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=Why Play Angry Marines=
=Why Play Angry Marines=
Much like the hulking, green English football hooligans that everyone loves to play against, you can be a slightly less hulking, yellow football hooligan cock knocking anyone that stands in your way whilst screaming a never ending battle cry of FUUUUUUUUUUUU
Much like the hulking, green English football hooligans that everyone loves to play against, you can be a slightly less hulking, yellow football hooligan cock knocking anyone that stands in your way whilst screaming a never ending battle cry of FUUUUUUUUUUUU....!!!

Angry Marines, while not a GW endorsed army, can be just as fun to play as the Orks (If the Orks and Angry Marines put their very small amount of differences aside, the Angry Waaagh would probably dominate the galaxy!). And much like Orks, conversion work is higly reccomended for Angry Marines, if not mandatory. Get out your greenstuff, glue, and plasticard and get ready to make some middlefingers or Commisar Fuklaw will have you carrying the Portable FUCK Launcher for the rest of your angry life. Happy converting.
Angry Marines, while not a GW endorsed army, can be just as fun to play as the Orks (If the Orks and Angry Marines put their very small amount of differences aside, the Angry Waaagh would probably dominate the galaxy!). And much like Orks, conversion work is highly recommended for Angry Marines, if not mandatory. Get out your greenstuff, glue, and plasticard and get ready to make some middlefingers for Commisar Fuklaw and Portable FUCK Launchers for the rest of your angry force. Happy converting.

*You get to play the coolest home-brew faction in existence, what more reasons do you need?!!!
*You get to play the coolest home-brew faction in existence, what more reasons do you need?!!!
*You have one of the best (if not the best) melee armies in the game, even your guns can be used in melee.
*You have one of the best (if not the best) melee armies in the game, even your guns can be used in melee.
*You get to stick a giant middle finger up at GW for the shit they've pulled over the years (although even some of their stupid shit is cool, mostly it’s just the pricing).
*You get to stick a giant middle finger up at GW for the shit they've pulled over the years (although even some of their stupid shit is cool, mostly it’s just the pricing).
*You get the largest variety of units in the game for a single faction. You get tanks, knights, titans, pseudo penitent engines, even goddamn honey badgers!
**On top of that you get extra warlord traits, psychic powers, relics, detachments and codex supplements with even more good stuff.
*If you're a long standing 40K player your probably have what you need to play the Angry Marines just lying around.
*If you're a long standing 40K player your probably have what you need to play the Angry Marines just lying around.
*There are no really redundant units, unlike other factions where there is a lot of competition for different roles, each angry marine unit is either not directly competing with another unit or is very flexible, as almost every unit can run in an extremely choppy or dakkery variant.
*Everyone will love you for playing them, only customised orks while result in as much gamer glee.
*Everyone will love you for playing them.
**Seriously, unless your a total dick about it turning up with your space marine orks will have everyone smiling, you will brighten up their day with your yellow and red glow.
**Seriously, unless your a total dick about it turning up with your space marine orks will have everyone smiling, you will brighten up their day with your yellow and red glow.
*You have the best (if somewhat dangerous) deepstriking methods which allow for a greater than 50% chance of making a successful charge even without rerolls, and one of your methods deep strikes a rhino onto the field at 6”, the fun you can have with flame throwers in such a situation is beautiful.
*You have the best (if somewhat dangerous) deepstriking methods which allow for a greater than 50% chance of making a successful charge even without rerolls, and one of your methods deep strikes a rhino onto the field at 6”, the fun you can have with flame throwers in such a situation is beautiful.
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*All your models are either going to be proxy or difficult to make, as there is a lot of "character" which has to go into the angry marines, the painting alone puts them above and beyond other factions in terms of detail/graffiti.
*All your models are either going to be proxy or difficult to make, as there is a lot of "character" which has to go into the angry marines, the painting alone puts them above and beyond other factions in terms of detail/graffiti.
*If your not careful other armies will eat you for breakfast, as there's lots of stuff out there which is specifically designed to anally abuse MEQ'S.
**You’d better get good at painting the colour yellow, because ow boy no colour in the entirety of warhammer can go as badly wrong as yellow.
*If you're not careful other armies will eat you for breakfast, as there's lots of stuff out there which is specifically designed to anally abuse MEQ'S.
*The codex is not yet finished or balanced, so you'll either have your arse handed to you or be labelled as "that guy".
*The codex is not yet finished or balanced, so you'll either have your arse handed to you or be labelled as "that guy".
*Most of your shooting is orks levels of accuracy unless you go to your elites or hq slots (but then again, that’s kind of the point).
*You will never be able to officially play them as there is no chance GW will make them cannon, never fucking mind releasing a proper codex for them, your best hope is that your local game club or GW shop let’s you play them after checking that the rules aren’t broken.
*As it stand there are no forge world model variants, so you won’t be able to properly play apocalypse with these guys (although hordes of marines will surprisingly quickly grind a titan down).

=Angry Marines Rules=
*You lack a lot of the new primaris units or very specialized units like cataphracti armour.
===Angry Marines Keywords===
*the '''(Angry Marines)''' and '''Angry Marine''' Keywords is not the same Keyword. the '''(Angry Marines)''' Keyword is a Faction Keyword, and the '''Angry Marine''' Keyword is is just a Keyword and not a Faction Keyword.

*Most of your shooting is orks levels of accuracy unless you go to your elites or hq slots (but then again, that’s kind of the point).
**This really hurts if you shill out for heavy and special weapons, as they cost only slightly less or the same as their vanilla counterparts.

