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[[Image:Daedricparty.jpg|thumb|400px|right|Even Daedric Princes have their days off.]]
[[Image:Daedricparty.jpg|thumb|400px|right|Even Daedric Princes have their days off.]]
by Lolpwnt
by Lolpwnt

Daedra Cults are the armies of the great Daedric Princes who dwell in the realm Oblivion, and the mortal worshippers who summon demonic hordes to do their bidding. Included are the rules for fielding this army in [[Scrollhammer]].
Daedra Cults are the armies of the great Daedric Princes who rule the realms of Oblivion, and the mortal worshippers who summon demonic hordes to do their bidding. Included are the rules for fielding this army in [[Scrollhammer]].

==General Rules==
==General Rules==


Daedra Racial Traits:
All Daedra use the Daedric Racial Traits found in the Scrollhammer Rulebook.
Daedra are Fearless and have Eternal Warrior, and are unaffected by disease.
Otherworldly: Daedra get a 4+ Ward Save against non-magical attacks. Silver and Daedric weapons ignore this effect. Daedra cannot be affected by Beast Tongue and Command spells unless a rule states otherwise.
Summon: Daedra can be summoned by certain spells. A summoned Daedra deep strikes within 6" of the summoning model once the spell is cast, and can move and assault as normal the turn it is summoned. A summoned Daedra fights as a single model, but may join caster's unit as an independent character. If the Daedra is slain, it may be summoned again. Summoned Daedra do not grant kill points or hold objectives, and are part of the summoner's profile on the Force Org chart unless otherwise noted. Summoned models are always taken with no upgrades, and each model may only have one summoned model at any given time.
Atronach: An Atronach is an elemental golem native to the realms of Oblivion. Atronachs are unable to hold objectives.

==Army List==
==Army List==
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===Types of Lists===
===Types of Lists===

A Daedra Cults army may be taken using one of three lists, representing the various types of Daedric armies in existence. One Hero choice is nominated as the army's general. Which model is the general determines what will be contained in the list. Certain models become 0-1 depending on the makeup of the army. Special Characters which are allowed for a list can replace the required nominated general and still use the same list. Special Character may not be used outside the list they are nominated for.
A Daedra Cults army may be taken using one of three lists, representing the various types of Daedric armies in existence. One Hero choice in a Daedra Cults army(or allied detachment) is nominated as that army's general. Which model is the general determines what can be taken in the list. Certain models become 0-1 depending on the makeup of the army. Special Characters which are allowed for a list can replace the required nominated general and still use the same list. Special Characters may not be used outside the list they are nominated for.
Cult armies and Daedra armies have different lists, as well as different alliance profiles. In fact, they can ally with each other! So be sure to designate which model is the general of your army, or of an allied detachment using this army book.

====Cult Army====
====Cult Army====

Heroes: Sorceror-Priest w/ retinue, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices.
Heroes: Sorcerer-Priest w/ retinue, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices.

Core: 1+ Cultist Covens, Flame Atronachs. 0-1 of each other Core choice.  
Core: 1+ Cultist Covens, Flame Atronachs. 0-1 of each other Core choice. Knights of Order may only be taken in a cult devoted to Jyggalag.

Elite: Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs. 0-1 of each other Elite choice.
Elite: Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs. 0-1 of each other Elite choice.
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Certain Daedra are associated with a specific Daedric Prince. If the cult worships that Prince, those Daedra are do not have the regular 0-1 restriction.
Certain Daedra are associated with a specific Daedric Prince. If the cult worships that Prince, those Daedra are do not have the regular 0-1 restriction.

====Daedric Army====
====Daedra Army====

Heroes: Dremora Lord, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices.
Heroes: Dremora Lord, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices.

Core: Scamps, Dremora Warriors, Flame Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Core choice.
Core: Scamps, Dremora Warriors, Flame Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Core choice, Knights of Order (only in armies devoted to Jyggalag).  

Elite: Aurorans, Daedroths, Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Elite choice.
Elite: Aurorans, Daedroths, Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Elite choice.
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Support: Clannfears, Hungers, Spider Daedra, Winged Twilights, Xivilai, Siege Crawler.
Support: Clannfears, Hungers, Spider Daedra, Winged Twilights, Xivilai, Siege Crawler.

Special Characters: Mankar Camoran w/ retinue, Mehrunes Dagon, Umaril the Unfeathered, Jyggalag
Special Characters: Mankar Camoran w/ retinue, Mehrunes Dagon, Umaril the Unfeathered, Jyggalag.

====Sheogoric Army====
====Sheogoric Daedra Army====

Heroes: Golden Saint Pelaurig OR Dark Seducer Grakedrig, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices, including Pelaurigs/Grakedrigs when the other type is the general. Cultist retinues must serve Sheogorath.
Heroes: Golden Saint Pelaurig OR Dark Seducer Grakedrig, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices, including Pelaurigs/Grakedrigs when the other type is the general. Cultist retinues must serve Sheogorath.
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Cultists are the mortal pawns of the Daedric Princes, erecting shrines on Mundus by which to commune with them, and performing rituals by which to summon them.
Cultists are the mortal pawns of the Daedric Princes, erecting shrines on Mundus by which to commune with them, and performing rituals by which to summon them.

All the cultists in your army, of all units and types, must be declared as dedicated to a single Daedric Prince in the army list. This gives them access to unique spells, the ability to summon Daedra associated with that Prince, special bonuses, and access to that Prince's artifacts as described in the Artifacts supplement. A Daedric Prince's associated Daedra are not 0-1 in a Cult Army.
All the cultists in your main army(even in a Daedra army), of all units and types, must be declared as dedicated to a single Daedric Prince in the army list. This gives them access to unique spells (including the ability to summon Daedra associated with that Prince), special rules, and access to that Prince's artifacts as described in the [[Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel| Artifacts of Tamriel supplement]]. A Daedric Prince's associated Daedra, if it has one, are not 0-1 in a Cult Army serving that Daedric Prince.

Two Cultist unit types may be formed.
Two Cultist unit types may be formed.

Priest with Retinue (Hero): 1 Sorceror-Priest or High Priest with retinue of 4-9 Sorcerors and Blackguards.
Priest with Retinue (Hero): 1 Sorcerer-Priest or High Priest with retinue of 4-9 Sorcerers and Blackguards.

Coven (Core): 1 Sorceror or Blackguard  (unit leader) with 9-19 Cultists and Minions, and 0-10 Initiates.
Coven (Core): 1 Sorcerer or Blackguard  (unit leader) with 9-19 Cultists and Minions, and 0-10 Initiates.

Priest and Coven are both 0-1 unless the Priest is nominated as your general, in the case of a cult army.
Priest and Coven are both 0-1 unless the Priest is nominated as your general, in the case of a cult army.
All the cultists in an allied detachment using this army book, whether a Cult or Daedra army, must also be aligned to a particular Daedric Prince. This Daedric Prince may be the same as the one in the primary army, or it may be a different one, if a Cult army allies with a Daedra army. Note, however, that if the Daedric Princes served are different, the two armies will be Grudging Allies, rather than Trusted Allies. Servants of Jyggalag and Sheogorath can never ally with one another.

====The Daedric Princes and their Blessings====
====The Daedric Princes and their Blessings====

Not all Daedric Princes are represented in this army list. The units relevant to some are found in other lists. When a player decides to run any Cult units in his army, he must decide which of the Daedric Princes his army will be dedicated to:
Not all Daedric Princes are represented in this army list. The units relevant to some Princes are found in other lists. When a player decides to run any Cult units in his army, he must decide which of the Daedric Princes his army will be dedicated to:

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Azura is among the friendlier Daedra to mortals. Appearing in the form of a beautiful woman, she embodies aesthetically pleasing and sublime ideals. She is a major figure in Dunmer religion, having guided the Nerevarine on his quest against the Sixth House.
Azura is among the friendlier Daedra to mortals. Appearing in the form of a beautiful woman, she embodies aesthetically pleasing and sublime ideals. She is a major figure in Dunmer religion, having guided the Nerevarine on his quest against the Sixth House.

Azura favors Winged Twilights. Her unique spell is Light of Dawn. Her artifact is Azura's Star. You may reroll three mana dice per game for spells being cast by Azura worshipers.
Azura favors Winged Twilights. Her unique spell is Light of Dawn. Her artifact is Azura's Star. You may reroll three Power Dice per game for spells being cast by any of the Azura worshipers in an army serving her. You must abide by the second result, however.

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Boethiah is among the more evil of the Daedra, but is thought well of by the Dunmer. Appearing as either a woman or a man, but always wielding a mighty weapon and a flowing cape, Boethiah embodies the idea that Might makes Right. Treachery, rebellion, and battles to the death are indulged in by Boethiah's followers, that whoever might be able to seize power should have it.
Boethiah is among the more evil of the Daedra, but is thought well of by the Dunmer. Appearing as either a woman or a man, but always wielding a mighty weapon and a flowing cape, Boethiah embodies the idea that Might makes Right. Treachery, rebellion, and battles to the death are indulged in by Boethiah's followers, that whoever might be able to seize power should have it.

Boethiah favors Hungers. His/Her artifact is Goldbrand. Boethiah's followers have access to the Special Character Boethiah's Champion. Boethiah's followers have +1 WS, +1 S, and +1 Ld. Any cult unit of Boethiah's, if further than 6" from the enemy and containing more than 1 model, must make an Ld check at the beginning of each of your turns. If the test fails, the unit does nothing this turn, and each model attacks in close combat this turn, except blows are scored against his own unit. This can never reduce a unit to less than one model. If the unit is reduced to one model this way, that model is healed fully and gifted with +1T +2W +1A +2Mg and becomes an Independent character for the remainder of the battle.
Boethiah favors Hungers. His/Her artifact is Goldbrand. Boethiah's followers have access to the Special Character Boethiah's Champion. Boethiah's followers have +1 WS, +1 S, and +1 Ld. Any cult unit of Boethiah's, if further than 6" from the enemy and containing more than 1 model, must make an Ld check at the beginning of each of your turns. If the test fails, the models in that unit cannot move, shoot, march or charge this turn. Those models must equip wargear and spells if they have any available.
Each model in that unit attacks in close combat this Close Combat phase, scoring his blows against his own unit(each model is considered to be engaged with his entire unit, no models pile in, and no challenges can be declared; the blows are simply rolled, struck and allocated). This can never reduce a unit to less than one model; if the unit would be reduced to less than one model, discount all the wounds inflicted at that step on one model and keep it in play. If the unit is reduced to one model this way, that model's wounds are restored to their starting amount, and he is gifted with +1T +2W +1A +2Mg. He becomes an Independent Character for the remainder of the battle.

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Clavicus Vile is a horned Daedra accompanied by his talking dog, Barbas. While appearing harmless on the outside, Clavicus Vile is heartless on the inside. Foolish mortals go to him to make pacts, asking that their wishes come true in exchange for a service rendered. Upon completing their service, they find that their reward is not necessarily what they had hoped for...
Clavicus Vile is a horned Daedra accompanied by his talking dog, Barbas. While appearing harmless on the outside, Clavicus Vile is heartless on the inside. Foolish mortals go to him to make pacts, asking that their wishes come true in exchange for a service rendered. Upon completing their service, they find that their reward is not necessarily what they had hoped for...

Clavicus Vile's artifact is the Bitter Cup. Once per game, each unit of Clavicus Vile's mortal followers may attempt to use a wish from him. Declare a wish when you use one, and roll a d6:
Clavicus Vile's artifact is the Bitter Cup. At the start of each game, assign each cultist Independent Character and each other unit of Clavicus Vile cultists in your army a wish counter. At an appropriate time in the game, a unit or model may expend a wish counter to make a wish(Independent Characters are considered to be making the wish for the entire unit that they are attached to). Declare which wish you are making, and roll a d6:
If the unit is falling back, it may wish for courage immediately before rolling to see how far it fall backs. On a 4+, it rallies. On a 1-3, it becomes courageous without abandon, and throws itself at the enemy, fleeing instead towards the enemy's table edge until it rallies or is destroyed.
At the beginning of your movement phase, a character in a unit may wish for a weapon or armor of incredible destruction. On a 4+, one of his weapons or his armor (your choice) becomes Daedric for the rest of the game. On a 1-3, his weapon destroys him with an incredible explosion; he is removed as a casualty.

If the unit is fleeing, it may wish for courage before rolling their fleeing move. On a 4+, it rallies. On a 1-3, it becomes courageous without abandon, and throws itself at the enemy, fleeing instead towards the enemy's table edge until it rallies or is destroyed.
At the beginning of your movement phase, the unit may wish to become invisible. On a 4+, your unit gains Stealth(+2), applying even in combat. On a 1-3, they become invisible, but only to one another, and in a state of sheer panic must immediately fall back(unless they are Fearless). If in combat, the enemy may attempt to make a sweeping advance if normally allowed.

At the beginning of your movement phase, the leader of the unit may wish for a weapon or armor of incredible destruction. On a 4+, his weapon or armor (your choice) becomes Daedric for the rest of the game. On a 1-3, his weapon destroys him with an incredible explosion; he is removed as a casualty.
At the beginning of your movement phase, the unit may wish to appear terrifying. On a 4+, the unit causes Terror for the rest of the game. On a 1-3, the unit appears in a manner so terrifying that they terrify themselves; the unit must immediately pass a morale check or flee(even out of combat, sweeping advances taken as normal). Each model must then take an Ld test on his own value, and is removed as a casualty if he fails. After this, their appearance reverts to normal: they play out the rest of the game as normal.

If the unit loses a combat, it may wish for survival. On a 4+, the unit does not flee and may immediately make a second series of attacks against the enemy, without being hit back. On a 1-3, the unit is allowed to survive as the enemy's prisoners: it is removed as a casualty.
At the beginning of the game, before you deploy, the unit may wish for good luck. On a 4+, it gains 3 free re-rolls it can spend on any rolls of d6 for the remainder of the game. On a 1-3, it has the good luck of getting lost on the way and not having to die in the battle: it is immediately removed from the game and considered a casualty.

If the unit has a disease, it may wish for a cure. On a 4+, it is cured. On a 1-3, nothing happens: the "cure" is whatever enemy eventually kills them!
If the unit loses a combat, it may wish for survival. On a 4+, the unit does not flee and may immediately make a second round of attacks against the enemy, without being hit back. On a 1-3, the unit is allowed to survive as the enemy's prisoners: it is removed as a casualty.
If the unit is afflicted by a disease, it may wish for a cure. On a 4+, it is cured. On a 1-3, nothing happens: the "cure" is whatever enemy eventually kills them!

=====Hermaeus Mora, Prince of Forbidden Knowledge=====
=====Hermaeus Mora, Prince of Forbidden Knowledge=====

A strange entity of inscrutable form and motives, Hermaeus Mora is the most secretive of the Daedra. All knowledge in existence within the lost tomes of his realm, hidden from the mortal world. It is utterly unknowable how much power he has attained, or what plans he has made over the aeons that men and mer have lived, breathed, fought and died.
A strange entity of inscrutable form and motives, Hermaeus Mora is the most secretive of the Daedra. All knowledge in existence is said to be within the libraries of lost tomes in his realm, hidden from the mortal world. It is utterly unknowable how much power he has attained, or what plans he has made over the aeons that men and mer have lived, breathed, fought and died.
Hermaeus Mora's artifact is the Oghma Infinium. Followers of Hermaeus Mora who can buy spells may buy an additional spell to the ones they already have. Followers of Hermaeus Mora have +1 Mg, and get +2 to their rolls when attempting to cast spells. If multiple 6's, before any modifiers, are rolled by a servant of Hermaeus Mora attempting to cast a spell, however, you must remove one model from that unit as a casualty who cast a spell this phase when this phase ends: he has lost his mind to secrets forbidden unto him.
=====Jyggalag, Prince of Order=====
Jyggalag is a crystal being of perfect order and law, and one of the lesser-known Daedric Princes. Despised by the other lords of Oblivion for his aggressive and power-hungry nature, he was cursed  to live as Sheogorath, the incarnation of the thing he hated most - madness - and only permitted to return once at the end of each Era, in a savage campaign of destruction and subjugation known as the Greymarch.
Jyggalag favours Knights of Order. His mortal cultists have the ''Stealth'' special rule, and their daggers are Bound Daggers.  

Hermaeus Mora's artifact is the Oghma Infinium. Followers of Hermaeus Mora who can buy spells may take an additional spell to the ones they already have, have +1 Mg, and use mana successfully on a 3+. If multiple 1's are rolled on one of their attempts to cast spells, however, one of the casting models goes insane, and is removed as a casualty for every two 1's rolled.
Their Personal Shrines cost +10 points, and are upgraded automatically to Obelisks of Order. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each slain mortal servant of Jyggalag that is part of a Cult unit within the Obelisk's 6" radius. On a roll of a 6, if there is available space, that model is resurrected with full Wounds and Power Dice, and redeployed as part of the unit. All models in an army dedicated to Jyggalag have Hatred(Servants of Sheogorath). This includes Sheogorath, Golden Saints and Dark Seducers of all kinds, Flesh Atronachs, the Gatekeeper, and all models in a Sheogoric Force.
An army dedicated to Jyggalag can never contain or ally with a force containing any servants of Sheogorath.

=====Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction and Change=====
=====Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction and Change=====

Mehrunes Dagon is the mightiest of the lords of Oblivion, who desires nothing more than the conquest and destruction of the mortal world. During the Oblivion Crisis at the end of the Fourth Era, Dagon led his army into the Imperial City to destroy the Empire of Tamriel forever. Were it not for the sacrifice of Martin Septim, mortalkind would forever be enslaved to the most monstrous of masters.
Mehrunes Dagon is the mightiest of the lords of Oblivion, who desires nothing more than the conquest and destruction of the mortal world. During the Oblivion Crisis at the end of the Third Era, Dagon led his army into the Imperial City to destroy the Empire of Tamriel forever. Were it not for the sacrifice of Martin Septim, mortalkind would forever be enslaved to the most monstrous of masters.
Mehrunes Dagon favors Scamps and Xivilai. His artifact is Mehrune's Razor. His followers have access to the special character Mankar Camoran. Mortal servants of Mehrunes Dagon who can buy spells may take an additional Destruction spell to the spells they already have.

Mehrunes Dagon favors Scamps and Xivilai. His artifact is Mehrunes Razor. His followers have access to the special character Mankar Camoran. Mortal servants of Mehrunes Dagon who can buy spells may purchase an additional Destruction spell to the spells they already have.

=====Mephala, the Webspinner=====
=====Mephala, the Webspinner=====
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Appearing as a crooked-shaped hermaphrodite, Mephala spins webs of treachery and lies, murder and adultery. She is honored by the Morag Tong of Morrowind as the patron of assassins, but her influence stretches across all Tamriel.
Appearing as a crooked-shaped hermaphrodite, Mephala spins webs of treachery and lies, murder and adultery. She is honored by the Morag Tong of Morrowind as the patron of assassins, but her influence stretches across all Tamriel.

Mephala favors Spider Daedra. His/Her artifact is the Ebony Blade. A mortal army which worships her steals the initiative on a 4+ through their cunning.
Mephala favors Spider Daedra. His/Her artifact is the Ebony Blade. A cult army that worships her steals the initiative on a 4+ through their cunning, if they are the primary detachment of your forces.

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Little is known concerning this winged goddess. Her hatred for the undead is matched only by her secretiveness. Her reputation among mortals is favorable for her willingness to fight the hordes of the damned who wander the caverns of Tamriel, yet her servants the Aurorans cast their lot against mankind, fighting for Umaril the Unfeathered in the days of his return.
Little is known concerning this winged goddess. Her hatred for the undead is matched only by her secretiveness. Her reputation among mortals is favorable for her willingness to fight the hordes of the damned who wander the caverns of Tamriel, yet her servants the Aurorans cast their lot against mankind, fighting for Umaril the Unfeathered in the days of his return.

Meridia favors Aurorans. Her artifacts are the Ring of the Khajiiti and Dawnbreaker. Her mortal servants have Preferred Enemy(Undead) and re-roll failed morale tests.
Meridia favors Aurorans. Her artifacts are the Ring of the Khajiiti and Dawnbreaker. Her mortal servants have Hatred(Undead), and re-roll failed morale tests.

=====Molag Bal, Prince of Schemes and Enslavement=====
=====Molag Bal, Prince of Domination and Enslavement=====

The most dreaded and most unholy of all the fiends of Oblivion is Molag Bal, the King of Rape. An utterly malignant entity, Molag Bal seeks only to enslave mortals, or to corrupt and damn them for eternity. Vampires are his spawn, and souls are his currency. Woe betide the fool who trifles with him.
The most dreaded and most unholy of all the fiends of Oblivion is Molag Bal, the King of Rape. An utterly malignant entity, Molag Bal seeks only to enslave mortals, or to corrupt and damn them for eternity. Vampires are his spawn, and souls are his currency. Woe betide the fool who trifles with him.

Molag Bal favors Daedroths. His unique spell is Bal's Temptation. His artifact is the Mace of Molag Bal. Followers of Molag Bal have the Frenzy universal special rule.
Molag Bal favors Daedroths. His unique spell is Bal's Temptation. His artifact is the Mace of Molag Bal. Cultists of Molag Bal have the Frenzy universal special rule.

=====Namira, Prince of Ancient Darkness=====
=====Namira, Prince of Ancient Darkness=====
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The shrouded female figure of Namira is filled with horrors unimaginable. Namira is the goddess of all that is vile, repulsive, unnatural, disgusting and wretched. Namira's followers indulge in urges of the darkest sort, and revel in the hatred they draw in from those appalled at the extent of their evil.
The shrouded female figure of Namira is filled with horrors unimaginable. Namira is the goddess of all that is vile, repulsive, unnatural, disgusting and wretched. Namira's followers indulge in urges of the darkest sort, and revel in the hatred they draw in from those appalled at the extent of their evil.

Namira's unique spell is Namira's Touch. Her artifact is the Ring of Namira. Her followers have Feel No Pain, but your opponent's units which are not Monstrous Creatures, Daedra or Undead have Preferred Enemy when rolling to hit them.
Namira's unique spell is Namira's Touch. Her artifact is the Ring of Namira. Her cult followers have Feel No Pain, but your opponent's mortal units have Hatred against them.

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Peryite orders the lowest realms of Oblivion. He takes the form of a dragon to mock Akatosh, yet is far too weak to be worthy of such an image. Peryite obsesses over the smallest of details in everything, take the utmost precaution to all he presides over.
Peryite orders the lowest realms of Oblivion. He takes the form of a dragon to mock Akatosh, yet is far too weak to be worthy of such an image. Peryite obsesses over the smallest of details in everything, take the utmost precaution to all he presides over.

Peryite's unique spell is Peryite's Reordering. His artifact is Spellbreaker. Peryite's worshippers are carriers of a Disease which does not effect your units. At the end of each player turn, all enemy units within 3" of a Peryite Cultist unit are infected on a 6+, and from starting at the end of the next player turn the infection spreads on a 4+ within 3" of them. After infections are determined at the end of turn, d3 models in each infected unit take a toughness test. For each failure, that model takes a wound with no saves allowed.
Peryite's unique spell is Peryite's Reordering. His artifact is Spellbreaker.  
Peryite's cult worshipers are carriers of a Disease that your own units are immune to. At the end of each turn, all enemy units within 3" of a Peryite Cultist unit are infected on a d6 roll of 6+. Starting at the end of the turn after they are infected, the infection spreads from infected units on a 4+ to any other unit within 3" of them. After infections are determined at the end of turn, d3 models in each infected unit must take a toughness test. For each failure, that model takes a wound with no saves allowed.

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Sanguine is a jolly yet perverse daedra who embodies the philosophy of hedonism. Tempting mortals with their guiltiest desires, he leads them to live lives of debauchery and excess.
Sanguine is a jolly yet perverse daedra who embodies the philosophy of hedonism. Tempting mortals with their guiltiest desires, he leads them to live lives of debauchery and excess.

Sanguine's artifact is the Sanguine Rose. Sanguine's followers have -1 Ld, but his Covens may take up to 30 Initiates per unit for only 2 pts per model.
Sanguine's artifact is the Sanguine Rose. Sanguine's mortal followers have -1 Ld, but his Covens may take up to 30 Initiates per unit. Initiates of Sanguine cost 2 pts per model.

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Sheogorath is insane. It is said that nobody but himself can guess his motives, but even he's wrong about them half the time. Sheogorath and his followers are utterly unpredictable, to an almost comic extent, but can be just as dangerous and evil as they are foolish. Many have sought to be granted powers from Sheogorath, only to find themselves going mad in due time.
Sheogorath is insane. It is said that nobody but himself can guess his motives, but even he's wrong about them half the time. Sheogorath and his followers are utterly unpredictable, to an almost comic extent, but can be just as dangerous and evil as they are foolish. Many have sought to be granted powers from Sheogorath, only to find themselves going mad in due time.

Sheogorath favors Golden Saints and Dark Seducers, although any particular cultist army may only choose one. He also favors Flesh Atronachs, which can be taken as familiars by certain cult members. Sheogorath's artifacts are the Spear of Bitter Mercy, Fork of Horripilation, and Wabbajack. His worshipers may be up to 4" apart and still be in coherency. Each unit of worshipers must take a Leadership check at the beginning of each game turn. If they fail, their sanity slips away, and they must roll a d6:
Sheogorath favors Golden Saints and Dark Seducers, although any particular cultist army or allied detachment may only choose one to be favored for their army list. He also favors Flesh Atronachs, which can be taken as familiars by certain cult members. Sheogorath's artifacts are the Spear of Bitter Mercy, Dawnfang, and Wabbajack. His worshipers may be up to 4" apart and still be in coherency. Each unit of worshipers must take a Leadership check at the beginning of each game turn. If they fail, their sanity slips away, and they must roll a d6:

1 The cultists fall into a gibbering fit of dementia. They cannot do anything, even fight, this game turn.
1 The cultists fall into a gibbering fit of dementia. They cannot move, shoot, march, charge, fight in close combat or activate abilities until the beginning of the next game turn.

