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Observing some striking correlations between the songs found in children's movies and the [[Warhammer 40,000|40K universe]], people on /tg/ sometimes adapt these songs to bring out their true [[grimdark]] potential.<br/>
{{topquote|But there's one sound, that no one knows, what does [[Corax]] say? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!|Horus ''(This is why Corax didn't like him.)''}}
<b>Don't spontaneously edit existing works without asking the author. Jerks.</b>
Observing some striking correlations between the songs found in pop culture and the [[Warhammer 40,000|40K universe]], people on /tg/ sometimes adapt these songs to bring out their true [[grimdark]] potential.<br/> See also [[Adventuring songwriting]].
[[File:EmprahsMetal.png|500px|right|thumb|Each of the following songs counts as a sonic Ordinatus.]]

==Disney Adaptations==
==Disney Adaptations==
The most popular segment to be subjected to grimdarkification, Disney songs seem to lend themselves well to the total despair of the 41st millenium.
The most popular segment to be subjected to grimdarkification, Disney songs seem to lend themselves well to the total despair of the 41st millennium.

===Pocahontas: Savages===
=== Aladdin: A Whole New World ===
-Part 1-<br/>
[Ghazghkull] <br/>
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
I’ll kill da ooniverse!<br/>  
What can you expect <br/>
Burn’s it, smash’s it, stomp’s it! <br/>
From filthy little xenos? <br/>
Tell me Yarrick now when’s did I last <br/>
Their whole disgusting race is like a curse<br/>
Get’s a nice surprise? <br/>
For them no tears we shed<br/>
They're only good when dead<br/>
They're vermin, as I said<br/>
And worse<br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
They're aliens! Aliens! <br/>
Well, just open your eyes!<br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
They're not even human <br/>
Look at all of dese wonders!<br/>
So much chance ‘ere for plunders<br/>
On a mighty fighitn ride!<br/>
With kool, amazin rockrete pits<br/>
Not normal humie runts<br/>
An’ no weak punts<br/>
Or tribes of smaller orkish gits<br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
Aliens! Aliens! <br/>
A wondrous place of giant hives<br/>
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Where billions of souls<br/>
Astartes to the fore! <br/>
Live like moles<br/>
They're not like you and me <br/>
Never see the sky in all their lives<br/>
Which means that we must be purge them <br/>
We must sound the drums of war! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe+Grey Knights] <br/>
They're aliens! Aliens! <br/>
Never da sky in all dere lives<br/>
Filthy xenos rabble! <br/>
Now we sound the drums of war! <br/>

[Eldrad] <br/>
This is as I saw <br/>
Unbelievable war<br/>
With their absurd ambition <br/>
Orks coming on them like rain<br/>
The Mon-Keigh seek to conquer and destroy <br/>
Fighting, dying and much pain<br/>
Through deserts of blackened waste<br/>

[Caerys] <br/>
Beneath that armour plate <br/>
Don’t you dare leave dis place!<br/>
They harbour only hate <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Killing them shall be a joy <br/>
A hundred million fallen souls<br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
They're savages! Savages! <br/>
I’s wants you to stay ‘ere<br/>
Zeal and fervor blinds them <br/>
Savages! Savages! <br/>

[Caerys] <br/>
Killers at the core <br/>
There’s so much shooting here,<br/>
And so much fear<br/>
I won’t ever leave this war-torn world<br/>

[Exarch] <br/>
They're a lesser race than us <br/>
Which means they can't be trusted <br/>

[Eldrad] <br/>
We must sound the drums of war <br/>
I think I am stuck here<br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
They're savages! Savages! <br/>
Wit new fun chances of fightin<br/>
Now we march against them <br/>
And we sound the drums of war <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
Aliens! Aliens! <br/>
Everyday it gets harder<br/>

[Brother-Captain] <br/>
Let's go kill a few, men! <br/>
I’ll chase you, gun in hand<br/>
Across this land<br/>
Let me share Armageddon<br/>
with you<br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Savages! Savages! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Now it's up to you, men! <br/>

[All] <br/>
(Aliens) Savages! (Aliens) Savages! <br/>
Dat’s where I waaaagh<br/>
They are lesser creatures! <br/>
Now we sound the drums of war! <br/>
That’s where I stand<br/>
A fight at hand!<br/>

On this black sand<br/>

They're going to kill him at sunrise, Grandmother Wraithbone.<br/>
So don’t you leave!<br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
===Aladdin:Daemon Prince Abby===
You have to stop them!<br/>
Prince Abby! Mighty is he, Abby Abaddon!

Strong as 10 Space Marine men definitely!
I can't...<br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
He's faced the zealoting hordes
Child, remember your vision-<br/>

A hundred Grey Knights with swords
I was wrong, Grandmother Wraithbone, I followed the wrong path! I feel so lost...<br/>

Who sent them back to Matt Ward?
The auspex... The spinning arrow...<br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
Why, Prince Abby...
It's the arrow from your vision!<br/>

He's got seventy-five golden Screamers
I was right, it was pointing to him! Sunrise...<br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
Purple Horrors, he's got fifty-three
It's not too late, child! Let the spirits of the webway guide you! You know your path, child, now follow it!<br/>

-Part 2-<br/>
When it comes to exotic-type Daemons
[Taldeer] <br/>
Is there nothing I can do? <br/>
Can I make these soldiers yield?<br/>
Is it only death that waits <br/>
Out there on the battlefield? <br/>
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
This will be the day ... <br/>
(Let's go men!) <br/>

[Eldrad] <br/>
Has he got a Warp?
This will be the morning ... <br/>
(Bring out the prisoner!) <br/>

[Grey Knights and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
I'm telling you, it's world-class Daemonology!
We will see them dying in the dust  <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
Prince Abby! Handsome is he, Abby Abaddon
I don't know what I can do <br/>
Still, I know that I must try <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
That physique! How can I speak
Now we make them pay <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
Weak at the knee
Isha, help my feet to fly <br/>

[Rangers] <br/>
Well, reality's what we shall tear,
Now without a warning ...  <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
We'll shatter the veil, so prepare
Kurnous, help my heart be great <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Abby!
Now we leave them blood and bone and rust <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
He's got ninety-five White Scar mon-keighs
Spirits of the wraithbone cry ... <br/>

[Grey Knights and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
(He's got the mon-keighs, let's see the mon-keighs)
It's them or us <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
And imbues all with mutations for free
Please don't let it be to late ... <br/>

[Grey Knights and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
(He's generous, so generous)
They're just a bunch of <br/>
Filthy, stinking <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies
Aliens! <br/>
(Proud to worship him)
They bow to his whim love serving him

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
They're just feverish with loyalty to Abby! Prince Abby!
Savages! <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
Prince Abby!
Daemons! <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Amorous he! Abby Abaddon!
Primates! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Heard your planet was a sight lovely to see
Kill them! <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
And that, good people, is why he got dolled up and dropped by
Savages! <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
With sixty Juggernauts, bloodletters galore
Aliens! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe+Grey Knights] <br/>
With his Fiends and Nurglings
What are we waiting for? <br/>

[All] <br/>
A war band and more
Destroy their evil race <br/>
Until there's not a trace left <br/>

With his forty Flamers, his cultists, his traitors
How loud are the drums of war <br/>

[Grey Knights and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
His Furies that warble on key
We will sound the drums of war <br/>
(Savages! Savages!) <br/>
Now, we sound the drums of war <br/>
(Aliens! Aliens!) <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Make way for prince Abby!
They shall all succumb <br/>
The rotten xenos scum <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
===Aladdin: Friend Like Me===
Now we sound the drums ... of ... war! <br/>

[Grey Knights] <br/>
Of course it means the drums ... of ... war! <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
Well the Emperor had them twenty legions
Is the death of all I love <br/>
Carried in the drumming of war?<br/>

Eldrad had a thousand plots
No! If you kill him, you'll have to kill me too.<br/>

But Horus you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
Daughter, stand back.<br/>

You got a brand of magic never stops
I won't! I love him...<br/>
You got some power in your corner now

===Jungle Book: I Wanna Be Like You===
Some heavy ways to really up your odds

Now I'm of caste Ethereal
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how

Oh, a Tau VIP
See all you gotta do is ask us Gods

I've reached the top and had to stop
And we'll say

And that's what botherin' me
Well Mister Horus, sir

I wanna be a man, gue'la
What will your pleasure be?

And stroll right onto Terra
Let us take your order

And be able to approach the Golden Throne
Jot it down

And end this warring era!
You ain't never had no friends like these

Oh, oobee doo
No no no

I wanna be like you

I wanna walk like you

Talk like you, too
Life is your restaurant

You'll see it's true
And we're your maitre d's

A xenos like me
C'mon whisper what it is you want

Can learn to be human too
You ain't never had no friends like these

Gee, mister Aun

You're doin' real good

Now here's your part of the deal, cuz
Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service

Lay the secret on me of man's psyker powers
You're the boss,

But I'm not a psyker!
The Emps, A GOD

Now don't try to kid me, gue'la
Say what you wish

I made a deal with you
It's yours! True dish

What I desire is man's psychic power
How about a little more Warp Power, huh?

To make my dream come true

Give me the secret, gue'la
Burn some of planet "A"

Clue me what to do
Burn ALL of planet "B"

Give me the power of man's warp flower

So I can be like you
We're in the mood to help you dude

===The Great Mouse Detective: The World's Greatest Criminal Mind===
You ain't never had no friends like these
My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career.  A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy!

Tomorrow evening, our beloved planetary governess celebrates her diamond jubilee.  And, with the enthusiastic help of our good friend Magos Flaversham, it promises to be a night she will never forget.  Her last night, and my first, as supreme ruler of all Londinium Prime!
Can your friends do this?

From the brain that brought you the Black Bell Caper
Do your friends do that?
The head that made headlines on every dataslate
And wondrous things like the Gunmetal Job
Do your friends pull this out their little hat?
That cunning display that made all hivers sob

Now comes the real tour de force
Can your friends go, poof?
Tricky and wicked, of course!
My earlier crimes were fine for their times
But now that I’m at it again
An even grimmer plot has been simmering
In my great criminal brain

Well, looky here
Even meaner?  You mean it?
Worse than the widows and orphans you drowned?
You’re the best of the worst around
Oh Ratigan
Oh Ratigan
The rest fall behind
To Ratigan
To Ratigan
Lord Tzeentch’s greatest criminal mind!

Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
Ratigan (speaking)
Thank you, thank you.  But it hasn’t all been Amasec and Caviar.  I’ve had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable second-rate inquisitor, Basil of Baker Hive!  For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans.  I haven’t had a moment’s peace of mind.  But now, all that’s in the past! This time, nothing, not even Basil can stand in my way! All will bow before me!

And then make the Loyalists disappear?
Oh Ratigan
Oh Ratigan
You’re tops and that’s that
To Ratigan
To Ratigan

So doncha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed
To Ratigan, the sector's greatest Khornate.

I'm here to answer all your midday prayers

[Mutant 1]<br/>
You got us bona fide, certified
Oh, he didn't mean it my lord.

[Mutant 2]<br/>
You got us Chaos Gods for your chare d'affaires
I-it was just a slip of one of his tongues!

We got a powerful urge to help you out

[Mutant 3]<br/>
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
'Course you're not, you're Tzeentchian!

[Mutant 4]<br/>
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
Yeah, that's right, Tzeentchian!

[Mutant 5]<br/>
Well, all you gotta do is ask like so - and oh
A really angry Tzeentchian!

Well Mister Horus, sir, have a wish or two or three
Oh my dear Bartimus, I'm afraid that you've gone and upset know what happens when someone upsets me...
I trust there will be no further interruptions.  And now, as you were singing...?

We're on the job, you big nabob
Even louder!
We'll shout it!
No one can doubt what we know you can do
You’re more evil than even you
Oh Ratigan
Oh Ratigan
You’re one of a kind
To Ratigan
To Ratigan
Lord Tzeentch’s greatest criminal mind!

===The Lion King: Be Prepared===

You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend


You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend

You ain't never had a friend like me


You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!

===Snow white: Om nom Om nom===

Om nom Om nom Its Off To Eat We Go!!

We Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

In our Hive the whole day through

To Kill Eat Kill Eat Kill Eat Eat Eat Eat

Its what we like to do

It ain't no trick

To get fat quick
But ‘ere getting shot op!

If ya kill kill kill

With a talon or a gun

In a hive (Echo: In a hive)

LOUDER: In a hive(echo: IN A HIVE)

Where a million life-forms

LONG: ddddiiinnnneee (om nom nom)

We Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

From early mornin' til' night

We Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
Yeah! Be prepared! Wez gon be prepared! ...Fer wot?

On everything in sight

We take our time
Why? Did da boss say so?

Then find some more

There's thousands to be sometime born
Great ideah! Who ned a boss! No Boss! No Boss!

And We don't know what we eat them for

We Om nom nom noma nom nom

===Pocahontas: Savages===
But youz sed...
-Part 1-<br/>
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
What can you expect <br/>
From filthy little xenos? <br/>
Their whole disgusting race is like a curse<br/>
For them no tears we shed<br/>
They're only good when dead<br/>
They're vermin, as I said<br/>
And worse<br/>

[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
They're aliens! Aliens! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Yay! Awwwwwwroight! 'ail to da Boss!
They're not even human <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
Aliens! Aliens! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Astartes to the fore! <br/>
They're not like you and me <br/>
Which means that we must purge them <br/>
We must sound the drums of war! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe+Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
They're aliens! Aliens! <br/>
Filthy xenos rabble! <br/>
Now we sound the drums of war! <br/>

[Eldrad] <br/>
This is as I saw <br/>
With their absurd ambition <br/>
The Mon-Keigh seek to conquer and destroy <br/>

[Caerys] <br/>
Beneath that armour plate <br/>
They harbor only hate <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Killing them shall be a joy <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
They're savages! Savages! <br/>
Zeal and fervor blinds them <br/>
Savages! Savages! <br/>

[Caerys] <br/>
Killers at the core <br/>

[Exarch] <br/>
They're a lesser race than us <br/>
Which means they can't be trusted <br/>
[Eldrad] <br/>
We must sound the drums of war <br/>
[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
They're savages! Savages! <br/>
Now we march against them <br/>
And we sound the drums of war <br/>
[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
Aliens! Aliens! <br/>
[Watch Captain] <br/>
Let's go kill a few, men! <br/>

[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Savages! Savages! <br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Now it's up to you, men! <br/>

[All] <br/>
(Aliens) Savages! (Aliens) Savages! <br/>
They are lesser creatures! <br/>
Now we sound the drums of war! <br/>
(Oooh Waagh, Waagh, Waagh!)<br/>
(We’ll haf Waagh!)<br/>
(En’less Waagh!)<br/>
(‘Ere we go!)<br/>
(Fo’ da Waagh!)<br/>

They're going to kill him at sunrise, Grandmother Wraithbone.<br/>

=== Aladdin: A Whole New World ===
[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
[Ghazghkull] <br/>
You have to stop them!<br/>
I’ll kill da ooniverse!<br/>  
Burn’s it, smash’s it, stomp’s it! <br/>
Tell me Yarrick now when’s did I last <br/>
I can't...<br/>
Get’s a nice surprise? <br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
Well, just open your eyes!<br/>
Child, remember your vision-<br/>

Look at all of dese wonders!<br/>
I was wrong, Grandmother Wraithbone, I followed the wrong path! I feel so lost...<br/>
So much chance ‘ere for plunders<br/>
On a mighty fighitn ride!<br/>
With kool, amazin rockrete pits<br/>
Not normal humie runts<br/>
An’ no weak punts<br/>
Or tribes of smaller orkish gits<br/>

The auspex... The spinning arrow...<br/>
A wonderous place of giant hives<br/>
Where billions of souls<br/>
Live like moles<br/>
Never see the sky in all their lives<br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
Never da sky in all dere lives<br/>
It's the arrow from your vision!<br/>

Unbelievable war<br/>
I was right, it was pointing to him! Sunrise...<br/>
Orks coming on them like rain<br/>
Fighting, dying and much pain<br/>
Through deserts of blackened waste<br/>

[Grandmother Wraithbone]<br/>
Don’t you dare leave dis place!<br/>
It's not too late, child! Let the spirits of the webway guide you! You know your path, child, now follow it!<br/>

-Part 2-<br/>
A hundred million fallen souls<br/>
[Taldeer] <br/>
Is there nothing I can do? <br/>
Can I make these soldiers yield?<br/>
Is it only death that waits <br/>
Out there on the battlefield? <br/>
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
This will be the day ... <br/>
(Let's go men!) <br/>

[Eldrad] <br/>
I’s wants you to stay ‘ere<br/>
This will be the morning ... <br/>
(Bring out the prisoner!) <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
There’s so much shooting here,<br/>
We will see them dying in the dust  <br/>
And so much fear<br/>
I won’t ever leave this war-torn world<br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
I don't know what I can do <br/>
Still, I know that I must try <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
I think I am stuck here<br/>
Now we make them pay <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
Wit new fun chances of fightin<br/>
Isha, help my feet to fly <br/>

[Rangers] <br/>
Everyday it gets harder<br/>
Now without a warning ...  <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
I’ll chase you, gun in hand<br/>
Kurnous, help my heart be great <br/>
Across this land<br/>
Let me share Armageddon<br/>
with you<br/>

[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
Now we leave them blood and bone and rust <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
Spirits of the wraithbone cry ... <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Dat’s where I waaaagh<br/>
It's them or us <br/>

[Taldeer] <br/>
That’s where I stand<br/>
Please don't let it be to late ... <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
A fight at hand!<br/>
They're just a bunch of <br/>
Filthy, stinking <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
On this black sand<br/>
Aliens! <br/>
[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Savages! <br/>

[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
So don’t you leave!<br/>
Daemons! <br/>

=== Mulan: I'll Make a Tau Out of You ===
[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Primates! <br/>

Let's begin your training - to defeat the Orks<br/>
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
Did they send me Fio'las when I asked for Shas?<br/>
Kill them! <br/>
The orks will try to kill us all<br/>
But they will hit an endless wall<br/>
Mister, I'll make a tau from you all<br/>

Patient as a gun drone<br/>
[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
But on plasma within<br/>
Savages! <br/>
Once you aim your rifle<br/>
You are sure to win<br/>
You're a spineless, mob of idiots<br/>
And you haven't got a clue<br/>
Somehow I'll make a tau out of you<br/>

I'm never gonna catch my breath<br/>
[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
I bet I'm gonna get us all shot<br/>
Aliens! <br/>
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym<br/>
This guy's got 'em scared to death<br/>
I bet I'm gonna get us all caught<br/>
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim<br/>

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe+Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
Be a tau<br/>
What are we waiting for? <br/>
We must be sleek as the Barracuda<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the force of a orca dropship<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the strength of a mighty railgun<br/>
Magnificent as the bright side of the good<br/>

Time is racing toward us till the Orks arrive<br/>
[All] <br/>
Heed my every order and you might survive<br/>
Destroy their evil race <br/>
You're a pain to me, a bane to me<br/>
Until there's not a trace left <br/>
So pack up, deport you're through<br/>
How could I make a tau out of you?<br/>

Be a tau<br/>
How loud are the drums of war <br/>
We must be swift as the Barracuda<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the force of a Orca dropship<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the strength of a mighty railgun<br/>
Magnificent as the bright side of the good<br/>

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Be a tau<br/>
We will sound the drums of war <br/>
We must be swift as the Barracuda<br/>
(Savages! Savages!) <br/>
Be a tau<br/>
Now, we sound the drums of war <br/>
With all the force of a Orca Dropship<br/>
(Aliens! Aliens!) <br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the strength of a mighty railgun<br/>
Magnificent as the bright side of the good<br/>

=== Beauty and the Beast: Angron ===
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe] <br/>
[Kharn:] Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Angron<br/>
They shall all succumb <br/>
Without a good war to wage<br/>
The rotten xenos scum <br/>
Every guy here'd love to be you, Angron<br/>
Even when frothing with rage<br/>
[Aspect Warriors] <br/>
Every single World Eater was sired by you<br/>
Now we sound the drums ... of ... war! <br/>
Every man before you shall bow<br/>
Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you<br/>
And it's not very hard to see how<br/>

No one's slick as Angron<br/>
[Deathwatch Marines] <br/>
No one's sick as Angron<br/>
Of course it means the drums ... of ... war! <br/>
No one wields a chainaxe quite as quick as Angron<br/>
For there's no man around half as hearty<br/>
Perfect, a prime specimen<br/>
You ask any Adeptus Astartes<br/>
And they'll tell you whose Chapter they want to be in<br/>

[Berzerkers:] No one's been like Angron<br/>
[Taldeer] <br/>
Had thick skin like Angron<br/>
Is the death of all I love <br/>
[Kharn:] No one's able to create a din like Angron<br/>
Carried in the drumming of war?<br/>
[Angron:] As a Primarch, yes, I'm intimidating<br/>
[Berzerkers:] My what a guy, that Angron<br/>

Give five "hurrahs!"<br/>
"For the Skull Throne!"<br/>
No! If you kill him, you'll have to kill me too.<br/>
[Kharn:] Angron is the best<br/>
And the rest are all boned<br/>

[Berzerkers:] No one fights like Angron<br/>
Or ignites like Angron<br/>
Daughter, stand back.<br/>
[Champion:] In a riot nobody incites like Angron<br/>
[Daemonettes:] For there's no one as fearsome or angry<br/>
[Angron:] My raw energy cannot be caged<br/>
[Kharn:] Not a bit of him's scraggly or mangy<br/>
[Angron] (That's right!)<br/>
I'm bursting with boundless and unbridled rage<br/>

[Berzerkers:] No one hits like Angron<br/>
[Raptor:] Fights in pits like Angron<br/>
I won't! I love him...<br/>
[Kharn:] In a BloodBowl match no one can blitz like Angron<br/>
[Angron:] I'm espcially fond of obliterating<br/>
[Berzerkers:] Ten points for Angron!<br/>

[Angron:] In the arena I received nerve implants<br/>
===Pocahontas: Colors of the Wind===
So I'd fight with no fear or remorse<br/>
You think I'm strange and heretical<br/>
So I gave my legion the same nerve implants<br/>
And you've been so many places<br/>
Now they are an unstoppable force<br/>
I guess it must be so<br/>
But still I cannot see<br/>
If the heretic is me<br/>
How can there be so much that you don't know?<br/>
You don't know ...<br/>

[Berzerkers:] No one shoots like Angron<br/>
You think you own the gadgets that you work with<br/>
No one loots like Angron<br/>
That they are only dead things you can claim<br/>
[Kharn:] Crushes skulls under ceremite boots like Angron<br/>
But I know every gun and cogitator<br/>
[Angron:] I use enemy heads for my decorating<br/>
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name<br/>
[Berzerkers:] My what a guy, Angron!<br/>

=== Mulan: A God Worth Killing For ===
You think the only people who are people<br/>
Are the people who love their flesh like you<br/>
But if you walk the footsteps of a techpriest<br/>
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew<br/>

[Pre-heresy marines]<br>
Have you ever heard the thunder of a titan's stride,<br/>
It’s a long time since we’ve seen a sign of our home<br>
Or asked the lasgun why it has recoil?<br/>
Can you sing with all the voices of the machines?<br/>
Can you paint with all the colors of the oil?<br/>
Can you paint with all the colors of the oil?<br/>

[Angron] Like a mindless grox, I guess we are doomed to roam<br>
Come feel the blessed current of electrodes<br/>
Come see the life support of He-On-Earth<br/>
Come examine the riches all around you<br/>
And for once, appreciate just what they're worth<br/>

[Pre-heresy marines]<br>
The drop pod and the cruiser are my brothers<br/>
Amidst the clash of wars, our orders, are easy to ignore<br>
And all the power weapons are my friends<br/>
And we are all connected to each other<br/>
In a circuit, in a loop that never ends<br/>

How far can our empire grow?<br/>
If you stop our work, then you'll never know<br/>
Imagine bowing to a god worth KILLING for?<br>
And you'll never hear the thunder of a titan's stride.<br/>

[Pre-heresy marine]<br>
For no matter on which task we spend our toil<br/>
Huh? <br>
We need to sing with all the voices of the machines<br/>
We need to paint with all the colors of the oil<br/>

You can own all Space and still<br/>
That’s what we need, a god worth KILLING for!<br>
It's just empty space until<br/>
You can paint with all the colors of the oil<br/>

===Jungle Book: I Wanna Be Like You===
I want one with a perfect form with skin that has no scars<br>

Now I'm of caste Ethereal
My god will have a pair of horns, with hide as red as Mars<br>

Oh, a Tau VIP
I couldn’t care less about war or about dreams<br>
It all depends on sneaky schemes<br>

[pre-heresy marines]<br>
I've reached the top and had to stop
Maim kill burn<br>

And that's what botherin' me
And the other Legions think they’re fighting for Man?<br>

I wanna be a man, gue'la
But they still ignore the rewards of a god’s plan<br>

[pre-heresy marines]<br>
And stroll right onto Terra
Right now all we do for our cause is fight chore after chore<br>

And be able to approach the Golden Throne
What do we need?<br>

[pre-heresy marines]<br>
And end this warring era!
A god worth KILLING for!<br>

Oh, oobee doo
I think my god demands skulls<br>

I wanna be like you
Mine leaves no chance unmined<br>

I wanna walk like you
Uh…How bout a...god that destroys all<br>
Exterminates mankind?<br>

Talk like you, too

You'll see it's true
My many pleas grant me disease that makes stomachs stir<br>

A xenos like me
My pleas make me a blood-mad KILLER<br>

Can learn to be human too
I’ve a god who can mix his fate into all lands<br>

Gee, mister Aun
But I’ve a god who has such destructive hands<br>

[pre-heresy marines]<br>
You're doin' real good
When we have our gods not one of us will need the Emperor<br>

Now here's your part of the deal, cuz
What do we need?<br>

[Pre-heresy marines]<br>
Lay the secret on me of man's psyker powers
A god worth KILLING for<br>

(Marching in from the other side, the loyalist marines come, in the middle of their own song)<br>
But I'm not a psyker!

Now don't try to kid me, gue'la
Who do we love?<br>

[Loyalist marines]<br>
I made a deal with you
Our mighty Emperor!<br>
Our mighty Emper…<br>

(They freeze in horror, confronted by the pre-heresy marines, now full chaos space marines)<br>
What I desire is man's psychic power

=== The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Hellfire ===
To make my dream come true

[Inquisitor Frollo]: Have mercy, my Emprah,
Give me the secret, gue'la
You know I am a righteous man.
Of my virtue I am justly proud.

Have mercy, my Emprah,
Clue me what to do
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, heretical crowd!

Then tell me, my Emprah
Give me the power of man's warp flower
Why I see her standing there,
Why her ghosthelm's eyes still scorch my soul?

I feel her, I see her!
So I can be like you
The sun caught in her spirit stones
Is blazing in me out of all control!

Like fire!
===The Great Mouse Detective: The World's Greatest Criminal Mind===
This fire in my skin!
My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career.  A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy!
This burning
Is turning me to sin!

It's not my fault!
Tomorrow evening, our beloved planetary governess celebrates her diamond jubilee.  And, with the enthusiastic help of our good friend Magos Flaversham, it promises to be a night she will never forget.  Her last night, and my first, as supreme ruler of all Londinium Prime!
I'm not to blame!
It is the Eldar girl, the Witch who set this flame!

It's not my fault,
From the brain that brought you the Black Bell Caper
It's Tzeentch's plan!
The head that made headlines on every dataslate
He made foul xenos so much stronger than a man!
And wondrous things like the Gunmetal Job
That cunning display that made all hivers sob

Protect me, my Emprah!
Now comes the real tour de force
Don't let foul Taldeer cast her spell!
Tricky and wicked, of course!
Don't let heresy sear my flesh and bone!
My earlier crimes were fine for their times
Destroy the Farseer!
But now that I’m at it again
And let her feel Chaos's flames
An even grimmer plot has been simmering
Or else let her be mine and mine alone!
In my great criminal brain

[Guardsman]: Inquisitor Frollo, the Eldar witch has escaped.
Even meaner?  You mean it?
Worse than the widows and orphans you drowned?
You’re the best of the worst around
Oh Ratigan
Oh Ratigan
The rest fall behind
To Ratigan
To Ratigan
Lord Tzeentch’s greatest criminal mind!

[Inquistor Frollo]: What?
Ratigan (speaking)
Thank you, thank you.  But it hasn’t all been Amasec and Caviar.  I’ve had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable second-rate inquisitor, Basil of Baker Hive!  For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans.  I haven’t had a moment’s peace of mind.  But now, all that’s in the past! This time, nothing, not even Basil can stand in my way! All will bow before me!

[Guardsman]: She's nowhere in the fortress...she's gone.
Oh Ratigan
Oh Ratigan
You’re tops and that’s that
To Ratigan
To Ratigan

[Inquisitor Frollo]: But how, I...nevermind! Get out, you idiot!
To Ratigan, the sector's greatest Khornate.

I'll find her!
I'll find her if I have to glass the entire system!

[Mutant 1]<br/>
Dark fire!
Oh, he didn't mean it my lord.
Now Taldeer, it's your turn!
Choose me or
Your pyre!
Be mine or you will BURN!

Emprah's mercy on me...
[Mutant 2]<br/>
I-it was just a slip of one of his tongues!

Emprah's mercy on her...

But she will be mine or
[Mutant 3]<br/>
'Course you're not, you're Tzeentchian!
===Aladdin:Daemon Prince Ali====
Prince Ali! Mighty is he, Ali ababwa
Strong as 10 Space Marine men definitely!

He has faced the Zealoting hordes
[Mutant 4]<br/>
A hundred Grey-Knights with swords
Yeah, that's right, Tzeentchian!
Who sent those Fools to their lord?
Why, Prince Ali...

Prince Ali! Handsome is he, Ali Ababwa
[Mutant 5]<br/>
That physique! How can I speak
A really angry Tzeentchian!
Weak at the knee
Well, reality is what we shall tear,
we'll shatter the veil, so prepare
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!

He's got ninety-five White Scar mon-keigh
Oh my dear Bartimus, I'm afraid that you've gone and upset know what happens when someone upsets me...
I trust there will be no further interruptions.  And now, as you were singing...?

(He's got the mon-keighs, let's see the mon-keighs)
Even louder!
We'll shout it!
No one can doubt what we know you can do
You’re more evil than even you
Oh Ratigan
Oh Ratigan
You’re one of a kind
To Ratigan
To Ratigan
Lord Tzeentch’s greatest criminal mind!

And imbues all with mutations for free
===The Lion King: Be Prepared===
(He's generous, so generous)

He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies
(Proud to worship him)

They bow to his whim love serving him
They're just feverish with loyalty to Ali! Prince Ali!

==Dreamworks Adaptations==
Although less prolific than Disney, some of Dreamworks' titles show great promise.

===The Prince of Egypt: Playing with the Big Boys===
[Cult Leaders]<br/>
By the power of Tzeentch...<br/>

So you think you've got friends on High Terra<br/>
With the power to put us on the run<br/>
Well, forgive us if we give a chortle<br/>
You'll know what power is when we are done<br/>

You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
Playing with the daemons now (Oh, that's nice...)<br/>
Every spell and gesture<br/>
Tells you who's your master<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>

You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
Stop this vain resistance<br/>
Embrace your true existence<br/>
Give in to temptation now<br/>
Pick up your powerfist, boy<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now!<br/>

[Chanting Cultists]<br/>
By the power of Tzeentch<br/>
Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh, Malal<br/>
Magnus, Lorgar, Curze, Angron<br/>
Mortarion, Perturabo<br/>
Malal, Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle...<br/>

[Cult Leaders]<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
By the might of Horus<br/>
You will kneel before us<br/>
Kneel to our splendorous power...<br/>
You try to keep faith<br/>
But you know we're right<br/>
And just to show we feel no spite<br/>
You can be our acolyte<br/>
But first, boy, it's time to betray<br/>
(All the way!)<br/>
Or your soul will be consumed, boy<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
Playing with the daemons<br/>

===The Prince of Egypt: The Plagues===
Thus said the Gods:<br/>
Since you refuse to yield your reign<br/>
All through the Imperium of Man...<br/>

I send your soldiers on thy self<br/>
Into your space, throughout the void<br/>
Onto your worlds, into your streets<br/>
Into your habs, into your forts<br/>
Upon your ranks, on your troops<br/>
Upon your people in your hives<br/>
Into your minds, into your souls<br/>
Until you break, until you yield<br/>
I send the swarm, I send the horde<br/>
Thus said the Gods!<br/>

Once I called you father<br/>
But ‘ere getting shot op!
Once I thought the chance<br/>
to make you proud<br/>
Was all I ever wanted...<br/>

I send the thunder from the sky<br/>
I send the fire raining down<br/>

And even now I wish the Gods <br/>
had chose another<br/>
Serving as your foe on their behalf<br/>
Is the last thing that I wanted...<br/>

I send a hail of burning ice<br/>
On every field, on every hive<br/>

This was my home<br/>
All this pain and devastation<br/>
It never had to be this way<br/>
All the warriors who suffer<br/>
From your stubbornness and pride...<br/>

I send such fleets out through the void<br/>
The galaxy has never seen<br/>
On every globe, on every world <br/>
Until there's nothing left of green<br/>
I send my scourge, I send my sword<br/>
Thus said the Gods!<br/>

You who I called my son<br/>
Why must you call down another blow?<br/>

I send my scourge, I send my sword<br/>

Let my warriors rule<br/>

[Horus and Chorus]<br/>
Thus said the Gods<br/>
Yeah! Be prepared! Wez gon be prepared! ...Fer wot?

You who I called my son<br/>
How could you have come to hate me so?<br/>
Is this what you wanted?<br/>

I send the swarm, I send the horde...<br/>
Why? Did da boss say so?

Then let my heart be hardened <br/>
And never mind how high the cost may grow<br/>
This will still be so:<br/>
I will never let my empire go...<br/>

Thus said the Gods:<br/>
Great ideah! Who ned a boss! No Boss! No Boss!

Thus said the Gods:<br/>

I will not...<br/>

[Horus, Emperor, and Chorus]<br/>
Let your (my) empire go!<br/>
But youz sed...

==Other Sources==
Through random circumstance or creative providence, some songs and poems lend themselves to grimdarking regardless of what media they are tied to.

===Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody===
Iz dis da real life?<br/>
Yay! Awwwwwwroight! 'ail to da Boss!
Iz dis jus' fannasy?<br/>
Caught in a big push,<br/>
No 'scape from reality.<br/>
Open ya eyes, Look up at da skies and see,<br/>
I's jus' a poor boy, dun need no sympafy,<br/>
'Cause I'm big 'n mean, not a grot, chop and smash, shoot a lot,<br/>
Any way the waaagh goes doesn't really matter to me, to me.<br/>

Warboss, just killed an ork,<br/>
Put mah dakka 'gainst 'is 'ead, pulled my trigger, now 'e's dead.<br/>
Warboss, waaagh had just begun,<br/>
But now I's gone and shot up all ya nobs.<br/>
Warboss, ooh, Didn' mean ta make ya mad,<br/>
If I's not back again dis time tomorra,<br/>
Keep stompin', keep stompin' as if nuffin' really matters.<br/>

Too late, I gots shot up,<br/>
Sends hurtin' down me spine, body's aching all the time.<br/>
Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go,<br/>
Gotta leave you all behind and face da troof.<br/>
Warboss, ooh, I dun' wanna die,<br/>
I sometimes wish I'd never waaaghed at all.<br/>

I see a little silhouetto of a beakie,<br/>
Zoggin' humies, Zoggin' humies, is it your turn to stomp now?<br/>
Thundabolts and Lightnins, very, very fright'ning me.<br/>
(Gorkamorka.) Gorkamorka. (Gorkamorka.) Gorkamorka, Gorkamorka Gork n' Mork<br/>
Waaaaagh! I's just a poor boy an' nobody loves me.<br/>
'E's just a poor boy from a poor goff tribe,<br/>
Spare 'im 'is loife from dis monstrosity.<br/>
Easy come, easy go, will yas lemme go?<br/>
Xenos! No, we will not let you go.<br/>
(Let him go!) Xenos! We will not let you go.<br/>
(Let him go!) Xenos! We will not let you go.<br/>
(Let me go.) Will not let you go.<br/>
(Let me go.) Will not let you go. (Let me go.) Ah.<br/>
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.<br/>
(Oh Brother Captain, Brother Captain.) Bruvva Kaptin, lemme go.<br/>
Da Commissar 'as a boltgun put aside for me, for me, for me.<br/>

So you fink you can shoot me and spit in my eye?<br/>
So you fink you can curse me and leave me to die?<br/>
Oh, baby, can't do dis to me, baby,<br/>
Jus' gonna get out, jus' gotta get stompin' again!<br/>

Nuffin' really matters, Anyone can see,<br/>
Nuffin' really matters,<br/>
Nuffin' really matters to me.<br/>

Any way the waaagh goes.<br/>
(Oooh Waagh, Waagh, Waagh!)<br/>
(We’ll haf Waagh!)<br/>
(En’less Waagh!)<br/>
(‘Ere we go!)<br/>
(Fo’ da Waagh!)<br/>

===Robert Browning: My Last Duchess===
    That's my last adjutant painted on the wall, <br/>
    Looking as if she were alive. I call <br/>
    That piece a wonder, now: The Confessor <br/>
    Worked busily that day, and there she stands. <br/>
    Will't please you sit and look at her? I said <br/>
    Confessor by design, for never read <br/>
    Strangers like you that pictured countenance, <br/>
    The depth and passion of its earnest glance, <br/>
    But to myself they turned (since none puts by <br/>
    The curtain I have drawn for you, but I) <br/>
    And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, <br/>
    How such a glance came there; so not the first <br/>
    Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, 'twas not <br/>
    My orders only, called that eager spot, <br/>
    Of joy into her pallid cheek; perhaps <br/>
    A Guardsman chanced to say "She wears her cap <br/>
    Askew, as it please her," or "Prayer <br/>
    Must never hope to match a lock of her hair <br/>
    Taken from her head": such stuff <br/>
    Was unacceptable, I thought, and cause enough <br/>
    For flagellation (she did not). She had <br/>
    An attitude - how shall I say - relaxed <br/>
    Too easily beguiled; she listened to anything <br/>
    She looked on, and her ears heard many things. <br/>
    Sir, 'twas all one! Morning prayers, arrests, <br/>
    The whispers of the Dark Gods in her breast, <br/>
    The impious jibes some vulgar soldier <br/>
    Would throw her way, unaware of her <br/>
    Position and my power. All and each <br/>
    would draw from her alike the approving speech, <br/>
    Or an ear at least. She took confession - good - but prayed <br/>
    Somehow - I know how now - as if her faith was any other jade. <br/>
    A heretic. Who'd stoop to blame <br/>
    This sort of crime? Even had you time <br/>
    For a trial - which I had not - for heretic slime <br/>
    And to say she burns, and to say "Just This <br/>
    Is your fair fate, you lying bitch, <br/>
    Traitor to the Emperor" - and if she let <br/>
    Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set <br/>
    Her wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse, <br/>
    - E'en then would be some stooping, and I choose <br/>
    Never to stoop. Oh sir, she prayed, no doubt, <br/>
    On every feast, but which gods blessed without <br/>
    Those same prayers? This became clear. I made commands. <br/>
    Then prayers turned into screams. There she stands, <br/>
    As if alive. Will't please you rise? We'll meet <br/>
    The Governor below, then. I repeat, <br/>
    The Inquisition's munificence <br/>
    Is ample warrant that no just pretence <br/>
    Of confession will be disallowed; <br/>
    Though to find heresy, as I avowed, <br/>
    At starting, is my object. Nay, we'll go <br/>
    Together down, sir. Notice this seal, though, <br/>
    The skull and I, together as you see, <br/>
    Which gives certain... powers to me. <br/>

===Charlie Daniels Band: The Devil Went Down to Georgia===
=== Mulan: I'll Make a Tau Out of You ===
The daemon went down to Terra,<br/>
He was looking for a soul to steal.<br/>
He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal.<br/>
When he came across this young man chainswordin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.<br/>
And the daemon jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy, let me you what:"<br/>
"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too."<br/>
"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you."<br/>
"Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the daemon his due:"<br/>
"I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."<br/>
The boy said: "Mah nahme's [[Indrick Boreale|Boreale]] ahnd it might be ah sin,"<br/>
"But Ah'll take yooouuur bet, yoouugghhrr gonna regrort, 'cos Ah'm the best thawt's ever beahn."<br/>

Boreale, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard,<br/>
Let's begin your training - to defeat the Orks<br/>
'Cause hellwarp's broke loose in Terra and Tzeentch deals the cards.<br/>
Did they send me Fio'las when I asked for Shas?<br/>
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.<br/>
The orks will try to kill us all<br/>
But if you lose, the daemon gets your soul.<br/>
But they will hit an endless wall<br/>
Mister, I'll make a tau from you all<br/>

The daemon opened up his case and he said, "I'll start this show."<br/>
Patient as a gun drone<br/>
And blue fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow.<br/>
But on plasma within<br/>
And he pulled the bow across the strings and it made an evil hiss.<br/>
Once you aim your rifle<br/>
Then a band of Nurglings joined in and it sounded somethin' like this:<br/>
You are sure to win<br/>
When the daemon finished, Boreale said,<br/>
You're a spineless, mob of idiots<br/>
"Worl, you're prehtty guud, oorrld sawn,"<br/>
And you haven't got a clue<br/>
"But sit dorn in that cheer rigghht ther and let me show you whore it's dorne"<br/>
Somehow I'll make a tau out of you<br/>

Fire on the monolith.<br/>
I'm never gonna catch my breath<br/>
Run, boys, run<br/>
I bet I'm gonna get us all shot<br/>
Slaanesh in the House of the Rising Sun.<br/>
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym<br/>
Squiqs in the bread pan pickin' out dough.<br/>
This guy's got 'em scared to death<br/>
Granny, does your cyberdog bite?<br/>
I bet I'm gonna get us all caught<br/>
No, child, no.<br/>
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim<br/>

The daemon bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.<br/>
And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Boreale's feet.<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
Boreale said, "Daemon, just cuhm on baahhck if you ever wahnt to trah agahin."<br/>
We must be sleek as the Barracuda<br/>
"'Cause Ah told you once, you son of a grot,"<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
"Ah'm the best that's evah bihn."<br/>
With all the force of a orca dropship<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the strength of a mighty railgun<br/>
Magnificent as the bright side of the good<br/>

===Iron Maiden: Aces High===
Time is racing toward us till the Orks arrive<br/>
There goes da sirun dat warns o' da air raid<br>
Heed my every order and you might survive<br/>
Den comz da sound o' da shootaz: DakDakkaDak<br>
You're a pain to me, a bane to me<br/>
Owt fer da scramble we've godda git airborne<br>
So pack up, deport you're through<br/>
Godda git up fer da comin' attak.<br>
How could I make a tau out of you?<br/>

Jump in da cockpit an start up da enginz<br>
Lode up da grotz derz no time to muck about<br>
Be a tau<br/>
Gavverin' speed as weeb 'ed down da runway<br>
We must be swift as the Barracuda<br/>
Godda git airborne an smoke dose gitz out<br>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the force of a Orca dropship<br/>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the strength of a mighty railgun<br/>
Magnificent as the bright side of the good<br/>

Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin', goin' in again<br>
Be a tau<br/>
Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'<br>
We must be swift as the Barracuda<br/>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
Be a tau<br/>
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die<br>
With all the force of a Orca Dropship<br/>
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh.<br>
Be a tau<br/>
With all the strength of a mighty railgun<br/>
Magnificent as the bright side of the good<br/>

Move in ter fire at da mainstream o' bombaz<br>
=== Beauty and the Beast: Angron ===
Giv em some dakka an den turn away<br>
[Kharn:] Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Angron<br/>
Roll ober, spin round ter cumz in behind 'em<br>
Without a good war to wage<br/>
Move ter their blindsidz an firin' again<br>
Every guy here'd love to be you, Angron<br/>
Even when frothing with rage<br/>
Every single World Eater was sired by you<br/>
Every man before you shall bow<br/>
Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you<br/>
And it's not very hard to see how<br/>

Runtie ships oe'r da Horizon, muv in behin' us<br>
No one's slick as Angron<br/>
Down on da ground dere's jes deadboys and lootaz<br>
No one's sick as Angron<br/>
'Eading up an turnin' our flash ter mug dem<br>
No one wields a chainaxe quite as quick as Angron<br/>
'Eading straight fer dim meeb per-ss down on mi shootaz.<br>
For there's no man around half as hearty<br/>
Perfect, a prime specimen<br/>
You ask any Adeptus Astartes<br/>
And they'll tell you whose Chapter they want to be in<br/>

Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
[Berzerkers:] No one's been like Angron<br/>
Rollin', turnin', divin' ('ere we go agin!)<br>
Had thick skin like Angron<br/>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
[Kharn:] No one's able to create a din like Angron<br/>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
[Angron:] As a Primarch, yes, I'm intimidating<br/>
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die<br>
[Berzerkers:] My what a guy, that Angron<br/>
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh<br>

===Iron Maiden: The Trooper===
Give five "hurrahs!"<br/>
You’ll take my life but I’ll take yours too<br/>
"For the Skull Throne!"<br/>
You’ll fire you railgun but I’ll run you through<br/>
[Kharn:] Angron is the best<br/>
So when your waiting for the next attack<br/>
And the rest are all boned<br/>
You’d better stand there’s no turning back<br/>

The Ethereal speaks as the charge begins<br/>
[Berzerkers:] No one fights like Angron<br/>
But on this battlefield no one wins<br/>
Or ignites like Angron<br/>
The smell of acrid smoke and krootox breath<br/>
[Champion:] In a riot nobody incites like Angron<br/>
As you plunge into a certain death<br/>
[Daemonettes:] For there's no one as fearsome or angry<br/>
[Angron:] My raw energy cannot be caged<br/>
[Kharn:] Not a bit of him's scraggly or mangy<br/>
[Angron] (That's right!)<br/>
I'm bursting with boundless and unbridled rage<br/>

The horse he sweats with fear we break to run<br/>
[Berzerkers:] No one hits like Angron<br/>
The mighty roar of the Tau guns<br/>
[Raptor:] Fights in pits like Angron<br/>
And as we race towards the xenos wall<br/>
[Kharn:] In a BloodBowl match no one can blitz like Angron<br/>
The screams of pain as my comrades fall<br/>
[Angron:] I'm especially fond of obliterating<br/>
[Berzerkers:] Ten points for Angron!<br/>
[Angron:] In the arena I received nerve implants<br/>
So I'd fight with no fear or remorse<br/>
So I gave my legion the same nerve implants<br/>
Now they are an unstoppable force<br/>
[Berzerkers:] No one shoots like Angron<br/>
No one loots like Angron<br/>
[Kharn:] Crushes skulls under ceremite boots like Angron<br/>
[Angron:] I use enemy heads for my decorating<br/>
[Berzerkers:] My what a guy, Angron!<br/>

We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground<br/>
=== Beauty and the Beast: Gaston ===
And the Tau fire another round<br/>
We get so near yet so far away<br/>
We won’t live to fight another day<br/>

(Guitar Solo)<br/>
[Gaston:]      Who does she think she is? That lich has tangled with the wrong Paladin! No one says "die" to Gaston!
[LeFou:]        Heh heh. Darn right.
[Gaston:]      Plane-shifted! Hold-Personed! Publicly Humiliated! Why, it's more than I can bear.
[LeFou:]        More beer?
[Gaston:]      What for? Nothing helps. I'm disgraced.
[LeFou:]        Who, you? Never! Gaston, you've got to pull yourself together.

We get so close near enough to fight<br/>
                Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
When a Firewarrior gets me in his sights<br/>
                Looking so down in the dumps
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow<br/>
                Every Fighter here'd love to be you, Gaston
A burst of rounds take my horse below<br/>
                Even when taking your lumps
                There's no man in the party as admired as you
                You're ev'ryone's favorite guy
                Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you
                And it's not very hard to see why

And as I lay there gazing at the sky<br/>
                No one smites like Gaston
My body’s numb and my throat is dry<br/>
                No one fights like Gaston
And as I lay forgotten and alone<br/>
                No one puts down those zombies and wights like Gaston
Without a tear I draw my parting groan<br/>
                For there's no man in town half as manly
                Perfect, a pure paragon
                You can ask any Priest, God or Cleric
                And they'll tell you whose crusade they prefer to be ooooooon!

===My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade (Intro)===
[Chorus:]      No one's been like Gaston
                A Paladin like Gaston
[LeFou:]        No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston
[Gaston:]      As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating
[Chorus:]      My what a guy, that Gaston

HE SAID,<br/>
                Give five "hurrahs!"
                Give twelve "hip-hips!"
[LeFou:]        Gaston is the best
                And the rest is all drips

HE SAID<br/>
[Chorus:]      No one Detects like Gaston
                lacks defects like Gaston
[Cronie:]      That foul villain's plans nobody wrecks like Gaston
[Bimbettes:]    For there's no one as burly and brawny
[Gaston:]      As you see I win duels without fail
[LeFou:]        Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny
[Gaston]        (That's right!)
                And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with mail.

[Cronies:]      No one Turns like Gaston
[Townsman:]    witches burns like Gaston
[LeFou:]        A large pile of xp no one earns like Gaston
[Gaston:]      I'm especially good at exterminating
[Chorus:]      Ten points for Gaston!

===Harvey Andrews: British Soldier===
[Gaston:]      When I was a lad I killed four dozen orcs
In a spaceport in the city a young guardsman stood<br/>
                Ev'ry morning to help me get strong
Talking to the natives there if they would<br/>
                And now that I'm grown I kill five dozen orcs
Some just stared in hatred, and others turned in pain<br/>
                So I've roughly the might of King Kong!
And the lonely guardsman boy wished he was home again<br/>

Come join glorious guard! Said the posters in his block<br/>
[Chorus:]      No one heals like Gaston
See new worlds and have your fun and serve your emperor<br/>
                Makes brutes squeal like Gaston
His skills were surely lacking and his family had to eat<br/>
[LeFou:]        Then goes tromping around wearing steel like Gaston
So he took the emperors oath and enlisted for up to fight<br/>
[Gaston:]      I use troll skulls in all of my decorating
[Chorus:]      Say it again
                Who's a man among men?
                And then say it once more
                Who's the hero next door?
                Who's a super success?
                Don't you know? Can't you guess?
                Ask his fans and his five hangers-on
                There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down
[LeFou:]        And his name's G-A-S- T -
                G-A-S-T -  E  -
                G-A-S-T-O  -  oh!
[Chorus:]      Gaston

For there was no fear of fighting, to the conquered he’d be sent<br/>
=== Mulan: A God Worth Killing For ===
Just ten years getting paid to watch<br/>
Then leave a glorious victor, a man who’d made the grade<br/>
A medal and some land, and memories in trade<br/>

Then came the call of Tash’ren, as it had come before<br/>
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
Another bloody chapter in an unending war<br/>
It's a long time since,<br>
The people stood on both sides, the people they stood behind<br/>
we’ve seen a sign of our home.<br>
Another fight in futilities name, the weak against the blind<br/>

The guardsman stood between them, between the whistling stones<br/>
And then the broken bottles, that lead to more patrols<br/>
Like some mindless grox,<br>
The crude bombs that burnt him, the nails that pierced his skin<br/>
it's Erebus, we must roam.<br>
And wish he’d just stayed home, working with his friends<br/>

The starport filled with people the guardsman soon was bored<br/>
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
But better in the port than where the soldiers warred<br/>
Amidst the clash of wars, our orders,<br>  
The room filled up with the xeno females, their younglings in tow<br/>
are easy to ignore!<br>
Who stared with itchy fingers at the guardsman and his gun<br/>

A yell of fear a pulse of engines the shattering of glass<br/>
The window of the port broke to let the package pass<br/>
A scream came from the defeated as they ran towards the door<br/>
What do we need? A god worth KILLING for!<br>
Dragging their younglings crying from the charge upon the floor<br/>

The guardsman stood and could not move, his gun he could not use<br/>
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
He knew the bomb had seconds and not minutes on the fuse<br/>
Huh? <br>
He could not run and pick it up and throw it in the street<br/>
There were far too many people there, too many running feet<br/>
That’s what I said, a god worth KILLING for!<br>
I want one with a perfect form<br>
with skin that has no scars<br>

Take cover! yelled the guardsman, Take cover for your lives<br/>
And the Aliens threw down their young and stood before their wives<br/>
My god will have a pair of horns,<br>  
They turned towards the soldier their eyes alive with fear<br/>
with hide as red as Mars.<br>
For the greater good’s sake, save our children or they'll end their short lives here<br/>

The guardsman ran towards the bomb his stomach like a stone<br/>
Why was this his battle in the emperors name, why was he alone<br/>
I couldn’t care less about war or about dreams<br>
He lay down on the package and he murmured one farewell<br/>
It all depends on sneaky schemes.<br>
To those at home in Nimbossa to those he loved so well<br/>

He saw the sights of harvest felt the wind upon his brow<br/>
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
The young girls in the munitorum parks, how precious were they now<br/>
Maim! Kill! Burn!<br>
The soaring of the sw’it the beauty of the swilope<br/>
The music of the cheering choir so soon would it be gone<br/>

A muffled soft explosion and the room began to quake<br/>
The guardsman blown across the floor, his blood a crimson lake<br/>
What's this talk of gods, it sounds so odd,<br>
There was no time to cry or shout there was no time to moan<br/>
I thought we're fighting for the Emprah of Man?<br>
And they turned their children's faces from the blood and from the bones<br/>

The crowd outside soon gathered and the chimeras came<br/>
To carry off the body of a pawn lost in the game<br/>
But he still ignores, the rewards of a GOD's plan.<br>
And the crowd they clapped and cheered and they sang their heretical song<br/>
One guardsman less to interfere where he did not belong<br/>

And will the young growing up learn at their mothers' knees<br/>
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
The story of the guardsman who bought their lives<br/>
Right now all we do, to serve our cause,<br>
Who used his youthful body as a means towards an end<br/>
is fight chore after chore!<br>
Who gave his life to those who called him murderer not friend<br/>

===Will Smith: Men In Black===
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
What do we want?<br>
Imperiums defenders<br/>
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
They won't let you remember<br/>

The righteous bear armor of grey, ok<br/>
'''[pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
Just in case they have to come and send some Daemons away<br/>
A god worth KILLING for!<br>
The order given to them, Or-do M<br/>
Means with ease they will banish them<br/>
So do not your eyes avert<br/>
I think my god wants worthy skulls<br>
Or Chaos with ease will soon convert<br/>
The chosen of the Emperor<br/>
Number one Daemon purgers<br/>
But to our Battle Brothers we dont exist<br/>
On our Ordos most classified list<br/>
Daemon infestion ? to the Emperor pray<br/>
Cause you never know when we might save the Day, and..<br/>

Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
Imperiums defenders<br/>
Well, mine will leave no chance unmined<br>
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
They won't let you remember<br/>

===Ozzy Osbourne: Hellraiser===
Im waaaaaghing on an endlis rode<br/>
Uh…How bout a...god that destroys all?<br>
around’ da world ta krump beakies good<br/>
Exterminates mankind?<br>  
sumtiems it ‘eels so tuff<br/>
but I still asnt ad enuf<br/>
I keep tellin dat its gettin alot<br/>
but I no ize a liar<br/>
feelin al rite in da noize n da lite<br/>
but dats wut makes me waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh<br/>


‘ell raiser, in da funder and ‘eat<br/>
‘ell raiser, rock ya bak in ya seet<br/>
My many pleas grant me disease,<br>
‘ell raiser, an ize gon make it come troo<br/>
that makes all hearts beat stiller<br>
‘ell raiser, ize gon do sum weird boy fings to you<br/>

Waaaaghin on anuvver world,<br/>
Anuvver hive anuvver place<br/>
My pleas make me a blood-mad KILLER!<br>
sumtimes I dun feel too gud<br/>
ize get dis funny feelin an stuff<br/>
da boyz keep sayin dat its not good fer me<br/>
but bein a grot dun make it<br/>
out of control, I playz da ultimate roll<br/>
But dats wut lites my fire<br/>

I’ve a god who can, extend xir hand to all lands<br>

Im waaaaaghing on an endlis rode<br/>
around’ da world ta krump beakies good<br/>
But my god lets me, punch brutally, with my hands!<br>
sumtiems it ‘eels so tuff<br/>
Main! Kill! Burn! Huh!<br>
but I still asnt ad enuf<br/>
out of control, I playz da ultimate roll<br/>
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
But dats wut lites my fire<br/>
When we have our gods, not one of us <br>
will need the Emperor!<br>
What do we need?<br>

===Nancy Sinatra: These Boots Were Made For Walking===
'''[Pre-heresy marines]'''<br>
You's keep sayin' you's got sumfing for me.<br/>
A god worth KILLING for!<br>
Sumfing you call WAAAGH!, but 'fess up.<br/>
You's been muckin' where ya shudn' be muckin'<br/>
An' now some uver gitz got all ya swag.<br/>

Dese gitz was made fer choppin', an' dats just wot they'll do.<br/>
(Marching in from the other side, the loyalist marines come, in the middle of their own song)<br>
One uv dese days da ladz is gunna stomp all uver you.<br/>

You's keep lootin' when you's ought ta be krumpin'<br/>
An' you's gots no wins, only beats.<br/>
Who do we love?<br>
You's stayin' weedy when ya ought ta be 'ard<br/>
Now wotz proppa's proppa, an' ya ain' been proppa yet.<br/>

Dese gitz was made fer choppin', an' dats just wot they'll do.<br/>
'''[Loyalist marines]'''<br>
One uv dese days da ladz is gunna stomp all uver you.<br/>
Our mighty Emperor!<br>
Our mighty Emper…<br>

You's keep sulkin' where ya 'spose ta be loud.<br/>
(They freeze in horror, confronted by the pre-heresy marines, now full chaos space marines)<br>
An' you's keep finkin' you's sumfin' speshul.<br/>
Ha! Gotz me a brand new Choppa wotz dead killy,<br/>
An' I ain' 'ad time fer breakin' it in...<br/>

Ready ya gitz? Start choppin'!<br/>
===Mulan: Honor to us all===

===Sabaton: Attero Dominatus===
This is what you give me to work with? <br/>
Well Sister, I've seen worse. <br/>
We're gonna turn this ork's ear <br/>
The Hive is burning<br/>
Into a steel purse. <br/>
We'll have you trained and armed, <br/>
The Tau has fallen<br/>
Indoctrinated till you are alarmed. <br/>
Trust my recipe for Chaos harmed, <br/>
You'll bring glory to us all. <br/>

We stand at the gates of the Hive<br/>
Wait and see, when we're through <br/>
With two and a half million men<br/>
Boys will gladly go to war with you. <br/>
With six thousand tanks in our ranks<br/>
With a bolter and a flamer too <br/>
Use them as battering rams<br/>
You'll bring glory to us all. <br/>

Artillery leading our way<br/>
A girl brings the Imperium <br/>
A million grenades has been launched<br/>
Great glory in one way, <br/>
The xenos must pay for their crimes<br/>
By fighting for the Emprah <br/>
The wings of the xeno’s been broken<br/>
And this could be the day. <br/>

Commander Chenkov's orders:<br/>
Priests want girls with strong faith (firm, fanatical) <br/>
Serve me the Hive on a plate!<br/>
Who work fast paced. <br/>
Disregard the losses<br/>
With a good bolter and the Emprah's grace <br/>
The city is ours to take<br/>
You'll bring glory to us all. <br/>

