite their exalted political position, they will take to the battlefield without hesitation when the the need arises. They are easily identified by their elongated headdress and elaborate armour, and are armed with energy shields so powerful that current Imperial tactical doctrine recommends employing concentrated heavy weapons fire to bring them down.

Honour Guards: Comes in both Sangheili and Jiralhanae forms. The Honour Guards are the chosen protectors of the High Prophets themselves, and they are the gateway and barrier between a lowly Unggoy to the highest San-Shyuum. Possessed of martial skill that very few can match, these guards have been seen to defeat Space Marine Terminators, Tau Riptide squads, Eldar Wraithguard, and Tyranid Carnifexes. Their intelligence, strength, skill, cunning and tactical brilliance make them a force to be reckoned with.

Honour Guard Ultras: Often called the "Light of Sanghelios", these Sangheili have risen above the already impressive status of a typical Honour Guard by virtue of their dominance on the battlefield. These mighty guardians carry an Energy Stave; they are so skilled with these weapons that multiple eyewitnesses have reported seeing a lone Ultra dispatch an entire Astartes squad with single strikes through their helmet lenses, shattering their reinforced skulls with ruthless precision.

Jiralhane Chieftains: These mighty Brutes are the apex of the pecking order in Jiralhanae society. Their authority is unquestioned, for they have earned their rank through victory on a hundred battlefields. Their raw martial skill and savage cunning is such that even an Astartes might think twice before confronting a Chieftain. Strong and immensely powerful in both close and ranged combat, it is quite common for these monsters to rip apart vehicles with their bare hands. They are powerful enough to challenge almost any other individual combatant in the galaxy, and some Jiralhanae Chieftains have managed to acquire Ork retinues after defeating their Warboss on the field. These Patriarchs can be either armed with a Light Plasma Cannon, Fuel Rod Cannon, or a Gravity Hammer.

The Covenant:Great Journey and Beyond[edit | edit source]

This next section talks about the Covenant in the WH40K Galaxy, and is mostly fluff while this page is mostly crunch. You can read the Fluff from the link below...


Gallery[edit | edit source]