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{{Age of Sigmar Faction|Faction=Ogor Mawtribes|Logo=F8eadd7a4470a5bc529656620e73680f.png|Alliance=Destruction|Motto=Some lards being dudes.}}
{{Age of Sigmar Faction|Faction=Ogor Mawtribes|Logo=F8eadd7a4470a5bc529656620e73680f.png|Alliance=Destruction|Motto=Some lards being dudes.}}

Not to be outdone by [[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz|the]] [[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Orruk Warclans|other]] Destruction get togethers, the Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders are joining forces to smash your face in.
Not to be outdone by [[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz|the]] [[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Orruk Warclans|other]] Destruction get togethers, the Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders are joining forces to smash your face in.  

==Why play Ogor Mawtribess?==
==Why play Ogor Mawtribes?==

*Most units (BCR in particular) will hit with the speed and power of a runaway freight train.
*Most units (BCR in particular) will hit with the speed and power of a runaway freight train.
*You like the fightin', you like the eatin', and you love the Pot. Simple as.
*Very close to being the highest potential damage faction in the game. Our base battleline is damage two, and Ironguts have flat damage '''Three'''.
*Thanks to the Hungry/Eating rule, our ogres are fast until they're in melee, where they have high  bravery.
*A fantastic spell lore with 4 near-perfect spells, a situational but strong rhinox buff, and a great wizard killing spell. The Lore of the Sun-Eater is also quite good with all three spells. This only gets better with the Great Mawpot buffing your magic further.
*Excellent healing. If an opponent doesn't kill your model, you can easily heal it to full, especially if you're fighting near the Great Mawpot.
*Plenty of ways to deal damage without rolling to hit. You can cripple some units with a good enough Trampling Charge roll, and monsters (and buffed rhinoxen) can splatter whole units if you roll a high enough charge. Plus the Grasp of the Everwinter ability makes prolonged combat against Beastclaw Raiders dangerous as they start taking d3 mortals every battle round they're in melee with you.
*Our wizards are slow and expensive, and while they're good in melee, that's still not where you want a wizard. You're paying extra points for a hero that has the same spellcasting as a Madcap Shaman for double the cost. Outside of Bloodgullet you also have few to no spellcasting benefits.
*(for now at least)
*Our magic has amazing effects... but high casting values. The Mawpot helps somewhat but you can find yourself being chained to the thing, meaning the range of reliable magic is about 12-18 inches from the pot, and outside that you're taking a gamble every time you want to cast a basic spell.
*We are a low model count army (except for Gnoblars), so a failed Battleshock test can be devastating.
*Not much synergy between units. Beastclaw Raiders especially, pretty much none of their powers affect Gutbusters.
*Every lost model is devastating. In an army with only twenty or so models, losing two in an exchange really hurts. In general Mawtribes sucks at wars of attrition, so armies that specialize in it like Soulblight Gravelords, Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Gloomspite Gitz are a dangerous proposition if we can't break them/wipe them out on the charge.
*Penalties to hit can be crippling. Our damage and wounding rolls are great, and we hit on an excellent 3+, but hit roll penalties are common. Any penalties to hit will hurt your potential to last in a fight, and the Mawtribes really can't afford losing trades too often.
*Comparable to a one-trick pony. Sure we hit hard, fast, and can tank some hits, but that’s about all we can do. Regardless of the composition of their lists, they’ll all mostly revolve around the same tactics and plans. Perhaps a better way of phrasing it is, we have no secrets or tricks up our tubby sleeves, and what the enemy sees is what they can prepare for.
{{AOSRulebooks|tome=Ogor Mawtribes}}

==Allegiance Abilities==
==Allegiance Abilities==
===Battle Traits===
===Battle Traits===
*'''Trampling Charge''': After an {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} or {{AOSKeyword|Rhinox}} unit makes a charge move, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of the unit and roll a number of dice equal to the unmodified charge move. Add 2 to each die if the unit is a monster or has 8 or more models. For each 6+, deal 1 mortal wound.
*'''Trampling Charge''': After an {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} or {{AOSKeyword|Rhinox}} unit makes a charge move, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of the unit and roll a number of dice equal to the unmodified charge move. Add 2 to each dice if the unit is a monster or 1 if it has 3 or more models. For each 6+, deal 1 mortal wound.
**from most troops expect 0-3 mortal wounds, Otherwise, think 3-6.

*'''Grasp of the Everwinter''': At the start of your hero phase, roll 1 die for each enemy unit within 3" of any {{AOSKeyword|BEASTCLAW RAIDERS}} units. If the roll is equal to or less than the battle round, the unit takes D3 mortal wounds.
*'''Grasp of the Everwinter''': At the start of your hero phase, roll 1 die for each enemy unit within 3" of any {{AOSKeyword|BEASTCLAW RAIDERS}} units. If the roll is equal to or less than the battle round, the unit takes D3 mortal wounds.
**makes being around even the Cats Dangerous. Wurth throwing in a Raider for the AoE Damage.  
**Makes being around even the cats dangerous. Worth throwing in a Raider for the AoE Damage.
*'''Might Makes Right''': When determining who controls an objective, {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} models count as 2, {{AOSKeyword|OGOR MAWTRIBES HERO}} models count as 5 and {{AOSKeyword|OGOR MONSTER}} models count as 10. Unless you’re bringing in hordes, good luck getting these guys to budge, even lone heroes like Bloodpelt and Icebrow Hunters can contest objectives from smaller units.
*'''Ravenous Brutes''': Based on the distance between them and enemy models, {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} units gain certain buffs, divided into two states called “Hungry” and “Eating”.  “Hungry” is being more than 3 inches away from the enemy, which grants them +2 to Movement, and while at 3 inches or fewer they are “Eating” and get +2 to Bravery. This makes them an adaptable and surprisingly fast faction.
**the +2" makes ogors fast, foot troops will move 8", mounts move 11" and Stonehorns move 14".  Not Cavalry or Slaanesh speeds, but it's widespread and consistent.

*'''Might Makes Right''': When determining who controls an objective, {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} models count as 2 and {{AOSKeyword|OGOR MONSTER}}} models count as 10. Unless you’re bringing in hordes, good luck getting these guys to budge.
*'''Gulping Bites''': At the end of each combat phase each enemy unit within 3" of an {{AOSKeyword|GUTBUSTER OGOR}} unit gets d3 mortals on a 4+ die roll.
**used to be an extra attack on your units, now it has smaller potential damage but better chance to crunch the better armored units in your enemy's army.

*'''Ravenous Brutes''': Based on the distance between them and enemy models, {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} units gain certain buffs, divided into two states called “Hungry” and “Eating”. “Hungry” is being more than 3 inches away from the enemy, which gains them +2 to Movement, and while at 3 inches or fewer they are “Eating” and get +2 to Bravery. This makes them adaptable and surprisingly fast faction.
*'''The Beasts of Winter''': Your special Montrous Rampages, one for Stonehorns and another for Thundertusks, both only usable on a turn in which the unit charged, the Stonehorn can make a 3d6" move passing over stuf as if it was flying, it must end within 3" of something and rolls for every unit it moved over with a 2+ dealing d3 mortals. The Thundertusk gets to apply Strikes-Last on a roll of 3+ to whatevers within 1", until the end of the following combat phase. Your Stonehorns can suddenly burst through the enemy battleline and engage a juicier target (a lone support hero perhaps, or a ranged unit) and your Thundertusks get to swing first against dangerous stuff for two combat phases, needless to say these are both really good.
**the +2" makes ogors fast, foot troops will move 8", mounts move 11" and Stonehorns move 14".  Not Calvalry or Slannesh speeds, but it's widespread and consistent.

*'''Everwinter Prayers''': Each {{AOSKeyword|BEASTCLAW RAIDERS PRIEST}} can know 1 prayer in addition to any other prayers they know. In your hero phase, each of them can chant 1 prayer. Each prayer can only be attempted once per phase.
*'''Everwinter Prayers''': Each {{AOSKeyword|BEASTCLAW RAIDERS PRIEST}} can know 1 prayer in addition to any other prayers they know. In your hero phase, each of them can chant 1 prayer. Each prayer can only be attempted once per phase.

===Command Traits===
===Command Traits===
<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Traits of the Tyrant}}'''</big>
<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Traits of the Gutbusters}}'''</big> Gutbuster Heroes'''

1. '''Furious Guzzler:''' At the start of the hero phase, if this general is eating you can heal D3 wounds.  
#'''Reluctant Rabble-rouser:''' Battleshock Immunity for Gnoblars wholly within 18". You want lotsa gnoblars? this is how you do it now.
#'''Gastromancer:''' Butcher exclusive, they know all spells from the Lore of Gutmagic. 
#'''Deadly Aim:''' Bloodpelt exclusive, their ranged attacks hit on 2+ rather than 4+.
#'''Killer Reputation:''' Tyrant exclusive, you pick an additional Big Name, no duplicates
#'''Ex-Mercenary:''' Maneaters become Battleline, at the start of each hero phase every Maneaters unit that is Eating generates a command point on a 3+, these command points can only be used to command Maneaters units.

2. '''Prodigious Girth:''' Add 2 wounds to the general's wound characteristic.

3. '''Killer Representation:''' Before this general is set up for the first time, you can pick a second Big Name. The second Big Name cannot be the same as the first.
<big>'''{{color|SteelBlue|Traits of the Beastclaw}}</big> - Beastclaw Heroes'''

4. '''Mighty Bellower:''' If an enemy unit fails a battleshock test within 6" of this general, add D3 to the number of models that flee.  
#'''Voice of the Avalanche:''' This hero can now issue commands to any unit on the battlefield, not just those wholly within 18", in addition, once per battle they can use a command ability without spending a command point.
#'''Beastmaster:''' Stonehorn or Thundertusk Hero exclusive, once per battle this hero can fight at top wounds bracket.
#'''Touched by the Everwinter:''' The general is a Priest. If the general is already a priest they know all prayers from Everwinter prayers.
#*Doesn't let you invoke multiple prayers, but lets your Stonehorns buff themselves.
#'''Skal Packmaster:''' Icebrow Hunter exclusive, when using Masters of Ambush you can have up to 3 Frost Sabres units join intead of just 1.

5. '''An Eye for Loot:''' You can re-roll hit and wound rolls for this general that target a hero that has an artefact of power.
===Mount Trait===

6. '''Crushing Bulk:''' The general is treated as a MONSTER for the purposes of Tramping Charge.
If your army includes any '''Heroes''' on '''Stonehorns''' or '''Thundertusks''' one of those '''Heroes''' can have a mount trait (warscrolls grant extra). - ''bypassed by one of the Mawtribes''

<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Traits of the Butcher}}'''</big>
<big>'''Hero''' ''mounted on'' '''Stonehorn'''</big><br>
#'''Metalcruncher''': At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy '''WAR MACHINE''', or 1 enemy unit with a Save characteristic of 4+, 3+, 2+, that is within 3" of this model. That enemy unit immediately suffers D6 Mortal wounds. Pairs well with Frostfell Aura so enemies can't retreat.
#'''Belligerent Charger''': When determining the number of Dice to roll for the Trampling Charge battle trait, treat charge rolls made for this model of less than 7 as 7.
#'''Rockmane Elder''': Enemies get -1 to wound when attacking this unit.

1. '''Questionable Hygiene:''' Subtract 1 from hit rolls by enemy units while they are within 6" of the general.

2. '''Herald of the Gulping God:''' Friendly units don't take battleshock tests while they are wholly within 15" of this general and they are eating.  
<big>'''Hero''' ''mounted on'' '''Thundertusk'''</big><br>
#'''Fleshgreed''': At the start of each hero phase, if this model is ''eating'', you can heal d3 wound allocated to this model.
#'''Rimefrost Hide''': Beasty gets a 5+ ward.
#'''Matriarch''': Add 1 to charge rolls for friendly '''Thundertusks''' while they are wholly within 12" of this model.

3. '''Growling Stomach:''' Subtract 2 from the Bravery characteristic of enemy units within 12" of this general while they are hungry.

4. '''Gastromancer:''' This general knows all the spells from the lore of Gutmagic.  
<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Plunder of hte Guthold}}'''</big> - Gutbuster Heroes only.

5. '''Rolls of Fat:''' Add 2 to the wounds characteristic of this general.  
#'''Gruesome Trophy Rack:''' Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly '''Gutbusters''' units wholly within 12" of the bearer that target a '''Monster''' or '''Hero'''
#*Hideously strong. Monsters will vanish and heroes will mysteriously find other places to be on the battlefield when a tyrant sporting this is around. Keep in mind this affectd both melee AND shooting.
#'''Flask of Stonehorn Blood:''' Once per battle, at the start of any phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, until the end of that turn they get a 3+ ward save.
#*Keep your tyrant alive through a scary shooting or combat phase. Fine for defense but you might be better off just having a block of Ironguts near you instead.
#'''Splatter-cleaver:''' Pick a melee weapon, if that weapon dealt any wounds you can restore d3 wounds to each Ogor unit wholly within 12".
#*Disgusting, decadent, delightful, give your lards more staying power whenever their boss is on the front line (which, if he's a tyrant, he should be, all the time).
#'''The Fang of Ghur:''' Tyrant exclusive, the bearer's Glaive has a Rend characteristic of -3 instead of -1.
#*A weird choice. The Glaive on it's own doesn't have enough swings to usually justify this, but if you absolutely hate armor this is an option.

6. '''Spell-Eater:''' Each time this general dispells and endless spell, you can heal any wounds allocated to them. If this general had no wounds allocated to them, you can instead add 1 to their wounds characteristic until the end of the battle. In addition, each time this general dispells an endless spell they can cast an addition spell in that phase.  
<big>'''{{color|SteelBlue|Trophies of the Everwinter}}'''</big> - BCR Heroes only.

<big>'''{{color|SteelBlue|Traits of the Beastclaw}}</big> - Frostlords and Huskards'''
#'''Elixir of Frostwyrm:'''Once per battle, during your shooting phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, pick 1 enemy unit within 6" of the bearer. Roll a die, on a 2+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
#'''Frost-talon Shardbolts:''' Icebrow Hunter exclusive, If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with the bearer's Hunter Crossbow is 6, that attack inflicts D3 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage
#'''Carvalox Flank:''' Friendly '''Icefall Yehtees''' units that are wholly within 12" of the bearer at the start of the movement phase can move an extra 2" when they make a normal move during that phase. Pair great on a Thundertusk.
#'''The Seat of Alvagr:''' Stonehorn or Thundertusk Hero exclusive, once per battle in charge hase, the hero may carry out a second monstrous rampage, following usual restrictions of no repeats.
#*Saddling a dangerous enemy monster with fights last and getting +1 to hit on them? or maybe punching through the enemy battleline to reach a lynchpin support hero and preventing them from issuing commands before splattering them? yes please.

1. '''Nomadic Raider:''' You can re-roll wound rolls for melee weapons made by this general while they are wholly within enemy territory.
===Spell Lore===

2. '''Voice of the Avalanche:''' Once per battle round, this general can use a command ability on their warscroll without spending a command point.
<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Lore of Gutmagic}}'''</big> - {{AOSKeyword|Butchers}} only

3. '''Frostfell Aura:''' Enemy units cannot retreat while within 3" of the general.  
#'''Blood Feast:''' CV 7. Pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} unit that is not a {{AOSKeyword|MONSTER}} and that is wholly within 18" of the caster and is visible to them. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that unit's melee weapons until your next hero phase.  
#*A hearty, flavorful spell that pairs with almost any unit. Make sure to keep your butcher near his Mawpot to make it easier to brew up the spell, as the cooking requirements on this one can be a bit high for chefs-in-training.
# '''Blubbergrub Stench:''' CV 5. Until the start of your next hero phase, friendly {{AOSKeyword|RHINOX}} units are treated as {{AOSKeyword|MONSTERS}} for the purposes of Trampling Charge (mortals for each 4+), contesting objectives (each model counts as 5) and Montrous Rampages (they can do em, sweet) while they are wholly within 18" of the caster.
#*A strong spell for only the most discerning chefs. Requires rather obscure ingredients, mostly having enough Rhinox around to benefit from the spell's spices. However, if you've got a Rhinox steak or three nearby, this makes them pack quite a satisfying punch against a wide variety of scurrying morsels.
#'''Molten Entrails:''' CV 6. Pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|OGOR MAWTRIBES MONSTER}} wholly within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the melee weapons used by that MONSTER'S mount.
#*A spell that enhances the already intense flavor of your monsters. Throw this on a Frostlord on Stonehorn and watch the delectable carnage.
#*If you’re building a BCR list, definitely considering bringing a Slaughtermaster with this spell for mobile buffs to your beasts.
#'''Greasy Deluge:''' CV 6. Pick 1 enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks by that unit until the start of your next hero phase.
#*A scrumptious debuff that helps stop a meal's rough kick on your softest diners, use this to turn tough Ghoulburgers into mush, or unpalatable Dryad Salad into Applesauce.

