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''"War. War never changes."''<br>
{{Topquote|War. War never changes.|Ron Perlman}}
- Ron Perlman
{{Topquote|War has changed.|[[Metal Gear|Solid Snake]], being a contrarian.}}
'''Fallout''' is a post-post-apocalyptic game series that takes place in America about a century or two in the future where America had been bombed so much that it has been left as a rotting, [[Grimdark|smelly and depressing]] wasteland that happens to have <u>'''high as fuck raiders'''</u> come up to you and attempt to have anal with a flaming chainsaw or a laser weapon.

Despite the setting, most of the games are fairly [[noblebright]], with a darkly humorous streak and a series-long theme of rebuilding.
'''Fallout''' is a post-post-apocalyptic video game series, with a boardgame released in 2017 (see below), that takes place in America about a century or two in the future where America had been bombed so much that it has been left as a irradiated, [[Grimdark|smelly and depressing]] wasteland that happens to have <u>'''high as fuck raiders'''</u> come up to you and attempt to kill you with a flaming chainsaw or a laser weapon.

Despite the Grimdark setting, the player's actions can lead to a [[Noblebright|bright and optimistic future]], with a darkly humorous streak and a series-long theme of rebuilding. The freedom of approach to how you interact with the world set before you is one of the main selling points of the series, so you can leave the place worse than it was before (like [[Night Lords|joining a bunch of pseudo-Darwinian sodomite slavers]] or [[That Guy|poisoning the water supply to eradicate all the <s>civilians</s>]] [[Abhuman|muties]] unlucky enough to be born outside a vault [including you!]), or join the people trying to genuinely make it a better place. Kinda like a game run by a DM who believes that "actions have consequences," anything from the wrong dialogue option to murderhoboing your way to Las Vegas will leave a mark on the Wasteland at large. The games have been criticized for becoming somewhat unfocused in both writing and gameplay, with some saying that this was magnified by Bethesda, while others say it's always been like that.
[[Skub|And that's ''all'' we'll say on that for now.]]
You could say it’s set in the metaphorical fallout of the literal fallout.
==Plot and Setting==
==Plot and Setting==
For those wanting an in-depth analysis of the Fallout storyline, the "Fallout Storyteller" Youtube series has a large number of episodes dealing with the subject and can be viewed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvqm_pPD-aQ&list=PL7pGJQV-jlzD17YNNbt103xp0PkkUCoPU here].  
For those wanting an in-depth analysis of the Fallout storyline, the "Fallout Storyteller" Youtube series has a large number of (mostly accurate) episodes dealing with the subject and can be viewed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvqm_pPD-aQ&list=PL7pGJQV-jlzD17YNNbt103xp0PkkUCoPU here].  

Basically, while technology continued to advance past the 50-60'es, the culture did not, which is one of the biggest sources of hilarity in the game. Imagine a lady in a pink diner dress, high heels and curly, blonde hair run up to you with a nuke-launcher on the back and try to sell some drugs to you that could enhance you to the level of a Space Marine for hours.  
Basically, while technology continued to advance past the 50-60's, the culture did not, which is one of the biggest sources of hilarity in the game. Imagine a lady in a pink diner dress, high heels and curly, blonde hair run up to you with a nuke-launcher on the back and try to sell some drugs to you that could enhance you to the level of a Space Marine for hours while jingoistic jazz music blares from radios that were built in the 2040's. [[Derp|All because some dipshit forgot to invent semiconductors and global idea exchanges slowed]], the ham-fisted, pin-up U.S post-WW2 culture endures for a century.

Transistors were invented in 2067 rather than 1947, and humanity encountered alien technology around the time of World War 2 resulting in a society with computers that barely had 1MB of data storage and television was still black and white, but robots would clean your house and police your neighborhood while you yourself could own a disintegration ray hanging above the mantlepiece in case undesirables move into your neighborhood.  
From there, imagine the future as depicted in 1950s-era sci-fi media, then picture the US and China nuking the shit out of each other. Between that, the release of a bio-weapon that mutates living things which was itself mutated, and the general inability of anyone to get civilization's shit together for more than ten minutes at a time, the world remains for the most part a radioactive shithole even after over 200 years since the bombs dropped. It's not the nukes that killed humanity, but it's [[Skub|inability to agree on the most obvious shit]].  

Some events still happened, such as Ronald Reagan and Nixon both becoming president. Others, such as the entire world running out of oil all at once, didn't. The US still landed on the moon in '69, but set up a moonbase and fought a war against aliens. Vietnam occurred, but the United States openly participated in combat operations rather than simply attempt to defend the South. There are other divergences that occurred much earlier as well (possibly because aliens were monitoring and abducting humans throughout Fallout history) evidenced by the altered architecture in Washington DC. Hippies and McCarthyism remained right up until the end.  
Not helping matters (at least in the States) is that the pre-war underground-bunker living Vault Dwellers, intended as the best hope for repopulating the world, are either woefully unprepared for this hellscape or are just as messed up as everyone else. See, the Vaults were nominally only partly intended as fallout shelters. Their creators often added unusual conditions as experiments (nominally for testing conditions for space colonisation but occasionally for shits and giggles) ranging from quirky (like only giving glove puppets as entertainment) or downright fucking messed up (like gradually dosing the vault dwellers with hallucinogens and rage amplifiers over time). Some vaults have remained isolated till the present day, whilst others have opened themselves or been forced into over the years. Naturally, most games have you starting as a Vault Dweller, although usually from a vault with fairly benign (or at least less directly hostile, see Vault 101 where the experiment was to keep people locked up until Civil War broke out) test conditions.

The United States reorganized itself into 13 commonwealths with the states functioning as counties and the old Maryland Cowpens Flag with 13 stars replaced the 50 stars of Old Glory. The US progressed through the women's liberation and civil rights movements, so by the time of the bombs falling, racism and sexism were mostly forgotten. Religion and society's perception/treatment of it appear to have remained unchanged from the 60's; so no Catholic church scandals, no new atheism movement and no Islamophobia.  
Sapient races include Humans, Zetans (little green man aliens), Ghouls, Super Mutants, Nightkin Super Mutants, a breed of talking Deathclaw, Robots, Swampfolk, and Dwarves. Yes, dwarves, tiny little buff people changed on a genetic level by the bomb to have inherent dwarfism, who tend to be hairy and good with technology. Only appeared in Fallout 1 and 2, though.  

One of the biggest differences is the miniaturization of nuclear reactors in Fallout, to the point that everything from cars to ammo cartridges for laser weapons have them. The cars that still remain, mostly no longer functional, actually explode in a mushroom cloud if damaged sufficiently.  
[[Image: FalloutDwarf.jpg|200px|right|thumb|The Dwarves of Fallout 1 and 2.]]
==Sliding Scale of Seriousness==
One of the [[skub]]bier elements of Fallout is this: just how much of the setting is intended to be goofy fun, and how much is intended to be [[grimdark]]? On the one hand, there's a ''lot'' of messed up shit in Fallout - for example, Robobrains, a robot that looks like a [[Brain in a Jar]] on a mechanical cylinder with tank treads and cybernetic tentacles, were largely made up of political prisoners whose living brains were extracted and jammed in crude battle-droids to be used as expendable cannon fodder. On the other hand, you can encounter all manner of silly pop culture references, up to and including nearly crossing paths with [[Doctor Who]].

During the lead-up to the end of the world, oil became the major resource in the world as supplies dried up. The Middle East oil reserves were drained dry and the region ceased to matter on a global scale when they pooled their uranium into weapons stockpiles and gave the world a preview of what was to come. Europe had united into the "European Commonwealth" rather than the European Union, but when the Middle East blew itself away they turned inwards in petty wars over remaining resources until they had depleted themselves and ceased to matter on a global scale. The same thing happened to the Soviet Union, leaving only the United States and China as the remaining superpowers, which stood alone. Alaska became the only source of oil left on Earth, resulting in the last great war occurring between China and the United States for control of it. The US annexed Canada in its entirety, turning it into one giant mobilization center to retain the great white Northwest. The South American nations were left to fend for themselves. China, rather than deploy the expected numerical superiority, focused on small elite teams utilizing advanced stealth technology while the United States deployed atomic-powered robots and commandos in advanced powered armor.
==Notable People, Mutants, and Factions==

To advance their chances of victory, the US took the greatest minds of the world and created a secret facility contained underneath a mountain which was dubbed "Big Mountain" somewhere in the deserts of the American southwest. There, scientists churned out amazing works straight out of science fiction, from technology that could keep a brain alive in a jar forever to teleportation to cracking the secrets of the Chinese stealth suits. They were given ample numbers of Chinese prisoners of war to experiment on, as well as American citizens (and hippies) who were disappeared during the paranoia of the extended Cold War. Despite the high casualties and useless horrors that came out of the Big MT, the six executives in charge of the site were given unlimited authority within.
===Tribals and Wastelanders===

Towards the end of the Resource War, American biologists were tasked with countering possible Chinese biological weapons, but their work took an unexpected turn. When the Army learned that test animals for the "Pan-Immunity Virion Project" gained mass and intelligence, it took over the project and renamed it the "Forced Evolutionary Virus," hoping to use tough, intelligent super-soldiers to smash the Chinese hordes. The Army soldiers tasked with protecting the project while it went through involuntary human trials mutinied a few days before the bombs fell. It would be almost a hundred years later that FEV would become a threat to the wasteland.
Anyone who ''didn't'' grow up in a bunker (Vault, Military, Science-y, or otherwise). These shmucks have the burden of being born in a radioactive wasteland where ''everything'' is radioactive/mutagenic, and because time stopped during Boomer-era America, all the things you can find Pre-War contains Lead, Asbestos, and yup, more Nuclear Material. It's no wonder that the Enclave, the remnants of America's Pre-War government and its loyal troops, considers everyone in the Wasteland to be a [[Abhuman|sub-human mutant]] (but in reality though, the real reason why the Enclave hates everyone is because FEV, the virus that created Super Mutants, is already present in most humans simply because of how polluted and fucked up the Wasteland is.)

As nuclear paranoia grew, the United States government (or rather, the shadow government known as the Enclave) and the Vault-Tec Corporation initiated "Project Safehouse," a plan to build a number of underground bomb shelters known as Vaults across the country, each large enough to house around a thousand people until it would be safe to return to the surface and rebuild. Secretly, the Enclave designed most of the Vaults as social experiments to study how people handled long-term isolation and how suitable they would be for recolonizing Earth and potentially other planets. Those who couldn't get a place in the Vaults began coming up with alternatives, from personal fallout shelters to finding safe places for themselves and their communities to retreat to once the bombs fell.
Tribals on the other hand are humans who grew up in cultures that are just pastiches of Native American cultures. They tend to be very superstitious and avoid most Pre-War sites and artifacts (except guns, because AMERICA [and also because everything in the Wasteland can and will kill the unarmed]). The PC in FO2 is a Tribal, and you meet quite a few tribes in most games...except FO4 (this is going to be a running theme)

The Enclave planned on using a false alarm nuclear attack to drive populations into the Vaults,but the actual nuclear apocalypse occurred much sooner than expected. What caused it isn't known and who fired first isn't either (a computer in an underground army base, the switchboard, shows the chinese fired first but considering its an american army base, of course they blame the chinese), but the United States and China both unleashed their nuclear arsenals at each other. The United States was devastated, with many major locations annihilated. The people in the Vaults hid away within, all suffering from the experiments needlessly with most Vaults falling to catastrophe as a result. The people who didn't get into a Vault attempted to survive as best they could. Most of those who did manage to escape annihilation had hidden in mountains, natural caves, or wilderness so far from civilization no bombs were launched at them.
===Super Mutants===

The humans who didn't turn into Ghouls mostly became tribal societies with varying degrees of friendliness and/or savagery. Few tribes retained the civilized knowledge from before and were oftentimes extremely hostile to those they encounter, although many can be civilized enough to maintain friendly contact with other peoples.
[[Orks|7-foot tall sterile humanoids immune to aging, radiation and disease and built entirely of muscle that go to battle armed with the]] [[Choppa|biggest, heaviest choppers]] [[Dakka|or the shootiest, heaviest guns]] (and the [[Kommando|sneaky ones are Purple]]). [[Greenskin|Most of them are also Green]], except those in Washington D.C. because [[Derp|Reasons]]. They are stereotyped as big dumb cannibals, and you'd be right for the most part, [[This Guy|except for the ones that aren't]] and those from the "First Generation" of Super Mutants created by the [[God-Emperor of Man|Master]] (super mutated Psyker) himself. Each game has their own version of Super Mutants created by whatever mad scientist/evil organization/whatever-macguffin is present at the time, but they are all created due to experimentation with the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) that was supposed to turn humans into [[Adeptus Custodes|what peak performance looks like]], but ended up creating the pseudo-orcs we know today.  
<span style='color:green;font-size:115%'><s>THAT'S CUZ GREEN IS DA BEST!</s></span> <span style='color:darkgreen;font-size:116%'>NOW ''<sup>*wheeze*</sup>'' IS THE TIME OF THE SUPER MUTANT</span>

==Fallout 1==
All that being said, you really do feel for the super mutants. All Super Mutants are the unwilling result of humans being mutated, with pure Vault dwellers and other [[Primaris Marine|untouched-by-mutation virgins]] producing the [[Fabius_Bile#The_Great_Work|best and most successful results]]. We know that it's a painful process, some kind of memory loss is a given and it's a rarity for the succeeding generations to have some sense of connection to their former life, so those that do and actually want to do good are such a rarity that [[grimdark|you can call it a margin of error]]. In the West Coast, all of them are either survivors of the Master's Army (intelligent) or second generations caused by haphazard conversions of wastelanders (dumb). The [[Boyz|Dumb-Dumbs]] follow the [[Nob|smart ones]], for better ([[Vulkan|Marcus is pretty much the coolest guy you'll ever meet]]) or worse (everyone else).

[[File:Fallout_1.png|thumb|right|300px|I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. I'm all out of gum.]]
The sneaky ones are the most dangerous, because they're all first generation and also suffering from [[Srs|intense and serious mental illness]] due to the stealth-radiation frying their brains and worsening the dementia they have from being so old, which is how you get [[Awesome|Grannies chopping down Deathclaws with helicopter blades while being egged on by her personal demon]] but also split personality Mr. Slave/[[murderhobo]].

Eighty four years after the bombs fell, a resident of Vault 13 in California is chosen to leave the Vault to find a replacement unit for the Vault's damaged water chip, which controls the water recycling system. So begins the story of '''Fallout 1'''. This Vault Dweller, in his search for his prize, discovers that the world is (sort of) safe to return to, as many others had. He also discovers a major threat to the nascent human rebuilding: the Master's Army. This army of Super Mutants is the tool of the Master, who intends to turn the entire human race into Super Mutants. The Vault Dweller manages to stop the Master, though it is not known if he talked him down or blew him up, and return to the Vault with his prize, only to be exiled for being "contaminated" by contact with the outside world. Many other inhabitants of Vault 13 choose to leave with him, traveling north and founding the village of Arroyo.
As of Fallout 4, [[Derp|being a Super Mutant is a reversible condition]], because apparently it's easier to cure than a common cold.

==Fallout 2==

[[File:Fallout_2.png|left|thumb|300px|You get to visit New Reno, the [[/d/|scummiest of all pits]] in Fallout games. ]]
Most people die when they take too much rads. You won the genetic lottery by becoming a living zombie, your body now a cancer that's nourished by radiation. On the plus side, you're immortal, but your mind will eventually decay (also made quicker by radiation). People will also treat you like absolute shit, and [[Brotherhood of Steel|some people may even shoot you on sight]].  

The Vault Dweller's grandchild comes of age, passes a series of trials, and is then selected to find an artifact from Vault 13: a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, which will rebuild the wasteland into a paradise. So begins the story of '''Fallout 2'''. This Chosen One, in his search for his prize, discovers that the United States government is (sort of) still around and had abducted the people of Vault 13. He later learns that they are called the Enclave and had also abducted his tribe in his absence. The Chosen One travels to the Enclave's base of operations, a Poseidon Energy oil rig, to free the captives, find the GECK, and destroy the Enclave.

==Fallout Tactics==
Emerging out of the efforts of the Vault Dweller from FO1, the New California Republic was built with the trappings of pre-War California. They adhere to the principles of democracy and equality, though in reality, due to the difficulty of holding a country together in the wasteland, influence and power is bought by cattlefucking ranchers, unscrupulous arms dealers, and [[Rogue Traders|caravan companies]]. That, and their recent expansionist policies have stretched much of their military thin, and have also angered many communities who weren't keen on being annexed and taxed by the Republic. Though they're waaaaaay better than most of the other factions in the Wasteland, it's kind of a hard sell joining the faction that's so bad at its job, [[GRIMDARK|its Chief Ranger would rather die and have all his boys go down with him in a blaze of glory]] than let them be used as pawns in NCR power games.
[[File:Fallout_tactics.jpg|right|thumb|300px|"Fuck em"...*pukes*]]

In '''Fallout Tactics''', the Brotherhood of Steel began inducting tribes into its ranks in small numbers while defending the Wasteland against threats such as an army of renegade robots. The main group of the Brotherhood is separated from this group, which takes over Vault 0 and continues pushing eastwards. Although the bulk of Fallout Tactics is non-canon, the basic story remained.
Having said all of this, even the most jaded and disheartened citizens and soldiers of the NCR still hold at least a grudging respect for the principles they live under, or realize how bad all the alternative groups are, which is often the main selling point to support the Republic, more so than just the fact that they are a "democracy". In fact, the NCR's greatest flaws also feed into their greatest strength. The [[Imperium of Man|NCR may be an overstretched, disorganized and corrupt expansionist government]], but despite that it's still [[Humanity Fuck Yeah|full of everyday decent people on the ground trying to make some difference with what they got.]]

==Fallout 3==
Introduced in FO2, the Enclave claim to be the rightful rulers and inheritors of post-apocalyptic America. Y'see, back before the bombs dropped, the situation in the world and the US themselves had already deteriorated to a point a nuclear war was seen as a certainty, so ''obviously'' douchebags in the government decided "fuck the people, ''our'' survival is top priority!" Made up of all manner of high-ranking assholes, including the President, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, prize-winning scientists, wealthy industrialists, members of the military, influential politicians and other powerful men and women, they constructed their own secret sea-based survival retreat, and evacuated there several months prior to the big day (at least in the old fluff). These assholes were content to let the rest of the world die and planned on repopulating the wasteland afterwards <s>with their pure and uncorrupted Aryan genes</s>. When they finally deemed the mainland safe to return to, they weren't happy to find out that other people had survived, so they decided the best thing to do was to wipe out everyone who wasn't descended from their ranks (no matter how inbred said ranks might have been).

[[File:Fallout_3.jpg|left|thumb|400px|"Scenic overlook". Gotta love them 4th wall breaches!]]
Basically, the Enclave represented the "Asshole Surviving Elite" archetype from post-apocalyptic fiction; they preserved themselves at the expense of the average American, they maintained and built upon the highest pre-War tech so they are ''the'' ultimate , and they regard all others outside of their ranks as fit only to be enslaved or exterminated.

Two hundred years after the Great War, a civil war breaks out in Vault 101 after its head physician, James, leaves. His child then escapes the chaos in search of him. So begins the story of '''Fallout 3'''. This Lone Wanderer, in his search for his prize- I mean father, discovers that he was not born in Vault 101 as he had been led to believe, but in Rivet City, and his father had been working on "Project Purity" to purge the radiation from the Potomac River. Following his father's trail finds the Lone Wanderer trapped in the Tranquility Lane VR simulation in Vault 112 and having to endure Stanislaus Braun's sadism to escape. When they return to the Jefferson Memorial, they find that the Enclave has decided to take over the project. James floods the Purity station with radiation to keep it out of the Enclave's hands. The Lone Wanderer and Dr. Madison Li flee to the Pentagon, which the Brotherhood of Steel has converted to their base of operations in the Capital Wasteland. Elder Lyons puts the Lone Wanderer on the trail to find a GECK in Vault 87. Upon finding it (with the help of a friendly super mutant named Fawkes), the Enclave captures him and the GECK. The Wanderer kills the President Eden during his escape and brings the GECK back to the Jefferson Memorial behind the Brotherhood's assault and the awesome, anti-Communist super robot Liberty Prime. After dealing with Colonel Autumn, the Lone Wanderer is supposed to sacrifice himself in the radiation-filled control room to activate Project Purity. But that's bullshit, so the ''Broken Steel'' DLC allowed the Wanderer to survive or order a radiation-resistant companion to activate it instead and continued the plot to eliminate the Enclave's presence in the Capital Wasteland.
The ultimate antagonist of FO2 (with [[Awesome|12' tall genetically engineered homicidal maniac cyborg ex-Marine-turned-Secret-Service-agent]] serving as a final boss), they returned in FO3 as a surviving offshoot that is somehow more numerous than the original organization, BoS-style, where here they began to pick up a following amongst fans, largely because the whole "genocidal old world elitist bastards" angle was kinda downplayed by an extensive use of in-game propaganda, despite the plan of eradicating all mutants still being the same. FONV shows the aftermath of the original Enclave being destroyed by the NCR/BoS alliance for several of ex-members, so few in number they are almost irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Their quest, however, is all about gathering said remnants and convincing them to support your chosen faction during the final fight. They don't show up in FO4, but a separate branch of the Enclave does make an appearance in the lore in FO76, where it turns out that one absolute fucking '''maniac''' of an Enclave member not only got into the POTUS' private survival bunker, but secretly sabotaged the escape effort so that anyone with a higher rank than him would not get to the bunker under Whitesprings, meaning he would be officially left as the POTUS by virtue of being the highest ranked governmental official present and alive. He promptly used this power to flood Appalachia with mutants and killer robots as part of a crazy plan to gain access to remaining nuclear stockpiles to continue bombing China... which, as far as anyone knew, had ''already'' been nuked to oblivion...

[[File:Fallout_3_the_pitt.png|right|thumb|400px|The Pitt, a.k.a. Pittsburg, a.k.a. the industrial shithole of this universe.]]
===[[Brotherhood of Steel]]===
[[Adeptus Mechanicus|Tech-hoarding soldiers]] [[Black Templar|LARPing]] as [[Bretonnia|Arthurian Knights]]. Seriously.  

Most notable for their near-exclusive use of Power Armor (until other, less toaster-obsessed factions came into play) and their fetish for energy weapons. The Brotherhood’s originated from US Army defectors who turned away from the atrocities and corruption of the pre- and post-war US Government under the guidance of High Elder Roger Maxson, who also wrote the [[Codex Astartes|Codex]] that continues to guide them to this day.

* The DLC campaigns for ''Fallout 3'' were ''Operation: Anchorage'', a simulation of the Battle of Anchorage from the Sino-American War; ''The Pitt'', a trip to the ruins of Pittsburgh to resolve a crisis between slaves and raiders, ''Broken Steel'', where you mop up the Enclave and open up post-game adventure; ''Point Lookout'', a trip to the swamps of Maryland for open-ended adventure; and ''Mothership Zeta'', where the Lone Wanderer is abducted by aliens, teams up with captives from across time, and takes over the ship.
Being the poster boys of the setting, each Fallout game features them in some capacity. Since the original organization was just one bunker, the idea of [[Space Marines|chapters]] was introduced. In their quest to reclaim more technology ([[Iron_Hands#The_Moirae_Schism|but also to exile the forward-thinking while still making them useful]]) expeditions were sent out to found new chapters all across America so that Brotherhood paladins and knights can be found pretty much anywhere in post-apocalyptic US. Their doctrines also widely differ from staunch traditionalism to even more [[Adeptus Mechanicus|AdMech]]-like behavior of the Mojave chapter, brutal pragmatism of the Midwestern Brotherhood or naïve idealism of the FO3 Eastern chapter. Said chapters also have a bad tendency of being more prominent and numerous of a force than the OG Brotherhood, but such is life in the Wasteland.  

==Fallout: New Vegas==
The Brotherhood’s main mission is to safeguard the “forbidden” technology that led to the Great War, though they consider everything from Laser weapons to vital pre-War energy infrastructure as “forbidden” tech that cannot be trusted in the hands of “wasteland savages,” so they [[Template:American|liberate]] flashlights from the people who just happen to have it. To be fair to the Brotherhood, [[Dark Age of Technology|pre-War America was experimenting with some dangerous super-weapon level tech at the time, and were not above using their own citizens as guinea pigs]], as evidenced by the creation of Super Mutants and the entire Vault-Tec project. They also generally concentrate their efforts on things with immediate military applications, so they won't come knocking for your nuclear reactor (maybe). This also leads to them effectively ignoring civilian technologies like hydroponics, which bites them in the ass more often than not. None of that excuses the fact that their paranoia and elitism leads them to confiscate vital technology that could be used to actually better the lives of the Wastelanders around them.

