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Unit overview and tactica for the USARF
Unit overview and tactica for the USARF

[[Image: USARF.jpg |thumb|Enlist now!]]
[[Image: Riveting.png |thumb|Semper Fidelis !]]

==Why play the USAriadna Ranger Force (USARF)?==
==Why play the USAriadna Ranger Force (USARF)?==
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*'''Dozer, Field Engineers:''' The generic Ariadna Engineers and the only Engineer option in USARF. The two unique options are the Traktor Mul Control Device -which opens Traktor Muls- and the Akrylat Kanone -a very useful and rare weapon.
*'''Dozer, Field Engineers:''' The generic Ariadna Engineers and the only Engineer option in USARF. The two unique options are the Traktor Mul Control Device -which opens Traktor Muls- and the Akrylat Kanone -a very useful and rare weapon.

*'''6th Airborne Rangers REG.:''' The 6th Airborne is a very inexpensive AD:Parachutist trooper. Martial Arts L2 and CC22 isn't a huge deal compared to more CC dedicated troopers, however, it works well against basic troopers as well as providing the ever useful Stealth and V:Courage skill. The 6th Airborne can bring a heavier weapon, Molotok, and they have a single specialist, Forward Observer at WIP13. Parachutist requires a bit of practice to use.
*'''6th Airborne Rangers REG.:''' The 6th Airborne is a AD:Parachutist trooper, who specializes in melee over shooting, unlike many other AD troops. Martial Arts L2 and CC22 isn't a huge deal compared to more CC dedicated troopers, however, it works well against basic troopers as well as providing the ever useful Stealth and V:Courage skill. The 6th Airborne can bring a heavier weapon, Molotok, and they have a single specialist, Forward Observer at WIP13. Parachutist requires a bit of practice to use. The combination of Martial Arts and their Knife means that an Airborne Ranger can stealthily move into combat with an enemy model and attack it with a PH14 shock melee attack, only allowing the enemy model to ARO or use Warning if they survive.
**'''Roger Van Zant, Captain of 6th Airborne Rangers "Oklahoma":''' Roger Van Zant is the heroic Airborne character. Expensive trooper, but he has a the rare Tactical Jump skill allowing him to deploy on any table edge including the opponent's deployment zone edge. Like the generic Airborne, RVZ also has Martial Arts L2(Stealth and V:Courage) and CC22 for this badass AP CCW axe. He's armed with an AP Rifle and Heavy Pistol; Though short ranged, his unique deployment options easily brings his guns to bear. RVZ has 2 options, a regular version and a second profile with Executive Order. Executive Order immediately makes him the Lieutenant as soon as he hits the board; Though Executive Order is considered hidden info, RVZ is already a massive threat/bullet magnet, but it gives him the extra LT Order. V:Dogged keeps him fighting to the bitter end, and BS13 means he's a very skilled gunfighter. Roger Van Zant is a scary motherfucker and the reason players deploy with some of their troopers facing their own deployment edges
**'''Roger Van Zant, Captain of 6th Airborne Rangers "Oklahoma":''' Roger Van Zant is the heroic Airborne character. Expensive trooper, but he has the rare Tactical Jump skill allowing him to deploy on any table edge including the opponent's deployment zone edge. Like the generic Airborne, RVZ also has Martial Arts L2(Stealth and V:Courage) and CC22 for this badass AP CCW axe. He's armed with an AP Rifle and Heavy Pistol; Though short ranged, his unique deployment options easily brings his guns to bear. RVZ has 2 options, a regular version and a second profile with Executive Order. Skip Executive Order (see below for why). V:Dogged keeps him fighting to the bitter end, and BS13 means he's a very skilled gunfighter. Roger Van Zant is a scary motherfucker and the reason players deploy with some of their troopers facing their own deployment edges against the USA. Managing to remove one of these back-watchers can open up for amazing sweeps of back-line cheerleaders by RVZ.
***A note on Executive Order: Executive Order has been dead in the water since early ITS10 - Roger Van Zant (Executive Order) cannot spend a lieutenant order that he did not generate himself. This means that he cannot use the Lieutenant Order in the turn you landed him - nor can you have your former lieutenant use it. This might serve a use as having an off-board COC model that's less of a joke than UKR, so you can have your LT push aggressively, die, and then put RVZ on the board before the end of the turn... but does this really sound like it's worth 40pts?