2 The cultists enter a psychotic rage. They have Rage, Fleet of Foot, and Frenzy, and cannot cast spells or shoot, this game turn.
2 The cultists enter a psychotic rage. They have Fleet of Foot, and Frenzy, and cannot cast spells, march or shoot, this game turn.

3 The cultists weep miserably over trivial matters. They have -1 Ld this game turn.
3 The cultists weep miserably over trivial matters. They have -1 Ld this game turn.

4 The cultists run wild, doing strange and random things. They gain Hit and Run and Furious Charge, but have -1 WS -1 BS, and Rage, this game turn.
4 The cultists run wild, doing strange and random things. They gain Hit and Run and Furious Charge, but have -1 WS -1 BS, for the duration of this game turn.

5 The cultists become ecstatic over bright lights. On your player turn, randomly choose a spell capable of targeting the closest unit, friend or enemy, for each group of models in the unit with an identical spell list. The cultists automatically cast those spells on that unit(if a friendly unit, opponent chooses how to place templates) during the appropriate phases this turn, even if they are in close combat. They also can fight in close combat this game turn, but can do nothing else.
5 The cultists become ecstatic over bright lights. On your player turn, randomly choose a spell capable of targeting a unit, friend or enemy, for each group of models in the unit who know the exact same set of spells. They may target friendly models this turn, even with things that can normally only target enemies; they may also target allied units, regardless of the type of alliance. The cultists automatically cast those spells on that unit(if it is a friendly unit, opponent chooses how to place templates and blast markers) during the appropriate phases this game turn, even if they are in close combat. They may not move, march or charge normally this game turn.
6 The cultists fall into a bliss of mania. They are Fearless and have Feel No Pain this game turn, but do not get any charge bonuses for the duration of their mania.

6 The cultists fall into a bliss of mania. They are Fearless and have Feel No Pain this game turn, but do not get a +Attacks charge or counter-attack from cover bonus.

=====Vaermina, Prince of Dreams and Nightmares=====
=====Vaermina, Prince of Dreams and Nightmares=====
Line 192: Line 205:
The world one enters in his dreams is the domain of Vaermina. Every horror, every surrealistic shock, is the power of Vaermina twisting the mind of mortals. Vaermina brings torment and hopelessness down upon mortals, even the smallest ripples of her power causing copious suffering the material world.
The world one enters in his dreams is the domain of Vaermina. Every horror, every surrealistic shock, is the power of Vaermina twisting the mind of mortals. Vaermina brings torment and hopelessness down upon mortals, even the smallest ripples of her power causing copious suffering the material world.

Vaermina's unique spell is Nightmare. Her artifact is the Skull of Corruption. Vaermina's mortal servants cause Terror, but are not immune to Fear or Terror.
Vaermina's unique spell is Nightmare. Her artifact is the Skull of Corruption. Vaermina's mortal servants cause Terror, but are not immune to Fear and Terror.

====Sorcerer Priests====

====Sorceror Priests====

35 pts (55 pts for High Priest)
A Sorcerer Priest may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. Sorcerer Priests must lead a unit of 4-9 Sorcerers and/or Blackguards (see 'Cultists' entry), and count as a single Hero choice.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Skirmish, Infantry. A Sorceror Priest may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel.
Sorceror Priests lead a unit of 4-9 Sorcerors and/or Blackguards.

Sorceror Priest WS2 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I2 A2 Ld9 Mg6(7) Sv-
35 pts (55 pts for High Priest)

High Priest WS2 BS4 S3 T3 W3 I2 A3 Ld9 Mg7(8) Sv-
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Sorcerer-Priest
| 2
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 9
| 6 (7)
| -
| High Sorcerer-Priest
| 2
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 3
| 9
| 7 (8)
| -

'''Special rules''': skirmish, infantry.

Wizard Robes,
Sorcerer-Priests(and High Sorcerer-Priests) are Characters.
Cultist's Staff,
Dagger(poisoned 4+)

A Sorceror Priest may purchase up to three spells(or four if he is a High Priest) from the armory, as included in this list:
'''Wargear''': All Sorcerer-Priests and high sorcerer priests carry a cultist's staff, a dagger (Poisoned (4+)), and wear wizard robes.

Daedra Prince's Unique Spell +5 pts (only if worshipped Prince has such a spell available)
A Sorcerer-Priest may replace his robes with one of the following:

Any Alteration Spell +5 pts
*light armor (6+, light) (free)
*heavy armor (5+, heavy) (+8 pts)
*Glass armor (4+, light) (+24 pts)
*Daedric armor (2+, heavy) (+48 pts)

Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell +5 pts
A Sorcerer-Priest may replace his cultist's staff with a hand weapon for free. This Hand Weapon may be upgraded to
*Elven (+4pts)
*Glass for (+8pts)
*Ebony for (+8pts)
*Daedric for (+24pts).

Any Restoration Spell +5 pts
A Sorcerer-Priest may take his Daedric Prince's artifact for the points cost listed in the [[Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel| Artifacts of Tamriel supplement]].

Any Mysticism Spell +10 pts
A Sorcerer-Priest may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.

Illusion spells costing 1-3 mana +10 pts
A Sorcerer-Priest may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Illusion spells costing 4+ mana +20 pts
'''Spells''': A Sorcerer-Priest may purchase up to three spells(or four if he is a High Priest) from the armory, as included in this list:

Destruction spells costing 1-3 mana +10 pts
*Daedra Prince's Unique Spell (+5pts) (only if worshiped Prince has such a spell available)
*any Alteration Spell (+5pts)
*any Bound Item Conjuration Spell (+5pts)
*any Restoration Spell (+5pts)
*any Mysticism Spell (+10pts)
*Illusion spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+10pts)
*Illusion spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+20pts)
*Destruction spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+10pts)
*Destruction spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+20pts)
*Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts) (Mehrunes Dagon only)
*Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts) (Boethiah only)
*Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts
*Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
*Summon Golden Saint ''or'' Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+20pts) (Sheogorath only, only one type can be summoned per army)
*Summon Knight of Order (cast on 9+) (+20pts) (Jyggalag only)
*Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+30pts) (Azura only)
*Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
*Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
*Summon Auroran (cast on 15+) (+45pts) (Meridia only)
*Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
*Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts) (Sheogorath only)
*Summon Spider Daedra (cast on 20+) (+75pts) (Mephala only)
*Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts) (Molag Bal only)
*Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
*Summon Xivilai (cast on 24+) (+160pts) (Mehrunes Dagon only)

Destruction spells costing 4+ mana +20 pts
A Sorcerer-Priest may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants the Sorcerer-Priest the ability to buy a fourth (or fifth, if High Priest) spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:

Summon Scamp (cost 1) +10 pts (Mehrunes Dagon only)
*Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+51pts)
*Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+64pts)
*Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+80pts)
*Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) (+78pts) (Sheogorath only)

Summon Hunger (cost 2) +15 pts (Boethiah only)
Summon spells listed here use the rules for Summoning found in the Scrollhammer Rulebook.

Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +15 pts
Summon Winged Twilight (cost 2) +20 pts (Azura only)
Summon Dremora (cost 2) +20 pts
Summon Golden Saint OR Dark Seducer (cost 2) +20 pts (Sheogorath only, only one type can be summoned per army)
Summon Clannfear (cost 3) +30 pts
Summon Frost Atronach (Cost 3) +30 pts
Summon Auroran (cost 4) +45 pts (Meridia only)
Summon Storm Atronach(Cost 4) +50 pts

Summon Flesh Atronach(Cost 4) +50 pts (Sheogorath only)

Summon Spider Daedra (cost 5) +75 pts (Mephala only)
Members of cultist units may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 9-19 Cultists and/or Minions, and 0-10 Initiates, may be led by a Sorcerer or Blackguard, as a single core choice.

Summon Daedroth (cost 5) +100 pts (Molag Bal only)
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Summon Dremora Lord (cost 5) +150 pts
Summon Xivilai (cost 6) +160 pts (Mehrunes Dagon only)
A Sorceror Priest may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants the Priest the ability to buy a fourth(or fifth if High Priest) spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +51 pts
Summon Frost Atronach (cost 3) +64 pts
Summon Storm Atronach (cost 4) +80 pts
Summon Flesh Atronach (cost 4) +78 pts (Sheogorath only)
A Sorceror Priest may replace his robes with one of the following:
Light Armor(6+, light) (free)
Heavy Armor(5+, heavy) +10 pts
Glass Armor(4+, light) +25 pts
Daedric Armor (2+, heavy) +60 pts
A Sorceror Priest may replace his staff with:
Hand weapon (free)(This Hand Weapon may be upgraded to Elven for +15 pts, Glass for +25 pts, Ebony for +25 pts, or Daedric for +60 pts)
A Sorceror Priest may take his Daedric Prince's artifact for the points cost listed in the Artifact's supplement.
A Sorceror Priest may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Sorceror Priest may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.
12 pts per Sorceror, 18 pts per Blackguard

12 pts per Sorcerer, 18 pts per Blackguard
5 pts per Cultist, 5 pts per Minion
5 pts per Cultist, 5 pts per Minion
3 pts per Initiate
3 pts per Initiate

Skirmish, Infantry. 4-9 Sorcerors and/or Blackguards must be taken in a Sorceror Priest's unit, as part of a Hero choice. 9-19 Cultists and/or Minions and 0-10 initiates may be led by a Sorceror or Blackguard, and taken as a Core choice. All forms of Cultists may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel.
Sorceror WS2 BS4 S2 T3 W1 I2 A1 Ld8 Mg4(5) Sv-

Cultist WS2 BS3 S2 T3 W1 I2 A1 Ld6 Mg4 Sv-
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Sorcerer
| 2
| 4
| 2
| 3
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 8
| 4 (5)
| -
| Cultist
| 2
| 3
| 2
| 3
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 6
| 4
| -
| Blackguard
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 4
| 2
| 8
| 2
| 5+
| Minion
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 3
| 1
| 6
| 1
| 5+
| Initiate
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 5
| 1
| -

Blackguard WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I4 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv5+
'''Special rules''': skirmish, infantry.

Minion WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 Mg1 Sv5+
Sorcerers and Blackguards that are taken as leaders of units of cultists, minions and/or initiates are Characters.

Initiate WS2 BS2 S2 T3 W1 I2 A1 Ld5 Mg1 Sv-
'''Wargear''': All Sorcerers carry a cultist staff, a dagger (Poisoned(4+)), and wear wizard robes.
All Cultists and Initiates carry a dagger, and wear cultist robes.
All Blackguards and Minions carry a hand weapon and shield, and wear light armor
Sorcerors are armed with Wizard Robes, Cultist's Staff, Dagger(Poisoned 4+)
Cultists and Initiates are armed with Cultist Robes, Dagger
Blackguards and Minions are armed with Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Armor
All Cultists may have up to 2 spells from the army spell list of mana cost 1-3(other than Daedra unique spells, Dispel, Dispulsion, Silence and Summon). All Cultists in one unit must have the same spells.
All Sorcerors may have up to 2 spells from the army spell list of mana cost 1-3.

All Cultists in the unit may take:
All Cultists in the unit may take:
*poisoned (4+) upgrade for their daggers (+2pts/model)
*cultist staves (+2pts/model)

Poisoned(4+) upgrade for Daggers +2 pts per model
All Cultists in the unit may replace their cultist robes with:
*Wizard Robes (+2pts/model)
Cultist's Staff +2 pts per model
All Cultists in the unit may replace their Cultist robes with:
Wizard Robes +2 pts per model
Sorcerors may buy any one additional spell from the Sorceror Priest's spell list, and may take up to 20 pts worth of appropriate magic items. A Sorceror may take his Daedric Prince's artifact.
One Sorceror in your army may bear a Personal Shrine for +60 pts. This counts as a Battle Standard (+1 to combat resolution, allies within 6" may use this unit's Ld for morale checks). In addition, all non-summonable Daedra in your army kept in reserve may Deep Strike within 6" of the Personal Shrine.
All Minions in the unit may take(and any number of Blackguards may choose to take:
Poisoned(4+) upgrade for hand weapons +2 pts per model
Replace hand weapon with Spear +1 pts per model
All Minions in the unit may(and any number of Blackguards may choose to) replace their light armor with:

Heavy Armor +3 pts per model
Sorcerers may buy any one additional spell from the Sorcerer Priest's spell list, and may take up to 20pts worth of appropriate magic items. A Sorcerer may also take his Daedric Prince's [[Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel| artifact]] for its points cost. One Sorcerer in your army may bear a Personal Shrine for +50pts. This model counts as your Battle Standard Bearer. In addition, all non-summonable Daedra in your army kept in reserve may choose at the time when they arrive from reserve to instead Deep Strike within 12" of the Personal Shrine.

Glass Armor(Blackguard only) +12 pts per model
All Minions in the unit (and any number of Blackguards) may take:
*Poisoned (4+) upgrade for hand weapons (+2pts/model)
*Spears to replace their hand weapons (+1pts/model)

Ebony Armor(Blackguard only) +18 pts per model
All Minions in the unit (and any number of Blackguards) may choose to replace their light armor with:
*Heavy Armor (+2 pts/model)
*Glass Armor (Blackguard only) (+12pts/model)
*Ebony Armor(Blackguard only) (+18pts/model)

All Minions in the unit may(and any number of Blackguards may choose to) replace their shield with:
All Minions in the unit (and any number of Blackguards) may choose to replace their shield with:
*Spell: Flames or Spell: Sparks (+2pts/model)
*A second Hand Weapon (+1pts/model)

Spell: Flames or Spell: Sparks +2 pts per model
All Minions in the unit may(and any number of Blackguards may choose to) replace equipment in both hands with:
*Bow (or short bow) (+1pts/model)

Second Hand Weapon: +1 pts per model
Blackguards may take up to 20pts of magic items from the armoury where appropriate. A Blackguard may also take his Daedric Prince's [[Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel| artifact]] for its points cost.

All Minions in the unit may(and any number of Blackguards may choose to) replace both hands with:
Sorcerers and Blackguards may upgrade their weapons to
*Elven (+4pts/model)
*Glass (+6pts/model
*Ebony (+6pts/model)

Bow(or short bow): +1 pts per model

Blackguards may take up to 20 pts of appropriate magic items. A Blackguard may take his Daedric Prince's artifact.
All Cultists may have up to 2 spells from the army spell list with a casting cost of 14+ or lower (other than Daedric Prince unique spells, Dispel, Dispulsion, Silence and Summon). All Cultists in one unit must take the same spells.

Sorcerors and Blackguards may upgrade their weapons to:
All Sorcerers may have up to 2 spells from the army spell list of casting cost of 14+ or lower.

Elven +4 pts per model
Glass +6 pts per model
Ebony +6 pts per model

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====Dremora Lord====
====Dremora Lord====

100 pts (150 pts for Valkynaz)
100 pts (150 pts for Valkynaz)

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Independent Character(skirmish default), Infantry, Daedra. Dremora Lords may not join Golden Saints or Dark Seducers.
Single Model
Markynaz WS6 BS4 S4 T4 W3 I4 A3 Ld10 Mg4 Sv4+
Valkynaz WS6 BS4 S5 T5 W3 I4 A4 Ld10 Mg5 Sv4+
Dremora Mace,
Dremora Shield,
Dremora Armor
Bound Sword
Special Rules:
Heralds of Doom: Dremora cause fear.

May replace weapon in both hands with
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Dremora Markynaz
| 6
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 4
| 3
| 10
| 4
| 4+
| Dremora Valkynaz
| 6
| 4
| 5
| 5
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 10
| 5
| 4+
'''Special rules''': independent character, infantry, Daedra.

Dremora War Hammer for +20 pts
Pride of the Destroyer: Dremora may not join units of Cultists, Golden Saints or Dark Seducers. A Dremora character must accept a Challenge that the enemy offers.

May replace shield with:
Heralds of Doom: Dremora Valkynaz and Markynaz cause Fear.

A second Dremora Mace free
'''Wargear''': all Dremora Markynaz and Valkynaz carry a Dremora Mace and a Dremora Shield, and wear Dremora Armor.

Spell: Flames +5 pts
They may replace their shield with:

May replace Dremora Armor with:
*A second Dremora Mace (free)

Black Robes +10 pts per model
*Spell: Flames (+3 pts)
*Spell: Entropic Touch (+3 pts)

Daedric Armor +35 pts per model
They may replace equipment in both hands with a Dremora War Hammer for +18 pts.

May take one of the following spells:
They may upgrade any weapon to Daedric for +25pts per weapon.

Drain Strength or Disintegrate +10 pts
They may replace their Dremora Armor with:

Daedric Bite, Command Mortal, Bound Battleaxe, Bound Bow, Burden or Fireball +15 pts
*Black robes (+5pts)
*Daedric Armour (+30pts)

Incinerate, Cripple, Disintegrating Blast, or Sound of Screams +30 pts
They may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Fire of Oblivion or Wall of Flames +35 pts
'''Spells''': Firebolt OR Entropy Bolt, Bound Sword.

May take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Dremora Lord the ability to buy a second spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
They may take one of the following:
*Drain strength (+10pts)
*Disintegrate (+10pts)
*Daedric Bite (+15pts)
*Command Mortal (+15pts)
*Bound Dagger (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
*Bound Shield (+15pts)
*Bound Spear (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
*Bound Battleaxe (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
*Bound Bow (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
*Strike Blind (+15pts)
*Burden (+15pts)
*Fireball (+15pts)
*Incinerate (+30pts)
*Cripple (+30pts)
*Disintegrating blast (+30pts)
*Sound of Screams (+30pts)

Summon Flame Atronach(cost 2) +51 pts
They may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Dremora Markynaz or Valkynaz the ability to buy a second spell from their spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
Summon Frost Atronach(cost 3) +64 pts
Summon Storm Atronach(cost 4) +80 pts
May take magic items from armory where applicable.
May upgrade any weapon to Daedric for +25 pts.

*Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+51 pts)
*Summon Frost Atronach(cast on 12+) (+64 pts)
*Summon Storm Atronach(cast on 15+) (+80 pts)

====Golden Saint Pelaurig====
====Golden Saint Pelaurig====

100 pts
100 pts

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Independent Character(skirmish default), Infantry, Daedra. Pelaurigs may not join Dremora or Dark Seducers.
Single Model

Pelaurig WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W3 I4 A3 Ld10 Mg5 Sv5+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Golden Saint Pelaurig
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 4
| 3
| 10
| 5
| 5+

'''Special rules''': independent character, infantry, Daedra. Pelaurigs may not join Dremora or Dark Seducers.
Golden Sword,
Golden Shield,
Golden Armor

'''Wargear''': Pelaurigs carry a Golden Sword and Golden Shield, and wear Golden Armor.
Shock Shield, Healing, Dispel

May replace weapon in both hands with:
They may replace their equipment in both hands with a Golden Bow, or Golden Short Bow, for +4pts.

Golden Bow(or Golden Short Bow) +10 pts
They may upgrade any weapon to Amber for +15pts.

May replace Golden Armor with:
They may replace their Golden Armour with Amber Armor for +25pts.

Amber Armor +25 pts per model
May take magic items from armory where applicable.

May replace any spell with:
'''Spells''': Shock Shield, Healing, Dispel

Sparks, Shock Repulsion, Chain Lightning, Bound Bow, Dispulsion, or Shock, Bound Armor (free)
They may replace any of their spells for free for any of the following:
May take one of the following spells:
*Shock Repulsion
*Chain Lightning
Lightning Bolt or Lightning Cone +30 pts
*Bound Bow
Oblivion Lightning +35 pts
May take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Pelaurig to buy a second spell from her spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
*Bound Armor
Summon Flesh Atronach (cost 4) +80 pts
May take magic items from armory where applicable.
May upgrade any weapon to Amber for +15 pts.

They may purchase one of the following spells:
*Lightning Bolt (+30pts)
*Lightning Cone (+30pts)
*Oblivion Lightning (+35pts)

They may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Pelaurig the ability to buy a second spell from her spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
*Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) +80 pts

====Dark Seducer Grakedrig====
====Dark Seducer Grakedrig====

100 pts
100 pts

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Independent Character(skirmish default), Infantry, Daedra. Grakedrigs may not join Dremora or Golden Saints.
Single Model

Grakedrig WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W3 I4 A3 Ld10 Mg5 Sv5+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Dark Seducer Grakedrig
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 4
| 3
| 10
| 5
| 5+

'''Special rules''': independent character, infantry, Daedra. Grakedrigs may not join Dremora or Golden Saints.
Dark Sword,
Dark Shield,
Dark Armor

'''Wargear''': Grakedrigs carry a Dark Sword and Dark Shield, and wear Dark Armor.
Flame Shield, Healing, Ward

May replace weapon in both hands with:
They may replace their equipment in both hands with a Dark Bow, or Dark Short Bow, for +4pts.

Dark Bow(or Dark Short Bow) +10 pts
They may upgrade any weapon to Madness for +15pts.

May replace Dark Armor with:
They may replace their Dark Armour with Madness Armor for +25pts.

Madness Armor +25 pts per model
May take magic items from armory where applicable.
May replace any spell with:
Bound Sword, Flame Repulsion, Fireball, Lower Resist, Terrify, Mindless Frenzy, Bound Armor (free)
May take one of the following spells:
Flamewave, Silence +30 pts
Heat Blast +35 pts

May take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Grakedrig to buy a second spell from her spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
'''Spells''': Flame Shield, Healing, Ward.

Summon Flesh Atronach (cost 4) +80 pts
They may replace any of their spells for free for any of the following:

May take magic items from armory where applicable.
*Bound Sword
*Flame Repulsion
*Lower Resist
*Bound Armor

May upgrade any weapon to Madness for +15 pts.
They may purchase one of the following spells:
*Flamewave (+30pts)
*Silence (+30pts)
*Heat Blast (+35pts)

They may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Grakedrig the ability to buy a second spell from her spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
*Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) +80 pts

Line 534: Line 695:

6 pts per model
6pts/model. Scamps may be taken in units of 10-40 models.
Horde, Infantry, Daedra
Unit Size: 10-40 models

WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I2 A1 Ld6 Mg2 Sv-
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Scamp
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 6
| 2
| -

'''Special rules''': Horde, Infantry, Daedra.

Special Rules:
Rift-summoned: Scamps can Deep Strike in scenarios allowing reserves.

Rift-summoned: Scamps can Deep Strike in scenarios allowing such an ability to be used.
'''Wargear''': none

Lowly Servants: 0-5 Scamps may be bought as an upgrade to a unit of Dremora, in which case, they fight in ranks.
'''Spells''': Firebolt

The entire horde may replace the spell Firebolt with the spell:
The entire unit may replace their Firebolt spell with the Flames spell for free.
Flames (free)

====Dremora Warriors====

====Dremora Warriors====
14 pts per model. Dremora Warriors may be taken in units of 5-20 models. Dremora are 0-1 in an army whose general is not a Dremora Lord or a special character saying otherwise.

14 pts per model
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Core. Dremora are 0-1 in an army whose general not a Dremora Lord or a special character saying otherwise.
Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra
Unit Size 5-20

WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv4+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Dremora Warrior
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 4
| 2
| 8
| 2
| 4+
| Dremora Kynreeve
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 2
| 4
| 3
| 8
| 3
| 4+

'''Special rules''': Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra
Dremora Mace,
Dremora Shield,
Dremora Armor

Dremora Kynreeves are Characters.

Special Rules:
Pride of the Destroyer: A Dremora character must accept a Challenge that the enemy offers.

Heralds of Doom: Dremora cause Fear.
Heralds of Doom: Dremora cause Fear.

May upgrade a model to:
'''Wargear''': Dremora carry a Dremora Mace and Dremora Shield, and wear Dremora Armor.

Kynreeve (+1W, +1A, +1Mg) for +26 pts
All models in the unit may replace their weapons in both hands with a Dremora War Hammer for +4pts/model.

The entire regiment may replace weapons in both hands with:
All models in the unit may replace their shields with:
*A second Dremora Mace (free)
*Spell: Flames (+2/pts/model)
*Spell: Entropic Touch (+2/pts/model)

Dremora War Hammer +4 pts per model
All models in the unit may replace Dremora Armor with Black Robes (unarmored, +1 Mg) (+2pts/model).

The entire regiment may replace shields with:
'''Spells''': Firebolt OR Entropy Bolt (same for all models in unit).

A second Dremora Mace (free)
One Dremora Warrior may be upgraded to a Dremora Kynreeve for +26pts.

Spell: Flames +2 pts per model
The Kynreeve may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

The entire regiment may replace Dremora Armor with:
The Kynreeve may take any one of the following spells:
*Bound Sword (+5pts)
*Bound Armor (+5pts)
*Disintegrate (+5pts)
*Drain Strength (+5pts)
*Daedric Bite (+10pts)
*Bound Battleaxe (+10pts)
*Fireball (+10pts)
*Burden (+15pts)
*Bound Bow (+15pts)

Black Robes (unarmored, +1 Mg) +2 pts per model
Lowly servants: The Dremora Warriors may be accompanied by 0-5 Scamps as part of their unit, for 6pts/model.

Kynreeve may take any one of the following spells:
====Golden Saints====

Bound Sword, Bound Armor, Disintegrate, or Drain Strength +5 pts
14 pts per model. Golden Saints may be taken in units of 5-20 models. Golden Saints are 0-1 in an army whose general is not a Golden Saint Pelaurig or a special character saying otherwise.