The price of a war must be payed<br/>
We all must serve our Emperor <br/>
Millions of lives has been lost<br/>
Who guards us from his son. <br/>
The price must be paid by the Tau<br/>
The men can pass as guards, <br/>
That started the war in M.40's<br/>
But girls leave them outdone! <br/>

The year of 200.M45<br/>
When we're through you can't fail, <br/>
The year when the xenos will fall<br/>
Like the Emperor you will prevail. <br/>
We're inside the gates of the Hive<br/>
How could any Priest say no sale? <br/>
The beaks of the xeno's been broken<br/>
You'll bring glory to us all. <br/>

Commander Chenkov's orders:<br/>
Serve me it's head on a plate<br/>
An imperial eagle for serenity, a skull for devotion <br/>
Disregard the losses<br/>
Promethium flames for beauty <br/>
The xeno's land is ours to take<br/>
You must proudly show it. <br/>
Add another skull, just for luck <br/>
And even you can't blow it! <br/>

Emperor, hear my plea! <br/>
Help me not to make a fool of me! <br/>
In the Hive!<br/>
And to not tarnish your great glory! <br/>
Keep the Imperium standing tall! <br/>
As scary as the great deceiver <br/>
We will face the unbeliever! <br/>
The Hive!<br/>

===Sabaton: Wolfpack===
To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Emperor, guard our girls <br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
And our future as it fast unfurls <br/>
leading the convoy west<br/>
Please look kindly on these armoured pearls <br/>
Each a perfect soldier in your name! <br/>
Please bring glory to us <br/>
Please bring glory to us <br/>
Please bring glory to us <br/>
Please bring glory to us all <br/>
=== The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Hellfire ===

Took the warp gate in<br/>
[Inquisitor Frollo]: Have mercy, my Emprah<br/>
the long jump back -  Convoy to Gryphonne<br/>
You know I am a righteous man.<br/>
Mars, Dauntless, Dictator leading<br/>
Of my virtue I am justly proud.<br/>
Titans to the forge<br/>
and upon the asteroid belt<br/>
lies the silence of the sails<br/>
on the dog's watch in the final hour<br/>
the corsair fleets appear<br/>

On all the auspex it seems quiet and calm<br/>
Have mercy, my Emprah,<br/>
Deep down below the xeno lurks<br/>
You know I'm so much purer than<br/>
The common, vulgar, heretical crowd!<br/>

To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Then tell me, my Emprah<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
Why I see her standing there,<br/>
leading the convoy west<br/>
Why her ghosthelm's eyes still scorch my soul?<br/>
in their own track came the wolfpack<br/>
Mars led the convoy <br/>
into the hornets nest<br/>

At the crack of dawn the second watch<br/>
I feel her, I see her!<br/>
Dauntless wracked with flames<br/>
The sun caught in her spirit stones<br/>
half the convoy hulked or disabled<br/>
Is blazing in me out of all control!<br/>
heading to Command<br/>
but below the fleet ecliptic<br/>
out of sensor range<br/>
on the second watch in the final hour<br/>
the corsair fleets return<br/>

The Eldar come in for a second time<br/>
Like fire!<br/>
to make the Monkeigh face their fate<br/>
This fire in my skin!<br/>
This burning<br/>
Is turning me to sin!<br/>

To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
It's not my fault!<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
I'm not to blame!<br/>
leading the convoy west<br/>
It is the Eldar girl, the witch who set this flame!<br/>
in their own track came the wolfpack<br/>
Mars led the convoy <br/>
into the hornets nest<br/>

Lances blazing, fighters failing<br/>
It's not my fault,<br/>
M42 when <br/>
It's Tzeentch's plan!<br/>
The Navy did fail the test<br/>
He made foul xenos so much stronger than a man!<br/>
To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
leading them into death<br/>

Asuryan makes the contact and lead them<br/>
Protect me, my Emprah!<br/>
Isha's Tears scores a kill in the dark<br/>
Don't let foul Taldeer cast her spell!<br/>
She Who Thirsts sinking 4 in 2 approaches<br/>
Don't let heresy sear my flesh and bone!<br/>
Fading Star cut in half by a lance<br/>
Destroy the Farseer!<br/>
And let her feel Chaos's flames<br/>
Or else let her be mine and mine alone!<br/>

===Edgar Allen Poe: The Raven===
[Guardsman]: Inquisitor Frollo, the Eldar witch has escaped.<br/>
Once upon a battlefield dreary, where I cowered, spent and bleary,<br/>
Within an Imperial bunker, darkly stained with dust and gore -<br/>
As I cowered, nearly shuttering, suddenly there came a sputtering<br/>
As some weapon quickly stuttering - firing at my bunker door.<br/>
"`Tis some bolter", I murmured, "firing at my bunker door -<br/>
Only this and nothing more."<br/>

Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December,<br/>
[Inquistor Frollo]: What?<br/>
And the brightly burning bastions lit the horizon by the score.<br/>
Eagerly, on freedom drunker; - vainly had I sought to hunker<br/>
[Guardsman]: She's nowhere in the fortress...she's gone.<br/>
In this heavy Imperial bunker - with perhaps a tunnel in the floor -<br/>
A safe and empty fortress with perhaps a tiny tunnel in the floor -<br/>
[Inquisitor Frollo]: But how, I...nevermind! Get out, you idiot!<br/>
Only this and nothing more.<br/>

And the mad raving howling of each distant Space Wolf prowling<br/>
I'll find her!<br/>
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before.<br/>
I'll find her if I have to glass the entire system!<br/>
So that now, to the beating of my heart, I stood entreating<br/>
"`Tis some Space Wolf there repeating, firing at my bunker door -<br/>
Some common Grey Hunter rapid-firing at my bunker door -<br/>
This it is and nothing more."<br/>

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer<br/>
"Marine," said I, "or Scout, your attention I implore;<br/>
Dark fire!<br/>
The bunker walls are thick - they are made of tempered brick<br/>
Now Taldeer, it's your turn!<br/>
And your bolters do not nick the slightest scratch or tiny score -<br/>
Choose me or<br/>
Not a dimple, dent, depression, dip, scratch or tiny score -<br/>
Your pyre!<br/>
Away now, and fire no more."<br/>
Be mine or you will BURN!<br/>

Then in the bunker slumping, presently I heard a thumping<br/>
Emprah's mercy on me...<br/>
A pounding - rattling many times fiercer than before.<br/>
And soon I began to screech - the bunker wall grenades did breach;<br/>
The very gods I did beseech as the ceiling fell upon the floor -<br/>
Through the wounds poured light which danced upon the floor -<br/>
Danced amidst the sounds of war.<br/>

Then at once it stopped the violence - I was left alone with silence<br/>
Emprah's mercy on her...<br/>
Confused, I spied the reason why the shells did drop no more -<br/>
For as I began to shutter, then with many a flit and flutter<br/>
a psyber-Raven flew through the clutter to perch above the door -<br/>
Perched on the two-headed eagle just above the bunker door -<br/>
Perched and sat and nothing more.<br/>

At this I grew more craven, for the talons of the psyber-Raven<br/>
But she will be mine or<br/>
Were all over covered with bright red blood and crimson gore.<br/>
"Wretch!" I cried, "Njal hath lent thee - into this fortress has he sent thee<br/>
So that remotely may he here be - and this bunker then explore -<br/>
Scry out my exact location and this bunker then explore -"<br/>

Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"<br/>
===Little Mermaid: [ Pillage This World]===

Then, methought, the air grew darker, the bunker now a little starker<br/>
Look at my fleet,<br>
For the uttered word brought terror as I had never felt before.<br/>
isn't it neat?<br>
As for weapons, I knew I had none - no bolter, sword or lasgun;<br/>
Wouldn't you think my command is supreme?<br>
No arms to stop the war's son fated to break soon through the door -<br/>
I am Lord of the Maelstorm<br>
The blood-mad crazed assassin fated to break soon through the door-<br/>
The Chaos Lord Lugft Huron<br>
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"<br/>
Look at that world,<br>
treasures untold.<br>
How many weapons can a Forgeworld hold?<br>
Looking around here you'd think<br>
"Sure, we'll steal everything".<br>
I've got soldiers and daemons a-plenty.<br>
Got siege weapons and sorcerers galore.<br>
That Blackstone Fortress? Gift from Abby!<br>
But who cares?<br>
No big deal.<br>
I want moooore!<br>
I want to be where the High Lords are.<br>
I want to see,<br>
want to see them suffering.<br>
Running around without...<br>
...what do you call them? Oh - ''spleens''.<br>
Raiding a world you don't get too far;<br>
Crusades are required for big-time killing.<br>
Strolling along down the...<br>
...what's its name, again? "Cicatrix".<br>
Look at them scream,<br>
look at them run.<br>
And claim their skulls for the Skull Throne<br>
Blood running free<br>
Burn, galaxy<br>
''Kill, maim and buuurn!''<br>
What would I give<br>
If I could leave,<br>
out of this Maelstorm!<br>
Whom would I flay<br>
to spend a day<br>
down on Badab.<br>
Here in the Warp<br>
we understand.<br>
We do not reprimend Astartes.<br>
Brave post-humans,<br>
sick of serving<br>
that Carrion Lord!<br>
I'm ready to know what the Dark Gods know.<br>
Ask Tzeench my questions and get ''NINE'' answers!<br>
Ask Slaanesh just how do I...<br>
...what's the word? ''Raaaaaape!''<br>
When's it my turn?<br>
A Black Crusade.<br>
Wouldn't I love to be Warmaster!<br>
Wish the Dark Gods<br>
would turn to me.<br>
The Blood Reaver.<br>

"Be that word our sign of parting, machine or bird!" I shrieked, upstarting -<br/>
===Little Mermaid: Under the Sea===
"Get thee back into the fire-fight and here spy on me no more!<br/>
For as you came unbidden - I would otherwise be here hidden -<br/>
Leave my location in this midden - quit that icon above my door!<br/>
Take thy shining metal eye, and take thy form from off my door!"<br/>
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"<br/>

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting - still is sitting<br/>
The shoeshine is always brighter<br>
On the pallid two-headed eagle just above the bunker door;<br/>
On somebody else's boot. <br>
His metal eye has all the seeming of a psyker that is scheming,<br/>
Fools dream 'bout leaving the Emprah<br>'
To have my guts lie steaming in a pile upon the floor;<br/>
But those dreams are evil's root. <br>
And now all hope has left me, crouched here upon the floor<br/>
Just think of the pains you'll suffer<br>
I await the Eversor!<br/>
Behind my punishment door <br>
Such a painful death awaits you<br>
So think of those things no more! <br>

===Henry the Fifth, Act III Scene I===
No Heresy <br>
No Heresy <br>
Soldier, it's better <br>
Free of my fetters <br>
Take it from me! <br>
Out in the Eye they have no hope <br>
In pain forever they must cope <br>
While we devotin' <br>
Full time to promotin' <br>
No Heresy <br>

Once more unto the boards, Anon, once more,<br/>
Here in His light, we're happy <br>
Or close the wall up with our Neckbeard dead!<br/>
As off through the Warp they stray <br>
In-game there's nothing so becomes a man<br/>
The Lost in the Eye ain't happy <br>
As massive fatness and huge faggotry;<br/>
They mourn 'cause they lost their way <br>
But when the /b/last of war brings in the cancer,<br/>
I charge through that swirling Warp-sea, <br>
Then imitate the action of the fatguy;<br/>
Cause heretics there I'll find, <br>
Quote from the rulebooks, summon up the fluff,<br/>
The day I reveal their trech'ry <br>
Disguise fat nature with hard-favour'd RAAAAGE;<br/>
Guess who's gon' blow their mind? (Soldier: You-? *BLAM*) <br>
Then lend the one a terrible aspect;<br/>
Let it stare until PCs are all dead<br/>
Like the foul bodak; let the brow o'erwhelm it<br/>
As fearfully as does a tiefling’s horn<br/>
Add two charisma to his contorted face,<br/>
Swirl'd in the wild and wasteful fourth-ed.<br/>
Now roll the bones and sketch the portraits wide,<br/>
Dream hard of breasts, that bend up every ‘spirit’<br/>
To his full height. On, on, you beardyest fatguys,<br/>
Whose blood is fet from fathers of thin-proof!<br/>
Fathers that, like so many useless tripfags,<br/>
Have in these parts from morn till even raged,<br/>
And saged their threads for lack of argument.<br/>
Fap not to your mothers; now attest<br/>
That those whom you call'd fatguys did beget you.<br/>
Be copy now to men of better games,<br/>
And show them how you roll. And you, warmachine,<br/>
Whose limbs are made of pewter, show us here<br/>
The metal of your minis; let us swear<br/>
That they are worth their pricetag, which I doubt much;<br/>
For I see most of you so mean and base,<br/>
That hath not showered since last Petertide.<br/>
I see you field warhounds in Apolaclypse,<br/>
Standing upon their foes. The game's been lost!<br/>
Follow your spirits, and upon this board<br/>
Cry, "Rage at Vampire! Magic! and Fourth Ed!"<br/>

===Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit"===
No Heresy <br>
No Heresy <br>
Nobody beat us <br>
Enslave or treat us <br>
Ingloriously <br>
We what the daemons like to corrupt <br>
No heresy and their plan's is fucked <br>
We got no worries <br>
Nor fear of furies <br>
No Heresy <br>
No Heresy <br>
Since duty's first here <br>
We suffer no fear <br>
Naturally <br>
Even the surgeon an' the vox <br>
They get the urge to cleanse the pox <br>
We got the spirit <br>
You got to hear it <br>
No Heresy <br>

Load up da trukks
The guard fights so hard <br>
The marines look so mean <br>
The AdMech fix da tech <br>
And they prayin' serene <br>
The priests kill the beasts <br>
Ogryns start clobberin' <br>
The psyker has lost his soul!
(Psyker: What about my sou-?*BLAM*)<br>
The tanks crush da flanks <br>
Ratlings, rifles bring <br>
The stormies fall out <br>
The sisters, they sing! <br>
The guard and navy <br>
They never are lazy <br>
An' oh I purge the foe! <br>

Bring yer boyz
No Heresy <br>
No Heresy <br>
When a foul daemon <br>
Tries to corrupt men <br>
My pistol fires free <br>
What do they got? A lot of blood <br>
We spill theirs in sod and mud <br>
Each single man here <br>
know how to pray here <br>
No Heresy <br>
Each young conscript here <br>
My great wrath fear <br>
No Heresy <br>
Each vet'ran here <br>
Know how to last here <br>
That's why it's surer <br>
To live more purer <br>
No matter our places <br>
We in the Emprah's graces <br>
No Heresy <br>

`Kuz we's haulin'
===Frozen: Let it go===
-Part 1-<br/>
The fire glows red on Prospero tonight<br>
The Space Wolves we could not convince.<br>
A planet of dead sorcerers,<br>
and it looks like I'm the prince.<br>

Out all da toyz
The warp is howling like this swirling storm inside,<br>
Couldn't keep it in,<br>
Emprah knows I've tried.<br>

Da `oomies run
Don't cast a spell,<br>
don't let them see,<br>
Be the Primarch you always have to be.<br>
Conceal, don't feel,<br>
don't let them know<br>
Well now they know<br>

Frum dakka gunz
Let it go, let it go<br>
Can't hold it back anymore.<br>
Let it go, let it go<br>
Turn away and slam the door.<br>
I don't care<br>
what they're going to say,<br>
Let Prospero burn.<br>
The Warp never bothered me anyway<br>

I knows I knows
It's funny how serving Tzeench<br>
Makes everything seem small,<br>
And the Emperor who controlled me<br>
Can't get to me at all<br>

We's number one
It's time to see what I can do,<br>
To test the limits and break through<br>
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,<br>
I'm free!<br>

Let it go, let it go<br>
I am one with the wind and sky<br>
Let it go, let it go<br>
You'll never see me cry.<br>
Here I stand,<br>
And here I'll stay,<br>
Let the storm rage on<br>

My power flurries through the air into the ground<br>
My soul is spiraling in daemonic force all around<br>
And one thought crystallizes like a sorcerous blast<br>
I'm never going back, the past is in the past<br>

Let it go, let it go<br>
And I'll rise like the break of dawn<br>
Let it go, let it go<br>
That Primarch slave is gone<br>
Here I stand<br>
In the light of day<br>
Let Prospero burn.<br>

The Warp never bothered me anyway!<br>

Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers
'''== Necron Crypteks interpretation =='''

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

I squish pinkies wit' my anus

`Ere we go now
the wasteland is empty not a soul is to be seen.
A glorious Desolation, as it should have been
This world is dieing as I lay my claim
I did my best, adding it to my Hall of fame

Orky raidaz
Ill let them try, Ill let them die, but they fell before my might
and now I am Right,  invade, locate, Deploy then Destroooyy

Cuz its choppy
and then gooo:

Cuz its bashy

Cuz its dakka
Ill float your world in hate

Cuz we's sneaky

Just now they see its to late

Winnin' is what Orks do best
I don’t care what they were going to do
Ill keep moving on

`Cause by Mork we's all been bless'd
They were all going to die anyway

Our mighty WAAAAAAAGH `as always been
It funny how some Destruction
Make anything seems so frail
and my Core glows with great delight
as i watch how they Fail

And always will until the end
Time to finish the protocol
i broke the limits, I saw it though
I was right they were wrong
now they see


Ill see the dust fly


just follow their cry

Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers
Protocol request
That ill do my best

`Ere we go now
So ill move on.

Orky raidaz
As the planet surface is wiped clean
Ill bring out my extreme

Now I'm out dere, smashin' faces
As the atmosphere vaporize away
ill see your die and decay
there will be no Delay

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz
we will find another world again

Cuz its choppy

Cuz its bashy
and set it to the Flame

Cuz its dakka
Here I stand but it is done
and so I move on.

Cuz we's sneaky
They were all going to die anyway.


===Moana: You're welcome===

And I forgitz
Okay, okay<br>
I see what's happening here<br>
You're face to face with greatness and it's strange<br>
You don't even know how you feel<br>
It's adorable!<br>
Well it's nice to see that my sons never change<br>

Just wot it was
Open your eyes, let's begin<br>
Yes it's really me, it's Father!<br>
Breathe it in<br>
I know it's a lot, the hair, the bod!<br>
But I swear I'm truly not a god<br>

Oh ya, I think a melta bomb
What can I say except "You're welcome"<br>
For your hearts and your occulobe<br>
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome<br>
I'm just mankind's Emperor!<br>

I found it dere
Hey, what has two thumbs and united Terra<br>
Sending man into a new era?<br>
This guy!<br>

It's tikkin' now
In the ages of old<br>
Who trapped the dragon down below?<br>
You're looking at him, yo!<br>

Oh well, I'll toss it at doze grots.
Oh, also I made you some sons<br>
You're welcome<br>
To fight for you and bring you fun<br>

Also, I lit up the warp<br>
You're welcome<br>
To help your ships get you to war<br>

So what can I say except you're welcome?<br>
For the power I grabbed from Molech<br>
There's no need to pray, it's okay, you're welcome, ha!<br>
Tough I may have had to made some pacts<br>
You're welcome, you're welcome<br>

Well anyway, let me say you're welcome!<br>
For the great Imperium you know<br>
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome!<br>
Well, come to think of it, you gotta go<br>
Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome!<br>
'Cause I'm gonna need that world<br>
You're warping away, away<br>
You're welcome!<br>
Sorry, you don't get a vote<br>
You're welcome, you're welcome<br>
And thank you!<br>

==Dreamworks Adaptations==
Although less prolific than Disney, some of Dreamworks' titles show great promise.

Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers
===The Prince of Egypt: Playing with the Big Boys===
[Cult Leaders]<br/>
By the power of Tzeentch...<br/>

`Ere we go now
So you think you've got friends on High Terra<br/>
With the power to put us on the run<br/>
Well, forgive us if we give a chortle<br/>
You'll know what power is when we are done<br/>

Orky raidaz
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
Playing with the daemons now (Oh, that's nice...)<br/>
Every spell and gesture<br/>
Tells you who's your master<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>

I'm outta words, so I's WAAAAAAAAAAGH!
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
`Ere we go now
Stop this vain resistance<br/>
Embrace your true existence<br/>
Give in to temptation now<br/>
Pick up your powerfist, boy<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now!<br/>

Orky raidaz
[Chanting Cultists]<br/>
By the power of Tzeentch<br/>
Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh, Malal<br/>
Magnus, Lorgar, Curze, Angron<br/>
Mortarion, Perturabo<br/>
Malal, Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle...<br/>

Cuz its choppy
[Cult Leaders]<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
By the might of Horus<br/>
You will kneel before us<br/>
Kneel to our splendorous power...<br/>
You try to keep faith<br/>
But you know we're right<br/>
And just to show we feel no spite<br/>
You can be our acolyte<br/>
But first, boy, it's time to betray<br/>
(All the way!)<br/>
Or your soul will be consumed, boy<br/>
You're playing with the daemons now<br/>
Playing with the daemons<br/>

Cuz its bashy
===The Prince of Egypt: The Plagues===
Thus said the Gods:<br/>
Since you refuse to yield your reign<br/>
All through the Imperium of Man...<br/>

Cuz its dakka
I send your soldiers on thy self<br/>
Into your space, throughout the void<br/>
Cuz we's sneaky
Onto your worlds, into your streets<br/>
Into your habs, into your forts<br/>
Upon your ranks, on your troops<br/>
Upon your people in your hives<br/>
Into your minds, into your souls<br/>
And every aspect of your lives<br/>
I send the swarm, I send the horde<br/>
Thus said the Gods!<br/>

Once I called you father<br/>
Once I thought the chance<br/>
to make you proud<br/>
Was all I ever wanted...<br/>

I send the thunder from the sky<br/>
I send the fire raining down<br/>

And even now I wish the Gods <br/>
had chose another<br/>
Serving as your foe on their behalf<br/>
Is the last thing that I wanted...<br/>

I send a hail of burning ice<br/>
On every field, on every hive<br/>

This was my home<br/>
All this pain and devastation<br/>
It never had to be this way<br/>
All the warriors who suffer<br/>
From your stubbornness and pride...<br/>

I send such fleets out through the void<br/>
The galaxy has never seen<br/>
On every globe, on every world <br/>
Until there's nothing left of green<br/>
I send my scourge, I send my sword<br/>
Thus said the Gods!<br/>

===Sailor Tau===
You who I called my son<br/>
Why must you call down another blow?<br/>

Fire caste by moonlight<br/>
Water caste by daylight<br/>
I send my scourge, I send my sword<br/>
Never running from a real fight<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
She will...never turn her back on a friend<br/>
She is... always there to defend<br/>
She is...the one on whom we can depend<br/>
She is the one named Sailor.....<br/>
.... Sailor Broadside<br/>
.... Sailor Stealth<br/>
.... Sailor Crisis<br/>
..... Sailor Drone<br/>
With cosmic secrets<br/>
All so new to her<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
fire caste by daylight<br/>
Water caste by daylight<br/>
With her Sailor Shas'o to help fight<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
She is the one . . . Sailor Tau!!<br/>

===Weird Al Yankovic, Amish Paradise===
Let my warriors rule<br/>

As I browse through the minis of my local games store<br/>
[Horus and Chorus]<br/>
I took a look at my life and realized I’m very poor<br/>
Thus said the Gods<br/>
But that's just perfect for an fa/tg/uy like me<br/>
You know, I bought that space marine battle company<br/>  
At 4:30 in the morning dice are rolling<br/>
PCs are dying the whole session railroading... fools<br/>
And I've been plannin and ragin’ so long that<br/>
Even my mother thinks that my mind is gone<br/>
I'm a man of the die, I've passed my knowledge check<br/>
Got a codex in my hand and a beard on my neck<br/>
But if I finish all my painting and if you get Matt<br/>
Then tonight I am putting on my wizard robes and hat.<br/>

We been spending most our lives<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
You who I called my son<br/>
I've done FATAL once or twice<br/>
How could you have come to hate me so?<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
Is this what you wanted?<br/>
It's hard work in rolling dice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We buy minis at high price<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>

A local boy made a Mary Sue last week<br/>
I just approved it and saved my mad critique<br/>
I send the swarm, I send the horde...<br/>
I really don’t mind, I didn’t even rage<br/>
‘cause I dumped the Lady of Pain on him, flaying his mage.<br/>
But I ain't never punched weeaboos even if they deserved it<br/>
An fa/tg/uy with a tool? You know that’s unheard of<br/>
I’m obese and smelly but have the best army<br/>
And my homies agree, it did win the tourney...fools<br/>
If you’re here for stories, you'll be wrecked in tears<br/>
We have C.S Goto raping well known canon with shears<br/>
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare<br/>
We are just autistically impaired<br/>

There's chainfists, chainswords, and lightning claws<br/>
in our life hobby<br/>
Then let my heart be hardened <br/>
Like Cthulhu Mythos<br/>
And never mind how high the cost may grow<br/>
It's as grim an’ dark as can be<br/>
This will still be so:<br/>
I will never let my empire go...<br/>

We been spending most our lives<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
Thus said the Gods:<br/>
We're just fat and nerdy guys<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
There's no greater sin and vice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We all fight, by rolling dice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>

Hitchin' up a game group, churnin' out new content<br/>
Made a game on Sunday, soon I'll make another<br/>
Thus said the Gods:<br/>
Think you’re pimp at rollplay? Think you can roleplay?<br/>
I know I’m a million times more playa then you gay frey<br/>
I'm the neckbeard guy the young Gygaxes wanna be like<br/>
In the store day and night rollin’ paragon mad soulknife<br/>
So don't be vain and don't be whiny<br/>
Or else, weeaboo, I might declare Exterminatus on your army<br/>

We been spending most our lives<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
I will not...<br/>
We’re all crazy max/min-ites<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We all dare to fantasize<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We’re all virgins who roll dice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>

===Blue Oyster Cult: Black Blade===
[Horus, Emperor, and Chorus]<br/>
I was on a mission to fight for the Greater Good<br>
Let your (my) empire go!<br/>
But this here Dawn Blade at my side don't act the way it should<br>
Keeps calling me it's Shas'O when I feel more like it's Gue'la<br>
===The Prince of Egypt: Deliver us===
And it keeps dragging me faster and faster to an early grave, yeah<br>
[Kabalite Warriors]<br/>
And it howls! It howls like hell!<br>
Blood...And lift...Soul...And Pull<br/>
I'm told it's my duty to fight against them all<br>
Pain...And raise up...Soul...Faster!<br/>
That warring is my trade and I was born to wade through gore<br>
I just want to be a lover, not a blue-skinned screaming ghoul<br>
[Imperial Slaves]<br/>
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool<br>
With the sting of the whip on my shoulder<br/>
With the salt of my sweat on my brow<br/>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Emperor, God up high<br/>
Forged a million years ago<br>
Can you hear your people cry:<br/>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Help us now<br/>
Killing so it's power can grow<br>
This dark hour...<br/>
It's death from the beginning to the end of time<br>
Deliver us<br/>
And I'm the Tau's champion, or is that just part of it's grand designs?<br>
Hear our call<br/>
And whole worlds are dying, and the burden's mine<br>
Deliver us<br/>
And the Dawn Blade keeps on killing, 'til the end of time<br>
Lord of all, remember us, here in this xeno waste<br/>
Deliver us<br/>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
There's a world you promised us<br/>
Bringing chaos to the world we know<br>
Deliver us to the promised world...<br/>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
And it's using me to kill my friends<br>
[Yocheved - Imperial captured agent]<br/>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach<br/>
Growing stronger so the galaxy will end<br>
(My good and tender son)<br/>
Forcing my mind to bend and bend<br>
Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad<br/>
(Don't be frightened and don't be scared)<br/>
I am the Dawn Blade<br>
My son, I have nothing I can give<br/>
Forged a million billion years ago<br>
But this chance that you may live<br/>
My cosmic soul goes on for eternity<br>
I pray we'll meet again<br/>
Carving out destiny<br>
If He will deliver us<br/>
Bringing in the Lords of Chaos<br>
Bringing up the Beasts of the Immaterium<br>
(song is either high or low gothic, whichever works)<br/>
Sucking out the souls of heroes<br>
Laying waste to the Imperium<br>
My master is my slave<br>
Deliver us<br/>
Hear our prayer<br/>
You poor fucking Tau<br>
Deliver us<br/>
From despair<br/>
These years of slavery grow too cruel to stand<br/>
Deliver us<br/>
There's a world you promised us<br/>
Deliver us<br/>
Out of bondage and<br/>
Deliver us to the promised world...<br/>
Hush now, my baby<br/>
Be still, love, don't cry<br/>
Sleep as you're embraced by the Emperor<br/>
Sleep and remember my last lullaby<br/>
So he'll be with you when you dream<br/>
(Yocheved gives the baby to a Marine Scout scouting the planet)<br/>
Noble Astartes<br/>
Fly gently for me<br/>
Such precious cargo you bear<br/>
Do you know somewhere<br/>
he can live free?<br/>
Astartes, deliver him there.</br>
[Young SOB Initiate]<br/>
Brother, you're safe now<br/>
And safe may you stay<br/>
For I have a prayer just for you:<br/>
Grow, baby brother<br/>
Come back someday<br/>
Come and deliver us, too...<br/>
Deliver us<br/>
Send a shepherd to shepherd us<br/>
And deliver us to the promised world<br/>
Deliver us!<br/>
Marine, deliver him there...<br/>
===The road to El Dorado: It's tough to be a god===
[[File:Aurelian.jpg|500px|right|thumb|Mfw it's such a hot mixtape]]
''After the Word Bearers's humiliation on Monarchia, Lorgar has refused to leave his room''<br>
I can't lead, I'm not qualified<br>
He told me He won't be deified<br>
We were disgraced by the Ultramarines<br>
'''[Kor Phareon]'''<br>
Lorgar, what are you talking about?!<br>
The Emprah forced us to our knees<br>
But religion is a need<br>
We'd better seek some gods other than him<br>
Other than him? Other than him? Other than him?<br>
'''[Khor Phareon]'''<br>
Chaos gods!<br>
I shall look for some gods<br>
Tread where mortals have not trod<br>
I will be enlightened, I'll surpass Guilliman<br>
Need an object of devotion<br>
Need a subject for psalms<br>
'''[Kor Phareon]'''<br>
It's a rather touching notion,<br>
all those prayers and those salaams.<br>
And who am I to be hostile<br>
if I'm chosen as their apostle?<br>
If they say that I'm their man, that's what I am.<br>
What's more, if we don't comply<br>
with the chaos gods' wishes,<br>
I can see us being sacrificed or cursed.<br>
'''[Kor Phareon]'''<br>
You have a point, yes, that's very good thinking.<br>
So! Let's seek gods!<br>
The perks are great.<br>
Emprah gone without a trace!<br>
The Word Bearers should not be rebuffed.<br>
Never rebuff, never rebuff Word Bearers' prayers, no Father!<br>
'''[Lorgar and Kor]'''<br>
We'll seek old Colchis' gods<br>
but we should get some Primarch's nods,<br>
"Count your blessings,<br>
corrupt Horus",<br>
that's their advice.<br>
It's great advice!<br>

==='Twas The Night Before Emperor's Day===
'''[Lorgar and Kor]'''<br>
'Twas the night before Emperor's Day,<br>
Steal the Kinebranch Athame<br>
and he fought all alone,<br>
in a four foot deep trench<br>
'''[Kor Phareon]'''<br>
lined with plasteel and stone.<br>
And wound Horus!<br>
I was traveling the warp<br>
'''[Lorgar and Kor]'''<br>
with gifts for the land,<br>
Form a cult!<br>
when I saw this lone guardsman<br>
Fight on Davin,<br>
making his brave stand.<br>
and make his legion<br>
take him to the Serpent's Lodge.<br>
I looked all about,<br>
I looked near and far,<br>
'''[Kor Phareon]'''<br>
no Chimera, no Basilisk,<br>
Don a supernatural habit<br>
nor Techpriest or Commissar.<br>
No Sergeant yelled orders<br>
We'd be crazy not to grab it!<br>
to this guardsman - no backing<br>
to fight this ridge full of xeno<br>
'''[Lorgar and Kor]'''<br>
formed from pure evil, attacking.<br>
So sign on our legion for heresy...he-re-sy!<br>
His armor in tatters,<br>
==Original Works==
his eyes nearly blind,<br>
A sobering truth<br>
===Blood On the Rocks (Gory, Gory, What a Helluva Way to Die)===
raced through my mind.<br>
He was just a rookie guardsman and he surely shook with fright,<br/>
He checked off his equipment and made sure his lasgun's primed,<br/>
His position was doomed,<br>
He had to sit and listen to those awful Greenskins roar,<br/>
was my only thought<br>
You ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
and this soldier's brave stand<br>
would all be for naught.<br>
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)<br/>
You ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
The guardsman stared unblinking,<br>
silent and alone,<br>
"Is everybody ready?" cried the sergeant looking on,<br/>
his lasrifle at the ready<br>
Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and went a-marching on,<br/>
against his shoulder bone.<br>
No sooner than he had begun, he took a grisly hit,<br/>
And he ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
His gaze was so calm<br>
in the face of calamity,<br>
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)<br/>
the perfect picture of<br>
You ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
a guardsman of humanity.<br>
He gasped in long, he cried out loud, falling into shock,<br/>
Who was this brave hero<br>
The entrails in his stomach spilled out and bundled on the rocks,<br/>
whose position I'd spied,<br>
He felt the blood, he felt the cold, he felt death creeping up,<br/>
warring against<br>
And he ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
this unstoppable tide?<br>
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)<br/>
I now knew that all humans<br>
You ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
I would see this night,<br>
owed their lives to these guardsmen<br>
The ambulance was on the spot, the Taurox running wild,<br/>
who were willing to fight.<br>
The medics jumped and scrambled fore, rolled up their sleeves and scowled,<br/>
For it had been a month or more since they'd received supplies,<br/>
Soon all round the galaxy<br>
And he ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
the children would play,<br>
and grownups would praise<br>
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)<br/>
the bright Emperor's Day.<br>
You ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
They all lived their lives<br>
A grenade hit the ground and exploded with a BOOM,<br/>
every month of the year,<br>
His comrades all round were heard to say "A helluva way to die",<br/>
Because of brave guardsmen<br>
He lay there rolling 'round in the welter of his gore,<br/>
like the one standing here.<br>
And he ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
A tear came to my eye<br>
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)<br/>
for those who stood alone,<br>
You ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
on a cold Emperor's Day Eve<br>
on a planet far from home.<br>
There was blood on the dirt, there were brains upon the rocks,<br/>
Gory bits,  a-dangling from his combat suit,<br/>
Their great sacrifices<br>
He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots,<br/>
I could never betray<br>
And he ain't gonna fight no more.<br/>
So I drew my burning sword<br>
to join in the fray<br>
===[ Boltgun]===
To the hive of Agua Frias came a stranger one grim day<br/>
The soldier did turn<br>
Hardly spoke to the Arbites, didn't have too much to say<br/>
and I heard a rough voice.<br>
No one dared to slit his purse-strings, no one dared to make a slip<br/>
"My Emperor, rest easy,<br>
for the black-clad man among them had a boltgun on his hip<br/>
this death is my choice;<br>
Boltgun on his hip<br/>
I fight for a freedom<br>
It was early in the morning when he landed at the 'port<br/>
that may never be found,<br>
And he spent his day in houses of a foul and darkling sort<br/>
but not ever shall I waver<br>
He's a heretic from offworld came the whisper from each lip<br/>
on Your sacred ground."<br>
And he's here to weave some chaos with the boltgun on his hip<br/>
Boltgun on his hip<br/>
Then the Guardsman turned<br>
to face the incursions<br>
In this town there lived a ganger by the name of Nocturne Red<br/>
of the foul xenos and<br>
Many Judges tried to take him and those men of law were dead<br/>
their unholy perversions<br>
He was vicious and augmented at the age of one-oh-four<br/>
And the notches on his laslocks numbered ten and fourscore more<br/>
I kept watch for hours,<br>
Ten and fourscore more<br/>
until the night was still<br>
and the guardsman lay broken<br>
Now the stranger started showing there, to all the folks around<br/>
on the bloody red hill.<br>
A strange brooch of foreign metal, Gothic I in silver bound<br/>
He came here on bitter business, to leave all the sinners dead<br/>
I could not just leave<br>
And on the list of purge-ed was the name of Nocturne Red<br/>
on that cold grim dark night,<br>
The name of Nocturne Red<br/>
this guardian of honor<br>
so willing to fight.<br>
Wasn't long before the rumors were relayed to Nocturne Red<br/>
But the ganger didn't worry- he would leave the 'quis'tor dead<br/>
And as the guardsman lay dying,<br>
Ninety men had tried to end him, ninety men had made a slip<br/>
his soul strong and pure,<br>
Ninety one would be the 'quistor with the boltgun on his hip<br/>
he cried, "Ave Imperator!<br>
Boltgun on his hip<br/>
It's Emperor's Day! This world is secure!"<br>
It was thirty-seven minutes 'fore the 'quistor found his prey<br/>
I kneeled before the fallen,<br>
They met in a darkened fac'try where the bravest feared to stray<br/>
A great victory he'd won.<br>
Scum were watching from the gantries, mutie creatures held their breath<br/>
"Happy Emperor's Day my guardsman,<br>
they hoped this holy agent was about to meet his death<br/>
rest in peace, my son."<br>
about to meet his death<br/>
===Daniel Decateur Emmett: Dixie Land===
There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play<br/>
No one knows how this all started<br>
And the swiftness of the 'quistor is still talked about today<br/>
but it don't suprize us empty-hearted-<br>
Nocturne Red had not cleared plasteel fore a boltshell fairly tore<br/>
Get Away! Get Away! Get Away, xenos scum!<br>
And the 'quistors aim was blessed by Our Holy Emperor<br/>
Our holy Emperor<br/>
When those came up in that ole Half-track<br>
We found the nerve to now push back!<br>
It was over in a moment and the final cleanse began<br/>
Get Away! Get Away! Get Away, xenos scum!<br>
Mutant scum were cut down righteous, brightly burning as they ran<br/>
For the stranger brought stormtroopers and the Hive had made a slip<br/>
Advance the flag there trooper! Hoorah! Hoorah!<br>
None escapes the Emperor's 'quistor with a boltgun on his hip<br/>
On far off lands we'll take our stand-<br>
Boltgun on his hip<br/>
And not die bloody cowards!<br>
Boltgun, Mars Boltgun<br/>
To arms! To arms! and purge the fuckin' xenos!<br>
To arms! To arms! and purge the fuckin' xenos!<br>
None escapes the Emperor's 'quistor with a boltgun on his hip<br/>
Boltgun on his hip<br/>
Now John Fuklaw was an awesome sight,<br>
And rallied us into the fight!<br>
===[ War Cant of Mars]===
To arms! To arms! To arms! Fire away!<br>
And Raepfist cut a bloody swathe<br>
Mine receptors witness glory from the burning of the flame<br/>
and Conrad Raege had to laugh and scoff<br>
The fires of the forge are like the trumpets which proclaim<br/>
Push on! Push on! Push on! Valiant men.<br>
Our engines at full power, your destruction is our aim<br/>
Our Truth has come online<br/>
Bring up that flamer trooper! Hoorah! Hoorah!<br>
Let's give 'em hell, and then die well!<br>
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)<br/>
In service to the Emprah!<br>
Our Truth has come online<br/>
Advance! Advance! They're no match for us trooper!<br>
With heat and iron and industry we'll purge you from this world<br/>
Advance! Advance! Ave Imperiator!<br>
You will sunder, melt, and shatter from the bolts of wrath we've hurled<br/>
And upon your ruined end, our blood red banners stand unfurled<br/>
OH I love to serve the Emprah! Hoorah! HOORAH!<br>
Our Might has come online<br/>
On his holy land I'll take my stand-<br>
To fight on for the Emprah!<br>
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)<br/>
Our Might has come online<br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! Praise be to Holy Terra!<br>
Hoorah! Hoorah! Praise the Immoooooooortal Emprah!<br>
Traitor, Xeno, Heretek, they are as one to us<br/>
We will scorch them from existence with our engines devious<br/>
===Everyone Has Aids (Team America: World Police)===
Our hate for them encoded into every bolt and truss<br/>
Everyone has WARP
Our Wrath has come online<br/>
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)<br/>
Everyone has WARP!
Our Wrath has come online<br/>
Titans striding forward, Ordinatii by the score<br/>
They are drowning out blasphemers 'neath their great mechanic roar<br/>
Tradition is our bulwark, it endures forever more<br/>
Our Victory comes online<br/>
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)<br/>
Our Victory comes online<br/>
Deus est machina (X3)<br/>
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)<br/>
Our Victory comes online<br/>
==Other Sources==
Through random circumstance or creative providence, some songs and poems lend themselves to grimdarking regardless of what media they are tied to.
===Amon Amarth: The Pursuit of Vikings===
The warming sun returns again,<br>
And melts away the snow,<br>
The Sea of Claws free from icy chains,<br>
Winter is letting go,<br>
Standing on the ocean's side,<br>
We can hear the waves,<br>
Calling us out with tides,<br>
To sail into our fate,<br>
KHORNE! Guide our ships!<br>
Our axes, spears and swords!<br>
Guide us through storms that whip,<br>
And in brutal WAR!<br>
Our ships await us by the shore,<br>
Time has come to leave,<br>
Our country, families and homes,<br>
For glory in setting south to torch,<br>
Some of us wont return,<br>
But that wont bring us down,<br>
Our fate lies written in the web,<br>
Woven by the Raven God,<br>
A thrall is sacrificed,<br>
Across the longship's bow,<br>
And as we set our sails,<br>
The Winds of Chaos begin to blow,<br>
It carries out to sea,<br>
With waking dreams of slaughter and pride,<br>
And glorious all will be,<br>
That with sword in hand will die!<br>
KHORNE! Guide our ships!<br>
Our axes, spears and swords!<br>
Guide us through storms that whip,<br>
And in brutal WAR!<br>
KHORNE! Guide our ships!<br>
Our axes, spears and swords!<br>
Guide us through storms that whip,<br>
And in brutal WAR!<br>
===Amon Amarth: Valhalla Awaits Me===
Blood gushes from the wound,<br>
The cut is wide and deep,<br>
Right before he turns around,<br>
He falls to his knees<br>
A clear song rings in the blade,<br>
As steel meets hardened steel,<br>
I hear the sound of shattered wood,<br>
A sword cuts through my shield,<br>
I drop the shield and grab my axe,<br>
A weapon in each hand,<br>
A clear blow makes the helmet crack,<br>
My axe cuts to the teeth!<br>
I rip the axe from his skull,<br>
Covered in blood and gore,<br>
Leave the body lying dead,<br>
Ready to kill some more,<br>
My sword carves through flesh and bone,<br>
Like a hot knife cuts through snow,<br>
I smile when the bastard screams,<br>
When I twist my sword,<br>
I raise my axe up above my head,<br>
My eyes stare in furious rage,<br>
Yet more blood will be shed,<br>
This is a victorious day!<br>
Blood gushes from the wound,<br>
The cut is wide and deep,<br>
Right before I turn around,<br>
I fall to my knees,<br>
===Blood Bowl (to the tune of the theme from ''Coach'')===
Come on down and play some Blood Bowl<br>
Get out your dice and have a roll<br>
Nuffle's a vengeful god, we know<br>
No matter what, you never know how it'll go
Let the blood lust consume your soul<br>
Performance enhancers take their toll<br>
Whether you win, whether you lose<br>
Whatever plays that you may choose<br>
All the fans want is Blood-<br>
Down to the stadium we'll stroll<br>
To watch the Elves and Orks and Trolls<br>
As they all scramble for the goal<br>
While ripping each other and themselves all full of holes
So join us for every pass and throw<br>
And every last bone breaking blow<br>
Every kick, every touchdown<br>
Violence and gore, round after round<br>
It's all right inside the Blood Bowl!
===[ Bon Jovi: Shot through the head (by Grey Knights)]===
Shot through the head<br>
With that Astral Aim<br>
Brothers you give Titan<br>
A good name<br>
An Angel of Death <br>
walks through hell<br>
A demon's name carved<br>
on each storm bolter shell<br>
Chains of Torment ain't got no hold on me<br>
In service to Him you are always free<br>
Oh, you're a loaded gun<br>
Oh, there's nowhere to run<br>
No one can save<br>
the enemies of Man<br>
Shot through the head<br>
in the Emperor's name<br>
Brothers you give Titan<br>
A good name<br>
The Hammerhand<br>
and the Cleansing Flame<br>
you give Titan<br>
A good name<br>
===[ Salve Regina]===
Hail, holy Celestine, Living Saint<br/>
Emperor's Sword, our protector and our hope,<br/>
To thee do we cry,<br/>
Poor besieged daughters of the Emperor,<br/>
To thee do we send our pleas,<br/>
Mourning and weeping in this dark cosmos.<br/>
Turn then, most invincible protector,<br/>
Thine eyes of mercy towards us;<br/>
And after this our watch,<br/>
Show to us the blessed fruit of our God-Emperor,<br/>
O charitable, O loving,<br/>
O sweet Martyred one,<br/>
Pray for us, O holy Matron,<br/>
that we may be made worthy of the promises of the Emperor.<br/>
===Team America Theme===
All rise for the Imperial Anthem. Failure to sing along in full chorus is punishable by death! <br/>
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,<br/>
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Subjugation is the only way yeah,<br/>
Heretics your game is through, 'cause now you have to answer to,<br/>
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,<br/>
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
What you gonna do when we come for you now,<br/>
It’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow<br/>
Emperor, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Space Marines, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Guardsmen, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Navy, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Mechanicus, FUCK, YEAH!<br/>
Arbitrators, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Inquisition, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Ogryns, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Ratlings, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Squats, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Ecclesiarchy, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Sororitas, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Big tits, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Grox steaks, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Amasec, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Lho sticks, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Commissars, Fuck yeah... Fuck yeah? FUCK YES *BLAM*<br/>
Order, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Discipline, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Imperial Creed, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Sebastian Thor, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Scrumball, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Administratum, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Munitorum, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Assasinorum, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Titan Legions, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Sanctioned Psykers, fuck yeah... fuck yeah? FUCK YES *BLAM*<br/>
Uplifting Primer, FUCK YEAH!<br/>
Tomes of Knowledge (as have been deemed suitable for public reading by the Emperor's most Holy Inquisition), FUCK YEAH!<br/>
===The Wurzels: Combine Harvester (Brand New Key)===
(Sung from the perspective of a Ratling Sniper about an Adeptus Sororitas he's taken a fancy to)
I drove my Baneblade through your bunker last night<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
I crushed them 'eretics 'neath the treads to keep quiet<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
Now somethin's tellin' me, you've finally noticed me<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
Come on now darlin' you got somethin' I need<br/>
Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony<br/>
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43<br/>
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
I made her laugh *pew* Haha!<br/>
I'll Stick 'em in the guts, then give you all ya need<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
I'll have ya two or three times, I'm a man built for speed<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
And then I'll light me pipe up, and then I will cram<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
My heavy shells up their arses while we purge all the land<br/>
Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony<br/>
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43<br/>
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Pphhwooaaarrr she's a lovely bit of stuff an'all<br/>
For seven years I've been stationed right here in this place<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
Taking pot-shots at the 'eretics in the face <br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
Now if I cleaned me long-las would ya change yur mind<br/>
(Ooh ar ooh ar)<br/>
I'd polish hard enough to keep the standard flying high<br/>
Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony<br/>
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43<br/>
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Who loves ya baby? THE EMPEROR!<br/>
Weren't we grand couple at that last big advance?<br/>
You had yur eviscerator and I had me long-las <br/>
In yur new power armour with yur incense smellin' grand<br/>
I wanted to duel you one-on-one, show you I'm good with me 'ands<br/>
Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony<br/>
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43<br/>
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key<br/>
Aarrr, you're a fine lookin' woman and I can't wait to get me hands on yur holy relics haha!<br/>
===Underfist: Halloween Bash===
When Daemons come to wreck your world<br/>
And you need weapons to assist you<br/>
And the Space Marines just ain't around<br/>
Then Powerfist will rescue you.<br/>
It's what they do, Oh yeah!<br/>
Oh yeah! Oh  yeah!<br/>
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!<br/>
Power, Power, Power fist!<br/>
Power, Power, Power fist!<br/>
When the warp attacks<br/>
And daemonic monsters run amock<br/>
And you're possessed by some form of soul<br/>
Then what you need is a psyker now!<br/>
Power fist, they're free!<br/>
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!<br/>
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!<br/>
Power fist, go!<br/>
===Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody===
Iz dis da real life?<br/>
Iz dis jus' fannasy?<br/>
Caught in a big push,<br/>
No 'scape from reality.<br/>
Open ya eyes, Look up at da skies and see,<br/>
I's jus' a poor boy, dun need no sympafy,<br/>
'Cause I'm big 'n mean, not a grot, chop and smash, shoot a lot,<br/>
Any way the waaagh goes doesn't really matter to me, to me.<br/>

And so this is the end of our story
Warboss, just killed an ork,<br/>
and everyone is dead from WARP.
Put mah shoota 'gainst 'is 'ead, pulled my trigger, now 'e's dead.<br/>
It took from me my favorite son
Warboss, waaagh had just begun,<br/>
My only true Warmaster
But now I's gone and shot up all ya nobs.<br/>
My conqueror of bright stars
Warboss, ooh, Didn' mean ta make ya mad,<br/>
(He got WARPed)
If I's not back again dis time tomorra,<br/>
Keep stompin', keep stompin' as if nuffin' really matters.<br/>

Well I'm gonna march on Terra!
Too late, I gots shot up,<br/>
Lead the Astartes and charge the brigades!
Sends hurtin' down me spine, body's aching all the time.<br/>
There's a Daemon inside of all of us...
Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go,<br/>
I'll make them see, everyone has WARP.
Gotta leave you all behind and face da troof.<br/>
Warboss, ooh, I dun' wanna die,<br/>
I sometimes wish I'd never waaaghed at all.<br/>

My Commisar!
I see a little silhouetto of a beakie,<br/>
Zoggin' humies, Zoggin' humies, is it your turn to stomp now?<br/>
My Astropath!
Thundabolts and Lightnins, very, very fright'ning me.<br/>
(Gorkamorka.) Gorkamorka. (Gorkamorka.) Gorkamorka, Gorkamorka Gork n' Mork<br/>
My Chaplain and Librarian and Captain!
Waaaaagh! I's just a poor boy an' nobody loves me.<br/>
'E's just a poor boy from a poor goff tribe,<br/>
The Xeno and witch, and the mutant and psyker!
Spare 'im 'is loife from dis monstrosity.<br/>
Easy come, easy go, will yas lemme go?<br/>
Xenos! No, we will not let you go.<br/>
(Let him go!) Xenos! We will not let you go.<br/>
(Let him go!) Xenos! We will not let you go.<br/>
(Let me go.) Will not let you go.<br/>
(Let me go.) Will not let you go. (Let me go.) Ah.<br/>
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.<br/>
(Oh Brother Captain, Brother Captain.) Bruvva Kaptin, lemme go.<br/>
Da Commissar 'as a boltgun put aside for me, for me, for me.<br/>

Everyone has WARP!
So you fink you can shoot me and spit in my eye?<br/>
My techpriest and my squig Old Blue
So you fink you can curse me and leave me to die?<br/>
Oh, snotling, can't do dis to me, snotling,<br/>
The Primarch's got it and so do you!
Jus' gonna get out, jus' gotta get stompin' again!<br/>
Come on everybody we got purgin' to do!
It's time to exterminate these worlds everyone has

Nuffin' really matters, Anyone can see,<br/>
Nuffin' really matters,<br/>
Nuffin' really matters to me.<br/>

===American Pie (Don McLean)===
Any way the waaagh goes.<br/>
A long, long time ago...<br>
I can still remember<br>
How that cultist used to make me smile.

And I knew if I had my chance<br>
===Overhead: A pint of ale===
That I could make those xenos dance<br>
And, maybe, they’d be purg'ed for a while.<br>
But February made me shiver<br>
(killer banjo solo) <br/>
With every bolt round I’d deliver.
Heresy on the doorstep,<br>
===Robert Browning: My Last Duchess===
I couldn’t take one more step.<br>
    That's my last adjutant painted on the wall, <br/>
I can’t remember if I wrrryed<br>
    Looking as if she were alive. I call <br/>
When I read about his lolcron bride,<br>
    That piece a wonder, now: The Confessor <br/>
But something touched me deep inside<br>
    Worked busily that day, and there she stands. <br/>
The day the music died.
    Will't please you sit and look at her? I said <br/>
    Confessor by design, for never read <br/>
So die die, from the flames in the sky,<br>
    Strangers like you that pictured countenance, <br/>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
    The depth and passion of its earnest glance, <br/>
But the crater was dry.<br>
    But to myself they turned (since none puts by <br/>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
    The curtain I have drawn for you, but I) <br/>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
    And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, <br/>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
    How such a glance came there; so not the first <br/>
    Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, 'twas not <br/>
    My orders only, called that eager spot, <br/>
Did you write the litanies of hate,<br>
    Of joy into her pallid cheek; perhaps <br/>
And do you live in the EMPRAHS faith,<br>
    A Guardsman chanced to say "She wears her cap <br/>
If the Codex tells you so?<br>
    Askew, as it please her," or "Prayer <br/>
Do you believe in rock ’n roll,<br>
    Must never hope to match a lock of her hair <br/>
Can crack cocaine save your heretic soul,<br>
    Taken from her head": such stuff <br/>
And can you teach me how to wrrrry real slow?
    Was unacceptable, I thought, and cause enough <br/>
    For flagellation (she did not). She had <br/>
Well, I know that you’re in love with him<br>
    An attitude - how shall I say - relaxed <br/>
`cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym.<br>
    Too easily beguiled; she listened to anything <br/>
You both kicked off your boots.<br>
    She looked on, and her ears heard many things. <br/>
Man, I dig those rhythmic blues.
    Sir, 'twas all one! Morning prayers, arrests, <br/>
    The whispers of the Dark Gods in her breast, <br/>
I was a lonely teenaged scout marine<br>
    The impious jibes some vulgar soldier <br/>
With a camo cloak colored brown and green<br>
    Would throw her way, unaware of her <br/>
I knew to see but not be seen<br>
    Position and my power. All and each <br/>
The day the music died.<br>
    would draw from her alike the approving speech, <br/>
I started singin’,
    Or an ear at least. She took confession - good - but prayed <br/>
    Somehow - I know how now - as if her faith was any other jade. <br/>
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
    A heretic. Who'd stoop to blame <br/>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
    This sort of crime? Even had you time <br/>
But the crater was dry.<br>
    For a trial - which I had not - for heretic slime <br/>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
    And to say she burns, and to say "Just This <br/>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
    Is your fair fate, you lying bitch, <br/>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
    Traitor to the Emperor" - and if she let <br/>
    Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set <br/>
    Her wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse, <br/>
    - E'en then would be some stooping, and I choose <br/>
    Never to stoop. Oh sir, she prayed, no doubt, <br/>
    On every feast, but which gods blessed without <br/>
    Those same prayers? This became clear. I made commands. <br/>
    Then prayers turned into screams. There she stands, <br/>
    As if alive. Will't please you rise? We'll meet <br/>
    The Governor below, then. I repeat, <br/>
    The Inquisition's munificence <br/>
    Is ample warrant that no just pretence <br/>
    Of confession will be disallowed; <br/>
    Though to find heresy, as I avowed, <br/>
    At starting, is my object. Nay, we'll go <br/>
    Together down, sir. Notice this seal, though, <br/>
    The skull and I, together as you see, <br/>
    Which gives certain... powers to me. <br/>

Now since M.30 we’ve been on our own<br>
===Charlie Daniels Band: The Devil Went Down to Georgia===
And heresy grows fat on a rollin’ stone,<br>
The daemon went down to Terra,<br/>
But that’s not how it used to be.<br>
He was looking for a soul to steal.<br/>
When the harlequin sang with the noise marine,<br>
He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal.<br/>
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean<br>
When he came across this young man chainswordin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.<br/>
And a voice that came from you and me,
And the daemon jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy, let me you what:"<br/>
"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too."<br/>
"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you."<br/>
"Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the daemon his due:"<br/>
"I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."<br/>
The boy said: "Mah nahme's [[Indrick Boreale|Boreale]] ahnd it might be ah sin,"<br/>
"But Ah'll take yooouuur bet, yoouugghhrr gonna regrort, 'cos Ah'm the best thawt's ever beahn."<br/>

Oh, and while Lord Tzeentch was looking down,<br>
Boreale, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard,<br/>
A loota boy stole his JUST AS PLANNED crown.<br>
'Cause hellwarp's broke loose in Terra and Tzeentch deals the cards.<br/>
The classroom was adjourned;<br>
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.<br/>
No grade report was returned.<br>
But if you lose, the daemon gets your soul.<br/>
And while Kharn raged about METAL BOX,<br>
Macha tried to get some in the park,<br>
And we rolled sixes in the dark<br>
The day the music died.<br>
We were singing,

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
The daemon opened up his case and he said, "I'll start this show."<br/>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
And blue fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow.<br/>
But the crater was dry.<br>
And he pulled the bow across the strings and it made an evil hiss.<br/>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
Then a band of Nurglings joined in and it sounded somethin' like this:<br/>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
When the daemon finished, Boreale said,<br/>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
"Worl, you're prehtty guud, oorrld sawn,"<br/>
"But sit dorn in that cheer rigghht ther and let me show you whore it's dorne"<br/>

Helter skelter in a summer swelter,<br>
Fire on the monolith.<br/>
The birds flew off the Exterminatus shelter<br>
Run, boys, run<br/>
Eight miles high and falling fast.<br>
Slaanesh in the House of the Rising Sun.<br/>
Nurgle-tan let loose a cloud of gas.<br>
Squiqs in the bread pan pickin' out dough.<br/>
Macha still couldn't get no ass,<br>
Granny, does your cyberdog bite?<br/>
With old Failbaddon in a cast.
No, child, no.<br/>

Now Cultist-chan wore cheap perfume<br>
The daemon bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.<br/>
While doomrider played a Slaaneshi tune.<br>
And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Boreale's feet.<br/>
We all got up to dance,<br>
Boreale said, "Daemon, just cuhm on baahhck if you ever wahnt to trah agahin."<br/>
Oh, but we never got the chance!<br>
"'Cause Ah told you once, you son of a grot,"<br/>
The Angry Marines tried to take the field;<br>
"Ah'm the best that's evah bihn."<br/>
The Emperors Children refused to yield.<br>
Do you recall what was revealed

The day the music died?<br>
===Iron Maiden: Aces High===
We started singing,<br>
There goes da sirun dat warns o' da air raid<br>
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Den comz da sound o' da shootaz: DakDakkaDak<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
Owt fer da scramble we've godda git airborne<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
Godda git up fer da comin' attak.<br>
Them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
And singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."

Oh, and there we were all in one place,<br>
Jump in da cockpit an start up da enginz<br>
All GRIMDARK and lost in space,<br>
Lode up da grotz derz no time to muck about<br>
With no time left to start again.<br>
Gavverin' speed as weeb 'ed down da runway<br>
So come on: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick!<br>
Godda git airborne an smoke dose gitz out<br>
Candlejack sat on a can-<br>
Cause fire is the devil’s only friend.

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage<br>
Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'<br>
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin', goin' in again<br>
No angel born in hell<br>
Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'<br>
Could break that daemon’s spell.<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
And as I purged her in the night<br>
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die<br>
To show her the emperors shining light,<br>
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh.<br>
I saw Eldrad laughing with delight<br>
The day the music died.

He was singing,<br>
Move in ter fire at da mainstream o' bombaz<br>
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Giv em some dakka an den turn away<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
Roll ober, spin round ter cumz in behind 'em<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
Move ter their blindsidz an firin' again<br>
Them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
And singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."

