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Star Dust CYOA is a CYOA created by /tg/ that is about building star ships and star ship fleets. The player uses a credit system (in millions) to make their builds and have a selection of things like ship size and class, manufacturers, faction origins, weapon mounts, crew members, interior rooms, and more. The main CYOA features 7 pages. Be prepared to use a calculator and probably spreadsheets.
Star Dust CYOA is a [[CYOA]] created by /tg/ that is about building star ships and star ship fleets. The player uses a credit system (in millions) to make their builds and have a selection of things like ship size and class, manufacturers, faction origins, weapon mounts, crew members, interior rooms, and more. The main CYOA features 7 pages, and there is also a simplified 1-page version that features things mostly from page 2 and 3 from the main CYOA. Be prepared to use a calculator and probably spreadsheets. Also has a (mostly empty) [ wikia] for sharing your Star Dust-related adventures.

Star Dust recently received an update, adding both more content and simplifying the math somewhat. Alongside said updates was an unofficial /tg/ DLC adding 7 factions from the Space-Opera Refugee. The Commonwealth, Fellians, Kriegenfist, Gigacell, Titan Labs, New-Soviets, and the Satorcians. The DLC includes unique Ship Subsystems and Crew Archtypes for the factions.
There are two other "DLC's" released as well. One with four new Engineers, two for Pirates and the other two for the Federation. The other more significant DLC is a Romance DLC, for the thirstier anons.
Another DLC was dedicated to ground combat, offering a wide range of weapons, armors, and companions. It was meant to be used to create player characters for Star Dust, or as a standalone CYOA. A while later SDA added player build section, featuring various characters made by /tg/.
There was an update at the beginning of 2016. There were significant changes in how ships are built, skills, and usage of hanger spaces.

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====Additional Reading====
====Additional Reading====
[ "Unofficial Lore"] by Federation Diplomat Alec Donovan (endorsed by SDA)