===Angry Marines Abilities===
*You will never be able to officially play them as there is no chance GW will make them canon, never fucking mind releasing a proper codex for them. Your best hope is that your local game club or GW shop lets you play them after checking that the rules aren’t broken.
**Not really an issue as there are now angry knights and titans (and the knights apoplectic if you want knight characters) but you still don’t get stuff like spartan assault tanks.
In a way this is the best ability in the entire angry marine codex, the ability to hold an objective regardless of how many models you have on said objective, you can win games even by having your army annihilated. I may be over exaggerating a little, but it is an exceptional ability considering how durable your guys are, especially as they're not going to lose in melee so your opponents only real choice is to throw excess amounts of dakka at the problem, and every bit of dakka your opponent is focusing on your squad of five marines, is less dakka focused at your more melee focused (and yes, there are things more deadly in melee than a standard angry marine at your disposal) guys who are heading straight towards your opponents objective. (This ability is just a space marine codex ability, just renamed, but GW has came out with an Errata a few months ago that said that all armies have this ability to their troops).
*'''And They Shall Know No Fear - More like AND THEY SHALL FUCK YOU UP''':
All marines get this, you know it, you love it, there's not really much to say about it, you get to re roll morale tests, in an edition where games are won and lost on morale tests you can see why these are important.
Units with this rule gain plus one attack on the charge, combine that with two melee weapons and some psychic powers and you get to ork and genestealers levels of insane numbers of attacks, and that's before you include re-rolls and buffs from your characters. Keep in mind that a lot of your melee in general relys on getting the charge first as your guys may be durable, but there are many things in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium specialised in killing marines.
Units with this rule gain plus one attack on the charge, the rule for your guys who aren't proper angry marines and therefore don't get that plus one strength. These units are generally the ones you want to be holding back to shoot at the enemy, but if worst comes to worst your scouts can provide a nasty surprise to the squad of guardsmen looking for some easy points.
*'''Dual Melee Weapons''':
Do you ever have those moments that where you look at your Khorne Berserkers and wish they were a little more choppy? Then this is the rule for you! It adds a plus one to a models attack characteristic if they have two of the same melee weapon, giving (as it stands) a model with two chainswords THREE EXTRA ATTACKS. Now that may not sound like a lot, but your playing Angry Marines, you have strength 5 almost across the board, you have access to the best buffing abilities and psychic powers anyone has to offer, and your actually allowed to carry two melee weapons. A bog standard squad of 10 marines with two chainswords each is going to put out (on average, ignoring the sergeant and not on the charge) 40 strength 5 attacks, and that's without any buffs (that's genestealer'S levels of FUCK YOU), once you add buffs, spells and the added dakka which the angry marines are backed by, there is nothing which can stand up to an Angry Marine charge.
Keep in mind however, these attacks don't have rending (as I only gave an example for with chainswords), if you want your guys to be dealing multiple wounds or ignoring armour your going to be paying through the teeth per model for those double melee weapons. And if not properly supported your foot sloggers are going to die like flies to ranged fire, but you shouldn't be footslogging, you have access to the best (if unsafe) deep striking methods available, and your playing angry marines, you win automatically just by turning up to a fight.
*Desert Fangs Tactics:
Fluff wise this is for the models which existed before the desert fangs became angry marines, but expresses their inherent rage. Crunch wise this makes models with this rule hit like their proper angry marine brothers by giving thm plus one attack and strength on the charge, any unit with this rule you want to charge and you want them to win the charge outright (by themselves or with help) otherwise they just become standard marines (which is fucking boring).
===Angry Marine Stratagems===
*'''ALL THE TIME!(3 CP)''':
At the end of the fight phase, for 3 cp, your guys get to attack again. Yes it's expensive but your army is melee based, a single round of combat wit you is enough to wipe out most units, imagine what a second round could do. (This Stratagem is just a renamed Stratagem from the Codex Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines), but it's so much better for Angry Marines because your army is so much more melee based than normal Space Marines.)
An opposing psyker automatically manifests a spell but takes D3 mortal wounds, very situational but it will definitely make your opponent think twice before using their injured psyker.
A unit can shoot and charge after advancing, yes please, your guys want to be getting into melee as fast as possible, and being able to do so and still fire some of the angry marines excellent guns, use this on a unit of terminators and watch them tear a hole hole in your opponent.
One of your vehicles explodes on a 2+, only really useful if said vehicle is in melee but (like the orks) you have some vehicles which are excellent n melee, this is simply the icing on the FUCK YOU!!! cake.
For 2cp, prevent an enemy unit from disengaging from one of your units in melee, and that unit takes one mortal wound. It may seem expensive, but it could make the difference between that unit of tau battlesuits running off and annihilating you in the shooting phase, and that same unit being ripped to pieces, the mortal wound by itself can be enough to ruin your opponents day. Keep in mind that very few armies are going to want to be in melee against the angry marines, so it may be worth saving some extra cp just for this ability.
An excellent stratagem, but a dangerous one to overuse due to its cp cost of 2, if liberally used you will find yourself up shit creek without a paddle. However, if used correctly and sparingly you can save your unit of hellblasters from that deep striking terminator squad (as the unit in question just has to have the infantry keyword). Useless against vehicles, monsters and the like, but there are plenty of enemy infantry units out there which you would prefer not to be firing at your guys.
*'''Cover them!''':
A very situational stratagem, as you’ll only ever use it when you have an angry serf unit which is packing MASSIMIUM DAKKA and is right next to a charging unit of angry marines, which is unlikely as any unit of serfs which is that well kitted ouch for shooting is not going to be that close to the enemy. However, it is still an excellent card to have up your sleeve as it can certainly make a big difference by fucking up your opponents over watch and adding to their morale casualties.
*'''Orbital Barrel of FUCK YOU!!(4 CP)''':
At 4 cp it is ridiculously expensive, but for that cost you get to give your opponent the biggest middle finger imaginable as you dish out d3 mortal wounds to EVERY UNIT on the battlefield (on a 4+). Use against those armies with lots of units or extremely high points costs to total wounds (As if Grey Knights need anymore fucking), just don’t expect to use this more than once and expect a fair for casualties doing so, maybe hide all of your troops inside durable metal boxes before calling in a battle barge to crash onto your battlefield.
*'''RELICS OF RAGE!(1-3 CP)''':
Allows you to bring along one or two extra relics, more of a personal preseference than a yes or no as although the angry marines have some excellent and fluffy relics you need to plan your army around having them, think of it more like a points cost in matched play than an on the battlefield cost, it’s a shame really that a model can’t have two relics, otherwise a model with the storm shield surfboard and the combi-combi flamer could make your opponent a wide variety of new holes to shit out of. (This Stratagem is also just a renamed Stratagem from the Codex Space Marines)
Sacrifice the shots of a heavy bolter for the chance to cause D3 mortal wounds to a unit, great against a those expensive multi wound models, only use it with a unit which has a BS of 3+ or better, otherwise your just pissing away your command points. (This Stratagem is just a copied Stratagem from the Codex Space Marines)
A free round of shooting at a minus one to hit for an infantry unit within 12” of an enemy unit which deepstriked. Only your normal infantry this is just an overwatch (something some tai suits get to do for free), so save it for your back line shooters which your opponent might want to wipe out with a sneaky deep strike. (This Stratagem is also just a renamed Stratagem from the Codex Space Marines)
Wheras other marines get to split a unit into two separate units, you have to pay 1 cp per unit for the privilege, of your running a dakka variety of a unit it might be a good idea to split them to cut down on morale losses, but your melee blobs want to stick together for the most part to take advantage of overlapping buff bubbles.
A free round of either melee or shooting for a character which was just slain, expensive but your characters are beasts in melee to the point that they could make a good chunk of their points back through this stratagem. (This Stratagem is also just a renamed Stratagem from the Codex Space Marines)
An Angry marine or angry primaris unit fighting against a unit with the Chaos keyword generates extra hits in melee for every hit roll of 5+. Situational but your garnered to get extra attacks and some extras on top of that with the number of attacks a unit of Angry Marines can throw out. (This is an more expensive but better and renamed version of a Stratagem from the Codex Space Marines)
Just a rename of the Astra militarum Stratagem, allows a unit in the shooting phase to throw up to 10 grenades, use it either to clear out a horde of guardsmen or annihilate a rhino in a single phase.
*'''RUN THEM OVER!(1 CP)''':
Another imperial guard Stratagem, an Angry marine vehicle which isn’t a rage speeder hits on a 2+ until the next turn, great considering that your tanks will often find themselves in melee anyway.

=Angry Marine Rules=
Just like the hellfire shells Stratagem, but the model must have a rocket launcher and be targeting a unit which can fly, roll one hit which causes D3 mortal wounds. Again, useful for the same reasons as hellfire shells. (This Stratagem is also just a copied Stratagem from the Codex Space Marines)
*'''ALWAYS ANGRY!!!'''
:The rule that makes angry marines angry marines, the chainsaw core of their being, which is plus 1 attack on the charge or heroic intervention, and hits of 6+ in the same circumstances become 2 hits instead of 1. By itself it turns a 1 attack marine into a 2.16 attack marine, and that’s without melee weapons (dual or otherwise) psychic powers or relics. The best part of this is the exploding attacks, as you have many ways of adding 1 to hit and increasing your base attack amount. Be aware though that this is only when charging etc, you get no benefit for being charged or for any rounds of combat after the first, incentivising you to either hit hard and make your enemy incapable of fighting back in any serious manner, or to cycle charge with flying units.

:Be aware though that anything which gives you a minus 1 to hit in melee will mean you need a 7+ for this effect to activate, so thunder hammers, servo arms and the like don’t benefit at all unless you can get a plus 1 to hit.
Now we get to the good shit, you get to deepstrike a rhino with a unit inside it from a reserve, on a 1 or 2 on a d6 it dies along with the unit inside it (boo) but on a 3,4,5 or 6 you set it up 9” or more away from an enemy unit (yay, but the rhino takes 2D3 mortal wounds and can’t charge or move till next turn)). But what’s so great about this is that you then set up the unit which was inside it 6” or further away from the enemy, and they can still shoot and charge. It’s risky yes, but you are one of the few armies which can get a 6” deep strike, you are almost garenteed to be able to charge right into your enemies rear line, just don’t expect to survive the deep strike every time.

*'''And They Shall Know No Fear:'''
A whirlwind cremator instead of firing normally deals a Strength 6 AP -2 and Damage 2 auto hit to every model in a piece of terrain which the models can’t gain the benefit of cover against. Fantastic, as long as you have a whirlwind cremator, and there are some enemy units in a terrain feature, I’ve been using the word situational a lot but this time it most certainly applies.
:Reroll morale tests, a bit meh this edition because of how morale works but it may save you from time to time. This will be glossed over in the following tactics.

*'''Desert Fangs Tactics:'''
A Dreadnought is slain and does not Explode is placed its side instead of removing it. Then roll a D6 at the beginning of your next turn. On a 4+, the model regains D3 wounds, and is placed as close to it previous position as possible while remaining more than 1" from any enemy models. great because it not going to immediately get shot back down again.
:Plus 1 attack and strength for the unit when it charges, the equivalent to ALWAYS ANGRY!!! for those units which are classed as desert fangs instead of angry marines. Makes your silencers hit harder on the charge.

*'''Dual Melee Weapons:'''
Delay an enemy unit from deep striking for one turn, and it only costs 1 cp, it’s so beautiful it feels like cheating. A lot of armies rely on deep striking to win games by hitting your vulnerable units, being able to say NOPE to that is fantastic. It does lose some of its power the more units your opponent has in reserve to deep strike but it should not be taken lightly due to how cheap the ability is, save it for use against terminators, drop pods, Uber dakkery battlesuits and the like for maximum effect.
:Plus 1 attack for a model if it is equipped with two of the same melee weapon. This does not come up often in other legions but the angry marines have greater access to dual everything, helping to add to your already impressive attack levels.

