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by Lolpwnt
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This book provides rules to field armies of Dragons and their undead worshipers in games of [[Scrollhammer]].
This book provides rules to field armies of Dragons and their undead worshipers in games of [[Scrollhammer]].

[ Mod to play them in Tabletop Simulator]
==The Power of the Thu'um==

==General Rules==
The use of the Thu'um, the Dragon Shout, or the Voice is devastating weapon. The power of the Dragons who wield it is to rule the world; whatsoever they command, should it be unleashed in the correct time and manner, it is so.

Dragons and Undead are not mortal races. They have special rules specifying their capabilities:
An individual Shout consists of certain words in the ancient language of the Dragons, expressing the ideas to be commanded, and given power through the divine power of the Dragon's soul.When a pair of Dragons debate, they grant their claims power and form through their Thu'ums. When a Dragon breathes fire upon his foes, he breathes the Draconic word for Fire in a Thu'um. Certain undead who had learned the Thu'um in life, after its gift had been granted to mortals, speak it in death too.

The following is a list of common Dragon Shouts that are used in Scrollhammer: In addition to these, the following Shouts are also used in this army list:

Dragon Racial Traits:

Dragons have Fearless and Eternal Warrior, cause Terror, and are unaffected by disease. They are Monstrous Fliers, and cannot carry/hold wargear, other than the natural weapons and armor granted by their draconic form.
'''REL DU'UL IN!'''

Tongues of the Thu'um: Dragons automatically pass the Leadership test required to use Shouts.
- Dominate - Crown - Master -

Rulers of the Sky: A Dragon may, once per game, immediately fly upwards, even out of combat. It is placed back into reserve, and may Deep Strike again the next turn. Dragons entering play via Deep Strike adjust their position towards the scatter die to avoid mishaps.
''Dominate'': The Dragon commands a lesser being to do its bidding. An implacable compulsion overwhelms its foe, as the Thu'um drains his willpower and bends his knee.

This Shout may be activated at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase during the Close Combat phase. Choose a model other than a Dragon or a Physical God within 6" of user. That model makes an Leadership test on its own value. If it fails, Command that model during this round of combat.

Undead Racial Traits:
Cooldown 2(Cooldown 1 for Dragons).

The Undead have Fearless and Feel No Pain, and are unaffected by disease. Poisoned weapons do not count as being poisoned against them, rolling with a normal comparison of Strength and Toughness instead (if the poison attack has no Strength value given, the Undead are immune to it).

Lumbering Walk: Undead cannot sprint. They cannot go to ground. If a group of Undead would fail a pinning test, they take wounds equal to the amount the lost by.

- Doorway - Guide - Travel -

==The Power of the Thu'um==
''Teleport'': The Dragon summons a fey portal across the field of battle, which it sucks itself through in a burst of wind and flame. At first it is a mile from its foes: in an instant, it is upon them.

The use of the Thu'um, the Dragon Shout, or the Voice is devastating weapon. The power of the Dragons who wield it is to rule the world; whatsoever they command, should it be unleashed in the correct time and manner, it is so.
This shout may activated during your movement phase. Instead of moving this phase, place user in any legal location within 36" of his current location. Roll a scatter die and 2d6 to determine scatter, exactly as if the user just used Deep Strike. This Shout may be used to remove user from combat. Cooldown 3.

An individual Shout consists of certain words in the ancient language of the Dragons, expressing the ideas to be commanded, and given power through the divine power of the Dragon's soul.When a pair of Dragons debate, they grant their claims power and form through their Thu'ums. When a Dragon breathes fire upon his foes, he breathes the Draconic word for Fire in a Thu'um. Certain undead who had learned the Thu'um in life, after its gift had been granted to mortals, speak it in death too.

The following is a list of Dragon Shouts that are used in this army list. If a number is given for a shouts cooldown, it is the number of turns until the model can Shout again: if the number is 1, the model using the Shout can Shout again at the start of your next turn. If it is 2, it can shout at the beginning of your turn after that, and so on and so forth.
==Army List==

This set of rules will allow one to field an army of Dragons or the undead who served them in life, or a mix of both. The "Dragons" section provides rules for fielding all types of Dragons, which appear in a variety of places in the army list. The other sections provide rules for the undead who dwell within the dark barrows of Skyrim, awaiting the return of their masters.

FUS RO DAH- Unrelenting Force: A silent shockwave flies forth from the Dragon's tongue, blasting away everything that it touches.

This Shout may be used at any time. If user is not in close combat, move another unit not in combat within 6" directly away from user d3". That unit must take a dangerous terrain test if it hits dangerous terrain. If user is in close combat, select a model in base contact with him. That model strikes last this round of combat. Cooldown 1.
The following is an outline for armies using this book:

Heroes: Dragon(Greater and Lesser), Elder Dragon(0-1), Dragon Priest, Draugr Deathlord, Draugr Scourge. Special Characters: Alduin World-Eater, High Priests of the Dragon Cult.

ZUN HAAL VIIK- Disarm: The Dragon commands its foe's weapon to fly out of his hand, exposing the mortal as he dives to reclaim his blade.  
Core: Draugr, Skeletons, Dragon(Lesser)(0-2 per Hero choice Dragon).

This Shout may be used during the Assault phase in close combat. Select a model in base contact with user. That model loses his +attacks charge or counterattack bonus this round if he has one. He takes an initiative test. If he fails, he may not attack at all this round of combat. Cooldown 1.
Elite: Draugr Wights, Spectral Draugr, Dragons(Greater and Lesser)(may only be taken if at least one Dragon of equal or greater rank takes up a hero slot).

Support: Skeletal Dragons, Dragon Cultists, Wisps, Ice Wraiths.

BEX MAH MIRAAD- Thunderous Siege: The Dragon commands a mortal gate to open. A blinding blast issues forth as the Thu'um is exhaled, shattering walls and ripping out bolts. Not even the gates of the mightiest fortress can long withstand the power of the Voice.

This Shout may be activated and fired as a Shooting attack targeting an enemy unit in range, with the following profile: S2, ignores armor saves, Assault 1, Template, rolls 4d6 for armor penetration against structures. Dragon Cooldown 1, Normal Cooldown 3.

The mighty Dragons come in many shapes and sizes. Though all are beyond ancient, the wisdom or strength of some exceeds that of others. Dragons may be taken as Hero choices, and for each one taken as a hero choice, 0-2 Lesser Dragons may be fielded as Core units. If a Dragon is taken as a Hero choice, Greater and/or Lesser Dragons (of equal or lesser rank to the most powerful hero choice Dragon) may take up Elite slots.

YOL TOOR SHUL- Fire Breath: The Dragon unleashes his most infamous weapon upon the foe: flames spew forth from his mouth in a molten jet as he breathes the ancient words, burning all in their path to ashes.
The ranks of Dragons are as follows: Alduin World-Eater > Ancient Dragon > Elder Dragon > Greater Dragon > Lesser Dragon.

This Shout may be activated and fired as a Shooting attack targeting an enemy unit in range, with the following profile: S6 AP2, Assault 1, Template, flame, deals d3 wounds. Dragon Cooldown 1, Normal Cooldown 3.
====Elder Dragon====

The mightiest of the Dragons are those whose Thu'ums are the strongest. The Elder Dragons hold the power of demigods in their breath, and their fire-colored scales are all but immune to the blows of mortals. Such Dragons are among the most deadly creatures in existence, crushing houses beneath their feet, and swallowing renowned heroes whole.

FO KRAH DIIN- Frost Breath: The mighty Frost Dragons of the Northlands choose to command not fire, but ice. A torrent of impossibly cold air and ice blast forth from Dragon's mouth, bringing a numbing pain and a bitter death to all its path.
An Elder Dragon costs 265pts. An Ancient Dragon costs 315pts.

This Shout may be activated and fired as a Shooting attack targeting an enemy unit in range, with the following profile: S6 AP2, Assault 1, Template, frost, models hit strike last this turn. Dragon Cooldown 1, Normal Cooldown 3.
50mm x 100mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Ancient Dragon
| 4
| 4
| 7
| 7
| 7
| 4
| 5
| 10
| 0
| 2+
| Elder Dragon
| 3
| 3
| 7
| 7
| 6
| 4
| 5
| 10
| 0
| 3+

IISS SLEN NUS- Ice Form: The Dragon commands its foes to turn to freeze solid in place. As they cringe before the Dragon's breath, they are transformed into frozen statues. Their foes descend upon them, shattering the blanket of ice to bring them the painful death.
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon, Character. Single Model.

This Shout may be activated during your Shooting phase. Target unit within 18" and LOS becomes pinned, is hit automatically, and strikes last in close combat, until the beginning of your next turn or the phase after any form of attack hits the unit. Cooldown 3.
Swath of Destruction: Elder and Ancient Dragons do not take difficult or dangerous terrain tests.

'''Wargear''': Dragons are covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with their movement. This gives them an armour save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the ''critical strike'' rule.

KRII LUN AUS- Marked for Death: An enemy of the Dragon becomes shrouded in darkness, screaming in pain as an aura of doom engulfs him. His strongest armor corrodes as the death consumes him, the primal mark of slaughter invoked by the Thu'um.
'''Shouts''': An Elder or Ancient Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Thunderous Siege, Fire Breath, Frost Breath, Dominate, Clear Skies, and Swallow Shout.

This Shout may be activated during your Shooting phase. Select an enemy model within 12" and LOS. Until the beginning of your next turn, at the beginning of every phase, that model suffers a spell damage wound(no cover saves) on a d6 5+. At the beginning of every phase, his armor save is reduced by -1 until your next turn(this effect is cumulative). Cooldown 1.
An Elder Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:
*Disarm (+10pts)
*Marked For Death (+10pts)
*Razor Edge (+10pts)
*Dismay (+10pts)
*Throw Voice (+10pts)
*Animal Allegiance (+10pts)
*Kyne's Peace (+10pts)
*Elemental Fury (+10pts)
*Whirlwind Sprint (+10pts)
*Become Ethereal (+10pts)
*Ice Form (+25pts)
*Tempest Shroud (+25pts)
*Spectral Illusion (+25pts)
*Slow Time (+25pts)
*Storm Call (+25pts)
*Maelstrom (+25pts)
*Teleport (+25pts)

====Greater Dragon====

VEY TUZ KINZON- Razor Edge: The power of the Thu'um sharpens its wielder's weapon, be it a Dragon's talon or a Draugr's blade. The weapon slashes through the toughest armor and flesh as if it were butter.
The most common of the stronger varieties of Dragons are the Dragons of Frost and Blood. The Frost Dragons fly high through the northern skies, raining down icy death upon their prey. The Blood Dragons are green and bear fins and a spade-shaped tail. They are tireless trackers, pursuing their foes for weeks on end before killing them.

This Shout may be activated during the Assault phase. User ignores armor saves this round. If wielder's attack would already ignore armor saves, it also strikes with +1 Strength this round. Cooldown 1.
200 pts for Blood Dragon

225 pts for Frost Dragon

FAAS RU MAAR- Dismay: The Dragon commands the power of fear against its foes. All who stand in the presence of the Dragon feel an eerie horror and blackness consume them, a blinding urge to flee and never return.
A Blood Dragon costs 200pts. A Frost Dragon costs 225pts.

This Shout may be activated during your Shooting phase. Select a unit within 6" and LOS of user. That unit must pass a morale test or flee. If it is fleeing from combat, it may be pursued as normal. Cooldown 1.
50mm x 100mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Frost Dragon
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 6
| 6
| 4
| 4
| 10
| 0
| 3+
| Blood Dragon
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 6
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 10
| 0
| 3+

REL DU'UL IN- Dominate: The Dragon commands a lesser being to do its bidding. An implacable compulsion overwhelms its foe, as the Thu'um drains his willpower and bends his knee.
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon, Character. Single Model.

This Shout may be activated during the Assault phase. Choose a model other than a Dragon or a Physical God within 6" of user. That model makes an Ld test on its own value. If it fails, it fights on the side of wielder's army should it be in combat this round, attacking the closest model in his own unit(randomly chosen if tied). The model attacked strikes last, and uses all his attacks against the Dominated model this round. Dragon Cooldown 1, Normal Cooldown 2.
Elemental Skin: Frost Dragons have Feel No Pain against Frost damage, but Flame damage gets +1 to wound against them. Blood Dragons have Feel No Pain against Fire damage, but Frost damage gets +1 to wound against them.

'''Wargear''': Dragons are covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with their movement. This gives them an armor save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the ''critical strike'' rule.

ZUL MEY GUT- Throw Voice: This Shout is rarely used by Dragons, due to its nature. It is more commonly heard from the tongues of the smaller and sneakier races. The one who wields it throws the sound of the Shout elsewhere as part of its effect, in an attempt to distract, confuse or fool his foe.
'''Shouts''': A Frost Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Frost Breath, Dominate, and Swallow Shout. A Frost Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:
*Disarm (+10pts)
*Dismay (+10pts)
*Throw Voice (+10pts)
*Elemental Fury (+10pts)
*Whirlwind Sprint (+10pts)
*Become Ethereal (+10pts)
*Ice Form (+25pts)
*Tempest Shroud (+25pts)

This Shout may be activated during your opponent's Assault phase. If your opponent's models would have to make a difficult terrain test to charge user this round, and user is the only model in his unit, they roll 1 less d6 in making the test(to a minimum of 1). Monstrous Creatures do not get this bonus unless they are completely concealed from the enemy. In stealth related scenarios, this Shout may be altered and given special rules for helping user's unit avoid detection. Cooldown: resets next turn.
A Blood Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Fire Breath, Dominate, and Swallow Shout. A Blood Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

*Marked For Death (+10pts)
*Razor Edge (+10pts)
*Throw Voice (+10pts)
*Animal Allegiance (+10pts)
*Kyne's Peace (+10pts)
*Clear Skies (+10pts)
*Spectral Illusion (+25pts)
*Slow Time (+25pts)

RAAN MIR TAH- Animal Allegiance: The Dragon commands all the beasts of the wilds to come to his aid in battle. Horses throw their masters, wolves and ravens prey upon unsuspecting warriors.

This Shout may be activated during the Assault phase in close combat. For this round and the next, a Beast in base contact with user fights as part of the Dragon's unit in the struggle. You may choose instead to target a mount: the rider must pass a Ld test on his own value. If he fails, he may not attack in this round or the next, and takes a S3AP0 hit. Cooldown 1.
====Lesser Dragon====

A Dragon whose Thu'um is weak subordinates itself to those greater than it, following their lead. Nevertheless, even the smallest of the Dragons is a living engine of destruction, and a breathing master of the Voice. Not a brave warrior nor a vast army can claim safety against the destruction that the Thu'um of a single Child of Akatosh can wield.