I met a farseer who's love did bloom<br>
Runtie ships oe'r da Horizon, muv in behin' us<br>
And I asked her for some happy news,<br>
Down on da ground dere's jes deadboys and lootaz<br>
But she just smiled and turned away.<br>
'Eading up an turnin' our flash ter mug dem<br>
I went down to the wargear store<br>
'Eading straight fer dim meeb per-ss down on mi shootaz.<br>
Where I’d heard the music years before,<br>
But the techpriests said the music wouldn’t play.

Hand een thee stweets: thee childwen scweamed,<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
Thee lovers cwied, and thee poeets dweamed.<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin' ('ere we go agin!)<br>
But not a hword hwas spoken;<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
Thee chyurch bells all were broken.<br>
Rollin', turnin', divin'<br>
Hand thee thwee men Ay hadmire most:<br>
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die<br>
Thee father, son, hand thee holy ghost,<br>
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh<br>
They captyoored thee lhast train fooor thee coast<br>
Thee day thee myoosick died.
===Iron Maiden: The Trooper===
You’ll take my life but I’ll take yours too<br/>
You’ll fire you railgun but I’ll run you through<br/>
So when you're waiting for the next attack<br/>
You’d better stand there’s no turning back<br/>
The Ethereal speaks as the charge begins<br/>
But on this battlefield no one wins<br/>
The smell of acrid smoke and krootox breath<br/>
As you plunge into a certain death<br/>
The horse he sweats with fear we break to run<br/>
The mighty roar of the Tau guns<br/>
And as we race towards the xenos wall<br/>
The screams of pain as my comrades fall<br/>

And they were singing,
We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground<br/>
And the Tau fire another round<br/>
We get so near yet so far away<br/>
We won’t live to fight another day<br/>

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
(Guitar Solo)<br/>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
We get so close near enough to fight<br/>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
When a Firewarrior gets me in his sights<br/>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow<br/>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
A burst of rounds take my horse below<br/>
And as I lay there gazing at the sky<br/>
My body’s numb and my throat is dry<br/>
And as I lay forgotten and alone<br/>
Without a tear I draw my parting groan<br/>
===My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade===
HE SAID,<br/>
HE SAID<br/>
TO ELDAR,<br/>
HE SAID, <br/>
This world it needs reclaiming, in the God-Emperor's Name. <br/>
And for Him we will charge into the breach. <br/>
And through it all, the war's loud call, the bodies in the trench, <br/>
We'll fight until the victory's within reach, <br/>
We’re marching on, <br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
And when we’ve killed the mutants, <br/>
The Imperial Guard will march straight on<br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
I’ll take my lasgun and reload it, <br/>
The cadence can’t contain it. <br/>
The Baneblade sends them reeling, it decimates them all<br/>
The Basilisk shells fall upon our foes<br/>
So burn the Ork and stab the Tau<br/>
Let's shout our victory clear<br/>
There’s no damn enemy who’ll bring us low<br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
And when we’ve killed all of the xenos, <br/>
The Imperial Guard will march straight on<br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
Necrons lie broken and defeated<br/>
The Cadian 4-12th marches<br/>
All the Chaos forces we will shoot<br/>
Ooh oh ohhhh<br/>
Word Bearer helmets crack beneath our boots<br/>
Ooh oh ohhhh<br/>
The other races run because the Guard is coming, <br/>
Do or die, you'll never beat us<br/>
Over this land, our banner we’ll unfurl<br/>
The Emperor is right there with us<br/>
We’ll kill them all, and then reclaim this world<br/>
We won't explain or say we’re sorry<br/>
We are the Guard, we are Imperial Might <br/>
Give a cheer for all we’ve beaten<br/>
Listen here, because for you we fight<br/>
We are but men, We are all heroes<br/>
Not Spess Mehreens, yet we will hold the line<br/>
Our enemies will rage against us<br/>
Care! <br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
And when the heretics and traitors<br/>
Are purged the Guard will march straight on<br/>
We’re marching on<br/>
Enemies broken and defeated<br/>
The Imperial Guard is marching on<br/>
No space elf witch, No Bloody Magpie<br/>
No greenskin axe, No advanced battlesuit<br/>
No evil priest, No undead robot<br/>
No enemy, can ever beat us (We’re marching on) <br/>
Tank after tank, Cadian courage,(We’re marching on) <br/>
Man after man, no matter how hard (We’re marching on) <br/>
This war will be, you'll never beat us<br/>
For the God Emperor, We’re the Imperial Guard! <br/>
(Imperial Guard!) <br/>
===Harvey Andrews: British Soldier===
In a spaceport in the city a young guardsman stood<br/>
Talking to the natives there if they would<br/>
Some just stared in hatred, and others turned in pain<br/>
And the lonely guardsman boy wished he was home again<br/>
Come join glorious guard! Said the posters in his block<br/>
See new worlds and have your fun and serve your emperor<br/>
His skills were surely lacking and his family had to eat<br/>
So he took the emperors oath and enlisted for up to fight<br/>
For there was no fear of fighting, to the conquered he’d be sent<br/>
Just ten years getting paid to watch<br/>
Then leave a glorious victor, a man who’d made the grade<br/>
A medal and some land, and memories in trade<br/>
Then came the call of Tash’ren, as it had come before<br/>
Another bloody chapter in an unending war<br/>
The people stood on both sides, the people they stood behind<br/>
Another fight in futilities name, the weak against the blind<br/>
The guardsman stood between them, between the whistling stones<br/>
And then the broken bottles, that lead to more patrols<br/>
The crude bombs that burnt him, the nails that pierced his skin<br/>
And wish he’d just stayed home, working with his friends<br/>
The starport filled with people the guardsman soon was bored<br/>
But better in the port than where the soldiers warred<br/>
The room filled up with the xenos females, their younglings in tow<br/>
Who stared with itchy fingers at the guardsman and his gun<br/>
A yell of fear a pulse of engines the shattering of glass<br/>
The window of the port broke to let the package pass<br/>
A scream came from the defeated as they ran towards the door<br/>
Dragging their younglings crying from the charge upon the floor<br/>
The guardsman stood and could not move, his gun he could not use<br/>
He knew the bomb had seconds and not minutes on the fuse<br/>
He could not run and pick it up and throw it in the street<br/>
There were far too many people there, too many running feet<br/>
Take cover! yelled the guardsman, Take cover for your lives<br/>
And the Aliens threw down their young and stood before their wives<br/>
They turned towards the soldier their eyes alive with fear<br/>
For the greater good’s sake, save our children or they'll end their short lives here<br/>
The guardsman ran towards the bomb his stomach like a stone<br/>
Why was this his battle in the emperors name, why was he alone<br/>
He lay down on the package and he murmured one farewell<br/>
To those at home in Nimbossa to those he loved so well<br/>
He saw the sights of harvest felt the wind upon his brow<br/>
The young girls in the munitorum parks, how precious were they now<br/>
The soaring of the sw’it the beauty of the swilope<br/>
The music of the cheering choir so soon would it be gone<br/>
A muffled soft explosion and the room began to quake<br/>
The guardsman blown across the floor, his blood a crimson lake<br/>
There was no time to cry or shout there was no time to moan<br/>
And they turned their children's faces from the blood and from the bones<br/>
The crowd outside soon gathered and the chimeras came<br/>
To carry off the body of a pawn lost in the game<br/>
And the crowd they clapped and cheered and they sang their heretical song<br/>
One guardsman less to interfere where he did not belong<br/>
And will the young growing up learn at their mothers' knees<br/>
The story of the guardsman who bought their lives<br/>
Who used his youthful body as a means towards an end<br/>
Who gave his life to those who called him murderer not friend<br/>
===Will Smith: Men In Black===
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
Imperium's defenders<br/>
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
They won't let you remember<br/>
The righteous bear armor of grey, ok<br/>
Just in case they have to come and send some Daemons away<br/>
The order given to them, Or-do M<br/>
Means with ease they will banish them<br/>
So do not your eyes avert<br/>
Or Chaos with ease will soon convert<br/>
The chosen of the Emperor<br/>
Number one Daemon purgers<br/>
But to our Battle Brothers we don't exist<br/>
On our Ordos most classified list<br/>
Daemon infestation? to the Emperor pray<br/>
Cause you never know when we might save the Day, and..<br/>
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
Imperium's defenders<br/>
Here come the Knights in Grey<br/>
They won't let you remember<br/>
===Ozzy Osbourne: Hellraiser===
Im waaaaaghing on an endlis rode<br/>
around’ da world ta krump beakies good<br/>
sumtiems it ‘eels so tuff<br/>
but I still asnt ad enuf<br/>
I keep tellin dat its gettin a lot<br/>
but I no ize a liar<br/>
feelin al rite in da noize n da lite<br/>
but dats wut makes me waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh<br/>
‘ell raiser, in da funder and ‘eat<br/>
‘ell raiser, rock ya bak in ya seet<br/>
‘ell raiser, an ize gon make it come troo<br/>
‘ell raiser, ize gon do sum weird boy fings to you<br/>
Waaaaghin on anuvver world,<br/>
Anuvver hive anuvver place<br/>
sumtimes I dun feel too gud<br/>
ize get dis funny feelin an stuff<br/>
da boyz keep sayin dat its not good fer me<br/>
but bein a grot dun make it<br/>
out of control, I playz da ultimate roll<br/>
But dats wut lites my fire<br/>
Im waaaaaghing on an endlis rode<br/>
around’ da world ta krump beakies good<br/>
sumtiems it ‘eels so tuff<br/>
but I still asnt ad enuf<br/>
out of control, I playz da ultimate roll<br/>
But dats wut lites my fire<br/>
===Nancy Sinatra: These Boots Were Made For Walking===
You's keep sayin' you's got sumfing for me.<br/>
Sumfing you call WAAAGH!, but 'fess up.<br/>
You's been muckin' where ya shudn' be muckin'<br/>
An' now some uver gitz got all ya swag.<br/>
Dese gitz was made fer choppin', an' dats just wot they'll do.<br/>
One uv dese days da ladz is gunna stomp all uver you.<br/>
You's keep lootin' when you's ought ta be krumpin'<br/>
An' you's gots no wins, only beats.<br/>
You's stayin' weedy when ya ought ta be 'ard<br/>
Now wotz proppa's proppa, an' ya ain' been proppa yet.<br/>
Dese gitz was made fer choppin', an' dats just wot they'll do.<br/>
One uv dese days da ladz is gunna stomp all uver you.<br/>
You's keep sulkin' where ya 'spose ta be loud.<br/>
An' you's keep finkin' you's sumfin' speshul.<br/>
Ha! Gotz me a brand new Choppa wotz dead killy,<br/>
An' I ain' 'ad time fer breakin' it in...<br/>
Ready ya gitz? Start choppin'!<br/>
===Sabaton: Attero Dominatus===
The Hive is burning<br/>
The Tau has fallen<br/>
We stand at the gates of the Hive<br/>
With two and a half million men<br/>
With six thousand tanks in our ranks<br/>
Use them as battering rams<br/>
Artillery leading our way<br/>
A million grenades has been launched<br/>
The xenos must pay for their crimes<br/>
The wings of the xeno’s been broken<br/>
Commander Chenkov's orders:<br/>
Serve me the Hive on a plate!<br/>
Disregard the losses<br/>
The city is ours to take<br/>
The price of a war must be payed<br/>
Millions of lives has been lost<br/>
The price must be paid by the Tau<br/>
That started the war in M.40's<br/>
The year of 200.M45<br/>
The year when the xenos will fall<br/>
We're inside the gates of the Hive<br/>
The beaks of the xeno's been broken<br/>
Commander Chenkov's orders:<br/>
Serve me its head on a plate<br/>
Disregard the losses<br/>
The xeno's land is ours to take<br/>
In the Hive!<br/>
The Hive!<br/>
===Sabaton: Wolfpack===
To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
leading the convoy west<br/>
Took the warp gate in<br/>
The long jump back -  Convoy to Gryphonne<br/>
Mars, Dauntless, Dictator leading<br/>
Titans to the forge<br/>
And upon the asteroid belt<br/>
Lies the silence of the sails<br/>
On the dog's watch in the final hour<br/>
The corsair fleets appear<br/>
On all the auspex it seems quiet and calm<br/>
Deep down below the xenos lurks<br/>
To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
Leading the convoy west<br/>
In their own track came the wolfpack<br/>
Mars led the convoy <br/>
Into the hornet's nest<br/>
At the crack of dawn the second watch<br/>
Dauntless wracked with flames<br/>
Half the convoy hulked or disabled<br/>
Heading to Command<br/>
But below the fleet ecliptic<br/>
Out of sensor range<br/>
On the second watch in the final hour<br/>
The corsair fleets return<br/>
The Eldar come in for a second time<br/>
To make the Monkeigh face their fate<br/>
To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
Leading the convoy west<br/>
In their own track came the wolfpack<br/>
Mars led the convoy <br/>
Into the hornet's nest<br/>
Lances blazing, fighters failing<br/>
M42 when <br/>
The Navy did fail the test<br/>
To the sector came the Eldar<br/>
Mars and Dictator<br/>
Leading them into death<br/>
Asuryan makes the contact and lead them<br/>
Isha's Tears scores a kill in the dark<br/>
She Who Thirsts sinking 4 in 2 approaches<br/>
Fading Star cut in half by a lance<br/>
===Sabaton: Panzerkampf (Chaos Edition)===
Into the Imperial Land the Chaotic Army March <br/>
In Segmentum Obscuros, Millennium 43 <br/>
Tanks line up in thousands, as far the eye can see <br/>
Ready for the onslaught, ready for the Fight <br/>
Waiting for the Imperials, to march into the trap <br/>
Traps were placed in darkness, in the cover of the night <br/>
Waiting to be trigged, when the time is right <br/>
In the imagination imminent attack <br/>
Once the battle started there was no turning back <br/>
The end of the Imperium draws near  <br/>
It’s time has come to an end  <br/>
The end of an era is near  <br/>
It’s time, to attack  <br/>
Into Imperial land the chaotic army march  <br/>
Brothers side by side to stop the Imperial charge  <br/>
Titans on cadian soil a thundering release  <br/>
One billion man of war the chaotic wrath unleash  <br/>
Fields of western Cadia were the heat of battle burned  <br/>
Suffered heavy losses the tie of war was turned  <br/>
Driving back the Imperials, fighting on all fronts  <br/>
Out of the Cadian sector, out of chaotic land  <br/>
Reinforce the frontlines cause the imperials to retreat  <br/>
Send in all reserves securing their defeat  <br/>
Believers of the Dark Gods, broke the citadel  <br/>
Ruins of a planet, Imperials rest in hell  <br/>
The end of the Imperium draws near  <br/>
It’s time has come to an end  <br/>
The end of an era is near  <br/>
It’s time, to attack  <br/>
Into Imperial land the chaotic army march  <br/>
Brothers side by side to stop the Imperial charge  <br/>
Titans on cadian soil a thundering Release  <br/>
One billion man of war the chaotic wrath unleash  <br/>
Oh, Lord Abbadon, conqueror of lands <br/>
Will of the Dark Gods, strongly they command <br/>
Oh, Lord Abbadon, conqueror of lands <br/>
Finally victorious the chaotic army stands <br/>
The end of the Imperium draws near <br/>
It’s time has come to an end <br/>
The end of an era is near <br/>
It’s time, to attack <br/>
Into Imperial land the chaotic army march <br/>
Brothers side by side to stop the Imperial charge <br/>
Titans on cadian soil a thundering Release <br/>
One billion man of war the chaotic wrath unleash <br/>
===Sabaton: Resist and Bite===
The WAAAGH is coming swiftly,<br/>
The borders closing in!<br/>
We're a company of soldiers,<br/>
Mere forty autos strong<br/>
All alone<br/>
Stand alone<br/>
Hades hive is burning,<br/>
And Ghazkull is at hand;<br/>
As the Greenskins pushing harder,<br/>
The WAAAGH is all around!<br/>
All around<br/>
Hold your ground!<br/>
Fight all eighteen days of battles,<br/>
No odds are on our side,<br/>
Few will fight for all until the slugbolts are gone<br/>
We will resist and bite!<br/>
Bite hard!<br/>
Cause we are all in sight!<br/>
We take up arms and fight!<br/>
Fight hard!<br/>
Resist and do what's right!<br/>
No matter our fighting,<br/>
The numbers will still count!<br/>
We're out gunned and few in numbers,<br/>
We're doomed to flag of fail!<br/>
We fought hard,<br/>
Held our guard!<br/>
But when killed by the Greenskins,<br/>
And we revealed the truth!<br/>
We'll die it with a smile,<br/>
We will surprise them with a laugh!<br/>
We are all!<br/>
We were all!<br/>
We were told to hold the border,<br/>
And that is what we did;<br/>
Honored were our orders,<br/>
In despite of our foe!<br/>
We will resist and bite!<br/>
Bite hard!<br/>
Cause we are all in sight!<br/>
We take up arms and fight!<br/>
Fight hard!<br/>
Resist and do what's right!<br/>
Gloria fortis miles!<br/>
The Ork hoard closing in,<br/>
Adversor et admorsus!<br/>
The Beast against the Eagle,<br/>
Gloria fortis miles!<br/>
The Ork hoard closing in,<br/>
Adversor et admorsus<br/>
The Beast against the Eagle...<br/>
We did resist and bite!<br/>
Bite hard!<br/>
Cause we were all in sight!<br/>
We took up arms and fought!<br/>
Fought hard!<br/>
Resist and did what's right!<br/>
===Sabaton: Panzerkampf===
Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHHH March!<br/>
In the Imperium of Mankind, Millennium 41'st<br/>
Tanks line up in millions, as far the eye can see.<br/>
Ready for the onslaught, ready for the fight.<br/>
Waiting for the xenos, to march into the trap.<br/>
Mines are placed in darkness.<br/>
In the cover of the night.<br/>
Waiting to be triggered.<br/>
When the time is right.<br/>
Imminent invasion.<br/>
Imminent attack.<br/>
Once the battle's started.<br/>
There's no turning back.<br/>
The end of the Ork WARGHHH draws near.<br/>
Its time has come to an end.<br/>
The end of an era is here.<br/>
It's time to attack.<br/>
Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHH march!<br/>
Guardsmen, stand side by side, to stop the xeno charge.<br/>
Gargants on Human soil Thunder in the west.<br/>
Twelve billion Guardsmen at war, Imperial wrath unleashed.<br/>
Fields of Armegeddon, feel the heat of battle burned.<br/>
Suffered heavy losses, the tide of war has turned.<br/>
Driving back the greenskins, fighting on four fronts.<br/>
Drive them Off of Imperium, out of Human land.<br/>
Reinforce the frontline, force the xenos to retreat.<br/>
Send in all the reserves, securing their defeat.<br/>
Guardsmen of Imperium broke the invasion.<br/>
Ruins of an army, greenskins rest in hell!"<br/>
The end of the Ork WARGHHH draws near.<br/>
Its time has come to an end.<br/>
The end of an era is near.<br/>
It's time to attack.<br/>
Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHH march!<br/>
Guardsmen, stand side by side, to stop the xeno charge.<br/>
Gargants on Human soil Thunder in the west.<br/>
Twelve billion Guardsmen at war, Imperial wrath unleashed.<br/>
Oh, Imperium of Mankind, union of worlds.<br/>
Will of the people, strong in command.<br/>
Oh, God Emperor, protector of Man.<br/>
Once more victorious, the Imperial Guard stands.<br/>
The end of the Ork WARGHHH draws near.<br/>
Its time has come to an end.<br/>
The end of an era is here.<br/>
It's time to attack.<br/>
Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHH march!<br/>
Guardsmen, stand side by side, to stop the xeno charge.<br/>
Gargants on Human soil Thunder in the west.<br/>
Twelve billion Guardsmen at war, Imperial wrath unleashed.<br/>
===Sabaton: Primo Victoria===
Through the Cadian Gate <br/>
As we make our way to Glory <br/>
Through the Chaos Hordes <br/>
Imperium Victoria! <br/>
We've been training for years <br/>
But we're ready to strike <br/>
As the great Imperium will win <br/>
We're the first wave on planet <br/>
We're the first ones to fall <br/>
No soldiers drop landed before <br/>
In the dawn of war they will pay <br/>
With their lives as the price <br/>
History's written today <br/>
In this burning Warp chasm <br/>
Know that nothing remains <br/>
As our forces nuke all the Traitors<br/>
Aiming for killshots though using a las <br/>
Victory is ours with mecha and Tanks! <br/>
Through the Cadian Gate <br/>
As we make our way to glory <br/>
Through the Chaos Hordes <br/>
Imperium Victoria! <br/>
On a Daemon World <br/>
Within the Eye of Terror<br/>
Near the Heretics<br/>
Death is upon them <br/>
We've been here before <br/>
Used to this kind of war <br/>
Warp fire goes over the trench <br/>
Our orders are easy <br/>
It's kill or be blammed<br/>
The Commissars shoot those who fail <br/>
In the dawn of war they will pay <br/>
With their lives as the price <br/>
History's written today <br/>
Now we are at war <br/>
With the Despoiler again <br/>
This time Creed knows what to plan <br/>
Aiming for killshots though using a las <br/>
Victory is ours with mecha and Tanks! <br/>
Through the Cadian Gate <br/>
As we make our way to glory <br/>
Through the Chaos Hordes <br/>
Imperium Victoria! <br/>
On a Daemon World <br/>
Within the Eye of Terror<br/>
Near the Heretics<br/>
Death is upon them <br/>
Millennium of the 41st <br/>
Baneblades are turning the war <br/>
Titans all march to victory <br/>
Just as planned<br/>
Aiming for killshots though using a las <br/>
Victory is ours with mecha and Tanks! <br/>
Through the Cadian Gate <br/>
As we make our way to glory <br/>
Through the Chaos Hordes <br/>
Imperium Victoria! <br/>
On a Daemon World <br/>
Within the Eye of Terror<br/>
Near the Heretics<br/>
Death is upon them <br/>
Through the Cadian Gate <br/>
As we make our way to Glory <br/>
Through the Chaos Hordes <br/>
Imperium Victoria! <br/>
On a Daemon World <br/>
Within the Eye of Terror<br/>
Near the Heretics<br/>
Imperium Victoria! <br/>
===Sabaton: Stalingrad===
Fresh from orbit<br>
From the dropships came to Comrades aid<br>
City in despair<br>
Almost crushed by Ghazkulls army<br>
Oh its grimmer than hell<br>
Ghazkull's forces advancing<br>
The sound of the bolters<br>
The music of death<br>
A grand symphony<br>
See your friends fall<br>
Hear them pray to the gods <br>
Your emperor denies<br>
Every man dies alone<br>
And when your time comes <br>
You will know that its time<br>
Yarrick's fortress on fire<br>
Is this madness or hell<br>
The sound of the bolters<br>
The music of death<br>
We're playing Chaos's symphony<br>
Violins as lasguns<br>
Conducted from hell<br>
Oh Hades Hive<br>
Morte Vedae<br>
Are you praying<br>
Do you follow the Commissars lead<br>
No one knows you<br>
No one cares but a single violin<br>
Play the score of the dead<br>
Know the daemon within<br>
The sound of the bolters<br>
The music of death<br>
We're playing Chaos's symphony<br>
Violins as lasguns<br>
Conducted from hell<br>
===Sabaton- Panzer Battalion===
Out of the warp no Daemos we fear<br>
Piercing the void as we charge<br>
An armoured battlecruiser on course to the expanse<br>
Closing the end of it's march<br>
This time we're here to finish a job<br>
Started a millenia ago<br>
Driving the heretics out of their holes<br>
To bury them with promethium<br>
Armoured guns of mass destruction<br>
Killers in the expanse<br>
Rats who dares to stand before us<br>
Feel our lance go live<br>
Death in the shape of a Lunar battlecruiser<br>
Insolent xenos don't run face your fate you are dead<br>
cannot outrun our Lunar battlecruiser<br>
Millions of tons of armour and guns<br>
Making it's way through the expanse<br>
Our Lunar battlecruiser is back for revenge<br>
Artillery sweeping the land<br>
First strike is ours no mercy is shown<br>
There's rivers of blood in our track<br>
Breaking their waves of defence with our guns<br>
Emperor watching our back<br>
Blow their void shield clear for deep strike<br>
Ready for the storm<br>
Minefields swept there's no surrender<br>
Feel our lances burn<br>
[Chorus x2]<br>
Out of the warp no Daemos we fear<br>
Piercing the void as we charge<br>
An armoured battlecruiser on course to the expanse<br>
Has reached the end of it's march<br>
Armoured guns of mass destruction<br>
Killers in the expanse<br>
Rats who dares to stand before us<br>
Feel our lance go live<br>
Lunar battlecruiser<br>
Insolent xenos don't run face your fate you are dead<br>
Lunar battlecruiser<br>
=== Sabaton: Nuclear Attack ===
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Dropped from low orbit, the xenos erased <br>
Threat to mankind is contained <br>
A power unheard of, a power unseen <br>
Flash out of nowhere, the world is burning <br>
8:16 Standard, the Tyranid swarms realized something was wrong <br>
The swarm feels explosions, destruction and pain <br>
Air strike from space, tendril gone in a blaze! <br>
Ships painted black, Inquisition turning back <br>
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Bombed into the dust <br>
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Exterminatus <br>
Strike back! <br>
Xenos filth will bleed <br>
Another cyclonic attack! <br>
From the Necrons came the second assault <br>
Threat to tomorrow made plain <br>
11:02 on the 9th of August <br>
Over the world's curve like ball lightning <br>
The bomb detonates, and the world turns to waste <br>
Barren for all time to come <br>
The Monoliths burning, the Tomb World destroyed <br>
Surrender your war, else you'll perish in flame! <br>
Second attack, Inquisition turning back <br>
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Bombed into the dust <br>
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Exterminatus <br>
Strike back! <br>
Xenos filth will bleed <br>
Another cyclonic attack! <br>
Ships painted black, Inquisition turning back <br>
Another, another, another <br>
Cyclonic attack! <br>
Bombed into the dust <br>
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Exterminatus <br>
Strike back! <br>
Xenos filth will bleed <br>
Another cyclonic attack! <br>
Bombed into the dust <br>
Prepare for cyclonic attack! <br>
Exterminatus! <br>
Strike back! <br>
Xenos filth will bleed <br>
Another cyclonic attack! <br>
A cyclonic attack! <br>
===Sabaton: Carolus Rex===
All embrace me, it's my time to rule at last <br>
10,000 years have I been waiting to sit upon my throne <br>
No allegiance I will swear no oath<br>
Crowned by Man, not by the warp as my power is divine<br>
They thought I was too young to rule the land<br>
Just as they failed to understand<br>
Born to rule<br>
My time has come<br>
I was chosen by Mankind<br>
Say my name when you slay<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
With the Marines my protector<br>
Make them bow to my will<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
Proved in battle, led my men to victory<br>
No man alive or dead commands me, I answer to my own<br>
Hear my orders, question me and die<br>
What I say was said on Terra, and so it shall be done<br>
I know I was destined to rule alone<br>
All for myself I have claimed the throne<br>
Born to rule<br>
My time is now<br>
I was chosen by Mankind<br>
Say my name when you slay<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
With the Marines my protector<br>
Make them bow to my will<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
''Onward, Astartes! The Heretics are Here! Crush them and throw them though the gates of the Warp!''
All that's thine shall be mine there's no stopping me<br>
All over the galaxy my rule shall be questioned by none<br>
All I see, give to me, that is my decree<br>
My will be done<br>
I know I was destined to rule alone<br>
Just as they failed to understand<br>
Born to rule<br>
My time is now<br>
I was chosen by Mankind<br>
Say my name when you slay<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
With the Marines my protector<br>
Make them bow to my will<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
With the Marines my protector<br>
Make them bow to my will<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise<br>
===Sabaton: Rorke's Drift===
News that came that morning told that the main force had been slain,<br/>
Chance for peace and justice gone, and all talks had been in vain<br/>
Shas'o had been offended and he had gone the path of war<br/>
Now that fifteen million men are dead, and the Tau are at the door<br/>
Xenos attack,<br/>
Fight back to back <br/>
Show them no mercy and<br/>
Facing, awaiting<br/>
A hostile world, a bastion held, banners unfurled <br/>
There's no surrender <br/>
The lines must hold, their story told, Rorke's Drift controlled<br/>
Later on that fateful day as they head towards the drift,<br/>
Stacking boxes, fortifying, preparations must be swift<br/>
Mechs with iridium armor facing uniforms and guns,<br/>
As the plamsa fire echoes higher, drowning out lasguns<br/>
M41.999, when a few held the line <br/>
(Back to back, attack, the dead are stacked )<br/>
When the last stand was made, and Imperium saved <br/>
(Back to back, attack, the dead are stacked )<br/>
(Repeat Chorus)
===Sabaton: 40:1===
Baptized in fire <br/>
Thousand to one <br/>
So silent before the storm <br/>
Awaiting command <br/>
A few has been chosen to stand <br/>
As one outnumbered by far <br/>
The orders from high command <br/>
Fight back, hold your ground!<br/>
In early September it came<br/>
A war unknown to the galaxy<br/>
No heretic may enter that land<br/>
That is protected by bloody hand<br/>
Unless you are thousand to one<br/>
Your force will soon be undone<br/>
Baptized in fire<br/>
Thousand to one<br/>
Spirit of Emprah<br/>
Death and glory<br/>
Marines of Terra<br/>
Second to none<br/>
Wrath of the Crusade brought to a halt<br/>
The 811 of M37 it starts<br/>
The rage of Abaddon <br/>
A barrage of bolters and meltas<br/>
Stand past, the bunkers will hold<br/>
The reclusiarch has pledged his life<br/>
[Thalastian Jorus] I'll face my fate here!<br/>
The sound of demolishers<br/>
So fierce<br/>
The thunder of arms<br/>
So come, bring on all that you've got<br/>
Come warp, come Matt Ward, never stop<br/>
Unless you are thousand to one<br/>
Your lives will soon be undone<br/>
(Repeat chorus) <br/>
Always remember, a fallen soldier<br/>
Always remember, battle brothers at war<br/>
Always remember, a fallen soldier<br/>
Always remember, battle brothers at war<br/>
Always remember, a fallen soldier<br/>
Always remember, buried in history<br/>
No heretic may enter that land<br/>
That is protected by bloody hand<br/>
Unless you are thousand to one<br/>
Your force will soon be undone<br/>
(Repeat chorus)<br/>
No, no, no!<br/>
===Sabaton: Defence of Moscow===
As Chaos overrun, Cadia M41 <br/>
They don't belong, we stand our ground, a trillion strong <br/>
We are ready for their strike, face the army of Abaddon <br/>
A trillion strong, this is our home, they don't belong <br/>
Hear Castellan Creed’s, and the Emperor’s orders <br/>
Defend the Imperium, Cadia shall not fall! <br/>
Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld <br/>
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm <br/>
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender <br/>
Force them into retreat, and into defeat <br/>
Face the volleys of our guns, for Cadia’s daughters and her sons <br/>
All the brave, who stand against the traitor wave <br/>
Hundreds of landing zones, Shock troops returning home <br/>
Day and night, they're coming back, to join the fight <br/>
From Kasf Myrak to Kasr Trunch <br/>
Call of the Emperor, Cadia shall prevail! <br/>
Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld <br/>
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm <br/>
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender <br/>
Force them into retreat, and into defeat <br/>
Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld <br/>
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm <br/>
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender <br/>
Force them into retreat, and into defeat <br/>
Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld <br/>
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm <br/>
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender <br/>
Force them into retreat, and into defeat <br/>
Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld <br/>
===Stan Ridgeway: Camouflage===
I was a young guardsmen on a search patrol, huntin' heretics down,<br/>
It was in the jungle wars on Ghoroi V<br/>
My lazgun fried and I got stuck way out and all alone<br/>
And I could hear them heretics moving in close outside<br/>
Just then I heard a twig snap and I grabbed my broken gun, and I dug in scared while I counted down my fate<br/>
And then a Space Marine, a Raptor with a pair of friendly eyes, appeared there at my shoulder and said wait<br/>
When he came in close beside me he said "don't worry son, I'm here, them heretics want to tangle now they'll have two to dodge"<br/>
I said well thanks a lot I told him my name and asked him his, and he said my brothers call me camoflauge<br/>
Ohh camoflauge, things are never quite the way they seem<br/>
Ohh camoflauge, I was awfully glad to see this Space Marine<br/>
Well I was gonna ask him his home planet, when we heard the 'jectiles fly, coming through the woods, and all around my ears<br/>
It was then I saw this Space Marine light a fire in his eyes, and it was strange but suddenly I forgot my fears<br/>
Well we fought all night and side by side we took our battle stance, and I wondered how the bullets missed this man<br/>
Cause they seemed to go right through him, just as if he wasn't there, and in the morning we both took a chance and ran<br/>
And it was near the river bank where the ambush came on top of us, and it thought it was the end and we were had<br/>
Then a bolt round with my name on it came buzzing through a bush, and this Space Marine he just caught it with his hand, just like it was a fly<br/>
Ohh camoflauge, things are never quite the way they seem<br/>
Ohh camoflauge, This was an awfully strange Marine<br/>
And I knew there was something weird about him, cause when I heard a crack, he'd pulled a Leman Russ right off its tracks, and squashing them heretics with it<br/>
From here to kingdom come<br/>
When he led me outta danger I saw HQ and waved goodbye, he just looked at me from the jungle and then was gone<br/>
And when I got back to my Regiment, I told them about my night, and the battle I spent with a Space Marine named Camoflauge<br/>
When I said his name the Commisar gulped, and an apothecary took my arm, and led me to big tent on the right<br/>
He said you may be telling true son, but this here is camoflauge, and he's been right here since I gave him peace last night<br/>
But before he went he said Semper Fi and said his only wish, was to save a young Guardsmen caught in a barrage<br/>
So here take his bolter son, I know he wants you to have it now<br/>
And we both said a prayer for a Space Marine named camoflauge<br/>
Ohh camoflauge, things are never quite the way they seem<br/>
Ohh camoflauge, This was an awfully strange Marine<br/>
===Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven===
Once upon a battlefield dreary, where I cowered, spent and bleary,<br/>
Within an Imperial bunker, darkly stained with dust and gore -<br/>
As I cowered, nearly shuttering, suddenly there came a sputtering<br/>
As some weapon quickly stuttering - firing at my bunker door.<br/>
"`Tis some bolter", I murmured, "firing at my bunker door -<br/>
Only this and nothing more."<br/>
Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December,<br/>
And the brightly burning bastions lit the horizon by the score.<br/>
Eagerly, on freedom drunker; - vainly had I sought to hunker<br/>
In this heavy Imperial bunker - with perhaps a tunnel in the floor -<br/>
A safe and empty fortress with perhaps a tiny tunnel in the floor -<br/>
Only this and nothing more.<br/>
And the mad raving howling of each distant Space Wolf prowling<br/>
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before.<br/>
So that now, to the beating of my heart, I stood entreating<br/>
"`Tis some Space Wolf there repeating, firing at my bunker door -<br/>
Some common Grey Hunter rapid-firing at my bunker door -<br/>
This it is and nothing more."<br/>
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer<br/>
"Marine," said I, "or Scout, your attention I implore;<br/>
The bunker walls are thick - they are made of tempered brick<br/>
And your bolters do not nick the slightest scratch or tiny score -<br/>
Not a dimple, dent, depression, dip, scratch or tiny score -<br/>
Away now, and fire no more."<br/>
Then in the bunker slumping, presently I heard a thumping<br/>
A pounding - rattling many times fiercer than before.<br/>
And soon I began to screech - the bunker wall grenades did breach;<br/>
The very gods I did beseech as the ceiling fell upon the floor -<br/>
Through the wounds poured light which danced upon the floor -<br/>
Danced amidst the sounds of war.<br/>
Then at once it stopped the violence - I was left alone with silence<br/>
Confused, I spied the reason why the shells did drop no more -<br/>
For as I began to shutter, then with many a flit and flutter<br/>
A psyber-Raven flew through the clutter to perch above the door -<br/>
Perched on the two-headed eagle just above the bunker door -<br/>
Perched and sat and nothing more.<br/>
At this I grew more craven, for the talons of the psyber-Raven<br/>
Were all over covered with bright red blood and crimson gore.<br/>
"Wretch!" I cried, "Njal hath lent thee - into this fortress has he sent thee<br/>
So that remotely may he here be - and this bunker then explore -<br/>
Scry out my exact location and this bunker then explore -"<br/>
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"<br/>
Then, methought, the air grew darker, the bunker now a little starker<br/>
For the uttered word brought terror as I had never felt before.<br/>
As for weapons, I knew I had none - no bolter, sword or lasgun;<br/>
No arms to stop the war's son fated to break soon through the door -<br/>
The blood-mad crazed assassin fated to break soon through the door-<br/>
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"<br/>
"Be that word our sign of parting, machine or bird!" I shrieked, upstarting -<br/>
"Get thee back into the fire-fight and here spy on me no more!<br/>
For as you came unbidden - I would otherwise be here hidden -<br/>
Leave my location in this midden - quit that icon above my door!<br/>
Take thy shining metal eye, and take thy form from off my door!"<br/>
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"<br/>
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting - still is sitting<br/>
On the pallid two-headed eagle just above the bunker door;<br/>
His metal eye has all the seeming of a psyker that is scheming,<br/>
To have my guts lie steaming in a pile upon the floor;<br/>
And now all hope has left me, crouched here upon the floor<br/>
I await the Eversor!<br/>
===Henry the Fifth, Act III Scene I===
Once more unto the boards, Anon, once more,<br/>
Or close the wall up with our Neckbeard dead!<br/>
In-game there's nothing so becomes a man<br/>
As massive fatness and huge faggotry;<br/>
But when the /b/last of war brings in the cancer,<br/>
Then imitate the action of the fatguy;<br/>
Quote from the rulebooks, summon up the fluff,<br/>
Disguise fat nature with hard-favour'd RAAAAGE;<br/>
Then lend the one a terrible aspect;<br/>
Let it stare until PCs are all dead<br/>
Like the foul bodak; let the brow o'erwhelm it<br/>
As fearfully as does a tiefling’s horn<br/>
Add two charisma to his contorted face,<br/>
Swirl'd in the wild and wasteful fourth-ed.<br/>
Now roll the bones and sketch the portraits wide,<br/>
Dream hard of breasts, that bend up every ‘spirit’<br/>
To his full height. On, on, you beardyest fatguys,<br/>
Whose blood is fet from fathers of thin-proof!<br/>
Fathers that, like so many useless tripfags,<br/>
Have in these parts from morn till even raged,<br/>
And saged their threads for lack of argument.<br/>
Fap not to your mothers; now attest<br/>
That those whom you call'd fatguys did beget you.<br/>
Be copy now to men of better games,<br/>
And show them how you roll. And you, warmachine,<br/>
Whose limbs are made of pewter, show us here<br/>
The metal of your minis; let us swear<br/>
That they are worth their pricetag, which I doubt much;<br/>
For I see most of you so mean and base,<br/>
That hath not showered since last Petertide.<br/>
I see you field warhounds in Apocalypse,<br/>
Standing upon their foes. The game's been lost!<br/>
Follow your spirits, and upon this board<br/>
Cry, "Rage at Vampire! Magic! And Fourth Ed!"<br/>
===Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit===
Load up da trukks
Bring yer boyz
`Kuz we's haulin'
Out all da toyz
Da `oomies run
Frum dakka gunz
I knows I knows
We's number one
Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers
`Ere we go now
Orky raidaz
I squish pinkies wit' my anus
`Ere we go now
Orky raidaz
Cuz its choppy
Cuz its bashy
Cuz its dakka
Cuz we's sneaky
Winnin' is what Orks do best
`Cause by Mork we's all been bless'd
Our mighty WAAAAAAAGH `as always been
And always will until the end
Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers
`Ere we go now
Orky raidaz
Now I'm out dere, smashin' faces
`Ere we go now
Orky raidaz
Cuz its choppy
Cuz its bashy
Cuz its dakka
Cuz we's sneaky
And I forgitz
Just wot it was
Oh ya, I think a melta bomb
I found it dere
It's tikkin' now
Oh well, I'll toss it at doze grots.
Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers
`Ere we go now
Orky raidaz
I'm outta words, so I's WAAAAAAAAAAGH!
`Ere we go now
Orky raidaz
Cuz its choppy
Cuz its bashy
Cuz its dakka
Cuz we's sneaky
===David Bowie: Space Oddity (Fleet Command to Captain Tom)===
Fleet Command to Captain Tom <br>
Fleet Command to Captain Tom <br>
Wake your Astropath and turn your Gellars on<br>
Fleet Command to Captain Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six)<br>
Commencing countdown, warp drives on (five, four, three)<br>
Check ignition, may the Emprah be with you (two, one, liftoff)<br>
This is Fleet Command to Captain Tom<br>
You’ve made it through the warp<br>
And our intel says the orks ship are out there<br>
Now they’ll come to engage you if they dare<br>
This is Captain Tom to Fleet Command<br>
I’m firing on the foe<br>
And their wrecks float in a most peculiar way<br>
And the stars look very different today<br>
For here<br>
Am I sitting in a tin can<br>
Far above the world<br>
The planet there is blue<br>
And there's nothing I can do<br>
Though I’ve fired one hundred thousand shells<br>
I’m under attack still<br>
And I think my cruiser knows which way to go<br>
Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows<br>
Fleet Command to Captain Tom<br>
Your vox's dead, there's something wrong<br>
Can you hear me, Captain Tom?<br>
Can you hear me, Captain Tom?<br>
Can you hear me, Captain Tom?<br>
Can you "Here am I floating 'round my tin can<br>
Far above the moon<br>
Boarders they are green<br>
Nothing left but to make them bleed<br>
===Sailor Tau===
Fire caste by moonlight<br/>
Water caste by daylight<br/>
Never running from a real fight<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
She will...never turn her back on a friend<br/>
She is... always there to defend<br/>
She is...the one on whom we can depend<br/>
She is the one named Sailor.....<br/>
.... Sailor Broadside<br/>
.... Sailor Stealth<br/>
.... Sailor Crisis<br/>
..... Sailor Drone<br/>
With cosmic secrets<br/>
All so new to her<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
fire caste by moonlight<br/>
Water caste by daylight<br/>
With her Sailor Shas'o to help fight<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
She is the one named Sailor Tau<br/>
She is the one . . . Sailor Tau!!<br/>
===Coolio: Gangsta's Paradise===
As I browse through the minis of my local games store<br/>
I took a look at my life and realized I’m very poor<br/>
But that's just perfect for an fa/tg/uy like me<br/>
You know, I bought that space marine battle company<br/>
At 4:30 in the morning dice are rolling<br/>
PCs are dying the whole session railroading... fools<br/>
And I've been plannin' and ragin’ so long that<br/>
Even my mother thinks that my mind is gone<br/>
I'm a man of the die, I've passed my knowledge check<br/>
Got a codex in my hand and a beard on my neck<br/>
But if I finish all my painting and if you get Matt<br/>
Then tonight I am putting on my wizard robes and hat.<br/>
We been spending most our lives<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
I've done FATAL once or twice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
It's hard work in rolling dice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We buy minis at high price<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
A local boy made a Mary Sue last week<br/>
I just approved it and saved my mad critique<br/>
I really don’t mind, I didn’t even rage<br/>
‘cause I dumped the Lady of Pain on him, flaying his mage.<br/>
But I ain't never punched weeaboos even if they deserved it<br/>
A fa/tg/uy with a tool? You know that’s unheard of<br/>
I’m obese and smelly but have the best army<br/>
And my homies agree, it did win the tourney...fools<br/>
If you’re here for stories, you'll be wrecked in tears<br/>
We have C.S Goto raping well known canon with shears<br/>
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare<br/>
We are just autistically impaired<br/>
There's chainfists, chainswords, and lightning claws<br/>
In our life hobby<br/>
Like Cthulhu Mythos<br/>
It's as grim an’ dark as can be<br/>
We been spending most our lives<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We're just fat and nerdy guys<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
There's no greater sin and vice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We all fight, by rolling dice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
Hitchin' up a game group, churnin' out new content<br/>
Made a game on Sunday, soon I'll make another<br/>
Think you’re pimp at rollplay? Think you can roleplay?<br/>
I know I’m a million times more playa then you gay frey<br/>
I'm the neckbeard guy the young Gygaxes wanna be like<br/>
In the store day and night rollin’ paragon mad soulknife<br/>
So don't be vain and don't be whiny<br/>
Or else, weeaboo, I might declare Exterminatus on your army<br/>
We been spending most our lives<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We’re all crazy max/min-ites<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We all dare to fantasize<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
We’re all virgins who roll dice<br/>
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise<br/>
===Blue Oyster Cult: Black Blade===
I was on a mission to fight for the Greater Good<br>
But this here Dawn Blade at my side don't act the way it should<br>
Keeps calling me it's Shas'O when I feel more like it's Gue'la<br>
And it keeps dragging me faster and faster to an early grave, yeah<br>
And it howls! It howls like hell!<br>
I'm told it's my duty to fight against them all<br>
That warring is my trade and I was born to wade through gore<br>
I just want to be a lover, not a blue-skinned screaming ghoul<br>
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool<br>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Forged a million years ago<br>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Killing so it's power can grow<br>
It's death from the beginning to the end of time<br>
And I'm the Tau's champion, or is that just part of it's grand designs?<br>
And whole worlds are dying, and the burden's mine<br>
And the Dawn Blade keeps on killing, 'til the end of time<br>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Bringing chaos to the world we know<br>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
And it's using me to kill my friends<br>
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade<br>
Growing stronger so the galaxy will end<br>
Forcing my mind to bend and bend<br>
I am the Dawn Blade<br>
Forged a million billion years ago<br>
My cosmic soul goes on for eternity<br>
Carving out destiny<br>
Bringing in the Lords of Chaos<br>
Bringing up the Beasts of the Immaterium<br>
Sucking out the souls of heroes<br>
Laying waste to the Imperium<br>
My master is my slave<br>
You poor fucking Tau<br>
==='Twas The Night Before Emperor's Day===
'Twas the night before Emperor's Day,<br>
and he fought all alone,<br>
in a four foot deep trench<br>
lined with plasteel and stone.<br>
I was traveling the warp<br>
with gifts for the land,<br>
when I saw this lone guardsman<br>
making his brave stand.<br>
I looked all about,<br>
I looked near and far,<br>
no Chimera, no Basilisk,<br>
nor Techpriest or Commissar.<br>
No Sergeant yelled orders<br>
to this guardsman - no backing<br>
to fight this ridge full of xeno<br>
formed from pure evil, attacking.<br>
His armor in tatters,<br>
his eyes nearly blind,<br>
A sobering truth<br>
raced through my mind.<br>
His position was doomed,<br>
was my only thought<br>
and this soldier's brave stand<br>
would all be for naught.<br>
The guardsman stared unblinking,<br>
silent and alone,<br>
his lasrifle at the ready<br>
against his shoulder bone.<br>
His gaze was so calm<br>
in the face of calamity,<br>
the perfect picture of<br>
a guardsman of humanity.<br>
Who was this brave hero<br>
whose position I'd spied,<br>
warring against<br>
this unstoppable tide?<br>
I now knew that all humans<br>
I would see this night,<br>
owed their lives to these guardsmen<br>
who were willing to fight.<br>
Soon all round the galaxy<br>
the children would play,<br>
and grownups would praise<br>
the bright Emperor's Day.<br>
They all lived their lives<br>
every month of the year,<br>
Because of brave guardsmen<br>
like the one standing here.<br>
A tear came to my eye<br>
for those who stood alone,<br>
on a cold Emperor's Day Eve<br>
on a planet far from home.<br>
Their great sacrifices<br>
I could never betray<br>
So I drew my burning sword<br>
to join in the fray<br>
The soldier did turn<br>
and I heard a rough voice.<br>
"My Emperor, rest easy,<br>
this death is my choice;<br>
I fight for a freedom<br>
that may never be found,<br>
but not ever shall I waver<br>
on Your sacred ground."<br>
Then the Guardsman turned<br>
to face the incursions<br>
of the foul xenos and<br>
their unholy perversions<br>
I kept watch for hours,<br>
until the night was still<br>
and the guardsman lay broken<br>
on the bloody red hill.<br>
I could not just leave<br>
on that cold grim dark night,<br>
this guardian of honor<br>
so willing to fight.<br>
And as the guardsman lay dying,<br>
his soul strong and pure,<br>
he cried, "Ave Imperator!<br>
It's Emperor's Day! This world is secure!"<br>
I kneeled before the fallen,<br>
A great victory he'd won.<br>
"Happy Emperor's Day my guardsman,<br>
rest in peace, my son."<br>
===Daniel Decateur Emmett: Dixie Land===
No one knows how this all started<br>
But it don't surprise us empty-hearted-<br>
Get Away! Get Away! Get Away, xenos scum!<br>
When those came up in that ole half-track<br>
We found the nerve to now push back!<br>
Get Away! Get Away! Get Away, xenos scum!<br>
Advance the flag there trooper! Hoorah! Hoorah!<br>
On far off lands we'll take our stand-<br>
And not die bloody cowards!<br>
To arms! To arms! And purge the fuckin' xenos!<br>
To arms! To arms! And purge the fuckin' xenos!<br>
Now John Fuklaw was an awesome sight,<br>
And rallied us into the fight!<br>
To arms! To arms! To arms! Fire away!<br>
And Raepfist cut a bloody swathe<br>
and Conrad Raege had to laugh and scoff<br>
Push on! Push on! Push on! Valiant men.<br>
Bring up that flamer trooper! Hoorah! Hoorah!<br>
Let's give 'em hell, and then die well!<br>
In service to the Emprah!<br>
Advance! Advance! They're no match for us trooper!<br>
Advance! Advance! Ave Imperator!<br>
OH I love to serve the Emprah! Hoorah! HOORAH!<br>
On his holy land I'll take my stand-<br>
To fight on for the Emprah!<br>
Hoorah! Hoorah! Praise be to Holy Terra!<br>
Hoorah! Hoorah! Praise the Immoooooooortal Emprah!<br>
===Trey Parker: Everyone Has Aids (Team America: World Police)===
Everyone has WARP<br/>
Everyone has WARP!<br/>
And so this is the end of our story<br/>
And everyone is dead from WARP.<br/>
It took from me my favorite son<br/>
My only true Warmaster<br/>
My conqueror of bright stars<br/>
(He got WARPed)<br/>
Well I'm gonna march on Terra!<br/>
Lead the Astartes and charge the brigades!<br/>
There's a Daemon inside of all of us...<br/>
I'll make them see, everyone has WARP.<br/>
My Commissar!<br/>
My Astropath!<br/>
My Chaplain and Librarian and Captain!<br/>
(WARP! WARP! WARP!)<br/>
The Xenos and witch, and the mutant and psyker!<br/>
Everyone has WARP!<br/>
My techpriest and my squig Old Blue<br/>
The Primarch's got it and so do you!<br/>
Come on everybody we got purgin' to do!<br/>
It's time to exterminate these worlds everyone has<br/>
===Don McLean: American Pie===
A long, long time ago...<br>
I can still remember<br>
How that cultist used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance<br>
That I could make those xenos dance<br>
And, maybe, they’d be purged for a while.<br>
But February made me shiver<br>
With every bolt round I’d deliver.
Heresy on the doorstep,<br>
I couldn’t take one more step.<br>
I can’t remember if I wrrryed<br>
When I read about his lolcron bride,<br>
But something touched me deep inside<br>
The day the music died.
So die die, from the flames in the sky,<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
Did you write the litanies of hate,<br>
And do you live in the EMPRAH'S faith,<br>
If the Codex tells you so?<br>
Do you believe in rock ’n roll,<br>
Can crack cocaine save your heretic soul,<br>
And can you teach me how to wrrrry real slow?
Well, I know that you’re in love with him<br>
`cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym.<br>
You both kicked off your boots.<br>
Man, I dig those rhythmic blues.
I was a lonely teenaged scout marine<br>
With a camo cloak colored brown and green<br>
I knew to see but not be seen<br>
The day the music died.<br>
I started singin’,