[[File:Fallout_new_vegas.jpg|left|thumb|300px|The cold, cold road to [[Slaanesh|hookers, drugs, street violence and rock 'n roll]].]]
Oh, and they're massive racists in fluff of every installment, shooting both Ghouls and Super Mutants on sight.

In 2281, the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion are staring at each other across the Colorado River, having fought over Hoover Dam once before. Against this backdrop, a courier is shot for his charge, a poker chip made of platinum, and buried in a shallow grave. He's dug out by a Securitron robot and taken to Dr. Mitchell of Goodsprings, who saves his life. So begins the plot of '''Fallout: New Vegas'''. This Courier, in his search for his prize, travels around the Mojave Wasteland in pursuit of his attempted murderer, Benny, the head of the Chairmen, who runs the Tops casino in New Vegas. Eventually, all three major players in the Mojave (the NCR, the Legion, and Mr. House) want the Courier to do their dirty work to gain control over the Mojave, but there is a fourth option: Benny's plan was to use a subverted Securitron named Yes Man to take over House's network and use the platinum chip (actually a data disc containing a firmware upgrade for the Securitrons) to secure control over New Vegas. Whatever the Courier chose, the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is inevitable and only one faction can win.
===Caesar's Legion===
The Big Bad of FNV, tribals larping as Rome, led by a man who can call himself [[God-Emperor|Caesar]] because most people are too illiterate to know what Rome is. They conquered a whole bunch of desert tribes (57 to be exact), but the truth is that they're really just a horde with a few Roman terms and ideas sprinkled in (mostly the nasty ones). They think the only way to save the world is to conquer everyone and impose a reactionary warlike totalitarian luddite misogynist anti-mutant homophobic puritanical militaristic dictatorship on everyone forever. If you can see the problem with this, congratulations on having at basic understanding of history, human behavior and morality. Pretty much everyone in the game says that the Legion will disintegrate when Caesar dies, except for Caesar himself, because he's a narcissistic fuck, which is unironically the only reason why the Legion is so cohesive. Considering his two likeliest successors are a blunt bloodthirsty brute and a two faced sadistic torturer, Caesar pretty much is the only figure in the Legion with the intellect to hold together this army of sycophantic slaves. They literally believe him to be the biggest gigachad ever, even though it's really because they're just [[/pol/|illiterate]].

[[File:Fallout_sierra_madre.jpg|right|thumb|400px|Jokes aside, this is one of the most atmospheric settings in all of games out there.]]
===Followers of the Apocalypse===
Don't let the badass deathmetal name fool you, these guys are actually a bunch of nerds. If the Brotherhood is a bunch of tech hoarding soldiers, the Followers are their polar opposite, a group of [[SJW|pacifist scholars]] who seek to aid and educate the people of the Wastes. They have played an important role in the history of the West Coast and were the people responsible for educating the NCR, but due to the NCR's expansionism being at odds with the Followers goal of not repeating the same mistakes of the past (and encouraging self-determination over imperialism), the two factions have officially cut all ties with each other. Even though they're pacifists, don't expect them to just sit down and take it: they just leave the fighting to people who're good at it. Also, you have to give them props for surviving this long in the Wasteland, these guys got their start in the ruins of the LA Public Library back when Fallout was just an anarchic Mad Max simulator, and not a 50s music radio station, so they not only survived the lawless gang warfare of the LA Boneyard pre-NCR, but played a role in beating the Master and establishing the Wasteland's only true democracy. Also, Caesar was raised a Follower, though he was never a really good one.

* The DLC campaigns for ''Fallout: New Vegas'' were ''Dead Money'', where the Courier is kidnapped by a mad Brotherhood of Steel elder to pillage the Sierra Madre Casino's vault and is forced to work with a ghoul lounge singer, a Nightkin super mutant with a split personality, and a mutilated, mute Brotherhood of Steel scribe to achieve the goal; ''Honest Hearts'', where a trip to New Canaan goes wrong and the Courier has to help Joshua Graham, Caesar's former legate, save the tribals of Zion Canyon; ''Old World Blues'', where the Courier is abducted to the Big Empty and forced to help the Think Tank, a team of deranged brains in jars, fight a former member of their team; and ''Lonesome Road'', where the Courier goes to the ruins of the Divide to confront his past.
===New Vegas===
The very two-sided metropolis of the Mojave and subdivided into two main factions, the Families under the leadership of Robert House, an obscenely wealthy and ambitious totally-not-Howard-Hughes Industrialist from the Pre-War years who survived the Great War thanks to his advanced life support systems and the various factions of outer Vegas, of whom the biggest is Freeside under the leadership of The King and the group of gangers of the same name, a rag-tag assortment of folks all cosplaying as Elvis Prestley. Mr. House holds an iron first over the wealth and technology of the Las Vegas Strip that he with the help of his advanced Robot Army built to be an unconquerable fortress. His aims for the Mojave is to "civilize" it, by which he means using the major power advantage his robot army gives him to enforce a free-trade zone independent from the rest of the Wastelanders. Being a true Ayn-Rand-style libertarian anarcho-capitalist with a serious god-complex, he usually views any kind of moral objection one might have to his egotistical dreams as a lack of vision. This brings with it its own buttload of problems, mainly that the people he "civilized" (The Families) self-admittedly didn't really agree to it in the first place and by the time of New Vegas tried to undermine Houses authority for very understandable reasons. The Families themselves, which House dubs his employees, are the former members of three wastelander tribes House basically forced at gunpoint to populate the Las Vegas strip some years prior are the Omertas, who were Slavers and Pimps who just continued their business under House, the White Glove Society, a bunch of cannibals whose tendencies and cultural habits turned out to be really hard to overcome, and the Chairmen, that were a band of marauding, drug-fueled raiders. The Kings that control most of outer Vegas (called Freeside) are a gang of Elvis Presley cosplayers whose boss once found a building that housed a school for Elvis Presley impersonators in the Rubble of Vegas and assumed that, in order to be so famous that other people wanted to be you, you must have been some sort of divine being and he subsequently assumed the style, music and even accent of the real deal for himself and his gang in a truly bizarre cargo cult. The Kings are both opposed to Mr. House, whom they view as the same sort of oppressive slaver as Caesar and the NCR, who step on their turf under Houses protection, much to their chagrin.

==Fallout 4==
===Boston Factions===
Of the four factions vying for control over Boston, only two can be considered as having a large impact on the Wasteland outside of the Commonwealth, and one of those (The BOS) isn't even from Massachusetts.

[[File:Fallout_4.png|left|thumb|400px|Colours in a Fallout game? What a time to be alive.]]
'''The Institute''' was formed by the scientists of MIT, their base fully underground, and the only way in either being teleportation, or through their toilets. Not only did they manage to ride out the Apocalypse, but were able to ''thrive'', their tech and quality of life being way beyond what anyone else in the Wasteland can even imagine. [[Tau|Everything inside is clean, shiny, and plastic.]] Their greatest creation is Synths, which are basically bladerunner-style synthetic life. Starting out as nothing more than mechanical robots before being perfected with full-on synthetic flesh completely indistinguishable from "real humans", they obviously did the amoral science thing and gave them sentience and free will that could instantly be overided with a few words. [[Men of Iron|Clearly, nothing can go wrong.]]  

In Boston at the zero hour of the war, new parents are admitted to Vault 111 and placed in cryogenic suspension. One of them is murdered, their infant child Shaun stolen, and the other refrozen. When the cryo systems fail, the only survivor of Vault 111 heads to the surface in pursuit of the man who ruined a family. So begins the plot of '''Fallout 4'''. This Sole Survivor, in pursuit of his (or her) prize- I mean child, discovers that two hundred years have passed. As he travels, he encounters the last of the Minutemen and goes to Diamond City (built on the ruins of Fenway Park) following a lead. He finds the people paranoid about an organization called "The Institute" replacing anybody they know with near-perfect replicas called synths, and further investigation points to the Institute having abducted Shaun. He can work with the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the synth emancipation group known as the Railroad to fight the Institute, or choose to join it instead.
These guys might look like squeaky-clean Futurists, but they're exactly like the pre-War scientist of Vault-Tec, but no longer bound by government/corporate agendas. Just like Vault-Tec, they do their experiment on civilians, which they do by replacing Wastelanders with Synths (i.e literally kidnapping and murdering a defenseless innocent after raping its brain for memories) so they can <s>watch people fuck</s> test their theories and make sure no one can mount an effective resistance against them. Of course, because Synths are sentient and do most of the actual work, some of the more advanced ones manage to escape, and over time, have worked with a group of sympathizers to create...

[[Derp|Like Fallout Tactics, Fallout 4 contains several continuity errors.]] [[Retcon|But unlike Fallout Tactics, these are considered canon.]] [[Rage|Thanks Bethesda.]] [[Troll|And it was Bethesda who declared Fallout Tactics canon for its continuity errors.]]
'''The Railroad'''. Named after the Underground railroad that helped free slaves, these guys do the same, but with Synths. <s> absolutely no word on whether or not they free real human slaves, like the ones you found in the Capital Wasteland, even though they have agents there, too, and a burgeoning anti-slavery faction</s> Whenever a Synth manages to break free from their programming and realizes they're pretty much people, they seek out the Railroad for help. The Railroad operates all over the East Coast, helping synths get away from <s>Blade Runners</s> [[Original character, do not steal|Coursers]], wiping their memories so they can get a fresh start, before spiriting them away to new lives. These guys have a pretty robust intelligence network with freed synths and even a Pre-War DeepBlue-copy, but are otherwise just regular Wastelanders and Sympathizers. That being said, most of the people of the Commonwealth dislike them because it's really hard to trust Synths whose personalities and wills can be overriden at any point and turned against you.  

* The DLC campaigns for ''Fallout 4'' are ''Automatron'', where the Mechanist comes to the Commonwealth with an army of robots and allows you to create your own custom mix-and-match robots to use as companions or settlers; ''Far Harbor'', where a case from the Valentine Detective Agency takes the Sole Survivor to an island off the coast of Maine, where the locals struggle with the Children of Atom and a mysterious fog that blankets the island while runaway synths live in a refuge built inside an old astronomical observatory, and is the largest DLC campaign Bethesda has released yet, being even bigger than the ''Shivering Isles'' from ''[[The Elder Scrolls#The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion|Oblivion]]''; and ''Nuka World'', which goes to a pre-War Nuka Cola-themed amusement park for shenanigans.
'''The Minutemen''' - Named after the historic militia, these guys organize themselves the exact same way, down to the fucking muskets (technically it's a [[Wat|crank-operated]] single-shot laser, which makes 0 sense because it still uses <s>batteries</s> microfusion cells, and quite literally any weapon will be better. Apparently it was once planned to not need energy cells, but that feature was scrapped somewhere during production). Because these guys organize themselves with tactics straight out the Colonial-era, it was pretty easy for them to be wiped out by a gang of sadistic mercenary types called the Gunners that ''do organize themselves like a proper army''. These guys suck so bad, you are literally made their General within the game's first act, and you just kinda sorta stay in the position, even if you help anyone else, including Raiders (but at that point, the one guy will refuse to help you until you leave them, but you're still their General and besides him they'll still help you). Of course, just like the NCR, these guys are probably the ''best'' option for the Commonwealth because the members that really stuck around are the types that genuinely believe in their mission of making the Wasteland a better place, and unlike the Brotherhood, they understand that by wiping the Institute they can also free the Synths from their control, so there's no need to hunt them down.
** There is also a series of "Workshop" packs that add new settlement items. ''Wasteland Workshop'' adds more settlement items and allows you to tame and train wasteland creatures; ''Contraption Workshop'' adds weapon and armor racks and stuff with moving parts; and ''Vault-Tec Workshop'' allows you to build your own Vault and perform experiments on its inhabitants.

==The Games==
===Fallout 1===
[[File:Fallout_1.png|thumb|right|300px|I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. I'm all out of gum.]]
Eighty four years after the bombs fell, a resident of Vault 13 in California is chosen to leave the Vault to find a replacement unit for the Vault's damaged water chip, which controls the water recycling system. This Vault Dweller, in his search for his prize, discovers that the world is (sort of) safe to return to, as many others had. He also discovers a major threat to the nascent human rebuilding: the Master's Army. This army of Super Mutants is the tool of the mutant known as The Master, who intends to turn the entire human race into Super Mutants to unite mankind into one whole and bring an end to conflict and war (except he's being semi-despotic about it). The Vault Dweller manages to stop the Master, though it is not known if he talked him down or blew him up, and return to the Vault with his prize only to be exiled for being "contaminated" by contact with the outside world. Many other inhabitants of Vault 13 choose to leave with him, traveling north and founding the village of Arroyo. Also the FMV sequence you get if you join the master is creepy, so don't do it.

* '''New California Republic:''' The self-styled successor to the United States of America, the New California Republic started as an alliance of small settlements in northern California that now flies the former state/commonwealth flag of the two-headed bear. Through diplomacy and vigorous expansion, NCR controls most of old California and is currently (as of 2281) expanding into Nevada, intent on acquiring Hoover Dam to provide electricity to its citizens. NCR believes in liberty and justice for all, but staggers under its own bureaucracy, the corruption that comes with it, and high taxes to the point that its unpleasantly similar to the pre-war government, albeit without the Enclave (yet). It is, by all means, the nicest of the larger nations, providing support to their citizens in return for relatively heavy taxes and following strict laws; it's also the closest the post-apocalyptic wastelands of America have to a functioning Old World-style country. The NCR grew out of an alliance of settlements including Shady Sands (which later became the capital city), Vault City, the Hub, Redding, and Klamath. The west is largely a safe place to live because of them, but many individual towns aren't too happy about their desire to take everything for themselves. The economy of the NCR is primarily built on "Brahmin Barons," who are the owners of large-scale brahmin ranching operations that have considerable economic and political power, as well as powerful mercantile and scavenger caravan companies. Their military is based on the pre-War US military but with a more tribal feel; normal troops are volunteers and conscripts from around the west, while the Rangers are the Special Ops units primarily recruited from whatever region they specialize in and take on any tasks too delicate, tough, or convoluted to be resolved with raw power. The Rangers of Nevada wear the ''bad ass'' Ranger Combat Armour from the front of the Fallout: NV box which is scavenged police riot control gear while the California Rangers resemble park rangers of the pre-War wearing combat armor. The Nevada branch also took to using Heavy Troopers with big guns and salvaged power armor from their war with the Brotherhood, which, while cool, isn't as protective as the real deal and is loads heavier due to the fact that all of the robotic parts have been taken out leaving only the metal strapped directly to the body of the wearer.
1 and 2 was a turn-based game much like traditional Dungeons & Dragons, your stats' math calculation corresponding to various skill points which are also advanced with practice and skill points defining percentage of success for various actions, also influenced by weapons range, enemy armor class or the lock's sturdiness etc. It maxed out at 95% (a subtle nod to 1d20 critical failure), and various armors have damage resistances to various attacks boostable by drugs and perks. Unlike fantasy potions, drugs give very bad addiction withdrawals. Later games would turn into Skyrim with guns, [[Skub|which is debatable whether it's a good thing or not]] to reach the young audience.
** As far as inclusiveness goes, the NCR is the most welcoming militarized faction in the west. Although Ghouls suffer discrimination from citizens and officials, there is no actual legalized repression and a ghoul can still have NCR citizenship. The NCR has no peaceful experience with super mutants, and out of pure ignorance they can potentially come into conflict with Jacobstown in ''Fallout: New Vegas'' with the only peaceful solutions being keeping the two apart. NCR military is slow to forgive and it takes a great deal of finesse on the part of the player in New Vegas to get the two into an alliance (their commander in the area simply prefers outright genocide against them to be done with any potential threat forever), although once the alliance is forged the Brotherhood of the West and the NCR form a permanent partnership based on the Brotherhood keeping the roads of Nevada safe for NCR citizens and receiving all the techno-goodies that comes to the NCR in exchange. AI beings have absolutely no rights in the NCR, although the NCR has not yet encountered synthetic lifeforms and their attitudes towards them remains unknown. NCR citizens have a manifest destiny attitude, and are quick to settle new areas and come into conflict with local tribes; this ranges from the Freeside section of New Vegas where out of luck NCR citizens and the longtime residents hoard the few resources of the area to the NCR military becoming involved with wars against literally every desert tribe they encounter. Although willing to work through issues using diplomatic channels, it takes extraordinary individuals (read: player characters) to give enough of a fuck to resort to something that isn't calling on NCR military police or a ranger attack to solve a given problem.
** The NCR, compared to many other factions of the wasteland, also has the benefit of being able to mass-produce their own weapons and ammo rather than forced to scavenge ruins from centuries-old firearms held together by duct tape and prayers. This has allowed them to become one of the few factions that can equip all its combat personnel with firearms. This also something to do with having the Gun Runners as the NCR's arms supplier; originally a gang of post-apocalyptic mechanics in ''Fallout 1'' who got lucky and found a functional factory with intact gun schematics, they quickly became the post-apocalyptic equivalent of Pre-War military contractors.  

* '''The Brotherhood of Steel:''' A group of US Army personnel stationed in the Mariposa Military Base in California announced their desertion when they discovered they were guarding '''horrible''' experiments on POWs and American political dissidents. The survivors left the base after the bombs fell and trekked to the Lost Hills bunker, where they became the Brotherhood of Steel. Since then, the Brotherhood has evolved (or devolved) into a neo-chivalric order devoted to acquiring and maintaining the technology of the Old World while keeping it out of the hands of the undeserving (read: everyone else). The Brotherhood is divided into three major orders: the Scribes analyze and manufacture technology, and the Paladins and Knights form the core of the Brotherhood's military strength (the equivalent of officers and enlistees). Elders are those in positions of authority within their caste and the High Elder is the overall leader of the entire Brotherhood. Although they have the second-highest technology level of any faction in North America, the Brotherhood is slowly dying thanks to a combination of attrition, an unwillingness to recruit from the outside world, and generally being complete assholes to outsiders. Basically, they're [[Elves]] with short lifespans, crossed with the [[Adeptus Mechanicus]]. The Brotherhood of Steel has a VERY tight chain of command and many rules and traditions directly related to it, although out of necessity it is largely being forgotten already.
===Fallout 2===
** After the Master's defeat, the Brotherhood sent a contingent east in pursuit of remnants of the Master's Army. This contingent consisted of Brotherhood members who wanted to reintegrate with the outside world and was conceived as a way to remove their dissenting opinions. While conducting operations in and around Chicago, this Midwestern Brotherhood, under the leadership of General Simon Barnaky, opened its ranks to tribals, ghouls, some super mutants, robots, and even sapient deathclaws. The Midwestern Brotherhood later comes into conflict with Caesar's Legion during operations in Colorado.
[[File:Fallout_2.png|left|thumb|300px|You get to visit New Reno, the [[/d/|scummiest of all pits]] in Fallout games. ]]
** Another group was sent east to reestablish contact with the Midwest chapter. The expedition never found them, making its way to Pittsburgh. Upon seeing the East's condition, the expedition's leader, Owyn Lyons, made it his mission to help the natives. He led an operation to eradicate the slavers that called "the Pitt" home and then marched to the capital of the old United States. They pushed the super mutants back into the city ruins, earning the gratitude of the human survivors, and converted the ruined Pentagon into their base of operations, the Citadel. After Elder Lyons's death, his daughter Sarah succeeded him, though she was killed in action soon after. Leadership of the East Coast Brotherhood eventually fell to Arthur Maxson, who became Elder before he was old enough to drink. By ''Fallout 4'', the East Coast Brotherhood has not only since resumed contact with the original Lost Hills chapter, but under Maxson's rule grown much more in line with the old doctrines, though many elements of Lyons' reforms have survived.
The Vault Dweller's grandchild comes of age, passes a series of trials, and is then selected to find a sacred artifact from Vault 13: a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, which will rebuild the wasteland into a paradise. It should be obvious by now that the population made of Vault 13 settlers managed to degenerate into neolithic barbarism in one generation. Anyway, this Chosen One, in his search for his prize, discovers that the United States government is (sort of) still around and had abducted the people of Vault 13. He later learns that they are called the Enclave and had also abducted his tribe in his absence when he found Vault 13 himself. So the Chosen One travels to the Enclave's base of operations, a Poseidon Energy oil rig, to free the captives, find the GECK, fight one [[Space Marines|big boi]] and destroy the Enclave, helping (or breaking) towns along the way. Despite being regarded as the best of the classic Fallout games it was rushed to meet a Christmas deadline with large sections of the game cut for time. These have since been re-added and bug fixed through modding and is considered required to get the full and proper Fallout 2 experience.
*** Elder Lyons's deviation from his mission cost him his support from back west and a number of his subordinates sided with Protector Henry Casdin against him, leaving the Brotherhood to continue their primary mission to secure lost technology. Known as the '''Brotherhood Outcasts''', [[Derp|Despite the fact that they follow the true ideals of the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood loyal to Lyons are actually the outcasts]], they changed their emblem to only signify the strength and knowledge values (as well as paint their armor black with red iconography on it, the little rebellious edgelords) and supplemented their small forces with a large supply of robotic soldiers. After predictably failing to do anything more than survive against the Enclave, super mutants, and ghouls, and losing every engagement against the East Coast Brotherhood, they rejoined their kin under Arthur Maxson around 2283.
** In the Mojave Wasteland, the Brotherhood established their base of operations at the HELIOS One solar power station. When the NCR entered the area, they came into conflict. Though the [[Space Marines|Brotherhood has superior equipment and training,]] [[Imperial Guard|NCR has more bodies.]] Operation: Sunburst saw the Mojave Brotherhood devastated and forced to retreat back to the Hidden Valley bunker. Elder Elijah disappeared during the withdrawal and leadership fell to Nolan McNamara; nobody would know that Elijah had discovered HELIOS's connection to Archimedes II, an orbiting solar cannon. Elder McNamara instituted a complete lockdown and for a generation kept the Brotherhood completely contained within the bunker, exiling or making scavengers of those who disagreed. He prioritized repopulation and training, while breaking the chain of command to directly send out agents to monitor the activities of the NCR and Caesar's Legion. The bitterness at the NCR as well as their longterm seclusion made them even more bitter towards outsiders, viewing them as subhuman invaders. At the end of ''New Vegas'', they either get wiped out completely via a neglected self-destruct sequence in the bunker (as all of the factions view the Brotherhood as a potential threat), flee their bunker into the Wasteland for parts unknown, or enter into a permanent alliance with the NCR as the local peacekeepers of Nevada after the Legion is wiped out or driven back.

===Fallout Tactics===
Image:Brotherhood Of Steel Logo.png|The Brotherhood of Steel logo. The circle represents unity, the sword their strength, the gears their knowledge, and the wings the hope that enables the above.
[[File:Fallout_tactics.jpg|right|thumb|300px|"Fuck em"...*pukes*]]
Image:Brotherhood Of Steel Outcasts Logo.jpeg|The Brotherhood of Steel Outcast logo.
In '''Fallout Tactics''', the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel began inducting tribes into its ranks in small numbers while defending the Wasteland against threats such as an army of renegade robots. The main group of the Brotherhood is separated from this group, which takes over Vault 0 and continues pushing eastwards. Although the bulk of Fallout Tactics is non-canon (though some, like the Mid-West Brotherhood being semi-canon), the basic story (and some elements such as airships and Nuka Cherry) remained canon.
Image:Brotherhood Of Steel Logo East.png|The flag of the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel.

* '''Caesar's Legion:''' Caesar (pronounced internally according to the Latin pronunciation "Kai-sar", and otherwise in the Western manner "Sea-ser"), the self-styled son of Mars and formerly a Follower of the Apocalypse named Edward Sallow, the God of War, united eighty-six tribes under his banner (the bull) in the midwest, with undisputed territorial claims stretching as far west as the Colorado River. The Legion does not engage in diplomacy beyond "Join us or die." The Legion completely assimilates the people it conquers, destroying their old ways of life. To become citizens of the Legion means to throw away your heritage and traditions for security, prosperity, and continued existence. The Legion's army is a slave army composed solely of able-bodied men, owned entirely by Caesar. Women are confined to domestic roles and sexual slavery. [[Imperium|Non-humans are killed without exception]], and technology in general is shunned unless useful as a weapon. The discovery of Hoover Dam brought the Legion into direct conflict with the NCR, which drives the story of ''New Vegas''. Ironically, despite the pretensions of invoking Rome, the Legion has more in common with some of the barbarian tribes the actual Roman Empire fought, something Caesar himself acknowledges; coincidentally, this is also why he wants to claim New Vegas so much as he intends to make it a proper "Nova Roma" from which his Legion could at last find solid grounding.  
===Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel===
[[File:FBOS.jpg|thumb|left|300px|Unintentionally meta.]]
Three Initiates to the Brotherhood, one strangely enough being a Ghoul despite how much the Brotherhood hates both outsiders and mutants, are sent to go find missing Paladins despite how illogical it is to send three fresh recruits after several high ranking veterans in power armor. They wound up being aided by the Vault Dweller, who was still alive at the time, and take out another Super Mutant army. At one point you wipe out the entire population of a town of Ghouls because they don't accept humans but you need to get to the other side and apparently can't be arsed to just walk around it, despite the fact you may in fact be playing as a Ghoul with absolutely no humans for miles who's entire backstory was humans wiped out his town...