KAAN DREM OV- Kyne's Peace: The Dragon embraces the aspect of Kynareth within the Thu'um, bringing forth a calming wind upon the wilds. The instincts of all beasts near it fall flat, their ravenous urges tamed at the Dragon's will.
A Lesser Dragon costs 150 pts.

This Shout may be activated during the Assault phase in close combat. Beasts in units within 6" of caster may not charge or attack in close combat this phase. If they would flee this phase, they are destroyed instead. Cooldown 2.
50mm x 100mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Lesser Dragon
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 6
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 10
| 0
| 3+

LOK VAH KOOR- Clear Skies: The Dragon invokes the beauty of spring and the warmth of summer to fall upon the plain of battle. Mists vanish, and clouds part to reveal the glowing rays of the sun.
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon. Single Model.

This Shout may be activated at any time. All Weather effects are ignored this turn within 12" of user. Cooldown: resets next turn.
'''Wargear''': Dragons are covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with their movement. This gives them an armor save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the ''critical strike'' rule.

'''Shouts''': A Lesser Dragon may choose one of the following for free:
*Fire Breath (free)
*Frost Breath (free)
*Thunderous Siege(free)

SU GRAH DUN- Elemental Fury: The Dragon commands the winds to harmonize with his strikes, his fangs tearing the foe with impossible speed and grace. In a blink of an eye, the Dragon fights with impossible ferocity.
A Lesser Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

This Shout may be activated during the Assault phase in close combat. User gets +2 attacks this round. Cooldown 1.
*Unrelenting Force (+10pts)
*Disarm (+10pts)
*Marked For Death (+10pts)
*Razor Edge (+10pts)
*Dismay (+10pts)
*Dominate (+10pts)
*Throw Voice (+10pts)
*Animal Allegiance (+10pts)
*Kyne's Peace (+10pts)
*Clear Skies (+10pts)
*Elemental Fury (+10pts)
*Whirlwind Sprint (+10pts)
*Become Ethereal (+10pts)
*Swallow Shout (+10pts)


WULD NAH KEST- Whirlwind Sprint: The Dragon commands a mighty whirlwind to form in the air, to carry him forward towards the foe.
====Dragon Priest====

This Shout may be activated during your Shooting phase if sprinting. User gains Fleet of Foot this turn, and does not have to take difficult or dangerous terrain tests this phase. Cooldown 1.
In the days when Dragons were worshiped by mankind, a great order of ancient sorcerers was founded. Members of this order served as a priesthood to to the Dragons, mediating between them and mortal men. Great power they held in the number of mankind, and great ceremonies they performed for the honor of their masters, or for the mummification and burial of the dead. Upon the defeat of the Dragons, they fled with their most loyal retainers to construct burial mounds in the honor of their fallen masters. They continued the Dragon's war, against their fellow mortals, until but few remained. This remainder transformed themselves into liches, preserving themselves with a bitter immortality, to guard the ancient tombs, and await the return of their masters.


VEN MUL RIIK- Tempest Shroud: The Dragon calls upon the great winds to aid him in battle. Thick torrents of rain and biting winds scour the field. Within the realm of Sovngarde, it is with this Thu'um that Alduin will create the great Mists to stalk and devour the souls of the dead.
A Dragon Priest costs 185 pts

This Shout may be activated during your movement phase. Weather effect. Shooting Weapons get -1 to hit until the beginning of your next turn. Alternatively, if battle is taking place in a realm other than Nirn, where rain is impossible, Night Fighting rules apply until the beginning of your next turn instead(this rule is for optional use as part of a scenario). Cooldown: 2
40mm x 40mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Dragon Priest
| 2
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 6
| 2
| 2
| 10
| 8
| -

STRUN BAH QO- Storm Call: Thunderclouds form above the Dragon, as it commands them to unleash their lightning upon all who do battle below. Incredible destruction rains down, smiting friend and foe alike.
'''Special rules''': Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead

This Shout may be activated during your movement phase. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn, at the start of every phase, roll a d6 for each unit within 36" of user, as well as all non-summoned units of fliers in reserve. On a 4+ that unit takes a S7, Blast, shock hit that ignores armor saves. All models hit lose all their mana next turn. Fliers in reserve take d6 hits rather than the blast. The Blast templates may cover one's own models(and certainly will if one's own units are hit!), and are placed by the opponent of the controller of the unit being hit. Cover saves are taken as if the attack was coming from directly above, and area terrain is not enough to grant a save! Units completely obscured from directly above are not hit, nor is user. Cooldown 4.
Dragon Priests cause Fear.


SU'UM THU'UM DIIVON- Swallow Shout: The Dragon inhales as its rival sends forth a Thu'um, challenging its foe's power and commanding it to be no more.
Dragon Staff: The Staff of a Dragon Priest is filled with the powers of the great elements. For each Dragon Priest in your army, choose Flame, Frost or Shock. Bearer gets +4 to his casting roll when casting Destruction spells and summoning Atronachs of the chosen element.

This Shout may be activated in response to an enemy Shout being used within 24". Choose a number "X" between 1 and 5, add d6, and then add it to user's Ld. Your opponent adds the cooldown number of his Shout being targeted, +d6, to the Ld of its source model. If user's result is higher than that of your opponent's model, your opponent's Shout is countered(its cooldown is still in effect, however). Cooldown X.
Priest Robes.

Dragon Priests may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

LAAS YAH NIR- Aura Whisper: A Thu'um is released not in the form of a Shout, but as a Whisper. The energies of all objects surrounding the Dragon shine bright as stars to its eyes, no matter how well concealed their physical forms might be.
'''Spells''': Command Daedra, Ward.

This Shout may be activated during your shooting phase. Enemy models within 12" of user do not get cover saves this phase. Cooldown 1.
A Dragon Priest knows two of the following spells:
*Chain Lightning,
*Lightning Bolt
*Ice Spike
*Ice Storm
*Icy Spear

A Dragon Priest may take up to two additional spells from this book's spell list as follows:
*Any spell(other than Conjuration) cast on 13+ or lower (+8pts)
*Any spell(other than Conjuration) cast on 14+ or higher (+20pts)
*Raise Skeletons (+20pts)
*Raise Skeletal Horde (+40pts)

FEIM ZII GRON- Become Ethereal: The Dragon calls upon the void to shield it. Its flesh and scales become as air before the blades of those who seek to slay it.
A Dragon Priest may take an Atronach Familiar, in addition to any other spells. This grants him the ability to buy a third spell from his spell list, and gives him a Summoning spell, for a cost depending on the type of creature summoned:
*Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+50 pts)
*Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+65 pts)
*Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+80pts)

This Shout may be activated at any time. User immediately cancels all attacks, shooting attacks and spells used in this phase. User may ignore a single wound of any type against him this phase. Cooldown 1.
Rules for Atronachs are found in [[Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults]].

FIIK LO SAH- Spectral Illusion: The Dragon creates a mirror image of itself, confusing its enemy and misdirecting his attacks.
====Draugr Deathlord====

This Shout may be activated at any time. For the duration of this turn, whenever user is hit by anything other than a template or blast market, roll a d6. On a 4+, that attack counts as having missed. Cooldown 2.
In the ages before written history, even the great kings of Men served the Dragons. Mummified and entombed after their deaths in the great barrows, their bodies are preserved for eternity, cursed with blasphemous unlife. When Man rebelled against Dragon, the great lords who remained loyal to their masters became schooled in the Thu'um themselves. Tyrants of later eras were oft entombed with the ancients as well. All these dishonored dead now arise, lords of their people once more, in death as in life.
Draugr Deathlords cost 180 pts.
25mm x 25mm base.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Draugr Deathlord
| 7
| 4
| 5
| 5
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 10
| 1
| 4+
'''Special rules''': Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead
Draugr Deathlords cause Fear.
Frozen Dead: Frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

'''Wargear''': Draugr Deathlords carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon and a shield, and wear Ancient Nordic Armor.

TIID KLO UL- Slow Time: The Dragon invokes its soul's birthright, ordering the frame of the universe to warp to its will: its Thu'um commands time itself to bend around it. In what seems to them to be a single second, the Dragon routs its foes with ease.
A Deathlord may replace their Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon with one of the following:
*Ancient Nordic Spear (+4pts)
*Ebony Hand Weapon (+10pts)
*Ebony Spear (+14pts)

This Shout may be activated at any time. During this phase, it may add d6" to its move, sprint, or charge. In addition, it any rerolls failed hits and wounds it would inflict. Cooldown 2.
A Deathlord may replace their shield with one of the following:
*A second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (free)
*An Ancient Nordic Bow (+4 pts)
*An Ebony Bow or Ebony Short Bow (+10pts)

A Deathlord may replace their equipment in both hands with one of the following:
*Ebony Greatsword (+20pts)
*Ebony Battle Axe (+20pts)
*Ebony War Hammer (+20pts)

DAAN JOT WULD- Maelstrom: The Dragon tears a hole in the fabric of reality with its breath, and Shouts its foe into the maw of Oblivion itself. From there, certain death awaits him, at the fiery hands of horrors from beyond the realm of Nirn.
A Deathlord may replace their armour with Ebony Armor for +20pts.

This shout may be activated during the assault phase. Select a model other than a Dragon, Dragonborn or Physical God in base contact with user. That model loses all mana dice next turn as well as all those it currently has, and must pass an initiative test or be immediately removed as a casualty. Cooldown 3.
Deathlords may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

'''Shouts''': Unrelenting Force, Disarm.

MIRAAD AAK WUNDUN- Teleport: The Dragon summons a fey portal across the field of battle, which it sucks itself through in a burst of wind and flame. At first it is a mile from its foes: in an instant, it is upon them.
A Deathlord may also take any of the following shouts:
*Razor Edge (+15pts)
*Dismay (+15pts)
*Throw Voice (+15pts)
*Elemental Fury (+15pts)
*Frost Breath (+30pts)
*Ice Form (+30pts)
*Dominate (+30pts)
*Swallow Shout (+30pts)

This shout may activated during your movement phase. Instead of moving this phase, place user in any legal location within 36" of his current location. Roll a scatter die and 2d6 to determine scatter, exactly as if the user just used Deep Strike. This Shout may remove user from combat. Cooldown 3.

====Draugr Scourge====

==Army List==
Among the most dreaded of the undead are the great Scourge Lords of the Draugr. Masters of many forms of combat and magic, these ghouls were once famed warriors in eras. Now they lurk in the darkness of their tombs, plotting the woeful slaughter of the living.

This set of rules will allow one to field an army of Dragons or the undead who served them in life, or a mix of both. The "Dragons" section provides rules for fielding all types of Dragons, which appear in a variety of places in the army list. The other sections provide rules for the undead who dwell within the dark barrows of Skyrim, awaiting the return of their masters.
A Draugr Scourge costs 95pts.

25mm x 25mm base.

The following is an outline for armies using this book:
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Draugr Scourge
| 5
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 3
| 10
| 5
| 4+

Heroes: Dragon(Greater and Lesser), Elder Dragon(0-1), Dragon Priest, Draugr Deathlord, Draugr Scourge. Special Characters: Alduin World-Eater, High Priests of the Dragon Cult, Sons of Gauldur.
'''Special rules''': Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead,  

Core: Draugr, Skeletons, Dragon(Lesser)(0-2 per Hero choice Dragon).
Scourges cause Fear.

Elite: Draugr Wights, Spectral Draugr, Skeletal Dragon(0-1), Dragons(Greater and Lesser)(may only be taken if at least one Dragon of equal or greater rank takes up a hero slot).
Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

Support: Dragon Cultists, Wisps, Ice Wraiths.
'''Wargear''': Draugr Scourges carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon and a shield, and wear Ancient Nordic Armor.

A Scourge may replace their Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon with an Ancient Nordic Spear (+4pts).

A Scourge may replace their shield with one of the following:
*A second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (free)
*Spell:Frostbite (+2pts)
*An Ancient Nordic Bow or Ancient Nordic Short Bow (+4pts)

The mighty Dragons come in many shapes and sizes. Though all are beyond ancient, the wisdom or strength of some exceeds that of others. Dragons may be taken as Hero choices, and for each one taken as a hero choice, 0-2 Lesser Dragons may be fielded as Core units. If a Dragon is taken as a Hero choice, Greater and/or Lesser Dragons (of equal or lesser rank to the most powerful hero choice Dragon) may take up Elite slots.
A Scourge may replace their equipment in both hands with one of the following:
*Ancient Nordic Greatsword (+20pts)
*Ancient Nordic Battle Axe (+20pts)
*Ancient Nordic War Hammer (+20pts)

The ranks of Dragons are as follows: Alduin World-Eater > Ancient Dragon > Elder Dragon > Greater Dragon > Lesser Dragon.
Scourges may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

All Dragons have the following profile: Skirmish, Monstrous Flier, Dragon. Single Model.
'''Spells''': A Draugr Scourge may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants him the summoning spell as detailed below:
*Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) +65 pts

Rules for Atronachs are found in [[Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults]]. A Draugr Scourge with an Atronach Familiar may also take one spell from the following list:
*Ice Spike (+4pts)
*Fortify Strength (+5pts)
*Icy Spear (+8pts)
*Might (+10pts)
*Ice Storm (+10pts)

====Elder Dragon====
'''Shouts''': A Draugr Scourge may take up to three of the following shouts.
*Unrelenting Force (+15pts)
*Disarm (+15pts)
*Throw Voice (+15pts)
*Frost Breath (+30pts)
*Ice Form (+30pts)

The mightiest of the Dragons are those whose Thu'ums are the strongest. The Elder Dragons hold the power of demigods in their breath, and their fire-colored scales are all but immune to the blows of mortals. Such Dragons are among the most deadly creatures in existence, crushing houses beneath their feet, and swallowing renowned heroes whole.

265 pts

Ancient Dragon WS4 BS4 S7 T7 W7 I4 A5 Ld10 Mg0 Sv2+
Many legends are told of how a man becomes a Draugr: some are said to be damned for their allegiance with the Dragons, others for the rites of cannibalism indulged in by the ancient cults. But all now roam the northern parts of Tamriel, slaying all who wander too near the ruins of their once-great civilization. And within the windswept barrows, tens of thousands more sleep embalmed, awaiting a foolish fortune-hunter to awaken them and meet his death.

Elder Dragon WS3 BS3 S7 T7 W6 I4 A5 Ld10 Mg0 Sv3+

Draugr cost 4pts/model. They may be fielded in units of 10-40.

