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This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

This page is a branch of the Silver Cataphracts, detailing out crucial characters related to them.

Space Marine Characters[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of notable members of the Silver Cataphracts Legion.

Bohemond, the Storm Bringer[edit | edit source]

"Watch as they cower before our virtuous might!"

Bohemond came from the techno-barbarian territory of Europa, in the mountain hideouts of that land lie the fertile realm of Hydegate kept hidden from all. His father, Malphas, taught the young lad their ways earlier than most. The bright youth absorbed it all learning fast. The Knight-Errants of Hydegate had kept the realm of forgotten technology and verdant life defended from those who would plunder it. The land surrounding Hydegate was plagued by Psykers, their sorcerer ways always trying to claw a way into the promised land.

Bohemond always placed an importance on the concept of a universal sense of justice not defined by laws even at a young age. He showed unparalleled martial promise among the youth of Hydegate. That is why when the greatest hope for humanity appeared, it was the ten year old Bohemond sent to join the ranks of his growing armies. Due to the seclusion of the hidden realm, genetic purity was at an all time high. In just another decade Bohemond was part of the Fifteenth Legion, training under his knightly brothers of the Argent. It did not take long for him to assume the rank of Sir, leading a squad of his fellows into battle.

Bohemond rose to the rank of Lord, leading a whole company in little time beneath Benjan Tore. Bohemond was an ingenious military planner, as well as charismatic. Soon he was able to have the whole Chapter following his ideas for combat, adapting their doctrine to include air-support and void-born assistance. He had unrivaled success with the introduction of these tactics that would later become his hallmark. After the inclusion of the Argent to their Primarch Alexandri, Bohemond was determined to be a loyal and worthy commander. Bohemond given the rank of Army Commander, entrusted to perfect his art of aerial warfare with his own Expedition Fleet.

Byk, the Tall[edit | edit source]

"Be just and fear not!"

Byk was a member of the Sacred Band, famed for his stature above his brothers standing a full five inches higher than the standard Marine. His amazing strength was due to a gene-seed mutation. Despite this he proved utterly loyal to the Emperor and devoted to his cause in all his conduct. The son of a prominent mercenary family from Europa who had joined the Emperor's armies without compensation. He was known as Benjan Tore upon his ascendance to be a member of the 15th Squad of the Sacred Band. He would later change it to reflect a cultural shift to Rosskan.

He was considered a brother to Bohemond, fostering the same kindness and nobility found in the Storm Bringer but refusing to follow his ways of keeping the old traditions of the Argent alive. They had failed, and could only hope in Alexandri to lead them forward. He was fiercely loyal to his brothers, having both his arms replaced due to leaping into the fray to rescue his comrades. He was regarded as having the face of Arelex but the bulk of Onyx, with heart of Roman. He was forever immortalized in memory for his exceptional actions during the Heresy on Terra. Byk's last exemplary act was resolving himself after being disemboweled to tackle a Bloodletter off a cliff-face.

Sergei, the Regent's Hand[edit | edit source]

"I never wanted for anything. Because I seized it."

This crucial Legionnaire to the Silver Cataphracts was originally born as an orphan named Jak, on Terra. His parents had been killed fighting for the Emperor's armies in the Unification Wars, leaving him to roam the urban sprawl alone. Despite not having anyone in life, he fought hard to succeed even at a young age. Using guile, cunning, and his abnormal adolescent strength he cheated his way to a relatively happy life. His youthful life of crime led him to being arrested after sneaking into an Imperial Army encampment to loot their stores of food. Before being sent to a penal colony, his musculature brought the attention of an officer who sent the boy to be tested for gene-seed compatibility.

After being inducted into the 15th Legion, Jak's combat history along with many others is a total mystery as all the time between the Unification Wars and the arrival of Alexandri went unrecorded. He was secluded from the rest of the Legion being put in a room of ten Marines, all with their equipment stripped from them. The doors opened to reveal the Primarch, who threw a combat knife into the enclosure. Alexandri then explained that only one of them would leave the room alive. Jak rushed for the knife first. Emerging from the room bloodied, the two had a long conversation on matters concerning the Legion. This would begin the legendary rise to power for Jak.

