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Behold, a wiki page
This page is a work in progress, part of the [[Imperium Asunder]] project, a fan remake of the warhammer 40 000 history.

=Overview of the Project=
It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Galaxy has been beset by strife and torn by war. The Emperor, who had once dreamed of uniting the Galaxy under His banner, is long dead. Half of the Primarchs, his demigod sons, turned against him, and in a climactic battle on Terra the Emperor was cast down. With his death, Terra was consumed by a Warpstorm and half the Imperium fell forever under the shadow of Chaos.

The Dark Imperium reigns in the ring of Segmentum Solar, where the watchful Eyes of the Warmaster consume the souls of the weak. A 1984 state of utter madness where groupthink doesn't even begin to describe things. The Warmaster's agents could be anywhere, and you can be sure they are watching you at all times. Dark foundries churn out metric gigatons of munitions for the Long War, Temples to the Gods of Chaos are found on every street and Daemons lurk in the shadows. Those who grow tired or too weak to work are never heard from again. Those who ask questions are never heard from again. Those who deviate, those who hesitate, all who are doubted even a hair, are never heard from again. Men who whisper dark rumors about the dark things that happen to those who are never heard from again, are never heard from again.

Surrounding the 'ordered' heartland of the Dark Imperium is the Chaos Marches, a screaming anarchy comprising hundreds of chaos warlord states. Some are ruled by Veterans of the Long War that still wear the colors of their legions, but most are ruled by warbands of outcasts, exiles and dissidents with their own ways. Some of these states may last for centuries or millenia, while others rise and fall in a matter of years. The borders between them are constantly shifting as Warlords rise and fall. The citizens of this area live in permanent fear that the Angels of Hell may come from the skies to reap and enslave, to sacrifice and feast.

To the east, across the mighty barrier that is the Firewall in what was once Ultima Segmentum lies the Eastern Imperium, the last lingering fragment of the Emperor's Dream. Yet even here that dream is a sham. The Eastern Imperium is not a united entity, but rather a fractous union of crusader states founded by the blessed loyalist primarchs long ago as they fled the fall of Terra. Imperium Minorum and their Angels of Light, the Forgespace of the Fists of Mars who maintain the Mechanicum in Exile, and in the far Ghoul Stars of the eastern fringe the Paladins of Kor keep their protectorate, where all worlds are safe, xenos or otherwise, so long as they pay fealty to their Astartes lords. These states war with one another as often as they war with the Lords of Chaos to the West, and border disputes often flare up into violence.

The legions go here:
Segmentum Tempestus is a warzone. Like the ancient trenches of Verdun, Soldiers of the Dark Imperium and the Crusaders fortify their holes and fight the enemy when their commanders say charge. Thirteen such crusades have been called. Some are renowned as victories, such as the Second Crusade, where the Undying Scions reclaimed the Maelstrom Zone. But none have every truly altered the long, slow tide of defeat. For Chaos is rising, and none can slow it down.

=Legions that we're fairly sure about=
To be a man in such times is to be living on the knife-edge. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody times imaginable, where extinction is just around the corner. These are the tales of those times. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for it died with the Emperor. Forget about unity, for brother against brother is the norm and even the Crusader States remain at each others throats. Forget the hope of final victory, for the inhumanity of man against his fellows is the iron currency of these times. In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
These are legions that have long term active anons or generally work pretty well and all that

==Sky Serpents==
===Name and Symbols===
0. Big E creates & loses Primarchs
Xun Tohilcoatl of Tepectitlan, Primarch of the Sky Serpents
They're clad in plate of jade and storm-grey, with gold trim. They decorate their armor and vehicles in abstract swirls and curvilinear forms reminiscent of dragons and storm clouds. (Something akin to the Taotie patterns from the Shang Dynasty.) One of the most important legion symbols is the Calendar Wheel, Tepectitlan's indigenous calendrical system which inspired Xun Tohilcoatl to attempt to understand the workings of the heavens. Tepectitlan had been a world barely advanced to the Bronze Age when he found it, and over the century he spent there, he succeeded in advancing that world to a primitive industrial level of technology.
The Calendar Wheel reminds the legionaries that possibilities lie in the most unexpected places, while also reminding them of the greater cycles of the cosmos.

1. Great Crusade Starts
They're definitely the cunning sort. The legion specializes in hit and run tactics and mobile warfare at the operations level. Legion strategy places a great deal of importance on information, so as to know how best to draw out and achieve local numerical superiority to crush and disorder the enemy. Once a breach in the lines is achieved, Xun Tohilcoatl prefers an aggressive stance, so as to prevent the opponent from regrouping.
The legion is noted for its cohesion and ability to coordinate effectively with human auxiliae, as well as a high degree of technological proficiency, following its primarch's intense interest in technology, and as such, much archaeotech and armor is employed.
They'd be called in when a novel approach is needed or the foe is technologically advanced or otherwise intractable by traditional means.
Tohilcoatl was a firm supporter of and helped in establishing Librarius Project. At Nikea, confident that the librarius was safe, he spoke against some his brothers and earstwhile collaborator's reckless experimentation (particularly that of the Warp Raiders)

However, he maintained that a careful and controlled study of the warp was instrumental to the future of the Imperium.
2. Conquers universe & finds Primarchs
He found attitudes like Alexios' unenlightened and those like Graha'nak's irritatingly unhelpful, feeling kinship with Engerand's.
Following the decision, the librarius was quietly kept operational, though restricted to data gathering operations.

===Notable Battles===
3. Council of Nikeae
**The Vaal Cluster Compliance**
The legion was as comfortable with conquest as it was with infrastructure and so tended to leave behind personnel to rebuild even before being reunited with the Primarch shortly before the end of the Crusade's first century. After being reunited, the legion began to build on larger scales, developing essentially a pocket domain of model worlds.
Shortly after being reunited with his legion, Tohilcoatl led his men against the Witch-Kings of the Vaal Cluster. These foul warp-sorcerors ruled over an empire of enthralled gene-warriors, each nearly the equal of a Space Marine, but far less stable. After a few probing void engagements, Tohilcoatl found that the Witch-King's military forces were dependent upon witch-generals to maintain control of the gene-thralls. If the command structure could be disrupted, then the foe's defenses would crumble. However, the Witch-Kings were not unaware of this weakness and designed their forces to compensate. Without a witch to maintain order in a geno-thrall force, they would go berserk and the resulting psychic turmoil would make long distance communication near impossible. Thus, even if a force was broken, the opponent would find it difficult to communicate and exploit the breach. To combat this, Tohilcoatl and his War-Council developed a daring strategy.

Similar to the legendary Pacification of Luna, ships would be sent into Vaal space, powered down to avoid detection. These ships would stake out the Mandeville points in systems to be contested and hide in asteroid fields. Similarly, kill teams were infiltrated across the worlds of Vaal. Knowing that communication by Astropath would be nigh impossible, Tohilcoatl revived an archaic means of communication from before the dark age of technology, the radio. While it would be limited to light-speed, signals could still be passed in system without too much trouble.
4. Warp Raiders go renegade
With this limited means of communication in hand, the timetable of the operation was carefully projected and each level of the command hierarchy given general directives to allow them to press any advantage they found. They were, in effect, to operate as independent cells all working towards the same goal, all dynamically implementing a broadly agreed upon timetable.
Furthermore, it was realized that while Imperial communications would cease to function, those of the Witch Kings would continue without any problem. Infiltrated forces, then, simply had to monitor communication traffic and activity from the Witch-Kings.
Operations began with multiple, simultaneous planetary invasions, with the priority placed upon elimination of the commanding psykers. Once eliminated, the berserker horde could easily be lead into pre-planned ambushes. Similarly, comm-traffic and energy signatures would be faked on one front prior to a rapid redeployment of assets to another sector, so as to focus the entire military might on a single point. Once behind their lines, infrastructure targets were eliminated, forcing the Geno-Thralls to come to the Sky Serpents. Hampering legion communications did the Witch-Kings little good when they had to come to the prepared Sky Serpents.