Dragon Hide: A Dragon's hide is tougher than steel, yet flows fluidly with its movement. Dragons have armor saves as indicated in their profiles.
25mm x 25mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Draugr
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 3
| 1
| 7
| 1
| -

An Elder Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Thunderous Siege, Fire Breath, Frost Breath, Dominate, Clear Skies, and Swallow Shout.
'''Special rules''': Horde, Infantry, Undead.

An Elder Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:
Draugr Lords are Characters and cause Fear.

Disarm, Marked For Death, Razor Edge, Dismay, Throw Voice, Animal Allegiance, Kyne's Peace, Elemental Fury, Whirlwind Sprint, Become Ethereal +10 pts each
Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

Ice Form, Tempest Shroud, Spectral Illusion, Slow Time, Storm Call, Maelstrom, Teleport +25 pts each
'''Wargear''': Draugr carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon.

Special Rules:
Any number of Draugr in the unit may each be given one of the following:
*Shield (+1pts/model)
*A second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (+1pts/model)
*Spell: Frostbite (+1pts/model)

Critical Strike.
Any number of Draugr in the unit may each replace their Ancient Nord Hand Weapon with the following:
*Ancient Nordic Spear (+1pts/model)

Swath of Destruction: Elder Dragons do not take difficult or dangerous terrain tests.
Any number of Draugr in the unit may each replace both hands with one of the following:
*Ancient Nordic Bow (+1pts/model)
*Ancient Nordic Short Bow (+1pts/model)

An Elder Dragon may be upgraded to an Ancient Dragon for +50 pts.
Any number of Draugr in the unit may take Ancient Nordic Armor (+1pts/model).

One model in the unit may be upgraded to a Draugr Lord for +16 pts. Draugr Lords cause Fear, and may purchase up to 10pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armoury.

====Greater Dragon====
The Draugr Lord may be given one of the following Shouts:
*Unrelenting Force (+20pts)
*Disarm (+20pts)

The most common of the stronger varieties of Dragons are the Dragons of Frost and Blood. The Frost Dragons fly high through the northern skies, raining down icy death upon their prey. The Blood Dragons are green and bear fins and a spade-shaped tail. They are tireless trackers, pursuing their foes for weeks on end before killing them.

200 pts for Blood Dragon
Throughout Tamriel, the long-dead lurk in the shadows, only bones remaining, but nevertheless moving with mysterious unlife. Many of these skeletons are servants of necromancers; others, damned souls cursed to walk Nirn even after all their flesh has rotted away. But all are silent, mindless killers, deserving no pity from the living.

225 pts for Frost Dragon
Skeletons cost 4pts/model. They may be fielded in units of 10-40.

Frost Dragon WS3 BS3 S6 T6 W6 I4 A4 Ld10 Mg0 Sv3+
25mm x 25mm base.

Blood Dragon WS3 BS3 S6 T6 W5 I3 A4 Ld10 Mg0 Sv3+
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Skeleton
| 3
| 3
| 2
| 2
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 5
| 0
| -

'''Special rules''': Horde, Infantry, Undead

Dragon Hide: A Dragon's hide is tougher than steel, yet flows fluidly with its movement. Dragons have armor saves as indicated in their profiles.
Skeletons cause Fear.

'''Wargear''': Skeletons carry an Ancient Nordic Bow.

A Frost Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Frost Breath, Dominate, and Swallow Shout.
The entire unit may replace its bows with:
*Ancient Nordic Short Bow (free)
*Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon and Shield (free)
*Ancient Nordic Spear and Shield (+1 pts/model)

A Frost Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

Disarm, Dismay, Throw Voice, Elemental Fury, Whirlwind Sprint, Become Ethereal +10 pts each
====Draugr Wights====

Ice Form, Tempest Shroud +25 pts each
Haunting the darkest depths of the barrows are the Wights. Unusually resistant to their enemies blows, these undead charge into battle casting icy curses upon their foes, before tearing them to pieces with their incredible strength. Beware, all who would enter the burial-places of the Dragon Cults.

A Blood Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Fire Breath, Dominate, and Swallow Shout.

A Blood Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:
Draugr Wights cost 16pts/model. They may be fielded in units of 5-20.

Marked For Death, Razor Edge, Throw Voice, Animal Allegiance, Kyne's Peace, Clear Skies +10 pts each
25mm x 25mm base.

Spectral Illusion, Slow Time +25 pts each
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Draugr Wights
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 3
| 2
| 3
| 1
| 8
| 3
| -
| Draugr Wight Lord
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 3
| 2
| 3
| 2
| 8
| 4
| -

Special Rules:
'''Special rules''': Horde, Infantry, Undead.

Elemental Skin: Frost Dragons have Feel No Pain against Frost damage, but Flame damage gets +1 to wound against them. Blood Dragons have Feel No Pain against Fire damage, but Frost damage gets +1 to wound against them.
Draugr Wights cause Fear. Draugr Wight Lords are Characters.

Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

====Lesser Dragon====

A Dragon whose Thu'um is weak subordinates itself to those greater than it, following their lead. Nevertheless, even the smallest of the Dragons is a living engine of destruction, and a breathing master of the Voice. Not a brave warrior nor a vast army can claim safety against the destruction that the Thu'um of a single Child of Akatosh can wield.
Draugr Wights carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon, and know the Frostbite Spell.

150 pts
Any number of Draugr Wights may each replace Frostbite with one of the following:
*Ancient Nordic Bow or Ancient Nordic Short Bow (+2pts/model)
*Shield (+2pts/model)

Dragon WS3 BS3 S6 T6 W4 I3 A4 Ld10 Mg0 Sv3+
Any number of Draugr Wights may each be given the following:
*Ancient Nordic Armor (+4pts/model)

One model in the unit may be upgraded to a Wight Lord for +13pts. The Wight Lord may purchase up to 10pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armoury.

Dragon Hide: A Dragon's hide is tougher than steel, yet flows fluidly with its movement. Dragons have armor saves as indicated in their profiles.
'''Spells''': Frostbite.  

Any number of Draugr Wights may be given one of the following spells:
*Fortify Strength (+2pts/model)
*Ice Spike (+2pts/model)
*Ice Storm (+6pts/model)
*Icy Spear (+6pts/model)

A Lesser Dragon may choose ONE of the following:
'''Shouts''': Unrelenting Force.

Fire Breath (free)
The entire unit may replace Unrelenting Force for Disarm for free.

Frost Breath (free)
====Spectral Draugr====

Thunderous Siege(free)
Deep within the ancient ruin of Labyrinthian, far beneath the eponymous Maze of Shalidor, lies the great Tribune chamber, burial-place of countless Dragon Priests. The Draugr cursed to forever guard these halls are ghostly in form, and wield shadowy blades which drain the essences of their foes. At their beck and call are packs of wraith-hounds, which aid them in tearing the foe. Neither the nature of the magic nor the history behind these undoubtedly real horrors is known, nor the extent of their numbers.

A Lesser Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

Unrelenting Force, Disarm, Marked For Death, Razor Edge, Dismay, Dominate, Throw Voice, Animal Allegiance, Kyne's Peace, Clear Skies, Elemental Fury, Whirlwind Sprint, Become Ethereal, Swallow Shout +10 pts each
Spectral Draugr cost 8pts/model. Spectral Warhounds cost 7pts/model. 10-30 Spectral Draugr and 0-10 Spectral Warhounds may be fielded as a single elites choice.

25mm x 25mm base(Both Spectral Draugr and Spectral Warhounds).

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Spectral Draugr
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 3
| 1
| 7
| 2
| 6+
| Spectral Warhound
| 3
| 0
| 4
| 2
| 1
| 4
| 2
| 6
| 0
| -

====Dragon Priest====
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Infantry(Spectral Draugr), Beasts(Spectral Warhounds), Undead

In the days when Dragons were worshiped by mankind, a great order of ancient sorcerors was founded. Members of this order served as a priesthood to to the Dragons, mediating between them and mortal men. Great power they held in the number of mankind, and great ceremonies they performed for the honor of their masters, or for the mummification and burial of the dead. Upon the defeat of the Dragons, they fled with their most loyal retainers to construct burial mounds in the honor of their fallen masters. They continued the Dragon's war, against their fellow mortals, until but few remained. This remainder transformed themselves into liches, preserving themselves with a bitter immortality, to guard the ancient tombs, and await the return of their masters.
Spectral Draugr and Warhounds cause Fear.

190 pts
Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

'''Wargear''': Spectral Draugr carry a Drainheart Sword, and a shield. Spectral Warhounds are unarmed.
Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead,
Single Model

Dragon Priest WS2 BS5 S4 T4 W6 I2 A2 Ld10 Mg8 Sv-
Any number of Spectral Draugr may replace their shields with one of the following:
*Second Drainheart Sword (free)
*Spell: Frostbite (free)

Any number of Spectral Draugr may replace their equipment in both hands with one of the following:
*Drainspell Bow (+1pts/model)
*Drainblood Battle Axe (+4pts/model)

Dragon Staff: The Staff of a Dragon Priest is filled with the powers of the great elements. For each Dragon Priest in your army, choose Flame, Frost or Shock. Bearer casts Destruction spells and summons Atronachs of the chosen element for -1 mana, to a minimum of 1.
Any number of Spectral Draugr may be given one of the following:
*Ancient Nordic Armor (+2pts/model)

Priest Robes.
Drainblood Battle Axe: Battle axe. If bearer deals an unsaved wound with this weapon, attacks against him until the end of next round of combat get -1 to wound.

Drainheart Sword: Hand Weapon. If bearer deals an unsaved wound with this weapon, he gains +1 A in the next round of combat.

Command Daedra, Ward.  
Drainspell Bow: Bow. For each unsaved wound caused by shooting with this weapon, the unit shot at suffers Magicka Drain(2), allocated by its controlling player.

A Dragon Priest has two of the following spells:
'''Shouts''': Any number of Spectral Draugr may each take any of the following:
*Shout:Unrelenting Force (+3pts/model)
*Shout:Become Ethereal (+3pts/model)

Firebolt, Flames, Fireball, Incinerate, Shock, Sparks, Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ice Spike, Frostbite, Ice Storm, Icy Spear.

A Dragon Priest may up to two additional spells from this book's spell list as follows:
====Skeletal Dragon====

Any spell costing 1-3 mana: +10 pts
In times of dire need, those skilled in the black art of necromancy may call up a Dragon from the grave. With a foul ritual, the Dragon Priests call up a creature they once worshiped, in a form little worthy of its former glory. Though it be but a flightless shadow of a true Dragon, a Skeletal Dragon is nevertheless a force of destruction upon the battlefield, well-deserving a respectful fear.

Any spell costing 4+ mana: +20 pts

A Dragon Priest may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any other spells). This grants him the ability to buy a third spell from his spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:
A Skeletal Dragon costs 85pts.

Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +51 pts
50mm x 100mm base.

Summon Frost Atronach (cost 3) +64 pts
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Skeletal Dragon
| 3
| 3
| 6
| 5
| 3
| 1
| 2
| 10
| 0
| 4+

Summon Storm Atronach (cost 4) +80 pts
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Undead, Dragon.

Rules for summoning Atronachs are found in [[Scrollhammer:Daedra Cults]].
Fleshless Wings: A Skeletal Dragon cannot fly or Deep Strike as a flyer. Neither can it use Hit and Run for being a Dragon.

Dragon Priests may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.
'''Wargear''': Even without their scales, the bones of a dragon are strong as steel, giving them a 4+ armour save.

'''Shouts''': A Skeletal Dragon knows Unrelenting Force, and one of the following:
*Fire Breath
*Frost Breath

====Draugr Deathlord====
====Dragon Cultists====

In the ages before written history, even the great kings of Men served the Dragons. Mummified and entombed after their deaths in the great barrows, their bodies are preserved for eternity, cursed with blasphemous unlife. When Man rebelled against Dragon, the great lords who remained loyal to their masters became schooled in the Thu'um themselves. Tyrants of later eras were oft entombed with the ancients as well. All these dishonored dead now arise, lords of their people once more, in death as in life.
When Man overthrew the reign of terror of the Dragons, those who still worshiped the Dragons surrendered or fled. Many of those who went into hiding at the side of the Dragon Priests joined their leaders in undeath, cursed to walk Nirn as ghosts forever.

190 pts

Each Dragon Cultist costs 10pts/model. 5-20 Dragon Cultists may be fielded as a single unit.
Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead,
Single Model

Draugr Deathlord WS7 BS4 S5 T5 W5 I4 A4 Ld10 Mg1 Sv4+
25mm x 25mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Dragon Cultist
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 3
| 1
| 7
| 3
| 5+

Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon, Shield, Ancient Nordic Armor.
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Undead

Dragon Cultists cause Fear.

Unrelenting Force, Disarm.
Ghostly: Dragon Cultists do not have to roll for difficult and dangerous terrain. They are not encumbered in their movement or spellcraft by their heavy armor.

Special Rules:
Drifting Spirits: Dragon Cultists, being ghosts, may sometimes drift amongst the enemy, invisible, until they can give themselves shape. Dragon Cultists have the Deep Strike ability, and may move and charge normally on the turn they Deep Strike. On that turn, their daggers have Killing Blow.

Causes Fear.
'''Wargear''': Dragon Cultists carry an Ancient Nordic Dagger, and wear Ancient Nordic Armor.

Frozen Dead: Frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.
'''Spells''': Dragon Cultists know either Flames or Frostbite.

May replace Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon with one of the following:

Ancient Nordic Spear +4 pts

Ebony Hand Weapon +10 pts
Among the legends of the rugged mountains of the Northlands is that of the Wispmother. In the flickering light of the sunset, between the great peaks of the North, there are found small Wisps, silver shimmers in the air. Travelers lured by the Wisps follow them through the snow and the valleys, to the Wispmother, a queen of ice, a phantom maiden dressed in silver robes. The Wispmother casts a dreaded curse upon these fools, freezing them to death with icy winds.

Ebony Spear +14 pts

May replace Shield with one of the following:
Each Wispmother costs 100pts, and each Wisp costs 5 pts. 1 Wispmother, and 3-15 Wisps, may be fielded as a single support unit choice.

Second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (free)
25mm x 25mm base(Wisp). 40mm x 40mm base(Wispmother).

Ebony Bow or Ebony Short Bow +16 pts
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Wispmother
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 3
| 3
| 5
| 0
| 10
| 6
| -/4++
| Wisp
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 5
| 1
| 4
| 3
| -

May replace both hands with one of the following:
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Infantry, Frost Spirits.

Ebony Greatsword, Ebony Battle Axe or Ebony War Hammer +30 pts
Wispmothers have Regeneration (6+).

May replace armor with:
Wispbond: At the beginning of your turn, if the Wispmother is not locked in combat you may attempt to replace each fallen Wisp with a new Wisp. For each fallen Wisp, roll a d6. On a 5+, place it in a legal location in Wispmother's unit. Each time a Wisp is slain, its Wispmother takes a S2 hit, no saves allowed. If the Wispmother is slain, all the Wisps are slain as well.