4. '''Master of the Mournfangs:''' Friendly Mournfang Pack units do not take battleshock tests while they are wholly within 18" of the general.

5. '''Skilled Rider:''' Halve the number of wounds allocated to this general (rounding up) when determining which row of the damage table to use for this general.  
<big>'''{{color|Red|Lore of the Sun-Eater}}'''</big> - {{AOSKeyword|Firebelly}} only
#'''Fiery Whirlwind:''' CV 6. Pick 1 enemy unit. Roll 1 dice for each model in that unit that is within 12" of the cast and is visible to them. For each 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If the unit only has 1 model, roll 3 dice instead of 1. A very spicy horde killer with very lackluster range, so make sure you keep your Firebelly safe after he casts this spell.
#'''Billowing Ash:''' CV 6. Until the start of your next hero phase, subtract 1 from the hit rolls for attacks that target friendly units wholly within 12" of the caster. One of the better spells in the book. Though if you get this spell off in addition to Greasy Deluge, you could all but nullify a units attacks.
#'''Tongues of Flame:''' CV 6. Pick 1 enemy until that has 5 or more models that are within 18" of the caster and visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, each time that unit finishes any type of move it suffers D3 mortal wounds. Situationally decent. Worth noting it says 'a move', which includes pile-in moves, so feel free to make your opponent mad by reminding him of this ''after'' he's done moving his models in combat.

6. '''Touched by the Everwinter:''' The general is a Priest. If the general is already a priest they know an additional prayer from Everwinter prayer.  
==={{color|SteelBlue|Manifestations of the Eternal Snowstorm}}===
Prayers for your Huskard Torr.

#'''Pulverising Hailstorm:''' 3+, pick a point on the battlefield within 18" of the model chanting this prayer. Roll 1 dice for each unit within 3" of this point. On a 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
#'''Keening Gale:''' 3+, pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|MONSTER}} or {{AOSKeyword|MOURNFANG PACK}} that is wholly within 18" of the model chanting this prayer. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 3" to that unit's Move characteristic.
#'''Call of the Blizzard:''' 3+, pick 1 friendly unit of Icefall Yhetees or Frost Sabres wholly within 18" of the model chanting this prayer that is visible to them. Return 1 slain model to that unit.

<big>'''{{color|SteelBlue|Traits of the Hunter}}</big> - Icebrow Hunter'''
==={{color|DarkGoldenRod|Rampaging Warglutts}}===
Grand Strategies

1. '''Winter Ranger:''' At the start of each of your hero phases, if this general is in ambush you gain D3 additional command points.  
*'''Ready for Plunder''': Have most of your units in enemy territory by the end of the game, pretty simple really.
*'''Saga of the Monster Hunter''': Hvae your general kill a Monster and survive to the end of the game. Easier if you chose a Monster Hero yourself.
*'''On the Mawpath''': Complete 4 or more Battletactics from your exclusive list. Not too terrible but a few of them are finicky to say the least.
*'''Enough Grub for All''': Empty, and then refill your Great Mawpot at least once. If your enemy is dumb enough to give it to you then good for you, otherwise requires some good setup first.

2. '''Eye of the Blizzard:''' Subtract 1 from hit rolls that target the general.
==={{color|DarkGoldenRod|Glory to the Gulping God}}===
Battle Tactics

3. '''Blood Vulture's Gaze:''' Add 1 to hit and wound rolls for missile weapons used by this general.  
*'''Eat Your Fill''': Have all units  Eating, you'll know when you can get this,, not too hard considering the size of your army too.
*'''Savour the Taste''': Have all units Hungry, cannot be picked for the first round. As with the previous one, you'll know when you can score this one, though this one plays less favourably with your general batteplan, its more of a bandaid for turns when you can't do your favorite thing.
*'''Avalanche of Flesh''': Deal 10 or more wounds from the Trampling Charge trait by the end of the turn, actually not terribly hard to accomplish with the right comp or setup.
*'''Winter Take Thee''': Kill a hero or monster with wounds from the Grasp of the Everwinter trait. Cold Garbage, the only time you'll pick this is if its turn 5-6 and you start the round engaged to an enemy with 1-2 wounds left, in any other situation its too hard to pull off.
*'''Let them Loose''': Carry out 4 or more Montrous Rampages, BCR centric lists love this, and now that Mournfang units can contribute too it might be worth building around.
*'''Boil Their Bones''': Kill a designated Hero or Monter within 6" of your Great Mawpot. As with he first two, you'll know when you can get this one.

4. '''Frost Maw:''' When using this general's Icy Breath ability, you can pick D3 enemy units instead of 1.  
==The Great Mawtribes==
Your army may belong to a Mawtribe, and gains all the abilities within. Note that you can still take Beastclaw Raiders in the Gutbuster-themed Mawtribes and vice-versa, but they're clearly designed to buff one side over another.

5. '''Raised by Yhetees:''' Add 1 to the attack characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly Icefall Yhetees when they are wholly within 12" of this general.  
<big>{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Meatfist Mawtribe}}</big><br>
''The Gluttons choice, for when you wanna have hordes of hungry fat men to charge straight into enemy territory.''

6. '''Skal Packmaster:''' When you use this general's Master of Ambush ability, up to two units of Frost Sabres can join this general instead of 1.
*'''Battle Traits - Fleshy Stampede:''' Roll 1 additional dice for any {{AOSKeyword|MEATFIST}} units using the Trampling Charge ability.

===Mount Trait===
<big>{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Bloodgullet Mawtribe}}</big><br>
''The Butcher/Slaughtermaster choice. Pairs beautifully with the Great Maw-pot.''

*'''Battle Traits - Heralds of the Gulping God:''' {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET BUTCHERS}} know 1 additional spell from the Lore of Gutmagic. In addition, friendly {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET BUTCHERS}} can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in your hero phase.

<big>{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Underguts Mawtribe}}</big><br>
''The Leadbelcher's choice. When you feel like inserting 40k into the Mortal Realms.''

<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Tyrant's Plunder}}'''</big> - '''Tyrant''' only
*'''Battle Traits - Shrapnel Powder :''' Leadbelcher Guns and Ironblasters have their missile weapon's rend improved by 1.

1. '''Headsmasher:''' The bearers Thundermace has a damage characteristic of 4 instead of 3.
<big>{{color|SteelBlue|Boulderhead Mawtribe}}</big> <br>
''The Behemoth choice. Also the one that’s most likely to drain your wallet.''

2. '''Grawl's Gut-plate:''' Add 4" to the bearer's Move characteristic while they are Hungry instead of 2".
*'''Battle Traits - Fearsome Breed:''' Add 2 to the wounds characteristic of friendly {{AOSKeyword|BOULDERHEAD MONSTERS}}. In addition, up to 3 {{AOSKeyword|BOULDERHEAD HERO}} on {{AOSKeyword|STONEHORN}} or {{AOSKeyword|THUNDERTUSK}} can be given a mount trait instead of only one.

3. '''Gruesome Tropy Back:''' Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly '''Gutbusters''' units wholly within 12" of the bearer that target a '''Monster''' or '''Hero'''
<big>{{color|SteelBlue|Thunderbellies Mawtribe}}</big><br>
''The Mournfang choice.''

4. '''Flask of Stonehorn Blood:''' Once per battle, at the start of any phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, until the end of that turn, roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to the bearer. On a 4+ that wound or mortal wound is negated.
*'''Battle Traits - Swift Outflank:''' Friendly {{AOSKeyword|THUNDERBELLIES MOURNFANG PACK}} can charge even if they ran in the same turn.

5. '''Sky Titan Scatter Pistols:''' The bearer's Ogor pistols have an attack characteristic of 6 instead of 2.
<big>{{color|SteelBlue|Winterbite Mawtribe}}</big><br>
''The Hunter/Priest + Frost Sabres/Yhetees Choice.''

6. '''The Fang of Ghur:''' The bearer's Glaive has a Rend characteristic of -3 instead of -1.
*'''Battle Traits - Ghosts in the Blizzard:''' Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target friendly {{AOSKeyword|WINTERBITE}} units that are wholly within your territory. In addition, Icebrow Hunters, Yhetees and Frost Sabres are not visible to enemies more than 12" away.


<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Butcher's Vittles}}'''</big> - '''Butcher''' only

1. '''Dracoline Heart:''' Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, pick 1 '''Great Mawpot''' terrain that is part of your army, within 6" of the bearer and empty. That '''Great Mawpot''' is now full.
*'''[ Tyrant]''': (150pts) The ogor foot lord. Armed to the teeth with dual pistols that act like hand cannons, a glaive for slaying, and a mace for smashing. They can take a Big Name to better fit their function. They now limit damage from battleshock for Ogor units within 3" to just one. The Glaive ups its damage to D6 when facing a Monster or Hero and rolling a 6 to hit, and the mace does 1 MW (d3 if the unit has 3 or more models) on any unmodified hit roll of 6.
**'''Big Names:''' Each Tyrant you bring can have a big name. These are essentially mini-warlord traits, but are not limited and they stack with other traits. Each Tyrant gets one, and multiple Tyrants can share the same Big Name.
#'''Deathcheater''': 5+ ward for your Tyrant.
#'''Brawlerguts''': Treat the model as a Monster for the Trampling Charge battle trait.
#'''Fateseeker''': The Tyrant's save goes from 4+ to a 3+.
#'''Longstrider''': Tyrant's base move becomes 8", meaning a hungry Tyrant moves 10".
#'''Giantbreaker''': +1 to the damage of weapons when fighting monsters. Yes, plural, and not limited to melee weapons. Including the Ogor Pistols, that's 7 potential damage extra.
#'''Wallcrusher''' Improve the Rend of melee weapons when attacking enemies in cover or ina garrison..
**While he is easIly comparable to a small monster, he doesn’t have that many synergies with other units. The most you’ll get will come from the Mawtribe you pick, if you choose one at all. He’s a decent beatstick if you don’t wanna fork over the points for a Frostlord but that’s about it. At least his new model is sick.

2. '''Shrunken Priest Head:''' Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound of a mortal wound to the bearer. On a 5+ that wound or mortal wound is negated.
*'''[ Butcher]''': (140pts) Your big fat wizard who's actually decent in a fight. He’s got two weapon choices, one that has better rend and another with better damage. His unique spell, however, is very useful against horde armies like Skaven. The more successful spells he casts, the more he heals, though he does have a 1/6 chance of doing the opposite and inflicting a mortal wound on himself. Don't feel weird about taking more than one of these guys; they're one of the better wizards in the game when you consider the spells they can take.

3. '''Wizardflesh Apron:''' The bearer can cast 1 additional spell in each of your hero phases.
*'''[ Slaughtermaster]''': (140pts) The old Skrag the Slaughterer model is a +1 Butcher who uses his cauldron to provide a variety of boosts for your Ogors and debuffs/damage to enemies. While he doesn't do as much melee damage as the other guy (this can be offset making his stumps inflict more damage), it helps solidify his role as a support piece than a raw damage dealer. Also, despite lugging around that giant cooking pot, he still has the same 6’’ movement as most Ogors. So you could have him running alongside friendly units, though that will definitely make him an easy target. Generally considered the Ogor best suited to sit at the Mawpot.

4. '''Bloodrock Talisman:''' Add 2 to the roll when the bearer attempts to unbind or dispel an endless spell.
*'''Blackpowder's Buccaneers''': (110pts) A Maneater from Underworlds and his merry band of diminutive minions. Comparable to a butcher in stats, he can crack ribs like any other hero and gets a few tricks. Each minion gives him a benefit, he can choose to sacrifice them to negate a wound or mortal but he loses the abilities associated with that minion. The monkey deals out an single mortal to an enemy within 3" on a 5+ after the unit fights, the parrot does the same on the shooting phase to an enemy within 18", the peg-leg gnoblar gives you +1 to hit (ranged and melee) and can survive being sacrificed on a 5+, and finally the hook gnoblar gives you a +2 on the selling point of the unit, the Lengendary Looter ability. At the start of combat, pick a hero with an artefact, roll 2d6 and add 2 for the hook gnoblar and 1 for every other minion not yet sacrificed, on a 12 (aka a 7 if you have all your minions around) you nick the artefact and the enemy cannot use it for the rest fo the battle, reverting weapons stats to theiir original versions and so ona nd so forth.  

5. '''Grease-smeared Tusks:''' Add 1 to charge rolls for friendly '''Monsters''' while they are within 9" of the bearer.
*'''Bloodpelt Hunter''': A sneaky ogor? whodda thunk it! not visible to enemies while in cover and able to move at the end of your enemy's movement phase if he's 9" away from his units. He solidifies his role as a Monster Hunter by making his ranged weapons deal max damage against Monsters, have him zoom up the boarrd ahead of your main force and either harass enemy monsters or wreck their backline since he's no slouch in melee either.  

6. '''Rotting Dankhold Spores''' Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, pick 1 enemy unit within 6" of the bearer and roll a number of dice equal to the number of models in that unit. For each 4+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
*'''[ Firebelly]''': (130pts) A fire wizard with breath attack and his spell wreathes himself in a protective fire. Exists outside the subfactions with lack of {{AOSKeyword|Gutbuster}} and/or {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}} keyword. All three of the Sun-Eater spells are very good, so he's far worth adding to your army if you have the points spare.

===={{color|DarkGoldenRod|Battleline/Optional Battleline}}====
*'''[ Ogor Gluttons]''': (Battleline, 260pts, min 6, max 18) The common Ogor. A mean bag of 4 wounds, move 8" when hungry, Bravery 8 when eating, 3/3+/3+/-1/D2 attacks. Having a banner lets them put -1 to wound from missile attacks, or get +1 bravery, depending on which standard they have and can get the usual +1 to charge rolls with a musician (a guy who screams real loud actually). You'll usually pick the paired weapons as the weapon option which get one more attack, compared to the more defensive Ironfists which bounce back a mortal wound on save rolls of 6. Usually the idea is to pick Ironfists for units above 12 Ogors, and paired weapons otherwise. Also good to note that they're the most buffable unit in the book, and a unit of Gluttons with Blood Feast and attacking a Greasy enemy will usually cause a '''LOT''' of damage.

<big>'''{{color|SteelBlue|Relics of the Everwinter}}'''</big> - '''Frostlords''' and '''Huskards'''
*'''[ Ironguts]''': (Conditional Battleline: Gutbusters General, 270pts, min 4, max 12) Elite Gluttons. With +1 rend, +1 weapon damage, a 4+ armour save,  and additional bravery, able to soak up wounds for your tyrant on a 3+ if he's close. They maintain the same musician as regular Ogors, the bellower, and their special banner has a chance to ignore Spell effects on a 6+. Once per battle they can fight twice in the same phase, with Strikes-last applying to the second go-around, so you know they are absolutely greasy when buffed.
**You can kitbash new Ironguts using the Gluttons and spare weapons from the Mournfang Packs. Just slap on some gut plates on the shoulder to give them a more armored appearance and you’re good to go.

1. '''The Rime Shroud:''' Re-roll unmodified hit rolls of 6 for attacks made with missile weapons that target the bearer.
*'''[ Leadbelchers]''': (Conditional Battleline: Gutbusters General, 170pts, min 4, max 12) Gluttons with less attacks in melee, but with ranged weapons. They hold ship cannons as makeshift ranged weapons which change from D3 shots to 2D3 shots if they don't move in the movement phase. Largely regarded as worse than Gluttons, they're best used in small units to pepper units from range and to hold objectives. They're still Ogors, mind you, so they're much better in melee than they are at range, so don't hesitate to get them stuck in when you can make a good charge.