*'''The Unknown Ranger:''' The Unknown Ranger is expensive as hell for a single wound figure. However, his profile is incredibly tough. Only a single wound but with V:NWI, Mimetism, Natural Born Warrior (NBW also gives V:Courage and Stealth!), and Scavenger. He may be ARM4, but he still maintains a 4-4MOV. The Unknown Ranger has high CC22, BS13, and PH13 as well. He's not bad in CC either; NBW mode A cancels all CC Skills of the enemy, and Mode B give the Unknown Ranger a +3 attack MOD and +1 Damage...Also he wields a deadly T2 CCW. Keep him in cover to benefit from ARM7 after modifers use Smoke from other units to get him where he needs to be. His biggest weakness is the lack of Shock Immunity and NO BTS, so keep AWAY from Shock and Viral. Both of his options are solid. His two options are:
*'''The Unknown Ranger:''' The Unknown Ranger is expensive as hell for a single wound figure. However, his profile is incredibly tough. Only a single wound but with V:NWI, Mimetism, Natural Born Warrior (NBW also gives V:Courage and Stealth!), and Scavenger. He may be ARM4, but he still maintains a 4-4MOV. The Unknown Ranger has high CC22, BS13, and PH13 as well. He's not bad in CC either; NBW mode A cancels all CC Skills of the enemy, and Mode B give the Unknown Ranger a +3 attack MOD and +1 Damage...Also he wields a deadly T2 CCW. Keep him in cover to benefit from ARM7 after modifers use Smoke from other units to get him where he needs to be. His biggest weakness is the lack of Shock Immunity and NO BTS, so keep AWAY from Shock and Viral. Both of his options are solid. His two options are:
**'''Chain of Command with Rifle:''' Though very short ranged, the sectorial army has plenty of Smoke Grenades to safely get him across the field, and he could potentially get a better weapon with Scavenger. Chain of Command combos well with Roger Van Zant's Executive Order profile or with any other aggressive LT. Remember: Chain of Command is a Specialist type for ITS objectives.
**'''Chain of Command with Rifle:''' Though very short ranged, the sectorial army has plenty of Smoke Grenades to safely get him across the field, and he could potentially get a better weapon with Scavenger. Chain of Command combos well with any of your aggressive LT. Remember: Chain of Command is a Specialist type for ITS objectives.
**'''Specialist Operative with Molotok:''' The Unknown Ranger is armed with a mid ranged weapon with higher burst. Use Smoke coverage to bring his guns into good range.
**'''Specialist Operative with Molotok:''' The Unknown Ranger is armed with a mid ranged weapon with higher burst. Use Smoke coverage to bring his guns into good range.

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*'''USAriadna Grunts, Line Rangers Regiment:''' The Grunts are the basic trooper for the USARF. They have Shock Immunity, ARM3, an array of options, and they're super cheap. Individually, they aren't more than order generators and/or rear guard. There are only 2 specialist options: Forward Observer and Paramedic. A VERY noteworthy option is the Inferior Infiltrator with HFT and LSG. This profile can be very dangerous especially against fireteams or crowds...if they can stick their inferior infiltration roll that is. Though very inexpensive, they have quite a drawback - only 4-2MOV (normal for Medium Infantry) and only WIP12.
*'''USAriadna Grunts, Line Rangers Regiment:''' The Grunts are the basic trooper for the USARF. They have Shock Immunity, ARM3, an array of options, and they're super cheap. Individually, they aren't more than order generators and/or rear guard. There are only 2 specialist options: Forward Observer and Paramedic. A VERY noteworthy option is the Inferior Infiltrator with HFT and LSG. This profile can be very dangerous especially against fireteams or crowds...if they can stick their inferior infiltration roll that is. Though very inexpensive, they have quite a drawback - only 4-2MOV (normal for Medium Infantry) and only WIP12.
**'''Core:''' In a Core team, the Grunts become a very formidable defensive team. The HMG is great for any active turn shooting, VERY cheap Snipers for AROs, HFT/LSG for close quarter gunfights, and ARM6 in cover! Though there are specialist options, the team is better as a defensive unit that hunkers down and over watch firelanes. It doesn't cost a lot, leaving you plenty of points for more troopers.
**'''Core:''' In a Core team, the Grunts become a very formidable defensive team. The HMG is great for any active turn shooting, VERY cheap Snipers for AROs, HFT/LSG for close quarter gunfights, and ARM6 in cover! Though there are specialist options, the team is better as a defensive unit that hunkers down and over watch firelanes. It doesn't cost a lot, leaving you plenty of points for more troopers.
**'''Grunt Intel Rosalind 'Rosie' Munroe:''' Rosie is the spec-ops character for USARF. While her MOV4-2 is still the same, her BS12 and WIP13 is a very nice improvement over the generic Grunt. For 22pts, she brings a Light Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun, D-Charges, Forward Deployment L1, Shock Immunity, V:Dogged, Specialist Operative, and counts as a Grunt for Fireteam composition. Grunts have good long ranged weapons; Rosie brings a mid ranged weapon, Light Rocket Launcher, giving the team more aggressive purpose - move forward and take oobjectives. As oppose to sitting back and covering firing lanes. Shock Immunity and V:Dogged is a neat little combo, and Forward Deployment L1 gives her an extra 4" for deployment getting her to good range-band more easily. Also she's the one other unit that brings D-Charges. Her skills and equipment are at odds with the Grunts she would lead. Grunts excel in defensive ARO duties, but Rosie not only wants to move forward, but also deploy further up; So she may just not be worth taking over a solid Grunt Sniper team. Marauders are better at the midfield fight than the Grunts.