* '''Followers of the Apocalypse:''' Despite the ominous name, the Followers are the most chill faction in the wasteland. They are devoted to understanding the mistakes of the past, helping people survive the harsh present, and building toward a noblebright future. While the Followers were instrumental in the formation of the New California Republic, they split over disagreements about the state's future and NCR poached many of the Followers' top people to staff their new Office of Science and Industry. Without NCR's backing, the Followers are chronically under-funded and over-worked, but hold on to their ideals in the face of harsh realities. Usually. There's one notable exception, a guy named Edward Sallow. His entry is right above this one.
Completely non-canon, and unlike Fallout Tactics everyone is happy about that.
** A tribe in Utah managed to survive the war in New Jerusalem before moving to Mount Zion National Park, and are the only remaining Christians known in the post-war world. Known as '''New Canaanites''', after their town of New Canaan, they accepted refugees of all kinds, particularly from both the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR during their war in Nevada. Edward Sallow had come to them in his journey as a Follower, taking one of their own known as Joshua Graham as a companion. Eventually the men returned to the area years later as the leaders of Caesar's Legion. Graham was lit on fire and throw into the Grand Canyon after being defeated by the NCR, and after learning he had survived and taken refuge in New Canaan again the Legion had a local tribe that wanted into their ranks, the White Legs, destroy the New Canaanites. Two survivors, one being Graham, took refuge with the other local tribes. Caesar tasked the White Legs with destroying all other tribes in the area to gain admission to the Legion, causing the other tribes to unite against them. By the time the player of Fallout: New Vegas becomes involved, only the ''' Dead Horse''' and '''Sorrows''' tribes remain in opposition.  

* '''The Enclave:''' The Enclave's leadership is comprised of the descendants of US government officials from the Great War. They are the most technologically-advanced faction in the wasteland and take pride in being the only uncontaminated, mutation-free strain of humanity left outside the Vault experiments. Like the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave arms its soldiers with energy weapons and advanced armor systems and are generally jerks to the world at large. Unlike the Brotherhood, the Enclave are willing to innovate and work with outsiders. Unfortunately for those outsiders, "work with" generally means "enslave and work to death." They got properly curbstomped in ''Fallout 2'' and ''3'', and are as of 2287 almost eradicated from the wasteland, save a few stubborn survivors (who can be recruited for the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, depending on your decision).
===Fallout 3===
[[File:Fallout_3.jpg|right|thumb|300px|"Scenic overlook". Gotta love them 4th wall breaches!]]
The series turns into a Skyrim/Oblivion 3D RPG with guns - Many cheered as Fallout was revived from the precipice of obscurity, and others were filled with [[RAGE]] over an assortment of things, like Power Armor nerfed to the equal of an Imperial Guard flak armor. After all... Rage. Rage never changes

* '''New Vegas:''' Thanks to billionaire industrialist Robert House, Las Vegas had a missile defense grid so it and the surrounding area survived the Great War mostly unscathed. Drawing power from the Hoover Dam and fresh water from Lake Mead, New Vegas is a small but successful community built primarily on providing entertainment to NCR citizens. As of 2281, House is still in control of Vegas. He maintains his iron grip on the three "rehabilitated" tribes that run the three major casinos with his Securitron robots. The people of New Vegas are secure from outside threats, but House demands absolute obedience and does not seem to care about the state of Freeside, the crime-ridden neighborhood built up outside the Strip.
Two hundred years after the Great War, a civil war breaks out in Vault 101 after its head physician, <s>Liam Neeson</s> James, leaves. His child then escapes the chaos in search of him. This Lone Wanderer, in his search for his father, discovers that he was not born in Vault 101 as he had been led to believe, but in a beached aircraft carrier named Rivet City. His father had been working on "Project Purity" to purge the radiation from the Potomac River to provide clean water for the world. Following his father's trail, the Lone Wanderer eventually comes into conflict with the resurgent Enclave which wants to take the project for itself. Canonically the player fights the Enclave off, mind-fucks the President and helps purify the water of the Capital Wasteland with the Brotherhood of Steel. They also die due to radiation but gets better in the DLC, and chase the Enclave to a mobile base crawler and finally bomb them from orbit (or Brotherhood citadel if you are feeling like an asshole).
** '''The Chairmen:''' Real cool gigs, baby, real cool. Rules the Tops Casino, they are the most cool and suave motherfuckers in Vegas. They mostly just play the rules and foster leaders who want to take over Vegas, all cool. They ain't no finks, dig?
** '''The Omertas:''' The leaders of the Gommorah Casino and Brothel, they ain't no damn low time criminals, see? They respect only their family and them Securitron of House's, 'cause you don't wanna mess with the coppers. Sleazy bastards who are civilized only in appearance and even then it's a thin fascade.
** '''The White Glove Society:''' The gentlemen and ladies of the Ultra-Luxe, they give only the most luxurious performance in whatever they do, be it their dresses (creepy porcelain-masks and pompous suits) or their cuisine, which is human meat''definitely isn't human meat and never has been.''
** '''Freeside:''' House controls the Vegas Strip.  This is all the other stuff, like how no one cares about the actual city of Las Vegas.
*** '''The Kings:''' An exception to the 50s theme.  Two guys found a place called 'The King's School of Impersonation', filled to the brim with Elvis impersonation stuff. They wore out the only tape of Elvis's voice they found so only Pacer and the newly-named The King talk like him.  So on the outskirts of post-WW3 Las Vegas you have a gang based on Elvis impersonators.  Actually decent; they were shoved out of Vegas proper but keep a little bit of order in Freeside.

* '''Shi:''' The Shi are focused around San Francisco. The Shi are led by the Emperor, though his chief adviser is the ''de facto'' head of the organization. The Emperor is actually the computer mainframe and A.I. of the Chinese submarine ''Qin Shi Huangdi'' (named after the historical emperor who first united China), which washed up on shore after the Great War. The Shi the descendants of the crew of the submarine and local SanFran survivors that turned (and still do turn) to the artificial intelligence for guidance. Although the Shi prefer to remain apart from wasteland politics, they come into conflict with the Hubologists of San Francisco. Their eventual fate is unknown, but they probably got conquered by the NCR.
The first DLC is called "Operation Anchorage", where a group of BoS Outcasts are trying to gain access to a cache of pre-war tech in a bunker. Unfortunately for them, the only way to gain access to said tech is by playing a vr milsim centered around the liberation of Anchorage, and it only runs on the Pip-Boy operating system. Fortunately for you, ''you'' have one of those, so naturally the Outcasts are <s>desperate</s> willing to split the loot with you just this once. What follows is basically the atompunk version of those military first-person shooters everyone likes to make fun of as you fight the (virtual) Chinese army in the name of 'Murica!

* '''Hubologists:''' Scientologists with armor, guns, a spaceship, and porn stars instead of Tom Cruise. WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING INTERPLAY!?!?
The second DLC is "The Pitt" where you are recruited to help liberate some slaves. Your destination: the ruins of Pittsburgh, now the Pitt, which, while not hit directly during the war, was heavily irradiated by the nearby river, causing the locals to degenerate into feral cannibals. So all in all, an overall improvement. That said, the infrastructure is still intact, so some raiders have set up shop at the metal refineries with their slaves to do all the work for them. Speaking of slaves, the only way into the Pitt is to pretend to be one, so you're gonna be working from the bottom up to infiltrate their society. Once you reach the guy in charge, however, you'll quickly realize that things aren't so black-and-white as they seem, and you'll have to make a choice that ''isn't'' tracked by the karma meter!

* '''Tribals:''' Small independent tribes still persist in the wasteland, ranging from primitive Native American-esque clans to more civilized and advanced cultures. Some are peaceful, while others take to raiding and pillaging to survive or simply for lulz.  
The third DLC is "Broken Steel". If you have Fallout 3, ''get this''. It adds a post-game campaign that allows you to keep playing for as long as you want (something New Vegas sorely lacks). As for the story, it's changed so that now when the time comes to activate Project Purity, not only will you not die instantly if you do it yourself, you can instead have certain radiation-immune companions do it for you. The narrator will still call you a coward, but better to be a coward than a fool. Either way you go about it, you wake up two weeks later to either a wasteland where the availability of fresh water has opened up new opportunities for the locals, or, if you used the modified FEV, a wasteland where everyone (including you) is slowly being killed by the contaminated water. Regardless, you proceed to help the Brotherhood of Steel mop up the remaining Enclave forces.
** '''Assorted Towns:''' Take some less-than-usually-ruined buildings, a bunch of people looking for a peaceful place to carve out a living, and a few guns, and you've got a city. Most towns have everything from ten to hundreds of citizens, and each one is often ruled by an unofficial leader of sorts (people rarely live long enough that it makes sense to elect some idiot). Notable cities are Megaton in Washington DC ([[Derp|a town build around an atom bomb that hasn't detonated yet]]), Shady Sands, Rivet City, Primm, Novac, and many others.
** '''New Caananites:''' A Mormon tribe centered around the city of New Caanan in Utah, these bible-reading badasses kept Christianity alive with Tommy guns, .45s, and pure stubbornness until the White Legs razed the city to the ground and salted the earth. Now destroyed, their only surviving members are two guys of very different beliefs arguing over whether to save or to save a bunch of underdeveloped tribes in Zion. That is not a typo. Unique compared with the usual tribals in that they more or less reverted to the 19th Century frontier lifestyle of their Mormon pioneer ancestors rather than become like the Zion tribes below.
** '''Zion Tribes:''' The Dead Horses and the Sorrows are a bunch of real tribals who had reverted to something resembling Native American tribes. They are the tribes the aforementioned New Caananites are arguing over.
** '''White Legs:''' A tribe based near Salt Lake City, the White Legs are trying to join Caesar's Legion. The price for joining the Legion is the destruction of New Canaan and all of its inhabitants. They succeeded at the first task, but two escaped their genocide and they followed them to Zion Canyon to finish the job. What they don't know is that Caesar will simply annihilate their culture and he's just using them to kill Joshua Graham. Dealing with them is the main plot of the ''New Vegas'' DLC campaign ''Honest Hearts''.
** '''Boomers''': A tribe descended from dissident exiles from Vault 34 who've not only retained much of their Pre-War knowledge, but also the trigger-happy obsessions of the Vault they came from. Based from a relatively intact US Air Force base outside New Vegas, their culture is heavily based on the Pre-War military and on blowing the crap out of anything even remotely close to said airbase.
** '''The Great Khans:''' Formed by a cool guy named Papa Khan after the Chosen One murdered the New Khans (who were dicks), the Great Khans are one of the oldest raider groups in Fallout still active, about the same age as NCR as they both came from the same Vault. Unlike most raiders in the game, they're fairly friendly and figure it's better to just sell drugs and run protection rackets to villages than raiding. When they followed the old ways, the New Khans were led by the paranoid 90-year-old son of the leader of the Khans, who were the original group who came out of the Vault. They were also dicks who got stomped by the Vault Dweller. Their new leader Papa Khan was cool enough to stop all that dickery and replace it with drugs (although the Fiends, who get high on Khan drugs, make up for the lack of violence tenfold). The NCR still hates them, though, and the feeling is mutual due to a massacre at a Great Khan settlement that nobody wants to talk about.
* '''The Institute:''' MIT turned evil. This is what happens when you don't play Big Mountain for laughs.  For the past few decades, they have been flooding the Commonwealth with advanced robots known as Synths, which can be so indistinguishable from humans it's possible for these synths to think they are entirely human. Widely feared and despised throughout the Commonwealth, wastelanders have been known to gun down family members out of paranoia that they've been replaced by Institute synths, but next to nothing is known about exactly what's inside the Institute or how it operates, as nobody is even really sure where the place is - it must be in some inaccessible location, guarded by the Institute's weird technology.
*'''The Minutemen:''' Based on the historical group of the same name who protected townships in the Boston region in the opening days of the American Revolution, the Minutemen were a defence force made up of civilian volunteers, able to respond to crises at a minute's notice. They came very close to actually forming a sort-of proto-NCR in the Commonwealth, but after a series of disasters (including infighting within the top of their command structure, being betrayed and massacred by one of the brass who were sympathetic to the Gunners, and losing their base of operations to... ''something''), they've been reduced to about three members by the time the Sole Survivor emerges. Easily identifiable by their mock-up colonial dress and their iconic weapon, the Laser Musket.
*'''The Railroad''': An organization opposing the Institute and seeking to free all Synths, no matter the cost. They have very little in the way of direct military might beyond a handful of "heavies", being only a loose collection of free synths, scientists and other idealists operating in underground safehouses, constantly trying to avoid discovery by the Institute.
*'''Raiders:''' A bunch of drugged out sadistic ''Mad Max'' backup dancers with no ambitions besides getting high and attacking settlements and people wandering the wastelands. Good for target practice and as a source of ammo for small guns.

The fourth DLC is "Point Lookout", which introduces a whole new map set in the eponymous Maryland location. Unlike most other places, no bombs were dropped on Point Lookout; a little radiation may have drifted in on the tides, but that's small-time compared to places like California or the Capital Wasteland. That said, the region is infested with mutant hillbillies that will try to kill you. Things to do here include settling a grudge between a ghoul and a brain in a jar, going on a hallucinogenic spirit journey, tracing the path of a Chinese spy, oh, and [[H.P. Lovecraft|finding a pseudo-Necronomicon that said mutated inbreds now keep]], nothing major.
*'''Regular Humans:''' Nuff said, in general at least. The people living in Vaults or Oil Rigs are "pure" compared to those who survived outside though basically this is nothing more than something for bigots to be bigoted about.
*'''Ghouls:''' A few people who get hit with a crapload of radiation don't die (despite appearances), but mutate into ghouls. Corpse looking dudes and dudettes, ghouls don't age and thrive in radioactive environments but are sterile. A lot of wastelanders hate ghouls because many of them "go feral," losing their minds either as part of the transformation or afterwards and becoming little better than your standard brain-eating zombies. Even intelligent ghouls aren't necessarily nice guys/gals, and ''Fallout 4'' emphasizes this with ghoul raiders, basically like non radblasted people. Lore tucked away in ''Fallout 1'' implies that ghouldom actually is a combination of radiation damage and exposure to FEV.
* '''Super Mutants:''' FEV enhances humans with incredible strength and durability, causes them to grow to about nine feet tall, and turns their skin green. The tradeoff is that FEV also damages the subject's intelligence (most super mutants have the mental capacity of children) and makes them sterile. There are three known sources of super mutants in America: the Mariposa strain (created by the Master from the FEV vats in the Mariposa Military Base), the Vault 87 strain (created by Vault-Tec from the FEV stored in Vault 87), and the Commonwealth strain (created by the Institute and dumped on the surface for disposal).
** '''Nightkin:''' The Master's stealth specialists, Nightkin use Stealth Boy modules to turn invisible. The exotic radiation from the Stealth Boys damages parts of the brain with prolonged exposure and Nightkin invariably end up going insane in one way or another, usually some sort of schizophrenia. A human and a ghoul live in Jacobstown to research the disorder and find a way to treat it.
** '''Friendly Super Mutants''': After the fall of the Master, some super mutants figured out how to interact with humanity peacefully. One notable example is Marcus, who founded the town of Broken Hills with his friend, Paladin Jacob, and later named the Mount Charleston Ski Lodge "Jacobstown" in his honor. Another is Mean Son-of-a-Bitch, who protects Westside New Vegas from raiders, though the loss of his tongue makes communication difficult.
*'''Centaurs:''' These are what you get out of an FEV vat when you throw a bunch of different creatures in at the same time. Hideous blobs of living fuckno meat, they show about as much intelligence as a dog. In ''New Vegas'', they are found with super mutants as their watchdogs, while ''Fallout 4'' introduced mutant hounds (likely because the origin of Commonwealth super mutants precluded centaurs' existence). They are also attracted to most forms or radiation and (depending on the location) can have multiple heads.
*'''Deathclaws''' are not casually named. They will fuck up your shit. They were an FEV experiment from before the bombs dropped, an experiment to turn Jackson's chameleons into bioweapons. Guess what? It went fucking horribly right. In ''Fallout 3'', the Enclave got their hands on some and implanted mind control devices in their brains. ''New Vegas'' introduced deathclaw variants in the form of matriarchs, infants, and alpha males. ''Fallout 4'' added a bunch of new variants, including albino deathclaws, radiation-emitting glowing deathclaws, and the paranoia-inducing chameleon deathclaws, which can ''turn fucking invisible at will''. ''Fallout 2'' had an intelligent talking deathclaw named Goris as a companion. The only FEV experiment that didn't turn out sterile so they are not disappearing from the wasteland any time soon.
*'''Robots:''' America had a variety of atom-punk themed robots running around before the bombs fell and many are still kicking around in the wasteland. These range from civilian droids like Eyebots, Protectrons, and Mr. Handys to more deadly combat models, like Securitrons, Mr. Gutsys, Sentry Bots, and Assaultrons. Some of them have been salvaged and put to good use, others are wandering about killing people.
*'''Synths:''' Developed by the Institute over the centuries since the bombs dropped, synths are true androids, machines made in the image of men. The Institute has developed three generations of synth: the endoskeletal first generation; the artificial flesh-covered second generation, and the all-but-indistinguishable-from-born-humans third generation. It is this third generation that has the Commonwealth gripped with the paranoia that anybody they know could be replaced without their knowledge. The Railroad considers them a slave race and wants to bring down the Institute and emancipate them.
*'''Aliens:''' Grey/Little Green Men types with space blasters. They first appeared in random encounters in ''Fallout'' and ''Fallout 2'', where you had a chance each game of stumbling across a crashed saucer and recovering a unique, powerful energy weapon from the corpse of the former occupant. This tradition continued in the 3D games; ''Fallout 3'' even had an entire DLC campaign, ''Mothership Zeta'', dedicated to being abducted by the little bastards and having to kill your way off their ship. This DLC is the primary source of info about aliens in Falloutverse and is highly contentious because of it, as fans are split on whether or not aliens should be taken as canon, similarly to the random encounter where you see [[Doctor Who|the Doctor's TARDIS]]. This DLC implies that the aliens may have actually triggered the nuclear exchange that blew the planet apart. [[Rage|Long time fans did not approve.]]

The fifth and final expansion is ''Mothership Zeta'', which sees you getting abducted by those aliens whose wrecks you kept finding throughout the series. You then fight your way to the bridge of the ship you're on and take over with the aid of cryogenically frozen fellow captives from throughout history, including: a pre-war soldier, a cowboy, and a Sengoku-era samurai. There's not much else to say about this one.
*1945: Someone forgot to make the transistor and ultimately screwed it up for everyone.
*2077: Humanity screwed up this year.
*2161: The plot of Fallout 1, [[Awesome|back when there were only about 3 deathclaws and lasers actually CUT. Vault 13's water chip breaks, someone has to fix the problem]].
*2241: The Plot of Fallout 2, mega badassery and improvement of pretty much everything from Fallout 1 but the atmosphere, [[Skub|which took a 90 degrees turn from classic post-apoc towards dark comedy at that point]]. Arroyo needs a GECK and sends out the Chosen One to find it. Enclave shows up, gets its HQ blown the fuck up.
*2277: The Plot of Fallout 3, the beginning of full 3D FPS, [[Fail|slow as fuck plasma weaponry and mega debuffed power armour, also tried to turn up the Grimdark but failed]]. [[Derp|Enclave shows up on the other side of the continent without an explanation and for no apparent reason]]. Everyone's thirsty.
*2281: The plot of Fallout New Vegas, what Fallout 3 should have been. Made by Obsidian. Get shot in the head, wake up, set out for vengeance, take over Hoover Dam for the faction (or lack thereof) of your choice. [[Awesome|Factions, raiders, and tribals actually have history, backstory, and character]].
*2287: The plot of Fallout 4, a more Call of Duty-style combat system with a voiced main protagonist, base building, as well as a dialogue wheel, gutting the dialogue choices to no more than four choices, with barely any indication of what the character will actually say. It's a Fallout game by Bethesda, which means it's mechanically inferior to the previous games and with overall worse writing, a forced role, like in Fallout 3, and continued systematic slaughter of RPG elements and mechanics in the name of 'streamlining'.

There are a good deal of cool moments and set pieces. That said, there are also some rather derpy ones as well for the main story. In praticular after you get out of the Vault, you come across a town built around an old un-exploded but still active atomic bomb. You are given the choice of either permanently defusing the nuke or arming it so a rich asshole can blow the town up for the lulz. In short, your options in regards to Megaton are "do the obviously sensible thing even an evil raider would do" or "Be a completely insane mass murdering asshole for no reason". Mind you, said rich asshole had ordered his messenger to evacuate the town...
Now, the weapons tech used in this can be explained in many, many ways, but the easiest way is to think of all the WH40K tech, but more convenient with the added bonus of not [[Plasma|blowing up in your face once in a while]] but with the downside of guns jamming every 3 seconds and [[Rage|guns that rot before your eyes]]. Still, the weapons tech can be badass in an alternate universe (if you accept the 37,933 year difference between the universes) so the Fallout tech is still considered cool. The Fallout universe also incorporates REAL LIFE GUNS into the series (and a whole bunch of them) such as the Skorpion, MP5, MG60, M9, etc.
This then changes in the later games (and in the 1st, but that was the 1st) to 'Hunting Rifles', '10mm Sub-Machine Guns' and 'Miniguns'. Oh well.
It's easier to just say the tech in Fallout swings between Mad Max weapons, to real weapons, to 50's ray guns, to crazy shit like an infinite ammo shotgun fist and a weapon that fires eight mini nukes (a shotgun of nukes if you will).
Also one of the deadliest weapons in the 2D games was a BB gun. No, really. Aim for the eyes.