===Angry Marine Weapons===
*'''FUCK THE BOLTER!!!:'''
'''Ranged Weapons'''
:Angry marines do not get the Bolter Discipline. Instead they may fire bolt weapons at enemy units within 1” of friendly units, or within 1” of themselves, but at a minus1 to hit unless they didn’t move, are bikers, characters, dreadnoughts or terminators. Given angry marines want to get into combat as fast as possible being able to use their weapons against units already in melee makes the most of the weapons they bring along, although with a minus 1 to hit your only hitting on 6’s without buffs. Models with a pistol also get to use the pistol butt weapon profile, which gives them an extra chainsword equivalent attack in melee but at a minus 1 to hit. With the angry marines strength of 5 an extra attack, even at minus 1 to hit, can go a long way.
*Hand Flamer: Expensive at 8 points and short ranged at 6”, but your one of the few armies with easy access to 6” deepstrikes, and they can be absolutely brutal when fired into melee.

*Infernous Pistol: Same problems as the hand flamer (and same work arounds), but with the added bonus that if you can get the weilder next to a character in melee you could one shot said character without the risk of them hitting you back.
*'''Jump Pack Assault:'''
:Standard 9” deep strike for units with jump packs, which you have access to quite a few of.

*Plasma Pistol: Added range over the infernous pistol (and costs less than half the price) but far less of a character hunting rape machine, but far more reliable as just a GEQ or MEQ hunter.

*Flamer: Not much to say about this weapon other than it’s a great way to get around the Angry Marines terrible ballistic skill, probably good to bring a few along.
:Shock Assault but by another name. You know it. You love it. Anything that gives your marines more attacks to trigger ALWAYS ANGRY!!! is good.

'''Melee Weapons'''
*'''Storm Shield:'''
:The classic 3++ save. A difficult one for the angry marines as an arm given up for a storm shield is an arm not carrying a melee weapon to give you a bonus attack.

*'''Teleport Strike:'''
:Standard 9” deep strike for units in terminator armour, something which you have little access to due to the angry marines preference for speed and melee.

'''Special Issue Wargear'''  
:Objective Secured, Angry Marine style. The only difference is that troops with this that charged count as two models instead of one in that turn, incentivising you to make last minute charge attempts to shift an opponent off an objective at the end of the game.

:Your standard 6” advance for bikes. To be avoided unless your trying to get into cover as advancing means you can’t charge.

'''Vehicle Wargear'''

=Warlord Traits=
:Re-roll all failed wounds for your warlord. Simple. Effective, and allows you to make the most of the high number of high strength attacks your warlord can make. As a bonus, this also works with your ranged weapons, but is best avoided on characters who can already re-roll part of their wound rolls.

*'''FUCK SCORING!!!'''
*Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa:
:For when you don’t need your warlord to contest an objective, in exchange for your warlord not being able to take objectives they add 1 to their attacks characteristics and to their ranged weapons type.  
An upgrade over the power wrench with an extra point of strength and damage, but falls one short of the s8 required to make it the meq character hunter it probably should be, and it doesn’t do better against anything except multi wound models and the odd t6 models you may have to fight. It does allow you to add one to your wound rolls against orks though, making it an excellent weapon for that purpose as you’ll be wounding warbosses on a 2+ (most certainly not to be sniffed at). But apart from when fighting against orks, probably best to leave this one at home, which is a shame really as this is the only old relic in the new codex.

:6+D6” charge range instead of 2D6”, giving you an average charge range of 9.5” and a minimum range of 7”. Increases your reliability after deep striking and can be very easily buffed further.

*the looted, looted, looted, Pretty Marines "WARGH MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Banner:
*'''IT’S KINDA FUN!!!'''
Plus two leadership, rerolling charge distances and plus one attack on the charge. This is in direct competition with the codex Angry Marines, but this edges it out if you want to swamp the board with yellow and red foot sloggers, the only thing missing is a feel no pain save. With this you can almost garentee that any units with its range will not be failing any morale tests, and the rerollable charge range almost garentees that you’ll make that 6” charge distance from a drop pod or rhino, the extra attack is just delicious delicious gravy on the murder pie.
:May take a ranged weapon for free and adds 1 to their ranged hit rolls and ignores the penalties for advancing and firing all weapons. A bit meh when you consider that you could give your warlord dual melee weapons instead and throw them into melee.

:Plus 2 attacks and movement of your warlords below half wounds. This will rarely activate as most of your characters will die before this activates unless they’re someone really tough, but it can also be utterly terrifying when that character your opponent thought was on their last legs is now in melee chopping them to pieces.

*The Codex Angry Marines:
*'''Master of Furious Flight'''
An excellent beat stick and buffing relic at the same time, as a melee weapon it’s a power bat which deals two damage (not to be sniffed at in an age of multi wound models) but as a buffing tool it adds +1 to the hit rolls and allows rerolling of failed hits rolls for all Angry Marines in range. And that’s all hit rolls, hold this in back field with some plasma units to ensure that your units never miss or explode, or plop a character with this in a melee horde to effectively make all your attacks auto hits, stack with rip and tear to ensure that the ONLY dice rolls your opponent will have to save them are their armour or invulnerability saves. In short, this is Avery reliable and useful relic to have and you will probably be wanting to bring it to most battles.
:Plus 6” extra movement and gains the benefit of cover after advancing, but only if they can fly. One of the few purely mobility based traits, but it does allow your warlord to engage whatever target they choose.

*'''Psychic Nutcase'''
:Plus 2 to all psychic tests and knows and casts an extra power, but suffers perils on double 1’s, 2’s and 6’s. A high risk high reward trait, you will be suffering perils from doubles and rolling more than 12 very often, but you’ll also be casting some of the angry marines excellent powers far more often.

*The Head of Ward:
=Psychic Powers=
An incredibly situational relic, but in the situations where it is needed it will be the bane of your opponents existence, mostly due to the range of the buffs it provides at 24”, and to work you only need one model in a unit to be within range, so you could quite happily have your entire army rerolling hits and wounds of one against that dick necron player who keeps pulling off teleportation and turn one charge cheese. Think of this relic as an anti cheese against all the that guys who think that copying and pasting an army list into a checkout basket makes them a brilliant player, just remember that this relic is useless against any army which hasn’t been fucked over my Matt Ward (CURSED BE HIS FUCKING NAME THE COCKSUCKER!!!)
*'''FUCK HEAT!!!'''
:For WC 6 a unit with plasma weapons rerolls all failed hit rolls until your next psychic phase, even on overwatch. Angry marine plasma weapons are more powerful than normal, but are far more unstable, so the ability to avoid those fatal 1’s helps.

:WC 6 on an infantry unit, and they gain 1 attack, 2 if they’re outnumbered in melee, 3 if they’re outnumbered 2:1 in melee. You know that ork horde you just charged? Evaporated. Those hormogaunts? Annihilated. Best used on your tough units with melee weapons which normally suffer from a low attack count like the adamantium 2 by 4.

*The Combi-Combi flamer:
*'''RIP AND TEAR!!!'''
This should really be your go to relic (even if it is just two combi flamers duct taped together) if your just after a source of wounds, with the potential to pump out 16 strength 4 hits (12 of which are auto hits) there is very little which will be surviving contact with this weapon, and the angry marines poor ballistic skill doesn’t really matter as most of your shots are auto hits. Keep in mind that this is just one gun, a gun which cannot be everywhere at once, has relatively poor range and is going to be a massive fire magnet. Also, it provides precisely zero choppy power, so if the weirder gets stuck in melee, he’s going to be there for a while.

:WC 5, minus 1 to the psychic tests taken by a within 24” (being able to target characters) and ALL other psykers within 6” of the psyker. Simple, effective and shuts down a lot of armies psychic phase. Grey knights and thousand sons in particular will suffer and at only WC 5 it’s easy to pull off. However, this is a one trick pony, it’s of no use against armies with no pskyers, or even against the necrons with their not psykers.

*The Doom Guy gun:
*'''ALL THE RAGE!!!'''
A souped up storm bolter which always fires 4 shots (6 against daemons) but you always have to advance to use it (no minus one to hit though) which means that your dakka monster is never going to be charging anything unless you can buff him appropriately. Excellent for hunting down MEQ characters with invulnerability saves, or just throw it at those multi wound models like primaris marines or terminators and watch your opponent cry, don’t forget to drink their tears.
:WC 6, an angry marine character get plus 1 attack and toughness until your next psychic phase and enemy units within 3” subtract 1 from their leadership. Toughness 5 holds a special place in the rules at the moment, as it provides protection against strength 4,5 and 8 weapons which are very common, the plus 1 attack and leadership debuff are just gravy to kill more stuff. Does not stack with the RIP AND TEAR!!! and FFFFFFFF...!!! Psychic Powers, so as before you’ll need to make a tactical choice on what you need your unit to do.


*The Storm Shield Surfboard:
=Specialist Detachments=
A model with a storm shield may ride said shield, giving it a 12” movement range, fly and inflicts d3 mortal wounds to any unit it charges. Downside? You only get a 3+ invulnerability save in the fight phase, and your red and yellow surfer is going to be attracting a lot of dakka with that stat line. Could be excellent on one of your buffing characters to allow himself to be in the perfect position to buff your units, either that or give it to Commissar Fuklaw “SURF ME CLOSER, I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY SWORD!!!” (funny joke, but commissar fuklaw can not take RELICS.)