*'''Mavericks, 9th Motorized Recon Battalion:''' Mavericks are the disciplined biker unit of the USARF. They are Regular and Impetuous - NOT Extremely so they can cancel their Impetuous Order freely. Contrary to all over bikers, Mavericks are slower with 8-4MOV which is hardly a issue because they'll most likely be dropping Smoke Grenades and 8-4MOV is still pretty fast. Mavericks also have ARM3 and MSV1 - also unique to the Mavericks. They have a nice arsenal most notably the SMG and Light Rocket Launcher. They also have a nicely priced Forward Observer specialist with WIP13.  
*'''Mavericks, 9th Motorized Recon Battalion:''' Mavericks are the disciplined biker unit of the USARF. They are Regular and Impetuous - NOT Extremely so they can cancel their Impetuous Order freely. Contrary to all over bikers, Mavericks are slower with 8-4MOV which is hardly a issue because they'll most likely be dropping Smoke Grenades and 8-4MOV is still pretty fast. Mavericks also have ARM3 and MSV1 - also unique to the Mavericks. They have a nice arsenal most notably the SMG and Light Rocket Launcher. They also have a nicely priced Forward Observer specialist with WIP13.  

*'''5307th Composite Ranger Unit, Marauders:''' The Marauders are aggressive jungle fighters. They have Forward Deployment L1, Stealth, and V:Dogged with ARM3 like many other USARF units. They bring heavy weapons like Heavy Rocket Launchers, Sniper, or Molotoks. Despite being only 4-2MOV, Forward Deployment L1 helps them get into good range and/or deploys their Paramedic closer to Objectives. The Sniper and HRL options both have MSV1, and the Boarding Shotgun options comes with Mines. Also worth mentioning, the Lieutenant option doesn't cost a whole SWC like the Grunts, and with the extra deployment space, a Marauder LT can easily find a secure spot to camp.
*'''5307th Composite Ranger Unit, Marauders:''' The Marauders are aggressive jungle fighters. They have Forward Deployment L1, Stealth, and V:Dogged with ARM3 like many other USARF units. They bring heavy weapons like Heavy Rocket Launchers, Sniper, or Molotoks. Despite being only 4-2MOV, Forward Deployment L1 helps them get into good range and/or deploys their Paramedic closer to Objectives. The Sniper and HRL options both have MSV1, and the Boarding Shotgun options comes with Mines. Also worth mentioning, the Lieutenant option doesn't cost a whole SWC like the Grunts, and with the extra deployment space, a Marauder LT can easily find a secure spot to camp.
**'''Core:''' Marauders can form a 5 man fireteam...with that extra 4" of deployment space from Forward Deployment L1. This is a pretty strong combination of skills and no other fireteams have it. A Paramedic can make the team ITS ready and the slowness of the 4-2MOV is greatly mitigated. Also Stealth helps them maneuver around nearly enemies safely.  
**'''Core:''' Marauders can form a 5 man fireteam...with that extra 4" of deployment space from Forward Deployment L1. This is a pretty strong combination of skills and no other fireteams have it. A Paramedic can make the team ITS ready and the slowness of the 4-2MOV is greatly mitigated. Also Stealth helps them maneuver around nearby enemies safely.  
**'''Haris:''' Same deal as a Core Fireteam but in a smaller 3-man footprint. Make a small specialist escort team, a forward deployed defensive unit, or even an aggressive active turn fighters.
**'''Haris:''' Same deal as a Core Fireteam but in a smaller 3-man footprint. Make a small specialist escort team, a forward deployed defensive unit, or even an aggressive active turn fighters.

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*'''Traktor Mul, Artillery and Support Regiment:''' Firstly, Traktor Muls require a Dozer with controller, so consider that into list building. Traktor Muls are pretty short ranged, but their mainly for guided strikes and baggage. Even with the Dozer costs, Traktor Muls are not very expensive.
*'''Traktor Mul, Artillery and Support Regiment:''' Firstly, Traktor Muls require a Dozer with controller, so consider that into list building. Traktor Muls are pretty short ranged, but they're mainly for guided strikes and baggage. Even with the Dozer costs, Traktor Muls are not very expensive.

*'''7th Foxtrot Rangers "Newport":''' A very basic Camo Infiltrator. No bells and whistles, but very nicely priced. The most common profile will be the Forward Observer specialist. All but the LGL profile comes with Antipersonnel Mines as well. Bostria said to abuse them...This is true. take as many as you can fit into the list. Because you're not paying for any extra junk or skills, Foxtrots are a very affordable and solid unit.
*'''7th Foxtrot Rangers "Newport":''' A very basic Camo Infiltrator. No bells and whistles, but very nicely priced. The most common profile will be the Forward Observer specialist. All but the LGL profile comes with Antipersonnel Mines as well. Bostria said to abuse them...This is true. take as many as you can fit into the list. Because you're not paying for any extra junk or skills, Foxtrots are a very affordable and solid unit.

*'''Hardcases, 2nd Irregular Frontiersmen Battalion:''' Hardcases are for camo spam shenanigans.
*'''Hardcases, 2nd Irregular Frontiersmen Battalion:''' Hardcases are for camo spam shenanigans. Irregular, ambush camo infiltrator with a tactical bow and your choice of either a light shotgun or a rifle. PH 13 makes the bow, a DA weapon, basically a close-range contender; combined with ambush camo, surprise shot and silent, you can really fuck with your opponent. Combine with a couple Foxtrots above with antipersonnel mines and you will understand why the USARF are the camo shellgame MASTERS!