==External Links==
[!gF8nzQTY!C9pwMda4GpJaaLNWgSih41w1e_MGqyE1EBtIZqDcO60 Star Dust v1.0.1 Source Files] (87.8mb .rar file containing 7 .psd files made in Photoshop CC)
'''Groups of Interest (Currently Active):'''
'''The Federation:'''
The United Terran Federation, known generally by both those in it and outside it as either just the Federation or the Feds, is the largest governing body in known space.
Its inception hails back to the early days of Earth, a union of governments that began with the UN and ended with every nation (except North Korea) uniting under a single governing entity. Upon discovery of the common FTL drive two centuries ago, the Federation quickly expanded to cover a sizable portion of the Milky Way, at least compared to FTL engine tech at the time, which required months to get from one system to the next and took enormous amounts of power. This process took 68 years.
134 years on, the Federation is generally regarded as the safest place for the average citizen. It's far from perfect, with political corruption running rampant, abusive cops being overzealous in their efforts to stop piracy, officials swayed by plenty of corporate payoffs, and mass surveillance of civilians via cameras and wiretaps making many feel uncomfortable under the Federation's ever vigilant electronic eye. These issues have driven plenty to leave and find their own fortune away from the "freedom and liberty" the Feds bring, but on the whole a Federation citizen will rarely want for food, shelter, or work.
The Federation is governed under a council system, where each planet elects one representative per 10,000 people in an instant-runoff voting system. Each representative is given one vote in the Federation Representative Council, in which decisions that affect the Federation as a whole such as tax levies, contracts, and Federation-wide laws are passed. Individual planets have their own individual systems for governing the planet on a local level.
The Federation Navy is the best in the business, with an extremely sturdy custom ship design featuring durable hull plating and a powerful front facing forcefield generation system that allows for Navy craft to hold their own against assaults from ships much more powerful than they are. The Federal Navy Academy program is again top shelf, training crewmembers of excellent quality. Top ranking members from the Academy will go on to join the Federation's Special Operation Force, the elite of the Federation Navy.
Security in Federation-governed systems is tight, and as such most Federation planets are completely safe both in orbit and on the ground. On the other hand, the Federation cares little for those outside its confines, willingly bombarding entire pirate-governed cities in the Outer Rim from orbit. Although it wasn't always this way, the Federation became extremely wary of pirate groups following the Libertas War with the Compact, and as such the task of stopping pirate groups is treated as the utmost priority by the Federation government. Piracy is not tolerated in any manner by the Feds, and a conviction on piracy charges is punishable by life imprisonment or summary execution.
For all their strength, however, the reaches of this "Bastion of Civilization" can only be spread so far, leaving a galactic majority of planets ungoverned and ripe for colonization by freedom-seeking Independents, renegade Pirates, and fortune-seeking Mercenaries.
The Federation's capital world is the planet of New Terra. Don't ask about Old Terra.
'''Hammerhead Industries:'''
One of the few corporations headquartered in independant space that the Federation doesn't levy import tariffs on, Hammerhead is the largest ship manufacturer in both operational size and sheer quantity, selling combat capable spacecraft to anyone with the credits, no questions asked. Pirate, PMC, Fed, or Civilian, Hammerhead hulls will get you from point A to point B (Not very fast, mind you) with a decent amount of firepower to boot.
Unique to Hammerhead hulls are a proprietary Wartime Emergency Power system that allows for short term boosts to system operation across the entire ship for extremely short intervals in emergencies. However, the front mounted engine nacelle rings that make their ships affordable and give them the distinct "Hammerhead" profile will snap off under sufficient weapons fire or plain old engine strain, crippling the ship's mobility and leaving it dead in the black. Additionally, repeated use of the overdrive system without allowing for a cooldown will cause systems to overload and break, which is why the limiter is set to 30 seconds factory standard.
Rumors have been circling around for years on HyperNet conspiracy sites that Hammerhead supplies small pirate bands with ships at a steep discount to ensure that PMCs and civilians are forced to buy replacement ships as well. But that's probably just baseless tabloid lies.
Anyone is welcome to venture to Hammerhead's capital planet of Synchordia, home of the largest docking system in the galaxy. Pirates occasionally attempt to raid Hammerhead space, but few survive the sheer quantity of ships Hammerhead has for their defensive fleet.
'''Beatrice R&D:'''
Originally a deep space exploration corporation under contract by the Federation, Beatrice became fed up with the poor build quality of Hammerhead's ships failing when they would jump to systems either filled with asteroids or already populated by pirates. To resolve this, Beatrice R&D began building their own ship designs with the express intent of being durable enough to withstand short bursts of weapons fire and maneuverable enough to navigate around asteroids to the point where they would be able to do a 180 and plot a hasty retreat jump back home. To help facilitate this, Beatrice hulls are made with a specialized "semi-stealth" hull metal originally used to reduce background signals from the ship when scanning uncharted areas of space and a top of the line FTL engine that allows for quicker jumps.
Upon seeing the general success of their ship designs, coupled with public requests to open their ships to the civilian market, Beatrice is now a major player in the entry level spacecraft game, with the income from ship manufacturing exceeding the profits from their Federation exploration contracts. Their general durability also make Beatrice hulls extremely common in the secondhand market, to Beatrice R&D's chagrin.
Bastion is the homeworld of Beatrice R&D, though the contracts they have with the Federation for depe space exploration exept them from import tariffs, something they make great use of to keep the costs of their ships down.
'''Pulsar Inc.:'''
Originally known as a scientific research firm, Pulsar was one of the first companies founded in the Federation to begin colonizing outside its borders. The first planet they claimed, Prion, later was revealed to contain an unprecedented amount of gold within the crust, along with various other high-grade metals. To this day, Prion is still the number one source of gold and tungsten in the galaxy.
Pulsar began to manufacture exploration and utility vessels to support their mining operations a decade ago. The route Pulsar took, however, was to build upon existing civilian grade hulls to provide a mixture of high end accoutrements and sheer utility. The result was some of the best ships available on the open market.
Featuring a combination of utility, luxury, form, and function, Pulsar's distinctive ship profiles are known throughout the galaxy. Pulsar strikes a balance between durability, acceleration, and sheer engine power. Additionally, Pulsar ships are built for the space conscious, using several "tweaks" picked up during their years as a high grade metals merchant to conserve on space that could be better taken up by more cargo, such as using ceiling embedded life support and gravity systems instead of a dedicated room to increase the cabin space of the ship without sacrificing hull integrity.
Newer models come with a Shiplink system that provides an energy conduit and extra sensor data to the target ship, optimizing the target's systems for several seconds. Combining these novel features with a luxury standard matched by none, Pulsar hulls are commonly known as the most "fun" ships to pilot. If you buy a Pulsar, you'll never want to settle for anything less.
'''Triglav Innovations:'''
Loved by the Feds, hated by many other ship manufacturers and Federation R&D contractors (Especially Beatrice). Triglav is a think tank, the brainchild of some of the best and brightest minds in the Federation.
To the ire of every other shipwright and engineer in Federation Space, the Federation has an exclusive contract with Triglav granting them sole access to any Herald ships the Federation finds. This blatant display of corporate favoritism attracts the rage of politicians and armchair protestors the galaxy over, but Triglav justifies their exclusivity contract by the quality of the ships they produce.
Triglav ships draw from both existing ship design conventions and the strange jagged designs of Herald ships, and it shows in the prow and engine structures of the craft they manufacture. Although not as maneuverable as Herald ships nor as easily armed, they come a close second, and are much easier to pilot. Triglav has as of yet been unable to reverse engineer the Herald short range FTL "hop" system, they instead have made progress into a Disruption Pulse System that scrambles shield patterns, disrupts weapons tracking, and interferes with shield generators.
Due to the power they wield, the lion's share of Triglav's ships are built on contract with the Federation Special Operation Forces, with only a few hulls released into the open market each year for commercial sale. The captain of a Triglav ship will turn a few heads anywhere in the galaxy.
Triglav owns Capitolus. No, seriously. They have ownership rights to over half of the planet's surface area, which they lease to other businesses. Pulsar and Beatrice own the land they use, but many others aren't so lucky.
'''Blackhawk Elite:'''
Following a time honored PMC tradition of buying secondhand or surplus Federation Navy warships and bolting on a ton of extra weapons, engines, and armor, the Blackhawk Elite Mercenary Group takes this to its logical conclusion by rebuilding Federation Navy ships from the ground up with denser hull plating three times as thick, more engines with higher thrust output and finer control, and more hardpoints for attaching weapons.