*Roll of Emergency Purity Seals:
A unit within 3” of the bearer (until your next turn) cannot suffer negative modifiers, coming from either an enemy ability, Psychic Power or Stratagem, that modifies their hit or wound rolls, or their Leadership or Toughness characteristics. You know those admec units with their minus one toughness aura allowing them to wound marines on 4+, fuck them. Or how about reivers with their minus one leadership aura, also fuck them. Or how about armies like the raven guard who impose a minus one to hit if the unit targeting them is 12” or more away, especially fuck them.
*'''Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa'''

Just keep in mind that this ability is activated at the start of your turn, not whenever you feel like it, meaning that your opponent might simply decide to send their negative modifiers towards one of your other units, and, of course, this relic does absolutely fucking nothing if your opponent doesn’t have the ability to inflict negative modifiers. Otherwise, an excellent piece of insurance to bring along to ensure your guys stay as shooty and choppy as possible.

===Angry Marine Psychic Powers===
A targeted unit with plasma weapons may re-roll all failed hit rolls for these weapons until your next Psychic phase. Incredibly useful because your plasma weapons have no “safe” mode (SAFETY MEASURES ARE FOR TAU FAGGOTS!!!) and because of this a roll of one will cost you dearly (Marines and plasma weapons not being cheap).  
===Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant===
===Angry Captains===
====Angry Captain====
Your standard space marine captain (T4 W5 A4, 3+/5++, reroll 1’s to hit), but angry marine style (S5, always angry, fuck the bolter). Kit wise they get two master crafted chainswords meaning that they have 7 attacks base, making them the deadliest base captain of any chapter, 9 attacks on the charge. Mostly you’ll have the vanilla, cheap as possible as with strength 5 you’ll wound almost all infantry on 3’s, at worst 4’s, even toughness 8 on 5’s. If you want to make them an utter murder machine they can take all melee weapons as dual weapons (except the power chair), so two lightning claws? Murder everything. Two power fists or hammers? Legal and murderous. But the holy grail of melee weapon duos are the Adamantium 2”x4” with a nail through it, which will cost you an arm and a leg (someone else’s hopefully) but they will give you 6 exploding attacks on the charge at S7 ap-4 DD3, allowing yourself base captain to beat the shit out of anything smaller than a bane blade.

====Angry Captain in Terminator Armour====
Your anti horde power, give an infantry unit plus one attack, plus two attack if it’s in melee or enters melee against a unit which outnumbers it, plus three if they’re outnumbered two to one or more. An incredibly flexible power, as most of the time your guys are going to be at least outnumbered (especially if your running five man squads) but this really comes into its own against orks, tyranids and those pesky conscripts that cunts like to spam into objectives.
See the previous, but in terminator armour and with terminator weapons. Send with a squad of terminators to deep strike your enemy to death.

====Angry Captain on Bike====
See the previous, previous entry, but with turbo boost, plus 1 toughness, increased movement and biker weapons. Use when you want to speed of a jump pack, but don’t want them to die when looked at sideways.

===Angry Chaplains===
Obsolutely brutal against Parker heavy armies, as pskyers are general a bit fragile so are kept close together in bubble wrap units, making the -1 manifestation and deny bubble particularly useful. On the opposite end of the scale, this is fantastic against armies which only have one psyker, allowing you to effectively shut down the enemies psyker until their next turn, but before that you will cast this power again, and again, and again (the dice gods allowing). In short, a nice power to spam faster than an inquisitor with an exterminartus button, but of absolutely zero use if your opponent has no psykers, or your playing against the ctan, whose powers are more like shooting attack’s..
====Angry Chaplain====
====Angry Chaplain on Bike====
===Black Brother Captain===
===Masters of Mindfuckery===
====Master of Mindfuckery====
====Master of Mindfuckery on Bike====
===Angry Apothecary===
===Angry Commissar===

==Special Characters==
===Angry Captain Satchel===
===Captain Bat Shit Insane===
The most absurd infantry beat stick you possess. Stat wise he’s a basic captain (down to the 5++) but with an extra attack and two arecheotech chainswords (S user ap-2 D2 +1 attack) which give him an effective attack count of 8, 10 on the charge with ALWAYS ANGRY!!! and shock assault, on top of power feet and the usual D3 attacks with them at the end of the fight phase. By itself this makes him an infantry blender of some quality, but as with all angry marines what makes them special are their special rules. Skill through insanity allows him to reroll all failed hits and hit rolls of 6+ automatically wound, which stacks with always angry to give you two auto wounding hits on a hit of 6+, although with strength 5 this isn’t as essential. However, he may never be your warlord, stopping him from taking advantage of the absurdly powerful happy go choppy warlord trait (which would make his attack count 12 on the charge with triple exploding attacks on 6’s).

Finally, his Flurry of chain swords rule means that failed hit rolls of 1 against him in the fight phase deal a mortal wound back on the sender, which works absolute wonders on swarms, and at the beginning of each fight phase all (including friendlies) other units within 3” of him take a mortal wound on a 4+. In all he’s a glass cannon, so load him into a transport and fire him at your enemy as fast as possible and watch them disappear in a red mist, as on the charge he effectively creates 11.66 hits on whatever he is fighting on the charge, which is more than enough to simple evaporate most targets.
A fantastic, if expensive (at WC 8), power, as it allows you to “throw” a character up to 36” at an enemy, allowing said character to make a full set of attacks and deal mortal wounds in the process. But this powers real purpose (apart from providing a lot of butt hurt to your opponent) is as overwatch cover, as the targeted unit can’t overwatch against the thrown character, and then can’t overwatch once they’re stuck into melee, allowing the unit which threw the character to charge in unmolested, the potential amount of rape this power can facilitate is insane.

Throw a character like captain satchel if you just want to tarpit an anemy unit (the fucker just won’t die) but don’t expect to reliably pull off this power due to its cost, so always have a contingency plan in place, especially as the range of this power is 6D6” so even if you manifest the power you could be out of range of actually hitting anything with it.
===Captain Tantrumus Fuckingham (Angry Marines First and Only Primaris Captain)===
===Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin===
===Commissar Fuklaw===
===Cunt Pounder, the Angry Marines first Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought===
===Dick Haggard===
Dick Haggard does one thing and he does it well, and that’s punching stuff. Base he’s just a generic angry marine (ws 2+ bs 4+ S4 T4 W6 A5 Ld8 3+ sv) which makes him very squishy against any anti infantry weapons. What makes him that bit special is a 5+ feel no pain save, but with no invulnerability save melted will chew through him, but you should be keeping him behind a meat shield (unfortunately he is not allowed in vehicles). Things start looking up when you look at his melee weapons, which are his knuckle dustered fists (the plus 1 attack is baked into his stat line) which are S5 ap-1 DD3 melee weapons which he rerolls all failed hot rolls with and failed wound rolls of 1 and 2 (in other words all failed wounds against most targets) and become ap-4 damage 3 on a wound roll of 6+. On top of that, he gets to make D3 additional attacks with his fists every time he fights, which with the usual angry marine rules of always angry and shock assault give him a max of 10 exploding attacks on the charge. Against proper chaff this will do wonders and against MEQs with high invulnerability saves his low ap doesn’t matter, but this profile will suffer against properly armoured, massed foes.

===Warlord Traits===
For ranged he has one weapon, a literal fucking rock, an assault 1 6D3” S5 ap0 DD2. Normally this wounded even be worth rolling the dice for to resolve, but a wound roll of 6+ deals DD2 mortal wounds instead, which is improved to a 4+ against vehicles, making it at least possible for him to deal damage. Finally, haggard is also a body guard, but only for temperus maximus, who he intercepts damage for. The key word is damage, not hits, as the other competition for uber strong bodyguards, the guardians of fury, intercept hits. This allows the chapter master to use his invulnerability save first, then pass on any unsaved damage onto haggard to use his feel no pain save. All of this comes at the low price of 70 points, which even as a 6 wound and feel no pain upgrade for your chapter master is good value before adding on his melee prowess.