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There are plenty of Smoke Grenades in the army list. Use it to cover your advance. The USARF has no MSV2 or higher, they cannot use the MSV2+Smoke tactic or nullify camouflage and ODD, so they'll have to rely on stats and good ol fashion Flamethrowers...and there are a lot of Flamethrowers in this sectorial.
There are plenty of Smoke Grenades in the army list. Use it to cover your advance. The USARF has no MSV2 or higher, they cannot use the MSV2+Smoke tactic or nullify camouflage and ODD, so they'll have to rely on stats and good ol fashion Flamethrowers...and there are a lot of Flamethrowers in this sectorial.

Which brings us to the next point: Firepower. USARF has quite an arsenal as their disposal with a lot of AP and Fire ammunition. AP Rifles, AP HMGS, Heavy Rocket Launcher, Assault Pistols, Heavy and LIght Flamethrowers, Sharp Knives, and Pointy Sticks; They take a very direct approach in combat: Point and shoot. Even with all this firepower, they're no slouches with ITS Objectives thanks to Foxtrot specialists and being able to mask their Camouflage tactics even further with Hardcases.
Which brings us to the next point: Firepower. USARF has quite an arsenal at their disposal with a lot of AP and Fire ammunition. AP Rifles, AP HMGS, Heavy Rocket Launcher, Assault Pistols, Heavy and Light Flamethrowers, Sharp Knives, and Pointy Sticks; They take a very direct approach in combat: Point and shoot. Even with all this firepower, they're no slouches with ITS Objectives thanks to Foxtrot specialists and being able to mask their Camouflage tactics even further with Hardcases.

Like all of Ariadna, they can struggle against enemy Camo, TO, and ODD because of the low tech nature of the nation. However, USARF has MSV1 and plenty of DTW to deal with them. And they have numbers since the troopers in this sectorial are very inexpensive. RVZ and the Unknown Ranger are pretty pricey, but the low costs of all the other troopers in the army list offsets the expensiveness of those characters. Unfortunately, the USARF may struggle filling in points for Limited Insertion lists.
Like all of Ariadna, they can struggle against enemy Camo, TO, and ODD because of the low tech nature of the nation. However, USARF has MSV1 and plenty of DTW to deal with them. And they have numbers since the troopers in this sectorial are very inexpensive. RVZ and the Unknown Ranger are pretty pricey, but the low costs of all the other troopers in the army list offsets the expensiveness of those characters. Unfortunately, the USARF may struggle filling in points for Limited Insertion lists.
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'''Grunt Infiltrator:''' Grunt Inferior Infiltrators are very good. If you fail the inferior infiltration roll, then they are forced to deploy at your deployment edge, which isn't bad because then they can watch the rear of the army and continue generating regular orders. If you've put them in a good spot and they do land their roll, then they can cause a lot of damage to your opponent. Then they'll have to deal with an ARM3 (6 in cover) basic trooper with a Light Shotgun and HFT. Bring democracy directly to your enemies. Perfect against fireteams, closely packed groups, and fire sensitive units. Players often take multiple and even use them in reserve.
'''Grunt Infiltrator:''' Grunt Inferior Infiltrators are very good. If you fail the inferior infiltration roll, then they are forced to deploy at your deployment edge, which isn't bad because then they can watch the rear of the army and continue generating regular orders. If you've put them in a good spot and they do land their roll, then they can cause a lot of damage to your opponent. Then they'll have to deal with an ARM3 (6 in cover) basic trooper with a Light Shotgun and HFT. Bring democracy directly to your enemies. Perfect against fireteams, closely packed groups, and fire sensitive units. Players often take multiple and even use them in reserve.

'''Grunt Snipers:''' Grunt Snipers have the Marksmanship LX skill. That skill isn't great. However, in a fireteam, it can be a great way to ensure hits in ARO.
'''Guided Missile Strikes:''' Your list and tactics should NOT be centered around the Traktor Mul MRL (generally this goes for every other army). However, if you find the opportunity to mark a target for guided strikes, go for it. USARF has plenty of Forwards Observers. Don't forget though that while you are limited to 5 Guided attacks per turn, you are not limited to any number of Speculative Fire shots. A Traktor Mul using Speculative Fire with a Targeted model somewhere under the template will hit on 10's, and need not be centered, so you can use it to hit a lot more enemies at once.
*If an enemy trooper triggers AROs from a 5-man Grunt fireteam, Snipers can ARO using Marksmanship LX to benefit from a massive +12MOD (+6 from the Skill, +3 for Range, and +3 for Fireteam bonuses).
*Alternative Perspective: Ariadna, can get massive amounts of orders, making Speculative and Guided fire more viable than in other armies. Using Traktor Mul to fire speculative and guided shots into the enemy can cause horrendous amounts of damage. Make good use of Foxtrot Forward Observers using Surprise Shot with their Forward Observe skill, coming from another order pool, then dump pie plates on your enemy's army.
'''Guided Missile Strikes:''' Your list and tactics should NOT be centered around the Traktor Mul MRL (generally this goes for every other army). However, if you find the opportunity to mark a target for guided strikes, go for it. USARF has plenty of Forwards Observers.