2. '''Blade of All-Frost:''' Pick 1 of the bearer's melee weapons. If any wounds inflicted by this weapon are allocated to an enemy '''Hero''' or '''Monster''' model and that model is not slain, subtract 1 from hit and wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by that model for the rest of the battle.

3. '''Carvalox Flank:''' Friendly '''Icefall Yehtees''' units that are wholly within 12" of the bearer at the start of the movement phase can move an extra 2" when they make a normal move during that phase. Pair great on a Thundertusk.
*'''[ Gnoblars]''': (120pts, min 20, max 60) Your chaff wall; they die fast and put out a lot of weak attack dice. Best used as a roadblock, though, as even without a save they can be 60 wounds that your opponent has to chew through. Most lists will want at least a minimum sized unit of 20 just to soak up alpha strikes, even if the models themselves look like ass. Don't forget that you might be able to cobble together a unit from spare gnoblars found on all of the other Ogor sprues, as long as you don’t mind hordes of mono-posing guys.
**A good place to get better looking Gnoblars would be the Blood Bowl Ogres set. It comes with 12 of them so you’ll either need to buy multiples or just supplement them for other models. And as a plus the Bloodbowl Gnoblars are far superior sculpts and are very tiny making your ogors look that much bigger!

4. '''Alvagr Rune-tokens:''' Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, until the start of your next hero phase, you can re-roll hit and wound rolls for attacks made by the bearer and re-roll save rolls for attacks that target the bearer.
*'''[ Gorgers]''': (80pts, min 1, max 3) A big, mutated Ogor that's even hungrier than normal Ogors, if you believe it. They are a Distraction Carnifex that will buy you time as the rest of the army moves in. Don't forget that they are '''Ogors''' and get all the benefits that Ogors get. They can be brought in from reserved 9" from enemies, so they're best used sacrificially. Make sure to target a unit that the Gorger actually has a chance of killing such as a support hero, or to take an early game objective, as they only have a 6+ save and fairly average attacks. As a last bonus, they become "terror" troops by denying Inspiring Presence and Rally in a 9" radius if they are eating (read, engaged in melee).

5. '''Skullshards of Dragaar:''' Once per battle, the bearer can attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase as if they were a '''Wizard'''. If they do so that spell is automatically unbound. (Do not roll 2D6).
*'''[ Maneaters]''': (170pts, min 3, max 9) Sort of an upgraded Glutton, with semi-decent shooting. Exists outside the subfactions with lack of {{AOSKeyword|Gutbuster}} and/or {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}} keyword. Before the first battle round they can pick an ability to better fit how you want to use them. Often you will just pick the +1 to wound in melee or let them run and charge, Battleshock immunity will rarely come up. Finally, they can receive a special command from your general that makes them count as 3 models for objectives, which is uhh.. usefule I guess? they are better at removing models from objectives to hold them rather than bringing numbers to do accomplish that.

6. '''Elixir of Frostwyrm:'''Once per battle, at the start of your shooting phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, pick 1 enemy unit within 9" of the bearer that is visible to them. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds and the bearer suffers D3 mortal wounds.
*'''[ Ironblaster]''': (200pts, Artillery) Put a cannon on a pretty nasty ox-thing and call it artillery. Buffed since last edition, this thing has the potential to be a beast, both in ranged and in melee. Has two firing modes: a couple cannonball shots at 24" hitting on 4+ with -2 rend and D3+3 damage, and a scattershot with 10 shots hitting on 3+ with -1 rend and 2 damage. Also surprisingly fast, benefiting from the hungry trait all Ogors have, and very decent in melee. They're more like an Ogre chariot than something that wants to sit back and shoot since they get extra damage on the charge. Can also be buffed by Blubbergrub Stench to cause even more damage on the charge.

*'''[ Gnoblar Scraplauncher]''': (140pts, Artillery) Sort of like the Ironblaster, but with a much different role. Has the same melee profile and base stats as the Ironblaster, trading out the Ogor's attacks for a bunch of angry gnoblar slaps. Its ranged attack is also much different. It has a minimum range of 6", so it's something you actually want to keep in the back unlike the Ironblaster. It's also only really useful versus weak hordes, since the actual attacks characteristic is equal to the number of models in the target unit capping at 20. Pretty decent at its job, but falls rather short at anything close range, if you bring one do also bring a unit of gnoblars since they can give it +1 to hit with the ranged profile.

<big>'''{{color|SteelBlue|Traits of the Hunter}}'''</big> - '''Icebrow Hunter''' only
==={{color|SteelBlue|Beastclaw Raiders}}===
Behemoth Mounts: to avoid repeating info, here is the difference between the Frostlord, Huskard, and Beastriders. Remember they're monsters ridden by ogors so they move 2 more inches, their Trampling Charge hits on 4+, and they count as 10 models for securing objectives. Enemies around them get buffeted with MW when near any {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}}.
*Thundertusk: Your big mammoths, the ranged option with -1 to hit in melee, and firing a Dirty Snowball that throws lots of dice at a unit that turn into mortal wounds against hoards.
*Stonehorn: The embodiment of Ogor kind: Big, Bulky, Fast, and hits like a truck. They deal a lot of damage on a charge and ignore wounds and mortal wounds on 5+. If you have to choose between ‘Tusk or ‘Horn, typically Stonehorn is the better choice.

1. '''The Pelt of Charngar:''' In your hero phase, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to the bearer.

2. '''Kattnak Browplate:''' Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target the bearer. In addition, at the start of your first hero phase. you receive 1 additional command point.
*'''[ Frostlord on Stonehorn]''': (450pts, Behemoth) Melee + Melee is a great combo. They are the first thing you think of to fight the enemy's heavy hitter since they are an absurdly solid package with their 5+ ward, extra damage on the charge, giving other BCR units +1 to charge and subtracting attacks from enemy heroes or monsters when rolling a 6 with their Frost Spear. You take this to go toe to toe with the enemies Heroes and Monsters.

3. '''Frost-talon Shardbolts:''' If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with the bearer's Hunter Crossbow is 6, that attack inflicts D3 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage
*'''[ Frostlord on Thundertusk]''': (400pts, Behemoth)  If you're taking a Frostlord to wipe the floor with your opponets less ilustrious units, then this is your guy, doesn't have the raw damage of his Stonehorn counterpart but he still has the +1 to charge and has better support abilities with his -1 to hit and horde deletion ability.

===Spell Lore===
*'''[ Huskard on Stonehorn]''': (400pts, Behemoth) The Second-in-command and the cheapest Stonehorn mounted hero. The Huskard can be equipped with either a Harpoon Laucher (20 inch range with D3 damage), Chaintrap (12 inch range with 3 damage) or send a Vulture to slowly peck a hero to death. He's your resident priest character, and knows 2 of his own prayers as well as one from the faction list, one to heal d3 wounds and another to give +1 to wound to an allied unit, both are 3+ to cast and have a range of 18" and need the unit to be wholly within said range.

<big>'''{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Lore of Gutmagic}}'''</big> - {{AOSKeyword|Butchers}} only
*'''[ Huskard on Thundertusk]''': (330pts, Behemoth) Put a {{AOSKeyword|Priest}} on a gun. Same as the Stonehorn but y'know, on a Thundertusk, cheaper and more support-ier prolly the choice for your Huskard.

1. '''Fleshcrave Curse:''' CV 6. Pick 1 enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. That unit suffers D6 MW but they gain 1 Attacks characteristic on their melee weapons until the start of your next hero phase.  
*'''[ Icebrow Hunter]''': (120pts) A foot ogor that now Dual wields a Crossbow and Throwing spear, able to trade those range attacks to deal mortal wounds to bypass normal attack rolls. He has a Synergy with Frost Sabres, letting them deepstrike with him and his Command ability lets the pack charge more reliably by changing one of the dice to a 4.

2. '''Blood Feast:''' CV 7. Pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|OGOR}} unit that is not a {{AOSKeyword|MONSTER}} and that is wholly within 18" of the caster and is visible to them. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that unit's melee weapons until your next hero phase.  
*'''[ Hrothgorn]''':(180pts). The Underworlds Icebrow Hunter part of the {{AOSKeyword|Winterbite}} Mawtribe. Must be taken with Hrothgorn's Mantrappers. Lacks the harpoon of the standard hunter, and can only deepstrike with one sabre tusk and his Mantrappers, a trio of Gnoblars who have pretty fun terrain rules and help buff his shooting, so definitely keep them close to the boss man.

3.'''Ribcracker:''' CV 7. Pick 1 enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit until the start of your next hero phase.
===={{color|SteelBlue|Battleline/Optional Battleline}}====
*'''[ Mournfang Pack]''': (Conditional Battleline: General is a {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}}, 170pts, min 2, max 6) The Super Cavalry hitting harder than the famed Khorne Bloodcrushers. These are the big cavalry unit. Can choose between a dealing more attacks and get an Iron fist to inflict some Mortal wounds, or go two-handed for that rend (the superior choice). The unit leader also gets an Ironlock Pistol. Mournfangs move 11" when hungry and on charges, subtract 1 from wound rolls made by missile weapons and force Unleash Hell CA attacks to wound only on unmodified 6's against them, and they deal a lot of damage. Remember, no one wants to be charged by a Mournfang.

4. '''Blubbergrub Stench:''' CV 5. Until the start of your next hero phase, friendly {{AOSKeyword|RHINOX}} units are treated as {{AOSKeyword|MONSTERS}} for the purposes of the Trampling Charge battle trait while they are wholly within 18" of the caster.
*'''[ Icefall Yhetees]''': (Conditional Battleline: General on {{AOSKeyword|Thundertusk}}, 120pts, min 3, max 9) Fast not-ogors Hitting harder then Gluttons.(not anymore, but they have rend) They pair well with a Thundertusk, a 6+ ward, and being around one lets them run and charge. They also can do keep away shenanigans by being able to participate in fights with their 6" piles-in, letting them safely swing after your opponent.
*turns that Rhinox artillery into a true battering ram.

4. '''Molten Entrails:''' CV 7. Pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|OGOR MAWTRIBES MONSTER}} wholly within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the melee weapons used by that MONSTER'S mount.  
*'''[ Frost Sabres]''': (Conditional Battleline: General is an {{AOSKeyword|Icebrow Hunter}}, 80pts, min 2, max 6) the cheap ogor <s>hounds</s> cats. Despite being 80pts for 2, they will deal a lot of attacks, move fast, and function a cheap way to spread Grasp of the Everwinter. They synergize great with an Icebrow Hunter, gaining immunity to battleshock, a unit can Deepstrike with him. They are also not visible to enemy units while in cover, so they can run up the board hopping from cover to cover and ignore the enemy's ranged threats.
*combos great with Stonehorns

6. '''Greasy Deluge:''' CV 7. Pick 1 enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks by that unit until the start of your next hero phase.  
Essentially a Huskard but ridden by 2 regular ogors, automatically equipped with the Harpoon Launcher. Only field them when you run out of leader slots, to fill out a Battleline or Battalion requirment, or only have 320pts allowance to spend on a monster.

<big>'''{{color|Red|Lore of the Sun-Eater}}'''</big> - {{AOSKeyword|Firebelly}} only
*'''[ Stonehorn Beastriders]''': (Conditional Battleline: General is a {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}}, 320pts, Behemoth) Big monster that rushes and is mounted by ogors with guns. Not anything else new to say. The cheapest way to field a Stonehorn.

1. '''Firery Whirlwind:''' CV 6. Pick 1 enemy unit. Roll 1 dice for each model in that unit that is within 12" of the cast and is visible to them. For each 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If the unit only has 1 model, roll 3 dice instead of 1.  
*'''[ Thundertusk Beastriders]''': (Conditional Battleline: General is a {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}}, 285pts, Behemoth) Monster + Guns. If you're not taking multiple Rhinoxes, a Thundertusk is a single entity alternative. The cheapest way to field a Thundertusk.

2. '''Billowing Ash:''' CV 8. Until the start of your next hero phase, subtract 1 from the hit rolls for attacks that target friendly units wholly within 12" of the caster.  
*'''[|Great Mawpot]''': A giant cauldron of delicious grub to feed your hungry, fat men. It grants +1 to casting or dispelling rolls to friendly wizards within 1 inch of it. But that’s not the main feature: once per battle, at the start of your Hero phase, you can choose to ring the dinner bell for your army so long as there in a Hero within 6 inches on the pot. Upon doing so, EVERY '''OGOR''' UNIT WITHIN 36 INCHES HEALS D3 WOUNDS (rolling seperately for each unit). While it is a single use thing and your Gnoblar units don’t get shit from it, this is very useful for making your army a near immovable wall of meat and muscle.
**The healing ability can be used when the Mawpot is “Full”, once it is “Empty”, you can refill it by killing an enemy MODEL (yes, model) within 6”. Best to park this near an objective to try and. . . Convince your opponent to approach.

3. '''Tongues of Flame:''' CV 6. Pick 1 enemy until that has 5 or more models that are within 18" of the caster and visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, each time that unit finishes any type of move it suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Due to how Battalions are now universal, expect see the whole lot of this on the trash bin outside of narrative games. Bonus rules, traits and doodads are going to be likely added to the faction rules as default. Useful in Path to Glory as well.
==={{color|DarkGoldenRod|Gutbusters Battalions}}===
'''Gutbuster Warglutt (80pts; Min: 2410; Max: 11,420):''' ''1 Tyrant's Gutguard, 1 Gourmand, 1 Butcher's Band, 1 Junkmob''. <br>
*At the start of your hero phase in the first round, each friendly unit in the battalion can move D6. Roll separately for each unit.

==={{color|SteelBlue|Manifestations of the Eternal Snowstorm}}===
'''Tyrant's Gutguard (120pts; Min: 500; Max: 2720):''' ''1 Tyrant, 1-3 Ironguts, 0-2 Ironblasters: ''<br>
*Each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a friendly Tyrant from this battalion while it is within 3" of a friendly IRONGUTS unit from this battalion, on a 4+ the wound is negated. That IRONGUTS unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
**A cheap battalion with easy requirements (Since Tyrants, Ironguts, and Ironblasters are all excellent), the downside is that the effect is kinda... bad. You're looking to protect the Tyrant, who's already crazy tough, by foisting the damage he could easily soak into his Ironguts, which are squishier and too expensive to fill a simple bodyguard role. That being said, if protecting your Tyrant is your goal, this is how you do it. If you could somehow give the Ironguts a Feel No Pain save, this would be hilariously good, as you'd get the defense of the tyrant, plus the FnP of the Ironguts at the end for even more defense.

Prayers for your Huskard Torr.
'''Goremand (140pts; Min: 700; Max: 3580):''' ''1 Slaughtermaster, 1-3 Gluttons, 1-3 Leadbelchers, 1 unit of Ironguts:''<br>
*The Slaughtermaster from this battalion can use the Great Cauldron ability twice each of your hero phases instead of once.
**Initially this seems redundant, but remember that the Mawtribes, in general, is a bit CP starved and has a lot of good artefacts. Plus you were taking all of these units anyway.

1. '''Pulverising Hailstorm:''' 4+, pick a point on the battlefield within 18" of the model chanting this prayer. Roll 1 dice for each unit within 3" of this point. On a 3+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.  
'''Butcher's Band (140pts; Min: 700; Max: 3580):''' ''1 Butcher, 1-3 Gluttons, 1-3 Leadbelchers, 1 Ironguts:''<br>
* At the start of your hero phase, you can heal 1 wound allocated to each friendly unit from this battalion that is wholly within 12" of the Butcher.
**Holy crap this thing's nuts. Your healing is already off the charts, and now it's even better since you get FREE healing as long as your butcher's around. Centered around the Great Mawpot, the opponent will HAVE to kill a model to guarantee it's going to actually die, otherwise, you'll heal it to full every turn without any real trouble.