Even as distress calls went out from the besieged worlds and reinforcements were dispatched, the second part of the Sky Serpent's plan kicked into action. As laden troop ships, confident of orbital control in-system, dropped out of warp, the concealed Legion ships struck, destroying some outright, capturing the command decks of others and venting geno-thralls to the cold void. The victorious Legion fleet then joined with the invasion fleet to eliminate remaining Thrall-ships before redeploying for the next target. With the planetary communication networks down and the geno-thralls dead, the legions pushed on rapidly, striking at those systems from which the reinforcements had been moved.
5. Bloodhounds are sent to bring them back into the fold [a plot from the Warmaster?]
These fell far more quickly, and with more panic, allowing legion operatives to sneak onboard refugee ships. Some of these were sabotaged directly, with transports exploding in orbit or tumbling from orbit, but for the most part, rumors of saboteurs were started. On some worlds, this was the signal for Sky Serpents forces-- they began quick campaigns of sabotage, before vanishing into the wilderness, their work complete. It was less important that the attacks cause damage than that they spread fear and panic.
This pattern of sudden, overwhelming attack, followed by the spreading of diffuse threats kept the Witch-Kings from regrouping effectively, the timing obscuring the method of operations for the Legion. Refugee and evacuation ships with valuable reinforcements were held up as they were searched for saboteurs, saboteurs who had spent weeks in position, waiting for the panic to spread before carrying out their missions. Though the initial cost in infrastructure was high, the stalling of the Vaal's war plans pre-empted battles planetside, and within two months of the opening actions, the Vaal Cluster had been successfully captured, with some worlds entirely spared lengthy campaigns, their fortresses emptied by the Witch-King's frantic redeployments.

These sorts of tactics were not always successful, but the Storm Serpents were nothing if not adaptable. One notable example was against the Krag'athalax, a foul xenos species, which spawned bio-soldiers in unending hordes. Assaults were initially stymied against the numberless forces of the enemy. It hardly mattered where you struck when the foe swarmed from every building, every corner of the globe.
6. Tournament of Blades [Definite plot]
Several assaults were thrown back before a different tact was taken.
Volkite and incendiaries were brought forth from legion vaults and the attendant forge ships worked double-time to produce additional weapons and spare parts to maintain thousands of volkite weapons. Similarly, Gishgimash negotiated with several Reductor Covenants for Holy Ordinatus Ullator Engines. Various toxins and weapons such as phospex were considered, but it was decided that damage to the ecosystem would be excessive. It was decided, however, that rad weapons would be sanctioned, their cores changed out for elements with shorter half-lives. (Despite this precaution, areas of former Krag'athalax would remain uninhabitable for decades after the campaign's end)
With this technological superiority in hand and the legion's armor gathered, the legion deployed. The resulting campaign was grueling, and even with the mass effect of volkites, including no few Fellglaives, as well as other, stranger devices which reaped a heavy toll on the chittering hordes, as often as not it came down to bloody melee, particularly as the slow firing Ullator Engines recycled for their next shot. After each wave, the Storm Serpents would regroup and reinforce their defenses, designing kill channels, and meter by meter, they took each world, but each battle became easier as they developed better means to poison their foe.

Of the campaign, Tohilcoatl said little, though it is said that Sheridan found respect for his brother in that campaign, attested to by the fact the the Lord of Iron sent several members of the Stor Bezask equivalent unbidden to advise in the campaign.
7. The Great Hunt

I'll have to figure out where he was running around, but I'm kind of picturing something out in what we'd know as Ultramar, in keeping with the idea of 'what if the Ultramarines were from Ancient China/Mesoamerica instead of Rome'.
8. Siege of Terra
Sorry for the wordiness. >_<

===During the Heresy===
9. Big E's Death
The Sky Serpents remained loyal, but their success in the crusade proved their weakness in the Heresy. Their domain required defending and this kept the Sky Serpents pinned down during much of the first half of the heresy, while only being able to launch relatively minor raids against the traitor rear. However, as the Heresy wore on and the traitors prepared to invade the Sol System, Tohilcoatl was fast on their heels. Tohilcoatl and his first ten Chapters managed to make it to Sol in time to man the walls of the Imperial Palace, but most of the legion's strength arrived too late to make much of a difference and Tohilcoatl blamed the outcome on his being too attached to his private domain. He had managed to preserve some portion of his works, though much of his finest work burned (as at Calth), but perhaps at the expense of the Imperium as a whole.

He may also have worked on a codex-equivalent.
10. The Exodus // Death of Klaus Staffel // The Emergence of the Firewall

I'm thinking that he was really in a no-win situation, since his worlds would have presented a major problem to the Traitor's cause and his campaigns of defense did drain the traitors, and keeping the worlds somewhat intact did help in the recovery, but he wasn't where he felt he should have been and being tied down to an empire, being tied into a defensive posture deprived him of his mobility.
11. The Council of Titans

>>Friends and Enemies
12. The Founding of the Crusader States
In the prime universe, he would have been close to G-Man, Jaghatai, and Alpharius.

==Paladins of Kor==
13. Random Junk for 5,000 years

==Crimson Warhawks==
14. Tau Empire arises in Ultima Segmentum

15. Tau Empire falls in Ultima Segmentum

>The Crimson Warhawks, II Legion.
16. Eldar Resurgent Empire arises in Segmentum Tempestus.

17. Current day.

>Second to None!
[[Imperium Asunder Campaigns]]


>Raydon Neratos
===Primarch Order===

Main Tactics, Common Doctrine, Military Characteristics:
>2. Faustus Ascelpious
>3. Raydon Neratos
>4. Alexios the White
>5. Markus Sinistrum
>6. Sarco Funerus
>7. Rubinek
>8. Enoch the Relentless
>9. Klaus Staffel
>10. Engerand
>11. Anders Kor
>12. Xun Tohilcoatl
>13. Kashaln
>14. Aodhan Kael
>15. Saul Sheridan
>16. Balthasar Bornhold
>17. Gengrat Vannevar
>18. Oramar Elthiran
>19. Anshul the Resplendant
>20. Graha'nak

>Airmobile covert strike teams, Void Combat and Air Superiority.

1. The Warmaster

>Crimson, White, Yellow, and Black. Swords, Wings, and Lightning Bolts.
2. Faustus

3. Raydon

4. Alexios

Geneseed quirks:
5. Marcus

>Heightened reflexes, superior eyesight, paling hair, pitch black eyes.
6. Sarco

Signature Equipment:
7. Rubinek

>A perchant for stealth focus equipment ranging from power armour to thunderhawks to strike cruisers.
8. Aodhan

Legion Organisation:
9. Klaus

Legion > Battle Group > Task Force > Brotherhood > Wings / Talons
10. Balthasar

Command Structure:
11. Saul

Council > Marshal > Force Commander > Strike Captain > Flight Sergeant / Sergeant
12. Enoch