Daedric Bite, Bound Battleaxe, or Fireball +10 pts
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Burden, Bound Bow +15 pts
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Golden Saint
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 4
| 2
| 8
| 2
| 5+
| Aurig
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 2
| 4
| 3
| 8
| 3
| 5+

The Kynreeve may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
'''Special rules''': Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra.

Aurigs are Characters.

====Golden Saints====
'''Wargear''': Golden Saints carry a Golden Sword and Golden Shield, and wear Golden Armor.

14 pts per model
All models in the unit may replace their weapons in both hands with a Golden Bow or Golden Short Bow for +2pts/model.
Core, 0-1 unless army general is a Golden Saint Pelaurig
Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra
Unit Size 5-20

Golden Saint WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv5+
'''Spells''': Shock Repulsion, Sparks.

All models in the unit may replace either of their spells with
Golden Sword,
*Bound armour (+2pts)
Golden Shield,
*Daedric Bite (+2pts)
Golden Armor
*Chain Lightning (+2pts)

One Golden Saint may be upgraded to an Aurig for +26pts.
Shock Repulsion,

May upgrade a model to:
The Aurig may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Champion (+1W, +1A, +1 Mg) +26 pts

The entire regiment may replace their weapons in both hands with:
The Aurig may take any one of the following spells:
*Healing (+5pts)
*Stoneflesh (+5pts)
*Shock Shield (+10pts)
*Bound Bow (+10pts)
*Command Mortal (+10pts)
*Dispel (+15pts)
*Lightning Bolt (+15pts)
*Lightning Cone (+15pts)

Golden Bow (or Golden Short Bow) +2 pts per model

The entire regiment may replace either of their spells with:
====Dark Seducers====

Bound Armor, Daedric Bite or Chain Lightning +2 pts per model
14 pts per model. Dark Seducers may be taken in units of 5-20 models. Dark Seducers are 0-1 in an army whose general is not a Dark Seducer Grakedrig or a special character saying otherwise.

The Champion may take one of the following spells in addition to the others:
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Healing or Stoneflesh +5 pts
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Dark Seducer
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 4
| 2
| 8
| 2
| 5+
| Autkendo
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 2
| 4
| 3
| 8
| 3
| 5+

Shock Shield, Bound Bow or Command Mortal +10 pts
'''Special rules''': Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra.

Dispel, Lightning Bolt or Lightning Cone +15 pts
Autkendos are Characters.

The Champion may take up to 10 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
'''Wargear''': Dark Seducers carry a Dark Sword and Dark Shield, and wear Dark Armor.

All models in the unit may replace their weapons in both hands with a Dark Bow or Dark Short Bow for +2pts/model.

====Dark Seducers====
'''Spells''': Ward, Flame Repulsion.

14 pts per model
All models in the unit may replace either of their spells with
Core, 0-1 unless army general is a Dark Seducer Grakedrig
*Bound sword (+2pts)
Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra
*Daedric Bite (+2pts)
Unit Size 5-20
*Fireball (+2pts)

Dark Seducer WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv5+
One Dark Seducer may be upgraded to an Autkendo for +26pts.

The Autkendo may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Dark Sword,
Dark Shield,
Dark Armor

The Autkendo may take any one of the following spells:
*Bound Sword (+5pts)
Flame Repulsion
*Flame Shield (+10pts)
*Lower Resists (+10pts)
*Terrify (+10pts)
*Mindless Frenzy (+10pts)
*Incinerate (+15pts)
*Flamewave (+15pts)
*Silence (+15pts)

May upgrade a model to:
====Flame Atronachs====
Champion (+1W, +1A, +1 Mg) +26 pts
The entire regiment may replace their weapons in both hands with:
Dark Bow (or Dark Short Bow) +2 pts per model

The entire regiment may replace either of their spells with:
11pts/model. Flame Atronachs may be taken in units of 3-20.

Bound Armor, Daedric Bite or Fireball +2 pts per model
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

The Champion may take one of the following spells in addition to the others:
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Flame Atronach
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 5
| 2
| 6
| 2
| -

Bound Sword +5 pts
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach.

Flame Shield, Lower Resists, Terrify, or Mindless Frenzy +10 pts
Element of Fire: Cold Damage rerolls to wound Flame Atronachs. Flame Atronachs always ignore flame damage. Their close combat attacks deal flame damage, and deal Multiple Wounds(d3).

Incinerate, Flamewave, or Silence +15 pts

The Champion may take up to 10 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Flame Atronachs have a shooting attack with the following profile: S4 AP0, Fire and Charge 1, Range 24". Spell damage, flame.

====Knights of Order====

====Flame Atronachs====
14pts/model. Knights of Order may be taken in units of 5-20 in a Jyggalag army.

11 pts per model
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra
Unit Size: 3-20

WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I5 A2 Ld6 Mg2 Sv-
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Knight of Order
| 7
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 3
| 2
| 10
| 1
| 4+

Wargear: None
'''Special Rules''': Daedra, Infantry, Fight in Ranks, Hatred (Servants of Sheogorath).

Special Rules:
'''Wargear''': Knights of Order wear Crystal Armor, and wield Crystal Swords.

Element of Fire: Cold Damage rerolls to wound Flame Atronachs. Flame Atronachs always ignore fire damage. Their close combat attacks deal fire damage, and deal d3 wounds.
Crystal Armor is Light Armor that grants a 4+ armor save. Its bearer is unaffected by Illusion spells.

Hands of Flame:
Crystal Swords are strike with +1 AP.
Flame Atronachs have a shooting attack with the following profile: S4 AP0, Assault 1, Range 24". Spell damage, flame.

Perfect Harmony: Knights of Order do not take No Retreat wounds for being beaten in combat. Knights of Order automatically pass the Leadership Test required to march within 9" of the enemy.



35 pts per model
35pts/model. Aurorans may be taken in units of 5-20.
Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra
Unit Size: 5-20

Auroran WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I5 A2 Ld10 Mg3 Sv5+
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Auroran
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 2
| 5
| 2
| 10
| 3
| 5+

Axe of Light: An Axe of Light is an Elven Battle Axe, which deals shock damage, and each hit drains 1 mana die next turn from enemy. For every unsaved wound, the enemy unit's surviving models have 1 mana die drained from them next turn, allocated by their controller as normal.
'''Special Rules''': Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra, Hatred (Undead), Furious Charge

Meridia's Mantle: This Heavy Armor provides a 5+ armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save from spell damage.
Blinding Strength: Aurorans may wield two-handed weapons in one hand. If they do so, those weapons may be dual wielded with one another or with Hand Weapons.

'''Wargear''': Axe of Light, Meridia's mantle.

The Light that Burns, Shock Repulsion
Axe of Light: An Axe of Light is an Elven Battle Axe which deals shock damage causing Magicka Drain(1) on hit. For every unsaved wound inflicted by this weapon on a unit, a model in that unit suffers Magicka Drain(1) at the beginning of the next turn.

Special Rules:
Meridia's Mantle: This Heavy Armor provides a 5+ armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save from spell damage.
Preferred Enemy (Undead)
Blinding Strength: Aurorans have Furious Charge, and can wield their Axes of Light with only one hand.

'''Spells''': The Light that Burns, Shock Repulsion


80 pts per model
Elite, 0-1 unless army general is Dremora Lord
80pts/model. Daedroths may be taken in units of 1-10. Units of Daedroth are 0-1 unless the army general is a Dremora Lord.
Horde, Monstrous creature, Daedra
Unit Size: 1-10

Daedroth WS4 BS0 S5 T5 W3 I2 A3 Ld9 Mg3 Sv4+
Base Size(Daedroth): 40mm x 40mm. Base Size(Greater Daedroth): 50mm x 50mm.

Greater Daedroth WS4 BS0 S6 T6 W5 I2 A4 Ld9 Mg3 Sv3+

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Daedroth
| 4
| 1
| 5
| 5
| 3
| 2
| 3
| 9
| 3
| 4+
| Greater Daedroth
| 4
| 1
| 6
| 6
| 5
| 2
| 4
| 9
| 3
| 3+

Daedroth Hide(4+ armor save, 3+ on Greater Daedroth)
'''Special Rules''': Horde, Monstrous creature, Daedra, Regeneration (6+).

Flame Breath: Shooting attack, Assault 1, Template, S4 AP1, flame
Daedroths cause Terror.

Special Rules:
The Third Barrier: A Daedroth's armour save may not be made worse than 4+ by a weapon's AP(or 3+ if it is a Greater Daedroth)). Weapons that ignore armour saves outright still only reduce the save to the given amount.

Causes Terror, Regenerate(6+)

The Third Barrier: A Daedroth's armor save may not be made worse than 4+ (3+ if Greater Daedroth)
Hellfire Breath: Shooting attack, Fire and Charge 1, Template, S4 AP1, flame, deals magic damage.

Any number of Daedroth may be upgraded to Greater Daedroths for +80 pts per model.
Daedroth Hide: This is naturally occurring armour granting Daedroths a 4+ armour save, and Greater Daedroths a 3+ armour save.

Any number of Daedroth in unit may be upgraded to Greater Daedroths for +80 pts per model.

====Frost Atronachs====
====Frost Atronachs====

24 pts per model
24pts/model. Frost Atronachs may be taken in units of 1-12.
Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra
Unit Size: 1-12
Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.
WS3 BS3 S5 T5 W2 I2 A2 Ld7 Mg2 Sv6+

{| class="wikitable"
Permafrost Skin(6+ armor save)
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Frost Atronach
| 3
| 3
| 5
| 5
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 7
| 2
| 6+

Special Rules:
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach.

Element of Cold: Flame damage rerolls to wound against Frost Atronachs. Frost Atronachs are Immune to Frost, cannot be Chilled, and their attacks deal frost damage.

Element of Cold: Flame damage rerolls to wound Frost Atronachs. Frost Atronachs are immune to frost damage, and their attacks deal frost damage

Fists of Ice: A Frost Atronach's melee attacks are AP2. Models attacking a Frost Atronach strike last next round.
Permafrost Skin: This is a natural armor granting a 6+ armour save

Fists of Ice: A Frost Atronach's melee attacks are AP2. Models strike at Initiative 1 who made melee attacks toward a unit containing at least 1 Frost Atronach the previous round of combat.

====Storm Atronachs====
====Storm Atronachs====

40 pts per model
40pts/model. Storm Atronachs may be taken in units of 1-8.
Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra
1-8 per unit

WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I7 A3 Ld7 Mg2 Sv-
Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Storm Atronach
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 7
| 3
| 7
| 2
| - / 3++

Special Rules:
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach.

Element of Lightning: Storm Atronachs are Immune to Shock, and deal shock damage with their melee attacks.

Element of Lightning: Storm Atronachs are immune to shock damage, and deal shock damage with their melee attacks.
Living Storm: Storm Atronachs may pass over difficult terrain that is less than 2" high as if it were open. Storm Atronachs have a 3+ ward save.

Living Storm: Storm Atronachs may pass over flat terrain which would normally be difficult, such as marshes and rivers, with ease. Storm Atronachs have a 3+ ward save.

Void Bolt:  
Void Bolt: This is a shooting attack with the following profile: S3, ignores armor, Move and Fire 1, Range 24". For each unsaved wound dealt, Void Bolt scores an additional hit. Spell damage, shock, Magicka Drain (1) on striking.
Storm Atronachs have a shooting attack with the following profile:  
S3, ignores armor, Regular 1, Range 24". For each unsaved wound dealt, Void Bolt scores an additional hit. For each hit, the unit recovers 1 less mana die the next turn. Spell damage, shock.  

====Flesh Atronachs====
====Flesh Atronachs====

38 pts per model
Elite, 0-1 unless army general is a Golden Saint Pelaurig or a Dark Seducer Grakedrig or a special character saying otherwise
38pts/model. Flesh Atronachs may be taken in units of 1-10. Only 0-1 units of Flesh Atronachs may be taken unless the army general is a Golden Saint Pelaurig or a Dark Seducer Grakedrig.
Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra
1-10 models per unit.
WS3 BS3 S5 T4 W3 I3 A2 Ld6 Mg2 Sv-

Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Flesh Atronach
| 3
| 3
| 5
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 6
| 2
| -

'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach, Frenzy.

Special Rules:
Flesh Atronachs cause Fear.
Atronach, Frenzy, Cause Fear

Element of Flesh: Flesh Atronachs are not affected by poison. Poisoned weapons wound them normally. In addition, they have 4+ ward save against spells. If it succeeds, they get +1 mana die the next turn.
Element of Flesh: Flesh Atronachs are Immune to Poison. In addition, they have an unmodifiable 4+ ward save against spells that may be taken instead of other ward saves. For each time this ward save succeeds, the model that made the save gains +1 Power Dice immediately after its Power Dice replenish next turn.

Power of Flesh:
Power of Flesh:
Flesh Atronachs may discard 1 mana die to gain Poisoned(3+) on their attacks for a round.
Flesh Atronachs may discard a Power Die at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase to gain Poisoned(3+) on their attacks for a round of combat. A Flesh Atronach may also discard a Power Die at the beginning of any phase to regenerate a missing wound on a 6+. This may be attempted and may succeed any number of times per turn.

'''Wargear''': none.

Line 839: Line 1,306:

21 pts per model
Clannfears may be taken in units of 5-20 models. They cost 21pts/model.
Horde, Beast, Daedra
Unit size 5-20
Base Size: 25mm x 50mm.

WS4 BS0 S4 T5 W1 I4 A2 Ld7 Mg0 Sv5+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Clannfear
| 4
| 0
| 4
| 5
| 1
| 4
| 2
| 7
| 0
| 5+

'''Special Rules''': Horde, Beast, Daedra.
Clannfear Hide (5+ armor save, 5+ ward save against spell damage)

Special Rules:

Dread Claws: Melee attacks from Clannfears have the Rending special rule.

Clannfear hide: This is natural armour granting a 5+ armour save, and a 5+ ward save(or +2 to another already existing ward save) against spell damage.


11 pts per model
Hungers may be taken in units of 10-30 models. They cost 11pts/model.
Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra
Unit size: 10-30

Hunger WS3 BS0 S3 T3 W1 I5 A3 Ld7 Mg3 Sv-
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Hunger
| 3
| 0
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 5
| 3
| 7
| 3
| -

Special Rules:
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra

Cause Fear.
Hungers cause Fear.

The Hunger: A pack of Hungers which has destroyed an enemy unit gains Feel No Pain for the duration of the game.
The Hunger: A pack of Hungers that has destroyed an enemy unit gains Feel No Pain for the remainder of the game.

Feast of Strength: Units attacking a pack of Hungers lose their +attacks charge bonus or counter-attack bonus.
Feast of Strength: Units in base contact with one or more Hungers lose any charge bonus they might have.
'''Wargear''': none.

====Spider Daedra====
====Spider Daedra====

60 pts per model
Skirmish, Beasts, Daedra
Unit Size 3-10 Spider Daedra

Spider Daedra WS4 BS4 S4 T3 W2 I6 A3 Ld7 Mg3 Sv-
Spider Daedra may be taken in units of 3-10. They cost 70pts/model.
Base Size(Spider Daedra): 50mm x 50mm. Base Size(Spiderling): 25mm x 25mm
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Spider Daedra
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 2
| 6
| 3
| 7
| 3
| -
| Spiderling
| 2
| 0
| 2
| 2
| 1
| 3
| 1
| 4
| 0
| -

Spiderling WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld4 Mg0 Sv-
'''Special Rules (Spider Daedra)''': Skirmish, Beasts, Daedra

Spider Daedra cause Fear.
Poison Spit (melee attacks of Spider Daedra are Poisoned(4+))

Spiderlings do not have wargear.
Spawn Spiderlings: Spiderlings are sent forth from Spider Daedra over the course of the battle. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each Spider Daedra in the unit that is not locked in combat. For each roll of a 5+, you may add a Spiderling model to the unit if you have a proper location to deploy it. If all the Spider Daedra in a unit are killed, the Spiderlings perish as well.

Web of Mephala: Enemy units within 6" of a Spider Daedra get -1 I and must move as if through difficult terrain.
Spider Daedra have Shock and Healing.

Spiderlings do not have spells.
'''Wargear (Spider Daedra)''':

Special Abilities:
Poison Spit: The melee attacks of Spider Daedra are Poisoned(4+).

Spider Daedra cause Fear.
'''Spells (Spider Daedra):''' Shock, Healing.

Spawn Spiderlings: Spiderlings are sent forth from Spider Daedra over the course of the battle. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each Spider Daedra in the unit which is not in melee combat. For each roll of a 5+, you may add a Spiderling model to the unit if you have a proper location to deploy it. If all the Spider Daedra in the unit are killed, the Spiderlings perish as well.
'''Special Rules (Spiderling)''': Skirmish, Beasts, Daedra.

Web of Mephala: Enemy units within 6" of a Spider Daedra get -1 I and move as if through difficult terrain.
Neurotoxin Cloud: Enemies in base contact with a Spiderling must pass an initiative test at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase each round of combat. If they fail, they are Paralyzed for the duration of the round.

Neurotoxin Cloud: Enemies in base contact with a Spiderling must pass an initiative test every round of combat. If they fail, their WS is reduced to 1 for the duration of the round.
Spiderlings do not have spells or wargear.

====Winged Twilights====
====Winged Twilights====

14 pts per model
24pts/model. Winged Twilights may be taken in units of 5-20.
Skirmish, Flier, Daedra
Unit Size: 5-20

Winged Twilight WS5 BS0 S3 T3 W1 I5 A2 Ld8 Mg2 Sv-
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Winged Twilight
| 5
| 0
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 5
| 2
| 8
| 2
| -

'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Flyer Infantry, Daedra.

Special Rules:
Azura's Beauty: Winged Twilights may choose to ignore any spell targeting or affecting them on a d6 roll of 5+. If this is successful, a Winged Twilight of your choice automatically recasts the spell(without having to roll for casting) against its source(even if there is not sufficient range or Line of Sight, and even if that Winged Twilight is currently Silenced)

Azura's Beauty: Winged Twilights may choose to ignore enemy spells targeting or affecting them on a 5+. If this is successful, they automatically recast the spell for free against its source(even there is not sufficient range/LOS/Winged Twilights are silenced)
Touch of Dusk: Winged Twilights' attacks are Fleshbane.

Touch of Dusk: Winged Twilights wound on a 2+ regardless of toughness.
'''Wargear''': none.


140 pts per model
140pts/model. Xivilai may be taken in units of 1-3.
Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra
1-3 Xivilai per unit

Xivilai WS4 BS4 S5 T4 W3 I3 A2 Ld9 Mg7 Sv-
Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Xivilai
| 4
| 4
| 5
| 4
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 9
| 7
| -

'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra.

Each Xivilai in the unit may take up to 4 appropriate spells of your choice from the Destruction and/or Mysticism schools available in the Daedra Cults army book.
Xivilai are Characters.

Special Rules:
Magicka Absorption: Spells get -1 to wound against Xivilai. Each time a spell fails a roll to wound a Xivilai, it gains 1 Power Die.

Absorb Magicka: Spells get -1 to wound against Xivilai. Each time a spell hits but fails to wound a Xivilai, it gains a mana die.
Incredible Might: Xivilai can wield 2-handed weapons with one hand, and no penalty to initiative. If so, they may be dual wielded with each other or with Hand Weapons.

Incredible Might: Xivilai can wield 2-handed weapons with one hand, and no penalty to initiative.
'''Wargear''': None

Any number of Xivilai in the unit may be given one of the following:
Each Xiviliai may be equipped with one of the following:
*Ebony Greatsword +20pts
*Ebony Battle Axe +20pts
*Ebony Warhammer +25pts
*Daedric Greatswords +30pts
*Daedric Battle Axe +30pts
*Daedric Warhammer +35pts

Ebony Greatsword or Battle Axe +20 pts
'''Spells''': Each Xivilai in the unit may take up to 4 appropriate spells of your choice from the Destruction and/or Mysticism schools available in the Daedra Cults army book.

Ebony War Hammer +25 pts
A unit of Xivilai may be accompanied by up to 2 Clannfears per Xivilai, for +25 pts each. These Clannfears fight in Skirmish Formation as part of the Xivilai unit, and must as a group take a Leadership test on their own value or all be removed as casualties, if all the Xivilai in the unit are slain.

Daedric Greatsword or Battle Axe +30 pts
====Siege Crawler====

Daedric War Hammer +35 pts
425pts. Siege Crawlers are a single model unit that may only be taken in an army of at least 2000 points.

A unit of Xivilai may take to 2 Clannfears per Xivilai, for +25 pts each. These Clannfears fight in Skirmish Formation as part of the Xivilai unit, and must take a morale test if all the Xivilai in the unit are slain.
Base Size: 125mm x 125mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Siege Crawler
| 2
| 2
| 10
| 8
| 6
| 1
| 2
| 10
| 1
| 2+

====Siege Crawler====
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra, Single Model, Fearless

225 pts per model
Siege Crawlers cause Terror.
Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra
Single Model

Siege Crawler WS2 BS2 S10 T8 W6 I1 A2 Ld10 Mg1 Sv2+
Lumbering Hulk: The Siege Crawler is Slow and Purposeful, and rolls 2d6 and chooses the highest to determine charge range and movement speed, even if through cover. It is hit automatically in close combat.

Leveller of Cities: The Siege Crawler's melee attacks cause Instant Death due to their incredible strength. The Siege Crawler may roll 4d6 for armor penetration against buildings, should players choose to use them in their games.

Adamantine Skin(2+ armor)

Raging Inferno: This is a shooting attack. S6 AP1, Assault 3, Template, deals d3 wounds, flame. Range 6-24": face the template away from the Siege Crawler, targeting an enemy unit, with the short end anywhere between 6" and 24" of the model's base, for each shot it fires.
Adamantine Skin: This is a natural armour that grants a 2+ armour save.

Special Rules:
Raging Inferno: This is a shooting attack. S6 AP1, Fire and Charge 3, Torrent, deals d3 wounds, flame.
Lumbering Hulk: The Siege Crawler cannot run, and rolls 2d6 and chooses the highest to determine charge range and movement speed. It is hit automatically in close combat.
Leveller of Cities: The Siege Crawler's melee attacks cause Instant Death due to their incredible strength. The Siege Crawler may roll 3d6 for armor penetration against walls, should players use fortifications in their games.

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====Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction====
====Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction====

During the height of the Oblivion crisis, the lost heir Martin Septim used Mankar Camoran's own tome, the Forbidden Xarxes, to send a champion in pursuit of the treacherous sorceror and reclaim the amulet of kings. But it was too late. The Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon himself had entered the material world. With countless Daedra in tow, he laid siege to the Imperial City. Centuries-old buildings shattered into dust while entire armies of mortals perished at the hands of the God of Entropy. It was only when Akatosh himself took form among the ruins that the mightiest of the Daedra was beaten back to the abyss from which he sprang.
During the height of the Oblivion crisis, the lost heir Martin Septim used Mankar Camoran's own tome, the Mysterium Xarxes, to send a champion in pursuit of the treacherous sorcerer and reclaim the amulet of kings. But it was too late, for the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon himself had entered the material world. With countless Daedra in tow, he laid siege to the Imperial City. Centuries-old buildings shattered into dust while entire armies of mortals perished at the hands of the God of Entropy. It was only when Akatosh himself took form among the ruins that the mightiest of the Daedra was beaten back to the abyss from which he sprang.

2250 pts
2250pts. Mehrunes Dagon may be taken as a Hero choice in a Daedra army of 4000 or more points whose cultists are dedicated to him. If so, he is the general.

Mehrunes Dagon may be taken as a Hero choice in a Daedra army of 4000 or more points whose cultists are dedicated to him. If so, he is the general.
Base Size: 125mm x 125mm.

Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Physical God, Daedra.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Mehrunes Dagon
| 10
| 5
| 10
| 10
| 10
| 5
| 10
| 10
| 12
| - / 2++

Mehrunes Dagon WS10 BS5 S10 T10 W10 I5 A10 Ld10 Mg10 Sv-(2++)
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Physical God, Daedra, Character.

Mehrunes Dagon causes Terror.

Power of Destruction: Mehrunes Dagon may cast any spell the same turn he moves and/or charges. He may choose to automatically cast a spell regardless of his roll; he must still spend the minimum number of Power Dice required to cast that spell if he does this.

Mehrunes Dagon knows all the Destruction spells in this army book not associated with other Daedra Princes.  
Mightiest of the Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon and all allied units in a close combat involving him are Fearless, but do not take No Retreat wounds from losing combat. His blows inflict Instant Death. If he would be removed as a casualty in any way, except by another Physical God, if the game has not yet reached turn 5, he is instead placed in Ongoing Reserves.

He knows the unique Destruction spell Infinite Flame: S10, ignores armor saves, Heavy d6, Large Blast, Range 36", inflicts 2d6 wounds, flame. Cost 10.
Apocalyptic Summoning: Mehrunes Dagon always begins the game in reserve. Whenever he would normally arrive from reserve, he must first be summoned instead by a spellcaster:  

Special Rules:
*Summon Mehrunes Dagon: This spell may be cast by any number of units whenever Mehrunes Dagon attempts to arrive from reserve. Any number of models in the unit who know at least one other spell may attempt to cast this spell, and may combine their Power Dice to attempt to cast it together. This spell is cast on a 50+. If it succeeds, Mehrunes Dagon arrives from reserve; place him in a legal location within 9" of one of the models who succeeded in casting this spell. Mehrunes Dagon may move, shoot, march and charge as normal this turn.