2. '''Keening Gale:''' 4+, pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|MONSTER}} or {{AOSKeyword|MOURNFANG PACK}} that is wholly within 18" of the model chanting this prayer. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 3" to that unit's Move characteristic.  
'''Junkmob (100pts; Min: 320; Max: 1460):''' ''1-3 Gnoblars, 1-2 Scraplaunchers:''<br>
* Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of "Piles of Old Scrap" used by Scraplaunchers within 3" of any Gnoblar units from this battalion that have 20 or more units.  
** This is a must-have if you’re running any Gnoblar centric list. Transforms hordes into rubble with the sheer number of Scraplauncher shots you're taking.
** Defensive lists might wanna consider taking this and having it bubble wrap your Butcher/Slaughtermaster and the Mawpot.

3. '''Call of the Blizzard:''' 4+, pick 1 friendly unit of Icefall Yhetees within 18" of the model chanting this prayer that is visible to them. Return 1 slain model to that unit.
'''Kin-Eater’s Bully Boys (120pts; Min:600pts; Max:1280pts):''' ''1 Tyrant, 1 Glutton, 1 Leadbelcher, and 1 Ironblaster:'' <br>
* Found in the Feast of Bones set. Reroll Charges while wholly within 18 of the Tyrant.
**This is stuff you're probably already bringing if you're running Gutbusters at all, so why not grab this for a cheap price and net yourself the benefits of a Battalion?
***Just keep in mind that the Gluttons can already re-roll charges via their banner so this is only useful for grabbing another artifact and CP, really.

==={{color|SteelBlue|Beastclaw Raider Battalions}}===
Your army may belong to a Mawtribe, and gains all the abilities within.

'''Alfrostun (80pts; min:3800; Max: 14860):''' ''1 Frostlord on Stonehorn or Thundertusk, 1 Jorlbad, 1 Eurlbad, 1 Torrbad, 1 Skal''
* The Mega Battalion. When using Grasp of the Everwinter trait, subtract 1 from the roll.

<big>{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Meatfist Mawtribe}}</big>
'''Jorlbad (120pts; Min:1020pts; Max:4700pts):''' ''1 Huskard on Stonehorn, 1-3 Stonehorn Beastriders, 2-4 Mournfang Packs''
*'''Battle Traits''': Fleshy Stampede: Add 1 to the dice roll for any {{AOSKeyword|MEATFIST}} units using the Trampling Charge ability.
* At the start of your hero phase in the first round, each friendly unit in the battalion can move D6. Roll separately for each unit.
*'''Command Trait''': Food for Thought: At the start of the hero phase if this general is eating, you gain 1 additional command point.
*'''Command Ability''': The Unstoppable Feast: Start of the combat phase pick a {{AOSKeyword|MEATFIST HERO}}, then add 1 to the attack characteristics of friendly {{AOSKeyword|MEATFIST OGRE GLUTTONS}} Gulping Bites while they are wholly within 18" of the hero, you cannot use this more than once.
*'''Artefact of Power''': Gutplate of Ghur: Reroll save rolls of 1 for the bearer.
The Gluttons choice, for when you wanna have hordes of hungry fat men to charge straight into enemy territory.  

<big>{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Bloodgullet Mawtribe}}</big>
'''Eurlbad (140pts; Min: 1040pts; Max: 4720pts):''' ''1 Huskard on Stonehorn, 1-3 Stonehorn Beastriders, 2-4 Mournfang Packs''
*'''Battle Traits''': Heralds of the Gulping God: {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET BUTCHERS}} know 1 additional spell from the Lore of Gutmagic. In addition, friendly {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET BUTCHERS}} can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in your hero phase.
* Unmodified hit rolls of 6 for units in this battalion do 1 mortal wound in addition to any normal damage.
*'''Command Trait''': Nice Drop of the Red Stuff: Friendly units that start wholly within 12" of the General at the start of their pile in move can move an additional 3" when they pile in.
*'''Command Ability''': Bloodbath: You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase, if you do so pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET BUTCHER}}, until the end of the phase, you can reroll wound rolls for attacks made by friendly {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET OGOR GLUTTONS}} that are wholly within 12" of the {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET BUTCHER}}.
*'''Artefact of Power''': Splatter-Cleaver: Pick 1 of the bearer's melee weapons, at the end of the combat phase, if any wounds were inflicted on enemy models and not negated, you can heal up to d3 for each friendly {{AOSKeyword|BLOODGULLET}} unit wholly within 12. (Roll separately for each unit)
The Butcher/Slaughtermaster choice. Pairs beautifully with the Great Maw-pot.

<big>{{color|DarkGoldenRod|Underguts Mawtribe}}</big>
'''Torrbad (120pts; Min:1360pts; Max: 3580pts):''' ''1 Huskard on Thundertusk, 3-9 Thundertusk Beastriders, 0-3 Icefall Yhetees''
*'''Battle Traits''':Gunmastery: Leadbelcher Guns used by {{AOSKeyword|UNDERGUTS LEADBELCHERS}} units have a range characteristic of 16" instead of 12".
* At the start of your hero phase, roll 1 die for each enemy unit within 3" of any units in the battalion. On a 2+, they take 1 mortal wound.
*'''Command Trait''': Mass of Scars: Subtract 1 from the wound rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target this general.
*'''Command Ability''': Thunderous Salvo: You can use this command ability at the start of your shooting phase, If you do so, pick 1 friendly {{AOSKeyword|UNDERGUTS HERO}}. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to the attack characteristics of ranged weapons made by {{AOSKeyword|UNDERGUTS IRONBLASTERS}} units wholly within 12" of that {{AOSKeyword|UNDERGUTS HERO}}. You can only use this command ability once per shooting phase.
*'''Artefact of Power''': Gnoblar Blast Keg: Once per battle at the start of your shooting phase, you can use the Gnoblar Blast Keg. if you do so pick 1 enemy unit within 9" of the bearer that is visible to them and roll a dice. Add 1 to each roll got every 10 mods in the target unit. For each 6+, the enemy unit suffers d3 mortal wounds.
The Leadbelchers choice. When you feel like inserting 40k into the Mortal Realms.

==={{color|SteelBlue|Beastclaw Raiders}}===
'''Skal (100pts; Min: 300pts; Max: 3100pts):''' ''1-6 Icebrow Hunters, 2-10 Frost Sabres:''<br>
* Add 1 to charge rolls for units form this battalion while they are wholly within 12" of another unit from this battalion.

<big>{{color|SteelBlue|Boulderhead Mawtribe}}</big>
'''Loshar's Frost Guard (Open/Narrative Only 0pts; Min: 540pts; Max: 1240pts):''' ''1 Frostlord on Stonehorn, 1 Mournfang Pack:''<br>
*'''Battle Traits''':
* At the end of either player's hero phase, if the Frostlord is within 3" of any enemy units, the Mournfangs can attempt to charge one of those units.
*'''Command Trait''':
*'''Command Ability''':
*'''Artefact of Power''':

<big>{{color|SteelBlue|Thunderbellies Mawtribe}}</big>
==Army Building==
*'''Battle Traits''':
Ogors, in general, are a simple and comparatively cheap army to build thanks to their low model count. Though, as it stands, the BCR are the easiest of the two sides to collect, with the Start Collecting box having practically every unit (except the Hunter, Sabres, and Yhetees), and with some magnetizing, you can have every behemoth unit with just one box.
*'''Command Trait''':
As for the Gutbusters, your best bet is to get the Feast of Bones box set, which will give you 6 Gluttons, 2 Leadbelchers, an Ironblaster/Scraplauncher, and a Tyrant.
*'''Command Ability''':
The Butcher, Slaughtermaster, and Maneaters are all still in Finecast currently, though the basic Ogors box set is perfect for conversions. So just dig through your bits box or whatever until you got whatever you need. The Warcry cultists all have Realm specific parts so those can be perfect for creating Maneater units. If you want a straight out of the box alternative for Maneaters, you can use the Blood Bowl Ogres, add some propa’ weapons, and boom!
*'''Artefact of Power''':
<big>{{color|SteelBlue|Winterbite Mawtribe}}</big>
*'''Battle Traits''':
*'''Command Trait''':
*'''Command Ability''':
*'''Artefact of Power''':

Also very important to remember that the leadbelchers come with a full set of 4 cannons if your are considering going heavy into them
===The Great Mawtribes===

'''Meatfist Mawtribe'''
*'''[ Tyrant]''': (160pts) The ogor foot lord with armed to the teeth with dual pistols that act like hand cannons, a glaive for slaying, and a mace for smashing. They can take a Big Name to better fit their function. His Command Ability causes D3 mortal wounds to a friendly unit but they are forever immune to Battleshock and those wounds are negligible and healable for ogors. Though arguably the best unit to use these on are Gnoblar hordes, which helps them be a better tar pit for enemies.
*This is the perfect mawtribe for big ass blocks of Gluttons, with nothing really super fancy otherwise. Want to relive the glory days of Ogre Kingdoms, without any of the fancy Age of Sigmar shit getting in the way? Pull out the square bases and play this tribe.

*'''[ Butcher]''': (140pts) Your big fat wizard whose actual decent in a fight. He’s got two weapon choices, one that has better rend and another with better damage. His unique spell, however, is very useful against horde armies like Skaven. The more successful spells he casts, the more he heals, though he does have a 1/6 chance of doing the opposite and inflicting a mortal wound on himself.
'''Bloodgullet Mawtribe'''

*'''[ Slaughtermaster]''': (140pts) The old Skrag the Slaughterer model is a +1 Butcher who uses his cauldron to provide a variety of boosts for your Ogors and debuffs/damage to enemies. While he doesn't do as much melee damage as the other guy (this can be offset making his stups inflict more damage), it helps solidify his role as a support piece than a raw damage dealer.
*Ogor Mawtribes isn't really the best army for a pure-magic list, as your wizards are a touch on the pricey side in terms of magical potential. That being said, Bloodgullet makes up for that hard. You'll have a more centralized playstyle trying to keep all your expensive wizards near your Great Mawpot, but you'll want enemies to come to you, to fill that tasty Mawpot. You'll have a stupid number of buffs and spells to fling out, and any Endless Spells that work off-model count are worth considering. This Mawtribe also pairs well with a mix of Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders as you give the Beastclaw Raiders the Bloodgullet keyword, meaning they benefit from the Splatter-Cleaver's healing and the Command Trait's extra pile-in move. So in a strange twist, this makes it a great all rounder choice for most situations.
*Alternate opinion: The Splatter-Cleaver is one of the only ways (other than a Huskard or the Great Mawpot) to heal Beastclaw Raider units. Give it to a Frostlord who's leading some now Battleline Mournfangs into battle, grab at least one Slaughtermaster and Butcher and the Mawpot and you've got a really mean army. The wizards can buff your units with extra damage and attacks with the right spells and your spearhead of Raiders will wreck the enemy and stay there. The Frostlord will keep himself and nearby units healed, you can use the Mawpot to get even more healing and every turn the enemy spends in combat with you they risk taking Mortal Wounds from Grasp of the Everwinter. I'd actually argue this is a better Mawtribe to pick than Boulderhead.
*Also worth noting that this Mawtribe allows for some truly insane Yhetee shenanigans. For example, if you take a Huskard on Thundertusk with a the Carvalox Flank (will need to fit a battalion into your army somewhere to do so) you then have Yhetees that move 11", can run and still charge, and when combined with the 'Nice Drop of the Red Stuff' Command Trait have a total pile in move of 9"...easily the largest pile in move IN THE GAME and will undoubtedly catch many an opponent off guard when your pile in move is large enough to pull that support character 6" away from your target unit into combat. The only real downside to Yhetees being hitting on 4's (though mildly offset with the Winter's Strength prayer which makes them wound on 2's)

*'''[ Firebelly]''': (120pts) A fire wizard with breath attack and his spell wreathes himself in a protective fire. Exist outside the subfractions with lack of {{AOSKeyword|Gutbuster}} and/or {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}} keyword. He has asses to the Sun-eater lore for more DPS or debuffing.
'''Underguts Mawtribe'''
*Don't be fooled by this Mawtribe's Leadbelcher buff. This doesn't magically make them better than Gluttons or Ironguts, it just makes them much better at their job of holding objectives and harassment with a threat range of 24" with a hungry move. What the real meat and potatoes of this Mawtribe is the buff to Ironblasters' attacks. Taking 3-4 of these and sliding extra attacks to your cannons will all but guarantee you will be melting your opponent's big monsters and important heroes with its nasty -2 rend and D6 damage. A popular combination is doing this while a Tyrant has the Gruesome Trophy Rack artifact, giving +1 to hit versus said monsters and heroes, improving the Ironblasters lackluster hit roll of 4+ to a healthy 3+ or just negating Look Out Sir.

===={{color|DarkGoldenRod|Battleline/Optional Battleline}}====
'''Boulderhead Mawtribe'''
*'''[ Ogor Gluttons]''': (Battleline, 120/400pts, min 4, max 12) The common Ogor. a Bag of 4 wounds, move 8" when hungry, Bravery 8 when eating, 3 damage 2 attacks + bite. Having a banner lets them ignore arrows on 6s. Lack of rending will hurt their damage output against elites, take Ironfist when fighting Stormcasts, else Paired weapons for everything else. Be aggressive, get the charge first and top of their Health with the butchers.
*Beastclaw Raiders +1. Toss out nice little buffs to every hero in your list, everyone moves faster, and your general is a fucking demonic nightmare who's mount will routinely hit on 2s. Bring a Frostlord General on Stonehorn, give it the Black Clatterhorn trait and it's hitting on 2s with it's horns, and you'll be killing everything shy of Archaon on the charge.

*'''[ Ironguts]''': (Battleline with Gutbusters General, 220pts, min 4, max 12) Elite Gluttons. With +1 rend, weapon damage, armour, and bravery. Their banner has a chance to ignore Spell effects and make more enemies run away. They become even more terrifying for a round if another {{AOSKeyword|ogor}} unit had earlier failed Battleshock, with them rerolling hit, wound, and saves of 1 for the round.  
'''Thunderbellies Mawtribe'''
*The perfect tribe for a Frostlord on Thundertusk, Huskard on Thundertusk, and a shitload of Mournfangs beside. Your strategy will likely involve running up the sides of the board to flank the opponent while scaring them away from being aggressive to your already insanely tanky general thanks to the Shatterstone, and the general can turn a Mournfang Pack into a targeted deletion machine by picking a target with Rip and Tear, then boosting the Mournfang's charge rolls for more guaranteed charges and better Trampling Charges rolls. (Edit: The Trampling Charge is determined by unmodified charges. Increasing the charge roll does not net more trampling charge dice.)

*'''[ Leadbelchers]''': (Battleline with Gutbusters General, 80pts, min 2, max 12) [[Ogryn|Ogryns]]. This alone should be a reason to take some. They hold ship cannons as shrapnel guns and use them in melee as sorta worse gluttons, but Leadbelchers have rend on both of the attacks. With their Hungry movement, they will likely find a place to settle down, so to turn their d3 shot into d6s before they make their charges. They do well to soften that dangerous grot hoard before your ogors charge them(yes, grots can rip through anything in this hoard focused meta).
'''Winterbite Mawtribe'''
*The weird one. This Mawtribe's all about those ancient models from the 90s, the Sabertusks, the Yhetees, the Icebrow Hunters. Some surprisingly interesting abilities, but overall unless you have tons and tons of Yhetee and Frost Sabre models lying around (and if you do, why?), this probably offers little to no benefit for your gameplay.  
Actually the winterbites ability to receive cover in there own territory can be a huge benefit to a footslogging gutbuster focused army to help u endure a turn or two of ranged fire before fully engaging the enemy

===Distraction Kitties===
With how fast ogors are now, using Gnoblars as a screen to take charges will hamper your advance significantly unless you spend CPs to maximize their runs.
Instead you can take a page from old WHFB tactics and have small units of Sabretusks as your charge screens while leaving the backline for Gnoblars (bonus points for taking their battalion and making a horde of the little shits immune to battleshock with your Tyrant).
If the enemy doesn't go for the obvious Kitty bait, you can circle them around enemy formations to wreak havoc in their backlines and go for juicy targets like war machines or support heroes. They probably won't do too much damage, but they will divert attention from the units that really matter, like the massive blob of Ironguts charging in to wreck anything in their way.