=Legions currently inactive=
13. Engerand

14. Xun

15. Kashaln

16. Anders

=Proposed Legions=
17. Oramar
18. Anshul
19. Gengrat
20. Graha'nak
===Bizzaro Characters===
Few humans ever rise to a station of any particular consequence under the oppressive rule of the Warmaster, but from the obscure temple-world of Dimmamar arose such a man. Once a mere mortal, Sebastian Thor was squire to a prominent Excruciator of the Order Dissentia, and later the apprentice to the secret serviceman after he showed exceptional art and true fervour in his service to the Warmaster and the Path of Chaos. A devout Asuran, Thor succeeded his tutor's position in a time upheaval, during the agitating of the Warmaster's Imperium by a spymaster known only as the Apostic. The aforementioned brigand is infamous for passing information on to the foul traitors of the Sky Serpents and the Angels of Light, as well as causing a thousand minor supply issues and logistical failures across the Warmaster's Imperium throughout his time, contributing greatly to the regrettable state of total war that all citizens must endure and support. A scholar of daemon-lore and a man of conviction, the game of cat and mouse between Thor and the Apostic is well-storied, ranging over many decades, until finally the Excruciator located the dissident in the highest of offices - an Understudy Lord of the Orders called Goge Vandire. It is said that though he had many supporters, and the battle against them was fierce, Vandire was a mere clerk in nature, and had achieved all he did through naught but spiteful bureaucracy and tentative political connections. Even in his last moments, he regarded Thor with little more than a sneer of derision, claiming that he was "Too busy to die."
The events that followed are [RECORDS EXPUNGED] of [RECORDS EXPUNGED], subject to [RECORDS EXPUNGED]. Vandire was of course struck down and [RECORDS EXPUNGED]. There was no light, there are no rumours. Reformat this report.
{|align=center border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|style=background:#4F4F4F align=center|'''Year'''
|style=background:#4F4F4F align=center|'''Event'''
|style=background:#4F4F4F align=center|'''Notes'''
|ca. M30-M31
|Eldar foreseeing the dark future for their race refit their starships into [[Craftworld]]s and leave the heart of their empire.
|ca. 750.M30
|Fall of the Eldar. The Eye of Terror erupts in the heart of the eldar empire as Slaanesh is born. She Who Thirsts tears billion of eldar souls from their bodies. Only the Exodite and craftworlds far from the empire and webway domains such as Commoragh survive. The eruption of psychic energy blows away the warp storms that had made interstellar travel impossible for thousands of years.
| ca. 750.M30
| The Primarch Project. The Emperor of Mankind learns warpcraft from the Chaos gods and uses it and advanced Lunar genetic engineering to create the primarchs and the gene-seed prototypes. The Chaos Gods steal the gestating primarchs from the Emperor's laboratory deep beneath Terra and scatter them across the galaxy.
| ca. 780.M30
| The Emperor's geneticists refine the creation of the gene-seed that will allow him to create the Space Marine Legions. The Emperor uses DNA samples from the Primarchs to create twenty Space Marine Legions. Grabya's Theorem demonstrates how Primarch genetic data could be used to stabilize genetic development of Space Marines. Sorian's Inductus Excelsus shows requirements for more warriors is vast. Accelerated gene-culturing techniques implemented, reducing processing time to create Space Marine to one year. However, accelerated gene-seed has unseen fundamental flaws.
| ca. 784.M30
| A brilliant boy is discovered in the great hives of Britannia on Terra. This boy is found to be REDACTED, one of the lost Primarchs. He is granted the REDACTED legion, for it was bred from his genetic code. The Emperor learns of him quickly, and assigns Malcador to raise the boy. The boy is promised he will rule the stars, but feels some resentment towards his neglectful father
| ca. 805.M30
| The Pacification of Luna. The Warmaster is given his first great martial task: the conquest of the moon. The Warmaster chose 20 men among his legion, and told them to infiltrate Luna and negate its defensive capabilities as best they could. Their voidshields disabled, their AA turrets scrapped, and their sensors jammed, the genosmiths of Luna were caught unawares when the first wave of Astartes attacked. REDACTED's spies quickly learn that the leader of the Lunar defenders is another of the lost primarchs, Faustus Ascelpious. Contact is made, treaties drawn, and Luna is pacified as a triumphant victory for REDACTED. Faustus Ascelpious is brought into the fold by the Emperor of Man, and granted command of his IXth Legion.
|ca. 805.M30
| ca. 805.M30 The Emperor arrives on Mars.
==Major Battles==
===The Tournament of Blades===
The Warmaster calls a test of strength called the [[Tournament of Blades]] in honor of the Emperor. The winner of the tournament is to be named the Praetorian of Terra, tasked with guarding Segmentum Solar for all time. The Primarchs and their honor guard are invited to the newly compliant world of Cadia, where a mighty coliseum has been erected. There, brother will compete against brother to prove their superiority, and thus their worth to the Warmaster. The Judgement Bringers, Warhawks, The Knights Exemplar, Iron Hearts, Paladins of Kor, Silver Spears, Second Sons, Storm Hammers, Bohemoth Guard, Sky Serpents, and of course the Eyes of the Warmster, are all in attendance. The Loyalists are lead to believe that repulsor fields and Oathsworn medica teams will keep the tourney relatively safe, but they are fools to believe so. Akin to the events of the drop site massacre in traditional 40k lore, the heretical Astartes turn upon their loyal brethren, who, shocked by the betrayal and in an utter state of disarray, are cut down in their thousands, and many of their champions and commanders are slain. It is the blow that breaks the back of loyalist resistance.
[[File:Imperium_Asunder_Map.jpg | 500px | thumb]]
Important new planets in the Imperium Asunder Timeline go here.
==Dark Imperium==
===Unholy Terra===
Terra is a twisted, abominable reflection of its former glory. How humans can even survive on this twisted demon capitol in the heart of the swirling Eye of Terra is perplexing. Its been suggested that Terra is anchored partially in realspace by some powerful force; Whether this is the will of the divine Emperor as a true ascended god, or simply psychic echo, a vestige of his colossal psychic might that won't let Terra slip fully to chaos, it is impossible to tell.
Home to the [[Judgement Bringers]].
===Warmaster's Domains===
Think [[1984|Airstrip One]]
===Chaos Marches===
The bulk of the Dark Imperium, the Chaos Marches are vast swathes of space comprising most of Obscurus and Pacificus outside of those areas claimed by the main Chaos Legions. No one power claims command of this areas, instead hundreds of not thousands of separate forces vie with one another for control of small fractions of the Marches.
There are many who believe that these warp twisted worlds are unlivable, however, there are many that find human life on it. These worlds are separate the chaff from the grain, especially those worlds who were originally deathworlds, find their new twisted and malformed landscapes to bring out the toughest in warriors and inhabitants.
===Dark Worlds===
''Main article:'' [[Dark Worlds]]
The Dark worlds are a truly terrifying sector to behold now that the Emperors light shines no more. The cluster, heavily reliant upon Imperial aid even before the great collapse, as secessionists, heretics and renegades were a constant threat. Loyalists were barely holding ground before, so it comes as no surprise that when the aid stopped arriving, many worlds fell, leaving few stranded worlds left.
The Dark worlds now are a Broken collection of petty states, Daemonic holdings, and renegade kingdoms, held together loosely by their collective hatred of anyone who wishes to invade the dark worlds. Woe befall those who wish to travel through this lawless section of space.
Home to the [[Behemoth Guard]]
===Second Sons===
Like how their homeworld, Lorrentia, was once a verdant world and had been rich in natural resources,
the territory of the Second Sons are blasted hellscapes. Many of these worlds were used as agriworlds before the Second Sons came.
Currently many of these worlds have large laboratories which churn out chemical, biological and nuclear weapons for the Second Son's warmongering. As a result, the species that remain on these worlds after toxins have seeped out or after the Seconds Sons have used these toxins to conquer planets are twisted and horrific. There who dare to leave any walled cities to explore these awful landscapes.
Any planet that surrendered peacefully and does not have a laboratory struggles to feed the rest of the sector.
===Archeotect Collective===
==Crusader States==
===Storm Kingdoms===
The Storm Kingdoms are a union of systems and planets under the rule of the Storm Hammer Legion, organized into a feudal system not unlike that of the former Imperium of Man. The Storm Kingdoms encourage self-reliance of their planets, ensuring that Kingdoms are able to defend themselves in times of need. While they each have a sizable level of independence, the downside is a certain amount of infighting amongst the various political factions and nobles. The Storm Kingdoms field vast armies of human soldiers which are expected to fight alongside the Storm Hammer Legion. These armies are under the control of the various planetary lords but are expected to show deference and loyalty to the Legion, which maintain both human and Astarte advisers (especially Librarians) in multiple levels of the chain of command. All worlds pay tithe to the Storm Hammers and the Legion commander who is the symbolic head of all the Storm Kingdoms. The non-Astartes miltiary forces of the Storm Kingdom include 'Imperial' soldiers and exiled Mechanicum Skitarii as well as Knightly Houses. Because the Storm Kingdom has few, if any Titans left, it relies more extensively on the Knights.
* '''Lostregia:''' Home world of the Storm Hammers. The planet remain a radioactive hell-hole where people live inside radiation-shielded fortresses. It remain one of the primary recruitment world of the Legion.
* '''Augustine''', '''Stormport''' and '''Lithios''': Called 'the trinity', these three fortress-worlds are the primary military bases of the Storm Kingdoms.
* '''Dendrobium''': The 'technological' capital of the Storm Kingdoms and under direct supervision from the Storm Hammers. Primarily ran by descendants of the Adeptus Mechanicus affiliated with the Legion during the Crusade days.
===Jade Empire===
The domain of the [[Sky Serpents]].
===Imperium Minorum===
"The precedence of the Imperium Minorum is a common view in the Imperium Minorum, but one must know that the foundations of the Jade Empire also date back to the crusade era. Now, Minorum was a pre-extant domain during the Dark Age, so whether or not we can really count it as a founding or if Alexios merely inherited a pre-extant domain can be disputed. On the other hand, the foundations of our own state are wholly distinct and spring forth clearly from the union of worlds conquered and forged into an empire by our own illustrious primarch."
--from The Decline and Fall of the Western Empire by Eouddar Gibzon of the Jade Empire, M38
New Constantine isn't actually Alexios' homeworld, it's the first world his expeditionary fleet came across which refused peaceful compliance. He decided to make an example of them and burned their world to ash, rebuilding it as his own new Imperial world. He could easily have been discovered in Segmentum Solar, or western Ultima segmentum, or anywhere really.
How about this: Alexios's pod lands on Alexandria, a world in central Pacificus. Alexandria was a world of libraries, deep vault ships launched from Terra long ago brought library records as a sort of time capsule, seeking to conserve the knowledge of mankind as best they could, should something terrible happen to Terra. Alexios rose quickly among the clerk-priests of Alexandria, and soon he ruled the planet as Master of Relics. One night Alexios has a dream of a golden angel, coming in the clouds like a great beacon. The next day, his dream proved prophetic as the Emperor of Mankind, Beloved by all, came to Alexandria. Compliance was swift and welcome. Alexios was given command of his XIIth legion and the 99th Expeditionary fleet. Alexios chose to lead his expedition deeply through the warp to expand his father's realm, and found hmself in the far east of Ultima Segmentum. Many worlds knelt to Alexios as he had knelt to the Emperor, but eventually one stood defiant. The name of that world was expunged from all records of the 99th Expedition or the XIIth legion. All of the inhabitants of the world were purged, the seas boiled away, and the mountains bulldozed with massive constructor fleets. The planet was rebuilt with Imperial colonists, and named Constantine. Alexios made it his formal seat, establishing a military bureaucracy in the great basilicas of his golden city. From there, the Angels conquered many more worlds in the name of the Emperor of Mankind, Beloved by All.