Causes Terror.
Reality Collapse: Enemy units must move as though through difficult and dangerous terrain while Mehrunes Dagon is in play.

Physical God: Mehrunes Dagon has a 2+ Ward Save, Eternal Warrior, Immune to Disease, and Feel No Pain.
'''Wargear''': None.

Power of Destruction: Mehrunes Dagon successfully casts mana dice on a 1+ and may cast Regular and Heavy spells as if they were Assault.

Mightiest of the Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon and all allied units in a close combat involving him are Fearless, and do not take Fearless wounds for losing combat. His blows inflict Instant Death. If he would be removed as a casualty in any way, except by another Physical God, he is placed back in reserve, and only counts as a casualty if he continues to be in Reserve by turn 5.  
Mehrunes Dagon knows all the Destruction spells in this army book not associated with other Daedra Princes.

Apocalyptic Summoning: Mehrunes Dagon always begins the game in reserve. When he would normally arrive from reserve, he must first be summoned instead by a spellcaster. Any unit with spellcasters can combine their mana dice each turn in an attempt to summon him. 12 successes are required this way to summon him. When he is summoned, he is placed in any legal location within 12" of the summoning unit.
He knows this unique Destruction spell:
Reality Warp: Enemy units must move as though through difficult and dangerous terrain while Mehrunes Dagon is in play.

Infinite Flame: Shooting Attack, S10 AP7, Move or Fire d6(roll each time you succeed in casting it), Large Blast, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(2d6), flame. Casts on a 60+.

====Mankar Camoran, Prophet of Dagon====
====Mankar Camoran, Prophet of Dagon====

The Oblivion Crisis was masterminded by a single, despicable traitor: Mankar Camoran. The descendant of a deposed Elven Dynasty, Camoran searched deep into forbidden lore. Declaring the Eight and One Divines to be impostors, he proclaimed the missing god Lorkhan to be the final Daedric Prince. Thus he forged a pact with Mehrunes Dagon, that he and his servants would give the mortal world over to the Prince of Destruction in exchange for immortality. His cultists murdered the final Septim emperor, and seized the Amulet of Kings. With all the pieces in place, the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion was broken, and an infinite tide of Daedra flowed forth into the realm of mortals.
The Oblivion Crisis was masterminded by a single despicable traitor: Mankar Camoran. The embittered yet resolute descendant of a deposed Elven dynasty, Camoran searched deep into forbidden lore for a means to knowledge and power. Declaring the Eight and One Divines to be impostors, he taught to his disciples that the Missing God Lorkhan was the final Daedric Prince; that Nirn was the rightful domain of the powers of Oblivion. Thus he forged a pact with Mehrunes Dagon, that he and his servants would give the mortal world over to the Prince of Destruction in exchange for immortality. His cultists murdered the final Septim emperor, and seized the Amulet of Kings. With all the pieces in place, the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion was broken, and an infinite tide of Daedra flowed forth into the realm of mortals.
265 pts
Mankar Camoran may be taken as a unique Sorceror Priest in an Cult army, or Daedra army devoted to Mehrunes Dagon. He may be nominated as the general for either type of army. He takes a retinue like a normal Sorceror Priest.

Skirmish, Infantry, High Elf.
265 pts.

Mankar Camoran WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W3 I2 A3 Ld10 Mg8 Sv-
Mankar Camoran may be taken as a unique Sorcerer-Priest in an Mehrunes Dagon Cult army, or Daedra army devoted to Mehrunes Dagon. He may be nominated as the general for either type of army. He takes a retinue like a normal Sorcerer-Priest.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Staff of Camoran: Units hit by Mankar Camoran's shock spells get -1 to their armor saves until end of turn.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Mankar Camoran
| 3
| 5
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 3
| 10
| 8(9)
| - / 4++

Robes of Camoran: Mankar Camoran has a 4+ Ward Save. Any wound which this save protects Camoran from is immediately inflicted upon its source model, Armor and Ward saves allowed. Camoran does not have the High Elf Weakness racial trait.
''''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, High Elf, Character, Guardian Stone: The Mage.

Mysterium Xarxes: Daedric Artifact. The Mysterium Xarxes allows Daedra kept in reserve to Deep Strike within 12" of Mankar Camoran. Mankar Camoran may re-roll failed attempts to spend mana on Conjuration spells.
Prophet of Dagon: Cultist units of all types within 12" of Mankar Camoran may use his Leadership instead of their own for any tests they are required to make, and are Stubborn.

'''Wargear''': Mankor Camoran carries the Staff of Camoran and the Mysterium Xarxes, and wear the Robes of Camoran.

Sparks, Chain Lightning, Lightning Storm, Bound Armor, Summon Storm Atronach(cost 4)(Storm Atronach included in Camoran's points cost), Silence, Ward.
Staff of Camoran: Models hit by Mankar Camoran's shock spells get -1 to their armor saves until end of turn.

Special Rules:
Robes of Camoran: Mankar Camoran has an unmodifiable 4+ Ward Save. This may be taken instead of another Ward Save Mankar Camoran might gain during the course of the game. Any wound saved by this ward save Camoran from is immediately inflicted upon its source model with Ignores Cover, armour and ward saves allowed as normal. Camoran does not have the Weakness racial special rule(for being a High Elf) while he wears his robes.

Guardian Stone Blessing: The Mage
Mysterium Xarxes: Daedric Artifact. The Mysterium Xarxes allows any non-Summoned Daedra in your army arriving from reserve to choose the turn they arrive to Deep Strike within 12" of Mankar Camoran instead of arriving normally. Mankar Camoran may re-roll failed attempts to cast Conjuration spells, either before or after Surging.

Prophet of Dagon: Cultists(all types) within 12" of Mankar Camoran may use his Leadership and are Stubborn.
'''Spells''': Sparks, Chain Lightning, Lightning Storm, Bound Armor, Summon Storm Atronach(cast on 15+)(Storm Atronach included in Camoran's points cost), Silence, Ward.

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450 pts
450 pts

Sheogorath may be taken as a hero choice of a Sheogoric army. If he is taken, he is the general.
Sheogorath may be taken as a hero choice of a Sheogoric Daedra army. If he is taken, he is the general.
Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Physical God, Daedra
Sheogorath WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W6 I10 A(d6) Ld10 Mg10 Sv-(2++)
Staff of Sheogorath: Daedric Artifact. Sheogorath successfully uses mana dice on a 1+(automatically). He has d6 attacks in close combat.
Sheogorath knows all the Illusion, Alteration and Mysticism spells in this book except those related to other Daedric Princes.
Sheogorath knows the unique Alteration spell Control Weather. This spell costs 5 to cast and remains in play until the spell is re-cast. It has one of three effects:
If Sheogorath is neither in Mania or Dementia(see below), he casts Fog. Night Fighting rules enter effect until the spell is re-cast.
If Sheogorath is in Mania, he casts Sunlight. All weather conditions are cleared, including Night Fighting.
If Sheogorath is in Dementia, he casts Rain. All flame attacks have -1 to wound, and bows and crossbows have -1 to hit, while Rain is in effect.
Special Rules:
Physical God: Sheogorath has a 2+ Ward Save, Eternal Warrior, Immune to Disease, and Feel No Pain.
God of Insanity: Sheogorath's mind has no rhyme or reason to its caprices recognizable by mortals. No one knows how he will next use his nigh-omnipotence. At the beginning of each game turn, you must roll 2d6 to determine what Sheogorath does:
2: Insane despair. Sheogorath cannot do anything, even fight back in close combat, until he rolls an 8 on this table.

3: Headached Spellslinging. Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge. He takes a wound for each spell he casts.
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

4: Toxic Rage. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn, but his attacks are Poisoned(2+).
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Sheogorath
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 6
| 10
| 1d6
| 10
| 10
| - / 4++

5: "Scratch that, cheese for no one!" Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge.
'''Special Rules''': Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Physical God, Daedra.

6: Dementia. Sheogorath enters a state of Dementia. His attacks inflict Instant Death, and his weather effect is rain, until an 8+ is rolled on this table. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn.

7: Sheogorath pays attention to the battle. He works as a normal unit this turn.
God of Insanity: Sheogorath's mind has no rhyme or reason to its caprices - at least not one recognizable by mortals. No one knows how he will next use his nigh-omnipotence. At the beginning of each game turn, you must roll 2d6 to determine what Sheogorath does:

8: Mania. Sheogorath enters a state of Mania. He has Regenerate(6+), and his weather effect is Sunlight, until a 2-6 is rolled on this table. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn.
*2: ''Insane Despair''. Sheogorath cannot move, shoot, cast spells, activate abilities other than this one, march, charge or make attacks in close combat, until he rolls an 8 on this table.
*3: ''Headached Spellslinging''. Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge. He takes a wound for each spell he casts, saves allowed as normal.
*4: ''Toxic Rage''. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn, but his melee attacks are Poisoned(2+).
*5: ''Scratch that, cheese for no one!'' Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge.
*6: ''Dementia''. Sheogorath enters a state of Dementia. His melee attacks inflict Instant Death, and his weather effect is Rain(see below), until an 8+ is rolled on this table. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn other than Control Weather.
*7: ''Moment of Clarity''. Sheogorath pays attention to the battle. He has no special rules from this table this turn.
*8: ''Mania''. Sheogorath enters a state of Mania. He has Regeneration(6+), and his weather effect is Sunlight(see below), until a 2-6 is rolled on this table. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn other than Control Weather.
*9: ''Cheese for everyone!'' Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge.
*10:''Greenmote Overdose''. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn, and is Paralyzed as well.
*11:''Hallucinatory Spellslinging''. Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge. He can move one enemy unit within 12" of him 2d6" during the shooting phase in addition to whatever else he does. Once this move is rolled for, move that unit either directly towards him or away from him. That unit is affected by dangerous and lethal terrain as normal on this move, but stops its movement if any model in the unit encounters impassable terrain.
*12: ''Insane Bliss''. Every other model within 6" of Sheogorath, friend or foe, is turned into a sweetroll and eaten. They are removed as casualties. All Sheogorath's wounds are restored.

9:"Cheese for everyone!" Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge.
'''Wargear''': Sheogorath carries the Staff of Sheogorath.

10:Greenmote Overdose. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn, and has his WS and I reduced to 1.
Staff of Sheogorath: Daedric Artifact. Sheogorath may choose to automatically cast a spell regardless of his roll; he must still spend the minimum number of Power Dice required to cast that spell if he does this. He has d6 attacks in close combat(roll each time he attacks).

11:Hallucinatory Spellslinging. Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge. He can move enemy units within 12" 2d6" directly towards him or away from him.
'''Spells''': Sheogorath knows all the Illusion, Alteration and Mysticism spells in this book except those related to other Daedric Princes.

12: Insane Bliss. Every other model within 6" of Sheogorath, friend or foe, is turned into a sweetroll and eaten, restoring all his wounds.
Sheogorath knows the unique Alteration spell Control Weather. This spell is cast on a 25+, is a Weather effect, and remains in play until the spell is re-cast. It has one of three effects:

*If Sheogorath is neither in Mania or Dementia(see table above), he casts Fog. Night Fighting rules enter effect (artificially) until Control Weather is re-cast.
*If Sheogorath is in Mania, he casts Sunlight. All weather conditions are cleared, including Night Fighting.
*If Sheogorath is in Dementia, he casts Rain. All flame attacks get -1 to wound, and bows and crossbows get -1 to hit, while Rain is in effect.

====The Gatekeeper====
====The Gatekeeper====
Line 1,117: Line 1,793:
200 pts
200 pts

The Gatekeeper may be taken as an Elite choice in a Sheogoric Army.
The Gatekeeper may be taken as an Elite choice in a Sheogoric Daedra Army.
Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra.
The Gatekeeper WS4 BS0 S6 T6 W6 I3 A5 Ld10 Mg2 Sv-

Base Size: 50mm x 50mm.

Scythehand: This weapon gives Critical Strike. Enemies struck by the Scythehand strike at I1 next turn.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| The Gatekeeper
| 4
| 0
| 6
| 6
| 6
| 3
| 5
| 10
| 2
| - / 3++

'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra, Frenzy, Regeneration (4+).

The Gatekeeper causes Terror.

Special Rules:
Gift of the Eldritch Womb: The Gatekeeper is shielded from all things but the tears of his mother and arrows made of bone. He has a 3+ Ward Save.

Causes Terror, Frenzy, Regenerate(4+)
'''Wargear''': One of the Gatekeeper's arms has been replaced by the Scythehand.

Protection of the Eldritch Womb: The Gatekeeper is shielded from all things but the tears of his mother and arrows made of bone. He has a 3+ Ward Save.
Scythehand: This weapon has Critical Strike. Enemies struck by the Scythehand strike at I1 until the end of the next round of combat.

'''Spells''': Healing

====Jyggalag, Prince of Order====
====Jyggalag, Prince of Order====

Jyggalag is the sane half of Sheogorath's personality. A tall, armored figure of pale grey, Jyggalag and his servants seek infinite logic of all physical forms and total control over all thoughts, hating above all else the insanity he spreads as Sheogorath. Such is Jyggalag's power and tyranny, that he is only permitted by the other Daedra to manifest at the end of every era: he leads his host forward upon the Greymarch, cleansing all the folly he had created while bearing the mantle of Sheogorath. It is only after destroying the Madhouse that he finds himself once more losing his mind, slipping back again to becoming Sheogorath and raising up all that he had destroyed. Such is truly the extent of the Mad God's lunacy.
Jyggalag is the sane half of Sheogorath's personality. A tall, armored figure of pale grey, Jyggalag and his servants seek infinite logic of all physical forms and total control over all thoughts. Jyggalag hates above all else the insanity and creativity he spreads as Sheogorath. Such is his power and tyranny, that he is only permitted by the other Daedra to manifest at the end of every era: it is then that he leads his host forward upon the Greymarch, cleansing all the folly he had created while bearing the mantle of Sheogorath. It is only after destroying the Madhouse that he finds himself once more losing his mind, slipping back again to becoming Sheogorath and raising up all that he had destroyed. Such is truly the extent of the Mad God's lunacy.
450 pts

Jyggalag may may replace a Dremora Lord in a Daedra army, and if so, is the general. No Golden Saints, Dark Seducers, or Flesh Atronachs of any kind may be taken in such an army. Dremora are 0-1 in his army.  Any Cult units in the army must be dedicated to him: their bonuses are stated below.
500 pts

Jyggalag's army may field a unique unit, Knights of Order, as Core choices. Knights of order are 14 pts per model and may be taken in units of 5-20. They are Daedra Infantry which Fight in Ranks. Jyggalag may lead them as an independent character; if so, he may not be specifically targeted by shooting.
Jyggalag may may replace a Dremora Lord in a Daedra army devoted to him, and if so, is the general. No Golden Saints, Dark Seducers, or Flesh Atronachs of any kind may be taken in such an army. Dremora are 0-1 in his army, and Dremora Lords cannot be taken.

Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Physical God, Daedra.
Base Size: 50mm x 50mm.

Jyggalag WS10 BS5 S7 T7 W6 I5 A5 Ld10 Mg10 Sv2+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Jyggalag
| 10
| 5
| 7
| 7
| 6
| 5
| 5
| 10
| 10
| 2+ / 2++

Knight of Order WS7 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I3 A2 Mg1 Sv4+
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra, Physical God, Regeneration (6+), Causes Fear.

Anathema to His Padomaic: Jyggalag has Hatred(Servants of Sheogorath). This Hatred does not end the first round of combat! In addition, he causes Terror to Servants of Sheogorath.

Armor of Jyggalag: Jyggalag wears Heavy Armor granting a 2+ armor save. He is unaffected by Illusion spells.
Commands of Order: While Jyggalag is alive and on the battlefield, you may choose for any random game length rolls to either pass or fail.

Sword of Jyggalag: This is a Daedric Greatsword which has Jyggalag wields with one hand and no loss of Initiative. It automatically performs Critical strikes and Ward saves succeeding against it must be re-rolled.
Perfect Harmony: Jyggalag does not take No Retreat when beaten in combat.

Crystal Armor: Knights of Order wear Heavy Armor granting a 4+ armor save. They are unaffected by Illusion spells.
'''Wargear''': Jyggalag wears the Armour of Jyggalag, and wields the Sword of Jyggalag. He also wields the Touch of Order.

Crystal Sword: Knights of Order wield the equivalent of Elven hand weapons.
Armour of Jyggalag: Jyggalag wears Heavy Armour granting him a 2+ armor save. He is unaffected by Illusion spells.

Sword of Jyggalag: This is a Daedric Greatsword that Jyggalag wields with one hand. It triggers a Critical Strike on every successful Wound it inflicts, and successful Ward Saves must be re-rolled against its blows.

Jyggalag knows Chain Lightning and Voidscream Lightning.
Touch of Order: Jyggalag may choose whether to use this ability each round of combat, at the beginning of the Fight Sub-Phase, if he has a spell equipped in one of his hands. If so, he counts as dual wielding a second one-handed weapon with the Sword of Jyggalag. If he activates the Touch of Order, his attacks with the Sword of Jyggalag deals frost damage and have Absorb Health(5+).

Special Rules:
'''Spells''': Jyggalag knows Chain Lightning and Voidscream Lightning. His Chain Lightning ignores armor saves. He may cast these spells with 1 hand.

Jyggalag has Regenerate (6+) and Causes Fear.
Physical God: Jyggalag has a 2+ Ward Save, Eternal Warrior, Immune to Disease, and Feel No Pain.
Forces of Order: Jyggalag and his servants despise all Sheogorath stands for. Every model in an army taking Jyggalag has Preferred Enemy against Sheogorath, all types of Golden Saints and Dark Seducers, Flesh Atronachs, The Gatekeeper, and Sheogorath worshipers.
Touch of Order: Jyggalag may choose whether to use this ability each round of combat. If so, he counts as dual wielding a second hand weapon and deals frost damage in close combat. For each wound he inflicts this way, he regenerates a wound on a 5+.
Perfect Harmony: Jyggalag and Knights of Order do not take wounds for being Fearless and beaten in combat. Knights of Order fighting in ranks automatically succeed on every special maneuver they attempt to make.
Commands of Order: If Jyggalag is in play, you may choose for any random game length rolls to either pass or fail.
Priests of Order: Jyggalag's mortal cults have the following bonuses:
Their unique summon spell is "Summon Knight of Order" for +20 pts. It costs 2 to cast.
Their daggers count as Bound Daggers. They have the Stealth universal special rule, and the cover save it grants them applies even in close combat.
Their Personal Shrines are upgraded to Obelisks of Order. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each slain mortal servant of Jyggalag which is part of a Cult unit within the Obelisk's radius. On a roll of a 6, if there is available space, that model is resurrected with full Wounds and Mana dice, and redeployed as part of the unit.

====Boethiah's Champion====
====Boethiah's Champion====

The greatest tournament in all of Tamriel, and the bloodiest and most fatal, is Boethiah's Proving. All who would serve proud Boethiah gather at her shrine on the border of the provinces of Skyrim and Morrowind, and do battle until but one remains alive. It is this warrior who puts on the ancient Ebony Mail and becomes the Champion of Boethiah, until another strikes him down and earns the title himself.
The greatest tournament in all of Tamriel, as well as the bloodiest and most fatal, is Boethiah's Proving. All who would serve proud Boethiah gather at her shrine on the border of the provinces of Skyrim and Morrowind, and do battle. At day's end, but one remains alive. It is this warrior who puts on the ancient Ebony Mail and becomes the Champion of Boethiah, until another strikes them down and earns the title for themselves.

140 pts
140 pts

Boethiah's Champion may replace a Sorceror Priest in a Boethiah Cult army. He still takes a retinue, and must be the general.
Boethiah's Champion may replace a Sorcerer-Priest in a Boethiah Cult army. He still takes a retinue, and must be the general.

Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry. Boethiah's champion may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel(your choice).
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Boethiah's Champion WS7 BS3 S5 T4 W3 I5 A4 Ld10 Mg2 Sv3+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Boethiah's Champion
| 7
| 3
| 5
| 4
| 3
| 5
| 4
| 10
| 2
| 3+

'''Special Rule''': Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry. Boethiah's champion may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel.

Ebony Mail: Daedric Artifact. The Ebony Mail is heavy armor, grants a 3+ armor save, stealth, and Poisoned(3+)
The Champion of Boethiah is Fearless.

Ebony Greatsword OR Ebony Sword and Shield OR Ebony Bow OR Ebony Short Bow.
Mark of Boethiah: Boethiah's Champion has the bonuses for being a servant of Boethiah already included in his profile. He may only join Boethiah cult units or units of Hungers. Otherwise, he must fight alone.

Special Rules:
Boethiah's Champion may bear the blessing of a Guardian Stone for +10 pts.

The Champion of Boethiah and any unit he joins are Fearless.
'''Wargear''': Boethiah's Champion wears Ebony Mail, and may wield one of the following:

Mark of Boethiah: Boethiah's Champion has the bonuses for being a servant of Boethiah already included in his profile. He may only join Boethiah cult units, or fight alone, as an Independent character.
*Ebony Greatsword
*Ebony Sword and Shield
*Ebony Short Bow
*Ebony Bow
Ebony Mail: Daedric Artifact. The Ebony Mail is heavy armor that grants a 3+ armor save, Stealth(+1), and makes its bearer's close combat attacks Poisoned(4+).

====Umaril the Unfeathered====
====Umaril the Unfeathered====

The Last King of the Ayleids, Umaril the Unfeathered, once ruled over all Cyrodiil. Half-god and half-elf, he ruled with extreme pride, imposing unthinkable tyrannies upon the human slaves who toiled and catered to the every need of his elven subjects. When mankind rose up, the bloodthirsty warrior of legend, Pelinal Whitestrake, did battle with Umaril, and struck him down. Umaril lived on, however, and having made a pact with the Daedric Prince Meridia, prepared to take his vengeance upon the once-slaves who now rule his kingdom.
The Last King of the Ayleids, Umaril the Unfeathered, once ruled over all Cyrodiil. Half-god and half-elf, he ruled with extreme pride, imposing unthinkable tyrannies upon the human slaves who toiled and catered to the every need of elves. When mankind rose up, the bloodthirsty warrior of legend, Pelinal Whitestrake, did battle with Umaril, and struck him down. Umaril lived on, however, and having made a pact with the Daedric Prince Meridia, prepared to take his vengeance upon the once-slaves who now rule his kingdom.

175 pts
200 pts
Umaril the Unfeathered may replace a Dremora Lord in a Daedra army, and if so, is the general. Aurorans are Core and Dremora are Elite in his army. Any mortals in his army serve Meridia. Umaril may join a group of Aurorans as an Independent Character, and if doing so, fights in ranks and may not be specifically targeted by shooting.

Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, High Elf.
Umaril the Unfeathered may replace a Dremora Lord in a Daedra army devoted to Meridia, and if so, is the general. Aurorans are Core and Dremora are Elite in his army. Umaril may join a group of Aurorans as an Independent Character, and if doing so, Fights in Ranks while in that unit.

Umaril WS7 BS5 S5 T5 W4 I5 A4 Ld10 Mg6 Sv3+
Base Size: 50mm x 50mm.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Umaril
| 7
| 5
| 5
| 5
| 4
| 5
| 4
| 10
| 6
| 3+ / 4++

Umaril's Sword: This hand weapon deals shock damage. Units charging or counter-attacking Umaril lose their +attack charge bonus.
'''Special Rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Character, Ayleid.

Armor of Aether: This heavy armor provides Umaril with a 3+ save and a complete immunity to shock damage, including mana dice reduced by shock attacks.
Divine Blood: Umaril has a 4+ Ward Save, is Immune to Disease, lacks the Weakness racial trait of Ayleids, and has Eternal Warrior. He is not considered a mortal.

Mortal Light: Enemy models in base contact with Umaril only replenish 1 Power Die at the beginning of their controller's turns.

The Light that Burns
Proud Ruler: Umaril may challenge an Independent Character or a single model unit to a duel, at the beginning of each round of close combat involving him. If he does, and the challenge is accepted, both models must direct all their offensive spells and attacks against one another this round, and no other models may attack either of them. If the challenge is turned down, the challenged model may not attack or cast spells this round.

Special Rules:
'''Wargear''': Umaril wields Umaril's Sword, and wears the Armor of Aetherius.

Divine Blood: Umaril has a 4+ Ward Save, is immune to disease, lacks the Weakness racial trait of High Elves, and has Eternal Warrior.
Umaril's Sword: This hand weapon deals shock damage. Models attacking Umaril's unit lose their charge bonus.

Mortal Light: Enemy models in base contact with Umaril only recharge 1 mana die on their controller's turns.
Armor of Aetherius: This heavy armor provides Umaril with a 3+ save and Immune to Shock. Effects that would deal Shock Damage to him cannot Magicka Drain him, either.

'''Spells''': The Light that Burns.

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Throughout the history of Tamriel, a mysterious figure has been spoken of in myth and legend, both mortal and immortal, passing in and out like a fleeting shadow. This warrior is Umbra. A wanderer who has served kings and fools, empires and rebels. A fiend, living only to steal the soul of its master forever, before passing to the service of whoever defeats her corrupted lord, only to go on to corrupt anew. This warrior is the sword Umbra.
Throughout the history of Tamriel, a mysterious figure has been spoken of in myth and legend, both mortal and immortal, passing in and out like a fleeting shadow. This warrior is Umbra. A wanderer who has served kings and fools, empires and rebels. A fiend, living only to steal the soul of its master forever, before passing to the service of whoever defeats her corrupted lord, only to go on to corrupt anew. This warrior is the sword Umbra.

140 pts
170 pts

Umbra may be taken in any Cult army as a Hero, but never a general.
Umbra may be taken in any Cult army as a Hero, but never a general.