Ebony Armor +20 pts
Shades: A Wispmother flows outwards with silvery frost, trailing like wind. Each trail of frost manifests itself as phantom images, each appearing like the Wispmother herself. Wispmothers have a 4+ Ward Save.

May take any number of the following Shouts:
Hoarfrost Cloak: Enemies in base contact with a Wispmother strike at Initiative 1, and take a S4AP5 hit at the beginning of each round of combat.

Razor Edge, Dismay, Throw Voice, Elemental Fury +15 pts
Fey Siphoning: Wisps drain the life of their enemies when commanded to do so by the Wispmother. Wisps wound automatically, regardless of toughness.

Frost Breath, Ice Form, Dominate, Swallow Shout +30 pts
Glimmers in the Trees: Wisps and the Wispmother may be deployed after all regular deployment has occurred, as well as any Infiltrate deployment and Scout redeployment. If this option is taken, deploy each model as a separate unit. Wisps(but not the Wispmother) using this rule may be placed anywhere on the battlefield, other than less than 1" from an enemy unit, or less than 6" from another Wisp from the same source unit. The Wispmother still takes hits from and later revives fallen Wisps(as additions to her unit), despite them being separate. If a sub-unit of any size is ever within 2" of another from the same source unit, it is immediately merged and treated as a single unit for the remainder of the game. Each enemy unit may use Split Fire once per shooting phase against Wisps, with the model splitting fire targeting any unit he can shoot at that consists of a single Wisp.

Draugr Deathlords may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.
'''Wargear''': Neither Wisps nor Wispmothers carry any wargear.

'''Spells''': Wispmothers know Ice Storm.

====Draugr Scourge====

====Ice Wraiths====

In the frozen heart of Skyrim's wilds dwell fierce and cruel spirits of snow, their icicle fangs sharp as swords: the Ice Wraiths. The Ice Wraiths have preyed upon the Nords since before the dawn of recorded history, bringing swift and icy death to those who would ventured forth unprepared. Driving back their predations has long been a martial tradition of Skyrim; slaying one is a rite of passage into manhood in some villages, and is widely considered a sign of worthwhile prowess in a warrior. A defeated Ice Wraith expels its magicka in liquid form: this bitter cold draught protects the drinker from the frostbite induced by the Wraith's heartstopping breath.


Each Ice Wraith costs 25 pts. 2-15 Ice Wraiths may be fielded as a single support unit choice.

====Draugr Wights====
25mm x 25mm base.

====Spectral Draugr====
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Ice Wraith
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 4
| 2
| 8
| 3
| -

====Skeletal Dragon====
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Beasts, Hit and Run, Frost Spirits.

Fangs of Ice: Ice Wraiths' attacks in close combat deal Frost damage and ignore armor saves. Models hit by these attacks are Chilled until the end of next turn.

====Dragon Cultists====

Ice Wraiths may project a shooting attack, the Glaze of Deathly Frost: S3, ignores armor saves, Fire and Charge 1, Template, models hit have their Initiative reduced to 1 until end of turn, frost.

====Ice Wraiths====

===Special Characters===
===Special Characters===
Line 446: Line 1,023:
By a Scroll was Alduin banished from Time, and by a Scroll he is prophesied to return. The day swift approaches, when the Time-Eater shall once more come to rule all Nirn. The kingdoms of men shall fall before the dawn of the Dragons, and at the very end of time, the mists of Aetherius and the fires of Oblivion shall offer up their dead. And all shall be plunged into everlasting nothingness, their lives and histories made futile as another doomed Kalpa is born from their ashes.
By a Scroll was Alduin banished from Time, and by a Scroll he is prophesied to return. The day swift approaches, when the Time-Eater shall once more come to rule all Nirn. The kingdoms of men shall fall before the dawn of the Dragons, and at the very end of time, the mists of Aetherius and the fires of Oblivion shall offer up their dead. And all shall be plunged into everlasting nothingness, their lives and histories made futile as another doomed Kalpa is born from their ashes.

635 pts
Alduin costs 635pts. Alduin is taken as a Hero choice. An army that contains Alduin may take any number of Lesser Dragons as Core choices, and may take multiple Elder Dragons. Elder Dragons(but not Ancient Dragons) may be taken as Elite choices.
125mm x 125mm base.

Skirmish, Monstrous Flier, Dragon
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| Alduin
| 4
| 4
| 8
| 8
| 7
| 4
| 5
| 10
| 0
| 1+

Alduin is taken as a Hero choice. An army that contains Alduin may take any number of Lesser Dragons as Core choices, and may take multiple Elder Dragons. Elder Dragons(but not Ancient Dragons) may be taken as Elite choices.
'''Special rules''': Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon, Character.

Alduin WS4 BS4 S8 T8 W7 I4 A5 Ld10 Mg0 Sv1+
Swath of Destruction: (see the rules for Elder Dragons)

The Eternal: Alduin is a Physical God. However, he does not get any extra abilities from this status.

Indestructible Hide: Alduin's spined, shadow-black scales contain the power of countless aeons, the strength of the innumerable souls he has devoured. Alduin has a 1+ armor save(a roll of 1 still fails) and a 6+ Ward Save.
Strongest of the Thu'ums: Alduin's Shouts (that have a cooldown number) have -1 to their cooldowns, to a minimum of 1(the normal cooldown of the Shout is still the same for calculation purposes). Alduin gets +1 to his roll when using or being targeted by Swallow Shout. His Fire Breath Shout strikes with +2 Strength.

'''Wargear''': Alduin's spined, shadow-black scales contain the power of countless aeons, the strength of the innumerable souls he has devoured. Alduin has a 1+ armor save(a roll of 1 still fails) and a 6+ Ward Save. Alduin's close combat attacks have the ''Critical Strike'' ability.

Alduin knows all the Shouts in this book. Alduin has two unique Shouts:
'''Shouts''': Alduin knows all the Shouts in this book and in the Scrollhammer Rulebook. Alduin has two unique Shouts:

Alduin's Roar- Meteor Storm: Alduin unleashes a roar of incredible power, and within it a Thu'um only comprehensible to himself. He calls upon the heavens themselves, cracking them open and unleashing a flood of molten slag upon his foes.
Alduin's Roar- Meteor Storm: Alduin unleashes a roar of incredible power, and within it a Thu'um only comprehensible to himself. He calls upon the heavens themselves, cracking them open and unleashing a flood of molten slag upon his foes.

This Shout may be activated during your movement phase. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn, at the start of every phase, roll a d6 for each enemy unit within 18" of Alduin. On a 4+ that unit takes a S6AP1 Blast, flame hit. Cover saves are taken as if the attack was coming from directly above, and area terrain is not enough to grant a save! Units completely obscured from directly above are not hit, nor is user. Cooldown 4.
This Shout may be activated during your movement phase. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn, at the start of every phase, roll a d6 for each enemy unit within 18" of Alduin. On a 4+, place a Blast marker on that unit(even if Alduin cannot see it). Roll to hit with a scatter die and a single d6, but not subtracting Alduin's ballistic skill. For each model completely or partially under the marker, a S6AP1 flame hit is scored against that unit. Cover saves are taken as if the attack was coming from directly above, and area terrain is not enough to grant a save! Units completely obscured from directly above do not have to roll to see if they are hit, and nor does Alduin. Cooldown 4(3).

SLEN TIID VO- Resurrect: Alduin commands the flesh of a fallen Dragon to re-form, once more imbuing it with its eternal soul to do battle for him. It is by this means that the Dragons remain truly immortal.
SLEN TIID VO- Resurrect: Alduin commands the flesh of a fallen Dragon to re-form, once more imbuing it with its eternal soul to do battle for him. It is by this means that the Dragons remain truly immortal.

If Alduin is in your army, mark the location of slain Dragons. Resurrect may be used during your movement phase. Return a slain Dragon within 6" of Alduin to the battlefield fully healed. It may move this turn but not shoot or charge. If, however, an enemy Dragon or Dragonborn gets within 6" of the marker first, it is removed- the Dragon cannot be resurrected! Cooldown 5(4)
If Alduin is in your army, mark the location of all slain Dragons or Skeletal Dragons in your army. Resurrect may be used during your movement phase. Return a slain Dragon whose marker is within 6" of Alduin to the battlefield, fully healed. A slain Skeletal Dragon returns to the battlefield as a Lesser Dragon with no upgrades. The resurrected model may move this turn, but may not shoot or charge. If, however, an enemy Dragon or Dragonborn gets within 6" of the marker first, it is removed- the Dragon cannot be resurrected! Cooldown 5(4)

Special Rules:
====High Priests of the Dragon Cult====

Critical Strike, Swath of Destruction(see Elder Dragon rules)
At the heart of the vast city that would one day be known as Labyrinthian, there once lay a citadel known as Bromjunaar. Within this chamber, the High Priests of the Dragon Cult met and sat upon their thrones, ruling over ancient Man. Cruel-hearted and proud, this council made prayers to the Dragons for gifts: they were granted immortal, indestructible masks, existing both in and out of time. With these eternal masks concealing their faces, they invoked great power, and ruled Man with an iron fist until the time of rebellion. It was then they fled, and became liches of incredible power, hiding in the shadows, awaiting the time when they might once more conquer the North and hail their winged masters.

The Eternal: Alduin is considered to be a Physical God by all effects which have exceptions/extra rules for Physical Gods.
0-1 Dragons Priests in your army may be replaced by one of the eight High Priests: Hevnoraak, Krosis, Morokei, Nahkriin, Otar the Mad, Rahgot, Vokun or Volsung. High Priests are taken for the points cost specified.

Strongest of the Thu'ums: Alduin's Shouts (that have a cooldown number) have -1 to their cooldowns to a minimum of 1(the normal cooldown of the Shout is still the same for calculation purposes). Alduin gets +1 to his roll when using or being targeted by Swallow Shout. His Fire Breath Shout strikes with +2 Strength.
40mm x 40mm base.

{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! WS
! BS
! S
! T
! W
! I
! A
! Ld
! Mg
! Sv
| High Dragon Priest
| 2
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 6
| 2
| 2
| 10
| 10
| -

====High Priests of the Dragon Cult====
'''Special rules''' (universal to all Dragon Priests): Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead, Eternal Warrior.
Hevnoraak held the power to dominate his fellow mortals while he lived. Countless souls were corrupted by his powers, made puppets for his tortures. None of his victims fled, so great was their fear of him. In death, he transformed into a lich within his tomb, but as he performed the ritual, the hero Valdar intervened, sacrificing himself to bind himself to Hevnoraak. Now, for all eternity, Valdar stands vigilant, sealing Hevnoraak's tomb, lest the tyrant be unleashed upon the world once more.
Hevnoraak costs 325 pts.
'''Wargear''': Hevnoraak carries the Staff of Hevnoraak, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Hevnoraak.
Staff of Hevnoraak: This is a Dragon Staff of Shock. Models assaulting Hevnoraak's unit take a S4AP1 Magicka Drain(1) shock hit.
Mask of Hevnoraak: The red iron mask of Hevnoraak granted him protection from sickness in life, and through it, he spoke and enthralled his fellow mortals. Artifact, Helm. At the start of every Fight sub-phase during close combat, choose an enemy mortal in base contact with Hevnoraak. That model makes a Leadership test on its own value. If it fails, you Command that model this round.
'''Spells''': Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Hevnoraak's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Raise Skeletons.
The Lich of Shearpoint sleeps in a dusty coffin atop a high peak overlooking the Pale. Ancient ruins and inscriptions in the language of Dragons lie around his resting place. Woe betide the foolhardy mountaineer who awakens him.
Krosis costs 265 pts.
'''Wargear''': Krosis carries the Staff of Krosis, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Krosis.
Staff of Krosis: This is a Dragon Staff of Flame. Krosis may automatically cast Fireball without having to spend Power Dice or roll during each of your shooting phases, in addition to his other spells.
Mask of Krosis: The mask of Krosis emits a green-and-gold glow. It improves the dexterity and craft of its bearer's hands. Artifact, Helm. The mask grants Krosis +2 Initiative.
'''Spells''': Summon Flame Atronach (cost included in Krosis' cost), Fireball, Incinerate, Wall of Flames, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.
Within the deepest halls of Labyrinthian, guarded by legions of Spectral Draugr and their ghastly hounds, Morokei wanders. Very much awake, this servant of the Dragons has long sought power at all costs, gathering whatever artifacts and forbidden knowledge he can acquire.
Morokei costs 425 pts
'''Wargear''': Morokei carries the Staff of Magnus, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Morokei.
Staff of Magnus: The Staff of Magnus is a renowned artifact, the staff of the God of Magic himself. Its rules are found in the supplement [[Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel]].
Mask of Morokei: The violet Mask of the Glorious makes its bearer one with the magicka that flows through him, letting his mind concentrate on his spells for an indefinite amount of time. Artifact, Helm. Morokei replenishes up to 5 of his Power Dice on every other player's turn, in addition to the full replenishment on his own turn.
'''Spells''': Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Morokei's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Raise Skeletons.
In his state of undeath, Nahkriin takes upon himself the holiest of tasks. He is the Guardian of the Afterlife, for he watches, ever vigilant, the great Gate of Skuldafn. For here, atop a peak inaccessible by those without the wings of a Dragon, lies a portal to Aetherius itself. No living mortal can seek to enter this land of beauty without defeating undying Nahkriin in battle. And it is through this gateway that Alduin World-Eater shall lead his host forth at the end of time, to devour the souls of all who dwell in the Land of the Gods.
Nahkriin costs 325 pts.
'''Wargear''': Nahkriin carries the Staff of the Storm Wall, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Nahkriin.
Staff of the Storm Wall: At the end of each round of combat, every enemy model in base contact (or in base contact with a model in base contact) with Nahkriin takes a S3AP1 Magicka Drain(1) shock hit.
Mask of Nahkriin: The Mask of Vengeance emits of golden glow, and greatly enhances his magical powers. Artifact, Helm. Nahkriin gets +3 to rolls to cast Destruction and Restoration spells.
'''Spells''': Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Nahkriin's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Icy Spear, Incinerate.
=====<u>Otar the Mad</u>=====
Otar was utterly insane in his mortal life, and was feared for his rampages and cruelties throughout the valley of the Reach. Now he lies buried in his temple, his mask of incredible power lying upon his brow. Two mighty warriors of old are bound to guard his tomb for eternity as Draugr. He slumbers for aeons, but is not without the power to strike down whosoever trespasses his tomb, and then go forth on a mad war against the living.
Otar the Mad costs 340 pts.
'''Special Rules''': Bound Guardians: Otar's tomb is guarded by two servants bound to serve him through eternity, Torsten and Saerek. Torsten and Saerek are Draugr Deathlords with Ebony Greatswords, and no other upgrades. They may be taken as a retinue for Otar for +150 pts each, counting as part of his unit. This unit functions together as a single Independent Character, except while Otar is in a challenge. These guards do not have the Precision ability, and cannot Look out Sir!, but may receive Look out Sir! hits, wounds and effects from Otar.
'''Wargear''': Otar carries a Dragon Staff of Shock, wears Priest Robes, and the Mask of Otar.
Mask of Otar: The Mask of Otar glows with a vivid magical shield. Artifact, Helm. Otar has a 4+ Ward Save against flame, frost and shock damage.
'''Spells''': Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Otar's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.
Rahgot was among the more stubborn of the Dragon Priests, continuing to fight the new kingdoms of Men, centuries after the Dragons had been overthrown. In the First Era, the remnants of his army were tracked to their temple at Forelhost by Harald, the first High King of Skyrim. There, in the face of a final defeat, Rahgot and his cultists drank poison. Now they haunt the ruin in undeath, damned for eternity.
Rahgot costs 270 pts.
'''Special Rules''':
Lord of Forelhost: An army containing Rahgot may take Dragon Cultists as Core units.
'''Wargear''': Rahgot carries a Dragon Staff of Flame, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Rahgot.
Mask of Rahgot: The emerald-green mask of Rahgot is made of Orichalcum. It grants incredible endurance to the one who wears it. Artifact, Helm. Rahgot has the Counter-Attack special rule, and continues to have his charge bonus every round of a combat that he is locked in.
'''Spells''': Summon Flame Atronach (cost included in Rahgot's cost), Fireball, Incinerate, Wall of Flames, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.
Vokun's name means "Shadow" the language of the Dragons. Vokun lurks in the shadows of a great ruin, ruling it from his throne as if he still lived. His power and deeds are great and mysterious.
Vokun costs 335 pts.
'''Wargear''': Vokun carries the Staff of Vokun, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Vokun.
Priest's Robes.
Staff of Vokun: This is a Dragon Staff of Flame. Vokun may automatically cast Fireball without having to use Power Dice or roll during each of your shooting phases, in addition to his other spells.
Mask of Vokun. The grey Mask of Shadows grants its wearer mastery of the powers of darkness. Artifact, Helm. Vokun gets +3 to rolls to cast Conjuration, Illusion, and Alteration spells.
'''Spells''': Summon Flame Atronach (cost included in Vokun's cost), Fireball, Incinerate, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Raise Skeletons, Raise Skeletal Horde.
Among all the High Priests, it is only Volsung who mastered the element of Frost while he lived. Guarding an ancient draconic inscription in Haafingar, he brings icy death upon all who approach the temple of his masters.
Volsung costs 285 pts.
'''Wargear''': Volsung carries a Dragon Staff of Frost, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Volsung.
Mask of Volsung: The Mask of Volsung emits a ruby glow. It grants the one who wears it mastery of witty bargaining and light travel. Artifact, Helm. Volsung and his unit treat difficult terrain as open ground(dangerous terrain taken as normal), and get +2 to their roll to make a Sweeping Advance.