*'''[ Gnoblars]''': (100/270pts, min 20, max 60) Your chaff wall; they die fast and put out a lot of weak attack dice. Combos perfectly with a Tyrant’s ability to make them immune to battleshock. They have a chance to kill things by buffing their buckets of dice, but you will often allocate them to fence duty, prevents enemies from charging your ogors before you charge them.
===Murder Kitties===
Note that the hunter ability is stackable. Take a Skal with 1 max unit of Frost Sabre. Use the extra artifact to take the Kattanak Browplate. Hideout turn 1 and pop out t2 anywhere on the board, charge with +4 inches (and a reroll if needed), and let each 8 attack kitten go do the Lord's dirty work (go farther by making the master a Winterbite Mawtribe general). Consistent? Very! Competitive? Unclear given its 620 points and all your CP's.  Hillarious and annoying? Definitely.

*'''[ Gorgers]''': (80pts, min 1, max 3) a Big monstrous ogor. They can arrive on the board during your first turn to cause a distraction. They are a Distraction Carnefex that will buy you time as the rest of the army moves in.
===Keep Your Bellies Full===
Ogors have a lot of Wounds to burn through, but they can be burned.
Have Butchers and the Pot near to always top off the Surviving Ogors.

*'''[ Maneaters]''': (180pts, min 3, max 12) Elite mercenary ogors with rending melee and shotting. Before the first battle round they can pick an ability to better fit how you want to use them. Often you will just pick the reroll 1's or let them run and charge, Battackshock immunity will rarely come up.
===Build a Wall and have the Gnoblars Pay for It===
A good 40-60 sized swarm of Gnoblars that’s been “buffed” by the Tyrant’s command ability is a surprisingly durable line of defense against most melee-centric enemies. Plop then in from of your cannons or other important models and watch as foes try to hack their way through a fearless horde of muppet faced little shits. Get a Scraplauncher and turn it into a Junkmob battalion if you wanna go all the way.

*'''[ Ironblaster]''': (120pts, Artillery) Strap a cannon on a rhino. Ironblaster can either shoot up a unit or make one bigshot. Its close range but you can then charge the cannon in. Not something you use against 30+ units but works well against Ideneth and Stormcast.
===No Underguts, No Glory===
Also know as "Fuck you Keepers of Secrets". You take a Tyrant's Gutguard (1 Tyrant, 4 Ironguts, 2 Ironblasters) which lets the Tyrant take the Gruesome Trophy Rack (dump the Underguts Artefact on someone else). You now take 3/4 Ironblasters and use Thunderous Salvo (Underguts Command ability) to give all Ironblasters wholly within 12" of a hero you picked an extra attack. Now if you also gave that hero the Trophy Rack, those Ironblasters also get to get +1 to hit vs Monsters and Heros. Best part about the Trophy Rack and Thunderous Salvo is that they are auras, so all your Ironblasters get them if you positioned them right. Of course, when you shoot down one Keeper there will be another one summoned right after to tentacle rape you. But save a cp for your next turn and you can do it all over again.

*'''[ Gnoblar Scraplauncher]''': (120pts, Artillery) Trade ogor with cannon to Gnoblar team with a Anti-hord catapult.
Underguts also lends itself nicely to Leadbelcher spam. And you'll probably need those Leadbelchers to finish off units when you keep rolling 1's for the Ironblaster D6 damage. 10 Leadbelchers is good enough, 20 might be great. But they might be hard to come by in larger numbers.

==={{color|SteelBlue|Beastclaw Raiders}}===
Mounts: to avoid repeating info, here is the difference between the two. remember their monsters ridden by ogors so they move 2 more inches, their Trampling Charge hit on 4+, and they count as 10 models for securing objectives
Back in the glory days of WHFB 8th ed there was a really mean deathstar style build called the Gutstar. This was a max unit of Ironguts with character support that was pretty much unstoppable and had a relatively small footprint for its killing power. And now, it's back! You'll need 8+ Ironguts, a Butcher and/or Slaughtermaster and a Tyrant won't hurt either. Cast Blood Feast with one of your wizards on the Ironguts for that sweet +1 attack. CV7 is tough, but the Mawpot helps if it's nearby. Now, use Ribcracker on the enemy unit you absolutely want to annihilate. If you also brought a Tyrant, use his Bully of the First Degree command ability to make your unit immune to battleshock for the price of some Mortal Wounds. Now it's time to pray to Gorkamorka and RNGesus! Roll for the Great Cauldron on your Slaughtermaster and hope it's either a 3 or 4. The other results aren't bad (well, except a 1) but what you really want is Spinemarrow: +1 To Hit on your 'Guts. If you get a 2, you might heal the Tyrant's damage back at least. Your unit is now (hopefully) buffed all the way to high heaven. Use your Hungry movement of 8" to set up for a charge. I recommend that you have at least 2-3 CP set aside for peak efficiency. Use one of those CP to re-roll the charge if you need to. If you make combat, your unit of 8+ dudes will now deal damage with their Trampling Charge on 4's! Before you get to swingin', pop All-out Attack for re-rolling 1's To Hit. If you're not sure whether you'll kill what you charged, don't be afraid to use All-out Defense too. Now, if you have the Gulping God's favour your 'Guts are now hitting 98% of the time thanks to Spinemarrow! 8 'Guts with Blood Feast, Spinemarrow and All-out Attack will have 21.344 successful To Wound rolls. That's 64 dead Grots. Or 42 damage against Stormcasts who have 4+ save. Or 32 damage against anything that starts with a 3+ save. Hell, even against a Petrifex Nagash you're dealing 21.13 damage before he rolls his shrugs. Of course, this is all in a vacuum - penalties To Hit will really mess with your effectiveness and the above numbers require all of the models in the unit to attack. Also, you need the perfect storm of getting ALL your buffs to become this devastating. Keep in mind that you can expand the 'Guts to 12 models however, which means you can take some casualties before reaching combat and still be super effective. Additional models can also be helpful to be within range of heroes for command abilities and such. If terrain allows for it, you can also just get more attacks with your extra dudes. A well-supported Gutstar will crush pretty much anything in the game.
*Thundertusk: your big Mammoths, the ranged option with -1 to hit in melee, and firing a Dirty Snowball that throw lots of dice at a unit that turn into mortal wounds against hoards.
*Stonehorn: The Embodiment of Ogor kind, Big, bulky, Fast, hits like a truck. They deal with a lot of damage on charge and ignore wounds and mortal wounds on 5+.  
*'''[ Frostlord on Thundertusk]''': (390pts, Behemoth) takes a gun and then put a lance on it. if your taking a Frostlord and have another {{AOSKeyword|Thundertusk}}, then look below. Both Frostlord are the only ogor with a 3+ save and have the aura command ability to let Beastclaw Raiders reroll their charges
*'''[ Frostlord on Stonehorn]''': (400pts, Behemoth) Melee + Melee is a great combo. They are the first thing you think of to but CC Comand traits and artifacts on.
*'''[ Huskard on Stonehorn]''': (320pts, Behemoth) The Second in command and the cheapest mounted hero.  Huskard is armed with a Harpoon launcher and either be equipped with a second gun or send a Volture to slowly peck a hero to death. On a Stonehorn his CA lets one Mournfang Pack gain a bigger charge bonus. Will see play in smaller games or riding alongside a wing of Mournfangs.
*'''[ Huskard on Thundertusk]''': (340pts, Behemoth) put a {{AOSKeyword|Priest}} on a gun. They will spend time in the back shooting people down and reciting prayers. By default, they can either pray to heal a raider d3 or give them +1 to wound in melee.
*'''[ Icebrow Hunter]''': (120pts) a Foot ogor that now Dual wealds Crossbow and Throwing spear, able to trade those range attacks to deal mortal wounds to bypass normal attack rolls. He has a Synergy with Frost Sabres, letting them deepstrike with him and his Command ability gives a pack +1 attack.
===={{color|SteelBlue|Battleline/Optional Battleline}}====
*'''[ Mournfang Pack]''': (Battleline with General is a {{AOSKeyword|Beastclaw Raiders}}, 140pts, min 2, max 12) The Super Cavalry. These are the big cavalry unit. Can choose between a dealing more attacks and get an Iron fist to inflict some Mortal wounds, or go twohanded for that rend. The unit leader can also have an Ironlock Pistol. Mournfang move 11" when hungry and on charges, they deal a lot of damage. Remember no one wants to be charged by a Mournfang
*'''[ Icefall Yhetees]''': (Battleline with General on {{AOSKeyword|Thundertusk}}, 110pts, min 3, max 12) Fast not-ogors, They pair with a Thundertusk, having the same Frost aura ability and being around them let them run and charge. They also can do keep away shenanigans by being able to participate in fights with their 6" piles-in, letting them safely swing after your opponent.
*'''[ Frost Sabres]''': (Battleline with General is a {{AOSKeyword|Icebrow Hunter}}, 40pts, min 2, max 12) the cheap ogor <s>hounds</s> cats. Despite being 40pts for 2, they will deal a lot of attacks, move fast, and a cheap way to spread Grasp of the Everwinter. They synergize great with being Icebrow Hunter, gaining +3 to charges, +2 bravery, a unit can Deapstrike him.
Essentially a Huskard but ridden by 2 ogors. Only field them when you run out of leader slots, need a battleline, or only have 300pts allowance to spend on a monster.
*'''[ Stonehorn Beastriders]''': (Battleline with General is a Beastclaw Raiders, 300pts, Behemoth)
*'''[ Thundertusk Beastriders]''': (Battleline with General is a Beastclaw Raiders, 300pts, Behemoth) Monster + Guns. If your not taking multiple Rhinoxs, Thundertusk is a cheap single entity alternative.
*'''Great Mawpot''': A giant cauldron of delicious grub to feed your hungry fat men. It grants +1 to casting or dispelling rolls to friendly wizards within 1 inch of it. But that’s not the main feature. Once per battle, at the start of your Hero phase, you can choose to ring the dinner bell for your army so long as there in a Hero within 6 inches on the pot. Upon doing so, EVERY '''OGOR''' UNIT WITHIN 36 INCHES HEALS D3 WOUNDS (rolling for each model). While it is a single use thing and your Gnoblar units don’t get shit from it, this is very useful for making your army a near immovable wall of meat and muscle.
Needs confirmation, but the healing ability can be used when the Mawpot is “Full”, once it is “Empty”, you can refill it by killing an enemy MODEL (yes, model) within 6”.
==Army Building==
Ogors in general are a simple and comparatively cheap army to build thanks to their low model count. Though as it stands the BCR are the easiest of the two sides to collect, with the Start Collecting box having practically every unit (except the Hunter, Sabres, and Yhetees), and with some magnetizing, you can have every behemoth unit with just one box.
As for the Gutbusters, your best bet is to get the Feast of Bones box set, which will give you 6 Gluttons, 2 Leadbelchers, an Ironblaster/Scraplauncher, and the new Tyrant model.
The Butcher, Slaughtermaster, Maneaters, and old Tyrant models are all still in fine cast currently, though the basic Ogors box set is perfect for conversions. So just dig through your bits box or whatever until you got whatever you need. The Warcry cultists all have Realm specific parts so those can be perfect for creating Maneater units.

==Allied Armies==
==Allied Armies==
Line 308: Line 370:
*'''Aleguzzler Gargants:''' Relive the time the old world ogres royally fucked up and enslaved the giant race. Can give a cheap behemoth choice that is only 20 points more than a hunter.
*'''Aleguzzler Gargants:''' Relive the time the old world ogres royally fucked up and enslaved the giant race. Can give a cheap behemoth choice that is only 20 points more than a hunter.

*'''Troggoths:''' Provide regenerating alternatives to yhetees, also the Hag can also do magic.
*'''Troggoths:''' Provide regenerating alternatives to yhetees, the Hag can also do magic. Her spell gives an enemy unit within 12" -1 to hit and -1 to save. Since we have these effects in our spell lores as well there is a chance to double down hard on debuffs. Dankhold Trogbosses and Troggoths and units of Rockgut Troggoths bring some useful Rend -2 attacks too.

===Mercenary Companies===
*'''Sons of Behemat:''' Thanks to their mercenary mechanic, you can recruit one of four named Mega-Gargants with unique abilities.
*'''Blacksmoke Battery:'''
**'''Bundo Whalebiter''': A Kraken-eater mercenary. You can choose at the start of the Combat phase for him to fight at the end of the phase, in exchange for re-rolling failed hit rolls.
**'''One-Eyed Grunnok''': A Warstomper mercenary. Reroll jump attacks of 1, plus enemies within 6" get -1 to hit if the giant used his jump attacks earlier in the combat phase.
*'''Grugg Brothers:'''
**'''Big Drogg Fort-Kicka''': A Gatebreaker mercenary. He has a breath attack that attacks one unit within 3" at the end of the combat phase; roll a dice for each model in the unit and deal 1MW on a 6+.
*'''Gutstuffers:'''  Ummm..... Essentially upgrades for Maneaters and Firebelly by coming out of your ally allowance. Rerolling failed charges is great for Ogors, although these guys MUST charge if they are able to.
**'''Brawlsmasha:''' A Bonegrinder mercenary from Forgeworld. Gives friendly Orruk wholly within 12" +1 Bravery. Outclassed by the other three in points and abilities. Basically useless here.
*'''Nimyard’s Rough-Riders:''' Shooting cavalry, but you already have Mournfangs.
*'''Order of the Blood-Drenched Rose:''' Hard hitting cavalry, but you already have Mournfangs. See a pattern here?
*'''Skroug’s Menagerie:'''
*'''Sons of the Lichemaster:''' A weaker wizard and some chaff that hit better. You have gnoblars but they can't be resurrected.
*'''Tenebrous Court:''' Bring in some ghouls for a big potluck! They fit in nicely with Ogors thanks to their +1 to hit after charging. However, they don’t know how to turn around so you best be positive about their placement.


Latest revision as of 17:18, 19 June 2023

Grand Alliance Destruction

Ogor Mawtribes

Some lards being dudes.

General Tactics

Not to be outdone by the other Destruction get togethers, the Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders are joining forces to smash your face in.

Why play Ogor Mawtribes?[edit | edit source]


  • Most units (BCR in particular) will hit with the speed and power of a runaway freight train.
  • You like the fightin', you like the eatin', and you love the Pot. Simple as.
  • Very close to being the highest potential damage faction in the game. Our base battleline is damage two, and Ironguts have flat damage Three.
  • Thanks to the Hungry/Eating rule, our ogres are fast until they're in melee, where they have high bravery.
  • A fantastic spell lore with 4 near-perfect spells, a situational but strong rhinox buff, and a great wizard killing spell. The Lore of the Sun-Eater is also quite good with all three spells. This only gets better with the Great Mawpot buffing your magic further.
  • Excellent healing. If an opponent doesn't kill your model, you can easily heal it to full, especially if you're fighting near the Great Mawpot.
  • Plenty of ways to deal damage without rolling to hit. You can cripple some units with a good enough Trampling Charge roll, and monsters (and buffed rhinoxen) can splatter whole units if you roll a high enough charge. Plus the Grasp of the Everwinter ability makes prolonged combat against Beastclaw Raiders dangerous as they start taking d3 mortals every battle round they're in melee with you.


  • Our wizards are slow and expensive, and while they're good in melee, that's still not where you want a wizard. You're paying extra points for a hero that has the same spellcasting as a Madcap Shaman for double the cost. Outside of Bloodgullet you also have few to no spellcasting benefits.
  • Our magic has amazing effects... but high casting values. The Mawpot helps somewhat but you can find yourself being chained to the thing, meaning the range of reliable magic is about 12-18 inches from the pot, and outside that you're taking a gamble every time you want to cast a basic spell.
  • We are a low model count army (except for Gnoblars), so a failed Battleshock test can be devastating.
  • Not much synergy between units. Beastclaw Raiders especially, pretty much none of their powers affect Gutbusters.
  • Every lost model is devastating. In an army with only twenty or so models, losing two in an exchange really hurts. In general Mawtribes sucks at wars of attrition, so armies that specialize in it like Soulblight Gravelords, Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Gloomspite Gitz are a dangerous proposition if we can't break them/wipe them out on the charge.
  • Penalties to hit can be crippling. Our damage and wounding rolls are great, and we hit on an excellent 3+, but hit roll penalties are common. Any penalties to hit will hurt your potential to last in a fight, and the Mawtribes really can't afford losing trades too often.
  • Comparable to a one-trick pony. Sure we hit hard, fast, and can tank some hits, but that’s about all we can do. Regardless of the composition of their lists, they’ll all mostly revolve around the same tactics and plans. Perhaps a better way of phrasing it is, we have no secrets or tricks up our tubby sleeves, and what the enemy sees is what they can prepare for.