As for armor, well... <br/>
===Fallout: New Vegas===
The majority of the wasteland has rags as 'armor' and a baseball glove as a 'pauldron', although some people have done better (and some creatures too). Let's go over the basics:
[[File:Fallout_new_vegas.jpg|left|thumb|300px|The cold, cold road to [[Slaanesh|hookers, drugs, street violence]] and [[Doomrider|rock 'n roll]].]]
* '''NCR''' has your mass produced, easily recognizable uniform that has a desert color (no, not dessert, but I wish it did. That is, if the dessert wasn't so [[Rage|IRRADIATED!]]). The most technologically advanced armor they have is the other 'mass-produced-but-not-produced-as-much' NCR veteran combat amour, which is basically [[Awesome|riot armour with a trench coat over the top and a riot helmet with glowy eyes]], though they also have T-45d power amour with the tech ripped out of it so untrained users can wear it without killing themselves, leaving an empty and sad metal shell behind. Though they do put an AC in it. Feels like you're wearing a truck, though, since "tech" includes "internal motors".
The game takes place in the Mojave Desert, where the city of Las Vegas was able to largely survive the nuclear holocaust of the Great War, thanks to it's anti-missile defensive system destroying/disabling most of the nukes that fell onto the region, making it one of the wealthiest cities in post-nuke America and a double-sided symbol of the old world people have only heard about it pre-war literature. In 2281, the New California Republic (Which grew from surviving villages and towns of Fallout 1) and Caesar's Legion (a horde of [[Edgy]] tribals cosplaying as Roman Legionaries led by a twisted warlord with a twisted survival of the fittest mindset) are staring at each other across the Colorado River, having fought over Hoover Dam once before. Against this backdrop, a courier of the Mojave Express is shot for their charge, a poker chip made of platinum, and buried in a shallow grave. They're dug out by a Securitron robot and taken to Dr. Mitchell of Goodsprings, who saves his life. This Courier, in their search for their prize, travels around the Mojave Wasteland in pursuit of their attempted murderer, Benny, the head of the Chairmen, who runs the Tops casino in New Vegas ran by the mysterious Mr. House(who turns out to be a Jeff Bezos/Walt Disney style tycoon kept alive in a tank). Eventually, all three major players in the Mojave (the NCR, the Legion, and Mr. House) want the Courier to do their dirty work to gain control over the Mojave, but there is a fourth option: Benny's plan was to use a subverted Securitron named Yes Man to take over House's network and use the platinum chip (actually a data disc containing a firmware upgrade for the Securitrons) to secure control over New Vegas. Whatever the Courier choses, the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is inevitable and only one faction can win.
* '''BoS''' has [[Power Armour#Fallout Power Armor|power armour]] (don't get your hopes up, this is ''Fallout'' power armour we're talking about), lasers, miniguns and laser miniguns.
* '''The Master''' armies have super-human toughness instead of hi-tech armour, miniguns and rocket launchers flying out of their asses, stealth technology, utilized by their spec-ops "nightkin" super-mutants, and of course a whole bunch of horribly mutated beasts they use like attack dogs. Oh, and let's not forget [[psyker]]s.
* '''Legion''' has football gear since its the closest thing to roman armor they can find. Higher ups do have better armor, mostly just scrap-metal plates but a few like the Legate have [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101105221411/fallout/images/b/be/LegateArmor.png sweet forged armor].
* '''Raiders''' have stuff stolen from: women they've raped, people they've slaughtered, houses they've raided, prospectors they've held up then slaughtered etc. Later in the series, the homemade pipe guns become almost synonymous with Raiders.
** '''Khans''' you get biker gear you bought with the drug money you make.
* '''The Enclave''' have power armor far superior to that of the brotherhood (still Fallout power armor), plasma guns that turn you into a goo and sweet gauss rifles that can blow your brains out from ten miles away through a power armour.
* '''Various mercenaries''' have 'combat armour'.  Supposedly the stuff average troops wore in actual military things. Usually mid-level gear for you in the games, and pretty decent when it comes to letting you not get killed.
*'''Minutemen''', going with a colonial American Revolution appearance/theme, have made <s>laslocks</s> laser muskets to help recreate the ensemble. You crank the firing mechanism up to build up a charge to make its single shot more powerful, but each crank will consume more ammo than the last when fired, and requires prior upgrade to allow more cranks. Nevertheless as the damage builds up it surpases even nuke launchers in terms of single-target damage, unless you miss your super-mega-overcharged tank-killing shot.

==Notable People==
Notably, [[Your Dudes|you do not start out as a Vault Dweller, have an established origin story, or set out on a grand quest (at least initially)]]. You're just a poor schmuck in the right place at the wrong time, thrown into the foreground of a territorial dispute, where your most notable feat in your postal career in the Mojave so far is that you survived a gunshot to the head and not much else. No government conspiracies, apocalyptic enemies like the Master, or world changing macguffins. That's the main story anyway. The DLC takes a slightly more personal approach, being a bunch of genre setpieces that show the effect of other people being in the right place at the wrong time (or wrong place at the right time), and showing the Courier's past isn't quite as boring as might first appear.
* '''Protagonists'''
** '''The Vault Dweller''':  From Fallout 1.  Sent out of Vault 13 to fix the 'water chip', ends up saving humanity (or at least the bits of it in that part of California).
** '''The Chosen One''':  From Fallout 2, grandkid of the Vault Dweller.  Foretold to do cool stuff, and does. Breaks the water chip in Fallout 1 during a random encounter with a time portal.
** '''The Warrior''': The Fallout Tactics main character.  The player can create their own character like in the other games, but can also go with the presets called "Mick", "Snake", "Peter", "Wilma", or "Betty". All were Tribals recruited by the Brotherhood of Steel army that moved east, and by the end of their career was appointed General of the pacified Chicago.
** '''The Lone Wanderer''':  From Fallout 3.  East coast, lived in Vault 101.  No-one ever enters, no-one ever leaves.  (Yeah, right.  Plot kicks off when your dad bails on the place, and you follow him.)  Until the Broken Steel DLC, it was possible to actually not survive the 'good' ending at the end.
** '''The Courier''':  From Fallout: New Vegas.  Not from a Vault at all, just some Courier who gets shot in the head by some hip creep in a checkered suit during the opening cutscene.  You get better, then get to decide who controls Hoover Dam. Has the option to become a cyborg, raid the Sierra Madre for gold, kill multiple nation's leaders, take control over Vegas and even deal death-dealing nuclear blows to said nations, ending them through starvation. Becomes something of a myth to the western US if you play all the DLC.
** '''The Sole Survivor''': From Fallout 4. Boston area, Vault 111. A pre-War American citizen, either a US Army veteran or a law-school-grad-turned-housewife (depending on your choice between male or female), and got thrown in cryo with most of the Vault members when they got in, oldest living person in the Fallout universe who isn't a mutant or a robot (Or alien abductee). Woken up by a couple of douchebags who shot their spouse and kidnapped their son, <s>starting the plot</s> who then knocked him out for a bit again, until he woke up and left, starting the plot CORRECTLY this time. First voiced protagonist, and as such generally most easy to play as a slightly snarky, but ultimately good-natured hero guy.
* '''Allies''':
** '''Companions''': The player character of each game can befriend certain characters who will then join the quest. Just like regular NPCs, companions are mortal and will die if you don't take care of them (until New Vegas made them essential by default (except for hardcore mode.)). Generally, you can only have one companion at a time, though Fallout 2 allowed you to have more based on your Charisma and New Vegas let you take one humanoid and either Rex or ED-E at the same time.
** '''Mysterious Stranger''': In Fallout 1 & 2, a male or female character (depending on player gender) with a randomized inventory. After that, some guy in a trenchcoat and fedora (not a trilby mind you). He appears when protagonists who are extremely lucky (and have the prerequisite perk) need him to take a few shots at their foes then disappear again. In ''Fallout: New Vegas'', a guitar-playing man is hinted to be the Mysterious Stranger's son and carries his special pistol that he can give to the player. In ''Fallout 4'', the Mysterious Stranger sticks around a bit longer and can actually be interacted with for a short time. Currently under investigation by a robotic detective.
** '''Miss Fortune''': Only appears in New Vegas. Shows up the same way as the Mysterious Stranger, except as a woman wearing an elaborate showgirl costume. Despite using the same model of gun as the Mysterious Stranger, hers doesn't directly cause much damage; instead, she has a bunch of (very fun) randomized effects based on percentage chance, ranging from knocking the gun out of their hands to detonating all the explosives in their inventory. Also, she'll probably empty all six shots (assuming they survive) with each one going through the random effect roll.
* '''Antagonists/Villains''':
** '''The Master''': formerly known as Richard Moreau/Richard Grey. He is some kind of bizarre mutant that somehow got itself hooked up to computers after being infected by FEV. Believing in the idea of unifying the wasteland, he created the super mutants using the contained FEV that he had found on humans he had abducted. He is fun to talk to since he speaks in multiple recorded voices (even a feminine tone). Sadly, he was defeated by the Vault Dweller, either in a straight fight or by convincing him his plan to repopulate with super mutants will fail. Fun Fact: He is voice by Jim Cummings, a famous voice actor who voiced various famous cartoon character like Winnie the pooh and Dr. Robotnik from that awful meme worthy sonic cartoon. His name should be meme worthy by itself, [[/d/|if you are a sick fuck that is]].
** '''Dick Richardson''': President of the United States and head of the Enclave in Fallout 2. He plans to wipe out the wasteland and repopulate it with genetically pure humans.
*** '''Frank Horrigan''': Richardson's enforcer. Formerly a Secret Service agent, he was exposed to FEV and gradually became an "ultra super mutant in power armor." Twelve feet tall fused to a customized suit of power armor, and even more violent than he was before the accident, the Enclave considered him the nuclear option for operations in the wasteland. Defeated by the Chosen One, but Horrigan tanked a shit ton of damage in the process, including being cut in half at the waist.
** '''The Calculator''': The overseer of Vault 0. Actually a gestalt of eight human brains hooked together into a neural network. Damage to Vault 0 and its brains ruined the Calculator's intended purpose of reuniting all the Vaults with the surface world. Instead, it started building robots to purge the surface of all life.
** '''Attis''': A survivor from the Master's army. He built his own army and went east in search of the Secret Vault, which supposedly had stores of FEV modified to prevent sterility in its subjects. Though the Brotherhood of Steel pursued him, he managed to find and open the Secret Vault, access its FEV, and use it on himself. Rather than making him fertile again, it turned him into a fuckhueg mass of flesh.
** '''John Henry Eden''': Richardson's successor in the Capital Wasteland. Same plan. Voiced by Malcolm McDowell. Broadcast his speeches throughout the Capital Wasteland over the radio and via roaming eyebots. Turns out he's actually a ZAX supercomputer that gained sapience, so the Lone Wanderer can logic bomb him in their encounter.
** '''Caesar''': Formerly a Follower of the Apocalypse known as Edward Sallow, Caesar drew on his somewhat limited knowledge of the [[Roman Empire]] to unite a number of tribes by force. Seeing his work, he kept on conquering until he had assimilated eighty-six tribes with former Mormon missionary Joshua Graham as his legate. When the NCR pushed them out of the Mojave at the Battle of Hoover Dam, Caesar had Graham executed (it didn't stick) and promoted Lanius to his position.
** '''The Think Tank''': The Old World scientists in charge of Big MT. Or rather what's left of them, given that they're all little more than brains in a jar at this point. And batshit insane.
** '''Ulysses''': An intelligent if rather sociopathic loner formerly part of Caesar's Legion. Wearing the Old World American flag on his back he managed to set up a community in an intact US military town and would have been content until the Courier brought a package one day that accidentally triggered the nuclear warheads right under said community. Fueled with vengeance, he's been a major figure behind the scenes in screwing over the Courier and unless he's stopped would launch the remaining nukes over either the NCR, the Legion's homeland or both to "begin again." 
** '''Father''': The director of the Institute. Genuinely believes that he's going to improve humanity's lot in the wasteland, even if that includes creating a slave race (synths) and crippling every attempt by the Commonwealth to create a viable government on their own.
** '''Desdemona''': Mama Railroad. She doesn't reveal any personal details in order to protect herself and the Railroad from Institute spies and collaborators. She becomes your ally if you join the Railroad and your enemy if you side with the Institute or the Brotherhood.
** '''Arthur Maxson''': The Eastern Brotherhood of Steel's leader. He ascended to leadership after a series of ill-equipped Elders that succeeded Elder Lyons. He brought the Brotherhood to the Commonwealth to fight the Institute and keep their technology out of the hands of those who would abuse it. His uncompromising attitude toward his mission will put him at odds with you if you align yourself with the Railroad or the Institute. Killed a super mutant at age 10, a Deathclaw at age 13 with no support and only got a few scars from its claws which [[derp|cut armor like paper]] and became an Elder at age 16. So he is a well, [[Mary Sue|you know what]].

==Bethesda fucking it up==
[[File:Fallout_sierra_madre.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Jokes aside, this is one of the most atmospheric settings in all of games out there.]]

The first DLC is called "Dead Money", where a mysterious radio broadcast becons you to the Sierra Madre Casino, a luxurious vacation spot for the rich, built near the end of the Great War. It never officially opened as the bombs fell, so you can only assume the buttload of treasures stored within. Things go not-as-planned, and you end up assisting a rogue BoS Elder named Elijah break into the Sierra Madre with the help of 3 kooky sidekicks. All of you are motivated by greed, one way or another, and so only time will tell whether all 5 of you will overcome it and survive, or be consumed by it and buried along with the ghosts of the Sierra Madre. It's basically a survival horror DLC that can be counted as a standalone sub-game with its own currency, unique monster slaying and game style.

Unfortunately, Fallout has its own version of [[Matt Ward]] who also happens to have some flavors of [[C.S. Goto|a certain Irish leper]]. His name is Emil Pagliarulo, the lead writer of Bethesda. He has proved several times to be an absolutely inept writer but Bethesda for some reason just can't find a better writer. He has violated the [[fluff]] of Fallout in more than couple ways and when taking a break from that, he writes something that makes about as much sense as a [[Slaanesh]]-worshipping Eldar. Nevertheless, for some baffling reason, [[Fail|he won the game developers choice award for the best writing for Fallout 3.]] Here are just a couple of his fuck ups
The second DLC is "Honest Hearts" and takes place in the bluffs of Zion National Park. You are contracted by the Happy Trails Caravan company to assist them in making their way to New Canaan, a conservative Christian settlement in the middle of Utah. Things go not-as-planned once again, and you end up ambushed by a couple of savage tribals named the "White Legs", who paint their legs white in homage to their home: Salt Lake City, and find out that New Canaan was destroyed by them. Eventually you meet a group of friendly tribals led by the Legion's infamous former "Malpais Legate": Joshua Graham, who after surviving his fiery execution from Caesar, returned to New Canaan and devoted his life into becoming a fiery executor of God's will. God cannot be expected to do all the work for you however, so you either end up assisting him in driving the White Legs out of Zion and help the tribes reclaim their ancestral home (plus the added bonus of preventing White Leg bandit attacks elsewhere), or assist another New Canaan survivor name Daniel in evacuating the tribals out of Zion and into a place where the White Legs cannot reach them (as the White Legs have shit survival skills from being so reliant on raiding, they can't forage or farm). Or fuck all that noise and just murder everyone in visual range, until you find a map out of there back to the Mojave, the world's your oyster.

===Fallout 3===
The third DLC is "Old World Blues", which takes place in an isolated and shielded scientific complex in the middle of the mountains called the Big Mountain, or "Big MT" for short. The Big MT housed the most brilliant pre-war scientific minds of the world, being tasked with creating solutions for mankind's various problems. Eventually, the bombs fell and this most likely have thrown a wrench into their plans (since mankind is, you know, mostly dead). While over 200 years have passed, you discover that the original core science team is still working, transplanting their brains into robotic hover platforms to continue their insane research projects. You're abducted by them and turned into a "Lobotomite", where they extracted your brain, spine, and heart, then replaced them with robotic parts, but things do not go as planned as unlike other lobotomites: you still retained your free will (thanks in-part to the headshot that nearly killed you in the beginning). You now have to find your old body parts, deal with the Big MT science team, and escape this futuristic loony bin. Notably the DLC has a light-hearted tone, further exploring the retro-futuristic themes of the Fallout universe, the cartoon insanity of the Big MT scientists that can only be described as prodigal geniuses acting like petulant 10 year-olds, whilst still being grimdark enough to reference the horrors of unchecked and poorly-planned scientific advancement (for example, you know those deadly cazador mutant wasps? They're escapees from the Big MT. And the scientists deny they ever escaped). It also features the best side-villain of the franchise: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6kp4zBF-Rc an evil toaster].

Fallout 3 was Bethesda's first Fallout game and to be honest, its not the worst (''very relatively'') thing. But there are still several fuck ups in the game.
The fourth and last DLC is the "Lonesome Road", a very heavily combat focused journey (you trigger nukes for fun and carve through armies of Deathclaws) and a showdown between you and Ulysses, the mysterious courier who pushed the delivery of the Platinum Chip to you, and has been mentioned by several characters around the wasteland. Here, you brave "The Divide", a stretch to road between the military towns of Hopeville and Ashton, who were sundered by nukes that accidentally exploded underground as they were towns that housed the personnel manning the nearby nuclear ICBM silos in the area, turning it into an irradiated, stormy ruin. It's populated by dangerous enemies, most notably "Marked Men", cannibalistic, ghoulified remnants of the NCR and Legion forces around the divide before it was destroyed. They've been driven completely mad by the experience (basically, they were skinned alive by the windstorm generated by the nukes THEN kept alive and immortal by the resulting radiation, turning their existence into a perpetual hell of pain and misery), have forgotten their old faction rivalries: and have united in their hatred against The Divide and the people they perceived to have abandoned them to their fate (who happen to be anyone who isn't a fellow Marked Man). They aren't completely bonkers like feral ghouls though, they still know how to operate sophisticated weaponry of varying types to obliterate you from any distance. At the end of this perilous journey, Ulysses promises to answer all your questions, and to change the future of the Mojave. On the plus side the last DLC can be interrupted and stacks of loot can be taken back to Mojave any time.

* The game is set 200 years after the Great War yet people have done next to no rebuilding and the game has this green filter which makes the game look like the Great War ended 200 hours ago rather than 200 years ago.  
Whilst releasing as a buggy janky hot mess, the game was lauded as a return to the style and atmosphere of the first two games, albeit with decent additions to 3's rpg light formula and taking notes from the most popular mods released for 3, like survival mods, damage thresholds (zero damage if struck below DT value), first person aiming, weapon addons, etc. Although it is still horrifically unstable and unkind to packrats, it is considered by some to be the best game in the series when paired with bug fix and stability mods.

* An important plot point in the main storyline is the lack of water. Apparently, besides the irradiated sea water, there is almost no water in the Capital Wasteland. Emil Pagliarulo was apparently unaware of the fact that water is rather important for life on Earth, no water, no life. Yet Capital Wasteland still has a decent population besides this. He also seems to be unaware of the fact that filtering water through earth removes almost all radioactive impurities.
===Fallout 4===
[[File:Fallout_4.png|left|thumb|300px|Colors in a Fallout game? What a time to be alive.]]
* The karma system of the game makes no sense in the main storyline. Trying to help people to get water is something that is unquestionably good. If you plan to make an evil karma character, it really wouldn't make sense to do something like that so the only logical thing you could do if playing an evil character is... [[Fail|ignore the main questline]]. There is literally just one moment in the entire main questline where you could make an evil decision and this moment is literally the last seconds of the main questline, when you have already done all of these unquestionably good things.  
In Boston at the zero hour of the war, new parents are admitted to Vault 111 and placed in cryogenic suspension, under the impression that they were only to be decontaminated. Turns out much like most Vault-Tec vaults, they were secretly part of an experiment, where in this case it was originally to see the physical and mental effects of long-term cryo-storage.

* Rivet City. A grounded aircraft carrier converted into a town. A pretty cool concept to be honest. But where do they get their food? Brahmin meat and growing your own food are more or less the only viable forms of food in the wasteland yet neither of these are found around Rivet City. Actually, only couple Brahmin are seen in the entire game, not nearly enough to sustain a community and you never see farms anywhere. Not once.
One of them is murdered, their infant child Shaun stolen, and the other refrozen. When the cryo systems fail, the only survivor of Vault 111 heads to the surface in pursuit of the man who ruined a family. This Sole Survivor, in pursuit of his (or her) prize - I mean child, discovers that two hundred years have passed. As they travel, they encounter the last surviving member of the Minutemen-- a Militia that tries to protect local wastelanders from attacks by raiders, supermutants, and other nasties-- and go to Diamond City (built on the ruins of Fenway Park) following a lead. They find people paranoid about an organization called "The Institute" replacing anybody they know with near-perfect replicas called synths, and further investigation points to the Institute having abducted Shaun. They can work with the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the synth emancipation group known as the Railroad to fight the Institute, or choose to join it instead. Just like the other games, Super Mutants once again make an appearance although this version was created by the Institute and have notable differences, mainly being less mutated while also being more psychotic, being more industrious by being capable of doing shit for themselves instead of relying exclusively on slaves while also being too violent to gather into large groups or pursue goals beyond being warlords.
Automatron was the first DLC (that had a story) where the player takes on The Mechanist, someone dressing up as a character of the same name from the in-universe comic series The Silver Shroud. Said impersonator has gathered an army of robots to harass the Commonwealth just like their namesake.  
Far Harbor followed Automatron, consisting of a Synth-centric journey to the marshes up north where they must play peacemaker between the Synths, wastelanders, and the crazy radiation-worshiping cultists called the Church of the Children of Atom from Fallout 3. Generally held up as the pinnacle in the game.
Finally, Nuka-World begins with the player finding a functional train leading them to the Nuka Cola theme park, where they are immediately trapped in a gauntlet maze/arena designed by the Raiders to ensure that the only folk who live there are worthy. The player must decide whether to take control of the Raiders and let them loose on the Commonwealth or retake Nuka-World for the law-abiding wastelanders (loyal to whichever faction you sided with in the main game obviously). While this DLC has the most bearing on the actual game itself and has more plot complexity than the single quest and mild amusement of Automatron, its seen as a disappointment in terms of what it could have been.  

* Considering that D.C. is the capital of the United States, you would imagine that it would get hit pretty hard in a nuclear war. But even though there is some rubble blocking the streets, a lot of the buildings in DC are looking pretty fine for buildings hit with nuclear weapons.
Additional content, some of which has merit as part of the looser canon (as in the "Bawls exists in-universe" kind) was released via the mod service maintained in-game by Bethesda. However, due to the fact you can't use it alongside mods from anywhere else and still keep achievements going and many cost money for no reason, most people never encountered them and less want to get into the merit of them as part of the continuity. While future plots may have callbacks to some, it ultimately will mean as much as the mods that added Settlements to New Vegas did to 4.  

* The war ended 200 years ago. Yet for some reason, pre-war food can still be found in several places and its perfectly edible. The concept of expiration dates is apparently unknown to Emil Pagliarulo.
It was also the game that got power armor right: In the first and second games, the armor would make the player literally invincible until endgame if obtained early, wading through millions of bullets. The third game turned it into a boring set of armor that needed specialized training and cost more to repair than the bullet you hit it with, easily torn up by Chinese copies of AK-47, merely decreasing the percentage of damage taken per hit which could be replicated by a dozen perks and drugs, and far cheaper armor top-up. New Vegas offered a compromise with "damage threshold", meaning any damage below it would cause no damage (or 1 rounded up) meaning it ''still'' made the user into a tough target but could be brought down by massed explosives.

* Bottlecaps were used in mid 22nd century California as a farmers money for the Hubs merchants, their value was based on the value of water, one bottlecap, one water bottle. By some amazing coincidence, the people on the east coast of US in late 23rd century are using the same currency as the one that was used in California over a century ago.
This game would compromise by turning you into a nearly unstoppable tank but limiting it's usage with power cores and durability that were scarce at the beginning of the game - seriously, you get a full suit of Power Armour within the first hour of the game. Another limiter is that unlike previous games, a powered armor suit is now comprised of several parts (helmet, torso, arms, and leg armor) that are mounted into a exoskeleton chassis, instead of being treated as regular old armor. This means that you can't just walk through tons of gunfire with minimal consequence all the time. First salvoes would do little more than a tickle, but individual components of the armor would start to break as they take damage, compromising the armor's ability to protect and assist you as it gradually gets torn down to scrap. It can be repaired, but you need a repair station and tons of resources you need to scavenge from the ruins, repair costs going up (from humble steel to expensive aluminum and fiber-optics) as the armor is upgraded. On the plus side you can modify and paint your armor components to crazy models from jump packs to blood cleansers preventing chem addiction, from leg shock calibrators to carry more stuff to arm servos for punching. So technically, with the latest power armor fully upgraded you can tank a few rockets to the chest, maybe even a mininuke and survive (if barely)...just don't expect the armor to withstand more than a poke afterwards until next repair station.

* Jet is a drug that was developed by a child prodigy called Myron around 2240s in New Reno, California. Somehow, it has made its way all the way to the Capital Wasteland. Need i remind you that because the world got destroyed, working vehicles are kind of a rarity? Not to forget all the things in the Wasteland trying to kill you. Yet somehow, Caravans have made their way all the way from California to D.C. [[What|Jet is also found in sealed pre-war locations]], though this could be a developer oversight caused by random generation.
The game is also pretty [[Skub|skubtastic]] (this entry was originally FAR longer); while generally liked for the crafting mechanics, graphics, music, certain parts of the setting and gunplay, many dislike it for its linearity and lack of RPG-like choices, calling it a "Loot-And-Shooter" set in a Fallout setting, with little Fallout mechanics such as interacting and bypassing quest points, doors and concepts using invested non-combat skills - And that's all we have to say about that.

* The Brotherhood of Steel is another thing from California that got its way to the Capital Wasteland. Sure, they got their power armour so they are better equipped to deal with the dangers of the Wasteland than most are. But several of them still made their way to the Capital Wasteland. How much food and water does an expedition like that need? How long again does it take to walk across the United States? The questions Emil Pagliarulo seems, eventually, has asked himself by Fallout 4, retconning Brotherhood's on-foot camping trip (and the entire plot of ''The Pitt'' with it, apparently) with Flight of the Vertibirds. [[Fail|Good job]]. If only he'd also be kind enough to ask himself: where did Brotherhood ''[[Blood Ravens|acquired]]'' those vertibirds, lacking a production base to make their own, even with the blueprints, since the only know place (that wasn't blown up, that is) they could was Navarro - if only it wasn't successfully sacked and looted by NCR prior to their war with Brotherhood; how did they manage to fuel those hypothetical vertibirds without a functioning oil rig or Shi's know-how of an alternative fuel sources; why would the Brotherhood assume that the headquarters of the United States Department of Defence has survived a nuclear war and would consider an occupation of its ruin a worthy goal to cross the entire United States of Wasteland; and finally - WHY IN OPPENHEIMER'S NAME IS THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE, A PRIME MILITARY TARGET, IS NOT A RADIOACTIVE CRATER AFTER A NUCLEAR WAR?!
===Fallout 76===
No, you didn't miss Fallout 5 to 75. Its the newest addition to the franchise, announced during E3 2018.  It'll probably have as <strike>many expansions</strike> much DLC though...