Angels of Light
===Forge Space===
The domain of the [[Fists of Mars]].
gigantic space stations and forges surrounded by moons hollowed out and use as reactors, tethered to what they orbit by numerous sky hooks these our some of the more simple  designs incorporated into the forge spaces grandiose machine, each factory a cog which helps the mechanism function. the bulk of the forge spaces population have never set foot on a natural planet and instead inhabit vast space ecologies and floating cities that meander through real space not dissimilar to an asuryani craft worlds. orbital docks feed endless factories dirtside and if any army were to invade these fortresses they would likely become lost in their labyrinthine generators and smelters or drowned by a tide of servitors
===Unyielding Vigil===
The domain of the [[Undying Scions]].
Found among the gene-wrights of Luna, the Primarch of the Hospitaliers and eventual Oathsworn was named Faustus after the Lunar archetype of doctors and sages. The young child grew in seclusion and raised to master every aspect of the flesh and form from the greatest minds on Luna in order to important every facet of gene forging into the rapidly growing boy. Through this harsh education the youth became a man in years, and soon after the leader of Luna itself. Heralded as the manifestation of their occult faith in the flesh, the gene masters propped him as both a holy symbol and a paragon of knowledge. Yet in his heart Faustus knew he was still mortal, and carried in secrecy a burgeoning love for all of mankind even as his foster parents taught him to despise the weak and inefficient. It was under their care and his command that Luna once more was united into one world just as Terra itself finished doing the same.
The Emperor, there seeking to tame the gene-wrights and their arcane sciences, sent for the Legiones Astartes under the rule of the future warmaster. His spies were omnipresent, and heavily sabotaged
the initial defense of Luna. The first found Primarch almost captured the moon within six hours of the first gunshot, yet by Faustus' expertise and mastery of all things biological the Terran saboteurs were repelled and peace talks forced. Though every mortal on Luna felt fear in their heart for the Eyes of Luna as they were now called, Faustus himself would not be so easily broken. What was intended to be a declaration of defiance became a matter of annexation however when upon the delegations arrival Faustus met with the Warmaster and Emperor. The words that passed between them have long been lost, but legend recalls of terse words and labored dealings to secure his people's freedoms. In the end though, all acknowledge that the Primarch bent his knee to the Emperor, and became the head of the IXth legion.
===The Kor Protectorate===
Anders Kor and his Paladins reside in the Kor Protectorate to the galactic East, among the Exodite worlds of the Eldar.  They preach tolerance and peace among all peoples, and allow anyone who wishes to live a fulfilling life to become a citizen.  The Paladins of Kor police the Protectorate's worlds, and the Errant Paladins venture outside the borders to assist those who need their help.  The Paladins are shock-troops that operate under heavy artillery support and work very well with any ally they may have.  This includes xenos and peaceful heretics as well as Loyalist forces, which angers some of Anders' more conservative brothers.
==Contested Territory==
===Tempestus Gap===
The Tempestus Gap is the region dividing the Chaos Marches from the Crusader States, where the firewall comes to an end in the Tempestus Segmentum. The Chaos Marches and the Crusader States  do not directly border each other here. Rather, the two are divided by a wide region of space which has no overall ruler. Millennia of warfare and raiding have reduced the Tempestus Gap to a cesspit of anarchy and misery. The continuous back-and-forth between Chaos warbands, Xenos pirates, and Crusader State expeditionary forces have gradually destroyed most infrastructure and nearly all governance. The average world of the Gap is helpless, with no knowledge of what happens beyond its system's boundaries and no navy or ground forces capable of holding off any but the most anemic raider.
On the Chaos side of the gap, the primary force is the Iron Hearts, who rule the line of fortress-worlds that forestall any attempt by the Crusader States to launch a raid through the gap into the Dark Imperium itself. On the far side, the Unyielding Vigil and the Forgespace maintain similar lines of defensive works. However, forces from all over the galaxy can make their way into the gap, lured by promises of glory, plunder, and blood, contributing even more to the utter anarchy.
The forces of Chaos and the Crusader States both occasionally attempt to establish a foothold here, but they rarely last. Such footholds almost inevitably attract attacks once they are discovered; even if one attack is beaten off, or two, or three, there will always be more, until the strongholds are reduced to dust. Planets which seek out some greater patron often meet the same fate; assuming, of course, that their patron doesn't have its own horrible fate in store for them. (This is more a Chaos or Xenos thing than a Crusader State thing; but I would be lying if I said that the loyalists had no atrocities to their name at all.)
For more information, some of the forces operating in the Gap have been detailed in [[Realm Guard and Mercenaries]].
===The Hunting Grounds===
As the Iron Hearts, Forgespace, and the Unyielding vigil face off across the Tempestus Gap, so too do the Storm Kingdoms and the Bloodhounds face off across the Hunting Grounds.
Above the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath, where the Firewall 'begins', there are the Hunting Grounds. This is a very different environment than the Tempestus Gap, despite the similarities in astrography. First, it's simply less dense than the Gap; further out on the galactic rim, stars are further apart, journey times are longer. Second, the temperament of the Bloodhounds are very different from the temperament of the Iron Hearts. Where the Iron Hearts are (relatively) content to keep to their fortress-line and leave the fighting in the gap to lesser warbands, the Bloodhounds regard the Hunting grounds as their personal, well, hunting grounds. The majority of Chaos forces operating in the Grounds are therefore either the Bloodhounds themselves or their direct vassals, affiliates, franchisees, and subordinates.
Which is not to say the Bloodhounds ''rule'' the grounds, of course. No; they ''cultivate'' it, as a game warden cultivates a hunting ground. A rapidly industrializing and militarizing world might be left alone for decades or centuries, so that it develops into a worthy and entertaining fight. Another might suffer relatively light yearly raids, to keep the population sufficiently cowed without ever dropping below sustainable levels. A third might be carefully goaded, calculated indignities heaped upon one another to encourage dreams of revenge- and an eventual fall to Khorne. Each warband has its own preferred methods and prey, and conflicts often arise when one poaching warband strays onto another's turf. Like cultivating bonsai, but with more chainswords and screaming.
In response, the Storm Kingdoms also have a generally higher level of activity in the Hunting Grounds than the Unyielding Vigil or Forgespace do in the Gap. Despite the sparsity of stars, direct Astartes-on-Astartes combat is commonplace in the Hunting Grounds. Which is just how the Bloodhounds like it- you will find little worthier prey than Astartes.
<table style="width:100%">
    <td><b>Legion Number</b></td>
    <td>Raydon Neratos</td>
    <td>[[Crimson Warhawks]]</td>
    <td>Reaving the Dark Imperium</td>
    <td>Masters of the sky & peerless void combatants</td>
    <td>Marcus Sinistrum</td>
    <td>[[Fists of Mars]]</td>
    <td>Forge Space</td>
    <td>Mechanised war fighters, Mechanicus in Exile.</td>
    <td>Engerand </td>
    <td>[[Storm Hammers]]</td>
    <td>Storm Kingdom</td>
    <td>Heavy Infantry and shock assaults</td>
    <td>[[Void Lords]]</td>
    <td>Contested Space</td>
    <td>Planetary cleansing, terror tactics, and close combat.</td>
    <td>Alexios the White</td>
    <td>[[Angels of Light]]</td>
    <td>Imperium Minoris</td>
    <td>Compliance and empire building</td>
    <td>Xun Tohilcoatl</td>
    <td>[[Sky Serpents]]</td>
    <td>Jade Empire</td>
    <td>Sorcery and encirclement tactics</td>
    <td>[[Sarco Funerus]]</td>
    <td>[[Undying Scions]]</td>
    <td>Unyielding Vigil</td>
    <td>Armies of Dreadnoughts, the Wisdom and Fury of Ages.</td>
    <td>Klaus Staffel</td>
    <td>[[Knights Exemplar]]</td>
    <td>Tempestus Gap</td>
    <td>Terminators and Single Combat</td>
<table style="width:100%">
    <td><b>Legion Number</b></td>
    <td>Oramar Elthiran </td>
    <td>[[Warp Raiders]]</td>
    <td>Lost to the Warp</td>
    <td>Students of Xenos lore, witchcraft, and technology.</td>
    <td>Anders Kor</td>
    <td>[[Paladins of Kor]]</td>
    <td>Kor Protectorate</td>
    <td>Masters of Coordination and Combined Arms</td>
    <td>Faustus Ascelpious</td>
    <td>Fleet Based Chapters</td>
    <td>Apothecary Specialists. Claim Neutrality.  Fragmented.</td>
<table style="width:100%">
    <td><b>Legion Number</b></td>
    <td>[[Eyes of the Warmaster]]</td>
    <td>Dark Imperium</td>
    <td>Information Dominance and Deception</td>
    <td>Balthasar the Bloody</td>
    <td>Chaos Marches</td>
    <td>Close combat specialists known for relentlessness and 'the hunt'.</td>
    <td>[[Silver Spears]]</td>
    <td>The Warp, raiding Realspace</td>
    <td>Infantry specialist with a prolific martial culture and oratory skills.</td>
    <td>Enoch the Relentless</td>
    <td>[[Judgement Bringers]]</td>
    <td>Dark Imperium</td>
    <td>Experts of shock and awe, uncontested masters of ordnance.</td>
    <td>Saul Sheridan</td>
    <td>[[Second Sons]]</td>
    <td>Halo Stars</td>
    <td>Driven mad by radiation on the Red Road to Terra. Irradiated cultists.
    <td>[[Iron Hearts Legion | Iron Hearts]]</td>
    <td>Dark Imperium</td>
    <td>Hereteks with bionically enhanced endurance</td>
    <td>Gengrat Vannevar</td>
    <td>[[Behemoth Guard]]</td>
    <td>Dark Worlds</td>
    <td>Warpsmithing and technosorcery</td>
    <td>Anshul the Resplendent</td>
    <td>[[Arms of Asura]]</td>
    <td>Chaos Marches</td>
    <td>Daemonic Posession and religious ritual.</td>
    <td>Aodhán Kael</td>
    <td>Anti-armour operations, rapid redeployment, monster slayers</td>
=Independent Astartes Factions=
<table style="width:80%">
    <td><b>Current Status</b></td>
    <td>[[Diamond Watch]]</td>
    <td>Cpt. Romero Whitefall</td>
    <td>Planet Cystral</td>
    <td>Lost (Destroyed)</td>
    <td>[[Purgis Valkyris]]</td>
    <td>Jaeven Istocruxl</td>
    <td>[[Black Suns]]</td>
    <td>Cyrus Dumah</td>
    <td>Calixis sector</td>
    <td>[[Star Warriors]]</td>
    <td>[[Altair Enclave]]</td>
    <td>Altair Enclave</td>
=Non-Astartes Factions=
<table style="width:100%">
    <td>Isador Vanth</td>
    <td>[[Archaeotect Collective]]</td>
    <td>Far Galactic North</td>
    <td>Human refugees of the Heresy embraced by an ancient nanomachine collective.</td>
    <td>[[Resurgent Eldar Empire]]</td>
    <td>Southern Tempestus</td>
    <td>Make the Eldar Empire great again!</td>
    <td>Shas'O Vior'los Altairre</td>
    <td>[[Altair Enclave]]</td>
    <td>Damocles Gulf and surrounding area</td>
    <td>Stealth, putting spies in the Eyes of the Warmaster, spycraft, being actually grimdark</td>
    <td>[[Realm Guard and Mercenaries]]</td>
    <td>Throughout the Galaxy</td>
    <td>Not being space marines</td>
    <td>[[the krill]]</td>
    <td>from the edges of the galaxy</td>
    <td>Gigantic bug like creature who infest the world bordering the chaos marches that are said to have come from beyond our galaxy</td>
==LA Rules==
==Primarch Rules==
==Character Rules==
==Chapter Tactics for Plebs using Codex Space Marines==
==Legion Tactics for Plebs using Codex Chaos Space Marines==
==Guard Rules==
==Unit Rules==
{{Template: Imperium Asunder}}
[[Category:Homebrew Settings]][[Category:Imperium Asunder]]