====The Sons of Gauldur====
'''Spells''': Summon Frost Atronach (cost included in Volsung's cost), Ice Storm, Icy Spear, Blizzard, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.


A list of the equipment used for a Dragons army.
This the armory for wargear used in a Dragons army.
===Basic Equipment===

Ancient Nordic Weapons are basic weapons.
Ancient Nordic Weapons are basic weapons.
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Priest Robes are unarmored clothing.
Priest Robes are unarmored clothing.

===Magic Items===
The Magic Items available to a Dragons army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
====Weapons and Staves====
Weapon of Frost: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, and models hit are Chilled until the end of next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. This weapon gets +1 to hit.
Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. This weapon strikes with +1 Strength.
Ghostblade: Hand Weapon. A Ghostblade ignores armor saves. +10 pts.
Eduj and Okin: The frozen blade and axe of Kvenel, the ancient Chieftain of the Tongues. Artifact. Eduj and Okin are two dual wielded hand weapons, and are always purchased and equipped together. Eduj and Okin strike with +1 Strength, and models hit by them are reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of next turn. They deal Frost damage. +35 pts.
Staff of Tombs: Staff. Bearer gets +d3 skeletons added to units of Skeletons he summons using Necromancy while wielding this staff. +10 pts.
Staff of Sacred Incense: Staff. Enemies lose their charge bonus against bearer's unit. Bearer's unit, if fearless, does not take wounds from No Retreat while wielding this staff. +12 pts.
Staff of Futile Aeons: Artifact, Staff. Enemy artifacts within 6" of bearer lose all their special rules, other than armor saves granted and the rules for their base item, while bearer wields this staff. +50 pts.
Staff of Breaking Time: Artifact, Staff. Bearer rerolls misses, any number of Power Dice on a spell he is casting(he must abide by the second result), failed wounds, saves, and Feel No Pain while wielding this staff. +60 pts.
====Armor and Shields====
Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.
Armour of Resist Magic: Armour upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Armour of Strength: Armour upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.
Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.
Helm of the Unburned: Helm. Draugr only. Bearer is Immune to Flame. +25 pts.
Boots of Unlife: Boots. Draugr only. Bearer and his unit can March during the shooting phase as normal. +25 pts.
Robes of Sacrifice: Unarmored Clothing. Dragon Priests only. You may, at any time, choose to remove a model from bearer's from its unit as a casualty. Each time you do this, bearer gains a Power Die. +15 pts.
Robes of Burial: Unarmored Clothing. Dragon Priests only. Bearer gets +4 to rolls for casting Necromancy spells. +20 pts.
Helm of Yngol: Helm. Artifact. Draugr only. Bearer is Immune to Frost. +15 pts.
Boots of the Icefoot: Boots. Artifact. Draugr only. Enemy units within 12" of bearer cannot march. +30 pts.
====Other Items====
Amulet of the Dragon's Mark: Once per game, bearer may re-roll a failed Shout test. +10 pts.
Amulet of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.
Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.
Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.
Ring of Resist Element: Choose Fire, Frost, or Lightning. Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against that element. +10 pts.
Ring of Saarthal: Artifact. Bearer has +1 wound. +30 pts.
Embalming Tools: Dragon Priest only. Bearer may re-roll the dice to determine how many Skeletons are Summoned each time he casts a Necromancy spell. He must abide by the second result. +20 pts.
Totem of Absolute Rule: Dragon Priest only, one per model. Bearer may purchase an additional spell from his spell list. +30 pts.
Dragonstone of Bleak Falls: Artifact. Draugr only. An army containing this artifact may take a Lesser Dragon as a Core choice, in addition to the permitted number of Lesser Dragons. +25 pts.
Consumables are available to Dragon Priests and Draugr Deathlords. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon Daedra spells.
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-27+ spell: +45 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts
Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Strong Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts
Strong Potion of Magicka: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.
Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts.

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===School of Destruction===
===School of Destruction===

Firebolt: Cost 1, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Assault 1, range 18", flame.
Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.
Shock: Cost 1, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", regular 1, shock, drain 1 mana from enemy unit next turn.

Ice Spike: Cost 1, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", regular 1, frost, model hit gets -1 I this turn.
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.

Flames: Cost 1, 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and flame if melee attack. If shooting attack, S2 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", flame.
Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", frost, chills on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon with Chills on striking.

Sparks: Cost 1, 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and shock if melee attack. If shooting attack, S1 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", shock. Drains 1 mana die from enemy next turn per hit.
Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1,range 18", flame.

Frostbite: Cost 1, 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and frost if melee attack. If shooting attack, S1 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", shock. Model hit gets -1 I next round of close combat.
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.  

Fireball: Cost 2, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Regular 1, Range 24", flame.
Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.

Chain Lightning: Cost 2, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Regular 1, Range 24", shock. For each hit, the targeted unit loses 1 mana die next turn. For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit.
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.

Ice Storm: Cost 2, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Assault 1, frost.
Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.  

Incinerate: Cost 3, shooting attack. S5 AP1, Regular 1, Range 36", deals d3 wounds, flame.
Ice Storm: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Fire and Charge 1, frost.

Lightning Bolt: Cost 3, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Regular 1, Range 48", drains 1 mana die next turn from the unit from the model hit, shock.
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Icy Spear: Cost 3, shooting attack. S5 AP5, Regular 1. Range 36", model hit strikes last this turn, frost.
Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.  

Wall of Flames: Cost 4, shooting attack. Large Blast, Heavy 1, Range 12". The template remains in play until your next turn, affecting everyone in it. At the end of each player turn, while the wall lasts, each model touching it takes a S4 AP1 flame hit with no cover saves allowed. Each model which had touched it at any point this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 flame hit with no cover saves allowed. On your next turn, the spell continues to remain in play on a d6 4+
Icy Spear: Cast on 11+, Shooting attack. S5 AP5, Move and Fire 1. Range 36", model hit strikes at Initiative 1 this turn, frost.

Lightning Storm: Cost 5, shooting attack. S5, ignores armor saves. Heavy 2d6, Range 72", drains one mana die next turn from unit per hit, shock.
Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.  

Blizzard: Cost 5. Cast Blizzard during your shooting phase. May only be cast if caster does has not and will not move or charge this turn. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn, all enemy models within 12" of caster take a S4, ignores armor saves, frost hit at the beginning of every phase and strike at -1 I.
Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.  

Blizzard: Cast on 27+. Cast Blizzard during your shooting phase. A model casting Blizzard cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Weather effect. Until the end of next turn, all enemy models within 12" of caster take a S4AP0 frost hit at the beginning of every phase that Chills them until the end of next turn.

===School of Conjuration===
===School of Conjuration===

Raise Skeletons: Cost 3, Necromancy. Cast during your movement phase. Place a new unit of d3 Skeletons(with no upgrades) in a legal location within 6" of caster. These units cannot hold objectives or give kill points.
Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.  

Raise Skeletal Horde: Cost 5, Necromancy. Cast during your movement phase. Place a new unit of 2d6 Skeletons(with no upgrades) in a legal location within 6" of caster. These units cannot hold objectives or give kill points.
Raise Skeletons: Cast on 10+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon d3 Skeletons with no upgrades.

Summon: (cost varies) A summoned unit is included in the caster's profile, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. It may enter play via Deep Strike within 6" of caster if it is in reserve when the spell is cast. It counts as a separate unit, regardless of size. A summoned unit cannot hold objectives. If it is slain, it is not considered a kill point, but is placed back in reserve to be summoned again if the caster so chooses.
Raise Skeletal Horde: Cast on 20+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon 2d6 Skeletons with no upgrades.

===School of Alteration===
===School of Alteration===

Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Cost 3, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock).
Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.

Ebonyflesh: Cost 4, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn.
Ebonyflesh: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Dragonhide: Cost 5, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster gets Feel No Pain, except on a 2+, against all non-spell damage this turn.
Dragonhide: Cast on 20+, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster gets Feel No Pain(2+) against non-spell damage this turn.

===School of Illusion===
===School of Illusion===

Command Daedra: Cost 2. Cast during either player's shooting phase. Chose a Daedra other than a Physical God within 6". That model makes a Ld test on its own value. If it fails, it attacks the nearest model in its own unit (randomly picked if tied), and then is attacked back by that model, the following round of close combat. Those models fight each other: they cannot attack their enemies that round.
Command Daedra: Cast on 8+ during either player's shooting phase. Chose a Daedra other than a Physical God within 6". That model makes a Ld test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be targeted by it again until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until end of turn.  

Silence: Cost 3, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets a single enemy model. That model may not cast spells until the beginning of your next turn.
Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.

===School of Restoration===
===School of Restoration===

Ward: Cost 2, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Caster and the caster of the enemy spell roll d6's, and add their respective Mg values to them. If caster's final score is higher, he unit becomes immune to the effects of that spell for its duration. Hits resolved on him from the spell do nothing.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).  

Fortify Strength: Cost 1, 1-handed. Caster gets +1 Strength this turn.
Fortify Strength: Cast on a 4+, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Might: Cost 3. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength this turn.
Might: Cast on a 13+, any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.  

Dragon's Strength: Cost 5, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster's normal melee attacks are S10 and ignore armor saves this round.
Dragon's Strength: Cast on a 20+, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster's normal melee attacks are S10 AP5 this round.

Latest revision as of 15:57, 22 June 2023

by Lolpwnt

In ancient times, the skies of the North were ruled by the great Dragons, the Dov, immortal sons of the time-god Akatosh, who had lived eternal from before the creation of the world. The Dragons appear to mortals as winged creatures of incredible majesty, yet their power is far beyond their mere physical strength. Each Dragon is imbued with the very power of the gods themselves in its breath- the power of the Thu'um. For whatsoever a Dragon speaks aloud in its language, it speaks in royalty, and that very thing beckons to the command of its tongue. Mortals know this ancient power as the Voice, for those men who are born with the blood and soul of a Dragon may likewise master the Thu'um.

The Dragons are truly eternal, for their souls come from before the creation of time itself. They cannot comprehend the concept of mortality. Should a Dragon be slain, it may be brought back with a powerful enough Thu'um. Dragons alone hold the power to slay their own kind: for should one Dragon defeat another, it steals the power of the vanquished one's soul, and banishes its foe from the world forever.

It is the nature of a Dragon to dominate all life. Thus it came to pass in that at the height of their power, the Dragons sought to make all mankind their slaves, to one day feast upon their souls and devour all the world 'til it be created anew. The early men submitted to the Dragons, and worshiped them as gods. Great temples and barrows were built by mortal hands to their glory. But those ages are long gone, for great heroes of man arose, and stole the power of the Thu'um from the Dragons to do battle with them. One by one the Dragons were slain, until but a few remained. The great barrows still stand, haunted by the Draugr, or Wights, the restless long-dead remains of the damned who once bowed down to the Dragons in awe.

But the time of dragons comes again. For thus it is prophesied in the Elder Scrolls, and thus it is sung in the Song of the Dragonborn:

"And the scrolls have foretold,

Of black wings in the cold,

That when brothers wage war come unfurled!

Alduin bane of kings,

Ancient shadow unbound,

With a hunger to swallow the world!"

This book provides rules to field armies of Dragons and their undead worshipers in games of Scrollhammer.

Mod to play them in Tabletop Simulator

The Power of the Thu'um[edit | edit source]

The use of the Thu'um, the Dragon Shout, or the Voice is devastating weapon. The power of the Dragons who wield it is to rule the world; whatsoever they command, should it be unleashed in the correct time and manner, it is so.