* The Enclave also made its way to the Capital Wasteland from California. They have Vertibirds which means they had means to fly to across the United States. But before this, they used to have their base on an oil rig not too far from the coast of California. Immediately after reaching the coast from the oil rig, they had to land on the Navarro air base for refuelling. Somehow, the Enclave still managed to fly to the Capital Wasteland, even though the distance between Navarro and D.C. is much, much longer than Navarro and the oil rig. Not to forget that Enclave was utterly destroyed at the end of Fallout 2 so there shouldn't be an Enclave to go to the east coast in the first place.
'''Fallout 76''' takes a different approach to the game and goes for a multiplayer-focused experience built on player-player driven interaction, instead of player-NPCs (literally announcing it as being populated with real people). It also continues settlements building, except this time populated only by you and whoever stumbles across your little campsite, like in Fallout 4.

* FEV, the virus that turns people into super mutants, was originally created by West Tek, who among other things also created the power armour and it was originally made as a vaccine for possible chemical weapons and was called Pan-Immunity Virion Project (PVP) and it was a top secret military project. When it was found out that test subject showed increased strength and intelligence, the military took over the project and moved it to Mariposa military base and renamed it Forced Evolutionary Virus. Need i remind you again that this project was top secret? Yet for some reason, it was given to Vault-Tec.
Bethesda promised the best of visuals with all-new programming, no issues with the shift to a server-based game, advanced storytelling techniques, and a rewarding social experience. What was delivered either came with problems or wasn’t delivered at all.
The mere move of shifting from a single-player narrative to a pure multiplayer game already had the fanbase [[skub|engaging in "friendly debates" with each other]], but given the goodwill Bethesda had earned over its history (whatever the skub in the above entries may indicate, it's primarily nitpicks or a fairly small minority of grognards and contrarians who had major gripes in the past) many were willing to give it a chance, which of course worsened the backlash when the naysayers were proven right. For the record, [[EA|unlike SOME companies]], Bethesda openly stated that the game only exists to keep fan interest in Fallout going until Fallout 5, and that they're okay with fans of traditional Fallout games not getting into it the same way they don't mind fans of TES games not getting into The Elder Scrolls: Online until whatever comes after Skyrim gets made.

* To make the water purifier work, the player needs to find a Garden of Eden Creation Kit (GECK) which can turn even the worst types of land into an ideal location for a settlement. Keep in mind that the residents of Vault 8 in California used a GECK to turn the area around Vault 8 into one of the best places to live in California, at least as long as you are citizen of Vault City. People in the Capital Wasteland seem to have been doing quite well without the water purifier so far so it makes perfect sense to waste the GECK into the purifier instead of using it to create food.
On November 14, 2018 the game was released and was universally reviled by all but the staunchest of fans (as well as those suffering from the sunk cost fallacy, a principle that leads people who have invested financially or emotionally into something to defend it tribally to prevent confronting a sense of having lost). To summarize, the problems were:

* Noticing a theme of recycled story-elements from Fallout 1 and 2? Tim Cain, the creator of the original Fallout certainly did, calling it lazy, saying that if his studio at the time, Troika Games, would have acquired the license in the auction, he would have come up with something original.
* A MASSIVE amount of the game is just reused assets from Fallout 4. While much of the forest environment is lush and gorgeous and people from the region in real life have praised the faithfulness to the inspiration, the actual towns and caves are mostly just recycled copy/paste work. Guess where almost every quest takes you though? Hint: it isn’t hiking the great outdoors except as a way to get from point A to point B.
* Social interaction is awful. Besides the usual “people are assholes”, the game had no push-to-talk function on launch, so using a mic means all music and dialogue is lost to mouth breathing, dog barking, mic static-ing, and one character having multiple people voices in the background. So for PvE co-op say so long to immersion!
* Did we mention asset re-use? Because for a “new” game most of the “new” stuff either is made up of textures or animation that’s already been seen. The worst offenders are of course the two that the main plot revolve around; Scorched are just new textures on standard human models using Raider or Ghoul animations, Scorchbeasts are just Skyrim dragons turned into bats.
* Did we mention co-op sucked? Experience and loot are split, and everything was easy. It literally made everything take longer, and sped up nothing, to play with another person. So a game made to play multiplayer where you are passively discouraged from working together.
* PvP consists of one person attacking another as basically a gloveslap invitation to a duel, and the other player can accept by hitting them back, at which point you can now damage each other. What do you lose by doing this? Time, ammo, weapon durability, the minor inconvenience of having to respawn. What do you win? A very small amount of caps based on the other player’s current win streak. It takes a fair amount of kills to surpass 200 caps bounty, which might replace your crappy pea-shooter that broke during your duels. If you don’t accept, prepare to be harassed until you log off. So everything to do with interacting with other players sucks, and you should avoid it...in a game where everything else is subordinate to, and exists solely to facilitate, interacting with other players.
* Base building could be fun. But when you log off your base goes with you, and if you log back when someone else has set up in your location (because you can’t build anywhere as was advertised, only specific spots) then you get reset. You can save a blueprint of your setup and apply it elsewhere, but unless the topography is the same (read: flat) in a game set in the Appalachian Mountains then it won’t work. Your base cannot be very big, basically a small tower or shack, and other players can come in and wreck it (small size means there’s very few options for defense) so you’ll probably just build crafting benches, a bed, then troll folks who still thought it was a functional part of the game. In a game thematically about rebuilding, settling down is punished. To say nothing of being suddenly nuked.
* Usual Bethesda bugs. Corpse physics being comedic, stuff stuck in stuff, quest-necessary things never spawning or falling into the ground forever, sunlight shining through hills and buildings, things popping in and out of resolution or visibility at all as the game only adds detail to things closer to you as it struggles to maintain performance, AI never really doing anything so fearsome beasts stand still like statues being frisked while you fill them full of lead (insert joke about police here), and so on. But now you can’t find a patch fix or restart the game, now the server has to reset. Which happens often, and constant random disconnects which delete quest progression far more so. A YouTuber did go through the trouble of compiling just the ones he found in a video - said video is 3 hours long.
* All NPCs (aside from a Super Mutant who is literally only a merchant with no dialogue tree) are robots who are mostly unaware the human race is gone. They want you to do mundane quests, from simple fetchquests to hunting for drop items to...picking up trash. Some robots grant you advancement in factions (factions with no NPCs, because everyone is dead) despite the some of the factions shouldn’t even exist, at least in the state they are, yet. While sometimes charming and not new for a Fallout game, this is almost all of the quest content of the game. According to some developers, they wanted Human NPCs at release (including survivors of the dead factions), but the suits in charge forbade them as they wanted the players to be [[Grimdark|the only remaining humans living in Appalachia]]. As this specific part became [[Derp|THE most hated aspect of an already flawed game]], it forced the suits to back down and allow human NPCs, which were added in later updates and expansions.
* Having a very small storage inventory, getting stuck in power armor, poor loot tables for bosses, being unable to respecialize meaning your leveling choices are permanent, and HUGE first week patches that not only didn’t fix problems but actually made some worse.
Bethesda released a statement outlining planned fixes for some of the above, but that came on the tail of mass attempts to return the game being rejected and the inability to return the $200 special edition once opened...which is when you’d find out they skimped out on the promised canvas bags (so looking like something found in-universe), giving cheap nylon ones instead.  

* In an interview, Emil Pagliarulo said that he wants players to make tough decisions. [[Fail|There are no tough decisions in the main storyline]] and the couple decisions in side quests aren't that tough either. The way this game does morality is that you are either a knight in shining armour or evil incarnate. And the karma system? The player can massacre everyone in a town to become very evil, [[Derp|and then donate money to the church and give water to hobos to raise karma back to very good]]. Need I remind you that Fallout 3 is supposed to be an RPG?
Generally speaking all of the issues were easy to predict, given all Bethesda games for The Elder Scrolls since Morrowind and Fallout run on the same game engine, NetImmerse/Gamebryo/Creation, which is '''ancient''' by gaming standards (It was created in '''1997''', making it as old as Fallout itself). This isn’t a problem since most engines can be easily made to work with some dedication and knowhow, but Bethesda never really does it; they bring them to working states for consoles, and let modders fix it themselves for PC (usually starting with the “Unofficial (game) Mod” released within weeks of launch, sometimes mere days) while the remaining problems can all be fixes with a reload from a save when something goes haywire. For an idea of the problems with 76, know that launching nukes at the map is a feature of the game yet when one group set off three nukes at the same time it [[What|crashed their entire server]]).  
** Except for two particular quests, which also stand out as the absolute ''worst '''fucking''' quests in the game''.
*** In the vanilla game, you have the Tenpenny Tower quest. To boil it down, an elitist group ranging from arrogant snobs to a cool old ex-adventurer live in a really nice "town" built out of a former luxury hotel. A band of ghouls wants to move in, but are being refused, partly on account of their race, partly on account of the inhabitants' not-unjustified fear that they're a bunch of murderous raiders who'll kill them all if they do open the doors. You can either kill the ghouls for the Tower's leader (Evil), kill the Tower's inhabitants for the ghouls (Good) or, and this is the really fucked up part; you can negotiate a peace treaty (Good)... after which the racist marauder prick who leads the ghouls kills all of the humans. That's it. You can't ever call him out, and if you kill him in return, you lose Karma and get Three Dog calling you out as a bigoted scumbag on the radio all the time... whilst never '''once''' mentioning that the ghoul leader deserved what he got.
*** Then there's whole plotline of The Pitt, where the raiders and the slaves are fighting over a mysterious cure to a local mutation problem. Thing is, it turns out that the cure needs to be synthesized from the genetic material of the raider boss's infant daughter, who has a mutation that's protected her from transforming. You can either let the raider boss stay in power as he slowly works towards a cure without hurting his daughter and in the mean-time still uses slave labor to try and build the Pitt into a legitimate power base, or you can lead a slave rebellion that ends up with the raiders dead, the slave "scientist" (who is implied to have fuck-all in the way of necessary skills and/or equipment) trying to figure out what to do with the little girl and strongly implied to be perfectly happy with killing her in the process, and the knowledge that the slaves are basically all going to just mutate into more mindless mutant troglodytes anyway. Yay.

* In Fallout 1, the Brotherhood of Steel were a bunch of [[Imperium|xenophobes]] who sent anyone who wanted to join them to retrieve something from a high tech location called The Glow, which is actually the pre-war headquarters of West Tek and as the name suggest, is highly irradiated. While they certainly allowed them to join if they actually managed to find something, the purpose of it was really to [[Grimdark|send them to die an irradiated death and never come back]]. In Fallout 3, they instead became knights in shining armour helping everyone in the wasteland. Worst yet, [[Heresy|plenty of people in the Fallout community are completely fine with this, thinking this is how Brotherhood should have always been and should always be.]]
However, as of 2021 a number of improvements, content updates and design backtracking such as adding actual NPCs has improved the gaming experience. While there are still occasional bugs and crashes, the game can overall be considered somewhere between meh and fine, depending on what kind of players you encounter.

* People are still trying to live like people did before the Great War, even though it has been over 200 years. This made sense in Fallout 1 because it was set less than a century after the war. The children of the survivors were still very much around then and some survivors might have even been still alive, though very old. Several generations have come and gone 200 years after the war so the lifestyle of the pre-war world should have been long gone. Take a look at our world 200 years ago and you get the idea.
So, enough with the /v/ talk, onto the fluff then.  

* Perhaps the worst thing ever written for Fallout is the Mothership Zeta DLC. Aliens until then had been just an easter egg and that's all they should have been. This DLC makes them canon. The Fallout series is all about mankind living and rebuilding after a great disaster they themselves caused. Aliens have no place in this. To make aliens more important in the fluff, Emil Pagliarulo decided to write in the worst retcon in the series: [[Heresy|The aliens had abducted a soldier who knew the nuclear launch codes, forced him to tell them the launch codes and used them to start the Great War]]. [[Derp|Not even motives are given for the aliens, nothing except that Aliens are evil because of course they are.]] It should be noted, however, that the soldier was being overly frantic and paranoid, with nothing suggesting that the aliens were actually looking for the launch codes. Furthermore, there's no indication that the aliens even used the codes.
There's a main questline, albeit one that plays basically the same as EVERY OTHER QUEST IN THE GAME, meaning either follow the instructions of a robot or listen to the messages from someone dead, the same kind of stuff that was always a minor quest in other Fallouts. Because of that as well as the fact that all of it is basically just the tutorial for everything else, and thanks to the lack of NPC interaction or complexity (read: any choices or conversation from the player at all) which generally is heaviest in the main plotline, its largely dismissed by the fanbase as not really being a main quest or story. All the lore in Fallout 76 comes from what before was just a type of minor quest, like delves into dungeons and one-man assaults on towns full of hostiles where you can gather the story from looking around at the skeletons, reading notes, and listening to audio records on holotapes. The bulk of these just serve either to explain monsters you fight or give minor stories to the destroyed towns, with the main quest being dealing with a new type of enemy, the "Scorched".
Of note is thanks to few bombs dropping literally on the region and the immediate time the game takes place (so very few raiders have gotten there before the players) you get more post-apocalyptic logs of people in the immediate aftermath. Since most of Appalachia had been automated with robots (despite far more populated areas and places that literally produced robots not reaching that extent) they can deliver quests as prerecorded messages, dropoff points, or merchants, without using NPC humans or mutants (so yeah, no chance at a talking Deathclaw again). At least players being able to nuke each other explains why the quite livable Wasteland went to shit; the residents of Vault 76, the resettlement Vault, seemingly decided to nuke America many more times so it'd take another 100 years to be safe again. Fallout 76 also added a large number of new mutants and monsters (despite Super Mutants being a large focus again) which can be used later in better entries. Despite its flaws, the game is at least being praised for its construction of a fantastic world (despite reusing F4 assets) and its sometimes amazingly creative monsters which are inspired by real life folklore and urban legends. Its possible that a lot of the Wasteland folks are descended from the Vault 76-ers, and given how insane the playerbase and intended interactions are (like nuking yourselves "just because" or giving fingerguns constantly because its a simple interaction with other players) they might explain some of the bandit groups and silly side factions in chronologically later games.  

===Fallout 4===
The main story goes like this: Vault 76 itself was created to celebrate the Tricentennial (for the non-Americans or just people too young to remember 1976, _____tennials are 100 year celebrations since the establishment of America in 1776 and are about as patriotic as Americans get outside of the months following 9/11). Vault 76 was one of three canon Vaults actually intended for resettlement of a post-apocalyptic world, with no sabotage experiment opening only 25 years after the bombs fell so the pre-war is still in living memory (another was Vault 3 which fans of NV knows did not go well...). Given how lush and relatively safe (or at least as safe as the rest of the world is around 200 years later) most Vaults were just redundant after the actual bombs falling, adding some extra darkness to the previous games. The Vault 76 Overseer had secret orders from Vault Tec, and the player character(s?) were selected to be among her elite group. She directs, via holotape of course, players to find a group called the Responders, made up of conspiracy theorists (more on them below) banding together with anyone with authority such as police, fire departments, and medical officials to try and save anyone left alive. The Responders were wiped out (get used to that, EVERYONE including the fucking Raiders are already dead) but left behind their stockpiles of food and water, as well as training materials (that'll be another thing you'll get a LOT of) for the resettlement of the region. The Overseer also wants her special 76 squad to take control of all remaining nuclear weapons, which was what the Vault Tec orders were.

Think Fallout 3 was bad? Well you haven't seen nothing yet because Emil Pagliarulo once again returned to write Fallout 4 and this time he even goes and retcons the fluff he himself wrote and manages to somehow make it even worse. The end result is that the fluff is now broken beyond repair.
The problem is there's a new type of enemy to the series which are taking center stage as being possibly the apocalypse after the apocalypse. A type of fungus exists deep underground, and due to the Brotherhood Of Steel (more on them later) finding an underground lab its possible it was created by one of the mad science prewar groups. Scorchbeasts are what happens when bats that lived deep underground in a gigantic cave system beneath Appalachia were exposed to the fungus, causing them to grow to giant sizes. When food supplies in the cavern complex grows low or their numbers grow too high, they tunnel to the surface to eat humans and whatever else they find. The humans they don't burn to a crisp and/or eat are infected by the fungus, resulting in a new type of zombie-like enemy (providing a secondary type of Ghoul in the game) who look like they burned to death. Said new enemies are called Scorched, and represent the bulk of the enemies in the game. Scorched are still fully capable of remembering who they were as humans, often falling back into activities or behavior patterns they did in life, but the fungus links them to a hivemind and they behave like Feral Ghouls who can still use guns and complex melee weapons once confronted by non-Scorched. Scorched have a mineral called ultracite growing in their skin for unknown reasons, which emits a radioactive signal allowing them to be tracked as well as making them physically weak to a depleted form of the substance (no reason for any of this is given). Scorched eventually petrify into human-shaped statues, which break when attacked and release radiation (possibly also spores of the fungus, but its unstated). Scorchbeasts themselves attack partially by spreading radiation, also presumably spores. If any of that seems odd and not to go together...well, it doesn't. Be prepared for some of it to make sense in DLC updates.  

* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbmZN12drqo Ah, October 23, 2077 - what a good day to be alive!] Only it's not. United States, by that time, is an anti-utopian totalitarian military dictatorship, oil is almost up and introduction of fusion energy began less than a decade ago and progressing slowly due to various lobby interest groups in American government and overall rampant poverty, crops fail and hunger becomes a major problem for US, the outbreak of the most deadly plague in human history has ended only a couple of ears prior, a non-stop war rages with China for almost a decade now, all of the above and more leads to massive and brutal civil unrest among the populace of the States, including newly-annexed Mexico and Canada, leading the government to put martial law in effect to [https://youtu.be/geLiEiAiQJA?t=46s "keep the peace"], mostly via scheduled summary executions of "dissidents", and then said government, seven month prior to the apocalypse, "retreats" to the last functioning oil rig in Pacific, effectively leaving the country to "run itself" by momentum, with all that entails... Not that any of it would stop ''a certain award-winning writer'' to paint a picture of "Pre-war Paradise", to contrast against it the post-apocalyptic future, even if said "paradise" could not possibly exist in-universe.
The player finishes the vaccine the Responders were working on to the Scorched Plague, too late to save anyone but the Vault 76 survivors, and is tasked with finding a group of anti-Scorched Responders called the Fire Breathers. The Fire Breathers are a combination of survivalist conspiracy-theorists (who were of course correct about most/all of their assumptions, because Fallout) called the Free States that had been in conflict with local governments prewar (parodying the homegrown terrorism of the 1980's and 1990's in real life) who began working with the Responders. Players become a Fire Breather using prewar training they had set up before finding out that they had basically set up sensors to detect them, which have now been destroyed by raiders and natural elements. After repairing them you are given a post-war plan to have the Brotherhood Of Steel (yeah, they're fully set up only 25 years later) to provide the dakka needed to take on the Scorched...but they've all been wiped out too of course. The plan of the Paladin in charge was to use the nukes to seal away the Scorchbeast tunnels, then work on eliminating remaining Scorched (has the word "Scorch" lost all meaning yet? If not, you clearly haven't played the game).  

* Ever since the first game in the series, T-51b power armour has always been described as the most advanced power armour from the pre-war era. Well Emil Pagliarulo wanted to add a new power armour into the game so he came up with a T-60 power armour that just has to be pre-war. I am not a writer and even i could come up with a reason for the existence of a T-60 without breaking the fluff, such as somehow making it so that the Brotherhood of Steel developed it, considering that they are the only faction that uses it anyway. Brotherhood of Steel being on the East Coast doesn't make sense in the first place but at least it doesn't break the fluff.
You're directed to a bunker for government officials using info from a Senator who supported the Free States, where you ally with an Enclave AI named MODUS who they isolated from its key functions before ALSO being wiped out. You restore MODUS's ability to access government surveillance, and upon seeing that the Scorched really are what you told it they were you're given tasks so it can promote you as a member of the Enclave so that you can launch the nukes yourself, something MODUS cannot actually do. Once you have the rank you just need the launch codes and keycards, found on the corpses of government officials and robots. During this you find out the Vault 76 Overseer is dead, as well as finishing her backstory in which she had originally been selected to be Overseer of Vault 101 (the Fallout 3 Vault) but declined in order to remain in her home state, as well as rejecting her fiance for access to Vault 76 in favor of people more suited to its mission since she's a fanatical follower of Vault Tec and a true believer in Dwellers of 76 actually repopulating the world. She tracked her fiance down, finding he had become a Scorched and her last wish being for you to lay him to rest. Once that's done you launch the nuke at the main Scorched tunnel which spawns a Scorched Queen boss. In theory you kill it, but there's no actual directive for you to do so and no actual end to the game story other than launching that nuke which completes the last main story quest. This counts as the main storyline being done, with no cutscene or exit narration at any point whether you kill the queen bat or not. From here on out you just pursue minor plots and do whatever. The Scorchbeasts will keep coming and Scorched will keep appearing, so its [[Darkest Dungeon|basically your job to keep them at bay]]. Or not, its not like there's a questline for it or any major rewards anymore, and the actual preview for the game was nuking other players, so...time to fuck up the world worse in an installment that's basically canon in name only.

* Power armour manufacturing is beyond the technological reach of even the Brotherhood of Steel 200 years after the war, and it's nigh impossible to find outside of US military, from which the Brotherhood hails in the first place, yet the player character stumbles upon it within the first hour of the game in a fucking garage, and gets to keep it right off the bat.
The minor plots are as follows:
* Super Mutants, as always, are bumming around. This time its because of the West Tek headquarters literally being in the region. They had been working on ways to cure world hunger, and that research was abandoned when they decided to use what they were working on to instead just create the FEV virus. It was tested on a small town called Huntersville by initially abducting people and turning them into Super Mutants directly, and when the results became clear (angry hulks with diminished memories who are very aware something is wrong and thus too belligerent to take orders) they introduced FEV to the water supply in smaller amounts to see if it produced better monsters. The town was put under military quarantine, and it seems some of the healthier people were executed. The bombs fell during the experiment, and the FEV vats within the West Tek HQ were neutralized by survivors, meaning that all the Super Mutants roaming the region are the original inhabitants of Huntersville, interestingly putting a cap on the maximum number of them there can possibly be (although there could be some leftover contamination from the water, which doesn't matter given that players will drink and eat the wild agriculture from the region without mutating). So yeah, another excuse for Super Mutants but still preventing them from using the same explanation again in the future.
* A companion to the Silver Shroud comic-book quest from Fallout 4, a character in his shared universe called Mistress of Mystery was getting a television show. You can loot the a replica of her costume off of one of several dead women the wasteland. Turns out to get in to character the Mistress of Mysteries voice actress took [[batman]] training (to geive her a leg up over some one younger who looked better on screen). Then The Apocalypse happened and all that. training and a secret base paid off. The she started taking in orphan girls and training them. then bad things happed, which is how the players find the organization. (If you wonder why there's a lot of screencaps and video of male characters all wearing the same women's dress, you now know why) as well as a nice little "fuck you" from the writers of 76 parodying fanboys angry about lore on a computer terminal.
* In a similar vein to joining the Fire Breathers and Enclave via robot tasks and training, you can also join the army and become executive of a mining company.
* A LOT of "robots don't know the world ended" stuff, Some [[Golden_Throne|know but can't fight their programming]]. Maintaining a theme park, fixing up a town, organizing a picnic, delivering mail, delivering emergency supplies to towns with no survivors, big game hunting to add a collection of the new mutant species to a lodge, listening to the bedtime stories of a nanny Mr. Handy that's gone insane and now talking to mannequins, be mistaken as an escaped convict from a prison, help put another town back together but instead of working as assistant to an AI mayor you instead are appointed the new mayor by the overworked AI who then becomes YOUR assistant, and so on.
* The game continues to remind you the bombs dropped in the Halloween season with quests involving obtaining a clown costume and carving pumpkins for a robot.
* Find out about the hippie movement of the time in a mansion full of meditation tapes...which play as swarms of enemies attack. [[trazyn|Said hippe movement is a MLM and scientology combined.]]