Latest revision as of 15:46, 21 June 2023

This page is a work in progress, part of the Imperium Asunder project, a fan remake of the warhammer 40 000 history.

Overview of the Project[edit | edit source]

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Galaxy has been beset by strife and torn by war. The Emperor, who had once dreamed of uniting the Galaxy under His banner, is long dead. Half of the Primarchs, his demigod sons, turned against him, and in a climactic battle on Terra the Emperor was cast down. With his death, Terra was consumed by a Warpstorm and half the Imperium fell forever under the shadow of Chaos.

The Dark Imperium reigns in the ring of Segmentum Solar, where the watchful Eyes of the Warmaster consume the souls of the weak. A 1984 state of utter madness where groupthink doesn't even begin to describe things. The Warmaster's agents could be anywhere, and you can be sure they are watching you at all times. Dark foundries churn out metric gigatons of munitions for the Long War, Temples to the Gods of Chaos are found on every street and Daemons lurk in the shadows. Those who grow tired or too weak to work are never heard from again. Those who ask questions are never heard from again. Those who deviate, those who hesitate, all who are doubted even a hair, are never heard from again. Men who whisper dark rumors about the dark things that happen to those who are never heard from again, are never heard from again.

Surrounding the 'ordered' heartland of the Dark Imperium is the Chaos Marches, a screaming anarchy comprising hundreds of chaos warlord states. Some are ruled by Veterans of the Long War that still wear the colors of their legions, but most are ruled by warbands of outcasts, exiles and dissidents with their own ways. Some of these states may last for centuries or millenia, while others rise and fall in a matter of years. The borders between them are constantly shifting as Warlords rise and fall. The citizens of this area live in permanent fear that the Angels of Hell may come from the skies to reap and enslave, to sacrifice and feast.

To the east, across the mighty barrier that is the Firewall in what was once Ultima Segmentum lies the Eastern Imperium, the last lingering fragment of the Emperor's Dream. Yet even here that dream is a sham. The Eastern Imperium is not a united entity, but rather a fractous union of crusader states founded by the blessed loyalist primarchs long ago as they fled the fall of Terra. Imperium Minorum and their Angels of Light, the Forgespace of the Fists of Mars who maintain the Mechanicum in Exile, and in the far Ghoul Stars of the eastern fringe the Paladins of Kor keep their protectorate, where all worlds are safe, xenos or otherwise, so long as they pay fealty to their Astartes lords. These states war with one another as often as they war with the Lords of Chaos to the West, and border disputes often flare up into violence.

Segmentum Tempestus is a warzone. Like the ancient trenches of Verdun, Soldiers of the Dark Imperium and the Crusaders fortify their holes and fight the enemy when their commanders say charge. Thirteen such crusades have been called. Some are renowned as victories, such as the Second Crusade, where the Undying Scions reclaimed the Maelstrom Zone. But none have every truly altered the long, slow tide of defeat. For Chaos is rising, and none can slow it down.