Skirmish, Infantry. Umbra may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel.
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Umbra WS7 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A3 Ld10 Mg2 Sv2+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Umbra
| 7
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 4
| 3
| 10
| 2
| 2+

'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Independent Character. Umbra may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel.

Ebony Armor, shield.
Umbra's Challenge: Umbra gets +1 to hit while in a challenge.

Umbra: Daedric Artifact. The dread sword lends its name to its bearer, become one with him as she sucks out his very soul. Umbra is an Ebony Hand Weapon that grants its bearer has Feel No Pain and Fearless. A model wounded by Umbra must take an Ld test. If it fails, it suffers instant death, as its soul becomes trapped within the weapon.
A Worthy Death: Umbra must always charge the nearest unit if possible, cannot flee as a charge reaction, and must always issue and accept challenges.

Special Rules:
Umbra may bear the blessing of a Guardian Stone for +10 pts.

A Worthy Death: Umbra must always charge the nearest unit if possible.
'''Wargear''': Umbra carries the sword Umbra and a shield, and wears Ebony Armor.
Umbra: Daedric Artifact. The dread sword lends its name to its bearer, becoming one with him as she sucks out his very soul. Umbra is an Ebony Hand Weapon that grants its bearer Feel No Pain and Fearless. Wounds caused by Umbra Soul Trap, even against models with Arkay's Protection.

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===Basic Equipment===
===Basic Equipment===

Dremora weapons are normal weapons. Golden and Dark weapons are equivalent to Silver weapons(ignore resists to physical damage). Amber and Madness weapons are equivalent to Ebony weapons(+1 S) and Amber and Madness armors are equivalent to Ebony Armor(3+ save)
Dremora weapons are normal weapons. Golden and Dark weapons are Otherworldly. Amber and Madness weapons are Otherworldly and strike with +1 Strength.

Katanas are Greatswords which do not reduce the initiative of the wielder. Daedric katanas strike with +2 I +2 AP, rather than +2 S +2 AP.
Katanas are 2-handed weapons that strike with +1 Strength, and have the Critical Strike special rule. If a Weapon Quality upgrade on a Katana would grant it additional Strength, it grants it additional Initiative instead. If a model must have an item type available (as a class of weapon as default wargear or an upgrade) in order to purchase item, upgrades or artifacts of that type, Katanas as unit options are available to models that can take either Katanas or Greatswords(assuming that the unit can take a particular Katana as an upgrade, that is).

Dremora Maces, Golden Swords, and Dark Swords are hand weapons.
Dremora Maces, Golden Swords, and Dark Swords are Hand Weapons.

Cultist's Staff gives bearer a benefit when his spells are equipped. Once per game turn, bearer may reroll a failed mana die. However, if this reroll results in a 1, he immediately takes a wound.  
Cultist's Staff: Once per game turn, bearer may reroll a Power Die while attempting to cast a spell, but must abide by the second result. If this reroll results in a natural 1, he immediately takes a wound, saves allowed as normal.

Golden and Dark armor are Light Armor. Dremora, Amber and Madness armor are Heavy Armor.
Golden and Dark armour are Light Armour(6+). Dremora armour is Heavy Armour(5+). Amber and Madness armours are Heavy Armor(3+).

Cultist Robes are unarmored clothing.
Cultist Robes are unarmored clothing.
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===Magic Items===
===Magic Items===

The Magic Items available to a Daedric army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are to be included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules.
The Magic Items available to a Daedric army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model that can take that type of item, and replaces that item(or follows that item's rules for replacing other items, if it can only be taken as an option). A model that may purchase Magic Items from this armory may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. The Daedra Prince's personal Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and may be taken in addition to other items unless stated otherwise.

Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked. Replacements are still only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models that could take that class of item to begin with).

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Weapon of Flames: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and may re-roll failed rolls to wound. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, causing it to deal d3 wounds.
Weapon of Flames: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and has Shred. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, granting it Multiple Wounds(d3).

Weapon of Sparks: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage, drains 1 mana die next turn from targeted unit per hit. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Weapon of Sparks: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit with Magicka Drain(1) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).

Weapon of Withering: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 S until the end of next player turn.
Weapon of Withering: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 S until the end of next turn.

Weapon of Convulsion: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 T during the next round of combat.
Weapon of Convulsion: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 T during this round of combat(if the hit is in melee) and during the next round of combat.

Weapon of Draining: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 Mg until the end of next player turn.
Weapon of Draining: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 Mg until the end of their controller's next turn.

Leech Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. For each successful wound dealt with weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, bearer regenerates a wound.
Leech Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. Weapon has Absorb Health(6+).

Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 to hit.
Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Weapon gets +1 to hit.

Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 Strength.
Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Weapon strikes at +1 Strength.

Weapon of Light: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by weapon at night are automatically spotted by other units for the rest of this shooting phase.
Weapon of Light: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by weapon whilst Night Fighting is active lose their Night Fighting cover save bonus for the remainder of the phase.

Weapon of Screams: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +5 pts. Models hit by weapon must roll 6's to successfully cast spells next player turn.
Weapon of Screams: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +6 pts. Models hit by weapon must re-roll all Power Dice whenever they successfully cast a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).

Staff of Sorcery: Staff. +10 pts. Wielder gets +1 Mg.
Staff of Sorcery: Staff. +10 pts. Wielder gets +1 Mg.

Staff of Oblivion: Staff. +20 pts. Wielder requires 1 less successful mana die to cast Destruction and Illusion spells, to a minimum of 1.
Staff of Oblivion: Staff. +20 pts. Wielder gets +2 to rolls to cast Destruction and Illusion spells.

Soul Needle: Staff. +35 pts. At the beginning of your shooting phase, if wielder is casting spells with both hands this turn, you may target any unit within 12" and line of sight. That unit must take an Ld check on its own highest value. If it fails, you may choose for it to either flee, or gain the Rage special rule until the beginning of your next turn.
Soul Needle: Staff. Daedric Artifact. At the beginning of your shooting phase, if wielder is casting spells with both hands this turn, you may target any unit within 12" and line of sight. That unit must take an Morale check on its own highest value. If it fails, you may choose for it to fall back. Alternatively, you may force it to move as quickly as possible along the shortest possible route towards the nearest unit it can see that its controller's opponent controls(if marching it must do the same), and must always charge the nearest enemy unit that it is allowed to charge, until the beginning of your next turn. +35 pts.

Scepter of the Screaming Beyond: Staff. If wielder has not yet cast any spells since the beginning of your last turn, he may choose to not cast any spells until the beginning of your next turn, to automatically cast any Illusion or Destruction spell he knows, can cast, and has enough mana dice to cast. +40 pts.
Scepter of the Screaming Beyond: Staff. Daedric Artifact. If wielder has not yet cast any spells since the beginning of your last turn, he may choose to not cast any spells until the beginning of your next turn, to automatically cast any one Illusion or Destruction spell he knows, can cast, and has enough Power Dice to be able to cast normally. +40 pts.

Rod of Doom: Staff. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: S8, ignores armor saves, Heavy 3, Range 36", Large Blast. +50 pts.
Rod of Doom: Staff. Daedric Artifact. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: ''Doomstrike'': S8 AP7, Move or Fire 3, Range 36", Large Blast. +50 pts.

Shortbow of Devotion: This is a Short Bow with +1 to hit. +10 pts.
Shortbow of Devotion: This is a Short Bow with +1 to hit. +10 pts.

Mace of Dagon's Crushing: This is a hand weapon which ignores armor saves. +10 pts.
Mace of Dagon's Crushing: This is a hand weapon that strikes with +5 AP. +10 pts.

Blade of Destruction: This is a Daedric hand weapon which deals flame damage and re-rolls failed rolls to wound. Every enemy model in base contact with wielder takes a S4 AP0 flame hit in addition to wielder's attacks whenever he strikes. +50 pts.
Blade of Destruction: Daedric Artifact. This is a Daedric hand weapon that deals flame damage and has Shred. Each enemy model in base contact with wielder takes a S4 AP0 Shred flame hit in addition to wielder's attacks whenever he strikes. +45 pts.

Maelstrom Blade: This is a Daedric Katana. Whenever bearer attacks in close combat, roll a d6. On a 1-3, until your next turn, every model hit by a Maelstrom Blade gets -1 WS -1BS +1S +1T while bearer gets +1 WS +1BS -1S -1T. On a 4+, until your next turn, every model hit gets +1 WS +1BS -1S -1T and bearer gets -1 WS -1BS +1S +1T instead.
Maelstrom Blade: Daedric Artifact. This is a Daedric Katana, that must replace a Dremora's 2-handed weapon if taken. Whenever bearer attacks in close combat, roll a d6. On a 1-3, until your next turn, every model hit by the Maelstrom Blade gets -1 WS -1BS +1S +1T while bearer gets +1 WS +1BS -1S -1T. On a 4+, until your next turn, every model hit gets +1 WS +1BS -1S -1T and bearer gets -1 WS -1BS +1S +1T instead. If a model hit or bearer already one of these effects on it, no further effect is made.
+50 pts.
+50 pts.

Oblivion Hammer: This is War Hammer. Enemies hit by an Oblivion Hammer strike last alongside it next turn. +30 pts.
Daedric Crescent: Daedric Artifact. This is a Daedric Katana, that must replace a Dremora's 2-handed weapon if taken. Bearers attacks get +7 AP. Models struck by the Daedric Crescent strike are Paralyzed until end of turn. +60 pts.
Oblivion Hammer: This is War Hammer. Enemies hit by an Oblivion Hammer are reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of next turn. +30 pts.

====Armor and Shields====
====Armour and Shields====

Armor of Resist Element: Armor upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to armor of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.
Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.

Armor of Resist Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Armour of Resist Magic. Armour upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.

Armor of Strength: Armor upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.
Armour of Strength: Armour upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.

Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test if rolling a save from a ranged attack. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon, he gets the +1 parry bonus against the ranged attack.
Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.

Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armor save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.
Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.

Robes of the Heretic: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. Bearer's summons are immune to Banish Daedra or Smite Daedra effects. +10 pts.
Robes of the Heretic: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. Bearer's summons may choose to ignore effects from spells or magic weapons that specifically target Daedra, on a d6 roll of 2+. +10 pts.

Robes of the Demoniac: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. Once per game, bearer may inflict 1 wound on himself, no saves allowed, to summon a Daedra without paying mana. +10 pts.
Robes of the Demoniac: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. Once per game, bearer may inflict 1 wound on himself, no saves allowed, to automatically cast a Summon Daedra spell that he knows without having to roll or spend Power Dice. +10 pts.

Robes of Forbidden Sorcery: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. If bearer fails to cast a spell, but is not already killed by any side effects of the attempt you may remove him as a casualty to cast it successfully. +10 pts.
Robes of Forbidden Sorcery: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. If bearer fails to cast a spell, but is not already killed by any effects triggering on the attempt, you may remove him as a casualty to cast that spell successfully instead. +10 pts.

Glass of the Inferno: Light armor with 4+ armor save. Bearer has a 3+ ward save against flame damage. +30 pts.
Glass of the Inferno: Daedric Artifact. This is Glass Armor that grants bearer a 3+ ward save against flame damage. +30 pts for mortal cultists, +20 pts for Daedra.

Hide of the Daedroth: Heavy armor with 4+ armor save. This save cannot be reduced to less than 4+ or ignored. +35 pts.
Hide of the Daedroth: Heavy armor with 4+ armor save. This save cannot be reduced to less than 4+ or ignored. +35 pts.

Robes of the Gaping Abyss: Unarmored clothing. Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save. +40 pts.
Robes of the Gaping Abyss: Daedric Artifact. Unarmored clothing. Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save. +35 pts.

====Other Items====
====Other Items====

A model may only have one amulet and one ring.
Amulet of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.
Amulet of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +12 pts.

Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.
Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.

Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +12 pts.
Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.

Ring of Resist Element: Choose Fire, Frost, or Lightning. Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against that element. +10 pts.
Ring of Resist Element: Choose Fire, Frost, or Lightning. Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against that element. +10 pts.

Sigil Stone: Bearer's unit, if deep striking, only scatters a single d6". +10 pts.
Sigil Stone: Bearer's unit, if arriving by Deep Strike, only scatters a single d6". +10 pts.

Tormented Soul Gem: Bearer's unit gains the Causes Terror special rule if it destroys an enemy unit. +20 pts.
Tormented Soul Gem: Bearer's unit gains the Causes Terror special rule if it destroys an enemy unit. +20 pts.

Cursed Orb: Bearer and all models in base contact with him get -1WS -1S. +10 pts
Cursed Orb: Bearer and all models in base contact with him, as well as enemies in base contact with those models, get -1WS -1S. +15 pts

Magicka Singularity: Bearer may take up to five consumables. +30 pts
Magicka Singularity: Bearer may take up to five consumables. +30 pts

Tome of Damnation: Bearer may spend mana dice equal to the cost of a spell he is attempting to cast, and then take a Ld test instead of rolling the dice. If he passes the test, the spell is cast. If he fails, he is removed as a casualty. +40 pts
Tome of Damnation: Daedric Artifact. Bearer may spend Power Dice equal to the minimum number required for him to cast a spell that he is attempting to cast, and then take a Ld test on his own value instead of rolling normally. If he passes the test, the spell is cast. If he fails, he is removed as a casualty. +40 pts

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Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3 per model.

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Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Unique Daedra Prince spells and Summon spells.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Unique Daedra Prince spells and Summon spells.

Scroll of Cost 1 Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts

Scroll of Cost 2 spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts

Scroll of Cost 3 spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts

Scroll of Cost 4 spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts

Scroll of Cost 5 spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts

Scroll of Cost 6 spell: +60 pts
Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts
Scroll of Cost 7 spell: +75 pts

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The following potions are available to this army:
The following potions are available to this army:

Healing Potion: Regenerate 1 wound on a d6 3+ after consumption. +5 pts
Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts

Mana Potion: Restore 1 mana die after consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts

Water-Breathing Potion: Ignore water for movement and gain a 6+ cover save from it this turn. +2 pts
Water-Breathing Potion: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn. +2 pts

Strong Potion of Healing: Regenerate 1 wound after consumption. +25 pts
Strong Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts

Strong Potion of Mana: Fully restores mana after consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.
Strong Potion of Magicka: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.

Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain from that element to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts

Potion of Strength: +1 S this player turn. +4 pts.
Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts.

Daedra Heart: A model which eats a Daedra heart must pass a toughness test. If it fails, it permanently loses 1 strength and 1 toughness for the rest of the game. If it succeeds, all its wounds are restored and all ongoing magical effects are dispelled from it. +35 pts
Daedra Heart: A model that eats a Daedra heart must immediately take a toughness test. If it fails, it permanently loses 1 Strength and 1 Toughness for the remainder of the game. If it succeeds, all its missing wounds are regenerated and all ongoing magical effects are dispelled from it. +35 pts

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===School of Destruction===
===School of Destruction===

Firebolt: Cost 1, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Assault 1, range 18", flame.
Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Entropic Touch: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S3 AP0, Fire and Charge 1, range 6". May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon that is a spell weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon).

Shock: Cost 1, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", regular 1, drain 1 mana from enemy unit next turn.
Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1,range 18", flame.

Flames: Cost 1, 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and flame if melee attack. If shooting attack, S2 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", flame.
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.

Sparks: Cost 1, 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and shock if melee attack. If shooting attack, S1 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", shock. Drains 1 mana die from enemy next turn per hit.
Entropy Bolt: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, range 18".

Drain Strength: Cost 1, assault phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster gets -1 Str this round.
Drain Strength: Cast on 4+ during the close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster gets -1 Str this round. Multiple instances do not stack.  

Disintegrate: Cost 1, assault phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster loses its second hand weapon +1 A bonus, or all shield bonuses to its armor save, this round.
Disintegrate: Cast on 4+ during the close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster loses its second hand weapon +1 A bonus, or all shield bonuses to its armor save(and cannot parry) this round.

Daedric Bite: Cost 2, shooting attack. S6 AP2, Regular 1, range 24"
Lower Resists: Cast on 7+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, that unit has Lowered Resists(see the spell effects rules in the Scrollhammer Rulebook)

Fireball: Cost 2, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Regular 1, Range 24", flame.
Daedric Bite: Cast on 8+. Shooting attack. S6 AP2, Move and Fire 1, range 24"

Chain Lightning: Cost 2, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Regular 1, Range 24", shock. For each hit, the targeted unit loses 1 mana die next turn. For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit.  
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.

Lower Resists: Cost 2, shooting attack. Assault 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, you may choose to resolve any magic damage dealt to the unit as having no element, or as not being magic or spell damage.
Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.

Incinerate: Cost 3, shooting attack. S5 AP1, Regular 1, Range 36", deals d3 wounds, flame.
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Flamewave: Cost 3, shooting attack. S4 AP1, Assault 1, Template, deals d3 wounds, flame.
Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Lightning Bolt: Cost 3, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Regular 1, Range 48", drains 1 mana die next turn from the unit from the model hit, shock.
Disintegrating Blast: Cast on 12+, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit's shields have no effect this turn, and no models in that unit can parry. That unit loses second hand weapon +1 A bonuses if it has them.

Lightning Cone: Cost 3, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Assault 2, Template, drains 1 mana die from the unit next turn per model hit, shock.
Magicka Drain: Cast on 12+, 1-handed, cast anytime. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model suffers Magicka Drain(total).  

Cripple: Cost 3, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit gets -1 S this turn.
Flamewave: Cast on 13+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, Template, Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Disintegrating Blast: Cost 3, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit's shields have no effect this turn. That unit loses second hand weapon +1 A bonuses if it has them.
Lightning Cone: Cast on 14+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, Template, hits cause Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Peryite's Reordering(Peryite cultists only): Cost 4, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit's close combat weapons count as lowest quality hand weapons, and its ranged weapons count as their lowest quality, non-magical versions, this turn.
Cripple: Cast on 14+ anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit gets -1 S this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.  

Wall of Flames: Cost 4, shooting attack. Large Blast, Heavy 1, Range 12". The template remains in play until your next turn, affecting everyone in it. At the end of each player turn, while the wall lasts, each model touching it takes a S4 AP1 flame hit with no cover saves allowed. Each model which had touched it at any point this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 flame hit with no cover saves allowed. On your next turn, the spell continues to remain in play on a d6 4+
Peryite's Reordering(Peryite cultists only): Cast on 16+, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit's close combat weapons count as lowest quality mundane hand weapons, and its ranged weapons count as their lowest quality, mundane versions, this turn.

Fire of Oblivion: Cost 4, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Large Blast, Regular 1, Range 18", reroll failed wounds, deals d3 wounds, flame.
Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.

Oblivion Lightning: Cost 4, shooting attack. S7, Ignores armor saves. Assault 1, Template, units touched lose all mana dice in pool next turn, shock.
Heat Blast: Cast on 16+. shooting attack. S6, Ignores armour saves. Fire and Charge 1, Template, Shred, flame.

Heat Blast: Cost 4, shooting attack. S6, Ignore armor saves. Assault 1, Template, reroll failed wounds, flame.
Fire of Oblivion: Cast on 18+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1 Large Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 18", Shred, Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Firestorm: Cost 5. May only be cast during your shooting phase, if caster has not and will not move/sprint/charge this turn. Place the Large Blast Template over caster. Every enemy unit under the template is hit once for each model under the template. The hits are S8 AP1, reroll failed wounds, (no cover saves), deal d6 wounds, flame.
Oblivion Lightning: Cast on 18+. Shooting attack. S7 AP7, Fire and Charge 1, Template, hits cause Magicka Drain(total), shock.

Lightning Storm: Cost 5, shooting attack. S5, ignores armor saves. Heavy 2d6, Range 72", drains one mana die next turn from unit per hit, shock.
Entropic Vortex: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S3 AP7, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, range 24". Move every unit hit by this weapon d6" directly toward caster, as far as possible following normal rules.(taking dangerous terrain tests as normal).

Voidscream Lightning: Cost 6, shooting attack. S10, ignores armor saves and cover saves. Heavy 1, Range 72", drains all mana dice next turn from hit unit, causes Instant Death, shock.
Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Maw of the Wastes: Cost 7, cast during your movement phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Target unit's saves are ignored until the beginning of your next turn. That unit's Strength, and Strength of all its weapons, becomes an unmodifiable 1 until the beginning of your next turn.
Firestorm: Cast on 20+. May only be cast during your shooting phase. A model casting Firestorm cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Place the Large Blast Marker over caster so that the center circle is entirely within caster's base. Every enemy unit under the marker is hit once for each model under it. These hits are S8 AP1, Shred, Ignores Cover, Multiple Wounds(d6), flame.

Voidscream Lightning: Cast on 22+, shooting attack. S10 AP7, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Range 72", Magicka Drain(total) against all models in unit hit, causes Instant Death, shock.
Maw of the Wastes: Cast on 28+ during your movement phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Target unit cannot make saving throws, Feel No Pain or Parry rolls until the beginning of your next turn. That unit's Strength, and the Strength of all its weapons, become an unmodifiable 1 until the beginning of your next turn.

===School of Conjuration===
===School of Conjuration===

Bound Sword: Cost 1, 1-handed, assault phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Armour: Cast on 4+, movement phase. Caster's armor or robe is replaced by magic Heavy Armour(5+) until end of turn.
Bound Helm: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Caster's Helm(or lack thereof) is replaced by a magic Helm with "bearer may re-roll one failed armour saving throw of 1 per turn" until end of turn.
Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Bow: Cost 2, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Shield: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Battleaxe: Cost 2, assault phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Armor: Cost 1, movement phase. Caster's armor/robe is replaced by 5+ heavy armor until end of turn.
Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.

Summon: (cost varies) A summoned unit is included in the caster's profile, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. It may enter play via Deep Strike within 6" of caster if it is in reserve when the spell is cast. It counts as a separate unit, regardless of size. A summoned unit cannot hold objectives. If it is slain, it is not considered a kill point, but is placed back in reserve to be summoned again if the caster so chooses.
Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.

Bound Katana: Cast on 8+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Katana in both hands until end of turn.
Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.

===School of Alteration===
===School of Alteration===

The Light That Burns(Aurorans only): Cost 1, 1-handed. May be used either as a spell or as a hand weapon. If a hand weapon, it deals Shock damage, and counts as a hand weapon for all other purposes(it cannot be dual wielded with another spell, though). If a spell, it allows the unit to reroll night fighting rolls, as well as having night fighting be rerolled against it.
The Light That Burns(Aurorans and Umaril only): Casts on 4+, 1-handed. This is a shooting attack, Fire and Charge 1, range 24". Both caster's unit and the unit hit loses their cover save from Night Fighting this turn. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon.

Burden: Cost 2, opponents movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves 1" slower per move, sprint and charge, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Flame/Frost/Shock Repulsion: Casts on 6+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.  

Flame/Frost/Shock Repulsion: Cost 1, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +2 to Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element.
Burden: Casts on 7+. Cast at the beginning of your opponent's movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves, marches and charges 1" slower than normal, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Stoneflesh: Cost 2, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn.
Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.  

Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Cost 3, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock).

===School of Illusion===
===School of Illusion===

Command Mortal: Cost 2. Cast during either player's shooting phase. Chose a model which is not Fearless within 6". That model makes a Ld test on its own value. If it fails, it attacks the nearest model in its own unit (randomly picked if tied), and then is attacked back by that model, the following round of close combat. Those models fight each other: they cannot attack their enemies that round.
Strike Blind: Cast on 6+, 1-handed, during the close combat phase. This spell Blinds a target model within 6" of caster until end of turn.

Terrify: Cost 2, any time. Target unit within 6" gets -1 Ld until end of turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Command Mortal: Cast on 8+. Cast at the beginning of either player's shooting phase. Chose a Mortal model other than a Monstrous Creature within 6" of caster. That model takes a Leadership test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be targeted by it again until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until end of turn.

Mindless Frenzy: Cost 2, assault phase. Target unit within 6" takes an Ld test. If it fails, and the unit is in close combat, their failed rolls to hit strike their own unit instead of missing this round.
Glimpse of Terror: Cast on 8+ at the beginning of any phase. Target unit within 6" of caster gets -1 Ld until end of turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Sound of Screams: Cost 3, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. That unit must score a roll of 6 on a mana die to successfully cast part of a spell until the beginning of your next turn.
Mindless Frenzy: Cast on 8+ during the close combat phase, at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase. Target unit within 6" of caster takes an Ld test on its own value. If it fails, and it is currently locked in close combat, failed rolls to hit from that unit (outside of challenges) score hits on themselves, rather than missing, until end of turn.

Nightmare(Vaermina Cultists only): Cost 3, your shooting phase. Range 12", requires LOS. Target enemy unit not in melee combat must immediately pass a Morale check or flee. Can only affect any one unit once per turn.
Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.

Silence: Cost 3, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets a single enemy model. That model may not cast spells until the beginning of your next turn.
Sound of Screams: Cast on 12+, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Each model in that unit must must re-roll all Power Dice whenever it successfully casts a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).

Namira's Touch(Namira Cultists only): Cost 4, cast anytime. Select a unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's WS and BS are reduced to 1.
Nightmare(Vaermina Cultists only): Cast on 12+ during your shooting phase. Range 12", requires LOS. Target enemy unit not in melee combat must immediately pass a Morale check or fall back. If they pass the test, they cannot be targeted by this spell again until the beginning of your next turn.

Torments of Oblivion: Cost 5, cast anytime. Select a unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's toughness is reduced to 1, and its armor save is reduced to "-".
Invisibility: Cast on a 12+ at the beginning of any phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster is Invisible.