An individual Shout consists of certain words in the ancient language of the Dragons, expressing the ideas to be commanded, and given power through the divine power of the Dragon's soul.When a pair of Dragons debate, they grant their claims power and form through their Thu'ums. When a Dragon breathes fire upon his foes, he breathes the Draconic word for Fire in a Thu'um. Certain undead who had learned the Thu'um in life, after its gift had been granted to mortals, speak it in death too.

The following is a list of common Dragon Shouts that are used in Scrollhammer: In addition to these, the following Shouts are also used in this army list:


- Dominate - Crown - Master -

Dominate: The Dragon commands a lesser being to do its bidding. An implacable compulsion overwhelms its foe, as the Thu'um drains his willpower and bends his knee.

This Shout may be activated at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase during the Close Combat phase. Choose a model other than a Dragon or a Physical God within 6" of user. That model makes an Leadership test on its own value. If it fails, Command that model during this round of combat.

Cooldown 2(Cooldown 1 for Dragons).


- Doorway - Guide - Travel -

Teleport: The Dragon summons a fey portal across the field of battle, which it sucks itself through in a burst of wind and flame. At first it is a mile from its foes: in an instant, it is upon them.

This shout may activated during your movement phase. Instead of moving this phase, place user in any legal location within 36" of his current location. Roll a scatter die and 2d6 to determine scatter, exactly as if the user just used Deep Strike. This Shout may be used to remove user from combat. Cooldown 3.

Army List[edit | edit source]

This set of rules will allow one to field an army of Dragons or the undead who served them in life, or a mix of both. The "Dragons" section provides rules for fielding all types of Dragons, which appear in a variety of places in the army list. The other sections provide rules for the undead who dwell within the dark barrows of Skyrim, awaiting the return of their masters.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The following is an outline for armies using this book:

Heroes: Dragon(Greater and Lesser), Elder Dragon(0-1), Dragon Priest, Draugr Deathlord, Draugr Scourge. Special Characters: Alduin World-Eater, High Priests of the Dragon Cult.

Core: Draugr, Skeletons, Dragon(Lesser)(0-2 per Hero choice Dragon).

Elite: Draugr Wights, Spectral Draugr, Dragons(Greater and Lesser)(may only be taken if at least one Dragon of equal or greater rank takes up a hero slot).

Support: Skeletal Dragons, Dragon Cultists, Wisps, Ice Wraiths.

Dragons[edit | edit source]

The mighty Dragons come in many shapes and sizes. Though all are beyond ancient, the wisdom or strength of some exceeds that of others. Dragons may be taken as Hero choices, and for each one taken as a hero choice, 0-2 Lesser Dragons may be fielded as Core units. If a Dragon is taken as a Hero choice, Greater and/or Lesser Dragons (of equal or lesser rank to the most powerful hero choice Dragon) may take up Elite slots.

The ranks of Dragons are as follows: Alduin World-Eater > Ancient Dragon > Elder Dragon > Greater Dragon > Lesser Dragon.

Elder Dragon[edit | edit source]

The mightiest of the Dragons are those whose Thu'ums are the strongest. The Elder Dragons hold the power of demigods in their breath, and their fire-colored scales are all but immune to the blows of mortals. Such Dragons are among the most deadly creatures in existence, crushing houses beneath their feet, and swallowing renowned heroes whole.

An Elder Dragon costs 265pts. An Ancient Dragon costs 315pts.

50mm x 100mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ancient Dragon 4 4 7 7 7 4 5 10 0 2+
Elder Dragon 3 3 7 7 6 4 5 10 0 3+

Special rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon, Character. Single Model.

Swath of Destruction: Elder and Ancient Dragons do not take difficult or dangerous terrain tests.

Wargear: Dragons are covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with their movement. This gives them an armour save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the critical strike rule.

Shouts: An Elder or Ancient Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Thunderous Siege, Fire Breath, Frost Breath, Dominate, Clear Skies, and Swallow Shout.

An Elder Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

  • Disarm (+10pts)
  • Marked For Death (+10pts)
  • Razor Edge (+10pts)
  • Dismay (+10pts)
  • Throw Voice (+10pts)
  • Animal Allegiance (+10pts)
  • Kyne's Peace (+10pts)
  • Elemental Fury (+10pts)
  • Whirlwind Sprint (+10pts)
  • Become Ethereal (+10pts)
  • Ice Form (+25pts)
  • Tempest Shroud (+25pts)
  • Spectral Illusion (+25pts)
  • Slow Time (+25pts)
  • Storm Call (+25pts)
  • Maelstrom (+25pts)
  • Teleport (+25pts)

Greater Dragon[edit | edit source]

The most common of the stronger varieties of Dragons are the Dragons of Frost and Blood. The Frost Dragons fly high through the northern skies, raining down icy death upon their prey. The Blood Dragons are green and bear fins and a spade-shaped tail. They are tireless trackers, pursuing their foes for weeks on end before killing them.

200 pts for Blood Dragon

225 pts for Frost Dragon

A Blood Dragon costs 200pts. A Frost Dragon costs 225pts.

50mm x 100mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Frost Dragon 3 3 6 6 6 4 4 10 0 3+
Blood Dragon 3 3 6 6 5 4 4 10 0 3+

Special rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon, Character. Single Model.

Elemental Skin: Frost Dragons have Feel No Pain against Frost damage, but Flame damage gets +1 to wound against them. Blood Dragons have Feel No Pain against Fire damage, but Frost damage gets +1 to wound against them.

Wargear: Dragons are covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with their movement. This gives them an armor save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the critical strike rule.

Shouts: A Frost Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Frost Breath, Dominate, and Swallow Shout. A Frost Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

  • Disarm (+10pts)
  • Dismay (+10pts)
  • Throw Voice (+10pts)
  • Elemental Fury (+10pts)
  • Whirlwind Sprint (+10pts)
  • Become Ethereal (+10pts)
  • Ice Form (+25pts)
  • Tempest Shroud (+25pts)

A Blood Dragon knows the Shouts Unrelenting Force, Fire Breath, Dominate, and Swallow Shout. A Blood Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

  • Marked For Death (+10pts)
  • Razor Edge (+10pts)
  • Throw Voice (+10pts)
  • Animal Allegiance (+10pts)
  • Kyne's Peace (+10pts)
  • Clear Skies (+10pts)
  • Spectral Illusion (+25pts)
  • Slow Time (+25pts)

Lesser Dragon[edit | edit source]

A Dragon whose Thu'um is weak subordinates itself to those greater than it, following their lead. Nevertheless, even the smallest of the Dragons is a living engine of destruction, and a breathing master of the Voice. Not a brave warrior nor a vast army can claim safety against the destruction that the Thu'um of a single Child of Akatosh can wield.

A Lesser Dragon costs 150 pts.

50mm x 100mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Lesser Dragon 3 3 6 6 4 4 4 10 0 3+

Special rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon. Single Model.

Wargear: Dragons are covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with their movement. This gives them an armor save as indicated in their profile. Their claws have the critical strike rule.

Shouts: A Lesser Dragon may choose one of the following for free:

  • Fire Breath (free)
  • Frost Breath (free)
  • Thunderous Siege(free)

A Lesser Dragon may take any number of the following in addition to its other Shouts:

  • Unrelenting Force (+10pts)
  • Disarm (+10pts)
  • Marked For Death (+10pts)
  • Razor Edge (+10pts)
  • Dismay (+10pts)
  • Dominate (+10pts)
  • Throw Voice (+10pts)
  • Animal Allegiance (+10pts)
  • Kyne's Peace (+10pts)
  • Clear Skies (+10pts)
  • Elemental Fury (+10pts)
  • Whirlwind Sprint (+10pts)
  • Become Ethereal (+10pts)
  • Swallow Shout (+10pts)

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Dragon Priest[edit | edit source]

In the days when Dragons were worshiped by mankind, a great order of ancient sorcerers was founded. Members of this order served as a priesthood to to the Dragons, mediating between them and mortal men. Great power they held in the number of mankind, and great ceremonies they performed for the honor of their masters, or for the mummification and burial of the dead. Upon the defeat of the Dragons, they fled with their most loyal retainers to construct burial mounds in the honor of their fallen masters. They continued the Dragon's war, against their fellow mortals, until but few remained. This remainder transformed themselves into liches, preserving themselves with a bitter immortality, to guard the ancient tombs, and await the return of their masters.


A Dragon Priest costs 185 pts

40mm x 40mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dragon Priest 2 5 4 4 6 2 2 10 8 -

Special rules: Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead

Dragon Priests cause Fear.


Dragon Staff: The Staff of a Dragon Priest is filled with the powers of the great elements. For each Dragon Priest in your army, choose Flame, Frost or Shock. Bearer gets +4 to his casting roll when casting Destruction spells and summoning Atronachs of the chosen element.

Priest Robes.

Dragon Priests may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

Spells: Command Daedra, Ward.

A Dragon Priest knows two of the following spells:

  • Firebolt
  • Flames
  • Fireball
  • Incinerate
  • Shock
  • Sparks
  • Chain Lightning,
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Ice Spike
  • Frostbite
  • Ice Storm
  • Icy Spear

A Dragon Priest may take up to two additional spells from this book's spell list as follows:

  • Any spell(other than Conjuration) cast on 13+ or lower (+8pts)
  • Any spell(other than Conjuration) cast on 14+ or higher (+20pts)
  • Raise Skeletons (+20pts)
  • Raise Skeletal Horde (+40pts)

A Dragon Priest may take an Atronach Familiar, in addition to any other spells. This grants him the ability to buy a third spell from his spell list, and gives him a Summoning spell, for a cost depending on the type of creature summoned:

  • Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+50 pts)
  • Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+65 pts)
  • Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+80pts)

Rules for Atronachs are found in Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.

Draugr Deathlord[edit | edit source]

In the ages before written history, even the great kings of Men served the Dragons. Mummified and entombed after their deaths in the great barrows, their bodies are preserved for eternity, cursed with blasphemous unlife. When Man rebelled against Dragon, the great lords who remained loyal to their masters became schooled in the Thu'um themselves. Tyrants of later eras were oft entombed with the ancients as well. All these dishonored dead now arise, lords of their people once more, in death as in life.

Draugr Deathlords cost 180 pts.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Draugr Deathlord 7 4 5 5 5 4 4 10 1 4+

Special rules: Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead

Draugr Deathlords cause Fear.

Frozen Dead: Frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

Wargear: Draugr Deathlords carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon and a shield, and wear Ancient Nordic Armor.

A Deathlord may replace their Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon with one of the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Spear (+4pts)
  • Ebony Hand Weapon (+10pts)
  • Ebony Spear (+14pts)

A Deathlord may replace their shield with one of the following:

  • A second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (free)
  • An Ancient Nordic Bow (+4 pts)
  • An Ebony Bow or Ebony Short Bow (+10pts)

A Deathlord may replace their equipment in both hands with one of the following:

  • Ebony Greatsword (+20pts)
  • Ebony Battle Axe (+20pts)
  • Ebony War Hammer (+20pts)

A Deathlord may replace their armour with Ebony Armor for +20pts.

Deathlords may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Disarm.

A Deathlord may also take any of the following shouts:

  • Razor Edge (+15pts)
  • Dismay (+15pts)
  • Throw Voice (+15pts)
  • Elemental Fury (+15pts)
  • Frost Breath (+30pts)
  • Ice Form (+30pts)
  • Dominate (+30pts)
  • Swallow Shout (+30pts)

Draugr Scourge[edit | edit source]

Among the most dreaded of the undead are the great Scourge Lords of the Draugr. Masters of many forms of combat and magic, these ghouls were once famed warriors in eras. Now they lurk in the darkness of their tombs, plotting the woeful slaughter of the living.

A Draugr Scourge costs 95pts.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Draugr Scourge 5 3 4 4 4 4 3 10 5 4+

Special rules: Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead,

Scourges cause Fear.

Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

Wargear: Draugr Scourges carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon and a shield, and wear Ancient Nordic Armor.

A Scourge may replace their Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon with an Ancient Nordic Spear (+4pts).

A Scourge may replace their shield with one of the following:

  • A second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (free)
  • Spell:Frostbite (+2pts)
  • An Ancient Nordic Bow or Ancient Nordic Short Bow (+4pts)

A Scourge may replace their equipment in both hands with one of the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Greatsword (+20pts)
  • Ancient Nordic Battle Axe (+20pts)
  • Ancient Nordic War Hammer (+20pts)

Scourges may purchase magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

Spells: A Draugr Scourge may take an Atronach Familiar. This grants him the summoning spell as detailed below:

  • Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) +65 pts

Rules for Atronachs are found in Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults. A Draugr Scourge with an Atronach Familiar may also take one spell from the following list:

  • Ice Spike (+4pts)
  • Fortify Strength (+5pts)
  • Icy Spear (+8pts)
  • Might (+10pts)
  • Ice Storm (+10pts)

Shouts: A Draugr Scourge may take up to three of the following shouts.

  • Unrelenting Force (+15pts)
  • Disarm (+15pts)
  • Throw Voice (+15pts)
  • Frost Breath (+30pts)
  • Ice Form (+30pts)

Core[edit | edit source]

Draugr[edit | edit source]

Many legends are told of how a man becomes a Draugr: some are said to be damned for their allegiance with the Dragons, others for the rites of cannibalism indulged in by the ancient cults. But all now roam the northern parts of Tamriel, slaying all who wander too near the ruins of their once-great civilization. And within the windswept barrows, tens of thousands more sleep embalmed, awaiting a foolish fortune-hunter to awaken them and meet his death.


Draugr cost 4pts/model. They may be fielded in units of 10-40.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Draugr 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 1 -

Special rules: Horde, Infantry, Undead.

Draugr Lords are Characters and cause Fear.

Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

Wargear: Draugr carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon.

Any number of Draugr in the unit may each be given one of the following:

  • Shield (+1pts/model)
  • A second Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon (+1pts/model)
  • Spell: Frostbite (+1pts/model)

Any number of Draugr in the unit may each replace their Ancient Nord Hand Weapon with the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Spear (+1pts/model)

Any number of Draugr in the unit may each replace both hands with one of the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Bow (+1pts/model)
  • Ancient Nordic Short Bow (+1pts/model)

Any number of Draugr in the unit may take Ancient Nordic Armor (+1pts/model).

One model in the unit may be upgraded to a Draugr Lord for +16 pts. Draugr Lords cause Fear, and may purchase up to 10pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armoury.