To be a man in such times is to be living on the knife-edge. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody times imaginable, where extinction is just around the corner. These are the tales of those times. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for it died with the Emperor. Forget about unity, for brother against brother is the norm and even the Crusader States remain at each others throats. Forget the hope of final victory, for the inhumanity of man against his fellows is the iron currency of these times. In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Timeline[edit | edit source]

0. Big E creates & loses Primarchs

1. Great Crusade Starts

2. Conquers universe & finds Primarchs

3. Council of Nikeae

4. Warp Raiders go renegade

5. Bloodhounds are sent to bring them back into the fold [a plot from the Warmaster?]

6. Tournament of Blades [Definite plot]

7. The Great Hunt

8. Siege of Terra

9. Big E's Death

10. The Exodus // Death of Klaus Staffel // The Emergence of the Firewall

11. The Council of Titans

12. The Founding of the Crusader States

13. Random Junk for 5,000 years

14. Tau Empire arises in Ultima Segmentum

15. Tau Empire falls in Ultima Segmentum

16. Eldar Resurgent Empire arises in Segmentum Tempestus.

17. Current day.

Imperium Asunder Campaigns

Primarch Order[edit | edit source]

>1. REDACTED >2. Faustus Ascelpious >3. Raydon Neratos >4. Alexios the White >5. Markus Sinistrum >6. Sarco Funerus >7. Rubinek >8. Enoch the Relentless >9. Klaus Staffel >10. Engerand >11. Anders Kor >12. Xun Tohilcoatl >13. Kashaln >14. Aodhan Kael >15. Saul Sheridan >16. Balthasar Bornhold >17. Gengrat Vannevar >18. Oramar Elthiran >19. Anshul the Resplendant >20. Graha'nak


1. The Warmaster

2. Faustus

3. Raydon

4. Alexios

5. Marcus

6. Sarco

7. Rubinek

8. Aodhan

9. Klaus

10. Balthasar

11. Saul

12. Enoch

13. Engerand

14. Xun

15. Kashaln

16. Anders

17. Oramar

18. Anshul

19. Gengrat

20. Graha'nak

Bizzaro Characters[edit | edit source]

Few humans ever rise to a station of any particular consequence under the oppressive rule of the Warmaster, but from the obscure temple-world of Dimmamar arose such a man. Once a mere mortal, Sebastian Thor was squire to a prominent Excruciator of the Order Dissentia, and later the apprentice to the secret serviceman after he showed exceptional art and true fervour in his service to the Warmaster and the Path of Chaos. A devout Asuran, Thor succeeded his tutor's position in a time upheaval, during the agitating of the Warmaster's Imperium by a spymaster known only as the Apostic. The aforementioned brigand is infamous for passing information on to the foul traitors of the Sky Serpents and the Angels of Light, as well as causing a thousand minor supply issues and logistical failures across the Warmaster's Imperium throughout his time, contributing greatly to the regrettable state of total war that all citizens must endure and support. A scholar of daemon-lore and a man of conviction, the game of cat and mouse between Thor and the Apostic is well-storied, ranging over many decades, until finally the Excruciator located the dissident in the highest of offices - an Understudy Lord of the Orders called Goge Vandire. It is said that though he had many supporters, and the battle against them was fierce, Vandire was a mere clerk in nature, and had achieved all he did through naught but spiteful bureaucracy and tentative political connections. Even in his last moments, he regarded Thor with little more than a sneer of derision, claiming that he was "Too busy to die."

The events that followed are [RECORDS EXPUNGED] of [RECORDS EXPUNGED], subject to [RECORDS EXPUNGED]. Vandire was of course struck down and [RECORDS EXPUNGED]. There was no light, there are no rumours. Reformat this report.

Year Event Notes
ca. M30-M31 Eldar foreseeing the dark future for their race refit their starships into Craftworlds and leave the heart of their empire.
ca. 750.M30 Fall of the Eldar. The Eye of Terror erupts in the heart of the eldar empire as Slaanesh is born. She Who Thirsts tears billion of eldar souls from their bodies. Only the Exodite and craftworlds far from the empire and webway domains such as Commoragh survive. The eruption of psychic energy blows away the warp storms that had made interstellar travel impossible for thousands of years.
ca. 750.M30 The Primarch Project. The Emperor of Mankind learns warpcraft from the Chaos gods and uses it and advanced Lunar genetic engineering to create the primarchs and the gene-seed prototypes. The Chaos Gods steal the gestating primarchs from the Emperor's laboratory deep beneath Terra and scatter them across the galaxy.
ca. 780.M30 The Emperor's geneticists refine the creation of the gene-seed that will allow him to create the Space Marine Legions. The Emperor uses DNA samples from the Primarchs to create twenty Space Marine Legions. Grabya's Theorem demonstrates how Primarch genetic data could be used to stabilize genetic development of Space Marines. Sorian's Inductus Excelsus shows requirements for more warriors is vast. Accelerated gene-culturing techniques implemented, reducing processing time to create Space Marine to one year. However, accelerated gene-seed has unseen fundamental flaws.
ca. 784.M30 A brilliant boy is discovered in the great hives of Britannia on Terra. This boy is found to be REDACTED, one of the lost Primarchs. He is granted the REDACTED legion, for it was bred from his genetic code. The Emperor learns of him quickly, and assigns Malcador to raise the boy. The boy is promised he will rule the stars, but feels some resentment towards his neglectful father
ca. 805.M30 The Pacification of Luna. The Warmaster is given his first great martial task: the conquest of the moon. The Warmaster chose 20 men among his legion, and told them to infiltrate Luna and negate its defensive capabilities as best they could. Their voidshields disabled, their AA turrets scrapped, and their sensors jammed, the genosmiths of Luna were caught unawares when the first wave of Astartes attacked. REDACTED's spies quickly learn that the leader of the Lunar defenders is another of the lost primarchs, Faustus Ascelpious. Contact is made, treaties drawn, and Luna is pacified as a triumphant victory for REDACTED. Faustus Ascelpious is brought into the fold by the Emperor of Man, and granted command of his IXth Legion.
ca. 805.M30 ca. 805.M30 The Emperor arrives on Mars.

Major Battles[edit | edit source]

The Tournament of Blades[edit | edit source]

The Warmaster calls a test of strength called the Tournament of Blades in honor of the Emperor. The winner of the tournament is to be named the Praetorian of Terra, tasked with guarding Segmentum Solar for all time. The Primarchs and their honor guard are invited to the newly compliant world of Cadia, where a mighty coliseum has been erected. There, brother will compete against brother to prove their superiority, and thus their worth to the Warmaster. The Judgement Bringers, Warhawks, The Knights Exemplar, Iron Hearts, Paladins of Kor, Silver Spears, Second Sons, Storm Hammers, Bohemoth Guard, Sky Serpents, and of course the Eyes of the Warmster, are all in attendance. The Loyalists are lead to believe that repulsor fields and Oathsworn medica teams will keep the tourney relatively safe, but they are fools to believe so. Akin to the events of the drop site massacre in traditional 40k lore, the heretical Astartes turn upon their loyal brethren, who, shocked by the betrayal and in an utter state of disarray, are cut down in their thousands, and many of their champions and commanders are slain. It is the blow that breaks the back of loyalist resistance.

Atlas[edit | edit source]

Important new planets in the Imperium Asunder Timeline go here.

Dark Imperium[edit | edit source]

Unholy Terra[edit | edit source]

Terra is a twisted, abominable reflection of its former glory. How humans can even survive on this twisted demon capitol in the heart of the swirling Eye of Terra is perplexing. Its been suggested that Terra is anchored partially in realspace by some powerful force; Whether this is the will of the divine Emperor as a true ascended god, or simply psychic echo, a vestige of his colossal psychic might that won't let Terra slip fully to chaos, it is impossible to tell.

Home to the Judgement Bringers.

Warmaster's Domains[edit | edit source]

Think Airstrip One

Chaos Marches[edit | edit source]

The bulk of the Dark Imperium, the Chaos Marches are vast swathes of space comprising most of Obscurus and Pacificus outside of those areas claimed by the main Chaos Legions. No one power claims command of this areas, instead hundreds of not thousands of separate forces vie with one another for control of small fractions of the Marches.