Bal's Temptation(Molag Bal cultists only): Cost 7, cast during your movement phase. Select an enemy unit within 6" of caster. Every model in that unit must take an Ld test on its own value. Models that fail are removed from the game, and placed into reserve under your control for the rest of the game.
Horrifying Blindness: Cast on a 15+ during the close combat phase, at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase. Target unit within 6" of caster is Blinded this round.
Namira's Touch(Namira Cultists only): Cast on a 16+ at the beginning of any phase. Select an enemy unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's WS and BS are reduced to 1.
Torments of Oblivion: Cast on a 23+ at the beginning of any phase. Select a unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's toughness is reduced to an unmodifiable 1(instant death is still calculated using its original toughness, however), and its armor save is reduced to an unmodifiable "-".
Bal's Temptation(Molag Bal cultists only): Cast on a 26+ during your movement phase. Select an enemy unit within 6" of caster. Every model in that unit other than a Dragon or Physical God must take a Leadership test on its own value.  
Models that fail are removed from the game, and placed into Ongoing Reserves, first dropping any items picked up via any special rule during the duration of the game. They form a new unit in Ongoing Reserves that retains the same Formation and special rules as before. They are considered to be your units, under your control, for the remainder of the game. Every aspect of them treats them as being under your control. Models taken control of in this manner count as being removed as casualties for effects that trigger on them being removed as casualties; any models that they could summon, can be summoned again under your control.
If all models in a unit is taken under your control in this manner, it counts as destroying that unit in terms of victory conditions. Destroying them or performing certain actions in combat against them will therefore grant victory points to your opponent, and you can hold objectives with them if those units were allowed to before they entered your control.
Models that pass the Leadership test cannot be affected by this spell again until the beginning of your next turn.

===School of Mysticism===
===School of Mysticism===

Soul Trap: Cost 1, 1-handed. Cast just as combat begins. If caster's attacks (nominate which ones are caster's) inflict a casualty, caster gets one free reroll to hit or to wound while using a magical weapon for the duration of the game.
Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.

Dispel: Cost 2, cast anytime. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.
Soul Leech: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast during the close combat phase. This spell counts as spell hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon). It has Absorb Magicka(4+) on striking, and Absorb Health(6+).

Dispulsion: Cost 2, cast anytime. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.
Soul Thirst: Cast on 7+ in response to a friendly model within 6" of caster attempting to cast a spell. Remove any number of Soul Gem counters from caster and/or from the target of this spell. Add that number to the casting roll.
Dispel: Cast on 8+ at any time. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.
Dispulsion: Cast on 9+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.
Eldritch Cascade: Cast on 9+ at the beginning of your movement phase, on a model within 12" of caster. That model gets +1 to each Power Die rolled casting its spells(up to a maximum roll of 6), until the beginning of your next turn. All that model's shooting and melee attacks gain Backfire until the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

===School of Restoration===
===School of Restoration===

Healing: Cost 1. Cast during any movement phase. Caster regenerates a wound on a 4+
Minor Healing: Cast on 5+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 6.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Healing: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 5+.

Heal other: Cost 1. Cast during any movement phase. Target model within 6" of caster regenerates a wound on a 5+
Heal other: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Target model, other than caster, within 6" of caster is Healed on a 6.

Ward: Cost 2, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Caster and the caster of the enemy spell roll d6's, and add their respective Mg values to them. If caster's final score is higher, he unit becomes immune to the effects of that spell for its duration. Hits resolved on him from the spell do nothing.
Light of Dawn(Azura Cultists only): Cast on 8+ in response to any spell targeting or affecting caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On the roll of a 6, the spell is ignored, and is automatically recast(without having to roll for casting)by caster against its source(even if there is not sufficient range or Line of Sight, and even if caster has somehow become Silenced in the meantime).

Light of Dawn(Azura Cultists only): Cost 2. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the spell is negated, and immediately recast by caster of Light of Dawn for free against the enemy unit which originally cast it(even if out of range/LOS).

Latest revision as of 15:55, 22 June 2023

Even Daedric Princes have their days off.

by Lolpwnt

Daedra Cults are the armies of the great Daedric Princes who rule the realms of Oblivion, and the mortal worshippers who summon demonic hordes to do their bidding. Included are the rules for fielding this army in Scrollhammer.

General Rules[edit | edit source]


All Daedra use the Daedric Racial Traits found in the Scrollhammer Rulebook.

Army List[edit | edit source]

Types of Lists[edit | edit source]

A Daedra Cults army may be taken using one of three lists, representing the various types of Daedric armies in existence. One Hero choice in a Daedra Cults army(or allied detachment) is nominated as that army's general. Which model is the general determines what can be taken in the list. Certain models become 0-1 depending on the makeup of the army. Special Characters which are allowed for a list can replace the required nominated general and still use the same list. Special Characters may not be used outside the list they are nominated for.

Cult armies and Daedra armies have different lists, as well as different alliance profiles. In fact, they can ally with each other! So be sure to designate which model is the general of your army, or of an allied detachment using this army book.

Cult Army[edit | edit source]

Heroes: Sorcerer-Priest w/ retinue, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices.

Core: 1+ Cultist Covens, Flame Atronachs. 0-1 of each other Core choice. Knights of Order may only be taken in a cult devoted to Jyggalag.

Elite: Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs. 0-1 of each other Elite choice.

Support: 0-1 of each Support choice.

Special Characters: Mankar Camoran w/ retinue, Umbra, Champion of Boethiah w/ retinue

Certain Daedra are associated with a specific Daedric Prince. If the cult worships that Prince, those Daedra are do not have the regular 0-1 restriction.

Daedra Army[edit | edit source]

Heroes: Dremora Lord, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices.

Core: Scamps, Dremora Warriors, Flame Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Core choice, Knights of Order (only in armies devoted to Jyggalag).

Elite: Aurorans, Daedroths, Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Elite choice.

Support: Clannfears, Hungers, Spider Daedra, Winged Twilights, Xivilai, Siege Crawler.

Special Characters: Mankar Camoran w/ retinue, Mehrunes Dagon, Umaril the Unfeathered, Jyggalag.

Sheogoric Daedra Army[edit | edit source]

Heroes: Golden Saint Pelaurig OR Dark Seducer Grakedrig, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Hero choices, including Pelaurigs/Grakedrigs when the other type is the general. Cultist retinues must serve Sheogorath.

Core: Golden Saints(if Pelaurig is general) OR Dark Seducers(if Grakedrig is general), Flame Atronachs, 0-1 of each other Core choice(including Saints/Seducers if the one of the other type is the general). Cultist Covens must serve Sheogorath.

Elite: Frost Atronachs, Storm Atronachs, Flesh Atronachs, allowed special characters. 0-1 total of any other Elite choice.

Support: Clannfears, Hungers, Spider Daedra, Winged Twilights, Xivilai, Siege Crawler.

Special Characters: Sheogorath, The Gatekeeper.

Daedra Cultists[edit | edit source]

Cultists are the mortal pawns of the Daedric Princes, erecting shrines on Mundus by which to commune with them, and performing rituals by which to summon them.

All the cultists in your main army(even in a Daedra army), of all units and types, must be declared as dedicated to a single Daedric Prince in the army list. This gives them access to unique spells (including the ability to summon Daedra associated with that Prince), special rules, and access to that Prince's artifacts as described in the Artifacts of Tamriel supplement. A Daedric Prince's associated Daedra, if it has one, are not 0-1 in a Cult Army serving that Daedric Prince.

Two Cultist unit types may be formed.

Priest with Retinue (Hero): 1 Sorcerer-Priest or High Priest with retinue of 4-9 Sorcerers and Blackguards.

Coven (Core): 1 Sorcerer or Blackguard (unit leader) with 9-19 Cultists and Minions, and 0-10 Initiates.

Priest and Coven are both 0-1 unless the Priest is nominated as your general, in the case of a cult army.

All the cultists in an allied detachment using this army book, whether a Cult or Daedra army, must also be aligned to a particular Daedric Prince. This Daedric Prince may be the same as the one in the primary army, or it may be a different one, if a Cult army allies with a Daedra army. Note, however, that if the Daedric Princes served are different, the two armies will be Grudging Allies, rather than Trusted Allies. Servants of Jyggalag and Sheogorath can never ally with one another.

The Daedric Princes and their Blessings[edit | edit source]

Not all Daedric Princes are represented in this army list. The units relevant to some Princes are found in other lists. When a player decides to run any Cult units in his army, he must decide which of the Daedric Princes his army will be dedicated to:

Azura, Prince of Dusk and Dawn[edit | edit source]

Azura is among the friendlier Daedra to mortals. Appearing in the form of a beautiful woman, she embodies aesthetically pleasing and sublime ideals. She is a major figure in Dunmer religion, having guided the Nerevarine on his quest against the Sixth House.

Azura favors Winged Twilights. Her unique spell is Light of Dawn. Her artifact is Azura's Star. You may reroll three Power Dice per game for spells being cast by any of the Azura worshipers in an army serving her. You must abide by the second result, however.

Boethiah, Prince of Plots and Ambition[edit | edit source]

Boethiah is among the more evil of the Daedra, but is thought well of by the Dunmer. Appearing as either a woman or a man, but always wielding a mighty weapon and a flowing cape, Boethiah embodies the idea that Might makes Right. Treachery, rebellion, and battles to the death are indulged in by Boethiah's followers, that whoever might be able to seize power should have it.

Boethiah favors Hungers. His/Her artifact is Goldbrand. Boethiah's followers have access to the Special Character Boethiah's Champion. Boethiah's followers have +1 WS, +1 S, and +1 Ld. Any cult unit of Boethiah's, if further than 6" from the enemy and containing more than 1 model, must make an Ld check at the beginning of each of your turns. If the test fails, the models in that unit cannot move, shoot, march or charge this turn. Those models must equip wargear and spells if they have any available.

Each model in that unit attacks in close combat this Close Combat phase, scoring his blows against his own unit(each model is considered to be engaged with his entire unit, no models pile in, and no challenges can be declared; the blows are simply rolled, struck and allocated). This can never reduce a unit to less than one model; if the unit would be reduced to less than one model, discount all the wounds inflicted at that step on one model and keep it in play. If the unit is reduced to one model this way, that model's wounds are restored to their starting amount, and he is gifted with +1T +2W +1A +2Mg. He becomes an Independent Character for the remainder of the battle.

Clavicus Vile, Prince of Deals and Wishes[edit | edit source]

Clavicus Vile is a horned Daedra accompanied by his talking dog, Barbas. While appearing harmless on the outside, Clavicus Vile is heartless on the inside. Foolish mortals go to him to make pacts, asking that their wishes come true in exchange for a service rendered. Upon completing their service, they find that their reward is not necessarily what they had hoped for...

Clavicus Vile's artifact is the Bitter Cup. At the start of each game, assign each cultist Independent Character and each other unit of Clavicus Vile cultists in your army a wish counter. At an appropriate time in the game, a unit or model may expend a wish counter to make a wish(Independent Characters are considered to be making the wish for the entire unit that they are attached to). Declare which wish you are making, and roll a d6:

If the unit is falling back, it may wish for courage immediately before rolling to see how far it fall backs. On a 4+, it rallies. On a 1-3, it becomes courageous without abandon, and throws itself at the enemy, fleeing instead towards the enemy's table edge until it rallies or is destroyed.

At the beginning of your movement phase, a character in a unit may wish for a weapon or armor of incredible destruction. On a 4+, one of his weapons or his armor (your choice) becomes Daedric for the rest of the game. On a 1-3, his weapon destroys him with an incredible explosion; he is removed as a casualty.

At the beginning of your movement phase, the unit may wish to become invisible. On a 4+, your unit gains Stealth(+2), applying even in combat. On a 1-3, they become invisible, but only to one another, and in a state of sheer panic must immediately fall back(unless they are Fearless). If in combat, the enemy may attempt to make a sweeping advance if normally allowed.

At the beginning of your movement phase, the unit may wish to appear terrifying. On a 4+, the unit causes Terror for the rest of the game. On a 1-3, the unit appears in a manner so terrifying that they terrify themselves; the unit must immediately pass a morale check or flee(even out of combat, sweeping advances taken as normal). Each model must then take an Ld test on his own value, and is removed as a casualty if he fails. After this, their appearance reverts to normal: they play out the rest of the game as normal.

At the beginning of the game, before you deploy, the unit may wish for good luck. On a 4+, it gains 3 free re-rolls it can spend on any rolls of d6 for the remainder of the game. On a 1-3, it has the good luck of getting lost on the way and not having to die in the battle: it is immediately removed from the game and considered a casualty.

If the unit loses a combat, it may wish for survival. On a 4+, the unit does not flee and may immediately make a second round of attacks against the enemy, without being hit back. On a 1-3, the unit is allowed to survive as the enemy's prisoners: it is removed as a casualty.

If the unit is afflicted by a disease, it may wish for a cure. On a 4+, it is cured. On a 1-3, nothing happens: the "cure" is whatever enemy eventually kills them!

Hermaeus Mora, Prince of Forbidden Knowledge[edit | edit source]

A strange entity of inscrutable form and motives, Hermaeus Mora is the most secretive of the Daedra. All knowledge in existence is said to be within the libraries of lost tomes in his realm, hidden from the mortal world. It is utterly unknowable how much power he has attained, or what plans he has made over the aeons that men and mer have lived, breathed, fought and died.

Hermaeus Mora's artifact is the Oghma Infinium. Followers of Hermaeus Mora who can buy spells may buy an additional spell to the ones they already have. Followers of Hermaeus Mora have +1 Mg, and get +2 to their rolls when attempting to cast spells. If multiple 6's, before any modifiers, are rolled by a servant of Hermaeus Mora attempting to cast a spell, however, you must remove one model from that unit as a casualty who cast a spell this phase when this phase ends: he has lost his mind to secrets forbidden unto him.

Jyggalag, Prince of Order[edit | edit source]

Jyggalag is a crystal being of perfect order and law, and one of the lesser-known Daedric Princes. Despised by the other lords of Oblivion for his aggressive and power-hungry nature, he was cursed to live as Sheogorath, the incarnation of the thing he hated most - madness - and only permitted to return once at the end of each Era, in a savage campaign of destruction and subjugation known as the Greymarch.

Jyggalag favours Knights of Order. His mortal cultists have the Stealth special rule, and their daggers are Bound Daggers.

Their Personal Shrines cost +10 points, and are upgraded automatically to Obelisks of Order. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each slain mortal servant of Jyggalag that is part of a Cult unit within the Obelisk's 6" radius. On a roll of a 6, if there is available space, that model is resurrected with full Wounds and Power Dice, and redeployed as part of the unit. All models in an army dedicated to Jyggalag have Hatred(Servants of Sheogorath). This includes Sheogorath, Golden Saints and Dark Seducers of all kinds, Flesh Atronachs, the Gatekeeper, and all models in a Sheogoric Force.

An army dedicated to Jyggalag can never contain or ally with a force containing any servants of Sheogorath.

Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction and Change[edit | edit source]

Mehrunes Dagon is the mightiest of the lords of Oblivion, who desires nothing more than the conquest and destruction of the mortal world. During the Oblivion Crisis at the end of the Third Era, Dagon led his army into the Imperial City to destroy the Empire of Tamriel forever. Were it not for the sacrifice of Martin Septim, mortalkind would forever be enslaved to the most monstrous of masters.

Mehrunes Dagon favors Scamps and Xivilai. His artifact is Mehrunes Razor. His followers have access to the special character Mankar Camoran. Mortal servants of Mehrunes Dagon who can buy spells may purchase an additional Destruction spell to the spells they already have.

Mephala, the Webspinner[edit | edit source]

Appearing as a crooked-shaped hermaphrodite, Mephala spins webs of treachery and lies, murder and adultery. She is honored by the Morag Tong of Morrowind as the patron of assassins, but her influence stretches across all Tamriel.

Mephala favors Spider Daedra. His/Her artifact is the Ebony Blade. A cult army that worships her steals the initiative on a 4+ through their cunning, if they are the primary detachment of your forces.

Meridia, Prince of Light and Living Things[edit | edit source]

Little is known concerning this winged goddess. Her hatred for the undead is matched only by her secretiveness. Her reputation among mortals is favorable for her willingness to fight the hordes of the damned who wander the caverns of Tamriel, yet her servants the Aurorans cast their lot against mankind, fighting for Umaril the Unfeathered in the days of his return.

Meridia favors Aurorans. Her artifacts are the Ring of the Khajiiti and Dawnbreaker. Her mortal servants have Hatred(Undead), and re-roll failed morale tests.

Molag Bal, Prince of Domination and Enslavement[edit | edit source]

The most dreaded and most unholy of all the fiends of Oblivion is Molag Bal, the King of Rape. An utterly malignant entity, Molag Bal seeks only to enslave mortals, or to corrupt and damn them for eternity. Vampires are his spawn, and souls are his currency. Woe betide the fool who trifles with him.

Molag Bal favors Daedroths. His unique spell is Bal's Temptation. His artifact is the Mace of Molag Bal. Cultists of Molag Bal have the Frenzy universal special rule.

Namira, Prince of Ancient Darkness[edit | edit source]

The shrouded female figure of Namira is filled with horrors unimaginable. Namira is the goddess of all that is vile, repulsive, unnatural, disgusting and wretched. Namira's followers indulge in urges of the darkest sort, and revel in the hatred they draw in from those appalled at the extent of their evil.

Namira's unique spell is Namira's Touch. Her artifact is the Ring of Namira. Her cult followers have Feel No Pain, but your opponent's mortal units have Hatred against them.

Peryite, the Taskmaster[edit | edit source]

Peryite orders the lowest realms of Oblivion. He takes the form of a dragon to mock Akatosh, yet is far too weak to be worthy of such an image. Peryite obsesses over the smallest of details in everything, take the utmost precaution to all he presides over.

Peryite's unique spell is Peryite's Reordering. His artifact is Spellbreaker.

Peryite's cult worshipers are carriers of a Disease that your own units are immune to. At the end of each turn, all enemy units within 3" of a Peryite Cultist unit are infected on a d6 roll of 6+. Starting at the end of the turn after they are infected, the infection spreads from infected units on a 4+ to any other unit within 3" of them. After infections are determined at the end of turn, d3 models in each infected unit must take a toughness test. For each failure, that model takes a wound with no saves allowed.

Sanguine, Prince of Revels[edit | edit source]

Sanguine is a jolly yet perverse daedra who embodies the philosophy of hedonism. Tempting mortals with their guiltiest desires, he leads them to live lives of debauchery and excess.

Sanguine's artifact is the Sanguine Rose. Sanguine's mortal followers have -1 Ld, but his Covens may take up to 30 Initiates per unit. Initiates of Sanguine cost 2 pts per model.

Sheogorath, The Mad God[edit | edit source]

Sheogorath is insane. It is said that nobody but himself can guess his motives, but even he's wrong about them half the time. Sheogorath and his followers are utterly unpredictable, to an almost comic extent, but can be just as dangerous and evil as they are foolish. Many have sought to be granted powers from Sheogorath, only to find themselves going mad in due time.

Sheogorath favors Golden Saints and Dark Seducers, although any particular cultist army or allied detachment may only choose one to be favored for their army list. He also favors Flesh Atronachs, which can be taken as familiars by certain cult members. Sheogorath's artifacts are the Spear of Bitter Mercy, Dawnfang, and Wabbajack. His worshipers may be up to 4" apart and still be in coherency. Each unit of worshipers must take a Leadership check at the beginning of each game turn. If they fail, their sanity slips away, and they must roll a d6:

1 The cultists fall into a gibbering fit of dementia. They cannot move, shoot, march, charge, fight in close combat or activate abilities until the beginning of the next game turn.

2 The cultists enter a psychotic rage. They have Fleet of Foot, and Frenzy, and cannot cast spells, march or shoot, this game turn.

3 The cultists weep miserably over trivial matters. They have -1 Ld this game turn.

4 The cultists run wild, doing strange and random things. They gain Hit and Run and Furious Charge, but have -1 WS -1 BS, for the duration of this game turn.

5 The cultists become ecstatic over bright lights. On your player turn, randomly choose a spell capable of targeting a unit, friend or enemy, for each group of models in the unit who know the exact same set of spells. They may target friendly models this turn, even with things that can normally only target enemies; they may also target allied units, regardless of the type of alliance. The cultists automatically cast those spells on that unit(if it is a friendly unit, opponent chooses how to place templates and blast markers) during the appropriate phases this game turn, even if they are in close combat. They may not move, march or charge normally this game turn.

6 The cultists fall into a bliss of mania. They are Fearless and have Feel No Pain this game turn, but do not get any charge bonuses for the duration of their mania.

Vaermina, Prince of Dreams and Nightmares[edit | edit source]

The world one enters in his dreams is the domain of Vaermina. Every horror, every surrealistic shock, is the power of Vaermina twisting the mind of mortals. Vaermina brings torment and hopelessness down upon mortals, even the smallest ripples of her power causing copious suffering the material world.

Vaermina's unique spell is Nightmare. Her artifact is the Skull of Corruption. Vaermina's mortal servants cause Terror, but are not immune to Fear and Terror.

Sorcerer Priests[edit | edit source]


A Sorcerer Priest may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. Sorcerer Priests must lead a unit of 4-9 Sorcerers and/or Blackguards (see 'Cultists' entry), and count as a single Hero choice.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

35 pts (55 pts for High Priest)

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Sorcerer-Priest 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 9 6 (7) -
High Sorcerer-Priest 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 9 7 (8) -

Special rules: skirmish, infantry.

Sorcerer-Priests(and High Sorcerer-Priests) are Characters.

Wargear: All Sorcerer-Priests and high sorcerer priests carry a cultist's staff, a dagger (Poisoned (4+)), and wear wizard robes.

A Sorcerer-Priest may replace his robes with one of the following:

  • light armor (6+, light) (free)
  • heavy armor (5+, heavy) (+8 pts)
  • Glass armor (4+, light) (+24 pts)
  • Daedric armor (2+, heavy) (+48 pts)

A Sorcerer-Priest may replace his cultist's staff with a hand weapon for free. This Hand Weapon may be upgraded to

  • Elven (+4pts)
  • Glass for (+8pts)
  • Ebony for (+8pts)
  • Daedric for (+24pts).

A Sorcerer-Priest may take his Daedric Prince's artifact for the points cost listed in the Artifacts of Tamriel supplement.

A Sorcerer-Priest may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.

A Sorcerer-Priest may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Spells: A Sorcerer-Priest may purchase up to three spells(or four if he is a High Priest) from the armory, as included in this list:

  • Daedra Prince's Unique Spell (+5pts) (only if worshiped Prince has such a spell available)
  • any Alteration Spell (+5pts)
  • any Bound Item Conjuration Spell (+5pts)
  • any Restoration Spell (+5pts)
  • any Mysticism Spell (+10pts)
  • Illusion spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+10pts)
  • Illusion spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+20pts)
  • Destruction spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+10pts)
  • Destruction spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+20pts)
  • Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts) (Mehrunes Dagon only)
  • Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts) (Boethiah only)
  • Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts
  • Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
  • Summon Golden Saint or Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+20pts) (Sheogorath only, only one type can be summoned per army)
  • Summon Knight of Order (cast on 9+) (+20pts) (Jyggalag only)
  • Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+30pts) (Azura only)
  • Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
  • Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
  • Summon Auroran (cast on 15+) (+45pts) (Meridia only)
  • Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
  • Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts) (Sheogorath only)
  • Summon Spider Daedra (cast on 20+) (+75pts) (Mephala only)
  • Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts) (Molag Bal only)
  • Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
  • Summon Xivilai (cast on 24+) (+160pts) (Mehrunes Dagon only)

A Sorcerer-Priest may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants the Sorcerer-Priest the ability to buy a fourth (or fifth, if High Priest) spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:

  • Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+51pts)
  • Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+64pts)
  • Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+80pts)
  • Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) (+78pts) (Sheogorath only)

Summon spells listed here use the rules for Summoning found in the Scrollhammer Rulebook.

Cultists[edit | edit source]


Members of cultist units may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 9-19 Cultists and/or Minions, and 0-10 Initiates, may be led by a Sorcerer or Blackguard, as a single core choice.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

12 pts per Sorcerer, 18 pts per Blackguard

− 5 pts per Cultist, 5 pts per Minion

− 3 pts per Initiate

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Sorcerer 2 4 2 3 1 2 1 8 4 (5) -
Cultist 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 6 4 -
Blackguard 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 2 5+
Minion 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 1 5+
Initiate 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 5 1 -

Special rules: skirmish, infantry.

Sorcerers and Blackguards that are taken as leaders of units of cultists, minions and/or initiates are Characters.

Wargear: All Sorcerers carry a cultist staff, a dagger (Poisoned(4+)), and wear wizard robes. All Cultists and Initiates carry a dagger, and wear cultist robes. All Blackguards and Minions carry a hand weapon and shield, and wear light armor

All Cultists in the unit may take:

  • poisoned (4+) upgrade for their daggers (+2pts/model)
  • cultist staves (+2pts/model)

All Cultists in the unit may replace their cultist robes with:

  • Wizard Robes (+2pts/model)

Sorcerers may buy any one additional spell from the Sorcerer Priest's spell list, and may take up to 20pts worth of appropriate magic items. A Sorcerer may also take his Daedric Prince's artifact for its points cost. One Sorcerer in your army may bear a Personal Shrine for +50pts. This model counts as your Battle Standard Bearer. In addition, all non-summonable Daedra in your army kept in reserve may choose at the time when they arrive from reserve to instead Deep Strike within 12" of the Personal Shrine.