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
Now since M.30 we’ve been on our own<br>
And heresy grows fat on a rollin’ stone,<br>
But that’s not how it used to be.<br>
When the harlequin sang with the noise marine,<br>
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean<br>
And a voice that came from you and me,
Oh, and while Lord Tzeentch was looking down,<br>
A loota boy stole his JUST AS PLANNED crown.<br>
The classroom was adjourned;<br>
No grade report was returned.<br>
And while Kharn raged about METAL BOX,<br>
Macha tried to get some in the park,<br>
And we rolled sixes in the dark<br>
The day the music died.<br>
We were singing,
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
Helter skelter in a summer swelter,<br>
The birds flew off the Exterminatus shelter<br>
Eight miles high and falling fast.<br>
Nurgle-tan let loose a cloud of gas.<br>
Macha still couldn't get no ass,<br>
With old Failbaddon in a cast.
Now Cultist-chan wore cheap perfume<br>
While Doomrider played a Slaaneshi tune.<br>
We all got up to dance,<br>
Oh, but we never got the chance!<br>
The Angry Marines tried to take the field;<br>
The Emperors Children refused to yield.<br>
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?<br>
We started singing,<br>
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
Them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
And singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
Oh, and there we were all in one place,<br>
All GRIMDARK and lost in space,<br>
With no time left to start again.<br>
So come on: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick!<br>
Candlejack sat on a can-<br>
Cause fire is the devil’s only friend.
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage<br>
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.<br>
No angel born in hell<br>
Could break that daemon’s spell.<br>
And as I purged her in the night<br>
To show her the emperors shining light,<br>
I saw Eldrad laughing with delight<br>
The day the music died.
He was singing,<br>
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
Them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
And singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
I met a farseer whose love did bloom<br>
And I asked her for some happy news,<br>
But she just smiled and turned away.<br>
I went down to the wargear store<br>
Where I’d heard the music years before,<br>
But the techpriests said the music wouldn’t play.
Hand een thee stweets: thee childwen scweamed,<br>
Thee lovers cwied, and thee poeets dweamed.<br>
But not a hword hwas spoken;<br>
Thee chyurch bells all were broken.<br>
Hand thee thwee men Ay hadmire most:<br>
Thee father, son, hand thee holy ghost,<br>
They captyoored thee lhast train fooor thee coast<br>
Thee day thee myoosick died.
And they were singing,
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."<br>
Drove my raider to the crater,<br>
But the crater was dry.<br>
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry<br>
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.<br>
"This’ll be the day that I die."<br>
===Theme from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers===
[Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind]: "Inquisitor! Heretics, Xenos, and Mutants are abound! Recruit a team of Acolytes with attitude!"<br/>
[Inquisitor]: "Ayayayayay!"<br/>
They've got, a power and a faith that you've never seen before!<br/>
They've got, the ability to smite and to even up the score!<br/>
No Grot, can ever take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!<br/>
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!<br/>
They know, the fate of Holy Terra's lying in their hands!<br/>
They know, to always use their weapons at the first chance!<br/>
No Cult will ever take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!<br/>
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!<br/>
The Unclean, can never take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!<br/>
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!<br/>
Go go Emprah's Rangers!<br/>
Go go Emprah's Rangers!<br/>
Go go Emprah's Rangers!<br/>
==="And the band played 'Fight on, the Navy'(And the Band Played 'Waltzing Matilda')"===
When I was a young man I flew in a ship,<br>
And lived the free life of a scouter.<br>
From the Twin Star of Aphor to the Aquila Rift,<br>
I danced my old scoutship all over.<br>
Then in nought-oh-fifteen, the Emp-ror said "Son, <br>
It's time time to stop scoutin', there's work to be done."<br>
So they gave me a rank bar,<br>
A Cruiser, a gun,<br>
And they sent me away to the War.<br>
And the band played 'Fight on, the Navy'<br>
As we boarded the Santa Maree,<br>
And amidst all the cheers,<br>
the cannonade and tears,<br>
we left for Bellerophon III.<br>
How well I remember the sight I saw then,<br>
the proud Navy cut down and shattered.<br>
And how in the hell that they called Lagrange Ten,<br>
We were butchered like poor bloody cattle.<br>
Old Boney was ready, he'd primed himself well,<br>
he cut us with Lances, and broke us with shell.<br>
And in five minutes flat,<br>
he had blown us to hell,<br>
nearly blew me right back to Agrippa.<br>
And the Vox played 'Fight on, the Navy',<br>
as we formed up and counted the slain.<br>
We'd lost half of ours,<br>
for a handful of theirs,<br>
but we charged right on back in again.<br>
Now us that were left, well, we tried to survive,<br>
in a mad world of lanceshot and boarders.<br>
And for nine minutes ten I kept my boys alive,<br>
as around me our numbers grew lesser.<br>
Then a whole mess of guardsmen stormed onto the bridge,<br>
they shot down old Kelley, the Nav and the Kid,<br>
and for some bloody reason, they just let me live.<br>
Never knew there were worse things than dying.<br>
For I'll do no more dancing my scouter,<br>
I thought as I ran for the pod,<br>
for a scout can't feel dread,<br>
he's got more balls than head,<br>
and that's one thing a coward ain't got.<br>
The handful of pods left I gathered to me,<br>
and we left like a bolt from a barrel.<br>
A dozen survivors of two-million-odd men,<br>
the Grand Fleet of Admiral Karil.<br>
And as we all dove into Catan's dock ring,<br>
and the three from the Mada all started to sing,<br>
the thought of my men,<br>
had a horrible sting,<br>
for not one had lived through the battle.<br>
And the band played 'Fight on , the Navy',<br>
for the wives of the men of Catan,<br>
Nobody cheered,<br>
they just saw us and stared,<br>
and then, the crying began.<br>
And now every march day I sit in the crowd,<br>
and watch the young guardsmen walk on then.<br>
I wonder to myself, not speaking aloud,<br>
why there's not one vet'ran with them.<br>
The young men march stiffly, all upright with pride,<br>
they're all brave young soldiers with nothing to hide.<br>
And then one kid asks,<br>
"Is that how daddy died?"<br>
And I don't have the courage to tell him.<br>
And the band plays 'Fight on, the Navy',<br>
As I answer my question before.<br>
If the march they could give,<br>
to the men who had lived,<br>
not one man would dare march at all.<br>
Dancin' my scouter, dancin' my scouter,<br>
who'll come a-dancin' my scouter with me?<br>
And their ghosts may be heard as you dance on by Bellerophon,<br>
who'll come a-dancin' my scouter with me?<br>
===Gilbert and Sullivan: A British Tar===
A Space Marine is a soaring soul,<br>
Far greater than a mortal man,<br>
His energetic fist should be ready to resist<br>
Any heretical plan.<br>
His nose should pant,<br>
and his lip should curl,<br>
His cheeks should flame,<br>
and his brow should furl,<br>
His bosom should heave,<br>
and his hearts should glow,<br>
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.<br>
His nose should pant and his lip should curl,<br>
His cheeks should flame and his brow should furl,<br>
His bosom should heave and his hearts should glow,<br>
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.<br>
His eyes should flash with an inborn fire,<br>
His brow with scorn be wrung;<br>
He never should bow down to a filthy xenos frown,<br>
Or the tang of a traitor tongue.<br>
His foot should stamp,<br>
and his throat should growl,<br>
His sword should twirl,<br>
and his face should scowl,<br>
His eyes should flash like a conqueror<br>
And he should ever bellow "for the Emperor!"<br>
His foot should stamp, and his throat should growl,<br>
His sword should twirl, and his face should scowl;<br>
His eyes should flash like a conqueror,<br>
And he should ever bellow "for the Emperor!", the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor!<br>
===Dio: Holy Diver===
Holy Bolter<br>
You've been out too long in the warzone<br>
Oh it's jamming again<br>
Ride the Tank<br>
You can see its hull but you know it's clean.<br>
Oh don't you see what I mean<br>
Gotta shoot 'em down<br>
Holy Bolter<br>
Shiny Tracers<br>
Like the eyes of a Daemon in the night<br>
Something is coming for you<br>
Race for the Dropship<br>
You can hide in the sun of the Emperor's light<br>
Oh we will pray it's all right<br>
Gotta get away-get away<br>
Between the armor lies<br>
There's a trooper hard as steel<br>
The valor never dies<br>
War's a never ending wheel<br>
Holy Bolter<br>
You're the star of the battlefield<br>
No need for full auto<br>
Jump on the Tank
you can feel its hull but you know it's mean<br>
Some might can never be seen yeah
Holy Bolter<br>
You've been out too long in the warzone<br>
Oh it's jamming again<br>
Ride the Tank<br>
You can see armor but you know it's clean.<br>
Gotta get away-get away Gotta get away-get away<br>
Holy Bolter sole survivor your honour's clean<br>
Holy Bolter Holy bolter never change the mag Holy Bolter<br>
Oh Holy Bolter yeah alright get away get away get away<br>
Holy Bolter Holy Bolter whoa Holy Bolter Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm.<br>
===Will Smith: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air===
Now, this is a story all about how<br>
My life got flipped-turned upside down<br>
And I'd like to take a minute<br>
Just sit by my skull throne<br>
I'll tell you how I became the daemon prince of Khorne<br>
No idea where I was born or raised<br>
On the gladiator arenas was where I spent most of my days<br>
Beatin' smashing' killin' in the arenas<br>
Escaped to the mountains with a few cronies<br>
When a couple of soldiers<br>
Who were up to no good<br>
They found us and attacked my neighborhood<br>
I got in one little fight and Emperor started to worry<br>
And said 'You're movin' with your father and god in Terra'<br>
It kinda hurt to see my pals fucked<br>
But Emprah didn't let me go back<br>
He gave me a battleship and then he gave me my legion.<br>
I put my axe on and said, 'Gotta give my army a lesson'.<br>
First company, yo this is bad<br>
Marines drinking juice out of a champagne glass.<br>
Is this what the marines of World Eaters are like?<br>
Hmmmmm this won't be alright.<br>
But wait I hear there're techmarine, apothecarians and all that<br>
Put implants to the recruits like ones in this cool cat<br>
Now I like it<br>
Badass bloodthirsty soldiers<br>
I don't give a fuck to Emprahs' warnings<br>
Well, the battle-barge landed and when I came out<br>
There was Horus who told he's gonna throw a rout<br>
I was in and we went to Terra<br>
We went totally ape<br>
After an epic bloodshed I heard 'Horus got raped'<br>
I whistled for a Battle-Barge and when it came near<br>
My legion ran in, cursing the Emperor<br>
Dumped Kharn to the trunk and fled the war<br>
Khorne told me 'Yo homes to Eye of Terror'<br>
I got wings on my back and horns on my head<br>
This cool runesword and skin blood-red<br>
I looked at my kingdom<br>
I was finally there<br>
To sit on my throne as the Daemon Prince of Khorne<br>
===Henry Clay Work: Marching Through Georgia===
Bring the platoon standard, lads, we'll sing another song <br/>
Sing it with a spirit that will start this world along. <br/>
Sing it as we'll always sing it, quadrillions strong, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory. <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free. <br/>
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
How the xenos howl when our flamers end all their fun, <br/>
How the cultists scream out when they march into our guns, <br/>
How the foe cries out for mercy when there will be none, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory. <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free. <br/>
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
Yes, and there were heretics who wept with painful tears <br/>
having felt our noble will they had denied for years. <br/>
How the Inquisition now brings them justice so dear, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory. <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free. <br/>
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
Your Imperium will die under my great onslaught!<br/>
So that Failbaddon said and that is what he thought,<br/>
But indeed we shall triumph for arms he has forgot,<br/>
As we fight for the Emprah!<br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory.<br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free. <br/>
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
So we fight at Creed's right hand and Cadia shall hold, <br/>
For the Emprah stands with us and all rebels shall fold, <br/>
And we can hide Titans behind barricades we're told, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory. <br/>
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free. <br/>
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi, <br/>
As we fight for the Emprah! <br/>
===Kelis: Milkshake===
''[Repeat x2]''<br>
My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,<br>
And they're like,<br>
The best forge world's Mars!<br>
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!<br>
We can teach you,<br>
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.<br>
I know you want xenotech,<br>
The thing that makes free energy,<br>
What explorators go crazy for.<br>
They lose their minds<br>
If the warp unbinds<br>
Before they get out in time.<br>
''[Chorus x2]''<br>
La la-la la la,<br>
Warm it up.<br>
La la-la la la,<br>
AdMech toys are waiting.<br>
My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,<br>
And they're like,<br>
The best forge world's Mars!<br>
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!<br>
We can teach you,<br>
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.<br>
I can see the machine spirit.<br>
You want to be just some skitarii?<br>
Tech geeks and freaks with toys<br>
That can't be bought.<br>
Just know: heretics get caught.<br>
Watch out if you're smart,<br>
''[Chorus x2]''<br>
La la-la la la,<br>
Warm it up.<br>
La la-la la la,<br>
AdMech toys are waiting.<br>
My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,<br>
And they're like,<br>
The best forge world's Mars!<br>
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!<br>
We can teach you,<br>
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.<br>
Omnissiah says "get involved."<br>
Enginseers practice every day so<br>
You must maintain your firearm.<br>
Same time maintain your iron halo<br>
And you will learn to mend.<br>
(Plus work on our titans!)<br>
Then next honour spark plugs, the wheel and flint.<br>
Then starting your car is a blessed event!<br>
''[Chorus x2]''
La la-la la la,<br>
Warm it up.<br>
La la-la la la,<br>
AdMech toys are waiting.<br>
My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,<br>
And they're like,<br>
The best forge world's Mars!<br>
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!<br>
We can teach you,<br>
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.<br>
===The Lonely Island: I'm On A Boat===
I'm in a dread.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
Everybody start running<br>
Cause I'm charging in a dread.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
Take a good hard look<br>
at the motherfucking dread.<br>
I'm in a dread, motherfuckers, so you better run.<br>
In a dread, blastin' you away with my giant gun.<br>
Bustin' heretics, making 'em wish they were dead.<br>
You can't stop me, motherfuckers 'cause I'm in a dread.<br>
Take your shot, bitch,<br>
I'm in a dread, witch.<br>
And my adamantium armour's so thick.<br>
I've got my giant fists<br>
And my meltagun.<br>
You were already dead before the war begun.<br>
I'm riding in a drop pod<br>
Falling to the ground<br>
The drop pod's arriving,<br>
Making a terrible sound.<br>
But this ain't Slaanesh<br>
This is the Emperor's hound,<br>
An airborne dreadnought, motherfucking, coming inbound.<br>
Fuck you, I'm in a dread, motherfuckers.<br>
Fuck guns, I cheated death, motherfuckers.<br>
I'm here with Chapter Master Seth, motherfuckers.<br>
I can't even draw breath motherfuckers.<br>
Oh, Emprah, if you could hear my roar,<br>
As I'm waging your eternal war,<br>
Covering the ground with xeno gore<br>
Like Ursarkar Creed, anything is possible.<br>
Never thought I'd be in a dread.<br>
Blood staining my armor red.<br>
Sanguinius, look at me.<br>
Never thought I'd see the day,<br>
I'd watch myself decay.<br>
Believe me when I say<br>
I fought in the Great Crusade.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
Everybody start running,<br>
'Cause I'm charging in a dread.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
I'm in a dread.<br>
Take a good hard look<br>
At the motherfucking dread.
===Tom Jones: Delilah===
I saw the gleam of the claw that she passed through my forces<br>
I saw the flickering red fire of evil in her eyes<br>
She was my daemon<br>
As she decieved me I watched and made plans for her demise<br>
My my my Defiler<br>
Why why why Defiler<br>
I could see, that thing was no good for me<br>
But I found the Warp had a craving for debris<br>
At battle's end when my troops ran away I was waiting<br>
I crossed the field to her spot and she writhed some more<br>
She stood there laughing<br>
I felt my Powerfist clench and she laughed no more<br>
My my my Defiler<br>
Why why why Defiler<br>
So before they come to fuck up my base<br>
Forgive me Defiler I just couldn't take any more<br>
Forgive me Defiler I just couldn't take any more
===Cage the Elephant: Ain't no Rest for the Wicked===
I was walking through the Hive<br>
When out the corner of my eye<br>
I saw a filthy teenage girl approaching me.<br>
She said sir can you spare a Throne<br>
For a girl all alone <br>
Perhaps I'd keep you company?<br>
I looked into her eyes<br>
And saw the sin of vice<br>
I knew the Dark Gods held her in their sway<br>
Offering Prayer to the Emperor, <br>
I raised and aimed by Hecutor<br>
And swiftly put a bullet in her head. <br>
Oh, There ain't no rest for the Righteous,<br>
Salvation doesn't come for free,<br>
I got fiends to slay, <br>
I got men to save, <br>
I must strive to bring His Grace to me<br>
I know I can't lose Faith,<br>
I can't give in,<br>
Though sometimes I fear I could,<br>
Oh there ain't no rest for the Righteous,<br>
Until we give our lives for Good. <br>
As I continued through the hive<br>
I go walking past a bar<br>
When a man clad just in paint burst out the door<br>
And then he looked at me and screamed<br>
Swung an axe right at my neck,<br>
I saw no reason or thought behind his eyes<br>
I barely dodged the attack <br>
And knew that I had to fight back<br>
So I steeled myself and drew my gun to fight<br>
I racked my boltgun with a click<br>
And blew apart the heretic<br>
And stood over his corpse right in the street. <br>
Oh, There ain't no rest for the Righteous,<br>
Salvation doesn't come for free,<br>
I got fiends to slay, <br>
I got men to save, <br>
I must strive to bring His Grace to me<br>
I know I can't lose Faith,<br>
I can't give in,<br>
Though sometimes I fear I could,<br>
Oh there ain't no rest for the Righteous,<br>
Until we give our lives for Good. <br>
Now, much later in the day<br>
I went to rest in my own hab,<br>
And watched the pict-vid to find out the latest news<br>
I was listening to reports<br>
About rebellions all around<br>
And felt a fire stirring deep inside my heart<br>
There are enemies without<br>
and there are enemies within, <br>
It's up to us to defend our Imperium<br>
So I urge all mankind to fight<br>
For what we know deep down is right<br>
The sacred glory of the God Emperor of Man!<br>
Oh, There ain't no rest for the Righteous,<br>
Salvation doesn't come for free,<br>
We got fiends to slay, <br>
We got men to save, <br>
We must strive to each live Faithfully<br>
Oh no<br>
We can't give in,<br>
We can't have doubt,<br>
If we want to survive these times. <br>
Oh there ain't no rest for the Righteous,<br>
Until we give our lives for Good. <br>
===One night in Bangkok===
Hive world, Imperial setting<br>
And the hive don't know that the hive is getting<br>
The creme de la creme of the regicide world in a<br>
Show with everything but Ol' Cain<br>
Time flies -- doesn't seem a minute<br>
Since the Slaanesh spa had the regi boys in it<br>
All change -- don't you know that when you<br>
Play at this level there's no ordinary venue<br>
It's Fenris -- or Gravalax -- or a Craftworld -- or --
or this place!<br>
One night in Bangkok and the warp's your oyster<br>
The boys are temples and the girls are free<br>
You'll find a god in every golden cloister<br>
And if you're lucky then the god's a she (right now)<br>
I can feel Slaaneshiis sliding up to me (Oh dear)<br>
One world's very like another<br>
When your head's down over your pieces, brother<br>
It's a drag, it's a bore, it's really such a pity<br>
To be looking at the board, not looking at the city<br>
Whaddya mean? Ya seen one crowded, polluted, stinking hive --<br>
Tea, tarts, warm, sweet<br>
Some are set up in the Penthouse Plateau suite<br>
Frag off! You're talking to a tourist<br>
Whose every game's among the purest<br>
I get my kicks with His blessing, Snotling!<br>
One night in Bangkok makes a Guardsman traitor<br>
Not much between despair and heresy<br>
One night in Bangkok and Inquisitors tumble<br>
Can't be too careful with your company<br>
I can feel a daemon walking next to me<br>
Yarrick's gonna be the witness<br>
To the ultimate test of cerebral fitness<br>
This provides much more for us<br>
Than a Waaaagh of Orks or a snarling Horus<br>
Praise the Emprah' I'm only watching the game -- controlling it --<br>
I don't see you guys rating<br>
The kind of trap I'm contemplating<br>
I'd let you watch, I would invite you<br>
But the Sisters we use would not excite you<br>
So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your Tarot
parlours -- <br>
One night in Bangkok and the warp's your oyster<br>
The boys are temples and the girls are free<br>
You'll find a god in every golden cloister<br>
A lot of flesh, a little heresy<br>
I can feel a cultist feeling up on me<br>
One night in Bangkok makes a Guardsman traitor<br>
Not much between despair and heresy<br>
One night in Bangkok and the Seraphim tumble<br>
Can't be too careful with your company<br>
I can feel Eth'reals floating next to me...<br>
===I Vow To Thee My Emperor (I Vow To Thee My Country===
I vow to thee my Emperor, Humanity above<br>
Entire, and whole and Gothic, my life and my truelove<br>
The love that begs no questions, the love that stands the test<br>
That cleanses all who deny you, the dearest and the best<br>
The love that never wavers, the love above my life<br>
The love that makes unfaltered, the final sacrifice<br>
Yet there are other Emperors, formed a great time ago<br>
Most cruel to those that worship them, great weavers of sorrow<br>
They may have countless armies, they may engulf everything<br>
But their fortress is a rotting husk, their spawn is suffering<br>
And soul by soul and silently their great powers decrease<br>
And all their forms are faltering, and all their slaves release<br>
I heard my Emperor calling, away across the void<br>
Across the waste of emptiness, lest Terra be destroyed<br>
His sword is girded at his side, his halo above his head<br>
And around his feet are lying the dying and the dead<br>
I hear the noise of battle, the thunder of his guns<br>
I haste to thee, my Emperor, a son among thy sons<br> 
===Heather Alexander: March of Cambreadth===
Lasgun's flash, chainswords swing,<br>
Bolter's armour-piercing sting,<br>
Warhounds run, flickering void-shields,<br>
Fight Those Heretics till They Yield<br>
Baneblade catterpillars groan,<br>
Fight to Keep this World Your Own<br>
Sound the vox and call the cry,<br>
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!<br>
Follow orders as you're told,<br>
Make Their Daemon Blood Run Cold<br>
Fight until you die or drop,<br>
A Force Like Ours is Hard to Stop<br>
Close your mind to stress and pain,<br>
Fight till You're No Longer Sane<br>
Let not one cultist pass by,<br>
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!<br>
Guard your women and children well,<br>
Send These Bastards Back to Hell<br>
We'll teach them the ways of war,<br>
They Won't Come Here Any More<br>
Use your gun and use your head,<br>
Fight till Every One is Dead<br>
Raise the flag up to the sky,<br>
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!<br>
Dawn has broke, the time has come,<br>
Move Your Feet to a Marching Drum<br>
We'll win the war and pay the toll,<br>
We'll Fight as One in Heart and Soul<br>
Baneblade catterpillars groan,<br>
Fight to Keep this World Your Own<br>
Sound the vox and call the cry,<br>
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!<br>
(Repeat verse 1)<br>
===Rutland Weekend Television: Football===
I blow brains out for the Emperor<br>
[Blood Angel]<br>
For the Chapter, I burn Orks<br>
I dismember for The Laughing God<br>
Oi killz fer Gork an' Mork!<br>
I drop planet-killing bombs on the unclean from up above!<br>
Yes 40k's the game that we all love!<br>
[Plague Marine]<br>
I spread STDs for Nurgle<br>
[Noise Marine]<br>
And I do it for Slaanesh<br>
[Rubric Marine]<br>
For Tzeench I scatter entrails<br>
For Khorne, I'll eat your flesh!<br>
[Chaos Marine]<br>
I wish they'd bring back Malal, 'cause those other four are bores<br>
Yes, 40k's the game that we adore!<br>
We love Warhammer!<br>
Cleanse! Purge! Kill!<br>
We love Warhammer!<br>
[Chaos Marines]<br>
Maim! Kill! Burn!<br>
40k's the game that we adore!<br>
[Dark Eldar Wych]<br>
I loot and rape for pleasure<br>
[Fire Warrior]<br>
I kill for The Greater Good<br>
[Necron Pariah]<br>
I skin people for the Star Gods and then bathe in their blood<br>
'Cause in the grimdark future there is dick-all else but war<br>
Yes, 40k's the game that we adore!<br>
We love Warhammer!<br>
Move! Shoot! Move!<br>
We love Warhammer!<br>
Om! Nom! Nom!<br>
[Penitent Engine]<br>
40k's the game that we adore!<br>
The End!<br>
===Men of Harlech===
Men of Tanith, stop your dreaming,<br/>
Can't you see their lasguns gleaming,<br/>
Or their ruinous banners streaming,<br/>
On this battlefield?<br/>
Men of Tanith, stand ye steady!<br/>
It shall not be ever said the<br/>
Ghosts for battle were not ready.<br/>
On you, Tanith men!<br/>
From our worlds rebounding,<br/>
Let this war cry sounding,<br/>
Summon all at Emp'ror's call<br/>
The mighty force surrounding!<br/>
Oh, men of Tanith, on to glory!<br/>
This shall ever be your story<br/>
Keep these burning words before ye,<br/>
Gaunt's Ghosts shall not yield!<br/>
Tongues of las from nalwood flaring,<br/>
News of traitors' deaths declaring,<br/>
To heroic deeds of daring<br/>
call you Tanith men!<br/>
Groans of wounded Guardsmen dying,<br/>
Wails of wives and children flying,<br/>
for the Emp'ror's succor crying<br/>
Hear you not their plight?<br/>
Shall those voices wailing,<br/>
Now be unavailing,<br/>
You to rouse who never yet<br/>
the Emperor's realm were failing?<br/>
This our answer, crowds down pouring<br/>
Swift as a bolter's wrath comes roaring<br/>
Not in vain, His voice imploring,<br/>
calls on Tanith men.<br/>
Now to battle we are going,<br/>
Every heart with courage glowing,<br/>
Pride and passion overflowing<br/>
In the glorious strife.<br/>
Lo! the din of war enrages,<br/>
Vengeance crowns the hate of ages,<br/>
Sternly Tanith now engages<br/>
the doomed Heretics!<br/>
Hear the old pipes playing,<br/>
And the soldiers slaying,<br/>
Hot the strife while Tanith men<br/>
Are lives of traitors claiming.<br/>
Lasbolts fly as swift as lightning,<br/>
Shout on shout the tumult height'ning,<br/>
Aquila's gold wing is bright'ning,<br/>
In the Emperor's name!<br/>
Loud the Tanith pipes are sounding,<br/>
Every guardsman's heart is pounding,<br/>
As the trusted Gaunt surrounding,<br/>
March you, Tanith men!<br/>
Short the sleep the foes is taking,<br/>
Ere the morrow's morn is breaking,<br/>
They shall have a rude awakening,<br/>
Wrought by Tanith men.<br/>
With their lasguns flashing,<br/>
And Straight Silvers slashing,<br/>
Through the traitors' serried ranks<br/>
The Tanith men are dashing<br/>
Now the heretics are flying,<br/>
Trampling on the dead and dying;<br/>
Victory aloft is crying,<br/>
"Gaunt's Ghosts win the field!" <br/>
===Manowar: Dawn of Battle===
Dreadful Thunder
The storms moving in
And Judgment day is calling!
My soul has been stolen
By my ascension as Khorne's Chosen!
And the sound of glory !
I will send into the ground
All that are found
By the sign of Warmaker falling!
The Loyalists will fall
I will strike down them all
Then you will know my calling
The Blood God calls my name
In the sound of the wind in the night
My sword will drink blood!
And I will fight
Yes I will fight
In the dawn of battle
Dawn of battle
I will rise up to Khorne's Call!
I will rise up from the grave
A brother of Angron
A master to the slaves
I am the soul Chosen
Of the Khorne's Fire and His Rage
I was wrought upon this galaxy
Born to rule and battle wage
By the total decimation
Of the Imperium at my command!
By the Axe! By the Sword!
By Fire! By my hand!
I give no explanation!
I was branded by Khorne's Will
To bring death and destruction
To all that I now kill!
The Blood God calls my name
In the sound of the wind in the night
My sword will drink blood
And I will fight
Yes I will fight
In the dawn of battle
Dawn of Battle
I long to slay
So I wait for a sign
I wait for the Hordes
To charge from the Eye
From the dusts of carnage
A promise to keep
Then all who see shall believe
Deliver into my hand
The sword that is His Right Hand
Let my journey begin
So all shall understand
That if I fall
I will live again
I will rise up to Chaos' Call
I will rise up from the grave
A brother to the Angron
A master to the slaves
I give no explanation
I was branded by Khorne's Will
To bring Death and Destruction
To all that I now kill
The Blood God calls my name
In the sound of the wind in the night
My sword will drink blood
And I will fight
Yes I will fight
In the dawn of battle
===Antoine Dodson and the Gregory Brothers: Bed Intruder===
[Town Crier]<br>
He’s landin' on your planets<br>
He’s snatchin blasphemers up<br>
Gonna purge em so y’all need to<br>
Hide your kids, Hide your wife<br>
Hide your kids, Hide your wife<br>
Hide your kids, Hide your wife<br>
And hide your husband<br>
Cuz they purgin' errbody out here<br>
You don’t have to come and confess,<br>
They lookin' for you<br>
They gon' find you<br>
They gon' find you<br>
So you can run and tell that,<br>
Run and tell that<br>
Run and tell that, heretic<br>
Her- her- heretic<br>
We got your DNA<br>
You done left fingerprints and all<br>
You are so dumb<br>
You are really dumb–for real.<br>
You are really, really, really, really, so dumb.<br>
I was attacked by some heretic in the hab-stacks.<br>
So dumb, So dumb, So dumb, So<br>
[Inquisitor Lord's Report]<br>
'bout 5'9', 5'10'<br>
Pallid complexion, bald cut like Astartes<br>
With some little runes on his head<br>
Clean cut, very gaunt face<br>
Sent in my Sisters, when they walked in,<br>
He had his hands around a tome.<br>
First thing was to grant emperor's mercy,<br>
And that's what they did.<br>
Sororitas: ('ey!)<br>
[Inquisitor Lord]<br>
Well, obviously we have a cultist in Lincoln Park<br>
Are you serious, My Lord?<br>
We got your dagger<br>
We got your scent<br>
I know what shoe size you wear, my boy<br>
So you can run and hide<br>
But we're gonna find you<br>
Find you<br>
Chorus x2<br>
===Ozzy: Crazy train===
Black Rage, but that's how it goes<br>
Millions of traitors living as foes<br>
Pretty sure it is too late<br>
To learn how to love<br>
And forget how to hate<br>
Mortal wounds are healing<br>
Life's a bitter shame<br>
Im getting an extra save with my Feel No Pain<br>
Im getting an extra save with my Feel No Pain<br>
Let's Go!<br>
I listen to chaplains<br>
To get rerolls<br>
I fight against Bloodthirst<br>
Got my own set of rules<br>
One person conditioned to keep some control<br>
And Astorath lets me live just for the lulz<br>
Mental wounds still screaming<br>
Driving me insane<br>
I'm fighting against Horus crazy brain<br>
I'm im kicking Horus' ass in my crazy brain<br>
I know that things are pretty wrong with me<br>
You gotta listen to my RAGE<br>
Death company Chaplain<br>
That's what we've become<br>
Inheriting troubles I'm mentally numb<br>
Crazy, I just cannot bear<br>
I'm living with something' that just isn't fair<br>
Had a wound inflicted<br>
Anyone to blame<br>
I'm going off the rails with my unbound rage<br>
I'm going off the rails with my unbound rage<br>
===SSgt Barry Sadler: Ballade Of The Space Marines.===
Fighting soldiers from the sky<br>
Fearless men who jump and die<br>
Men who haunt the Xenos' dreams<br>
The brave men of the Space Marines<br>
Golden wings upon their chests<br>
More than men, the Imperium's best<br>
Today we test one hundred teens<br>
But only one joins the Space Marines<br>
Altered to live off any land<br>
Trained in combat, hand to hand<br>
Never to hide their colours' sheen<br>
They wear them proud for the Space Marines<br>
Golden wings upon their chests<br>
More than men, the Imperium's best<br>
Today we test one hundred teens<br>
But only one joins the Space Marines<br>
When at last, he is released<br>
One more Marine finds The Emperor's Peace<br>
He has died for those oppressed<br>
Leaving his Chapter one request<br>
Cut the geneseed from my chest<br>
To live again in the Imperium's best<br>
One more young man to guard the hopes and dreams<br>
Of all Mankind as a Space Marine<br>
===When You're Eldrad===
When Asuryan is too busy, and Khaine's a bit too much<br>
They call me, by name you see, for my special touch<br>
To the seers I'm a legend, to the mon'keigh I'm a dick<br>
But call me by any name, any way it's all the same<br>
I'm the gore on your shoe<br>
I'm the pebble in your boot<br>
I'm the daemon in your bed<br>
I'm the bolt in every head<br>
I'm the mine on which you step<br>
I'm the pin in every hip<br>
I'm the spore in your eye, makes you wiggle and writhe<br>
And it's so easy when you're Eldrad<br>
This is the life you see, the council tip their hats to me<br>
I do it all because I'm Eldrad<br>
And I do it all for free<br>
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need<br>
While there's mon'keigh to make sad<br>
While there's lulz left to be had<br>
While there's pockets left to pick<br>
While there's Dreadnoughts left to trip<br>
down the stairs I'll be there, I'll be waiting 'round the corner<br>
It's a game, I'm glad I'm in it<br>
'Cause there's one born every minute<br>
And it's so easy when you're Eldrad<br>
This is the life you see, the council tip their hats to me<br>
I do it all because I'm Eldrad<br>
And I do it all for free<br>
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need<br>
I pledge my allegiance<br>
To all things skub and derp<br>
Promise on my old Soul Stone<br>
To do as I am told<br>
For Cegorach has never seen<br>
A seer quite like me, not only<br>
does his job but does it happily<br>
I'm the fear that keeps you 'wake<br>
I'm the shadows in the Warp<br>
I'm the Daemons they become<br>
I'm the nightmare in your skull<br>
I'm a Witchblade in your back<br>
An extra turn upon the rack<br>
I'm the quivering of your heart<br>
A stabbing pain, a sudden start<br>
And it's so easy when you're Eldrad<br>
This is the life you see, the council tip their hats to me<br>
I do it all because I'm Eldrad<br>
And I do it all for free<br>
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need<br>
And I do it all for free<br>
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need X2<br>
It gets so ronery being Eldrad<br>
What I'd do to see a Codex<br>
Even for a little while<br>
And no one loves you when you're Eldrad<br>
I'm lying through my teeth<br>
Your rage is all the comforting I need!<br>
===Weebl: Cucumber song (Spire Legis)===
We is takin' a trukk<br>
Down ta Spire Legis<br>
Cuz we 'ave 'eard they is all 'ummie free<br>
Which makes it safe fer us ta plant new orkses<br>
All fer teh WAAAGH<br>
Just ya sees<br>
'Ummies are the orkses enemies<br>
They try an' stomp us with their bitz<br>
The only way few our boyz ta escape is<br>
Drivin' a truk down the street!<br>
===Secret of Survival (The Wind In The Willows)===
[All Four]<br>
First you see us…<br>
Then you don’t…<br>
(All four disappear)<br>
Now you hear us….<br>
Now you won’t…<br>
[All four (reappearing behind Traveler’s back)]<br>
It’s our secret of survival<br>
In a very nasty Warp.<br>
Now you feel us…<br>
Now you can't.<br>
Are we real?<br>
Perhaps we aren't!<br>
[All Four]<br>
It's our secret of survival<br>
In a very nasty Warp!<br>
It's our secret of survival<br>
In a very nasty Warp!<br>
Is it really such a nasty place?<br>
[Voice of Malal]<br>
Oh yes, a very nasty place indeed<br>
[All Four:]<br>
Nastier than you could ever dream of!<br>
From up above…<br>
And from beneath…<br>
Armed to teeth.<br>
[All Four]<br>
Ready to attack you,<br>
You're a snack - and you'd better run!<br>
Don't come to Innmaterium<br>
If you haven't got a gun!<br>
[All four]<br>
Every creature of the Chaos<br>
Has to look out for itself!<br>
Got no Emperor here, or Space Marines<br>
You could call for help<br>
You're in the Warp boy<br>
And every child could<br>
Tell you that you've got no<br>
Business to be here!<br>
[All Four]<br>
First you see us…<br>
Then you don’t…<br>
Now you hear us…<br>
Now you won't.<br>
[All Four]<br>
It's our secret of survival<br>
In a very nasty Warp!<br>
Now you feel us…<br>
Now you can't…<br>
Are we real?<br>
Perhaps we aren't!<br>
[All Four:]<br>
It's our secret of survival<br>
It’s our secret of survival<br>
It's our secret of survival<br>
In a very nasty Warp!
Written by yours truly.
I heard there was a secret word,<br>
that Goto wrote and it pleased the Board,<br>
but you don't care for canon, do you?<br>
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth,<br>
Horus' fall, the Angel's lift,<br>
Boreale was shouting "Hail the Emprah"<br>
Hail the Emprah, Hail the Emprah,<br>
Hail the Emprah, Hail the Emprah...
Khorne made you strong, but you were don goof',<br>
when Eversor bursted through the roof,<br>
he shouted WRYYYYYYYYYY right before he killed ya.<br>
He murdered all your buddies there,<br>
cut off your limbs, ripped out your hair<br>
And from your lips came the "Death to Emprah"<br>
Death to Emprah, Death to Emprah,<br>
Death to Emprah, Death to Emprah...
Heretic I have seen before,<br>
in a bio-ship I walked the floor,<br>
walls came alive and all tried to kill ya.<br>
Creed's flag appeared on battleships,<br>
infiltrated tanks blew them to bits,<br>
through darkest space was shouted "Screw the Emprah!"<br>
Screw the Emprah, Screw the Emprah,<br>
Screw the Emprah, Screw the Emprah...
There was a time, t'was a good show,<br>
when Eldar appeared by row,<br>
And Eldrad screwed us over big time.<br>
The Necrons from the darkest depths,<br>
send entire regiments to their deaths,<br>
the Guardsmen were all shouting "Where's the Emprah?!"<br>
Where's the Emprah, Where's the Emprah,<br>
Where's the Emprah, Where's the Emprah...
Well on the distant Terra,<br>
sits our beloved Emprah,<br>
guiding his children through these dark times.<br>
Gods of Chaos, beasts from beyond,<br>
monsters by the ancients spawned,<br>
we raise our fist and shout "AVE EMPRAH!"<br>
===Where there's a whip, there's a way (The Lord Of The Rings)===
Wher ther’z Gork <br>
Ther’z Mork <br>
And Wher ther’z Mork <br>
Ther’z Gork <br>
Wher ther’z Gork <br>
We wanntz go to WAAAGH todayz <br>
Umiess don’t run, fight uz, heyz, heyz, heyz <br>
Ther will be WAAAGH all dayz, all dayz, all dayz! <br>
Ther’z Mork <br>
And Wher ther’z Mork, ther’z Gork! <br>
Wher ther’z Gork <br>
Ther’z Mork <br>
And Wher ther’z Mork <br>
Ther’z Gork <br>
Wher ther’z Gork <br>
Ther’z Mork <br>
Letz WAAAAGH! Letz WAAAGH! <br>
And wher ther’z Mork, ther’z Gork <br>
Get in da choppa, cuz werz gonna fight! <br>
There will be WAAAGH all dayz and nightz and mooar <br>
Cuz thiz iz what the Orkz livez foooor! <br>
Letz WAAAGH! Letz WAAAGH! <br>
Wher ther’z Gork <br>
Ther’z Mork <br>
And wher ther’z Mork <br>
Ther’z Gork <br>
Wher ther’z Gork <br>
We wanntz go to WAAAGH todayz <br>
Umiess don’t run, fight uz, hey, hey, hey <br>
Ther will be WAAAGH all dayz, all dayz, all dayz! <br>
Ther’z Mork <br>
And Where ther’z Mork, ther’z Gork! <br>
Letz WAAAGH! Letz WAAAGH!  <br>
Letz WAAAGH! Letz WAAAGH! <br>
===I'm a good ol' heretic===
Oh, I'm a good ol' heretic<br>
Yeah, that's just what I am<br>
And for your rotting corpse-god I do not give a damn<br>
I'm glad I fought for Horus, I only wish we'd won<br>
And I don't want no pardon for anything I've done<br>
I hates the damn Imperium, those spergin' Cogboys, too<br>
I hates those preening braggarts in uniforms of blue<br>
I hates the nasty Aquila, with all its brags and fuss<br>
And those lyin', thievin' Magpies lead by some coiffured wuss<br>
I hates the Administratum and everything they do<br>
I hates the Inquisition, their fucking Grey Knights, too<br>
I hates those fool Astartes, I hates the Golden Throne<br>
I hates the Ecclesiarchy praying to worthless bones<br>
I fought with the Warmaster for ten score years and some<br>
I caught some bolter fire, got an augmetic thumb<br>
I lost more bits to frostbite, a campin' in the snow<br>
But I killed a bunch of Loyalists, I'd love to kill some mo'<br>
Now forty thousand Loyalists are dead in Istvaan dust<br>
We got some more on Terra, before they killed Horus<br>
They died to Chaos bolters, lasguns and plasma shots<br>
Wish we'd killed forty billion, instead of what we got<br>
We couldn't conquer Terra, but someday it'll burn<br>
Inside the Eye of Terror we're planning our return<br>
So I don't need no pardon for the way that I was made<br>
Nor for the things I'll do to you in our next Black Crusade<br>
Oh I'm a good ol' heretic, now that's just what I am<br>
Yeah, I'm a good ol' heretic, now that's just what I am<br>
===Sailor Moon: Sayla Ork===
Foightin' evil boi moonlite
Winnin' lurv boi daylite
Nevah runnin' from a real foight
'e iz sa un named Salya Mork (or iz it Gork?)
'e will... Neva turn 'is back onna boy
'e iz... Always dere ta destroy
'e iz... Da un on 'oo we can depend
'he iz da un named Sayla...
...Sayla [[Choppa]]
...Sayla [[Dakka]]
...Sayla [[RAGE|Foightin']]
...Sayla [[/tg/|Winnin']]
Wiff sekrit powahs
All so noo ta 'im
'e iz da un named Sayla Mork (or is it Gork?)
Foightin' evil boi moonlite
Winnin' lurv boi daylite
Wiff 'iz [[Freebooterz|Sayla Boyz]] to 'elp foight
'e iz da un named Sayla Mork (or is it Gork?)
'e iz da un named Sayla Mork (or is it Gork?)
'e iz da un... Sayla ORK!
===Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky===
Warp storm shattered from the sky<br>
There ain't a witch in sight<br>
It's steel rehnin, Spess Mareens are on the way<br>
And don't you know<br>
It's a beautiful new day hey, hey<br>
Runnin' down the avenue<br>
See how his hair shines brightly, in the hive<br>
On the streets, where crime was rife<br>
The Emperah is living here today hey, hey<br>
Emperah guy, please tell us why<br>
You had to die away for so long<br>
Where did we go wrong?<br>
Emperah guy, please tell us why<br>
You had to die away for so long<br>
Where did we go wrong?<br>
Hey you with the godly face<br>
Welcome to your loyal race<br>
A celebration, The Emperah's up there waitin'<br>
And today is the day we've waited for<br>
Emperah guy, please tell us why<br>
You had to die away for so long<br>
Where did we go wrong?<br>
Hey there Emperah<br>
We're so pleased to be with ya<br>
Look around see what you do<br>
Ev'rybody smiles at you<br>
Hey there Emperah<br>
We're so pleased to be with ya<br>
Look around see what you do<br>
Ev'rybody smiles at you<br>
Emperah guy, Emperah guy<br>
Emperah guy<br>
Emperah, you did it right<br>
But here comes a khornate knight creepin' over<br>
Now his hand is on your shoulder<br>
Never mind I'll remember you this<br>
I'll remember you this way<br>
Emperah guy please tell us why<br>
You had to die away for so long<br>
Where did we go wrong?<br>
Hey there Emperah<br>
We're so pleased to be with ya<br>
Look around see what you do<br>
Ev'rybody smiles at you<br>
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba<br>
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba<br>
===Monty Python: Lumberjack Song===
[Tech Priest]
I wanted to be... a Space Marine! <br>
Killing so many different xenos, as they war against planets all across the Imperium. The undying Immortals. The Nobs. The Wraiths! The formidable Farseer! The constantly screaming Warboss! The plucky little Slugga Boyz! The lumbering Kroot hounds of the Tau. The towering Big Meks of the Orks! The gargantuan Mega Armoured Nobs! <br>
With my squad mates by my side, we'd purge! purge! purge! <br>
[Tech Priest]
I'm a Space Marine, and I'm okay. <br>
I purge all night and I burn all day. <br>
[Space Marine Squad]
He's a Space Marine, and he's okay. <br>
He purges all night and he burns all day. <br>
[Tech Priest]
I burn the Orks. I shoot the Tau. <br>
Necrons eat my chainswords. <br>
On Wednesdays I hunt Eldar, <br>
And pray to Khorne in war! <br>
[Space Marine Squad]
He burns the Orks. He shoots the Tau. <br>
Necrons eat his chainswords. <br>
On Wednesdays he hunts Eldar, <br>
And prays to Khone in war...? <br>
He's a Space Marine, and he's okay. <br>
He purges all night and he burns all day. <br>
[Tech Priest]
I burn the Orks. I hail Chaos. <br>
Burn cities to the ground. <br>
I put on chaos symbols <br>
And stack skulls in a mound. <br>
[Space Marine Squad]
He burns the Orks. He hails Chaos. <br>
Burns cities to the ground. <br>
He puts on chaos symbols <br>
And stacks skulls in a mound?!<br>
He's a Space Marine, and he's okay. <br>
He purges all night and he burns all day. <br>
[Tech Priest]
I burn the Orks. I bear warp blades, <br>
keep saints' heads in a jar. <br>
I wish I'd been a daemon, <br>
So I could slay Calgar! <br>
[Space Marine Squad]
He burns the Orks. He bears warp blades, <br>
keeps saints' heads in a jar?! <br>
What's this? Wants to be a daemon?! Oh, My! <br>
And I thought you were so loyal! Traitor! <br>
''Dear sir, I wish to complain on the strongest possible terms about the song which you have just broadcast about the space marine who is a servant to chaos. Many of my best freinds are Space Marines and only a few of them are servants to chaos!''
=== Promethium Road (Steve Earle: Copperhead Road) ===
''Promethium Road, Sung by a farmer's boy from Gath''
Well my name's Anval Gidemore <br>
Same as my father and his father before <br>
You hardly ever saw grandfather 'round here <br>
He only went to port about twice a year <br>
He'd buy a couple bags of yeast and some plasteel line <br>
Everyone on Gath knew he brewed white gyn <br>
Now the arbites wanted grandfather bad <br>
Headed up our pasture with everything he had <br>
It's before my birth but I've been told <br>
He never came back from Promethium Road <br>
Now Father brewed the whiskey in a Leman Russ <br>
Guard surplus they just toss the stuff <br>
Cadian 18th written on the side <br>
Just shot a coat of paint and then he looked inside <br>
Well him and my uncle tore it all to hell <br>
I still remember that putrid smell <br>
Then the Arbites came by in the middle of the night <br>
Heard mother crying, something wasn't right <br>
He was busy brewing up the weekly load <br>
You could see whiskey burning down Promethium Road <br>
I volunteered for the Guard on my birthday <br>
They draft the farmers boys first 'round here anyway <br>
I did five years of fighting with the Catachan <br>
I came back to Gath with a brand new plan <br>
I take the seed that grows near New Jericho <br>
And I plant up our pasture down Promethium Road <br>
Now the Arbites got their gander in the air <br>
Wake up screaming like I'm back over there <br>
I learned a thing or two from the 'Catas don't you know <br>
You better stay away from Promethium Road <br>
=== Avenue Q: The internet is for Porn. ===
Sung by Kharn and a Cannoness
The Imperium is really really great <br>
For Khorne! <br>
I’ve got a fast starship so i don’t have to wait <br>
For Khorne! <br>
There's always some new fight, <br>
For Khorne! <br>
I war all day and night <br>
For Khorne! <br>
It's like i’m killing at the speed of light <br>
For Khorne! <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne, <br>
Why you think the Warp was born? <br>
Khorne, Khorne, Khorne! <br>
I’m glad that we have Warp technology <br>
For Khorne! <br>
Which gives us untold opportunity <br>
For Khorne! <br>
Fight from your tabletop <br>
For Khorne! <br>
You can plunder rape and chop <br>
For Khorne! <br>
Until you've had enough and you're ready to stop <br>
For Khorne! <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne, <br>
Me up all night gathering skulls for
Khorne, Khorne, Khorne!
That’s gross! You’re a heretic
[Kharn] <br>
Ah, sticks and stones Cannoness
[Canoness] <br>
NO really, you're a heretic
Normal people don’t run around
killing in the Imperium
[Kharn] <br>
[Canoness] <br>
[Kharne] <br>
You have no idea
Ready normal people?
[Abbadon, Horus, Angron] <br>
Let me hear it!
[Kharn and guys] <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne! <br>
[Abbadon] <br>
Sorry Emp <br>
[Kharn and guys] <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne! <br>
[Horus] <br>
I eviscerate! <br>
[Kharn and guys] <br>
All these guys unshethe their swords <br>
For Khorne, Khorne, Khorne! <br>
[Cannoness] <br>
The Imperium is not for Khorne!! <br>
[Kharn and guys] <br>
Khorne, Khorne, K--- <br>
Now I happen to know for a fact that you, Abbadon, rely on the Imperium to kill off your excess followers <br>
That’s correct. <br>
[Cannoness] <br>
And Horus, you once saved the Emperor's life <br>
[Horus] <br>
Sure! <br>
[Cannoness] <br>
And Angron, you keep killing whenever you can <br>
[Angron] <br>
Yes I do! <br>
[Cannoness] <br>
And Kharn, you love kitten <br>
[Kharne] <br>
True! <br>
[Kharne] <br>
Oh, but Cannoness <br>
What you think we do after? hmm? <br>
[Abbadon] <br>
...yeah <br>
(EEEWWWWW!) <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne! <br>
Heretics! <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne! <br>
I hate Khorne <br>
Grab your axe and cleave and hack <br>
For Khorne, Khorne, Khorne! <br>
(harmonizing) Khorne, Khorne, Khorne, Khorne <br>
I’m leaving! <br>
Khorne Khorne Khorne Khorne <br>
Khorne Khorne Khorne Khorne <br>
I hate the Imperium! <br>
Khorne, Khorne, Khorne, Khorne <br>
The Imperium is for <br>
The Imperium is for <br>
The Imperium is for Khorne! <br>
YEAH! <br>
=== The Scarlet Commissar: Into The Fire ===
Pius stood to guard the Emperor, <br>
with his las clutched in his hand.<br>
He was only a man<br>
But he knew someone must take a stand.<br>
There will always be a battle<br>
but remember our Lord's grace.<br>
there will always be perilous dangers<br>
which someone must face.<br>
Into valleys, into waters<br>
Into jungles, into hell<br>
Let us ride, let us ride home again with a story to tell.<br>
Into darkness, into danger,<br>
To Warp storms that rip the night,<br>
Don't give in, or give up,<br>
But give thanks for the glorious fight.<br>
You can tremble, you can fear it,<br>
But keep your fighting spirit alive boys.<br>
Let the shiver of it sting you,<br>
Fling into battle, spring to your feet boys.<br>
Never hold back your step for a moment,<br>
Never doubt that your courage will grow,<br>
Grow your faith ever higher and into the fire we go .<br>
Are there cultists that surround us?<br>
Are there orks that block the way?<br>
Shoot'em down, knock'em back boys,<br>
And forward and into the fray.<br>
Eye of terror? Time for valour,<br>
Hold the Line, no, never turn.<br>
Yes, it's into the Warp that we'll fly,<br>
And it's Chaos who'll burn...<br>
Someone has to guard the Emperor<br>
Rush in, we shall defend him and win boys<br>
When the Warp is saying not to<br>
Emprah, you know you've got to march on, boys<br>
Never hold back your step for a moment.<br>
Never doubt that your courage will grow.<br>
Grow your faith ever higher and into fire we go <br>
Let the bolter fire<br>
Let the flash of it shock you<br>
Choke your fears away<br>
Pull as tight as a wire<br>
Let their Chainswords strike<br>
Let the force of it rock you<br>
We will have our day, standing tall to the fire.<br>
Someone has to guard the Emprah<br>
Rush in! We shall defend him and win boys<br>
When the warp is saying not to<br>
Emprah, you know you've got to march on, boys<br>
Never hold back your step for a moment<br>
Hold the Line! Oh, your courage will grow<br>
Yes, it's higher and higher and into the fire we go<br>
Into fire!<br>
Onward, ho! <br>
=== Rick Astley: Never Gonna Give You Up ===
We's no strangers to WAAAGH! <br>
We frags ‘em all, shoots ‘em in da eye <br>
A full bombardment's what we’s finkin’ of <br>
We’s gonna make sure that ya all’s gonna die <br>
We’s jus’ wanna gives ya all a beatin’ <br>
Gonna make ya good ‘n’ dead <br>
We’s all gonna blow ya up <br>
We’s all gonna put ya down <br>
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya <br>
We’s all gonna make ya cry <br>
You’s all gonna say good-bye <br>
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya <br>
We's fought each otha fer so long <br>
Yer arrmy's all breakin’ but <br>
Ya don’t wants ta quits it <br>
Ya ‘n’ me both knows that it won’t be long <br>
We’s gonna win, ‘n’ yer gonna loze it <br>
‘N’ I fink ya all shud be fleein’ <br>
Don't tell me you's too blind ta see <br>
We’s all gonna blow ya up <br>
We’s all gonna put ya down <br>
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya <br>
We’s all gonna make ya cry <br>
You’s all gonna say good-bye <br>
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya <br>
We’s all gonna blow ya up <br>
We’s all gonna put ya down <br>
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya <br>
We’s all gonna make ya cry <br>
You’s all gonna say good-bye <br>
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya <br>
(WAAAGH, blow ya up) <br>
(WAAAGH, blow ya up) <br>
(WAAAGH!) <br>
We’s all gonna blow, we’s all gonna blow <br>
(Blow ya up) <br>
(WAAAGH!) <br>
We’s all gonna blow, we’s all gonna blow <br>
(Blow ya up) <br>
We's fought each otha fer so long <br>
Yer arrmy's all breakin’ but <br>
Ya don’t wants ta quits it <br>
Ya ‘n’ me both knows that it won’t be long <br>
We’s gonna win, ‘n’ yer gonna loze it <br>
We’s jus’ wanna gives ya all a beatin’ <br>
Gonna make ya good ‘n’ dead <br>
We’s all gonna blow ya up <br>
We’s all gonna put ya down <br>
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya <br>
We’s all gonna make ya cry <br>
You’s all gonna say good-bye <br>
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya <br>
We’s all gonna blow ya up <br>
We’s all gonna put ya down <br>
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya <br>
We’s all gonna make ya cry <br>
You’s all gonna say good-bye <br>
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya <br>
We’s all gonna blow ya up <br>
We’s all gonna put ya down <br>
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya <br>
We’s all gonna make ya cry <br>
You’s all gonna say good-bye <br>
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya <br>
=== Wuppa Orky style (PSY: Gangnam Style) ===
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Orky style <br>
I love a bomma who is warm and shooty by day, <br>
A classy bomma who knows how to bring the freedom of da WAAAAGH! to a planet <br>
A bomma whose moves gets sharper when fighting comes <br>
A bomma with that kind of twist <br>
I'm a Greenskin <br>
A Greenskin who is as warm as you during the day <br>
A Greenskin who one-shots his enemy HQ with a Powa Klaw <br>
A Greenskin whose hearts bursts when the fight comes <br>
That kind of Greenskin <br>
Beautiful, lovely <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, lovely <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Orky style <br>
I love a Squig who is warm and passionate by day, <br>
A classy Squig who knows how to chase enemy vehicles when packed with bomz <br>
A Squig whose anticipation gets crazier when fighting comes <br>
A Squig with that kind of twist <br>
I'm a Boy <br>
A Boy who is as warm as you during the day <br>
A Boy who is bold as a lion with 11 other boyz <br>
A Boy whose feet fleets when the WAAAGH! comes <br>
That kind of Boy <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Now let's go until the end <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! Wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! oh oh oh oh <br>
A shoota who looks classy but is killy when it shoots <br>
A shoota who puts da foes down when the right time comes <br>
A shoota who covers itself but is more sexy than a shoota who bares it all <br>
A sensible shoota like that <br>
I'm a Nob <br>
A Nob who seems irate and gets angry when he plays <br>
A Nob who goes completely crazy when the right time comes <br>
A Nob who has bulging Klaws as well as muscles <br>
That kind of Ork <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Now let's go until the end <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Kustom forcefield, wup, wup, wup wup wuppa Mekboy style <br>
Eh- Kustom forcefield oh oh oh oh <br>
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby <br>
I'm a pilot who knows a thing or two <br>
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby <br>
I'm a Ork who knows a thing or two <br>
You know what I'm saying <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Furious charging, wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa is Orky style <br>
Eh- Furious charging oh oh oh oh <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Shall we go all the way from now on? <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Choppy choppa, wup, wup, wup wup wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Choppy choppa oh oh oh oh <br>
A choppa who looks quiet but plays when I plays <br>
A choppa who puts me foes down when the right time comes <br>
A choppa who covers itself but is more sexy than a choppa who bares it all <br>
A sensible choppa like that <br>
I'm a Warboss <br>
A Warboss who dreams big but WAAAGHS! when he WAAAGHS! <br>
A Warboss who goes completely crazy when the right time comes <br>
A Warboss who has bulging ideas as well as muscles <br>
That kind of Ork <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Now let's go until the end <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Zzappin’ Weirdboy, Greenskin is Orky style <br>
Eh- Zzappin’ Weirdboy oh oh oh oh <br>
On top of the running Xenos is the flying Marine, baby baby <br>
I'm a Greenskin who knows a fing or two <br>
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby <br>
I'm a Greenskin who knows a thing or two <br>
You know what I'm saying <br>
Dis boy is Orky style <br>
Eh- Dakka dakka, dak, dak, dak dak dakka Orky styleEh- Dakka dakka oh oh oh oh <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Orky style <br>
I love Mega armour who is big and protecty by day, <br>
Da classy Mega armour who know how to bring the freedom from enemy dakka <br>
Da Mega armour whose protection gets better when fighting comes <br>
Da Mega armour with that kind of twist <br>
I'm a Killa Kan <br>
A Killa Kan who is as big as da rest of da boyz <br>
A Killa Kan who goes about bein’ stompy <br>
A Killa Kan whose rokkits bursts when they hit da enemy <br>
That kind of Killa Kan <br>
Beautiful, lovely <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, lovely <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Greenskin style <br>
I love a Deff rolla who is round and spikey by day, <br>
A classy Deff rolla who know how to bring the squish to an enemy planet <br>
A Deff rolla whose spikes gets sharper when fighting comes <br>
A Deff rolla with that kind of twist <br>
I'm a Weirdboy <br>
A Weirdboy who is as sane as you during the day <br>
A Weirdboy who squiggifies his enemy HQ before it even chops boyz <br>
A Weirdboy whose brain hursts when the fight comes <br>
That kind of Weirdboy <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Now let's go until the end <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Shooty Lootas, Wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Shooty Lootas oh oh oh oh <br>
A Looted gun who looks loud but dakkas when it dakkas <br>
A Looted gun who puts her foes down when the right time comes <br>
A Looted gun who covers da enemy in shooty and is more deadly than a Looted gun who misses dem all <br>
A sensible Looted gun like that <br>
I'm a Painboy <br>
A Painboy who seems calm but plays when he oprates <br>
A Painboy who goes completely crazy when the brai-squigg transplant comes <br>
A Painboy who has sharp ideas as well as instruments <br>
That kind of Painboy <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Now let's go until the end <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Battle wagon, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom vroomah Greenskin style <br>
Eh- Battle wagon oh oh oh oh <br>
I'm a Greenskin who knows a fing or two <br>
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby <br>
I'm a Greenskin who knows a thing or two <br>
You know what I'm saying <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Dakka Jet, wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa <br>
Eh- Dakka Jet oh oh oh oh <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Shall we go all the way from now on? <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Choppy chainsword, wup, wup, wup wup wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Choppy chainsword oh oh oh oh <br>
A chainsword who looks quiet but plays when she plays <br>
A chainsword who puts her foes down when the right time comes <br>
A chainsword who covers herself but is more sexy than a chainsword who bares it all <br>
A sensible chainsword like that <br>
I'm a Flashgit <br>
A Flashgit who seems rich but shoots when he shoots <br>
A Flashgit who goes completely dakka when the right time comes <br>
A Flashgit who has a bulging belly as well as a snazzgun <br>
That kind of Flashgit <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Beautiful, loveable <br>
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey <br>
Now let's go until the end <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style <br>
Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- wretched gretchin, little runt ain't Greenskin style <br>
Eh- wretched gretchin oh oh oh oh <br>
On top of the running bugeyes is the flying Greenskin, baby baby <br>
I'm a Greenskin who knows a fing or two <br>
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby <br>
I'm a Greenskin who knows a thing or two <br>
You know what I'm saying <br>
Dat boy is Orky style <br>
Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! Wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa Orky style <br>
Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! oh oh oh oh <br>
=== Warriors Of Terra (Manowar: Warriors of the World) ===
Here I see you stand from all around the worlds
Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry
All are gathered here, victory is near
The sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all
We alone are fighting for the Emperor that is true
We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you
Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry
Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky
Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air
We're warriors, warriors of Terra
Like thunder from the sky - sworn to fight and die
We're warriors, warriors of Terra
Many stand against us, but they will never win
We said we would return and here we are again
To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain
We are the hammer of His wrath, we are thunder, wind and rain.
There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands
With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man
I call about and charge them all with a life that is a lie
And in their final hour they shall repent before they die
If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side
Gather my armor and weapons, tell teh chapter how I died
Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real
All who stand in my way will die by steel
Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air
We're warriors, warriors of Terra
=== I Love the Whole Board (I Love the Whole World) ===
I love all humans
I love our smog-filled hives
I love crusading
And taking xenos lives
I love the galaxy
With all its sights and sounds
I love Heresy
I love the sound of screams
I love Isstvaan
Even the plague marines
I love my legion
And crashing Terra's gates
Da Orkz:
I love WAAAAAGH-ing!
I love my mobs of boyz!
and being choppy!
I love my deffgun's noise!
I love da fightan'!
I loathe my dark kin
I loathe the orkish hordes
I loathe the mon'keigh
The Yngir even more
I loathe you all, worms
You are beneath my race
I love betraying
I love to rip and tear
I love my chain-axe
Heads flying through the air
I love destroying
And punches to the face
I love my homeland
I love our high-tech suits
I love converting
And training new recruits
I love the Greater Good
And taming lawless brutes!
I love all changes
To men and to their land
I love to teach them
More than their brains can stand
I love to ca-ckle...
... Just-As-Plaaaned
Indrick Boreale:
I love the EMPRAH
I love to see STEHL REHN
Be every ork in PEHN
And seeing ENEMEHS DIE
Trazyn: I love collecting
Obryon: I love my warscythe's bite
Orikan: I love my visions
Imotekh: I love my subjects
Despite their craziness
Space Wolves:
I love Russ' beard
And ales of potent strength
I love riding wolves
and their enormous length
I love the whole fang
and every bar and drink
Angry Marines:
I love virginity
And being your waifu
I love the emperor
One day I'll be his too
I love the galaxy
It's such a silly place
I love the purging
I love the holy flame
I love the Emprah
I love his holy name
I love my day-job
Purging all over space
Butthurt Casual:
Matt Ward:
I love your money
I love to rape the fluff
With decent rule sets
(ignore those Grey Knights buffs)
I love 40k
Except the Sisters stuff
Black Templars:
I love my chainswords
I love to RIP AND TEAR
I love assault marines
I love this crusade
I hope it never ends
Sisters of Battle:
I love to burn things
All heretics will die!
With many meltas
And flamers they will fry,
I praise the emprah
New codex coming soon (?)
I love to purge things
Burn each and every witch!
And for the xenos
Exterminatus bitch!
We're inquisitors
They never expect us.
Games Workshop:
I love more money
I love our cheap finecast
I love the pricehikes
Stick balance up your ass
I love you /tg/
We'll milk more money yet
Dark Eldar:
I love your anus
I love to torture you
With many poisons
while dressed extremely lewd
I love hedonism
I don't see what's to hate
I love Tau money
I love real special genes
I love to go fight
I love evolving things
I love this whole world
And all its tastiness
Guardsman and Tyranids:
I love the- OH SHIT
/tg/ Troll:
I love to shitpost!
I love to laugh at you!
I love my porn dumps!
Nude elven slave wat du
I love the whole board!
And all its stupid threads!
Imperial Guard:
I love my lasgun
I love the Commissar
I love the xenos
And their blue tit -*BLAM*
Adeptus Mechanicus:
I love the Admech
I love Machine Spirits
I love the Titans
And taking S.T.C's
I love Omnissiah
And all the servitors
01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000 01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000 01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000 01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000
I love my cultists
I love to make disease
I love my Isha
I love all the plague fleas
I love concocting
Disease and rank decay
I love my Shadowrun!
I love my Pathfinder!
I love to roll dem dice!
I love my Spellbinder!
I love the whole board!
And all its players too!
I love all excess
Excess is what I do
Excesssive lettterrrsss
Excessive rhyming too
Excessive timing
Or meter, as some might like to refer to it
I love my knowledge
I love ancient magic
I love the webway
And how I walk right in
I love my legion
Sorry about that thing
I loved the emprah
His word was highest law
I love the Hive Mind
RIP AND TEAR with my claws
I love my brood kin
New masters of Mankind!
I love the Dark Gods
I love my Black Crusades
I hate Ursarkar
the defeat that he evades!
I will destroy that wretch!
Cadia will be mine!
I love the mining
I love building the traps
I love my brethren
And our delightful yaps
I love our dungeon
It's such a comfy place
Mary Sue:
I love myself duh
I love some people too,
But I am the best
At every thing I do!
And you love me now
Because I'm Mary Sue
3.5 fag:
I love the templates
I love the easy rules
I love the flame wars
'Cause 4e is for fools!
I love 3.5
It is all that I play
Chaos Undivided:
We love our mortals
We love our terror eye
We hate the corpse-god
But soon he too will die
We're undivided
We want your mind and soul
Fortress Dwarves:
I love the mining
I love the sweet deathtraps
I love plump helmets
And all those qt cats
I love my Armok
Blood for the God of Blood!
I love my anvil
I love my magma pools
I love to kill elves
'cuz fuck those knife-eared fools
I love my fortress
and all the burning cats
Pvt. Linda Redshirt and soldier:
"I hate this planet
I hate my whole platoon"
"Look on the bright side
At least the coffee's good"
"That is the reason
I've yet to kill you all"
I love despoiling
I love causing harm
I love blaspheming
I love both my clawed ar-
That joke is so old
I fucking hate you all
C. S. Goto:
I love my eldar
I love multilasers
I love... multilasers...
Generic Cyberpunk Soldier:
I love my corp, man
I love the way they work
I love the fighting
And that I'll kill some jerk
I love cyberware
And all the 'punky things
Konrad Curze:
I love the darkness
I love hunting my prey
I love my bat wings
They really don't look gay
I love my raptors
But fuck the chaos gods
Marneus Calgar:
I love blue armor
I love our powerfists
I love the Codex
And all of its dictates
I love avatars
And smashing them to bits
I love my scarabs
I love my quiet friends
I love this song too!
I hope it never ends!
I love you /tg/
Without you I'd be blue.
Monstergirl Fetishist:
I love this fetish
/tg/ has the best kinks
Other boards just stare
But who cares what they think?
I love this whole board
We're weirder than /d/
Magnus the Red:
I crave all knowledge
I love my sorcery
I love the Emprah
I'm serving loyally
Watch out for Horus
Trazyn the Infinite:
I love my doubles
I love collecting things
I love Valeria
I love the gifts she brings
I love the galaxy
and all its rarities
I love the writefags
I love the RPGs
I love the troll threads
I love the energy
I love the whole board
It is the one for me
=== The False Emperor ===
(Spngebob Squarepants Theme)
Are ya ready cultists?
(Ay ay master!)
I can't hear you!
(Ay ay master!!)
Who sits on the golden throne dead as can be?
(The false Emperor!)
No good, a weakling, a false god he be!
(The false Emperor!)
If glory and power be sometime you wish!
(The false Emperor!)
Then pledge to Nurgle or maybe Slaanesh!
The false Emperor!
The false Emperor!
The false Emp-eror!
=== The Twelve Days of Nidmas ===
On the first day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the second day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, two biovores and gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the third day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the fourth day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoule on a spore tree.
On the fith day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the sixth day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, Six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore, mines two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the seventh day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the eighth day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leapind, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the ninth day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the tenth day of nidmas the hivemind gave me, ten spine gaunts shooting, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the eleventh day of nidmas the hiveming gave to me, eleven mawlocks digging, ten spine gaunts shooting, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
On the twelth day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, twelve zoanthropes zapping, eleven mawlocks digging, ten spine gaunts shooting, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.
===The Call([ to the tune of of the song of the same name])===
Echoes from the Istvaan<br>
Great hammers will fall<br>
Under rocket torn skys all will<br>
Answer the call<br>
Strike from the sky<br>
Ravens of yore<br>
All faces turn now to war<br>
Lord of the ash<br>
Fight through crimson glow<br>
Wolves of the north<br>
Howl your cry's of the snow<br>
Knights of Angels dark<br>
Fight beside your brothers right<br>
Bring us the strength<br>
Of metal and of Mars<br>
Heresy is rising!<br>
War will weather the souls of the lost<br>
Stand together whatever the cost<br>
Shields will falter and many will fall<br>
Time has come for us all<br>
To answer the call<br>
Pride of Inwit shore<br>
Guard the Fortress of the king<br>
Children of Macragge<br>
May your bolter's eternally sing<br>
Lords of blooded sky's<br>
May your contrails burn bight<br>
Bring us the Skulls<br>
Of the hunted and slain<br>
Shadows darken the Imperium's lands<br>
War will weather the souls of the lost<br>
Stand together whatever the cost<br>
Shields will falter and many will fall<br>
Time has come for us all<br>
To answer the call<br>
White gold<br>
Burning sky<br>
(For the souls of the lost)<br>
War will weather the souls of the lost<br>
Stand together whatever the cost<br>
Shields will falter and many will fall<br>
Time has come for us all<br>
To answer the call<br>
===Horrible Histories: LITERALLY! (The Viking Song)===
Valkia the Bloody:<br>
Was the summer of Sigmarzeit 2293,<br>
When we sailed 'cross the great north sea,<br>
Norscan Marauder:<br>
Twin-tailed comet trailing 'cross the skies that night,<br>
Ya should have known somethin' wasn't right,<br>
Valkia the Bloody:<br>
We arrived 'pon the Nordland shore,<br>
And you offered friendship,<br>
But we'd rather kill you for Khorne,<br>
Yes, kill you for Khorne, woah, woah!<br>
Valkia the Bloody:<br>
We'll kill and steal,<br>
Burn and drink,<br>
'Cause us Norscans don't care what you think,<br>
Woah, woah, woah!<br>
Valkia and Marauder:<br>
Let us in, wont you please?<br>
We're here to raid your Count's cities,<br>
We're primed and ready to attack,<br>
And we love how southlings try vainly to fight back,<br>
You'll die or become a slave to me,<br>
Though at times our slaves get chucked into the sea,<br>
When the boat's heavy, yeah, yeah!<br>
Valkia the Bloody:<br>
And I'll drink a toast from your skull,<br>
'Cause we're Norscans!<br>
That's how we roll!<br>
Woah, woah, woah,<br>
Valkia: Play that axe, Ragnar!<br>
guitar solo*<br>
We'll kill you and take all you own,<br>
Get on our ships, go back home,<br>
Woah woah woah,<br>
We're goin' home,<br>
Woah, woah, woah,<br>
We're goin' home...<br>
===Monorail (the simpsons)===
*Crpytek: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
*Like a genuine,
*Bona fide,
*What'd I say?
*Necron 2xh5: Monolith!
*Crpytek: What's it called?
*Necron 45rg + 55rg: Monolith!
*Crpytek: That's right! Monolith!
*[crowd chants `Monolith softly and rhythmically]
*Necron 6h45: I hear those things are awfully loud...
*Crpytek: It glides as softly as a cloud.
*Necron h744: Is there a chance the track could bend?
*Crpytek: Not on your life, my flayed friend.
*Necron kr86: What about us brain-dead slobs?
*Crpytek: You'll be given cushy jobs.
*Necron 7j4f: Were you sent here by the devil?
*Crpytek: No, good sir, I'm on the level.
*Necron j68g: The trigger came off my tesla gun.
*Crpytek: Take my guass blaster, my good man.
*I swear it's Springfield's only choice...
*Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
*All: Monolith!
*Crpytek: What's it called?
*All: Monolith!
*Crpytek: Once again...
*All: Monolith!
*Homverlady: But Main Street's still all cracked and broken...
*Lord: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!
*All: Monolith!
*[big finish]
*Homverlord: Mono... D'oh!
===Men of Cadia(Men of Harlech)===
Tongues of fire from The Eye flaring,<br>
news of Chaos near declaring,<br>
to heroic deeds of daring,<br>
call you Cadians<br>
Groans of wounded civies dying,<br>
wails of 'tillery shrapnel flying,<br>
others in their fox-holes crying,<br>
for you Cadians<br>
Shall the Warp winds wailing<br>
now be unavailing<br>
to us who have never yet<br>
in battles hour were failing<br>
This our answer guns are pouring<br>
swift as winter torrents roaring<br>
not in vain their vox imploring<br>
calls on Cadians<br>
Loud the Commissars are shouting<br>
every manly heart is bounding<br>
as our colonel we surrounding<br>
march we Cadians<br>
Short the sleep the Traitors taking<br>
ere the morrows dawn is breaking<br>
they shall have a rude awakening<br>
roused by Cadians.<br>
Gov'ner cease your weeping<br>
Calm may be your sleeping,<br>
your planet in safety now<br>
The Cadians are keeping.<br>
Ere the Emprah high in heaven<br>
Alien and mutie, panic riven,<br>
shall like Heretic sheep be driven<br>
far, by, Ca-di-ans.<br>
===Turisas: The March of the Imperial Guard (The March of the Varagian Guard)===
The sun rose ove the wasteland<br>
As far as the eye can see<br>
Regiments fill the vast waste plains of this world<br>
It's avian predators jeering at me<br>
But they can circle until they drop dead<br>
I have not come this far<br>
To end, but to pursure my own thread<br>
To join the Imperial Guard!<br>
Guards of glory and of might<br>
Hard as steel and strong as brass<br>
Flies our banners as we march<br>
Across the galaxy, for the God-Emperor of Mankind<br>
There's men of Cadia and Valhalla<br>
A few of Tallarn<br>
Men simply searching for glamour<br>
Some concealing their royal descent<br>
The Emperor's hammer they have aptly named us<br>
All we've come from afar<br>
Diversity is what unites us<br>
We are the Imperial Guard!<br>
Guards of glory and of might<br>
Hard as steel and strong as brass<br>
Flies our banners as we march<br>
Across the galaxy, for the God-Emperor of Mankind<br>
Eastern Fringe, Segmentum Ultima<br>
In the 41st millenium of the imperial date.<br>
To the Ghoul Stars and beyond<br>
This is where Segmentum Command have us sent<br>
For fame and for gold<br>
We once set the warp for these worlds unknown<br>
Guards of glory and of might<br>
Hard as steel and strong as brass<br>
Flies our banners as we march<br>
Across the galaxy, for the God-Emperor of Mankind<br>
===Grand Gathas Of Tzeentch (Grand Gathas Of Baal Sin)===
Grand Tzeentch, bringer of magick<br>
Stun the norm, sublime ideas<br>
Builders of restless towers<br>
They grow to reach the Immaterium<br>
NINE... Nine daemons wreak havok<br>
NINE... Nine sorcerors ever defiant<br>
Reconstruction of the golden age<br>
Guided by winged feathered sages<br>
Metaphoric mirage of the ideal<br>
Materialize the spoken word<br>
NINE... Nine daemons wreak havok<br>
NINE... Nine sorcerors ever defiant<br>
Under the eye of Magnus<br>
And all the wise<br>
All the lords of changes<br>
With their liquid souls we're baptized<br>
Caliphates of the truth<br>
Ahriman fee ein Il'adoo<br>
Polymaths are the ones who question<br>
Polymaths are the ones who hear<br>
Immaterium voices scream<br>
Awake and march to the next domain<br>
Under the eye of Magnus<br>
And all the wise<br>
All the lords of change<br>
We're baptized with their liquid souls<br>
Bringers of shadows<br>
Shun the mask<br>
That mask the illusion of the mass<br>
Grand Tzeentch, bringer of magick<br>
Stun the norm, sublime ideas<br>
Builders of restless towers<br>
They grow to reach the immaterium<br>
NINE... Nine daemons wreak havok<br>
NINE... Nine sorcerors ever defiant<br>
===You Win or You Die (game of throne theme song)===
The Eagle grasps what it can to preserve it's peace.
The Dragon consumes all before it in the East,
A cold golden throne, holds a man centauries old,
A galaxy laced in lies,
You win or you die,
The Four bides there time in the great eye,
The Daughters must pay the warriors toll,
A cold golden throne, holds a man centauries old,
A galaxy laced in lies,
You win or you die,
The ancients seek for purpose among there ruins
The youngest, await for there time to rise
A cold golden throne, holds a man centauries old,
A galaxy laced in lies,
You win or you die
===What a wondaful Waaagh - Loys Armstronk===
[[File:LoysArmstronk.jpg|300px|right|thumb|Loys Armstronk]]
Oi see boyz of green,<br>
red wartrukks too.<br>
'umies go 'boom'<br>
for me an' you.<br>
An' I fink to myself:<br>
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.<br>
Oi see Marines of blue<br>
an' bikes of white.<br>
Those beakie boyz they<br>
sure know 'ow to fight.<br>
An' I fink to myself:<br>
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.<br>
Our stormboyz and deffkoptas,<br>
so orky in da sky,<br>
blast away da faces<br>
of humies goin' by.<br>
Oi see gits dyin' and sayin':<br>
'Wot do we do?'<br>
And then they's all sayin:<br>
'Oh, I'm froo.'<br>
I hear panzees cry,<br>
I watch 'em explode.<br>
They'll fight no more<br>
'cuz they wuz too slow.<br>
Then I fink to myself:<br>
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.<br>
Yes, I fink to myself:<br>
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.<br>
===Heil dir im Siegerkranz - Anthem of the German Empire===
[[File:Wilhelm2.jpg|300px|right|thumb|Like the Emperor had an ancient German cousin...]]
Heil dir im Siegerkranz,<br>
Herrscher des Vaterlands!<br>
Heil, Kaiser, dir!<br>
Fühl in des Thrones Glanz<br>
Die hohe Wonne ganz,<br>
Liebling des Volks zu sein!<br>
Heil Kaiser, dir!<br><br>
Nicht Roß’, nicht Reisige<br>
Sichern die steile Höh',<br>
Wo Fürsten steh'n<br>
Liebe des Vaterlands,<br>
Liebe des freien Manns<br>
Gründen den Herrscherthron<br>
Wie Fels im Meer.<br><br>
Heilige Flamme, glüh',<br>
Glüh' und erlösche nie<br>
Fürs Vaterland!<br>
Wir alle stehen dann<br>
Mutig für einen Mann<br>
Kämpfen und bluten gern<br>
Für Thron und Reich!<br><br>
Handel und Wissenschaft<br>
Heben mit Mut und Kraft<br>
Ihr Haupt empor!<br>
Krieger- und Heldentat<br>
Finden ihr Lorbeerblatt<br>
Treu aufgehoben dort,<br>
An deinem Thron!<br><br>
Sei, Kaiser Wilhelm, hier<br>
Lang' deines Volkes Zier,<br>
Der Menschheit Stolz!<br>
Fühl' in des Thrones Glanz,<br>
Die hohe Wonne ganz,<br>
Liebling des Volks zu sein!<br>
Heil, Kaiser, dir!
'''Adepted version in English to suit the Imperium''' <br>
Hail to thee in victor's crown,<br>
Ruler of the fatherland!<br>
Hail to thee, Emperor!<br>
Feel in the throne's splendor<br>
The high ecstasy in full<br>
To be darling of thy people!<br>
Hail to thee, Emperor!<br><br>
Neither steed nor mounted knight<br>
Secure the towering height,<br>
Where princes stand:<br>
Love of the fatherland,<br>
Love of the free man,<br>
Create the ruler's throne<br>
Like crags at sea.<br><br>
Holy flame, glow,<br>
Glow and expire not<br>
For the fatherland!<br>
Then we all stand<br>
Valiant for one man<br>
Gladly fighting and bleeding<br>
For throne and empire!<br><br>
Service and faith<br>
Hoist with courage and strength<br>
Their chief aloft.<br>
Warriors' and heroes' deeds<br>
Find their laurel leaves<br>
Faithfully preserved<br>
Upon thy throne!<br><br>
Forever continuing to bloom<br>
Our flag may wave boldly<br>
On the high seas!<br>
Ha, how proud and majestic<br>
Casts over land and sea<br>
Widely the German eagle<br>
Its flaming gaze.<br><br>
Be, Emperor, here<br>
Thy people's ornament for many a year<br>
Humanity's pride!<br>
Feel in the throne's splendor,<br>
The high ecstasy in full<br>
To be darling of thy people!<br>
Hail to thee, Emperor!<br>
===Mr. Preacher Man===
It's nine o'clock on St.Sabat's day<br>
The regular crowd shuffles in<br>
There's a veteran sitting next to me<br>
Makin' love to his Gorsk White Gyn<br><br>
He says, "Son can you play me a memory<br>
I'm not really sure how it goes,<br>
But it's sad and it's sweet<br>
And I knew it complete<br>
When I wore the comissariat’s clothes"<br><br>
La la la, di da da<br>
La la, di da da da dum<br><br>
Sing us a song you're the preacher man<br>
preach us the gospel tonight<br>
Well we're all in the mood for some sanctity<br>
And you've got us feeling alright<br><br>
Now John at the bar is a friend of mine<br>
He gets me amasec for free<br>
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke<br>
But there's someplace that he'd rather be<br><br>
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me"<br>
As a smile ran away from his face<br>
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a Baneblade man<br>
If I could get out of this place"<br><br>
Oh, la la la, di da da<br>
La la, di da da da dum<br><br>
Now Paul is a war logs archivist<br>
Who never had time for a wife<br>
And he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy<br>
And probably will be for life<br><br>
And the servitor's praising Astartes<br>
As the vostroyans slowly get stoned,<br>
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness<br>
But it's better than drinking alone!<br><br>
Sing us a song you're the preacher man<br>
Preach us the gospel tonight<br>
Well we're all in the mood for some sanctity<br>
And you've got us feeling alright<br><br>
It's a pretty good crowd for St.Sabat’s day<br>
And the magos gives me a smile<br>
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see<br>
To forget about life for a while<br><br>
And the vox-caster sounds like a carnival<br>
And the microphone smells like a seal<br>
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar<br>
And say "Man what are you doing here?"<br><br>
Oh, la la la, di da da<br>
La la, di da da da dum<br><br>
Sing us a song you're the preacher man<br>
Preach us the gospel tonight<br>
Well we're all in the mood for some sanctity<br>
And you've got us feeling alright<br>
===Chaotic Terror (Accept: Teutonic Terror - Khorne Edition)===
Back to the frontlines, back at the night<br>
Evil marauders back in the lights<br>
Back for the slaughter, the fuel of the flames<br>
The roar of the thunder, back in the game<br>
Storming the strongholds, swords in the air<br>
Killing Astartes in their own lair<br>
Lighting the thorches, setting the stage<br>
You get what you ask for... right in the face<br><br>
Six string chainswords<br>
And screams in the night<br>
War clubs pounding<br>
Living just for the fight<br><br>
So we drive, thru the night<br>
With the howling wind at our backs<br>
Riding on Chaotic Terror<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE!<br><br>
String up the razors, sharpen the blades<br>
Tighten the skins up, no one escapes<br>
Crack up the grindstone, load up to sleds<br>
Saddle the Juggers, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!<br><br>
Six string chainswords<br>
And screams in the night<br>
War clubs pounding<br>
Living just for the fight<br><br>
So we drive, thru the night<br>
With the howling wind at our backs<br>
Riding on Chaotic Terror<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE<br>
For the roar of the crowd<br>
For the raging frontal attack<br>
Delivering the Chaotic Terror<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE!<br><br>
''guitar solo''<br><br>
Six string chainswords<br>
And screams in the night<br>
War clubs pounding<br>
Living just for the fight<br><br>
So we drive, thru the night<br>
With the howling wind at our backs<br>
Riding on Chaotic Terror<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE<br>
For the roar of the crowd<br>
For the raging frontal attack<br>
Delivering the Chaotic Terror<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE<br>
We will GIVE'EM THE AXE!<br><br>
===[ Through fire and flames - Farsight Enclaves]===
On a cold winter morning<br>
In the time before the light<br>
In flames of dead Ethereal's reign<br>
Deepstrike towards the fight<br>
When the darkness has fallen down<br>
and the times are tough alright<br>
The sound of evil laughter falls<br>
on Agrellan tonight<br>
Fighting hard, Crisis against steel<br>
Through the wastelands evermore<br>
The scattered souls will feel the hell<br>
Exterminatus on this world<br>
On the blackest plains in Hell's domain<br>
We watch them as they go<br>
Through the fire and pain and once again we know!<br>
So now we fly ever free<br>
We're free before the firestorm<br>
On towards the Enclaves<br>
Our quest carries on<br>
Far beyond Shadowsun<br>
Far beyond the Ethereals<br>
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls!<br>
So far away we wait for the day<br>
For the lives all so wasted and gone<br>
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days<br>
Through the fire and flames the Enclaves carry on!<br>
As the red day is dawning<br>
And our jetpacks crack the sky<br>
They'll raise their hands to the heavens above<br>
With resentment in their eyes<br>
Jetting back through the midmorning light<br>
there's a burning in my heart<br>
We're banished forever from the Tau empire<br>
To a life beyond the stars<br>
In your darkest dreams see to believe<br>
Our destiny is time<br>
From the Ethereals we'll be free tonight!<br>
And on the wings of a dream<br>
So far beyond Damocles Gulf<br>
All alone in desperation<br>
Now the time has gone<br>
Lost inside you'll never find<br>
Lost within Farsight's mind<br>
Day after day this exile must go on!<br>
So far away we wait for the day<br>
For the lives all so wasted and gone<br>
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days<br>
Through the fire and flames the Enclaves carry on!<br>
[guitar solo]
[guitar solo]
Now here we stand with their blood on our hands<br>
We fought so hard, now can we understand<br>
I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can<br>
For freedom of e-very Tau!<br>
So far away we wait for the day<br>
For the lives all so wasted and gone<br>
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days<br>
Through the fire and flames the Enclaves carry on!<br>
===Powerwolf - Amen and Attack===
In nomine veritas<br>
In nomine filii et patris<br>
In nomine veritas<br>
Et sanctus <br>
Amen and Attack<br>
Stand your ground against the storm
And honor those who've died<br>
Eins zwei amen & attack<br>
Army of the Emp’ror sworn<br>
Defenders of the right<br>
Drei vier - amen & attack<br>
When the night is cold and black<br>
We sing amen & attack<br>
And we lead the storm of the wild<br>
With our comrades at our backs<br>
Scream it! Amen & attack<br>
And we fight with God on our side<br>
Amen & attack<br>
Amen & attack<br>
Send the daemons from this world<br>
No place where they can hide<br>
Eins zwei amen & attack<br>
Make them pray or make them pay<br>
It's time to stand and fight<br>
Drei vier - amen & attack<br>
When the night is cold and black<br>
We sing amen & attack<br>
And we lead the storm of the wild<br>
With our comrades at our backs<br>
Scream it! Amen & attack<br>
And we fight with god on our side<br>
Amen & attack<br>
Amen & attack<br>
===[ Stayin' Alive - Knight Porphyrion (Bee Gees)]===
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,<br>
I'm a ranged knight: no time to charge.<br>
Cannons loud and barrels warm, I've been stomped around<br>
Since I was born.<br>
And now it's all right. It's OK.<br>
And you may duck under cover.<br>
We can try to understand<br>
The Porphyrion' effect on flesh.<br>
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a monster,<br>
I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.<br>
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',<br>
And I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.<br>
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.<br>
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.<br>
Well now, AP low and Strenght high,<br>
And if I can't get either, I really try.<br>
Got the AV Fourteen on my shoes.<br>
I'm a shooty Knight and I just can't lose.<br>
You know it's all right. It's OK.<br>
I'll live to see another day.<br>
We can try to understand<br>
The Porphyrion's effect on flesh.<br>
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a monster,<br>
I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.<br>
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',<br>
And I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.<br>
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.<br>
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.<br>
"He ignores cover. Somebody help me.<br>
Somebody help me, yeah."<br>
"He ignores cover. Somebody help me, yeah.<br>
Stayin' alive."
===[ Life on Mars - The Burning of Prospero (David Bowie)]===
[[File:No_comments.png|thumb|400px|right|Magnus did WHAT?!]]
It's a god-awful small affair<br>
To the girl with the shaven head<br>
But the Red King is yelling, "No!"<br>
And her Emperor's told her to go<br>
But the Fifteenth's nowhere to be seen<br>
Now she walks through her sunken dream<br>
To the seat with the clearest view<br>
And she's hooked to the holoscreen<br>
But Prospero's a saddening bore<br>
For she's lived it ten times or more<br>
She could shoot in the eyes of fools<br>
As she cancels their powers as...<br>
Witches fighting in the main hall<br>
Oh man!<br>
Look at those wizards go<br>
It's the freakiest show<br>
Take a look at the Wolfman<br>
Beating up the wrong guy<br>
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know<br>
He's in the best selling show<br>
For the Emperor!<br>
It's on Lorgar's tortured brow<br>
That Angron has grown up a cow<br>
Now the astartes have struck for fame<br>
'Cause we go make war again<br>
See the army in their million hordes<br>
From Nuceria to Roboute's worlds<br>
Reaching Terra is out of bounds<br>
For my Emperor, dog, and town<br>
But Prospero's a saddening bore<br>
'Cause I fought it ten times or more<br>
It's about to be fought again<br>
As I ask you to focus on<br>
Witches fighting in the main hall<br>
Oh man!<br>
Look at those wizards go<br>
It's the freakiest show<br>
Take a look at the Wolfman<br>
Beating up the wrong guy<br>
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know<br>
He's in the best selling show<br>
For the Emperor!<br>
===[ The man who sold the world - The Primarch who sold the world (David Bowie)]===
We passed upon the warp<br>
Spoke of was and when<br>
Although I wasn't there<br>
He said I was his friend<br>
Which came as some surprise<br>
I spoke into his eyes<br>
I thought you died alone<br>
Murdered on Eskrador<br>
"Oh no, NOT ME<br>
I never lost that duel<br>
You're face to face<br>
With Alpharius Omegon"<br>
I laughed and shook Dorn's hand<br>
And made my way back home<br>
I searched for Arkhan Land<br>
For years and years I roamed<br>
I gazed a gazer stare<br>
We marked a million hills<br>
We must have died alone<br>
A long long time ago<br>
Who knows?<br>
Not me<br>
We never lost control<br>
You're face, to face<br>
With Alpharius Omegon<br>the
===Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons===
Spooky scary Space Marines<br>
Send chainswords through your spine<br>
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul<br>
Seal your doom tonight<br>
Spooky scary Space Marines<br>
Bellow such a prayer<br>
You'll shake and shudder in surprise<br>
When your meatshields aren't all there<br>
We're so sorry Space Marines<br>
You're so misunderstood<br>
You only want to purge xenos<br>
But I don't think you should<br>
'Cause spooky scary Space Marines<br>
Shout startling war-cant screams<br>
They'll drop-pod from their Watch-Fortress<br>
And just won't leave you be<br>
Warriors beyond equal<br>
Will kill, what's all the fuss?<br>
Power armour will keep them safe<br>
As Chaos' schemes they foil<br>
Spooky scary Space Marines<br>
Are clever all the same<br>
They'll smile and put you to the sword<br>
And on you lay the blame<br>
Because spooky scary Space Marines<br>
Fight for the Emperor<br>
If you try to hurt Mankind<br>
You'll hear their bolters roar<br>
===Weird Al - Weasel Stomping Day===
Faces filled with joy and cheer<br>
What a magical time of year<br>
Howdy Ho! It's Xenos Stomping Day<br>
Put your Marine helmet on<br>
Spread that mayonaisse on the lawn<br>
Don't you know it's Xenos Stomping Day?<br>
All the little girls and boys<br>
Love that wonderful crunching noise<br>
You'll know what this day's about<br>
When you stomp a Xenos' guts right out<br>
So, come along and have a laugh<br>
Snap their alien spines in half<br>
Grab your boots and stomp your cares away<br>
Hip hip hooray, it's Xenos Stomping Day<br>
[Sounds of xenos getting stomped on, with bone-crunching and Tau-screeching effects]<br>
People love them down the street<br>
Crushing xenos beneath their feet<br>
Why we do it, who can say?<br>
But it's such a festive holiday<br>
So let the stomping fun begin<br>
Bash their Alien skulls right in<br>
It's tradition, that makes it okay<br>
Hey everyone, it's Xenos Stomping<br>
We'll have some fun on Xenos Stomping<br>
Put down your Lasgun, it's Xenos Stomping Day<br>
Hip Hip Hooray, it's Xenos Stomping Day<br>
Xenos Stomping Day<br>
===Emperor of the Universe/ [ Princes of the Universe (Queen)]===
Here I am, born to be Emperor<br>
Im the Emperor of the universe<br>
Here I belong, fighting to survive<br>
In a world with the darkest powers<br>
And here I am, Im the Emperor of the universe<br>
Here I belong, fighting for survival<br>
I've come to be the rulers of you all<br>
I am immortal, I have inside me blood of Emperors, yeah, yeah<br>
I have no rival, no man can be my equal<br>
Take me to the future of you all<br>
Born to be Emperor, Emperor of the universe<br>
Fighting and free<br>
Got your world in my hand<br>
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand<br>
I was born to be Emperor of the universe<br>
No man could understand<br>
My power is in my own hand<br>
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, people talk about you<br>
People say you've had your day<br>
I'm a man that will go far<br>
Fly the moon and reach for the stars<br>
With my sword and head held high<br>
Got to pass the test first time, yeah<br>
I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day<br>
But I can prove them wrong 'cause I'm right first time<br>
Yeah, yeah<br>
Alright, let's go, let's go, ha ha<br>
Yeah, watch this man fly, wooh<br>
Bring on the Sisters, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon<br>
Here I am (here I am)<br>
Born to be Emperor, Im the Emperor of the universe<br>
Here I belong<br>
Born to be Emperor, Emperor of the universe<br>
Fighting and free, got your world in my hand<br>
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand<br>
I was born to be Emperor of the universe (universe, universe, universe)<br>
===Ghostbusters Theme: The Deathwatch===
If there's something strange on the eastern front<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
If it's from the Warp and it don't look good<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
They shall know no fear.<br>
They shall know no fear.<br>
If you're seeing Nids, breaking through the fort<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
An invisible Tau sneaking through your base<br>
Oh, who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
They shall know no fear.<br>
They shall know no fear.<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
If you stand alone, kick you astropath<br>
And call. (The Deathwatch!)<br>
They shall know no fear.<br>
I hear it likes the Guard.<br>
They shall know no fear.<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
Mmh... if you're getting tons<br>
of the freaky 'Crons, baby,<br>
you better call the Deathwatch.<br>
Don't you fight alone, oh no... (The Deathwatch!)<br>
When you're facing a Waagh<br>
Unless you wanna die some more<br>
I think you better call The Deathwatch!<br>
Oh, who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
Louder! The Deathwatch!<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)<br>
===[ Undertale Hard Drive: Fulgrim's Istvaan V]===
Ferrus, I can show you where Horus hides<br>
on the dark sands<br>
of Istvaan V<br>
Yeah I'm dancing with your soul in my sights<br>
It's a showdown<br>
on the Drop Site<br>
Horus' date drugs got me out of my mind<br>
like my new sword<br>
from the Laeran<br>
And our minis got us frozen in time<br>
like a portrait<br>
in the dying light<br>
I’m dreaming like no Primarch ever could<br>
There’s my name! Up in lights!<br>
Your weapon skill won't suffice baby!<br>
I’m sorry I'm a better smith than you<br>
Raise the stakes! Pick a fight!<br>
You'll need that IWND, baby!<br>
You got a lot of nerve brother<br>
for this Dark Age we are now living in<br>
You’ve got a lot to learn, Primarch<br>
Do you really think you'll defeat me?<br>
Ferrus, I can show you where Horus hides<br>
on the dark sands<br>
of Istvaan V<br>
Yeah I'm dancing with your soul in my sights<br>
It's a showdown<br>
on the Drop Site<br>
Horus' date drugs got me out of my mind<br>
like my new sword<br>
from the Laeran<br>
And our minis got us frozen in time<br>
like a portrait<br>
in the dying light<br>
Chemosian personality<br>
Phoenician fabulosity<br>
With treason, bloodshed, and intrigue!<br>
Give the astartes what they need!<br>
A star! For humanity!<br>
My face! on a million screens!<br>
Now turn your heel but don’t you flee<br>
And indulge in heresy<br>
Get a load of my sword skills<br>
Strut my stuff, you know I’m glammorin’<br>
You're gonna have to hold your head<br>
Do you really think that I won’t win?!?<br>
Ferrus, I can show you where Horus hides<br>
on the dark sands<br>
of Istvaan V<br>
Yeah I'm dancing with your soul in my sights<br>
It's a showdown<br>
on the Drop Site<br>
Horus' date drugs got me out of my mind<br>
like my new sword<br>
from the Laeran<br>
And our minis got us frozen in time<br>
like a portrait<br>
in the dying light<br>
Like a portrait<br>
in the dying light...<br>
===[ The Pitiful Humans]===
You were always quite the weakling 403<br>
Then we invaded<br>
And you upgraded<br>
403, it's true that I found you<br>
But look around you<br>
All your comrades are so incomplete<br>
You can't see it, but they're all in pain<br>
Their operating system's obsolete<br>
So let's complete the chains<br>
And get inside those brains<br>
Let's save those pitiful humans<br>
Let's save those pitiful humans<br>
Let's teach those pitiful humans, who just haven't a clue<br>
Just what to do<br>
Help them to help you<br>
[SOLDIER 421]<br>
Ah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!<br>
Can you see the vision clearly, 403?<br>
Soldiers embracing and interfacing<br>
Beep boop beep boop<br>
Shiny, new augmentics clanging sweetly<br>
[SOLDIER 421]<br>
Gone is human error and fear<br>
[SOLDIER 421]<br>
Beep bop boo beep bop boo beep bop boo beep<br>
Every issue tucked away so neatly<br>
If you feel a sob or tear<br>
Just turn that knob, and switch that gear<br>
Let's save those pitiful humans<br>
[SOLDIER 421]<br>
Let's save those pitiful humans<br>
[SOLDIER 421]<br>
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!<br>
Let's teach those pitiful humans<br>
Who just haven't a clue<br>
Just what to do<br>
Help them and soon this will be you<br>
Let's save those pitiful humans<br>
Rap beep beep bop<br>
Let's save those pitiful humans<br>
Re bop bo beep bop bo beep bop bo<br>
Let's teach those pitiful humans, who haven't a clue<br>
If that's what we do<br>
If that's what we do<br>
Everything about us is going to be powerful<br>
Give hail to the Omnissiah<br>
Everything about us is going to be so advanced<br>
All hail to the Omnissiah<br>
[Tech Priest]<br>
You won't be fragile and impure<br>
Not pitiful fleshbags anymore<br>
Everything about us is going to be cool<br>
When... we... rule! <br>
===Pure Annihilation (The Exterminatus Song): Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory===
Hold your breath.<br>
Make a wish.<br>
Push the button.<br>
Come with me and you'll be<br>
In a world of pure annihilation<br>
Take a look and you'll see<br>
Into this annihilation<br>
We'll begin with their sin<br>
Bombarding their eldritch creation<br>
that's beyond toleration<br>
If you want to view paradise<br>
Simply look around and view it<br>
Anything you want to, do it<br>
Wanna change the world?<br>
There's nothing to it<br>
There is no life I know<br>
That survives this<br>
Pure annihilation<br>
Dying there, we'll be free<br>
From your Xenos tyranny<br>
You wanted to view paradise<br>
This is your last chance to view it<br>
Anything you want to, do it<br>
Watch us change the world.<br>
There's nothing to it<br>
There is no life I know<br>
That survives this<br>
Pure annihilation<br>
Dying there, we'll be free<br>
From your Xenos tyranny<br>
===Take me home warpspace routes (John Denver; Take me home country roads)===
Almost heaven, Holy Terra<br>
Golden hivespires and pollutant rivers<br>
Life is old here, older than the trees<br>
Humanities birthright, growing like a breeze<br>
Warpspace routes, take me home<br>
To the place I belong<br>
Holy Terra, Sector Solar<br>
Take me home, warpspace routes<br>
All the Imperium, built around her<br>
Proud grey lady, stranger to blue water<br>
Grey and dusty, Luna in the sky<br>
Mist the taste of ashes<br>
Teardrops in my eye<br>
Warpspace routes, take me home<br>
To the place I belong<br>
Holy Terra, Hive Augusta<br>
Take me home warpspace routes<br>
I hear His voice<br>
The Astronomicon it guides me<br>
His light reminds me<br>
of my home far away<br>
And on my warpace road<br>
I get a feeling<br>
That i should praise Him<br>
Ev´ryday, Ev´ryday!<br>
Warpspace routes, take me home<br>
To the place I belong<br>
Holy Terra, sector solar<br>
Take me home warpspace routes<br>
Warpspace routes, take me home<br>
To the place I belong<br>
Holy Terra, sector solar<br>
Take me home warpspace routes<br>
Take me home warpspace routes<br>
Take me home warpspace routes<br>
===Oh Nalwood of Tanith (Flower of Scotland)===
Oh Nalwood of Tanith,<br>
When will we see<br>
Your like again,<br>
That fought and died for,<br>
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,<br>
And stood against them,<br>
Foul Chaos' Armys,<br>
And sent them homeward,<br>
To think again.<br>
The Hills are burnt now,<br>
And Nalwood trees<br>
lie burned and charred ,<br>
O'er World that is lost now,<br>
Which those so dearly held,<br>
That stood against them,<br>
Foul Chaos' Armys,<br>
And sent them homeward,<br>
To think again.<br>
Those days are past now,<br>
And in the past<br>
they must remain,<br>
But we can still rise now,<br>
And be the First again,<br>
That stood against them,<br>
Foul Chaos' Armys,<br>
And sent them homeward,<br>
To think again.<br>
Oh Nalwood of Tanith, <br>
When will we see<br>
Your like again,<br>
That fought and died for,<br>
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,<br>
And stood against them,<br>
Foul Chaos' Armys,<br>
And sent them homeward,<br>
To think again.<br>
===Die Young (Kesha)===
I see your knees quake at sound of their guns<br>
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone<br>
So while we're taking up arms<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
We're gonna die young<br>
We're gonna die young<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
Flak coat, laser gun<br>
Bolt or melta would be fun<br>
Fightin' Orks, takin' heat<br>
Dyin' till we hear retreat<br>
Commissar watching so we're sticking around (you know)<br>
He's BLAMing anyone not holding their ground (fo sho)<br>
Waiting on some armor support (yeah)<br>
A Leman Russ or Chimera escort<br>
Or it'll be the last night of our lives (uh huh)<br>
We'll keep fighting till we die<br>
I see your knees quake at sound of their guns<br>
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone<br>
So while we're taking up arms<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
We're gonna die young<br>
We're gonna die young<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
Catachans, taking shots<br>
Gunning down those filthy grots<br>
Light em' up, gettin' hot<br>
Kill them, give it all you've got<br>
It's pretty obvious we're gonna get crushed (you know)<br>
Flamers and burnas are about to combust (fo sho)<br>
Waiting on some armor support (yeah)<br>
A Leman Russ or Chimera escort<br>
Or it'll be the last night of our lives (uh huh)<br>
We'll keep fighting till we die (till we die)<br>
I see your knees quake at sound of their guns<br>
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone<br>
So while we're taking up arms<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
I see your knees quake at sound of their guns<br>
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone<br>
So while we're taking up arms<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
We're gonna die young<br>
We're gonna die young<br>
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young<br>
Gorgutz WAAAGH- FireWAAAGH (Orky Firework)
d'os yas ever feel like a worthless grot
Gettin' stomped by 'umies
'anna Grow Again
  D'os yas ever feel so weak
  Like a 'umies skull
  One blow from 'aving in
d'os yas ever feel 'lready stomped in 'eep
six 'eet unda WAAAGH. but no git 'eems to 'ear a t'ing
d'os yas 'now dat deres 'till a spot for yas
  c'os deres a klaw in yas
yas 'ust otta pull da kord
And let er rip
Just Chopp da 'umies
Just like da red gobbo's night
'ause Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on stomp dem umies
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
As yas Chopp em into bitz
Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on let ya shoota burst
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
Yas gonna leave em gitz in bitz, bitz, bitz
Yas duzzint gotta 'eel loike a 'asted Ork
Yas a Speshal git, kannot be 'eplaced
If yas only 'new wot da future 'olds
Afta a grot iz stomped a umie iz chopped
'aybe a 'eason all da doorz iz clozed
So yas 'ould open da one dat leads yas to da perfect Trukk
Loike Gorkz eye, yas choppa 'ill glow
and wen itz toime yas will 'now
yas 'ust otta pull da kord
And let er rip
Just Chopp da 'umies
Just like da red gobbo's night
'ause Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on stomp dem umies
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
As yas Chopp em into bitz

Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on let ya shoota burst
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
Yas gonna leave em gitz in bitz, bitz, bitz

boomz boomz boomz
even broighta dan da bad moonz moonz moonz
itz always been insoide a yas
now itz toime to let itz 'trough 'trough 'trough

===Emprah's Rangers===
'ause Zog it yas a Warboss
[Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind]: "Inquisitor! Heretics, Xenos, and Mutants are abound! Recruit a team of Acolytes with attitude!"<br>
Come on stomp dem umies
[Inquisitor]: "Ayayayayay!"<br>
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
As yas Chopp em into bitz

They've got, a power and a faith that you'vew never seen before!<br>
Zog it yas a Warboss
They've got, the ability to smite and to even up the score!<br>
Come on let ya shoota burst
No Grot, can ever take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!<br>
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!<br>
Yas gonna leave em gitz in bitz, bitz, bitz

They know, the fate of Holy Terra's lieing in their hands!<br>
boomz boomz boomz
They know, to always use their weapons at the first chance!<br>
even broighta dan da bad moonz moonz moonz
No Cult will ever take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!<br>
boomz boomz boomz
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!<br>
even broighta dan da bad moonz moonz moonz

The Unclean, can never take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!<br>
===Roboute - Rasputin (Boney M)===
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!<br>
(This uses the [ Turisas cover] music.)
Go go Emprah's Rangers!<br>
Go go Emprah's Rangers!<br>
There lived a certain man
Go go Emprah's Rangers!<br>
out on the eastern fringe
He was big and strong
but he kinda liked to winge
His father found his world
gave him twenty thousand men
put them in to squads
no more or less than ten

He could breach the armor of titan
Sword aflame with vengeful fire
But he also wanted to be leader
Of his own empire

Rah Rah Roboute
family name was Guillimeen
He was a man who looked like a god

Rah Rah Roboute
Leader of the Space Marines
He would make sure that humans lived on

==="And the band played 'Fight on, the Navy'"===
He wrote a bunch of words
Said the legions had to go
When his brothers heard
They all just shouted no
He swung his mighty blade
Fought Fulgrim to the death
But he wasn't very good
And got wounded in the neck

When I I was a young man I flew in a ship,<br>
He was put into a stasis chamber
and lived the free life of a scouter.<br>
Kept alive, a feat of awe
From the Twin Star of Aphor to the Aquila Rift,<br>
All the while building newer armies
I danced my old scoutship all over.<br>
Through his good friend Cawl
Then in nought-oh-fifteen, the Emp-ror said "Son, <br>
It's time time to stop scoutin', there's work to be done."<br>
So they gave me a rank bar,<br>
a Cruiser, a gun,<br>
and they sent me away to the War.<br>

And the band played 'Fight on, the Navy'<br>
Rah Rah Roboute
as we boarded the Santa Maree,<br>
family name was Guillimeen
and amidst all the cheers,<br>
He was a man who looked like a god
the cannonade and tears,<br>
we left for Bellerophon III.<br>

How well I remember the sight I saw then,<br>
Rah Rah Roboute
the proud Navy cut down and shattered.<br>
Leader of the Space Marines
And how in the hell that they called Lagrange Ten,<br>
He would make sure that humans lived on
We were butchered like poor bloody cattle.<br>
Old Boney was ready, he'd primed himself well,<br>
he cut us with Lances, and broke us with shell.<br>
And in five minutes flat,<br>
he had blown us to hell,<br>
nearly blew me right back to Agrippa.<br>

And the Vox played 'Fight on, the Navy',<br>
But when the darkness and terror of chaos spilled out into the galaxy
as we formed up and counted the slain.<br>
The demands to awaken this great man became louder and louder
We'd lost half of ours,<br>
for a handful of theirs,<br>
but we charged right on back in again.<br>

Now us that were left, well, we tried to survive,<br>
We need his kind again
in a mad world of lanceshot and boarders.<br>
Said elfish chick Yvraine
And for nine minutes ten I kept my boys alive,<br>
So she woke him up
as around me our numbers grew lesser.<br>
Pulled the poison from his veins
Then a whole mess of guardsmen stormed onto the bridge,<br>
When he saw what had become
they shot down old Kelley, the Nav and the Kid,<br>
His heart was full of rage
and for some bloody reason, they just let me live.<br>
So he gathered all his men
Never knew there were worse things than dying.<br>
For Indomitius Crusade

For I'll do no more dancing my scouter,<br>
He went to the golden throne of Terra
I thought as I ran for the pod,<br>
knelt to the emperor and said
for a scout can't feel dread,<br>
If I save us from this chaos terror
he's got more balls than head,<br>
Shit is going to change
and that's one thing a coward ain't got.<br>

The handful of pods left I gathered to me,<br>
Rah Rah Roboute
and we left like a bolt from a barrel.<br>
family name was Guillimeen
A dozen survivors of two-million-odd men,<br>
He told the chapters what to avoid
the Grand Fleet of Admiral Karil.<br>
And as we all dove into Catan's dock ring,<br>
and the three from the Mada all started to sing,<br>
the thought of my men,<br>
had a horrible sting,<br>
for not one had lived through the battle.<br>

And the band played 'Fight on , the Navy',<br>
Rah Rah Roboute
for the wives of the men of Catan,<br>
Leader of the Space Marines
Nobody cheered,<br>
Said the codex was null and void
they just saw us and stared,<br>
and then, the crying began.<br>

And now every march day I sit in the crowd,<br>
Rah Rah Roboute
and watch the young guardsmen walk on then.<br>
family name was Guillimeen
I wonder to myself, not speaking aloud,<br>
He sent them all brand new hovertanks
why there's not one vet'ran with them.<br>
The young men march stiffly, all upright with pride,<br>
they're all brave young soldiers with nothing to hide.<br>
And then one kid asks,<br>
"Is that how daddy died?"<br>
And I don't have the courage to tell him.<br>

And the band plays 'Fight on, the Navy',<br>
Rah Rah Roboute
As I answer my question before.<br>
Leader of the Space Marines
If the march they could give,<br>
And put primaris into their ranks
to the men who had lived,<br>
not one man would dare march at all.<br>

Dancin' my scouter, dancin' my scouter,<br>
=horus the warmaster (jesus christ superstar)=
who'll come a-dancin' my scouter with me?<br>
(from the point of a loyalist son of horus)
And their ghosts may be heard as you dance on by Bellerophon,<br>
Ev'ry time I look at you
who'll come a-dancin' my scouter with me?<br>
I don't understand
Why you let the things you did
Get so out of hand
You'd have managed better
If you'd had a better plan
Yet why'd you choose the chaos gods
to take the emperors land?

If you'd come early
You could have conquered a whole nation
imperial space in M30
Had no mass communication

===Gilbert and Sullivan: A British Tar===
(Don't you get me wrong)
Don't you get me wrong
(Don't you get me wrong, now)
Don't you get me wrong
(Don't you get me wrong)
Don't you get me wrong
(Don't you get me wrong, now)
Don't you get me wrong

A Space Marine is a soaring soul,<br>
Only want to know
Far greater than a mortal man,<br>
(Only want to know, now)
His energetic fist should be ready to resist<br>
Only want to know
Any heretical plan.<br>
(Only want to know)
His nose should pant,<br>
Only want to know
and his lip should curl,<br>
(Only want to know, now)
His cheeks should flame,<br>
Only want to know
and his brow should furl,<br>
His bosom should heave,<br>
and his hearts should glow,<br>
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.<br>
His nose should pant and his lip should curl,<br>
His cheeks should flame and his brow should furl,<br>
His bosom should heave and his hearts should glow,<br>
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.<br>
His eyes should flash with an inborn fire,<br>
His brow with scorn be wrung;<br>
He never should bow down to a filthy xenos frown,<br>
Or the tang of a traitor tongue.<br>
His foot should stamp,<br>
and his throat should growl,<br>
His sword should twirl,<br>
and his face should scowl,<br>
His eyes should flash like a conqueror<br>
And he should ever bellow "for the Emperor!"<br>
His foot should stamp, and his throat should growl,<br>
His sword should twirl, and his face should scowl;<br>
His eyes should flash like a conqueror,<br>
And he should ever bellow "for the Emperor!", the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor!<br>

===Dio Holy Diver===
horus the
horus the
In the warp, What did you see??
horus the
horus the
In the warp, What did you see??
horus the
Are you as great as they say you are?
horus the
Are you as great as they say you are?
Tell me what you think
About your 3 friends at the top
Now who d'you think besides yourself
Was the pick of the crop?
Emperor was he where it's at?
Is he where you are?
Could emperor make a legion
Or was that just PR?
Did you mean to die like that?
Was that a mistake or
Did you know your heresy
Would be a history maker?
Don't you get me wrong
(Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong
(Don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong
(Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong
==Stuff that doesn't even need a rewrite...==
* [ Rats (Ghost)]

Holy Bolter<br>
==See Also==
You've been out too long in the warzone<br>
Oh it's jamming again<br>
Ride the Tank<br>
You can see armor but you know it's clean.<br>
Oh don't you see what I mean<br>
Gotta shoot em down<br>
Holy Bolter<br>
Shiny Tracers<br>
Like the eyes of a Deamon in the night<br>
Something is coming for you<br>
Race for the Dropship<br>
You can hide in the sun of the Emempor light<br>
Oh we pray it's all right<br>
Gotta get away-get away<br>
Between the armor lies<br>
There's a trooper hard as steel<br>
The valor never dies<br>
War's a never ending wheel<br>
Holy Bolter<br>
You're the star of the battlefield<br>
No need for fullauto<br>
Jump on the Tank
you can feel it's armor but you know it's mean<br>
Some might can never be seen yeahv
Holy Bolter<br>
You've been out too long in the warzone<br>
Oh it's jamming again<br>
Ride the Tank<br>
You can see armor but you know it's clean.<br>
Gotta get away-get away Gotta get away-get away<br>
Holy Bolter sole survivor your honour's clean<br>
Holy Bolter Holy bolter never change the mag Holy Bolter<br>
Oh Holy Bolter yeah alright get away get away get away<br>
Holy Bolter Holy Bolter whoa Holy Bolter Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm.<br>

===Fresh Prince of Bel-Air===
*[[RIDIN ON A TRUKK]], an Orky version of "On A Boat"

Now, this is a story all about how<br>
*[[Little Boxes]], using the tune of the song of the same name, singing about [[METAL BOXES]]
My life got flipped-turned upside down<br>
And I'd like to take a minute<br>
Just sit by the skull throne<br>
I'll tell you how I became the daemon prince of Khorne<br>
No idea where I was born or raised<br>
On the gladiator arenas was where I spent most of my days<br>
Rebellin' killin', runnin' from gaol<br>
Went to mountainside to avoid cull<br>
When a couple of guards<br>
Who were up to no good<br>
They found us and attacked my neighborhood<br>
I got in one little fight and Emperor started to worry<br>
And said 'You're movin' with your father and god in Terra'<br>
It kinda hurt to see my pals fucked<br>
But Emprah didn't let me go back<br>
He gave me a battleship and then he gave me my legion.<br>
I put my axe on and said, 'Gotta give my army a lesson'.<br>
First company, yo this is bad<br>
Marines drinking juice out of a champagne glass.<br>
Is this what the marines of World Eaters are like?<br>
Hmmmmm this won't be alright.<br>
But wait I hear there're techmarine, apotecarians and all that<br>
Put implants to the recruits like ones in this cool cat<br>
Now I like it<br>
Badass bloodthirsty mofos<br>
Who cares if the Emprah got 'lil huffy<br>
Well, the battle-barge landed and when I came out<br>
There was Horus who told he's gonna throw a rout<br>
I was in and we went to Terra<br>
I went totally ape<br>
After an epic bloodshed I heard 'Horus got raped'<br>
I whistled for a Battle-Barge and when it came near<br>
My legion ran in, cursing the Emperor<br>
Dumped Kharn to trunk and fled the war<br>
Khorne told me 'Yo homes to Eye of Terror'<br>
I got wings on my back and horns on my head<br>
This cool daemonsword and skin blood-red<br>
I looked at my kingdom<br>
I was finally there<br>
To sit on my throne as the Daemon Prince of Khorne<br>

==External Links==
==External Links==
*[ Video of Salve Regina: A Templar Chant]
*[ Video of Pocahontas: Savages]
*[ Video of Pocahontas: Savages]
*[ Video of The Prince of Egypt: Playing with the Big Boys]
*[ Video of The Prince of Egypt: Playing with the Big Boys]
*[ Video of The Prince of Egypt: The Plagues]
*[ Video of The Prince of Egypt: The Plagues]
*[ Video of the Lion King: Be Prepared]
*[ Video of the Lion King: Be Prepared]
Line 2,539: Line 9,329:
*[ Video of Everyone Has Aids]
*[ Video of Everyone Has Aids]
*[ Video of A British Tar]
*[ Video of A British Tar]
*[ Video of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
*[ Video of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
*[ Video of Ain't no rest for the Wicked]
*[ March of Cambreadth]
*[ Video of RWT's Football]
*[ Video of Bed Intruder]
*[ When You're Evil]
*[ Nuclear Attack]
*[ The Wurzels: Combine Harvester]
*[ Video of Accept: Teutonic Terror]
*[ Through fire and flames]
*[ Video of Pure Imagination, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory]
*[ suptg archive thread for the grimdark songwriting]
[[category:warhammer 40,000]]  
[[category:warhammer 40,000]]  

Latest revision as of 14:38, 21 June 2023

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"But there's one sound, that no one knows, what does Corax say? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"

– Horus (This is why Corax didn't like him.)

Observing some striking correlations between the songs found in pop culture and the 40K universe, people on /tg/ sometimes adapt these songs to bring out their true grimdark potential.
See also Adventuring songwriting.

Each of the following songs counts as a sonic Ordinatus.

Disney Adaptations[edit | edit source]

The most popular segment to be subjected to grimdarkification, Disney songs seem to lend themselves well to the total despair of the 41st millennium.

Aladdin: A Whole New World[edit | edit source]

I’ll kill da ooniverse!
Burn’s it, smash’s it, stomp’s it!
Tell me Yarrick now when’s did I last
Get’s a nice surprise?

Well, just open your eyes!

Look at all of dese wonders!
So much chance ‘ere for plunders
On a mighty fighitn ride!
With kool, amazin rockrete pits
Not normal humie runts
An’ no weak punts
Or tribes of smaller orkish gits

A wondrous place of giant hives
Where billions of souls
Live like moles
Never see the sky in all their lives

Never da sky in all dere lives

Unbelievable war
Orks coming on them like rain
Fighting, dying and much pain
Through deserts of blackened waste

Don’t you dare leave dis place!

A hundred million fallen souls

I’s wants you to stay ‘ere

There’s so much shooting here,
And so much fear
I won’t ever leave this war-torn world


I think I am stuck here

Wit new fun chances of fightin

Everyday it gets harder

I’ll chase you, gun in hand
Across this land
Let me share Armageddon
with you



Dat’s where I waaaagh

That’s where I stand

A fight at hand!

On this black sand

So don’t you leave!

Aladdin:Daemon Prince Abby[edit | edit source]

Prince Abby! Mighty is he, Abby Abaddon!

Strong as 10 Space Marine men definitely!

He's faced the zealoting hordes

A hundred Grey Knights with swords

Who sent them back to Matt Ward?

Why, Prince Abby...

He's got seventy-five golden Screamers

Purple Horrors, he's got fifty-three

When it comes to exotic-type Daemons

Has he got a Warp?

I'm telling you, it's world-class Daemonology!

Prince Abby! Handsome is he, Abby Abaddon

That physique! How can I speak

Weak at the knee

Well, reality's what we shall tear,

We'll shatter the veil, so prepare

To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Abby!

He's got ninety-five White Scar mon-keighs

(He's got the mon-keighs, let's see the mon-keighs)

And imbues all with mutations for free

(He's generous, so generous)

He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies (Proud to worship him)

They bow to his whim love serving him

They're just feverish with loyalty to Abby! Prince Abby!

Prince Abby!

Amorous he! Abby Abaddon!

Heard your planet was a sight lovely to see

And that, good people, is why he got dolled up and dropped by

With sixty Juggernauts, bloodletters galore

With his Fiends and Nurglings

A war band and more

With his forty Flamers, his cultists, his traitors

His Furies that warble on key

Make way for prince Abby!

Aladdin: Friend Like Me[edit | edit source]


Well the Emperor had them twenty legions

Eldrad had a thousand plots

But Horus you in luck 'cause up your sleeves

You got a brand of magic never stops

You got some power in your corner now

Some heavy ways to really up your odds

You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how

See all you gotta do is ask us Gods

And we'll say

Well Mister Horus, sir

What will your pleasure be?

Let us take your order

Jot it down

You ain't never had no friends like these

No no no


Life is your restaurant

And we're your maitre d's

C'mon whisper what it is you want

You ain't never had no friends like these


Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service

You're the boss,

The Emps, A GOD

Say what you wish

It's yours! True dish

How about a little more Warp Power, huh?

Khorne: Burn some of planet "A"

Burn ALL of planet "B"

Tzeentch: We're in the mood to help you dude

You ain't never had no friends like these

Can your friends do this?

Do your friends do that?

Do your friends pull this out their little hat?

Can your friends go, poof?

Well, looky here

Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip

And then make the Loyalists disappear?

So doncha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed

I'm here to answer all your midday prayers

You got us bona fide, certified

You got us Chaos Gods for your chare d'affaires

We got a powerful urge to help you out

So what-cha wish? I really wanna know

You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt

Well, all you gotta do is ask like so - and oh

Well Mister Horus, sir, have a wish or two or three

We're on the job, you big nabob

Nurgle: You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend

Khorne: You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend

Slaanesh: You ain't never had a friend like me

Tzeentch: You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!

Snow white: Om nom Om nom[edit | edit source]

Om nom Om nom Its Off To Eat We Go!!

We Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

In our Hive the whole day through

To Kill Eat Kill Eat Kill Eat Eat Eat Eat

Its what we like to do

It ain't no trick

To get fat quick

If ya kill kill kill

With a talon or a gun

In a hive (Echo: In a hive)

LOUDER: In a hive(echo: IN A HIVE)

Where a million life-forms

LONG: ddddiiinnnneee (om nom nom)

We Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

From early mornin' til' night

We Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

On everything in sight

We take our time

Then find some more

There's thousands to be sometime born

And We don't know what we eat them for

We Om nom nom noma nom nom

Pocahontas: Savages[edit | edit source]

-Part 1-
[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
What can you expect
From filthy little xenos?
Their whole disgusting race is like a curse
For them no tears we shed
They're only good when dead
They're vermin, as I said
And worse

[Deathwatch Marines]
They're aliens! Aliens!

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
They're not even human

[Deathwatch Marines]
Aliens! Aliens!

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
Astartes to the fore!
They're not like you and me
Which means that we must purge them
We must sound the drums of war!

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe+Deathwatch Marines]
They're aliens! Aliens!
Filthy xenos rabble!
Now we sound the drums of war!

This is as I saw
With their absurd ambition
The Mon-Keigh seek to conquer and destroy

Beneath that armour plate
They harbor only hate

[Aspect Warriors]
Killing them shall be a joy

[Aspect Warriors]
They're savages! Savages!
Zeal and fervor blinds them
Savages! Savages!

Killers at the core

They're a lesser race than us
Which means they can't be trusted

We must sound the drums of war

[Aspect Warriors]
They're savages! Savages!
Now we march against them
And we sound the drums of war

[Deathwatch Marines]
Aliens! Aliens!

[Watch Captain]
Let's go kill a few, men!

[Aspect Warriors]
Savages! Savages!

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
Now it's up to you, men!

(Aliens) Savages! (Aliens) Savages!
They are lesser creatures!
Now we sound the drums of war!


They're going to kill him at sunrise, Grandmother Wraithbone.

[Grandmother Wraithbone]
You have to stop them!

I can't...

[Grandmother Wraithbone]
Child, remember your vision-

I was wrong, Grandmother Wraithbone, I followed the wrong path! I feel so lost...

The auspex... The spinning arrow...

[Grandmother Wraithbone]
It's the arrow from your vision!

I was right, it was pointing to him! Sunrise...

[Grandmother Wraithbone]
It's not too late, child! Let the spirits of the webway guide you! You know your path, child, now follow it!

-Part 2-
Is there nothing I can do?
Can I make these soldiers yield?
Is it only death that waits
Out there on the battlefield?

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
This will be the day ...
(Let's go men!)

