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=The Rules=
=The Rules=
==Official rules==
==Official Rules==

*'''Strategy Phase'''
First, players roll off d10s to determine who chooses if they go first. Players take turns choosing a titan, titan squadron or banner to activate each phase. Next, players may roll a d10 command check to give an order. If the command check is passed, an order can be given. If failed, no other orders can be given by that player. The orders are:
Emergency repairs: Make a repair roll. Add one to each die. The titan may move or shoot this turn, but not both.
First fire: During the movement phase, the titan fires one weapon instead of moving or turning.
Charge: During the movement phase, the titan can only move forward. When it finishes its move, the titan makes a smash attack or attacks with a melee weapon. Add 1 die for every 3 inches the titan moved.
Split fire: The titan can't turn during the movement phase. During declare targets, the titan may choose different targets for each weapon.
Full Stride: The titan can't attack during the combat phase. The unit moves within it's front arc, but can't turn.
Shutdown: Void shields collapse. A shutdown unit can't activate during movement or combat. Reactor rolls can't be made during shut down, even if told to due to effects. Shutdown doesn't end at the end of turn. To end shutdown, roll a d6 during the strategy phase. Add 2 if if the titan's reactor is on it's first track. A 5+ removes shutdown. All titans in shutdown at end of game count as destroyed. During the damage control phase, reduce reactor by 2 before making any rolls.
*'''Movement phase'''
Players alternate choosing a model to activate. Titans move within their front arc at full speed, and outside of it half speed. Titans can turn up to 45 degrees a number of times equal to their maneuver score. Titans can turn before, during and after moving. Players may push reactors to use the boosted track of their movement speed or maneuver score.
*'''Repair Phase'''
If reactor is in an orange socket, roll a d6 on reactor table. If red, roll a d10. Roll d6 equal to the number of servitor clades. You can use dice to repair weapons, vent plasma (4+), Raise void shields (requires a 6 to restart the shields, 5+ to raise the level.) and repair critical damage (5+ move a critical damaged area down one peg).
*'''Combat Phase'''
Titans fire each weapon at a target. Select a target, then measure distance for the weapons. Resolve each weapon individually. Roll d6 equal to the dice value of the chosen weapon. Roll to hit against ballistic skill, or weapon skill within 2 inches. Minus one if 25% obscured, minus 2 if 50% obscured. If void shields are up, the defending player rolls a void shield save against each hit. D6, pass the shield save. Each failed save lowers the shield by one level after all hits are resolved. If the void shields go down, all hits are discarded. If shields are down, roll location then armor hits. You can target a specific part, at a minus 2 to hit (or minus 1 if you’re within 2 inches). Roll d6 plus strength, against the armor of the area hit. Add one for hitting from the side, 2 from behind and what ever structural bonus the location has. Compare against the location armor. A normal hit deals one structure pip, devastating deals 2 and critical hits add one critical damage and 2 structural. If the location as no more structure points, instead the location takes one critical damage. If the critical damage gets more then 3 crits, the titan dies. Roll on the catastrophic damage table.
*'''End Phase'''
End of turn. Check for end of turn effects.

Official FAQ is [ here]

Here are some common questions regarding the rules for Adeptus Titanicus. Several concepts/rules found in the rule book are unfortunately not very clear and open to interpretation. ''Note: These are '''not''' official answers!''. House rule interpretation have been added to give a solution until official FAQ is released. This section is not intended for bible-bashing rules, but more a friendly section for those confused by the badly written rules as well. If you find a official answer, please update the question with a reference/link.
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the rules for Adeptus Titanicus. Several concepts/rules found in the rule book are unfortunately not very clear and open to interpretation. ''Note: These are '''not''' official answers!''. House rule interpretation have been added to give a solution until official FAQ is released. This section is not intended for bible-bashing rules, but more a friendly section for those confused by the badly written rules as well. If you find a official answer, please update the question with a reference/link.
*'''Question:''' Can you use the same stratagem multiple times in a single battle? For Example: A Warlord Titan is fired on and has its shields collapsed. I use Machine Defiance and get lucky to recover 3 shields. The next turn the shields are collapsed again, may I use the Machine Defiance again to try and save the shields?
*'''Answer: No.''' Unless specified, each strategem can only be used once per battle.  

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*'''Question:''' Can I place blast markers anyway I want? E.g. can I shoot between Knights with a Volcano cannon to hit more Knights?
*'''Question:''' Can I place blast markers anyway I want? E.g. can I shoot between Knights with a Volcano cannon to hit more Knights?
*'''Answer: No.''' Like most GW games, you place the blast markers hole anywhere over a base. For larger bases, this means there is still quite a big of freedom ''(Paraphrasing a Copenhagen GW employee)''
*'''Answer: No.''' Like most GW games, you place the blast markers hole anywhere over a base. For larger bases, this means there is still quite a big degree of freedom ''(Paraphrasing a Copenhagen GW employee)''

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*'''Answer:''' ''Official answer unknown.''
*'''Answer:''' ''Official answer unknown.''
*'''House interpretation:''' A unit with Full Stride orders can move and rotate normally during the movement phase, and only in the combat phase execute the "straight line" move that a full stride entails. Without the alignment flexibility in the movement phase, the criteria setup for a meaningful stride is basically impossible for anything but banners.
*'''House interpretation:''' A unit with Full Stride orders can move and rotate normally during the movement phase, and only in the combat phase execute the "straight line" move that a full stride entails. Without the alignment flexibility in the movement phase, the criteria setup for a meaningful stride is basically impossible for anything but banners.
*'''Second Take:''' It's insinuated in the rules that this only takes effect in the Combat phase. "A unit acting under Full Stride orders cannot attack in the Combat phase. Instead, when it is activated,..." Context seems to indicate that it should be read as "Instead, when it is activated in the Combat phase,...". This seems to be a RaI vs RaW argument though.

*'''Question:''' A unit who fired with '''First fire''' order in the movement phase must fire at the same target in the combat phase?
*'''Question:''' A unit who fired with '''First fire''' order in the movement phase must fire at the same target in the combat phase?
*'''Answer: No.''' A unit may fire at a different unit in the combat phase. ''(Paraphrasing a Copenhagen GW employee)''
*'''Answer: No.''' A unit may fire at a different unit in the combat phase. ''(Paraphrasing a Copenhagen GW employee)''
==House rules==
Here are some suggestions to alternative rules which you and your opponent should agree on prior to to playing. Some are there to smooth the game experience between players, some to enhance the fantasy of the God Engines and other to add more strategy to the game.
===House rule: Corridor fire arc hit modifier===
This house rules deals with the binary hit-or-miss nature of the Warlord Titan's carapace fire arc.
*The rules state that the center point of a target's base is used to determine a hit-or-miss by weapons fired using the Corridor fire arc. Instead, use a similar modifier logic as the cover system (it's simpler than it sounds):
**If more than 50% (ie the center point is covered), no to-hit modifiers are added.
**If less than 50% (but more than 25%) of the base is covered, add -1 to the to-hit roll.
**If only 25% or less of the base is covered, add -2 to the to-hit roll.
*''Rule creator's note:'' I recommend using this in combination with the pre-agreement. This enables a bit more strategy and nuance than the harsh binary model of hit or miss. /Windshield
===House rule: Warlord vulcan mega bolter===
The gun is on the power fist.
Same stats as when on warhound, but no increase for any range.
+20 points to activate this weapon for a battle.
===House rule: Forest areas===
This house rules adds tactical value to forest-like terrain.
* Designate forest (or similar in nature) areas before battle (preferably with tree-like terrain patches). Trees in the Titanicus scale could be around and 1" or 1.5" high.
** Movement:
*** '''Light forests''': No movement modifiers to Titans nor banners
*** '''Dense forests''': Considered difficult terrain by all non-banners
** Targeting units inside the area:
*** Banners inside the area always receive -2 cover modifier
*** Titans inside the area always receive -1 cover modifers (legs obscured)
** Firing from within the area:
*** Banners can only fire 2" while inside the area (ie Melee range)
*** Titan firing out of the area are unaffected
*''Rule creator's note:'' Since there wasn't any interesting official rules for things "less than difficult terrain", we came up with this rule to represent nuances on our battlefield. We found the variation of light and dense forest to be interesting in how different types of units could take advantage of this. I.e. it was interesting how conceptually a towering titan could shoot unaffected, while banners could use it as cover, but at the expense of not being able to shoot. We could have gone for a pure "forest" house rule, but the light vs dense variants we found important, as difficult terrain (halving movement) impeded Titans to a degree where it took away any value gained from entering these (rather large areas in our case). Be sure to agree with your opponent which is which before starting a game. We found this concept really made banners more fun to play, as they suddenly can survive a bit longer if placed strategically and therefore actually present a threat other than just sprinting behind titans. /Windshield
===House rule: Machine God Walking===
This house rule deals with knee-high terrain, which affect Titan movement in an unintended way.
* Any (''blocking'') cover from 1" or 1.5" high is considered knee-high cover (to titans).
** Titans can always walk through knee-high cover without movement penalty. Depending on the type of cover:
*** If cover is made of soft material (wood, fragile structures), then nothing happens to the Titan.
*** If cover is made of steel/bricks (agree beforehand with your opponent), then the Titan moving through the cover suffers a hit equal to the movement speed going through it.
*** Either way: Remove the terrain as it is passed and destroyed by the weight of God Engines.
*** ''Example A: A Warlord Titan walks through cover with a speed of 4", causing strength 4 hit on the legs. In other words, no affect unless it already has leg damage.''
*** ''Example B: A Warhound Scout Titan sprinting 12" through cover is a less good idea, as it causes a brutal strength 12 hit.''
*** The speed measured is the total distance travelled in that phase, including boosting. E.g. during full stride, it would count as two separate moves.
** '''Banners:''' No effect.
** Optional: A charging Titan with a melee weapon may deduct one attack (from the charge bonus) to remove one movement hit. This can be accumulated if crossing multiple hard knee-covers, as long as it has attacks remaining.
*''Rule creator's note:'' We have a lot of one-story high terrain pieces (buildings, walls), which look cool on the battlefield, but works against the core of the game - movement. It's really not interesting to not be able to move around with your giant metal good engine because of some bricks. The speed (and indirectly also their size) of these Titans systemically reflect the risk of just rushing through a wall adds a tiny bit of risk, as illustrated by the examples above. Overall this rule makes the big feel bigger, paving way for banners with brute force through weak lemmings-built obstructions. /Windshield
===House rule: Command points (and initiative roll)===
This house rule deals with the initiative roll being too random.
* ''Command points'':
** A command point is a small token (the datasheet-markers from Titanicus work very well for this)
** Each players starts with '''three command points'''
** Every End phase, players '''gain one command''' point each
** When rolling for initiative:
*** Both players ''secretly'' put any number of command points into one hand
*** Roll for initiative with a '''D6''' ''(and don't re-roll if equal!)''
*** Both players now reveal their hand with a secret number of command points
*** Add command points to respective rolls
*** '''The highest score decides initiative'''
*** In case of a draw: Before re-rolling, players can secretly add additional command points just like before. After re-rolling, add the original command points, plus any extras. Continue until someone wins.
*** Discard all command points used to modify the initiative roll. Any unused points are kept until the next initiative roll.
*** Any unused command points at the end of the game count as '''1 Victory point each'''.
*''Rule creator's note:'' We've lost several titans - even games - by more or less the initiativ roll itself. Who charges first, who gets to first fire before a move, etc., unfortunately has a very huge affect on the game which is supposed to be more strategy than luck. We think this mechanic gives some control and long-term strategy of when to push for initiative and when not to. Changing the roll to a D6 (instead of D10) gives the commands points more value (relative to how many points you have at your disposal). Try it out :).  /Windshield
===House rule: Smoke pillars===
This house rule adds an easy mechanic to make the battlefield feel like "alive".
* ''Smoke pillars'':
** A smoke pillar is a smoke model, with a base diamater of a coin, with upwards stretching smoke (see rule creator's note below)
** When a blast marker scatters due to a missed shot, add a smoke pillar
** When a Titan is destroyed, add a smoke pillar
** Smoke pillars do not affect movement in any way
** Smoke pillars do not prevent line of sight, but ANYTHING partially covered by it counts are rolled with a -2 to-hit modifier
** In the End phase, roll a D6 for each smoke pillar. On a roll of 5 or 6, remove the pillar
*''Rule creator's note:'' We found that even though destroying terrain is fun, it quickly meant we just removed terrain. The smoke pillars made for a much more dynamic experience, as it sudden added terrain as well (gave us some interesting games!). This was just a side thing to begin with, but is by far one of our favorit house mechanics, and creates some very visually interesting perspectives . In terms of creating the smoke pillars, I glued a few coins together, glued a bent thin steel wire to it and glued black "pillow filler" to the steel wire. /Windshield
(These are not house rules below here. Just to be clear)
Not "house rules" below here.

==Battleline Maniples==
==Battleline Maniples==
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*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
**'''Might of the Omnissiah:''' If a Titan in the maniple fails its command check, the others may still make command checks.
**'''Might of the Omnissiah:''' If a Titan in the maniple fails its command check, the others may still make command checks.
===Myrmidon Heavy Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Warlords, 1 Reaver
*'''Optional:''' 1 Warlord, 1 Reaver
**'''Overwhelming Firepower:''' When issuing First Fire or Split Fire orders, the Command check is always passed on a 2+. ''Kinda meh, but the cheapest way to expand from the Grand Master starter set and get into matched play. <- Not sure who wrote this, but there's nothing 'meh' about getting to fire 2x a turn with your Warlords. <- The point is that you can do this without maniple easily, as Warlords command value is 3+ by default'' ''<- Minor counterpoint is that the bonus is somewhat helpful on the Reaver(s) in the maniple with their 4+ command value, and if one was playing a legio like Gryphonicus/Solaria/Fortidus where you replace a heavier titan, it could extend the benefit further.''

===Corsair Battleline Maniple===
===Corsair Battleline Maniple===
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===Dominus Battleline Maniple===
===Dominus Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Warlord 2 Reaver 1 Questoris or Cerastus Knight banner.
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Warlord, 2 Reavers, 1 Questoris or Cerastus Knight banner.
*'''Optional:''' 2 warhound 1 Knight banner.
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds, 1 Knight banner.
**'''Auspex bafflers:''' A Titan in this maniple that is within 6 inch of a Knight banner from same maniple gets a -1 modifier on attacks made against it from more than 2 inches away (Knight and Titan must both be visible to the attacker).
**'''Auspex bafflers:''' A Titan in this maniple that is within 6 inch of a Knight banner from same maniple gets a -1 modifier on attacks made against it from more than 2 inches away (Knight and Titan must both be visible to the attacker).
**Knights in this maniple do not get modifiers to roll from cover, due to the auspex bafflers.
**Knights in this maniple do not get modifiers to roll from cover, due to the auspex bafflers.
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**(My opinion, if you play as Legio Solaria you can replace the 2 reavers with 2 warhounds) or use solaria rules for a homebrew legio or a "counts as" legio. Just make sure your opponent understands that is what you are doing, before starting the game).
**(My opinion, if you play as Legio Solaria you can replace the 2 reavers with 2 warhounds) or use solaria rules for a homebrew legio or a "counts as" legio. Just make sure your opponent understands that is what you are doing, before starting the game).

===Fortis Battle Maniple===
===Fortis Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Warlord 2 Reaver.
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Warlord, 2 Reavers.
*'''Optional:''' 1 Warlord 1 Reaver.
*'''Optional:''' 1 Warlord, 1 Reaver.
**'''Titanic Fortress:''' 2 Titans in base contact with each other, and as long as they didn't move in the Movement Phase, they ignore Armor roll modifiers resulting from Structural Damage or being attacked in the flank or rear. Also, Titans in this Maniple can merge their void shields!
**'''Titanic Fortress:''' 2 Titans in base contact with each other, and as long as they didn't move in the Movement Phase, they ignore Armor roll modifiers resulting from Structural Damage or being attacked in the flank or rear. Also, Titans in this Maniple can merge their void shields!

===Janissary Battleline Maniple===
===Janissary Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver 2 Warhounds
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver 1 Warhound
*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
**'''Close Support:''' Janissary Battleline maniples learn to coordinate their actions with Household Support units, and can move to support them when needed. If a titan of this maniple activates during the Movement phase, choose a Knight banner within 6in of the activating titan. Once the Titan has finished it's movement, the chosen Knight Banner may now make it's activation.
**'''Close Support:''' Janissary Battleline maniples learn to coordinate their actions with Household Support units, and can move to support them when needed. If a titan of this maniple activates during the Movement phase, choose a Knight banner within 6in of the activating titan. Once the Titan has finished it's movement, the chosen Knight Banner may now make it's activation.

===Regia Battleline Maniple===
===Regia Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Warlords 1 Warhound
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Warlords, 1 Warhound
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
**'''Royal Court:''' The two warlord titans play house.  While within 12" of each other, when one passes an order, the other may automatically gain the same order. The Warhounds are their children and may merge void shields with their parents while within 3" instead of only in base contact.
**'''Royal Court:''' The two warlord titans play house.  While within 12" of each other, when one passes an order, the other may automatically gain the same order. The Warhounds are their children and may merge void shields with their parents while within 3" instead of only in base contact.

==Heavy Maniples==
===Arcus Battleline Maniple===
===Myrmidion Heavy Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Warhounds, 1 Nemesis Warbringer
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Warlords, 1 Reaver
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 1 Warlord, 1 Reaver
**'''Coordinate Relay:''' The Nemesis Warbringer may ignore LoS when firing at a target if one of the Warhounds in the maniple has LoS. Firing at a target in this matter confers a -2 penalty to hit. In addition, the Nemesis' blast weapons scatter D6" instead of D10" when the target is in LoS from a Warhound in this maniple.
**'''Overwhelming firepower:''' when issuing first fire or split fire orders the command check is always passed with 2+. ''Kinda meh, but the cheapest way to expand from the Grand Master starter set and get into matched play. <- Not sure who wrote this, but there's nothing 'meh' about getting to fire 2x a turn with your Warlords.''
===Ruptura Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Nemesis Warbringer, 1 Reaver
*'''Optional:''' 2 Reavers
**'''Artillery Bastion:''' Each round, one Reaver in the maniple may move at boosted speed without pushing its reactor. In addition, if a Nemesis Warbringer in the maniple makes an engine kill, all Reavers in the maniple may immediately move as though they are in the movement phase.
===Mandatum Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 2 Warhounds, 1 Warlord
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
**'''Pack Master:''' As long as the Warlord lives, all Warhounds get +2 to all command checks and +1 to hit on enemy units within 12" of the Warlord.
===Perpetua Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Warlords, 2 Reavers
*'''Optional:''' 2 Reavers
**'''Stand Firm:''' Emergency Repair Orders always pass on a 2+ and if a Titan didn't move (for any reason) then they roll an extra repair die in the repair phase.

===Extergimus Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 3 Warlords
*'''Optional:''' 1 Warlord, 1 Nemesis Warbringer
**'''Scorched Earth:''' Each time you make a ranged attack, you may choose to add +2 Strength to the attack before rolling to hit. Each time you do this your reactor will increase by 1, or 2 if that attack has 5 or more dice. This ability is amazing later game on a paired Gatling blasters. S5 base, + 2S for Scorched Earth, + any location modifiers, + flank or rear.
===Precept Battleline Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Warlord, 1 Nemesis Warbringer, 1 Warhound
*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
**'''Flexible Tactics:''' At the start of each Strategy phase before any orders are issued, the player controlling the maniple may issue a single Order for all the Titans in it. If the player is running more than one Precept maniple, then they get to choose a different order for each maniple. Until the end of the round, Titans in the maniple can be issued the selected Order on a 2+ roll irrespective of any positive or negative modifiers, and any other order must make a Command check as normal.

==Light Maniples==
==Light Maniples==
===Ferrox Light Maniple===
===Ferrox Light Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver 2 Warhounds
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver 1 Warhound
*'''Optional:''' 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
**'''Knife Fighters:''' When making attack within a number of inches equal to their scale, the titans add 1 to their armour rolls.  Titans may also choose whether to use their weapon skill or ballistic skill within 2''.
**'''Knife Fighters:''' When making attack within a number of inches equal to their scale, the titans add 1 to their armour rolls.  Titans may also choose whether to use their weapon skill or ballistic skill within 2''.

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*'''Minimum:''' 3 Warhounds
*'''Minimum:''' 3 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
**'''Hunting Pack:''' At the start of the battle any or all Warhounds can form a squadron with others of this maniple. These squadrons last until the end of the round. In addition any Coordinated Strikes made by this maniple add 2 to the armour roll instead of 1.
**'''Hunting Pack:''' At the beginning of each round, any or all Warhounds in this maniple can form a squadron with others of this maniple. These squadrons last until the end of the round.

===Venator Light Maniple===
===Venator Light Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
**'''Opportunistic Strike:''' If an enemy Titan's shields are collapsed by the Warhounds in the Maniple, the Reaver gets a free shot at the enemy Titan. ''Take Apocalypse missiles and laugh as your reaver can potshot anything. Combine with warhounds with Vulcan mega-bolters to pop shields across the boards and unleash hell with your reaver. Taking full advantage of this rule by equipping the warhounds with shield busting weapons seem compelling, but don't rely on it too much. A single Reaver Titan will die quickly to concentrated enemy fire.''
**'''Opportunistic Strike:''' If an enemy Titan's shields are collapsed by the Warhounds in the Maniple, the Reaver gets a free shot at the enemy Titan. ''Take Apocalypse missiles and laugh as your reaver can potshot anything. Combine with warhounds with Vulcan mega-bolters to pop shields across the boards and unleash hell with your reaver. Taking full advantage of this rule by equipping the warhounds with shield busting weapons seem compelling, but don't rely on it too much. A single Reaver Titan will die quickly to concentrated enemy fire.''Seriously though, take a reaver with volcano cannon. Once the warhounds pop shields and you take the shot, anything not Warlord sized will feel it. Especially if you shoot them with the reaver again. Bonus points if you use hunters auspex with Legio Fureans. Just watch out for overheating.
===Firmus Light Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Reavers
**'''Defensive Engagement:''' When a member of the maniple is targeted by an attack, you can choose to make your opponent only fire at a closer member instead. At least 50% of the new target must be visible, and the attacker must fail a command check. Each attacking Titan can only be affected by this ability once a turn.
===Ignus Light Maniple===
*'''Minimum:''' 3 Warhounds, 1 Cerastus Knight Banner
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds, 2 Cerastus Knight Banner 
**'''Scorched Earth:''' Add 1 to the dice value and reroll armour rolls of 1 for Firestorm weapons. All Cerastus Knight banners must be upgraded to Knight Acheron's. Knight Banners in the maniple within 6" of a Titan in the maniple may be issued a First Fire or Full Stride order without a Command Check if that Titan had been successfully issued the same Order that round.'''

=Titan Legions=
=Titan Legions=

Note: Some changes were made to existing loyalist legio rules with the release of the Loyalist Legios book. These supersede those rules published in previous campaign supplements.
===Legio Gryphonicus 'War Griffons'===
===Legio Gryphonicus 'War Griffons'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Lust for Glory:''' At the beginning of a game, the Gryphonicus player may nominate a target, and a Titan claiming that target, for any number of their Titans. A Gryphonicus Titan may re-roll 1s to-hit when attacking their claimed target, and add 1 to the results of any armour rolls. However, it will lose those bonuses if anyone else attacks their claimed target.  
**'''Lust for Glory:''' At the beginning of a game, the Gryphonicus player may nominate a target, and a Titan claiming that target, for any number of their Titans. A Gryphonicus Titan may re-roll 1s to-hit when attacking their claimed target, and add 1 to the results of any armour rolls. However, it will lose those bonuses if anyone else attacks their claimed target.  
**'''Mainstay of the Titan Legion:''' May replace a single Warhound or Warlord in a Maniple with a Reaver.
**'''Mainstay of the Titan Legion:''' May replace any Warhound or Warlord in a Maniple with a Reaver.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Enhanced Auspex Relays:''' A Warhound may be given enhanced Auspex Relays for +10 points. Any targets within 12" of one of these Warhounds may be pre-measured by a Titan targeting them.
**'''Enhanced Auspex Relays (10 points):''' Warhounds only. Any targets within 12" of a Warhound with this upgrade may be pre-measured by another Titan targeting them.
**'''Gravatus Plating:''' A Reaver Titan replacing a Warlord may be upgraded with Gravatus Plating for +20 points, reducing speed and manoeuvres by 1 but upping its leg and body armour by 1 as well.
**'''Gravatus Plating (20 points):''' Reavers only. Reduce speed and manoeuvres by 1 and increase leg and body armour by 1.
**'''Motive Sub-reactors:''' For +25 points, a Reaver replacing a Warhound can boost its speed and maneuver without pushing its reactor, but if it takes a critical hit to the legs, its reactor level is increased by 1.
**'''Motive Sub-reactors (25 points):''' Reavers only. Reavers with this upgrade can boost its speed and maneuver without pushing its reactor, but if it takes a critical hit to the legs, its reactor level is increased by 1.
*'''Titan of Legend - Bellator Magno:''' A Warlord Titan with a Belicosa, Sunfury, and a carapace weapon of your choice. In addition to an improved ballistic skill, Bellator Magno may push its reactor once during the combat phase to re-roll any hit rolls for a single weapon of your choice.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Reckless Maverick:''' Once per battle, the Princeps' Titan can be activated a second time in the Movement or Combat phase. After doing so, the Titan's reactor level is advanced three times.
**'''1. Reckless Maverick:''' Once per battle, the Princeps' Titan can be activated a second time in the Movement or Combat phase. After doing so, the Titan's reactor level is advanced three times.
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*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''War March:''' In the first and second turns, Legio Astorum Titans May choose to add 2 to their boosted movement but, when doing so, must roll two reactor dice and choose the least favourable result.   
**'''War March:''' In the first and second turns, Legio Astorum Titans May choose to add 2 to their boosted movement but, when doing so, must roll two reactor dice and choose the least favourable result.   
**'''Veteran Princeps:''' During the Damage Control phase or when rolling for an Emergency Repair, Legio Astorum Titans may re-roll one repair die. Warlord Titans May re-roll up to two dice instead.
**'''Veteran Princeps:''' During the Damage Control phase or when rolling for an Emergency Repair, Legio Astorum Titans may re-roll one repair die. Titans scale 10 or higher may re-roll up to two dice instead.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Bounty of Mars (2):''' Choose one type of critically damaged system or weapon at the beginning of the damage control phase which will get +1 to the repair roll for that phase.
**'''Bounty of Mars (2):''' Choose one type of critically damaged system or weapon at the beginning of the damage control phase which will get +1 to the repair roll for that phase.
**'''Machine Defiance (2):''' When a Titan's shields go down, roll a number of dice equal to that Titan's Servitor Clades. For each 5+ immediately regain one shield.  nasty.
**'''Machine Defiance (2):''' When a Titan's shields go down, roll a number of dice equal to that Titan's Servitor Clades. For each 5+ immediately regain one shield.  nasty.
*'''Titan of Legend - Lucius Pretorian:''' A Reaver Titan with any weapons of your choice and an extra Servitor clade. Always add one to any repair rolls for Lucius Pretorian.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. :'''
**'''1. Hero of the Crusade:''' As long as the Princeps is closer to the nearest enemy than any other Titans in their maniple, all Titans in that maniple add +1 to any Command checks.
**'''2. :'''
**'''2. Reckless Hubris:''' Once per round, the Princeps may ignore the negative effects of a critically damaged system or disabled weapon, firing the weapon as if it were functional. After that system or weapon is used, apply a Strength 12 hit to the Titan's Body, ignoring void shields.
**'''3. :'''
**'''3. Ancient MIU:''' Instead of taking a Command check during the Strategy phase, the Princeps' Titan may be given a random Order.

===Legio Atarus 'Firebrands'===
===Legio Atarus 'Firebrands'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Seizing the Initiative:''' In the first battle round, a force that contains at least one Legio Atarus maniple may re-roll the dice roll to determine First Player, but only if they rolled lower than their opponent. If they win the roll off they must nominate themselves First Player.
**'''Seizing the Initiative:''' Once per battle, a force that contains at least one Legio Atarus maniple may re-roll the dice roll to determine First Player, but only if they rolled lower than their opponent. If they win the roll off they must nominate themselves First Player.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Impetuous Machine Spirit (1):''' When the Machine Spirit awakens, this stratagem can be used to automatically used to choose the impetuous result and moving d6 plus 2 instead of d6 inches.
**'''Impetuous Machine Spirit (1):''' When the Machine Spirit awakens, this stratagem can be used to automatically used to choose the impetuous result and moving d6 plus 2 instead of d6 inches.
**'''Maniple of One (2):''' At the beginning of any round, one Titan replaces their maniple traits with the traits of any other maniple available to the firebrands.
**'''Maniple of One (2):''' At the beginning of any round, one Titan gains the traits of any other Maniple available to the Firebrands for the duration of that round, but it must give up whatever Maniple Traits it already has and not count as being part of a Maniple for that round.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Infernus Missiles:''' Any Legio Atarus Titan with Apocalypse Missile Launchers may upgrade them with Infernus Missiles for +15pts. If a model takes at least one hit from Infernus Missiles, place the large 5” blast marker under the model. In the end phase, any model at least partially on the marker takes a S4 hit ignoring shields (Titans are hit on the legs). In addition, blocking terrain touched by the marker takes a S4 hit and is set alight if not destroyed. Burning terrain continues to take and deal S4 hits to models within it until it is destroyed or extinguished.
**'''Infernus Missiles (25 points):''' Any Legio Atarus Titan with Apocalypse Missile Launchers, Apocalypse Missile Arrays, or an Apocalypse Missile Launcher only. This weapon gains the Voidbreaker (2) trait. If a model takes at least one hit from Infernus Missiles, place the large 5” blast marker under the model. In the end phase, any model at least partially on the marker takes a S4 hit to their legs ignoring shields. In addition, blocking terrain touched by the marker takes a S4 hit and is set alight if not destroyed. Burning terrain continues to take and deal S4 hits to models within it until it is destroyed or extinguished.
*'''Titan of Legend - Ignis Ferrus:''' A Warlord Titan with any weapons of your choice and an improved reactor track. Two reactor symbol rolls only pushes the reactor once and you always get Wrathful if Machine Spirit is rolled.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. :'''
**'''1. Headstrong:''' In the End phase, the Princeps' Titan may choose not to discard its order - retaining that order for next turn without needing a new Command check. Shutdown or other effects that change the Titan's order are applied as normal.
**'''2. :'''
**'''2. Unconventional Thinker:''' Once per game, after an enemy Titan declares its action, the Princeps' Titan may move D6" in any direction, and change facing by up to 90 degrees. This movement can't take the Titan through impassable terrain or models.
**'''3. :'''
**'''3. Shedim Drift Veteran:''' During the Combat phase, choose one of the Princeps' weapons. You may re-roll any Armour rolls for that weapon this round. If targeting an enemy from the Death's Heads or Tiger Eyes Legios, hits from ALL the Princeps' weapons may re-roll their Armour rolls.

===Legio Solaria 'Imperial Hunters'===
===Legio Solaria 'Imperial Hunters'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Wolf Packs:''' warhound squadrons in a solaria maniple can have up to 4 warhounds and can select a warhound titan in place of any reaver titan as part of its mandatory components of that maniple.
**'''Wolf Packs:''' Warhound squadrons in a Solaria maniple can have up to 5 Warhounds and can select a Warhound titan in place of any Reaver titan as part of its mandatory components of that maniple.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Fog of War (2):''' play this in Strategy phase of First round; Solaria player may redeploy 1 warhound titan for every titan with a scale of 7 or greater in their force. Can only be redeployed to anywhere they can be normally deployed allowed by the mission you are playing.
**'''Fog of War (1):''' Play this in Strategy phase of First round; Solaria player may redeploy 1 Warhound titan in their force. It can only be redeployed to anywhere they can be normally deployed allowed by the mission you are playing. This stratagem may be purchased multiple times.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Fortis Motivators:''' a warhound can be fitted with this for +20 points. In the Damage Control phase discard any repair action dice to repair a point of crit damage on that titans legs.(regardless of dice number)
**'''Fortis Motivators (20 points):''' Warhounds only. In the Damage Control phase discard any repair action dice to repair a point of crit damage on that titans legs.(regardless of dice number)
**'''Chameleoline shrouding:''' a solaria titan with scale 6 or less can take this for +35 points. Hit rolls shot at that titan from long range suffer a -1 to hit. The Shroud is destroyed as soon as the titan suffers 1 point of structural damage.
**'''Cameleoline Shrouding (35 points):''' Titans that are Scale 6 or less only. Hit rolls against a Titan with this upgrade suffer a -1 to hit, so long as the targeted titan has moved more than 6” and is further than 10” away from the attacker. The Shroud is destroyed as soon as the titan suffers 1 point of structural damage.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits:'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits:'''
**'''1. Spear of Tigrus:''' the princeps' titan may go into full stride orders without a command check.
**'''1. Spear of Tigrus:''' The Princeps' Titan may go into full stride orders without a Command Check.
**'''2. Agile Minded:''' once per game, when the princeps' titan is hit by an attack the titan may immediately make a single attack back at the attacker. This interrupts the activation of the enemy unit.
**'''2. Agile Minded:''' Once per game, when the Princeps' Titan is hit by an attack the titan may immediately make a single attack back at the attacker. This interrupts the activation of the enemy unit.
**'''3. Swift Displacement:''' once per game when an enemy titan makes a smash attack as part of a charge order against the princeps titan, the princeps titan gets to run away 6 inches directly away from attacker, after the attacker has moved, but before any 'To Hit' dice are rolled for the attack. Facing of princep titan stays the same.
**'''3. Swift Displacement:''' Once per game when an enemy titan makes a smash attack as part of a charge order against the Princeps' Titan, the Princeps' Titan gets to run away 6 inches directly away from attacker, after the attacker has moved, but before any 'To Hit' dice are rolled for the attack. The facing of the Princeps' Titan stays the same.

