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==Allegiance Abilities==
=Why Play Destruction?=
*'''Rampaging Destroyers:''' during the hero phase, Roll dice for your  Destruction hero and general, add 2 for the general. On a 6 or more, a Destruction unit within 6" of the rolled for the model; it can immediately move 6" if more than 12" from the enemy, else pile in if within 3" of the enemy, else make a charge. If a unit is selected, it can't run for the rest of the turn
More than likely you wanna recreate the mass hordes of Orcs and Goblins from Fantasy Battle, along with some Ogre and Giant muscle. Alternatively, you wanna represent Gordrakk’s Big Waaagh! with all manner of units and monsters following the Fist of Gork into blissful battle.
=Allegiance Abilities=
From the Core Book 2018. Available to any army taking Destruction allegiance (instead of a faction).
*'''Rampaging Destroyers:''' During the hero phase, Roll dice for your  Destruction hero and general, add 2 for the general. On a 6 or more, a Destruction unit within 6" of the rolled for the model; it can immediately move 6" if more than 12" from the enemy, else pile in if within 3" of the enemy, else make a charge. If a unit is selected, it can't run for the rest of the turn

===Command Traits===
===Command Traits===
Your General gets to pick one of the following:
#'''Nothing Left Standing:''' In the hero phase, if your General is 6" of a terrain feature and 5 other '''Destruction''' models, the terrain no longer provide any cover.
#'''Nothing Left Standing:''' In the hero phase, if your General is 6" of a terrain feature and 5 other '''Destruction''' models, the terrain no longer provide any cover.
#'''Might is Right:''' Add 1 to the wound rolls made fro the general's melee weapons.
#'''Might is Right:''' Add 1 to the wound rolls made for the general's melee weapons.
#'''Wild Fury:''' Add 1 to the general's hit rolls if they suffered any wounds.
#'''Wild Fury:''' Add 1 to the general's hit rolls if they suffered any wounds.
#'''Bellowing Tyrant:''' In the hero phase, a '''Destruction''' unit within 6" adds 1 to charge & run rolls, and uses the general's Bravery.
#'''Bellowing Tyrant:''' In the hero phase, a '''Destruction''' unit within 6" adds 1 to charge & run rolls, and uses the general's Bravery.
#'''Big and Brutish:''' Add 1 to general's Wounds.
#'''Big and Brutish:''' Add 1 to general's Wounds.
#'''Ravager:''' Add 1 to the Rampaging Destroyer roll.
#'''Ravager:''' Add an additional 1 to the Rampaging Destroyer roll.