==Unit Analysis==
===Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Master of the Armoury===
===Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface===
===Special Charecters===
===Sergeant Sky Shitter===
====Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the Third, Master of the Armoury====
===Temperus Maximus===
My oh my now do we have something special here ? for the cost of three or so Terminators you get to bring a character which will annihilate any vehicle (reroll all failed wound rolls against vehicles) and will tear a new hole in anything titanic (all his attacks deal double damage against titanic units). All of this and more (multi use launcher, four Servo-arms and three boltstorm (Rapid Fire 6) welded onto a Power Fist , WHAT MORE DO YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME?!!!), but when he’s not ruining baneblades you’ll be wanting to use him to repair D6 wounds on a vehicle at a time.
====Chapter Master Temperus Maximus====
Your classic chapter master in power armour on the surface, 5”, 2+ weapon skill, T4 W7 A5 2+/4++, halves damage (rounding up) received, reroll all failed hits within 6”, deep strike, but with the angry usual angry marine trimmings (4+ bs, S5). Sub sonic battle cry and adamantium cigar prevents all angry marines within 6” suffering negative leadership modifiers and adds 1 to their leadership, which is a bit meh in this addition but still has its uses. What you want him for though is his combat prowess, as although he has the classic uber powerfist, he also comes with power feet and RIGHT IN THE NUTS FUCKER!!! which gives him D6 extra attacks each time he fights, but only with his power feet. And as already stated, power feet are quite dangerous, being effectively less accurate power fists. Combine this with always angry and his inherent attacks rerolls Maximus is able to kill any MEQ character in a single round of combat, or wipe out entire squads of multi wound infantry, making him essentially impossible to tarpit or kill with a single character.

He does have some major flaws (as he should really). Firstly, although he has a 2+ armour save he doesn’t have an invulnerability save, which is fine against lasguns, but your opponent isn’t going to be wasting lasgun shots against him, they’re going to be using meltas, lascannons, heavy Flamers and battle cannons against him, all of which will chew through his armour, and he’s only toughness four. Then there’s the matter of his meagre four wounds, an imperial knight can kill him in one hit with most of its weapons, your going to want someone nearby to either heal or buff him. Then finally, he only has four attacks, this isn’t such a problem against vehicles as he can destroy light and Titan vihicles in a single round of melee (dice gods allowing) but without buffs to his attacks he will struggle with meadium and heavy (non-titanic) armour, and hordes, hordes especially will keep him in place for a good while, especially as his melee weapons all incur a minus one to hit.
However, other than the leadership and rerolls maximus doesn’t add anything extra to your army, and as he is inherently slow, and with his high price tag you will notice his presence in your army list.

So to sum up he is a fantastic glass cannon who can earn his points back and far more if played right, but he will die a fair bit faster than the equivalent three or so terminators it costs to field him.
==== Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed====
In 8th edition not even the angry marines are safe from being primarisafied. Maximum in his primaries form shares all the same base stats as his non primaris form, but those differences he does have will be noticed. For starters, he has plus 1 wound and attack and toughness 5 which are standard in primaris chapter masters, immediately making anti MEQ weapons latterly ineffective against him, while further buffing his insane melee prowess. His weapons are also all the same except that he  gains furious glare, a 2D6 flamer with ap-1, giving him excellent overwatch defence against infantry. For rules he gains YOU DID FUCKING WHAT?!!! and ffffuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!, the former of which allows him to charge after advancing while making him immune to the effects of any stratagem (yours or your opponent) while the latter makes him explode on death to deal D6 mortal wounds to everything in 2D6”. All in all, Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed benefits exceptionally well from becoming a primaris, but still suffers from his previous shortfalls.

===The Guardians of Fury===
*Angry Squad:
The most dangerous infantry the angry marines have access to. Base they’re a unit (2-5 models) of cataphracti terminators (2+/4++, 4”, 2 attacks 3 wounds, half advance distances, ATSKNF and teleport strike) with the usual angry marine dressing (strength 5, 4+ ballistic skill, 2+ weapon skill and always angry). Things start getting interesting however with their weapons, first of which is a flamer (for horde clearance), second there’s power feet along with FUCK DOORS! FUCK TANKS! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!! for two extra attacks with power feet at the end of the first phase. By itself this would make them a bit underpowered, so each one of them gets a chain glaive for their main melee weapon, a two profile weapon, one is a Strike, S8 ap -3 D2, a generally all round murder profile which performs well against all targets, and a Sweep, S5 ap-1 D1 where 1 hit counts as 2 for your chaff destruction.
A unit which is most certainly not a tax for your army in matched play, coming in at only 13 points, with s5 and all the usual marine stats apart from their ork  ballistic skill these guys will chew through any other armies troops apart from fully kitted out melee units and adeptus custodes. They come with a boltgun and bolt pistol as standard, but you’ll be wanting to ditch the Bolt pistol in favour of a Chainsword for free, or pay the totally unfair and overpriced cost of ONE POINT (that was sarcasm if you hadn’t guessed) for two chainswords, giving them a total of four attacks each. Alternatively you can give one of them a different melee weapon, a power sword or two is probably best but there’s no shortage of other options.

However, your never going to be running these guys in any way other than the boltgun and Chainsword, as these guys cannot shoot to save their lives, and unlikely orks, they only have standard one shot bolters, so they can’t mskr up for their poor aim with sheer weight of bullets. And because of this your going to want to get them close to the enemy, and although they’re by no means squishy, they will drop to heavy fire, and although they only cost 13 points each, their deaths can get expensive very quickly.
If that was that however The Guardians of fury would still be a bit lacking at only 2 attacks, which is where there other abilities come into play. Stone cold anger gives them rerolls to hit, Furious to keep up and FUCK SHIT UP!!! gives them D2 extra attacks each time they fight, D3 when they charge, while No Avenue of Escape reduces the invulnerability saves of enemy units by 1 within 1” of this unit. This gives the guardians up to 7 attacks each on the charge (plus the exploding 6’s attacks) at S8 ap-3 D2 at a -1 invulnerability save. In short, they’re absolutely lethal. For context that’s 5.44 damage against guilliman, the toughest, none titanic unit in the game.

You do have access to Angry primaris Marines, who can shoot straight and have bolt rifles and bolt pistols, making them excellent at providing support fire for their angrier, melee orientated brothers in their unit, and the two wounds, two attacks and the bolt pistols mean that they can certainly hold their own in melee. But the lack of s5 hurts when compared to normal Angry Marines, so it comes down to a matter of taste and intended target for how many of these guys you include in a unit.
Lastly, the unit can intercept hits (not wounds) meant for angry marine characters within 3”, or automatically if the unit is a chapter master or primarch (they cannot divert damage they receive however, despite being characters). However, with their price tag of 70 points each and how powerful they are they’re better of used to back up someone like rachnus or temperus maximus.

===Reclusiarch Mofo===
===Fast Attack===
===Heavy Support===
===Dedicated Transport===

====Drop Pod====
The first of the Angry Marines methods of deep striking within 6” (and their safe test and most reliable method, although the drop pod arrives 9”, you can set up those inside it within 6” of the enemy), comes with all the usual drop pod toys and gadgets, the same troop capacity etc, the only downside being that everyone inside the drop pod takes a strength 3 ap0 hit when it hits the ground, and then the drop pod suffers 3D3 mortal wounds. Thankfully your marines are tough and well armoured (a 1 in 9 chance of taking a wound), and the drop pod only has a 4 in 27 chance of blowing up, so your unlikely to just lose your bonus storm bolter.

The drop pod will set you back by almost 100 points, and that's before you include the squishy marines to (which will cost you at least 130 points for a bare bones Angry Squad

====Angry Rhino====
==Fast Attack==

===Lords of War===
==Heavy Support==

==Building an Army==

==Dedicated Transport==
===Angry Repulsor===

===Drop Pod===
*Range and dakka:
If you’re after a recognisable space marine unit, but want it to still be utterly unique in the way only angry marines can only be, then look no further than the angry marine drop pod. On a base layer it’s a standard drop pod, same troop capacity (10) except with 3 storm bolters instead of  the usual 1. In a world of 9” deep strikes on every Tom dick and Harry the angry marines drop pod is one of the few units which is capable of something remarkable. A 6” deep strike via the Please, JUST LET ME DIE!!! ability, at the cost of the drop taking 3D3 mortal wounds and all the models inside it taking a strength 3 ap 0 D1 hit. This potential loss of models is happily made up by the ability to have a much easier post deep strike charge, and considering that your army is built around making the most of a charge (right down to down model count on taking objectives after charging), the drop pod gives you a precision, and reliable, method of getting your units where you need them.
The Angry Marines main strength is their ability to chop you into little pieces, so your best tactic is to annihilate them at range. However, your movement is hampered by their deep strike capability, so your force either needs to be perfectly spaced out to prevent flanking, or incredibly concentrate your force. Unsurprisingly, the tau are the best at both these tactics, with the Guard coming second at the latter tactic, both have large amounts of dakka which is either cheap, reliable, high powered, high volume or a combination of all four. The added advantage of this is the Angry Marines have a relatively low unit count (like Space Marines in general), making picking them off with high powered, high accuracy weapons if not simple, then achievable.

*Mortal wound spam:
But 10 models making a 6” deep strike for 74 points might seem a bit pricey for you. You might also be utterly insane, in which case the drop pod has you covered with the Externally Awesome Improvised Seating a
Run a thousand sons and/or tzeentch army set up to spam out the maximium number of mortal wounds, you may die in droves in melee and your shooting may be crap (unless your playing thousand sons who are very durable and dakkery) but who cares when a single mortal wound is killing 14 points worth of model and you can throw out 10 mortal wounds a turn. Downside is that your mortal wound spam is relatively close range, so if you get unlucky with the dice rolls or you get outmanoeuvred, your fucked.