===Legio Defensor 'Nova Guard'===
===Legio Defensor 'Nova Guard'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Righteous Fire:''' In the first round, each Titan can fire one weapon twice during its activation, but you advance your plasma reactor two spaces to do so. ''Probably best used with a weapon that's good at stripping void shields''
**'''Righteous Fire:''' In the first round, each Titan can fire one weapon twice during its activation, but you advance your plasma reactor two spaces to do so. ''Probably best used with a weapon that's good at stripping void shields''
**'''Indomitable Resolve:''' If one of your Titans eats it, then everyone else gets +1 to Command rolls for the rest of the game.
**'''Indomitable Resolve:''' If one of your units in the battleforce eats it, then everyone else gets +1 to Command rolls for the rest of the game. ''Sacrificial Warhound anyone?''  ''Now you can sacrifice knight banners. You know, those things that die in the first few turns anyway? ''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''A Day of Retribution (2):''' Make a single attack with one Titan before the game begins, with your weapon doubling its range. Advance that Titan's reactor three spaces.
**'''A Day of Retribution (2):''' Make a single attack with one Titan before the game begins, with your weapon doubling its range. Advance that Titan's reactor three spaces. ''Combining this with Righteous Fire makes the Nova Guard the best alpha-strikers in the game, at the cost of some serious pain to your reactors. Best combined with A Quick Kill since you have a serious chance of netting 5VPs easy-peasy with it''
**'''Blessings of the Emperor (3):''' When an attack would force your Titan to roll on catastrophic damage, [[Troll|don't]].
**'''Blessings of the Emperor (2):''' When an attack would force your Titan to roll on catastrophic damage, [[Troll|don't]]. (Made cheaper in Loyalist Legios)
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Devotional War Sirens:''' [[Awesome|Your Warlord blasts out glorious hymns to the God-Emperor]], every Titan within 8" rolls two dice when making a Command check and chooses the better result.
**'''Devotional War Sirens (20 points):''' Warlords only. [[Awesome|Your Warlord blasts out glorious hymns to the God-Emperor]], every Titan within 8" rolls two dice when making a Command check and chooses the better result.
*'''Titan of Legend - Dawn of Enlightenment:''' A Reaver Titan with any weapons of your choice. Unless suffering from VSG burnout, you can sacrifice Dawn of Enlightenment's activation in the movement phase to restore D3 shields.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. :'''
**'''1. Enduring Hatred:''' The Princeps' Titan may re-roll Hit rolls of 1, once it has suffered Critical damage. During the Damage Control phase, they must spend repair dice on disabled weapons first, before repairing any other damage type.
**'''2. :'''
**'''2. Crusade Veteran:''' Once per game, after successfully issuing an Emergency Repairs order, the Princeps' Titan may immediately issue a second order after the repairs have been resolved. The Titan must follow any restrictions for both orders.
**'''3. :'''
**'''3. Icon of the True:''' While the Princeps' Titan is on the board, all Knight Banners and Titans from friendly Legios add +1 to the roll when making Command checks.

===Legio Crucius 'Warmongers'===
===Legio Crucius 'Warmongers'===
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**'''Forgeborn:''' Re-roll Damage Repair rolls of 1 in the Damage Control phase and under Emergency Repair Orders, but only for the first and second rounds.
**'''Forgeborn:''' Re-roll Damage Repair rolls of 1 in the Damage Control phase and under Emergency Repair Orders, but only for the first and second rounds.
**'''Pride of Ryza:''' Repair rolls of 6 used to Vent Plasma decrease your reactor level by 2 rather than 1.
**'''Pride of Ryza:''' Repair rolls of 6 used to Vent Plasma decrease your reactor level by 2 rather than 1.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Terminus Override System:''' The first time you're required to roll on Reactor Overload table, give the Titan a Shutdown Order instead
**'''Terminus Override System (30 points):''' The first time you're required to roll on Reactor Overload table, nothing happens and no roll is needed.
**'''Bifolded Plasma Containment:''' Roll a D6 when using a weapon with Draining. On a 4+ you can roll two Reactor dice and choose your result, but on a 1 you have to roll 2 Reactor dice and choose the worst result.
**'''Bifolded Plasma Containment (20 points):''' Roll a D6 when using a weapon with Draining. On a 4+ you can roll two Reactor dice and choose your result, but on a 1 you have to roll 2 Reactor dice and choose the worst result.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Collegia Lord:''' A command check roll of 9 or 10 made for the Princeps' Titan allows you to issue orders to all other Titans in the maniple without rolling.
**'''1. Collegia Lord:''' A command check roll of 9 or 10 made for the Princeps' Titan allows you to issue orders to all other Titans in the maniple without rolling.
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===Legio Fortidus 'Dauntless'===
===Legio Fortidus 'Dauntless'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Children of Mars''' Titans never suffer penalties to their command checks and ignore effects that force them to reroll successful checks. Knight banners within line of sight of a friendly titan may reroll command tests to avoid being shaken.
**'''Children of Mars:''' Legio Fortidus Titans never suffer penalties to their Command checks, and ignore effects that force them to reroll successful checks. Knight banners within line of sight of a friendly Titan may re-roll Command tests to avoid being shaken.
**'''Lost Sons:''' Replace any one Mandatory element in a Maniple with a different class of Titan. That Titan counts as whatever it replaced (e.g. if you swap a Warhound in a Venator Maniple for a Reaver, that Reaver will still count as a Warhound for that maniple's special rule)
**'''Lost Sons:''' Replace any one mandatory element in a Maniple with a different class of Titan Scale 10 or lower. the new Titan doesn't count as whatever type of Titan it's replacing.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''For the Red Planet (2):''' Can be used whenever a Titan activates ,to ignore the effects of Critical Damage in any one location until the beginning of the next round.
**'''For the Red Planet (2):''' Can be used whenever a Titan activates, to ignore the effects of Critical Damage in any one location until the beginning of the next round.
**'''Red Skies (1):''' Reveal when suffering a Magazine Detonation or Catastrophic Meltdown result on the Catastrophic Damage table to add 3 (or 5?) to the Titan's scale when resolving the effects
**'''Red Skies (1):''' Reveal when suffering a Magazine Detonation or Catastrophic Meltdown result on the Catastrophic Damage table to add 5 to the Titan's scale when resolving the effects
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Broken by Treachery:''' When targeting a Titan with scale equal to or greater than the Princeps' Titan, you may re-roll the dice for its first attack roll of the game. If the attack uses multiple dice, all must be re-rolled.
**'''1. Broken by Treachery:''' When targeting a Titan with scale equal to or greater than the Princeps' Titan, you may re-roll the dice for its first attack roll of the game. If the attack uses multiple dice, all must be re-rolled.
**'''2. Immortal of Mars:''' Counts Critical Damage to Head as one lower.
**'''2. Immortal of Mars:''' Counts Critical Damage to Head as one level lower.
**'''3. Soldier of the Crusade:''' +1 Stratagem point
**'''3. Soldier of the Crusade:''' +1 Stratagem point
===Legio Praesagius 'True Messengers'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Pinpoint Accuracy:''' Can reroll the Location Die for Legio Praesagius if using the long range. You cannot reroll the location die of blast weapons that have subsequently missed. i.e If you scatter you can't change the accuracy.
**'''Fluid Command Structure:''' If your Princeps is destroyed, Nominate a new Princeps but don't generate a new Princep Trait. The original titan still counts as destroyed for purposes of Victory Points.
**'''Against the Impossible:''' Once per Game, After a titan suffers a critical damage and after the weapon has been resolved, immediately undergo Emergency repair. This cannot be used if it suffered catastrophic Damage.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Precision Volley (2):'''Start of Strategy Phase, before any orders are issue - Gain +1 to hit for all attacks for titans using long range.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Noble Legacy:'''If you don't have a tertiary Objective, Gain Eternal Bastion -  Gain 5 VPs if your Princep doesn't suffer from Structure Compromise or is destroyed.
**'''2. Natural Command:''' If the Princep rolls unmodified 9/10s can give his order to the entire battlegroup with no Command check required.
**'''3. Crusader:''' Once Per Round, If the Princep is Full Stride Order during the combat Phase - Can fire it's weapon at -2 to hit.
===Legio Oberon 'Death Bolts II'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Efficient Planners:''' Titans gain +1 to Command Checks (to a max of 3+) for each Titan in the group that has benefited from the same successful Order.
**'''Armored Phalanx:''' -1 to Armor rolls as long as a titan is within 2" of a friendly Oberon Titan.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Decisive Action (2):''' May issue First fire or full stride without command check in the first round to all titans (Note all orders must be the same). If played in subsequent round, May issue Split Fire or Full stride without command check.
**'''Strategizer (3):''' Play this after any 2 cost Strategem is played, Discard that strategem. it's effects do not resolve.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Unwavering:''' Once per Game - Fail a command check, you pass that command check
**'''2. Peerless Commander:''' Friendly Knight banners within 6" auto Pass command checks for Shaken or recovering from Princeps
**'''3. Tactical Genius:''' Gains +1 Strategem Point for this Princep.
===Legio Lysanda 'Sentinels of the Edge'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Patience beyond Measure:''' Start of the game, The Legio Lysanda player may deploy their entire force first, before the enemy player deploys a singular unit. If so, their opponent automatically goes first. Gain +1 to hit and Command checks for the first round. Has no effect on narrative missions unless otherwise stated.
**'''Stillness of Mind:''' Add 2 to result of rolling to remove the Shutdown order on a Legio Lysanda Titan.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Frontier Guard (2):''' Play during any Strategy phase. If within 6" of an Objective, Add +1 to BS and WS to a maximum of 2+.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Mantle of Responsibility (15 points):''' Reroll 1s and 2s for Command Checks.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Harrowed by Betrayal:''' If the Machine Spirit Awakens, Can automatically go Wrathful (Shoot a weapon with BS4).
**'''2. Serene:''' Never Suffer negatives to Command Checks and aren't affected by effects that cause to reroll Successful command checks.
**'''3. Vanguard Commander:''' Any titan that is within 3" of the Princeps can use Power to Locomotors without pushing the reactor (Including the Princeps)
===Legio Osedax 'Cockatrices'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Reforged in War:''' Legio Osedax Titans never suffer penalties to Command checks and may ignore effects that force them to re-roll successful Command Checks
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Relentless March (1):''' Play during any Strategy phase. For the remainder of the round, friendly Legio Osedax Titans may be issued Full Stride orders without the need to make a Command check and are not affected by Difficult terrain and Dangerous Terrain
**'''Blood Begets Blood (3):''' Play when a friendly Legio Osedax Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage. After resolving the effects of the Catastrophic Damage, every friendly Legio Osedax Titan may immediately make a single weapon attack. This attack must be made against the closest visible enemy unit.Increase the Plasma Reactor level of any Titan that makes an attack in this way by 2, in addition to any other advances associated with weapon fire.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Plasma Channels (20 points):''' Once per Game, in the Movement Phase, a Titan may activate the Plasma Channels. If it does so, decrease the Reactor Level of that Titan by D3 + 1. This counts as its activation for this phase.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Natural General:''' During the Strategy Phase, if the Princeps successfully issued an order, asingle friendly Legio OSedax Titan in the same maniple may be issued the same Order without a Command Check.
**'''2. Careful Planner:''' once per Game, the Legio Osedax Player can reuse a Stratagem that cost (1) or few Stratagem Points and has already been used earlier in the battle by the Legio Osedax PLayer. The Princeps must be on the battlefield to use this ability. If the Stratagem is one that can be used more than once (Artillery Bombardment or Scatterable Mines) it may instead be used twice in one phase by the Legio Osedax Player.
**'''3. Lightning Assault:''' After both players have deployed but before players determine who is First Player, Titans within the Princep Seniores' Maniple may immediately make a move. Each Titan that moves in this way cannot be issued Orders during the First Round.
===Legio Honorum 'Death Bolts'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Resolute and Unbowed:''' Legio Honorum Titans that have voluntarily moved more than 4" in the Movement Phase of any round decreases the bonus to an attacker's Armour Roll as the result of damage already inflicted on a location by 1, as indicated on the Command Terminal, as long as the attack came from within the Titan's Front Arc.
**'''Founding Tenents:''' A Legio Honorum maniple may substitute any mandatory component from an Axiom, Myrmidon, or Fortis Maniple with a Reaver or Warlord Titan, so long as that new Titan is of equal or greater scale than the Titan it is replacing. Legio Honorum may replace a single OPTIONAL Warlord or Reaver from these maniples with a single Warbringer Nemesis Titan. Each maniple can only contain a single Warbringer Nemesis this way.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Crusading Spirit (1):''' Play during any Strategy phase. For the remainder of the phase, friendly Legio Honorum Titans do not suffer penalties to Command Checks. In addition, a single Legio Honorum Titan may re roll a failed Command check made when issuing Orders.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Basilius Throne (25 points):''' Princeps Seniores only. Can issue Orders without a Command check. Any friendly Legio Honorum Titan receives +1 to Command checks when being issued an Order previously issued to a Princeps Seniores Titan with this upgrade within the same maniple.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Ardent Crusader:''' May purchase the Crusading Spirit Stratagem multiple times.
**'''2. Stubborn:''' The Princeps may always issue Orders during the Strategy Phase, even if ordinarily unable to do so (Vox Blackout OR a friendly Titan has failed a Command Check when issued an Order).
**'''3. Iron Resolve:''' Princeps allows benefits from Resolute and Unbowed ability even if it did not move at least 4"; however the attack must still originate within the Titan's Front Arc.
===Legio Ignatum 'Fire Wasps'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''We Loyal Few:''' During the Combat phase, reroll Hit rolls of 1 against enemy Titans within 12".
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Punish Their Folly (1):''' Play when an enemy Titan ends its move within 3" of a friendly Legio Ignatum Titan as part of a Charge order. Before resolving any attacks, the Legio Ignatum Titan can immediately make an attack using its Ballistic skill and a weapon that doesn't have the Melee trait.
**'''Guard the gates (2):''' Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. All friendly Legio Ignatum Titans may be issued First Fire orders without making a Command check, until the end of the round.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Gravitonic Sensor Array (15 points):''' +1 to all Hit rolls against an enemy Titan that's at least 25% obscured.
*'''Titan of Legend - Iracundos:''' A Reaver Titan with a Gatling and Laser Blaster as well as an Apocalypse Missile Launcher. In the movement phase, you can do absolutely nothing with this Titan while still counting as an activation. One enemy Titan within 18" must roll a command check. It it fails the check, it loses whatever order it had.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Death before Dishonour:''' The Princeps may reroll failed Hit rolls if their Titan has suffered Critical Damage. However, the Princeps must spend their Repair dice on disabled weapons before any other type of damage during the Damage Control phase.
**'''2. Foe Slayer:''' During the Combat phase, the Princeps can choose one of its weapons to add 1 for all Armour rolls. If the Princeps is targeting a Legio Mortis or Legio Tempestus Titan, choose two weapons instead.
**'''3. Eternal Guardian:''' Once per Combat phase, the Princeps may reroll a single Armour roll if they didn't move voluntarily or involuntarily that round.
===Legio Venator 'Iron Spiders'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Loyalty Above All:''' Ignore the Princeps Wounded Critical Damage Effect for all Legio Venator Titans and add 1 to the result of any Command check they make within 6" of the Princeps Seniores'.
**'''One Mind:''' Titans in a Legio Venator maniple that aren't already in a Squadron may form a Squadron of 2 Titans that lasts until the end of the round. These Squadrons can't merge void shields but follow all other Squadron rules as normal.
**'''Mobile Force:''' Any mandatory Warlord Titan in a maniple may be replaced by a Reaver Titan.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Blind Launchers (20 points):''' Once per game during the Combat phase, a Titan equipped with Blind launchers may activate them. Until the next Combat phase, apply a -1 penalty to Hit rolls made towards or by the Titan with Blind Launchers. Blind Launchers may be activated at any point during the Titan's activation, including after it has made any attacks.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Burning Hatred:''' Once per round, when the Princeps' Titan Critically Damages an enemy Titan, you may immediately attack with one of the Titan's weapons. After resolving the attack, roll a D6 on the Reactor Overload table.
**'''2. Crusade Veteran:''' Once per game, after resolving a Repair roll made as part of an Emergency Repairs order, the Princeps may discard the Order and replace it with any second Order. Even if an Emergency Repairs order is still removed in this matter, the Princeps' Titan can only be activated in the subsequent Movement or Combat phase like normal.
**'''3. Superior Tactician:''' Gain an extra stratagem point.
===Legio Astraman 'Morning Stars'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Unyielding:''' During the Movement phase, a Legio Astraman Titan can choose to voluntarily Awaken their Machine Spirit and automatically apply the Stalwart result from the Awakened Machine Spirit Table. This counts at the Titan's activation in the Movement phase, and the Titan must advance its Reactor marker by 2 and cannot be activated in the next Combat phase.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Strength and Resolve (1):''' Play when activating a Titan in the Strategy phase. Until the beginning of the next round, attacks made against that Titan gain no bonuses for damage already inflicted on it. This counts as the Titan's activation for the Strategy phase.
**'''Stand Firm (3):''' Play at the beginning of any round. For the duration of that round, friendly Titans can merge void shields as if they were part of the same Squadron, so long as none of them have moved voluntarily or involuntarily that round.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Maglock Shells (5 x weapon Dice value points):''' Weapons with the Ordnance trait only. Each weapon upgraded with Maglock shells adds 1 for all Armour rolls and still lands Superficial Hits on natural hit rolls of 1.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Steadfast:''' When the Princeps must roll on the Awakened Machine Spirit table, they can add 1 to their Reactor level and choose any result on the table.
**'''2. Diligent:''' Once per battle during the Strategy phase, the Princeps' Titan may be issued an Emergency Repairs order without having to make a Command check.
**'''3. Immovable Bastion:''' Once per battle, after resolving the effects of an attack made against the Princeps' Titan by a Charge Order, the Princeps can immediately fight back with a Smash attack or with one of its weapons if it has the Melee trait.
===Legio Metalica 'Iron Skulls'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Victories Beyond Measure:''' Once per round, after completing the activation of a friendly Legio Metalica Titan that is not a part of a squadron, you may activate another Legio Metalica Titan that is not a part of a squadron. When this second activation is complete, advance the second titans reactor by 2.
*'''Legio Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Harmony and Order (1):''' When you roll a Machine Spirit Awakens result when pushing your reactor, you may play this stratagem to automatically pass the command check.
*'''Legio Specific Wargear'''
**'''Bastion Armour (15 points):''' When a weapon with the Fusion trait targets a Titan with this upgrade, it may only ever roll a d6. Likewise, Rending weapons only ever add +1 to the Armour roll on a result of 6.
**'''Auditory Barrage (10 points):''' When a Titan with this upgrades makes an attack with a weapon without the Melee trait, enemy knight banners within 8” must succeed on a command check or become shaken. A knight banner can only be affected by this once per round.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**''' 1. Paragon of Conquest:''' Gain the following Tertiary Objective if your battlegroup does not have one. Gain 5 vp if the Princeps Seniores is in the opposing deployment zone at the end of the game.
**''' 2. Diligent Commander:''' Once per round, at the end of the strategy phase, a friendly titan within 6” may be issued an order, replacing any orders it may have been issued with. This cannot replace Emergency Repairs orders.
**''' 3. Godlike Benevolence:''' Once per round, in the end phase, one knight banner may take a command check using the Princeps Seniores’ command value. If passed, the banner is no longer shaken.

===Legio Tempestus 'Stormlords'===
===Legio Tempestus 'Stormlords'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Glory in Death:''' When a Tempestus Titan suffers catastrophic damage, make a command check. If passed, the Titan can immediately attack with one of its weapons.
**'''Glory in Death:''' When a Tempestus Titan suffers catastrophic damage, make a command check. If passed, the Titan can immediately attack with one of its weapons. If the roll is passed by 3 or more it can attack with all weapons. Substract 1 from all Hit rolls for attacks in this way. After making all attacks this way, roll on the Catastrophic Damage table as normal.
**'''Fury of the Machine:''' A Tempestus Titan may re-roll any results of 1, 2 or 3 on the Awakened Machine Spirit rule.
**'''Fury of the Machine:''' Once per round, when firing a weapon, a Legio Tempestus Titan that has one or more points of Critical Damage may add 1 to the Strength value of that weapon; the weapon must have a Strength value of 4 or higher, and the Strength value cannot be increased above 10. This can be used in conjunction with Glory In Death.
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
**'''Combat Drop (3):''' A Titan with a scale of 6 or less (i.e. Warhounds) can be deep-striked onto the battlefield.
**'''Combat Drop (3):''' Play at the start of deployment. Choose a Legio Tempestus Titan that's Scale 7 or less to be kept in reserve. At the start of an Strategy phase from the second round onwards, place the Titan anywhere more than 3" away from and enemy unit and scatter it D6". If the Titan scatters into a piece of terrain, it takes D3+2 S9 hits. If the Titan's base ends up overlapping with a unit smaller than it, move it the shortest distance possible so that it doesn't overlap. If it overlaps with a unit the same size or bigger than it, then the combat dropped Titan is destroyed and can't roll on the Catastrophic Damage while the bigger unit suffers a collision as normal. A Titan that arrives this way can't be activated in the Strategy and Movement phases in the round it arrived in.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Chasmata Pattern Laser Destructors:''' Adds 3" to short range and 6" to long-range on Tempestus Laser Blasters and Turbo Laser Destructors for the price of 5 points/dice of the weapons you increase the range of. Incredibly useful.
**'''Chasmata Pattern Laser Destructors (5 x weapon Dice value points):''' Titans equipped with a laser weapon only. Increase the Short Range and Long Range characteristics for one laser weapon by 6" and 3" respectively. Each laser weapon must be upgraded seperately.
*'''Titan of Legend - Mantellum Fulmen:''' A traitor only Warhound Scout Titan with any weapons of your choice and an improved command check and ballistic skill. Mantellum Fulmen can't be a part of a Warhound squadron, but it can fire both of its weapons when issued First Fire orders.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Adamantium Resolve:''' Once per battle at any time, the controlling player can remove Shutdown orders from the Princeps' Titan. This may even be done as the Shutdown order is issued, effectively cancelling it.
**'''1. Adamantium Resolve:''' Once per battle, The Princeps may choose to pass a failed Command check.
**'''2. Storm-born:''' Affects any Titan in the Princeps' maniple that has Charge orders. When that Titan moves in the Movement phase, it uses its boosted Speed value without having to push its reactor.
**'''2. Storm-born:''' Titan's in the same maniple as the Princeps with Charge orders may declare Power to Locomoters! without pushing their reactor.  
**'''3. Defiant Warrior:''' If the Princeps' Titan's void shields have been collapsed, it can re-roll all Hit rolls of 1 for its attacks.
**'''3. Defiant Warrior:''' If the Princeps' Titan's void shields have been collapsed, it can re-roll all Hit rolls of 1 for its attacks.

===Legio Fureans 'Tiger Eyes'===
===Legio Fureans 'Tiger Eyes'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Machine Rage:''' When rolling a reactor dice, blanks count as Machine Spirit Awakened results. But if the Command check is failed, the result may be chosen from the table instead of being rolled for.
**'''Machine Rage:''' When rolling a reactor dice, blanks count as the machine spirit awakening and does not increase the reactor. If the Command check to quell the machine spirit is failed, the result may be chosen from the table instead of being rolled for. If the Titan is a Corrupted Titan, instead roll twice on the Awakened Entity table and choose one of the results.
**'''Many Faces of the Omnissiah:''' Samurai fight start. You stand still for 1 or 2 phases of first turn. For each phase activated with no action you can re-roll ONE DICE later in the game ( any dice!)
**'''Many Faces of the Omnissiah:''' Samurai fight start. You stand still for 1 or 2 phases of first turn. For each phase activated with no action you can re-roll ONE DICE later in the game (Any dice!)
*'''Legion Specific Stratagem'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagem'''
**'''Offensive Surge (3):''' In any Combat phase, choose a Titan maniple.  Each Titan in that maniple may attack twice with one its weapons, increasing its reactor by 1 in addition to any other effects.
**'''Offensive Surge (3):''' In any Combat phase, choose a Titan maniple.  Each Titan in that maniple may attack twice with one its weapons, increasing its reactor by 1 in addition to any other effects.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''  
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''  
**'''Hunter Auspex Relays''' For 20 points, a Titan can ignore one -1 to hit penalty when firing at targets over 12" away.
**'''Hunter Auspex Relays (20 points):''' Reduce the penalty To Hit when firing at targets more than 12" away by 1 to a minimum of 0.
*'''Titan of Legend - Iben Faruk:''' A Warhound Scout Titan with any weapons of your choice and the Hunter Auspex upgrade for free. Iben Faruk always adds 2 to armor rolls against enemy Titans scale 10+.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Titan Stalker:''' When targeting a titan that is within 12”, the Princeps Seniores may add one to the Armour rolls of any hits, provided the targeted Titan has a Scale equal to or greater than their own.  
**'''1. Titan Stalker:''' When targeting a titan that is within 8”, the Princeps Seniores may add one to the Armour rolls of any hits, provided the targeted Titan has a Scale equal to or greater than their own.  
**'''2. Humardu Savage:''' When the Princeps Seniores Titan makes a Smash attack, add 2 to the Strength of the attack.
**'''2. Humardu Savage:''' When the Princeps Seniores Titan makes a Smash attack, add 2 to the Strength of the attack.
**'''3. Trophy Taker:''' Any weapon disabled by the Tiger Eyes Princeps using a Smash attack, or a weapon with the melee trait, is harder to repair. These require a dice score of 1 higher than normal when making repair actions... bitch gimme that!
**'''3. Trophy Taker:''' Any weapon disabled by the Tiger Eyes Princeps using a Smash attack, or a weapon with the melee trait, is harder to repair. These require a dice score of 1 higher than normal when making repair actions... bitch gimme that!
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===Legio Mortis 'Death's Heads'===
===Legio Mortis 'Death's Heads'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Reaper's Tally''': For each enemy Titan killed by a Legio Mortis Titan a re-roll of 1 can be made in the shooting phase. This is cumulative, so the more enemy titans you kill, the more re-rolls you get. A great fluffy rule to show Mortis' ruthlessness.
**'''Reaper's Tally''': For each enemy Titan killed by a Legio Mortis Titan a re-roll of 1 can be made in the shooting phase for weapons without the Melee trait. This is cumulative, so the more enemy titans you kill, the more re-rolls you get. ''A great fluffy rule to show Mortis' ruthlessness. One of the best bonus in the game, but you have to fight for it, a warlord/warmaster that has taken out two titans has massively improved their damage output, so expect your opponent to shut them down with everything they have.''
**'''State of Decay''': Once per game, a Titan may ignore the effects of MIU feedback, Moderati wounded, or Princeps Wounded for a round. It may not use any repair dice on its head for that round however.
**'''State of Decay''': Once per game for each Legio Mortis Titan, ignore the effects of MIU Feedback, Moderati Wounded, or Princeps Wounded for a round. It may not use any repair dice on its head for that round however.
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
**'''March of the Dead (3):''' In the strategy phase of the 1st round, the player may make one regular movement with each of their Titans. The opposing player automatically becomes first player.
**'''March of the Dead (3):''' In the strategy phase of the 1st round, make one regular movement with each of your Titans, but you cannot use Power to Locomoters! or Power to Stabilisers!. The opposing player automatically becomes First Player for the remainder of the round.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''  
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''  
**'''Remains of the Fallen:''' For 20 points, enemy units with 8" increase their command characteristic by 1.
**'''Remains of the Fallen (20 points):''' Enemy Titans within 8" of one or more Legio Mortis Titans with this upgrade must subtract 1 from Command checks.
**'''The Warmaster's Beneficence:''' For 20 points, the first time a titan fires it adds 1 to the strength of any of its bolter or missile weapons, and may ignore draining.
**'''The Warmaster's Beneficence (25 points):''' Once per game at the start of the Strategy phase, increase the Strength of one weapon by 1 for the rest of the round.
*'''Titan of Legend - Penumbral Reaper:''' A Warlord Titan with a Sunfury, Arioch Power Claw, and Paired Laser Blasters. In addition to an improved weapon weapon skill, Penumbral Reaper has an aura of +1 to command checks and re-roll 1's in melee. If this Titan rolls Machine Spirit, Haughty is automatically applied.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. :'''
**'''1. Rotten Heart:''' If the Princeps fails a Command check to quell the machine spirit, you may instead pass it and increase the reactor by 2. If the Princeps' Titan is corrupted, instead roll two dice re-rolling duplicates on the Awakened Entity table and apply a result of your choice.
**'''2. :'''
**'''2. Pitiless:''' Even when an enemy Titan is bleeding out, Mortis take no prisoners. When an enemy Titan that is currently critically damaged is targeted, all damage rolls receive +1 to the Strength of the attacks.
**'''3. :'''
**'''3. Ancient of Terra:''' Legio Mortis has many ancient Princeps which have taken full immersion or similar due to how old the Legion is. The Princeps only ever needs to roll a D6 on the Reactor Overload table even if their reactor is in the red.

===Legio Krytos 'God Breakers'===
===Legio Krytos 'God Breakers'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Doom of Worlds:''' A Warlord may replace the compulsory Reaver in Myrmidon maniples.
**'''Doom of Worlds:''' A Warlord may replace the compulsory Reaver in Axiom and Myrmidon maniples. A Warbringer Nemesis may replace the mandatory Warhound in Regia and Precept maniples. If it replaces the mandatory Warhound in a Regia maniple, it can merge void shields with the courtiers as if it were a King or Queen. A Warlord or Nemesis Warbringer may replace one of the Mandatory Reavers in a Fortis maniple.
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Scorched Earth (1):''' Add one strength to any attack targeting terrain for the duration of any round.
**'''Civilisation's Ruin (3):''' Play in any Strategy phase. For the rest of the round, Legio Krytos weapons with the Quake trait can induce the Quake trait on enemies even if it was deflected by void shields. Can't be used on Legio Krytos Titans with Split-Fire orders, even if it was ordered after playing the stratagem.
**'''Iron Endures (1):''' Damage suffered by dangerous terrain is reduced by 2 for the duration of a round.
**'''Destroyer of Cities (1):''' Play in any Strategy phase. For the rest of the round, gain +2 Strength to Legio Krytos weapons when targeting terrain. Additionally, Legio Krytos Titans reduce the Strength of hits from Dangerous terrain by 2, to a minimum of 0.
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Earthbreaker Missiles''': Apocalypse Missile Launcher upgrade. Costs 10 points for a Reaver and 20 points for a Warlord. Removes 1 dice from a Reavers shots or 2 from a Warlords shots but the missiles gain the Quake trait. Adds 5 strength to the weapon if targeting terrain. Useful for stopping enemy titans from closing in and very good at destroying terrain.
**'''Earthbreaker Missiles''': Apocalypse Missile Launcher upgrade. Costs 15 points for a Reaver and 25 points for a Warlord. You may fire normally, or reduce a Reaver to 2 dice or a Warlord to 4 dice to give the missiles the Quake trait. Adds 5 strength to the weapon if targeting terrain. Useful for stopping enemy titans from closing in and very good at destroying terrain.
*'''Titan of Legend - Hammer of Tyrants:''' A Warlord Titan with a Belicosa, Sunfury, and carapace weapon of your choice. Hammer of Tyrants may use the Maximal Fire trait without increasing its reactor. In addition, the first time Hammer of Tyrants suffers critical damage, its reactor is reduced to the leftmost level.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. :'''
**'''1. Godlike Contempt:''' The Princeps' Titan may still make Command checks even if a friendly unit has failed its Command check.
**'''2. :'''
**'''2. World Bane:''' Any Blocking terrain destroyed by the Princeps' Titan becomes Dangerous Terrain, if it wasn't already.
**'''3. :'''
**'''3. Path of Iron:''' The Princeps' Titan may make a single Smash attack in the Movement phase against an enemy model of lesser scale than the Princeps. Stop movement, resolve the attack, then continue moving as normal. The Titan can move through models of Scale 3 or less, if it has enough movement to clear the enemy model's base.