Unlike many Marines of the Argent, Sergei fully embraced the ideals of hard reason and cold calculation demanded by their Rosskan home. Alexandri entrusted him above all other Marines, choosing him to train the first generation of Rosskan recruits which added a full ten thousand to the Legion's ranks. He was later placed as both the Captain of the First Company and Grand Officer of the Legion for his spectacular tactical insight. Sergei was above all things, a pragmatist. His harsh live conditioned him to only value strength, but his Marine training had instilled within him certain ideals. He made most other Silver Cataphracts see that their actions were necessary to the overall benefit of all mankind. His decision to follow Alexandri was not out of blind loyalty but of understanding that his strong rule brought much needed stability to the regions governed by him.

Secretly, Sergei was responsible for the death of his Primarch. Perhaps being the only Marine in history to personally execute his own gene-father.

Nomenir, the Sorrowful Poet[edit | edit source]

"We are all killers. The Emperor is a killer, Hektor is a killer, I am a killer. Will this Imperium we are making always have a use for killers?"

Art Toune was a kind soul before being trained up on Terra into the ranks of the first Astartes. He had come from an enclave of citizens who lived in the northern wastes free from war for some time. As a result of the genetic purity, he proved the perfect candidate for the Emperor's program. He accepted his training dutifully, being assigned into the Fifteenth Squad of the Sacred Band on Hektor's own behest. Art had an affinity for music unlike any other, and made lyrical ballads for his comrades before and after battle was met during the Pacification of the Merica Hives.

His talents outside of combat were looked down upon by the Argent, and later by the Silver Cataphracts. He despised warfare, seeing it was needless bloodshed. In that regard he found something to share in common with the new face of the legion. Nomenir would become his assumed Rosskan name, after a famous Rosskan writer. Nomenir still held loyalties for Hektor during the Hektor Heresy, and attempted to lead a rebellion against Alexandri. His plans were foiled when he was betrayed by the men he recruited in secret.

Galash, the Witch[edit | edit source]

"I never enjoyed others of my kind. Rarely can they take a joke well."

Herbant Rell was plagued by migraines throughout his life, but they increased in severity after he was implanted with the gene-seed of the 15th Legion. He was chosen by Hektor himself to be groomed for command due to his natural wisdom and affinity for learning. It appeared much later that he was a latent Psyker, his abilities only manifesting long after he had matured. Even then, his strength was limited and his finesse was abysmal leading him to never use his powers. He continued to shun his warp-affiliated side up until he was examined by Alexandri who sensed his psychic pain. The two immediately struck a dialogue, not a verbal one but a mental connection. The Primarch saw an ally in Galash, choosing to train him as a Witch in the tradition of Rosskar's Covens.

Galash led the Witchborn into combat, the Librarians of the Silver Cataphracts. After the Heresy, upon Alexandri's orders out of fear of what Gaspard Lumey would do to the order once he realized the Legion had refused the Nikeae Decree disappeared into the galaxy. He has yet to be discovered to this day, but it is said that he and his Witchborn appear randomly to aid the Imperium's armies in times of need.

Kharikov, Chapter Master[edit | edit source]

"Has it been so long that people forget what an even hand feels like?"

The Kuzgeta Sector is rife with problems. Heretic cults arise every month on the many horrid planets. Rosskar itself in a state of semi-civil war between the few holdouts of the Imperial Truth, the maddened crows of zealous Imperial Faithests, and the mutated hordes that arise from the Heresy Zones. At the center of this mayhem is Kharikov, the two thousand year old Chapter Master of the Silver Cataphracts.

Despite his age, Kharikov still appears lively and spirited. This is believed to be due to a beneficial gene-seed mutation, which perhaps has given him some form of extreme longevity. However, Kharikov produces no gene-seed himself, and thus it can never be passed down the ranks. As he is a later generation Cataphract, he bears all the same loss of organs as many of the successors to the fateful Legion do.

Kharikov studied those who came before him, choosing to find a balance between Sergei's at times benevolent style, and Alexandri's soul crushingly brutal doctrine. He acts fair but just in all his dealings. As Chapter Master of the Cataphracts, he is solely responsible for nearly the entirety of the Kuzgeta Sector as many of his predecessors were before him. He is the one who maintains the area, checking on the various Planetary Governors and Lords. He deals with the Mechanicus, ensuring a steady balance is maintained between them and the Imperial Guard units. While his Chapter's level of micro-management in sector politics is worrisome, it has kept the section of space as a beacon of stability in an otherwise turbulent storm of Heresy, Aliens, and Chaos.