On top of these improvements comes Blackhawk's unique overhaul of the Federation Navy's forcefield system, modifying the single direction barrier into a shield amplification field. This field both drastically improves the ability of a shield to deflect damage and magnetizes the hull such that small bullets are repelled and hull breaks are magnetically held shut, cutting down on the amount of overall damage. Furthermore, this field can be expanded and manipulated to encompass a large range outside the ship's radius, covering allied ships and granting the same beneficial effects. 
Blackhawk's ships are veritable fortresses, impenetrable to all but the strongest of weapons and capable of going toe to toe with Triglav, Talon, and even Herald spacecraft. Blackhawk puts this strength to use every day in the various operations they undertake, from convoy escorts, to planetary protection, to personal guards, to bounty hunting. With a high number of ex-Federation soldiers and a harsh applicant selection program, you can rest assured that Blackhawk will do everything in its very considerable power to get the job done. For the right price, of course. If you want the best of the best, you have to pay to match.
Blackhawk is loathe to sell their ships to non-employees, but if they can find a captain worthy of piloting one, they might be willing to part with it. If you have the credits, that is.
Blackhawk began as a PMC providing military strength protection to those in the Federation who exported goods to neutral space, outside of the safe areas of Federation territory. Run by a mysterious group known only as the "Executives", Blackhawk expanded to stake their own claim out in neutral space. Of course, this space is right next to the Talons, literally 4 jumps away. Blackhawk and the Talons butt heads often, but are evenly matched to the point that systems almost never change hands and the fighting along the four Clover Systems, the DMZ between the two, has been likened to more of a shouting match than a war.
Blackhawk's sovereign space is centered around the capital world of Ysgard. Blackhawk space is known as the "Federation away from the Federation", with a similar governing style and cities that are just as large. But with more guns and a hell of a lot more defensive garrisons. I'm not kidding, if you have the chance drop by Ragnarok, they have Anti-Matter Cannons mounted as POINT DEFENSE.
'''Red Dagger Pirates:'''
Red Dagger is less of a group and more of a gang. Though not the biggest pirate group in the galaxy, The Reds have a sizable population, on par with any moderately sized pirate organization. However, the Reds somehow manage to keep a constant edge on the competition, capable of taking on organizations much larger than they are yet still pull out on top.
How is this accomplished? A massive network of shipyards stationed in an asteroid field on the Outer Rim, which they use to tear apart and reform the ships they steal into Red Dagger's distinctive design scheme. To summarize: Stick pointy pits on it, bolt a ton of extra engines on the end, and give it a black and red paint job.
To their credit, Red Dagger ships are actually custom designs that sacrifice hull strength for sheer speed. Though the components are scavenged from stolen ships, the stolen hulls are smelted and remade into Red Dagger's unique hull shape. Though these ships are individually flimsy, Red Dagger usually operates in small fleets with lots of scary guns. The engineers working for the Reds have also managed to improve the power conduits to the engines, allowing for short bursts of amplified thrust up to twice the maximum standard acceleration. However, keeping the overdrive active for too long will melt the engine.
Red Dagger is definitely the most ruthless of any of the pirate groups. Though it doesn't apply to everyone in the clan, the recruitment standard is extremely low, leading to a high number of Stim addicts, headcases, and pretty bad people in general. Red Dagger doesn't leave their targets time to send out a white flag transponder. The M.O. is  Jump in, shoot to kill, loot the wreckage, and Jump out.
The Reds have been a thorn in the Federation's side for over 30 years. Seized Red Dagger ships are often sold off to civilians and PMC's at Federation Auctions.
Red Dagger primarily operates out of Ten Cred. Imagine a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Multiply that by a thousand and add in a population that's 50% comprised of Stim-addicted junkies. That's Ten Cred.
They have a wary alliance with the Talons. As in, Red Dagger doesn't raid Talon ships and the Talons occasionally doesn't raid Red Dagger ships. To be honest the terms are more than a little one sided. The trading agreements seem to work out for the better of them both, though, so who knows?
Red Dagger may be one of the most obnoxious pirate group in the galaxy, but at the end of the day everyone Red or Fed knows that the Talons are indisputably the best pirate group in the galaxy. Where they came from and how they started is unknown to this day, but many in the Federation believe they trace their roots to the first colonists who left earth to explore the stars.
Highly competent, the Talons only take in the greatest of the great, with ships reverse engineered from Herald tech much like Triglav. Talon ships are not particularly sturdy (Albeit much more than the Reds, civilian ships, or Hammerheads), but they can move around a battlefield like nobody's business and generally pack enough firepower to crush the opposition, sporting a specialized weapons optimization system that can link with nearby ships and collaborate data to provide better weapons locking, energy distribution for reloading, and structural analysis for hitting weak points in shields and hulls, which combines to provide a net gain in lock-on, reload, and general damage to all ships within the bandwidth radio transmission range which is, however, very short.
The Talons are also by far the most professional of the pirate groups. They always allow a surrender, they're polite with their victims, they attempt to minimize casualties, they never shoot down escape pods, and as long as you comply with their demands you and your crew will find yourselves alive on your ship without the cargo but with enough fuel and rations to make a jump to safe harbor.
As such, the Federation is usually more lenient towards Talons, sentencing life imprisonment over execution in most cases. Oftentimes, imprisoned Talons are allowed out under work-release programs to join the SOF in taking down other pirate gangs, which accounts for a significant portion of the SOF's influx.
Getting your hands on a Talon ship is extremely difficult, but not impossible.
Word to the wise: Don't ask a Talon about what happened with the Compact. They prefer to act as if that little chapter of their history never happened.
The Talon homeworld is uncreatively known as Talon Prime. For the fear these guys strike into the hearts of millions, they seem to find it hilarious how uncreative they have named their homeworld.
Life in Talon space is a decent way to make a monest living. Pay your protection fees and the Talons will ensure you get where you need to go. It isn't as safe as the Feds or as free as the Independents, but theres enough of a life to live that people get by in relative comfort.
'''Stardust Station:'''
The largest space station ever created, Stardust is its own self contained city. Complete with a square half mile of natural terrain shipped in chunks from a nearby system and surrounded by a glass dome to let natural light in, Stardust has something for everyone including a park AND the gift shop. It sells miniature replicas of the station! With expansion sets for new modules!
Governed by a stockholder elected board of directors known as the "Suits", Stardust is run as and owned by a corporation: Stardust Inc., who manages both planned expansion of the station and leasing space on the station to companies, individuals, and anyone with the cash. Expansion is done by attaching additional modules, custom manufactured by various contractors for the station.
As it is located outside of Federation territory, Stardust Inc. is actually its own sovereign nation. Where Stardust is unique, however, is its particular method of political alignment. All ships within Stardust's system are bound by a ceasefire agreement. Talon, Federation, Red Dagger, no matter where you come from you're not causing trouble at the threat of retaliation from Stardust's militia, who pilot Triglav and Blackhawk ships.
Adding to the peacekeeping efforts are the ludicrous number of weapons on the station itself, ranging from flak guns to CIWS turrets to torpedo tubes to three Anti-Matter cannons attached to the perimeter.
As a result, Stardust is quite likely the safest place in the Galaxy, even moreso than the friendly confines of the Federation. It's also a great place to get your hands on supplies. Any supplies. Except slaves. Otherwise, you can probably find Stim dealers and assassins for hire in some of the seedier sectors of the station. Hal runs a bar on one of the newer modules that has become THE place to hire crew, Red or Fed. Even the Suits show up once in a while to drink and get a feel for the public opinion of the station.
'''The Rebels:'''
Glorified Independents.
The "Rebels" are a collective term for the inhabitants of any Federation planet that has seceded from the union, for whatever reason. The Federation, of course, either classifies them as pirate groups or simply leaves them out to dry.
Exodus was the first to go. A small planet out on the Rim that was colonized because some politician wanted to be important and thought his claim to fame would be to have the Feds colonize a planet outside their established territory.
The colonization was very small in scale, and as time passed the shipments dwindled to the point that they were mostly forgot about by everyone in the upper Federation bureaucracy. Eventually, they were just abandoned. So they went their own way and continue to do so. They harbor no ill will against the Feds, but see no reason to join them again. There is very little piracy in that region of space, so the inhabitants live a pretty peaceful life.