===Legio Vulpa 'Death Stalkers'===
===Legio Vulpa 'Death Stalkers'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Honour and Blood''': When a Legio Vulpa Titan is within 3" of an enemy Titan, increase Weapon Skill by 1 and decrease Ballistic Skill by 1.
**'''Honour and Blood''': When a Legio Vulpa Titan is within 5" of an enemy Titan, increase Weapon Skill by 1 and decrease Ballistic Skill by 1.
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
**'''No Pity for the Vanquished (1):''' When an enemy Titan is destroyed, the killing Titan may make another attack with the same weapon system against another target within 12" of the destroyed Titan.
**'''No Pity for the Vanquished (1):''' When an enemy Titan is destroyed, the killing Titan may make another attack with the same weapon system against another target within 12" of the destroyed Titan.
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Plasma Gargoyles:''' For 15 points, when this Titan vents plasma, units with 3" take a hit with Strength equal to 3 plus the level the reactor heat is decreased by.  
**'''Shikarian Conduits (20 points):''' Titans that are Scale 7+ only. Increase the upgraded Titan's boosted speed by 2" and boosted manoeuvre by 1". If the Titan declares Power to Locomotors! and/or Power to Stabilisers at least once during the round, decrease the Dice value of all Melee weapons by 1 to a minimum of 1 for the rest of the round and suffer a -2 penalty to the Ballistic Skill to a minimum of 6+.  
**'''Disruption Emitters:''' For 30 points, the Titan adds 2 to the Strength of any Melee weapons, and counts its Scale as 2 higher when making Smash Attacks.
**'''Disruption Emitters (30 points):''' Add 2 to the Strength of any Melee weapons, and count the Titan's Scale as 2 higher than it is when making Smash Attacks.
*'''Titan of Legend - Vestiti Ferrus:''' A Reaver Titan with any weapons of your choice and +1 armor. On a devastating hit on Vestiti Ferrus, roll a D6. If you roll a 6, damage is reduced from 2 to 1.
*'''Legio Princeps traits:'''
*'''Legio Princeps traits:'''
**'''1. Razor Tongue:''' At the start of the round, the Princeps can choose an enemy Titan within 24". For the duration of the round, that Titan's Command characteristic is increased by 2.
**'''1. Razor Tongue:''' At the start of the round, the Princeps can choose an enemy Titan within 24". For the duration of the round, that Titan subtracts 2 from the result of any Command check it makes.
**'''2. Bloodied but Unbroken:''' For each point of Critical Damage the Princeps' Titan has suffered (not including damage on weapons), increase the Strength of any Melee weapons and their Smash attacks by 1, to a maximum of +3.
**'''2. Bloodied but Unbroken:''' For each point of Critical Damage the Princeps' Titan has suffered (not including damage on weapons), increase the Strength of any Melee weapons and their Smash attacks by 1, to a maximum of +3.
**'''3. Cruel:''' When making attacks against units with Scale 5 or lower, increase the Strength of any hits by 2.
**'''3. Cruel:''' When making attacks against units with Scale 5 or lower, increase the Strength of any hits by 2.
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*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Creeping Madness''': Option to allow Madness to take over when activating a Titan in the Movement Phase. Roll a D6 and consult the insanity table...  
**'''Creeping Madness''': Option to allow Madness to take over when activating a Titan in the Movement Phase. Roll a D6 and consult the insanity table...  
*** 1-2 Charge Order & you must charge the nearest enemy possible by the shortest route.
***1-2 Charge Order & you must charge the nearest enemy possible by the shortest route.
*** 3-4 First Fire order with a random weapon towards the nearest target with +1 Strength and Dice, then disable that weapon.
***3-4 First Fire order with a random weapon towards the nearest target with +2 Strength and Dice, then disable that weapon.
*** 5-6 Static Scream. Force everything within 12" to remove their current Orders unless they're under Emergency Shutdown or Repair Orders.
***5-6 Static Scream. Force everything within 12" to remove their current Orders unless they're under Emergency Shutdown or Repair Orders.
*'''Legion Specific Strategems'''
*'''Legion Specific Strategems'''
**'''Portents of Doom (1):''' Reveal in Strategy phase. Prevents any enemy Titan or Knight banner within 12" of an Interfector Titan from being issued Orders this round.
**'''Portents of Doom (2):''' Play during the Strategy phase. Prevents any enemy Titan or Knight banner within 8" of an Legio Interfector Titan from being issued Orders this round.
**'''Tormented Machine Spirit (1):''' Play when you're about to roll on Awakened Machine Spirit table. Make an attack with all of the Titan's weapons against the closest model (friend or foe) instead of rolling on the Awakened Machine Spirit table.
**'''Tormented Machine Spirit (2):''' Play when you're about to roll on Awakened Machine Spirit or Awakened Entity table. Make an attack with all of the Titan's weapons against the closest model (friend or foe) instead of rolling on the Awakened Machine Spirit table.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''  
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''  
**'''Static Rounds:''' Reavers or Warhounds with Vulcan Mega-Bolters can take them. Modifies the Rapid trait when firing against targets with active Void Shields to count hit rolls of both 5 or 6 as generating 2 extra hits each. Doesn't work if you need a 6 to hit.
**'''Static Rounds (15 points):''' Warhounds and Reavers with Vulcan mega-bolters only. Modifies the Rapid trait when firing against targets with active Void Shields to count hit rolls of both 5 or 6 as generating 2 hits each. Doesn't work if you need a 6 to hit.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Dark Fanatic:''' The first time the Princeps suffers Catastrophic Damage, roll a D10. A result of 6, 7, 8 or 9 allows you to ignore it, but for any other result you automatically suffer Catastrophic Meltdown.
**'''1. Dark Fanatic:''' The first time the Princeps suffers Catastrophic Damage, roll a D10. A result of 6, 7, 8 or 9 allows you to ignore it, but for any other result you automatically suffer Catastrophic Meltdown.
**'''2. Raving Madman:''' When rolling a D10 you can count rolls of 9 as 6 or rolls of 6 as 9.
**'''2. Raving Madman:''' When rolling to determine First Player or to make a Command check, the Princeps' battlegroup can change the result to a 10. If used to determine First Player, the Princeps' battlegroup must change their roll to 1 the next time First Player is rolled for. The same happens to the next Command check if the trait was used on a Command check. The results can't be modified or changed for any reason.
**'''3. Hollowed Out:''' Titan does not get bonus to Command rolls for being Princeps Senioris, but ignores any damage effects from Critical Damage to the head.
**'''3. Hollowed Out:''' Ignore any damage effects from Critical Damage to the head. If the Princeps is in a Corrupted Titan, ignore damage effects from all Critical Damage while also subtracting 1 from all Command checks and ignoring the +2 bonus to Command checks fro being Princeps Seniores.

===Legio Vulcanum 'Dark Fire'===
===Legio Vulcanum 'Dark Fire/Lords of Ruin'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Two-Faced God:''' You can nominate two Princeps Senioris in your battlegroup but they may not be part of the same maniple. If one is destroyed, the other counts as having Princeps Wounded for the rest of the game.
**'''Two-Faced God:''' You can nominate two Princeps Senioris per maniple, each with their own Personal Trait. If one is destroyed, the other counts as having Princeps Wounded for the rest of the game.
**'''For the Fallen:''' For each Vulcanum Titan destroyed you get a re-roll for any single dice roll, that can be used once per round.
**'''For the Fallen:''' For each Vulcanum Titan destroyed you get a re-roll for any single dice roll, that can be used once per round.
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
*'''Legion Specific Strategem'''
**'''Symbiotic Commands (1):''' Play in Strategy phase when successfully issuing an order, to issue the same order to one or all Vulcanum Titans in your battlegroup (not maniple!) without having to make a Command check.
**'''Symbiotic Commands (1):''' Play in Strategy phase when successfully issuing an order, to issue the same order to any or all Vulcanum Titans in your battlegroup (not maniple!) without having to make a Command check.
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Twinned Machine Spirits''': Pairs two Titans that each need to buy the upgrade. Titans with this upgrade count as being part of a squadron with each other. If either Titan rolls Awakened Machine Spirit then both Titans need to make a Command Check.
**'''Twinned Machine Spirits (20 points):''' Pairs two Titans that each need to buy the upgrade. Titans with this upgrade count as being part of a squadron with each other. A Titan with this cannot be a part of another squadron. If either Titan rolls Awakened Machine Spirit then both Titans need to make a Command Check.
**'''Janus Pattern Missiles:''' Lets you split the fire of any missile launcher however you like, as long as the other target(s?) are within 12" of the main target.
**'''Janus Pattern Missiles (20 points):''' Apocalypse missiles only. You may split dice of the missile launcher between more than one target. The Titan must choose a main target to allocate at least one die to. It can then Split Fire against an eligible enemy Titan at least 12" from the main target. Each target counts as a separate attack for the purpose of modifiers.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. True Born:''' +3 to Command Checks when issuing orders to Princeps' Titan, but if you roll a 1 no more Command Checks can be made in the entire Battlegroup that turn.
**'''1. True Born:''' +3 to Command Checks when issuing orders to Princeps' Titan, but if you roll a 1 no more Command Checks can be made in the entire Battlegroup that turn.
**'''2. Divided of Mind:''' If the Princeps fails a Command Check, roll the Order dice and apply whatever the result is anyway, unless it's Shutdown in which case you can choose whether or not to apply it.
**'''2. Divided of Mind:''' If the Princeps fails a Command Check, they can re-roll the check. If the re-roll fails, remove all Orders issued within the Princeps' maniple except for Emergency Repair Orders.
**'''3. War's Orphan:''' The Princeps' Titan can push its reactor if it's in last red hole, but takes a S9 hit to Body each time you push in this way.
**'''3. War's Orphan:''' The Princeps' Titan can push its reactor if it's in last red hole, but it takes a S9 hit to Body bypassing void shields each time you push it in this way.
===Legio Infernus 'Fire Masters'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Masters of Flame:''' When firing a Flamestorm weapon, A Legio Infernus Titan may place the Narrowest End of the template 2 inches away instead of touching. The attack must still be within the firing arc of the titan.
**'''Dark Blessing:''' Corrupted Legio Infernus Titans may take an extra Additional Mutation.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Burned Ones (1):''' Reveal this in any combat phase. Select a piece of terrain that's within 12" of a Legio Infernus Titan. Remove and replace it with difficult terrain of the same size. This Stratagem can be purchased multiple times.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Clinging Phosphex (15 points):''' Any titan with an Inferno Gun can Purchase this upgrade. When firing, targets other then the closest receive 2 hits instead of one.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Butcher:''' When Activated in the Strategy phase, you may re-roll all hit rolls for the round but it counts as it's activation for that phase. (So no orders.)
**'''2. World burner:''' Once per round, the Princeps can fire it's Inferno Gun/Melta Cannon twice in the combat phase. If so, the second shot counts as draining.
**'''3. Methodical:''' Once per Game, When the Princeps has successfully been issued a First Fire order, each other titan can recieve the First Fire Order with no Command check.
===Legio Audax 'The Ember Wolves'===
The Ember Wolves are probably the most unique titan legion out there, no other legio has restrictions on which titans you can choose, never mind limiting you to a single kind. On the other hand, no other legio has their own maniple either. You're taking this legio because you think warhound spam is king and you like the idea of pulling down warlords with goddamn harpoons.
*'''Legio Special Rules'''
**'''Wolves Amongst Prey:''' Legio Audax can only have Scale 6 or lower Titans. Can always squadron from other Legio Audax maniples and can have up to 5 Titans within a Squadron, although they can't join another squadron unless they're the last Titan in the Squadron standing.
**'''Stalk Unseen:''' For the Duration of the first Round, Legio Audax Titans of scale 6 or Lower are -2 to hit rolls if the titan is at least 25% obscured.
*''' Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Reinforced Plating (15 points)''': Any legio Audax Titan can purchase for -1 to Armor rolls made against this titan.
**'''Ursus Claws (15 points)''' All Ursus claws bought for Legio Audax Titans are Strength 4.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Masters of ambush:''' The Stalk Unseen Legio trait lasts to the 2nd battle round for the Princeps.
**'''2. Cull the Weak:''' The Princep can re-roll failed damage rolls against a location that has critical damage.
**'''3. Pack Alpha:''' Friendly Titans within 3" of the Princep may re-roll 1s for Command checks.
====Canis Light Maniple - Audax Only====
*'''Minimum:''' 3 Warhounds
*'''Optional:''' 2 Warhounds
**'''Pack Ambush:''' Warhound titan's within the maniple do not Deploy normally - instead place a number of markers equal to the warhounds within this maniple anywhere, 6" away from enemy deployment zone. Warhound's in this maniple count as deployed. Once all units have been deployed - you may deploy the Warhound within 3" of a marker as long as it's 50% obscured from any enemy units. if it cannot be deployed, They are deployed within the Controlling players deployement zone.
===Legio Mordaxis 'Deathdealers'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Techno-toxin:''' Titans within 4" of a Legio Mordaxis Titan must subtract 1 from repair rolls and take D3 S5 hits ignoring void shields to a random location if they have suffered at least one point of critical damage. Can only be affected once per round and Legio Mordaxis are immune.
**'''Innured to Pain:''' Legio Mordaxis Titans ignore the effects of Concussive and Quake weapons but cannot declare Power to Locomoters! or Power to Stabilisers!.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Unstoppable (3):''' Play this at the start of the damage control phase. Add 2 to the Servitor Clades of every Legio Mordaxis Titan and +1 to Repair rolls until the end of the phase.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Toxin Nodes (20 points):''' Blast (3") weapons only. Makes the blast 5" but -1 Strength. Each weapon must be upgraded separately. 5" Plasma Blast guns sound dirty.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Dull the Mind''' - The Princeps ignores the effects of the MIU Feedback and Princeps Wounded Damage effects.
**'''2. Harbringer of Decay''' - Upgrades the Princeps' Techno-toxin from D3 S4 to D3+1 S7.
**'''3. Proud Protector''' - Once Per Round, If a Legio Mordaxis Titan within 4" of the Princep takes a Direct Hit or greater, the Princeps can immediately push its reactor and shoot with one of its weapons.
===Legio Magna 'Flaming Skulls'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Howls of the Damned:''' - Subtract 1 from the result of all command checks made by titans within 8” of a Legio Magna Titan. In addition, titans within 8” of a Legio Magna titan can never re-roll failed command checks. Legio Magna titans are not affected by this trait.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Battle Fervour (3):''' Play during any strategy phase. For the remainder of the phase, friendly Legio Magna titans may be issued Charge orders without making a Command check. For the remainder of the round, friendly Legio Magna titans may re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made with a weapon with the Melee trait.
**'''Spearhead Assault (2):''' Play during any strategy phase. For the remainder of the round, friendly Legio Magna titans add 1 to all hit rolls and armor rolls made as a result of an attack against a target within 8” of the attacking titan in addition to other modifiers. However, enemy titans add 1 to all armor rolls made as a result of an attack against a Legio Magna titan from its side or rear arc plus any other modifiers.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Directed Pressure Outlet (20 points):''' Fusion weapons only. Add 3” to the weapon’s Short range. Each weapon must be upgraded separately.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Messenger of Death:''' Howls of the Damned trait affects all units within 15” instead of 8” of the Princeps Seniores.
**'''2. Slayer of Kings:''' When targeting a titan within 12” of the Princeps’ titan, the Princeps Seniores may add 1 to the armor rolls of any hits as long as the the target has a scale equal to or greater than its own.
**'''3. Bloodthirsty:''' Once per round, the Princeps May make an attack with a disabled weapon as if it had been repaired. After resolving the attack, the weapon suffers the detonation damage effect using the highest detonation strength value to resolve its effects.
===Legio Vulturum 'Gore Crows'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Relentless Killers:''' During the combat phase, friendly Legio Vulturum Titans add 1 to all hit rolls, if during the same round an enemy titan has suffered catastrophic damage regardless of the source.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Cull the Weak (1):''' When an enemy Titan moves outside its front arc voluntarily or involuntarily, a Legio Vulturum Titan may immediately attack with one of its weapons and increase its reactor track by 1.
**'''Scent of Blood (2):''' When an enemy Titan suffers Critical Damage from a Legio Vulturum Titan, another Legio Vulturum that hasn't been activated may be immediately activated after the other Legio Vulturum Titan finishes its activation. The activated Titan must increase its reactor track by 2 and counts as being activated for the Combat phase.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Storm Frag Shells:''' - For 25 pts/45 pts give a Vulcan Mega-Bolter or Vulcan Array the Maximal fire trait and increase the negative Accuracy for the weapon's Long Range by 1. A little expensive and risky but could be fun and will really rack up the pain on wounded titans.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Experimental Vessel:''' Once per game, the Princeps may immediately repair a disabled weapon when activated in the Combat phase.
**'''2. Enigmatic:''' At the start of the first Strategy phase before any player issues orders, the Princeps may be redeployed anywhere allowed by the mission deployment rules.
**'''3. Merciless:''' The Princeps may purchase the Cull the Weak stratagem multiple times, though it can only be played once per phase.
===Legio Kulisaetai 'Gatekeepers'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Callous:''' Never suffer Command check penalties and ignore effects that force re-rolls of successful Command checks.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Steadfast Bastion (1):''' Play during any Shooting phase. Add 6" for the Short Range characteristic on all non-Melee weapons for Legio Kulisaetai Titans that haven't moved voluntarily or involuntarily.
**'''Methodical Advance (2):''' Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. Choose a scale, and all Legio Kulisaetai of that scale may immediately move. The Titans that move can't declare Power to Stabilisers! or Power to Locomoters!, and can't be activated for the rest of the phase. The opposing player then becomes the First Player.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Accelerated Autoloaders (20 points):''' Unupgraded Apocalypse Missile Launcher and Apocalypse Missile Launchers only. After resolving an attack made by an upgraded Launcher, you may immediately attack again with a -1 penalty to Hit rolls. After resolving the second attack, the Launcher is disabled and the upgrade is disabled for the rest of the game, even if the Launcher is repaired.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Ancient of Death:''' The Princeps only ever rolls a single D6 on Reactor Overload table, even if the Reactor is in the red.
**'''2. Infamous Warlord:''' Enemy units within 8" of the Princeps suffer a -1 penalty to Command checks.
**'''3. Corrupted:''' The Princeps ignores the effects of MIU Feedback and Princeps Wounded.
===Legio Laniaskara 'Impalers'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
*'''Direct Measures:''' Once per round, a single Legio Laniaskara Titan may declare Power to Locomoters! without pushing its reactor.
*'''Bullish:''' When making attacks as part of a Charge order, make a Smash attack in addition to all other attacks. The Smash attack does not benefit from the Charge order.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Heedless Charge (1):''' Play at the start of any Strategy phase. Charge orders can be issued without a Command check for the rest of the phase.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Mordantised Ceramite (10 points):''' Weapons with the Maximal Fire trait must subtract 1 from Armour rolls when attacking a Titan with this upgrade, even if the Maximal Fire trait isn't being used.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Cruel:''' +2 Strength against units Scale 5 or less.
**'''2. Titan Killer:''' Once per round, the Princeps may re-roll Armour rolls of 1 for an attack against an enemy Titan.
**'''3. Heedless Rage:''' Once per round, the Princeps may attack with a disabled Melee weapon. After resolving the attack, take a single S10 hit to the body.
===Legio Damicium 'Unbroken Lords'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Trifling Pain:''' When a Legio Damicium Titan is activated in the Movement phase, ignore a single Critical Damage effect until the end of the Combat phase. Critical Damage is also repaired on a 4+.
**'''Envious:''' +1 for all Command checks so long as a Titan of equal or greater Scale is visible to a Legio Damicium Titan.
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Endurance Beyond Limit (3):''' Play at the start of the Combat phase, before any units are activated. Every Legio Damicium Titan makes a repair roll, with each Titan rolling a number of D6 equal to half of its Servitor Clades characteristic rounded up.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Secondary Plating (10 points):''' The first Critical Hit a Titan takes is downgraded to a Devastating Hit.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. Beyond Death:''' When the Princeps' Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage, make a Command check before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. If the Command check is passed, move the Princeps' Titan D6" in any direction, stopping before it collides with an enemy unit. Immediately suffer a Magazine Detonation.
**'''2. Bitter Soul:''' The Princeps is unaffected by the effects of Quake and Concussive weapons.
**'''3. Limitless:''' Once per game during the Combat phase, the Princeps may attack with all of its disabled weapons.
===Legio Tritonis 'Dark Tide'===
*'''Legion Special Rules'''
**'''Revel In Slaughter:''' Add 1 for all Command checks for each enemy Titan previously destroyed, up to a maximum of 3.
**'''Tide of Iron:''' Any Legio Tritonis maniple may replace a mandatory Reaver Titan with a Warlord Titan, but it does not count as a Reaver for the purpose of maniple rules. At least we know what happened to Legio Venator's Warlord Titans...
*'''Legion Specific Stratagems'''
**'''Stygian Veil (3):''' Play during any strategy phase. Place 3 markers on the battlefield at least 10" away from each other. Any section of the battlefield within 3" of the center of a marker blocks LoS, and all Titans not with Legio Tritonis within 6" of a marker center suffer a -2 penalty to Command checks.
*'''Legion Specific Wargear'''
**'''Radiative Warheads (25 points):''' Apocalypse Missile Launcher and Apocalypse Missile Launchers only. Hit rolls of 6 against an enemy Titan with active Void Shields counts as two hits.
*'''Legio Princeps Traits'''
**'''1. [[Creed|Tactical Genius]]:''' While the Princeps is on the battlefield, the controlling player may re-roll the dice for determining First Player. If the player does so, then the Princeps can't be activated in the following Strategy phase.
**'''2. Lust for Vengeance:''' Once per game when the Princeps' Titan suffers Critical Damage, the Princeps may respond in kind. After resolving the attack that caused Critical Damage, the Princeps may immediately make an attack with one of its non-disabled weapons against the unit that damaged it. If the enemy unit is destroyed, the opponent's activation ends.
**'''3. Leader of Arachnus:''' Stygian Veil may be purchased multiple times for 2 SP after the first purchase, but can only be played once per phase.

=Unit Analysis=
=Unit Analysis=
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*Arm Weapons
*Arm Weapons
**'''Turbo Laser Destructor''': Great at dropping shields as you can push the reactor to gain shieldbane on its shots, and strong enough to keep pushing damage through once the shields are down, it's a great multi-purpose weapon.
**'''Turbo Laser Destructor''': A "Jack of all trades" that pressed into cracking shields, as you can push the reactor to gain shieldbane on its shots, however the low dice count hampers you here so aim for armour where you can. Also, pushing your reactor is a risky trade, as one bad roll can set you overheating, so only use shieldbane when you ''need'' those shields down. Strong enough to reliably punch damage through once the shields are down, they're also great for calling shots on damaged components to score some critical damage from a safe distance. It's a great multi-purpose weapon, ideal for applying pressure from mid-long range. Use your manuverability to keep clear firing lines and take advantage of coordinated strike to really lay on the hurt!
**'''Vulcan Mega-Bolter''': A brilliant weapon for collapsing void shields, a single one isn't amazing, especially when combating heavier titans. Two however is particularly horrifying.
**'''Vulcan Mega-Bolter''': A brilliant weapon for collapsing void shields and hammering home those last few points of damage on critical components. Called shots at short range into damaged components is a great way to rack up that critical damage track. A single one works best paired with a plasma blastgun, as both weapons want to be in close, and their profiles complement each other well. Bringing two is great for busting shields and capitalising on damage done by other titans, but can leave you a bit toothless against the front of larger titans if they're undamaged.
**'''Plasma Blastgun''': Arguably the most practical weapon for harming opposing titans, with two shots and being able to boost itself to S10 (with a risk to its reactors) it has a very good chance of cracking Warlords. All the more so when behind them. It is a blast weapon though, so prepare for scatter. As it's a blast weapon with 2 dice it can reliably score 4 hits on Titans, which goes a long to way landing damage or dropping voids in a pinch.
**'''Plasma Blastgun''': Arguably the most practical weapon for harming opposing titans. With two shots and the ability to boost itself to S10 (with a risk to it's reactors), it has a very good chance of cracking Warlords. All the more so when behind them. It's a blast weapon with 2 dice, so will chew through Knight banners with glee, but prepare for scatter if you're shooting danger close. It can reliably score 4 hits on Titans, which helps with pushing through those last few layers of void shields, but you want to be hitting armour with this where possible. Pair with a vulcan mega-bolter for a solid short-range brawler.
**'''Inferno Gun''': As a teardrop style template it auto hits the target, and can put a lot of hurt on Knights or other Warhounds, landing several hits on the lead target. With the strength buff from side or rear shots it can threaten larger titans later in the game with a surprising amount of hits, even if the target is obscured.
**'''Inferno Gun''': As a teardrop style template that auto hits the target and can put a lot of hurt on Knights or other Warhounds, landing several hits on the lead target. With the strength buff from side or rear shots it can threaten larger titans later in the game with a surprising amount of hits, even if the target is obscured.
**'''Ursus Claw''' (Forgeworld): It's here! Ignores void shields, but only has a singular shot and will require multiple claws and a coordinated strike to do anything. '''Impale''' means you don't make an armor roll, instead rolling D6+Strength+1 per additional Ursus Claw that's co-ordinating fire and comparing the result to the scale of the titan. If you roll a natural 1 you take a devastating hit to your legs and a S7 hit to the weapon for each titan that attacked. Under or equal to the scale? Roll a D6; On a 1-3 turn your target right, 4-6 turn them left. Finally, if you're greater than the scale your target turns AND takes d3+1 devastating hits to the legs. Legio Audax get +1 Strength to their Ursus Claws.
**'''Natrix Shock Lance''' (Forgeworld): A similar claw with +1 strength but doesn't get Impale. instead you get '''Shock''' - if it causes a direct, devastating, or critical hit, on a 3+ it will shutdown that titan for the rest of the turn. Also bypasses void shields. ''Very risky to use, but if you're lucky a Warlord can be permanently locked out the fight by a single Warhound, giving the rest of the battle a favourable tilt to you.''

Warhounds have incredible benefits due to their being able to be grouped into squadrons of up to three
Warhounds have the incredible benefit of grouping up into squadrons of up to three. This brings a number of benefits:
*'''Deployment''': Squadrons are deployed together as one unit - so three Warhounds can be deployed simultaneously as opposed to a single Warlord for example
*'''Deployment''': Squadrons are deployed together as one unit - so three Warhounds can be deployed simultaneously as opposed to, for example, a single Warlord.
*'''Activating Squadrons''': Squadrons are activated as one unit in each phase, when moving, all members of squadron must move simultaneously, shoot simultaneously and so on. They ''cannot'' be activated individually however
*'''Activating Squadrons''': Squadrons are activated as one unit in each phase, and all members of the squadron must move, shoot, and in general do everything else simultaneously. They ''cannot'' be activated individually however.
*'''Orders''': An order issued to one member can be applied to all members - or not, as you choose. You can issue orders individually if you so choose
*'''Orders''': An order issued to one member can be applied to all members - or not, as you choose. You can issue orders individually if you'd like.
*'''Coordinated strikes''': Squadrons can also declare they are conducting a coordinated strike - improving armour rolls. Most practical if a titans void shields are not relevant
*'''Coordinated strikes''': Squadrons can also declare they are conducting a coordinated strike - improving armour rolls. Most practical if a titan's void shields are not relevant.
*'''Void Shields'''
*'''Void Shields'''
**Void shield shenanigans in squadrons can massively improve their staying power
**Void shield shenanigans in squadrons can massively improve their staying power.
**If a squadron of three is in base contact, hits can be fielded onto any of the members void shields using the best save in the group - equally, failed saves may be forced onto any member of your choosing. Effectively, Warhounds can maintain their 3+ void shield for extended periods making them surprisingly resilient, to collapse their shields, all three must be collapsed. Or, base contact must be broken
**If a squadron of three is in base contact, hits can be fielded onto any of the member's void shields. This allows you to use the best save in the group - equally, failed saves may be forced onto any member of your choosing. Effectively, Warhounds can maintain their 3+ void shield for extended periods making them surprisingly resilient. To collapse their shields all three must be destroyed or base contact must be broken
**Equally, this can play into mobility. Their move may be boosted using their void shield instead of the reactor, whilst maintaining the save on one Warhound and passing this save onto the others
**Equally, this can play into mobility. Their move may be boosted using their void shield instead of the reactor, whilst maintaining the save on one Warhound and passing this save onto the others.

==Reaver Battle Titan==
==Reaver Battle Titan==
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*'''Arm Weapons'''
*'''Arm Weapons'''
**'''Reaver Titan Power Fist''' This can be a pretty funny weapon, it has a good strength (9) with 2 attacks at +1 and being concussive, you can start slapping titans left and right and pushing them backwards with it. Don't forget, melee weapons can make targeted attacks with no negative modifiers!
**'''Reaver Titan Power Fist''' This can be a pretty funny weapon, it has a good strength (9) with 2 attacks at +1 and being concussive, you can start slapping titans left and right and pushing them backwards with it. Don't forget, melee weapons can make targeted attacks with no negative modifiers! However, arming a titan with two of these is not recommended because the first attack could knock your target out of range of the second fist, instead pairing one of these with a chainfist (and attacking with the chainfist first) is better if you want to build a brawler reaver.
**'''Reaver Titan Chainfist''' While possessing 'only' a strength 8 when compared to the fist, it has an extra attack (for a total of 3), hits on a +2 instead of +1 and has rending. This thing '''hurts''' when it gets into close combat. Mounting two on a Reaver is a serious threat and will draw a mass of fire. Charge this at 9" for an extra three attacks on top!
**'''Reaver Titan Chainfist''' While possessing 'only' a strength 8 when compared to the fist, it has an extra attack (for a total of 3), hits on a +2 instead of +1 and has rending. This thing '''hurts''' when it gets into close combat. Mounting two on a Reaver is a serious threat and will draw a mass of fire. Charge this at 9" for an extra three attacks on top!
**'''Laser Blaster''' While having a good strength (8) and 3 shots, it does suffer a -1 to hit at long range making it somewhat difficult to use when negatives to hit start stacking. Despite this, it can make use of shieldbane if pushing its reactor. This can aide it in dropping shields from their 3+ position or collapsing them entirely. Definitely a weapon to consider, especially if using Legio Tempestus with Chasmata Pattern.
**'''Laser Blaster''' While having a good strength (8) and 3 shots, it does suffer a -1 to hit at long range making it somewhat difficult to use when negatives to hit start stacking. Despite this, it can make use of shieldbane if pushing its reactor. This can aide it in dropping shields from their 3+ position or collapsing them entirely. Definitely a weapon to consider, especially if using Legio Tempestus with Chasmata Pattern.
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** '''Apocalypse Missile Launcher:''' Its great arc and the long range (120") makes this the ideal weapon to weaken the enemy void shields while moving into position, but its comparatively low number of shots mean it won't destroy shields on its own.  
** '''Apocalypse Missile Launcher:''' Its great arc and the long range (120") makes this the ideal weapon to weaken the enemy void shields while moving into position, but its comparatively low number of shots mean it won't destroy shields on its own.  
** '''Turbo Laser Destructor:''' The carapace weapon with the highest strength value (8), only 2 shots mean its the most effective against Titans that have already lost their shields. Can also be used to strip shields when needed, as it gets shieldbane when pushing the reactor.  
** '''Turbo Laser Destructor:''' The carapace weapon with the highest strength value (8), only 2 shots mean its the most effective against Titans that have already lost their shields. Can also be used to strip shields when needed, as it gets shieldbane when pushing the reactor.  
** '''Vulcan Mega-Bolter:''' Same as the Warhound's but lacking in the short range accuracy buff, can be handy to dissuade flanking Knights or used to strip voids, especially with a split fire order while the main cannons focus on something in the distance.
** '''Vulcan Mega-Bolter''' (Forgeworld): Same as the Warhound's <s> but lacking in the short range accuracy buff</s> (Nope, FAQ'ed), can be handy to dissuade flanking Knights or used to strip voids, especially with a split fire order while the main cannons focus on something in the distance.
** '''Warp Missile Support Rack''' (Forgeworld): A single use Warp weapon, this weapon seems to be useful when you are facing a small number of enemy Titans. With good accuracy (and almost guaranteeing a hit if you have access to rerolls) you're '''going''' to do damage with it. It might not be worth it to give up a weapon slot for this effect, even so. However, Loyalist titans can turn arm their missiles with horiffic Vortex warheads, while Traitor Daemon-Corrupted titans can use an upgrade to reform their missiles every other turn (check your opponent is okay with this as it's possibly an abuse of RAW and could result in a punch to the nads).
==Warbringer Nemesis Titan==
*Arm Weapons
**'''Laser Blaster''' While having a good strength (8) and 3 shots, it does suffer a -1 to hit at long range making it somewhat difficult to use when negatives to hit start stacking. Despite this, it can make use of shieldbane if pushing its reactor. This can aide it in dropping shields from their 3+ position or collapsing them entirely. Definitely a weapon to consider, especially if using Legio Tempestus with Chasmata Pattern. This is likely a good choice due to the range on the weapon - but time will tell.
**'''Volcano Cannon''' To all intents and purposes, this is a mini Belicosa, the only real differences are its lower strength (10) and small blast as opposed to large. The Nemesis has a decent reactor, so can comfortably use this, and its range is well suited to its likely role. If taking the Belicosa, you probably don't need this. That or you need two and to name your titan Krakatoa.
**'''Melta Cannon''' This is a horrific weapon when in short range owing to its high strength and fusion trait. It has greater damage potential as a result of this. If you're worried about knights hunting this down, this can lay the hurt on them.
**'''Gatling Blaster''' destroy shields and smaller opponents, but might need to fire into side or rear of larger opponents to do damage when shields are gone.
*Carapace Weapons
Make note that, as carapace weapons, these guns have a corridor firing arc and can't shoot at reavers or smaller within 9".
**'''Mori Quake Cannon''': The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your Warbringer with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.
**'''Belicosa Volcano Cannon''': The real workhorse of the titan legions.  Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot; 2 will make it almost certain.  Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase.  On which note - watch the reactor increases!  You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off either.