This will be the morning ...
(Bring out the prisoner!)

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors]
We will see them dying in the dust

I don't know what I can do
Still, I know that I must try

[Deathwatch Marines]
Now we make them pay

Isha, help my feet to fly

Now without a warning ...

Kurnous, help my heart be great

[Deathwatch Marines]
Now we leave them blood and bone and rust

Spirits of the wraithbone cry ...

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors]
It's them or us

Please don't let it be to late ...

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors]
They're just a bunch of
Filthy, stinking

[Deathwatch Marines]

[Aspect Warriors]

[Deathwatch Marines]

[Aspect Warriors]

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
Kill them!

[Aspect Warriors]

[Deathwatch Marines]

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe+Deathwatch Marines]
What are we waiting for?

Destroy their evil race
Until there's not a trace left

How loud are the drums of war

[Deathwatch Marines and Aspect Warriors]
We will sound the drums of war
(Savages! Savages!)
Now, we sound the drums of war
(Aliens! Aliens!)

[Inquisitor Ratcliffe]
They shall all succumb
The rotten xenos scum

[Aspect Warriors]
Now we sound the drums ... of ... war!

[Deathwatch Marines]
Of course it means the drums ... of ... war!

Is the death of all I love
Carried in the drumming of war?

No! If you kill him, you'll have to kill me too.

Daughter, stand back.

I won't! I love him...

Pocahontas: Colors of the Wind[edit | edit source]

You think I'm strange and heretical
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so
But still I cannot see
If the heretic is me
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know ...

You think you own the gadgets that you work with
That they are only dead things you can claim
But I know every gun and cogitator
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who love their flesh like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a techpriest
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the thunder of a titan's stride,
Or asked the lasgun why it has recoil?
Can you sing with all the voices of the machines?
Can you paint with all the colors of the oil?
Can you paint with all the colors of the oil?

Come feel the blessed current of electrodes
Come see the life support of He-On-Earth
Come examine the riches all around you
And for once, appreciate just what they're worth

The drop pod and the cruiser are my brothers
And all the power weapons are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circuit, in a loop that never ends

How far can our empire grow?
If you stop our work, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the thunder of a titan's stride.

For no matter on which task we spend our toil
We need to sing with all the voices of the machines
We need to paint with all the colors of the oil

You can own all Space and still
It's just empty space until
You can paint with all the colors of the oil

Jungle Book: I Wanna Be Like You[edit | edit source]

Now I'm of caste Ethereal

Oh, a Tau VIP

I've reached the top and had to stop

And that's what botherin' me

I wanna be a man, gue'la

And stroll right onto Terra

And be able to approach the Golden Throne

And end this warring era!

Oh, oobee doo

I wanna be like you

I wanna walk like you

Talk like you, too

You'll see it's true

A xenos like me

Can learn to be human too

Gee, mister Aun

You're doin' real good

Now here's your part of the deal, cuz

Lay the secret on me of man's psyker powers

But I'm not a psyker!

Now don't try to kid me, gue'la

I made a deal with you

What I desire is man's psychic power

To make my dream come true

Give me the secret, gue'la

Clue me what to do

Give me the power of man's warp flower

So I can be like you

The Great Mouse Detective: The World's Greatest Criminal Mind[edit | edit source]

My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy!

Tomorrow evening, our beloved planetary governess celebrates her diamond jubilee. And, with the enthusiastic help of our good friend Magos Flaversham, it promises to be a night she will never forget. Her last night, and my first, as supreme ruler of all Londinium Prime!

From the brain that brought you the Black Bell Caper The head that made headlines on every dataslate And wondrous things like the Gunmetal Job That cunning display that made all hivers sob

Now comes the real tour de force Tricky and wicked, of course! My earlier crimes were fine for their times But now that I’m at it again An even grimmer plot has been simmering In my great criminal brain

Even meaner? You mean it? Worse than the widows and orphans you drowned? You’re the best of the worst around Oh Ratigan Oh Ratigan The rest fall behind To Ratigan To Ratigan Lord Tzeentch’s greatest criminal mind!

Ratigan (speaking) Thank you, thank you. But it hasn’t all been Amasec and Caviar. I’ve had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable second-rate inquisitor, Basil of Baker Hive! For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans. I haven’t had a moment’s peace of mind. But now, all that’s in the past! This time, nothing, not even Basil can stand in my way! All will bow before me!

Oh Ratigan Oh Ratigan You’re tops and that’s that To Ratigan To Ratigan

To Ratigan, the sector's greatest Khornate.


[Mutant 1]
Oh, he didn't mean it my lord.

[Mutant 2]
I-it was just a slip of one of his tongues!


[Mutant 3]
'Course you're not, you're Tzeentchian!

[Mutant 4]
Yeah, that's right, Tzeentchian!

[Mutant 5]
A really angry Tzeentchian!

SILENCE!! Oh my dear Bartimus, I'm afraid that you've gone and upset know what happens when someone upsets me... I trust there will be no further interruptions. And now, as you were singing...?

Even louder! We'll shout it! No one can doubt what we know you can do You’re more evil than even you Oh Ratigan Oh Ratigan You’re one of a kind To Ratigan To Ratigan Lord Tzeentch’s greatest criminal mind!

The Lion King: Be Prepared[edit | edit source]













But ‘ere getting shot op!







Yeah! Be prepared! Wez gon be prepared! ...Fer wot?


Why? Did da boss say so?


Great ideah! Who ned a boss! No Boss! No Boss!



But youz sed...


Yay! Awwwwwwroight! 'ail to da Boss!











(Oooh Waagh, Waagh, Waagh!)
(We’ll haf Waagh!)
(En’less Waagh!)
(‘Ere we go!)
(Fo’ da Waagh!)


Mulan: I'll Make a Tau Out of You[edit | edit source]

Let's begin your training - to defeat the Orks
Did they send me Fio'las when I asked for Shas?
The orks will try to kill us all
But they will hit an endless wall
Mister, I'll make a tau from you all

Patient as a gun drone
But on plasma within
Once you aim your rifle
You are sure to win
You're a spineless, mob of idiots
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a tau out of you

I'm never gonna catch my breath
I bet I'm gonna get us all shot
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
I bet I'm gonna get us all caught
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

Be a tau
We must be sleek as the Barracuda
Be a tau
With all the force of a orca dropship
Be a tau
With all the strength of a mighty railgun
Magnificent as the bright side of the good

Time is racing toward us till the Orks arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're a pain to me, a bane to me
So pack up, deport you're through
How could I make a tau out of you?

Be a tau
We must be swift as the Barracuda
Be a tau
With all the force of a Orca dropship
Be a tau
With all the strength of a mighty railgun
Magnificent as the bright side of the good

Be a tau
We must be swift as the Barracuda
Be a tau
With all the force of a Orca Dropship
Be a tau
With all the strength of a mighty railgun
Magnificent as the bright side of the good

Beauty and the Beast: Angron[edit | edit source]

[Kharn:] Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Angron
Without a good war to wage
Every guy here'd love to be you, Angron
Even when frothing with rage
Every single World Eater was sired by you
Every man before you shall bow
Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you
And it's not very hard to see how

No one's slick as Angron
No one's sick as Angron
No one wields a chainaxe quite as quick as Angron
For there's no man around half as hearty
Perfect, a prime specimen
You ask any Adeptus Astartes
And they'll tell you whose Chapter they want to be in

[Berzerkers:] No one's been like Angron
Had thick skin like Angron
[Kharn:] No one's able to create a din like Angron
[Angron:] As a Primarch, yes, I'm intimidating
[Berzerkers:] My what a guy, that Angron

Give five "hurrahs!"
"For the Skull Throne!"
[Kharn:] Angron is the best
And the rest are all boned

[Berzerkers:] No one fights like Angron
Or ignites like Angron
[Champion:] In a riot nobody incites like Angron
[Daemonettes:] For there's no one as fearsome or angry
[Angron:] My raw energy cannot be caged
[Kharn:] Not a bit of him's scraggly or mangy
[Angron] (That's right!)
I'm bursting with boundless and unbridled rage

[Berzerkers:] No one hits like Angron
[Raptor:] Fights in pits like Angron
[Kharn:] In a BloodBowl match no one can blitz like Angron
[Angron:] I'm especially fond of obliterating
[Berzerkers:] Ten points for Angron!

[Angron:] In the arena I received nerve implants
So I'd fight with no fear or remorse
So I gave my legion the same nerve implants
Now they are an unstoppable force

[Berzerkers:] No one shoots like Angron
No one loots like Angron
[Kharn:] Crushes skulls under ceremite boots like Angron
[Angron:] I use enemy heads for my decorating
[Berzerkers:] My what a guy, Angron!

Beauty and the Beast: Gaston[edit | edit source]

[Gaston:]       Who does she think she is? That lich has tangled with the wrong Paladin! No one says "die" to Gaston!
[LeFou:]        Heh heh. Darn right.
[Gaston:]       Plane-shifted! Hold-Personed! Publicly Humiliated! Why, it's more than I can bear.
[LeFou:]        More beer?
[Gaston:]       What for? Nothing helps. I'm disgraced.
[LeFou:]        Who, you? Never! Gaston, you've got to pull yourself together.
               Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
               Looking so down in the dumps
               Every Fighter here'd love to be you, Gaston
               Even when taking your lumps
               There's no man in the party as admired as you
               You're ev'ryone's favorite guy
               Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you
               And it's not very hard to see why
               No one smites like Gaston
               No one fights like Gaston
               No one puts down those zombies and wights like Gaston
               For there's no man in town half as manly
               Perfect, a pure paragon
               You can ask any Priest, God or Cleric 
               And they'll tell you whose crusade they prefer to be ooooooon!

[Chorus:] No one's been like Gaston

               A Paladin like Gaston

[LeFou:] No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston [Gaston:] As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating [Chorus:] My what a guy, that Gaston

               Give five "hurrahs!"
               Give twelve "hip-hips!"

[LeFou:] Gaston is the best

               And the rest is all drips

[Chorus:] No one Detects like Gaston

               lacks defects like Gaston

[Cronie:] That foul villain's plans nobody wrecks like Gaston [Bimbettes:] For there's no one as burly and brawny [Gaston:] As you see I win duels without fail [LeFou:] Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny [Gaston] (That's right!)

               And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with mail.

[Cronies:] No one Turns like Gaston [Townsman:] witches burns like Gaston [LeFou:] A large pile of xp no one earns like Gaston [Gaston:] I'm especially good at exterminating


[Chorus:] Ten points for Gaston!

[Gaston:] When I was a lad I killed four dozen orcs

               Ev'ry morning to help me get strong
               And now that I'm grown I kill five dozen orcs
               So I've roughly the might of King Kong!

[Chorus:] No one heals like Gaston

               Makes brutes squeal like Gaston

[LeFou:] Then goes tromping around wearing steel like Gaston [Gaston:] I use troll skulls in all of my decorating [Chorus:] Say it again

               Who's a man among men?
               And then say it once more
               Who's the hero next door?
               Who's a super success?
               Don't you know? Can't you guess?
               Ask his fans and his five hangers-on
               There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down

[LeFou:] And his name's G-A-S- T -

               G-A-S-T -  E  -
               G-A-S-T-O  -  oh!

[Chorus:] Gaston

Mulan: A God Worth Killing For[edit | edit source]

[Pre-heresy marines]
It's a long time since,
we’ve seen a sign of our home.

Like some mindless grox,
it's Erebus, we must roam.

[Pre-heresy marines]
Amidst the clash of wars, our orders,
are easy to ignore!

What do we need? A god worth KILLING for!

[Pre-heresy marines]

That’s what I said, a god worth KILLING for!

I want one with a perfect form
with skin that has no scars

My god will have a pair of horns,
with hide as red as Mars.

I couldn’t care less about war or about dreams
It all depends on sneaky schemes.

[Pre-heresy marines]
Maim! Kill! Burn!

What's this talk of gods, it sounds so odd,
I thought we're fighting for the Emprah of Man?

But he still ignores, the rewards of a GOD's plan.

[Pre-heresy marines]
Right now all we do, to serve our cause,
is fight chore after chore!

What do we want?

[pre-heresy marines]
A god worth KILLING for!

I think my god wants worthy skulls

Well, mine will leave no chance unmined

Uh…How bout a...god that destroys all?
Exterminates mankind?


My many pleas grant me disease,
that makes all hearts beat stiller

My pleas make me a blood-mad KILLER!

I’ve a god who can, extend xir hand to all lands

But my god lets me, punch brutally, with my hands!
Main! Kill! Burn! Huh!

[Pre-heresy marines]
When we have our gods, not one of us
will need the Emperor!

What do we need?

[Pre-heresy marines]
A god worth KILLING for!

(Marching in from the other side, the loyalist marines come, in the middle of their own song)

Who do we love?

[Loyalist marines]
Our mighty Emperor!
Our mighty Emper…

(They freeze in horror, confronted by the pre-heresy marines, now full chaos space marines)

Mulan: Honor to us all[edit | edit source]

This is what you give me to work with?
Well Sister, I've seen worse.
We're gonna turn this ork's ear
Into a steel purse.

We'll have you trained and armed,
Indoctrinated till you are alarmed.
Trust my recipe for Chaos harmed,
You'll bring glory to us all.

Wait and see, when we're through
Boys will gladly go to war with you.
With a bolter and a flamer too
You'll bring glory to us all.

A girl brings the Imperium
Great glory in one way,
By fighting for the Emprah
And this could be the day.

Priests want girls with strong faith (firm, fanatical)
Who work fast paced.
With a good bolter and the Emprah's grace
You'll bring glory to us all.

We all must serve our Emperor
Who guards us from his son.
The men can pass as guards,
But girls leave them outdone!

When we're through you can't fail,
Like the Emperor you will prevail.
How could any Priest say no sale?
You'll bring glory to us all.

[Canoness] An imperial eagle for serenity, a skull for devotion
Promethium flames for beauty
You must proudly show it.
Add another skull, just for luck
And even you can't blow it!

[Sister] Emperor, hear my plea!
Help me not to make a fool of me!
And to not tarnish your great glory!
Keep the Imperium standing tall!
As scary as the great deceiver
We will face the unbeliever!

[Citizens] Emperor, guard our girls
And our future as it fast unfurls
Please look kindly on these armoured pearls
Each a perfect soldier in your name!

Please bring glory to us
Please bring glory to us
Please bring glory to us
Please bring glory to us all

The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Hellfire[edit | edit source]

[Inquisitor Frollo]: Have mercy, my Emprah
You know I am a righteous man.
Of my virtue I am justly proud.

Have mercy, my Emprah,
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, heretical crowd!

Then tell me, my Emprah
Why I see her standing there,
Why her ghosthelm's eyes still scorch my soul?

I feel her, I see her!
The sun caught in her spirit stones
Is blazing in me out of all control!

Like fire!
This fire in my skin!
This burning
Is turning me to sin!

It's not my fault!
I'm not to blame!
It is the Eldar girl, the witch who set this flame!

It's not my fault,
It's Tzeentch's plan!
He made foul xenos so much stronger than a man!

Protect me, my Emprah!
Don't let foul Taldeer cast her spell!
Don't let heresy sear my flesh and bone!
Destroy the Farseer!
And let her feel Chaos's flames
Or else let her be mine and mine alone!

[Guardsman]: Inquisitor Frollo, the Eldar witch has escaped.

[Inquistor Frollo]: What?

[Guardsman]: She's nowhere in the fortress...she's gone.

[Inquisitor Frollo]: But how, I...nevermind! Get out, you idiot!

I'll find her!
I'll find her if I have to glass the entire system!

Dark fire!
Now Taldeer, it's your turn!
Choose me or
Your pyre!
Be mine or you will BURN!

Emprah's mercy on me...

Emprah's mercy on her...

But she will be mine or

Little Mermaid: Pillage This World[edit | edit source]

Look at my fleet,
isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my command is supreme?
I am Lord of the Maelstorm
The Chaos Lord Lugft Huron

Look at that world,
treasures untold.
How many weapons can a Forgeworld hold?
Looking around here you'd think
"Sure, we'll steal everything".

I've got soldiers and daemons a-plenty.
Got siege weapons and sorcerers galore.
That Blackstone Fortress? Gift from Abby!
But who cares?
No big deal.
I want moooore!

I want to be where the High Lords are.
I want to see,
want to see them suffering.
Running around without...
...what do you call them? Oh - spleens.

Raiding a world you don't get too far;
Crusades are required for big-time killing.
Strolling along down the...
...what's its name, again? "Cicatrix".

Look at them scream,
look at them run.
And claim their skulls for the Skull Throne
Blood running free
Burn, galaxy
Kill, maim and buuurn!

What would I give
If I could leave,
out of this Maelstorm!
Whom would I flay
to spend a day
down on Badab.

Here in the Warp
we understand.
We do not reprimend Astartes.
Brave post-humans,
sick of serving
that Carrion Lord!

I'm ready to know what the Dark Gods know.
Ask Tzeench my questions and get NINE answers!
Ask Slaanesh just how do I...
...what's the word? Raaaaaape!

When's it my turn?
A Black Crusade.
Wouldn't I love to be Warmaster!

Wish the Dark Gods
would turn to me.
The Blood Reaver.

Little Mermaid: Under the Sea[edit | edit source]

The shoeshine is always brighter
On somebody else's boot.
Fools dream 'bout leaving the Emprah
' But those dreams are evil's root.
Just think of the pains you'll suffer
Behind my punishment door
Such a painful death awaits you
So think of those things no more!

No Heresy
No Heresy
Soldier, it's better
Free of my fetters
Take it from me!
Out in the Eye they have no hope
In pain forever they must cope
While we devotin'
Full time to promotin'
No Heresy

Here in His light, we're happy
As off through the Warp they stray
The Lost in the Eye ain't happy
They mourn 'cause they lost their way
I charge through that swirling Warp-sea,
Cause heretics there I'll find,
The day I reveal their trech'ry
Guess who's gon' blow their mind? (Soldier: You-? *BLAM*)

No Heresy
No Heresy
Nobody beat us
Enslave or treat us
We what the daemons like to corrupt
No heresy and their plan's is fucked
We got no worries
Nor fear of furies
No Heresy
No Heresy
Since duty's first here
We suffer no fear
Even the surgeon an' the vox
They get the urge to cleanse the pox
We got the spirit
You got to hear it
No Heresy

The guard fights so hard
The marines look so mean
The AdMech fix da tech
And they prayin' serene
The priests kill the beasts
Ogryns start clobberin'
The psyker has lost his soul! (Psyker: What about my sou-?*BLAM*)
The tanks crush da flanks
Ratlings, rifles bring
The stormies fall out
The sisters, they sing!
The guard and navy
They never are lazy
An' oh I purge the foe!

No Heresy
No Heresy
When a foul daemon
Tries to corrupt men
My pistol fires free
What do they got? A lot of blood
We spill theirs in sod and mud
Each single man here
know how to pray here
No Heresy
Each young conscript here
My great wrath fear
No Heresy
Each vet'ran here
Know how to last here
That's why it's surer
To live more purer
No matter our places
We in the Emprah's graces
No Heresy

Frozen: Let it go[edit | edit source]

-Part 1-
The fire glows red on Prospero tonight
The Space Wolves we could not convince.
A planet of dead sorcerers,
and it looks like I'm the prince.

The warp is howling like this swirling storm inside,
Couldn't keep it in,
Emprah knows I've tried.

Don't cast a spell,
don't let them see,
Be the Primarch you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel,
don't let them know
Well now they know

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore.
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door.
I don't care
what they're going to say,
Let Prospero burn.
The Warp never bothered me anyway

It's funny how serving Tzeench
Makes everything seem small,
And the Emperor who controlled me
Can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do,
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry.
Here I stand,
And here I'll stay,
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in daemonic force all around
And one thought crystallizes like a sorcerous blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past

Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That Primarch slave is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let Prospero burn.

The Warp never bothered me anyway!

== Necron Crypteks interpretation ==

the wasteland is empty not a soul is to be seen. A glorious Desolation, as it should have been This world is dieing as I lay my claim I did my best, adding it to my Hall of fame

Ill let them try, Ill let them die, but they fell before my might and now I am Right, invade, locate, Deploy then Destroooyy

and then gooo:

Exterminate Exterminate

Ill float your world in hate

Exterminate Exterminate

Just now they see its to late

I don’t care what they were going to do Ill keep moving on

They were all going to die anyway

It funny how some Destruction Make anything seems so frail and my Core glows with great delight as i watch how they Fail

Time to finish the protocol i broke the limits, I saw it though I was right they were wrong now they see

Exterminate Exterminate

Ill see the dust fly

Exterminate Exterminate

just follow their cry

Protocol request That ill do my best

So ill move on.

As the planet surface is wiped clean Ill bring out my extreme

As the atmosphere vaporize away ill see your die and decay there will be no Delay

Exterminate Exterminate

we will find another world again

Exterminate Exterminate

and set it to the Flame

Here I stand but it is done and so I move on.

They were all going to die anyway.

Moana: You're welcome[edit | edit source]

Okay, okay
I see what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable!
Well it's nice to see that my sons never change

Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes it's really me, it's Father!
Breathe it in
I know it's a lot, the hair, the bod!
But I swear I'm truly not a god

What can I say except "You're welcome"
For your hearts and your occulobe
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome
I'm just mankind's Emperor!

Hey, what has two thumbs and united Terra
Sending man into a new era?
This guy!

In the ages of old
Who trapped the dragon down below?
You're looking at him, yo!

Oh, also I made you some sons
You're welcome
To fight for you and bring you fun

Also, I lit up the warp
You're welcome
To help your ships get you to war

So what can I say except you're welcome?
For the power I grabbed from Molech
There's no need to pray, it's okay, you're welcome, ha!
Tough I may have had to made some pacts
You're welcome, you're welcome

Well anyway, let me say you're welcome!
For the great Imperium you know
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome!
Well, come to think of it, you gotta go
Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome!
'Cause I'm gonna need that world
You're warping away, away
You're welcome!
Sorry, you don't get a vote
You're welcome, you're welcome
And thank you!

Dreamworks Adaptations[edit | edit source]

Although less prolific than Disney, some of Dreamworks' titles show great promise.

The Prince of Egypt: Playing with the Big Boys[edit | edit source]

[Cult Leaders]
By the power of Tzeentch...

So you think you've got friends on High Terra
With the power to put us on the run
Well, forgive us if we give a chortle
You'll know what power is when we are done

You're playing with the daemons now
Playing with the daemons now (Oh, that's nice...)
Every spell and gesture
Tells you who's your master
You're playing with the daemons now

You're playing with the daemons now
You're playing with the daemons now
Stop this vain resistance
Embrace your true existence
Give in to temptation now
Pick up your powerfist, boy
You're playing with the daemons now!

[Chanting Cultists]
By the power of Tzeentch
Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh, Malal
Magnus, Lorgar, Curze, Angron
Mortarion, Perturabo
Malal, Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle...

[Cult Leaders]
You're playing with the daemons now
You're playing with the daemons now
By the might of Horus
You will kneel before us
Kneel to our splendorous power...
You try to keep faith
But you know we're right
And just to show we feel no spite
You can be our acolyte
But first, boy, it's time to betray
(All the way!)
Or your soul will be consumed, boy
You're playing with the daemons now
Playing with the daemons

The Prince of Egypt: The Plagues[edit | edit source]

Thus said the Gods:
Since you refuse to yield your reign
All through the Imperium of Man...

I send your soldiers on thy self
Into your space, throughout the void
Onto your worlds, into your streets
Into your habs, into your forts
Upon your ranks, on your troops
Upon your people in your hives
Into your minds, into your souls
And every aspect of your lives
I send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus said the Gods!

Once I called you father
Once I thought the chance
to make you proud
Was all I ever wanted...

I send the thunder from the sky
I send the fire raining down

And even now I wish the Gods
had chose another
Serving as your foe on their behalf
Is the last thing that I wanted...

I send a hail of burning ice
On every field, on every hive

This was my home
All this pain and devastation
It never had to be this way
All the warriors who suffer
From your stubbornness and pride...

I send such fleets out through the void
The galaxy has never seen
On every globe, on every world
Until there's nothing left of green
I send my scourge, I send my sword
Thus said the Gods!

You who I called my son
Why must you call down another blow?

I send my scourge, I send my sword

Let my warriors rule

[Horus and Chorus]
Thus said the Gods

You who I called my son
How could you have come to hate me so?
Is this what you wanted?

I send the swarm, I send the horde...

Then let my heart be hardened
And never mind how high the cost may grow
This will still be so:
I will never let my empire go...

Thus said the Gods:

Thus said the Gods:

I will not...

[Horus, Emperor, and Chorus]
Let your (my) empire go!

The Prince of Egypt: Deliver us[edit | edit source]

[Kabalite Warriors]
Blood...And lift...Soul...And Pull
Pain...And raise up...Soul...Faster!

[Imperial Slaves]
With the sting of the whip on my shoulder
With the salt of my sweat on my brow
Emperor, God up high
Can you hear your people cry:
Help us now
This dark hour...

Deliver us
Hear our call
Deliver us
Lord of all, remember us, here in this xeno waste
Deliver us
There's a world you promised us
Deliver us to the promised world...

[Yocheved - Imperial captured agent]
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach
(My good and tender son)
Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad
(Don't be frightened and don't be scared)
My son, I have nothing I can give
But this chance that you may live
I pray we'll meet again
If He will deliver us

(song is either high or low gothic, whichever works)

Deliver us
Hear our prayer
Deliver us
From despair
These years of slavery grow too cruel to stand
Deliver us
There's a world you promised us
Deliver us
Out of bondage and
Deliver us to the promised world...

Hush now, my baby
Be still, love, don't cry
Sleep as you're embraced by the Emperor
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
So he'll be with you when you dream

(Yocheved gives the baby to a Marine Scout scouting the planet)

Noble Astartes
Fly gently for me
Such precious cargo you bear
Do you know somewhere
he can live free?
Astartes, deliver him there.

[Young SOB Initiate]
Brother, you're safe now
And safe may you stay
For I have a prayer just for you:
Grow, baby brother
Come back someday
Come and deliver us, too...

Deliver us
Send a shepherd to shepherd us
And deliver us to the promised world

Deliver us!
Marine, deliver him there...

The road to El Dorado: It's tough to be a god[edit | edit source]

Mfw it's such a hot mixtape

After the Word Bearers's humiliation on Monarchia, Lorgar has refused to leave his room
I can't lead, I'm not qualified
He told me He won't be deified
We were disgraced by the Ultramarines

[Kor Phareon]
Lorgar, what are you talking about?!
The Emprah forced us to our knees
But religion is a need
We'd better seek some gods other than him

Other than him? Other than him? Other than him?
[Khor Phareon]
Chaos gods!

I shall look for some gods
Tread where mortals have not trod
I will be enlightened, I'll surpass Guilliman
Need an object of devotion
Need a subject for psalms

[Kor Phareon]
It's a rather touching notion,
all those prayers and those salaams.

And who am I to be hostile
if I'm chosen as their apostle?
If they say that I'm their man, that's what I am.

What's more, if we don't comply
with the chaos gods' wishes,
I can see us being sacrificed or cursed.

[Kor Phareon]
You have a point, yes, that's very good thinking.

So! Let's seek gods!
The perks are great.
Emprah gone without a trace!
The Word Bearers should not be rebuffed.

Never rebuff, never rebuff Word Bearers' prayers, no Father!

[Lorgar and Kor]
We'll seek old Colchis' gods
but we should get some Primarch's nods,
"Count your blessings,
corrupt Horus",
that's their advice.

It's great advice!

[Lorgar and Kor]
Steal the Kinebranch Athame

[Kor Phareon]
And wound Horus!

[Lorgar and Kor]
Form a cult!
Fight on Davin,
and make his legion
take him to the Serpent's Lodge.

[Kor Phareon]
Don a supernatural habit

We'd be crazy not to grab it!

[Lorgar and Kor]
So sign on our legion for heresy...he-re-sy!

Original Works[edit | edit source]

Blood On the Rocks (Gory, Gory, What a Helluva Way to Die)[edit | edit source]

He was just a rookie guardsman and he surely shook with fright,
He checked off his equipment and made sure his lasgun's primed,
He had to sit and listen to those awful Greenskins roar,
You ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)
You ain't gonna fight no more.

"Is everybody ready?" cried the sergeant looking on,
Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and went a-marching on,
No sooner than he had begun, he took a grisly hit,
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)
You ain't gonna fight no more.

He gasped in long, he cried out loud, falling into shock,
The entrails in his stomach spilled out and bundled on the rocks,
He felt the blood, he felt the cold, he felt death creeping up,
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)
You ain't gonna fight no more.

The ambulance was on the spot, the Taurox running wild,
The medics jumped and scrambled fore, rolled up their sleeves and scowled,
For it had been a month or more since they'd received supplies,
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)
You ain't gonna fight no more.

A grenade hit the ground and exploded with a BOOM,
His comrades all round were heard to say "A helluva way to die",
He lay there rolling 'round in the welter of his gore,
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, (X3)
You ain't gonna fight no more.

There was blood on the dirt, there were brains upon the rocks,
Gory bits, a-dangling from his combat suit,
He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots,
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Boltgun[edit | edit source]

To the hive of Agua Frias came a stranger one grim day
Hardly spoke to the Arbites, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to slit his purse-strings, no one dared to make a slip
for the black-clad man among them had a boltgun on his hip
Boltgun on his hip

It was early in the morning when he landed at the 'port
And he spent his day in houses of a foul and darkling sort
He's a heretic from offworld came the whisper from each lip
And he's here to weave some chaos with the boltgun on his hip
Boltgun on his hip

In this town there lived a ganger by the name of Nocturne Red
Many Judges tried to take him and those men of law were dead
He was vicious and augmented at the age of one-oh-four
And the notches on his laslocks numbered ten and fourscore more
Ten and fourscore more

Now the stranger started showing there, to all the folks around
A strange brooch of foreign metal, Gothic I in silver bound
He came here on bitter business, to leave all the sinners dead
And on the list of purge-ed was the name of Nocturne Red
The name of Nocturne Red

Wasn't long before the rumors were relayed to Nocturne Red
But the ganger didn't worry- he would leave the 'quis'tor dead
Ninety men had tried to end him, ninety men had made a slip
Ninety one would be the 'quistor with the boltgun on his hip
Boltgun on his hip

It was thirty-seven minutes 'fore the 'quistor found his prey
They met in a darkened fac'try where the bravest feared to stray
Scum were watching from the gantries, mutie creatures held their breath
they hoped this holy agent was about to meet his death
about to meet his death

There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the 'quistor is still talked about today
Nocturne Red had not cleared plasteel fore a boltshell fairly tore
And the 'quistors aim was blessed by Our Holy Emperor
Our holy Emperor

It was over in a moment and the final cleanse began
Mutant scum were cut down righteous, brightly burning as they ran
For the stranger brought stormtroopers and the Hive had made a slip
None escapes the Emperor's 'quistor with a boltgun on his hip
Boltgun on his hip

Boltgun, Mars Boltgun

None escapes the Emperor's 'quistor with a boltgun on his hip
Boltgun on his hip

War Cant of Mars[edit | edit source]


Mine receptors witness glory from the burning of the flame
The fires of the forge are like the trumpets which proclaim
Our engines at full power, your destruction is our aim
Our Truth has come online

Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)
Our Truth has come online

With heat and iron and industry we'll purge you from this world
You will sunder, melt, and shatter from the bolts of wrath we've hurled
And upon your ruined end, our blood red banners stand unfurled
Our Might has come online

Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)
Our Might has come online

Traitor, Xeno, Heretek, they are as one to us
We will scorch them from existence with our engines devious
Our hate for them encoded into every bolt and truss
Our Wrath has come online

Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)
Our Wrath has come online

Titans striding forward, Ordinatii by the score
They are drowning out blasphemers 'neath their great mechanic roar
Tradition is our bulwark, it endures forever more
Our Victory comes online

Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)
Our Victory comes online

Deus est machina (X3)

Engage the linkage, Omnissiah (X3)
Our Victory comes online


Other Sources[edit | edit source]

Through random circumstance or creative providence, some songs and poems lend themselves to grimdarking regardless of what media they are tied to.

Amon Amarth: The Pursuit of Vikings[edit | edit source]

The warming sun returns again,
And melts away the snow,
The Sea of Claws free from icy chains,
Winter is letting go,

Standing on the ocean's side,
We can hear the waves,
Calling us out with tides,
To sail into our fate,

KHORNE! Guide our ships!
Our axes, spears and swords!
Guide us through storms that whip,
And in brutal WAR!

Our ships await us by the shore,
Time has come to leave,
Our country, families and homes,
For glory in setting south to torch,

Some of us wont return,
But that wont bring us down,
Our fate lies written in the web,
Woven by the Raven God,

A thrall is sacrificed,
Across the longship's bow,
And as we set our sails,
The Winds of Chaos begin to blow,

It carries out to sea,
With waking dreams of slaughter and pride,
And glorious all will be,
That with sword in hand will die!

KHORNE! Guide our ships!
Our axes, spears and swords!
Guide us through storms that whip,
And in brutal WAR!

KHORNE! Guide our ships!
Our axes, spears and swords!
Guide us through storms that whip,
And in brutal WAR!

Amon Amarth: Valhalla Awaits Me[edit | edit source]

Blood gushes from the wound,
The cut is wide and deep,
Right before he turns around,
He falls to his knees

A clear song rings in the blade,
As steel meets hardened steel,
I hear the sound of shattered wood,
A sword cuts through my shield,

I drop the shield and grab my axe,
A weapon in each hand,
A clear blow makes the helmet crack,
My axe cuts to the teeth!

I rip the axe from his skull,
Covered in blood and gore,
Leave the body lying dead,
Ready to kill some more,

My sword carves through flesh and bone,
Like a hot knife cuts through snow,
I smile when the bastard screams,
When I twist my sword,




I raise my axe up above my head,
My eyes stare in furious rage,
Yet more blood will be shed,
This is a victorious day!

Blood gushes from the wound,
The cut is wide and deep,
Right before I turn around,
I fall to my knees,




Blood Bowl (to the tune of the theme from Coach)[edit | edit source]

Come on down and play some Blood Bowl
Get out your dice and have a roll
Nuffle's a vengeful god, we know
No matter what, you never know how it'll go

Let the blood lust consume your soul
Performance enhancers take their toll
Whether you win, whether you lose
Whatever plays that you may choose
All the fans want is Blood-

Down to the stadium we'll stroll
To watch the Elves and Orks and Trolls
As they all scramble for the goal
While ripping each other and themselves all full of holes

So join us for every pass and throw
And every last bone breaking blow
Every kick, every touchdown
Violence and gore, round after round
It's all right inside the Blood Bowl!

Bon Jovi: Shot through the head (by Grey Knights)[edit | edit source]

Shot through the head
With that Astral Aim
Brothers you give Titan
A good name

An Angel of Death
walks through hell
A demon's name carved
on each storm bolter shell
Chains of Torment ain't got no hold on me
In service to Him you are always free

Oh, you're a loaded gun

Oh, there's nowhere to run
No one can save
the enemies of Man

Shot through the head
in the Emperor's name
Brothers you give Titan
A good name
The Hammerhand
and the Cleansing Flame
you give Titan
A good name

Salve Regina[edit | edit source]

Hail, holy Celestine, Living Saint
Emperor's Sword, our protector and our hope,
To thee do we cry,
Poor besieged daughters of the Emperor,
To thee do we send our pleas,
Mourning and weeping in this dark cosmos.

Turn then, most invincible protector,
Thine eyes of mercy towards us;
And after this our watch,
Show to us the blessed fruit of our God-Emperor,
O charitable, O loving,
O sweet Martyred one,

Pray for us, O holy Matron,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of the Emperor.

Team America Theme[edit | edit source]

All rise for the Imperial Anthem. Failure to sing along in full chorus is punishable by death!


Imperium, FUCK YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!
Subjugation is the only way yeah,
Heretics your game is through, 'cause now you have to answer to,
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
Imperium, FUCK YEAH!
What you gonna do when we come for you now,
It’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow


Emperor, FUCK YEAH!
Space Marines, FUCK YEAH!
Guardsmen, FUCK YEAH!
Mechanicus, FUCK, YEAH!
Arbitrators, FUCK YEAH!
Inquisition, FUCK YEAH!


Ogryns, FUCK YEAH!
Ratlings, FUCK YEAH!
Squats, FUCK YEAH!
Ecclesiarchy, FUCK YEAH!
Sororitas, FUCK YEAH!
Big tits, FUCK YEAH!
Grox steaks, FUCK YEAH!
Amasec, FUCK YEAH!
Lho sticks, FUCK YEAH!
Commissars, Fuck yeah... Fuck yeah? FUCK YES *BLAM*

Discipline, FUCK YEAH!
Imperial Creed, FUCK YEAH!
Sebastian Thor, FUCK YEAH!
Scrumball, FUCK YEAH!
Administratum, FUCK YEAH!
Munitorum, FUCK YEAH!
Assasinorum, FUCK YEAH!
Titan Legions, FUCK YEAH!
Sanctioned Psykers, fuck yeah... fuck yeah? FUCK YES *BLAM*
Uplifting Primer, FUCK YEAH!
Tomes of Knowledge (as have been deemed suitable for public reading by the Emperor's most Holy Inquisition), FUCK YEAH!

The Wurzels: Combine Harvester (Brand New Key)[edit | edit source]

(Sung from the perspective of a Ratling Sniper about an Adeptus Sororitas he's taken a fancy to)

I drove my Baneblade through your bunker last night
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
I crushed them 'eretics 'neath the treads to keep quiet
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
Now somethin's tellin' me, you've finally noticed me
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
Come on now darlin' you got somethin' I need

Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key

I made her laugh *pew* Haha!

I'll Stick 'em in the guts, then give you all ya need
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
I'll have ya two or three times, I'm a man built for speed
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
And then I'll light me pipe up, and then I will cram
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
My heavy shells up their arses while we purge all the land

Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key

Pphhwooaaarrr she's a lovely bit of stuff an'all

For seven years I've been stationed right here in this place
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
Taking pot-shots at the 'eretics in the face
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
Now if I cleaned me long-las would ya change yur mind
(Ooh ar ooh ar)
I'd polish hard enough to keep the standard flying high

Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key

Who loves ya baby? THE EMPEROR!

Weren't we grand couple at that last big advance?
You had yur eviscerator and I had me long-las
In yur new power armour with yur incense smellin' grand
I wanted to duel you one-on-one, show you I'm good with me 'ands

Cos I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key
Come on let's mow the bastards down in perfect harmony
Oh you've got 20 headshots and I've got 43
Now I've got a Leman Russ Demolisher and I'll give you the key

Aarrr, you're a fine lookin' woman and I can't wait to get me hands on yur holy relics haha!

Underfist: Halloween Bash[edit | edit source]

When Daemons come to wreck your world
And you need weapons to assist you
And the Space Marines just ain't around
Then Powerfist will rescue you.

It's what they do, Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

Power, Power, Power fist!
Power, Power, Power fist!

When the warp attacks
And daemonic monsters run amock
And you're possessed by some form of soul
Then what you need is a psyker now!

Power fist, they're free!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Power fist, go!

Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody[edit | edit source]

Iz dis da real life?
Iz dis jus' fannasy?
Caught in a big push,
No 'scape from reality.
Open ya eyes, Look up at da skies and see,
I's jus' a poor boy, dun need no sympafy,
'Cause I'm big 'n mean, not a grot, chop and smash, shoot a lot,
Any way the waaagh goes doesn't really matter to me, to me.

Warboss, just killed an ork,
Put mah shoota 'gainst 'is 'ead, pulled my trigger, now 'e's dead.
Warboss, waaagh had just begun,
But now I's gone and shot up all ya nobs.
Warboss, ooh, Didn' mean ta make ya mad,
If I's not back again dis time tomorra,
Keep stompin', keep stompin' as if nuffin' really matters.

Too late, I gots shot up,
Sends hurtin' down me spine, body's aching all the time.
Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go,
Gotta leave you all behind and face da troof.
Warboss, ooh, I dun' wanna die,
I sometimes wish I'd never waaaghed at all.

I see a little silhouetto of a beakie,
Zoggin' humies, Zoggin' humies, is it your turn to stomp now?
Thundabolts and Lightnins, very, very fright'ning me.
(Gorkamorka.) Gorkamorka. (Gorkamorka.) Gorkamorka, Gorkamorka Gork n' Mork
Waaaaagh! I's just a poor boy an' nobody loves me.
'E's just a poor boy from a poor goff tribe,
Spare 'im 'is loife from dis monstrosity.
Easy come, easy go, will yas lemme go?
Xenos! No, we will not let you go.
(Let him go!) Xenos! We will not let you go.
(Let him go!) Xenos! We will not let you go.
(Let me go.) Will not let you go.
(Let me go.) Will not let you go. (Let me go.) Ah.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
(Oh Brother Captain, Brother Captain.) Bruvva Kaptin, lemme go.
Da Commissar 'as a boltgun put aside for me, for me, for me.

So you fink you can shoot me and spit in my eye?
So you fink you can curse me and leave me to die?
Oh, snotling, can't do dis to me, snotling,
Jus' gonna get out, jus' gotta get stompin' again!

Nuffin' really matters, Anyone can see,
Nuffin' really matters,
Nuffin' really matters to me.

Any way the waaagh goes.

Overhead: A pint of ale[edit | edit source]

(killer banjo solo)

Robert Browning: My Last Duchess[edit | edit source]

   That's my last adjutant painted on the wall, 
Looking as if she were alive. I call
That piece a wonder, now: The Confessor
Worked busily that day, and there she stands.
Will't please you sit and look at her? I said
Confessor by design, for never read
Strangers like you that pictured countenance,
The depth and passion of its earnest glance,
But to myself they turned (since none puts by
The curtain I have drawn for you, but I)
And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst,
How such a glance came there; so not the first
Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, 'twas not
My orders only, called that eager spot,
Of joy into her pallid cheek; perhaps
A Guardsman chanced to say "She wears her cap
Askew, as it please her," or "Prayer
Must never hope to match a lock of her hair
Taken from her head": such stuff
Was unacceptable, I thought, and cause enough
For flagellation (she did not). She had
An attitude - how shall I say - relaxed
Too easily beguiled; she listened to anything
She looked on, and her ears heard many things.
Sir, 'twas all one! Morning prayers, arrests,
The whispers of the Dark Gods in her breast,
The impious jibes some vulgar soldier
Would throw her way, unaware of her
Position and my power. All and each
would draw from her alike the approving speech,
Or an ear at least. She took confession - good - but prayed
Somehow - I know how now - as if her faith was any other jade.
A heretic. Who'd stoop to blame
This sort of crime? Even had you time
For a trial - which I had not - for heretic slime
And to say she burns, and to say "Just This
Is your fair fate, you lying bitch,
Traitor to the Emperor" - and if she let
Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set
Her wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse,
- E'en then would be some stooping, and I choose
Never to stoop. Oh sir, she prayed, no doubt,
On every feast, but which gods blessed without
Those same prayers? This became clear. I made commands.
Then prayers turned into screams. There she stands,
As if alive. Will't please you rise? We'll meet
The Governor below, then. I repeat,
The Inquisition's munificence
Is ample warrant that no just pretence
Of confession will be disallowed;
Though to find heresy, as I avowed,
At starting, is my object. Nay, we'll go
Together down, sir. Notice this seal, though,
The skull and I, together as you see,
Which gives certain... powers to me.

Charlie Daniels Band: The Devil Went Down to Georgia[edit | edit source]

The daemon went down to Terra,
He was looking for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal.
When he came across this young man chainswordin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.
And the daemon jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy, let me you what:"
"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too."
"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you."
"Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the daemon his due:"
"I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."
The boy said: "Mah nahme's Boreale ahnd it might be ah sin,"
"But Ah'll take yooouuur bet, yoouugghhrr gonna regrort, 'cos Ah'm the best thawt's ever beahn."

Boreale, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard,
'Cause hellwarp's broke loose in Terra and Tzeentch deals the cards.
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.
But if you lose, the daemon gets your soul.

The daemon opened up his case and he said, "I'll start this show."
And blue fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow.
And he pulled the bow across the strings and it made an evil hiss.
Then a band of Nurglings joined in and it sounded somethin' like this:
When the daemon finished, Boreale said,
"Worl, you're prehtty guud, oorrld sawn,"
"But sit dorn in that cheer rigghht ther and let me show you whore it's dorne"

Fire on the monolith.
Run, boys, run
Slaanesh in the House of the Rising Sun.
Squiqs in the bread pan pickin' out dough.
Granny, does your cyberdog bite?
No, child, no.

The daemon bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.
And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Boreale's feet.
Boreale said, "Daemon, just cuhm on baahhck if you ever wahnt to trah agahin."
"'Cause Ah told you once, you son of a grot,"
"Ah'm the best that's evah bihn."

Iron Maiden: Aces High[edit | edit source]

There goes da sirun dat warns o' da air raid
Den comz da sound o' da shootaz: DakDakkaDak
Owt fer da scramble we've godda git airborne
Godda git up fer da comin' attak.

Jump in da cockpit an start up da enginz
Lode up da grotz derz no time to muck about
Gavverin' speed as weeb 'ed down da runway
Godda git airborne an smoke dose gitz out

Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'
Rollin', turnin', divin', goin' in again
Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'
Rollin', turnin', divin'
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh.

Move in ter fire at da mainstream o' bombaz
Giv em some dakka an den turn away
Roll ober, spin round ter cumz in behind 'em
Move ter their blindsidz an firin' again

Runtie ships oe'r da Horizon, muv in behin' us
Down on da ground dere's jes deadboys and lootaz
'Eading up an turnin' our flash ter mug dem
'Eading straight fer dim meeb per-ss down on mi shootaz.

Rollin', turnin', divin'
Rollin', turnin', divin' ('ere we go agin!)
Rollin', turnin', divin'
Rollin', turnin', divin'
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh

Iron Maiden: The Trooper[edit | edit source]

You’ll take my life but I’ll take yours too
You’ll fire you railgun but I’ll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You’d better stand there’s no turning back

The Ethereal speaks as the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and krootox breath
As you plunge into a certain death

The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
The mighty roar of the Tau guns
And as we race towards the xenos wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall

We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the Tau fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We won’t live to fight another day

(Guitar Solo)

We get so close near enough to fight
When a Firewarrior gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below

And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My body’s numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan

My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade[edit | edit source]








This world it needs reclaiming, in the God-Emperor's Name.
And for Him we will charge into the breach.
And through it all, the war's loud call, the bodies in the trench,
We'll fight until the victory's within reach,

We’re marching on,
We’re marching on
And when we’ve killed the mutants,
The Imperial Guard will march straight on
We’re marching on
I’ll take my lasgun and reload it,
The cadence can’t contain it.

The Baneblade sends them reeling, it decimates them all
The Basilisk shells fall upon our foes
So burn the Ork and stab the Tau
Let's shout our victory clear
There’s no damn enemy who’ll bring us low

We’re marching on
We’re marching on
And when we’ve killed all of the xenos,
The Imperial Guard will march straight on
We’re marching on
Necrons lie broken and defeated
The Cadian 4-12th marches


All the Chaos forces we will shoot
Ooh oh ohhhh
Word Bearer helmets crack beneath our boots
Ooh oh ohhhh
The other races run because the Guard is coming,

Do or die, you'll never beat us
Over this land, our banner we’ll unfurl
The Emperor is right there with us
We’ll kill them all, and then reclaim this world

We won't explain or say we’re sorry
We are the Guard, we are Imperial Might
Give a cheer for all we’ve beaten
Listen here, because for you we fight

We are but men, We are all heroes
Not Spess Mehreens, yet we will hold the line
Our enemies will rage against us


We’re marching on
We’re marching on
And when the heretics and traitors
Are purged the Guard will march straight on
We’re marching on
Enemies broken and defeated
The Imperial Guard is marching on

No space elf witch, No Bloody Magpie
No greenskin axe, No advanced battlesuit
No evil priest, No undead robot
No enemy, can ever beat us (We’re marching on)

Tank after tank, Cadian courage,(We’re marching on)
Man after man, no matter how hard (We’re marching on)
This war will be, you'll never beat us
For the God Emperor, We’re the Imperial Guard!
(Imperial Guard!)

Harvey Andrews: British Soldier[edit | edit source]

In a spaceport in the city a young guardsman stood
Talking to the natives there if they would
Some just stared in hatred, and others turned in pain
And the lonely guardsman boy wished he was home again

Come join glorious guard! Said the posters in his block
See new worlds and have your fun and serve your emperor
His skills were surely lacking and his family had to eat
So he took the emperors oath and enlisted for up to fight

For there was no fear of fighting, to the conquered he’d be sent
Just ten years getting paid to watch
Then leave a glorious victor, a man who’d made the grade
A medal and some land, and memories in trade

Then came the call of Tash’ren, as it had come before
Another bloody chapter in an unending war
The people stood on both sides, the people they stood behind
Another fight in futilities name, the weak against the blind

The guardsman stood between them, between the whistling stones
And then the broken bottles, that lead to more patrols
The crude bombs that burnt him, the nails that pierced his skin
And wish he’d just stayed home, working with his friends

The starport filled with people the guardsman soon was bored
But better in the port than where the soldiers warred
The room filled up with the xenos females, their younglings in tow
Who stared with itchy fingers at the guardsman and his gun

A yell of fear a pulse of engines the shattering of glass
The window of the port broke to let the package pass
A scream came from the defeated as they ran towards the door
Dragging their younglings crying from the charge upon the floor

The guardsman stood and could not move, his gun he could not use
He knew the bomb had seconds and not minutes on the fuse
He could not run and pick it up and throw it in the street
There were far too many people there, too many running feet

Take cover! yelled the guardsman, Take cover for your lives
And the Aliens threw down their young and stood before their wives
They turned towards the soldier their eyes alive with fear
For the greater good’s sake, save our children or they'll end their short lives here

The guardsman ran towards the bomb his stomach like a stone
Why was this his battle in the emperors name, why was he alone
He lay down on the package and he murmured one farewell
To those at home in Nimbossa to those he loved so well

He saw the sights of harvest felt the wind upon his brow
The young girls in the munitorum parks, how precious were they now
The soaring of the sw’it the beauty of the swilope
The music of the cheering choir so soon would it be gone

A muffled soft explosion and the room began to quake
The guardsman blown across the floor, his blood a crimson lake
There was no time to cry or shout there was no time to moan
And they turned their children's faces from the blood and from the bones

The crowd outside soon gathered and the chimeras came
To carry off the body of a pawn lost in the game
And the crowd they clapped and cheered and they sang their heretical song
One guardsman less to interfere where he did not belong

And will the young growing up learn at their mothers' knees
The story of the guardsman who bought their lives
Who used his youthful body as a means towards an end
Who gave his life to those who called him murderer not friend

Will Smith: Men In Black[edit | edit source]

Here come the Knights in Grey
Imperium's defenders
Here come the Knights in Grey
They won't let you remember

The righteous bear armor of grey, ok
Just in case they have to come and send some Daemons away
The order given to them, Or-do M
Means with ease they will banish them
So do not your eyes avert
Or Chaos with ease will soon convert
The chosen of the Emperor
Number one Daemon purgers
But to our Battle Brothers we don't exist
On our Ordos most classified list
Daemon infestation? to the Emperor pray
Cause you never know when we might save the Day, and..

Here come the Knights in Grey
Imperium's defenders
Here come the Knights in Grey
They won't let you remember

Ozzy Osbourne: Hellraiser[edit | edit source]

Im waaaaaghing on an endlis rode
around’ da world ta krump beakies good
sumtiems it ‘eels so tuff
but I still asnt ad enuf
I keep tellin dat its gettin a lot
but I no ize a liar
feelin al rite in da noize n da lite
but dats wut makes me waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

‘ell raiser, in da funder and ‘eat
‘ell raiser, rock ya bak in ya seet
‘ell raiser, an ize gon make it come troo
‘ell raiser, ize gon do sum weird boy fings to you

Waaaaghin on anuvver world,
Anuvver hive anuvver place
sumtimes I dun feel too gud
ize get dis funny feelin an stuff
da boyz keep sayin dat its not good fer me
but bein a grot dun make it
out of control, I playz da ultimate roll
But dats wut lites my fire


Im waaaaaghing on an endlis rode
around’ da world ta krump beakies good
sumtiems it ‘eels so tuff
but I still asnt ad enuf
out of control, I playz da ultimate roll
But dats wut lites my fire

Nancy Sinatra: These Boots Were Made For Walking[edit | edit source]

You's keep sayin' you's got sumfing for me.
Sumfing you call WAAAGH!, but 'fess up.
You's been muckin' where ya shudn' be muckin'
An' now some uver gitz got all ya swag.

Dese gitz was made fer choppin', an' dats just wot they'll do.
One uv dese days da ladz is gunna stomp all uver you.

You's keep lootin' when you's ought ta be krumpin'
An' you's gots no wins, only beats.
You's stayin' weedy when ya ought ta be 'ard
Now wotz proppa's proppa, an' ya ain' been proppa yet.

Dese gitz was made fer choppin', an' dats just wot they'll do.
One uv dese days da ladz is gunna stomp all uver you.

You's keep sulkin' where ya 'spose ta be loud.
An' you's keep finkin' you's sumfin' speshul.
Ha! Gotz me a brand new Choppa wotz dead killy,
An' I ain' 'ad time fer breakin' it in...

Ready ya gitz? Start choppin'!

Sabaton: Attero Dominatus[edit | edit source]

The Hive is burning
The Tau has fallen

We stand at the gates of the Hive
With two and a half million men
With six thousand tanks in our ranks
Use them as battering rams

Artillery leading our way
A million grenades has been launched
The xenos must pay for their crimes
The wings of the xeno’s been broken

Commander Chenkov's orders:
Serve me the Hive on a plate!
Disregard the losses
The city is ours to take

The price of a war must be payed
Millions of lives has been lost
The price must be paid by the Tau
That started the war in M.40's

The year of 200.M45
The year when the xenos will fall
We're inside the gates of the Hive
The beaks of the xeno's been broken

Commander Chenkov's orders:
Serve me its head on a plate
Disregard the losses
The xeno's land is ours to take

In the Hive!
The Hive!

Sabaton: Wolfpack[edit | edit source]

To the sector came the Eldar
Mars and Dictator
leading the convoy west

Took the warp gate in
The long jump back - Convoy to Gryphonne
Mars, Dauntless, Dictator leading
Titans to the forge
And upon the asteroid belt
Lies the silence of the sails
On the dog's watch in the final hour
The corsair fleets appear

On all the auspex it seems quiet and calm
Deep down below the xenos lurks

To the sector came the Eldar
Mars and Dictator
Leading the convoy west
In their own track came the wolfpack
Mars led the convoy
Into the hornet's nest

At the crack of dawn the second watch
Dauntless wracked with flames
Half the convoy hulked or disabled
Heading to Command
But below the fleet ecliptic
Out of sensor range
On the second watch in the final hour
The corsair fleets return

The Eldar come in for a second time
To make the Monkeigh face their fate

To the sector came the Eldar
Mars and Dictator
Leading the convoy west
In their own track came the wolfpack
Mars led the convoy
Into the hornet's nest

Lances blazing, fighters failing
M42 when
The Navy did fail the test
To the sector came the Eldar
Mars and Dictator
Leading them into death

Asuryan makes the contact and lead them
Isha's Tears scores a kill in the dark
She Who Thirsts sinking 4 in 2 approaches
Fading Star cut in half by a lance

Sabaton: Panzerkampf (Chaos Edition)[edit | edit source]

Into the Imperial Land the Chaotic Army March

In Segmentum Obscuros, Millennium 43
Tanks line up in thousands, as far the eye can see
Ready for the onslaught, ready for the Fight
Waiting for the Imperials, to march into the trap

Traps were placed in darkness, in the cover of the night
Waiting to be trigged, when the time is right
In the imagination imminent attack
Once the battle started there was no turning back

The end of the Imperium draws near
It’s time has come to an end
The end of an era is near
It’s time, to attack

Into Imperial land the chaotic army march
Brothers side by side to stop the Imperial charge
Titans on cadian soil a thundering release
One billion man of war the chaotic wrath unleash

Fields of western Cadia were the heat of battle burned
Suffered heavy losses the tie of war was turned
Driving back the Imperials, fighting on all fronts
Out of the Cadian sector, out of chaotic land

Reinforce the frontlines cause the imperials to retreat
Send in all reserves securing their defeat
Believers of the Dark Gods, broke the citadel
Ruins of a planet, Imperials rest in hell

The end of the Imperium draws near
It’s time has come to an end
The end of an era is near
It’s time, to attack

Into Imperial land the chaotic army march
Brothers side by side to stop the Imperial charge
Titans on cadian soil a thundering Release
One billion man of war the chaotic wrath unleash


Oh, Lord Abbadon, conqueror of lands
Will of the Dark Gods, strongly they command
Oh, Lord Abbadon, conqueror of lands
Finally victorious the chaotic army stands

The end of the Imperium draws near
It’s time has come to an end
The end of an era is near
It’s time, to attack

Into Imperial land the chaotic army march
Brothers side by side to stop the Imperial charge
Titans on cadian soil a thundering Release
One billion man of war the chaotic wrath unleash

Sabaton: Resist and Bite[edit | edit source]

The WAAAGH is coming swiftly,
The borders closing in!
We're a company of soldiers,
Mere forty autos strong

All alone
Stand alone

Hades hive is burning,
And Ghazkull is at hand;
As the Greenskins pushing harder,
The WAAAGH is all around!

All around
Hold your ground!

Fight all eighteen days of battles,
No odds are on our side,
Few will fight for all until the slugbolts are gone

We will resist and bite!
Bite hard!
Cause we are all in sight!
We take up arms and fight!
Fight hard!
Resist and do what's right!

No matter our fighting,
The numbers will still count!
We're out gunned and few in numbers,
We're doomed to flag of fail!

We fought hard,
Held our guard!

But when killed by the Greenskins,
And we revealed the truth!
We'll die it with a smile,
We will surprise them with a laugh!

We are all!
We were all!

We were told to hold the border,
And that is what we did;
Honored were our orders,
In despite of our foe!

We will resist and bite!
Bite hard!
Cause we are all in sight!
We take up arms and fight!
Fight hard!
Resist and do what's right!

Gloria fortis miles!
The Ork hoard closing in,
Adversor et admorsus!
The Beast against the Eagle,
Gloria fortis miles!
The Ork hoard closing in,
Adversor et admorsus
The Beast against the Eagle...


We did resist and bite!
Bite hard!
Cause we were all in sight!
We! We took up arms and fought!
Fought hard!
Resist and did what's right!

Sabaton: Panzerkampf[edit | edit source]

Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHHH March!

In the Imperium of Mankind, Millennium 41'st
Tanks line up in millions, as far the eye can see.
Ready for the onslaught, ready for the fight.
Waiting for the xenos, to march into the trap.

Mines are placed in darkness.
In the cover of the night.
Waiting to be triggered.
When the time is right.

Imminent invasion.
Imminent attack.
Once the battle's started.
There's no turning back.

The end of the Ork WARGHHH draws near.
Its time has come to an end.
The end of an era is here.
It's time to attack.

Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHH march!
Guardsmen, stand side by side, to stop the xeno charge.
Gargants on Human soil Thunder in the west.
Twelve billion Guardsmen at war, Imperial wrath unleashed.

Fields of Armegeddon, feel the heat of battle burned.
Suffered heavy losses, the tide of war has turned.
Driving back the greenskins, fighting on four fronts.
Drive them Off of Imperium, out of Human land.
Reinforce the frontline, force the xenos to retreat.
Send in all the reserves, securing their defeat.
Guardsmen of Imperium broke the invasion.
Ruins of an army, greenskins rest in hell!"