* Suits of Enclave Power Armour, now called XO-1 for some reason, can be found across the Commonwealth. Again, Enclave being on the east coast doesn't make sense in the first place but one thing that was always very clear is that Enclave was never in the Commonwealth. There are no signs of Enclave ever being there besides the Power Armour, nor does it make much sense anyway that they would leave behind a perfectly functioning power armour that's much more advanced than anything from the pre-war era.  
===Various Full-Campaign World Mods===
Both good and bad, people have made various regions of the Fallout world not featured in either core games or DLC as mods. Some of these have been atrocious, like [[/d/|the fetish-ridden Fallout The Frontier]], but others aren't so bad, like Nuevo Mexico, New California, London, and Cascadia.

* It was said in Fallout 1 that the power armour is powered with something called TX-28 MicroFusion pack and that they can power the power armour for over one hundred years? In Fallout 4? [[Fail|They last 30 minutes]], even less if the player runs in it or uses VATS. How does the player acquire these Fusion Cores as they are now called? By taking them from the power generators of buildings, [[Derp|that have supplied the building with power for the last 210 years]].
==On the Tabletop==

* In Fallout 3 it was established that one needs power armour training in order to use the suit at all, the justification being that the user must learn how to control the servos , this is kept in Fallout New Vegas with the NCR troopers carrying the armour without the servos. In Fallout 4 the player character (despite having no power armour training) can just hop into one no problem. In Fallout 4 everybody and their mums (and raiders) use the servo part of the armour, which is the very thing you need training for.
===[[Fallout: The Board Game]]===
''It fucking rules.''
[[File:Fallout hero.0.jpg|thumb|right|350px|War... War changes depending on your dice rolls and choice of Quests.]]

* The player might run into a fridge and hear a kid called Billy screaming from inside to let him out. Turns out, Billy is a ghoul, [[What|which has somehow allowed him to live inside a fridge for 210 years]]. Its true that Ghouls have longer lifespans than humans but only as long as their basic needs are met. This means that they need food, water and this little thing you may have heard about, called AIR. Ever wonder why fridges today can be opened from inside? That's because back when they couldn't, [[Grimdark|kids used to lock themselves inside and suffocated.]] [http://i.imgur.com/FfrgUzd.jpg You know how much Bethesda cares?]
A 1-4 player game produced by [[Fantasy Flight Games]] where you and up to three other players take the roles of different people in the wasteland. You travel and explore a randomly created wasteland, killing raiders and whatnot, scavenging ruins, gaining items and maybe supporting one of the warring factions. Each game is based on a Scenario which decides the main Quest of the game, so you can play both in the Capital Wasteland with the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave, or fight for synths in the Commonwealth. There's even a Scenario based on The Pitt from Fallout 3! The Scenario decides what faction that are fighting during the game. Players can support each side or just disregard their bullshit and go loot a Red Rocket Station instead or something.

* As previously mentioned, it didn't make much sense for Jet to find its way to the east coast in the first place and was even found in sealed pre-war areas though this could be attributed to random generation. You know what couldn't? Its mentioned in a pre-war terminal that Jet has been transferred to Vault 95, a Vault where every dweller is a drug addict. Using modern drugs such as cocaine or cannabis would have been way too much sense I guess. (It's just not Fallout without Jet, you wouldn't understand! Emil Pagliarulo had to put as many Fallout things in the game, because no one would recognize ''that'' for spiritual successor of one of the best RPG series with art deco, retrofuturism and [[grimdark]] gone from it)
The player characters are a Ghoul who gains health from Rads but has less maximum health; a Super Mutant who gains XP by gaining Rads and has different options in certain Encounters and Quests; a Brotherhood of Steel Outcast who starts the game with a slow-ass suit of Power Armor; the Wastelander who starts with a tire iron that fucks up early-game mops; and a Vault Dweller who starts with a vault suit, which you can have another clothing item over. During the game you can become Idolized or Vilified, Addicted to chems or even impromptu remember that you are a Synth!

* Institute are said to be the greatest minds of the Wasteland, their motto being "Mankind, Redefined". Their way to redefine mankind is to make [[Men of Iron|synths that are better than Humans in pretty much every way]] that also look just like humans, which they use to replace real humans with their synthetic copies. How does this redefine mankind as much as it replaces it with machines?
The game feels and plays much like the vidyas, which allows loads of fun shenanigans like being caught of guard by a sudden Sentry Bot attack, finding a Quest lead during a looting section and continuously fucking with both the factions in the game for loot and XP. It's even possible to just disregard everything and go on a fun wasteland adventure just for fun. Finding items that are worth it are tough but often worthwhile, and Companions add some flavor to the game - Feel like sacrificing Preston Garvey to gain a Sniper Rifle in a trapped room, feel free! The Quest system makes the world feel alive and lets your traits and abilities like being Idolized additional weight. Of course, as a FFG game, it comes with somewhere around a few thousand small parts, so get some bags with it as well.

* Institute also had a fairly successful cyborg program that made people stronger, smarter and gave them a greatly increased lifespan. That sounds like actually redefining mankind. [[Fail|Institute cancelled it.]]
It's a great adaptation, and for the oldfags out there, there's a New California Expansion which allows you to fight the Master or help build the NCR.

* As if it wasn't enough that Vault-Tec had access to FEV before the war, now the Institute has access to it as well. Institute, what was back before the war still the Commonwealth/Massachusetts Institute of Technology we know today, yet for some baffling reason, even they were given access to a top secret military project. I guess it just ain't Fallout to Emil Pagliarulo without super mutants. Yet when the FEV experiments didn't turn out as they hoped, they decided to let these very aggressive and hostile super mutants roam free in the Wasteland. Despite the fact that as stupid as most of them are, they might know about their secret facility or they might destroy things in the Commonwealth that Institute wants to save. Keep in mind that Institute are supposed to be the "greatest minds of the Wasteland".
===Fallout: Warfare===
A tabletop [[wargame]] based on the Fallout Tactics spin-off game, and released alongside it in 2001. Made by the lead designer of the original Fallout, Chris Taylor, and can be [https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/6/6d/Fow.pdf/revision/latest?cb=20070811034044 downloaded here.]

* The Institutes leader is slowly dying from cancer and even with all of Institutes advanced technology, there is nothing that could be done. Except that they had FEV (yes, they shouldn't have but they have so bear with me) and Super Mutants are immune to cancer and as can be found out in Fallout 1, it is possible to reverse the effects of FEV if you have subjects DNA from the time when they were still human. You may die in process, but hey, it's still better than "you WILL die from cancer".
There are a few systems for Nuka-Cola addicts to get their fill on the tabletop. The first is '''[[Exodus]]''', licensed under the [[d20 System]], which was originally going to be an official ''Fallout'' RPG until copyright disputes with Bethesda and Interplay prompted the publishers to file off the serial numbers and call it a "spiritual successor". It departs heavily from the canonical setting, and is mechanically weak, but a flexible GM will find it otherwise serviceable.

* In the beginning of the game, the player character will witness a nuclear detonation not too far from where they are standing. At this distance, anyone who sees the explosion should be blind because a detonating nuke creates an extremely bright light. Another thing is that the Institute wanted Shaun, the players son because he is pure, not affected by radiation. A moment a nuclear weapon detonates, it sends around a wave of radiation that travels at the speed of light. This means that Shaun was very much affected by radiation. Sure it could actually be possible that this is the reason for Shauns cancer but you would think that Institute would have found out that he is not pure. Also, I kinda doubt that Emil Pagliarulo actually thought about it this much. We have already given the games plot more thought than he did when he was writing it.
For purists, there is also J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game, an original system that uses d100 rules, much like [[Dark Heresy]] only a thousand times more complicated. It is still in development and will probably never be finished, but all material can be found for free on its [http://falloutpnp.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page official wiki].

* It was made clear in the previous games that the hardware of robots is incapable of developing true artificial intelligence or self-awareness, be it by accident or design. The only machines that could were massive ZAX supercomputers. Even Robert House's "robo-girls" neuro-computational matrices are merely copies, incapable of venturing from their extremely sophisticated, but still limited, programming. And yet in Fallout 4, pretty much every robot seems to be self-aware from domestic robot to synths.
Originally, Fallout was going to be mechanically based on [[GURPS]] but due to Steve Jackson's signature controlling nature (the GURPS licence was pulled because SJ didn't like the vault boy icons) the GURPS licence was dropped and the series went with the SPECIAL system that is in use today. GURPS fans have created a Fallout suppliment that can be found [http://gurps.fallout.free.fr/data/GURPS_Fallout_compilation.pdf here].

* Vertibirds are seen flying around shortly before the Great War. It was stated in previous games that Vertibird was only a prototype before the war.
In addition, some cool anons have created a scenario book for Fallout that focuses on the Louisiana wastes. Check it out [https://mega.nz/#!HBlzBDTS!DVNFXbkJBI6Aah6D-L4Vt1ssmvIfS2kcg43ZXIWfTHg here]. It's pretty good.
* It is said that Brotherhood of Steel gained access to Enclaves Vertibird fleet after the latter defeat. These Vertibirds look completely different from the ones the Enclave was seen using in Fallout 3. It is also unknown how do they even fly, considering that Brotherhood has no access to fuel.
* The Brotherhood of Steel has built themselves a Zeppelin called Prydwen and the game makes it very clear that it uses hydrogen instead of helium. Well, that's it. They build a fucking flying Vertibird carrier in post-apocalyptic US.
* If the player sides with the Brotherhood of Steel, they will destroy the Institute. Keep in mind, that Maxson supposedly has returned to the Brotherhoods original mission to preserve technology, as opposed to Lyon's "white-knighting", and Institute is the most advanced location in the Wasteland. And no one in the Brotherhood seems to disagree with Elder Maxson that Institute shouldn't be destroyed but preserved instead. In the Brotherhood, destroying the most advanced location on the Wasteland ''without [[Blood_Ravens|looting it]] first'' would be the worst type of [[Heresy]] and Elder Maxson should be {{BLAM|BLAMMED}}.
==On the Tabletop==

There are a few systems for Nuka-Cola addicts to get their fill on the tabletop. The first is '''[[Exodus]]''', licensed under the [[d20 System]], which was originally going to be an official ''Fallout'' RPG until <s>the license-holders saw how shitty the final product was</s> copyright disputes with Bethesda and Interplay prompted the publishers to file off the serial numbers and call it a "spiritual successor". It departs heavily from the canonical setting, and is mechanically weak, but a flexible GM will find it otherwise serviceable.
The current official Fallout RPG has been around since 2021 and is a creation of [[Modiphius Entertainment]], using their standard 2d20 system.

For purists, there is also J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game, an original system that uses d100 rules, much like [[Dark Heresy]] only a thousand times more complicated. It is still in development and will probably never be finished, but all material can be found for free on its [http://falloutpnp.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page official wiki].
===[[Fallout: Wasteland Warfare]]===
Created by [[Modiphius Entertainment]] and released in 2018, the game was initially created as a skirmish-level wargame but with the option to let AI cards control factions to have a co-op or single player game, as well as a light RPG/settlement system. Due to reception that they had created a mediocre skirmish game but an amazing AI/campaign system, future content was bent towards that as well as a stand-alonebutactuallyitsanexpansion RPG book appropriately titled "Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Roleplaying Game".  

Originally, Fallout was going to be mechanically based on [[GURPS]] but due to Steve Jackson's signature controlling nature (the GURPS licence was pulled because SJ didn't like the vault boy icons) the GURPS licence was dropped and the series went with the SPECIAL system that is in use today. GURPS fans have created a Fallout suppliment that can be found [http://gurps.fallout.free.fr/data/GURPS_Fallout_compilation.pdf here].
Find it [http://www.modiphius.com/fallout.html Fallout: Wasteland Warfare here].
In addition, some cool anons have created a scenario book for Fallout that focuses on the Louisiana wastes. Check it out [https://mega.nz/#!HBlzBDTS!DVNFXbkJBI6Aah6D-L4Vt1ssmvIfS2kcg43ZXIWfTHg here]. It's pretty good.

What appears to be the first official tabletop adaptation comes from [[Modiphius Entertainment]] in 2017: ''[http://www.modiphius.com/fallout.html Fallout: Wasteland Warfare]''.
===Fallout d40===
A new homebrew tabletop RPG based on Fallout, called Fallout d40, was released on the internet on Oct. 23rd, 2017, 60 years prior to the bombs dropping. It aims to give people a true Fallout tabletop RPG experience. The website for it is: https://falloutd40.wixsite.com/mainpage

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Image:fallouttable.png|Sums up the games
Image:fallouttable2.png|Sums up the DLC

==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Brother Vinni]] for not-Fallout miniatures.
*[http://fallout.wiki/wiki/Fallout_Wiki The Fallout Wiki]
*[[Brother Vinni]] for not-Fallout miniatures.

Latest revision as of 04:22, 21 June 2023

This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

"War. War never changes."

– Ron Perlman

"War has changed."

Solid Snake, being a contrarian.

Fallout is a post-post-apocalyptic video game series, with a boardgame released in 2017 (see below), that takes place in America about a century or two in the future where America had been bombed so much that it has been left as a irradiated, smelly and depressing wasteland that happens to have high as fuck raiders come up to you and attempt to kill you with a flaming chainsaw or a laser weapon.

Despite the Grimdark setting, the player's actions can lead to a bright and optimistic future, with a darkly humorous streak and a series-long theme of rebuilding. The freedom of approach to how you interact with the world set before you is one of the main selling points of the series, so you can leave the place worse than it was before (like joining a bunch of pseudo-Darwinian sodomite slavers or poisoning the water supply to eradicate all the civilians muties unlucky enough to be born outside a vault [including you!]), or join the people trying to genuinely make it a better place. Kinda like a game run by a DM who believes that "actions have consequences," anything from the wrong dialogue option to murderhoboing your way to Las Vegas will leave a mark on the Wasteland at large. The games have been criticized for becoming somewhat unfocused in both writing and gameplay, with some saying that this was magnified by Bethesda, while others say it's always been like that. And that's all we'll say on that for now. You could say it’s set in the metaphorical fallout of the literal fallout.

Plot and Setting[edit | edit source]

For those wanting an in-depth analysis of the Fallout storyline, the "Fallout Storyteller" Youtube series has a large number of (mostly accurate) episodes dealing with the subject and can be viewed here.

Basically, while technology continued to advance past the 50-60's, the culture did not, which is one of the biggest sources of hilarity in the game. Imagine a lady in a pink diner dress, high heels and curly, blonde hair run up to you with a nuke-launcher on the back and try to sell some drugs to you that could enhance you to the level of a Space Marine for hours while jingoistic jazz music blares from radios that were built in the 2040's. All because some dipshit forgot to invent semiconductors and global idea exchanges slowed, the ham-fisted, pin-up U.S post-WW2 culture endures for a century.

From there, imagine the future as depicted in 1950s-era sci-fi media, then picture the US and China nuking the shit out of each other. Between that, the release of a bio-weapon that mutates living things which was itself mutated, and the general inability of anyone to get civilization's shit together for more than ten minutes at a time, the world remains for the most part a radioactive shithole even after over 200 years since the bombs dropped. It's not the nukes that killed humanity, but it's inability to agree on the most obvious shit.

Not helping matters (at least in the States) is that the pre-war underground-bunker living Vault Dwellers, intended as the best hope for repopulating the world, are either woefully unprepared for this hellscape or are just as messed up as everyone else. See, the Vaults were nominally only partly intended as fallout shelters. Their creators often added unusual conditions as experiments (nominally for testing conditions for space colonisation but occasionally for shits and giggles) ranging from quirky (like only giving glove puppets as entertainment) or downright fucking messed up (like gradually dosing the vault dwellers with hallucinogens and rage amplifiers over time). Some vaults have remained isolated till the present day, whilst others have opened themselves or been forced into over the years. Naturally, most games have you starting as a Vault Dweller, although usually from a vault with fairly benign (or at least less directly hostile, see Vault 101 where the experiment was to keep people locked up until Civil War broke out) test conditions.

Sapient races include Humans, Zetans (little green man aliens), Ghouls, Super Mutants, Nightkin Super Mutants, a breed of talking Deathclaw, Robots, Swampfolk, and Dwarves. Yes, dwarves, tiny little buff people changed on a genetic level by the bomb to have inherent dwarfism, who tend to be hairy and good with technology. Only appeared in Fallout 1 and 2, though.

The Dwarves of Fallout 1 and 2.

Sliding Scale of Seriousness[edit | edit source]

One of the skubbier elements of Fallout is this: just how much of the setting is intended to be goofy fun, and how much is intended to be grimdark? On the one hand, there's a lot of messed up shit in Fallout - for example, Robobrains, a robot that looks like a Brain in a Jar on a mechanical cylinder with tank treads and cybernetic tentacles, were largely made up of political prisoners whose living brains were extracted and jammed in crude battle-droids to be used as expendable cannon fodder. On the other hand, you can encounter all manner of silly pop culture references, up to and including nearly crossing paths with Doctor Who.

Notable People, Mutants, and Factions[edit | edit source]

Tribals and Wastelanders[edit | edit source]

Anyone who didn't grow up in a bunker (Vault, Military, Science-y, or otherwise). These shmucks have the burden of being born in a radioactive wasteland where everything is radioactive/mutagenic, and because time stopped during Boomer-era America, all the things you can find Pre-War contains Lead, Asbestos, and yup, more Nuclear Material. It's no wonder that the Enclave, the remnants of America's Pre-War government and its loyal troops, considers everyone in the Wasteland to be a sub-human mutant (but in reality though, the real reason why the Enclave hates everyone is because FEV, the virus that created Super Mutants, is already present in most humans simply because of how polluted and fucked up the Wasteland is.)

Tribals on the other hand are humans who grew up in cultures that are just pastiches of Native American cultures. They tend to be very superstitious and avoid most Pre-War sites and artifacts (except guns, because AMERICA [and also because everything in the Wasteland can and will kill the unarmed]). The PC in FO2 is a Tribal, and you meet quite a few tribes in most games...except FO4 (this is going to be a running theme)

Super Mutants[edit | edit source]

7-foot tall sterile humanoids immune to aging, radiation and disease and built entirely of muscle that go to battle armed with the biggest, heaviest choppers or the shootiest, heaviest guns (and the sneaky ones are Purple). Most of them are also Green, except those in Washington D.C. because Reasons. They are stereotyped as big dumb cannibals, and you'd be right for the most part, except for the ones that aren't and those from the "First Generation" of Super Mutants created by the Master (super mutated Psyker) himself. Each game has their own version of Super Mutants created by whatever mad scientist/evil organization/whatever-macguffin is present at the time, but they are all created due to experimentation with the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) that was supposed to turn humans into what peak performance looks like, but ended up creating the pseudo-orcs we know today. THAT'S CUZ GREEN IS DA BEST! NOW *wheeze* IS THE TIME OF THE SUPER MUTANT

All that being said, you really do feel for the super mutants. All Super Mutants are the unwilling result of humans being mutated, with pure Vault dwellers and other untouched-by-mutation virgins producing the best and most successful results. We know that it's a painful process, some kind of memory loss is a given and it's a rarity for the succeeding generations to have some sense of connection to their former life, so those that do and actually want to do good are such a rarity that you can call it a margin of error. In the West Coast, all of them are either survivors of the Master's Army (intelligent) or second generations caused by haphazard conversions of wastelanders (dumb). The Dumb-Dumbs follow the smart ones, for better (Marcus is pretty much the coolest guy you'll ever meet) or worse (everyone else).

The sneaky ones are the most dangerous, because they're all first generation and also suffering from intense and serious mental illness due to the stealth-radiation frying their brains and worsening the dementia they have from being so old, which is how you get Grannies chopping down Deathclaws with helicopter blades while being egged on by her personal demon but also split personality Mr. Slave/murderhobo.

As of Fallout 4, being a Super Mutant is a reversible condition, because apparently it's easier to cure than a common cold.

Ghouls[edit | edit source]

Most people die when they take too much rads. You won the genetic lottery by becoming a living zombie, your body now a cancer that's nourished by radiation. On the plus side, you're immortal, but your mind will eventually decay (also made quicker by radiation). People will also treat you like absolute shit, and some people may even shoot you on sight.

NCR[edit | edit source]

Emerging out of the efforts of the Vault Dweller from FO1, the New California Republic was built with the trappings of pre-War California. They adhere to the principles of democracy and equality, though in reality, due to the difficulty of holding a country together in the wasteland, influence and power is bought by cattlefucking ranchers, unscrupulous arms dealers, and caravan companies. That, and their recent expansionist policies have stretched much of their military thin, and have also angered many communities who weren't keen on being annexed and taxed by the Republic. Though they're waaaaaay better than most of the other factions in the Wasteland, it's kind of a hard sell joining the faction that's so bad at its job, its Chief Ranger would rather die and have all his boys go down with him in a blaze of glory than let them be used as pawns in NCR power games.

Having said all of this, even the most jaded and disheartened citizens and soldiers of the NCR still hold at least a grudging respect for the principles they live under, or realize how bad all the alternative groups are, which is often the main selling point to support the Republic, more so than just the fact that they are a "democracy". In fact, the NCR's greatest flaws also feed into their greatest strength. The NCR may be an overstretched, disorganized and corrupt expansionist government, but despite that it's still full of everyday decent people on the ground trying to make some difference with what they got.

Enclave[edit | edit source]

Introduced in FO2, the Enclave claim to be the rightful rulers and inheritors of post-apocalyptic America. Y'see, back before the bombs dropped, the situation in the world and the US themselves had already deteriorated to a point a nuclear war was seen as a certainty, so obviously douchebags in the government decided "fuck the people, our survival is top priority!" Made up of all manner of high-ranking assholes, including the President, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, prize-winning scientists, wealthy industrialists, members of the military, influential politicians and other powerful men and women, they constructed their own secret sea-based survival retreat, and evacuated there several months prior to the big day (at least in the old fluff). These assholes were content to let the rest of the world die and planned on repopulating the wasteland afterwards with their pure and uncorrupted Aryan genes. When they finally deemed the mainland safe to return to, they weren't happy to find out that other people had survived, so they decided the best thing to do was to wipe out everyone who wasn't descended from their ranks (no matter how inbred said ranks might have been).

Basically, the Enclave represented the "Asshole Surviving Elite" archetype from post-apocalyptic fiction; they preserved themselves at the expense of the average American, they maintained and built upon the highest pre-War tech so they are the ultimate , and they regard all others outside of their ranks as fit only to be enslaved or exterminated.

The ultimate antagonist of FO2 (with 12' tall genetically engineered homicidal maniac cyborg ex-Marine-turned-Secret-Service-agent serving as a final boss), they returned in FO3 as a surviving offshoot that is somehow more numerous than the original organization, BoS-style, where here they began to pick up a following amongst fans, largely because the whole "genocidal old world elitist bastards" angle was kinda downplayed by an extensive use of in-game propaganda, despite the plan of eradicating all mutants still being the same. FONV shows the aftermath of the original Enclave being destroyed by the NCR/BoS alliance for several of ex-members, so few in number they are almost irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Their quest, however, is all about gathering said remnants and convincing them to support your chosen faction during the final fight. They don't show up in FO4, but a separate branch of the Enclave does make an appearance in the lore in FO76, where it turns out that one absolute fucking maniac of an Enclave member not only got into the POTUS' private survival bunker, but secretly sabotaged the escape effort so that anyone with a higher rank than him would not get to the bunker under Whitesprings, meaning he would be officially left as the POTUS by virtue of being the highest ranked governmental official present and alive. He promptly used this power to flood Appalachia with mutants and killer robots as part of a crazy plan to gain access to remaining nuclear stockpiles to continue bombing China... which, as far as anyone knew, had already been nuked to oblivion...

Brotherhood of Steel[edit | edit source]

Tech-hoarding soldiers LARPing as Arthurian Knights. Seriously.

Most notable for their near-exclusive use of Power Armor (until other, less toaster-obsessed factions came into play) and their fetish for energy weapons. The Brotherhood’s originated from US Army defectors who turned away from the atrocities and corruption of the pre- and post-war US Government under the guidance of High Elder Roger Maxson, who also wrote the Codex that continues to guide them to this day.