==Warlord Battle Titan==
==Warlord Battle Titan==
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*Arm Weapons
*Arm Weapons
**'''Arioch Titan Power Claw''': While a seemingly odd choice of weapon, this hits like a Belicosa and has a +2 to hit bringing it into usable territory for the Warlord. Having this and another weapon which does not have draining can enable you to use your reactors to boost your movement instead. It can also be useful as a deterrent to Knights and Warhounds which may try to get up close and personal. Charge your enemy with a Warlord armed with a pair of these just to see the horror on their face.
**'''Arioch Titan Power Claw''': While a seemingly odd choice of weapon, this hits like a Belicosa and has a +2 to hit bringing it into usable territory for the Warlord. Having this and another weapon which does not have draining can enable you to use your reactors to boost your movement instead. It can also be useful as a deterrent to Knights and Warhounds which may try to get up close and personal. Charge your enemy with a Warlord armed with a pair of these just to see the horror on their face.
**'''Belicosa Volcano Cannon''': The real workhorse of the titan legions.  Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot; 2 will make it almost certain.  Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase.  On which note - watch the reactor increases!  You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off.
**'''Belicosa Volcano Cannon''': The real workhorse of the titan legions.  Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot; 2 will make it almost certain.  Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase.  On that note - watch the reactor increases!  You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off.
**'''Sunfury Plasma Annihilator''': A solid all rounder, good number of shots and able to boost its strength. While its range is not the biggest, its not the worst either. Good for finishing titans off when closing in or using to help drop shields if desperate.
**'''Sunfury Plasma Annihilator''': A solid all rounder, good number of shots and able to boost its strength. While its range is not the biggest, its not the worst either. Good for finishing titans off when closing in or using to help drop shields if desperate.
**'''Macro Gatling Blaster''': A decent enough weapon, while hampered by its range, it can be used to drop shields nicely and with its reasonable strength and ordnance, it can do a fair amount of damage to titans, particularly smaller ones. It can also pose a threat to knights, but beware their saves.
**'''Macro Gatling Blaster''' (Forgeworld): A decent enough weapon. While hampered by its range it can be used to drop shields nicely, and with its reasonable strength and ordnance, it can do a fair amount of damage to titans (particularly smaller ones). It can also pose a threat to knights, but beware their saves.
**'''Mori Quake Cannon''': The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your warlord with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so like the Belicosa, don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.
**'''Mori Quake Cannon''' (Forgeworld): The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your warlord with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so like the Belicosa, don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.

*Carapace Weapons
*Carapace Weapons
**'''Vulcan Mega-Bolter Array''': The ultimate in void shield removal technology. 12 shots, an ungodly hail of dakka in itself, with even more shots on 6’s. Somewhat limited range but you don’t you’re not limited by long range negatives. Don’t expect much if you’re trying to knock a freshly unshielded Titan down, but once you’ve knocked them around a little it may be able to steal a killshot
**'''Vulcan Mega-Bolter Array''' (Forgeworld): The ultimate in void shield removal technology. Twelve shots, an ungodly hail of dakka itself, with even more shots on 6’s. Somewhat limited range but you’re not hindered by long range negatives. Don’t expect much if you’re trying to knock a freshly unshielded Titan down, but once you’ve knocked them around a little it may be able to steal a killshot
**'''Paired Turbo Laser Destructors''': These may seem like a bit of a raw deal compared to the laser blasters, but they have some advantages. They have no modifiers to hit at any range compared to the blasters. This can be extremely useful when firing at an obscured target.  They are also 15 points cheaper. Other than that, bog standard lasers, S8 with shieldbane capabilities.
**'''Paired Turbo Laser Destructors''' (Forgeworld): These may seem like a bit of a raw deal compared to the laser blasters, but they have some advantages. They have no modifiers to hit at any range compared to the blasters. This can be extremely useful when firing at an obscured target.  They are also 15 points cheaper. Other than that they're bog standard lasers with S8 and shieldbane capabilities.
**'''Paired Laser Blasters''': These have an additional two shots over the destructors, but sufer a -1 to hit at long range which can be a problem. Not game breaking, but can be infuriating hitting of 4s or 5s. This can benefit from chasmata pattern laser destructors.
**'''Paired Laser Blasters''': These have an additional two shots over the destructors, but suffer a -1 to hit at long range which can be a problem. Not game breaking, but can be infuriating hitting of 4s or 5s. This can benefit from chasmata pattern laser destructors.
**'''Apocalypse Missile Launchers''': 10 shots at strength 4. Superb at stripping void shields in the early game and finishing off wounded titans in the late game (when the bonuses from structure damage mean it can actually do something against all that armour).  Don't waste it on Knights; it's weak enough that they get their full ion shield saves.  Gets an accuracy bonus at long range and can ignore LoS so works well in an artillery role.  Just watch the facing (especially if you're moving first) - it's very easy to mis-judge the firing lines.
**'''Apocalypse Missile Launchers''': 10 shots at strength 4. Superb at stripping void shields in the early game and finishing off wounded titans in the late game (when the bonuses from structure damage mean it can actually do something against all that armour).  Don't waste it on Knights; it's weak enough that they get their full ion shield saves.  Gets an accuracy bonus at long range and can ignore LoS so works well in an artillery role.  Just watch the facing (especially if you're moving first) - it's very easy to mis-judge the firing lines.
**'''Paired Gatling Blasters''': A strong contender, while lacking in range, they can strip shields comfortably and then cause enemy titans some pain with their strength and ordnance rule. Definitely worth using.
**'''Paired Gatling Blasters''' (Forgeworld): A strong contender, while lacking in range, they can strip shields comfortably and then cause enemy titans some pain with their strength and ordnance rule. Definitely worth using. Note that this was FAQ'd to have the same firing arc as the rest of the Warlord carapace weapons.
==Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan==
It should be noted that one of the Warmaster's biggest strengths is actually its 6 servitor clades. mathematically, you should be able to relight void shields every time you roll, in addition to pushing them up several notches. combine this with its monstrous reactor track, heat is much easier to manage, but don't be lulled into a false sense of complacency. between its plethora of heat-generating weapons, the fact you'll probably be pushing voids to full alot, and all the other heat-generating actions, heat is still important to keep an eye on.
*Arm Weapons
**'''Suzerain Plasma Destructors''' These guns are genuinely obscene - imagine a melta cannon and a plasma annihilator had a child, and then that child recieved astartes augmentations. it has three shots to the annihilator's four, but then you see it has strength 11 base like the melta cannon, as well as an additional six inches to range. already, that's a solid trade off with maximal fire. then you see the +1 to hit at 16" or less, and the fusion (draining). oh yeah, it's all coming together. these guns want to be up close and personal. Don't do maximal fire and fusion at the same time - against most targets, both would be overkill, and the risk of potentially 5 heat per gun isn't worth it. maximal fire at targets over 16, fusion on those under. Anything that loses its voids in front of a pair of these is going to die.
*Shoulder Weapons
**These are ''not'' carapace weapons, so while you may at first glance think 'why does the warmaster have weaker shoulder guns than a warlord?' these are actually overall better. firstly, they have frontal fire arcs and not corridor, and secondly, you can fire them at things that get within 12" of you. also, they don't have to be the same on both shoulders.
**'''Turbo Laser Destructors''' Same jack-of-all trades gun you know. can put out some extra damage if needed, and strip shields in a pinch. however, you want to be judicious with shieldbane (draining) on this thing.
**'''Apocalypse Missile Array''' the cheapest option, but lacks shield-stripping power due to only having three shots. skip unless you're trying to shave down points.
**'''Vulcan Mega-Bolter''' probably the best choice of shoulder guns, as the plasma destructors already do incredible damage to armor. Mega-bolters will make the Warmaster self-sufficient by allowing it to strip shields with surprising ease. also doesn't generate heat.
**'''Melta Cannon''' still murderous, but has overlap with the Plasma Destructor. Can be nice if your target just barely survives the main armament.
**'''Plasma Blastgun''' same as above. has two shots instead of one, but has lower strength, even with maximal fire.
**'''Inferno Gun''' might be useful if you're swarmed by knights, but 99% of the time, any of the other options will serve you better. skip.
*Carapace Weapons
**'''Revelator Missile Launcher''' this one is carapace, with all the limitations that entails. however, it will do damage at range. +1 to hit between 24" and 48", ordinance, and concussive means it will bully things trying to distance you out.
===Ancillary Reactor Systems===
**'''Plasmatic Locomotors''' +1" to both speed characteristics, but if you declare Power to Locomotors! or Power to Stabilizers! you get -2 to hit on all non-melee weapons (which is all of them, currently). Combos very nicely with the Experimental Locomotors stratagem for a terrifyingly fast monster.
**'''Infusive Supercoolant''' one use only, allows you to vent heat on a 2+ instead of a 4+ for a turn. a nice 'get out of jail free' card, as suddenly you can reduce an incredible amount of heat in one go. In most scenarios this means you're gonna use 5/6 of your repair dice, not 3/6.
==Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titan (Forgeworld)==
A Psi-Titan is a maniple support Titan, meaning they can't be part of a maniple. A Psi-Titan battlegroup can't contain corrupted Titans or Titan Traitors Of Legend. A player with a Psi-Titan can't use traitor stratagems.
Any Warlord can be upgraded into a Warlord Sinister for 300 points. They follow the same rules as Psi-Titans, and count as them. They are armed with a Sinistramanus Tenebrae and an Arioch Power Claw. You must buy a carapace weapon, and can replace the power claw. The command terminal and stats are exactly the same as a normal warlord. Good chance to convert a warlord to a psi titan.
===Psychic Powers===
These are used in place of orders and are channeled in the strategy phase at the issue orders step. The only standard order you can issue is the shutdown order, after which you make a command check. These psychic powers are specified not to be orders - so stratagems or abilities which would remove orders cannot remove these!
*Necrotechia: Roll d6 equal to servitor clades plus one. Add one to each dice. You can do every normal repair, in addition to recovering lost structure points on a 5+ on an area that has no critical damage. You can't fix psi weapons with Necrotechia. You can either move or shoot.
*Death Pulse: When you activate in the movement phase, instead of moving resolve a weapon attack against every unit within 8 inches. The profile is dice one, strength x, warp. This auto hits.
*Quickening: During the movement, the titan can move and maneuver at boosted values for free. In addition, it can fire one non-psi weapon.
*Antipathic Tempest: Instead of moving, you may pick a point in line of sight. Everything within 3" suffer a dice one, strength 8 concussive, psi, quake attack automatically.
*Arm Weapons
**'''Sinistramanus Tenebrae'''(Forgeworld): This is a compulsory weapon choice for the left arm, and by the Throne of Terra it is a mean one. Strength 10, 3 dice, and the Beam rule promise interesting things. It is important to note - once this is disabled, it cannot be repaired. The Warlord Sinister cannot be issued a repair order, nor can its Necrotechia be used to repair weapons with the Psi trait. Also - watch your reactor! This has a specialized version of Draining causing reactor increases as normal but a roll on the psychic manifestation table on a cog roll.
**'''Arioch Titan Power Claw''': The Warlord Sinister comes with this on its right arm as standard. While it might be considered an odd choice for a Warlord, especially with the range on the Sinistramanus Tenebrae, it can be used to great effect on the Warlord Sinister.
**'''Belicosa Volcano Cannon''': The real workhorse of the titan legions. Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot.  Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase.  On that note - watch the reactor increases! You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off.
**'''Sunfury Plasma Annihilator''': A solid all rounder, good number of shots and able to boost its strength. While its range is not the biggest, its not the worst either. Good for finishing titans off when closing in or using to help drop shields if desperate.
**'''Macro Gatling Blaster''' (Forgeworld): A decent enough weapon. While hampered by its range it can be used to drop shields nicely, and with its reasonable strength and ordnance, it can do a fair amount of damage to titans (particularly smaller ones). It can also pose a threat to knights, but beware their saves.
**'''Mori Quake Cannon''' (Forgeworld): The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your warlord with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so like the Belicosa, don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.
*Carapace Weapons
**'''Vulcan Mega-Bolter Array'''(Forgeworld): The ultimate in void shield removal technology. Twelve shots, an ungodly hail of dakka itself, with even more shots on 6’s. Somewhat limited range but you’re not hindered by long range negatives. Don’t expect much if you’re trying to knock a freshly unshielded Titan down, but once you’ve knocked them around a little it may be able to steal a killshot
**'''Paired Turbo Laser Destructors'''(Forgeworld): These may seem like a bit of a raw deal compared to the laser blasters, but they have some advantages. They have no modifiers to hit at any range compared to the blasters. This can be extremely useful when firing at an obscured target.  They are also 15 points cheaper. Other than that they're bog standard lasers with S8 and Shieldbane capabilities.
**'''Paired Laser Blasters''': These have an additional two shots over the destructors, but suffer a -1 to hit at long range which can be a problem. Not game breaking, but can be infuriating hitting of 4s or 5s.
**'''Apocalypse Missile Launchers''': 10 shots at strength 4. Superb at stripping void shields in the early game and finishing off wounded titans in the late game (when the bonuses from structure damage mean it can actually do something against all that armour).  Don't waste it on Knights; it's weak enough that they get their full ion shield saves.  Gets an accuracy bonus at long range and can ignore LoS so works well in an artillery role.  Just watch the facing (especially if you're moving first) - it's very easy to misjudge the firing lines.
**'''Paired Gatling Blasters'''(Forgeworld): A strong contender, while lacking in range, they can strip shields comfortably and then cause enemy titans some pain with their strength and ordnance rule. Definitely worth using. Note that this was FAQ'd to have the same firing arc as the rest of the Warlord carapace weapons.

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**'''Questoris Melee Weapon''': If you're taking Knights you likely have at least one per of these. They're not worth building to be "shooty," as Knights who try to position themselves to shoot Titans will find themselves dead.
**'''Questoris Melee Weapon''': If you're taking Knights you likely have at least one per of these. They're not worth building to be "shooty," as Knights who try to position themselves to shoot Titans will find themselves dead.
**'''Avenger Gatling Cannon''': Don't bother, seriously. It does put out a lot of shots but those shots are too weak to even take other knights out, or damage void shields. If you're looking for cheap knights for screening you're better off doubling up on melee weapons. Might get better if infantry is introduced but that's a long way off.
**'''Avenger Gatling Cannon''': Don't bother, seriously. It does put out a lot of shots but those shots are too weak to even take other knights out, or damage void shields. If you're looking for cheap knights for screening you're better off doubling up on melee weapons. Might get better if infantry is introduced but that's a long way off.
***'''Second Opinion''': I have personally seen AGCs kill Warlord Titans. If you're aiming to kill Titans with Knights, you will want to usually be in melee. Add in using your amazing manoeuvrability and positioning, you will be hitting Titans in their rear arc for that sweet +2, making you effective strength 5. Add in maybe +1 to a location for strength 6 (or 7 or 8 if you stripped more). Add in bonus to hit for the range countering the location aiming penalty, you're gonna real rip and tear. TL;DR: AVG are good for focus firing inside shields to finish Titans.
***'''Second Opinion''': I have personally seen AGCs kill Warlord Titans. If you're aiming to kill Titans with Knights, you will want to usually be in melee. Add in using your amazing manoeuvrability and positioning, you will be hitting Titans in their rear arc for that sweet +2, making you effective strength 5. Add in maybe +1 to a location for strength 6 (or 7 or 8 if you stripped more). Add in bonus to hit for the range countering the location aiming penalty, you're gonna real rip and tear. TL;DR: AVG are good for focus firing inside shields to finish Titans.  
***'''Supporting Opinion''': Further to the second opinion above, if used in a Knight Banner (Doom of Molech) doing a co-ordinated strike you only roll as if one were firing but increase the strength of the attack by the number of Knights contributing to the attack making the AGC a hypothetical maximum strength of 9, or 11 in the rear arc with 8D6!
**'''Thermal Cannon''': The real star on knights. With a high base strength and the Fusion trait increasing your armour rolls to a d10, it gives you a really good chance of putting hurt even on the biggest opponents. Take 6 of these and pop an unshielded titan in the ass for near guaranteed crits. Fun for the whole family.
**'''Thermal Cannon''': The real star on knights. With a high base strength and the Fusion trait increasing your armour rolls to a d10, it gives you a really good chance of putting hurt even on the biggest opponents. Take 6 of these and pop an unshielded titan in the ass for near guaranteed crits. Fun for the whole family.
**'''Rapid-Fire Battlecannon''': Old reliable. Decent range, two S5 shots with the Ordnance trait, and a bonus to hit within 8".
**'''Rapid-Fire Battlecannon''': Old reliable. Decent range, two S5 shots with the Ordnance trait, and a bonus to hit within 8".
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**'''Stormspear Rocket Pod''': Relatively expensive, but adds an extra three S5 shots for stripping shields out to 16".  
**'''Stormspear Rocket Pod''': Relatively expensive, but adds an extra three S5 shots for stripping shields out to 16".  
**'''Meltagun''': A solid, if expensive upgrade for your knights: When the banner activates in the Combat phase, each Knight with a Meltagun upgrade can target an enemy unit within 3" for an automatic S8 hit. Generally a safe bet to give it to your Lord Scion for a bit of extra dakka up close, which is where you want your knights to be. Good for filling 15 points somewhere but not an autotake.
**'''Meltagun''': A solid, if expensive upgrade for your knights: When the banner activates in the Combat phase, each Knight with a Meltagun upgrade can target an enemy unit within 3" for an automatic S8 hit. Generally a safe bet to give it to your Lord Scion for a bit of extra dakka up close, which is where you want your knights to be. Good for filling 15 points somewhere but not an autotake.
==Questoris Knight Styrix banner (2-4 Knights)==
*'''Volkite Chieorovile'''
*'''Hekaton Siege Claw'''
*'''Graviton Gun'''
*'''Ionic Flare Shield'''
*'''Blessed Autosimulacra'''
==Questoris Knight Magaera banner (2-4 Knights)==
*'''Lightning Cannon'''
*'''Hekaton Siege Claw'''
*'''Plasma Fusil'''
*'''Ionic Flare Shield'''
*'''Blessed Autosimulacra'''

==Cerastus Knight Banner (2-4 Knights)==
==Cerastus Knight Banner (2-4 Knights)==
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**'''Cerastus Shock Lance''': A nasty CC weapon on a small and nimble chassis, hitting at S8 with two attacks this can hurt titans and other knights in no time. Coupled with the Ion Gauntlet Shield, you've got a pain in the backside.
**'''Cerastus Shock Lance''': A nasty CC weapon on a small and nimble chassis, hitting at S8 with two attacks this can hurt titans and other knights in no time. Coupled with the Ion Gauntlet Shield, you've got a pain in the backside.
**'''Ion Gauntlet Shield''': This provides a +1 to all ion shield saves as long as there is at least one in the unit. Definitely take a Lancer, if not for their shock lance, at least for the shield. It also has a 2 shot S6 shooting attack, which while not amazing, is rather nice. It's worth noting that the WH Community article is incorrect in its statement that this always confers a 6+, it does not. If the shield save is '-' it confers no benefit. Expect maximal plasma, melta and volcano weapons to hurt like a truck.
**'''Ion Gauntlet Shield''': This provides a +1 to all ion shield saves as long as there is at least one in the unit. Definitely take a Lancer, if not for their shock lance, at least for the shield. It also has a 2 shot S6 shooting attack, which while not amazing, is rather nice. It's worth noting that the WH Community article is incorrect in its statement that this always confers a 6+, it does not. If the shield save is '-' it confers no benefit. Expect maximal plasma, melta and volcano weapons to hurt like a truck.
==Cerastus Knight-Atrapos Banner (2-4 Knights)==
*'''Gravity Singularity Cannon'''
*'''Atrapos Lascutter'''
*'''Ionic Flare Shield'''
*'''Blessed Autosimulacra'''
==Acastus Knight Banner (1-2 Knights)==
*The latest addition to knight constructs, they are walking artillery platforms, with no tangible CC capability but an unholy amount of dakka from such a small and cheap chassis. These come in two flavours with predetermined load-outs, the Porphyrion and Asterius. The only choice they have in weapons is either the stock twin auto-cannon with an auto S4 attack within 6" or the twin lascannon for an additional 10 points. They took a big nerf in the 1.1 FAQ. Max banner size down to 2 knights (from 4). Hefty points increase. Limited to 1 banner per maniple/lance. And can only be in a lance as reinforcement.
*'''Acastus Knight Porphyrion'''
**'''Twin Magna Lascannon:''' 4 Shots of respectable strength weaponry would be fine but they go and throw blast on it. For a 5th of the price of a warlord you can comfortable kill a titan from across the board. Expect to get Castrated if you ever take two.
**'''Ironstorm Missile Pod:''' Everyone forgets about these, but 6 shots of rapid with barrage will help with void shields.
*'''Acastus Knight Asterius'''
**'''Twin Converion Beam Cannon:''' A souped up version of twin Magna Lascannon that will make large blast templates when in long range. '''You.Won't.Have.Friends''' if you take more then one.
**'''Karacnos Mortar Battery:''' Same as the Ironstorm Missile Pod but trades Rapid for Rending which makes it functionally worse.

==Knight Lances==
==Knight Lances==
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===Forming a Lance===  
===Forming a Lance===  
**A lance '''must''' have three banners of Knights, two of which must be the same type. (It says nothing about having more banners in a lance however, probable FAQ territory?)
**A lance '''must''' have three banners of Knights, two of which must be the same type. (<s>It says nothing about having more banners in a lance however, probable FAQ territory?</s> The book is pretty clear, three exactly.)
**No Freeblade banners may be included in a Lance
**No Freeblade banners may be included in a Lance
**Each individual banner must equipped in the same manner i.e. one banner consisting solely of Paladins, another solely of Errants and the third solely of Lancers
**Each individual banner must equipped in the same manner i.e. one banner consisting solely of Paladins, another solely of Errants and the third solely of Lancers
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*Knight Lances are effectively one big knight unit, and is reflected in their activation and coherency.
*Knight Lances are effectively one big knight unit, and is reflected in their activation and coherency.
*A Lance is activated at the same time. Each banner will be activated in turn, in whatever order the controlling may may choose, and will continue until all banners have been activated.
*A Lance is activated at the same time. Each banner will be activated in turn, in whatever order the controlling may may choose, and will continue until all banners have been activated.
**So, you may have a lot of banners, but you dont have a lot of activations. This can screw you if your opponent simply has Titans, as a larger banner can be as much as some maniples. Be wary.
**So, you may have a lot of banners, but you don't have a lot of activations. This can screw you if your opponent simply has Titans, as a larger banner can be as much as some maniples. Be wary.
*They must maintain a 3" coherency within banners and a 6" coherency within the Lance. If a banner is not in coherency, it is shaken. If a banner is not in Lance coherency, that individual banner is shaken. Once coherency is restored, they are not shaken. This, equally, can screw you. Hope your opponent has not brought quake cannons...
*They must maintain a 3" coherency within banners and a 6" coherency within the Lance. If a banner is not in coherency, it is shaken. If a banner is not in Lance coherency, that individual banner is shaken. Once coherency is restored, they are not shaken. This, equally, can screw you. Hope your opponent has not brought quake cannons...