'''Biker Army:''' Don't. Mavericks are AVA5 and Desperadoes are AVA6, so it's very tempting to play a list with maxed bikers. Unless you're very experienced or it's a friendly match, don't play a list with maxed out bikes. You need to allocate enough points to the rest of your list, make sure you have enough Regular orders, and also having so many Impetuous Orders slow the game to a crawl. That being said there's nothing wrong with either units, and there's nothing wrong with having multiple bikers. Just make sure there is enough for at least a fireteam and a bunch of specialists.
'''Biker Army:''' Don't. Mavericks are AVA5 and Desperadoes are AVA6, so it's very tempting to play a list with maxed bikers. Unless you're very experienced or it's a friendly match, don't play a list with maxed out bikes. You need to allocate enough points to the rest of your list, make sure you have enough Regular orders, and also having so many Impetuous Orders slow the game to a crawl. That being said there's nothing wrong with either units, and there's nothing wrong with having multiple bikers. Just make sure there is enough for at least a fireteam and a bunch of specialists.

'''I lead. You follow:''' An interesting but expensive combo involves Roger Van Zant with Executive Order and the Unknown Ranger with Chain of Command. You can freely use a LT (like a Marauder) aggressively, with the Unknown Ranger as a safety net for when he dies. RVZ can then jump in this or next turn, become the LT, and wreak havoc in the opponent's backside. Then when he inevitably dies, the Unknown Ranger becomes the LT again. It's a bit gimmicky, but ensures the army never drops into Loss of Lieutenant and the LT can be as aggressive as it wants; Also RVZ would get an extra LT order to play with.
'''I lead. You follow:''' <s>An interesting but expensive combo involves Roger Van Zant with Executive Order and the Unknown Ranger with Chain of Command. You can freely use a LT (like a Marauder) aggressively, with the Unknown Ranger as a safety net for when he dies. RVZ can then jump in this or next turn, become the LT, and wreak havoc in the opponent's backside. Then when he inevitably dies, the Unknown Ranger becomes the LT again. It's a bit gimmicky, but ensures the army never drops into Loss of Lieutenant and the LT can be as aggressive as it wants; Also RVZ would get an extra LT order to play with. </s> Executive Order troops cannot use Lieutenant orders that they did not generate themselves, per the July 2019 FAQ. Still, you can push hard with a Marauder, and then either bring Van Zant on to the board as a 'hidden COC'-like troop that wasn't previously there, or you can just have UKR on the board as your standard (albeit overpriced) COC piece.  

'''Slow and steady:''' The USARF is a bit slower in MOV than other armies. However, they make up for it is firepower and ARM. Be aggressive but stay in cover for the Cover MOD for those high ARM units.
'''Slow and steady:''' The USARF is a bit slower in MOV than other armies. However, they make up for it is firepower and ARM. Be aggressive but stay in cover for the Cover MOD for those high ARM units.
'''Sniper Tower''' Take several (at least 4) Grunt snipers. Read the rule entry on Marksmanship: LX and Coordinated Orders. Use said coordinated orders to put 4 sniper shots at that pesky Avatar with a +6 modifier, and ignoring the benefits of cover. Laugh.

[[Category: Infinity Tactics|Ariadna]]
[[Category: Infinity Tactics|Ariadna]]

Latest revision as of 15:50, 21 June 2023

Unit overview and tactica for the USARF

Semper Fidelis !

Why play the USAriadna Ranger Force (USARF)?[edit | edit source]

From USAriadna's capital, Mount Zion-The Wall, the USARF protects Ariadna from the bulk of the Antipode threat.

USARF boasts impressive firepower and higher average ARM value in exchange for lowered movement. This army is very aggressive and direct while still deploying a high model count including AD, camouflage and infiltration. Play USARF if you love freedom and coca cola

Faction Features[edit | edit source]

Special Skills[edit | edit source]

  • ADX: Tactical Jump: Roger Van Zant has a unique skill allowing him to airborne infiltrate on any table edge including the table edges of the opponent's deployment zone.
  • ARM3 the faction: USARF has a lot of high armored troopers including Bikers, Inferior Infiltrators, and even on basic troopers.
  • Physique: Ariadna in general has higher PH than most due to the harsh environment of planet Dawn. USARF is no exception.
  • LOW BTS: Ariadnans generally have very low or no BTS so look out for Plasma, E/M (Isolation), Breaker and Viral ammunition.

Weapons and Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • MSV1: USARF has a decent amount of MSV1 troopers. Though, they can't see through Smoke, it still helps mitigate the effects of Camouflage and ODD.
  • Burn it with fire: The USARF has a bunch of units with Fire Ammunition.

Unit Overview[edit | edit source]

Light Infantry[edit | edit source]