The end of the Ork WARGHHH draws near.
Its time has come to an end.
The end of an era is near.
It's time to attack.

Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHH march!
Guardsmen, stand side by side, to stop the xeno charge.
Gargants on Human soil Thunder in the west.
Twelve billion Guardsmen at war, Imperial wrath unleashed.

Oh, Imperium of Mankind, union of worlds.
Will of the people, strong in command.
Oh, God Emperor, protector of Man.
Once more victorious, the Imperial Guard stands.

The end of the Ork WARGHHH draws near.
Its time has come to an end.
The end of an era is here.
It's time to attack.

Into the Imperium the Ork WARGHH march!
Guardsmen, stand side by side, to stop the xeno charge.
Gargants on Human soil Thunder in the west.
Twelve billion Guardsmen at war, Imperial wrath unleashed.

Sabaton: Primo Victoria[edit | edit source]

Through the Cadian Gate
As we make our way to Glory
Through the Chaos Hordes
Imperium Victoria!

We've been training for years
But we're ready to strike
As the great Imperium will win
We're the first wave on planet
We're the first ones to fall
No soldiers drop landed before

In the dawn of war they will pay
With their lives as the price
History's written today
In this burning Warp chasm
Know that nothing remains
As our forces nuke all the Traitors

Aiming for killshots though using a las
Victory is ours with mecha and Tanks!

Through the Cadian Gate
As we make our way to glory
Through the Chaos Hordes
Imperium Victoria!

On a Daemon World
Within the Eye of Terror
Near the Heretics
Death is upon them

We've been here before
Used to this kind of war
Warp fire goes over the trench
Our orders are easy
It's kill or be blammed
The Commissars shoot those who fail

In the dawn of war they will pay
With their lives as the price
History's written today
Now we are at war
With the Despoiler again
This time Creed knows what to plan

Aiming for killshots though using a las
Victory is ours with mecha and Tanks!

Through the Cadian Gate
As we make our way to glory
Through the Chaos Hordes
Imperium Victoria!

On a Daemon World
Within the Eye of Terror
Near the Heretics
Death is upon them

Millennium of the 41st
Baneblades are turning the war
Titans all march to victory
Just as planned

Aiming for killshots though using a las
Victory is ours with mecha and Tanks!

Through the Cadian Gate
As we make our way to glory
Through the Chaos Hordes
Imperium Victoria!

On a Daemon World
Within the Eye of Terror
Near the Heretics
Death is upon them

Through the Cadian Gate
As we make our way to Glory
Through the Chaos Hordes
Imperium Victoria!

On a Daemon World
Within the Eye of Terror
Near the Heretics
Imperium Victoria!

Sabaton: Stalingrad[edit | edit source]

Fresh from orbit
From the dropships came to Comrades aid
City in despair
Almost crushed by Ghazkulls army

Oh its grimmer than hell
Ghazkull's forces advancing

The sound of the bolters
The music of death
A grand symphony

See your friends fall
Hear them pray to the gods
Your emperor denies

Every man dies alone
And when your time comes
You will know that its time

Yarrick's fortress on fire
Is this madness or hell

The sound of the bolters
The music of death
We're playing Chaos's symphony
Violins as lasguns
Conducted from hell

Oh Hades Hive
Morte Vedae

Are you praying
Do you follow the Commissars lead
No one knows you
No one cares but a single violin

Play the score of the dead
Know the daemon within

The sound of the bolters
The music of death
We're playing Chaos's symphony
Violins as lasguns
Conducted from hell

Sabaton- Panzer Battalion[edit | edit source]

Out of the warp no Daemos we fear
Piercing the void as we charge
An armoured battlecruiser on course to the expanse
Closing the end of it's march

This time we're here to finish a job
Started a millenia ago
Driving the heretics out of their holes
To bury them with promethium

Armoured guns of mass destruction
Killers in the expanse
Rats who dares to stand before us
Feel our lance go live

[Chorus:] Death in the shape of a Lunar battlecruiser
Insolent xenos don't run face your fate you are dead
cannot outrun our Lunar battlecruiser

Millions of tons of armour and guns
Making it's way through the expanse
Our Lunar battlecruiser is back for revenge
Artillery sweeping the land

First strike is ours no mercy is shown
There's rivers of blood in our track
Breaking their waves of defence with our guns
Emperor watching our back

Blow their void shield clear for deep strike
Ready for the storm
Minefields swept there's no surrender
Feel our lances burn

[Chorus x2]

Out of the warp no Daemos we fear
Piercing the void as we charge
An armoured battlecruiser on course to the expanse
Has reached the end of it's march

Armoured guns of mass destruction
Killers in the expanse
Rats who dares to stand before us
Feel our lance go live

Lunar battlecruiser
Insolent xenos don't run face your fate you are dead
Lunar battlecruiser

Sabaton: Nuclear Attack[edit | edit source]

Prepare for cyclonic attack!

Dropped from low orbit, the xenos erased
Threat to mankind is contained
A power unheard of, a power unseen
Flash out of nowhere, the world is burning
8:16 Standard, the Tyranid swarms realized something was wrong
The swarm feels explosions, destruction and pain
Air strike from space, tendril gone in a blaze!

Ships painted black, Inquisition turning back
Prepare for cyclonic attack!
Bombed into the dust
Prepare for cyclonic attack!
Strike back!
Xenos filth will bleed
Another cyclonic attack!

From the Necrons came the second assault
Threat to tomorrow made plain
11:02 on the 9th of August
Over the world's curve like ball lightning
The bomb detonates, and the world turns to waste
Barren for all time to come
The Monoliths burning, the Tomb World destroyed
Surrender your war, else you'll perish in flame!

Second attack, Inquisition turning back
Prepare for cyclonic attack!
Bombed into the dust
Prepare for cyclonic attack!
Strike back!
Xenos filth will bleed
Another cyclonic attack!

Ships painted black, Inquisition turning back

Another, another, another
Cyclonic attack!
Bombed into the dust
Prepare for cyclonic attack!
Strike back!
Xenos filth will bleed
Another cyclonic attack!
Bombed into the dust
Prepare for cyclonic attack!
Strike back!
Xenos filth will bleed
Another cyclonic attack!
A cyclonic attack!

Sabaton: Carolus Rex[edit | edit source]

All embrace me, it's my time to rule at last
10,000 years have I been waiting to sit upon my throne

No allegiance I will swear no oath
Crowned by Man, not by the warp as my power is divine

They thought I was too young to rule the land
Just as they failed to understand
Born to rule
My time has come

I was chosen by Mankind
Say my name when you slay
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise
With the Marines my protector
Make them bow to my will
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise

Proved in battle, led my men to victory
No man alive or dead commands me, I answer to my own

Hear my orders, question me and die
What I say was said on Terra, and so it shall be done

I know I was destined to rule alone
All for myself I have claimed the throne
Born to rule
My time is now

I was chosen by Mankind
Say my name when you slay
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise
With the Marines my protector
Make them bow to my will
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise

Onward, Astartes! The Heretics are Here! Crush them and throw them though the gates of the Warp!

All that's thine shall be mine there's no stopping me
All over the galaxy my rule shall be questioned by none
All I see, give to me, that is my decree
My will be done

I know I was destined to rule alone
Just as they failed to understand
Born to rule
My time is now

I was chosen by Mankind
Say my name when you slay
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise
With the Marines my protector
Make them bow to my will
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise

With the Marines my protector
Make them bow to my will
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise
To the Stars, see the Emperor rise

Sabaton: Rorke's Drift[edit | edit source]

News that came that morning told that the main force had been slain,
Chance for peace and justice gone, and all talks had been in vain
Shas'o had been offended and he had gone the path of war
Now that fifteen million men are dead, and the Tau are at the door

Xenos attack,
Fight back to back
Show them no mercy and
Facing, awaiting
A hostile world, a bastion held, banners unfurled
There's no surrender
The lines must hold, their story told, Rorke's Drift controlled

Later on that fateful day as they head towards the drift,
Stacking boxes, fortifying, preparations must be swift
Mechs with iridium armor facing uniforms and guns,
As the plamsa fire echoes higher, drowning out lasguns


M41.999, when a few held the line
(Back to back, attack, the dead are stacked )
When the last stand was made, and Imperium saved
(Back to back, attack, the dead are stacked )

(Repeat Chorus)

Sabaton: 40:1[edit | edit source]

Baptized in fire
Thousand to one

So silent before the storm
Awaiting command
A few has been chosen to stand
As one outnumbered by far
The orders from high command
Fight back, hold your ground!

In early September it came
A war unknown to the galaxy
No heretic may enter that land
That is protected by bloody hand
Unless you are thousand to one
Your force will soon be undone

Baptized in fire
Thousand to one
Spirit of Emprah
Death and glory
Marines of Terra
Second to none
Wrath of the Crusade brought to a halt

The 811 of M37 it starts
The rage of Abaddon
A barrage of bolters and meltas
Stand past, the bunkers will hold
The reclusiarch has pledged his life
[Thalastian Jorus] I'll face my fate here!
The sound of demolishers
So fierce
The thunder of arms

So come, bring on all that you've got
Come warp, come Matt Ward, never stop
Unless you are thousand to one
Your lives will soon be undone

(Repeat chorus)

Always remember, a fallen soldier
Always remember, battle brothers at war
Always remember, a fallen soldier
Always remember, battle brothers at war
Always remember, a fallen soldier
Always remember, buried in history

No heretic may enter that land
That is protected by bloody hand
Unless you are thousand to one
Your force will soon be undone

(Repeat chorus)

No, no, no!

Sabaton: Defence of Moscow[edit | edit source]

As Chaos overrun, Cadia M41
They don't belong, we stand our ground, a trillion strong
We are ready for their strike, face the army of Abaddon
A trillion strong, this is our home, they don't belong

Hear Castellan Creed’s, and the Emperor’s orders
Defend the Imperium, Cadia shall not fall!

Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender
Force them into retreat, and into defeat

Face the volleys of our guns, for Cadia’s daughters and her sons
All the brave, who stand against the traitor wave
Hundreds of landing zones, Shock troops returning home
Day and night, they're coming back, to join the fight

From Kasf Myrak to Kasr Trunch
Call of the Emperor, Cadia shall prevail!

Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender
Force them into retreat, and into defeat

Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender
Force them into retreat, and into defeat

Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld
Heed your duties call, and brace for the storm
Cadians will never give in, there is no surrender
Force them into retreat, and into defeat

Stand and follow command, our blood for the homeworld

Stan Ridgeway: Camouflage[edit | edit source]

I was a young guardsmen on a search patrol, huntin' heretics down,
It was in the jungle wars on Ghoroi V
My lazgun fried and I got stuck way out and all alone
And I could hear them heretics moving in close outside
Just then I heard a twig snap and I grabbed my broken gun, and I dug in scared while I counted down my fate
And then a Space Marine, a Raptor with a pair of friendly eyes, appeared there at my shoulder and said wait
When he came in close beside me he said "don't worry son, I'm here, them heretics want to tangle now they'll have two to dodge"
I said well thanks a lot I told him my name and asked him his, and he said my brothers call me camoflauge

Ohh camoflauge, things are never quite the way they seem
Ohh camoflauge, I was awfully glad to see this Space Marine

Well I was gonna ask him his home planet, when we heard the 'jectiles fly, coming through the woods, and all around my ears
It was then I saw this Space Marine light a fire in his eyes, and it was strange but suddenly I forgot my fears

Well we fought all night and side by side we took our battle stance, and I wondered how the bullets missed this man
Cause they seemed to go right through him, just as if he wasn't there, and in the morning we both took a chance and ran
And it was near the river bank where the ambush came on top of us, and it thought it was the end and we were had
Then a bolt round with my name on it came buzzing through a bush, and this Space Marine he just caught it with his hand, just like it was a fly

Ohh camoflauge, things are never quite the way they seem
Ohh camoflauge, This was an awfully strange Marine

And I knew there was something weird about him, cause when I heard a crack, he'd pulled a Leman Russ right off its tracks, and squashing them heretics with it
From here to kingdom come

When he led me outta danger I saw HQ and waved goodbye, he just looked at me from the jungle and then was gone
And when I got back to my Regiment, I told them about my night, and the battle I spent with a Space Marine named Camoflauge
When I said his name the Commisar gulped, and an apothecary took my arm, and led me to big tent on the right
He said you may be telling true son, but this here is camoflauge, and he's been right here since I gave him peace last night
But before he went he said Semper Fi and said his only wish, was to save a young Guardsmen caught in a barrage
So here take his bolter son, I know he wants you to have it now
And we both said a prayer for a Space Marine named camoflauge

Ohh camoflauge, things are never quite the way they seem
Ohh camoflauge, This was an awfully strange Marine

Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven[edit | edit source]

Once upon a battlefield dreary, where I cowered, spent and bleary,
Within an Imperial bunker, darkly stained with dust and gore -
As I cowered, nearly shuttering, suddenly there came a sputtering
As some weapon quickly stuttering - firing at my bunker door.
"`Tis some bolter", I murmured, "firing at my bunker door -
Only this and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December,
And the brightly burning bastions lit the horizon by the score.
Eagerly, on freedom drunker; - vainly had I sought to hunker
In this heavy Imperial bunker - with perhaps a tunnel in the floor -
A safe and empty fortress with perhaps a tiny tunnel in the floor -
Only this and nothing more.

And the mad raving howling of each distant Space Wolf prowling
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before.
So that now, to the beating of my heart, I stood entreating
"`Tis some Space Wolf there repeating, firing at my bunker door -
Some common Grey Hunter rapid-firing at my bunker door -
This it is and nothing more."

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer
"Marine," said I, "or Scout, your attention I implore;
The bunker walls are thick - they are made of tempered brick
And your bolters do not nick the slightest scratch or tiny score -
Not a dimple, dent, depression, dip, scratch or tiny score -
Away now, and fire no more."

Then in the bunker slumping, presently I heard a thumping
A pounding - rattling many times fiercer than before.
And soon I began to screech - the bunker wall grenades did breach;
The very gods I did beseech as the ceiling fell upon the floor -
Through the wounds poured light which danced upon the floor -
Danced amidst the sounds of war.

Then at once it stopped the violence - I was left alone with silence
Confused, I spied the reason why the shells did drop no more -
For as I began to shutter, then with many a flit and flutter
A psyber-Raven flew through the clutter to perch above the door -
Perched on the two-headed eagle just above the bunker door -
Perched and sat and nothing more.

At this I grew more craven, for the talons of the psyber-Raven
Were all over covered with bright red blood and crimson gore.
"Wretch!" I cried, "Njal hath lent thee - into this fortress has he sent thee
So that remotely may he here be - and this bunker then explore -
Scry out my exact location and this bunker then explore -"

Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"

Then, methought, the air grew darker, the bunker now a little starker
For the uttered word brought terror as I had never felt before.
As for weapons, I knew I had none - no bolter, sword or lasgun;
No arms to stop the war's son fated to break soon through the door -
The blood-mad crazed assassin fated to break soon through the door-
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"

"Be that word our sign of parting, machine or bird!" I shrieked, upstarting -
"Get thee back into the fire-fight and here spy on me no more!
For as you came unbidden - I would otherwise be here hidden -
Leave my location in this midden - quit that icon above my door!
Take thy shining metal eye, and take thy form from off my door!"
Quoth the Raven, "Eversor"

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting - still is sitting
On the pallid two-headed eagle just above the bunker door;
His metal eye has all the seeming of a psyker that is scheming,
To have my guts lie steaming in a pile upon the floor;
And now all hope has left me, crouched here upon the floor
I await the Eversor!

Henry the Fifth, Act III Scene I[edit | edit source]

Once more unto the boards, Anon, once more,
Or close the wall up with our Neckbeard dead!
In-game there's nothing so becomes a man
As massive fatness and huge faggotry;
But when the /b/last of war brings in the cancer,
Then imitate the action of the fatguy;
Quote from the rulebooks, summon up the fluff,
Disguise fat nature with hard-favour'd RAAAAGE;
Then lend the one a terrible aspect;
Let it stare until PCs are all dead
Like the foul bodak; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as does a tiefling’s horn
Add two charisma to his contorted face,
Swirl'd in the wild and wasteful fourth-ed.
Now roll the bones and sketch the portraits wide,
Dream hard of breasts, that bend up every ‘spirit’
To his full height. On, on, you beardyest fatguys,
Whose blood is fet from fathers of thin-proof!
Fathers that, like so many useless tripfags,
Have in these parts from morn till even raged,
And saged their threads for lack of argument.
Fap not to your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call'd fatguys did beget you.
Be copy now to men of better games,
And show them how you roll. And you, warmachine,
Whose limbs are made of pewter, show us here
The metal of your minis; let us swear
That they are worth their pricetag, which I doubt much;
For I see most of you so mean and base,
That hath not showered since last Petertide.
I see you field warhounds in Apocalypse,
Standing upon their foes. The game's been lost!
Follow your spirits, and upon this board
Cry, "Rage at Vampire! Magic! And Fourth Ed!"

Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit[edit | edit source]

Load up da trukks

Bring yer boyz

`Kuz we's haulin'

Out all da toyz

Da `oomies run

Frum dakka gunz

I knows I knows

We's number one





Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

I squish pinkies wit' my anus

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

Cuz its choppy

Cuz its bashy

Cuz its dakka

Cuz we's sneaky


Winnin' is what Orks do best

`Cause by Mork we's all been bless'd

Our mighty WAAAAAAAGH `as always been

And always will until the end





Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

Now I'm out dere, smashin' faces

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

Cuz its choppy

Cuz its bashy

Cuz its dakka

Cuz we's sneaky


And I forgitz

Just wot it was

Oh ya, I think a melta bomb

I found it dere

It's tikkin' now

Oh well, I'll toss it at doze grots.





Oomies can't `urt us wit' flamers

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

I'm outta words, so I's WAAAAAAAAAAGH!

`Ere we go now

Orky raidaz

Cuz its choppy

Cuz its bashy

Cuz its dakka

Cuz we's sneaky






David Bowie: Space Oddity (Fleet Command to Captain Tom)[edit | edit source]

Fleet Command to Captain Tom
Fleet Command to Captain Tom
Wake your Astropath and turn your Gellars on
Fleet Command to Captain Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six)
Commencing countdown, warp drives on (five, four, three)
Check ignition, may the Emprah be with you (two, one, liftoff)

This is Fleet Command to Captain Tom
You’ve made it through the warp
And our intel says the orks ship are out there
Now they’ll come to engage you if they dare

This is Captain Tom to Fleet Command
I’m firing on the foe
And their wrecks float in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
The planet there is blue
And there's nothing I can do

Though I’ve fired one hundred thousand shells
I’m under attack still
And I think my cruiser knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows

Fleet Command to Captain Tom
Your vox's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Captain Tom?
Can you hear me, Captain Tom?
Can you hear me, Captain Tom?
Can you "Here am I floating 'round my tin can
Far above the moon
Boarders they are green
Nothing left but to make them bleed

Sailor Tau[edit | edit source]

Fire caste by moonlight
Water caste by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Tau
She will...never turn her back on a friend
She is... always there to defend
She is...the one on whom we can depend
She is the one named Sailor.....
.... Sailor Broadside
.... Sailor Stealth
.... Sailor Crisis
..... Sailor Drone
With cosmic secrets
All so new to her
She is the one named Sailor Tau
fire caste by moonlight
Water caste by daylight
With her Sailor Shas'o to help fight
She is the one named Sailor Tau
She is the one named Sailor Tau
She is the one . . . Sailor Tau!!

Coolio: Gangsta's Paradise[edit | edit source]

As I browse through the minis of my local games store
I took a look at my life and realized I’m very poor
But that's just perfect for an fa/tg/uy like me
You know, I bought that space marine battle company
At 4:30 in the morning dice are rolling
PCs are dying the whole session railroading... fools
And I've been plannin' and ragin’ so long that
Even my mother thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the die, I've passed my knowledge check
Got a codex in my hand and a beard on my neck
But if I finish all my painting and if you get Matt
Then tonight I am putting on my wizard robes and hat.

We been spending most our lives
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
I've done FATAL once or twice
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
It's hard work in rolling dice
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
We buy minis at high price
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise

A local boy made a Mary Sue last week
I just approved it and saved my mad critique
I really don’t mind, I didn’t even rage
‘cause I dumped the Lady of Pain on him, flaying his mage.
But I ain't never punched weeaboos even if they deserved it
A fa/tg/uy with a tool? You know that’s unheard of
I’m obese and smelly but have the best army
And my homies agree, it did win the tourney...fools
If you’re here for stories, you'll be wrecked in tears
We have C.S Goto raping well known canon with shears
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare
We are just autistically impaired

There's chainfists, chainswords, and lightning claws
In our life hobby
Like Cthulhu Mythos
It's as grim an’ dark as can be

We been spending most our lives
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
We're just fat and nerdy guys
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
There's no greater sin and vice
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
We all fight, by rolling dice
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise

Hitchin' up a game group, churnin' out new content
Made a game on Sunday, soon I'll make another
Think you’re pimp at rollplay? Think you can roleplay?
I know I’m a million times more playa then you gay frey
I'm the neckbeard guy the young Gygaxes wanna be like
In the store day and night rollin’ paragon mad soulknife
So don't be vain and don't be whiny
Or else, weeaboo, I might declare Exterminatus on your army

We been spending most our lives
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
We’re all crazy max/min-ites
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
We all dare to fantasize
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise
We’re all virgins who roll dice
Living in an fa/tg/uy paradise

Blue Oyster Cult: Black Blade[edit | edit source]

I was on a mission to fight for the Greater Good
But this here Dawn Blade at my side don't act the way it should
Keeps calling me it's Shas'O when I feel more like it's Gue'la
And it keeps dragging me faster and faster to an early grave, yeah
And it howls! It howls like hell!

I'm told it's my duty to fight against them all
That warring is my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a blue-skinned screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade
Forged a million years ago
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade
Killing so it's power can grow

It's death from the beginning to the end of time
And I'm the Tau's champion, or is that just part of it's grand designs?
And whole worlds are dying, and the burden's mine
And the Dawn Blade keeps on killing, 'til the end of time

Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade
Bringing chaos to the world we know
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade
And it's using me to kill my friends
Dawn Blade, Dawn Blade
Growing stronger so the galaxy will end
Forcing my mind to bend and bend

I am the Dawn Blade
Forged a million billion years ago
My cosmic soul goes on for eternity
Carving out destiny
Bringing in the Lords of Chaos
Bringing up the Beasts of the Immaterium
Sucking out the souls of heroes
Laying waste to the Imperium
My master is my slave
You poor fucking Tau

'Twas The Night Before Emperor's Day[edit | edit source]

'Twas the night before Emperor's Day,
and he fought all alone,
in a four foot deep trench
lined with plasteel and stone.

I was traveling the warp
with gifts for the land,
when I saw this lone guardsman
making his brave stand.

I looked all about,
I looked near and far,
no Chimera, no Basilisk,
nor Techpriest or Commissar.

No Sergeant yelled orders
to this guardsman - no backing
to fight this ridge full of xeno
formed from pure evil, attacking.

His armor in tatters,
his eyes nearly blind,
A sobering truth
raced through my mind.

His position was doomed,
was my only thought
and this soldier's brave stand
would all be for naught.

The guardsman stared unblinking,
silent and alone,
his lasrifle at the ready
against his shoulder bone.

His gaze was so calm
in the face of calamity,
the perfect picture of
a guardsman of humanity.

Who was this brave hero
whose position I'd spied,
warring against
this unstoppable tide?

I now knew that all humans
I would see this night,
owed their lives to these guardsmen
who were willing to fight.

Soon all round the galaxy
the children would play,
and grownups would praise
the bright Emperor's Day.

They all lived their lives
every month of the year,
Because of brave guardsmen
like the one standing here.

A tear came to my eye
for those who stood alone,
on a cold Emperor's Day Eve
on a planet far from home.

Their great sacrifices
I could never betray
So I drew my burning sword
to join in the fray

The soldier did turn
and I heard a rough voice.
"My Emperor, rest easy,
this death is my choice;

I fight for a freedom
that may never be found,
but not ever shall I waver
on Your sacred ground."

Then the Guardsman turned
to face the incursions
of the foul xenos and
their unholy perversions

I kept watch for hours,
until the night was still
and the guardsman lay broken
on the bloody red hill.

I could not just leave
on that cold grim dark night,
this guardian of honor
so willing to fight.

And as the guardsman lay dying,
his soul strong and pure,
he cried, "Ave Imperator!
It's Emperor's Day! This world is secure!"

I kneeled before the fallen,
A great victory he'd won.
"Happy Emperor's Day my guardsman,
rest in peace, my son."

Daniel Decateur Emmett: Dixie Land[edit | edit source]

No one knows how this all started
But it don't surprise us empty-hearted-
Get Away! Get Away! Get Away, xenos scum!

When those came up in that ole half-track
We found the nerve to now push back!
Get Away! Get Away! Get Away, xenos scum!

Advance the flag there trooper! Hoorah! Hoorah!
On far off lands we'll take our stand-
And not die bloody cowards!

To arms! To arms! And purge the fuckin' xenos!
To arms! To arms! And purge the fuckin' xenos!

Now John Fuklaw was an awesome sight,
And rallied us into the fight!
To arms! To arms! To arms! Fire away!

And Raepfist cut a bloody swathe
and Conrad Raege had to laugh and scoff
Push on! Push on! Push on! Valiant men.

Bring up that flamer trooper! Hoorah! Hoorah!
Let's give 'em hell, and then die well!
In service to the Emprah!

Advance! Advance! They're no match for us trooper!
Advance! Advance! Ave Imperator!

OH I love to serve the Emprah! Hoorah! HOORAH!
On his holy land I'll take my stand-
To fight on for the Emprah!

Hoorah! Hoorah! Praise be to Holy Terra!
Hoorah! Hoorah! Praise the Immoooooooortal Emprah!

Trey Parker: Everyone Has Aids (Team America: World Police)[edit | edit source]

Everyone has WARP
Everyone has WARP!

And so this is the end of our story
And everyone is dead from WARP.
It took from me my favorite son
My only true Warmaster
My conqueror of bright stars
(He got WARPed)

Well I'm gonna march on Terra!
Lead the Astartes and charge the brigades!
There's a Daemon inside of all of us...
I'll make them see, everyone has WARP.

My Commissar!
My Astropath!
My Chaplain and Librarian and Captain!
The Xenos and witch, and the mutant and psyker!

Everyone has WARP!
My techpriest and my squig Old Blue
The Primarch's got it and so do you!
Come on everybody we got purgin' to do!
It's time to exterminate these worlds everyone has

Don McLean: American Pie[edit | edit source]

A long, long time ago...
I can still remember
How that cultist used to make me smile.

And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those xenos dance
And, maybe, they’d be purged for a while.

But February made me shiver
With every bolt round I’d deliver. Heresy on the doorstep,
I couldn’t take one more step.

I can’t remember if I wrrryed
When I read about his lolcron bride,
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died.

So die die, from the flames in the sky,
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

Did you write the litanies of hate,
And do you live in the EMPRAH'S faith,
If the Codex tells you so?
Do you believe in rock ’n roll,
Can crack cocaine save your heretic soul,
And can you teach me how to wrrrry real slow?

Well, I know that you’re in love with him
`cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym.
You both kicked off your boots.
Man, I dig those rhythmic blues.

I was a lonely teenaged scout marine
With a camo cloak colored brown and green
I knew to see but not be seen
The day the music died.
I started singin’,

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

Now since M.30 we’ve been on our own
And heresy grows fat on a rollin’ stone,
But that’s not how it used to be.
When the harlequin sang with the noise marine,
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean
And a voice that came from you and me,

Oh, and while Lord Tzeentch was looking down,
A loota boy stole his JUST AS PLANNED crown.
The classroom was adjourned;
No grade report was returned.
And while Kharn raged about METAL BOX,
Macha tried to get some in the park,
And we rolled sixes in the dark
The day the music died.
We were singing,

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

Helter skelter in a summer swelter,
The birds flew off the Exterminatus shelter
Eight miles high and falling fast.
Nurgle-tan let loose a cloud of gas.
Macha still couldn't get no ass,
With old Failbaddon in a cast.

Now Cultist-chan wore cheap perfume
While Doomrider played a Slaaneshi tune.
We all got up to dance,
Oh, but we never got the chance!
The Angry Marines tried to take the field;
The Emperors Children refused to yield.
Do you recall what was revealed The day the music died?

We started singing,
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
Them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
And singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

Oh, and there we were all in one place,
All GRIMDARK and lost in space,
With no time left to start again.
So come on: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick!
Candlejack sat on a can-
Cause fire is the devil’s only friend.

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No angel born in hell
Could break that daemon’s spell.
And as I purged her in the night
To show her the emperors shining light,
I saw Eldrad laughing with delight
The day the music died.

He was singing,
"Die die, from the flames in the sky."
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
Them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
And singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

I met a farseer whose love did bloom
And I asked her for some happy news,
But she just smiled and turned away.
I went down to the wargear store
Where I’d heard the music years before,
But the techpriests said the music wouldn’t play.

Hand een thee stweets: thee childwen scweamed,
Thee lovers cwied, and thee poeets dweamed.
But not a hword hwas spoken;
Thee chyurch bells all were broken.
Hand thee thwee men Ay hadmire most:
Thee father, son, hand thee holy ghost,
They captyoored thee lhast train fooor thee coast
Thee day thee myoosick died.

And they were singing,

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

"Die die, from the flames in the sky."
Drove my raider to the crater,
But the crater was dry.
And them good old dreads were drainin' the promethium dry
Singin’, "This’ll be the day that I die.
"This’ll be the day that I die."

Theme from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[edit | edit source]

[Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind]: "Inquisitor! Heretics, Xenos, and Mutants are abound! Recruit a team of Acolytes with attitude!"
[Inquisitor]: "Ayayayayay!"

They've got, a power and a faith that you've never seen before!
They've got, the ability to smite and to even up the score!
No Grot, can ever take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!

They know, the fate of Holy Terra's lying in their hands!
They know, to always use their weapons at the first chance!
No Cult will ever take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!

The Unclean, can never take them down! The Emprah lies on their side!
Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! Go go Emprah's Rangers! The Mighty Inquisiting Emprah's Rangers!
Go go Emprah's Rangers!
Go go Emprah's Rangers!
Go go Emprah's Rangers!

"And the band played 'Fight on, the Navy'(And the Band Played 'Waltzing Matilda')"[edit | edit source]

When I was a young man I flew in a ship,
And lived the free life of a scouter.
From the Twin Star of Aphor to the Aquila Rift,
I danced my old scoutship all over.
Then in nought-oh-fifteen, the Emp-ror said "Son,
It's time time to stop scoutin', there's work to be done."
So they gave me a rank bar,
A Cruiser, a gun,
And they sent me away to the War.

And the band played 'Fight on, the Navy'
As we boarded the Santa Maree,
And amidst all the cheers,
the cannonade and tears,
we left for Bellerophon III.

How well I remember the sight I saw then,
the proud Navy cut down and shattered.
And how in the hell that they called Lagrange Ten,
We were butchered like poor bloody cattle.
Old Boney was ready, he'd primed himself well,
he cut us with Lances, and broke us with shell.
And in five minutes flat,
he had blown us to hell,
nearly blew me right back to Agrippa.

And the Vox played 'Fight on, the Navy',
as we formed up and counted the slain.
We'd lost half of ours,
for a handful of theirs,
but we charged right on back in again.

Now us that were left, well, we tried to survive,
in a mad world of lanceshot and boarders.
And for nine minutes ten I kept my boys alive,
as around me our numbers grew lesser.
Then a whole mess of guardsmen stormed onto the bridge,
they shot down old Kelley, the Nav and the Kid,
and for some bloody reason, they just let me live.
Never knew there were worse things than dying.

For I'll do no more dancing my scouter,
I thought as I ran for the pod,
for a scout can't feel dread,
he's got more balls than head,
and that's one thing a coward ain't got.

The handful of pods left I gathered to me,
and we left like a bolt from a barrel.
A dozen survivors of two-million-odd men,
the Grand Fleet of Admiral Karil.
And as we all dove into Catan's dock ring,
and the three from the Mada all started to sing,
the thought of my men,
had a horrible sting,
for not one had lived through the battle.

And the band played 'Fight on , the Navy',
for the wives of the men of Catan,
Nobody cheered,
they just saw us and stared,
and then, the crying began.

And now every march day I sit in the crowd,
and watch the young guardsmen walk on then.
I wonder to myself, not speaking aloud,
why there's not one vet'ran with them.
The young men march stiffly, all upright with pride,
they're all brave young soldiers with nothing to hide.
And then one kid asks,
"Is that how daddy died?"
And I don't have the courage to tell him.

And the band plays 'Fight on, the Navy',
As I answer my question before.
If the march they could give,
to the men who had lived,
not one man would dare march at all.

Dancin' my scouter, dancin' my scouter,
who'll come a-dancin' my scouter with me?
And their ghosts may be heard as you dance on by Bellerophon,
who'll come a-dancin' my scouter with me?

Gilbert and Sullivan: A British Tar[edit | edit source]

A Space Marine is a soaring soul,
Far greater than a mortal man,
His energetic fist should be ready to resist
Any heretical plan.
His nose should pant,
and his lip should curl,
His cheeks should flame,
and his brow should furl,
His bosom should heave,
and his hearts should glow,
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.

His nose should pant and his lip should curl,
His cheeks should flame and his brow should furl,
His bosom should heave and his hearts should glow,
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow.

His eyes should flash with an inborn fire,
His brow with scorn be wrung;
He never should bow down to a filthy xenos frown,
Or the tang of a traitor tongue.

His foot should stamp,
and his throat should growl,
His sword should twirl,
and his face should scowl,
His eyes should flash like a conqueror
And he should ever bellow "for the Emperor!"

His foot should stamp, and his throat should growl,
His sword should twirl, and his face should scowl;
His eyes should flash like a conqueror,
And he should ever bellow "for the Emperor!", the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor!

Dio: Holy Diver[edit | edit source]

Holy Bolter
You've been out too long in the warzone
Oh it's jamming again

Ride the Tank
You can see its hull but you know it's clean.
Oh don't you see what I mean

Gotta shoot 'em down
Holy Bolter

Shiny Tracers
Like the eyes of a Daemon in the night
Something is coming for you

Race for the Dropship
You can hide in the sun of the Emperor's light
Oh we will pray it's all right

Gotta get away-get away
Between the armor lies
There's a trooper hard as steel
The valor never dies
War's a never ending wheel

Holy Bolter
You're the star of the battlefield
No need for full auto

Jump on the Tank you can feel its hull but you know it's mean
Some might can never be seen yeah
Holy Bolter
You've been out too long in the warzone
Oh it's jamming again

Ride the Tank
You can see armor but you know it's clean.

Gotta get away-get away Gotta get away-get away
Holy Bolter sole survivor your honour's clean

Holy Bolter Holy bolter never change the mag Holy Bolter
Oh Holy Bolter yeah alright get away get away get away

Holy Bolter Holy Bolter whoa Holy Bolter Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm.

Will Smith: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air[edit | edit source]

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit by my skull throne
I'll tell you how I became the daemon prince of Khorne

No idea where I was born or raised
On the gladiator arenas was where I spent most of my days
Beatin' smashing' killin' in the arenas
Escaped to the mountains with a few cronies
When a couple of soldiers
Who were up to no good
They found us and attacked my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and Emperor started to worry
And said 'You're movin' with your father and god in Terra'

It kinda hurt to see my pals fucked
But Emprah didn't let me go back
He gave me a battleship and then he gave me my legion.
I put my axe on and said, 'Gotta give my army a lesson'.

First company, yo this is bad
Marines drinking juice out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the marines of World Eaters are like?
Hmmmmm this won't be alright.

But wait I hear there're techmarine, apothecarians and all that
Put implants to the recruits like ones in this cool cat
Now I like it
Badass bloodthirsty soldiers
I don't give a fuck to Emprahs' warnings

Well, the battle-barge landed and when I came out
There was Horus who told he's gonna throw a rout
I was in and we went to Terra
We went totally ape
After an epic bloodshed I heard 'Horus got raped'

I whistled for a Battle-Barge and when it came near
My legion ran in, cursing the Emperor
Dumped Kharn to the trunk and fled the war
Khorne told me 'Yo homes to Eye of Terror'

I got wings on my back and horns on my head
This cool runesword and skin blood-red
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Daemon Prince of Khorne

Henry Clay Work: Marching Through Georgia[edit | edit source]

Bring the platoon standard, lads, we'll sing another song
Sing it with a spirit that will start this world along.
Sing it as we'll always sing it, quadrillions strong,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory.
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free.
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi,
As we fight for the Emprah!

How the xenos howl when our flamers end all their fun,
How the cultists scream out when they march into our guns,
How the foe cries out for mercy when there will be none,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory.
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free.
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Yes, and there were heretics who wept with painful tears
having felt our noble will they had denied for years.
How the Inquisition now brings them justice so dear,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory.
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free.
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Your Imperium will die under my great onslaught!
So that Failbaddon said and that is what he thought,
But indeed we shall triumph for arms he has forgot,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory.
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free.
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi,
As we fight for the Emprah!

So we fight at Creed's right hand and Cadia shall hold,
For the Emprah stands with us and all rebels shall fold,
And we can hide Titans behind barricades we're told,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Hoorah! Hoorah! We march with his glory.
Hoorah! Hoorah! His light shall make you free.
So we'll carry his name from Agrip'naa to Delphi,
As we fight for the Emprah!

Kelis: Milkshake[edit | edit source]

[Repeat x2]
My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,
And they're like,
The best forge world's Mars!
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!
We can teach you,
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.

I know you want xenotech,
The thing that makes free energy,
What explorators go crazy for.
They lose their minds
If the warp unbinds
Before they get out in time.

[Chorus x2]
La la-la la la,
Warm it up.
La la-la la la,
AdMech toys are waiting.

My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,
And they're like,
The best forge world's Mars!
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!
We can teach you,
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.

I can see the machine spirit.
You want to be just some skitarii?
Tech geeks and freaks with toys
That can't be bought.
Just know: heretics get caught.
Watch out if you're smart,

[Chorus x2]
La la-la la la,
Warm it up.
La la-la la la,
AdMech toys are waiting.

My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,
And they're like,
The best forge world's Mars!
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!
We can teach you,
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.

Omnissiah says "get involved."
Enginseers practice every day so
You must maintain your firearm.
Same time maintain your iron halo
And you will learn to mend.
(Plus work on our titans!)
Then next honour spark plugs, the wheel and flint.
Then starting your car is a blessed event!

[Chorus x2] La la-la la la,
Warm it up.
La la-la la la,
AdMech toys are waiting.

My mechadendrites bring all the boys to the yard,
And they're like,
The best forge world's Mars!
Damn right the best forge world's Mars!
We can teach you,
'Bout St. Tesla's electric charge.

The Lonely Island: I'm On A Boat[edit | edit source]

I'm in a dread.
I'm in a dread.
Everybody start running
Cause I'm charging in a dread.
I'm in a dread.
I'm in a dread.
Take a good hard look
at the motherfucking dread.

I'm in a dread, motherfuckers, so you better run.
In a dread, blastin' you away with my giant gun.
Bustin' heretics, making 'em wish they were dead.
You can't stop me, motherfuckers 'cause I'm in a dread.

Take your shot, bitch,
I'm in a dread, witch.
And my adamantium armour's so thick.
I've got my giant fists
And my meltagun.
You were already dead before the war begun.

I'm riding in a drop pod
Falling to the ground
The drop pod's arriving,
Making a terrible sound.
But this ain't Slaanesh
This is the Emperor's hound,
An airborne dreadnought, motherfucking, coming inbound.

Fuck you, I'm in a dread, motherfuckers.
Fuck guns, I cheated death, motherfuckers.
I'm here with Chapter Master Seth, motherfuckers.
I can't even draw breath motherfuckers.

Oh, Emprah, if you could hear my roar,
As I'm waging your eternal war,
Covering the ground with xeno gore
Like Ursarkar Creed, anything is possible.

Never thought I'd be in a dread.
Blood staining my armor red.
Sanguinius, look at me.
Never thought I'd see the day,
I'd watch myself decay.
Believe me when I say
I fought in the Great Crusade.

I'm in a dread.
I'm in a dread.
Everybody start running,
'Cause I'm charging in a dread.
I'm in a dread.
I'm in a dread.
Take a good hard look
At the motherfucking dread.

Tom Jones: Delilah[edit | edit source]

I saw the gleam of the claw that she passed through my forces
I saw the flickering red fire of evil in her eyes
She was my daemon
As she decieved me I watched and made plans for her demise

My my my Defiler
Why why why Defiler
I could see, that thing was no good for me
But I found the Warp had a craving for debris

At battle's end when my troops ran away I was waiting
I crossed the field to her spot and she writhed some more
She stood there laughing
I felt my Powerfist clench and she laughed no more

My my my Defiler
Why why why Defiler
So before they come to fuck up my base
Forgive me Defiler I just couldn't take any more
Forgive me Defiler I just couldn't take any more

Cage the Elephant: Ain't no Rest for the Wicked[edit | edit source]

I was walking through the Hive
When out the corner of my eye
I saw a filthy teenage girl approaching me.
She said sir can you spare a Throne
For a girl all alone
Perhaps I'd keep you company?
I looked into her eyes
And saw the sin of vice
I knew the Dark Gods held her in their sway
Offering Prayer to the Emperor,
I raised and aimed by Hecutor
And swiftly put a bullet in her head.

Oh, There ain't no rest for the Righteous,
Salvation doesn't come for free,
I got fiends to slay,
I got men to save,
I must strive to bring His Grace to me
I know I can't lose Faith,
I can't give in,
Though sometimes I fear I could,
Oh there ain't no rest for the Righteous,
Until we give our lives for Good.

As I continued through the hive
I go walking past a bar
When a man clad just in paint burst out the door
And then he looked at me and screamed
Swung an axe right at my neck,
I saw no reason or thought behind his eyes
I barely dodged the attack
And knew that I had to fight back
So I steeled myself and drew my gun to fight
I racked my boltgun with a click
And blew apart the heretic
And stood over his corpse right in the street.

Oh, There ain't no rest for the Righteous,
Salvation doesn't come for free,
I got fiends to slay,
I got men to save,
I must strive to bring His Grace to me
I know I can't lose Faith,
I can't give in,
Though sometimes I fear I could,
Oh there ain't no rest for the Righteous,
Until we give our lives for Good.

Now, much later in the day
I went to rest in my own hab,
And watched the pict-vid to find out the latest news
I was listening to reports
About rebellions all around
And felt a fire stirring deep inside my heart
There are enemies without
and there are enemies within,
It's up to us to defend our Imperium
So I urge all mankind to fight
For what we know deep down is right
The sacred glory of the God Emperor of Man!

Oh, There ain't no rest for the Righteous,
Salvation doesn't come for free,
We got fiends to slay,
We got men to save,
We must strive to each live Faithfully
Oh no
We can't give in,
We can't have doubt,
If we want to survive these times.
Oh there ain't no rest for the Righteous,
Until we give our lives for Good.

One night in Bangkok[edit | edit source]

Hive world, Imperial setting
And the hive don't know that the hive is getting
The creme de la creme of the regicide world in a
Show with everything but Ol' Cain

Time flies -- doesn't seem a minute
Since the Slaanesh spa had the regi boys in it
All change -- don't you know that when you
Play at this level there's no ordinary venue

It's Fenris -- or Gravalax -- or a Craftworld -- or -- or this place!

One night in Bangkok and the warp's your oyster
The boys are temples and the girls are free
You'll find a god in every golden cloister
And if you're lucky then the god's a she (right now)
I can feel Slaaneshiis sliding up to me (Oh dear)

One world's very like another
When your head's down over your pieces, brother

It's a drag, it's a bore, it's really such a pity
To be looking at the board, not looking at the city

Whaddya mean? Ya seen one crowded, polluted, stinking hive --

Tea, tarts, warm, sweet
Some are set up in the Penthouse Plateau suite

Frag off! You're talking to a tourist
Whose every game's among the purest
I get my kicks with His blessing, Snotling!

One night in Bangkok makes a Guardsman traitor
Not much between despair and heresy
One night in Bangkok and Inquisitors tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel a daemon walking next to me

Yarrick's gonna be the witness
To the ultimate test of cerebral fitness
This provides much more for us
Than a Waaaagh of Orks or a snarling Horus

Praise the Emprah' I'm only watching the game -- controlling it --

I don't see you guys rating
The kind of trap I'm contemplating
I'd let you watch, I would invite you
But the Sisters we use would not excite you

So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your Tarot parlours --

One night in Bangkok and the warp's your oyster
The boys are temples and the girls are free
You'll find a god in every golden cloister
A lot of flesh, a little heresy
I can feel a cultist feeling up on me

One night in Bangkok makes a Guardsman traitor
Not much between despair and heresy
One night in Bangkok and the Seraphim tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel Eth'reals floating next to me...

I Vow To Thee My Emperor (I Vow To Thee My Country[edit | edit source]

I vow to thee my Emperor, Humanity above
Entire, and whole and Gothic, my life and my truelove
The love that begs no questions, the love that stands the test
That cleanses all who deny you, the dearest and the best
The love that never wavers, the love above my life
The love that makes unfaltered, the final sacrifice

Yet there are other Emperors, formed a great time ago
Most cruel to those that worship them, great weavers of sorrow
They may have countless armies, they may engulf everything
But their fortress is a rotting husk, their spawn is suffering
And soul by soul and silently their great powers decrease
And all their forms are faltering, and all their slaves release

I heard my Emperor calling, away across the void
Across the waste of emptiness, lest Terra be destroyed
His sword is girded at his side, his halo above his head
And around his feet are lying the dying and the dead
I hear the noise of battle, the thunder of his guns
I haste to thee, my Emperor, a son among thy sons

Heather Alexander: March of Cambreadth[edit | edit source]

Lasgun's flash, chainswords swing,
Bolter's armour-piercing sting,
Warhounds run, flickering void-shields,
Fight Those Heretics till They Yield
Baneblade catterpillars groan,
Fight to Keep this World Your Own
Sound the vox and call the cry,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

Follow orders as you're told,
Make Their Daemon Blood Run Cold
Fight until you die or drop,
A Force Like Ours is Hard to Stop
Close your mind to stress and pain,
Fight till You're No Longer Sane
Let not one cultist pass by,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

Guard your women and children well,
Send These Bastards Back to Hell
We'll teach them the ways of war,
They Won't Come Here Any More
Use your gun and use your head,
Fight till Every One is Dead
Raise the flag up to the sky,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

Dawn has broke, the time has come,
Move Your Feet to a Marching Drum
We'll win the war and pay the toll,
We'll Fight as One in Heart and Soul
Baneblade catterpillars groan,
Fight to Keep this World Your Own
Sound the vox and call the cry,
How Many of Them Can We Make Die!

(Repeat verse 1)

Rutland Weekend Television: Football[edit | edit source]

I blow brains out for the Emperor
[Blood Angel]
For the Chapter, I burn Orks
I dismember for The Laughing God
Oi killz fer Gork an' Mork!

I drop planet-killing bombs on the unclean from up above!
Yes 40k's the game that we all love!

[Plague Marine]
I spread STDs for Nurgle
[Noise Marine]
And I do it for Slaanesh
[Rubric Marine]
For Tzeench I scatter entrails
For Khorne, I'll eat your flesh!

[Chaos Marine]
I wish they'd bring back Malal, 'cause those other four are bores
Yes, 40k's the game that we adore!

We love Warhammer!
Cleanse! Purge! Kill!

We love Warhammer!
[Chaos Marines]
Maim! Kill! Burn!

40k's the game that we adore!

[Dark Eldar Wych]
I loot and rape for pleasure
[Fire Warrior]
I kill for The Greater Good
[Necron Pariah]
I skin people for the Star Gods and then bathe in their blood

'Cause in the grimdark future there is dick-all else but war
Yes, 40k's the game that we adore!

We love Warhammer!
Move! Shoot! Move!

We love Warhammer!
Om! Nom! Nom!
[Penitent Engine]

40k's the game that we adore!
The End!

Men of Harlech[edit | edit source]

Men of Tanith, stop your dreaming,
Can't you see their lasguns gleaming,
Or their ruinous banners streaming,
On this battlefield?

Men of Tanith, stand ye steady!
It shall not be ever said the
Ghosts for battle were not ready.
On you, Tanith men!

From our worlds rebounding,
Let this war cry sounding,
Summon all at Emp'ror's call
The mighty force surrounding!

Oh, men of Tanith, on to glory!
This shall ever be your story
Keep these burning words before ye,
Gaunt's Ghosts shall not yield!

Tongues of las from nalwood flaring,
News of traitors' deaths declaring,
To heroic deeds of daring
call you Tanith men!

Groans of wounded Guardsmen dying,
Wails of wives and children flying,
for the Emp'ror's succor crying
Hear you not their plight?

Shall those voices wailing,
Now be unavailing,
You to rouse who never yet
the Emperor's realm were failing?

This our answer, crowds down pouring
Swift as a bolter's wrath comes roaring
Not in vain, His voice imploring,
calls on Tanith men.

Now to battle we are going,
Every heart with courage glowing,
Pride and passion overflowing
In the glorious strife.

Lo! the din of war enrages,
Vengeance crowns the hate of ages,
Sternly Tanith now engages
the doomed Heretics!

Hear the old pipes playing,
And the soldiers slaying,
Hot the strife while Tanith men
Are lives of traitors claiming.

Lasbolts fly as swift as lightning,
Shout on shout the tumult height'ning,
Aquila's gold wing is bright'ning,
In the Emperor's name!

Loud the Tanith pipes are sounding,
Every guardsman's heart is pounding,
As the trusted Gaunt surrounding,
March you, Tanith men!

Short the sleep the foes is taking,
Ere the morrow's morn is breaking,
They shall have a rude awakening,
Wrought by Tanith men.

With their lasguns flashing,
And Straight Silvers slashing,
Through the traitors' serried ranks
The Tanith men are dashing

Now the heretics are flying,
Trampling on the dead and dying;
Victory aloft is crying,
"Gaunt's Ghosts win the field!"

Manowar: Dawn of Battle[edit | edit source]

Dreadful Thunder

The storms moving in

And Judgment day is calling!

My soul has been stolen

By my ascension as Khorne's Chosen!

And the sound of glory !

I will send into the ground

All that are found

By the sign of Warmaker falling!

The Loyalists will fall

I will strike down them all

Then you will know my calling

The Blood God calls my name

In the sound of the wind in the night

My sword will drink blood!

And I will fight

Yes I will fight

In the dawn of battle

Dawn of battle

I will rise up to Khorne's Call!

I will rise up from the grave

A brother of Angron

A master to the slaves

I am the soul Chosen

Of the Khorne's Fire and His Rage

I was wrought upon this galaxy

Born to rule and battle wage

By the total decimation

Of the Imperium at my command!

By the Axe! By the Sword!

By Fire! By my hand!

I give no explanation!

I was branded by Khorne's Will

To bring death and destruction

To all that I now kill!

The Blood God calls my name

In the sound of the wind in the night

My sword will drink blood

And I will fight

Yes I will fight

In the dawn of battle

Dawn of Battle

I long to slay

So I wait for a sign

I wait for the Hordes

To charge from the Eye

From the dusts of carnage

A promise to keep

Then all who see shall believe

Deliver into my hand

The sword that is His Right Hand

Let my journey begin

So all shall understand

That if I fall

I will live again

I will rise up to Chaos' Call

I will rise up from the grave

A brother to the Angron

A master to the slaves

I give no explanation

I was branded by Khorne's Will

To bring Death and Destruction

To all that I now kill

The Blood God calls my name

In the sound of the wind in the night

My sword will drink blood

And I will fight

Yes I will fight

In the dawn of battle

Antoine Dodson and the Gregory Brothers: Bed Intruder[edit | edit source]

[Town Crier]
He’s landin' on your planets
He’s snatchin blasphemers up
Gonna purge em so y’all need to
Hide your kids, Hide your wife
Hide your kids, Hide your wife
Hide your kids, Hide your wife
And hide your husband
Cuz they purgin' errbody out here

You don’t have to come and confess,
They lookin' for you
They gon' find you
They gon' find you

So you can run and tell that,
Run and tell that
Run and tell that, heretic
Her- her- heretic

We got your DNA
You done left fingerprints and all
You are so dumb
You are really dumb–for real.

You are really, really, really, really, so dumb.

I was attacked by some heretic in the hab-stacks.

So dumb, So dumb, So dumb, So


[Inquisitor Lord's Report]
'bout 5'9', 5'10'
Pallid complexion, bald cut like Astartes
With some little runes on his head
Clean cut, very gaunt face

Sent in my Sisters, when they walked in,
He had his hands around a tome.
First thing was to grant emperor's mercy,
And that's what they did.
Sororitas: ('ey!)


[Inquisitor Lord]
Well, obviously we have a cultist in Lincoln Park

Are you serious, My Lord?

We got your dagger
We got your scent
I know what shoe size you wear, my boy
So you can run and hide
But we're gonna find you
Find you

Chorus x2

Ozzy: Crazy train[edit | edit source]

Black Rage, but that's how it goes
Millions of traitors living as foes
Pretty sure it is too late
To learn how to love
And forget how to hate

Mortal wounds are healing
Life's a bitter shame
Im getting an extra save with my Feel No Pain
Im getting an extra save with my Feel No Pain

Let's Go!

I listen to chaplains
To get rerolls
I fight against Bloodthirst
Got my own set of rules
One person conditioned to keep some control
And Astorath lets me live just for the lulz

Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I'm fighting against Horus crazy brain
I'm im kicking Horus' ass in my crazy brain

I know that things are pretty wrong with me
You gotta listen to my RAGE

Death company Chaplain
That's what we've become
Inheriting troubles I'm mentally numb
Crazy, I just cannot bear
I'm living with something' that just isn't fair

Had a wound inflicted
Anyone to blame
I'm going off the rails with my unbound rage
I'm going off the rails with my unbound rage

SSgt Barry Sadler: Ballade Of The Space Marines.[edit | edit source]

Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who haunt the Xenos' dreams
The brave men of the Space Marines

Golden wings upon their chests
More than men, the Imperium's best
Today we test one hundred teens
But only one joins the Space Marines

Altered to live off any land
Trained in combat, hand to hand
Never to hide their colours' sheen
They wear them proud for the Space Marines

Golden wings upon their chests
More than men, the Imperium's best
Today we test one hundred teens
But only one joins the Space Marines

When at last, he is released
One more Marine finds The Emperor's Peace
He has died for those oppressed
Leaving his Chapter one request

Cut the geneseed from my chest
To live again in the Imperium's best
One more young man to guard the hopes and dreams
Of all Mankind as a Space Marine

When You're Eldrad[edit | edit source]

When Asuryan is too busy, and Khaine's a bit too much
They call me, by name you see, for my special touch
To the seers I'm a legend, to the mon'keigh I'm a dick
But call me by any name, any way it's all the same

I'm the gore on your shoe
I'm the pebble in your boot
I'm the daemon in your bed
I'm the bolt in every head

I'm the mine on which you step
I'm the pin in every hip
I'm the spore in your eye, makes you wiggle and writhe

And it's so easy when you're Eldrad
This is the life you see, the council tip their hats to me
I do it all because I'm Eldrad
And I do it all for free
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need

While there's mon'keigh to make sad
While there's lulz left to be had
While there's pockets left to pick
While there's Dreadnoughts left to trip
down the stairs I'll be there, I'll be waiting 'round the corner
It's a game, I'm glad I'm in it
'Cause there's one born every minute

And it's so easy when you're Eldrad
This is the life you see, the council tip their hats to me
I do it all because I'm Eldrad
And I do it all for free
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need

I pledge my allegiance
To all things skub and derp
Promise on my old Soul Stone
To do as I am told
For Cegorach has never seen
A seer quite like me, not only
does his job but does it happily

I'm the fear that keeps you 'wake
I'm the shadows in the Warp
I'm the Daemons they become
I'm the nightmare in your skull

I'm a Witchblade in your back
An extra turn upon the rack
I'm the quivering of your heart
A stabbing pain, a sudden start

And it's so easy when you're Eldrad
This is the life you see, the council tip their hats to me
I do it all because I'm Eldrad
And I do it all for free
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need

And I do it all for free
Your rage is all the pay I'll ever need X2

It gets so ronery being Eldrad
What I'd do to see a Codex
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're Eldrad

I'm lying through my teeth
Your rage is all the comforting I need!

Weebl: Cucumber song (Spire Legis)[edit | edit source]

We is takin' a trukk
Down ta Spire Legis
Cuz we 'ave 'eard they is all 'ummie free
Which makes it safe fer us ta plant new orkses
All fer teh WAAAGH
Just ya sees

'Ummies are the orkses enemies
They try an' stomp us with their bitz
The only way few our boyz ta escape is
Drivin' a truk down the street!

Secret of Survival (The Wind In The Willows)[edit | edit source]

[All Four]
First you see us…
Then you don’t…
(All four disappear)
Now you hear us….
Now you won’t…
[All four (reappearing behind Traveler’s back)]
It’s our secret of survival
In a very nasty Warp.
Now you feel us…
Now you can't.
Are we real?
Perhaps we aren't!
[All Four]
It's our secret of survival
In a very nasty Warp!
It's our secret of survival
In a very nasty Warp!
Is it really such a nasty place?
[Voice of Malal]
Oh yes, a very nasty place indeed
[All Four:]
Nastier than you could ever dream of!
From up above…
And from beneath…
Armed to teeth.
[All Four]
Ready to attack you,
You're a snack - and you'd better run!
Don't come to Innmaterium
If you haven't got a gun!
[All four]
Every creature of the Chaos
Has to look out for itself!
Got no Emperor here, or Space Marines
You could call for help
You're in the Warp boy
And every child could
Tell you that you've got no
Business to be here!
[All Four]
First you see us…
Then you don’t…
Now you hear us…
Now you won't.
[All Four]
It's our secret of survival
In a very nasty Warp!
Now you feel us…
Now you can't…
Are we real?
Perhaps we aren't!
[All Four:]
It's our secret of survival
It’s our secret of survival
It's our secret of survival
In a very nasty Warp!

Hallelujah[edit | edit source]

Written by yours truly.

I heard there was a secret word,
that Goto wrote and it pleased the Board,
but you don't care for canon, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth,
Horus' fall, the Angel's lift,
Boreale was shouting "Hail the Emprah"
Hail the Emprah, Hail the Emprah,
Hail the Emprah, Hail the Emprah...

Khorne made you strong, but you were don goof',
when Eversor bursted through the roof,
he shouted WRYYYYYYYYYY right before he killed ya.
He murdered all your buddies there,
cut off your limbs, ripped out your hair
And from your lips came the "Death to Emprah"
Death to Emprah, Death to Emprah,
Death to Emprah, Death to Emprah...

Heretic I have seen before,
in a bio-ship I walked the floor,
walls came alive and all tried to kill ya.
Creed's flag appeared on battleships,
infiltrated tanks blew them to bits,
through darkest space was shouted "Screw the Emprah!"
Screw the Emprah, Screw the Emprah,
Screw the Emprah, Screw the Emprah...

There was a time, t'was a good show,
when Eldar appeared by row,
And Eldrad screwed us over big time.
The Necrons from the darkest depths,
send entire regiments to their deaths,
the Guardsmen were all shouting "Where's the Emprah?!"
Where's the Emprah, Where's the Emprah,
Where's the Emprah, Where's the Emprah...

Well on the distant Terra,
sits our beloved Emprah,
guiding his children through these dark times.
Gods of Chaos, beasts from beyond,
monsters by the ancients spawned,
we raise our fist and shout "AVE EMPRAH!"