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**'''Coordinated Strike:'''Used when making shooting attacks only - This can make avenger gatling cannons somewhat more useful. When making a coordinated strike, nominate one knight to make the attack and then add one to the strength of the weapon for each knight which is in range and has LoS to the intended target. E.g. A unit of 4 Knight Errants makes a coordinated strike, one thermal cannon is fired, but its strength is increased to '''S12''', S8 + 4 knights in range and LoS.
**'''Coordinated Strike:'''Used when making shooting attacks only - This can make avenger gatling cannons somewhat more useful. When making a coordinated strike, nominate one knight to make the attack and then add one to the strength of the weapon for each knight which is in range and has LoS to the intended target. E.g. A unit of 4 Knight Errants makes a coordinated strike, one thermal cannon is fired, but its strength is increased to '''S12''', S8 + 4 knights in range and LoS.
***This could be useful on the Avenger Gatling cannon more than anything, but it does mean you are losing out on all your other knights making ranged attacks to increase the strength of one weapon. Very situational.
***This could be useful on the Avenger Gatling cannon more than anything, but it does mean you are losing out on all your other knights making ranged attacks to increase the strength of one weapon. Very situational.
***<s>Literally a free +1S if the banner only have a single Knight left, and Acastus only need 1 knight to form a banner.</s> Nope, FAQ'ed, Acastus knights can no longer be in a lance.
Stratagems are chosen immediately before deployment, with a number of stratagem points specified by the mission and points level being used. There are a few different types - Tricks & Tactics (usually powerful single-use effects), Ranged Support (artillery and aircraft), Tertiary Objectives (new ways to earn victory points) and Battlefield Assets (persistent bonuses, but the assets can be destroyed by the enemy).
There have been strategems in six books so far. [AT]: ''Adeptus Titanicus'' main book. [DoM]: ''Doom of Molech''. [SaI]: ''Shadow and Iron''. [DoR]: ''Defense of Ryza'''. [LL]: ''Loyalist Legios''. [TL]: ''Traitor Legios''.
==Tricks and Tactics==
* '''A Score to Settle (1)''' ''[AT]'' Play at the end of the battle. Score one extra Victory point for each enemy unit destroyed.
* '''A Quick Kill (1)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in the End phase of the first or second round. Score 5 VP if one enemy Titan Scale 8+ has been destroyed.
* '''Ablative Armour (1)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Pick a friendly Titan. Ignore the first Direct, Devastating, or Critical hit against that unit, then discard this stratagem.
* '''Aetheric Infusion (2)''' ''[SaI - Traitor only]'' Play in any phase. Choose one of your Titans and roll a D10. On a 3+, make a repair roll and add 2 to Servitor Clades for that roll. On a 2, take D3 Devastating Hits to the body. On a 1, take Catastrophic Damage.
* '''Artillery Bombardment (2)''' ''[AT]'' Play during each Strategy phase. place a 5" Blast marker anywhere on the battlefield and scatter it D10". Any unit under the template is hit by a S8 shot, or two S8 shots if it's under the hole in the center of the marker.
* '''Augumented Servitor Clades (2)''' ''[SaI]'' Play during the first Strategy phase. Choose a friendly Titan and increase its Servitor Clades by 1 during the Damage Control phase for the rest of the battle. Does not apply to Repair rolls made from an Emergency Repair order.
* '''Auspex Bafflers (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Pick a Knight Banner or Titan - for the rest of the round, the To Hit penalty for that unit being obscured is increased by 1.
* '''Blind Barrage (1)''' ''[AT]'' Play during the Strategy phase. One unit of your choice has a -2 To Hit penalty if it is targetted and if it targets an enemy.
* '''Bloodthirst (1)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]'' Play in any Strategy phase. This round, your Titans add +2 to hit enemies within 2", and add +2 to Command checks when issuing Charge orders.
* '''Break Through (1)''' ''[AT]'' Play at the end of the battle. Earn one extra Victory point for each of your Titans that are Scale 5+ and with 9" of the enemy's edge of the battlefield.
* '''Concealment Barrage (1)''' ''[SaI]'' Play at the start of any phase. Place a 5" Blast marker anywhere on the battlefield. Any part of the battlefield under the marker blocks LoS. Remove at the end of the phase. FAQ: ONLY ALLOWED TO BE PLACED in the Strategy phase. Went from "unbelievably broken" to "useful."
* '''Cripple the Foe (2)''' ''[AT]'' At the end of the game, earn an extra 2 Victory points for each enemy Titan that is structurally compromised but not destroyed and for each enemy Battlefield Asset destroyed.
* '''Cursed Earth (1)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. Radioactive battlefield - Titans roll one extra dice when making Void Shield saves, Knight banners count the strength of incoming attacks as 1 higher when working out their Ion Shield saves.
* '''Dark Pledge (1)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]'' Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Choose one or more enemy Titans Scale 10+ to be marked for destruction. At the end of the battle, gain an extra 10 VP if all marked targets were destroyed. Otherwise, lose 10 VP.
* '''Dawn Attack (3)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. For the first 2 rounds, Titans must roll (D6+1)x5 to determine how far away they can target enemies. Enemy units that have fired earlier in the round can always be targeted.
* '''Decapitating Strike (2)''' ''[AT]'' At the end of the game, if the enemy Princeps Seniores' Titan was destroyed, earn extra Victory points equal to half the Titan's Scale rounded down.
* '''Dusk Attack (2)''' ''[DoR]'' Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. During the End phase of turn 3, the First Player rolls (D6+1)x5 to see how far every unit can see for the rest of the battle. Units that attacked with a weapon without the Melee Trait in a previous round can be targeted regardless of distance.
* '''Earthshaker Mines (2)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play after an enemy Titan finishes moving or turning. Roll a D6. On a 2+, the Titan takes D3 S6 hits to the legs with no shield saves. The Titan is then moved D6" in a direction determined by the Scatter dice with no change to facing. On a 1, nothing happens and the Stratagem can be used again later.
* '''EMP Discharge (2)''' ''[SaI - Loyalist only]'' Play during any Movement or Combat phase. Pick a friendly Titan with active void shields. Every Titan with active shields within 3" takes S4 Shieldbane weapon hits equal to the Void Shield Level of the chosen Titan. After resolving the hits, the chosen Titan's Void Shield Level is reduced to X.
* '''Endurance of Terra (2)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only, updated in LL]'' Play when a friendly Titan suffers Critical Damage. Roll a D6 - on a 3+, that damage is ignored. Otherwise, take damage as normal and retain this card.
* '''Enhanced Coolant (2)''' ''[DoR]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans. The first time the Titan suffers Critical Damage, don't move the marker on the reactor track. If the Titan needs to move the Critical Damage marker more than once for an attack, move it one less space.
* '''Even in Death (2)''' ''[SaI - Loyalist only]'' Play when a Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. Instead of rolling for the table, roll D6. On a roll of 1-4, the Titan get Magazine Detonation, and on 5+, Catastrophic Meltdown. Add 1 to the result if the Reactor is on orange and 3 if it's on red.
* '''Experimental Locomotors (1)''' ''[DoR]'' Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. One of your Titans may now move at boosted speed without pushing its reactor for the rest of the game. During every End phase, roll a D10. If it's a 1, the Titan suffers a Devastating Hit to its legs and discard the stratagem.
* '''Experimental Weapon (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Pick a Titan, then randomly select one of its weapons. That weapon gains the Maximal Fire trait, but must ''always'' fire on Maximal. If the weapon already has that trait, pick a different weapon.
* '''False Intel (1)''' ''[DoR]'' Play after all objectives have been deployed. Pick any objective on the field and move it D6" in any direction. The objective can't go off the board or in Blocking terrain.
* '''Gifts of the Dark Mechanicum (3)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]'' Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Pick a Titan. Each time that Titan pushes its reactor, you may put a token on this card instead of rolling a Reactor die. Once this card has 3 tokens it is discarded.
* '''Great Crusade Titans (2)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Add +2 to Command checks when issuing Charge orders this round. Titans also count as having moved 6" further for the purposes of their additional Charge attacks.
* '''Haywire Barrage (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play during the Strategy phase. Place a marker anywhere on the battlefield and scatter it D10". Roll 2D6 for each Titan within 6" of the marker. If the roll is equal to or greater than its Scale, it takes 1 point of Critical Damage to a random location, ignoring shields. If the location is a weapon, it is instead disabled. If the location already has 3 points of Critical Damage or is an already disabled weapon, nothing happens. Knight Banners that are hit instead take D3 S7 hits that ignore ion shields.
* '''Hold the Centre (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play at the end of the battle. Score 2 extra VP for each friendly Titan within 12" of the center of the battlefield, and an extra 5 VP if there are no enemy units within 12" of the center of the battlefield.
* '''Homing Warheads (2)''' ''[DoR]'' Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. Choose a friendly Titan with an unupgraded Apocalypse missile launcher or paired Apocalypse missile launchers. Subtract 3 from the launcher's Dice Value, but you now no longer suffer negative modifiers when using the Barrage trait on obscured or out of sight targets.
* '''Iron Resolve (1)''' ''[SaI - Loyalist only]'' Play in the Strategy phase when a Titan fails a Command check or when a Knight Banner fails Command check to see if they become Shaken. That Titan or Knight Banner passes the check instead. Can be purchased multiple times.
* '''Justice for the Fallen (1)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only]'' Play at the end of the battle. Score an extra 5 VP if the number of enemy Titans lost is the same as or greater than the number of friendly Titans lost.
* '''Last Ditch Effort (1)''' ''[DoR]''  Play when a friendly Titan is destroyed from rolling Laid Low or Wild Fire on the Catastrophic Damage table. You may choose what direction the Titan falls instead of rolling a Scatter die. If both players can choose the what direction the Titan falls for whatever reason, roll a Scatter die like normal.
* '''Living Armour (3)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]''  Play in any Strategy phase. Pick a Titan, and a location that has suffered damage. Roll a D10. If you roll equal or higher than the amount of Structural damage, all damage to that location is repaired. Otherwise there's no effect, but you retain this card for subsequent rounds.
* '''Localised Warp Storm (3)''' ''[SaI - Traitor only]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Place a 3" Blast marker anywhere on the field and scatter it D10". Any Titan touched by the Blast marker takes D3 hits as if attacked by a Warp weapon that hit.
* '''Martian Servitor Clades (3)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only]'' Play at the start of any Damage Control phase. Each of your Titans adds 2 repair dice to their Servitor clades. If your opponent is fielding any Legio Mortis or Tempestus Titans, you can also re-roll 1's on repair dice.
* '''MIU Link (1)''' ''[SaI]'' Play in the first Strategy Phase. Choose 2 of your Titans. For the rest of the game, when making an attack, you can measure from either Titan for the purpose of the Accuracy value for Short or Long range. If one of the Titans gets the MIU Feedback Critical Damage Effect, both Titans get it and this Stratagem is ignored for the rest of the game even if the damage is repaired.
* '''No Prisoners (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play at the end of the battle. Score 5 extra VP if all enemy Titans were destroyed, or 10 extra VP if the game is 2,500+ points.
* '''Noble Sacrifice (1)''' ''[AT, updated in LL]'' Play during the Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans that is structurally compromised and roll a D6, adding 1 if its Reactor Status marker is in an orange hole or 3 if it's in a red hole. The Titan suffers a Magazine Detonation on a 1-4 or a Catastrophic Meltdown on a 5-6.
* '''Only Forwards (2)''' ''[SaI - Loyalist only]'' Play at the start of any Strategy phase. For the rest of the phase, Any Titan can be ordered Full Stride or Charge orders without a Command check.
* '''Orbital Lance Strike (2)''' ''[AT]'' Play during the Strategy phase. place the 3" Blast marker anywhere on the battlefield and scatter it D6". Any unit under the template is hit by D3 S10 shots, or 2D3 S10 shots if it's under the hole in the center of the marker.
* '''Outflank (X)''' ''[AT]'' Secretly choose one of your units to set aside during deployment and a neutral flank for it to arrive in. At the start of the first Movement phase, reveal which neutral flank the unit will arrive at. Second Movement phase of the game, the outflanking unit can finally be activated. Set it up so that its rear arc is touching the chosen flank. It cannot move any farther for the phase. This stratagem can be taken multiple times if the units are a part of the same Squadron. The cost of the stratagem is half the Scale of the outflanking unit(s) rounded up.
* '''Overcharged Cannon (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Pick a Titan that has a weapon with Maximal Fire. One weapon with that trait gains Super Maximal Fire - like regular Maximal, but at +4 Strength instead.
* '''Override Signal (1)''' ''[DoR]'' Play when any Titan within 12" of a friendly Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. Add 4 to the result of the roll.
* '''Partial Shutdown (1)''' ''[DoR, updated in LL]'' Play at the start of any Movement phase. Choose a friendly Titan to go into Partial Shutdown. That Titan is immediately issued Shutdown orders, but its void shields don't collapse. During the Damage Control phase, the Titan can only reduce its Reactor level by 1, and it can still make Reactor rolls if forced to do so. The Titan follows all other rules for normal Shutdown orders until the Shutdown orders issued by the Stratagem is discarded.
* '''Penance (2)''' ''[DoM]'' Play at the end of the battle. Score 3 VP for each friendly Titan that is Structurally Compromised but not destroyed, and an extra 3 VP if the Princeps Seniores' Titan has any Critical Damage.
* '''Profane Blessing (1)''' ''[SaI - Traitor only]'' Play in the first Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans or Knight Banners and place a marker of some kind on its command terminal. That unit can choose to re-roll one or more dice for a single roll. Discard the marker after re-rolls are resolved. Can be purchased multiple times.
* '''Quake Shells (2)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play during any Strategy phase. Place the 5" Blast marker on the battlefield and scatter it D10". Any unit under the marker takes D3 S6 hits, or D6 S6 hits if they're under the hole of the marker. Roll the Scatter dice and move all effected units D6" without changing their facing.
* '''Reactor Surge (2)''' ''[DoR]'' Play when activating a Titan in the Combat phase. Increase the Titan's reactor by any number of holes. For each hole, repair 1 level of Void Shields. This stratagem doesn't work on a unit with a Shield Level of X.
* '''Redundant Systems (2)''' ''[DoR]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans. That Titan gets to ignore the first time they suffer Critical Damage, although loss of structure points still occurs. If the Titan is forced to move the Critical Damage marker more than once from an attack, move it one fewer space. Discard the Stratagem afterwards.
* '''Sabotage (2)''' ''[AT, updated in LL]'' Play at the start of any phase. Pick a Titan that doesn't have Shutdown orders. Remove its current orders and roll an Order dice for new orders. If it cannot take the new orders, then no new order is given.
* '''Sacrificial Lock-on (2)''' ''[SaI - Loyalist only]'' Play at the start of any Combat phase. Place a 5" Blast marker so that the central hole is entirely over a friendly Titan's base. Any Titan touched by the marker takes D3 S10 hits, or 2D3 S10 hits if  the central hole of the Blast marker is entirely over the Titan's base. The attacks don't ignore void shields even if the friendly Titan is within 2" of another.
* '''Scatterable Mines (2)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play during the Strategy phase. Place a marker on the battlefield and scatter it D10". All land within 6" of the marker counts as Dangerous terrain for the rest of the round.
* '''Secutarii Battalion (3)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only]'' Play in each Strategy phase. Any enemy units with Scale 3 or less take D6 Strength 3 hits if they are within 2" of one of this player's Titans.
* '''Shock Mines (3)''' ''[SaI]'' Play immediately after an enemy Titan has finished moving or turning. That Titan takes D3 S5 hits to its legs bypassing voids. If the Titan takes Direct, Devastating, or Critical Hits from the Stratagem, discard and orders it had and immediately apply Shutdown orders to it. Shutdown orders are removed at the End phase of the round.
* '''Static Rain (3)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play during the Strategy phase. Place a marker anywhere on the battlefield. Any Titan within 12" of the marker must make D3 Void Shield saves. Knight Banners in range can't make Ion Shield saves for the rest of the round, even if they move out of range of the marker. Remove the marker at the end of the round.
* '''Strafing Run (2)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play during the Strategy phase. Choose one of the battlefield edges and pick a point on it. Pick a point on any other edge and draw an imaginary line 1mm thick to it. Any unit on or with 2" of it takes D3 S6 hits. Determine which arc the first point is within for each unit hit and resolve all hits on that arc.
* '''Tactical Assessment (2)''' ''[DoR]'' Play at the end of the Deployment phase before rolling for First Player. Immediately discard your current objective and roll 2D6 for a new one.
* '''The Long Retreat (1)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only]'' Play in any Strategy phase. This round, your Titans don't move at half speed when moving outside their Front arc.
* '''The Miracle of Mars (3)''' ''[WD November 2019]'' Play in the damage control phase. Choose one of your Titans and place the stratagem card next to its Command Terminal. At any point during the Titan's activation, you may discard the stratagem to cool its reactor and roll 2D10+5 to see its effectiveness:
** '''7-15:''' Cool the reactor by D3 levels.
** '''16-24:''' Cool the reactor by D6 levels.
** '''25:''' Completely cool the reactor.
* '''Thermal Mines (2)''' ''[AT, updated in LL]'' Play after an enemy unit finishes moving or making a turn. Roll a D6. On a 2+, that unit takes D3 S8 hits to the Legs, ignoring shields. On a 1, nothing happens and the Stratagem isn't discarded.
* '''Titanic Decapitation (1)''' ''[DoM]'' Play in the End phase. Score 5 VP if an enemy Titan was destroyed by Critical Damage to the head.
* '''Tracer Cloud (1)''' ''[SaI]'' Play at the start of any phase. Place a 5" Blast marker on the field. A player may re-roll Hit rolls against enemy Titans under the marker. Remove the marker at the end of the phase. FAQ: ONLY ALLOWED to be placed in the strategy phase. Much less useful.
* '''Unhallowed Ground (2)''' ''[SaI - Traitor only]'' Play in the first Strategy phase. At the end of all Movement phases, any Titan that hasn't moved voluntarily or involuntarily takes D3 S6 hits to the legs ignoring void and ion shields.
* '''Venerable Machine Spirit (2)''' ''[WD 458]'' Play in the first Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans that isn't a Titan of Legend or a Psi Titan; reduce its Command characteristic by 3 to a maximum of 10+ and increase its WS and BS by 1 to a maximum of 2+ for the rest of the battle. The Titan may also be issued Emergency Repairs and Charge orders without making a Command check. If the Titan's Machine Spirit awakens, automatically apply the Belligerent result.
* '''Veteran Princeps (1)''' ''[SaI]'' Choose one Titan that isn't a Princeps Seniores. Add 1 to all Command checks for orders on that Titan for the rest of the game. Can be purchased multiple times, but must be applied to a different Titan.
* '''Voidbreaker Field (2)''' ''[AT]'' Play after an enemy unit with active Void Shields moves or turns. Roll a D6 - on a 2+, the Titan must take that many shield saves. On a 1, nothing happens you can use the Stratagem again on another turn.
* '''Vox Blackout (3)''' ''[DoM, updated in LL]'' Play in any Strategy phase. All non-Shutdown orders are discarded, and the phase immediately ends.
* '''Wages of Betrayal (2)''' ''[DoM - Loyalist only]'' Play in any Stratagy phase. Enemy Titans suffer -2 to Command checks this phase; the enemy Princeps Seniores suffers -3 to Command checks instead.
* '''Wails of the Damned (2)''' ''[SaI - traitor only]'' play during any Strategy phase. For the rest of the round, enemy Titans subtract 2 from the results of all Command checks.
* ''' War Lust (2)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]'' Play in any Strategy phase. This round, your Titans add +2" to their Boosted Speed. Also, add +2 to Command checks when issuing Full Stride orders.
* '''War of Fates (1)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]'' Play in any Strategy phase. Before the Movement, Damage Control and Combat phases, roll a D10. If the result is ODD, during that phase any 6 on a D6 (or 10 on a D10) counts as a 1. If the result is EVEN, any 1 rolled on a D6 or D10 counts as the maximum for that die.
* '''Warmaster's Portion (3)''' ''[DoM - Traitor only]'' Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. During the Movement and Combat phases this round, your Titans can re-roll 1's to hit.
* '''Warp Displacement (2)''' ''[SaI - Traitor only]'' Play in any phase. Choose one of your Titans and move it 2D6 inches in a straight line in any direction, ignoring movement rules for terrain. If the Titan ends up inside terrain that isn't Blocking terrain, take D3 S7 hits to the body bypassing void shields and destroy the terrain. If the unit ends up in Blocking terrain, destroy the Titan. If the Titan ends up overlapping its base with another unit, that causes a collision. Facing remains unchanged and if a Titan were to go off the table, place it at the battlefield edge.
* '''Weapons to Full (2)''' ''[SaI - Loyalist only]'' Play during the Combat Phase. A friendly Titan can fire any of its weapons even if it was already activated in the Combat phase. After resolving each weapon attack, roll D10 on the Reactor Overload table.
==Battlefield Assets==
Battlefield Assets are special Stratagems found in the main rulebook and Doom of Molech that are represented by miniatures. Battlefield Assets are usually set up by the players within their deployment before deploying their first units at the start of the battle, although some say otherwise. Battlefield Assets can be targeted by attacks or trampled on by players. Hit rolls targeting Battlefield Assets have a -1 Hit penalty at Short range and a -2 Hit penalty at Long range.
Use the following damage table for Battlefield Assets:
'''12-15 Glancing Hit:''' Roll a D6, the Asset is destroyed on a 5+.
'''16+ Critical Hit:''' Roll a D6, the Asset is destroyed on a 3+.
Units can move across Battlefield Assets without penalty. If a Titan moves across a Battlefield Asset, roll a D10 or a D6 if its base is on top of the Asset at the end of its movement. If the result is lower than the Titan's scale, the asset is destroyed.
* '''Apocalypse Missile Strongpoint (2)''' ''[AT]'' Has the same stats as a Reaver AML minus the Carapace trait, a WS/BS of 4+, and a circle firing arc. Can make attacks during the 'Enact Stratagems' step of the Strategy phase.
* '''Command Bastion (1)''' ''[AT]'' One friendly unit within 18" of the command bastion may be issued one more order if they failed a Command check in the Strategy phase. This doesn't allow more than one order to be issued to a unit.
* '''Communications Relay (2)''' ''[AT]'' Subtract 1 from the result of any Command checks for units that are within 18" of a communications relay that is owned by the enemy.
* '''Forward Observers (1)''' ''[DoM]'' Play before making an attack using a weapon with the Barrage trait. Place a command bastion or communication relay anywhere on the board to represent a forward observer team position. While the Asset is on the board, friendly units using weapons with the Barrage trait may draw LoS but not range from the forward observers and ignore the -2 Hit penalty for firing indirectly.
* '''Macro Cannon Battery (2)''' ''[AT]'' Short range 12" Long range 24" 2 dice S10 with a -1 Hit Penalty on the Long range profile. Also has the Ordnance trait, a WS/BS of 4+, and a circle firing arc. Can make attacks during the 'Enact Stratagems' step of the Strategy phase.
* '''Plasma Generator (1)''' ''[AT]'' A friendly unit being activated within 1" of the plasma generator in the Movement phase may draw power from the generator and reduce its reactor level by D3 instead of moving or attacking with First Fire orders.
* '''Titan Hunter Infantry''' ''[DoM]'' Short range 6" Long range 12" 4 dice S5 with a WS/BS of 5+ and +1 to hit at Short range. Can be played once each Strategy phase. When the Stratagem is played, place two markers wholly within the same or different pieces of terrain. Instead of activating a Knight Banner or Titan, you can instead attack using one of the markers using the normal rules for attacking. If more than one player has this Stratagem, take turns placing markers beginning withe the First Player. If ttwo opposing markers are placed in the same piece of terrain, they're both removed immediately.
* '''Void Shield Relay (2)''' ''[AT]'' Friendly units within 2" of the Void Shield Relay that haven't moved voluntarily or involuntarily may reroll Failed Void Shield saves.

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Close quarters weapons (all knight weapons, fists, inferno cannon) are extremely strong but require some planning to get the best use out of. With a lower penalty to aimed shots and a usually high bonus to hit, these can really put the hurt down on enemy Titans, ignoring shields since you're so close. These weapons can be used defensively depending on your list, allowing you to put damage on more aggressive maniples as they close in. Melee weapons often need no support from the other weapon types.
Close quarters weapons (all knight weapons, fists, inferno cannon) are extremely strong but require some planning to get the best use out of. With a lower penalty to aimed shots and a usually high bonus to hit, these can really put the hurt down on enemy Titans, ignoring shields since you're so close. These weapons can be used defensively depending on your list, allowing you to put damage on more aggressive maniples as they close in. Melee weapons often need no support from the other weapon types.

*Building your army
=Building your army=
The new starter set from GW is an AMAZING place to start, making the game the most affordable its ever been, considering you get about 1200 points of titans/knights for 150$ (USD). For that value you get two Reavers (60$ each) two Warhounds (65$ for two), a two cerastus knights (35$) and the updated rules set (60$) making the value of the set about 280$, almost double what you would pay for the same stuff piecemeal. If you want to finish on a budget, pick up some more knights, or another reaver, or a couple more warhounds (any of those options should cost about 60-70$) to round out a 1500 point list, or if you want to go with a Warlord, be prepared to spend a bigger chunk of cash, and see below.
The recent PRECEPT MANIPLE BATTLEFORCE is another excellent way to start building your Legio. Giving you a Warlord, a Warbringer, a Reaver and two Warhounds for just 185$ (USD), saving you 140$ from a total MSPR of 325$ bucks!!. Sadly, this box doesn't come with rulebook, dice, templates and all that stuff from the other boxes but in the brightside, you still get command terminals and weapon cards that otherwise you would have to buy separately.
Theres still the issue of the (in my opinion) tremendously overpriced Warlord titan (110$ USD for something a little bigger than a 40k Redemptor Dreadnought (65$), and almost as much as a 40k scale questoris knight (130$)), but if you keep your eyes open and shop the sales at your FLGS you might get lucky and get one more modestly priced. In my experience a lot of FLGS have been sitting on those Warlords since they came out and will often jump at the chance to get rid of them to make some of the money they sunk into them back, so if you're patient (and a little lucky) you might nab one for a more reasonable price (it happened to me anyway), but otherwise you might just have to suck it up and pay the standard rate.
[[Category: Epic 40,000]]
[[Category: Specialist Games]]

Latest revision as of 16:32, 17 June 2023

This is the Tactica page for the Adeptus Titanicus specialist game, for rules for playing with Titans in 40k click here.

The Rules[edit | edit source]

Official Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Strategy Phase

First, players roll off d10s to determine who chooses if they go first. Players take turns choosing a titan, titan squadron or banner to activate each phase. Next, players may roll a d10 command check to give an order. If the command check is passed, an order can be given. If failed, no other orders can be given by that player. The orders are:

Emergency repairs: Make a repair roll. Add one to each die. The titan may move or shoot this turn, but not both.
First fire: During the movement phase, the titan fires one weapon instead of moving or turning. 
Charge: During the movement phase, the titan can only move forward. When it finishes its move, the titan makes a smash attack or attacks with a melee weapon. Add 1 die for every 3 inches the titan moved. 
Split fire: The titan can't turn during the movement phase. During declare targets, the titan may choose different targets for each weapon.
Full Stride: The titan can't attack during the combat phase. The unit moves within it's front arc, but can't turn.
Shutdown: Void shields collapse. A shutdown unit can't activate during movement or combat. Reactor rolls can't be made during shut down, even if told to due to effects. Shutdown doesn't end at the end of turn. To end shutdown, roll a d6 during the strategy phase. Add 2 if if the titan's reactor is on it's first track. A 5+ removes shutdown. All titans in shutdown at end of game count as destroyed. During the damage control phase, reduce reactor by 2 before making any rolls.
  • Movement phase

Players alternate choosing a model to activate. Titans move within their front arc at full speed, and outside of it half speed. Titans can turn up to 45 degrees a number of times equal to their maneuver score. Titans can turn before, during and after moving. Players may push reactors to use the boosted track of their movement speed or maneuver score.

  • Repair Phase

If reactor is in an orange socket, roll a d6 on reactor table. If red, roll a d10. Roll d6 equal to the number of servitor clades. You can use dice to repair weapons, vent plasma (4+), Raise void shields (requires a 6 to restart the shields, 5+ to raise the level.) and repair critical damage (5+ move a critical damaged area down one peg).

  • Combat Phase

Titans fire each weapon at a target. Select a target, then measure distance for the weapons. Resolve each weapon individually. Roll d6 equal to the dice value of the chosen weapon. Roll to hit against ballistic skill, or weapon skill within 2 inches. Minus one if 25% obscured, minus 2 if 50% obscured. If void shields are up, the defending player rolls a void shield save against each hit. D6, pass the shield save. Each failed save lowers the shield by one level after all hits are resolved. If the void shields go down, all hits are discarded. If shields are down, roll location then armor hits. You can target a specific part, at a minus 2 to hit (or minus 1 if you’re within 2 inches). Roll d6 plus strength, against the armor of the area hit. Add one for hitting from the side, 2 from behind and what ever structural bonus the location has. Compare against the location armor. A normal hit deals one structure pip, devastating deals 2 and critical hits add one critical damage and 2 structural. If the location as no more structure points, instead the location takes one critical damage. If the critical damage gets more then 3 crits, the titan dies. Roll on the catastrophic damage table.

  • End Phase

End of turn. Check for end of turn effects.

FAQ[edit | edit source]

Official FAQ is here

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the rules for Adeptus Titanicus. Several concepts/rules found in the rule book are unfortunately not very clear and open to interpretation. Note: These are not official answers!. House rule interpretation have been added to give a solution until official FAQ is released. This section is not intended for bible-bashing rules, but more a friendly section for those confused by the badly written rules as well. If you find a official answer, please update the question with a reference/link.


  • Question: Can you use the same stratagem multiple times in a single battle? For Example: A Warlord Titan is fired on and has its shields collapsed. I use Machine Defiance and get lucky to recover 3 shields. The next turn the shields are collapsed again, may I use the Machine Defiance again to try and save the shields?
  • Answer: No. Unless specified, each strategem can only be used once per battle.


  • Question: Can I place blast markers anyway I want? E.g. can I shoot between Knights with a Volcano cannon to hit more Knights?
  • Answer: No. Like most GW games, you place the blast markers hole anywhere over a base. For larger bases, this means there is still quite a big degree of freedom (Paraphrasing a Copenhagen GW employee)

  • Question: Does the Warlord Titan's Ardex-Defensor Cannon or the Knight's torso-mounted Melta gun need to roll to hit?
  • Answer: No. The terminal simply states the units "Suffers D3 Strength 5 hits" with no mention of needing a hit roll. It's not a ranged attack, rather a persistent effect which just happens.

  • Question: If a Reaver (Scale: 8, almost 3" deep base) is exactly 9" away from a Warlord (Scale: 10), can the Warlord's carapace weapon still target the Reaver?
  • Answer: No The rules use the word "within" with no mention of having to be "completely within". If even 0.1mm of the Reaver's base is within 10" then the carapace weapons cannot target it.
  • Additional Explanation: You don't have to have the whole base within range to target it with any other weapons, you simply have to have part of the base within range.


  • Question: Does a unit with Emergency repairs activate the maintenance roll in the movement phase OR the combat phase?
  • Answer: The order says "As soon as [the order] is issued, make a repair roll." This would imply the repair roll is immediate. You make the Repair Roll as soon as the order is passed, and then have to choose wherever to activate the unit in either the Movement or Combat Phase.

  • Question: Is a unit with Full Stride orders limited by the "full stride" rules in the movement phase as well? I.e. must move in a straight line in it's front arc?
  • Answer: Official answer unknown.
  • House interpretation: A unit with Full Stride orders can move and rotate normally during the movement phase, and only in the combat phase execute the "straight line" move that a full stride entails. Without the alignment flexibility in the movement phase, the criteria setup for a meaningful stride is basically impossible for anything but banners.
  • Second Take: It's insinuated in the rules that this only takes effect in the Combat phase. "A unit acting under Full Stride orders cannot attack in the Combat phase. Instead, when it is activated,..." Context seems to indicate that it should be read as "Instead, when it is activated in the Combat phase,...". This seems to be a RaI vs RaW argument though.

  • Question: A unit who fired with First fire order in the movement phase must fire at the same target in the combat phase?
  • Answer: No. A unit may fire at a different unit in the combat phase. (Paraphrasing a Copenhagen GW employee)

Battleline Maniples[edit | edit source]

Axiom Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Warlord, 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
  • Optional: 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
    • Might of the Omnissiah: If a Titan in the maniple fails its command check, the others may still make command checks.

Myrmidon Heavy Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 2 Warlords, 1 Reaver
  • Optional: 1 Warlord, 1 Reaver
    • Overwhelming Firepower: When issuing First Fire or Split Fire orders, the Command check is always passed on a 2+. Kinda meh, but the cheapest way to expand from the Grand Master starter set and get into matched play. <- Not sure who wrote this, but there's nothing 'meh' about getting to fire 2x a turn with your Warlords. <- The point is that you can do this without maniple easily, as Warlords command value is 3+ by default <- Minor counterpoint is that the bonus is somewhat helpful on the Reaver(s) in the maniple with their 4+ command value, and if one was playing a legio like Gryphonicus/Solaria/Fortidus where you replace a heavier titan, it could extend the benefit further.

Corsair Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 3 Reavers
  • Optional: 2 Reavers
    • Fighting Withdrawal: Titans can move outside their front arc at full speed but may not use boosted speed outside of their front arc.

Dominus Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Warlord, 2 Reavers, 1 Questoris or Cerastus Knight banner.
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds, 1 Knight banner.
    • Auspex bafflers: A Titan in this maniple that is within 6 inch of a Knight banner from same maniple gets a -1 modifier on attacks made against it from more than 2 inches away (Knight and Titan must both be visible to the attacker).
    • Knights in this maniple do not get modifiers to roll from cover, due to the auspex bafflers.
    • Noble Sacrifice: ("Look out Sir") When a Titan in this maniple takes a hit from ranged attack, it can transfer that hit to any Knight banner from same maniple that is within 6 inches. At least 1 of the knights must be visible to the attacker. The Knights then suffer the damage from the hit. If the attack uses a blast marker, centre the marker on the Knight. Firestorm weapons hits may NOT be passed on by this manner.
    • (My opinion, if you play as Legio Solaria you can replace the 2 reavers with 2 warhounds) or use solaria rules for a homebrew legio or a "counts as" legio. Just make sure your opponent understands that is what you are doing, before starting the game).

Fortis Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Warlord, 2 Reavers.
  • Optional: 1 Warlord, 1 Reaver.
    • Titanic Fortress: 2 Titans in base contact with each other, and as long as they didn't move in the Movement Phase, they ignore Armor roll modifiers resulting from Structural Damage or being attacked in the flank or rear. Also, Titans in this Maniple can merge their void shields!

Janissary Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
  • Optional: 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
    • Close Support: Janissary Battleline maniples learn to coordinate their actions with Household Support units, and can move to support them when needed. If a titan of this maniple activates during the Movement phase, choose a Knight banner within 6in of the activating titan. Once the Titan has finished it's movement, the chosen Knight Banner may now make it's activation.

Regia Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 2 Warlords, 1 Warhound
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds
    • Royal Court: The two warlord titans play house. While within 12" of each other, when one passes an order, the other may automatically gain the same order. The Warhounds are their children and may merge void shields with their parents while within 3" instead of only in base contact.

Arcus Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 2 Warhounds, 1 Nemesis Warbringer
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds
    • Coordinate Relay: The Nemesis Warbringer may ignore LoS when firing at a target if one of the Warhounds in the maniple has LoS. Firing at a target in this matter confers a -2 penalty to hit. In addition, the Nemesis' blast weapons scatter D6" instead of D10" when the target is in LoS from a Warhound in this maniple.

Ruptura Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 2 Nemesis Warbringer, 1 Reaver
  • Optional: 2 Reavers
    • Artillery Bastion: Each round, one Reaver in the maniple may move at boosted speed without pushing its reactor. In addition, if a Nemesis Warbringer in the maniple makes an engine kill, all Reavers in the maniple may immediately move as though they are in the movement phase.

Mandatum Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 2 Warhounds, 1 Warlord
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds
    • Pack Master: As long as the Warlord lives, all Warhounds get +2 to all command checks and +1 to hit on enemy units within 12" of the Warlord.

Perpetua Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Warlords, 2 Reavers
  • Optional: 2 Reavers
    • Stand Firm: Emergency Repair Orders always pass on a 2+ and if a Titan didn't move (for any reason) then they roll an extra repair die in the repair phase.

Extergimus Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 3 Warlords
  • Optional: 1 Warlord, 1 Nemesis Warbringer
    • Scorched Earth: Each time you make a ranged attack, you may choose to add +2 Strength to the attack before rolling to hit. Each time you do this your reactor will increase by 1, or 2 if that attack has 5 or more dice. This ability is amazing later game on a paired Gatling blasters. S5 base, + 2S for Scorched Earth, + any location modifiers, + flank or rear.

Precept Battleline Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Warlord, 1 Nemesis Warbringer, 1 Warhound
  • Optional: 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
    • Flexible Tactics: At the start of each Strategy phase before any orders are issued, the player controlling the maniple may issue a single Order for all the Titans in it. If the player is running more than one Precept maniple, then they get to choose a different order for each maniple. Until the end of the round, Titans in the maniple can be issued the selected Order on a 2+ roll irrespective of any positive or negative modifiers, and any other order must make a Command check as normal.

Light Maniples[edit | edit source]

Ferrox Light Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
  • Optional: 1 Reaver, 1 Warhound
    • Knife Fighters: When making attack within a number of inches equal to their scale, the titans add 1 to their armour rolls. Titans may also choose whether to use their weapon skill or ballistic skill within 2.

Lupercal Light Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 3 Warhounds
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds
    • Hunting Pack: At the beginning of each round, any or all Warhounds in this maniple can form a squadron with others of this maniple. These squadrons last until the end of the round.

Venator Light Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds
    • Opportunistic Strike: If an enemy Titan's shields are collapsed by the Warhounds in the Maniple, the Reaver gets a free shot at the enemy Titan. Take Apocalypse missiles and laugh as your reaver can potshot anything. Combine with warhounds with Vulcan mega-bolters to pop shields across the boards and unleash hell with your reaver. Taking full advantage of this rule by equipping the warhounds with shield busting weapons seem compelling, but don't rely on it too much. A single Reaver Titan will die quickly to concentrated enemy fire.Seriously though, take a reaver with volcano cannon. Once the warhounds pop shields and you take the shot, anything not Warlord sized will feel it. Especially if you shoot them with the reaver again. Bonus points if you use hunters auspex with Legio Fureans. Just watch out for overheating.

Firmus Light Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 1 Reaver, 2 Warhounds
  • Optional: 2 Reavers
    • Defensive Engagement: When a member of the maniple is targeted by an attack, you can choose to make your opponent only fire at a closer member instead. At least 50% of the new target must be visible, and the attacker must fail a command check. Each attacking Titan can only be affected by this ability once a turn.

Ignus Light Maniple[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 3 Warhounds, 1 Cerastus Knight Banner
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds, 2 Cerastus Knight Banner
    • Scorched Earth: Add 1 to the dice value and reroll armour rolls of 1 for Firestorm weapons. All Cerastus Knight banners must be upgraded to Knight Acheron's. Knight Banners in the maniple within 6" of a Titan in the maniple may be issued a First Fire or Full Stride order without a Command Check if that Titan had been successfully issued the same Order that round.

Titan Legions[edit | edit source]

Loyalist[edit | edit source]

Note: Some changes were made to existing loyalist legio rules with the release of the Loyalist Legios book. These supersede those rules published in previous campaign supplements.

Legio Gryphonicus 'War Griffons'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Lust for Glory: At the beginning of a game, the Gryphonicus player may nominate a target, and a Titan claiming that target, for any number of their Titans. A Gryphonicus Titan may re-roll 1s to-hit when attacking their claimed target, and add 1 to the results of any armour rolls. However, it will lose those bonuses if anyone else attacks their claimed target.
    • Mainstay of the Titan Legion: May replace any Warhound or Warlord in a Maniple with a Reaver.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Enhanced Auspex Relays (10 points): Warhounds only. Any targets within 12" of a Warhound with this upgrade may be pre-measured by another Titan targeting them.
    • Gravatus Plating (20 points): Reavers only. Reduce speed and manoeuvres by 1 and increase leg and body armour by 1.
    • Motive Sub-reactors (25 points): Reavers only. Reavers with this upgrade can boost its speed and maneuver without pushing its reactor, but if it takes a critical hit to the legs, its reactor level is increased by 1.
  • Titan of Legend - Bellator Magno: A Warlord Titan with a Belicosa, Sunfury, and a carapace weapon of your choice. In addition to an improved ballistic skill, Bellator Magno may push its reactor once during the combat phase to re-roll any hit rolls for a single weapon of your choice.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Reckless Maverick: Once per battle, the Princeps' Titan can be activated a second time in the Movement or Combat phase. After doing so, the Titan's reactor level is advanced three times.
    • 2. Master Duellist: Re-roll failed Hit rolls for the Princeps' Titan, when attacking a target within 8".
    • 3. Hunter without Equal: Re-roll any failed Hit rolls when the Princeps attacks a target it has claimed via Lust For Glory.

Legio Astorum 'Warp Runners'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • War March: In the first and second turns, Legio Astorum Titans May choose to add 2 to their boosted movement but, when doing so, must roll two reactor dice and choose the least favourable result.
    • Veteran Princeps: During the Damage Control phase or when rolling for an Emergency Repair, Legio Astorum Titans may re-roll one repair die. Titans scale 10 or higher may re-roll up to two dice instead.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Bounty of Mars (2): Choose one type of critically damaged system or weapon at the beginning of the damage control phase which will get +1 to the repair roll for that phase.
    • Machine Defiance (2): When a Titan's shields go down, roll a number of dice equal to that Titan's Servitor Clades. For each 5+ immediately regain one shield. nasty.
  • Titan of Legend - Lucius Pretorian: A Reaver Titan with any weapons of your choice and an extra Servitor clade. Always add one to any repair rolls for Lucius Pretorian.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Hero of the Crusade: As long as the Princeps is closer to the nearest enemy than any other Titans in their maniple, all Titans in that maniple add +1 to any Command checks.
    • 2. Reckless Hubris: Once per round, the Princeps may ignore the negative effects of a critically damaged system or disabled weapon, firing the weapon as if it were functional. After that system or weapon is used, apply a Strength 12 hit to the Titan's Body, ignoring void shields.
    • 3. Ancient MIU: Instead of taking a Command check during the Strategy phase, the Princeps' Titan may be given a random Order.