There is a Tyranid variety of this run can run of this which uses spore mines (lots of them), artillery and some of the excellent psychic powers the tyranids, and although they’re not as tanky as the thousand sons, they are a million times more choppy, and compared to tzeentch daemons? The comparison isn’t even fair, tyrannies will eat pink and blue horrors for breakfast if they weren’t incorporeal. The tyrannies also have the numbers to bubble wrap your really important units and fight off the marines, plus they have access to genestealers, the only real thing which competes or is better than the Angry Marines at melee.
===Angry Rhino===

*An equal and opposite reaction:
===Angry Razorback===
Probably the most fun (and realistic) way to fight the Angry Marines, throw your own horde of melee monsters at the them, Tyranids, Orks, Daemons of Khorne and certain Imperial Guard play styles all have the numbers and/or the high attack numbers for such a tactic to work, and have the specialised melee elites which they can send after high profile targets. The problem is that there are very few army load outs which can out melee the Angry Marines, genestealers are of course a prime candidate, khorne bezerkers if they survive the first round of combat to have their free second round and ghazgulled up orks on the charge will more than happily get the job done, but outside of these options there is very little which can get the job done. And you will not be pulling off this tactic with stuff like the eldar, although the harlequins can put up a good fight especially with their invulnerability saves.

==Common Playstyles==
==Lords of War==
===Rachnus Rageous (Angry Marines Primarch)===
Simple really, just spam squads of run of the mill Angry Marines at max squad size (14 points a pop, roughly the same cost as a genstealer with far better armour and strength), some apothecarys and psykers to lay down buffs, along with one or two (maybe three) relics as nessecary, then (as the icing) some melee/dakka heavy hitters to deep strike in via drop pod or rhino. Then roll the red and yellow tide towards the enemy, decapitating any major threats with the deep striking units, keeping your horde alive until contact with the enemy via buffs and relics. It’s by no means subtle, but considering how deadly and durable your bog standard marines are, it’s still a viable approach.
The biggest primarch beat stick until angron, russ or Horus get rules. Base stats he’s guilliman but with a 3+ ballistic skill instead of a 2+ and a 4+ invulnerability save instead of a 3+, which by itself still makes him superbly lethal and survivable. Like guilliman he also has a ranged weapon, The Sandstorm Assault cannon at assault 5 24” s6 ap-1 DD2, which is certainly dangerous but will struggle against anything that isn’t a generic GEQ or MEQ. For melee he only gets one weapon, but it’s a melee weapon which far out strips girlymans, The Fangs of RAGING Desert, a S+4 ap-4 D4 weapon which deals 2D3 mortal wounds instead of normal damage on 6+ wounds or 4 mortal wounds (sometimes reliability is more useful than potential damage) against demons and psykers, but it’s most powerful feature is that all invulnerability saves taken against the weapon suffer a minus 1 penalty. This is a huge deal, as most important targets are protected by some kind of invulnerability save, making high ap weapons pointless. Against guillimans 3+ invulnerability save this increases damage dealt by 50%, a huge increase where you would otherwise require more attacks.

Abilities wise he gets ATSKNF (pointless but there), ALWAYS ANGRY!!! ALL THE TIME!!!, souped you always angry which provides D3 extra attacks every time he fights a double hits on 6+ hit rolls, DEATH CAN NOT STOP ME!!!

===Spartan Assault Ram===
As previously mentioned, the Angry Marines have access to some excellent forms of deep striking, unfortunately, at least half of an armies models have to be on the battlefield, meaning that you require “anchor” units. But never mind, you have access to Angry Serfs, guardsmen with better armour and ws,, and as they’re more numerous than their angry marine counterparts, they make an excellent anchor to launch your more deadly units from, in the form of black brothers, veterans in a drop pod or terminators in a rhino, while your guardsman front line is “supported” by commissars and dreadnoughts. Such a play style is more in line with the current favoured tactic used by normal space marines, except that their deep strike methods are nowhere near as good.
===Sokarage Pattern Stormbird===
===The Metal Box of Incandescent Rage, (modified Falchion Superheavy Destroyer Tank for Fuklaw)===
===Thunderfuck Assault Gunship===

[[Category:Imperial]][[Category:Warhammer 40,000]][[Category:Space Marines]][[Category:Awesome]][[Category:Stories]][[Category:Warhammer_40,000/homebrew]][[Category:/tg/ 40,000]][[Category:Warhammer 40000 Tactics]]
[[Category:Imperial]][[Category:Warhammer 40,000]][[Category:Space Marines]][[Category:Awesome]][[Category:Stories]][[Category:Stories/Warhammer 40,000]] [[Category:Warhammer Homebrew]][[Category:/tg/ 40,000]]

Latest revision as of 13:34, 23 June 2023

Codex is Here. READ IT COCKSUCKER!!! Also, why are you here if you haven't read the codex already, the shit there is far cooler.

Why Play Angry Marines[edit | edit source]

Much like the hulking, green English football hooligans that everyone loves to play against, you can be a slightly less hulking, yellow football hooligan cock knocking anyone that stands in your way whilst screaming a never ending battle cry of FUUUUUUUUUUUU....!!!

Angry Marines, while not a GW endorsed army, can be just as fun to play as the Orks (If the Orks and Angry Marines put their very small amount of differences aside, the Angry Waaagh would probably dominate the galaxy!). And much like Orks, conversion work is highly recommended for Angry Marines, if not mandatory. Get out your greenstuff, glue, and plasticard and get ready to make some middlefingers for Commisar Fuklaw and Portable FUCK Launchers for the rest of your angry force. Happy converting.

Pros[edit | edit source]

  • You get to play the coolest home-brew faction in existence, what more reasons do you need?!!!
  • You have one of the best (if not the best) melee armies in the game, even your guns can be used in melee.
  • You get to stick a giant middle finger up at GW for the shit they've pulled over the years (although even some of their stupid shit is cool, mostly it’s just the pricing).
  • You get the largest variety of units in the game for a single faction. You get tanks, knights, titans, pseudo penitent engines, even goddamn honey badgers!
    • On top of that you get extra warlord traits, psychic powers, relics, detachments and codex supplements with even more good stuff.
  • If you're a long standing 40K player your probably have what you need to play the Angry Marines just lying around.
  • Everyone will love you for playing them, only customised orks while result in as much gamer glee.
    • Seriously, unless your a total dick about it turning up with your space marine orks will have everyone smiling, you will brighten up their day with your yellow and red glow.
  • You have the best (if somewhat dangerous) deepstriking methods which allow for a greater than 50% chance of making a successful charge even without rerolls, and one of your methods deep strikes a rhino onto the field at 6”, the fun you can have with flame throwers in such a situation is beautiful.

Cons[edit | edit source]

  • All your models are either going to be proxy or difficult to make, as there is a lot of "character" which has to go into the angry marines, the painting alone puts them above and beyond other factions in terms of detail/graffiti.
    • You’d better get good at painting the colour yellow, because ow boy no colour in the entirety of warhammer can go as badly wrong as yellow.
  • If you're not careful other armies will eat you for breakfast, as there's lots of stuff out there which is specifically designed to anally abuse MEQ'S.
  • The codex is not yet finished or balanced, so you'll either have your arse handed to you or be labelled as "that guy".
  • You lack a lot of the new primaris units or very specialized units like cataphracti armour.
  • Most of your shooting is orks levels of accuracy unless you go to your elites or hq slots (but then again, that’s kind of the point).
    • This really hurts if you shill out for heavy and special weapons, as they cost only slightly less or the same as their vanilla counterparts.
  • You will never be able to officially play them as there is no chance GW will make them canon, never fucking mind releasing a proper codex for them. Your best hope is that your local game club or GW shop lets you play them after checking that the rules aren’t broken.
    • Not really an issue as there are now angry knights and titans (and the knights apoplectic if you want knight characters) but you still don’t get stuff like spartan assault tanks.