There are many who believe that these warp twisted worlds are unlivable, however, there are many that find human life on it. These worlds are separate the chaff from the grain, especially those worlds who were originally deathworlds, find their new twisted and malformed landscapes to bring out the toughest in warriors and inhabitants.

Dark Worlds[edit | edit source]

Main article: Dark Worlds

The Dark worlds are a truly terrifying sector to behold now that the Emperors light shines no more. The cluster, heavily reliant upon Imperial aid even before the great collapse, as secessionists, heretics and renegades were a constant threat. Loyalists were barely holding ground before, so it comes as no surprise that when the aid stopped arriving, many worlds fell, leaving few stranded worlds left.

The Dark worlds now are a Broken collection of petty states, Daemonic holdings, and renegade kingdoms, held together loosely by their collective hatred of anyone who wishes to invade the dark worlds. Woe befall those who wish to travel through this lawless section of space.

Home to the Behemoth Guard

Second Sons[edit | edit source]

Like how their homeworld, Lorrentia, was once a verdant world and had been rich in natural resources, the territory of the Second Sons are blasted hellscapes. Many of these worlds were used as agriworlds before the Second Sons came.

Currently many of these worlds have large laboratories which churn out chemical, biological and nuclear weapons for the Second Son's warmongering. As a result, the species that remain on these worlds after toxins have seeped out or after the Seconds Sons have used these toxins to conquer planets are twisted and horrific. There who dare to leave any walled cities to explore these awful landscapes.

Any planet that surrendered peacefully and does not have a laboratory struggles to feed the rest of the sector.

Archeotect Collective[edit | edit source]

Crusader States[edit | edit source]

Storm Kingdoms[edit | edit source]

The Storm Kingdoms are a union of systems and planets under the rule of the Storm Hammer Legion, organized into a feudal system not unlike that of the former Imperium of Man. The Storm Kingdoms encourage self-reliance of their planets, ensuring that Kingdoms are able to defend themselves in times of need. While they each have a sizable level of independence, the downside is a certain amount of infighting amongst the various political factions and nobles. The Storm Kingdoms field vast armies of human soldiers which are expected to fight alongside the Storm Hammer Legion. These armies are under the control of the various planetary lords but are expected to show deference and loyalty to the Legion, which maintain both human and Astarte advisers (especially Librarians) in multiple levels of the chain of command. All worlds pay tithe to the Storm Hammers and the Legion commander who is the symbolic head of all the Storm Kingdoms. The non-Astartes miltiary forces of the Storm Kingdom include 'Imperial' soldiers and exiled Mechanicum Skitarii as well as Knightly Houses. Because the Storm Kingdom has few, if any Titans left, it relies more extensively on the Knights.

  • Lostregia: Home world of the Storm Hammers. The planet remain a radioactive hell-hole where people live inside radiation-shielded fortresses. It remain one of the primary recruitment world of the Legion.
  • Augustine, Stormport and Lithios: Called 'the trinity', these three fortress-worlds are the primary military bases of the Storm Kingdoms.
  • Dendrobium: The 'technological' capital of the Storm Kingdoms and under direct supervision from the Storm Hammers. Primarily ran by descendants of the Adeptus Mechanicus affiliated with the Legion during the Crusade days.

Jade Empire[edit | edit source]

The domain of the Sky Serpents.

Imperium Minorum[edit | edit source]

"The precedence of the Imperium Minorum is a common view in the Imperium Minorum, but one must know that the foundations of the Jade Empire also date back to the crusade era. Now, Minorum was a pre-extant domain during the Dark Age, so whether or not we can really count it as a founding or if Alexios merely inherited a pre-extant domain can be disputed. On the other hand, the foundations of our own state are wholly distinct and spring forth clearly from the union of worlds conquered and forged into an empire by our own illustrious primarch." --from The Decline and Fall of the Western Empire by Eouddar Gibzon of the Jade Empire, M38

New Constantine isn't actually Alexios' homeworld, it's the first world his expeditionary fleet came across which refused peaceful compliance. He decided to make an example of them and burned their world to ash, rebuilding it as his own new Imperial world. He could easily have been discovered in Segmentum Solar, or western Ultima segmentum, or anywhere really.

How about this: Alexios's pod lands on Alexandria, a world in central Pacificus. Alexandria was a world of libraries, deep vault ships launched from Terra long ago brought library records as a sort of time capsule, seeking to conserve the knowledge of mankind as best they could, should something terrible happen to Terra. Alexios rose quickly among the clerk-priests of Alexandria, and soon he ruled the planet as Master of Relics. One night Alexios has a dream of a golden angel, coming in the clouds like a great beacon. The next day, his dream proved prophetic as the Emperor of Mankind, Beloved by all, came to Alexandria. Compliance was swift and welcome. Alexios was given command of his XIIth legion and the 99th Expeditionary fleet. Alexios chose to lead his expedition deeply through the warp to expand his father's realm, and found hmself in the far east of Ultima Segmentum. Many worlds knelt to Alexios as he had knelt to the Emperor, but eventually one stood defiant. The name of that world was expunged from all records of the 99th Expedition or the XIIth legion. All of the inhabitants of the world were purged, the seas boiled away, and the mountains bulldozed with massive constructor fleets. The planet was rebuilt with Imperial colonists, and named Constantine. Alexios made it his formal seat, establishing a military bureaucracy in the great basilicas of his golden city. From there, the Angels conquered many more worlds in the name of the Emperor of Mankind, Beloved by All.

Angels of Light

Forge Space[edit | edit source]

The domain of the Fists of Mars.

gigantic space stations and forges surrounded by moons hollowed out and use as reactors, tethered to what they orbit by numerous sky hooks these our some of the more simple designs incorporated into the forge spaces grandiose machine, each factory a cog which helps the mechanism function. the bulk of the forge spaces population have never set foot on a natural planet and instead inhabit vast space ecologies and floating cities that meander through real space not dissimilar to an asuryani craft worlds. orbital docks feed endless factories dirtside and if any army were to invade these fortresses they would likely become lost in their labyrinthine generators and smelters or drowned by a tide of servitors

Unyielding Vigil[edit | edit source]

The domain of the Undying Scions.

Independent[edit | edit source]

Oathsworn[edit | edit source]

Found among the gene-wrights of Luna, the Primarch of the Hospitaliers and eventual Oathsworn was named Faustus after the Lunar archetype of doctors and sages. The young child grew in seclusion and raised to master every aspect of the flesh and form from the greatest minds on Luna in order to important every facet of gene forging into the rapidly growing boy. Through this harsh education the youth became a man in years, and soon after the leader of Luna itself. Heralded as the manifestation of their occult faith in the flesh, the gene masters propped him as both a holy symbol and a paragon of knowledge. Yet in his heart Faustus knew he was still mortal, and carried in secrecy a burgeoning love for all of mankind even as his foster parents taught him to despise the weak and inefficient. It was under their care and his command that Luna once more was united into one world just as Terra itself finished doing the same.

The Emperor, there seeking to tame the gene-wrights and their arcane sciences, sent for the Legiones Astartes under the rule of the future warmaster. His spies were omnipresent, and heavily sabotaged the initial defense of Luna. The first found Primarch almost captured the moon within six hours of the first gunshot, yet by Faustus' expertise and mastery of all things biological the Terran saboteurs were repelled and peace talks forced. Though every mortal on Luna felt fear in their heart for the Eyes of Luna as they were now called, Faustus himself would not be so easily broken. What was intended to be a declaration of defiance became a matter of annexation however when upon the delegations arrival Faustus met with the Warmaster and Emperor. The words that passed between them have long been lost, but legend recalls of terse words and labored dealings to secure his people's freedoms. In the end though, all acknowledge that the Primarch bent his knee to the Emperor, and became the head of the IXth legion.

The Kor Protectorate[edit | edit source]

Anders Kor and his Paladins reside in the Kor Protectorate to the galactic East, among the Exodite worlds of the Eldar. They preach tolerance and peace among all peoples, and allow anyone who wishes to live a fulfilling life to become a citizen. The Paladins of Kor police the Protectorate's worlds, and the Errant Paladins venture outside the borders to assist those who need their help. The Paladins are shock-troops that operate under heavy artillery support and work very well with any ally they may have. This includes xenos and peaceful heretics as well as Loyalist forces, which angers some of Anders' more conservative brothers.