Legio Atarus 'Firebrands'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Seizing the Initiative: Once per battle, a force that contains at least one Legio Atarus maniple may re-roll the dice roll to determine First Player, but only if they rolled lower than their opponent. If they win the roll off they must nominate themselves First Player.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Impetuous Machine Spirit (1): When the Machine Spirit awakens, this stratagem can be used to automatically used to choose the impetuous result and moving d6 plus 2 instead of d6 inches.
    • Maniple of One (2): At the beginning of any round, one Titan gains the traits of any other Maniple available to the Firebrands for the duration of that round, but it must give up whatever Maniple Traits it already has and not count as being part of a Maniple for that round.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Infernus Missiles (25 points): Any Legio Atarus Titan with Apocalypse Missile Launchers, Apocalypse Missile Arrays, or an Apocalypse Missile Launcher only. This weapon gains the Voidbreaker (2) trait. If a model takes at least one hit from Infernus Missiles, place the large 5” blast marker under the model. In the end phase, any model at least partially on the marker takes a S4 hit to their legs ignoring shields. In addition, blocking terrain touched by the marker takes a S4 hit and is set alight if not destroyed. Burning terrain continues to take and deal S4 hits to models within it until it is destroyed or extinguished.
  • Titan of Legend - Ignis Ferrus: A Warlord Titan with any weapons of your choice and an improved reactor track. Two reactor symbol rolls only pushes the reactor once and you always get Wrathful if Machine Spirit is rolled.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Headstrong: In the End phase, the Princeps' Titan may choose not to discard its order - retaining that order for next turn without needing a new Command check. Shutdown or other effects that change the Titan's order are applied as normal.
    • 2. Unconventional Thinker: Once per game, after an enemy Titan declares its action, the Princeps' Titan may move D6" in any direction, and change facing by up to 90 degrees. This movement can't take the Titan through impassable terrain or models.
    • 3. Shedim Drift Veteran: During the Combat phase, choose one of the Princeps' weapons. You may re-roll any Armour rolls for that weapon this round. If targeting an enemy from the Death's Heads or Tiger Eyes Legios, hits from ALL the Princeps' weapons may re-roll their Armour rolls.

Legio Solaria 'Imperial Hunters'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Wolf Packs: Warhound squadrons in a Solaria maniple can have up to 5 Warhounds and can select a Warhound titan in place of any Reaver titan as part of its mandatory components of that maniple.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Fog of War (1): Play this in Strategy phase of First round; Solaria player may redeploy 1 Warhound titan in their force. It can only be redeployed to anywhere they can be normally deployed allowed by the mission you are playing. This stratagem may be purchased multiple times.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Fortis Motivators (20 points): Warhounds only. In the Damage Control phase discard any repair action dice to repair a point of crit damage on that titans legs.(regardless of dice number)
    • Cameleoline Shrouding (35 points): Titans that are Scale 6 or less only. Hit rolls against a Titan with this upgrade suffer a -1 to hit, so long as the targeted titan has moved more than 6” and is further than 10” away from the attacker. The Shroud is destroyed as soon as the titan suffers 1 point of structural damage.
  • Legio Princeps Traits:
    • 1. Spear of Tigrus: The Princeps' Titan may go into full stride orders without a Command Check.
    • 2. Agile Minded: Once per game, when the Princeps' Titan is hit by an attack the titan may immediately make a single attack back at the attacker. This interrupts the activation of the enemy unit.
    • 3. Swift Displacement: Once per game when an enemy titan makes a smash attack as part of a charge order against the Princeps' Titan, the Princeps' Titan gets to run away 6 inches directly away from attacker, after the attacker has moved, but before any 'To Hit' dice are rolled for the attack. The facing of the Princeps' Titan stays the same.

Legio Defensor 'Nova Guard'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Righteous Fire: In the first round, each Titan can fire one weapon twice during its activation, but you advance your plasma reactor two spaces to do so. Probably best used with a weapon that's good at stripping void shields
    • Indomitable Resolve: If one of your units in the battleforce eats it, then everyone else gets +1 to Command rolls for the rest of the game. Sacrificial Warhound anyone? Now you can sacrifice knight banners. You know, those things that die in the first few turns anyway?
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • A Day of Retribution (2): Make a single attack with one Titan before the game begins, with your weapon doubling its range. Advance that Titan's reactor three spaces. Combining this with Righteous Fire makes the Nova Guard the best alpha-strikers in the game, at the cost of some serious pain to your reactors. Best combined with A Quick Kill since you have a serious chance of netting 5VPs easy-peasy with it
    • Blessings of the Emperor (2): When an attack would force your Titan to roll on catastrophic damage, don't. (Made cheaper in Loyalist Legios)
  • Legion Specific Wargear
  • Titan of Legend - Dawn of Enlightenment: A Reaver Titan with any weapons of your choice. Unless suffering from VSG burnout, you can sacrifice Dawn of Enlightenment's activation in the movement phase to restore D3 shields.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Enduring Hatred: The Princeps' Titan may re-roll Hit rolls of 1, once it has suffered Critical damage. During the Damage Control phase, they must spend repair dice on disabled weapons first, before repairing any other damage type.
    • 2. Crusade Veteran: Once per game, after successfully issuing an Emergency Repairs order, the Princeps' Titan may immediately issue a second order after the repairs have been resolved. The Titan must follow any restrictions for both orders.
    • 3. Icon of the True: While the Princeps' Titan is on the board, all Knight Banners and Titans from friendly Legios add +1 to the roll when making Command checks.

Legio Crucius 'Warmongers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Forgeborn: Re-roll Damage Repair rolls of 1 in the Damage Control phase and under Emergency Repair Orders, but only for the first and second rounds.
    • Pride of Ryza: Repair rolls of 6 used to Vent Plasma decrease your reactor level by 2 rather than 1.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Terminus Override System (30 points): The first time you're required to roll on Reactor Overload table, nothing happens and no roll is needed.
    • Bifolded Plasma Containment (20 points): Roll a D6 when using a weapon with Draining. On a 4+ you can roll two Reactor dice and choose your result, but on a 1 you have to roll 2 Reactor dice and choose the worst result.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Collegia Lord: A command check roll of 9 or 10 made for the Princeps' Titan allows you to issue orders to all other Titans in the maniple without rolling.
    • 2. Mechanicum Born: Once per Damage Control phase, you can re-roll one Repair die.
    • 3. Black Banner: If the battlegroup has no Tertiary Objective, gain Tertiary Objective "Salvation of Crucius," which gives VPs if the Princeps' Titan is not destroyed or structurally compromised at the end of the game.

Legio Fortidus 'Dauntless'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Children of Mars: Legio Fortidus Titans never suffer penalties to their Command checks, and ignore effects that force them to reroll successful checks. Knight banners within line of sight of a friendly Titan may re-roll Command tests to avoid being shaken.
    • Lost Sons: Replace any one mandatory element in a Maniple with a different class of Titan Scale 10 or lower. the new Titan doesn't count as whatever type of Titan it's replacing.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • For the Red Planet (2): Can be used whenever a Titan activates, to ignore the effects of Critical Damage in any one location until the beginning of the next round.
    • Red Skies (1): Reveal when suffering a Magazine Detonation or Catastrophic Meltdown result on the Catastrophic Damage table to add 5 to the Titan's scale when resolving the effects
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Broken by Treachery: When targeting a Titan with scale equal to or greater than the Princeps' Titan, you may re-roll the dice for its first attack roll of the game. If the attack uses multiple dice, all must be re-rolled.
    • 2. Immortal of Mars: Counts Critical Damage to Head as one level lower.
    • 3. Soldier of the Crusade: +1 Stratagem point

Legio Praesagius 'True Messengers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Pinpoint Accuracy: Can reroll the Location Die for Legio Praesagius if using the long range. You cannot reroll the location die of blast weapons that have subsequently missed. i.e If you scatter you can't change the accuracy.
    • Fluid Command Structure: If your Princeps is destroyed, Nominate a new Princeps but don't generate a new Princep Trait. The original titan still counts as destroyed for purposes of Victory Points.
    • Against the Impossible: Once per Game, After a titan suffers a critical damage and after the weapon has been resolved, immediately undergo Emergency repair. This cannot be used if it suffered catastrophic Damage.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Precision Volley (2):Start of Strategy Phase, before any orders are issue - Gain +1 to hit for all attacks for titans using long range.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Noble Legacy:If you don't have a tertiary Objective, Gain Eternal Bastion - Gain 5 VPs if your Princep doesn't suffer from Structure Compromise or is destroyed.
    • 2. Natural Command: If the Princep rolls unmodified 9/10s can give his order to the entire battlegroup with no Command check required.
    • 3. Crusader: Once Per Round, If the Princep is Full Stride Order during the combat Phase - Can fire it's weapon at -2 to hit.

Legio Oberon 'Death Bolts II'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Efficient Planners: Titans gain +1 to Command Checks (to a max of 3+) for each Titan in the group that has benefited from the same successful Order.
    • Armored Phalanx: -1 to Armor rolls as long as a titan is within 2" of a friendly Oberon Titan.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Decisive Action (2): May issue First fire or full stride without command check in the first round to all titans (Note all orders must be the same). If played in subsequent round, May issue Split Fire or Full stride without command check.
    • Strategizer (3): Play this after any 2 cost Strategem is played, Discard that strategem. it's effects do not resolve.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Unwavering: Once per Game - Fail a command check, you pass that command check
    • 2. Peerless Commander: Friendly Knight banners within 6" auto Pass command checks for Shaken or recovering from Princeps
    • 3. Tactical Genius: Gains +1 Strategem Point for this Princep.

Legio Lysanda 'Sentinels of the Edge'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Patience beyond Measure: Start of the game, The Legio Lysanda player may deploy their entire force first, before the enemy player deploys a singular unit. If so, their opponent automatically goes first. Gain +1 to hit and Command checks for the first round. Has no effect on narrative missions unless otherwise stated.
    • Stillness of Mind: Add 2 to result of rolling to remove the Shutdown order on a Legio Lysanda Titan.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Frontier Guard (2): Play during any Strategy phase. If within 6" of an Objective, Add +1 to BS and WS to a maximum of 2+.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Mantle of Responsibility (15 points): Reroll 1s and 2s for Command Checks.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Harrowed by Betrayal: If the Machine Spirit Awakens, Can automatically go Wrathful (Shoot a weapon with BS4).
    • 2. Serene: Never Suffer negatives to Command Checks and aren't affected by effects that cause to reroll Successful command checks.
    • 3. Vanguard Commander: Any titan that is within 3" of the Princeps can use Power to Locomotors without pushing the reactor (Including the Princeps)

Legio Osedax 'Cockatrices'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Reforged in War: Legio Osedax Titans never suffer penalties to Command checks and may ignore effects that force them to re-roll successful Command Checks
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Relentless March (1): Play during any Strategy phase. For the remainder of the round, friendly Legio Osedax Titans may be issued Full Stride orders without the need to make a Command check and are not affected by Difficult terrain and Dangerous Terrain
    • Blood Begets Blood (3): Play when a friendly Legio Osedax Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage. After resolving the effects of the Catastrophic Damage, every friendly Legio Osedax Titan may immediately make a single weapon attack. This attack must be made against the closest visible enemy unit.Increase the Plasma Reactor level of any Titan that makes an attack in this way by 2, in addition to any other advances associated with weapon fire.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Plasma Channels (20 points): Once per Game, in the Movement Phase, a Titan may activate the Plasma Channels. If it does so, decrease the Reactor Level of that Titan by D3 + 1. This counts as its activation for this phase.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Natural General: During the Strategy Phase, if the Princeps successfully issued an order, asingle friendly Legio OSedax Titan in the same maniple may be issued the same Order without a Command Check.
    • 2. Careful Planner: once per Game, the Legio Osedax Player can reuse a Stratagem that cost (1) or few Stratagem Points and has already been used earlier in the battle by the Legio Osedax PLayer. The Princeps must be on the battlefield to use this ability. If the Stratagem is one that can be used more than once (Artillery Bombardment or Scatterable Mines) it may instead be used twice in one phase by the Legio Osedax Player.
    • 3. Lightning Assault: After both players have deployed but before players determine who is First Player, Titans within the Princep Seniores' Maniple may immediately make a move. Each Titan that moves in this way cannot be issued Orders during the First Round.

Legio Honorum 'Death Bolts'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Resolute and Unbowed: Legio Honorum Titans that have voluntarily moved more than 4" in the Movement Phase of any round decreases the bonus to an attacker's Armour Roll as the result of damage already inflicted on a location by 1, as indicated on the Command Terminal, as long as the attack came from within the Titan's Front Arc.
    • Founding Tenents: A Legio Honorum maniple may substitute any mandatory component from an Axiom, Myrmidon, or Fortis Maniple with a Reaver or Warlord Titan, so long as that new Titan is of equal or greater scale than the Titan it is replacing. Legio Honorum may replace a single OPTIONAL Warlord or Reaver from these maniples with a single Warbringer Nemesis Titan. Each maniple can only contain a single Warbringer Nemesis this way.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Crusading Spirit (1): Play during any Strategy phase. For the remainder of the phase, friendly Legio Honorum Titans do not suffer penalties to Command Checks. In addition, a single Legio Honorum Titan may re roll a failed Command check made when issuing Orders.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Basilius Throne (25 points): Princeps Seniores only. Can issue Orders without a Command check. Any friendly Legio Honorum Titan receives +1 to Command checks when being issued an Order previously issued to a Princeps Seniores Titan with this upgrade within the same maniple.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Ardent Crusader: May purchase the Crusading Spirit Stratagem multiple times.
    • 2. Stubborn: The Princeps may always issue Orders during the Strategy Phase, even if ordinarily unable to do so (Vox Blackout OR a friendly Titan has failed a Command Check when issued an Order).
    • 3. Iron Resolve: Princeps allows benefits from Resolute and Unbowed ability even if it did not move at least 4"; however the attack must still originate within the Titan's Front Arc.

Legio Ignatum 'Fire Wasps'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • We Loyal Few: During the Combat phase, reroll Hit rolls of 1 against enemy Titans within 12".
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Punish Their Folly (1): Play when an enemy Titan ends its move within 3" of a friendly Legio Ignatum Titan as part of a Charge order. Before resolving any attacks, the Legio Ignatum Titan can immediately make an attack using its Ballistic skill and a weapon that doesn't have the Melee trait.
    • Guard the gates (2): Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. All friendly Legio Ignatum Titans may be issued First Fire orders without making a Command check, until the end of the round.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Gravitonic Sensor Array (15 points): +1 to all Hit rolls against an enemy Titan that's at least 25% obscured.
  • Titan of Legend - Iracundos: A Reaver Titan with a Gatling and Laser Blaster as well as an Apocalypse Missile Launcher. In the movement phase, you can do absolutely nothing with this Titan while still counting as an activation. One enemy Titan within 18" must roll a command check. It it fails the check, it loses whatever order it had.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Death before Dishonour: The Princeps may reroll failed Hit rolls if their Titan has suffered Critical Damage. However, the Princeps must spend their Repair dice on disabled weapons before any other type of damage during the Damage Control phase.
    • 2. Foe Slayer: During the Combat phase, the Princeps can choose one of its weapons to add 1 for all Armour rolls. If the Princeps is targeting a Legio Mortis or Legio Tempestus Titan, choose two weapons instead.
    • 3. Eternal Guardian: Once per Combat phase, the Princeps may reroll a single Armour roll if they didn't move voluntarily or involuntarily that round.

Legio Venator 'Iron Spiders'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Loyalty Above All: Ignore the Princeps Wounded Critical Damage Effect for all Legio Venator Titans and add 1 to the result of any Command check they make within 6" of the Princeps Seniores'.
    • One Mind: Titans in a Legio Venator maniple that aren't already in a Squadron may form a Squadron of 2 Titans that lasts until the end of the round. These Squadrons can't merge void shields but follow all other Squadron rules as normal.
    • Mobile Force: Any mandatory Warlord Titan in a maniple may be replaced by a Reaver Titan.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Blind Launchers (20 points): Once per game during the Combat phase, a Titan equipped with Blind launchers may activate them. Until the next Combat phase, apply a -1 penalty to Hit rolls made towards or by the Titan with Blind Launchers. Blind Launchers may be activated at any point during the Titan's activation, including after it has made any attacks.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Burning Hatred: Once per round, when the Princeps' Titan Critically Damages an enemy Titan, you may immediately attack with one of the Titan's weapons. After resolving the attack, roll a D6 on the Reactor Overload table.
    • 2. Crusade Veteran: Once per game, after resolving a Repair roll made as part of an Emergency Repairs order, the Princeps may discard the Order and replace it with any second Order. Even if an Emergency Repairs order is still removed in this matter, the Princeps' Titan can only be activated in the subsequent Movement or Combat phase like normal.
    • 3. Superior Tactician: Gain an extra stratagem point.

Legio Astraman 'Morning Stars'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Unyielding: During the Movement phase, a Legio Astraman Titan can choose to voluntarily Awaken their Machine Spirit and automatically apply the Stalwart result from the Awakened Machine Spirit Table. This counts at the Titan's activation in the Movement phase, and the Titan must advance its Reactor marker by 2 and cannot be activated in the next Combat phase.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Strength and Resolve (1): Play when activating a Titan in the Strategy phase. Until the beginning of the next round, attacks made against that Titan gain no bonuses for damage already inflicted on it. This counts as the Titan's activation for the Strategy phase.
    • Stand Firm (3): Play at the beginning of any round. For the duration of that round, friendly Titans can merge void shields as if they were part of the same Squadron, so long as none of them have moved voluntarily or involuntarily that round.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Maglock Shells (5 x weapon Dice value points): Weapons with the Ordnance trait only. Each weapon upgraded with Maglock shells adds 1 for all Armour rolls and still lands Superficial Hits on natural hit rolls of 1.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Steadfast: When the Princeps must roll on the Awakened Machine Spirit table, they can add 1 to their Reactor level and choose any result on the table.
    • 2. Diligent: Once per battle during the Strategy phase, the Princeps' Titan may be issued an Emergency Repairs order without having to make a Command check.
    • 3. Immovable Bastion: Once per battle, after resolving the effects of an attack made against the Princeps' Titan by a Charge Order, the Princeps can immediately fight back with a Smash attack or with one of its weapons if it has the Melee trait.

Legio Metalica 'Iron Skulls'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Victories Beyond Measure: Once per round, after completing the activation of a friendly Legio Metalica Titan that is not a part of a squadron, you may activate another Legio Metalica Titan that is not a part of a squadron. When this second activation is complete, advance the second titans reactor by 2.
  • Legio Specific Stratagems
    • Harmony and Order (1): When you roll a Machine Spirit Awakens result when pushing your reactor, you may play this stratagem to automatically pass the command check.
  • Legio Specific Wargear
    • Bastion Armour (15 points): When a weapon with the Fusion trait targets a Titan with this upgrade, it may only ever roll a d6. Likewise, Rending weapons only ever add +1 to the Armour roll on a result of 6.
    • Auditory Barrage (10 points): When a Titan with this upgrades makes an attack with a weapon without the Melee trait, enemy knight banners within 8” must succeed on a command check or become shaken. A knight banner can only be affected by this once per round.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Paragon of Conquest: Gain the following Tertiary Objective if your battlegroup does not have one. Gain 5 vp if the Princeps Seniores is in the opposing deployment zone at the end of the game.
    • 2. Diligent Commander: Once per round, at the end of the strategy phase, a friendly titan within 6” may be issued an order, replacing any orders it may have been issued with. This cannot replace Emergency Repairs orders.
    • 3. Godlike Benevolence: Once per round, in the end phase, one knight banner may take a command check using the Princeps Seniores’ command value. If passed, the banner is no longer shaken.

Traitor[edit | edit source]

Legio Tempestus 'Stormlords'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Glory in Death: When a Tempestus Titan suffers catastrophic damage, make a command check. If passed, the Titan can immediately attack with one of its weapons. If the roll is passed by 3 or more it can attack with all weapons. Substract 1 from all Hit rolls for attacks in this way. After making all attacks this way, roll on the Catastrophic Damage table as normal.
    • Fury of the Machine: Once per round, when firing a weapon, a Legio Tempestus Titan that has one or more points of Critical Damage may add 1 to the Strength value of that weapon; the weapon must have a Strength value of 4 or higher, and the Strength value cannot be increased above 10. This can be used in conjunction with Glory In Death.
  • Legion Specific Strategem
    • Combat Drop (3): Play at the start of deployment. Choose a Legio Tempestus Titan that's Scale 7 or less to be kept in reserve. At the start of an Strategy phase from the second round onwards, place the Titan anywhere more than 3" away from and enemy unit and scatter it D6". If the Titan scatters into a piece of terrain, it takes D3+2 S9 hits. If the Titan's base ends up overlapping with a unit smaller than it, move it the shortest distance possible so that it doesn't overlap. If it overlaps with a unit the same size or bigger than it, then the combat dropped Titan is destroyed and can't roll on the Catastrophic Damage while the bigger unit suffers a collision as normal. A Titan that arrives this way can't be activated in the Strategy and Movement phases in the round it arrived in.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Chasmata Pattern Laser Destructors (5 x weapon Dice value points): Titans equipped with a laser weapon only. Increase the Short Range and Long Range characteristics for one laser weapon by 6" and 3" respectively. Each laser weapon must be upgraded seperately.
  • Titan of Legend - Mantellum Fulmen: A traitor only Warhound Scout Titan with any weapons of your choice and an improved command check and ballistic skill. Mantellum Fulmen can't be a part of a Warhound squadron, but it can fire both of its weapons when issued First Fire orders.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Adamantium Resolve: Once per battle, The Princeps may choose to pass a failed Command check.
    • 2. Storm-born: Titan's in the same maniple as the Princeps with Charge orders may declare Power to Locomoters! without pushing their reactor.
    • 3. Defiant Warrior: If the Princeps' Titan's void shields have been collapsed, it can re-roll all Hit rolls of 1 for its attacks.

Legio Fureans 'Tiger Eyes'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Machine Rage: When rolling a reactor dice, blanks count as the machine spirit awakening and does not increase the reactor. If the Command check to quell the machine spirit is failed, the result may be chosen from the table instead of being rolled for. If the Titan is a Corrupted Titan, instead roll twice on the Awakened Entity table and choose one of the results.
    • Many Faces of the Omnissiah: Samurai fight start. You stand still for 1 or 2 phases of first turn. For each phase activated with no action you can re-roll ONE DICE later in the game (Any dice!)
  • Legion Specific Stratagem
    • Offensive Surge (3): In any Combat phase, choose a Titan maniple. Each Titan in that maniple may attack twice with one its weapons, increasing its reactor by 1 in addition to any other effects.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Hunter Auspex Relays (20 points): Reduce the penalty To Hit when firing at targets more than 12" away by 1 to a minimum of 0.
  • Titan of Legend - Iben Faruk: A Warhound Scout Titan with any weapons of your choice and the Hunter Auspex upgrade for free. Iben Faruk always adds 2 to armor rolls against enemy Titans scale 10+.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Titan Stalker: When targeting a titan that is within 8”, the Princeps Seniores may add one to the Armour rolls of any hits, provided the targeted Titan has a Scale equal to or greater than their own.
    • 2. Humardu Savage: When the Princeps Seniores Titan makes a Smash attack, add 2 to the Strength of the attack.
    • 3. Trophy Taker: Any weapon disabled by the Tiger Eyes Princeps using a Smash attack, or a weapon with the melee trait, is harder to repair. These require a dice score of 1 higher than normal when making repair actions... bitch gimme that!

Legio Mortis 'Death's Heads'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Reaper's Tally: For each enemy Titan killed by a Legio Mortis Titan a re-roll of 1 can be made in the shooting phase for weapons without the Melee trait. This is cumulative, so the more enemy titans you kill, the more re-rolls you get. A great fluffy rule to show Mortis' ruthlessness. One of the best bonus in the game, but you have to fight for it, a warlord/warmaster that has taken out two titans has massively improved their damage output, so expect your opponent to shut them down with everything they have.
    • State of Decay: Once per game for each Legio Mortis Titan, ignore the effects of MIU Feedback, Moderati Wounded, or Princeps Wounded for a round. It may not use any repair dice on its head for that round however.
  • Legion Specific Strategem
    • March of the Dead (3): In the strategy phase of the 1st round, make one regular movement with each of your Titans, but you cannot use Power to Locomoters! or Power to Stabilisers!. The opposing player automatically becomes First Player for the remainder of the round.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Remains of the Fallen (20 points): Enemy Titans within 8" of one or more Legio Mortis Titans with this upgrade must subtract 1 from Command checks.
    • The Warmaster's Beneficence (25 points): Once per game at the start of the Strategy phase, increase the Strength of one weapon by 1 for the rest of the round.
  • Titan of Legend - Penumbral Reaper: A Warlord Titan with a Sunfury, Arioch Power Claw, and Paired Laser Blasters. In addition to an improved weapon weapon skill, Penumbral Reaper has an aura of +1 to command checks and re-roll 1's in melee. If this Titan rolls Machine Spirit, Haughty is automatically applied.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Rotten Heart: If the Princeps fails a Command check to quell the machine spirit, you may instead pass it and increase the reactor by 2. If the Princeps' Titan is corrupted, instead roll two dice re-rolling duplicates on the Awakened Entity table and apply a result of your choice.
    • 2. Pitiless: Even when an enemy Titan is bleeding out, Mortis take no prisoners. When an enemy Titan that is currently critically damaged is targeted, all damage rolls receive +1 to the Strength of the attacks.
    • 3. Ancient of Terra: Legio Mortis has many ancient Princeps which have taken full immersion or similar due to how old the Legion is. The Princeps only ever needs to roll a D6 on the Reactor Overload table even if their reactor is in the red.

Legio Krytos 'God Breakers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Doom of Worlds: A Warlord may replace the compulsory Reaver in Axiom and Myrmidon maniples. A Warbringer Nemesis may replace the mandatory Warhound in Regia and Precept maniples. If it replaces the mandatory Warhound in a Regia maniple, it can merge void shields with the courtiers as if it were a King or Queen. A Warlord or Nemesis Warbringer may replace one of the Mandatory Reavers in a Fortis maniple.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Civilisation's Ruin (3): Play in any Strategy phase. For the rest of the round, Legio Krytos weapons with the Quake trait can induce the Quake trait on enemies even if it was deflected by void shields. Can't be used on Legio Krytos Titans with Split-Fire orders, even if it was ordered after playing the stratagem.
    • Destroyer of Cities (1): Play in any Strategy phase. For the rest of the round, gain +2 Strength to Legio Krytos weapons when targeting terrain. Additionally, Legio Krytos Titans reduce the Strength of hits from Dangerous terrain by 2, to a minimum of 0.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Earthbreaker Missiles: Apocalypse Missile Launcher upgrade. Costs 15 points for a Reaver and 25 points for a Warlord. You may fire normally, or reduce a Reaver to 2 dice or a Warlord to 4 dice to give the missiles the Quake trait. Adds 5 strength to the weapon if targeting terrain. Useful for stopping enemy titans from closing in and very good at destroying terrain.
  • Titan of Legend - Hammer of Tyrants: A Warlord Titan with a Belicosa, Sunfury, and carapace weapon of your choice. Hammer of Tyrants may use the Maximal Fire trait without increasing its reactor. In addition, the first time Hammer of Tyrants suffers critical damage, its reactor is reduced to the leftmost level.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Godlike Contempt: The Princeps' Titan may still make Command checks even if a friendly unit has failed its Command check.
    • 2. World Bane: Any Blocking terrain destroyed by the Princeps' Titan becomes Dangerous Terrain, if it wasn't already.
    • 3. Path of Iron: The Princeps' Titan may make a single Smash attack in the Movement phase against an enemy model of lesser scale than the Princeps. Stop movement, resolve the attack, then continue moving as normal. The Titan can move through models of Scale 3 or less, if it has enough movement to clear the enemy model's base.

Legio Vulpa 'Death Stalkers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Honour and Blood: When a Legio Vulpa Titan is within 5" of an enemy Titan, increase Weapon Skill by 1 and decrease Ballistic Skill by 1.
  • Legion Specific Strategem
    • No Pity for the Vanquished (1): When an enemy Titan is destroyed, the killing Titan may make another attack with the same weapon system against another target within 12" of the destroyed Titan.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Shikarian Conduits (20 points): Titans that are Scale 7+ only. Increase the upgraded Titan's boosted speed by 2" and boosted manoeuvre by 1". If the Titan declares Power to Locomotors! and/or Power to Stabilisers at least once during the round, decrease the Dice value of all Melee weapons by 1 to a minimum of 1 for the rest of the round and suffer a -2 penalty to the Ballistic Skill to a minimum of 6+.
    • Disruption Emitters (30 points): Add 2 to the Strength of any Melee weapons, and count the Titan's Scale as 2 higher than it is when making Smash Attacks.
  • Titan of Legend - Vestiti Ferrus: A Reaver Titan with any weapons of your choice and +1 armor. On a devastating hit on Vestiti Ferrus, roll a D6. If you roll a 6, damage is reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Legio Princeps traits:
    • 1. Razor Tongue: At the start of the round, the Princeps can choose an enemy Titan within 24". For the duration of the round, that Titan subtracts 2 from the result of any Command check it makes.
    • 2. Bloodied but Unbroken: For each point of Critical Damage the Princeps' Titan has suffered (not including damage on weapons), increase the Strength of any Melee weapons and their Smash attacks by 1, to a maximum of +3.
    • 3. Cruel: When making attacks against units with Scale 5 or lower, increase the Strength of any hits by 2.

Legio Interfector 'Murder Lords'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Creeping Madness: Option to allow Madness to take over when activating a Titan in the Movement Phase. Roll a D6 and consult the insanity table...
      • 1-2 Charge Order & you must charge the nearest enemy possible by the shortest route.
      • 3-4 First Fire order with a random weapon towards the nearest target with +2 Strength and Dice, then disable that weapon.
      • 5-6 Static Scream. Force everything within 12" to remove their current Orders unless they're under Emergency Shutdown or Repair Orders.
  • Legion Specific Strategems
    • Portents of Doom (2): Play during the Strategy phase. Prevents any enemy Titan or Knight banner within 8" of an Legio Interfector Titan from being issued Orders this round.
    • Tormented Machine Spirit (2): Play when you're about to roll on Awakened Machine Spirit or Awakened Entity table. Make an attack with all of the Titan's weapons against the closest model (friend or foe) instead of rolling on the Awakened Machine Spirit table.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Static Rounds (15 points): Warhounds and Reavers with Vulcan mega-bolters only. Modifies the Rapid trait when firing against targets with active Void Shields to count hit rolls of both 5 or 6 as generating 2 hits each. Doesn't work if you need a 6 to hit.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Dark Fanatic: The first time the Princeps suffers Catastrophic Damage, roll a D10. A result of 6, 7, 8 or 9 allows you to ignore it, but for any other result you automatically suffer Catastrophic Meltdown.
    • 2. Raving Madman: When rolling to determine First Player or to make a Command check, the Princeps' battlegroup can change the result to a 10. If used to determine First Player, the Princeps' battlegroup must change their roll to 1 the next time First Player is rolled for. The same happens to the next Command check if the trait was used on a Command check. The results can't be modified or changed for any reason.
    • 3. Hollowed Out: Ignore any damage effects from Critical Damage to the head. If the Princeps is in a Corrupted Titan, ignore damage effects from all Critical Damage while also subtracting 1 from all Command checks and ignoring the +2 bonus to Command checks fro being Princeps Seniores.

Legio Vulcanum 'Dark Fire/Lords of Ruin'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Two-Faced God: You can nominate two Princeps Senioris per maniple, each with their own Personal Trait. If one is destroyed, the other counts as having Princeps Wounded for the rest of the game.
    • For the Fallen: For each Vulcanum Titan destroyed you get a re-roll for any single dice roll, that can be used once per round.
  • Legion Specific Strategem
    • Symbiotic Commands (1): Play in Strategy phase when successfully issuing an order, to issue the same order to any or all Vulcanum Titans in your battlegroup (not maniple!) without having to make a Command check.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Twinned Machine Spirits (20 points): Pairs two Titans that each need to buy the upgrade. Titans with this upgrade count as being part of a squadron with each other. A Titan with this cannot be a part of another squadron. If either Titan rolls Awakened Machine Spirit then both Titans need to make a Command Check.
    • Janus Pattern Missiles (20 points): Apocalypse missiles only. You may split dice of the missile launcher between more than one target. The Titan must choose a main target to allocate at least one die to. It can then Split Fire against an eligible enemy Titan at least 12" from the main target. Each target counts as a separate attack for the purpose of modifiers.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. True Born: +3 to Command Checks when issuing orders to Princeps' Titan, but if you roll a 1 no more Command Checks can be made in the entire Battlegroup that turn.
    • 2. Divided of Mind: If the Princeps fails a Command Check, they can re-roll the check. If the re-roll fails, remove all Orders issued within the Princeps' maniple except for Emergency Repair Orders.
    • 3. War's Orphan: The Princeps' Titan can push its reactor if it's in last red hole, but it takes a S9 hit to Body bypassing void shields each time you push it in this way.