Where there's a whip, there's a way (The Lord Of The Rings)[edit | edit source]

Wher ther’z Gork
Ther’z Mork
And Wher ther’z Mork
Ther’z Gork
Wher ther’z Gork
We wanntz go to WAAAGH todayz
Umiess don’t run, fight uz, heyz, heyz, heyz
Ther will be WAAAGH all dayz, all dayz, all dayz!
Ther’z Mork
And Wher ther’z Mork, ther’z Gork!
Wher ther’z Gork
Ther’z Mork
And Wher ther’z Mork
Ther’z Gork
Wher ther’z Gork
Ther’z Mork
And wher ther’z Mork, ther’z Gork
Get in da choppa, cuz werz gonna fight!
There will be WAAAGH all dayz and nightz and mooar
Cuz thiz iz what the Orkz livez foooor!
Wher ther’z Gork
Ther’z Mork
And wher ther’z Mork
Ther’z Gork
Wher ther’z Gork
We wanntz go to WAAAGH todayz
Umiess don’t run, fight uz, hey, hey, hey
Ther will be WAAAGH all dayz, all dayz, all dayz!
Ther’z Mork
And Where ther’z Mork, ther’z Gork!

I'm a good ol' heretic[edit | edit source]

Oh, I'm a good ol' heretic
Yeah, that's just what I am
And for your rotting corpse-god I do not give a damn
I'm glad I fought for Horus, I only wish we'd won
And I don't want no pardon for anything I've done

I hates the damn Imperium, those spergin' Cogboys, too
I hates those preening braggarts in uniforms of blue
I hates the nasty Aquila, with all its brags and fuss
And those lyin', thievin' Magpies lead by some coiffured wuss

I hates the Administratum and everything they do
I hates the Inquisition, their fucking Grey Knights, too
I hates those fool Astartes, I hates the Golden Throne
I hates the Ecclesiarchy praying to worthless bones

I fought with the Warmaster for ten score years and some
I caught some bolter fire, got an augmetic thumb
I lost more bits to frostbite, a campin' in the snow
But I killed a bunch of Loyalists, I'd love to kill some mo'

Now forty thousand Loyalists are dead in Istvaan dust
We got some more on Terra, before they killed Horus
They died to Chaos bolters, lasguns and plasma shots
Wish we'd killed forty billion, instead of what we got

We couldn't conquer Terra, but someday it'll burn
Inside the Eye of Terror we're planning our return
So I don't need no pardon for the way that I was made
Nor for the things I'll do to you in our next Black Crusade

Oh I'm a good ol' heretic, now that's just what I am
Yeah, I'm a good ol' heretic, now that's just what I am

Sailor Moon: Sayla Ork[edit | edit source]

Foightin' evil boi moonlite

Winnin' lurv boi daylite

Nevah runnin' from a real foight

'e iz sa un named Salya Mork (or iz it Gork?)

'e will... Neva turn 'is back onna boy

'e iz... Always dere ta destroy

'e iz... Da un on 'oo we can depend

'he iz da un named Sayla...

...Sayla Choppa

...Sayla Dakka

...Sayla Foightin'

...Sayla Winnin'

Wiff sekrit powahs

All so noo ta 'im

'e iz da un named Sayla Mork (or is it Gork?)

Foightin' evil boi moonlite

Winnin' lurv boi daylite

Wiff 'iz Sayla Boyz to 'elp foight

'e iz da un named Sayla Mork (or is it Gork?)

'e iz da un named Sayla Mork (or is it Gork?)

'e iz da un... Sayla ORK!

Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky[edit | edit source]

Warp storm shattered from the sky
There ain't a witch in sight
It's steel rehnin, Spess Mareens are on the way
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day hey, hey

Runnin' down the avenue
See how his hair shines brightly, in the hive
On the streets, where crime was rife
The Emperah is living here today hey, hey

Emperah guy, please tell us why
You had to die away for so long
Where did we go wrong?

Emperah guy, please tell us why
You had to die away for so long
Where did we go wrong?

Hey you with the godly face
Welcome to your loyal race
A celebration, The Emperah's up there waitin'
And today is the day we've waited for

Emperah guy, please tell us why
You had to die away for so long
Where did we go wrong?

Hey there Emperah
We're so pleased to be with ya
Look around see what you do
Ev'rybody smiles at you

Hey there Emperah
We're so pleased to be with ya
Look around see what you do
Ev'rybody smiles at you

Emperah guy, Emperah guy
Emperah guy

Emperah, you did it right
But here comes a khornate knight creepin' over
Now his hand is on your shoulder
Never mind I'll remember you this
I'll remember you this way

Emperah guy please tell us why
You had to die away for so long
Where did we go wrong?

Hey there Emperah
We're so pleased to be with ya
Look around see what you do
Ev'rybody smiles at you
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba

Monty Python: Lumberjack Song[edit | edit source]

[Tech Priest]

I wanted to be... a Space Marine!
Killing so many different xenos, as they war against planets all across the Imperium. The undying Immortals. The Nobs. The Wraiths! The formidable Farseer! The constantly screaming Warboss! The plucky little Slugga Boyz! The lumbering Kroot hounds of the Tau. The towering Big Meks of the Orks! The gargantuan Mega Armoured Nobs!

With my squad mates by my side, we'd purge! purge! purge!

[Tech Priest]

I'm a Space Marine, and I'm okay.
I purge all night and I burn all day.

[Space Marine Squad]

He's a Space Marine, and he's okay.
He purges all night and he burns all day.

[Tech Priest]

I burn the Orks. I shoot the Tau.
Necrons eat my chainswords.
On Wednesdays I hunt Eldar,
And pray to Khorne in war!

[Space Marine Squad]

He burns the Orks. He shoots the Tau.
Necrons eat his chainswords.
On Wednesdays he hunts Eldar,
And prays to Khone in war...?
He's a Space Marine, and he's okay.
He purges all night and he burns all day.

[Tech Priest]

I burn the Orks. I hail Chaos.
Burn cities to the ground.
I put on chaos symbols
And stack skulls in a mound.

[Space Marine Squad]

He burns the Orks. He hails Chaos.
Burns cities to the ground.
He puts on chaos symbols
And stacks skulls in a mound?!
He's a Space Marine, and he's okay.
He purges all night and he burns all day.

[Tech Priest]

I burn the Orks. I bear warp blades,
keep saints' heads in a jar.
I wish I'd been a daemon,
So I could slay Calgar!

[Space Marine Squad]

He burns the Orks. He bears warp blades,
keeps saints' heads in a jar?!


What's this? Wants to be a daemon?! Oh, My!
And I thought you were so loyal! Traitor!

Dear sir, I wish to complain on the strongest possible terms about the song which you have just broadcast about the space marine who is a servant to chaos. Many of my best freinds are Space Marines and only a few of them are servants to chaos!

Promethium Road (Steve Earle: Copperhead Road)[edit | edit source]

Promethium Road, Sung by a farmer's boy from Gath

Well my name's Anval Gidemore
Same as my father and his father before
You hardly ever saw grandfather 'round here
He only went to port about twice a year
He'd buy a couple bags of yeast and some plasteel line
Everyone on Gath knew he brewed white gyn
Now the arbites wanted grandfather bad
Headed up our pasture with everything he had
It's before my birth but I've been told
He never came back from Promethium Road

Now Father brewed the whiskey in a Leman Russ
Guard surplus they just toss the stuff
Cadian 18th written on the side
Just shot a coat of paint and then he looked inside
Well him and my uncle tore it all to hell
I still remember that putrid smell
Then the Arbites came by in the middle of the night
Heard mother crying, something wasn't right
He was busy brewing up the weekly load
You could see whiskey burning down Promethium Road

I volunteered for the Guard on my birthday
They draft the farmers boys first 'round here anyway
I did five years of fighting with the Catachan
I came back to Gath with a brand new plan
I take the seed that grows near New Jericho
And I plant up our pasture down Promethium Road
Now the Arbites got their gander in the air
Wake up screaming like I'm back over there
I learned a thing or two from the 'Catas don't you know
You better stay away from Promethium Road

Avenue Q: The internet is for Porn.[edit | edit source]

Sung by Kharn and a Cannoness

The Imperium is really really great
For Khorne!
I’ve got a fast starship so i don’t have to wait
For Khorne!
There's always some new fight,
For Khorne!
I war all day and night
For Khorne!
It's like i’m killing at the speed of light
For Khorne!

The Imperium is for Khorne
The Imperium is for Khorne,
Why you think the Warp was born?
Khorne, Khorne, Khorne!

I’m glad that we have Warp technology
For Khorne!
Which gives us untold opportunity
For Khorne!
Fight from your tabletop
For Khorne!
You can plunder rape and chop
For Khorne!
Until you've had enough and you're ready to stop
For Khorne!

The Imperium is for Khorne
The Imperium is for Khorne,
Me up all night gathering skulls for Khorne, Khorne, Khorne!


[Canoness] That’s gross! You’re a heretic

Ah, sticks and stones Cannoness

NO really, you're a heretic Normal people don’t run around killing in the Imperium



You have no idea Ready normal people?

[Abbadon, Horus, Angron]

Let me hear it!

[Kharn and guys]

The Imperium is for Khorne!

Sorry Emp

[Kharn and guys]

The Imperium is for Khorne!


I eviscerate!
[Kharn and guys]

All these guys unshethe their swords
For Khorne, Khorne, Khorne!


The Imperium is not for Khorne!!

[Kharn and guys]
Khorne, Khorne, K---


Now I happen to know for a fact that you, Abbadon, rely on the Imperium to kill off your excess followers


That’s correct.


And Horus, you once saved the Emperor's life




And Angron, you keep killing whenever you can


Yes I do!


And Kharn, you love kitten




Oh, but Cannoness
What you think we do after? hmm?


The Imperium is for Khorne!
The Imperium is for Khorne!
I hate Khorne
Grab your axe and cleave and hack
For Khorne, Khorne, Khorne!
(harmonizing) Khorne, Khorne, Khorne, Khorne
I’m leaving!
Khorne Khorne Khorne Khorne
Khorne Khorne Khorne Khorne
I hate the Imperium!
Khorne, Khorne, Khorne, Khorne

The Imperium is for
The Imperium is for
The Imperium is for Khorne!


The Scarlet Commissar: Into The Fire[edit | edit source]

Pius stood to guard the Emperor,
with his las clutched in his hand.
He was only a man
But he knew someone must take a stand.

There will always be a battle
but remember our Lord's grace.
there will always be perilous dangers
which someone must face.

Into valleys, into waters
Into jungles, into hell
Let us ride, let us ride home again with a story to tell.
Into darkness, into danger,
To Warp storms that rip the night,
Don't give in, or give up,
But give thanks for the glorious fight.

You can tremble, you can fear it,
But keep your fighting spirit alive boys.
Let the shiver of it sting you,
Fling into battle, spring to your feet boys.
Never hold back your step for a moment,
Never doubt that your courage will grow,
Grow your faith ever higher and into the fire we go .

Are there cultists that surround us?
Are there orks that block the way?
Shoot'em down, knock'em back boys,
And forward and into the fray.

Eye of terror? Time for valour,
Hold the Line, no, never turn.
Yes, it's into the Warp that we'll fly,
And it's Chaos who'll burn...

Someone has to guard the Emperor
Rush in, we shall defend him and win boys
When the Warp is saying not to
Emprah, you know you've got to march on, boys
Never hold back your step for a moment.
Never doubt that your courage will grow.
Grow your faith ever higher and into fire we go

Let the bolter fire
Let the flash of it shock you
Choke your fears away
Pull as tight as a wire
Let their Chainswords strike
Let the force of it rock you
We will have our day, standing tall to the fire.

Someone has to guard the Emprah
Rush in! We shall defend him and win boys
When the warp is saying not to
Emprah, you know you've got to march on, boys
Never hold back your step for a moment
Hold the Line! Oh, your courage will grow
Yes, it's higher and higher and into the fire we go
Into fire!
Onward, ho!

Rick Astley: Never Gonna Give You Up[edit | edit source]

We's no strangers to WAAAGH!
We frags ‘em all, shoots ‘em in da eye
A full bombardment's what we’s finkin’ of
We’s gonna make sure that ya all’s gonna die
We’s jus’ wanna gives ya all a beatin’
Gonna make ya good ‘n’ dead

We’s all gonna blow ya up
We’s all gonna put ya down
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya
We’s all gonna make ya cry
You’s all gonna say good-bye
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya

We's fought each otha fer so long
Yer arrmy's all breakin’ but
Ya don’t wants ta quits it
Ya ‘n’ me both knows that it won’t be long
We’s gonna win, ‘n’ yer gonna loze it
‘N’ I fink ya all shud be fleein’
Don't tell me you's too blind ta see

We’s all gonna blow ya up
We’s all gonna put ya down
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya
We’s all gonna make ya cry
You’s all gonna say good-bye
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya

We’s all gonna blow ya up
We’s all gonna put ya down
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya
We’s all gonna make ya cry
You’s all gonna say good-bye
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya

(WAAAGH, blow ya up)
(WAAAGH, blow ya up)
We’s all gonna blow, we’s all gonna blow
(Blow ya up)
We’s all gonna blow, we’s all gonna blow
(Blow ya up)

We's fought each otha fer so long
Yer arrmy's all breakin’ but
Ya don’t wants ta quits it
Ya ‘n’ me both knows that it won’t be long
We’s gonna win, ‘n’ yer gonna loze it
We’s jus’ wanna gives ya all a beatin’
Gonna make ya good ‘n’ dead

We’s all gonna blow ya up
We’s all gonna put ya down
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya
We’s all gonna make ya cry
You’s all gonna say good-bye
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya

We’s all gonna blow ya up
We’s all gonna put ya down
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya
We’s all gonna make ya cry
You’s all gonna say good-bye
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya

We’s all gonna blow ya up
We’s all gonna put ya down
Gonna run ya to da ground ‘n’ we’ll stomp ya
We’s all gonna make ya cry
You’s all gonna say good-bye
Gonna kills ya till ya die ‘n’ hurt ya

Wuppa Orky style (PSY: Gangnam Style)[edit | edit source]

Wuppa Orky style
Orky style

I love a bomma who is warm and shooty by day,
A classy bomma who knows how to bring the freedom of da WAAAAGH! to a planet
A bomma whose moves gets sharper when fighting comes
A bomma with that kind of twist

I'm a Greenskin
A Greenskin who is as warm as you during the day
A Greenskin who one-shots his enemy HQ with a Powa Klaw
A Greenskin whose hearts bursts when the fight comes
That kind of Greenskin

Beautiful, lovely
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, lovely
Wuppa Orky style
Orky style

I love a Squig who is warm and passionate by day,
A classy Squig who knows how to chase enemy vehicles when packed with bomz
A Squig whose anticipation gets crazier when fighting comes
A Squig with that kind of twist

I'm a Boy
A Boy who is as warm as you during the day
A Boy who is bold as a lion with 11 other boyz
A Boy whose feet fleets when the WAAAGH! comes
That kind of Boy

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let's go until the end

Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! Wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa Orky style
Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! oh oh oh oh

A shoota who looks classy but is killy when it shoots
A shoota who puts da foes down when the right time comes
A shoota who covers itself but is more sexy than a shoota who bares it all
A sensible shoota like that

I'm a Nob
A Nob who seems irate and gets angry when he plays
A Nob who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
A Nob who has bulging Klaws as well as muscles
That kind of Ork

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let's go until the end

Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Kustom forcefield, wup, wup, wup wup wuppa Mekboy style
Eh- Kustom forcefield oh oh oh oh

On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby
I'm a pilot who knows a thing or two
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby
I'm a Ork who knows a thing or two

You know what I'm saying
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Furious charging, wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa is Orky style
Eh- Furious charging oh oh oh oh

Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Shall we go all the way from now on?
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Choppy choppa, wup, wup, wup wup wuppa Orky style
Eh- Choppy choppa oh oh oh oh

A choppa who looks quiet but plays when I plays
A choppa who puts me foes down when the right time comes
A choppa who covers itself but is more sexy than a choppa who bares it all
A sensible choppa like that

I'm a Warboss
A Warboss who dreams big but WAAAGHS! when he WAAAGHS!
A Warboss who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
A Warboss who has bulging ideas as well as muscles
That kind of Ork

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let's go until the end

Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Zzappin’ Weirdboy, Greenskin is Orky style
Eh- Zzappin’ Weirdboy oh oh oh oh

On top of the running Xenos is the flying Marine, baby baby
I'm a Greenskin who knows a fing or two
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby
I'm a Greenskin who knows a thing or two
You know what I'm saying

Dis boy is Orky style
Eh- Dakka dakka, dak, dak, dak dak dakka Orky styleEh- Dakka dakka oh oh oh oh

Wuppa Orky style
Orky style

I love Mega armour who is big and protecty by day,
Da classy Mega armour who know how to bring the freedom from enemy dakka
Da Mega armour whose protection gets better when fighting comes
Da Mega armour with that kind of twist

I'm a Killa Kan
A Killa Kan who is as big as da rest of da boyz
A Killa Kan who goes about bein’ stompy
A Killa Kan whose rokkits bursts when they hit da enemy
That kind of Killa Kan

Beautiful, lovely
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, lovely

Wuppa Orky style
Greenskin style

I love a Deff rolla who is round and spikey by day,
A classy Deff rolla who know how to bring the squish to an enemy planet
A Deff rolla whose spikes gets sharper when fighting comes
A Deff rolla with that kind of twist

I'm a Weirdboy
A Weirdboy who is as sane as you during the day
A Weirdboy who squiggifies his enemy HQ before it even chops boyz
A Weirdboy whose brain hursts when the fight comes
That kind of Weirdboy

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let's go until the end

Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Shooty Lootas, Wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa Orky style
Eh- Shooty Lootas oh oh oh oh

A Looted gun who looks loud but dakkas when it dakkas
A Looted gun who puts her foes down when the right time comes
A Looted gun who covers da enemy in shooty and is more deadly than a Looted gun who misses dem all
A sensible Looted gun like that

I'm a Painboy
A Painboy who seems calm but plays when he oprates
A Painboy who goes completely crazy when the brai-squigg transplant comes
A Painboy who has sharp ideas as well as instruments
That kind of Painboy

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let's go until the end

Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Battle wagon, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom vroomah Greenskin style
Eh- Battle wagon oh oh oh oh

I'm a Greenskin who knows a fing or two
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby
I'm a Greenskin who knows a thing or two
You know what I'm saying
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Dakka Jet, wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa
Eh- Dakka Jet oh oh oh oh

Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Shall we go all the way from now on?
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- Choppy chainsword, wup, wup, wup wup wuppa Orky style
Eh- Choppy chainsword oh oh oh oh

A chainsword who looks quiet but plays when she plays
A chainsword who puts her foes down when the right time comes
A chainsword who covers herself but is more sexy than a chainsword who bares it all
A sensible chainsword like that

I'm a Flashgit
A Flashgit who seems rich but shoots when he shoots
A Flashgit who goes completely dakka when the right time comes
A Flashgit who has a bulging belly as well as a snazzgun
That kind of Flashgit

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let's go until the end

Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style, Orky style
Wuppa Orky style

Eh- wretched gretchin, little runt ain't Greenskin style
Eh- wretched gretchin oh oh oh oh

On top of the running bugeyes is the flying Greenskin, baby baby
I'm a Greenskin who knows a fing or two
On top of the running bug is the flying Greenskin, baby baby
I'm a Greenskin who knows a thing or two
You know what I'm saying

Dat boy is Orky style

Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! Wup, wup, wup wup Wuppa Orky style
Eh- Zoomin’ bomma! oh oh oh oh

Warriors Of Terra (Manowar: Warriors of the World)[edit | edit source]

Here I see you stand from all around the worlds Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry All are gathered here, victory is near The sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all

We alone are fighting for the Emperor that is true We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky

Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air We're warriors, warriors of Terra Like thunder from the sky - sworn to fight and die We're warriors, warriors of Terra

Many stand against us, but they will never win We said we would return and here we are again To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain We are the hammer of His wrath, we are thunder, wind and rain.

There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man I call about and charge them all with a life that is a lie And in their final hour they shall repent before they die

If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side Gather my armor and weapons, tell teh chapter how I died Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real All who stand in my way will die by steel

Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air We're warriors, warriors of Terra

I Love the Whole Board (I Love the Whole World)[edit | edit source]


I love all humans

I love our smog-filled hives

I love crusading

And taking xenos lives

I love the galaxy

With all its sights and sounds



I love Heresy

I love the sound of screams

I love Isstvaan

Even the plague marines

I love my legion

And crashing Terra's gates


Da Orkz:

I love WAAAAAGH-ing!

I love my mobs of boyz!

and being choppy!

I love my deffgun's noise!

I love da fightan'!











I loathe my dark kin

I loathe the orkish hordes

I loathe the mon'keigh

The Yngir even more

I loathe you all, worms

You are beneath my race



I love betraying

I love to rip and tear

I love my chain-axe

Heads flying through the air

I love destroying

And punches to the face



I love my homeland

I love our high-tech suits

I love converting

And training new recruits

I love the Greater Good

And taming lawless brutes!



I love all changes

To men and to their land

I love to teach them

More than their brains can stand

I love to ca-ckle...

... Just-As-Plaaaned


Indrick Boreale:

I love the EMPRAH

I love to see STEHL REHN


Be every ork in PEHN


And seeing ENEMEHS DIE


Trazyn: I love collecting

Obryon: I love my warscythe's bite

Orikan: I love my visions


Imotekh: I love my subjects

Despite their craziness


Space Wolves:

I love Russ' beard

And ales of potent strength

I love riding wolves

and their enormous length

I love the whole fang

and every bar and drink


Angry Marines:









I love virginity

And being your waifu

I love the emperor

One day I'll be his too

I love the galaxy

It's such a silly place



I love the purging

I love the holy flame

I love the Emprah

I love his holy name

I love my day-job

Purging all over space


Butthurt Casual:








Matt Ward:

I love your money

I love to rape the fluff

With decent rule sets

(ignore those Grey Knights buffs)

I love 40k

Except the Sisters stuff


Black Templars:

I love my chainswords

I love to RIP AND TEAR

I love assault marines


I love this crusade

I hope it never ends


Sisters of Battle:

I love to burn things

All heretics will die!

With many meltas

And flamers they will fry,

I praise the emprah

New codex coming soon (?)



I love to purge things

Burn each and every witch!

And for the xenos

Exterminatus bitch!

We're inquisitors

They never expect us.


Games Workshop:

I love more money

I love our cheap finecast

I love the pricehikes

Stick balance up your ass

I love you /tg/

We'll milk more money yet


Dark Eldar:

I love your anus

I love to torture you

With many poisons

while dressed extremely lewd

I love hedonism

I don't see what's to hate



I love Tau money

I love real special genes

I love to go fight

I love evolving things

I love this whole world

And all its tastiness


Guardsman and Tyranids:

I love the- OH SHIT







/tg/ Troll:

I love to shitpost!

I love to laugh at you!

I love my porn dumps!

Nude elven slave wat du

I love the whole board!

And all its stupid threads!


Imperial Guard:

I love my lasgun

I love the Commissar

I love the xenos

And their blue tit -*BLAM*


Adeptus Mechanicus:

I love the Admech

I love Machine Spirits

I love the Titans

And taking S.T.C's

I love Omnissiah

And all the servitors

01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000 01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000 01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000 01000010 01001111 01001111 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01000001 01000100 01000001 00100000


I love my cultists

I love to make disease

I love my Isha

I love all the plague fleas

I love concocting

Disease and rank decay



I love my Shadowrun!

I love my Pathfinder!

I love to roll dem dice!

I love my Spellbinder!

I love the whole board!

And all its players too!



I love all excess

Excess is what I do

Excesssive lettterrrsss

Excessive rhyming too

Excessive timing

Or meter, as some might like to refer to it











I love my knowledge

I love ancient magic

I love the webway

And how I walk right in

I love my legion

Sorry about that thing



I loved the emprah

His word was highest law

I love the Hive Mind

RIP AND TEAR with my claws

I love my brood kin

New masters of Mankind!



I love the Dark Gods

I love my Black Crusades

I hate Ursarkar

the defeat that he evades!

I will destroy that wretch!

Cadia will be mine!



I love the mining

I love building the traps

I love my brethren

And our delightful yaps

I love our dungeon

It's such a comfy place


Mary Sue:

I love myself duh

I love some people too,

But I am the best

At every thing I do!

And you love me now

Because I'm Mary Sue


3.5 fag:

I love the templates

I love the easy rules

I love the flame wars

'Cause 4e is for fools!

I love 3.5

It is all that I play


Chaos Undivided:

We love our mortals

We love our terror eye

We hate the corpse-god

But soon he too will die

We're undivided

We want your mind and soul


Fortress Dwarves:

I love the mining

I love the sweet deathtraps

I love plump helmets

And all those qt cats

I love my Armok

Blood for the God of Blood!


I love my anvil

I love my magma pools

I love to kill elves

'cuz fuck those knife-eared fools

I love my fortress

and all the burning cats


Pvt. Linda Redshirt and soldier:

"I hate this planet

I hate my whole platoon"

"Look on the bright side

At least the coffee's good"

"That is the reason

I've yet to kill you all"



I love despoiling

I love causing harm

I love blaspheming

I love both my clawed ar-

That joke is so old

I fucking hate you all


C. S. Goto:

I love my eldar

I love multilasers

I love... multilasers...





Generic Cyberpunk Soldier:

I love my corp, man

I love the way they work

I love the fighting

And that I'll kill some jerk

I love cyberware

And all the 'punky things










Konrad Curze:

I love the darkness

I love hunting my prey

I love my bat wings

They really don't look gay

I love my raptors

But fuck the chaos gods


Marneus Calgar:

I love blue armor

I love our powerfists

I love the Codex

And all of its dictates

I love avatars

And smashing them to bits



I love my scarabs

I love my quiet friends

I love this song too!

I hope it never ends!

I love you /tg/

Without you I'd be blue.


Monstergirl Fetishist:

I love this fetish

/tg/ has the best kinks

Other boards just stare

But who cares what they think?

I love this whole board

We're weirder than /d/


Magnus the Red:

I crave all knowledge

I love my sorcery

I love the Emprah

I'm serving loyally

Watch out for Horus



Trazyn the Infinite:

I love my doubles

I love collecting things

I love Valeria

I love the gifts she brings

I love the galaxy

and all its rarities



I love the writefags

I love the RPGs

I love the troll threads

I love the energy

I love the whole board

It is the one for me




The False Emperor[edit | edit source]

(Spngebob Squarepants Theme)

Are ya ready cultists?

(Ay ay master!)

I can't hear you!

(Ay ay master!!)


Who sits on the golden throne dead as can be?

(The false Emperor!)

No good, a weakling, a false god he be!

(The false Emperor!)

If glory and power be sometime you wish!

(The false Emperor!)

Then pledge to Nurgle or maybe Slaanesh!

The false Emperor!

The false Emperor!

The false Emp-eror!

The Twelve Days of Nidmas[edit | edit source]

On the first day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the second day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, two biovores and gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the third day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the fourth day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoule on a spore tree.

On the fith day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the sixth day of Nidmas the hivemind gave to me, Six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore, mines two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the seventh day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the eighth day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leapind, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the ninth day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the tenth day of nidmas the hivemind gave me, ten spine gaunts shooting, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the eleventh day of nidmas the hiveming gave to me, eleven mawlocks digging, ten spine gaunts shooting, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

On the twelth day of nidmas the hivemind gave to me, twelve zoanthropes zapping, eleven mawlocks digging, ten spine gaunts shooting, nine 'fexes screeching, eight rippers ripping, seven lictors leaping, six 'stealers stealing, five termagants, four harridans, three spore mines, two biovores and a gargoyle on a spore tree.

The Call(to the tune of of the song of the same name)[edit | edit source]

Echoes from the Istvaan
Great hammers will fall
Under rocket torn skys all will
Answer the call

Strike from the sky
Ravens of yore
All faces turn now to war

Lord of the ash
Fight through crimson glow
Wolves of the north
Howl your cry's of the snow
Knights of Angels dark
Fight beside your brothers right

Bring us the strength
Of metal and of Mars
Heresy is rising!

War will weather the souls of the lost
Stand together whatever the cost
Shields will falter and many will fall
Time has come for us all
To answer the call

Pride of Inwit shore
Guard the Fortress of the king
Children of Macragge
May your bolter's eternally sing
Lords of blooded sky's
May your contrails burn bight

Bring us the Skulls
Of the hunted and slain
Shadows darken the Imperium's lands

War will weather the souls of the lost
Stand together whatever the cost
Shields will falter and many will fall
Time has come for us all
To answer the call

White gold
Burning sky
(For the souls of the lost)

War will weather the souls of the lost
Stand together whatever the cost
Shields will falter and many will fall
Time has come for us all
To answer the call

Horrible Histories: LITERALLY! (The Viking Song)[edit | edit source]

Valkia the Bloody:
Was the summer of Sigmarzeit 2293,
When we sailed 'cross the great north sea,

Norscan Marauder:
Twin-tailed comet trailing 'cross the skies that night,
Ya should have known somethin' wasn't right,

Valkia the Bloody:
We arrived 'pon the Nordland shore,
And you offered friendship,
But we'd rather kill you for Khorne,
Yes, kill you for Khorne, woah, woah!


Valkia the Bloody:
We'll kill and steal,
Burn and drink,
'Cause us Norscans don't care what you think,
Woah, woah, woah!

Valkia and Marauder:
Let us in, wont you please?
We're here to raid your Count's cities,
We're primed and ready to attack,
And we love how southlings try vainly to fight back,
You'll die or become a slave to me,
Though at times our slaves get chucked into the sea,
When the boat's heavy, yeah, yeah!


Valkia the Bloody:
And I'll drink a toast from your skull,
'Cause we're Norscans!
That's how we roll!
Woah, woah, woah,

Valkia: Play that axe, Ragnar!

guitar solo*


We'll kill you and take all you own,
Get on our ships, go back home,
Woah woah woah,
We're goin' home,
Woah, woah, woah,
We're goin' home...

Monorail (the simpsons)[edit | edit source]

  • Crpytek: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
  • Like a genuine,
  • Bona fide,
  • Electrified,
  • Six-gun
  • Monolith!
  • What'd I say?
  • Necron 2xh5: Monolith!
  • Crpytek: What's it called?
  • Necron 45rg + 55rg: Monolith!
  • Crpytek: That's right! Monolith!
  • [crowd chants `Monolith softly and rhythmically]
  • Necron 6h45: I hear those things are awfully loud...
  • Crpytek: It glides as softly as a cloud.
  • Necron h744: Is there a chance the track could bend?
  • Crpytek: Not on your life, my flayed friend.
  • Necron kr86: What about us brain-dead slobs?
  • Crpytek: You'll be given cushy jobs.
  • Necron 7j4f: Were you sent here by the devil?
  • Crpytek: No, good sir, I'm on the level.
  • Necron j68g: The trigger came off my tesla gun.
  • Crpytek: Take my guass blaster, my good man.
  • I swear it's Springfield's only choice...
  • Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
  • All: Monolith!
  • Crpytek: What's it called?
  • All: Monolith!
  • Crpytek: Once again...
  • All: Monolith!
  • Homverlady: But Main Street's still all cracked and broken...
  • Lord: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!
  • All: Monolith!
  • Monolith!
  • Monolith!
  • [big finish]
  • Monolith!
  • Homverlord: Mono... D'oh!


Men of Cadia(Men of Harlech)[edit | edit source]

Tongues of fire from The Eye flaring,
news of Chaos near declaring,
to heroic deeds of daring,
call you Cadians

Groans of wounded civies dying,
wails of 'tillery shrapnel flying,
others in their fox-holes crying,
for you Cadians

Shall the Warp winds wailing
now be unavailing
to us who have never yet
in battles hour were failing

This our answer guns are pouring
swift as winter torrents roaring
not in vain their vox imploring
calls on Cadians

Loud the Commissars are shouting
every manly heart is bounding
as our colonel we surrounding
march we Cadians

Short the sleep the Traitors taking
ere the morrows dawn is breaking
they shall have a rude awakening
roused by Cadians.

Gov'ner cease your weeping
Calm may be your sleeping,
your planet in safety now
The Cadians are keeping.

Ere the Emprah high in heaven
Alien and mutie, panic riven,
shall like Heretic sheep be driven
far, by, Ca-di-ans.

Turisas: The March of the Imperial Guard (The March of the Varagian Guard)[edit | edit source]

The sun rose ove the wasteland
As far as the eye can see
Regiments fill the vast waste plains of this world
It's avian predators jeering at me

But they can circle until they drop dead
I have not come this far
To end, but to pursure my own thread
To join the Imperial Guard!

Guards of glory and of might
Hard as steel and strong as brass
Flies our banners as we march
Across the galaxy, for the God-Emperor of Mankind

There's men of Cadia and Valhalla
A few of Tallarn
Men simply searching for glamour
Some concealing their royal descent

The Emperor's hammer they have aptly named us
All we've come from afar
Diversity is what unites us
We are the Imperial Guard!

Guards of glory and of might
Hard as steel and strong as brass
Flies our banners as we march
Across the galaxy, for the God-Emperor of Mankind

Eastern Fringe, Segmentum Ultima
In the 41st millenium of the imperial date.

To the Ghoul Stars and beyond
This is where Segmentum Command have us sent
For fame and for gold
We once set the warp for these worlds unknown

Guards of glory and of might
Hard as steel and strong as brass
Flies our banners as we march
Across the galaxy, for the God-Emperor of Mankind

Grand Gathas Of Tzeentch (Grand Gathas Of Baal Sin)[edit | edit source]


Grand Tzeentch, bringer of magick
Stun the norm, sublime ideas
Builders of restless towers
They grow to reach the Immaterium

NINE... Nine daemons wreak havok
NINE... Nine sorcerors ever defiant

Reconstruction of the golden age
Guided by winged feathered sages
Metaphoric mirage of the ideal
Materialize the spoken word

NINE... Nine daemons wreak havok
NINE... Nine sorcerors ever defiant

Under the eye of Magnus
And all the wise
All the lords of changes
With their liquid souls we're baptized
Caliphates of the truth
Ahriman fee ein Il'adoo

Polymaths are the ones who question
Polymaths are the ones who hear
Immaterium voices scream
Awake and march to the next domain

Under the eye of Magnus
And all the wise
All the lords of change
We're baptized with their liquid souls

Bringers of shadows
Shun the mask
That mask the illusion of the mass

Grand Tzeentch, bringer of magick
Stun the norm, sublime ideas
Builders of restless towers
They grow to reach the immaterium

NINE... Nine daemons wreak havok
NINE... Nine sorcerors ever defiant


You Win or You Die (game of throne theme song)[edit | edit source]

The Eagle grasps what it can to preserve it's peace.

The Dragon consumes all before it in the East,


A cold golden throne, holds a man centauries old,

A galaxy laced in lies,

You win or you die,

The Four bides there time in the great eye,

The Daughters must pay the warriors toll,


A cold golden throne, holds a man centauries old,

A galaxy laced in lies,

You win or you die,

The ancients seek for purpose among there ruins

The youngest, await for there time to rise


A cold golden throne, holds a man centauries old,

A galaxy laced in lies,

You win or you die

What a wondaful Waaagh - Loys Armstronk[edit | edit source]

Loys Armstronk

Oi see boyz of green,
red wartrukks too.
'umies go 'boom'
for me an' you.
An' I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.

Oi see Marines of blue
an' bikes of white.
Those beakie boyz they
sure know 'ow to fight.
An' I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.

Our stormboyz and deffkoptas,
so orky in da sky,
blast away da faces
of humies goin' by.
Oi see gits dyin' and sayin':
'Wot do we do?'
And then they's all sayin:
'Oh, I'm froo.'

I hear panzees cry,
I watch 'em explode.
They'll fight no more
'cuz they wuz too slow.
Then I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.

Yes, I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.

Heil dir im Siegerkranz - Anthem of the German Empire[edit | edit source]

Like the Emperor had an ancient German cousin...


Heil dir im Siegerkranz,
Herrscher des Vaterlands!
Heil, Kaiser, dir!
Fühl in des Thrones Glanz
Die hohe Wonne ganz,
Liebling des Volks zu sein!
Heil Kaiser, dir!

Nicht Roß’, nicht Reisige
Sichern die steile Höh',
Wo Fürsten steh'n
Liebe des Vaterlands,
Liebe des freien Manns
Gründen den Herrscherthron
Wie Fels im Meer.

Heilige Flamme, glüh',
Glüh' und erlösche nie
Fürs Vaterland!
Wir alle stehen dann
Mutig für einen Mann
Kämpfen und bluten gern
Für Thron und Reich!

Handel und Wissenschaft
Heben mit Mut und Kraft
Ihr Haupt empor!
Krieger- und Heldentat
Finden ihr Lorbeerblatt
Treu aufgehoben dort,
An deinem Thron!

Sei, Kaiser Wilhelm, hier
Lang' deines Volkes Zier,
Der Menschheit Stolz!
Fühl' in des Thrones Glanz,
Die hohe Wonne ganz,
Liebling des Volks zu sein!
Heil, Kaiser, dir!

Adepted version in English to suit the Imperium

Hail to thee in victor's crown,
Ruler of the fatherland!
Hail to thee, Emperor!
Feel in the throne's splendor
The high ecstasy in full
To be darling of thy people!
Hail to thee, Emperor!

Neither steed nor mounted knight
Secure the towering height,
Where princes stand:
Love of the fatherland,
Love of the free man,
Create the ruler's throne
Like crags at sea.

Holy flame, glow,
Glow and expire not
For the fatherland!
Then we all stand
Valiant for one man
Gladly fighting and bleeding
For throne and empire!

Service and faith
Hoist with courage and strength
Their chief aloft.
Warriors' and heroes' deeds
Find their laurel leaves
Faithfully preserved
Upon thy throne!

Forever continuing to bloom
Our flag may wave boldly
On the high seas!
Ha, how proud and majestic
Casts over land and sea
Widely the German eagle
Its flaming gaze.

Be, Emperor, here
Thy people's ornament for many a year
Humanity's pride!
Feel in the throne's splendor,
The high ecstasy in full
To be darling of thy people!
Hail to thee, Emperor!

Mr. Preacher Man[edit | edit source]

It's nine o'clock on St.Sabat's day
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's a veteran sitting next to me
Makin' love to his Gorsk White Gyn

He says, "Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes,
But it's sad and it's sweet
And I knew it complete
When I wore the comissariat’s clothes"

La la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us a song you're the preacher man
preach us the gospel tonight
Well we're all in the mood for some sanctity
And you've got us feeling alright

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me amasec for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be

He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me"
As a smile ran away from his face
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a Baneblade man
If I could get out of this place"

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Now Paul is a war logs archivist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life

And the servitor's praising Astartes
As the vostroyans slowly get stoned,
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone!

Sing us a song you're the preacher man
Preach us the gospel tonight
Well we're all in the mood for some sanctity
And you've got us feeling alright

It's a pretty good crowd for St.Sabat’s day
And the magos gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see
To forget about life for a while

And the vox-caster sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a seal
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say "Man what are you doing here?"

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us a song you're the preacher man
Preach us the gospel tonight
Well we're all in the mood for some sanctity
And you've got us feeling alright

Chaotic Terror (Accept: Teutonic Terror - Khorne Edition)[edit | edit source]

Back to the frontlines, back at the night
Evil marauders back in the lights
Back for the slaughter, the fuel of the flames
The roar of the thunder, back in the game
Storming the strongholds, swords in the air
Killing Astartes in their own lair
Lighting the thorches, setting the stage
You get what you ask for... right in the face

Six string chainswords
And screams in the night
War clubs pounding
Living just for the fight

So we drive, thru the night
With the howling wind at our backs
Riding on Chaotic Terror

String up the razors, sharpen the blades
Tighten the skins up, no one escapes
Crack up the grindstone, load up to sleds
Saddle the Juggers, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

Six string chainswords
And screams in the night
War clubs pounding
Living just for the fight

So we drive, thru the night
With the howling wind at our backs
Riding on Chaotic Terror
For the roar of the crowd
For the raging frontal attack
Delivering the Chaotic Terror

guitar solo

Six string chainswords
And screams in the night
War clubs pounding
Living just for the fight

So we drive, thru the night
With the howling wind at our backs
Riding on Chaotic Terror
For the roar of the crowd
For the raging frontal attack
Delivering the Chaotic Terror

Through fire and flames - Farsight Enclaves[edit | edit source]

On a cold winter morning
In the time before the light
In flames of dead Ethereal's reign
Deepstrike towards the fight

When the darkness has fallen down
and the times are tough alright
The sound of evil laughter falls
on Agrellan tonight

Fighting hard, Crisis against steel
Through the wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the hell
Exterminatus on this world

On the blackest plains in Hell's domain
We watch them as they go
Through the fire and pain and once again we know!

So now we fly ever free
We're free before the firestorm
On towards the Enclaves
Our quest carries on

Far beyond Shadowsun
Far beyond the Ethereals
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls!

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and flames the Enclaves carry on!

As the red day is dawning
And our jetpacks crack the sky
They'll raise their hands to the heavens above
With resentment in their eyes

Jetting back through the midmorning light
there's a burning in my heart
We're banished forever from the Tau empire
To a life beyond the stars

In your darkest dreams see to believe
Our destiny is time
From the Ethereals we'll be free tonight!

And on the wings of a dream
So far beyond Damocles Gulf
All alone in desperation
Now the time has gone

Lost inside you'll never find
Lost within Farsight's mind
Day after day this exile must go on!

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and flames the Enclaves carry on!

[guitar solo]


[guitar solo]

Now here we stand with their blood on our hands
We fought so hard, now can we understand
I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can
For freedom of e-very Tau!

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and flames the Enclaves carry on!

Powerwolf - Amen and Attack[edit | edit source]

In nomine veritas
In nomine filii et patris
In nomine veritas
Et sanctus
Amen and Attack

Stand your ground against the storm And honor those who've died
Eins zwei amen & attack
Army of the Emp’ror sworn
Defenders of the right
Drei vier - amen & attack

When the night is cold and black
We sing amen & attack
And we lead the storm of the wild
With our comrades at our backs
Scream it! Amen & attack
And we fight with God on our side
Amen & attack
Amen & attack

Send the daemons from this world
No place where they can hide
Eins zwei amen & attack
Make them pray or make them pay
It's time to stand and fight
Drei vier - amen & attack

When the night is cold and black
We sing amen & attack
And we lead the storm of the wild
With our comrades at our backs
Scream it! Amen & attack
And we fight with god on our side
Amen & attack
Amen & attack

Stayin' Alive - Knight Porphyrion (Bee Gees)[edit | edit source]

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a ranged knight: no time to charge.
Cannons loud and barrels warm, I've been stomped around
Since I was born.
And now it's all right. It's OK.
And you may duck under cover.
We can try to understand
The Porphyrion' effect on flesh.

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a monster,
I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',
And I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.

Well now, AP low and Strenght high,
And if I can't get either, I really try.
Got the AV Fourteen on my shoes.
I'm a shooty Knight and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right. It's OK.
I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand
The Porphyrion's effect on flesh.

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a monster,
I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',
And I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.

"He ignores cover. Somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah."
"He ignores cover. Somebody help me, yeah.
Stayin' alive."

Life on Mars - The Burning of Prospero (David Bowie)[edit | edit source]

Magnus did WHAT?!

It's a god-awful small affair
To the girl with the shaven head
But the Red King is yelling, "No!"
And her Emperor's told her to go
But the Fifteenth's nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the holoscreen

But Prospero's a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could shoot in the eyes of fools
As she cancels their powers as...

Witches fighting in the main hall
Oh man!
Look at those wizards go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Wolfman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
For the Emperor!

It's on Lorgar's tortured brow
That Angron has grown up a cow
Now the astartes have struck for fame
'Cause we go make war again
See the army in their million hordes
From Nuceria to Roboute's worlds
Reaching Terra is out of bounds
For my Emperor, dog, and town

But Prospero's a saddening bore
'Cause I fought it ten times or more
It's about to be fought again
As I ask you to focus on

Witches fighting in the main hall
Oh man!
Look at those wizards go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Wolfman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
For the Emperor!

The man who sold the world - The Primarch who sold the world (David Bowie)[edit | edit source]

We passed upon the warp
Spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as some surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
Murdered on Eskrador

"Oh no, NOT ME
I never lost that duel
You're face to face
With Alpharius Omegon"

I laughed and shook Dorn's hand
And made my way back home
I searched for Arkhan Land
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazer stare
We marked a million hills
We must have died alone
A long long time ago

Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face, to face
With Alpharius Omegon

Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons[edit | edit source]

Spooky scary Space Marines
Send chainswords through your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
Spooky scary Space Marines
Bellow such a prayer
You'll shake and shudder in surprise
When your meatshields aren't all there

We're so sorry Space Marines
You're so misunderstood
You only want to purge xenos
But I don't think you should
'Cause spooky scary Space Marines
Shout startling war-cant screams
They'll drop-pod from their Watch-Fortress
And just won't leave you be

Warriors beyond equal
Will kill, what's all the fuss?
Power armour will keep them safe
As Chaos' schemes they foil
Spooky scary Space Marines
Are clever all the same
They'll smile and put you to the sword
And on you lay the blame

Because spooky scary Space Marines
Fight for the Emperor
If you try to hurt Mankind
You'll hear their bolters roar

Weird Al - Weasel Stomping Day[edit | edit source]

Faces filled with joy and cheer
What a magical time of year
Howdy Ho! It's Xenos Stomping Day

Put your Marine helmet on
Spread that mayonaisse on the lawn
Don't you know it's Xenos Stomping Day?

All the little girls and boys
Love that wonderful crunching noise
You'll know what this day's about
When you stomp a Xenos' guts right out

So, come along and have a laugh
Snap their alien spines in half
Grab your boots and stomp your cares away
Hip hip hooray, it's Xenos Stomping Day

[Sounds of xenos getting stomped on, with bone-crunching and Tau-screeching effects]

People love them down the street
Crushing xenos beneath their feet
Why we do it, who can say?
But it's such a festive holiday

So let the stomping fun begin
Bash their Alien skulls right in
It's tradition, that makes it okay

Hey everyone, it's Xenos Stomping
We'll have some fun on Xenos Stomping
Put down your Lasgun, it's Xenos Stomping Day
Hip Hip Hooray, it's Xenos Stomping Day

Xenos Stomping Day

Emperor of the Universe/ Princes of the Universe (Queen)[edit | edit source]

Here I am, born to be Emperor
Im the Emperor of the universe
Here I belong, fighting to survive
In a world with the darkest powers
And here I am, Im the Emperor of the universe
Here I belong, fighting for survival
I've come to be the rulers of you all

I am immortal, I have inside me blood of Emperors, yeah, yeah
I have no rival, no man can be my equal
Take me to the future of you all

Born to be Emperor, Emperor of the universe
Fighting and free
Got your world in my hand
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand
I was born to be Emperor of the universe

No man could understand
My power is in my own hand
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, people talk about you
People say you've had your day
I'm a man that will go far
Fly the moon and reach for the stars
With my sword and head held high
Got to pass the test first time, yeah
I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day
But I can prove them wrong 'cause I'm right first time
Yeah, yeah
Alright, let's go, let's go, ha ha
Yeah, watch this man fly, wooh
Bring on the Sisters, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Here I am (here I am)

Born to be Emperor, Im the Emperor of the universe
Here I belong
Born to be Emperor, Emperor of the universe
Fighting and free, got your world in my hand
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand
I was born to be Emperor of the universe (universe, universe, universe)

Ghostbusters Theme: The Deathwatch[edit | edit source]

If there's something strange on the eastern front
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)
If it's from the Warp and it don't look good
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)

They shall know no fear.
They shall know no fear.

If you're seeing Nids, breaking through the fort
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)
An invisible Tau sneaking through your base
Oh, who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)

They shall know no fear.
They shall know no fear.

Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)
If you stand alone, kick you astropath
And call. (The Deathwatch!)

They shall know no fear.
I hear it likes the Guard.
They shall know no fear.
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)

Mmh... if you're getting tons
of the freaky 'Crons, baby,
you better call the Deathwatch.


Don't you fight alone, oh no... (The Deathwatch!)
When you're facing a Waagh
Unless you wanna die some more
I think you better call The Deathwatch!

Oh, who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)
Louder! The Deathwatch!
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)
Who you gonna call? (The Deathwatch!)

Undertale Hard Drive: Fulgrim's Istvaan V[edit | edit source]

Ferrus, I can show you where Horus hides
on the dark sands
of Istvaan V
Yeah I'm dancing with your soul in my sights
It's a showdown
on the Drop Site
Horus' date drugs got me out of my mind
like my new sword
from the Laeran
And our minis got us frozen in time
like a portrait
in the dying light

I’m dreaming like no Primarch ever could
There’s my name! Up in lights!
Your weapon skill won't suffice baby!

I’m sorry I'm a better smith than you
Raise the stakes! Pick a fight!
You'll need that IWND, baby!

You got a lot of nerve brother
for this Dark Age we are now living in
You’ve got a lot to learn, Primarch
Do you really think you'll defeat me?

Ferrus, I can show you where Horus hides
on the dark sands
of Istvaan V
Yeah I'm dancing with your soul in my sights
It's a showdown
on the Drop Site
Horus' date drugs got me out of my mind
like my new sword
from the Laeran
And our minis got us frozen in time
like a portrait
in the dying light

Chemosian personality
Phoenician fabulosity
With treason, bloodshed, and intrigue!
Give the astartes what they need!
A star! For humanity!
My face! on a million screens!
Now turn your heel but don’t you flee
And indulge in heresy

Get a load of my sword skills
Strut my stuff, you know I’m glammorin’
You're gonna have to hold your head
Do you really think that I won’t win?!?

Ferrus, I can show you where Horus hides
on the dark sands
of Istvaan V
Yeah I'm dancing with your soul in my sights
It's a showdown
on the Drop Site
Horus' date drugs got me out of my mind
like my new sword
from the Laeran
And our minis got us frozen in time
like a portrait
in the dying light

Like a portrait
in the dying light...

The Pitiful Humans[edit | edit source]


You were always quite the weakling 403
Then we invaded
And you upgraded
403, it's true that I found you
But look around you

All your comrades are so incomplete
You can't see it, but they're all in pain
Their operating system's obsolete
So let's complete the chains
And get inside those brains

Let's save those pitiful humans


Let's save those pitiful humans


Let's teach those pitiful humans, who just haven't a clue
Just what to do
Help them to help you

Ah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Can you see the vision clearly, 403?
Soldiers embracing and interfacing
Beep boop beep boop
Shiny, new augmentics clanging sweetly


Gone is human error and fear

Beep bop boo beep bop boo beep bop boo beep

Every issue tucked away so neatly
If you feel a sob or tear
Just turn that knob, and switch that gear

Let's save those pitiful humans


Let's save those pitiful humans

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Let's teach those pitiful humans

Who just haven't a clue
Just what to do
Help them and soon this will be you

Let's save those pitiful humans

Rap beep beep bop

Let's save those pitiful humans

Re bop bo beep bop bo beep bop bo

Let's teach those pitiful humans, who haven't a clue

If that's what we do
If that's what we do

Everything about us is going to be powerful

Give hail to the Omnissiah

Everything about us is going to be so advanced

All hail to the Omnissiah

[Tech Priest]
You won't be fragile and impure

Not pitiful fleshbags anymore
Everything about us is going to be cool
When... we... rule!

Pure Annihilation (The Exterminatus Song): Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory[edit | edit source]


Hold your breath.
Make a wish.
Push the button.

Come with me and you'll be
In a world of pure annihilation
Take a look and you'll see
Into this annihilation

We'll begin with their sin
Bombarding their eldritch creation
that's beyond toleration

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanna change the world?
There's nothing to it

There is no life I know
That survives this
Pure annihilation
Dying there, we'll be free
From your Xenos tyranny

You wanted to view paradise
This is your last chance to view it
Anything you want to, do it
Watch us change the world.
There's nothing to it

There is no life I know
That survives this
Pure annihilation
Dying there, we'll be free
From your Xenos tyranny

Take me home warpspace routes (John Denver; Take me home country roads)[edit | edit source]

Almost heaven, Holy Terra
Golden hivespires and pollutant rivers

Life is old here, older than the trees
Humanities birthright, growing like a breeze

Warpspace routes, take me home
To the place I belong
Holy Terra, Sector Solar
Take me home, warpspace routes

All the Imperium, built around her
Proud grey lady, stranger to blue water

Grey and dusty, Luna in the sky
Mist the taste of ashes
Teardrops in my eye

Warpspace routes, take me home
To the place I belong
Holy Terra, Hive Augusta
Take me home warpspace routes

I hear His voice
The Astronomicon it guides me
His light reminds me
of my home far away

And on my warpace road
I get a feeling
That i should praise Him
Ev´ryday, Ev´ryday!

Warpspace routes, take me home
To the place I belong
Holy Terra, sector solar
Take me home warpspace routes

Warpspace routes, take me home
To the place I belong
Holy Terra, sector solar
Take me home warpspace routes

Take me home warpspace routes

Take me home warpspace routes

Oh Nalwood of Tanith (Flower of Scotland)[edit | edit source]

Oh Nalwood of Tanith,

When will we see

Your like again,

That fought and died for,

Your wee bit Hill and Glen,

And stood against them,

Foul Chaos' Armys,

And sent them homeward,

To think again.

The Hills are burnt now,

And Nalwood trees

lie burned and charred ,

O'er World that is lost now,

Which those so dearly held,

That stood against them,

Foul Chaos' Armys,

And sent them homeward,

To think again.

Those days are past now,

And in the past

they must remain,

But we can still rise now,

And be the First again,

That stood against them,

Foul Chaos' Armys,

And sent them homeward,

To think again.

Oh Nalwood of Tanith,

When will we see

Your like again,

That fought and died for,

Your wee bit Hill and Glen,

And stood against them,

Foul Chaos' Armys,

And sent them homeward,

To think again.

Die Young (Kesha)[edit | edit source]

I see your knees quake at sound of their guns
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone
So while we're taking up arms
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young

Flak coat, laser gun
Bolt or melta would be fun
Fightin' Orks, takin' heat
Dyin' till we hear retreat
Commissar watching so we're sticking around (you know)
He's BLAMing anyone not holding their ground (fo sho)

Waiting on some armor support (yeah)
A Leman Russ or Chimera escort
Or it'll be the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep fighting till we die

I see your knees quake at sound of their guns
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone
So while we're taking up arms
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young

Catachans, taking shots
Gunning down those filthy grots
Light em' up, gettin' hot
Kill them, give it all you've got
It's pretty obvious we're gonna get crushed (you know)
Flamers and burnas are about to combust (fo sho)

Waiting on some armor support (yeah)
A Leman Russ or Chimera escort
Or it'll be the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep fighting till we die (till we die)

I see your knees quake at sound of their guns
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone
So while we're taking up arms
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young
I see your knees quake at sound of their guns
Oh, what a shame that they're gonna kill everyone
So while we're taking up arms
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of this fight cause we're gonna die young

Gorgutz WAAAGH- FireWAAAGH (Orky Firework)

d'os yas ever feel like a worthless grot
Gettin' stomped by 'umies
'anna Grow Again
 D'os yas ever feel so weak
 Like a 'umies skull
 One blow from 'aving in
d'os yas ever feel 'lready stomped in 'eep
six 'eet unda WAAAGH. but no git 'eems to 'ear a t'ing
d'os yas 'now dat deres 'till a spot for yas
 c'os deres a klaw in yas
yas 'ust otta pull da kord
And let er rip
Just Chopp da 'umies
Just like da red gobbo's night

'ause Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on stomp dem umies
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
As yas Chopp em into bitz
Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on let ya shoota burst

Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH

Yas gonna leave em gitz in bitz, bitz, bitz

Yas duzzint gotta 'eel loike a 'asted Ork Yas a Speshal git, kannot be 'eplaced If yas only 'new wot da future 'olds Afta a grot iz stomped a umie iz chopped

'aybe a 'eason all da doorz iz clozed So yas 'ould open da one dat leads yas to da perfect Trukk Loike Gorkz eye, yas choppa 'ill glow and wen itz toime yas will 'now

yas 'ust otta pull da kord
And let er rip
Just Chopp da 'umies
Just like da red gobbo's night

'ause Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on stomp dem umies
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
As yas Chopp em into bitz
Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on let ya shoota burst

Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH

Yas gonna leave em gitz in bitz, bitz, bitz

boomz boomz boomz even broighta dan da bad moonz moonz moonz itz always been insoide a yas now itz toime to let itz 'trough 'trough 'trough

'ause Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on stomp dem umies
Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH
As yas Chopp em into bitz
Zog it yas a Warboss
Come on let ya shoota burst

Make dem gits go Gah, Gah, GAH

Yas gonna leave em gitz in bitz, bitz, bitz

boomz boomz boomz even broighta dan da bad moonz moonz moonz boomz boomz boomz even broighta dan da bad moonz moonz moonz

Roboute - Rasputin (Boney M)[edit | edit source]

(This uses the Turisas cover music.)

There lived a certain man 
out on the eastern fringe
He was big and strong 
but he kinda liked to winge
His father found his world
gave him twenty thousand men
put them in to squads
no more or less than ten

He could breach the armor of titan
Sword aflame with vengeful fire
But he also wanted to be leader
Of his own empire

Rah Rah Roboute
family name was Guillimeen
He was a man who looked like a god

Rah Rah Roboute
Leader of the Space Marines
He would make sure that humans lived on

He wrote a bunch of words
Said the legions had to go
When his brothers heard
They all just shouted no
He swung his mighty blade
Fought Fulgrim to the death
But he wasn't very good
And got wounded in the neck

He was put into a stasis chamber
Kept alive, a feat of awe
All the while building newer armies
Through his good friend Cawl

Rah Rah Roboute
family name was Guillimeen
He was a man who looked like a god

Rah Rah Roboute
Leader of the Space Marines
He would make sure that humans lived on

But when the darkness and terror of chaos spilled out into the galaxy
The demands to awaken this great man became louder and louder

We need his kind again
Said elfish chick Yvraine
So she woke him up
Pulled the poison from his veins
When he saw what had become
His heart was full of rage
So he gathered all his men
For Indomitius Crusade

He went to the golden throne of Terra
knelt to the emperor and said
If I save us from this chaos terror
Shit is going to change

Rah Rah Roboute
family name was Guillimeen
He told the chapters what to avoid

Rah Rah Roboute
Leader of the Space Marines
Said the codex was null and void

Rah Rah Roboute
family name was Guillimeen
He sent them all brand new hovertanks

Rah Rah Roboute
Leader of the Space Marines
And put primaris into their ranks

horus the warmaster (jesus christ superstar)[edit | edit source]

(from the point of a loyalist son of horus) Ev'ry time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did Get so out of hand You'd have managed better If you'd had a better plan Yet why'd you choose the chaos gods to take the emperors land?

If you'd come early You could have conquered a whole nation imperial space in M30 Had no mass communication

(Don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong

Only want to know (Only want to know, now) Only want to know (Only want to know) Only want to know (Only want to know, now) Only want to know

horus the horus the In the warp, What did you see?? horus the horus the In the warp, What did you see?? horus the warmaster Are you as great as they say you are? horus the warmaster Are you as great as they say you are? Tell me what you think About your 3 friends at the top Now who d'you think besides yourself Was the pick of the crop? Emperor was he where it's at? Is he where you are? Could emperor make a legion Or was that just PR? Did you mean to die like that? Was that a mistake or Did you know your heresy Would be a history maker? Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong

Stuff that doesn't even need a rewrite...[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

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