The Draugr Lord may be given one of the following Shouts:

  • Unrelenting Force (+20pts)
  • Disarm (+20pts)

Skeletons[edit | edit source]

Throughout Tamriel, the long-dead lurk in the shadows, only bones remaining, but nevertheless moving with mysterious unlife. Many of these skeletons are servants of necromancers; others, damned souls cursed to walk Nirn even after all their flesh has rotted away. But all are silent, mindless killers, deserving no pity from the living. Core

Skeletons cost 4pts/model. They may be fielded in units of 10-40.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Skeleton 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 0 -

Special rules: Horde, Infantry, Undead

Skeletons cause Fear.

Wargear: Skeletons carry an Ancient Nordic Bow.

The entire unit may replace its bows with:

  • Ancient Nordic Short Bow (free)
  • Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon and Shield (free)
  • Ancient Nordic Spear and Shield (+1 pts/model)

Elite[edit | edit source]

Draugr Wights[edit | edit source]

Haunting the darkest depths of the barrows are the Wights. Unusually resistant to their enemies blows, these undead charge into battle casting icy curses upon their foes, before tearing them to pieces with their incredible strength. Beware, all who would enter the burial-places of the Dragon Cults.


Draugr Wights cost 16pts/model. They may be fielded in units of 5-20.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Draugr Wights 3 3 4 3 2 3 1 8 3 -
Draugr Wight Lord 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 8 4 -

Special rules: Horde, Infantry, Undead.

Draugr Wights cause Fear. Draugr Wight Lords are Characters.

Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.


Draugr Wights carry an Ancient Nordic Hand Weapon, and know the Frostbite Spell.

Any number of Draugr Wights may each replace Frostbite with one of the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Bow or Ancient Nordic Short Bow (+2pts/model)
  • Shield (+2pts/model)

Any number of Draugr Wights may each be given the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Armor (+4pts/model)

One model in the unit may be upgraded to a Wight Lord for +13pts. The Wight Lord may purchase up to 10pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armoury.

Spells: Frostbite.

Any number of Draugr Wights may be given one of the following spells:

  • Fortify Strength (+2pts/model)
  • Ice Spike (+2pts/model)
  • Ice Storm (+6pts/model)
  • Icy Spear (+6pts/model)

Shouts: Unrelenting Force.

The entire unit may replace Unrelenting Force for Disarm for free.

Spectral Draugr[edit | edit source]

Deep within the ancient ruin of Labyrinthian, far beneath the eponymous Maze of Shalidor, lies the great Tribune chamber, burial-place of countless Dragon Priests. The Draugr cursed to forever guard these halls are ghostly in form, and wield shadowy blades which drain the essences of their foes. At their beck and call are packs of wraith-hounds, which aid them in tearing the foe. Neither the nature of the magic nor the history behind these undoubtedly real horrors is known, nor the extent of their numbers.


Spectral Draugr cost 8pts/model. Spectral Warhounds cost 7pts/model. 10-30 Spectral Draugr and 0-10 Spectral Warhounds may be fielded as a single elites choice.

25mm x 25mm base(Both Spectral Draugr and Spectral Warhounds).

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Spectral Draugr 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 2 6+
Spectral Warhound 3 0 4 2 1 4 2 6 0 -

Special rules: Skirmish, Infantry(Spectral Draugr), Beasts(Spectral Warhounds), Undead

Spectral Draugr and Warhounds cause Fear.

Frozen Dead: frost attacks get -1 to wound against all Draugr.

Wargear: Spectral Draugr carry a Drainheart Sword, and a shield. Spectral Warhounds are unarmed.

Any number of Spectral Draugr may replace their shields with one of the following:

  • Second Drainheart Sword (free)
  • Spell: Frostbite (free)

Any number of Spectral Draugr may replace their equipment in both hands with one of the following:

  • Drainspell Bow (+1pts/model)
  • Drainblood Battle Axe (+4pts/model)

Any number of Spectral Draugr may be given one of the following:

  • Ancient Nordic Armor (+2pts/model)

Drainblood Battle Axe: Battle axe. If bearer deals an unsaved wound with this weapon, attacks against him until the end of next round of combat get -1 to wound.

Drainheart Sword: Hand Weapon. If bearer deals an unsaved wound with this weapon, he gains +1 A in the next round of combat.

Drainspell Bow: Bow. For each unsaved wound caused by shooting with this weapon, the unit shot at suffers Magicka Drain(2), allocated by its controlling player.

Shouts: Any number of Spectral Draugr may each take any of the following:

  • Shout:Unrelenting Force (+3pts/model)
  • Shout:Become Ethereal (+3pts/model)

Support[edit | edit source]

Skeletal Dragon[edit | edit source]

In times of dire need, those skilled in the black art of necromancy may call up a Dragon from the grave. With a foul ritual, the Dragon Priests call up a creature they once worshiped, in a form little worthy of its former glory. Though it be but a flightless shadow of a true Dragon, a Skeletal Dragon is nevertheless a force of destruction upon the battlefield, well-deserving a respectful fear.


A Skeletal Dragon costs 85pts.

50mm x 100mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Skeletal Dragon 3 3 6 5 3 1 2 10 0 4+

Special rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Undead, Dragon.

Fleshless Wings: A Skeletal Dragon cannot fly or Deep Strike as a flyer. Neither can it use Hit and Run for being a Dragon.

Wargear: Even without their scales, the bones of a dragon are strong as steel, giving them a 4+ armour save.

Shouts: A Skeletal Dragon knows Unrelenting Force, and one of the following:

  • Fire Breath
  • Frost Breath

Dragon Cultists[edit | edit source]

When Man overthrew the reign of terror of the Dragons, those who still worshiped the Dragons surrendered or fled. Many of those who went into hiding at the side of the Dragon Priests joined their leaders in undeath, cursed to walk Nirn as ghosts forever.


Each Dragon Cultist costs 10pts/model. 5-20 Dragon Cultists may be fielded as a single unit.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dragon Cultist 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 3 5+

Special rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Undead

Dragon Cultists cause Fear.

Ghostly: Dragon Cultists do not have to roll for difficult and dangerous terrain. They are not encumbered in their movement or spellcraft by their heavy armor.

Drifting Spirits: Dragon Cultists, being ghosts, may sometimes drift amongst the enemy, invisible, until they can give themselves shape. Dragon Cultists have the Deep Strike ability, and may move and charge normally on the turn they Deep Strike. On that turn, their daggers have Killing Blow.

Wargear: Dragon Cultists carry an Ancient Nordic Dagger, and wear Ancient Nordic Armor.

Spells: Dragon Cultists know either Flames or Frostbite.

Wisps[edit | edit source]

Among the legends of the rugged mountains of the Northlands is that of the Wispmother. In the flickering light of the sunset, between the great peaks of the North, there are found small Wisps, silver shimmers in the air. Travelers lured by the Wisps follow them through the snow and the valleys, to the Wispmother, a queen of ice, a phantom maiden dressed in silver robes. The Wispmother casts a dreaded curse upon these fools, freezing them to death with icy winds.


Each Wispmother costs 100pts, and each Wisp costs 5 pts. 1 Wispmother, and 3-15 Wisps, may be fielded as a single support unit choice.

25mm x 25mm base(Wisp). 40mm x 40mm base(Wispmother).

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Wispmother 3 3 1 3 3 5 0 10 6 -/4++
Wisp 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 3 -

Special rules: Skirmish, Infantry, Frost Spirits.

Wispmothers have Regeneration (6+).

Wispbond: At the beginning of your turn, if the Wispmother is not locked in combat you may attempt to replace each fallen Wisp with a new Wisp. For each fallen Wisp, roll a d6. On a 5+, place it in a legal location in Wispmother's unit. Each time a Wisp is slain, its Wispmother takes a S2 hit, no saves allowed. If the Wispmother is slain, all the Wisps are slain as well.

Shades: A Wispmother flows outwards with silvery frost, trailing like wind. Each trail of frost manifests itself as phantom images, each appearing like the Wispmother herself. Wispmothers have a 4+ Ward Save.

Hoarfrost Cloak: Enemies in base contact with a Wispmother strike at Initiative 1, and take a S4AP5 hit at the beginning of each round of combat.

Fey Siphoning: Wisps drain the life of their enemies when commanded to do so by the Wispmother. Wisps wound automatically, regardless of toughness.

Glimmers in the Trees: Wisps and the Wispmother may be deployed after all regular deployment has occurred, as well as any Infiltrate deployment and Scout redeployment. If this option is taken, deploy each model as a separate unit. Wisps(but not the Wispmother) using this rule may be placed anywhere on the battlefield, other than less than 1" from an enemy unit, or less than 6" from another Wisp from the same source unit. The Wispmother still takes hits from and later revives fallen Wisps(as additions to her unit), despite them being separate. If a sub-unit of any size is ever within 2" of another from the same source unit, it is immediately merged and treated as a single unit for the remainder of the game. Each enemy unit may use Split Fire once per shooting phase against Wisps, with the model splitting fire targeting any unit he can shoot at that consists of a single Wisp.

Wargear: Neither Wisps nor Wispmothers carry any wargear.

Spells: Wispmothers know Ice Storm.

Ice Wraiths[edit | edit source]

In the frozen heart of Skyrim's wilds dwell fierce and cruel spirits of snow, their icicle fangs sharp as swords: the Ice Wraiths. The Ice Wraiths have preyed upon the Nords since before the dawn of recorded history, bringing swift and icy death to those who would ventured forth unprepared. Driving back their predations has long been a martial tradition of Skyrim; slaying one is a rite of passage into manhood in some villages, and is widely considered a sign of worthwhile prowess in a warrior. A defeated Ice Wraith expels its magicka in liquid form: this bitter cold draught protects the drinker from the frostbite induced by the Wraith's heartstopping breath.


Each Ice Wraith costs 25 pts. 2-15 Ice Wraiths may be fielded as a single support unit choice.

25mm x 25mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ice Wraith 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 8 3 -

Special rules: Skirmish, Beasts, Hit and Run, Frost Spirits.

Fangs of Ice: Ice Wraiths' attacks in close combat deal Frost damage and ignore armor saves. Models hit by these attacks are Chilled until the end of next turn.


Ice Wraiths may project a shooting attack, the Glaze of Deathly Frost: S3, ignores armor saves, Fire and Charge 1, Template, models hit have their Initiative reduced to 1 until end of turn, frost.

Special Characters[edit | edit source]

Alduin World-Eater, Firstborn of Akatosh[edit | edit source]

Before Time began, a different world existed in Nirn's place. Its inhabitants were born, and they lived, loved and died. For millennia they toiled, and built up great civilizations. In their halls they sang tales of glorious heroes to feasts of wine and boar. But their doom was already sealed. For Alduin came forth, mightiest of the Dragons, and glutted himself upon the souls of the living and the dead, swallowing the world with his Thu'um. Thus was the ending of the First Kalpa.

And so it came to pass that every world, every one of the many hundred beautiful creations of the gods, was consumed, turned into nothingness, and forgotten, all before the dawn of time. For Alduin is eternal, an aspect of time itself, the final Doom of all mortals.

Alduin led the Dragons into the present Kalpa, and watched as the newborn races of mortals grew. All the wisdom of the present world was his to ruminate upon, but to his proud Eternity, the lives of mortals meant nothing but the antics of fools fast approaching their doom. The race of men raised great temples to Alduin, bowing before the one who would consume them. The elves denied this fate, believing themselves gods, but mankind trembled at the true knowledge of the end of all things. And then, when all was lost, an unforeseen event transpired. Alduin, ruler of Dragons and Men, was betrayed by his most trusted brother, who let Man steal the Thu'um from the Lords of the Sky. With the power of the Thu'um, Man rebelled, and with the power of the Scrolls, cast him out his father's domain: Time itself.

From this prison, the Firstborn of Akatosh sought revenge upon Mankind. Though an impotent force in the world of mortals, he mustered what strength he had to ally with the god Orkey. Together, the two gods reversed the course of time, turning all mankind back into children that they might be soon perish. But Shor, God of Nirn, did battle with Alduin in the land of the dead. In this battle, he demonstrated his Thu'um to the Dragonborn hero Wulfharth, who sacrificed himself to reverse the curse. Alduin was defeated again.

By a Scroll was Alduin banished from Time, and by a Scroll he is prophesied to return. The day swift approaches, when the Time-Eater shall once more come to rule all Nirn. The kingdoms of men shall fall before the dawn of the Dragons, and at the very end of time, the mists of Aetherius and the fires of Oblivion shall offer up their dead. And all shall be plunged into everlasting nothingness, their lives and histories made futile as another doomed Kalpa is born from their ashes.


Alduin costs 635pts. Alduin is taken as a Hero choice. An army that contains Alduin may take any number of Lesser Dragons as Core choices, and may take multiple Elder Dragons. Elder Dragons(but not Ancient Dragons) may be taken as Elite choices.

125mm x 125mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Alduin 4 4 8 8 7 4 5 10 0 1+

Special rules: Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Flyer, Dragon, Character.

Swath of Destruction: (see the rules for Elder Dragons)

The Eternal: Alduin is a Physical God. However, he does not get any extra abilities from this status.

Strongest of the Thu'ums: Alduin's Shouts (that have a cooldown number) have -1 to their cooldowns, to a minimum of 1(the normal cooldown of the Shout is still the same for calculation purposes). Alduin gets +1 to his roll when using or being targeted by Swallow Shout. His Fire Breath Shout strikes with +2 Strength.

Wargear: Alduin's spined, shadow-black scales contain the power of countless aeons, the strength of the innumerable souls he has devoured. Alduin has a 1+ armor save(a roll of 1 still fails) and a 6+ Ward Save. Alduin's close combat attacks have the Critical Strike ability.

Shouts: Alduin knows all the Shouts in this book and in the Scrollhammer Rulebook. Alduin has two unique Shouts:

Alduin's Roar- Meteor Storm: Alduin unleashes a roar of incredible power, and within it a Thu'um only comprehensible to himself. He calls upon the heavens themselves, cracking them open and unleashing a flood of molten slag upon his foes.

This Shout may be activated during your movement phase. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn, at the start of every phase, roll a d6 for each enemy unit within 18" of Alduin. On a 4+, place a Blast marker on that unit(even if Alduin cannot see it). Roll to hit with a scatter die and a single d6, but not subtracting Alduin's ballistic skill. For each model completely or partially under the marker, a S6AP1 flame hit is scored against that unit. Cover saves are taken as if the attack was coming from directly above, and area terrain is not enough to grant a save! Units completely obscured from directly above do not have to roll to see if they are hit, and nor does Alduin. Cooldown 4(3).

SLEN TIID VO- Resurrect: Alduin commands the flesh of a fallen Dragon to re-form, once more imbuing it with its eternal soul to do battle for him. It is by this means that the Dragons remain truly immortal.