Contested Territory[edit | edit source]

Tempestus Gap[edit | edit source]

The Tempestus Gap is the region dividing the Chaos Marches from the Crusader States, where the firewall comes to an end in the Tempestus Segmentum. The Chaos Marches and the Crusader States do not directly border each other here. Rather, the two are divided by a wide region of space which has no overall ruler. Millennia of warfare and raiding have reduced the Tempestus Gap to a cesspit of anarchy and misery. The continuous back-and-forth between Chaos warbands, Xenos pirates, and Crusader State expeditionary forces have gradually destroyed most infrastructure and nearly all governance. The average world of the Gap is helpless, with no knowledge of what happens beyond its system's boundaries and no navy or ground forces capable of holding off any but the most anemic raider.

On the Chaos side of the gap, the primary force is the Iron Hearts, who rule the line of fortress-worlds that forestall any attempt by the Crusader States to launch a raid through the gap into the Dark Imperium itself. On the far side, the Unyielding Vigil and the Forgespace maintain similar lines of defensive works. However, forces from all over the galaxy can make their way into the gap, lured by promises of glory, plunder, and blood, contributing even more to the utter anarchy.

The forces of Chaos and the Crusader States both occasionally attempt to establish a foothold here, but they rarely last. Such footholds almost inevitably attract attacks once they are discovered; even if one attack is beaten off, or two, or three, there will always be more, until the strongholds are reduced to dust. Planets which seek out some greater patron often meet the same fate; assuming, of course, that their patron doesn't have its own horrible fate in store for them. (This is more a Chaos or Xenos thing than a Crusader State thing; but I would be lying if I said that the loyalists had no atrocities to their name at all.)

For more information, some of the forces operating in the Gap have been detailed in Realm Guard and Mercenaries.

The Hunting Grounds[edit | edit source]

As the Iron Hearts, Forgespace, and the Unyielding vigil face off across the Tempestus Gap, so too do the Storm Kingdoms and the Bloodhounds face off across the Hunting Grounds. Above the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath, where the Firewall 'begins', there are the Hunting Grounds. This is a very different environment than the Tempestus Gap, despite the similarities in astrography. First, it's simply less dense than the Gap; further out on the galactic rim, stars are further apart, journey times are longer. Second, the temperament of the Bloodhounds are very different from the temperament of the Iron Hearts. Where the Iron Hearts are (relatively) content to keep to their fortress-line and leave the fighting in the gap to lesser warbands, the Bloodhounds regard the Hunting grounds as their personal, well, hunting grounds. The majority of Chaos forces operating in the Grounds are therefore either the Bloodhounds themselves or their direct vassals, affiliates, franchisees, and subordinates.

Which is not to say the Bloodhounds rule the grounds, of course. No; they cultivate it, as a game warden cultivates a hunting ground. A rapidly industrializing and militarizing world might be left alone for decades or centuries, so that it develops into a worthy and entertaining fight. Another might suffer relatively light yearly raids, to keep the population sufficiently cowed without ever dropping below sustainable levels. A third might be carefully goaded, calculated indignities heaped upon one another to encourage dreams of revenge- and an eventual fall to Khorne. Each warband has its own preferred methods and prey, and conflicts often arise when one poaching warband strays onto another's turf. Like cultivating bonsai, but with more chainswords and screaming.

In response, the Storm Kingdoms also have a generally higher level of activity in the Hunting Grounds than the Unyielding Vigil or Forgespace do in the Gap. Despite the sparsity of stars, direct Astartes-on-Astartes combat is commonplace in the Hunting Grounds. Which is just how the Bloodhounds like it- you will find little worthier prey than Astartes.

Legions[edit | edit source]

Loyalists[edit | edit source]

Primarch Legion Legion Number Location Specialisation
Raydon Neratos Crimson Warhawks II Reaving the Dark Imperium Masters of the sky & peerless void combatants
Marcus Sinistrum Fists of Mars III Forge Space Mechanised war fighters, Mechanicus in Exile.
Engerand Storm Hammers VI Storm Kingdom Heavy Infantry and shock assaults
Graha'nak Void Lords VIII Contested Space Planetary cleansing, terror tactics, and close combat.
Alexios the White Angels of Light XII Imperium Minoris Compliance and empire building
Xun Tohilcoatl Sky Serpents XIII Jade Empire Sorcery and encirclement tactics
Sarco Funerus Undying Scions XVIII Unyielding Vigil Armies of Dreadnoughts, the Wisdom and Fury of Ages.
Klaus Staffel Knights Exemplar XX Tempestus Gap Terminators and Single Combat

Renegades[edit | edit source]

Primarch Legion Legion Number Location Specialisation
Oramar Elthiran Warp Raiders V Lost to the Warp Students of Xenos lore, witchcraft, and technology.
Anders Kor Paladins of Kor X Kor Protectorate Masters of Coordination and Combined Arms
Faustus Ascelpious Oathsworn IX Fleet Based Chapters Apothecary Specialists. Claim Neutrality. Fragmented.

Traitors[edit | edit source]

Primarch Legion Legion Number Location Specialisation
REDACTED Eyes of the Warmaster XVI Dark Imperium Information Dominance and Deception
Balthasar the Bloody Bloodhounds I Chaos Marches Close combat specialists known for relentlessness and 'the hunt'.
Kashaln Silver Spears IV The Warp, raiding Realspace Infantry specialist with a prolific martial culture and oratory skills.
Enoch the Relentless Judgement Bringers VII Dark Imperium Experts of shock and awe, uncontested masters of ordnance.
Saul Sheridan Second Sons XI Halo Stars Driven mad by radiation on the Red Road to Terra. Irradiated cultists.
Rubinek Iron Hearts XVII Dark Imperium Hereteks with bionically enhanced endurance
Gengrat Vannevar Behemoth Guard XIV Dark Worlds Warpsmithing and technosorcery
Anshul the Resplendent Arms of Asura XV Chaos Marches Daemonic Posession and religious ritual.
Aodhán Kael Negators XIX Commorragh Anti-armour operations, rapid redeployment, monster slayers

Independent Astartes Factions[edit | edit source]

Name Leader Allegiance Size Location Current Status
Diamond Watch Cpt. Romero Whitefall Loyalist Hundreds Planet Cystral Lost (Destroyed)
Purgis Valkyris Jaeven Istocruxl Renegade Dozens Unknown Unknown
Black Suns Cyrus Dumah Renegade Varies Calixis sector Active
Star Warriors Unknown Altair Enclave Thousands Altair Enclave Active

Non-Astartes Factions[edit | edit source]

Leader Name Location Specialisation
Isador Vanth Archaeotect Collective Far Galactic North Human refugees of the Heresy embraced by an ancient nanomachine collective.
Muirthandril Resurgent Eldar Empire Southern Tempestus Make the Eldar Empire great again!
Shas'O Vior'los Altairre Altair Enclave Damocles Gulf and surrounding area Stealth, putting spies in the Eyes of the Warmaster, spycraft, being actually grimdark
Various Realm Guard and Mercenaries Throughout the Galaxy Not being space marines
Various the krill from the edges of the galaxy Gigantic bug like creature who infest the world bordering the chaos marches that are said to have come from beyond our galaxy

Rules[edit | edit source]

LA Rules[edit | edit source]

Primarch Rules[edit | edit source]

Character Rules[edit | edit source]

Chapter Tactics for Plebs using Codex Space Marines[edit | edit source]

Legion Tactics for Plebs using Codex Chaos Space Marines[edit | edit source]

Guard Rules[edit | edit source]

Unit Rules[edit | edit source]

Pages of the Imperium Asunder Project
Loyalist: Crimson Warhawks - Fists of Mars - Storm Hammers - Void Lords
Angels of Light - Sky Serpents - Undying Scions - Knights Exemplar
Traitor: Eyes of the Warmaster - Bloodhounds - Silver Spears - Judgement Bringers
Second Sons - Iron Hearts - Behemoth Guard - Arms of Asura - Negators
Renegade: Warp Raiders - Paladins of Kor - Oathsworn
Other Astartes: Diamond Watch - Black Suns - Hekatonkires - Star Warriors
Other Powers: Resurgent Eldar Empire - Eldar Warhost
Archaeotect Collective - Realm Guard and Mercenaries - Altair Enclave
Related Pages: Imperium Asunder Campaigns - Imperium Asunder Timeline