Rulebooks[edit | edit source]

Faction rules and abilities: Battletome Ogor Mawtribes

Latest Matched play points: Battletome Ogor Mawtribes

Core rules: here

Matched play rules, battleplans and expansions: General's Handbook 2022-23 Season 2, plus the battleplans from the Core Book.

Supplement all the above with any Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.

Allegiance Abilities[edit | edit source]

Battle Traits[edit | edit source]

  • Trampling Charge: After an OGOR or Rhinox unit makes a charge move, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of the unit and roll a number of dice equal to the unmodified charge move. Add 2 to each dice if the unit is a monster or 1 if it has 3 or more models. For each 6+, deal 1 mortal wound.
  • Grasp of the Everwinter: At the start of your hero phase, roll 1 die for each enemy unit within 3" of any BEASTCLAW RAIDERS units. If the roll is equal to or less than the battle round, the unit takes D3 mortal wounds.
    • Makes being around even the cats dangerous. Worth throwing in a Raider for the AoE Damage.
  • Might Makes Right: When determining who controls an objective, OGOR models count as 2, OGOR MAWTRIBES HERO models count as 5 and OGOR MONSTER models count as 10. Unless you’re bringing in hordes, good luck getting these guys to budge, even lone heroes like Bloodpelt and Icebrow Hunters can contest objectives from smaller units.
  • Ravenous Brutes: Based on the distance between them and enemy models, OGOR units gain certain buffs, divided into two states called “Hungry” and “Eating”. “Hungry” is being more than 3 inches away from the enemy, which grants them +2 to Movement, and while at 3 inches or fewer they are “Eating” and get +2 to Bravery. This makes them an adaptable and surprisingly fast faction.
    • the +2" makes ogors fast, foot troops will move 8", mounts move 11" and Stonehorns move 14". Not Cavalry or Slaanesh speeds, but it's widespread and consistent.
  • Gulping Bites: At the end of each combat phase each enemy unit within 3" of an GUTBUSTER OGOR unit gets d3 mortals on a 4+ die roll.
    • used to be an extra attack on your units, now it has smaller potential damage but better chance to crunch the better armored units in your enemy's army.
  • The Beasts of Winter: Your special Montrous Rampages, one for Stonehorns and another for Thundertusks, both only usable on a turn in which the unit charged, the Stonehorn can make a 3d6" move passing over stuf as if it was flying, it must end within 3" of something and rolls for every unit it moved over with a 2+ dealing d3 mortals. The Thundertusk gets to apply Strikes-Last on a roll of 3+ to whatevers within 1", until the end of the following combat phase. Your Stonehorns can suddenly burst through the enemy battleline and engage a juicier target (a lone support hero perhaps, or a ranged unit) and your Thundertusks get to swing first against dangerous stuff for two combat phases, needless to say these are both really good.
  • Everwinter Prayers: Each BEASTCLAW RAIDERS PRIEST can know 1 prayer in addition to any other prayers they know. In your hero phase, each of them can chant 1 prayer. Each prayer can only be attempted once per phase.

Command Traits[edit | edit source]

Traits of the Gutbusters Gutbuster Heroes

  1. Reluctant Rabble-rouser: Battleshock Immunity for Gnoblars wholly within 18". You want lotsa gnoblars? this is how you do it now.
  2. Gastromancer: Butcher exclusive, they know all spells from the Lore of Gutmagic.
  3. Deadly Aim: Bloodpelt exclusive, their ranged attacks hit on 2+ rather than 4+.
  4. Killer Reputation: Tyrant exclusive, you pick an additional Big Name, no duplicates
  5. Ex-Mercenary: Maneaters become Battleline, at the start of each hero phase every Maneaters unit that is Eating generates a command point on a 3+, these command points can only be used to command Maneaters units.

Traits of the Beastclaw - Beastclaw Heroes

  1. Voice of the Avalanche: This hero can now issue commands to any unit on the battlefield, not just those wholly within 18", in addition, once per battle they can use a command ability without spending a command point.
  2. Beastmaster: Stonehorn or Thundertusk Hero exclusive, once per battle this hero can fight at top wounds bracket.
  3. Touched by the Everwinter: The general is a Priest. If the general is already a priest they know all prayers from Everwinter prayers.
    • Doesn't let you invoke multiple prayers, but lets your Stonehorns buff themselves.
  4. Skal Packmaster: Icebrow Hunter exclusive, when using Masters of Ambush you can have up to 3 Frost Sabres units join intead of just 1.

Mount Trait[edit | edit source]

If your army includes any Heroes on Stonehorns or Thundertusks one of those Heroes can have a mount trait (warscrolls grant extra). - bypassed by one of the Mawtribes

Hero mounted on Stonehorn

  1. Metalcruncher: At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy WAR MACHINE, or 1 enemy unit with a Save characteristic of 4+, 3+, 2+, that is within 3" of this model. That enemy unit immediately suffers D6 Mortal wounds. Pairs well with Frostfell Aura so enemies can't retreat.
  2. Belligerent Charger: When determining the number of Dice to roll for the Trampling Charge battle trait, treat charge rolls made for this model of less than 7 as 7.
  3. Rockmane Elder: Enemies get -1 to wound when attacking this unit.

Hero mounted on Thundertusk

  1. Fleshgreed: At the start of each hero phase, if this model is eating, you can heal d3 wound allocated to this model.
  2. Rimefrost Hide: Beasty gets a 5+ ward.
  3. Matriarch: Add 1 to charge rolls for friendly Thundertusks while they are wholly within 12" of this model.

Artefacts[edit | edit source]

Plunder of hte Guthold - Gutbuster Heroes only.

  1. Gruesome Trophy Rack: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly Gutbusters units wholly within 12" of the bearer that target a Monster or Hero
    • Hideously strong. Monsters will vanish and heroes will mysteriously find other places to be on the battlefield when a tyrant sporting this is around. Keep in mind this affectd both melee AND shooting.
  2. Flask of Stonehorn Blood: Once per battle, at the start of any phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, until the end of that turn they get a 3+ ward save.
    • Keep your tyrant alive through a scary shooting or combat phase. Fine for defense but you might be better off just having a block of Ironguts near you instead.
  3. Splatter-cleaver: Pick a melee weapon, if that weapon dealt any wounds you can restore d3 wounds to each Ogor unit wholly within 12".
    • Disgusting, decadent, delightful, give your lards more staying power whenever their boss is on the front line (which, if he's a tyrant, he should be, all the time).
  4. The Fang of Ghur: Tyrant exclusive, the bearer's Glaive has a Rend characteristic of -3 instead of -1.
    • A weird choice. The Glaive on it's own doesn't have enough swings to usually justify this, but if you absolutely hate armor this is an option.

Trophies of the Everwinter - BCR Heroes only.

  1. Elixir of Frostwyrm:Once per battle, during your shooting phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, pick 1 enemy unit within 6" of the bearer. Roll a die, on a 2+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
  2. Frost-talon Shardbolts: Icebrow Hunter exclusive, If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with the bearer's Hunter Crossbow is 6, that attack inflicts D3 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage
  3. Carvalox Flank: Friendly Icefall Yehtees units that are wholly within 12" of the bearer at the start of the movement phase can move an extra 2" when they make a normal move during that phase. Pair great on a Thundertusk.
  4. The Seat of Alvagr: Stonehorn or Thundertusk Hero exclusive, once per battle in charge hase, the hero may carry out a second monstrous rampage, following usual restrictions of no repeats.
    • Saddling a dangerous enemy monster with fights last and getting +1 to hit on them? or maybe punching through the enemy battleline to reach a lynchpin support hero and preventing them from issuing commands before splattering them? yes please.

Spell Lore[edit | edit source]

Lore of Gutmagic - Butchers only

  1. Blood Feast: CV 7. Pick 1 friendly OGOR unit that is not a MONSTER and that is wholly within 18" of the caster and is visible to them. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that unit's melee weapons until your next hero phase.
    • A hearty, flavorful spell that pairs with almost any unit. Make sure to keep your butcher near his Mawpot to make it easier to brew up the spell, as the cooking requirements on this one can be a bit high for chefs-in-training.
  2. Blubbergrub Stench: CV 5. Until the start of your next hero phase, friendly RHINOX units are treated as MONSTERS for the purposes of Trampling Charge (mortals for each 4+), contesting objectives (each model counts as 5) and Montrous Rampages (they can do em, sweet) while they are wholly within 18" of the caster.
    • A strong spell for only the most discerning chefs. Requires rather obscure ingredients, mostly having enough Rhinox around to benefit from the spell's spices. However, if you've got a Rhinox steak or three nearby, this makes them pack quite a satisfying punch against a wide variety of scurrying morsels.
  3. Molten Entrails: CV 6. Pick 1 friendly OGOR MAWTRIBES MONSTER wholly within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the melee weapons used by that MONSTER'S mount.
    • A spell that enhances the already intense flavor of your monsters. Throw this on a Frostlord on Stonehorn and watch the delectable carnage.
    • If you’re building a BCR list, definitely considering bringing a Slaughtermaster with this spell for mobile buffs to your beasts.
  4. Greasy Deluge: CV 6. Pick 1 enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks by that unit until the start of your next hero phase.
    • A scrumptious debuff that helps stop a meal's rough kick on your softest diners, use this to turn tough Ghoulburgers into mush, or unpalatable Dryad Salad into Applesauce.

Lore of the Sun-Eater - Firebelly only

  1. Fiery Whirlwind: CV 6. Pick 1 enemy unit. Roll 1 dice for each model in that unit that is within 12" of the cast and is visible to them. For each 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If the unit only has 1 model, roll 3 dice instead of 1. A very spicy horde killer with very lackluster range, so make sure you keep your Firebelly safe after he casts this spell.
  2. Billowing Ash: CV 6. Until the start of your next hero phase, subtract 1 from the hit rolls for attacks that target friendly units wholly within 12" of the caster. One of the better spells in the book. Though if you get this spell off in addition to Greasy Deluge, you could all but nullify a units attacks.
  3. Tongues of Flame: CV 6. Pick 1 enemy until that has 5 or more models that are within 18" of the caster and visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, each time that unit finishes any type of move it suffers D3 mortal wounds. Situationally decent. Worth noting it says 'a move', which includes pile-in moves, so feel free to make your opponent mad by reminding him of this after he's done moving his models in combat.

Manifestations of the Eternal Snowstorm[edit | edit source]

Prayers for your Huskard Torr.

  1. Pulverising Hailstorm: 3+, pick a point on the battlefield within 18" of the model chanting this prayer. Roll 1 dice for each unit within 3" of this point. On a 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  2. Keening Gale: 3+, pick 1 friendly MONSTER or MOURNFANG PACK that is wholly within 18" of the model chanting this prayer. Until the start of your next hero phase, add 3" to that unit's Move characteristic.
  3. Call of the Blizzard: 3+, pick 1 friendly unit of Icefall Yhetees or Frost Sabres wholly within 18" of the model chanting this prayer that is visible to them. Return 1 slain model to that unit.

Rampaging Warglutts[edit | edit source]

Grand Strategies

  • Ready for Plunder: Have most of your units in enemy territory by the end of the game, pretty simple really.
  • Saga of the Monster Hunter: Hvae your general kill a Monster and survive to the end of the game. Easier if you chose a Monster Hero yourself.
  • On the Mawpath: Complete 4 or more Battletactics from your exclusive list. Not too terrible but a few of them are finicky to say the least.
  • Enough Grub for All: Empty, and then refill your Great Mawpot at least once. If your enemy is dumb enough to give it to you then good for you, otherwise requires some good setup first.

Glory to the Gulping God[edit | edit source]

Battle Tactics

  • Eat Your Fill: Have all units Eating, you'll know when you can get this,, not too hard considering the size of your army too.
  • Savour the Taste: Have all units Hungry, cannot be picked for the first round. As with the previous one, you'll know when you can score this one, though this one plays less favourably with your general batteplan, its more of a bandaid for turns when you can't do your favorite thing.
  • Avalanche of Flesh: Deal 10 or more wounds from the Trampling Charge trait by the end of the turn, actually not terribly hard to accomplish with the right comp or setup.
  • Winter Take Thee: Kill a hero or monster with wounds from the Grasp of the Everwinter trait. Cold Garbage, the only time you'll pick this is if its turn 5-6 and you start the round engaged to an enemy with 1-2 wounds left, in any other situation its too hard to pull off.
  • Let them Loose: Carry out 4 or more Montrous Rampages, BCR centric lists love this, and now that Mournfang units can contribute too it might be worth building around.
  • Boil Their Bones: Kill a designated Hero or Monter within 6" of your Great Mawpot. As with he first two, you'll know when you can get this one.

The Great Mawtribes[edit | edit source]

Your army may belong to a Mawtribe, and gains all the abilities within. Note that you can still take Beastclaw Raiders in the Gutbuster-themed Mawtribes and vice-versa, but they're clearly designed to buff one side over another.

Meatfist Mawtribe
The Gluttons choice, for when you wanna have hordes of hungry fat men to charge straight into enemy territory.

  • Battle Traits - Fleshy Stampede: Roll 1 additional dice for any MEATFIST units using the Trampling Charge ability.

Bloodgullet Mawtribe
The Butcher/Slaughtermaster choice. Pairs beautifully with the Great Maw-pot.

  • Battle Traits - Heralds of the Gulping God: BLOODGULLET BUTCHERS know 1 additional spell from the Lore of Gutmagic. In addition, friendly BLOODGULLET BUTCHERS can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in your hero phase.

Underguts Mawtribe
The Leadbelcher's choice. When you feel like inserting 40k into the Mortal Realms.

  • Battle Traits - Shrapnel Powder : Leadbelcher Guns and Ironblasters have their missile weapon's rend improved by 1.

Boulderhead Mawtribe
The Behemoth choice. Also the one that’s most likely to drain your wallet.

  • Battle Traits - Fearsome Breed: Add 2 to the wounds characteristic of friendly BOULDERHEAD MONSTERS . In addition, up to 3 BOULDERHEAD HERO on STONEHORN or THUNDERTUSK can be given a mount trait instead of only one.

Thunderbellies Mawtribe
The Mournfang choice.

  • Battle Traits - Swift Outflank: Friendly THUNDERBELLIES MOURNFANG PACK can charge even if they ran in the same turn.

Winterbite Mawtribe
The Hunter/Priest + Frost Sabres/Yhetees Choice.

  • Battle Traits - Ghosts in the Blizzard: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target friendly WINTERBITE units that are wholly within your territory. In addition, Icebrow Hunters, Yhetees and Frost Sabres are not visible to enemies more than 12" away.