Detritus... is a different story. THEY got the teeth kicked out of them during the Libertas War and later the Federation's assault on the Luos Syndicate. The hellhole that is Federation Bureaucracy meant that the relief efforts were slow to arrive and small in scale when they did.
So Detritus seceded. And the Federation has marked the entire system as Pirate controlled. Detritus now has no contact with the Federation, and all ships into Federation space from their sctor are heavily scrutinized. On the other hand, Blackhawk had sympathy, and continues to provide as a trade partner for the estranged system and as a weapons supplier to help defend against the large number of ACTUAL pirates who attack the system, usually from Ten Cred.
Plenty of people still live in the sector, but the Pirate attacks at a constant scale means nearly everyone can use a gun and has fought for their freedom truth and nail. It's no secret that Mercenaries from Detritus are known as dependable, smart, and can keep their head in a battlefield. As such, Blackhawk recruits from them heavily. The Federation doesn't seem to care, as they have classified it as officialy "Not their problem".
'''Fire Legion:'''
A mysterious raider group that formed from the dissolution of the Compact.
These guys are rarely ever seen, but their combat tactics are ruthless. They were just a blip on the radar a few years ago, but they have severely stepped up their game. Now they attack Red Dagger and even Blackhawk outposts. The Federation has not yet decided to act, but everyone agrees it will only be a matter of time. What happens then? Nobody is sure. Many of the Compact's resources mysteriously disappeared following its dissolution, and even the Talons are unsure where it all went. If these people have it all, they could pose a very formidible force against even the Federation.
Nobody has ever heard one of these people speak. All that is heard over radio is comms-disrupting noise that sounds suspiciously like screaming. Anything else is the words hastily panted on the hulls of their ships.
Some think them insane, even moreso than the Reds. Some think them just another pirate group. Others see them as a force that needs to be eradicated. It varies by person and proximity to Legion space.
'''Groups of Interest (Defunct):'''
The Heralds are a mystery. Their ships and stations found are empty, with no bodies or evidence of inhabitation. We know from the way they made their ships that they were bipedal, taller than humans, and had an affinity for Mana.
The theories run rampant, both on the Hypernet and in backwater bars. Some say they're millenia old aliens, others claim them to be severely modified humans, others don't believe they exist, and that the ships are just Triglav's unfunny attempt to be more important than they really are.
Herald ships disregard every design convention in the book, using a jagged "pincer" shape instead of the more slanted or curved aerodynamic designs in use today. All Herald ships in modern operation are heavily modified for human use, completely replacing the computer systems, life support, and often the energy production systems. Additional retrofits convert the Herald weapon mounting points to the standard weapons hardpoint system in modern use.
The effort put into the retrofits yields a ship unsurpassed in speed and maneuverability. Though slightly less durable than a Blackhawk or Federation Navy ship, the Herald ships compensate by their ability to optimize mana core energy production systems, boosting the energy output to unprecedented heights and making an attached Heraldic shield system the strongest type available. Additionally, the unique FTL propulsion systems on Herald craft allow for extremely short range "FTL Hops" that allow for instant strategic repositioning in ship to ship warfare.
However, Herald ships are rare. As in, hundreds of millions of credits rare. As in, be willing to pay up a buttload of that digital cryptocurrency to get a Herald ship with retrofits from someone who could just easily make as much or more by selling it to Triglav or Beatrice.
'''The Compact:'''
Also known as the Pirate Coalition, The Compact was once the largest pirate group in the Galaxy. A merger of several smaller pirate groups, headed by the Luos Syndicate and featuring names as prominent as the Talons and Red Dagger, it grew over the course of a decade to become the largest sovereign entity in the galaxy aside from the Federation.
Of course, as befitting pirates, they would often run raids on the edges of Federation space, looting ships, supplies, and credits. However, like Icarus of old Terran mythology, they grew too proud. The Compact began pulling larger raids further into Federation territory, culminating in the raid of a high profile Federation official's ship near a system only three jumps from Earth herself.
Although the Federation had considered the Compact a recurring problem since the pirate union's founding in 2324, this blatant disregard of Federation sovereignty and regulations had finally motivated them into doing something about it. The Federation Navy succinctly responded by sending a massive war fleet to the territorial equivalent of the Compact's front door and politely asked for their unconditional surrender. When the Compact refused, The Federation destroyed the entire border protection fleet.
The Compact then retaliated by stepping up the frequency of their raiding operations, which led to the Federation striking more systems around the Compact border, and so on. This process escalated back and forth, culminating in the Compact's declaration of war on the Federation on January 3rd, 2335. This conflict, later known as the Libertas War, lasted seven years. Though the Federation lost three outer systems on the border to Compact orbital bombardment, the defense-focused ships of the Federation proved to be too difficult for the Compact's comparatively poor fleet synergy and upper management squabbling to break through.
The Federation was likewise unable to gain much ground, but was eventually able to advance into Compact territory with the help of the newly formed Blackhawk Elite Mercenery Group taking the entire contract pro bono to gain notoriety. Indeed, by the year 2343, the Federation with Blackhawk's assistance had managed to completely rout the Compact's forces, causing the union to fracture back into smaller gangs and marking the end of the war.
The Talons and Red Daggers managed to get out mostly intact, but several dozen other groups were utterly decimated. Many of the other surviving groups would join the Luos Syndicate during the 26 year recovery period, but even they would never hold the force projection, territory, and fearful respect that the Compact did.
'''Luos Syndicate:'''
Luos was originally founded under the best of intentions: A corporate paradise, where everything was an open market and anyone with the credits could make their way. This lasted half a year before people realized it was completely legal there to steal each other's hard earned goods. Then it became little better than another pirate gang.
Where Luos was different, however, was its rigid power structure. Every member of the Syndicate, known as Associates, owned shares of the company, which had a fluctuating exchange rate for credits. The more shares you owned, the more powerful you were and more pull you had. Once a year, everybody in the Syndicate got to vote for the seats on the Board of Directors, with each share counting for one vote. The Board would decide where to take the Syndicate, and what to do with it.
Because of this strict power structure and control scheme, Luos was able to stake a major claim to many places in the outer rim. Playing it smart, they never attempted to claim anywhere near Blackhawk, Talon, or Federation space, opting instead to remain out of sight and strike from the shadows. With this strategy, they actually grew to be the largest pirate group in the galaxy, and later were the orchestrators of the Compact.
When it dissolved, they split off relatively unharmed, and managed to reclaim much of the territory they had pre-Compact, but it was never as large as it was before.
However, disaster struck when a disgruntled low level Associate betrayed the scope and location to the Federation. The Feds, fearing a repeat of the Libertas War two and a half decades prior, panicked and enacted a plan of mass retaliation, hoping to eliminate the Syndicate off the face of the galaxy. And eliminate they did. Though small remnants of the Syndicate still pop up in obscure systems, the Federation makes sure that the settlements there are bombarded out of existence.
'''The People's Democratic Republic Of Korea and All the Galaxy:'''
Still governed by the Divine Kim Jong family line, North Korea was the only nation to not join the Federation after its founding.
They eventually managed to get their hands on a working FTL colony ship, however, and have moved most of their population into space to colonize a small planetoid that nobody else even wanted.
To this day, the DPRKAU continues to make threats against the Federation... via Hypercomm.
Most often they are merely propaganda about the DPRKAU's superiority over the Federation, but they occasionally threaten to annihilate the Federation Navy with their amazing super powerful destroyer-battlecarriernaught, which is as large as Stardust Station, carries thousands of drones, and is mounted with enough weaponry to eradicate entire systems.
Strangely, nobody has ever seen this destroyer-battlecarriernaught. The Federation continues to ignore all communication from not-really-a-planet Kim Jong, because they have better things to do.
Or read it here [ "Unofficial Lore"] by Federation Diplomat Alec Donovan (endorsed by SDA)
These are the design details for those who would like to create accurate-looking add-ons to the Star Dust CYOA. The sample .psd source file containing the CYOA's designs is available in the source files section.
*Titles font: "Orator Std"
*Descriptions font: "Franklin Gothic Medium"
There was an online build generator made by a random anon, but it's no longer functioning, and hasn't for a while.
[ Build generator on GoogleDrive]
==Source Files==
*[!sdN3AATT!V0UL5M5pNi2XlFraINWqOS6CxqLOpHRSC28EhK3h0k8 Star Dust v1.0.2 Source Files] (87.9mb .rar file containing 7 .psd files made in Photoshop CC)
*[!0FNSWAzC!GN6dinCU93FA0LB42Q-J84UxxAZhEoED3Xgcd2INxlE Star Dust Design Sample File] (2.1mb .psd file made in Photoshop CC)