  • 112, Emergency Services: The generic Ariadna Doctors. He's SUPER fragile with only ARM and BTS 0, and armed with only a Light Shotgun. Unfortunately, the 112 is the ONLY Doctor in the sectorial, but he's also cheaper than other generic doctors.
  • Dozer, Field Engineers: The generic Ariadna Engineers and the only Engineer option in USARF. The two unique options are the Traktor Mul Control Device -which opens Traktor Muls- and the Akrylat Kanone -a very useful and rare weapon.
  • 6th Airborne Rangers REG.: The 6th Airborne is a AD:Parachutist trooper, who specializes in melee over shooting, unlike many other AD troops. Martial Arts L2 and CC22 isn't a huge deal compared to more CC dedicated troopers, however, it works well against basic troopers as well as providing the ever useful Stealth and V:Courage skill. The 6th Airborne can bring a heavier weapon, Molotok, and they have a single specialist, Forward Observer at WIP13. Parachutist requires a bit of practice to use. The combination of Martial Arts and their Knife means that an Airborne Ranger can stealthily move into combat with an enemy model and attack it with a PH14 shock melee attack, only allowing the enemy model to ARO or use Warning if they survive.
    • Roger Van Zant, Captain of 6th Airborne Rangers "Oklahoma": Roger Van Zant is the heroic Airborne character. Expensive trooper, but he has the rare Tactical Jump skill allowing him to deploy on any table edge including the opponent's deployment zone edge. Like the generic Airborne, RVZ also has Martial Arts L2(Stealth and V:Courage) and CC22 for this badass AP CCW axe. He's armed with an AP Rifle and Heavy Pistol; Though short ranged, his unique deployment options easily brings his guns to bear. RVZ has 2 options, a regular version and a second profile with Executive Order. Skip Executive Order (see below for why). V:Dogged keeps him fighting to the bitter end, and BS13 means he's a very skilled gunfighter. Roger Van Zant is a scary motherfucker and the reason players deploy with some of their troopers facing their own deployment edges against the USA. Managing to remove one of these back-watchers can open up for amazing sweeps of back-line cheerleaders by RVZ.
      • A note on Executive Order: Executive Order has been dead in the water since early ITS10 - Roger Van Zant (Executive Order) cannot spend a lieutenant order that he did not generate himself. This means that he cannot use the Lieutenant Order in the turn you landed him - nor can you have your former lieutenant use it. This might serve a use as having an off-board COC model that's less of a joke than UKR, so you can have your LT push aggressively, die, and then put RVZ on the board before the end of the turn... but does this really sound like it's worth 40pts?
  • The Unknown Ranger: The Unknown Ranger is expensive as hell for a single wound figure. However, his profile is incredibly tough. Only a single wound but with V:NWI, Mimetism, Natural Born Warrior (NBW also gives V:Courage and Stealth!), and Scavenger. He may be ARM4, but he still maintains a 4-4MOV. The Unknown Ranger has high CC22, BS13, and PH13 as well. He's not bad in CC either; NBW mode A cancels all CC Skills of the enemy, and Mode B give the Unknown Ranger a +3 attack MOD and +1 Damage...Also he wields a deadly T2 CCW. Keep him in cover to benefit from ARM7 after modifers use Smoke from other units to get him where he needs to be. His biggest weakness is the lack of Shock Immunity and NO BTS, so keep AWAY from Shock and Viral. Both of his options are solid. His two options are:
    • Chain of Command with Rifle: Though very short ranged, the sectorial army has plenty of Smoke Grenades to safely get him across the field, and he could potentially get a better weapon with Scavenger. Chain of Command combos well with any of your aggressive LT. Remember: Chain of Command is a Specialist type for ITS objectives.
    • Specialist Operative with Molotok: The Unknown Ranger is armed with a mid ranged weapon with higher burst. Use Smoke coverage to bring his guns into good range.
  • Wardrivers, Mecenary Hackers: Nothing to write home about. They're basically like 112 or Dozers, but for hacking. They are the only Hackers in USARF. Armed with only a Boarding Shotgun, SSL1, and either Defensive Hacking Device or a normal one. With no further hacking support and very little hackable units, they will be limited to specialist roles or supportware buffs for Traktor Muls.
  • Warcor: Cheap and Irregular 3pt WIP13 Flash Pulse dude. Take them if you got a few points left over. Don't underestimate how useful they are as an ARO piece.

Medium Infantry[edit | edit source]