Angry Marine Rules[edit | edit source]

The rule that makes angry marines angry marines, the chainsaw core of their being, which is plus 1 attack on the charge or heroic intervention, and hits of 6+ in the same circumstances become 2 hits instead of 1. By itself it turns a 1 attack marine into a 2.16 attack marine, and that’s without melee weapons (dual or otherwise) psychic powers or relics. The best part of this is the exploding attacks, as you have many ways of adding 1 to hit and increasing your base attack amount. Be aware though that this is only when charging etc, you get no benefit for being charged or for any rounds of combat after the first, incentivising you to either hit hard and make your enemy incapable of fighting back in any serious manner, or to cycle charge with flying units.
Be aware though that anything which gives you a minus 1 to hit in melee will mean you need a 7+ for this effect to activate, so thunder hammers, servo arms and the like don’t benefit at all unless you can get a plus 1 to hit.
  • And They Shall Know No Fear:
Reroll morale tests, a bit meh this edition because of how morale works but it may save you from time to time. This will be glossed over in the following tactics.
  • Desert Fangs Tactics:
Plus 1 attack and strength for the unit when it charges, the equivalent to ALWAYS ANGRY!!! for those units which are classed as desert fangs instead of angry marines. Makes your silencers hit harder on the charge.
  • Dual Melee Weapons:
Plus 1 attack for a model if it is equipped with two of the same melee weapon. This does not come up often in other legions but the angry marines have greater access to dual everything, helping to add to your already impressive attack levels.
Angry marines do not get the Bolter Discipline. Instead they may fire bolt weapons at enemy units within 1” of friendly units, or within 1” of themselves, but at a minus1 to hit unless they didn’t move, are bikers, characters, dreadnoughts or terminators. Given angry marines want to get into combat as fast as possible being able to use their weapons against units already in melee makes the most of the weapons they bring along, although with a minus 1 to hit your only hitting on 6’s without buffs. Models with a pistol also get to use the pistol butt weapon profile, which gives them an extra chainsword equivalent attack in melee but at a minus 1 to hit. With the angry marines strength of 5 an extra attack, even at minus 1 to hit, can go a long way.
  • Jump Pack Assault:
Standard 9” deep strike for units with jump packs, which you have access to quite a few of.
Shock Assault but by another name. You know it. You love it. Anything that gives your marines more attacks to trigger ALWAYS ANGRY!!! is good.
  • Storm Shield:
The classic 3++ save. A difficult one for the angry marines as an arm given up for a storm shield is an arm not carrying a melee weapon to give you a bonus attack.
  • Teleport Strike:
Standard 9” deep strike for units in terminator armour, something which you have little access to due to the angry marines preference for speed and melee.
Objective Secured, Angry Marine style. The only difference is that troops with this that charged count as two models instead of one in that turn, incentivising you to make last minute charge attempts to shift an opponent off an objective at the end of the game.
  • Turbo-Boost:
Your standard 6” advance for bikes. To be avoided unless your trying to get into cover as advancing means you can’t charge.

Stratagems[edit | edit source]

Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

Re-roll all failed wounds for your warlord. Simple. Effective, and allows you to make the most of the high number of high strength attacks your warlord can make. As a bonus, this also works with your ranged weapons, but is best avoided on characters who can already re-roll part of their wound rolls.
For when you don’t need your warlord to contest an objective, in exchange for your warlord not being able to take objectives they add 1 to their attacks characteristics and to their ranged weapons type.
6+D6” charge range instead of 2D6”, giving you an average charge range of 9.5” and a minimum range of 7”. Increases your reliability after deep striking and can be very easily buffed further.
May take a ranged weapon for free and adds 1 to their ranged hit rolls and ignores the penalties for advancing and firing all weapons. A bit meh when you consider that you could give your warlord dual melee weapons instead and throw them into melee.
Plus 2 attacks and movement of your warlords below half wounds. This will rarely activate as most of your characters will die before this activates unless they’re someone really tough, but it can also be utterly terrifying when that character your opponent thought was on their last legs is now in melee chopping them to pieces.
  • Master of Furious Flight
Plus 6” extra movement and gains the benefit of cover after advancing, but only if they can fly. One of the few purely mobility based traits, but it does allow your warlord to engage whatever target they choose.
  • Psychic Nutcase
Plus 2 to all psychic tests and knows and casts an extra power, but suffers perils on double 1’s, 2’s and 6’s. A high risk high reward trait, you will be suffering perils from doubles and rolling more than 12 very often, but you’ll also be casting some of the angry marines excellent powers far more often.

Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]

  • FUCK HEAT!!!
For WC 6 a unit with plasma weapons rerolls all failed hit rolls until your next psychic phase, even on overwatch. Angry marine plasma weapons are more powerful than normal, but are far more unstable, so the ability to avoid those fatal 1’s helps.
  • FFFFFFFF...!!!
WC 6 on an infantry unit, and they gain 1 attack, 2 if they’re outnumbered in melee, 3 if they’re outnumbered 2:1 in melee. You know that ork horde you just charged? Evaporated. Those hormogaunts? Annihilated. Best used on your tough units with melee weapons which normally suffer from a low attack count like the adamantium 2 by 4.
WC 5, minus 1 to the psychic tests taken by a within 24” (being able to target characters) and ALL other psykers within 6” of the psyker. Simple, effective and shuts down a lot of armies psychic phase. Grey knights and thousand sons in particular will suffer and at only WC 5 it’s easy to pull off. However, this is a one trick pony, it’s of no use against armies with no pskyers, or even against the necrons with their not psykers.
WC 6, an angry marine character get plus 1 attack and toughness until your next psychic phase and enemy units within 3” subtract 1 from their leadership. Toughness 5 holds a special place in the rules at the moment, as it provides protection against strength 4,5 and 8 weapons which are very common, the plus 1 attack and leadership debuff are just gravy to kill more stuff. Does not stack with the RIP AND TEAR!!! and FFFFFFFF...!!! Psychic Powers, so as before you’ll need to make a tactical choice on what you need your unit to do.

Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

ArteFUCKts[edit | edit source]

  • Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa

Units[edit | edit source]

HQ[edit | edit source]

Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant[edit | edit source]

Angry Captains[edit | edit source]

Angry Captain[edit | edit source]

Your standard space marine captain (T4 W5 A4, 3+/5++, reroll 1’s to hit), but angry marine style (S5, always angry, fuck the bolter). Kit wise they get two master crafted chainswords meaning that they have 7 attacks base, making them the deadliest base captain of any chapter, 9 attacks on the charge. Mostly you’ll have the vanilla, cheap as possible as with strength 5 you’ll wound almost all infantry on 3’s, at worst 4’s, even toughness 8 on 5’s. If you want to make them an utter murder machine they can take all melee weapons as dual weapons (except the power chair), so two lightning claws? Murder everything. Two power fists or hammers? Legal and murderous. But the holy grail of melee weapon duos are the Adamantium 2”x4” with a nail through it, which will cost you an arm and a leg (someone else’s hopefully) but they will give you 6 exploding attacks on the charge at S7 ap-4 DD3, allowing yourself base captain to beat the shit out of anything smaller than a bane blade.

Angry Captain in Terminator Armour[edit | edit source]

See the previous, but in terminator armour and with terminator weapons. Send with a squad of terminators to deep strike your enemy to death.

Angry Captain on Bike[edit | edit source]

See the previous, previous entry, but with turbo boost, plus 1 toughness, increased movement and biker weapons. Use when you want to speed of a jump pack, but don’t want them to die when looked at sideways.

Angry Chaplains[edit | edit source]

Angry Chaplain[edit | edit source]

Angry Chaplain on Bike[edit | edit source]

Black Brother Captain[edit | edit source]

Masters of Mindfuckery[edit | edit source]

Master of Mindfuckery[edit | edit source]

Master of Mindfuckery on Bike[edit | edit source]

Angry Apothecary[edit | edit source]

Angry Commissar[edit | edit source]

Special Characters[edit | edit source]

Angry Captain Satchel[edit | edit source]

Captain Bat Shit Insane[edit | edit source]

The most absurd infantry beat stick you possess. Stat wise he’s a basic captain (down to the 5++) but with an extra attack and two arecheotech chainswords (S user ap-2 D2 +1 attack) which give him an effective attack count of 8, 10 on the charge with ALWAYS ANGRY!!! and shock assault, on top of power feet and the usual D3 attacks with them at the end of the fight phase. By itself this makes him an infantry blender of some quality, but as with all angry marines what makes them special are their special rules. Skill through insanity allows him to reroll all failed hits and hit rolls of 6+ automatically wound, which stacks with always angry to give you two auto wounding hits on a hit of 6+, although with strength 5 this isn’t as essential. However, he may never be your warlord, stopping him from taking advantage of the absurdly powerful happy go choppy warlord trait (which would make his attack count 12 on the charge with triple exploding attacks on 6’s).

Finally, his Flurry of chain swords rule means that failed hit rolls of 1 against him in the fight phase deal a mortal wound back on the sender, which works absolute wonders on swarms, and at the beginning of each fight phase all (including friendlies) other units within 3” of him take a mortal wound on a 4+. In all he’s a glass cannon, so load him into a transport and fire him at your enemy as fast as possible and watch them disappear in a red mist, as on the charge he effectively creates 11.66 hits on whatever he is fighting on the charge, which is more than enough to simple evaporate most targets.

Captain Tantrumus Fuckingham (Angry Marines First and Only Primaris Captain)[edit | edit source]

Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin[edit | edit source]

Commissar Fuklaw[edit | edit source]

Cunt Pounder, the Angry Marines first Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

Dick Haggard[edit | edit source]

Dick Haggard does one thing and he does it well, and that’s punching stuff. Base he’s just a generic angry marine (ws 2+ bs 4+ S4 T4 W6 A5 Ld8 3+ sv) which makes him very squishy against any anti infantry weapons. What makes him that bit special is a 5+ feel no pain save, but with no invulnerability save melted will chew through him, but you should be keeping him behind a meat shield (unfortunately he is not allowed in vehicles). Things start looking up when you look at his melee weapons, which are his knuckle dustered fists (the plus 1 attack is baked into his stat line) which are S5 ap-1 DD3 melee weapons which he rerolls all failed hot rolls with and failed wound rolls of 1 and 2 (in other words all failed wounds against most targets) and become ap-4 damage 3 on a wound roll of 6+. On top of that, he gets to make D3 additional attacks with his fists every time he fights, which with the usual angry marine rules of always angry and shock assault give him a max of 10 exploding attacks on the charge. Against proper chaff this will do wonders and against MEQs with high invulnerability saves his low ap doesn’t matter, but this profile will suffer against properly armoured, massed foes.

For ranged he has one weapon, a literal fucking rock, an assault 1 6D3” S5 ap0 DD2. Normally this wounded even be worth rolling the dice for to resolve, but a wound roll of 6+ deals DD2 mortal wounds instead, which is improved to a 4+ against vehicles, making it at least possible for him to deal damage. Finally, haggard is also a body guard, but only for temperus maximus, who he intercepts damage for. The key word is damage, not hits, as the other competition for uber strong bodyguards, the guardians of fury, intercept hits. This allows the chapter master to use his invulnerability save first, then pass on any unsaved damage onto haggard to use his feel no pain save. All of this comes at the low price of 70 points, which even as a 6 wound and feel no pain upgrade for your chapter master is good value before adding on his melee prowess.

Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Master of the Armoury[edit | edit source]

Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface[edit | edit source]

Sergeant Sky Shitter[edit | edit source]

Temperus Maximus[edit | edit source]

Chapter Master Temperus Maximus[edit | edit source]

Your classic chapter master in power armour on the surface, 5”, 2+ weapon skill, T4 W7 A5 2+/4++, halves damage (rounding up) received, reroll all failed hits within 6”, deep strike, but with the angry usual angry marine trimmings (4+ bs, S5). Sub sonic battle cry and adamantium cigar prevents all angry marines within 6” suffering negative leadership modifiers and adds 1 to their leadership, which is a bit meh in this addition but still has its uses. What you want him for though is his combat prowess, as although he has the classic uber powerfist, he also comes with power feet and RIGHT IN THE NUTS FUCKER!!! which gives him D6 extra attacks each time he fights, but only with his power feet. And as already stated, power feet are quite dangerous, being effectively less accurate power fists. Combine this with always angry and his inherent attacks rerolls Maximus is able to kill any MEQ character in a single round of combat, or wipe out entire squads of multi wound infantry, making him essentially impossible to tarpit or kill with a single character.

However, other than the leadership and rerolls maximus doesn’t add anything extra to your army, and as he is inherently slow, and with his high price tag you will notice his presence in your army list.

Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed[edit | edit source]

In 8th edition not even the angry marines are safe from being primarisafied. Maximum in his primaries form shares all the same base stats as his non primaris form, but those differences he does have will be noticed. For starters, he has plus 1 wound and attack and toughness 5 which are standard in primaris chapter masters, immediately making anti MEQ weapons latterly ineffective against him, while further buffing his insane melee prowess. His weapons are also all the same except that he gains furious glare, a 2D6 flamer with ap-1, giving him excellent overwatch defence against infantry. For rules he gains YOU DID FUCKING WHAT?!!! and ffffuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!, the former of which allows him to charge after advancing while making him immune to the effects of any stratagem (yours or your opponent) while the latter makes him explode on death to deal D6 mortal wounds to everything in 2D6”. All in all, Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed benefits exceptionally well from becoming a primaris, but still suffers from his previous shortfalls.

The Guardians of Fury[edit | edit source]

The most dangerous infantry the angry marines have access to. Base they’re a unit (2-5 models) of cataphracti terminators (2+/4++, 4”, 2 attacks 3 wounds, half advance distances, ATSKNF and teleport strike) with the usual angry marine dressing (strength 5, 4+ ballistic skill, 2+ weapon skill and always angry). Things start getting interesting however with their weapons, first of which is a flamer (for horde clearance), second there’s power feet along with FUCK DOORS! FUCK TANKS! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!! for two extra attacks with power feet at the end of the first phase. By itself this would make them a bit underpowered, so each one of them gets a chain glaive for their main melee weapon, a two profile weapon, one is a Strike, S8 ap -3 D2, a generally all round murder profile which performs well against all targets, and a Sweep, S5 ap-1 D1 where 1 hit counts as 2 for your chaff destruction.

If that was that however The Guardians of fury would still be a bit lacking at only 2 attacks, which is where there other abilities come into play. Stone cold anger gives them rerolls to hit, Furious to keep up and FUCK SHIT UP!!! gives them D2 extra attacks each time they fight, D3 when they charge, while No Avenue of Escape reduces the invulnerability saves of enemy units by 1 within 1” of this unit. This gives the guardians up to 7 attacks each on the charge (plus the exploding 6’s attacks) at S8 ap-3 D2 at a -1 invulnerability save. In short, they’re absolutely lethal. For context that’s 5.44 damage against guilliman, the toughest, none titanic unit in the game.

Lastly, the unit can intercept hits (not wounds) meant for angry marine characters within 3”, or automatically if the unit is a chapter master or primarch (they cannot divert damage they receive however, despite being characters). However, with their price tag of 70 points each and how powerful they are they’re better of used to back up someone like rachnus or temperus maximus.

Reclusiarch Mofo[edit | edit source]

Troops[edit | edit source]

Elites[edit | edit source]

Fast Attack[edit | edit source]

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

Flyers[edit | edit source]

Dedicated Transport[edit | edit source]

Angry Repulsor[edit | edit source]

Drop Pod[edit | edit source]

If you’re after a recognisable space marine unit, but want it to still be utterly unique in the way only angry marines can only be, then look no further than the angry marine drop pod. On a base layer it’s a standard drop pod, same troop capacity (10) except with 3 storm bolters instead of the usual 1. In a world of 9” deep strikes on every Tom dick and Harry the angry marines drop pod is one of the few units which is capable of something remarkable. A 6” deep strike via the Please, JUST LET ME DIE!!! ability, at the cost of the drop taking 3D3 mortal wounds and all the models inside it taking a strength 3 ap 0 D1 hit. This potential loss of models is happily made up by the ability to have a much easier post deep strike charge, and considering that your army is built around making the most of a charge (right down to down model count on taking objectives after charging), the drop pod gives you a precision, and reliable, method of getting your units where you need them.

But 10 models making a 6” deep strike for 74 points might seem a bit pricey for you. You might also be utterly insane, in which case the drop pod has you covered with the Externally Awesome Improvised Seating a

Angry Rhino[edit | edit source]

Angry Razorback[edit | edit source]

Lords of War[edit | edit source]

Rachnus Rageous (Angry Marines Primarch)[edit | edit source]

The biggest primarch beat stick until angron, russ or Horus get rules. Base stats he’s guilliman but with a 3+ ballistic skill instead of a 2+ and a 4+ invulnerability save instead of a 3+, which by itself still makes him superbly lethal and survivable. Like guilliman he also has a ranged weapon, The Sandstorm Assault cannon at assault 5 24” s6 ap-1 DD2, which is certainly dangerous but will struggle against anything that isn’t a generic GEQ or MEQ. For melee he only gets one weapon, but it’s a melee weapon which far out strips girlymans, The Fangs of RAGING Desert, a S+4 ap-4 D4 weapon which deals 2D3 mortal wounds instead of normal damage on 6+ wounds or 4 mortal wounds (sometimes reliability is more useful than potential damage) against demons and psykers, but it’s most powerful feature is that all invulnerability saves taken against the weapon suffer a minus 1 penalty. This is a huge deal, as most important targets are protected by some kind of invulnerability save, making high ap weapons pointless. Against guillimans 3+ invulnerability save this increases damage dealt by 50%, a huge increase where you would otherwise require more attacks.

Abilities wise he gets ATSKNF (pointless but there), ALWAYS ANGRY!!! ALL THE TIME!!!, souped you always angry which provides D3 extra attacks every time he fights a double hits on 6+ hit rolls, DEATH CAN NOT STOP ME!!!

Spartan Assault Ram[edit | edit source]

Sokarage Pattern Stormbird[edit | edit source]

The Metal Box of Incandescent Rage, (modified Falchion Superheavy Destroyer Tank for Fuklaw)[edit | edit source]

Thunderfuck Assault Gunship[edit | edit source]