==Player Builds==
==Player Builds==
Note: These were all builds created before the 2.0 update.
Stalker build by SDA.png
I am the First Storn and the Last.png
File:Rani Rain.png

Latest revision as of 16:38, 22 June 2023

About[edit | edit source]

Star Dust CYOA is a CYOA created by /tg/ that is about building star ships and star ship fleets. The player uses a credit system (in millions) to make their builds and have a selection of things like ship size and class, manufacturers, faction origins, weapon mounts, crew members, interior rooms, and more. The main CYOA features 7 pages, and there is also a simplified 1-page version that features things mostly from page 2 and 3 from the main CYOA. Be prepared to use a calculator and probably spreadsheets. Also has a (mostly empty) wikia for sharing your Star Dust-related adventures.

Star Dust recently received an update, adding both more content and simplifying the math somewhat. Alongside said updates was an unofficial /tg/ DLC adding 7 factions from the Space-Opera Refugee. The Commonwealth, Fellians, Kriegenfist, Gigacell, Titan Labs, New-Soviets, and the Satorcians. The DLC includes unique Ship Subsystems and Crew Archtypes for the factions.

There are two other "DLC's" released as well. One with four new Engineers, two for Pirates and the other two for the Federation. The other more significant DLC is a Romance DLC, for the thirstier anons.

Another DLC was dedicated to ground combat, offering a wide range of weapons, armors, and companions. It was meant to be used to create player characters for Star Dust, or as a standalone CYOA. A while later SDA added player build section, featuring various characters made by /tg/.

There was an update at the beginning of 2016. There were significant changes in how ships are built, skills, and usage of hanger spaces.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Much of the lore is hinted at within the CYOA itself; most of everything has a description detailing backgrounds, such as brief character bios or location histories. Page 7 has the bulk of the lore detailed along with the star map of the Star Dust universe.

Star Dust revolves around three main factions: the powerful galactic Federation who owns the largest sovereignty, the different groups of Pirates who reign supreme in the 'outer rims', and also the Independent entities such as relevant mercenary organizations or wealthy corporations. The name "Star Dust" comes from the large, popular space station that the players start out in; a neutral part of space that is strictly cease-fire between all hostile factions, even the powerful Federation. Players first choose their origins which details how they got to the station and how they got the 500 million starting credits. Their origin will also determine which faction they're loyal to and even give perks like ship discounts or a free buddy from one of the crew pages.

In the timeline of Star Dust, the CYOA happens almost right after the fall of the largest pirate organization formerly known as the Luos Syndicate, having felt a galaxy-wide assault from the Federation and their mercenary allies, the Blackhawk Elite.

Additional Reading[edit | edit source]

Groups of Interest (Currently Active):

The Federation:

The United Terran Federation, known generally by both those in it and outside it as either just the Federation or the Feds, is the largest governing body in known space. Its inception hails back to the early days of Earth, a union of governments that began with the UN and ended with every nation (except North Korea) uniting under a single governing entity. Upon discovery of the common FTL drive two centuries ago, the Federation quickly expanded to cover a sizable portion of the Milky Way, at least compared to FTL engine tech at the time, which required months to get from one system to the next and took enormous amounts of power. This process took 68 years.

134 years on, the Federation is generally regarded as the safest place for the average citizen. It's far from perfect, with political corruption running rampant, abusive cops being overzealous in their efforts to stop piracy, officials swayed by plenty of corporate payoffs, and mass surveillance of civilians via cameras and wiretaps making many feel uncomfortable under the Federation's ever vigilant electronic eye. These issues have driven plenty to leave and find their own fortune away from the "freedom and liberty" the Feds bring, but on the whole a Federation citizen will rarely want for food, shelter, or work.

The Federation is governed under a council system, where each planet elects one representative per 10,000 people in an instant-runoff voting system. Each representative is given one vote in the Federation Representative Council, in which decisions that affect the Federation as a whole such as tax levies, contracts, and Federation-wide laws are passed. Individual planets have their own individual systems for governing the planet on a local level.

The Federation Navy is the best in the business, with an extremely sturdy custom ship design featuring durable hull plating and a powerful front facing forcefield generation system that allows for Navy craft to hold their own against assaults from ships much more powerful than they are. The Federal Navy Academy program is again top shelf, training crewmembers of excellent quality. Top ranking members from the Academy will go on to join the Federation's Special Operation Force, the elite of the Federation Navy.

Security in Federation-governed systems is tight, and as such most Federation planets are completely safe both in orbit and on the ground. On the other hand, the Federation cares little for those outside its confines, willingly bombarding entire pirate-governed cities in the Outer Rim from orbit. Although it wasn't always this way, the Federation became extremely wary of pirate groups following the Libertas War with the Compact, and as such the task of stopping pirate groups is treated as the utmost priority by the Federation government. Piracy is not tolerated in any manner by the Feds, and a conviction on piracy charges is punishable by life imprisonment or summary execution. For all their strength, however, the reaches of this "Bastion of Civilization" can only be spread so far, leaving a galactic majority of planets ungoverned and ripe for colonization by freedom-seeking Independents, renegade Pirates, and fortune-seeking Mercenaries. The Federation's capital world is the planet of New Terra. Don't ask about Old Terra.

Hammerhead Industries:

One of the few corporations headquartered in independant space that the Federation doesn't levy import tariffs on, Hammerhead is the largest ship manufacturer in both operational size and sheer quantity, selling combat capable spacecraft to anyone with the credits, no questions asked. Pirate, PMC, Fed, or Civilian, Hammerhead hulls will get you from point A to point B (Not very fast, mind you) with a decent amount of firepower to boot.

Unique to Hammerhead hulls are a proprietary Wartime Emergency Power system that allows for short term boosts to system operation across the entire ship for extremely short intervals in emergencies. However, the front mounted engine nacelle rings that make their ships affordable and give them the distinct "Hammerhead" profile will snap off under sufficient weapons fire or plain old engine strain, crippling the ship's mobility and leaving it dead in the black. Additionally, repeated use of the overdrive system without allowing for a cooldown will cause systems to overload and break, which is why the limiter is set to 30 seconds factory standard.

Rumors have been circling around for years on HyperNet conspiracy sites that Hammerhead supplies small pirate bands with ships at a steep discount to ensure that PMCs and civilians are forced to buy replacement ships as well. But that's probably just baseless tabloid lies. Anyone is welcome to venture to Hammerhead's capital planet of Synchordia, home of the largest docking system in the galaxy. Pirates occasionally attempt to raid Hammerhead space, but few survive the sheer quantity of ships Hammerhead has for their defensive fleet.