  • USAriadna Grunts, Line Rangers Regiment: The Grunts are the basic trooper for the USARF. They have Shock Immunity, ARM3, an array of options, and they're super cheap. Individually, they aren't more than order generators and/or rear guard. There are only 2 specialist options: Forward Observer and Paramedic. A VERY noteworthy option is the Inferior Infiltrator with HFT and LSG. This profile can be very dangerous especially against fireteams or crowds...if they can stick their inferior infiltration roll that is. Though very inexpensive, they have quite a drawback - only 4-2MOV (normal for Medium Infantry) and only WIP12.
    • Core: In a Core team, the Grunts become a very formidable defensive team. The HMG is great for any active turn shooting, VERY cheap Snipers for AROs, HFT/LSG for close quarter gunfights, and ARM6 in cover! Though there are specialist options, the team is better as a defensive unit that hunkers down and over watch firelanes. It doesn't cost a lot, leaving you plenty of points for more troopers.
    • Grunt Intel Rosalind 'Rosie' Munroe: Rosie is the spec-ops character for USARF. While her MOV4-2 is still the same, her BS12 and WIP13 is a very nice improvement over the generic Grunt. For 22pts, she brings a Light Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun, D-Charges, Forward Deployment L1, Shock Immunity, V:Dogged, Specialist Operative, and counts as a Grunt for Fireteam composition. Grunts have good long ranged weapons; Rosie brings a mid ranged weapon, Light Rocket Launcher, giving the team more aggressive purpose - move forward and take oobjectives. As oppose to sitting back and covering firing lanes. Shock Immunity and V:Dogged is a neat little combo, and Forward Deployment L1 gives her an extra 4" for deployment getting her to good range-band more easily. Also she's the one other unit that brings D-Charges. Her skills and equipment are at odds with the Grunts she would lead. Grunts excel in defensive ARO duties, but Rosie not only wants to move forward, but also deploy further up; So she may just not be worth taking over a solid Grunt Sniper team. Marauders are better at the midfield fight than the Grunts.
  • Mavericks, 9th Motorized Recon Battalion: Mavericks are the disciplined biker unit of the USARF. They are Regular and Impetuous - NOT Extremely so they can cancel their Impetuous Order freely. Contrary to all over bikers, Mavericks are slower with 8-4MOV which is hardly a issue because they'll most likely be dropping Smoke Grenades and 8-4MOV is still pretty fast. Mavericks also have ARM3 and MSV1 - also unique to the Mavericks. They have a nice arsenal most notably the SMG and Light Rocket Launcher. They also have a nicely priced Forward Observer specialist with WIP13.
  • 5307th Composite Ranger Unit, Marauders: The Marauders are aggressive jungle fighters. They have Forward Deployment L1, Stealth, and V:Dogged with ARM3 like many other USARF units. They bring heavy weapons like Heavy Rocket Launchers, Sniper, or Molotoks. Despite being only 4-2MOV, Forward Deployment L1 helps them get into good range and/or deploys their Paramedic closer to Objectives. The Sniper and HRL options both have MSV1, and the Boarding Shotgun options comes with Mines. Also worth mentioning, the Lieutenant option doesn't cost a whole SWC like the Grunts, and with the extra deployment space, a Marauder LT can easily find a secure spot to camp.
    • Core: Marauders can form a 5 man fireteam...with that extra 4" of deployment space from Forward Deployment L1. This is a pretty strong combination of skills and no other fireteams have it. A Paramedic can make the team ITS ready and the slowness of the 4-2MOV is greatly mitigated. Also Stealth helps them maneuver around nearby enemies safely.
    • Haris: Same deal as a Core Fireteam but in a smaller 3-man footprint. Make a small specialist escort team, a forward deployed defensive unit, or even an aggressive active turn fighters.

Heavy Infantry[edit | edit source]

  • 5th Minutemen "Ohio": They are basically upgrade Grunts. They're only 1 Wound troopers, but with Shock Immunity. They have a ton of firepower almost in a literal sense because of all of the Light Flamethrowers. BS13 is also very good especially the AP Rifle with X-Visor. There is only one specialist option, Forward Observer, and, unfortunately, they're only WIP12 -which is also pretty bad for LT options.
    • Core: The Minutemen fireteam can be pretty pricey (pricey for single wound HI). However, they have a high damage output. AP HMG for active turn shooting. The AP Rifle with X-Visor can be a decent mid ranged gun. Also dual LFTs go to burst 3 for a massive DTW attack.
  • Blackjacks, 10th Heavy Rangers Battalion: Blackjacks are as close to a traditional HI as Ariadna can get. High ARM5 and essentially 2 Wounds thanks to Lo-Tech A. They are really slow 4-2MOV, but they're more like a turret piece. AP HMG for burst and a very deadly T2 Sniper for long ranged damage (which also comes with SMG). Use Chest Mines when things get too personal.

REM[edit | edit source]

  • Traktor Mul, Artillery and Support Regiment: Firstly, Traktor Muls require a Dozer with controller, so consider that into list building. Traktor Muls are pretty short ranged, but they're mainly for guided strikes and baggage. Even with the Dozer costs, Traktor Muls are not very expensive.

Skirmishers[edit | edit source]

  • 7th Foxtrot Rangers "Newport": A very basic Camo Infiltrator. No bells and whistles, but very nicely priced. The most common profile will be the Forward Observer specialist. All but the LGL profile comes with Antipersonnel Mines as well. Bostria said to abuse them...This is true. take as many as you can fit into the list. Because you're not paying for any extra junk or skills, Foxtrots are a very affordable and solid unit.
  • Hardcases, 2nd Irregular Frontiersmen Battalion: Hardcases are for camo spam shenanigans. Irregular, ambush camo infiltrator with a tactical bow and your choice of either a light shotgun or a rifle. PH 13 makes the bow, a DA weapon, basically a close-range contender; combined with ambush camo, surprise shot and silent, you can really fuck with your opponent. Combine with a couple Foxtrots above with antipersonnel mines and you will understand why the USARF are the camo shellgame MASTERS!

Warband[edit | edit source]

  • Devil Dog Teams, 2nd Assault Battalion of the USARF Marine Corps: Devil Dogs are a highly aggressive unit. Highest ARM value of all of the Ariadna Warbands. The Devil Dog himself comes synchronized with a K-9 Antipode. S6 and S5 gives this team a large footprint, but the DD comes with Smoke Grenades to cover their advance. The K-9 has the Sensor skill which is very interesting. Though the DD only has BS10, Chain Rifle doesn't need to roll BS, and/or the Heavy Shotgun gives a +6 in close range. Use Devil Dog teams if you need a hard hitting striker.
  • Desperadoes: Desperadoes are essentially USARF version of Haqqislam's Kum Bikers. However, they're slightly slower at 8-4MOV -which as stated above with Mavericks isn't really a bother-, SSL2, and V:Courage. Smoke LGL and Smoke Grenades to cover the army. There is a very interesting profile with dual Assault Pistols for high burst close ranged drive-by shooting. Use them the same way as Kum Bikers: Smoke Coverage and Alpha Striking.