Being the poster boys of the setting, each Fallout game features them in some capacity. Since the original organization was just one bunker, the idea of chapters was introduced. In their quest to reclaim more technology (but also to exile the forward-thinking while still making them useful) expeditions were sent out to found new chapters all across America so that Brotherhood paladins and knights can be found pretty much anywhere in post-apocalyptic US. Their doctrines also widely differ from staunch traditionalism to even more AdMech-like behavior of the Mojave chapter, brutal pragmatism of the Midwestern Brotherhood or naïve idealism of the FO3 Eastern chapter. Said chapters also have a bad tendency of being more prominent and numerous of a force than the OG Brotherhood, but such is life in the Wasteland.

The Brotherhood’s main mission is to safeguard the “forbidden” technology that led to the Great War, though they consider everything from Laser weapons to vital pre-War energy infrastructure as “forbidden” tech that cannot be trusted in the hands of “wasteland savages,” so they liberate flashlights from the people who just happen to have it. To be fair to the Brotherhood, pre-War America was experimenting with some dangerous super-weapon level tech at the time, and were not above using their own citizens as guinea pigs, as evidenced by the creation of Super Mutants and the entire Vault-Tec project. They also generally concentrate their efforts on things with immediate military applications, so they won't come knocking for your nuclear reactor (maybe). This also leads to them effectively ignoring civilian technologies like hydroponics, which bites them in the ass more often than not. None of that excuses the fact that their paranoia and elitism leads them to confiscate vital technology that could be used to actually better the lives of the Wastelanders around them.

Oh, and they're massive racists in fluff of every installment, shooting both Ghouls and Super Mutants on sight.

Caesar's Legion[edit | edit source]

The Big Bad of FNV, tribals larping as Rome, led by a man who can call himself Caesar because most people are too illiterate to know what Rome is. They conquered a whole bunch of desert tribes (57 to be exact), but the truth is that they're really just a horde with a few Roman terms and ideas sprinkled in (mostly the nasty ones). They think the only way to save the world is to conquer everyone and impose a reactionary warlike totalitarian luddite misogynist anti-mutant homophobic puritanical militaristic dictatorship on everyone forever. If you can see the problem with this, congratulations on having at basic understanding of history, human behavior and morality. Pretty much everyone in the game says that the Legion will disintegrate when Caesar dies, except for Caesar himself, because he's a narcissistic fuck, which is unironically the only reason why the Legion is so cohesive. Considering his two likeliest successors are a blunt bloodthirsty brute and a two faced sadistic torturer, Caesar pretty much is the only figure in the Legion with the intellect to hold together this army of sycophantic slaves. They literally believe him to be the biggest gigachad ever, even though it's really because they're just illiterate.

Followers of the Apocalypse[edit | edit source]

Don't let the badass deathmetal name fool you, these guys are actually a bunch of nerds. If the Brotherhood is a bunch of tech hoarding soldiers, the Followers are their polar opposite, a group of pacifist scholars who seek to aid and educate the people of the Wastes. They have played an important role in the history of the West Coast and were the people responsible for educating the NCR, but due to the NCR's expansionism being at odds with the Followers goal of not repeating the same mistakes of the past (and encouraging self-determination over imperialism), the two factions have officially cut all ties with each other. Even though they're pacifists, don't expect them to just sit down and take it: they just leave the fighting to people who're good at it. Also, you have to give them props for surviving this long in the Wasteland, these guys got their start in the ruins of the LA Public Library back when Fallout was just an anarchic Mad Max simulator, and not a 50s music radio station, so they not only survived the lawless gang warfare of the LA Boneyard pre-NCR, but played a role in beating the Master and establishing the Wasteland's only true democracy. Also, Caesar was raised a Follower, though he was never a really good one.

New Vegas[edit | edit source]

The very two-sided metropolis of the Mojave and subdivided into two main factions, the Families under the leadership of Robert House, an obscenely wealthy and ambitious totally-not-Howard-Hughes Industrialist from the Pre-War years who survived the Great War thanks to his advanced life support systems and the various factions of outer Vegas, of whom the biggest is Freeside under the leadership of The King and the group of gangers of the same name, a rag-tag assortment of folks all cosplaying as Elvis Prestley. Mr. House holds an iron first over the wealth and technology of the Las Vegas Strip that he with the help of his advanced Robot Army built to be an unconquerable fortress. His aims for the Mojave is to "civilize" it, by which he means using the major power advantage his robot army gives him to enforce a free-trade zone independent from the rest of the Wastelanders. Being a true Ayn-Rand-style libertarian anarcho-capitalist with a serious god-complex, he usually views any kind of moral objection one might have to his egotistical dreams as a lack of vision. This brings with it its own buttload of problems, mainly that the people he "civilized" (The Families) self-admittedly didn't really agree to it in the first place and by the time of New Vegas tried to undermine Houses authority for very understandable reasons. The Families themselves, which House dubs his employees, are the former members of three wastelander tribes House basically forced at gunpoint to populate the Las Vegas strip some years prior are the Omertas, who were Slavers and Pimps who just continued their business under House, the White Glove Society, a bunch of cannibals whose tendencies and cultural habits turned out to be really hard to overcome, and the Chairmen, that were a band of marauding, drug-fueled raiders. The Kings that control most of outer Vegas (called Freeside) are a gang of Elvis Presley cosplayers whose boss once found a building that housed a school for Elvis Presley impersonators in the Rubble of Vegas and assumed that, in order to be so famous that other people wanted to be you, you must have been some sort of divine being and he subsequently assumed the style, music and even accent of the real deal for himself and his gang in a truly bizarre cargo cult. The Kings are both opposed to Mr. House, whom they view as the same sort of oppressive slaver as Caesar and the NCR, who step on their turf under Houses protection, much to their chagrin.

Boston Factions[edit | edit source]

Of the four factions vying for control over Boston, only two can be considered as having a large impact on the Wasteland outside of the Commonwealth, and one of those (The BOS) isn't even from Massachusetts.

The Institute was formed by the scientists of MIT, their base fully underground, and the only way in either being teleportation, or through their toilets. Not only did they manage to ride out the Apocalypse, but were able to thrive, their tech and quality of life being way beyond what anyone else in the Wasteland can even imagine. Everything inside is clean, shiny, and plastic. Their greatest creation is Synths, which are basically bladerunner-style synthetic life. Starting out as nothing more than mechanical robots before being perfected with full-on synthetic flesh completely indistinguishable from "real humans", they obviously did the amoral science thing and gave them sentience and free will that could instantly be overided with a few words. Clearly, nothing can go wrong.

These guys might look like squeaky-clean Futurists, but they're exactly like the pre-War scientist of Vault-Tec, but no longer bound by government/corporate agendas. Just like Vault-Tec, they do their experiment on civilians, which they do by replacing Wastelanders with Synths (i.e literally kidnapping and murdering a defenseless innocent after raping its brain for memories) so they can watch people fuck test their theories and make sure no one can mount an effective resistance against them. Of course, because Synths are sentient and do most of the actual work, some of the more advanced ones manage to escape, and over time, have worked with a group of sympathizers to create...

The Railroad. Named after the Underground railroad that helped free slaves, these guys do the same, but with Synths. absolutely no word on whether or not they free real human slaves, like the ones you found in the Capital Wasteland, even though they have agents there, too, and a burgeoning anti-slavery faction Whenever a Synth manages to break free from their programming and realizes they're pretty much people, they seek out the Railroad for help. The Railroad operates all over the East Coast, helping synths get away from Blade Runners Coursers, wiping their memories so they can get a fresh start, before spiriting them away to new lives. These guys have a pretty robust intelligence network with freed synths and even a Pre-War DeepBlue-copy, but are otherwise just regular Wastelanders and Sympathizers. That being said, most of the people of the Commonwealth dislike them because it's really hard to trust Synths whose personalities and wills can be overriden at any point and turned against you.

The Minutemen - Named after the historic militia, these guys organize themselves the exact same way, down to the fucking muskets (technically it's a crank-operated single-shot laser, which makes 0 sense because it still uses batteries microfusion cells, and quite literally any weapon will be better. Apparently it was once planned to not need energy cells, but that feature was scrapped somewhere during production). Because these guys organize themselves with tactics straight out the Colonial-era, it was pretty easy for them to be wiped out by a gang of sadistic mercenary types called the Gunners that do organize themselves like a proper army. These guys suck so bad, you are literally made their General within the game's first act, and you just kinda sorta stay in the position, even if you help anyone else, including Raiders (but at that point, the one guy will refuse to help you until you leave them, but you're still their General and besides him they'll still help you). Of course, just like the NCR, these guys are probably the best option for the Commonwealth because the members that really stuck around are the types that genuinely believe in their mission of making the Wasteland a better place, and unlike the Brotherhood, they understand that by wiping the Institute they can also free the Synths from their control, so there's no need to hunt them down.

The Games[edit | edit source]

Fallout 1[edit | edit source]

I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. I'm all out of gum.

Eighty four years after the bombs fell, a resident of Vault 13 in California is chosen to leave the Vault to find a replacement unit for the Vault's damaged water chip, which controls the water recycling system. This Vault Dweller, in his search for his prize, discovers that the world is (sort of) safe to return to, as many others had. He also discovers a major threat to the nascent human rebuilding: the Master's Army. This army of Super Mutants is the tool of the mutant known as The Master, who intends to turn the entire human race into Super Mutants to unite mankind into one whole and bring an end to conflict and war (except he's being semi-despotic about it). The Vault Dweller manages to stop the Master, though it is not known if he talked him down or blew him up, and return to the Vault with his prize only to be exiled for being "contaminated" by contact with the outside world. Many other inhabitants of Vault 13 choose to leave with him, traveling north and founding the village of Arroyo. Also the FMV sequence you get if you join the master is creepy, so don't do it.

1 and 2 was a turn-based game much like traditional Dungeons & Dragons, your stats' math calculation corresponding to various skill points which are also advanced with practice and skill points defining percentage of success for various actions, also influenced by weapons range, enemy armor class or the lock's sturdiness etc. It maxed out at 95% (a subtle nod to 1d20 critical failure), and various armors have damage resistances to various attacks boostable by drugs and perks. Unlike fantasy potions, drugs give very bad addiction withdrawals. Later games would turn into Skyrim with guns, which is debatable whether it's a good thing or not to reach the young audience.

Fallout 2[edit | edit source]

You get to visit New Reno, the scummiest of all pits in Fallout games.

The Vault Dweller's grandchild comes of age, passes a series of trials, and is then selected to find a sacred artifact from Vault 13: a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, which will rebuild the wasteland into a paradise. It should be obvious by now that the population made of Vault 13 settlers managed to degenerate into neolithic barbarism in one generation. Anyway, this Chosen One, in his search for his prize, discovers that the United States government is (sort of) still around and had abducted the people of Vault 13. He later learns that they are called the Enclave and had also abducted his tribe in his absence when he found Vault 13 himself. So the Chosen One travels to the Enclave's base of operations, a Poseidon Energy oil rig, to free the captives, find the GECK, fight one big boi and destroy the Enclave, helping (or breaking) towns along the way. Despite being regarded as the best of the classic Fallout games it was rushed to meet a Christmas deadline with large sections of the game cut for time. These have since been re-added and bug fixed through modding and is considered required to get the full and proper Fallout 2 experience.

Fallout Tactics[edit | edit source]

"Fuck em"...*pukes*

In Fallout Tactics, the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel began inducting tribes into its ranks in small numbers while defending the Wasteland against threats such as an army of renegade robots. The main group of the Brotherhood is separated from this group, which takes over Vault 0 and continues pushing eastwards. Although the bulk of Fallout Tactics is non-canon (though some, like the Mid-West Brotherhood being semi-canon), the basic story (and some elements such as airships and Nuka Cherry) remained canon.

Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel[edit | edit source]

Unintentionally meta.

Three Initiates to the Brotherhood, one strangely enough being a Ghoul despite how much the Brotherhood hates both outsiders and mutants, are sent to go find missing Paladins despite how illogical it is to send three fresh recruits after several high ranking veterans in power armor. They wound up being aided by the Vault Dweller, who was still alive at the time, and take out another Super Mutant army. At one point you wipe out the entire population of a town of Ghouls because they don't accept humans but you need to get to the other side and apparently can't be arsed to just walk around it, despite the fact you may in fact be playing as a Ghoul with absolutely no humans for miles who's entire backstory was humans wiped out his town...

Completely non-canon, and unlike Fallout Tactics everyone is happy about that.

Fallout 3[edit | edit source]

"Scenic overlook". Gotta love them 4th wall breaches!

The series turns into a Skyrim/Oblivion 3D RPG with guns - Many cheered as Fallout was revived from the precipice of obscurity, and others were filled with RAGE over an assortment of things, like Power Armor nerfed to the equal of an Imperial Guard flak armor. After all... Rage. Rage never changes

Two hundred years after the Great War, a civil war breaks out in Vault 101 after its head physician, Liam Neeson James, leaves. His child then escapes the chaos in search of him. This Lone Wanderer, in his search for his father, discovers that he was not born in Vault 101 as he had been led to believe, but in a beached aircraft carrier named Rivet City. His father had been working on "Project Purity" to purge the radiation from the Potomac River to provide clean water for the world. Following his father's trail, the Lone Wanderer eventually comes into conflict with the resurgent Enclave which wants to take the project for itself. Canonically the player fights the Enclave off, mind-fucks the President and helps purify the water of the Capital Wasteland with the Brotherhood of Steel. They also die due to radiation but gets better in the DLC, and chase the Enclave to a mobile base crawler and finally bomb them from orbit (or Brotherhood citadel if you are feeling like an asshole).

The first DLC is called "Operation Anchorage", where a group of BoS Outcasts are trying to gain access to a cache of pre-war tech in a bunker. Unfortunately for them, the only way to gain access to said tech is by playing a vr milsim centered around the liberation of Anchorage, and it only runs on the Pip-Boy operating system. Fortunately for you, you have one of those, so naturally the Outcasts are desperate willing to split the loot with you just this once. What follows is basically the atompunk version of those military first-person shooters everyone likes to make fun of as you fight the (virtual) Chinese army in the name of 'Murica!

The second DLC is "The Pitt" where you are recruited to help liberate some slaves. Your destination: the ruins of Pittsburgh, now the Pitt, which, while not hit directly during the war, was heavily irradiated by the nearby river, causing the locals to degenerate into feral cannibals. So all in all, an overall improvement. That said, the infrastructure is still intact, so some raiders have set up shop at the metal refineries with their slaves to do all the work for them. Speaking of slaves, the only way into the Pitt is to pretend to be one, so you're gonna be working from the bottom up to infiltrate their society. Once you reach the guy in charge, however, you'll quickly realize that things aren't so black-and-white as they seem, and you'll have to make a choice that isn't tracked by the karma meter!

The third DLC is "Broken Steel". If you have Fallout 3, get this. It adds a post-game campaign that allows you to keep playing for as long as you want (something New Vegas sorely lacks). As for the story, it's changed so that now when the time comes to activate Project Purity, not only will you not die instantly if you do it yourself, you can instead have certain radiation-immune companions do it for you. The narrator will still call you a coward, but better to be a coward than a fool. Either way you go about it, you wake up two weeks later to either a wasteland where the availability of fresh water has opened up new opportunities for the locals, or, if you used the modified FEV, a wasteland where everyone (including you) is slowly being killed by the contaminated water. Regardless, you proceed to help the Brotherhood of Steel mop up the remaining Enclave forces.

The fourth DLC is "Point Lookout", which introduces a whole new map set in the eponymous Maryland location. Unlike most other places, no bombs were dropped on Point Lookout; a little radiation may have drifted in on the tides, but that's small-time compared to places like California or the Capital Wasteland. That said, the region is infested with mutant hillbillies that will try to kill you. Things to do here include settling a grudge between a ghoul and a brain in a jar, going on a hallucinogenic spirit journey, tracing the path of a Chinese spy, oh, and finding a pseudo-Necronomicon that said mutated inbreds now keep, nothing major.

The fifth and final expansion is Mothership Zeta, which sees you getting abducted by those aliens whose wrecks you kept finding throughout the series. You then fight your way to the bridge of the ship you're on and take over with the aid of cryogenically frozen fellow captives from throughout history, including: a pre-war soldier, a cowboy, and a Sengoku-era samurai. There's not much else to say about this one.

There are a good deal of cool moments and set pieces. That said, there are also some rather derpy ones as well for the main story. In praticular after you get out of the Vault, you come across a town built around an old un-exploded but still active atomic bomb. You are given the choice of either permanently defusing the nuke or arming it so a rich asshole can blow the town up for the lulz. In short, your options in regards to Megaton are "do the obviously sensible thing even an evil raider would do" or "Be a completely insane mass murdering asshole for no reason". Mind you, said rich asshole had ordered his messenger to evacuate the town...

Fallout: New Vegas[edit | edit source]

The cold, cold road to hookers, drugs, street violence and rock 'n roll.

The game takes place in the Mojave Desert, where the city of Las Vegas was able to largely survive the nuclear holocaust of the Great War, thanks to it's anti-missile defensive system destroying/disabling most of the nukes that fell onto the region, making it one of the wealthiest cities in post-nuke America and a double-sided symbol of the old world people have only heard about it pre-war literature. In 2281, the New California Republic (Which grew from surviving villages and towns of Fallout 1) and Caesar's Legion (a horde of Edgy tribals cosplaying as Roman Legionaries led by a twisted warlord with a twisted survival of the fittest mindset) are staring at each other across the Colorado River, having fought over Hoover Dam once before. Against this backdrop, a courier of the Mojave Express is shot for their charge, a poker chip made of platinum, and buried in a shallow grave. They're dug out by a Securitron robot and taken to Dr. Mitchell of Goodsprings, who saves his life. This Courier, in their search for their prize, travels around the Mojave Wasteland in pursuit of their attempted murderer, Benny, the head of the Chairmen, who runs the Tops casino in New Vegas ran by the mysterious Mr. House(who turns out to be a Jeff Bezos/Walt Disney style tycoon kept alive in a tank). Eventually, all three major players in the Mojave (the NCR, the Legion, and Mr. House) want the Courier to do their dirty work to gain control over the Mojave, but there is a fourth option: Benny's plan was to use a subverted Securitron named Yes Man to take over House's network and use the platinum chip (actually a data disc containing a firmware upgrade for the Securitrons) to secure control over New Vegas. Whatever the Courier choses, the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is inevitable and only one faction can win.

Notably, you do not start out as a Vault Dweller, have an established origin story, or set out on a grand quest (at least initially). You're just a poor schmuck in the right place at the wrong time, thrown into the foreground of a territorial dispute, where your most notable feat in your postal career in the Mojave so far is that you survived a gunshot to the head and not much else. No government conspiracies, apocalyptic enemies like the Master, or world changing macguffins. That's the main story anyway. The DLC takes a slightly more personal approach, being a bunch of genre setpieces that show the effect of other people being in the right place at the wrong time (or wrong place at the right time), and showing the Courier's past isn't quite as boring as might first appear.

Jokes aside, this is one of the most atmospheric settings in all of games out there.

The first DLC is called "Dead Money", where a mysterious radio broadcast becons you to the Sierra Madre Casino, a luxurious vacation spot for the rich, built near the end of the Great War. It never officially opened as the bombs fell, so you can only assume the buttload of treasures stored within. Things go not-as-planned, and you end up assisting a rogue BoS Elder named Elijah break into the Sierra Madre with the help of 3 kooky sidekicks. All of you are motivated by greed, one way or another, and so only time will tell whether all 5 of you will overcome it and survive, or be consumed by it and buried along with the ghosts of the Sierra Madre. It's basically a survival horror DLC that can be counted as a standalone sub-game with its own currency, unique monster slaying and game style.

The second DLC is "Honest Hearts" and takes place in the bluffs of Zion National Park. You are contracted by the Happy Trails Caravan company to assist them in making their way to New Canaan, a conservative Christian settlement in the middle of Utah. Things go not-as-planned once again, and you end up ambushed by a couple of savage tribals named the "White Legs", who paint their legs white in homage to their home: Salt Lake City, and find out that New Canaan was destroyed by them. Eventually you meet a group of friendly tribals led by the Legion's infamous former "Malpais Legate": Joshua Graham, who after surviving his fiery execution from Caesar, returned to New Canaan and devoted his life into becoming a fiery executor of God's will. God cannot be expected to do all the work for you however, so you either end up assisting him in driving the White Legs out of Zion and help the tribes reclaim their ancestral home (plus the added bonus of preventing White Leg bandit attacks elsewhere), or assist another New Canaan survivor name Daniel in evacuating the tribals out of Zion and into a place where the White Legs cannot reach them (as the White Legs have shit survival skills from being so reliant on raiding, they can't forage or farm). Or fuck all that noise and just murder everyone in visual range, until you find a map out of there back to the Mojave, the world's your oyster.

The third DLC is "Old World Blues", which takes place in an isolated and shielded scientific complex in the middle of the mountains called the Big Mountain, or "Big MT" for short. The Big MT housed the most brilliant pre-war scientific minds of the world, being tasked with creating solutions for mankind's various problems. Eventually, the bombs fell and this most likely have thrown a wrench into their plans (since mankind is, you know, mostly dead). While over 200 years have passed, you discover that the original core science team is still working, transplanting their brains into robotic hover platforms to continue their insane research projects. You're abducted by them and turned into a "Lobotomite", where they extracted your brain, spine, and heart, then replaced them with robotic parts, but things do not go as planned as unlike other lobotomites: you still retained your free will (thanks in-part to the headshot that nearly killed you in the beginning). You now have to find your old body parts, deal with the Big MT science team, and escape this futuristic loony bin. Notably the DLC has a light-hearted tone, further exploring the retro-futuristic themes of the Fallout universe, the cartoon insanity of the Big MT scientists that can only be described as prodigal geniuses acting like petulant 10 year-olds, whilst still being grimdark enough to reference the horrors of unchecked and poorly-planned scientific advancement (for example, you know those deadly cazador mutant wasps? They're escapees from the Big MT. And the scientists deny they ever escaped). It also features the best side-villain of the franchise: an evil toaster.

The fourth and last DLC is the "Lonesome Road", a very heavily combat focused journey (you trigger nukes for fun and carve through armies of Deathclaws) and a showdown between you and Ulysses, the mysterious courier who pushed the delivery of the Platinum Chip to you, and has been mentioned by several characters around the wasteland. Here, you brave "The Divide", a stretch to road between the military towns of Hopeville and Ashton, who were sundered by nukes that accidentally exploded underground as they were towns that housed the personnel manning the nearby nuclear ICBM silos in the area, turning it into an irradiated, stormy ruin. It's populated by dangerous enemies, most notably "Marked Men", cannibalistic, ghoulified remnants of the NCR and Legion forces around the divide before it was destroyed. They've been driven completely mad by the experience (basically, they were skinned alive by the windstorm generated by the nukes THEN kept alive and immortal by the resulting radiation, turning their existence into a perpetual hell of pain and misery), have forgotten their old faction rivalries: and have united in their hatred against The Divide and the people they perceived to have abandoned them to their fate (who happen to be anyone who isn't a fellow Marked Man). They aren't completely bonkers like feral ghouls though, they still know how to operate sophisticated weaponry of varying types to obliterate you from any distance. At the end of this perilous journey, Ulysses promises to answer all your questions, and to change the future of the Mojave. On the plus side the last DLC can be interrupted and stacks of loot can be taken back to Mojave any time.

Whilst releasing as a buggy janky hot mess, the game was lauded as a return to the style and atmosphere of the first two games, albeit with decent additions to 3's rpg light formula and taking notes from the most popular mods released for 3, like survival mods, damage thresholds (zero damage if struck below DT value), first person aiming, weapon addons, etc. Although it is still horrifically unstable and unkind to packrats, it is considered by some to be the best game in the series when paired with bug fix and stability mods.

Fallout 4[edit | edit source]

Colors in a Fallout game? What a time to be alive.

In Boston at the zero hour of the war, new parents are admitted to Vault 111 and placed in cryogenic suspension, under the impression that they were only to be decontaminated. Turns out much like most Vault-Tec vaults, they were secretly part of an experiment, where in this case it was originally to see the physical and mental effects of long-term cryo-storage.