Beatrice R&D:

Originally a deep space exploration corporation under contract by the Federation, Beatrice became fed up with the poor build quality of Hammerhead's ships failing when they would jump to systems either filled with asteroids or already populated by pirates. To resolve this, Beatrice R&D began building their own ship designs with the express intent of being durable enough to withstand short bursts of weapons fire and maneuverable enough to navigate around asteroids to the point where they would be able to do a 180 and plot a hasty retreat jump back home. To help facilitate this, Beatrice hulls are made with a specialized "semi-stealth" hull metal originally used to reduce background signals from the ship when scanning uncharted areas of space and a top of the line FTL engine that allows for quicker jumps.

Upon seeing the general success of their ship designs, coupled with public requests to open their ships to the civilian market, Beatrice is now a major player in the entry level spacecraft game, with the income from ship manufacturing exceeding the profits from their Federation exploration contracts. Their general durability also make Beatrice hulls extremely common in the secondhand market, to Beatrice R&D's chagrin.

Bastion is the homeworld of Beatrice R&D, though the contracts they have with the Federation for depe space exploration exept them from import tariffs, something they make great use of to keep the costs of their ships down.

Pulsar Inc.:

Originally known as a scientific research firm, Pulsar was one of the first companies founded in the Federation to begin colonizing outside its borders. The first planet they claimed, Prion, later was revealed to contain an unprecedented amount of gold within the crust, along with various other high-grade metals. To this day, Prion is still the number one source of gold and tungsten in the galaxy. Pulsar began to manufacture exploration and utility vessels to support their mining operations a decade ago. The route Pulsar took, however, was to build upon existing civilian grade hulls to provide a mixture of high end accoutrements and sheer utility. The result was some of the best ships available on the open market.

Featuring a combination of utility, luxury, form, and function, Pulsar's distinctive ship profiles are known throughout the galaxy. Pulsar strikes a balance between durability, acceleration, and sheer engine power. Additionally, Pulsar ships are built for the space conscious, using several "tweaks" picked up during their years as a high grade metals merchant to conserve on space that could be better taken up by more cargo, such as using ceiling embedded life support and gravity systems instead of a dedicated room to increase the cabin space of the ship without sacrificing hull integrity.

Newer models come with a Shiplink system that provides an energy conduit and extra sensor data to the target ship, optimizing the target's systems for several seconds. Combining these novel features with a luxury standard matched by none, Pulsar hulls are commonly known as the most "fun" ships to pilot. If you buy a Pulsar, you'll never want to settle for anything less.

Triglav Innovations:

Loved by the Feds, hated by many other ship manufacturers and Federation R&D contractors (Especially Beatrice). Triglav is a think tank, the brainchild of some of the best and brightest minds in the Federation.

To the ire of every other shipwright and engineer in Federation Space, the Federation has an exclusive contract with Triglav granting them sole access to any Herald ships the Federation finds. This blatant display of corporate favoritism attracts the rage of politicians and armchair protestors the galaxy over, but Triglav justifies their exclusivity contract by the quality of the ships they produce.

Triglav ships draw from both existing ship design conventions and the strange jagged designs of Herald ships, and it shows in the prow and engine structures of the craft they manufacture. Although not as maneuverable as Herald ships nor as easily armed, they come a close second, and are much easier to pilot. Triglav has as of yet been unable to reverse engineer the Herald short range FTL "hop" system, they instead have made progress into a Disruption Pulse System that scrambles shield patterns, disrupts weapons tracking, and interferes with shield generators.

Due to the power they wield, the lion's share of Triglav's ships are built on contract with the Federation Special Operation Forces, with only a few hulls released into the open market each year for commercial sale. The captain of a Triglav ship will turn a few heads anywhere in the galaxy.

Triglav owns Capitolus. No, seriously. They have ownership rights to over half of the planet's surface area, which they lease to other businesses. Pulsar and Beatrice own the land they use, but many others aren't so lucky.

Blackhawk Elite:

Following a time honored PMC tradition of buying secondhand or surplus Federation Navy warships and bolting on a ton of extra weapons, engines, and armor, the Blackhawk Elite Mercenary Group takes this to its logical conclusion by rebuilding Federation Navy ships from the ground up with denser hull plating three times as thick, more engines with higher thrust output and finer control, and more hardpoints for attaching weapons.

On top of these improvements comes Blackhawk's unique overhaul of the Federation Navy's forcefield system, modifying the single direction barrier into a shield amplification field. This field both drastically improves the ability of a shield to deflect damage and magnetizes the hull such that small bullets are repelled and hull breaks are magnetically held shut, cutting down on the amount of overall damage. Furthermore, this field can be expanded and manipulated to encompass a large range outside the ship's radius, covering allied ships and granting the same beneficial effects.

Blackhawk's ships are veritable fortresses, impenetrable to all but the strongest of weapons and capable of going toe to toe with Triglav, Talon, and even Herald spacecraft. Blackhawk puts this strength to use every day in the various operations they undertake, from convoy escorts, to planetary protection, to personal guards, to bounty hunting. With a high number of ex-Federation soldiers and a harsh applicant selection program, you can rest assured that Blackhawk will do everything in its very considerable power to get the job done. For the right price, of course. If you want the best of the best, you have to pay to match.

Blackhawk is loathe to sell their ships to non-employees, but if they can find a captain worthy of piloting one, they might be willing to part with it. If you have the credits, that is.

Blackhawk began as a PMC providing military strength protection to those in the Federation who exported goods to neutral space, outside of the safe areas of Federation territory. Run by a mysterious group known only as the "Executives", Blackhawk expanded to stake their own claim out in neutral space. Of course, this space is right next to the Talons, literally 4 jumps away. Blackhawk and the Talons butt heads often, but are evenly matched to the point that systems almost never change hands and the fighting along the four Clover Systems, the DMZ between the two, has been likened to more of a shouting match than a war.

Blackhawk's sovereign space is centered around the capital world of Ysgard. Blackhawk space is known as the "Federation away from the Federation", with a similar governing style and cities that are just as large. But with more guns and a hell of a lot more defensive garrisons. I'm not kidding, if you have the chance drop by Ragnarok, they have Anti-Matter Cannons mounted as POINT DEFENSE.

Red Dagger Pirates:

Red Dagger is less of a group and more of a gang. Though not the biggest pirate group in the galaxy, The Reds have a sizable population, on par with any moderately sized pirate organization. However, the Reds somehow manage to keep a constant edge on the competition, capable of taking on organizations much larger than they are yet still pull out on top.

How is this accomplished? A massive network of shipyards stationed in an asteroid field on the Outer Rim, which they use to tear apart and reform the ships they steal into Red Dagger's distinctive design scheme. To summarize: Stick pointy pits on it, bolt a ton of extra engines on the end, and give it a black and red paint job.

To their credit, Red Dagger ships are actually custom designs that sacrifice hull strength for sheer speed. Though the components are scavenged from stolen ships, the stolen hulls are smelted and remade into Red Dagger's unique hull shape. Though these ships are individually flimsy, Red Dagger usually operates in small fleets with lots of scary guns. The engineers working for the Reds have also managed to improve the power conduits to the engines, allowing for short bursts of amplified thrust up to twice the maximum standard acceleration. However, keeping the overdrive active for too long will melt the engine.