General Army Overview[edit | edit source]

The USARF is well known for having a higher average ARM value. After all, they are the defenders on the wall protecting Ariadna from freedom hating Antipodes. Use the high ARM to your advantage. Staying in and shooting from cover is generally a good tactic for any army, however, the cover MODs boost them to HI levels of ARM. The basic Grunt becomes ARM6 and the Blackjacks go to ARM8.

There are plenty of Smoke Grenades in the army list. Use it to cover your advance. The USARF has no MSV2 or higher, they cannot use the MSV2+Smoke tactic or nullify camouflage and ODD, so they'll have to rely on stats and good ol fashion Flamethrowers...and there are a lot of Flamethrowers in this sectorial.

Which brings us to the next point: Firepower. USARF has quite an arsenal at their disposal with a lot of AP and Fire ammunition. AP Rifles, AP HMGS, Heavy Rocket Launcher, Assault Pistols, Heavy and Light Flamethrowers, Sharp Knives, and Pointy Sticks; They take a very direct approach in combat: Point and shoot. Even with all this firepower, they're no slouches with ITS Objectives thanks to Foxtrot specialists and being able to mask their Camouflage tactics even further with Hardcases.

Like all of Ariadna, they can struggle against enemy Camo, TO, and ODD because of the low tech nature of the nation. However, USARF has MSV1 and plenty of DTW to deal with them. And they have numbers since the troopers in this sectorial are very inexpensive. RVZ and the Unknown Ranger are pretty pricey, but the low costs of all the other troopers in the army list offsets the expensiveness of those characters. Unfortunately, the USARF may struggle filling in points for Limited Insertion lists.

Hints and Tactics[edit | edit source]

Camo Spam: Foxtrots are dirt cheap, and so are Hardcases. Use them to play a shell game with your opponent. This also helps mask for hidden AD troopers.

Grunt Infiltrator: Grunt Inferior Infiltrators are very good. If you fail the inferior infiltration roll, then they are forced to deploy at your deployment edge, which isn't bad because then they can watch the rear of the army and continue generating regular orders. If you've put them in a good spot and they do land their roll, then they can cause a lot of damage to your opponent. Then they'll have to deal with an ARM3 (6 in cover) basic trooper with a Light Shotgun and HFT. Bring democracy directly to your enemies. Perfect against fireteams, closely packed groups, and fire sensitive units. Players often take multiple and even use them in reserve.

Guided Missile Strikes: Your list and tactics should NOT be centered around the Traktor Mul MRL (generally this goes for every other army). However, if you find the opportunity to mark a target for guided strikes, go for it. USARF has plenty of Forwards Observers. Don't forget though that while you are limited to 5 Guided attacks per turn, you are not limited to any number of Speculative Fire shots. A Traktor Mul using Speculative Fire with a Targeted model somewhere under the template will hit on 10's, and need not be centered, so you can use it to hit a lot more enemies at once.

  • Alternative Perspective: Ariadna, can get massive amounts of orders, making Speculative and Guided fire more viable than in other armies. Using Traktor Mul to fire speculative and guided shots into the enemy can cause horrendous amounts of damage. Make good use of Foxtrot Forward Observers using Surprise Shot with their Forward Observe skill, coming from another order pool, then dump pie plates on your enemy's army.

Biker Army: Don't. Mavericks are AVA5 and Desperadoes are AVA6, so it's very tempting to play a list with maxed bikers. Unless you're very experienced or it's a friendly match, don't play a list with maxed out bikes. You need to allocate enough points to the rest of your list, make sure you have enough Regular orders, and also having so many Impetuous Orders slow the game to a crawl. That being said there's nothing wrong with either units, and there's nothing wrong with having multiple bikers. Just make sure there is enough for at least a fireteam and a bunch of specialists.

I lead. You follow: An interesting but expensive combo involves Roger Van Zant with Executive Order and the Unknown Ranger with Chain of Command. You can freely use a LT (like a Marauder) aggressively, with the Unknown Ranger as a safety net for when he dies. RVZ can then jump in this or next turn, become the LT, and wreak havoc in the opponent's backside. Then when he inevitably dies, the Unknown Ranger becomes the LT again. It's a bit gimmicky, but ensures the army never drops into Loss of Lieutenant and the LT can be as aggressive as it wants; Also RVZ would get an extra LT order to play with. Executive Order troops cannot use Lieutenant orders that they did not generate themselves, per the July 2019 FAQ. Still, you can push hard with a Marauder, and then either bring Van Zant on to the board as a 'hidden COC'-like troop that wasn't previously there, or you can just have UKR on the board as your standard (albeit overpriced) COC piece.

Slow and steady: The USARF is a bit slower in MOV than other armies. However, they make up for it is firepower and ARM. Be aggressive but stay in cover for the Cover MOD for those high ARM units.

Sniper Tower Take several (at least 4) Grunt snipers. Read the rule entry on Marksmanship: LX and Coordinated Orders. Use said coordinated orders to put 4 sniper shots at that pesky Avatar with a +6 modifier, and ignoring the benefits of cover. Laugh.