Legio Infernus 'Fire Masters'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Masters of Flame: When firing a Flamestorm weapon, A Legio Infernus Titan may place the Narrowest End of the template 2 inches away instead of touching. The attack must still be within the firing arc of the titan.
    • Dark Blessing: Corrupted Legio Infernus Titans may take an extra Additional Mutation.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Burned Ones (1): Reveal this in any combat phase. Select a piece of terrain that's within 12" of a Legio Infernus Titan. Remove and replace it with difficult terrain of the same size. This Stratagem can be purchased multiple times.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Clinging Phosphex (15 points): Any titan with an Inferno Gun can Purchase this upgrade. When firing, targets other then the closest receive 2 hits instead of one.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Butcher: When Activated in the Strategy phase, you may re-roll all hit rolls for the round but it counts as it's activation for that phase. (So no orders.)
    • 2. World burner: Once per round, the Princeps can fire it's Inferno Gun/Melta Cannon twice in the combat phase. If so, the second shot counts as draining.
    • 3. Methodical: Once per Game, When the Princeps has successfully been issued a First Fire order, each other titan can recieve the First Fire Order with no Command check.

Legio Audax 'The Ember Wolves'[edit | edit source]

The Ember Wolves are probably the most unique titan legion out there, no other legio has restrictions on which titans you can choose, never mind limiting you to a single kind. On the other hand, no other legio has their own maniple either. You're taking this legio because you think warhound spam is king and you like the idea of pulling down warlords with goddamn harpoons.

  • Legio Special Rules
    • Wolves Amongst Prey: Legio Audax can only have Scale 6 or lower Titans. Can always squadron from other Legio Audax maniples and can have up to 5 Titans within a Squadron, although they can't join another squadron unless they're the last Titan in the Squadron standing.
    • Stalk Unseen: For the Duration of the first Round, Legio Audax Titans of scale 6 or Lower are -2 to hit rolls if the titan is at least 25% obscured.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Reinforced Plating (15 points): Any legio Audax Titan can purchase for -1 to Armor rolls made against this titan.
    • Ursus Claws (15 points) All Ursus claws bought for Legio Audax Titans are Strength 4.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Masters of ambush: The Stalk Unseen Legio trait lasts to the 2nd battle round for the Princeps.
    • 2. Cull the Weak: The Princep can re-roll failed damage rolls against a location that has critical damage.
    • 3. Pack Alpha: Friendly Titans within 3" of the Princep may re-roll 1s for Command checks.

Canis Light Maniple - Audax Only[edit | edit source]

  • Minimum: 3 Warhounds
  • Optional: 2 Warhounds
    • Pack Ambush: Warhound titan's within the maniple do not Deploy normally - instead place a number of markers equal to the warhounds within this maniple anywhere, 6" away from enemy deployment zone. Warhound's in this maniple count as deployed. Once all units have been deployed - you may deploy the Warhound within 3" of a marker as long as it's 50% obscured from any enemy units. if it cannot be deployed, They are deployed within the Controlling players deployement zone.

Legio Mordaxis 'Deathdealers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Techno-toxin: Titans within 4" of a Legio Mordaxis Titan must subtract 1 from repair rolls and take D3 S5 hits ignoring void shields to a random location if they have suffered at least one point of critical damage. Can only be affected once per round and Legio Mordaxis are immune.
    • Innured to Pain: Legio Mordaxis Titans ignore the effects of Concussive and Quake weapons but cannot declare Power to Locomoters! or Power to Stabilisers!.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Unstoppable (3): Play this at the start of the damage control phase. Add 2 to the Servitor Clades of every Legio Mordaxis Titan and +1 to Repair rolls until the end of the phase.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Toxin Nodes (20 points): Blast (3") weapons only. Makes the blast 5" but -1 Strength. Each weapon must be upgraded separately. 5" Plasma Blast guns sound dirty.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Dull the Mind - The Princeps ignores the effects of the MIU Feedback and Princeps Wounded Damage effects.
    • 2. Harbringer of Decay - Upgrades the Princeps' Techno-toxin from D3 S4 to D3+1 S7.
    • 3. Proud Protector - Once Per Round, If a Legio Mordaxis Titan within 4" of the Princep takes a Direct Hit or greater, the Princeps can immediately push its reactor and shoot with one of its weapons.

Legio Magna 'Flaming Skulls'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Howls of the Damned: - Subtract 1 from the result of all command checks made by titans within 8” of a Legio Magna Titan. In addition, titans within 8” of a Legio Magna titan can never re-roll failed command checks. Legio Magna titans are not affected by this trait.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Battle Fervour (3): Play during any strategy phase. For the remainder of the phase, friendly Legio Magna titans may be issued Charge orders without making a Command check. For the remainder of the round, friendly Legio Magna titans may re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made with a weapon with the Melee trait.
    • Spearhead Assault (2): Play during any strategy phase. For the remainder of the round, friendly Legio Magna titans add 1 to all hit rolls and armor rolls made as a result of an attack against a target within 8” of the attacking titan in addition to other modifiers. However, enemy titans add 1 to all armor rolls made as a result of an attack against a Legio Magna titan from its side or rear arc plus any other modifiers.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Directed Pressure Outlet (20 points): Fusion weapons only. Add 3” to the weapon’s Short range. Each weapon must be upgraded separately.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Messenger of Death: Howls of the Damned trait affects all units within 15” instead of 8” of the Princeps Seniores.
    • 2. Slayer of Kings: When targeting a titan within 12” of the Princeps’ titan, the Princeps Seniores may add 1 to the armor rolls of any hits as long as the the target has a scale equal to or greater than its own.
    • 3. Bloodthirsty: Once per round, the Princeps May make an attack with a disabled weapon as if it had been repaired. After resolving the attack, the weapon suffers the detonation damage effect using the highest detonation strength value to resolve its effects.

Legio Vulturum 'Gore Crows'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Relentless Killers: During the combat phase, friendly Legio Vulturum Titans add 1 to all hit rolls, if during the same round an enemy titan has suffered catastrophic damage regardless of the source.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Cull the Weak (1): When an enemy Titan moves outside its front arc voluntarily or involuntarily, a Legio Vulturum Titan may immediately attack with one of its weapons and increase its reactor track by 1.
    • Scent of Blood (2): When an enemy Titan suffers Critical Damage from a Legio Vulturum Titan, another Legio Vulturum that hasn't been activated may be immediately activated after the other Legio Vulturum Titan finishes its activation. The activated Titan must increase its reactor track by 2 and counts as being activated for the Combat phase.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Storm Frag Shells: - For 25 pts/45 pts give a Vulcan Mega-Bolter or Vulcan Array the Maximal fire trait and increase the negative Accuracy for the weapon's Long Range by 1. A little expensive and risky but could be fun and will really rack up the pain on wounded titans.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Experimental Vessel: Once per game, the Princeps may immediately repair a disabled weapon when activated in the Combat phase.
    • 2. Enigmatic: At the start of the first Strategy phase before any player issues orders, the Princeps may be redeployed anywhere allowed by the mission deployment rules.
    • 3. Merciless: The Princeps may purchase the Cull the Weak stratagem multiple times, though it can only be played once per phase.

Legio Kulisaetai 'Gatekeepers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Callous: Never suffer Command check penalties and ignore effects that force re-rolls of successful Command checks.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Steadfast Bastion (1): Play during any Shooting phase. Add 6" for the Short Range characteristic on all non-Melee weapons for Legio Kulisaetai Titans that haven't moved voluntarily or involuntarily.
    • Methodical Advance (2): Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. Choose a scale, and all Legio Kulisaetai of that scale may immediately move. The Titans that move can't declare Power to Stabilisers! or Power to Locomoters!, and can't be activated for the rest of the phase. The opposing player then becomes the First Player.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Accelerated Autoloaders (20 points): Unupgraded Apocalypse Missile Launcher and Apocalypse Missile Launchers only. After resolving an attack made by an upgraded Launcher, you may immediately attack again with a -1 penalty to Hit rolls. After resolving the second attack, the Launcher is disabled and the upgrade is disabled for the rest of the game, even if the Launcher is repaired.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Ancient of Death: The Princeps only ever rolls a single D6 on Reactor Overload table, even if the Reactor is in the red.
    • 2. Infamous Warlord: Enemy units within 8" of the Princeps suffer a -1 penalty to Command checks.
    • 3. Corrupted: The Princeps ignores the effects of MIU Feedback and Princeps Wounded.

Legio Laniaskara 'Impalers'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
  • Direct Measures: Once per round, a single Legio Laniaskara Titan may declare Power to Locomoters! without pushing its reactor.
  • Bullish: When making attacks as part of a Charge order, make a Smash attack in addition to all other attacks. The Smash attack does not benefit from the Charge order.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Heedless Charge (1): Play at the start of any Strategy phase. Charge orders can be issued without a Command check for the rest of the phase.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Mordantised Ceramite (10 points): Weapons with the Maximal Fire trait must subtract 1 from Armour rolls when attacking a Titan with this upgrade, even if the Maximal Fire trait isn't being used.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Cruel: +2 Strength against units Scale 5 or less.
    • 2. Titan Killer: Once per round, the Princeps may re-roll Armour rolls of 1 for an attack against an enemy Titan.
    • 3. Heedless Rage: Once per round, the Princeps may attack with a disabled Melee weapon. After resolving the attack, take a single S10 hit to the body.

Legio Damicium 'Unbroken Lords'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Trifling Pain: When a Legio Damicium Titan is activated in the Movement phase, ignore a single Critical Damage effect until the end of the Combat phase. Critical Damage is also repaired on a 4+.
    • Envious: +1 for all Command checks so long as a Titan of equal or greater Scale is visible to a Legio Damicium Titan.
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Endurance Beyond Limit (3): Play at the start of the Combat phase, before any units are activated. Every Legio Damicium Titan makes a repair roll, with each Titan rolling a number of D6 equal to half of its Servitor Clades characteristic rounded up.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Secondary Plating (10 points): The first Critical Hit a Titan takes is downgraded to a Devastating Hit.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Beyond Death: When the Princeps' Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage, make a Command check before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. If the Command check is passed, move the Princeps' Titan D6" in any direction, stopping before it collides with an enemy unit. Immediately suffer a Magazine Detonation.
    • 2. Bitter Soul: The Princeps is unaffected by the effects of Quake and Concussive weapons.
    • 3. Limitless: Once per game during the Combat phase, the Princeps may attack with all of its disabled weapons.

Blackshield[edit | edit source]

Legio Tritonis 'Dark Tide'[edit | edit source]

  • Legion Special Rules
    • Revel In Slaughter: Add 1 for all Command checks for each enemy Titan previously destroyed, up to a maximum of 3.
    • Tide of Iron: Any Legio Tritonis maniple may replace a mandatory Reaver Titan with a Warlord Titan, but it does not count as a Reaver for the purpose of maniple rules. At least we know what happened to Legio Venator's Warlord Titans...
  • Legion Specific Stratagems
    • Stygian Veil (3): Play during any strategy phase. Place 3 markers on the battlefield at least 10" away from each other. Any section of the battlefield within 3" of the center of a marker blocks LoS, and all Titans not with Legio Tritonis within 6" of a marker center suffer a -2 penalty to Command checks.
  • Legion Specific Wargear
    • Radiative Warheads (25 points): Apocalypse Missile Launcher and Apocalypse Missile Launchers only. Hit rolls of 6 against an enemy Titan with active Void Shields counts as two hits.
  • Legio Princeps Traits
    • 1. Tactical Genius: While the Princeps is on the battlefield, the controlling player may re-roll the dice for determining First Player. If the player does so, then the Princeps can't be activated in the following Strategy phase.
    • 2. Lust for Vengeance: Once per game when the Princeps' Titan suffers Critical Damage, the Princeps may respond in kind. After resolving the attack that caused Critical Damage, the Princeps may immediately make an attack with one of its non-disabled weapons against the unit that damaged it. If the enemy unit is destroyed, the opponent's activation ends.
    • 3. Leader of Arachnus: Stygian Veil may be purchased multiple times for 2 SP after the first purchase, but can only be played once per phase.

Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]

Titans[edit | edit source]

Warhound Scout Titan[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Turbo Laser Destructor: A "Jack of all trades" that pressed into cracking shields, as you can push the reactor to gain shieldbane on its shots, however the low dice count hampers you here so aim for armour where you can. Also, pushing your reactor is a risky trade, as one bad roll can set you overheating, so only use shieldbane when you need those shields down. Strong enough to reliably punch damage through once the shields are down, they're also great for calling shots on damaged components to score some critical damage from a safe distance. It's a great multi-purpose weapon, ideal for applying pressure from mid-long range. Use your manuverability to keep clear firing lines and take advantage of coordinated strike to really lay on the hurt!
    • Vulcan Mega-Bolter: A brilliant weapon for collapsing void shields and hammering home those last few points of damage on critical components. Called shots at short range into damaged components is a great way to rack up that critical damage track. A single one works best paired with a plasma blastgun, as both weapons want to be in close, and their profiles complement each other well. Bringing two is great for busting shields and capitalising on damage done by other titans, but can leave you a bit toothless against the front of larger titans if they're undamaged.
    • Plasma Blastgun: Arguably the most practical weapon for harming opposing titans. With two shots and the ability to boost itself to S10 (with a risk to it's reactors), it has a very good chance of cracking Warlords. All the more so when behind them. It's a blast weapon with 2 dice, so will chew through Knight banners with glee, but prepare for scatter if you're shooting danger close. It can reliably score 4 hits on Titans, which helps with pushing through those last few layers of void shields, but you want to be hitting armour with this where possible. Pair with a vulcan mega-bolter for a solid short-range brawler.
    • Inferno Gun: As a teardrop style template that auto hits the target and can put a lot of hurt on Knights or other Warhounds, landing several hits on the lead target. With the strength buff from side or rear shots it can threaten larger titans later in the game with a surprising amount of hits, even if the target is obscured.
    • Ursus Claw (Forgeworld): It's here! Ignores void shields, but only has a singular shot and will require multiple claws and a coordinated strike to do anything. Impale means you don't make an armor roll, instead rolling D6+Strength+1 per additional Ursus Claw that's co-ordinating fire and comparing the result to the scale of the titan. If you roll a natural 1 you take a devastating hit to your legs and a S7 hit to the weapon for each titan that attacked. Under or equal to the scale? Roll a D6; On a 1-3 turn your target right, 4-6 turn them left. Finally, if you're greater than the scale your target turns AND takes d3+1 devastating hits to the legs. Legio Audax get +1 Strength to their Ursus Claws.
    • Natrix Shock Lance (Forgeworld): A similar claw with +1 strength but doesn't get Impale. instead you get Shock - if it causes a direct, devastating, or critical hit, on a 3+ it will shutdown that titan for the rest of the turn. Also bypasses void shields. Very risky to use, but if you're lucky a Warlord can be permanently locked out the fight by a single Warhound, giving the rest of the battle a favourable tilt to you.

Squadrons[edit | edit source]

Warhounds have the incredible benefit of grouping up into squadrons of up to three. This brings a number of benefits:

  • Deployment: Squadrons are deployed together as one unit - so three Warhounds can be deployed simultaneously as opposed to, for example, a single Warlord.
  • Activating Squadrons: Squadrons are activated as one unit in each phase, and all members of the squadron must move, shoot, and in general do everything else simultaneously. They cannot be activated individually however.
  • Orders: An order issued to one member can be applied to all members - or not, as you choose. You can issue orders individually if you'd like.
  • Coordinated strikes: Squadrons can also declare they are conducting a coordinated strike - improving armour rolls. Most practical if a titan's void shields are not relevant.
  • Void Shields
    • Void shield shenanigans in squadrons can massively improve their staying power.
    • If a squadron of three is in base contact, hits can be fielded onto any of the member's void shields. This allows you to use the best save in the group - equally, failed saves may be forced onto any member of your choosing. Effectively, Warhounds can maintain their 3+ void shield for extended periods making them surprisingly resilient. To collapse their shields all three must be destroyed or base contact must be broken
    • Equally, this can play into mobility. Their move may be boosted using their void shield instead of the reactor, whilst maintaining the save on one Warhound and passing this save onto the others.

Reaver Battle Titan[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Reaver Titan Power Fist This can be a pretty funny weapon, it has a good strength (9) with 2 attacks at +1 and being concussive, you can start slapping titans left and right and pushing them backwards with it. Don't forget, melee weapons can make targeted attacks with no negative modifiers! However, arming a titan with two of these is not recommended because the first attack could knock your target out of range of the second fist, instead pairing one of these with a chainfist (and attacking with the chainfist first) is better if you want to build a brawler reaver.
    • Reaver Titan Chainfist While possessing 'only' a strength 8 when compared to the fist, it has an extra attack (for a total of 3), hits on a +2 instead of +1 and has rending. This thing hurts when it gets into close combat. Mounting two on a Reaver is a serious threat and will draw a mass of fire. Charge this at 9" for an extra three attacks on top!
    • Laser Blaster While having a good strength (8) and 3 shots, it does suffer a -1 to hit at long range making it somewhat difficult to use when negatives to hit start stacking. Despite this, it can make use of shieldbane if pushing its reactor. This can aide it in dropping shields from their 3+ position or collapsing them entirely. Definitely a weapon to consider, especially if using Legio Tempestus with Chasmata Pattern.
    • Volcano Cannon To all intents and purposes, this is a mini Belicosa, the only real differences are its lower strength (10) and small blast as opposed to large. If running a light maniple, this can open up your options when making a free attack. But beware of the drain on the weapon when doing so.
    • Melta Cannon This is a horrific weapon when in short range owing to its high strength and fusion trait. It has greater damage potential as a result of this.
    • Gatling Blaster destroy shields and smaller opponents, but might need to fire into side or rear of larger opponents to do damage when shields are gone.
  • Carapace Weapons: Unlike the Warlord, the Reaver's carapace weapons have a 360° arc
    • Apocalypse Missile Launcher: Its great arc and the long range (120") makes this the ideal weapon to weaken the enemy void shields while moving into position, but its comparatively low number of shots mean it won't destroy shields on its own.
    • Turbo Laser Destructor: The carapace weapon with the highest strength value (8), only 2 shots mean its the most effective against Titans that have already lost their shields. Can also be used to strip shields when needed, as it gets shieldbane when pushing the reactor.
    • Vulcan Mega-Bolter (Forgeworld): Same as the Warhound's but lacking in the short range accuracy buff (Nope, FAQ'ed), can be handy to dissuade flanking Knights or used to strip voids, especially with a split fire order while the main cannons focus on something in the distance.
    • Warp Missile Support Rack (Forgeworld): A single use Warp weapon, this weapon seems to be useful when you are facing a small number of enemy Titans. With good accuracy (and almost guaranteeing a hit if you have access to rerolls) you're going to do damage with it. It might not be worth it to give up a weapon slot for this effect, even so. However, Loyalist titans can turn arm their missiles with horiffic Vortex warheads, while Traitor Daemon-Corrupted titans can use an upgrade to reform their missiles every other turn (check your opponent is okay with this as it's possibly an abuse of RAW and could result in a punch to the nads).

Warbringer Nemesis Titan[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Laser Blaster While having a good strength (8) and 3 shots, it does suffer a -1 to hit at long range making it somewhat difficult to use when negatives to hit start stacking. Despite this, it can make use of shieldbane if pushing its reactor. This can aide it in dropping shields from their 3+ position or collapsing them entirely. Definitely a weapon to consider, especially if using Legio Tempestus with Chasmata Pattern. This is likely a good choice due to the range on the weapon - but time will tell.
    • Volcano Cannon To all intents and purposes, this is a mini Belicosa, the only real differences are its lower strength (10) and small blast as opposed to large. The Nemesis has a decent reactor, so can comfortably use this, and its range is well suited to its likely role. If taking the Belicosa, you probably don't need this. That or you need two and to name your titan Krakatoa.
    • Melta Cannon This is a horrific weapon when in short range owing to its high strength and fusion trait. It has greater damage potential as a result of this. If you're worried about knights hunting this down, this can lay the hurt on them.
    • Gatling Blaster destroy shields and smaller opponents, but might need to fire into side or rear of larger opponents to do damage when shields are gone.
  • Carapace Weapons

Make note that, as carapace weapons, these guns have a corridor firing arc and can't shoot at reavers or smaller within 9".

    • Mori Quake Cannon: The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your Warbringer with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.
    • Belicosa Volcano Cannon: The real workhorse of the titan legions. Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot; 2 will make it almost certain. Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase. On which note - watch the reactor increases! You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off either.

Warlord Battle Titan[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Arioch Titan Power Claw: While a seemingly odd choice of weapon, this hits like a Belicosa and has a +2 to hit bringing it into usable territory for the Warlord. Having this and another weapon which does not have draining can enable you to use your reactors to boost your movement instead. It can also be useful as a deterrent to Knights and Warhounds which may try to get up close and personal. Charge your enemy with a Warlord armed with a pair of these just to see the horror on their face.
    • Belicosa Volcano Cannon: The real workhorse of the titan legions. Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot; 2 will make it almost certain. Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase. On that note - watch the reactor increases! You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off.
    • Sunfury Plasma Annihilator: A solid all rounder, good number of shots and able to boost its strength. While its range is not the biggest, its not the worst either. Good for finishing titans off when closing in or using to help drop shields if desperate.
    • Macro Gatling Blaster (Forgeworld): A decent enough weapon. While hampered by its range it can be used to drop shields nicely, and with its reasonable strength and ordnance, it can do a fair amount of damage to titans (particularly smaller ones). It can also pose a threat to knights, but beware their saves.
    • Mori Quake Cannon (Forgeworld): The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your warlord with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so like the Belicosa, don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.
  • Carapace Weapons
    • Vulcan Mega-Bolter Array (Forgeworld): The ultimate in void shield removal technology. Twelve shots, an ungodly hail of dakka itself, with even more shots on 6’s. Somewhat limited range but you’re not hindered by long range negatives. Don’t expect much if you’re trying to knock a freshly unshielded Titan down, but once you’ve knocked them around a little it may be able to steal a killshot
    • Paired Turbo Laser Destructors (Forgeworld): These may seem like a bit of a raw deal compared to the laser blasters, but they have some advantages. They have no modifiers to hit at any range compared to the blasters. This can be extremely useful when firing at an obscured target. They are also 15 points cheaper. Other than that they're bog standard lasers with S8 and shieldbane capabilities.
    • Paired Laser Blasters: These have an additional two shots over the destructors, but suffer a -1 to hit at long range which can be a problem. Not game breaking, but can be infuriating hitting of 4s or 5s. This can benefit from chasmata pattern laser destructors.
    • Apocalypse Missile Launchers: 10 shots at strength 4. Superb at stripping void shields in the early game and finishing off wounded titans in the late game (when the bonuses from structure damage mean it can actually do something against all that armour). Don't waste it on Knights; it's weak enough that they get their full ion shield saves. Gets an accuracy bonus at long range and can ignore LoS so works well in an artillery role. Just watch the facing (especially if you're moving first) - it's very easy to mis-judge the firing lines.
    • Paired Gatling Blasters (Forgeworld): A strong contender, while lacking in range, they can strip shields comfortably and then cause enemy titans some pain with their strength and ordnance rule. Definitely worth using. Note that this was FAQ'd to have the same firing arc as the rest of the Warlord carapace weapons.

Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan[edit | edit source]

It should be noted that one of the Warmaster's biggest strengths is actually its 6 servitor clades. mathematically, you should be able to relight void shields every time you roll, in addition to pushing them up several notches. combine this with its monstrous reactor track, heat is much easier to manage, but don't be lulled into a false sense of complacency. between its plethora of heat-generating weapons, the fact you'll probably be pushing voids to full alot, and all the other heat-generating actions, heat is still important to keep an eye on.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Suzerain Plasma Destructors These guns are genuinely obscene - imagine a melta cannon and a plasma annihilator had a child, and then that child recieved astartes augmentations. it has three shots to the annihilator's four, but then you see it has strength 11 base like the melta cannon, as well as an additional six inches to range. already, that's a solid trade off with maximal fire. then you see the +1 to hit at 16" or less, and the fusion (draining). oh yeah, it's all coming together. these guns want to be up close and personal. Don't do maximal fire and fusion at the same time - against most targets, both would be overkill, and the risk of potentially 5 heat per gun isn't worth it. maximal fire at targets over 16, fusion on those under. Anything that loses its voids in front of a pair of these is going to die.
  • Shoulder Weapons
    • These are not carapace weapons, so while you may at first glance think 'why does the warmaster have weaker shoulder guns than a warlord?' these are actually overall better. firstly, they have frontal fire arcs and not corridor, and secondly, you can fire them at things that get within 12" of you. also, they don't have to be the same on both shoulders.
    • Turbo Laser Destructors Same jack-of-all trades gun you know. can put out some extra damage if needed, and strip shields in a pinch. however, you want to be judicious with shieldbane (draining) on this thing.
    • Apocalypse Missile Array the cheapest option, but lacks shield-stripping power due to only having three shots. skip unless you're trying to shave down points.
    • Vulcan Mega-Bolter probably the best choice of shoulder guns, as the plasma destructors already do incredible damage to armor. Mega-bolters will make the Warmaster self-sufficient by allowing it to strip shields with surprising ease. also doesn't generate heat.
    • Melta Cannon still murderous, but has overlap with the Plasma Destructor. Can be nice if your target just barely survives the main armament.
    • Plasma Blastgun same as above. has two shots instead of one, but has lower strength, even with maximal fire.
    • Inferno Gun might be useful if you're swarmed by knights, but 99% of the time, any of the other options will serve you better. skip.
  • Carapace Weapons
    • Revelator Missile Launcher this one is carapace, with all the limitations that entails. however, it will do damage at range. +1 to hit between 24" and 48", ordinance, and concussive means it will bully things trying to distance you out.

Ancillary Reactor Systems[edit | edit source]

    • Plasmatic Locomotors +1" to both speed characteristics, but if you declare Power to Locomotors! or Power to Stabilizers! you get -2 to hit on all non-melee weapons (which is all of them, currently). Combos very nicely with the Experimental Locomotors stratagem for a terrifyingly fast monster.
    • Infusive Supercoolant one use only, allows you to vent heat on a 2+ instead of a 4+ for a turn. a nice 'get out of jail free' card, as suddenly you can reduce an incredible amount of heat in one go. In most scenarios this means you're gonna use 5/6 of your repair dice, not 3/6.

Psi-Titans[edit | edit source]

Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titan (Forgeworld)[edit | edit source]

A Psi-Titan is a maniple support Titan, meaning they can't be part of a maniple. A Psi-Titan battlegroup can't contain corrupted Titans or Titan Traitors Of Legend. A player with a Psi-Titan can't use traitor stratagems. Any Warlord can be upgraded into a Warlord Sinister for 300 points. They follow the same rules as Psi-Titans, and count as them. They are armed with a Sinistramanus Tenebrae and an Arioch Power Claw. You must buy a carapace weapon, and can replace the power claw. The command terminal and stats are exactly the same as a normal warlord. Good chance to convert a warlord to a psi titan.

Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]

These are used in place of orders and are channeled in the strategy phase at the issue orders step. The only standard order you can issue is the shutdown order, after which you make a command check. These psychic powers are specified not to be orders - so stratagems or abilities which would remove orders cannot remove these!

  • Necrotechia: Roll d6 equal to servitor clades plus one. Add one to each dice. You can do every normal repair, in addition to recovering lost structure points on a 5+ on an area that has no critical damage. You can't fix psi weapons with Necrotechia. You can either move or shoot.
  • Death Pulse: When you activate in the movement phase, instead of moving resolve a weapon attack against every unit within 8 inches. The profile is dice one, strength x, warp. This auto hits.
  • Quickening: During the movement, the titan can move and maneuver at boosted values for free. In addition, it can fire one non-psi weapon.
  • Antipathic Tempest: Instead of moving, you may pick a point in line of sight. Everything within 3" suffer a dice one, strength 8 concussive, psi, quake attack automatically.

Weaponry[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Sinistramanus Tenebrae(Forgeworld): This is a compulsory weapon choice for the left arm, and by the Throne of Terra it is a mean one. Strength 10, 3 dice, and the Beam rule promise interesting things. It is important to note - once this is disabled, it cannot be repaired. The Warlord Sinister cannot be issued a repair order, nor can its Necrotechia be used to repair weapons with the Psi trait. Also - watch your reactor! This has a specialized version of Draining causing reactor increases as normal but a roll on the psychic manifestation table on a cog roll.
    • Arioch Titan Power Claw: The Warlord Sinister comes with this on its right arm as standard. While it might be considered an odd choice for a Warlord, especially with the range on the Sinistramanus Tenebrae, it can be used to great effect on the Warlord Sinister.
    • Belicosa Volcano Cannon: The real workhorse of the titan legions. Stands a good chance of wiping out a group of 3 knights in a single shot. Don't waste it on void shields though - it's almost never worth the reactor increase. On that note - watch the reactor increases! You also can't call your target zone because blast weapons, so don't count on it to finish anything off.
    • Sunfury Plasma Annihilator: A solid all rounder, good number of shots and able to boost its strength. While its range is not the biggest, its not the worst either. Good for finishing titans off when closing in or using to help drop shields if desperate.
    • Macro Gatling Blaster (Forgeworld): A decent enough weapon. While hampered by its range it can be used to drop shields nicely, and with its reasonable strength and ordnance, it can do a fair amount of damage to titans (particularly smaller ones). It can also pose a threat to knights, but beware their saves.
    • Mori Quake Cannon (Forgeworld): The bread and butter. This is your basic all rounder. A few shots, no toying with reactors, high strength, concussive to boot. If you’re not sure what to arm your warlord with, this is a safe choice no matter the occasion. It is a blast, so like the Belicosa, don't count on it to finish anything off. It is compulsory to fire this at a banner of knights with full stride or charge orders.
  • Carapace Weapons
    • Vulcan Mega-Bolter Array(Forgeworld): The ultimate in void shield removal technology. Twelve shots, an ungodly hail of dakka itself, with even more shots on 6’s. Somewhat limited range but you’re not hindered by long range negatives. Don’t expect much if you’re trying to knock a freshly unshielded Titan down, but once you’ve knocked them around a little it may be able to steal a killshot
    • Paired Turbo Laser Destructors(Forgeworld): These may seem like a bit of a raw deal compared to the laser blasters, but they have some advantages. They have no modifiers to hit at any range compared to the blasters. This can be extremely useful when firing at an obscured target. They are also 15 points cheaper. Other than that they're bog standard lasers with S8 and Shieldbane capabilities.
    • Paired Laser Blasters: These have an additional two shots over the destructors, but suffer a -1 to hit at long range which can be a problem. Not game breaking, but can be infuriating hitting of 4s or 5s.
    • Apocalypse Missile Launchers: 10 shots at strength 4. Superb at stripping void shields in the early game and finishing off wounded titans in the late game (when the bonuses from structure damage mean it can actually do something against all that armour). Don't waste it on Knights; it's weak enough that they get their full ion shield saves. Gets an accuracy bonus at long range and can ignore LoS so works well in an artillery role. Just watch the facing (especially if you're moving first) - it's very easy to misjudge the firing lines.
    • Paired Gatling Blasters(Forgeworld): A strong contender, while lacking in range, they can strip shields comfortably and then cause enemy titans some pain with their strength and ordnance rule. Definitely worth using. Note that this was FAQ'd to have the same firing arc as the rest of the Warlord carapace weapons.

Knights[edit | edit source]

Questoris Support Banner (3-6 Knights)[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Arm Weapons
    • Questoris Melee Weapon: If you're taking Knights you likely have at least one per of these. They're not worth building to be "shooty," as Knights who try to position themselves to shoot Titans will find themselves dead.
    • Avenger Gatling Cannon: Don't bother, seriously. It does put out a lot of shots but those shots are too weak to even take other knights out, or damage void shields. If you're looking for cheap knights for screening you're better off doubling up on melee weapons. Might get better if infantry is introduced but that's a long way off.
      • Second Opinion: I have personally seen AGCs kill Warlord Titans. If you're aiming to kill Titans with Knights, you will want to usually be in melee. Add in using your amazing manoeuvrability and positioning, you will be hitting Titans in their rear arc for that sweet +2, making you effective strength 5. Add in maybe +1 to a location for strength 6 (or 7 or 8 if you stripped more). Add in bonus to hit for the range countering the location aiming penalty, you're gonna real rip and tear. TL;DR: AVG are good for focus firing inside shields to finish Titans.
      • Supporting Opinion: Further to the second opinion above, if used in a Knight Banner (Doom of Molech) doing a co-ordinated strike you only roll as if one were firing but increase the strength of the attack by the number of Knights contributing to the attack making the AGC a hypothetical maximum strength of 9, or 11 in the rear arc with 8D6!
    • Thermal Cannon: The real star on knights. With a high base strength and the Fusion trait increasing your armour rolls to a d10, it gives you a really good chance of putting hurt even on the biggest opponents. Take 6 of these and pop an unshielded titan in the ass for near guaranteed crits. Fun for the whole family.
    • Rapid-Fire Battlecannon: Old reliable. Decent range, two S5 shots with the Ordnance trait, and a bonus to hit within 8".
  • Carapace Weapons
    • Stormspear Rocket Pod: Relatively expensive, but adds an extra three S5 shots for stripping shields out to 16".
    • Meltagun: A solid, if expensive upgrade for your knights: When the banner activates in the Combat phase, each Knight with a Meltagun upgrade can target an enemy unit within 3" for an automatic S8 hit. Generally a safe bet to give it to your Lord Scion for a bit of extra dakka up close, which is where you want your knights to be. Good for filling 15 points somewhere but not an autotake.