Red Dagger is definitely the most ruthless of any of the pirate groups. Though it doesn't apply to everyone in the clan, the recruitment standard is extremely low, leading to a high number of Stim addicts, headcases, and pretty bad people in general. Red Dagger doesn't leave their targets time to send out a white flag transponder. The M.O. is Jump in, shoot to kill, loot the wreckage, and Jump out. The Reds have been a thorn in the Federation's side for over 30 years. Seized Red Dagger ships are often sold off to civilians and PMC's at Federation Auctions.

Red Dagger primarily operates out of Ten Cred. Imagine a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Multiply that by a thousand and add in a population that's 50% comprised of Stim-addicted junkies. That's Ten Cred.

They have a wary alliance with the Talons. As in, Red Dagger doesn't raid Talon ships and the Talons occasionally doesn't raid Red Dagger ships. To be honest the terms are more than a little one sided. The trading agreements seem to work out for the better of them both, though, so who knows?


Red Dagger may be one of the most obnoxious pirate group in the galaxy, but at the end of the day everyone Red or Fed knows that the Talons are indisputably the best pirate group in the galaxy. Where they came from and how they started is unknown to this day, but many in the Federation believe they trace their roots to the first colonists who left earth to explore the stars.

Highly competent, the Talons only take in the greatest of the great, with ships reverse engineered from Herald tech much like Triglav. Talon ships are not particularly sturdy (Albeit much more than the Reds, civilian ships, or Hammerheads), but they can move around a battlefield like nobody's business and generally pack enough firepower to crush the opposition, sporting a specialized weapons optimization system that can link with nearby ships and collaborate data to provide better weapons locking, energy distribution for reloading, and structural analysis for hitting weak points in shields and hulls, which combines to provide a net gain in lock-on, reload, and general damage to all ships within the bandwidth radio transmission range which is, however, very short.

The Talons are also by far the most professional of the pirate groups. They always allow a surrender, they're polite with their victims, they attempt to minimize casualties, they never shoot down escape pods, and as long as you comply with their demands you and your crew will find yourselves alive on your ship without the cargo but with enough fuel and rations to make a jump to safe harbor. As such, the Federation is usually more lenient towards Talons, sentencing life imprisonment over execution in most cases. Oftentimes, imprisoned Talons are allowed out under work-release programs to join the SOF in taking down other pirate gangs, which accounts for a significant portion of the SOF's influx.

Getting your hands on a Talon ship is extremely difficult, but not impossible.

Word to the wise: Don't ask a Talon about what happened with the Compact. They prefer to act as if that little chapter of their history never happened.

The Talon homeworld is uncreatively known as Talon Prime. For the fear these guys strike into the hearts of millions, they seem to find it hilarious how uncreative they have named their homeworld.

Life in Talon space is a decent way to make a monest living. Pay your protection fees and the Talons will ensure you get where you need to go. It isn't as safe as the Feds or as free as the Independents, but theres enough of a life to live that people get by in relative comfort.

Stardust Station:

The largest space station ever created, Stardust is its own self contained city. Complete with a square half mile of natural terrain shipped in chunks from a nearby system and surrounded by a glass dome to let natural light in, Stardust has something for everyone including a park AND the gift shop. It sells miniature replicas of the station! With expansion sets for new modules!

Governed by a stockholder elected board of directors known as the "Suits", Stardust is run as and owned by a corporation: Stardust Inc., who manages both planned expansion of the station and leasing space on the station to companies, individuals, and anyone with the cash. Expansion is done by attaching additional modules, custom manufactured by various contractors for the station.

As it is located outside of Federation territory, Stardust Inc. is actually its own sovereign nation. Where Stardust is unique, however, is its particular method of political alignment. All ships within Stardust's system are bound by a ceasefire agreement. Talon, Federation, Red Dagger, no matter where you come from you're not causing trouble at the threat of retaliation from Stardust's militia, who pilot Triglav and Blackhawk ships.

Adding to the peacekeeping efforts are the ludicrous number of weapons on the station itself, ranging from flak guns to CIWS turrets to torpedo tubes to three Anti-Matter cannons attached to the perimeter.

As a result, Stardust is quite likely the safest place in the Galaxy, even moreso than the friendly confines of the Federation. It's also a great place to get your hands on supplies. Any supplies. Except slaves. Otherwise, you can probably find Stim dealers and assassins for hire in some of the seedier sectors of the station. Hal runs a bar on one of the newer modules that has become THE place to hire crew, Red or Fed. Even the Suits show up once in a while to drink and get a feel for the public opinion of the station.

The Rebels:

Glorified Independents.

The "Rebels" are a collective term for the inhabitants of any Federation planet that has seceded from the union, for whatever reason. The Federation, of course, either classifies them as pirate groups or simply leaves them out to dry.

Exodus was the first to go. A small planet out on the Rim that was colonized because some politician wanted to be important and thought his claim to fame would be to have the Feds colonize a planet outside their established territory.

The colonization was very small in scale, and as time passed the shipments dwindled to the point that they were mostly forgot about by everyone in the upper Federation bureaucracy. Eventually, they were just abandoned. So they went their own way and continue to do so. They harbor no ill will against the Feds, but see no reason to join them again. There is very little piracy in that region of space, so the inhabitants live a pretty peaceful life.

Detritus... is a different story. THEY got the teeth kicked out of them during the Libertas War and later the Federation's assault on the Luos Syndicate. The hellhole that is Federation Bureaucracy meant that the relief efforts were slow to arrive and small in scale when they did.

So Detritus seceded. And the Federation has marked the entire system as Pirate controlled. Detritus now has no contact with the Federation, and all ships into Federation space from their sctor are heavily scrutinized. On the other hand, Blackhawk had sympathy, and continues to provide as a trade partner for the estranged system and as a weapons supplier to help defend against the large number of ACTUAL pirates who attack the system, usually from Ten Cred.

Plenty of people still live in the sector, but the Pirate attacks at a constant scale means nearly everyone can use a gun and has fought for their freedom truth and nail. It's no secret that Mercenaries from Detritus are known as dependable, smart, and can keep their head in a battlefield. As such, Blackhawk recruits from them heavily. The Federation doesn't seem to care, as they have classified it as officialy "Not their problem".

Fire Legion:

A mysterious raider group that formed from the dissolution of the Compact.

These guys are rarely ever seen, but their combat tactics are ruthless. They were just a blip on the radar a few years ago, but they have severely stepped up their game. Now they attack Red Dagger and even Blackhawk outposts. The Federation has not yet decided to act, but everyone agrees it will only be a matter of time. What happens then? Nobody is sure. Many of the Compact's resources mysteriously disappeared following its dissolution, and even the Talons are unsure where it all went. If these people have it all, they could pose a very formidible force against even the Federation.