All Minions in the unit (and any number of Blackguards) may take:

  • Poisoned (4+) upgrade for hand weapons (+2pts/model)
  • Spears to replace their hand weapons (+1pts/model)

All Minions in the unit (and any number of Blackguards) may choose to replace their light armor with:

  • Heavy Armor (+2 pts/model)
  • Glass Armor (Blackguard only) (+12pts/model)
  • Ebony Armor(Blackguard only) (+18pts/model)

All Minions in the unit (and any number of Blackguards) may choose to replace their shield with:

  • Spell: Flames or Spell: Sparks (+2pts/model)
  • A second Hand Weapon (+1pts/model)

All Minions in the unit may(and any number of Blackguards may choose to) replace equipment in both hands with:

  • Bow (or short bow) (+1pts/model)

Blackguards may take up to 20pts of magic items from the armoury where appropriate. A Blackguard may also take his Daedric Prince's artifact for its points cost.

Sorcerers and Blackguards may upgrade their weapons to

  • Elven (+4pts/model)
  • Glass (+6pts/model
  • Ebony (+6pts/model)


All Cultists may have up to 2 spells from the army spell list with a casting cost of 14+ or lower (other than Daedric Prince unique spells, Dispel, Dispulsion, Silence and Summon). All Cultists in one unit must take the same spells.

All Sorcerers may have up to 2 spells from the army spell list of casting cost of 14+ or lower.

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Dremora Lord[edit | edit source]


100 pts (150 pts for Valkynaz)

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dremora Markynaz 6 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 4 4+
Dremora Valkynaz 6 4 5 5 3 4 4 10 5 4+

Special rules: independent character, infantry, Daedra.

Pride of the Destroyer: Dremora may not join units of Cultists, Golden Saints or Dark Seducers. A Dremora character must accept a Challenge that the enemy offers.

Heralds of Doom: Dremora Valkynaz and Markynaz cause Fear.

Wargear: all Dremora Markynaz and Valkynaz carry a Dremora Mace and a Dremora Shield, and wear Dremora Armor.

They may replace their shield with:

  • A second Dremora Mace (free)
  • Spell: Flames (+3 pts)
  • Spell: Entropic Touch (+3 pts)

They may replace equipment in both hands with a Dremora War Hammer for +18 pts.

They may upgrade any weapon to Daedric for +25pts per weapon.

They may replace their Dremora Armor with:

  • Black robes (+5pts)
  • Daedric Armour (+30pts)

They may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Spells: Firebolt OR Entropy Bolt, Bound Sword.

They may take one of the following:

  • Drain strength (+10pts)
  • Disintegrate (+10pts)
  • Daedric Bite (+15pts)
  • Command Mortal (+15pts)
  • Bound Dagger (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
  • Bound Shield (+15pts)
  • Bound Spear (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
  • Bound Battleaxe (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
  • Bound Bow (+15pts OR replace Bound Sword)
  • Strike Blind (+15pts)
  • Burden (+15pts)
  • Fireball (+15pts)
  • Incinerate (+30pts)
  • Cripple (+30pts)
  • Disintegrating blast (+30pts)
  • Sound of Screams (+30pts)

They may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Dremora Markynaz or Valkynaz the ability to buy a second spell from their spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:

  • Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+51 pts)
  • Summon Frost Atronach(cast on 12+) (+64 pts)
  • Summon Storm Atronach(cast on 15+) (+80 pts)

Golden Saint Pelaurig[edit | edit source]

Hero 100 pts

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Golden Saint Pelaurig 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 5 5+

Special rules: independent character, infantry, Daedra. Pelaurigs may not join Dremora or Dark Seducers.

Wargear: Pelaurigs carry a Golden Sword and Golden Shield, and wear Golden Armor.

They may replace their equipment in both hands with a Golden Bow, or Golden Short Bow, for +4pts.

They may upgrade any weapon to Amber for +15pts.

They may replace their Golden Armour with Amber Armor for +25pts.

May take magic items from armory where applicable.

Spells: Shock Shield, Healing, Dispel

They may replace any of their spells for free for any of the following:

  • Sparks
  • Shock Repulsion
  • Chain Lightning
  • Bound Bow
  • Dispulsion
  • Shock
  • Bound Armor

They may purchase one of the following spells:

  • Lightning Bolt (+30pts)
  • Lightning Cone (+30pts)
  • Oblivion Lightning (+35pts)

They may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Pelaurig the ability to buy a second spell from her spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:

  • Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) +80 pts

Dark Seducer Grakedrig[edit | edit source]

Hero 100 pts

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dark Seducer Grakedrig 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 5 5+

Special rules: independent character, infantry, Daedra. Grakedrigs may not join Dremora or Golden Saints.

Wargear: Grakedrigs carry a Dark Sword and Dark Shield, and wear Dark Armor.

They may replace their equipment in both hands with a Dark Bow, or Dark Short Bow, for +4pts.

They may upgrade any weapon to Madness for +15pts.

They may replace their Dark Armour with Madness Armor for +25pts.

May take magic items from armory where applicable.

Spells: Flame Shield, Healing, Ward.

They may replace any of their spells for free for any of the following:

  • Bound Sword
  • Flame Repulsion
  • Fireball
  • Lower Resist
  • Terrify
  • Mindless
  • Frenzy
  • Bound Armor

They may purchase one of the following spells:

  • Flamewave (+30pts)
  • Silence (+30pts)
  • Heat Blast (+35pts)

They may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants the Grakedrig the ability to buy a second spell from her spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:

  • Summon Flesh Atronach (cast on 15+) +80 pts

Core[edit | edit source]

Scamps[edit | edit source]

Core 6pts/model. Scamps may be taken in units of 10-40 models.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Scamp 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 2 -

Special rules: Horde, Infantry, Daedra.

Rift-summoned: Scamps can Deep Strike in scenarios allowing reserves.

Wargear: none

Spells: Firebolt

The entire unit may replace their Firebolt spell with the Flames spell for free.

Dremora Warriors[edit | edit source]

Core 14 pts per model. Dremora Warriors may be taken in units of 5-20 models. Dremora are 0-1 in an army whose general is not a Dremora Lord or a special character saying otherwise.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dremora Warrior 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2 4+
Dremora Kynreeve 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3 4+

Special rules: Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra

Dremora Kynreeves are Characters.

Pride of the Destroyer: A Dremora character must accept a Challenge that the enemy offers.

Heralds of Doom: Dremora cause Fear.

Wargear: Dremora carry a Dremora Mace and Dremora Shield, and wear Dremora Armor.

All models in the unit may replace their weapons in both hands with a Dremora War Hammer for +4pts/model.

All models in the unit may replace their shields with:

  • A second Dremora Mace (free)
  • Spell: Flames (+2/pts/model)
  • Spell: Entropic Touch (+2/pts/model)

All models in the unit may replace Dremora Armor with Black Robes (unarmored, +1 Mg) (+2pts/model).

Spells: Firebolt OR Entropy Bolt (same for all models in unit).

One Dremora Warrior may be upgraded to a Dremora Kynreeve for +26pts.

The Kynreeve may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

The Kynreeve may take any one of the following spells:

  • Bound Sword (+5pts)
  • Bound Armor (+5pts)
  • Disintegrate (+5pts)
  • Drain Strength (+5pts)
  • Daedric Bite (+10pts)
  • Bound Battleaxe (+10pts)
  • Fireball (+10pts)
  • Burden (+15pts)
  • Bound Bow (+15pts)

Lowly servants: The Dremora Warriors may be accompanied by 0-5 Scamps as part of their unit, for 6pts/model.

Golden Saints[edit | edit source]

Core 14 pts per model. Golden Saints may be taken in units of 5-20 models. Golden Saints are 0-1 in an army whose general is not a Golden Saint Pelaurig or a special character saying otherwise.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Golden Saint 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2 5+
Aurig 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3 5+

Special rules: Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra.

Aurigs are Characters.

Wargear: Golden Saints carry a Golden Sword and Golden Shield, and wear Golden Armor.

All models in the unit may replace their weapons in both hands with a Golden Bow or Golden Short Bow for +2pts/model.

Spells: Shock Repulsion, Sparks.

All models in the unit may replace either of their spells with

  • Bound armour (+2pts)
  • Daedric Bite (+2pts)
  • Chain Lightning (+2pts)

One Golden Saint may be upgraded to an Aurig for +26pts.

The Aurig may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

The Aurig may take any one of the following spells:

  • Healing (+5pts)
  • Stoneflesh (+5pts)
  • Shock Shield (+10pts)
  • Bound Bow (+10pts)
  • Command Mortal (+10pts)
  • Dispel (+15pts)
  • Lightning Bolt (+15pts)
  • Lightning Cone (+15pts)

Dark Seducers[edit | edit source]

Core 14 pts per model. Dark Seducers may be taken in units of 5-20 models. Dark Seducers are 0-1 in an army whose general is not a Dark Seducer Grakedrig or a special character saying otherwise.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dark Seducer 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2 5+
Autkendo 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3 5+

Special rules: Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra.

Autkendos are Characters.

Wargear: Dark Seducers carry a Dark Sword and Dark Shield, and wear Dark Armor.

All models in the unit may replace their weapons in both hands with a Dark Bow or Dark Short Bow for +2pts/model.

Spells: Ward, Flame Repulsion.

All models in the unit may replace either of their spells with

  • Bound sword (+2pts)
  • Daedric Bite (+2pts)
  • Fireball (+2pts)

One Dark Seducer may be upgraded to an Autkendo for +26pts.

The Autkendo may take up to 10 points of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

The Autkendo may take any one of the following spells:

  • Bound Sword (+5pts)
  • Flame Shield (+10pts)
  • Lower Resists (+10pts)
  • Terrify (+10pts)
  • Mindless Frenzy (+10pts)
  • Incinerate (+15pts)
  • Flamewave (+15pts)
  • Silence (+15pts)

Flame Atronachs[edit | edit source]

Core 11pts/model. Flame Atronachs may be taken in units of 3-20.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Flame Atronach 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 6 2 -

Special Rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach.

Element of Fire: Cold Damage rerolls to wound Flame Atronachs. Flame Atronachs always ignore flame damage. Their close combat attacks deal flame damage, and deal Multiple Wounds(d3).


Flame Atronachs have a shooting attack with the following profile: S4 AP0, Fire and Charge 1, Range 24". Spell damage, flame.

Knights of Order[edit | edit source]

Core 14pts/model. Knights of Order may be taken in units of 5-20 in a Jyggalag army.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Knight of Order 7 3 4 4 1 3 2 10 1 4+

Special Rules: Daedra, Infantry, Fight in Ranks, Hatred (Servants of Sheogorath).

Wargear: Knights of Order wear Crystal Armor, and wield Crystal Swords.

Crystal Armor is Light Armor that grants a 4+ armor save. Its bearer is unaffected by Illusion spells.

Crystal Swords are strike with +1 AP.

Perfect Harmony: Knights of Order do not take No Retreat wounds for being beaten in combat. Knights of Order automatically pass the Leadership Test required to march within 9" of the enemy.

Elite[edit | edit source]

Aurorans[edit | edit source]

Elite 35pts/model. Aurorans may be taken in units of 5-20.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Auroran 4 4 4 4 2 5 2 10 3 5+

Special Rules: Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Daedra, Hatred (Undead), Furious Charge

Blinding Strength: Aurorans may wield two-handed weapons in one hand. If they do so, those weapons may be dual wielded with one another or with Hand Weapons.

Wargear: Axe of Light, Meridia's mantle.

Axe of Light: An Axe of Light is an Elven Battle Axe which deals shock damage causing Magicka Drain(1) on hit. For every unsaved wound inflicted by this weapon on a unit, a model in that unit suffers Magicka Drain(1) at the beginning of the next turn.

Meridia's Mantle: This Heavy Armor provides a 5+ armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save from spell damage.

Spells: The Light that Burns, Shock Repulsion

Daedroths[edit | edit source]

'Elite 80pts/model. Daedroths may be taken in units of 1-10. Units of Daedroth are 0-1 unless the army general is a Dremora Lord.

Base Size(Daedroth): 40mm x 40mm. Base Size(Greater Daedroth): 50mm x 50mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Daedroth 4 1 5 5 3 2 3 9 3 4+
Greater Daedroth 4 1 6 6 5 2 4 9 3 3+

Special Rules: Horde, Monstrous creature, Daedra, Regeneration (6+).

Daedroths cause Terror.

The Third Barrier: A Daedroth's armour save may not be made worse than 4+ by a weapon's AP(or 3+ if it is a Greater Daedroth)). Weapons that ignore armour saves outright still only reduce the save to the given amount.


Hellfire Breath: Shooting attack, Fire and Charge 1, Template, S4 AP1, flame, deals magic damage.

Daedroth Hide: This is naturally occurring armour granting Daedroths a 4+ armour save, and Greater Daedroths a 3+ armour save.

Any number of Daedroth in unit may be upgraded to Greater Daedroths for +80 pts per model.

Frost Atronachs[edit | edit source]

Elite 24pts/model. Frost Atronachs may be taken in units of 1-12.

Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Frost Atronach 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 7 2 6+

Special Rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach.

Element of Cold: Flame damage rerolls to wound against Frost Atronachs. Frost Atronachs are Immune to Frost, cannot be Chilled, and their attacks deal frost damage.


Permafrost Skin: This is a natural armor granting a 6+ armour save

Fists of Ice: A Frost Atronach's melee attacks are AP2. Models strike at Initiative 1 who made melee attacks toward a unit containing at least 1 Frost Atronach the previous round of combat.

Storm Atronachs[edit | edit source]

Elite 40pts/model. Storm Atronachs may be taken in units of 1-8.

Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Storm Atronach 3 3 4 4 3 7 3 7 2 - / 3++

Special Rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach.

Element of Lightning: Storm Atronachs are Immune to Shock, and deal shock damage with their melee attacks.

Living Storm: Storm Atronachs may pass over difficult terrain that is less than 2" high as if it were open. Storm Atronachs have a 3+ ward save.


Void Bolt: This is a shooting attack with the following profile: S3, ignores armor, Move and Fire 1, Range 24". For each unsaved wound dealt, Void Bolt scores an additional hit. Spell damage, shock, Magicka Drain (1) on striking.

Flesh Atronachs[edit | edit source]

Elite 38pts/model. Flesh Atronachs may be taken in units of 1-10. Only 0-1 units of Flesh Atronachs may be taken unless the army general is a Golden Saint Pelaurig or a Dark Seducer Grakedrig.

Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Flesh Atronach 3 3 5 4 3 3 2 6 2 -

Special rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra, Atronach, Frenzy.

Flesh Atronachs cause Fear.

Element of Flesh: Flesh Atronachs are Immune to Poison. In addition, they have an unmodifiable 4+ ward save against spells that may be taken instead of other ward saves. For each time this ward save succeeds, the model that made the save gains +1 Power Dice immediately after its Power Dice replenish next turn.

Power of Flesh: Flesh Atronachs may discard a Power Die at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase to gain Poisoned(3+) on their attacks for a round of combat. A Flesh Atronach may also discard a Power Die at the beginning of any phase to regenerate a missing wound on a 6+. This may be attempted and may succeed any number of times per turn.

Wargear: none.

Support[edit | edit source]

Clannfears[edit | edit source]

Support Clannfears may be taken in units of 5-20 models. They cost 21pts/model.

Base Size: 25mm x 50mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Clannfear 4 0 4 5 1 4 2 7 0 5+

Special Rules: Horde, Beast, Daedra.


Dread Claws: Melee attacks from Clannfears have the Rending special rule.

Clannfear hide: This is natural armour granting a 5+ armour save, and a 5+ ward save(or +2 to another already existing ward save) against spell damage.

Hungers[edit | edit source]

Support Hungers may be taken in units of 10-30 models. They cost 11pts/model.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Hunger 3 0 3 3 1 5 3 7 3 -

Special Rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra

Hungers cause Fear.

The Hunger: A pack of Hungers that has destroyed an enemy unit gains Feel No Pain for the remainder of the game.

Feast of Strength: Units in base contact with one or more Hungers lose any charge bonus they might have.

Wargear: none.

Spider Daedra[edit | edit source]

Support Spider Daedra may be taken in units of 3-10. They cost 70pts/model.

Base Size(Spider Daedra): 50mm x 50mm. Base Size(Spiderling): 25mm x 25mm

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Spider Daedra 4 4 4 3 2 6 3 7 3 -
Spiderling 2 0 2 2 1 3 1 4 0 -

Special Rules (Spider Daedra): Skirmish, Beasts, Daedra

Spider Daedra cause Fear.

Spawn Spiderlings: Spiderlings are sent forth from Spider Daedra over the course of the battle. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each Spider Daedra in the unit that is not locked in combat. For each roll of a 5+, you may add a Spiderling model to the unit if you have a proper location to deploy it. If all the Spider Daedra in a unit are killed, the Spiderlings perish as well.

Web of Mephala: Enemy units within 6" of a Spider Daedra get -1 I and must move as if through difficult terrain.

Wargear (Spider Daedra):

Poison Spit: The melee attacks of Spider Daedra are Poisoned(4+).

Spells (Spider Daedra): Shock, Healing.

Special Rules (Spiderling): Skirmish, Beasts, Daedra.

Neurotoxin Cloud: Enemies in base contact with a Spiderling must pass an initiative test at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase each round of combat. If they fail, they are Paralyzed for the duration of the round.

Spiderlings do not have spells or wargear.

Winged Twilights[edit | edit source]

Support 24pts/model. Winged Twilights may be taken in units of 5-20.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Winged Twilight 5 0 3 3 2 5 2 8 2 -

Special Rules: Skirmish, Flyer Infantry, Daedra.

Azura's Beauty: Winged Twilights may choose to ignore any spell targeting or affecting them on a d6 roll of 5+. If this is successful, a Winged Twilight of your choice automatically recasts the spell(without having to roll for casting) against its source(even if there is not sufficient range or Line of Sight, and even if that Winged Twilight is currently Silenced)

Touch of Dusk: Winged Twilights' attacks are Fleshbane.

Wargear: none.

Xivilai[edit | edit source]

Support 140pts/model. Xivilai may be taken in units of 1-3.

Base Size: 40mm x 40mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Xivilai 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 9 7 -

Special Rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Daedra.

Xivilai are Characters.

Magicka Absorption: Spells get -1 to wound against Xivilai. Each time a spell fails a roll to wound a Xivilai, it gains 1 Power Die.

Incredible Might: Xivilai can wield 2-handed weapons with one hand, and no penalty to initiative. If so, they may be dual wielded with each other or with Hand Weapons.

Wargear: None

Each Xiviliai may be equipped with one of the following:

  • Ebony Greatsword +20pts
  • Ebony Battle Axe +20pts
  • Ebony Warhammer +25pts
  • Daedric Greatswords +30pts
  • Daedric Battle Axe +30pts
  • Daedric Warhammer +35pts

Spells: Each Xivilai in the unit may take up to 4 appropriate spells of your choice from the Destruction and/or Mysticism schools available in the Daedra Cults army book.

A unit of Xivilai may be accompanied by up to 2 Clannfears per Xivilai, for +25 pts each. These Clannfears fight in Skirmish Formation as part of the Xivilai unit, and must as a group take a Leadership test on their own value or all be removed as casualties, if all the Xivilai in the unit are slain.

Siege Crawler[edit | edit source]

Support 425pts. Siege Crawlers are a single model unit that may only be taken in an army of at least 2000 points.

Base Size: 125mm x 125mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Siege Crawler 2 2 10 8 6 1 2 10 1 2+

Special Rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra, Single Model, Fearless

Siege Crawlers cause Terror.

Lumbering Hulk: The Siege Crawler is Slow and Purposeful, and rolls 2d6 and chooses the highest to determine charge range and movement speed, even if through cover. It is hit automatically in close combat.

Leveller of Cities: The Siege Crawler's melee attacks cause Instant Death due to their incredible strength. The Siege Crawler may roll 4d6 for armor penetration against buildings, should players choose to use them in their games.


Adamantine Skin: This is a natural armour that grants a 2+ armour save.

Raging Inferno: This is a shooting attack. S6 AP1, Fire and Charge 3, Torrent, deals d3 wounds, flame.

Special Characters[edit | edit source]

Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction[edit | edit source]

During the height of the Oblivion crisis, the lost heir Martin Septim used Mankar Camoran's own tome, the Mysterium Xarxes, to send a champion in pursuit of the treacherous sorcerer and reclaim the amulet of kings. But it was too late, for the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon himself had entered the material world. With countless Daedra in tow, he laid siege to the Imperial City. Centuries-old buildings shattered into dust while entire armies of mortals perished at the hands of the God of Entropy. It was only when Akatosh himself took form among the ruins that the mightiest of the Daedra was beaten back to the abyss from which he sprang.

2250pts. Mehrunes Dagon may be taken as a Hero choice in a Daedra army of 4000 or more points whose cultists are dedicated to him. If so, he is the general.

Base Size: 125mm x 125mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Mehrunes Dagon 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 12 - / 2++

Special Rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Physical God, Daedra, Character.

Mehrunes Dagon causes Terror.

Power of Destruction: Mehrunes Dagon may cast any spell the same turn he moves and/or charges. He may choose to automatically cast a spell regardless of his roll; he must still spend the minimum number of Power Dice required to cast that spell if he does this.

Mightiest of the Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon and all allied units in a close combat involving him are Fearless, but do not take No Retreat wounds from losing combat. His blows inflict Instant Death. If he would be removed as a casualty in any way, except by another Physical God, if the game has not yet reached turn 5, he is instead placed in Ongoing Reserves.

Apocalyptic Summoning: Mehrunes Dagon always begins the game in reserve. Whenever he would normally arrive from reserve, he must first be summoned instead by a spellcaster:

  • Summon Mehrunes Dagon: This spell may be cast by any number of units whenever Mehrunes Dagon attempts to arrive from reserve. Any number of models in the unit who know at least one other spell may attempt to cast this spell, and may combine their Power Dice to attempt to cast it together. This spell is cast on a 50+. If it succeeds, Mehrunes Dagon arrives from reserve; place him in a legal location within 9" of one of the models who succeeded in casting this spell. Mehrunes Dagon may move, shoot, march and charge as normal this turn.

Reality Collapse: Enemy units must move as though through difficult and dangerous terrain while Mehrunes Dagon is in play.

Wargear: None.


Mehrunes Dagon knows all the Destruction spells in this army book not associated with other Daedra Princes.

He knows this unique Destruction spell:

Infinite Flame: Shooting Attack, S10 AP7, Move or Fire d6(roll each time you succeed in casting it), Large Blast, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(2d6), flame. Casts on a 60+.

Mankar Camoran, Prophet of Dagon[edit | edit source]

The Oblivion Crisis was masterminded by a single despicable traitor: Mankar Camoran. The embittered yet resolute descendant of a deposed Elven dynasty, Camoran searched deep into forbidden lore for a means to knowledge and power. Declaring the Eight and One Divines to be impostors, he taught to his disciples that the Missing God Lorkhan was the final Daedric Prince; that Nirn was the rightful domain of the powers of Oblivion. Thus he forged a pact with Mehrunes Dagon, that he and his servants would give the mortal world over to the Prince of Destruction in exchange for immortality. His cultists murdered the final Septim emperor, and seized the Amulet of Kings. With all the pieces in place, the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion was broken, and an infinite tide of Daedra flowed forth into the realm of mortals.

265 pts.

Mankar Camoran may be taken as a unique Sorcerer-Priest in an Mehrunes Dagon Cult army, or Daedra army devoted to Mehrunes Dagon. He may be nominated as the general for either type of army. He takes a retinue like a normal Sorcerer-Priest.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Mankar Camoran 3 5 3 3 3 2 3 10 8(9) - / 4++

'Special Rules: Skirmish, Infantry, High Elf, Character, Guardian Stone: The Mage.

Prophet of Dagon: Cultist units of all types within 12" of Mankar Camoran may use his Leadership instead of their own for any tests they are required to make, and are Stubborn.

Wargear: Mankor Camoran carries the Staff of Camoran and the Mysterium Xarxes, and wear the Robes of Camoran.

Staff of Camoran: Models hit by Mankar Camoran's shock spells get -1 to their armor saves until end of turn.

Robes of Camoran: Mankar Camoran has an unmodifiable 4+ Ward Save. This may be taken instead of another Ward Save Mankar Camoran might gain during the course of the game. Any wound saved by this ward save Camoran from is immediately inflicted upon its source model with Ignores Cover, armour and ward saves allowed as normal. Camoran does not have the Weakness racial special rule(for being a High Elf) while he wears his robes.

Mysterium Xarxes: Daedric Artifact. The Mysterium Xarxes allows any non-Summoned Daedra in your army arriving from reserve to choose the turn they arrive to Deep Strike within 12" of Mankar Camoran instead of arriving normally. Mankar Camoran may re-roll failed attempts to cast Conjuration spells, either before or after Surging.

Spells: Sparks, Chain Lightning, Lightning Storm, Bound Armor, Summon Storm Atronach(cast on 15+)(Storm Atronach included in Camoran's points cost), Silence, Ward.

Sheogorath, the Mad God[edit | edit source]

The Mad God appears to mortals and rules the realm of the Shivering Isles in the form of a bearded man wearing lavish clothing and carrying a walking stick. It is in this incarnation, too, that he wanders the worlds, curing madness in some and spreading it in others. None can predict his whims, and all wise men dread his caprices.

450 pts

Sheogorath may be taken as a hero choice of a Sheogoric Daedra army. If he is taken, he is the general.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Sheogorath 4 4 4 4 6 10 1d6 10 10 - / 4++

Special Rules: Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Physical God, Daedra.