One of them is murdered, their infant child Shaun stolen, and the other refrozen. When the cryo systems fail, the only survivor of Vault 111 heads to the surface in pursuit of the man who ruined a family. This Sole Survivor, in pursuit of his (or her) prize - I mean child, discovers that two hundred years have passed. As they travel, they encounter the last surviving member of the Minutemen-- a Militia that tries to protect local wastelanders from attacks by raiders, supermutants, and other nasties-- and go to Diamond City (built on the ruins of Fenway Park) following a lead. They find people paranoid about an organization called "The Institute" replacing anybody they know with near-perfect replicas called synths, and further investigation points to the Institute having abducted Shaun. They can work with the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the synth emancipation group known as the Railroad to fight the Institute, or choose to join it instead. Just like the other games, Super Mutants once again make an appearance although this version was created by the Institute and have notable differences, mainly being less mutated while also being more psychotic, being more industrious by being capable of doing shit for themselves instead of relying exclusively on slaves while also being too violent to gather into large groups or pursue goals beyond being warlords. Automatron was the first DLC (that had a story) where the player takes on The Mechanist, someone dressing up as a character of the same name from the in-universe comic series The Silver Shroud. Said impersonator has gathered an army of robots to harass the Commonwealth just like their namesake. Far Harbor followed Automatron, consisting of a Synth-centric journey to the marshes up north where they must play peacemaker between the Synths, wastelanders, and the crazy radiation-worshiping cultists called the Church of the Children of Atom from Fallout 3. Generally held up as the pinnacle in the game. Finally, Nuka-World begins with the player finding a functional train leading them to the Nuka Cola theme park, where they are immediately trapped in a gauntlet maze/arena designed by the Raiders to ensure that the only folk who live there are worthy. The player must decide whether to take control of the Raiders and let them loose on the Commonwealth or retake Nuka-World for the law-abiding wastelanders (loyal to whichever faction you sided with in the main game obviously). While this DLC has the most bearing on the actual game itself and has more plot complexity than the single quest and mild amusement of Automatron, its seen as a disappointment in terms of what it could have been.

Additional content, some of which has merit as part of the looser canon (as in the "Bawls exists in-universe" kind) was released via the mod service maintained in-game by Bethesda. However, due to the fact you can't use it alongside mods from anywhere else and still keep achievements going and many cost money for no reason, most people never encountered them and less want to get into the merit of them as part of the continuity. While future plots may have callbacks to some, it ultimately will mean as much as the mods that added Settlements to New Vegas did to 4.

It was also the game that got power armor right: In the first and second games, the armor would make the player literally invincible until endgame if obtained early, wading through millions of bullets. The third game turned it into a boring set of armor that needed specialized training and cost more to repair than the bullet you hit it with, easily torn up by Chinese copies of AK-47, merely decreasing the percentage of damage taken per hit which could be replicated by a dozen perks and drugs, and far cheaper armor top-up. New Vegas offered a compromise with "damage threshold", meaning any damage below it would cause no damage (or 1 rounded up) meaning it still made the user into a tough target but could be brought down by massed explosives.

This game would compromise by turning you into a nearly unstoppable tank but limiting it's usage with power cores and durability that were scarce at the beginning of the game - seriously, you get a full suit of Power Armour within the first hour of the game. Another limiter is that unlike previous games, a powered armor suit is now comprised of several parts (helmet, torso, arms, and leg armor) that are mounted into a exoskeleton chassis, instead of being treated as regular old armor. This means that you can't just walk through tons of gunfire with minimal consequence all the time. First salvoes would do little more than a tickle, but individual components of the armor would start to break as they take damage, compromising the armor's ability to protect and assist you as it gradually gets torn down to scrap. It can be repaired, but you need a repair station and tons of resources you need to scavenge from the ruins, repair costs going up (from humble steel to expensive aluminum and fiber-optics) as the armor is upgraded. On the plus side you can modify and paint your armor components to crazy models from jump packs to blood cleansers preventing chem addiction, from leg shock calibrators to carry more stuff to arm servos for punching. So technically, with the latest power armor fully upgraded you can tank a few rockets to the chest, maybe even a mininuke and survive (if barely)...just don't expect the armor to withstand more than a poke afterwards until next repair station.

The game is also pretty skubtastic (this entry was originally FAR longer); while generally liked for the crafting mechanics, graphics, music, certain parts of the setting and gunplay, many dislike it for its linearity and lack of RPG-like choices, calling it a "Loot-And-Shooter" set in a Fallout setting, with little Fallout mechanics such as interacting and bypassing quest points, doors and concepts using invested non-combat skills - And that's all we have to say about that.

Fallout 76[edit | edit source]

No, you didn't miss Fallout 5 to 75. Its the newest addition to the franchise, announced during E3 2018. It'll probably have as many expansions much DLC though...

Fallout 76 takes a different approach to the game and goes for a multiplayer-focused experience built on player-player driven interaction, instead of player-NPCs (literally announcing it as being populated with real people). It also continues settlements building, except this time populated only by you and whoever stumbles across your little campsite, like in Fallout 4.

Bethesda promised the best of visuals with all-new programming, no issues with the shift to a server-based game, advanced storytelling techniques, and a rewarding social experience. What was delivered either came with problems or wasn’t delivered at all. The mere move of shifting from a single-player narrative to a pure multiplayer game already had the fanbase engaging in "friendly debates" with each other, but given the goodwill Bethesda had earned over its history (whatever the skub in the above entries may indicate, it's primarily nitpicks or a fairly small minority of grognards and contrarians who had major gripes in the past) many were willing to give it a chance, which of course worsened the backlash when the naysayers were proven right. For the record, unlike SOME companies, Bethesda openly stated that the game only exists to keep fan interest in Fallout going until Fallout 5, and that they're okay with fans of traditional Fallout games not getting into it the same way they don't mind fans of TES games not getting into The Elder Scrolls: Online until whatever comes after Skyrim gets made.

On November 14, 2018 the game was released and was universally reviled by all but the staunchest of fans (as well as those suffering from the sunk cost fallacy, a principle that leads people who have invested financially or emotionally into something to defend it tribally to prevent confronting a sense of having lost). To summarize, the problems were:

  • A MASSIVE amount of the game is just reused assets from Fallout 4. While much of the forest environment is lush and gorgeous and people from the region in real life have praised the faithfulness to the inspiration, the actual towns and caves are mostly just recycled copy/paste work. Guess where almost every quest takes you though? Hint: it isn’t hiking the great outdoors except as a way to get from point A to point B.
  • Social interaction is awful. Besides the usual “people are assholes”, the game had no push-to-talk function on launch, so using a mic means all music and dialogue is lost to mouth breathing, dog barking, mic static-ing, and one character having multiple people voices in the background. So for PvE co-op say so long to immersion!
  • Did we mention asset re-use? Because for a “new” game most of the “new” stuff either is made up of textures or animation that’s already been seen. The worst offenders are of course the two that the main plot revolve around; Scorched are just new textures on standard human models using Raider or Ghoul animations, Scorchbeasts are just Skyrim dragons turned into bats.
  • Did we mention co-op sucked? Experience and loot are split, and everything was easy. It literally made everything take longer, and sped up nothing, to play with another person. So a game made to play multiplayer where you are passively discouraged from working together.
  • PvP consists of one person attacking another as basically a gloveslap invitation to a duel, and the other player can accept by hitting them back, at which point you can now damage each other. What do you lose by doing this? Time, ammo, weapon durability, the minor inconvenience of having to respawn. What do you win? A very small amount of caps based on the other player’s current win streak. It takes a fair amount of kills to surpass 200 caps bounty, which might replace your crappy pea-shooter that broke during your duels. If you don’t accept, prepare to be harassed until you log off. So everything to do with interacting with other players sucks, and you should avoid it...in a game where everything else is subordinate to, and exists solely to facilitate, interacting with other players.
  • Base building could be fun. But when you log off your base goes with you, and if you log back when someone else has set up in your location (because you can’t build anywhere as was advertised, only specific spots) then you get reset. You can save a blueprint of your setup and apply it elsewhere, but unless the topography is the same (read: flat) in a game set in the Appalachian Mountains then it won’t work. Your base cannot be very big, basically a small tower or shack, and other players can come in and wreck it (small size means there’s very few options for defense) so you’ll probably just build crafting benches, a bed, then troll folks who still thought it was a functional part of the game. In a game thematically about rebuilding, settling down is punished. To say nothing of being suddenly nuked.
  • Usual Bethesda bugs. Corpse physics being comedic, stuff stuck in stuff, quest-necessary things never spawning or falling into the ground forever, sunlight shining through hills and buildings, things popping in and out of resolution or visibility at all as the game only adds detail to things closer to you as it struggles to maintain performance, AI never really doing anything so fearsome beasts stand still like statues being frisked while you fill them full of lead (insert joke about police here), and so on. But now you can’t find a patch fix or restart the game, now the server has to reset. Which happens often, and constant random disconnects which delete quest progression far more so. A YouTuber did go through the trouble of compiling just the ones he found in a video - said video is 3 hours long.
  • All NPCs (aside from a Super Mutant who is literally only a merchant with no dialogue tree) are robots who are mostly unaware the human race is gone. They want you to do mundane quests, from simple fetchquests to hunting for drop items to...picking up trash. Some robots grant you advancement in factions (factions with no NPCs, because everyone is dead) despite the some of the factions shouldn’t even exist, at least in the state they are, yet. While sometimes charming and not new for a Fallout game, this is almost all of the quest content of the game. According to some developers, they wanted Human NPCs at release (including survivors of the dead factions), but the suits in charge forbade them as they wanted the players to be the only remaining humans living in Appalachia. As this specific part became THE most hated aspect of an already flawed game, it forced the suits to back down and allow human NPCs, which were added in later updates and expansions.
  • Having a very small storage inventory, getting stuck in power armor, poor loot tables for bosses, being unable to respecialize meaning your leveling choices are permanent, and HUGE first week patches that not only didn’t fix problems but actually made some worse.

Bethesda released a statement outlining planned fixes for some of the above, but that came on the tail of mass attempts to return the game being rejected and the inability to return the $200 special edition once opened...which is when you’d find out they skimped out on the promised canvas bags (so looking like something found in-universe), giving cheap nylon ones instead.

Generally speaking all of the issues were easy to predict, given all Bethesda games for The Elder Scrolls since Morrowind and Fallout run on the same game engine, NetImmerse/Gamebryo/Creation, which is ancient by gaming standards (It was created in 1997, making it as old as Fallout itself). This isn’t a problem since most engines can be easily made to work with some dedication and knowhow, but Bethesda never really does it; they bring them to working states for consoles, and let modders fix it themselves for PC (usually starting with the “Unofficial (game) Mod” released within weeks of launch, sometimes mere days) while the remaining problems can all be fixes with a reload from a save when something goes haywire. For an idea of the problems with 76, know that launching nukes at the map is a feature of the game yet when one group set off three nukes at the same time it crashed their entire server).

However, as of 2021 a number of improvements, content updates and design backtracking such as adding actual NPCs has improved the gaming experience. While there are still occasional bugs and crashes, the game can overall be considered somewhere between meh and fine, depending on what kind of players you encounter.

So, enough with the /v/ talk, onto the fluff then.

There's a main questline, albeit one that plays basically the same as EVERY OTHER QUEST IN THE GAME, meaning either follow the instructions of a robot or listen to the messages from someone dead, the same kind of stuff that was always a minor quest in other Fallouts. Because of that as well as the fact that all of it is basically just the tutorial for everything else, and thanks to the lack of NPC interaction or complexity (read: any choices or conversation from the player at all) which generally is heaviest in the main plotline, its largely dismissed by the fanbase as not really being a main quest or story. All the lore in Fallout 76 comes from what before was just a type of minor quest, like delves into dungeons and one-man assaults on towns full of hostiles where you can gather the story from looking around at the skeletons, reading notes, and listening to audio records on holotapes. The bulk of these just serve either to explain monsters you fight or give minor stories to the destroyed towns, with the main quest being dealing with a new type of enemy, the "Scorched". Of note is thanks to few bombs dropping literally on the region and the immediate time the game takes place (so very few raiders have gotten there before the players) you get more post-apocalyptic logs of people in the immediate aftermath. Since most of Appalachia had been automated with robots (despite far more populated areas and places that literally produced robots not reaching that extent) they can deliver quests as prerecorded messages, dropoff points, or merchants, without using NPC humans or mutants (so yeah, no chance at a talking Deathclaw again). At least players being able to nuke each other explains why the quite livable Wasteland went to shit; the residents of Vault 76, the resettlement Vault, seemingly decided to nuke America many more times so it'd take another 100 years to be safe again. Fallout 76 also added a large number of new mutants and monsters (despite Super Mutants being a large focus again) which can be used later in better entries. Despite its flaws, the game is at least being praised for its construction of a fantastic world (despite reusing F4 assets) and its sometimes amazingly creative monsters which are inspired by real life folklore and urban legends. Its possible that a lot of the Wasteland folks are descended from the Vault 76-ers, and given how insane the playerbase and intended interactions are (like nuking yourselves "just because" or giving fingerguns constantly because its a simple interaction with other players) they might explain some of the bandit groups and silly side factions in chronologically later games.

The main story goes like this: Vault 76 itself was created to celebrate the Tricentennial (for the non-Americans or just people too young to remember 1976, _____tennials are 100 year celebrations since the establishment of America in 1776 and are about as patriotic as Americans get outside of the months following 9/11). Vault 76 was one of three canon Vaults actually intended for resettlement of a post-apocalyptic world, with no sabotage experiment opening only 25 years after the bombs fell so the pre-war is still in living memory (another was Vault 3 which fans of NV knows did not go well...). Given how lush and relatively safe (or at least as safe as the rest of the world is around 200 years later) most Vaults were just redundant after the actual bombs falling, adding some extra darkness to the previous games. The Vault 76 Overseer had secret orders from Vault Tec, and the player character(s?) were selected to be among her elite group. She directs, via holotape of course, players to find a group called the Responders, made up of conspiracy theorists (more on them below) banding together with anyone with authority such as police, fire departments, and medical officials to try and save anyone left alive. The Responders were wiped out (get used to that, EVERYONE including the fucking Raiders are already dead) but left behind their stockpiles of food and water, as well as training materials (that'll be another thing you'll get a LOT of) for the resettlement of the region. The Overseer also wants her special 76 squad to take control of all remaining nuclear weapons, which was what the Vault Tec orders were.

The problem is there's a new type of enemy to the series which are taking center stage as being possibly the apocalypse after the apocalypse. A type of fungus exists deep underground, and due to the Brotherhood Of Steel (more on them later) finding an underground lab its possible it was created by one of the mad science prewar groups. Scorchbeasts are what happens when bats that lived deep underground in a gigantic cave system beneath Appalachia were exposed to the fungus, causing them to grow to giant sizes. When food supplies in the cavern complex grows low or their numbers grow too high, they tunnel to the surface to eat humans and whatever else they find. The humans they don't burn to a crisp and/or eat are infected by the fungus, resulting in a new type of zombie-like enemy (providing a secondary type of Ghoul in the game) who look like they burned to death. Said new enemies are called Scorched, and represent the bulk of the enemies in the game. Scorched are still fully capable of remembering who they were as humans, often falling back into activities or behavior patterns they did in life, but the fungus links them to a hivemind and they behave like Feral Ghouls who can still use guns and complex melee weapons once confronted by non-Scorched. Scorched have a mineral called ultracite growing in their skin for unknown reasons, which emits a radioactive signal allowing them to be tracked as well as making them physically weak to a depleted form of the substance (no reason for any of this is given). Scorched eventually petrify into human-shaped statues, which break when attacked and release radiation (possibly also spores of the fungus, but its unstated). Scorchbeasts themselves attack partially by spreading radiation, also presumably spores. If any of that seems odd and not to go together...well, it doesn't. Be prepared for some of it to make sense in DLC updates.

The player finishes the vaccine the Responders were working on to the Scorched Plague, too late to save anyone but the Vault 76 survivors, and is tasked with finding a group of anti-Scorched Responders called the Fire Breathers. The Fire Breathers are a combination of survivalist conspiracy-theorists (who were of course correct about most/all of their assumptions, because Fallout) called the Free States that had been in conflict with local governments prewar (parodying the homegrown terrorism of the 1980's and 1990's in real life) who began working with the Responders. Players become a Fire Breather using prewar training they had set up before finding out that they had basically set up sensors to detect them, which have now been destroyed by raiders and natural elements. After repairing them you are given a post-war plan to have the Brotherhood Of Steel (yeah, they're fully set up only 25 years later) to provide the dakka needed to take on the Scorched...but they've all been wiped out too of course. The plan of the Paladin in charge was to use the nukes to seal away the Scorchbeast tunnels, then work on eliminating remaining Scorched (has the word "Scorch" lost all meaning yet? If not, you clearly haven't played the game).

You're directed to a bunker for government officials using info from a Senator who supported the Free States, where you ally with an Enclave AI named MODUS who they isolated from its key functions before ALSO being wiped out. You restore MODUS's ability to access government surveillance, and upon seeing that the Scorched really are what you told it they were you're given tasks so it can promote you as a member of the Enclave so that you can launch the nukes yourself, something MODUS cannot actually do. Once you have the rank you just need the launch codes and keycards, found on the corpses of government officials and robots. During this you find out the Vault 76 Overseer is dead, as well as finishing her backstory in which she had originally been selected to be Overseer of Vault 101 (the Fallout 3 Vault) but declined in order to remain in her home state, as well as rejecting her fiance for access to Vault 76 in favor of people more suited to its mission since she's a fanatical follower of Vault Tec and a true believer in Dwellers of 76 actually repopulating the world. She tracked her fiance down, finding he had become a Scorched and her last wish being for you to lay him to rest. Once that's done you launch the nuke at the main Scorched tunnel which spawns a Scorched Queen boss. In theory you kill it, but there's no actual directive for you to do so and no actual end to the game story other than launching that nuke which completes the last main story quest. This counts as the main storyline being done, with no cutscene or exit narration at any point whether you kill the queen bat or not. From here on out you just pursue minor plots and do whatever. The Scorchbeasts will keep coming and Scorched will keep appearing, so its basically your job to keep them at bay. Or not, its not like there's a questline for it or any major rewards anymore, and the actual preview for the game was nuking other players, so...time to fuck up the world worse in an installment that's basically canon in name only.

The minor plots are as follows:

  • Super Mutants, as always, are bumming around. This time its because of the West Tek headquarters literally being in the region. They had been working on ways to cure world hunger, and that research was abandoned when they decided to use what they were working on to instead just create the FEV virus. It was tested on a small town called Huntersville by initially abducting people and turning them into Super Mutants directly, and when the results became clear (angry hulks with diminished memories who are very aware something is wrong and thus too belligerent to take orders) they introduced FEV to the water supply in smaller amounts to see if it produced better monsters. The town was put under military quarantine, and it seems some of the healthier people were executed. The bombs fell during the experiment, and the FEV vats within the West Tek HQ were neutralized by survivors, meaning that all the Super Mutants roaming the region are the original inhabitants of Huntersville, interestingly putting a cap on the maximum number of them there can possibly be (although there could be some leftover contamination from the water, which doesn't matter given that players will drink and eat the wild agriculture from the region without mutating). So yeah, another excuse for Super Mutants but still preventing them from using the same explanation again in the future.
  • A companion to the Silver Shroud comic-book quest from Fallout 4, a character in his shared universe called Mistress of Mystery was getting a television show. You can loot the a replica of her costume off of one of several dead women the wasteland. Turns out to get in to character the Mistress of Mysteries voice actress took batman training (to geive her a leg up over some one younger who looked better on screen). Then The Apocalypse happened and all that. training and a secret base paid off. The she started taking in orphan girls and training them. then bad things happed, which is how the players find the organization. (If you wonder why there's a lot of screencaps and video of male characters all wearing the same women's dress, you now know why) as well as a nice little "fuck you" from the writers of 76 parodying fanboys angry about lore on a computer terminal.
  • In a similar vein to joining the Fire Breathers and Enclave via robot tasks and training, you can also join the army and become executive of a mining company.
  • A LOT of "robots don't know the world ended" stuff, Some know but can't fight their programming. Maintaining a theme park, fixing up a town, organizing a picnic, delivering mail, delivering emergency supplies to towns with no survivors, big game hunting to add a collection of the new mutant species to a lodge, listening to the bedtime stories of a nanny Mr. Handy that's gone insane and now talking to mannequins, be mistaken as an escaped convict from a prison, help put another town back together but instead of working as assistant to an AI mayor you instead are appointed the new mayor by the overworked AI who then becomes YOUR assistant, and so on.
  • The game continues to remind you the bombs dropped in the Halloween season with quests involving obtaining a clown costume and carving pumpkins for a robot.
  • Find out about the hippie movement of the time in a mansion full of meditation tapes...which play as swarms of enemies attack. Said hippe movement is a MLM and scientology combined.

Various Full-Campaign World Mods[edit | edit source]

Both good and bad, people have made various regions of the Fallout world not featured in either core games or DLC as mods. Some of these have been atrocious, like the fetish-ridden Fallout The Frontier, but others aren't so bad, like Nuevo Mexico, New California, London, and Cascadia.

On the Tabletop[edit | edit source]

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Fallout: The Board Game[edit | edit source]

It fucking rules.

War... War changes depending on your dice rolls and choice of Quests.

A 1-4 player game produced by Fantasy Flight Games where you and up to three other players take the roles of different people in the wasteland. You travel and explore a randomly created wasteland, killing raiders and whatnot, scavenging ruins, gaining items and maybe supporting one of the warring factions. Each game is based on a Scenario which decides the main Quest of the game, so you can play both in the Capital Wasteland with the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave, or fight for synths in the Commonwealth. There's even a Scenario based on The Pitt from Fallout 3! The Scenario decides what faction that are fighting during the game. Players can support each side or just disregard their bullshit and go loot a Red Rocket Station instead or something.

The player characters are a Ghoul who gains health from Rads but has less maximum health; a Super Mutant who gains XP by gaining Rads and has different options in certain Encounters and Quests; a Brotherhood of Steel Outcast who starts the game with a slow-ass suit of Power Armor; the Wastelander who starts with a tire iron that fucks up early-game mops; and a Vault Dweller who starts with a vault suit, which you can have another clothing item over. During the game you can become Idolized or Vilified, Addicted to chems or even impromptu remember that you are a Synth!

The game feels and plays much like the vidyas, which allows loads of fun shenanigans like being caught of guard by a sudden Sentry Bot attack, finding a Quest lead during a looting section and continuously fucking with both the factions in the game for loot and XP. It's even possible to just disregard everything and go on a fun wasteland adventure just for fun. Finding items that are worth it are tough but often worthwhile, and Companions add some flavor to the game - Feel like sacrificing Preston Garvey to gain a Sniper Rifle in a trapped room, feel free! The Quest system makes the world feel alive and lets your traits and abilities like being Idolized additional weight. Of course, as a FFG game, it comes with somewhere around a few thousand small parts, so get some bags with it as well.

It's a great adaptation, and for the oldfags out there, there's a New California Expansion which allows you to fight the Master or help build the NCR.

Fallout: Warfare[edit | edit source]

A tabletop wargame based on the Fallout Tactics spin-off game, and released alongside it in 2001. Made by the lead designer of the original Fallout, Chris Taylor, and can be downloaded here.

RPGs[edit | edit source]

There are a few systems for Nuka-Cola addicts to get their fill on the tabletop. The first is Exodus, licensed under the d20 System, which was originally going to be an official Fallout RPG until copyright disputes with Bethesda and Interplay prompted the publishers to file off the serial numbers and call it a "spiritual successor". It departs heavily from the canonical setting, and is mechanically weak, but a flexible GM will find it otherwise serviceable.

For purists, there is also J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game, an original system that uses d100 rules, much like Dark Heresy only a thousand times more complicated. It is still in development and will probably never be finished, but all material can be found for free on its official wiki.

Originally, Fallout was going to be mechanically based on GURPS but due to Steve Jackson's signature controlling nature (the GURPS licence was pulled because SJ didn't like the vault boy icons) the GURPS licence was dropped and the series went with the SPECIAL system that is in use today. GURPS fans have created a Fallout suppliment that can be found here.

In addition, some cool anons have created a scenario book for Fallout that focuses on the Louisiana wastes. Check it out here. It's pretty good.

The current official Fallout RPG has been around since 2021 and is a creation of Modiphius Entertainment, using their standard 2d20 system.

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare[edit | edit source]

Created by Modiphius Entertainment and released in 2018, the game was initially created as a skirmish-level wargame but with the option to let AI cards control factions to have a co-op or single player game, as well as a light RPG/settlement system. Due to reception that they had created a mediocre skirmish game but an amazing AI/campaign system, future content was bent towards that as well as a stand-alonebutactuallyitsanexpansion RPG book appropriately titled "Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Roleplaying Game".

Find it Fallout: Wasteland Warfare here.

Fallout d40[edit | edit source]

A new homebrew tabletop RPG based on Fallout, called Fallout d40, was released on the internet on Oct. 23rd, 2017, 60 years prior to the bombs dropping. It aims to give people a true Fallout tabletop RPG experience. The website for it is: https://falloutd40.wixsite.com/mainpage

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]