If Alduin is in your army, mark the location of all slain Dragons or Skeletal Dragons in your army. Resurrect may be used during your movement phase. Return a slain Dragon whose marker is within 6" of Alduin to the battlefield, fully healed. A slain Skeletal Dragon returns to the battlefield as a Lesser Dragon with no upgrades. The resurrected model may move this turn, but may not shoot or charge. If, however, an enemy Dragon or Dragonborn gets within 6" of the marker first, it is removed- the Dragon cannot be resurrected! Cooldown 5(4)

High Priests of the Dragon Cult[edit | edit source]

At the heart of the vast city that would one day be known as Labyrinthian, there once lay a citadel known as Bromjunaar. Within this chamber, the High Priests of the Dragon Cult met and sat upon their thrones, ruling over ancient Man. Cruel-hearted and proud, this council made prayers to the Dragons for gifts: they were granted immortal, indestructible masks, existing both in and out of time. With these eternal masks concealing their faces, they invoked great power, and ruled Man with an iron fist until the time of rebellion. It was then they fled, and became liches of incredible power, hiding in the shadows, awaiting the time when they might once more conquer the North and hail their winged masters.

0-1 Dragons Priests in your army may be replaced by one of the eight High Priests: Hevnoraak, Krosis, Morokei, Nahkriin, Otar the Mad, Rahgot, Vokun or Volsung. High Priests are taken for the points cost specified.

40mm x 40mm base.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
High Dragon Priest 2 5 4 4 6 2 2 10 10 -

Special rules (universal to all Dragon Priests): Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Undead, Eternal Warrior.

Hevnoraak[edit | edit source]

Hevnoraak held the power to dominate his fellow mortals while he lived. Countless souls were corrupted by his powers, made puppets for his tortures. None of his victims fled, so great was their fear of him. In death, he transformed into a lich within his tomb, but as he performed the ritual, the hero Valdar intervened, sacrificing himself to bind himself to Hevnoraak. Now, for all eternity, Valdar stands vigilant, sealing Hevnoraak's tomb, lest the tyrant be unleashed upon the world once more.

Hevnoraak costs 325 pts.

Wargear: Hevnoraak carries the Staff of Hevnoraak, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Hevnoraak.

Staff of Hevnoraak: This is a Dragon Staff of Shock. Models assaulting Hevnoraak's unit take a S4AP1 Magicka Drain(1) shock hit.

Mask of Hevnoraak: The red iron mask of Hevnoraak granted him protection from sickness in life, and through it, he spoke and enthralled his fellow mortals. Artifact, Helm. At the start of every Fight sub-phase during close combat, choose an enemy mortal in base contact with Hevnoraak. That model makes a Leadership test on its own value. If it fails, you Command that model this round.

Spells: Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Hevnoraak's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Raise Skeletons.

Krosis[edit | edit source]

The Lich of Shearpoint sleeps in a dusty coffin atop a high peak overlooking the Pale. Ancient ruins and inscriptions in the language of Dragons lie around his resting place. Woe betide the foolhardy mountaineer who awakens him.

Krosis costs 265 pts.

Wargear: Krosis carries the Staff of Krosis, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Krosis.

Staff of Krosis: This is a Dragon Staff of Flame. Krosis may automatically cast Fireball without having to spend Power Dice or roll during each of your shooting phases, in addition to his other spells.

Mask of Krosis: The mask of Krosis emits a green-and-gold glow. It improves the dexterity and craft of its bearer's hands. Artifact, Helm. The mask grants Krosis +2 Initiative.

Spells: Summon Flame Atronach (cost included in Krosis' cost), Fireball, Incinerate, Wall of Flames, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.

Morokei[edit | edit source]

Within the deepest halls of Labyrinthian, guarded by legions of Spectral Draugr and their ghastly hounds, Morokei wanders. Very much awake, this servant of the Dragons has long sought power at all costs, gathering whatever artifacts and forbidden knowledge he can acquire.

Morokei costs 425 pts

Wargear: Morokei carries the Staff of Magnus, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Morokei.

Staff of Magnus: The Staff of Magnus is a renowned artifact, the staff of the God of Magic himself. Its rules are found in the supplement Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel.

Mask of Morokei: The violet Mask of the Glorious makes its bearer one with the magicka that flows through him, letting his mind concentrate on his spells for an indefinite amount of time. Artifact, Helm. Morokei replenishes up to 5 of his Power Dice on every other player's turn, in addition to the full replenishment on his own turn.

Spells: Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Morokei's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Raise Skeletons.

Nahkriin[edit | edit source]

In his state of undeath, Nahkriin takes upon himself the holiest of tasks. He is the Guardian of the Afterlife, for he watches, ever vigilant, the great Gate of Skuldafn. For here, atop a peak inaccessible by those without the wings of a Dragon, lies a portal to Aetherius itself. No living mortal can seek to enter this land of beauty without defeating undying Nahkriin in battle. And it is through this gateway that Alduin World-Eater shall lead his host forth at the end of time, to devour the souls of all who dwell in the Land of the Gods.

Nahkriin costs 325 pts.

Wargear: Nahkriin carries the Staff of the Storm Wall, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Nahkriin.

Staff of the Storm Wall: At the end of each round of combat, every enemy model in base contact (or in base contact with a model in base contact) with Nahkriin takes a S3AP1 Magicka Drain(1) shock hit.

Mask of Nahkriin: The Mask of Vengeance emits of golden glow, and greatly enhances his magical powers. Artifact, Helm. Nahkriin gets +3 to rolls to cast Destruction and Restoration spells.

Spells: Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Nahkriin's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Icy Spear, Incinerate.

Otar the Mad[edit | edit source]

Otar was utterly insane in his mortal life, and was feared for his rampages and cruelties throughout the valley of the Reach. Now he lies buried in his temple, his mask of incredible power lying upon his brow. Two mighty warriors of old are bound to guard his tomb for eternity as Draugr. He slumbers for aeons, but is not without the power to strike down whosoever trespasses his tomb, and then go forth on a mad war against the living.

Otar the Mad costs 340 pts.

Special Rules: Bound Guardians: Otar's tomb is guarded by two servants bound to serve him through eternity, Torsten and Saerek. Torsten and Saerek are Draugr Deathlords with Ebony Greatswords, and no other upgrades. They may be taken as a retinue for Otar for +150 pts each, counting as part of his unit. This unit functions together as a single Independent Character, except while Otar is in a challenge. These guards do not have the Precision ability, and cannot Look out Sir!, but may receive Look out Sir! hits, wounds and effects from Otar.

Wargear: Otar carries a Dragon Staff of Shock, wears Priest Robes, and the Mask of Otar.

Mask of Otar: The Mask of Otar glows with a vivid magical shield. Artifact, Helm. Otar has a 4+ Ward Save against flame, frost and shock damage.

Spells: Summon Storm Atronach (cost included in Otar's cost), Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.

Rahgot[edit | edit source]

Rahgot was among the more stubborn of the Dragon Priests, continuing to fight the new kingdoms of Men, centuries after the Dragons had been overthrown. In the First Era, the remnants of his army were tracked to their temple at Forelhost by Harald, the first High King of Skyrim. There, in the face of a final defeat, Rahgot and his cultists drank poison. Now they haunt the ruin in undeath, damned for eternity.

Rahgot costs 270 pts.

Special Rules:

Lord of Forelhost: An army containing Rahgot may take Dragon Cultists as Core units.

Wargear: Rahgot carries a Dragon Staff of Flame, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Rahgot.

Mask of Rahgot: The emerald-green mask of Rahgot is made of Orichalcum. It grants incredible endurance to the one who wears it. Artifact, Helm. Rahgot has the Counter-Attack special rule, and continues to have his charge bonus every round of a combat that he is locked in.

Spells: Summon Flame Atronach (cost included in Rahgot's cost), Fireball, Incinerate, Wall of Flames, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.

Vokun[edit | edit source]

Vokun's name means "Shadow" the language of the Dragons. Vokun lurks in the shadows of a great ruin, ruling it from his throne as if he still lived. His power and deeds are great and mysterious.

Vokun costs 335 pts.

Wargear: Vokun carries the Staff of Vokun, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Vokun. Priest's Robes.

Staff of Vokun: This is a Dragon Staff of Flame. Vokun may automatically cast Fireball without having to use Power Dice or roll during each of your shooting phases, in addition to his other spells.

Mask of Vokun. The grey Mask of Shadows grants its wearer mastery of the powers of darkness. Artifact, Helm. Vokun gets +3 to rolls to cast Conjuration, Illusion, and Alteration spells.

Spells: Summon Flame Atronach (cost included in Vokun's cost), Fireball, Incinerate, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward, Raise Skeletons, Raise Skeletal Horde.

Volsung[edit | edit source]

Among all the High Priests, it is only Volsung who mastered the element of Frost while he lived. Guarding an ancient draconic inscription in Haafingar, he brings icy death upon all who approach the temple of his masters.

Volsung costs 285 pts.

Wargear: Volsung carries a Dragon Staff of Frost, and wears Priest Robes and the Mask of Volsung.

Mask of Volsung: The Mask of Volsung emits a ruby glow. It grants the one who wears it mastery of witty bargaining and light travel. Artifact, Helm. Volsung and his unit treat difficult terrain as open ground(dangerous terrain taken as normal), and get +2 to their roll to make a Sweeping Advance.

Spells: Summon Frost Atronach (cost included in Volsung's cost), Ice Storm, Icy Spear, Blizzard, Ebonyflesh, Command Daedra, Ward.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

This the armory for wargear used in a Dragons army.

Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]

Ancient Nordic Weapons are basic weapons.

Ancient Nordic Armor is Heavy Armor(5+).

Priest Robes are unarmored clothing.

Magic Items[edit | edit source]

The Magic Items available to a Dragons army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model.

Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).

Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]

Weapon of Frost: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, and models hit are Chilled until the end of next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.

Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. This weapon gets +1 to hit.

Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. This weapon strikes with +1 Strength.

Ghostblade: Hand Weapon. A Ghostblade ignores armor saves. +10 pts.

Eduj and Okin: The frozen blade and axe of Kvenel, the ancient Chieftain of the Tongues. Artifact. Eduj and Okin are two dual wielded hand weapons, and are always purchased and equipped together. Eduj and Okin strike with +1 Strength, and models hit by them are reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of next turn. They deal Frost damage. +35 pts.

Staff of Tombs: Staff. Bearer gets +d3 skeletons added to units of Skeletons he summons using Necromancy while wielding this staff. +10 pts.

Staff of Sacred Incense: Staff. Enemies lose their charge bonus against bearer's unit. Bearer's unit, if fearless, does not take wounds from No Retreat while wielding this staff. +12 pts.

Staff of Futile Aeons: Artifact, Staff. Enemy artifacts within 6" of bearer lose all their special rules, other than armor saves granted and the rules for their base item, while bearer wields this staff. +50 pts.

Staff of Breaking Time: Artifact, Staff. Bearer rerolls misses, any number of Power Dice on a spell he is casting(he must abide by the second result), failed wounds, saves, and Feel No Pain while wielding this staff. +60 pts.

Armor and Shields[edit | edit source]

Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.

Armour of Resist Magic: Armour upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.

Armour of Strength: Armour upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.

Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.

Helm of the Unburned: Helm. Draugr only. Bearer is Immune to Flame. +25 pts.

Boots of Unlife: Boots. Draugr only. Bearer and his unit can March during the shooting phase as normal. +25 pts.

Robes of Sacrifice: Unarmored Clothing. Dragon Priests only. You may, at any time, choose to remove a model from bearer's from its unit as a casualty. Each time you do this, bearer gains a Power Die. +15 pts.

Robes of Burial: Unarmored Clothing. Dragon Priests only. Bearer gets +4 to rolls for casting Necromancy spells. +20 pts.

Helm of Yngol: Helm. Artifact. Draugr only. Bearer is Immune to Frost. +15 pts.

Boots of the Icefoot: Boots. Artifact. Draugr only. Enemy units within 12" of bearer cannot march. +30 pts.

Other Items[edit | edit source]

Amulet of the Dragon's Mark: Once per game, bearer may re-roll a failed Shout test. +10 pts.

Amulet of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.

Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.

Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +10 pts.

Ring of Resist Element: Choose Fire, Frost, or Lightning. Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against that element. +10 pts.

Ring of Saarthal: Artifact. Bearer has +1 wound. +30 pts.

Embalming Tools: Dragon Priest only. Bearer may re-roll the dice to determine how many Skeletons are Summoned each time he casts a Necromancy spell. He must abide by the second result. +20 pts.

Totem of Absolute Rule: Dragon Priest only, one per model. Bearer may purchase an additional spell from his spell list. +30 pts.

Dragonstone of Bleak Falls: Artifact. Draugr only. An army containing this artifact may take a Lesser Dragon as a Core choice, in addition to the permitted number of Lesser Dragons. +25 pts.

Consumables[edit | edit source]

Consumables are available to Dragon Priests and Draugr Deathlords. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.


Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon Daedra spells.

Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts

Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts

Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts

Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts

Scroll of Cast on 20-27+ spell: +45 pts


The following potions are available to this army:

Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts

Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts

Strong Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts

Strong Potion of Magicka: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.

Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts.

Spells[edit | edit source]

A compendium of spells used for a Dragons army.

School of Destruction[edit | edit source]

Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.

Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.

Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", frost, chills on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon with Chills on striking.

Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1,range 18", flame.

Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.

Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.

Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.

Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.

Ice Storm: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Fire and Charge 1, frost.

Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.

Icy Spear: Cast on 11+, Shooting attack. S5 AP5, Move and Fire 1. Range 36", model hit strikes at Initiative 1 this turn, frost.

Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.

Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.

Blizzard: Cast on 27+. Cast Blizzard during your shooting phase. A model casting Blizzard cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Weather effect. Until the end of next turn, all enemy models within 12" of caster take a S4AP0 frost hit at the beginning of every phase that Chills them until the end of next turn.

School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]

Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.

Raise Skeletons: Cast on 10+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon d3 Skeletons with no upgrades.

Raise Skeletal Horde: Cast on 20+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon 2d6 Skeletons with no upgrades.

School of Alteration[edit | edit source]

Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.

Ebonyflesh: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Dragonhide: Cast on 20+, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster gets Feel No Pain(2+) against non-spell damage this turn.

School of Illusion[edit | edit source]

Command Daedra: Cast on 8+ during either player's shooting phase. Chose a Daedra other than a Physical God within 6". That model makes a Ld test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be targeted by it again until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until end of turn.

Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.

School of Restoration[edit | edit source]

Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).

Fortify Strength: Cast on a 4+, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Might: Cast on a 13+, any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Dragon's Strength: Cast on a 20+, may be cast any time on a turn caster does not shoot. Caster's normal melee attacks are S10 AP5 this round.