Questoris Knight Styrix banner (2-4 Knights)[edit | edit source]

  • Volkite Chieorovile
  • Hekaton Siege Claw
  • Graviton Gun
  • Ionic Flare Shield
  • Blessed Autosimulacra

Questoris Knight Magaera banner (2-4 Knights)[edit | edit source]

  • Lightning Cannon
  • Hekaton Siege Claw
  • Plasma Fusil
  • Ionic Flare Shield
  • Blessed Autosimulacra

Cerastus Knight Banner (2-4 Knights)[edit | edit source]

  • These are bigger, faster and slightly tougher than their smaller brethren, the Questoris Knights. With a 12" move, one extra structure point and an easier time passing orders, these are an extra layer of threat in addition to Questoris Knights.

Variants[edit | edit source]

  • Cerastus Knight Castigator
    • Castigator Bolt Cannon: Akin to the Avenger Gatling Cannon, it is of little real use unless getting up close in the side or rear arc of an opposing titan
    • Tempest Warblade: An improved Questoris Melee Weapon, at S7 with 2 attacks and rending, this is slightly more capable. Same stats as the Reaper Chainfist.
  • Cerastus Knight Acheron
    • Acheron Pattern Flame Cannon: A 2 dice S7 template weapon on a Cerastus frame? Yes please! Take four in a squadron and find some knights or a squadron of Warhounds to toast.
    • Reaper Chainfist: An improved Questoris Melee Weapon, at S7 with 2 attacks and rending, this is slightly more capable. Same stats as the Tempest Warblade.
  • Cerastus Knight Lancer
    • Cerastus Shock Lance: A nasty CC weapon on a small and nimble chassis, hitting at S8 with two attacks this can hurt titans and other knights in no time. Coupled with the Ion Gauntlet Shield, you've got a pain in the backside.
    • Ion Gauntlet Shield: This provides a +1 to all ion shield saves as long as there is at least one in the unit. Definitely take a Lancer, if not for their shock lance, at least for the shield. It also has a 2 shot S6 shooting attack, which while not amazing, is rather nice. It's worth noting that the WH Community article is incorrect in its statement that this always confers a 6+, it does not. If the shield save is '-' it confers no benefit. Expect maximal plasma, melta and volcano weapons to hurt like a truck.

Cerastus Knight-Atrapos Banner (2-4 Knights)[edit | edit source]

  • Gravity Singularity Cannon
  • Atrapos Lascutter
  • Ionic Flare Shield
  • Blessed Autosimulacra

Acastus Knight Banner (1-2 Knights)[edit | edit source]

  • The latest addition to knight constructs, they are walking artillery platforms, with no tangible CC capability but an unholy amount of dakka from such a small and cheap chassis. These come in two flavours with predetermined load-outs, the Porphyrion and Asterius. The only choice they have in weapons is either the stock twin auto-cannon with an auto S4 attack within 6" or the twin lascannon for an additional 10 points. They took a big nerf in the 1.1 FAQ. Max banner size down to 2 knights (from 4). Hefty points increase. Limited to 1 banner per maniple/lance. And can only be in a lance as reinforcement.

Variants[edit | edit source]

  • Acastus Knight Porphyrion
    • Twin Magna Lascannon: 4 Shots of respectable strength weaponry would be fine but they go and throw blast on it. For a 5th of the price of a warlord you can comfortable kill a titan from across the board. Expect to get Castrated if you ever take two.
    • Ironstorm Missile Pod: Everyone forgets about these, but 6 shots of rapid with barrage will help with void shields.
  • Acastus Knight Asterius
    • Twin Converion Beam Cannon: A souped up version of twin Magna Lascannon that will make large blast templates when in long range. You.Won't.Have.Friends if you take more then one.
    • Karacnos Mortar Battery: Same as the Ironstorm Missile Pod but trades Rapid for Rending which makes it functionally worse.

Knight Lances[edit | edit source]

With the release of the Doom of Molech book, Knights now have their own version of a maniple and plenty of rules to go with it!

Forming a Lance[edit | edit source]

    • A lance must have three banners of Knights, two of which must be the same type. (It says nothing about having more banners in a lance however, probable FAQ territory? The book is pretty clear, three exactly.)
    • No Freeblade banners may be included in a Lance
    • Each individual banner must equipped in the same manner i.e. one banner consisting solely of Paladins, another solely of Errants and the third solely of Lancers
    • One banner must be the High Scion's banner
      • Multiple Lances may be used, if so, one banner in either Lance must be the Knight Seneschal. This will replace the High Scion in one lance. E.g. you have three Lances, on lance will have a Knight Seneschal, the other two will have a High Scion each.
  • Freeblades
    • These are banners of knights which are separate to a lance, but, they can mix and match weapons across the knights as you see fit, i.e. you can have a Warden, Errant and Paladin in the same banner. It does mean they cannot make coordinated strikes however.

Activating a Lance[edit | edit source]

  • Knight Lances are effectively one big knight unit, and is reflected in their activation and coherency.
  • A Lance is activated at the same time. Each banner will be activated in turn, in whatever order the controlling may may choose, and will continue until all banners have been activated.
    • So, you may have a lot of banners, but you don't have a lot of activations. This can screw you if your opponent simply has Titans, as a larger banner can be as much as some maniples. Be wary.
  • They must maintain a 3" coherency within banners and a 6" coherency within the Lance. If a banner is not in coherency, it is shaken. If a banner is not in Lance coherency, that individual banner is shaken. Once coherency is restored, they are not shaken. This, equally, can screw you. Hope your opponent has not brought quake cannons...

Lances and the Strategy Phase[edit | edit source]

  • Lances may be issued orders to each individual banner, or be issued a Lance Order. If choosing the latter, the highest command roll within the lance is used and between one and all of the banners in a lance my be issued the same order.
  • New orders available include:
    • Charge: Yes, this isn't a new order however the FAQ has made some changes; gone are the days of charging in bendy lines. Knights must now take the shortest distance when charging a target, and while their front arc is 360, a turn is defined as making a 45 degree pivot of the base irrespective of arc. So Knights may not make any turns after beginning their charge. They can turn before it, but not after.
      • Knights may now make smash attacks against units which are of the same scale or smaller than themselves now as well!
    • Coordinated Strike:Used when making shooting attacks only - This can make avenger gatling cannons somewhat more useful. When making a coordinated strike, nominate one knight to make the attack and then add one to the strength of the weapon for each knight which is in range and has LoS to the intended target. E.g. A unit of 4 Knight Errants makes a coordinated strike, one thermal cannon is fired, but its strength is increased to S12, S8 + 4 knights in range and LoS.
      • This could be useful on the Avenger Gatling cannon more than anything, but it does mean you are losing out on all your other knights making ranged attacks to increase the strength of one weapon. Very situational.
      • Literally a free +1S if the banner only have a single Knight left, and Acastus only need 1 knight to form a banner. Nope, FAQ'ed, Acastus knights can no longer be in a lance.


Stratagems[edit | edit source]

Stratagems are chosen immediately before deployment, with a number of stratagem points specified by the mission and points level being used. There are a few different types - Tricks & Tactics (usually powerful single-use effects), Ranged Support (artillery and aircraft), Tertiary Objectives (new ways to earn victory points) and Battlefield Assets (persistent bonuses, but the assets can be destroyed by the enemy).

There have been strategems in six books so far. [AT]: Adeptus Titanicus main book. [DoM]: Doom of Molech. [SaI]: Shadow and Iron. [DoR]: Defense of Ryza'. [LL]: Loyalist Legios. [TL]: Traitor Legios.

Tricks and Tactics[edit | edit source]

  • A Score to Settle (1) [AT] Play at the end of the battle. Score one extra Victory point for each enemy unit destroyed.
  • A Quick Kill (1) [DoM] Play in the End phase of the first or second round. Score 5 VP if one enemy Titan Scale 8+ has been destroyed.
  • Ablative Armour (1) [DoM] Play in any Strategy phase. Pick a friendly Titan. Ignore the first Direct, Devastating, or Critical hit against that unit, then discard this stratagem.
  • Aetheric Infusion (2) [SaI - Traitor only] Play in any phase. Choose one of your Titans and roll a D10. On a 3+, make a repair roll and add 2 to Servitor Clades for that roll. On a 2, take D3 Devastating Hits to the body. On a 1, take Catastrophic Damage.
  • Artillery Bombardment (2) [AT] Play during each Strategy phase. place a 5" Blast marker anywhere on the battlefield and scatter it D10". Any unit under the template is hit by a S8 shot, or two S8 shots if it's under the hole in the center of the marker.
  • Augumented Servitor Clades (2) [SaI] Play during the first Strategy phase. Choose a friendly Titan and increase its Servitor Clades by 1 during the Damage Control phase for the rest of the battle. Does not apply to Repair rolls made from an Emergency Repair order.
  • Auspex Bafflers (2) [DoM] Play in any Strategy phase. Pick a Knight Banner or Titan - for the rest of the round, the To Hit penalty for that unit being obscured is increased by 1.
  • Blind Barrage (1) [AT] Play during the Strategy phase. One unit of your choice has a -2 To Hit penalty if it is targetted and if it targets an enemy.
  • Bloodthirst (1) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in any Strategy phase. This round, your Titans add +2 to hit enemies within 2", and add +2 to Command checks when issuing Charge orders.
  • Break Through (1) [AT] Play at the end of the battle. Earn one extra Victory point for each of your Titans that are Scale 5+ and with 9" of the enemy's edge of the battlefield.
  • Concealment Barrage (1) [SaI] Play at the start of any phase. Place a 5" Blast marker anywhere on the battlefield. Any part of the battlefield under the marker blocks LoS. Remove at the end of the phase. FAQ: ONLY ALLOWED TO BE PLACED in the Strategy phase. Went from "unbelievably broken" to "useful."
  • Cripple the Foe (2) [AT] At the end of the game, earn an extra 2 Victory points for each enemy Titan that is structurally compromised but not destroyed and for each enemy Battlefield Asset destroyed.
  • Cursed Earth (1) [DoM] Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. Radioactive battlefield - Titans roll one extra dice when making Void Shield saves, Knight banners count the strength of incoming attacks as 1 higher when working out their Ion Shield saves.
  • Dark Pledge (1) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Choose one or more enemy Titans Scale 10+ to be marked for destruction. At the end of the battle, gain an extra 10 VP if all marked targets were destroyed. Otherwise, lose 10 VP.
  • Dawn Attack (3) [DoM, updated in LL] Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. For the first 2 rounds, Titans must roll (D6+1)x5 to determine how far away they can target enemies. Enemy units that have fired earlier in the round can always be targeted.
  • Decapitating Strike (2) [AT] At the end of the game, if the enemy Princeps Seniores' Titan was destroyed, earn extra Victory points equal to half the Titan's Scale rounded down.
  • Dusk Attack (2) [DoR] Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. During the End phase of turn 3, the First Player rolls (D6+1)x5 to see how far every unit can see for the rest of the battle. Units that attacked with a weapon without the Melee Trait in a previous round can be targeted regardless of distance.
  • Earthshaker Mines (2) [DoM, updated in LL] Play after an enemy Titan finishes moving or turning. Roll a D6. On a 2+, the Titan takes D3 S6 hits to the legs with no shield saves. The Titan is then moved D6" in a direction determined by the Scatter dice with no change to facing. On a 1, nothing happens and the Stratagem can be used again later.
  • EMP Discharge (2) [SaI - Loyalist only] Play during any Movement or Combat phase. Pick a friendly Titan with active void shields. Every Titan with active shields within 3" takes S4 Shieldbane weapon hits equal to the Void Shield Level of the chosen Titan. After resolving the hits, the chosen Titan's Void Shield Level is reduced to X.
  • Endurance of Terra (2) [DoM - Loyalist only, updated in LL] Play when a friendly Titan suffers Critical Damage. Roll a D6 - on a 3+, that damage is ignored. Otherwise, take damage as normal and retain this card.
  • Enhanced Coolant (2) [DoR] Play in any Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans. The first time the Titan suffers Critical Damage, don't move the marker on the reactor track. If the Titan needs to move the Critical Damage marker more than once for an attack, move it one less space.
  • Even in Death (2) [SaI - Loyalist only] Play when a Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. Instead of rolling for the table, roll D6. On a roll of 1-4, the Titan get Magazine Detonation, and on 5+, Catastrophic Meltdown. Add 1 to the result if the Reactor is on orange and 3 if it's on red.
  • Experimental Locomotors (1) [DoR] Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. One of your Titans may now move at boosted speed without pushing its reactor for the rest of the game. During every End phase, roll a D10. If it's a 1, the Titan suffers a Devastating Hit to its legs and discard the stratagem.
  • Experimental Weapon (2) [DoM] Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Pick a Titan, then randomly select one of its weapons. That weapon gains the Maximal Fire trait, but must always fire on Maximal. If the weapon already has that trait, pick a different weapon.
  • False Intel (1) [DoR] Play after all objectives have been deployed. Pick any objective on the field and move it D6" in any direction. The objective can't go off the board or in Blocking terrain.
  • Gifts of the Dark Mechanicum (3) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Pick a Titan. Each time that Titan pushes its reactor, you may put a token on this card instead of rolling a Reactor die. Once this card has 3 tokens it is discarded.
  • Great Crusade Titans (2) [DoM - Loyalist only] Play in any Strategy phase. Add +2 to Command checks when issuing Charge orders this round. Titans also count as having moved 6" further for the purposes of their additional Charge attacks.
  • Haywire Barrage (2) [DoM] Play during the Strategy phase. Place a marker anywhere on the battlefield and scatter it D10". Roll 2D6 for each Titan within 6" of the marker. If the roll is equal to or greater than its Scale, it takes 1 point of Critical Damage to a random location, ignoring shields. If the location is a weapon, it is instead disabled. If the location already has 3 points of Critical Damage or is an already disabled weapon, nothing happens. Knight Banners that are hit instead take D3 S7 hits that ignore ion shields.
  • Hold the Centre (2) [DoM] Play at the end of the battle. Score 2 extra VP for each friendly Titan within 12" of the center of the battlefield, and an extra 5 VP if there are no enemy units within 12" of the center of the battlefield.
  • Homing Warheads (2) [DoR] Play in the first Strategy phase of the game. Choose a friendly Titan with an unupgraded Apocalypse missile launcher or paired Apocalypse missile launchers. Subtract 3 from the launcher's Dice Value, but you now no longer suffer negative modifiers when using the Barrage trait on obscured or out of sight targets.
  • Iron Resolve (1) [SaI - Loyalist only] Play in the Strategy phase when a Titan fails a Command check or when a Knight Banner fails Command check to see if they become Shaken. That Titan or Knight Banner passes the check instead. Can be purchased multiple times.
  • Justice for the Fallen (1) [DoM - Loyalist only] Play at the end of the battle. Score an extra 5 VP if the number of enemy Titans lost is the same as or greater than the number of friendly Titans lost.
  • Last Ditch Effort (1) [DoR] Play when a friendly Titan is destroyed from rolling Laid Low or Wild Fire on the Catastrophic Damage table. You may choose what direction the Titan falls instead of rolling a Scatter die. If both players can choose the what direction the Titan falls for whatever reason, roll a Scatter die like normal.
  • Living Armour (3) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in any Strategy phase. Pick a Titan, and a location that has suffered damage. Roll a D10. If you roll equal or higher than the amount of Structural damage, all damage to that location is repaired. Otherwise there's no effect, but you retain this card for subsequent rounds.
  • Localised Warp Storm (3) [SaI - Traitor only] Play in any Strategy phase. Place a 3" Blast marker anywhere on the field and scatter it D10". Any Titan touched by the Blast marker takes D3 hits as if attacked by a Warp weapon that hit.
  • Martian Servitor Clades (3) [DoM - Loyalist only] Play at the start of any Damage Control phase. Each of your Titans adds 2 repair dice to their Servitor clades. If your opponent is fielding any Legio Mortis or Tempestus Titans, you can also re-roll 1's on repair dice.
  • MIU Link (1) [SaI] Play in the first Strategy Phase. Choose 2 of your Titans. For the rest of the game, when making an attack, you can measure from either Titan for the purpose of the Accuracy value for Short or Long range. If one of the Titans gets the MIU Feedback Critical Damage Effect, both Titans get it and this Stratagem is ignored for the rest of the game even if the damage is repaired.
  • No Prisoners (2) [DoM] Play at the end of the battle. Score 5 extra VP if all enemy Titans were destroyed, or 10 extra VP if the game is 2,500+ points.
  • Noble Sacrifice (1) [AT, updated in LL] Play during the Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans that is structurally compromised and roll a D6, adding 1 if its Reactor Status marker is in an orange hole or 3 if it's in a red hole. The Titan suffers a Magazine Detonation on a 1-4 or a Catastrophic Meltdown on a 5-6.
  • Only Forwards (2) [SaI - Loyalist only] Play at the start of any Strategy phase. For the rest of the phase, Any Titan can be ordered Full Stride or Charge orders without a Command check.
  • Orbital Lance Strike (2) [AT] Play during the Strategy phase. place the 3" Blast marker anywhere on the battlefield and scatter it D6". Any unit under the template is hit by D3 S10 shots, or 2D3 S10 shots if it's under the hole in the center of the marker.
  • Outflank (X) [AT] Secretly choose one of your units to set aside during deployment and a neutral flank for it to arrive in. At the start of the first Movement phase, reveal which neutral flank the unit will arrive at. Second Movement phase of the game, the outflanking unit can finally be activated. Set it up so that its rear arc is touching the chosen flank. It cannot move any farther for the phase. This stratagem can be taken multiple times if the units are a part of the same Squadron. The cost of the stratagem is half the Scale of the outflanking unit(s) rounded up.
  • Overcharged Cannon (2) [DoM] Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. Pick a Titan that has a weapon with Maximal Fire. One weapon with that trait gains Super Maximal Fire - like regular Maximal, but at +4 Strength instead.
  • Override Signal (1) [DoR] Play when any Titan within 12" of a friendly Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. Add 4 to the result of the roll.
  • Partial Shutdown (1) [DoR, updated in LL] Play at the start of any Movement phase. Choose a friendly Titan to go into Partial Shutdown. That Titan is immediately issued Shutdown orders, but its void shields don't collapse. During the Damage Control phase, the Titan can only reduce its Reactor level by 1, and it can still make Reactor rolls if forced to do so. The Titan follows all other rules for normal Shutdown orders until the Shutdown orders issued by the Stratagem is discarded.
  • Penance (2) [DoM] Play at the end of the battle. Score 3 VP for each friendly Titan that is Structurally Compromised but not destroyed, and an extra 3 VP if the Princeps Seniores' Titan has any Critical Damage.
  • Profane Blessing (1) [SaI - Traitor only] Play in the first Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans or Knight Banners and place a marker of some kind on its command terminal. That unit can choose to re-roll one or more dice for a single roll. Discard the marker after re-rolls are resolved. Can be purchased multiple times.
  • Quake Shells (2) [DoM, updated in LL] Play during any Strategy phase. Place the 5" Blast marker on the battlefield and scatter it D10". Any unit under the marker takes D3 S6 hits, or D6 S6 hits if they're under the hole of the marker. Roll the Scatter dice and move all effected units D6" without changing their facing.
  • Reactor Surge (2) [DoR] Play when activating a Titan in the Combat phase. Increase the Titan's reactor by any number of holes. For each hole, repair 1 level of Void Shields. This stratagem doesn't work on a unit with a Shield Level of X.
  • Redundant Systems (2) [DoR] Play in any Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans. That Titan gets to ignore the first time they suffer Critical Damage, although loss of structure points still occurs. If the Titan is forced to move the Critical Damage marker more than once from an attack, move it one fewer space. Discard the Stratagem afterwards.
  • Sabotage (2) [AT, updated in LL] Play at the start of any phase. Pick a Titan that doesn't have Shutdown orders. Remove its current orders and roll an Order dice for new orders. If it cannot take the new orders, then no new order is given.
  • Sacrificial Lock-on (2) [SaI - Loyalist only] Play at the start of any Combat phase. Place a 5" Blast marker so that the central hole is entirely over a friendly Titan's base. Any Titan touched by the marker takes D3 S10 hits, or 2D3 S10 hits if the central hole of the Blast marker is entirely over the Titan's base. The attacks don't ignore void shields even if the friendly Titan is within 2" of another.
  • Scatterable Mines (2) [DoM, updated in LL] Play during the Strategy phase. Place a marker on the battlefield and scatter it D10". All land within 6" of the marker counts as Dangerous terrain for the rest of the round.
  • Secutarii Battalion (3) [DoM - Loyalist only] Play in each Strategy phase. Any enemy units with Scale 3 or less take D6 Strength 3 hits if they are within 2" of one of this player's Titans.
  • Shock Mines (3) [SaI] Play immediately after an enemy Titan has finished moving or turning. That Titan takes D3 S5 hits to its legs bypassing voids. If the Titan takes Direct, Devastating, or Critical Hits from the Stratagem, discard and orders it had and immediately apply Shutdown orders to it. Shutdown orders are removed at the End phase of the round.
  • Static Rain (3) [DoM, updated in LL] Play during the Strategy phase. Place a marker anywhere on the battlefield. Any Titan within 12" of the marker must make D3 Void Shield saves. Knight Banners in range can't make Ion Shield saves for the rest of the round, even if they move out of range of the marker. Remove the marker at the end of the round.
  • Strafing Run (2) [DoM, updated in LL] Play during the Strategy phase. Choose one of the battlefield edges and pick a point on it. Pick a point on any other edge and draw an imaginary line 1mm thick to it. Any unit on or with 2" of it takes D3 S6 hits. Determine which arc the first point is within for each unit hit and resolve all hits on that arc.
  • Tactical Assessment (2) [DoR] Play at the end of the Deployment phase before rolling for First Player. Immediately discard your current objective and roll 2D6 for a new one.
  • The Long Retreat (1) [DoM - Loyalist only] Play in any Strategy phase. This round, your Titans don't move at half speed when moving outside their Front arc.
  • The Miracle of Mars (3) [WD November 2019] Play in the damage control phase. Choose one of your Titans and place the stratagem card next to its Command Terminal. At any point during the Titan's activation, you may discard the stratagem to cool its reactor and roll 2D10+5 to see its effectiveness:
    • 7-15: Cool the reactor by D3 levels.
    • 16-24: Cool the reactor by D6 levels.
    • 25: Completely cool the reactor.
  • Thermal Mines (2) [AT, updated in LL] Play after an enemy unit finishes moving or making a turn. Roll a D6. On a 2+, that unit takes D3 S8 hits to the Legs, ignoring shields. On a 1, nothing happens and the Stratagem isn't discarded.
  • Titanic Decapitation (1) [DoM] Play in the End phase. Score 5 VP if an enemy Titan was destroyed by Critical Damage to the head.
  • Tracer Cloud (1) [SaI] Play at the start of any phase. Place a 5" Blast marker on the field. A player may re-roll Hit rolls against enemy Titans under the marker. Remove the marker at the end of the phase. FAQ: ONLY ALLOWED to be placed in the strategy phase. Much less useful.
  • Unhallowed Ground (2) [SaI - Traitor only] Play in the first Strategy phase. At the end of all Movement phases, any Titan that hasn't moved voluntarily or involuntarily takes D3 S6 hits to the legs ignoring void and ion shields.
  • Venerable Machine Spirit (2) [WD 458] Play in the first Strategy phase. Choose one of your Titans that isn't a Titan of Legend or a Psi Titan; reduce its Command characteristic by 3 to a maximum of 10+ and increase its WS and BS by 1 to a maximum of 2+ for the rest of the battle. The Titan may also be issued Emergency Repairs and Charge orders without making a Command check. If the Titan's Machine Spirit awakens, automatically apply the Belligerent result.
  • Veteran Princeps (1) [SaI] Choose one Titan that isn't a Princeps Seniores. Add 1 to all Command checks for orders on that Titan for the rest of the game. Can be purchased multiple times, but must be applied to a different Titan.
  • Voidbreaker Field (2) [AT] Play after an enemy unit with active Void Shields moves or turns. Roll a D6 - on a 2+, the Titan must take that many shield saves. On a 1, nothing happens you can use the Stratagem again on another turn.
  • Vox Blackout (3) [DoM, updated in LL] Play in any Strategy phase. All non-Shutdown orders are discarded, and the phase immediately ends.
  • Wages of Betrayal (2) [DoM - Loyalist only] Play in any Stratagy phase. Enemy Titans suffer -2 to Command checks this phase; the enemy Princeps Seniores suffers -3 to Command checks instead.
  • Wails of the Damned (2) [SaI - traitor only] play during any Strategy phase. For the rest of the round, enemy Titans subtract 2 from the results of all Command checks.
  • War Lust (2) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in any Strategy phase. This round, your Titans add +2" to their Boosted Speed. Also, add +2 to Command checks when issuing Full Stride orders.
  • War of Fates (1) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in any Strategy phase. Before the Movement, Damage Control and Combat phases, roll a D10. If the result is ODD, during that phase any 6 on a D6 (or 10 on a D10) counts as a 1. If the result is EVEN, any 1 rolled on a D6 or D10 counts as the maximum for that die.
  • Warmaster's Portion (3) [DoM - Traitor only] Play in the Strategy phase of the first round. During the Movement and Combat phases this round, your Titans can re-roll 1's to hit.
  • Warp Displacement (2) [SaI - Traitor only] Play in any phase. Choose one of your Titans and move it 2D6 inches in a straight line in any direction, ignoring movement rules for terrain. If the Titan ends up inside terrain that isn't Blocking terrain, take D3 S7 hits to the body bypassing void shields and destroy the terrain. If the unit ends up in Blocking terrain, destroy the Titan. If the Titan ends up overlapping its base with another unit, that causes a collision. Facing remains unchanged and if a Titan were to go off the table, place it at the battlefield edge.
  • Weapons to Full (2) [SaI - Loyalist only] Play during the Combat Phase. A friendly Titan can fire any of its weapons even if it was already activated in the Combat phase. After resolving each weapon attack, roll D10 on the Reactor Overload table.

Battlefield Assets[edit | edit source]

Battlefield Assets are special Stratagems found in the main rulebook and Doom of Molech that are represented by miniatures. Battlefield Assets are usually set up by the players within their deployment before deploying their first units at the start of the battle, although some say otherwise. Battlefield Assets can be targeted by attacks or trampled on by players. Hit rolls targeting Battlefield Assets have a -1 Hit penalty at Short range and a -2 Hit penalty at Long range.

Use the following damage table for Battlefield Assets:

12-15 Glancing Hit: Roll a D6, the Asset is destroyed on a 5+.

16+ Critical Hit: Roll a D6, the Asset is destroyed on a 3+.

Units can move across Battlefield Assets without penalty. If a Titan moves across a Battlefield Asset, roll a D10 or a D6 if its base is on top of the Asset at the end of its movement. If the result is lower than the Titan's scale, the asset is destroyed.

  • Apocalypse Missile Strongpoint (2) [AT] Has the same stats as a Reaver AML minus the Carapace trait, a WS/BS of 4+, and a circle firing arc. Can make attacks during the 'Enact Stratagems' step of the Strategy phase.
  • Command Bastion (1) [AT] One friendly unit within 18" of the command bastion may be issued one more order if they failed a Command check in the Strategy phase. This doesn't allow more than one order to be issued to a unit.
  • Communications Relay (2) [AT] Subtract 1 from the result of any Command checks for units that are within 18" of a communications relay that is owned by the enemy.
  • Forward Observers (1) [DoM] Play before making an attack using a weapon with the Barrage trait. Place a command bastion or communication relay anywhere on the board to represent a forward observer team position. While the Asset is on the board, friendly units using weapons with the Barrage trait may draw LoS but not range from the forward observers and ignore the -2 Hit penalty for firing indirectly.
  • Macro Cannon Battery (2) [AT] Short range 12" Long range 24" 2 dice S10 with a -1 Hit Penalty on the Long range profile. Also has the Ordnance trait, a WS/BS of 4+, and a circle firing arc. Can make attacks during the 'Enact Stratagems' step of the Strategy phase.
  • Plasma Generator (1) [AT] A friendly unit being activated within 1" of the plasma generator in the Movement phase may draw power from the generator and reduce its reactor level by D3 instead of moving or attacking with First Fire orders.
  • Titan Hunter Infantry [DoM] Short range 6" Long range 12" 4 dice S5 with a WS/BS of 5+ and +1 to hit at Short range. Can be played once each Strategy phase. When the Stratagem is played, place two markers wholly within the same or different pieces of terrain. Instead of activating a Knight Banner or Titan, you can instead attack using one of the markers using the normal rules for attacking. If more than one player has this Stratagem, take turns placing markers beginning withe the First Player. If ttwo opposing markers are placed in the same piece of terrain, they're both removed immediately.
  • Void Shield Relay (2) [AT] Friendly units within 2" of the Void Shield Relay that haven't moved voluntarily or involuntarily may reroll Failed Void Shield saves.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

It's very tempting to take two Warlords, slap the big ol' volcano cannon and missiles on it, and call it day. However, even playing a few games will tell you that mixing different weapons is one of the best ways to excel at this game. Once you get past the temptation to sit at the back of the boards and vomit firepower at long range all game, you will find every weapon has a place. Most weapons can be put in four categorys:

High capacity weapons (apoc missiles, gatling blasters, mega bolters) are your standard shield stripping affair. Weak against armour, you'd think once they kill shields they're useless. Wrong. On Reavers and Warhounds, they can hit sides and flanks of other Titans for those sweet bonuses, where your huge number of attack dice means you will likely roll one or two high dice. Add in the fact that Gatling blasters and mega bolters get more accurate the closer you get, you will find that if you flank effectively they can still contribute to the battle.

High power weapons (volcano cannons, quake cannons, melta cannons) are great for punching holes in the enemy armour, with blast helping them land multiple hits or mitigating misses. They can even help with shields.

Hybrid weapons (turbo lasers, laser blasters, plasma weapons) these are weapons which have a good rate of fire, so can meaningfully contribute to the void shield killing (sometimes with shieldbane to help take a Titan off 3+) while also having a high enough strength to help with armour. Plasma weapons with maximal can highten the strength even more to help with armour. This kind of firepower is also good nailing weak spots to help finish off wounded Titans.

Close quarters weapons (all knight weapons, fists, inferno cannon) are extremely strong but require some planning to get the best use out of. With a lower penalty to aimed shots and a usually high bonus to hit, these can really put the hurt down on enemy Titans, ignoring shields since you're so close. These weapons can be used defensively depending on your list, allowing you to put damage on more aggressive maniples as they close in. Melee weapons often need no support from the other weapon types.

Building your army[edit | edit source]

The new starter set from GW is an AMAZING place to start, making the game the most affordable its ever been, considering you get about 1200 points of titans/knights for 150$ (USD). For that value you get two Reavers (60$ each) two Warhounds (65$ for two), a two cerastus knights (35$) and the updated rules set (60$) making the value of the set about 280$, almost double what you would pay for the same stuff piecemeal. If you want to finish on a budget, pick up some more knights, or another reaver, or a couple more warhounds (any of those options should cost about 60-70$) to round out a 1500 point list, or if you want to go with a Warlord, be prepared to spend a bigger chunk of cash, and see below.

The recent PRECEPT MANIPLE BATTLEFORCE is another excellent way to start building your Legio. Giving you a Warlord, a Warbringer, a Reaver and two Warhounds for just 185$ (USD), saving you 140$ from a total MSPR of 325$ bucks!!. Sadly, this box doesn't come with rulebook, dice, templates and all that stuff from the other boxes but in the brightside, you still get command terminals and weapon cards that otherwise you would have to buy separately.

Theres still the issue of the (in my opinion) tremendously overpriced Warlord titan (110$ USD for something a little bigger than a 40k Redemptor Dreadnought (65$), and almost as much as a 40k scale questoris knight (130$)), but if you keep your eyes open and shop the sales at your FLGS you might get lucky and get one more modestly priced. In my experience a lot of FLGS have been sitting on those Warlords since they came out and will often jump at the chance to get rid of them to make some of the money they sunk into them back, so if you're patient (and a little lucky) you might nab one for a more reasonable price (it happened to me anyway), but otherwise you might just have to suck it up and pay the standard rate.