Nobody has ever heard one of these people speak. All that is heard over radio is comms-disrupting noise that sounds suspiciously like screaming. Anything else is the words hastily panted on the hulls of their ships. Some think them insane, even moreso than the Reds. Some think them just another pirate group. Others see them as a force that needs to be eradicated. It varies by person and proximity to Legion space.

Groups of Interest (Defunct):


The Heralds are a mystery. Their ships and stations found are empty, with no bodies or evidence of inhabitation. We know from the way they made their ships that they were bipedal, taller than humans, and had an affinity for Mana.

The theories run rampant, both on the Hypernet and in backwater bars. Some say they're millenia old aliens, others claim them to be severely modified humans, others don't believe they exist, and that the ships are just Triglav's unfunny attempt to be more important than they really are.

Herald ships disregard every design convention in the book, using a jagged "pincer" shape instead of the more slanted or curved aerodynamic designs in use today. All Herald ships in modern operation are heavily modified for human use, completely replacing the computer systems, life support, and often the energy production systems. Additional retrofits convert the Herald weapon mounting points to the standard weapons hardpoint system in modern use.

The effort put into the retrofits yields a ship unsurpassed in speed and maneuverability. Though slightly less durable than a Blackhawk or Federation Navy ship, the Herald ships compensate by their ability to optimize mana core energy production systems, boosting the energy output to unprecedented heights and making an attached Heraldic shield system the strongest type available. Additionally, the unique FTL propulsion systems on Herald craft allow for extremely short range "FTL Hops" that allow for instant strategic repositioning in ship to ship warfare.

However, Herald ships are rare. As in, hundreds of millions of credits rare. As in, be willing to pay up a buttload of that digital cryptocurrency to get a Herald ship with retrofits from someone who could just easily make as much or more by selling it to Triglav or Beatrice.

The Compact:

Also known as the Pirate Coalition, The Compact was once the largest pirate group in the Galaxy. A merger of several smaller pirate groups, headed by the Luos Syndicate and featuring names as prominent as the Talons and Red Dagger, it grew over the course of a decade to become the largest sovereign entity in the galaxy aside from the Federation.

Of course, as befitting pirates, they would often run raids on the edges of Federation space, looting ships, supplies, and credits. However, like Icarus of old Terran mythology, they grew too proud. The Compact began pulling larger raids further into Federation territory, culminating in the raid of a high profile Federation official's ship near a system only three jumps from Earth herself. Although the Federation had considered the Compact a recurring problem since the pirate union's founding in 2324, this blatant disregard of Federation sovereignty and regulations had finally motivated them into doing something about it. The Federation Navy succinctly responded by sending a massive war fleet to the territorial equivalent of the Compact's front door and politely asked for their unconditional surrender. When the Compact refused, The Federation destroyed the entire border protection fleet.

The Compact then retaliated by stepping up the frequency of their raiding operations, which led to the Federation striking more systems around the Compact border, and so on. This process escalated back and forth, culminating in the Compact's declaration of war on the Federation on January 3rd, 2335. This conflict, later known as the Libertas War, lasted seven years. Though the Federation lost three outer systems on the border to Compact orbital bombardment, the defense-focused ships of the Federation proved to be too difficult for the Compact's comparatively poor fleet synergy and upper management squabbling to break through.

The Federation was likewise unable to gain much ground, but was eventually able to advance into Compact territory with the help of the newly formed Blackhawk Elite Mercenery Group taking the entire contract pro bono to gain notoriety. Indeed, by the year 2343, the Federation with Blackhawk's assistance had managed to completely rout the Compact's forces, causing the union to fracture back into smaller gangs and marking the end of the war.

The Talons and Red Daggers managed to get out mostly intact, but several dozen other groups were utterly decimated. Many of the other surviving groups would join the Luos Syndicate during the 26 year recovery period, but even they would never hold the force projection, territory, and fearful respect that the Compact did.

Luos Syndicate:

Luos was originally founded under the best of intentions: A corporate paradise, where everything was an open market and anyone with the credits could make their way. This lasted half a year before people realized it was completely legal there to steal each other's hard earned goods. Then it became little better than another pirate gang.

Where Luos was different, however, was its rigid power structure. Every member of the Syndicate, known as Associates, owned shares of the company, which had a fluctuating exchange rate for credits. The more shares you owned, the more powerful you were and more pull you had. Once a year, everybody in the Syndicate got to vote for the seats on the Board of Directors, with each share counting for one vote. The Board would decide where to take the Syndicate, and what to do with it.

Because of this strict power structure and control scheme, Luos was able to stake a major claim to many places in the outer rim. Playing it smart, they never attempted to claim anywhere near Blackhawk, Talon, or Federation space, opting instead to remain out of sight and strike from the shadows. With this strategy, they actually grew to be the largest pirate group in the galaxy, and later were the orchestrators of the Compact.

When it dissolved, they split off relatively unharmed, and managed to reclaim much of the territory they had pre-Compact, but it was never as large as it was before.

However, disaster struck when a disgruntled low level Associate betrayed the scope and location to the Federation. The Feds, fearing a repeat of the Libertas War two and a half decades prior, panicked and enacted a plan of mass retaliation, hoping to eliminate the Syndicate off the face of the galaxy. And eliminate they did. Though small remnants of the Syndicate still pop up in obscure systems, the Federation makes sure that the settlements there are bombarded out of existence.

The People's Democratic Republic Of Korea and All the Galaxy:

Still governed by the Divine Kim Jong family line, North Korea was the only nation to not join the Federation after its founding. They eventually managed to get their hands on a working FTL colony ship, however, and have moved most of their population into space to colonize a small planetoid that nobody else even wanted.

To this day, the DPRKAU continues to make threats against the Federation... via Hypercomm. Most often they are merely propaganda about the DPRKAU's superiority over the Federation, but they occasionally threaten to annihilate the Federation Navy with their amazing super powerful destroyer-battlecarriernaught, which is as large as Stardust Station, carries thousands of drones, and is mounted with enough weaponry to eradicate entire systems.

Strangely, nobody has ever seen this destroyer-battlecarriernaught. The Federation continues to ignore all communication from not-really-a-planet Kim Jong, because they have better things to do.

Or read it here "Unofficial Lore" by Federation Diplomat Alec Donovan (endorsed by SDA)

Design[edit | edit source]

These are the design details for those who would like to create accurate-looking add-ons to the Star Dust CYOA. The sample .psd source file containing the CYOA's designs is available in the source files section.

  • Titles font: "Orator Std"
  • Descriptions font: "Franklin Gothic Medium"

There was an online build generator made by a random anon, but it's no longer functioning, and hasn't for a while. Build generator on GoogleDrive

Source Files[edit | edit source]

Player Builds[edit | edit source]

Note: These were all builds created before the 2.0 update.