Warscrolls[edit | edit source]

Gutbusters[edit | edit source]

Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Tyrant: (150pts) The ogor foot lord. Armed to the teeth with dual pistols that act like hand cannons, a glaive for slaying, and a mace for smashing. They can take a Big Name to better fit their function. They now limit damage from battleshock for Ogor units within 3" to just one. The Glaive ups its damage to D6 when facing a Monster or Hero and rolling a 6 to hit, and the mace does 1 MW (d3 if the unit has 3 or more models) on any unmodified hit roll of 6.
    • Big Names: Each Tyrant you bring can have a big name. These are essentially mini-warlord traits, but are not limited and they stack with other traits. Each Tyrant gets one, and multiple Tyrants can share the same Big Name.
  1. Deathcheater: 5+ ward for your Tyrant.
  2. Brawlerguts: Treat the model as a Monster for the Trampling Charge battle trait.
  3. Fateseeker: The Tyrant's save goes from 4+ to a 3+.
  4. Longstrider: Tyrant's base move becomes 8", meaning a hungry Tyrant moves 10".
  5. Giantbreaker: +1 to the damage of weapons when fighting monsters. Yes, plural, and not limited to melee weapons. Including the Ogor Pistols, that's 7 potential damage extra.
  6. Wallcrusher Improve the Rend of melee weapons when attacking enemies in cover or ina garrison..
    • While he is easIly comparable to a small monster, he doesn’t have that many synergies with other units. The most you’ll get will come from the Mawtribe you pick, if you choose one at all. He’s a decent beatstick if you don’t wanna fork over the points for a Frostlord but that’s about it. At least his new model is sick.
  • Butcher: (140pts) Your big fat wizard who's actually decent in a fight. He’s got two weapon choices, one that has better rend and another with better damage. His unique spell, however, is very useful against horde armies like Skaven. The more successful spells he casts, the more he heals, though he does have a 1/6 chance of doing the opposite and inflicting a mortal wound on himself. Don't feel weird about taking more than one of these guys; they're one of the better wizards in the game when you consider the spells they can take.
  • Slaughtermaster: (140pts) The old Skrag the Slaughterer model is a +1 Butcher who uses his cauldron to provide a variety of boosts for your Ogors and debuffs/damage to enemies. While he doesn't do as much melee damage as the other guy (this can be offset making his stumps inflict more damage), it helps solidify his role as a support piece than a raw damage dealer. Also, despite lugging around that giant cooking pot, he still has the same 6’’ movement as most Ogors. So you could have him running alongside friendly units, though that will definitely make him an easy target. Generally considered the Ogor best suited to sit at the Mawpot.
  • Blackpowder's Buccaneers: (110pts) A Maneater from Underworlds and his merry band of diminutive minions. Comparable to a butcher in stats, he can crack ribs like any other hero and gets a few tricks. Each minion gives him a benefit, he can choose to sacrifice them to negate a wound or mortal but he loses the abilities associated with that minion. The monkey deals out an single mortal to an enemy within 3" on a 5+ after the unit fights, the parrot does the same on the shooting phase to an enemy within 18", the peg-leg gnoblar gives you +1 to hit (ranged and melee) and can survive being sacrificed on a 5+, and finally the hook gnoblar gives you a +2 on the selling point of the unit, the Lengendary Looter ability. At the start of combat, pick a hero with an artefact, roll 2d6 and add 2 for the hook gnoblar and 1 for every other minion not yet sacrificed, on a 12 (aka a 7 if you have all your minions around) you nick the artefact and the enemy cannot use it for the rest fo the battle, reverting weapons stats to theiir original versions and so ona nd so forth.
  • Bloodpelt Hunter: A sneaky ogor? whodda thunk it! not visible to enemies while in cover and able to move at the end of your enemy's movement phase if he's 9" away from his units. He solidifies his role as a Monster Hunter by making his ranged weapons deal max damage against Monsters, have him zoom up the boarrd ahead of your main force and either harass enemy monsters or wreck their backline since he's no slouch in melee either.
  • Firebelly: (130pts) A fire wizard with breath attack and his spell wreathes himself in a protective fire. Exists outside the subfactions with lack of Gutbuster and/or Beastclaw Raiders keyword. All three of the Sun-Eater spells are very good, so he's far worth adding to your army if you have the points spare.

Battleline/Optional Battleline[edit | edit source]

  • Ogor Gluttons: (Battleline, 260pts, min 6, max 18) The common Ogor. A mean bag of 4 wounds, move 8" when hungry, Bravery 8 when eating, 3/3+/3+/-1/D2 attacks. Having a banner lets them put -1 to wound from missile attacks, or get +1 bravery, depending on which standard they have and can get the usual +1 to charge rolls with a musician (a guy who screams real loud actually). You'll usually pick the paired weapons as the weapon option which get one more attack, compared to the more defensive Ironfists which bounce back a mortal wound on save rolls of 6. Usually the idea is to pick Ironfists for units above 12 Ogors, and paired weapons otherwise. Also good to note that they're the most buffable unit in the book, and a unit of Gluttons with Blood Feast and attacking a Greasy enemy will usually cause a LOT of damage.
  • Ironguts: (Conditional Battleline: Gutbusters General, 270pts, min 4, max 12) Elite Gluttons. With +1 rend, +1 weapon damage, a 4+ armour save, and additional bravery, able to soak up wounds for your tyrant on a 3+ if he's close. They maintain the same musician as regular Ogors, the bellower, and their special banner has a chance to ignore Spell effects on a 6+. Once per battle they can fight twice in the same phase, with Strikes-last applying to the second go-around, so you know they are absolutely greasy when buffed.
    • You can kitbash new Ironguts using the Gluttons and spare weapons from the Mournfang Packs. Just slap on some gut plates on the shoulder to give them a more armored appearance and you’re good to go.
  • Leadbelchers: (Conditional Battleline: Gutbusters General, 170pts, min 4, max 12) Gluttons with less attacks in melee, but with ranged weapons. They hold ship cannons as makeshift ranged weapons which change from D3 shots to 2D3 shots if they don't move in the movement phase. Largely regarded as worse than Gluttons, they're best used in small units to pepper units from range and to hold objectives. They're still Ogors, mind you, so they're much better in melee than they are at range, so don't hesitate to get them stuck in when you can make a good charge.

Others[edit | edit source]

  • Gnoblars: (120pts, min 20, max 60) Your chaff wall; they die fast and put out a lot of weak attack dice. Best used as a roadblock, though, as even without a save they can be 60 wounds that your opponent has to chew through. Most lists will want at least a minimum sized unit of 20 just to soak up alpha strikes, even if the models themselves look like ass. Don't forget that you might be able to cobble together a unit from spare gnoblars found on all of the other Ogor sprues, as long as you don’t mind hordes of mono-posing guys.
    • A good place to get better looking Gnoblars would be the Blood Bowl Ogres set. It comes with 12 of them so you’ll either need to buy multiples or just supplement them for other models. And as a plus the Bloodbowl Gnoblars are far superior sculpts and are very tiny making your ogors look that much bigger!
  • Gorgers: (80pts, min 1, max 3) A big, mutated Ogor that's even hungrier than normal Ogors, if you believe it. They are a Distraction Carnifex that will buy you time as the rest of the army moves in. Don't forget that they are Ogors and get all the benefits that Ogors get. They can be brought in from reserved 9" from enemies, so they're best used sacrificially. Make sure to target a unit that the Gorger actually has a chance of killing such as a support hero, or to take an early game objective, as they only have a 6+ save and fairly average attacks. As a last bonus, they become "terror" troops by denying Inspiring Presence and Rally in a 9" radius if they are eating (read, engaged in melee).
  • Maneaters: (170pts, min 3, max 9) Sort of an upgraded Glutton, with semi-decent shooting. Exists outside the subfactions with lack of Gutbuster and/or Beastclaw Raiders keyword. Before the first battle round they can pick an ability to better fit how you want to use them. Often you will just pick the +1 to wound in melee or let them run and charge, Battleshock immunity will rarely come up. Finally, they can receive a special command from your general that makes them count as 3 models for objectives, which is uhh.. usefule I guess? they are better at removing models from objectives to hold them rather than bringing numbers to do accomplish that.
  • Ironblaster: (200pts, Artillery) Put a cannon on a pretty nasty ox-thing and call it artillery. Buffed since last edition, this thing has the potential to be a beast, both in ranged and in melee. Has two firing modes: a couple cannonball shots at 24" hitting on 4+ with -2 rend and D3+3 damage, and a scattershot with 10 shots hitting on 3+ with -1 rend and 2 damage. Also surprisingly fast, benefiting from the hungry trait all Ogors have, and very decent in melee. They're more like an Ogre chariot than something that wants to sit back and shoot since they get extra damage on the charge. Can also be buffed by Blubbergrub Stench to cause even more damage on the charge.
  • Gnoblar Scraplauncher: (140pts, Artillery) Sort of like the Ironblaster, but with a much different role. Has the same melee profile and base stats as the Ironblaster, trading out the Ogor's attacks for a bunch of angry gnoblar slaps. Its ranged attack is also much different. It has a minimum range of 6", so it's something you actually want to keep in the back unlike the Ironblaster. It's also only really useful versus weak hordes, since the actual attacks characteristic is equal to the number of models in the target unit capping at 20. Pretty decent at its job, but falls rather short at anything close range, if you bring one do also bring a unit of gnoblars since they can give it +1 to hit with the ranged profile.

Beastclaw Raiders[edit | edit source]

Behemoth Mounts: to avoid repeating info, here is the difference between the Frostlord, Huskard, and Beastriders. Remember they're monsters ridden by ogors so they move 2 more inches, their Trampling Charge hits on 4+, and they count as 10 models for securing objectives. Enemies around them get buffeted with MW when near any Beastclaw Raiders .

  • Thundertusk: Your big mammoths, the ranged option with -1 to hit in melee, and firing a Dirty Snowball that throws lots of dice at a unit that turn into mortal wounds against hoards.
  • Stonehorn: The embodiment of Ogor kind: Big, Bulky, Fast, and hits like a truck. They deal a lot of damage on a charge and ignore wounds and mortal wounds on 5+. If you have to choose between ‘Tusk or ‘Horn, typically Stonehorn is the better choice.

Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Frostlord on Stonehorn: (450pts, Behemoth) Melee + Melee is a great combo. They are the first thing you think of to fight the enemy's heavy hitter since they are an absurdly solid package with their 5+ ward, extra damage on the charge, giving other BCR units +1 to charge and subtracting attacks from enemy heroes or monsters when rolling a 6 with their Frost Spear. You take this to go toe to toe with the enemies Heroes and Monsters.
  • Frostlord on Thundertusk: (400pts, Behemoth) If you're taking a Frostlord to wipe the floor with your opponets less ilustrious units, then this is your guy, doesn't have the raw damage of his Stonehorn counterpart but he still has the +1 to charge and has better support abilities with his -1 to hit and horde deletion ability.
  • Huskard on Stonehorn: (400pts, Behemoth) The Second-in-command and the cheapest Stonehorn mounted hero. The Huskard can be equipped with either a Harpoon Laucher (20 inch range with D3 damage), Chaintrap (12 inch range with 3 damage) or send a Vulture to slowly peck a hero to death. He's your resident priest character, and knows 2 of his own prayers as well as one from the faction list, one to heal d3 wounds and another to give +1 to wound to an allied unit, both are 3+ to cast and have a range of 18" and need the unit to be wholly within said range.
  • Huskard on Thundertusk: (330pts, Behemoth) Put a Priest on a gun. Same as the Stonehorn but y'know, on a Thundertusk, cheaper and more support-ier prolly the choice for your Huskard.
  • Icebrow Hunter: (120pts) A foot ogor that now Dual wields a Crossbow and Throwing spear, able to trade those range attacks to deal mortal wounds to bypass normal attack rolls. He has a Synergy with Frost Sabres, letting them deepstrike with him and his Command ability lets the pack charge more reliably by changing one of the dice to a 4.
  • Hrothgorn:(180pts). The Underworlds Icebrow Hunter part of the Winterbite Mawtribe. Must be taken with Hrothgorn's Mantrappers. Lacks the harpoon of the standard hunter, and can only deepstrike with one sabre tusk and his Mantrappers, a trio of Gnoblars who have pretty fun terrain rules and help buff his shooting, so definitely keep them close to the boss man.

Battleline/Optional Battleline[edit | edit source]

  • Mournfang Pack: (Conditional Battleline: General is a Beastclaw Raiders , 170pts, min 2, max 6) The Super Cavalry hitting harder than the famed Khorne Bloodcrushers. These are the big cavalry unit. Can choose between a dealing more attacks and get an Iron fist to inflict some Mortal wounds, or go two-handed for that rend (the superior choice). The unit leader also gets an Ironlock Pistol. Mournfangs move 11" when hungry and on charges, subtract 1 from wound rolls made by missile weapons and force Unleash Hell CA attacks to wound only on unmodified 6's against them, and they deal a lot of damage. Remember, no one wants to be charged by a Mournfang.
  • Icefall Yhetees: (Conditional Battleline: General on Thundertusk , 120pts, min 3, max 9) Fast not-ogors Hitting harder then Gluttons.(not anymore, but they have rend) They pair well with a Thundertusk, a 6+ ward, and being around one lets them run and charge. They also can do keep away shenanigans by being able to participate in fights with their 6" piles-in, letting them safely swing after your opponent.
  • Frost Sabres: (Conditional Battleline: General is an Icebrow Hunter , 80pts, min 2, max 6) the cheap ogor hounds cats. Despite being 80pts for 2, they will deal a lot of attacks, move fast, and function a cheap way to spread Grasp of the Everwinter. They synergize great with an Icebrow Hunter, gaining immunity to battleshock, a unit can Deepstrike with him. They are also not visible to enemy units while in cover, so they can run up the board hopping from cover to cover and ignore the enemy's ranged threats.

Behemoths[edit | edit source]

Essentially a Huskard but ridden by 2 regular ogors, automatically equipped with the Harpoon Launcher. Only field them when you run out of leader slots, to fill out a Battleline or Battalion requirment, or only have 320pts allowance to spend on a monster.

  • Stonehorn Beastriders: (Conditional Battleline: General is a Beastclaw Raiders , 320pts, Behemoth) Big monster that rushes and is mounted by ogors with guns. Not anything else new to say. The cheapest way to field a Stonehorn.
  • Thundertusk Beastriders: (Conditional Battleline: General is a Beastclaw Raiders , 285pts, Behemoth) Monster + Guns. If you're not taking multiple Rhinoxes, a Thundertusk is a single entity alternative. The cheapest way to field a Thundertusk.

Scenery[edit | edit source]

  • Mawpot: A giant cauldron of delicious grub to feed your hungry, fat men. It grants +1 to casting or dispelling rolls to friendly wizards within 1 inch of it. But that’s not the main feature: once per battle, at the start of your Hero phase, you can choose to ring the dinner bell for your army so long as there in a Hero within 6 inches on the pot. Upon doing so, EVERY OGOR UNIT WITHIN 36 INCHES HEALS D3 WOUNDS (rolling seperately for each unit). While it is a single use thing and your Gnoblar units don’t get shit from it, this is very useful for making your army a near immovable wall of meat and muscle.
    • The healing ability can be used when the Mawpot is “Full”, once it is “Empty”, you can refill it by killing an enemy MODEL (yes, model) within 6”. Best to park this near an objective to try and. . . Convince your opponent to approach.

Battalions[edit | edit source]

Due to how Battalions are now universal, expect see the whole lot of this on the trash bin outside of narrative games. Bonus rules, traits and doodads are going to be likely added to the faction rules as default. Useful in Path to Glory as well.

Gutbusters Battalions[edit | edit source]

Gutbuster Warglutt (80pts; Min: 2410; Max: 11,420): 1 Tyrant's Gutguard, 1 Gourmand, 1 Butcher's Band, 1 Junkmob.

  • At the start of your hero phase in the first round, each friendly unit in the battalion can move D6. Roll separately for each unit.

Tyrant's Gutguard (120pts; Min: 500; Max: 2720): 1 Tyrant, 1-3 Ironguts, 0-2 Ironblasters:

  • Each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a friendly Tyrant from this battalion while it is within 3" of a friendly IRONGUTS unit from this battalion, on a 4+ the wound is negated. That IRONGUTS unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • A cheap battalion with easy requirements (Since Tyrants, Ironguts, and Ironblasters are all excellent), the downside is that the effect is kinda... bad. You're looking to protect the Tyrant, who's already crazy tough, by foisting the damage he could easily soak into his Ironguts, which are squishier and too expensive to fill a simple bodyguard role. That being said, if protecting your Tyrant is your goal, this is how you do it. If you could somehow give the Ironguts a Feel No Pain save, this would be hilariously good, as you'd get the defense of the tyrant, plus the FnP of the Ironguts at the end for even more defense.