God of Insanity: Sheogorath's mind has no rhyme or reason to its caprices - at least not one recognizable by mortals. No one knows how he will next use his nigh-omnipotence. At the beginning of each game turn, you must roll 2d6 to determine what Sheogorath does:

  • 2: Insane Despair. Sheogorath cannot move, shoot, cast spells, activate abilities other than this one, march, charge or make attacks in close combat, until he rolls an 8 on this table.
  • 3: Headached Spellslinging. Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge. He takes a wound for each spell he casts, saves allowed as normal.
  • 4: Toxic Rage. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn, but his melee attacks are Poisoned(2+).
  • 5: Scratch that, cheese for no one! Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge.
  • 6: Dementia. Sheogorath enters a state of Dementia. His melee attacks inflict Instant Death, and his weather effect is Rain(see below), until an 8+ is rolled on this table. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn other than Control Weather.
  • 7: Moment of Clarity. Sheogorath pays attention to the battle. He has no special rules from this table this turn.
  • 8: Mania. Sheogorath enters a state of Mania. He has Regeneration(6+), and his weather effect is Sunlight(see below), until a 2-6 is rolled on this table. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn other than Control Weather.
  • 9: Cheese for everyone! Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge.
  • 10:Greenmote Overdose. Sheogorath cannot cast spells this turn, and is Paralyzed as well.
  • 11:Hallucinatory Spellslinging. Sheogorath may cast spells this turn, but may not move or charge. He can move one enemy unit within 12" of him 2d6" during the shooting phase in addition to whatever else he does. Once this move is rolled for, move that unit either directly towards him or away from him. That unit is affected by dangerous and lethal terrain as normal on this move, but stops its movement if any model in the unit encounters impassable terrain.
  • 12: Insane Bliss. Every other model within 6" of Sheogorath, friend or foe, is turned into a sweetroll and eaten. They are removed as casualties. All Sheogorath's wounds are restored.

Wargear: Sheogorath carries the Staff of Sheogorath.

Staff of Sheogorath: Daedric Artifact. Sheogorath may choose to automatically cast a spell regardless of his roll; he must still spend the minimum number of Power Dice required to cast that spell if he does this. He has d6 attacks in close combat(roll each time he attacks).

Spells: Sheogorath knows all the Illusion, Alteration and Mysticism spells in this book except those related to other Daedric Princes.

Sheogorath knows the unique Alteration spell Control Weather. This spell is cast on a 25+, is a Weather effect, and remains in play until the spell is re-cast. It has one of three effects:

  • If Sheogorath is neither in Mania or Dementia(see table above), he casts Fog. Night Fighting rules enter effect (artificially) until Control Weather is re-cast.
  • If Sheogorath is in Mania, he casts Sunlight. All weather conditions are cleared, including Night Fighting.
  • If Sheogorath is in Dementia, he casts Rain. All flame attacks get -1 to wound, and bows and crossbows get -1 to hit, while Rain is in effect.

The Gatekeeper[edit | edit source]

The realm of the Shivering Isles is guarded by a monster of incredible strength, a hulking mass of flesh and steel born from the womb of an unfortunate mortal woman. All who would test their luck(and sanity) seeking glory in the realm of the Mad God must first defeat his Gatekeeper.

200 pts

The Gatekeeper may be taken as an Elite choice in a Sheogoric Daedra Army.

Base Size: 50mm x 50mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
The Gatekeeper 4 0 6 6 6 3 5 10 2 - / 3++

Special Rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra, Frenzy, Regeneration (4+).

The Gatekeeper causes Terror.

Gift of the Eldritch Womb: The Gatekeeper is shielded from all things but the tears of his mother and arrows made of bone. He has a 3+ Ward Save.

Wargear: One of the Gatekeeper's arms has been replaced by the Scythehand.

Scythehand: This weapon has Critical Strike. Enemies struck by the Scythehand strike at I1 until the end of the next round of combat.

Spells: Healing

Jyggalag, Prince of Order[edit | edit source]

Jyggalag is the sane half of Sheogorath's personality. A tall, armored figure of pale grey, Jyggalag and his servants seek infinite logic of all physical forms and total control over all thoughts. Jyggalag hates above all else the insanity and creativity he spreads as Sheogorath. Such is his power and tyranny, that he is only permitted by the other Daedra to manifest at the end of every era: it is then that he leads his host forward upon the Greymarch, cleansing all the folly he had created while bearing the mantle of Sheogorath. It is only after destroying the Madhouse that he finds himself once more losing his mind, slipping back again to becoming Sheogorath and raising up all that he had destroyed. Such is truly the extent of the Mad God's lunacy.

500 pts

Jyggalag may may replace a Dremora Lord in a Daedra army devoted to him, and if so, is the general. No Golden Saints, Dark Seducers, or Flesh Atronachs of any kind may be taken in such an army. Dremora are 0-1 in his army, and Dremora Lords cannot be taken.

Base Size: 50mm x 50mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Jyggalag 10 5 7 7 6 5 5 10 10 2+ / 2++

Special Rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Daedra, Physical God, Regeneration (6+), Causes Fear.

Anathema to His Padomaic: Jyggalag has Hatred(Servants of Sheogorath). This Hatred does not end the first round of combat! In addition, he causes Terror to Servants of Sheogorath.

Commands of Order: While Jyggalag is alive and on the battlefield, you may choose for any random game length rolls to either pass or fail.

Perfect Harmony: Jyggalag does not take No Retreat when beaten in combat.

Wargear: Jyggalag wears the Armour of Jyggalag, and wields the Sword of Jyggalag. He also wields the Touch of Order.

Armour of Jyggalag: Jyggalag wears Heavy Armour granting him a 2+ armor save. He is unaffected by Illusion spells.

Sword of Jyggalag: This is a Daedric Greatsword that Jyggalag wields with one hand. It triggers a Critical Strike on every successful Wound it inflicts, and successful Ward Saves must be re-rolled against its blows.

Touch of Order: Jyggalag may choose whether to use this ability each round of combat, at the beginning of the Fight Sub-Phase, if he has a spell equipped in one of his hands. If so, he counts as dual wielding a second one-handed weapon with the Sword of Jyggalag. If he activates the Touch of Order, his attacks with the Sword of Jyggalag deals frost damage and have Absorb Health(5+).

Spells: Jyggalag knows Chain Lightning and Voidscream Lightning. His Chain Lightning ignores armor saves. He may cast these spells with 1 hand.

Boethiah's Champion[edit | edit source]

The greatest tournament in all of Tamriel, as well as the bloodiest and most fatal, is Boethiah's Proving. All who would serve proud Boethiah gather at her shrine on the border of the provinces of Skyrim and Morrowind, and do battle. At day's end, but one remains alive. It is this warrior who puts on the ancient Ebony Mail and becomes the Champion of Boethiah, until another strikes them down and earns the title for themselves.

140 pts

Boethiah's Champion may replace a Sorcerer-Priest in a Boethiah Cult army. He still takes a retinue, and must be the general.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Boethiah's Champion 7 3 5 4 3 5 4 10 2 3+

Special Rule: Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry. Boethiah's champion may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel.

The Champion of Boethiah is Fearless.

Mark of Boethiah: Boethiah's Champion has the bonuses for being a servant of Boethiah already included in his profile. He may only join Boethiah cult units or units of Hungers. Otherwise, he must fight alone.

Boethiah's Champion may bear the blessing of a Guardian Stone for +10 pts.

Wargear: Boethiah's Champion wears Ebony Mail, and may wield one of the following:

  • Ebony Greatsword
  • Ebony Sword and Shield
  • Ebony Short Bow
  • Ebony Bow

Ebony Mail: Daedric Artifact. The Ebony Mail is heavy armor that grants a 3+ armor save, Stealth(+1), and makes its bearer's close combat attacks Poisoned(4+).

Umaril the Unfeathered[edit | edit source]

The Last King of the Ayleids, Umaril the Unfeathered, once ruled over all Cyrodiil. Half-god and half-elf, he ruled with extreme pride, imposing unthinkable tyrannies upon the human slaves who toiled and catered to the every need of elves. When mankind rose up, the bloodthirsty warrior of legend, Pelinal Whitestrake, did battle with Umaril, and struck him down. Umaril lived on, however, and having made a pact with the Daedric Prince Meridia, prepared to take his vengeance upon the once-slaves who now rule his kingdom.

200 pts

Umaril the Unfeathered may replace a Dremora Lord in a Daedra army devoted to Meridia, and if so, is the general. Aurorans are Core and Dremora are Elite in his army. Umaril may join a group of Aurorans as an Independent Character, and if doing so, Fights in Ranks while in that unit.

Base Size: 50mm x 50mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Umaril 7 5 5 5 4 5 4 10 6 3+ / 4++

Special Rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Character, Ayleid.

Divine Blood: Umaril has a 4+ Ward Save, is Immune to Disease, lacks the Weakness racial trait of Ayleids, and has Eternal Warrior. He is not considered a mortal.

Mortal Light: Enemy models in base contact with Umaril only replenish 1 Power Die at the beginning of their controller's turns.

Proud Ruler: Umaril may challenge an Independent Character or a single model unit to a duel, at the beginning of each round of close combat involving him. If he does, and the challenge is accepted, both models must direct all their offensive spells and attacks against one another this round, and no other models may attack either of them. If the challenge is turned down, the challenged model may not attack or cast spells this round.

Wargear: Umaril wields Umaril's Sword, and wears the Armor of Aetherius.

Umaril's Sword: This hand weapon deals shock damage. Models attacking Umaril's unit lose their charge bonus.

Armor of Aetherius: This heavy armor provides Umaril with a 3+ save and Immune to Shock. Effects that would deal Shock Damage to him cannot Magicka Drain him, either.

Spells: The Light that Burns.

Umbra[edit | edit source]

Throughout the history of Tamriel, a mysterious figure has been spoken of in myth and legend, both mortal and immortal, passing in and out like a fleeting shadow. This warrior is Umbra. A wanderer who has served kings and fools, empires and rebels. A fiend, living only to steal the soul of its master forever, before passing to the service of whoever defeats her corrupted lord, only to go on to corrupt anew. This warrior is the sword Umbra.

170 pts

Umbra may be taken in any Cult army as a Hero, but never a general.

Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Umbra 7 3 4 4 3 4 3 10 2 2+

Special rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Independent Character. Umbra may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel.

Umbra's Challenge: Umbra gets +1 to hit while in a challenge.

A Worthy Death: Umbra must always charge the nearest unit if possible, cannot flee as a charge reaction, and must always issue and accept challenges.

Umbra may bear the blessing of a Guardian Stone for +10 pts.

Wargear: Umbra carries the sword Umbra and a shield, and wears Ebony Armor.

Umbra: Daedric Artifact. The dread sword lends its name to its bearer, becoming one with him as she sucks out his very soul. Umbra is an Ebony Hand Weapon that grants its bearer Feel No Pain and Fearless. Wounds caused by Umbra Soul Trap, even against models with Arkay's Protection.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

This is the armory for Daedra Cults wargear.

Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]

Dremora weapons are normal weapons. Golden and Dark weapons are Otherworldly. Amber and Madness weapons are Otherworldly and strike with +1 Strength.

Katanas are 2-handed weapons that strike with +1 Strength, and have the Critical Strike special rule. If a Weapon Quality upgrade on a Katana would grant it additional Strength, it grants it additional Initiative instead. If a model must have an item type available (as a class of weapon as default wargear or an upgrade) in order to purchase item, upgrades or artifacts of that type, Katanas as unit options are available to models that can take either Katanas or Greatswords(assuming that the unit can take a particular Katana as an upgrade, that is).

Dremora Maces, Golden Swords, and Dark Swords are Hand Weapons.

Cultist's Staff: Once per game turn, bearer may reroll a Power Die while attempting to cast a spell, but must abide by the second result. If this reroll results in a natural 1, he immediately takes a wound, saves allowed as normal.

Golden and Dark armour are Light Armour(6+). Dremora armour is Heavy Armour(5+). Amber and Madness armours are Heavy Armor(3+).

Cultist Robes are unarmored clothing.

Black Robes are unarmored clothing. They grant +1 Mg.

Wizard Robes are unarmored clothing. They grant +1 Mg.

Magic Items[edit | edit source]

The Magic Items available to a Daedric army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model that can take that type of item, and replaces that item(or follows that item's rules for replacing other items, if it can only be taken as an option). A model that may purchase Magic Items from this armory may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. The Daedra Prince's personal Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and may be taken in addition to other items unless stated otherwise.

Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models that could take that class of item to begin with).

Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]

Weapon of Flames: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and has Shred. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, granting it Multiple Wounds(d3).

Weapon of Sparks: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit with Magicka Drain(1) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).

Weapon of Withering: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 S until the end of next turn.

Weapon of Convulsion: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 T during this round of combat(if the hit is in melee) and during the next round of combat.

Weapon of Draining: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon have -1 Mg until the end of their controller's next turn.

Leech Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. Weapon has Absorb Health(6+).

Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Weapon gets +1 to hit.

Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Weapon strikes at +1 Strength.

Weapon of Light: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by weapon whilst Night Fighting is active lose their Night Fighting cover save bonus for the remainder of the phase.

Weapon of Screams: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +6 pts. Models hit by weapon must re-roll all Power Dice whenever they successfully cast a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).

Staff of Sorcery: Staff. +10 pts. Wielder gets +1 Mg.

Staff of Oblivion: Staff. +20 pts. Wielder gets +2 to rolls to cast Destruction and Illusion spells.

Soul Needle: Staff. Daedric Artifact. At the beginning of your shooting phase, if wielder is casting spells with both hands this turn, you may target any unit within 12" and line of sight. That unit must take an Morale check on its own highest value. If it fails, you may choose for it to fall back. Alternatively, you may force it to move as quickly as possible along the shortest possible route towards the nearest unit it can see that its controller's opponent controls(if marching it must do the same), and must always charge the nearest enemy unit that it is allowed to charge, until the beginning of your next turn. +35 pts.

Scepter of the Screaming Beyond: Staff. Daedric Artifact. If wielder has not yet cast any spells since the beginning of your last turn, he may choose to not cast any spells until the beginning of your next turn, to automatically cast any one Illusion or Destruction spell he knows, can cast, and has enough Power Dice to be able to cast normally. +40 pts.

Rod of Doom: Staff. Daedric Artifact. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: Doomstrike: S8 AP7, Move or Fire 3, Range 36", Large Blast. +50 pts.

Shortbow of Devotion: This is a Short Bow with +1 to hit. +10 pts.

Mace of Dagon's Crushing: This is a hand weapon that strikes with +5 AP. +10 pts.

Blade of Destruction: Daedric Artifact. This is a Daedric hand weapon that deals flame damage and has Shred. Each enemy model in base contact with wielder takes a S4 AP0 Shred flame hit in addition to wielder's attacks whenever he strikes. +45 pts.

Maelstrom Blade: Daedric Artifact. This is a Daedric Katana, that must replace a Dremora's 2-handed weapon if taken. Whenever bearer attacks in close combat, roll a d6. On a 1-3, until your next turn, every model hit by the Maelstrom Blade gets -1 WS -1BS +1S +1T while bearer gets +1 WS +1BS -1S -1T. On a 4+, until your next turn, every model hit gets +1 WS +1BS -1S -1T and bearer gets -1 WS -1BS +1S +1T instead. If a model hit or bearer already one of these effects on it, no further effect is made. +50 pts.

Daedric Crescent: Daedric Artifact. This is a Daedric Katana, that must replace a Dremora's 2-handed weapon if taken. Bearers attacks get +7 AP. Models struck by the Daedric Crescent strike are Paralyzed until end of turn. +60 pts.

Oblivion Hammer: This is War Hammer. Enemies hit by an Oblivion Hammer are reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of next turn. +30 pts.

Armour and Shields[edit | edit source]

Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.

Armour of Resist Magic. Armour upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.

Armour of Strength: Armour upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.

Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.

Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.

Robes of the Heretic: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. Bearer's summons may choose to ignore effects from spells or magic weapons that specifically target Daedra, on a d6 roll of 2+. +10 pts.

Robes of the Demoniac: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. Once per game, bearer may inflict 1 wound on himself, no saves allowed, to automatically cast a Summon Daedra spell that he knows without having to roll or spend Power Dice. +10 pts.

Robes of Forbidden Sorcery: Mortal cultists only. Unarmored clothing. If bearer fails to cast a spell, but is not already killed by any effects triggering on the attempt, you may remove him as a casualty to cast that spell successfully instead. +10 pts.

Glass of the Inferno: Daedric Artifact. This is Glass Armor that grants bearer a 3+ ward save against flame damage. +30 pts for mortal cultists, +20 pts for Daedra.

Hide of the Daedroth: Heavy armor with 4+ armor save. This save cannot be reduced to less than 4+ or ignored. +35 pts.

Robes of the Gaping Abyss: Daedric Artifact. Unarmored clothing. Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save. +35 pts.

Other Items[edit | edit source]

Amulet of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.

Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.

Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.

Ring of Resist Element: Choose Fire, Frost, or Lightning. Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against that element. +10 pts.

Sigil Stone: Bearer's unit, if arriving by Deep Strike, only scatters a single d6". +10 pts.

Tormented Soul Gem: Bearer's unit gains the Causes Terror special rule if it destroys an enemy unit. +20 pts.

Cursed Orb: Bearer and all models in base contact with him, as well as enemies in base contact with those models, get -1WS -1S. +15 pts

Magicka Singularity: Bearer may take up to five consumables. +30 pts

Tome of Damnation: Daedric Artifact. Bearer may spend Power Dice equal to the minimum number required for him to cast a spell that he is attempting to cast, and then take a Ld test on his own value instead of rolling normally. If he passes the test, the spell is cast. If he fails, he is removed as a casualty. +40 pts

Consumables[edit | edit source]

Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3 per model.


Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Unique Daedra Prince spells and Summon spells.

Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts

Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts

Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts

Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts

Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts

Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts


The following potions are available to this army:

Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts

Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts

Water-Breathing Potion: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn. +2 pts

Strong Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts

Strong Potion of Magicka: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.

Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts

Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts.

Daedra Heart: A model that eats a Daedra heart must immediately take a toughness test. If it fails, it permanently loses 1 Strength and 1 Toughness for the remainder of the game. If it succeeds, all its missing wounds are regenerated and all ongoing magical effects are dispelled from it. +35 pts

Spells[edit | edit source]

A compendium of the spells used for a Daedra Cults army.

School of Destruction[edit | edit source]

Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.

Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.

Entropic Touch: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S3 AP0, Fire and Charge 1, range 6". May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon that is a spell weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon).

Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1,range 18", flame.

Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.

Entropy Bolt: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, range 18".

Drain Strength: Cast on 4+ during the close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster gets -1 Str this round. Multiple instances do not stack.

Disintegrate: Cast on 4+ during the close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster loses its second hand weapon +1 A bonus, or all shield bonuses to its armor save(and cannot parry) this round.

Lower Resists: Cast on 7+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, that unit has Lowered Resists(see the spell effects rules in the Scrollhammer Rulebook)

Daedric Bite: Cast on 8+. Shooting attack. S6 AP2, Move and Fire 1, range 24"

Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.

Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.

Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Disintegrating Blast: Cast on 12+, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit's shields have no effect this turn, and no models in that unit can parry. That unit loses second hand weapon +1 A bonuses if it has them.

Magicka Drain: Cast on 12+, 1-handed, cast anytime. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model suffers Magicka Drain(total).

Flamewave: Cast on 13+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, Template, Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Lightning Cone: Cast on 14+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, Template, hits cause Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Cripple: Cast on 14+ anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit gets -1 S this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Peryite's Reordering(Peryite cultists only): Cast on 16+, Cast anytime. Range 12", requires LOS. Targeted unit's close combat weapons count as lowest quality mundane hand weapons, and its ranged weapons count as their lowest quality, mundane versions, this turn.

Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.

Heat Blast: Cast on 16+. shooting attack. S6, Ignores armour saves. Fire and Charge 1, Template, Shred, flame.

Fire of Oblivion: Cast on 18+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1 Large Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 18", Shred, Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Oblivion Lightning: Cast on 18+. Shooting attack. S7 AP7, Fire and Charge 1, Template, hits cause Magicka Drain(total), shock.

Entropic Vortex: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S3 AP7, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, range 24". Move every unit hit by this weapon d6" directly toward caster, as far as possible following normal rules.(taking dangerous terrain tests as normal).

Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Firestorm: Cast on 20+. May only be cast during your shooting phase. A model casting Firestorm cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Place the Large Blast Marker over caster so that the center circle is entirely within caster's base. Every enemy unit under the marker is hit once for each model under it. These hits are S8 AP1, Shred, Ignores Cover, Multiple Wounds(d6), flame.

Voidscream Lightning: Cast on 22+, shooting attack. S10 AP7, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Range 72", Magicka Drain(total) against all models in unit hit, causes Instant Death, shock.

Maw of the Wastes: Cast on 28+ during your movement phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Target unit cannot make saving throws, Feel No Pain or Parry rolls until the beginning of your next turn. That unit's Strength, and the Strength of all its weapons, become an unmodifiable 1 until the beginning of your next turn.

School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]

Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Armour: Cast on 4+, movement phase. Caster's armor or robe is replaced by magic Heavy Armour(5+) until end of turn.

Bound Helm: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Caster's Helm(or lack thereof) is replaced by a magic Helm with "bearer may re-roll one failed armour saving throw of 1 per turn" until end of turn.

Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Shield: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.

Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.

Bound Katana: Cast on 8+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Katana in both hands until end of turn.

Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.

School of Alteration[edit | edit source]

The Light That Burns(Aurorans and Umaril only): Casts on 4+, 1-handed. This is a shooting attack, Fire and Charge 1, range 24". Both caster's unit and the unit hit loses their cover save from Night Fighting this turn. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon.

Flame/Frost/Shock Repulsion: Casts on 6+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.

Burden: Casts on 7+. Cast at the beginning of your opponent's movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves, marches and charges 1" slower than normal, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.

School of Illusion[edit | edit source]

Strike Blind: Cast on 6+, 1-handed, during the close combat phase. This spell Blinds a target model within 6" of caster until end of turn.

Command Mortal: Cast on 8+. Cast at the beginning of either player's shooting phase. Chose a Mortal model other than a Monstrous Creature within 6" of caster. That model takes a Leadership test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be targeted by it again until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until end of turn.

Glimpse of Terror: Cast on 8+ at the beginning of any phase. Target unit within 6" of caster gets -1 Ld until end of turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Mindless Frenzy: Cast on 8+ during the close combat phase, at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase. Target unit within 6" of caster takes an Ld test on its own value. If it fails, and it is currently locked in close combat, failed rolls to hit from that unit (outside of challenges) score hits on themselves, rather than missing, until end of turn.

Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.

Sound of Screams: Cast on 12+, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Each model in that unit must must re-roll all Power Dice whenever it successfully casts a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).

Nightmare(Vaermina Cultists only): Cast on 12+ during your shooting phase. Range 12", requires LOS. Target enemy unit not in melee combat must immediately pass a Morale check or fall back. If they pass the test, they cannot be targeted by this spell again until the beginning of your next turn.

Invisibility: Cast on a 12+ at the beginning of any phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster is Invisible.

Horrifying Blindness: Cast on a 15+ during the close combat phase, at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase. Target unit within 6" of caster is Blinded this round.

Namira's Touch(Namira Cultists only): Cast on a 16+ at the beginning of any phase. Select an enemy unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's WS and BS are reduced to 1.

Torments of Oblivion: Cast on a 23+ at the beginning of any phase. Select a unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's toughness is reduced to an unmodifiable 1(instant death is still calculated using its original toughness, however), and its armor save is reduced to an unmodifiable "-".

Bal's Temptation(Molag Bal cultists only): Cast on a 26+ during your movement phase. Select an enemy unit within 6" of caster. Every model in that unit other than a Dragon or Physical God must take a Leadership test on its own value.

Models that fail are removed from the game, and placed into Ongoing Reserves, first dropping any items picked up via any special rule during the duration of the game. They form a new unit in Ongoing Reserves that retains the same Formation and special rules as before. They are considered to be your units, under your control, for the remainder of the game. Every aspect of them treats them as being under your control. Models taken control of in this manner count as being removed as casualties for effects that trigger on them being removed as casualties; any models that they could summon, can be summoned again under your control.

If all models in a unit is taken under your control in this manner, it counts as destroying that unit in terms of victory conditions. Destroying them or performing certain actions in combat against them will therefore grant victory points to your opponent, and you can hold objectives with them if those units were allowed to before they entered your control.

Models that pass the Leadership test cannot be affected by this spell again until the beginning of your next turn.

School of Mysticism[edit | edit source]

Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.

Soul Leech: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast during the close combat phase. This spell counts as spell hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon). It has Absorb Magicka(4+) on striking, and Absorb Health(6+).

Soul Thirst: Cast on 7+ in response to a friendly model within 6" of caster attempting to cast a spell. Remove any number of Soul Gem counters from caster and/or from the target of this spell. Add that number to the casting roll.

Dispel: Cast on 8+ at any time. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.

Dispulsion: Cast on 9+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.

Eldritch Cascade: Cast on 9+ at the beginning of your movement phase, on a model within 12" of caster. That model gets +1 to each Power Die rolled casting its spells(up to a maximum roll of 6), until the beginning of your next turn. All that model's shooting and melee attacks gain Backfire until the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

School of Restoration[edit | edit source]

Minor Healing: Cast on 5+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 6.

Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).

Healing: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 5+.

Heal other: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Target model, other than caster, within 6" of caster is Healed on a 6.

Light of Dawn(Azura Cultists only): Cast on 8+ in response to any spell targeting or affecting caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On the roll of a 6, the spell is ignored, and is automatically recast(without having to roll for casting)by caster against its source(even if there is not sufficient range or Line of Sight, and even if caster has somehow become Silenced in the meantime).