===Artefacts of Destruction===
===Artefacts of Destruction===
A hero gets to pick on of the following:
#'''Hammerblade:''' select a melee weapon, Instead of attacking normally, roll a dice for each model(friend or foe) within 3". On a 5 or 6, the unit the model belongs to suffers a Mortal Wound.
#'''Hammerblade:''' select a melee weapon, Instead of attacking normally, roll a dice for each model(friend or foe) within 3". On a 5 or 6, the unit the model belongs to suffers a Mortal Wound.
#'''Battered Talisman:''' Ignore Mortal wounds on a roll of 5+.  
#'''Battered Talisman:''' Ignore Mortal wounds on a roll of 5+.  
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#'''Bellowing Blade:''' In the combat phase, you can re-roll one failed wound roll for every enemy '''Hero''' within 12"
#'''Bellowing Blade:''' In the combat phase, you can re-roll one failed wound roll for every enemy '''Hero''' within 12"
#'''Collar of Domination:''' At the start of the enemy movement phase, pick an enemy '''Monster''' within 3" and roll two dice. If the total is equal to or greater than the '''Monster's''' Bravery, it must retreat.
#'''Collar of Domination:''' At the start of the enemy movement phase, pick an enemy '''Monster''' within 3" and roll two dice. If the total is equal to or greater than the '''Monster's''' Bravery, it must retreat.
#'''Battle Brew:''' once per battle during the hero phases, gain +1 or +2 to hit and wound rolls until your next hero phase. If you take +2, take D6 mortal wounds at the end of the turn you use it.
#'''Battle Brew:''' once per battle during the hero phases, gain +1 or +2 to hit and wound rolls until your next hero phase. If you take +2, take D6 mortal wounds at the end of the turn you use it. Unfortunately there is the far more superior Ghyrstrike from the Realm of Life that gives you the +1 To Hit and To Wound for the entire game! With the added benefit of being usable with Allegiances (but who cares about them right? For the WAAAAAAGH!)
** Unfortunately there is the far more superior Ghyrstrike from the Realm of Life that gives you the +1 To Hit and To Wound for the entire game! With the added benefit of being usable with Allegiances.
===StoneKlaw's Gutstompas===
A Modification to the Destruction Grand Alliance that gives the following ability but restricts you to the following Factions: '''Greenskinz, Aleguzzlers, Bonesplitterz, Gitmob, Ironjawz, Moonclan, Spiderfang''' (You also cannot take any named characters)
*'''Insane Advice:''' After set up, Roll two d66 and choose one of the following strategems from either result rolled.
**11-13: Chose any
**14-16: Ambush: a unit can be redeployed anywhere on the battlefield 9" of an enemy
**21-23: Feigned Retreat: any units can make a movement as if its the movement phase put must end its move further away from all enemy units.
**24-26: Firestarter: Pick a terrain and no unit can finish a move in or on it. If an enemy unit starts in or on it and doesn't move out by the end of the enemy's first movement phase, it is slain.
**31-33: Forced March: D3 units can make a non-run move as if its the movement phase.
**34-36: Hatred: one of your units hates one of your opponent's units and they gain +1 to hit when attacking them.
**41-43: Inspiring Speech: all your models have +1 bravery until one of them flees.
**44-46: Night Attack: the maximum range of any attack is 12" for the first Battle round
**51-53: Pre-emptive Attack: On a dice roll of 3+, you gain the first turn of the game regardless of other rules.
**54-56: Redeploy: you can redeploy one of your units.
**61-63: Regicide: if the general is slain, subtract 1 bravery from all enemy units.
**64-66: Reinforcements: During the Hero phase, set up a destroyed unit wholly within 6" of a table edge in your territory that is 9" away from an enemy. this counts as their movement.


*[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz|Gloomspite Gitz]]
*[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Ogor Mawtribes|Ogor Mawtribes]]
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Greenskinz|Check here.]]
*[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Orruk Warclans|Orruk Warclans]]
*[[Age_of_Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Sons_of_Behemat|Sons of Behemat]]
*[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Monstrous Arcanum#Destruction_Warscrolls|Monstrous Arcanum]]: for your forgeworld behemoths.
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Ironjawz|Check here.]]
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Bonesplitterz|Check here.]]
====Beastclaw Raiders====
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Beastclaw Raiders|Check here.]]
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gutbusters|Check here.]]
*'''Firebelly:''' It's this guy and nothing else. Spits fire, which means D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ roll. His spell puts him on fire, so until the next Hero phase every enemy unit will suffers D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ roll after each Combat phase. His melee attacks are good too.
*'''Maneaters:''' Ogor people with good melee attacks and also can get good shooting attacks. At the beginning of the game you have to choose if you want each unit to reroll every 1 to hit in melee, reroll every 1 to hit when shooting, run and charge in the same turn or get immunity to Battleshock tests.
====Gloomspite Gitz====
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz|Check Here]] (includes what was Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, Troggoths, Aleguzzler Gargants)
====Gitmob Grots====
[[Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gitmob Grots|Check Here]]
Ce guerrier doit être votre général pour éventuellement avoir les guerrier comme ligne,il faut utlisé sa capacité de commandement pour fiabiliser les charges, ce qui permet, combiner au trait de bataille de la destruction, de corrigé le défaut de vitesse des fimirs,jouez en deux avec, pour un,le trait de général: destructeur et pour l'autre l'artefact collier de domination ou rockeye suivant les situations. Jouez ce héro avec des mages de la destruction(grand shaman orruk ou cavoïde shaman), pour améliorer le trait de bataille.THE FUCK IS THAT EVEN?

*'''[ FIMIR WARRIORS]:''' similar to orgers if that traded wounds for reliance, -1 to hit, save against mortal wound, minor healing. Also, have weapons with -2 rend. An elite troop option for a destruction army.
With Destruction alliance you don't get much choice:

===The Rest===
*Savage Orruks
*Ogor Gluttons

==Army Building==
==Army Building==
==External links==
For a fast and hard hitting army, get the Start Collecting Beastclaw Raiders and Ironjawz boxes, along with a box of Gore Gruntas and Mournfang Pack. This will give you the bare minimum to create the “Braggoth’s Beast Hammer” battalion, which grants the Frostlord (Braggoth) an extra wound and adds +1 to the Mournfangs and Gruntas to Hit as long as they’re within 6’’ of each other. Get some Savage Boarboy Maniaks and/or Boingrot Bounderz and get ready to trample all over your enemies.

[[Category:Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old]]
[[Category: Age of Sigmar]]
[[Category: Age of Sigmar/Tactics]]

Latest revision as of 03:13, 20 June 2023

Why Play Destruction?[edit | edit source]

More than likely you wanna recreate the mass hordes of Orcs and Goblins from Fantasy Battle, along with some Ogre and Giant muscle. Alternatively, you wanna represent Gordrakk’s Big Waaagh! with all manner of units and monsters following the Fist of Gork into blissful battle.

Allegiance Abilities[edit | edit source]

From the Core Book 2018. Available to any army taking Destruction allegiance (instead of a faction).

Battletrait[edit | edit source]

  • Rampaging Destroyers: During the hero phase, Roll dice for your Destruction hero and general, add 2 for the general. On a 6 or more, a Destruction unit within 6" of the rolled for the model; it can immediately move 6" if more than 12" from the enemy, else pile in if within 3" of the enemy, else make a charge. If a unit is selected, it can't run for the rest of the turn

Command Traits[edit | edit source]

Your General gets to pick one of the following:

  1. Nothing Left Standing: In the hero phase, if your General is 6" of a terrain feature and 5 other Destruction models, the terrain no longer provide any cover.
  2. Might is Right: Add 1 to the wound rolls made for the general's melee weapons.
  3. Wild Fury: Add 1 to the general's hit rolls if they suffered any wounds.
  4. Bellowing Tyrant: In the hero phase, a Destruction unit within 6" adds 1 to charge & run rolls, and uses the general's Bravery.
  5. Big and Brutish: Add 1 to general's Wounds.
  6. Ravager: Add an additional 1 to the Rampaging Destroyer roll.

Artefacts of Destruction[edit | edit source]

A hero gets to pick on of the following:

  1. Hammerblade: select a melee weapon, Instead of attacking normally, roll a dice for each model(friend or foe) within 3". On a 5 or 6, the unit the model belongs to suffers a Mortal Wound.
  2. Battered Talisman: Ignore Mortal wounds on a roll of 5+.
  3. Rockeye: In a hero phase, pick an enemy unit within 12". Add 1 to hit rolls against the unit by this model
  4. Bellowing Blade: In the combat phase, you can re-roll one failed wound roll for every enemy Hero within 12"
  5. Collar of Domination: At the start of the enemy movement phase, pick an enemy Monster within 3" and roll two dice. If the total is equal to or greater than the Monster's Bravery, it must retreat.
  6. Battle Brew: once per battle during the hero phases, gain +1 or +2 to hit and wound rolls until your next hero phase. If you take +2, take D6 mortal wounds at the end of the turn you use it. Unfortunately there is the far more superior Ghyrstrike from the Realm of Life that gives you the +1 To Hit and To Wound for the entire game! With the added benefit of being usable with Allegiances (but who cares about them right? For the WAAAAAAGH!)

Factions[edit | edit source]

Battleline[edit | edit source]

With Destruction alliance you don't get much choice:

  • Ardboys
  • Savage Orruks
  • Shootas
  • Stabbas
  • Ogor Gluttons

Army Building[edit | edit source]

For a fast and hard hitting army, get the Start Collecting Beastclaw Raiders and Ironjawz boxes, along with a box of Gore Gruntas and Mournfang Pack. This will give you the bare minimum to create the “Braggoth’s Beast Hammer” battalion, which grants the Frostlord (Braggoth) an extra wound and adds +1 to the Mournfangs and Gruntas to Hit as long as they’re within 6’’ of each other. Get some Savage Boarboy Maniaks and/or Boingrot Bounderz and get ready to trample all over your enemies.