Goremand (140pts; Min: 700; Max: 3580): 1 Slaughtermaster, 1-3 Gluttons, 1-3 Leadbelchers, 1 unit of Ironguts:

  • The Slaughtermaster from this battalion can use the Great Cauldron ability twice each of your hero phases instead of once.
    • Initially this seems redundant, but remember that the Mawtribes, in general, is a bit CP starved and has a lot of good artefacts. Plus you were taking all of these units anyway.

Butcher's Band (140pts; Min: 700; Max: 3580): 1 Butcher, 1-3 Gluttons, 1-3 Leadbelchers, 1 Ironguts:

  • At the start of your hero phase, you can heal 1 wound allocated to each friendly unit from this battalion that is wholly within 12" of the Butcher.
    • Holy crap this thing's nuts. Your healing is already off the charts, and now it's even better since you get FREE healing as long as your butcher's around. Centered around the Great Mawpot, the opponent will HAVE to kill a model to guarantee it's going to actually die, otherwise, you'll heal it to full every turn without any real trouble.

Junkmob (100pts; Min: 320; Max: 1460): 1-3 Gnoblars, 1-2 Scraplaunchers:

  • Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of "Piles of Old Scrap" used by Scraplaunchers within 3" of any Gnoblar units from this battalion that have 20 or more units.
    • This is a must-have if you’re running any Gnoblar centric list. Transforms hordes into rubble with the sheer number of Scraplauncher shots you're taking.
    • Defensive lists might wanna consider taking this and having it bubble wrap your Butcher/Slaughtermaster and the Mawpot.

Kin-Eater’s Bully Boys (120pts; Min:600pts; Max:1280pts): 1 Tyrant, 1 Glutton, 1 Leadbelcher, and 1 Ironblaster:

  • Found in the Feast of Bones set. Reroll Charges while wholly within 18 of the Tyrant.
    • This is stuff you're probably already bringing if you're running Gutbusters at all, so why not grab this for a cheap price and net yourself the benefits of a Battalion?
      • Just keep in mind that the Gluttons can already re-roll charges via their banner so this is only useful for grabbing another artifact and CP, really.

Beastclaw Raider Battalions[edit | edit source]

Alfrostun (80pts; min:3800; Max: 14860): 1 Frostlord on Stonehorn or Thundertusk, 1 Jorlbad, 1 Eurlbad, 1 Torrbad, 1 Skal

  • The Mega Battalion. When using Grasp of the Everwinter trait, subtract 1 from the roll.

Jorlbad (120pts; Min:1020pts; Max:4700pts): 1 Huskard on Stonehorn, 1-3 Stonehorn Beastriders, 2-4 Mournfang Packs

  • At the start of your hero phase in the first round, each friendly unit in the battalion can move D6. Roll separately for each unit.

Eurlbad (140pts; Min: 1040pts; Max: 4720pts): 1 Huskard on Stonehorn, 1-3 Stonehorn Beastriders, 2-4 Mournfang Packs

  • Unmodified hit rolls of 6 for units in this battalion do 1 mortal wound in addition to any normal damage.

Torrbad (120pts; Min:1360pts; Max: 3580pts): 1 Huskard on Thundertusk, 3-9 Thundertusk Beastriders, 0-3 Icefall Yhetees

  • At the start of your hero phase, roll 1 die for each enemy unit within 3" of any units in the battalion. On a 2+, they take 1 mortal wound.

Skal (100pts; Min: 300pts; Max: 3100pts): 1-6 Icebrow Hunters, 2-10 Frost Sabres:

  • Add 1 to charge rolls for units form this battalion while they are wholly within 12" of another unit from this battalion.

Loshar's Frost Guard (Open/Narrative Only 0pts; Min: 540pts; Max: 1240pts): 1 Frostlord on Stonehorn, 1 Mournfang Pack:

  • At the end of either player's hero phase, if the Frostlord is within 3" of any enemy units, the Mournfangs can attempt to charge one of those units.

Army Building[edit | edit source]

Ogors, in general, are a simple and comparatively cheap army to build thanks to their low model count. Though, as it stands, the BCR are the easiest of the two sides to collect, with the Start Collecting box having practically every unit (except the Hunter, Sabres, and Yhetees), and with some magnetizing, you can have every behemoth unit with just one box. As for the Gutbusters, your best bet is to get the Feast of Bones box set, which will give you 6 Gluttons, 2 Leadbelchers, an Ironblaster/Scraplauncher, and a Tyrant. The Butcher, Slaughtermaster, and Maneaters are all still in Finecast currently, though the basic Ogors box set is perfect for conversions. So just dig through your bits box or whatever until you got whatever you need. The Warcry cultists all have Realm specific parts so those can be perfect for creating Maneater units. If you want a straight out of the box alternative for Maneaters, you can use the Blood Bowl Ogres, add some propa’ weapons, and boom!

Also very important to remember that the leadbelchers come with a full set of 4 cannons if your are considering going heavy into them

The Great Mawtribes[edit | edit source]

Meatfist Mawtribe

  • This is the perfect mawtribe for big ass blocks of Gluttons, with nothing really super fancy otherwise. Want to relive the glory days of Ogre Kingdoms, without any of the fancy Age of Sigmar shit getting in the way? Pull out the square bases and play this tribe.

Bloodgullet Mawtribe

  • Ogor Mawtribes isn't really the best army for a pure-magic list, as your wizards are a touch on the pricey side in terms of magical potential. That being said, Bloodgullet makes up for that hard. You'll have a more centralized playstyle trying to keep all your expensive wizards near your Great Mawpot, but you'll want enemies to come to you, to fill that tasty Mawpot. You'll have a stupid number of buffs and spells to fling out, and any Endless Spells that work off-model count are worth considering. This Mawtribe also pairs well with a mix of Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders as you give the Beastclaw Raiders the Bloodgullet keyword, meaning they benefit from the Splatter-Cleaver's healing and the Command Trait's extra pile-in move. So in a strange twist, this makes it a great all rounder choice for most situations.
  • Alternate opinion: The Splatter-Cleaver is one of the only ways (other than a Huskard or the Great Mawpot) to heal Beastclaw Raider units. Give it to a Frostlord who's leading some now Battleline Mournfangs into battle, grab at least one Slaughtermaster and Butcher and the Mawpot and you've got a really mean army. The wizards can buff your units with extra damage and attacks with the right spells and your spearhead of Raiders will wreck the enemy and stay there. The Frostlord will keep himself and nearby units healed, you can use the Mawpot to get even more healing and every turn the enemy spends in combat with you they risk taking Mortal Wounds from Grasp of the Everwinter. I'd actually argue this is a better Mawtribe to pick than Boulderhead.
  • Also worth noting that this Mawtribe allows for some truly insane Yhetee shenanigans. For example, if you take a Huskard on Thundertusk with a the Carvalox Flank (will need to fit a battalion into your army somewhere to do so) you then have Yhetees that move 11", can run and still charge, and when combined with the 'Nice Drop of the Red Stuff' Command Trait have a total pile in move of 9"...easily the largest pile in move IN THE GAME and will undoubtedly catch many an opponent off guard when your pile in move is large enough to pull that support character 6" away from your target unit into combat. The only real downside to Yhetees being hitting on 4's (though mildly offset with the Winter's Strength prayer which makes them wound on 2's)

Underguts Mawtribe

  • Don't be fooled by this Mawtribe's Leadbelcher buff. This doesn't magically make them better than Gluttons or Ironguts, it just makes them much better at their job of holding objectives and harassment with a threat range of 24" with a hungry move. What the real meat and potatoes of this Mawtribe is the buff to Ironblasters' attacks. Taking 3-4 of these and sliding extra attacks to your cannons will all but guarantee you will be melting your opponent's big monsters and important heroes with its nasty -2 rend and D6 damage. A popular combination is doing this while a Tyrant has the Gruesome Trophy Rack artifact, giving +1 to hit versus said monsters and heroes, improving the Ironblasters lackluster hit roll of 4+ to a healthy 3+ or just negating Look Out Sir.

Boulderhead Mawtribe

  • Beastclaw Raiders +1. Toss out nice little buffs to every hero in your list, everyone moves faster, and your general is a fucking demonic nightmare who's mount will routinely hit on 2s. Bring a Frostlord General on Stonehorn, give it the Black Clatterhorn trait and it's hitting on 2s with it's horns, and you'll be killing everything shy of Archaon on the charge.

Thunderbellies Mawtribe

  • The perfect tribe for a Frostlord on Thundertusk, Huskard on Thundertusk, and a shitload of Mournfangs beside. Your strategy will likely involve running up the sides of the board to flank the opponent while scaring them away from being aggressive to your already insanely tanky general thanks to the Shatterstone, and the general can turn a Mournfang Pack into a targeted deletion machine by picking a target with Rip and Tear, then boosting the Mournfang's charge rolls for more guaranteed charges and better Trampling Charges rolls. (Edit: The Trampling Charge is determined by unmodified charges. Increasing the charge roll does not net more trampling charge dice.)

Winterbite Mawtribe

  • The weird one. This Mawtribe's all about those ancient models from the 90s, the Sabertusks, the Yhetees, the Icebrow Hunters. Some surprisingly interesting abilities, but overall unless you have tons and tons of Yhetee and Frost Sabre models lying around (and if you do, why?), this probably offers little to no benefit for your gameplay.

Actually the winterbites ability to receive cover in there own territory can be a huge benefit to a footslogging gutbuster focused army to help u endure a turn or two of ranged fire before fully engaging the enemy

Tactics[edit | edit source]

Distraction Kitties[edit | edit source]

With how fast ogors are now, using Gnoblars as a screen to take charges will hamper your advance significantly unless you spend CPs to maximize their runs. Instead you can take a page from old WHFB tactics and have small units of Sabretusks as your charge screens while leaving the backline for Gnoblars (bonus points for taking their battalion and making a horde of the little shits immune to battleshock with your Tyrant). If the enemy doesn't go for the obvious Kitty bait, you can circle them around enemy formations to wreak havoc in their backlines and go for juicy targets like war machines or support heroes. They probably won't do too much damage, but they will divert attention from the units that really matter, like the massive blob of Ironguts charging in to wreck anything in their way.

Murder Kitties[edit | edit source]

Note that the hunter ability is stackable. Take a Skal with 1 max unit of Frost Sabre. Use the extra artifact to take the Kattanak Browplate. Hideout turn 1 and pop out t2 anywhere on the board, charge with +4 inches (and a reroll if needed), and let each 8 attack kitten go do the Lord's dirty work (go farther by making the master a Winterbite Mawtribe general). Consistent? Very! Competitive? Unclear given its 620 points and all your CP's. Hillarious and annoying? Definitely.

Keep Your Bellies Full[edit | edit source]

Ogors have a lot of Wounds to burn through, but they can be burned. Have Butchers and the Pot near to always top off the Surviving Ogors.

Build a Wall and have the Gnoblars Pay for It[edit | edit source]

A good 40-60 sized swarm of Gnoblars that’s been “buffed” by the Tyrant’s command ability is a surprisingly durable line of defense against most melee-centric enemies. Plop then in from of your cannons or other important models and watch as foes try to hack their way through a fearless horde of muppet faced little shits. Get a Scraplauncher and turn it into a Junkmob battalion if you wanna go all the way.

No Underguts, No Glory[edit | edit source]

Also know as "Fuck you Keepers of Secrets". You take a Tyrant's Gutguard (1 Tyrant, 4 Ironguts, 2 Ironblasters) which lets the Tyrant take the Gruesome Trophy Rack (dump the Underguts Artefact on someone else). You now take 3/4 Ironblasters and use Thunderous Salvo (Underguts Command ability) to give all Ironblasters wholly within 12" of a hero you picked an extra attack. Now if you also gave that hero the Trophy Rack, those Ironblasters also get to get +1 to hit vs Monsters and Heros. Best part about the Trophy Rack and Thunderous Salvo is that they are auras, so all your Ironblasters get them if you positioned them right. Of course, when you shoot down one Keeper there will be another one summoned right after to tentacle rape you. But save a cp for your next turn and you can do it all over again.

Underguts also lends itself nicely to Leadbelcher spam. And you'll probably need those Leadbelchers to finish off units when you keep rolling 1's for the Ironblaster D6 damage. 10 Leadbelchers is good enough, 20 might be great. But they might be hard to come by in larger numbers.

Gutstar[edit | edit source]

Back in the glory days of WHFB 8th ed there was a really mean deathstar style build called the Gutstar. This was a max unit of Ironguts with character support that was pretty much unstoppable and had a relatively small footprint for its killing power. And now, it's back! You'll need 8+ Ironguts, a Butcher and/or Slaughtermaster and a Tyrant won't hurt either. Cast Blood Feast with one of your wizards on the Ironguts for that sweet +1 attack. CV7 is tough, but the Mawpot helps if it's nearby. Now, use Ribcracker on the enemy unit you absolutely want to annihilate. If you also brought a Tyrant, use his Bully of the First Degree command ability to make your unit immune to battleshock for the price of some Mortal Wounds. Now it's time to pray to Gorkamorka and RNGesus! Roll for the Great Cauldron on your Slaughtermaster and hope it's either a 3 or 4. The other results aren't bad (well, except a 1) but what you really want is Spinemarrow: +1 To Hit on your 'Guts. If you get a 2, you might heal the Tyrant's damage back at least. Your unit is now (hopefully) buffed all the way to high heaven. Use your Hungry movement of 8" to set up for a charge. I recommend that you have at least 2-3 CP set aside for peak efficiency. Use one of those CP to re-roll the charge if you need to. If you make combat, your unit of 8+ dudes will now deal damage with their Trampling Charge on 4's! Before you get to swingin', pop All-out Attack for re-rolling 1's To Hit. If you're not sure whether you'll kill what you charged, don't be afraid to use All-out Defense too. Now, if you have the Gulping God's favour your 'Guts are now hitting 98% of the time thanks to Spinemarrow! 8 'Guts with Blood Feast, Spinemarrow and All-out Attack will have 21.344 successful To Wound rolls. That's 64 dead Grots. Or 42 damage against Stormcasts who have 4+ save. Or 32 damage against anything that starts with a 3+ save. Hell, even against a Petrifex Nagash you're dealing 21.13 damage before he rolls his shrugs. Of course, this is all in a vacuum - penalties To Hit will really mess with your effectiveness and the above numbers require all of the models in the unit to attack. Also, you need the perfect storm of getting ALL your buffs to become this devastating. Keep in mind that you can expand the 'Guts to 12 models however, which means you can take some casualties before reaching combat and still be super effective. Additional models can also be helpful to be within range of heroes for command abilities and such. If terrain allows for it, you can also just get more attacks with your extra dudes. A well-supported Gutstar will crush pretty much anything in the game.

Allied Armies[edit | edit source]

  • Aleguzzler Gargants: Relive the time the old world ogres royally fucked up and enslaved the giant race. Can give a cheap behemoth choice that is only 20 points more than a hunter.
  • Troggoths: Provide regenerating alternatives to yhetees, the Hag can also do magic. Her spell gives an enemy unit within 12" -1 to hit and -1 to save. Since we have these effects in our spell lores as well there is a chance to double down hard on debuffs. Dankhold Trogbosses and Troggoths and units of Rockgut Troggoths bring some useful Rend -2 attacks too.
  • Sons of Behemat: Thanks to their mercenary mechanic, you can recruit one of four named Mega-Gargants with unique abilities.
    • Bundo Whalebiter: A Kraken-eater mercenary. You can choose at the start of the Combat phase for him to fight at the end of the phase, in exchange for re-rolling failed hit rolls.
    • One-Eyed Grunnok: A Warstomper mercenary. Reroll jump attacks of 1, plus enemies within 6" get -1 to hit if the giant used his jump attacks earlier in the combat phase.
    • Big Drogg Fort-Kicka: A Gatebreaker mercenary. He has a breath attack that attacks one unit within 3" at the end of the combat phase; roll a dice for each model in the unit and deal 1MW on a 6+.
    • Brawlsmasha: A Bonegrinder mercenary from Forgeworld. Gives friendly Orruk wholly within 12" +1 Bravery. Outclassed by the other three in points and abilities. Basically useless here.

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics