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===Army Rules===
===Army Rules===
====Universal Rules====
====Universal Rules====
'''Furnace Breach:''' your Infernal machines' Misfire Table. 2/3 its takes damage, the other chance it stops shooting and goes on a murderous rampage for the rest of game.
'''Fires of Industry (X):''' the total number of models with this rule in your army can't be more than 6.
'''Fires of Industry (X):''' the total number of models with this rule in your army can't be more than 6.

'''Incendiary:''' The unit is doused with Carlsen. a unit given Incendiary is Flammable until hit with a Flaming ranged or melee attack.
'''Incendiary:''' The unit is doused with kerosene. A unit given instances of Incendiary are Flammable until hit with a Flaming ranged or melee attack.
*note You don't lose one instance of Incendiary from melee attacks until after a Round of Combat, while you expend one every time it suffers a wound from a volley of ranged attacks. Makes you Consider how many Oil Skins you should throw on a unit.
*fire from Spell attack currently don't expend Incendiary

'''Infernal Brand:''' the mark you are a Dwarf. consider all non-Dwarfs as Insignificant, can only join other Dwarfs. And non-dwarfs within 6" of them when non-Fleeing gain Battle Focus and reroll failed charges.
'''Infernal Brand:''' the mark you are a Dwarf. gain a 6" Commanding Presence for only Insignificant units, and double the number of full ranks they have in the First Round of Combat unless Charging.  

'''Taurukh Ritual:''' instead of riding a horse, your character turns into a bull centaur (Details listed under mounts).
'''Mechanised Support:''' your support heavy weapon and must stay with a unit with Infernal Brand.

====Attack Attributes====
'''Secrets of Nezibkesh:''' when successfully casts Curse of Nezibkesh (HS), target gains 1 Incendiary Marker.
Modifier Attributes for your artillery weapons.
*'''Cluster Munitions:''' if you make a hit against a unit, make D3+1 S4 Ap1 hits against another enemy within 6" of the first.

*'''Ether Cloud''' if course a panic test through 25% casualties, the unit takes -1 Discipline. if a Channeler, the enemy loses a veil token.
'''Solitary:''' your Bull of Shamut and Lamassu cant join units or joined by characters.

*'''Kadim Manifestation:''' gain Flaming and Magical Attacks, and again Divine Attacks if ready have Flaming Attacks.
'''Taurukh Ritual:''' 0-2 models/army. instead of riding a horse, your character turns into a bull centaur (Details listed under mounts).

'''Oil Skins''' on your Vassel units. when they make a shooting or melee attack, they cover the enemy in oil instead, they lose 6" of range and attack strength is set to 1, but the enemy gains one instance of Incendiary if any hit.
====Attack Attributes====

'''March and Shoot:''' A common rule your dwarfs with guns have, letting them March 9" into short-range and shoot their guns. Because of your Dwarves in Plate Armour, it's a good idea to bodyblock an enemy with a unit with a 2+ save and a Blunderbuss.
'''Oil Skins''' Close combat, Shooting- on your Vassel units. when they make a shooting or melee attack, they also cover the enemy in oil, the enemy gains one instance of Incendiary if any hit.

====Special Attacks====
====Special Attacks====
'''Volcanic Embrace (x)''' all attacks gain Kadim Manifestation(Magical Attacks and Flaming Attacks +  Divine Attacks if ready Flaming Attacks). Also, gain Grind Attacks (X).
'''Volcanic Embrace (x)''' modle part gains Magical and Flaming Attacks. and gain Grind attacks(x) with AP 10 and wound agienst target's armour, be better the armor the easer to wound (equal to or greater than 7 minus the Armour).

'''Infernal Armor''' It's Plate Armour with a built-in Aegis 5+ vs flaming (+1 Against fire, if already another an aegis).  
'''Infernal Armor''' It's Plate Armour with a built-in Aegis 5+ vs flaming.  

''0–60 R&F Models with Flintlock Axe or Blunderbuss per Army.''
''0–60 R&F Models with Flintlock Axe, Blunderbuss, or Pistols per Army.''

'''Blunderbuss''' Range 18" Shot 1, Str3, Ap1, Area attack (2x1), Quick to Fire, and reroll 1s to hit at short ranges. Adept at clearing out and discourage charges from enemies, especially at close range.
'''Blunderbuss''' Range 12" Shot 1, Str5, Ap3, Accurate, March and Shoot, Quick to Fire, no negative to Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction. this is the close-range threat weapon whether it's enemies charging your guns or you marching at them with a 21" threat range. completes with Flintlock with as Blunderbuss as more effective range and more likely to kill the thing it shoots at like knights.

'''Flintlock Axe''' Shoots like a handgun but only 18" range, but no unwieldy and does not suffer any penalties to-hit during a stand-and-shoot reaction. In melee, it's a 2 handed weapon that gives +1 str.  So it's a shorter ranged handgun with more flexibility and a slightly worse halberd in melee. A good all-around weapon to give a unit the tools to do anything.
'''Flintlock Axe''' Shoots like a handgun but is not unwieldy and may be fired from the third range. In the melee, it's a 2-handed weapon that gives +1 str.  So it's a handgun with more flexibility and a slightly worse halberd in melee. A good all-around weapon to give a unit the tools to do anything. completes with Blunderbuss with as Flintlock as more effective versatile at all ranged and getting 3 ranks of handguns are more likely to clean out the chaff.  

'''Naphtha Thrower:''' A flamethrower. a no brainer to clear the enemy's from close combat, especially how flammable enemy is. they can also take down those big elite units at closer rage when it gains its Multiple wounds(D3)
'''Naphtha Thrower:''' A flamethrower. a no-brainer to clear the enemy's from close combat, especially how flammable enemies are. they can also take down those big elite units at closer rage when it gains its Multiple wounds(D3)

'''Rocket Battery:''' the big gun, 4 shots of Str 6 Ap3 Multiple wounds (D3, Clipped Wings). they suffer the same easy to misfire problem multishot, but effective at shooting monsters out of the air.
'''Rocket Battery:''' the big gun, 4 shots of Str 6 Ap3 Multiple wounds (D3) Quick to fire. they suffer the same easy-to-misfire problem multishot but are effective at shooting monsters out of the air.

'''Titan Mortar:''' a big (4x4) splash zone with a big cannonball landing on one person's head. the Mortar is veristial like a cannon, able to deleting goblines along with thier hero leader, or take a dragon.
'''Titan Mortar:''' a big (4x4) splash zone with a big cannonball landing on one person's head. the Mortar is veristial like a cannon, able to deleting goblines along with their hero leader or take a dragon.

'''Infernal Weapon''' a Halberds without Two-Handed. Gets +1 Str and Ap while wearing a shield.
'''Infernal Weapon''' Special melee weapon, Gets +1 Str and Ap while can still wear a shield.

===Hereditary Spell===
===Hereditary Spell===
'''Fury of Nezibkesh''' (Cv +7) Wrath of god but with fire
'''Curse of Nezibkesh''' (Cv +6/7) Hex, Target suffer -1 Off and Def plus gains one Incendiary marker or suffers an additional -1 for every Incendiary marker(max -3) if overcast. Nutters most threats and make them very easy to hit in melee.

==Unit Analysis==
==Unit Analysis==
'''Overlord''' 270pts. The same stats as his King counterpart, but with better options for offense.  Instead of grudges, the overlord has Hatred and can grab any weapon and put any enchantment on it for free. lets your Overlord adapted to what your opponents bring. The blunderbuss is now worth taking for Poking at a distance.  Currently using "Keys to the Citadel" for a Great Weapon is not a good idea compared to other enchanted weapons.
'''Overlord''' 285pts. The same stats as his King counterpart, but with better options for offense.  Instead of grudges, the overlord has Hatred and can grab any weapon and put any enchantment on it for free. lets your Overlord adapted to what your opponents bring. The blunderbuss is now worth taking for Poking at a distance.  Currently using "Keys to the Citadel" for a Great Weapon is not a good idea compared to other enchanted weapons.
*when on foot He can take Arrogance, causing enemy Characters and units with Champions to gain frenzy while within 12". forcing them into unfavorable matchups against your bricks.

'''Prophet:''' Comes in 4 flavors.  Starts very defensive with Infernal Armour and can get wizard levels up to the master level with the same path selections of Alchemy, Occultism, and Pyromancy.  
'''Prophet:''' Comes in 4 flavors.  He starts very defensive with Infernal Armour and can get wizard levels up to the master level with the same path selections of Alchemy, Occultism, and Pyromancy.  
*'''Prophet of Lugar:''' 190pts.  Turns into a Slayer Wizard.  This Trickster, Loses Infernal Armour for a more reliable Aegis 4+, speedster, and Volcanic Embrace (1). He wants to be a battlemage, moving with Disciples with their Feigned Flight and 12" march to get close safely, cast some augments and hex, then do some slaying with his enchanted weapon.
*'''Prophet of Lugar:''' 190pts.  Turns into a Slayer Wizard.  This Trickster, Loses Infernal Armour for a more reliable Aegis 4+, speedster, and Volcanic Embrace (1). He wants to be a battlemage, moving with Disciples with their Feigned Flight and 12" march to get close safely, cast some augments and hex, then do some slaying with his enchanted weapon.
*'''Prophet of Nezibkesh:''' 195pts.
*'''Prophet of Nezibkesh:''' 205pts. Your Engineers and they take up a Fires of Industry. They would prefer to take a ranged weapon and support your Artillery weapons from the back.
*'''Prophet of Shamut:''' 205pts.
*'''Prophet of Shamut:''' 195pts. Your mounted battle wizards, either turned into a Taurukh or ride a Bull of Shamut. He is better protected then a Vassal Conjurer when going solo but will need an enchanted weapon to justify taking a mount.
*'''Prophet of Ashuruk:''' 215pts.
*'''Prophet of Ashuruk:''' 215pts. He is devoted to spell casting. He is strong because he can always cast the Blaze (Pyromancy) or Alchemical Fire (Alchemy) instead of his paths normal A spell.

'''Vizier:''' 115pts. Your cheapest dwarf character and a good BSB choice.  He has 150 points for special equipment making him a great BSB option as his vanilla equipment is pretty great.
'''Vizier:''' 115pts. Your cheapest dwarf character and a good BSB choice.  He has 150 points for special equipment making him a great BSB option as his vanilla equipment is pretty great.

'''Taurukh Commissioner:''' 290pts. Your big bull centaur man.  A 3+ standard (2+ on the charge) he barely even needs equipment. Give him paired weapons to slam out more attacks or a great weapon if you need a can opener.  The infernal weapon is good, but expensive, buy a shield with it if you need a beefier tank option.  He can be the BSB as well but he will often outpace your dwarf bricks.
'''Taurukh Commissioner:''' 250pts. Your bigger bull centaur man, often leading your Taurukh Anointed.  A 3+ standard armour, he barely even needs equipment. Give him paired weapons to slam out more attacks or a great weapon if you need a can opener.  The infernal weapon is good, but expensive, buy a shield with it if you need a beefier tank option.  He can be the BSB as well but he will often outpace your dwarf bricks.
'''Vassal Conjurer:''' 115pts. Your cheapest wizard, only go up Adept and knows Pyromancy for a cheap blaster or Witchcraft makes Dwarfs fast and indestructible bricks. Most lists should be able to afford a Conjurer.

'''Vassal Conjurer:''' 115pts.
'''Lamassu Scholar:''' 300pts. Though a mounted monster, He is more of a defensive flying wizard with a dwarf on his back. He knows 2 spells (pick from Word of Iron (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), Flaming Swords (Pyromancy), Deceptive Glamour (Witchcraft), or Curse of Nezibkesh (H)). near the start of the game, your opponent will have to make the dedication of giving it Channel(1) or let it know another spell.

====Character Mounts====
====Character Mounts====
'''Taurukh Ritual:''' Dwarf becomes a Bulltar. gain all the characteristics of being Calvery (Cannot be Stomped, Impact Hits (1), Tall, Adv 7", Mar 14", 25x50mm base), gain +1 armor, but are a beast type and lose March & Shoot.
'''Taurukh Ritual:''' Dwarf becomes a Bulltar. Gain all the characteristics of being Calvery (Cannot be Stomped, Impact Hits (1), Tall, Adv 7", Mar 14", 25x50mm base), gain +1 armor, but are a beast type and lose March & Shoot.  

'''Seat of Authority:''' Vizier only.
'''Seat of Authority:''' Vizier and Prophet of Ashuruk only. Gives a Vizier more attacks, Armour, and expands his unit's footprint. While seated he can join Vassal Levies letting them reroll charges and all Oil Skins units near him gain +2" on Marchs. 

'''Vassal Steed''' A dirty dog for your dirty hobgoblin.  Will make him very fast and give him a little armor.  Don't be fooled by the fact that its a wolf, human horses have the same stats or better. Take him to roll with other wolf riders or send him off like a missile to annoy and delay your enemy movements.
'''Vassal Steed''' (Wizard Adept only) A dirty dog for your dirty <s>hobgoblin</s> Vassal.  Will make him very fast, give him a little armor, and more attacks than a horse. A Conjurer will use him to get close to the enemy to cast his spell first turn and will roll with the Vassal Cavalry for protection.

'''Kadim Chariot:''' Prophet of Lugar only.
'''Kadim Chariot:''' Prophet of Lugar only.
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'''Great Bull of Shamut:''' Overlord and Prophet of Shamut only. instead of a dragon, you get a bigger winged bull.  6 HP and res, only 5+ armor but an Aegis 5+ as well.  He has the same number of attacks as the little bull but is stronger and has a breath attack.  A good choice, but be careful as you don't have a good means of sustaining your big monster
'''Great Bull of Shamut:''' Overlord and Prophet of Shamut only. instead of a dragon, you get a bigger winged bull.  6 HP and res, only 5+ armor but an Aegis 5+ as well.  He has the same number of attacks as the little bull but is stronger and has a breath attack.  A good choice, but be careful as you don't have a good means of sustaining your big monster

'''Infernal Bastion:''' Prophet of Nezibkesh only.
'''Infernal Bastion:''' Prophet of Nezibkesh only. Buy it out of your character allowance but cost 60pts less.


'''Infernal Warriors''' 165pts for 12 + 12ppm. Your cheapest dwarf boys but don't let that fool you, you will be dumping more points into them. They have the baseline character of an Infernal Dwarves, slow to advance but one inch faster then most infantry when marching + has March & Shoot, and veery defensive with their 4s in Def and Res + Infernal Armour.  Shields are never not good, great weapons help them crack elite units, and blunderbusses are scary to be close to.  
'''Infernal Warriors''' 270pts for 20 + 10ppm. Your cheapest dwarf boys but don't let that fool you, you will be dumping more points into them. They have the baseline character of an Infernal Dwarves, slow to advance but one inch faster than most infantry when marching, and very defensive with their 4s in Def and Res + Infernal Armour.  Shields are never not good, great weapons help them crack elite units while attacking with 3 ranks, and blunderbusses are scary to be close to.  
*Min size unit of blunderbusses are can early shoot with their March and Shoot and 9" movement.
*Min size unit of blunderbusses can hurt hard armored unit at range.

'''Citadel Guard''' 300pts for 15 + 21ppm. A step up from Infernal Warriors being the primary bricks your build your army around. Str4 can always have a gun choosing between pistols or Flintlock Axes. What makes Citadel Guard better then Warriors is their ''Let Them Come!'' rule. The ability to have 4 ranks of spears or shoot with 3 ranks is an excellent reward for doing the normal defense dwarf strategy.
'''Citadel Guard''' 270pts for 15 + 16ppm. A step up from Infernal Warriors being the primary bricks your build your army around. Str4 can always have a gun choosing between Flintlock Axes, or pistols with or without spears. Pistol Guards are a march up close dwarf gun block while the Flintlock Axe's ability to shoot with 3 ranks is an excellent reward for doing the normal defense dwarf strategy.

'''Vassal Levies''' 140pts for 20 + 6ppm. Your cheapest trashcan, They gain battle focused and can stand further away from leadership bastions. They are your chaff waiting on your Dwarfs' flanks, filling in the line, and pincering anything that sticks to the shield wall. With a shield, they could also block things intended to destroy your expensive Dwarfs. Bows let you shoot over your frontlines with mass fire. Besides meat shields, making the enemy flammable is their main role. using Oil Skins don't inflict much damage, that's for the artillery.
'''Vassal Levies''' 130pts for 20 + 5ppm. Your cheapest trashcan, They gain battle focused and can stand further away from leadership bastions. They are your chaff waiting on your Dwarfs' flanks, filling in the line, and pincering anything that sticks to the shield wall. With a shield, they could also block things intended to destroy your expensive Dwarfs. Bows let you shoot over your frontlines with mass fire. Besides meat shields, making the enemy flammable is their main role. using Oil Skins don't inflict much damage, that's for the artillery.

'''Shackled Slaves:''' 120pts for 20 + 5ppm. Your menial servant, a first though would use them as meat shields as they can take shields, Discipline set equal to a nearby dwarf, and have a large footprint of 25x25 for their price. "Forced Compliance" rule better defines them, helper monkeys. Each player turns if they pass a Discipline Test, they can either grant Battle Focus to a unit shooting Blunderbuss, Flintlock Axe, or Pistol, or let their overlord use their body to not step in puddles. either way, Slaves will die if you roll a 1 to hit or sacrifice them sleeve to save their master from a Dangerous Terrain Test. Slaves should be hanging back away from the enemy's range with your gunline to feed them ammunition, using Sacrificial Wretches if you foresee your units having to climb a hill or survive an earthquake that turns.
'''Shackled Slaves:''' 120pts for 20 + 4ppm. Your menial servant, a first thought would use them as meat shields as they can take shields and have a large footprint of 25x25 for their price. "Enslaved Porters" rule better defines them, helper monkeys. At the start of the battle and each of your turns they may "attach" themselves to a dwarf unit within 6", Granting their masters Soft Cover if equipped with shields or Reroll hit rolls of 1 in CC.

'''Immortals''' 330pts for 15 + 26ppm. What they do is in the title. Citadel guard with better off/def skill, bodyguard, always have parry, and never be wounded better than a 4+.  They will not die so it is hard to grind through them.  Other then a Hero bunker, place them on an objective and the game is yours.
'''Kadim Incarnates''' 300pts for 3 + 90ppm. Your fun lava demons Slaves. They Ghost Step through the ground when charging, They have good attacks (3 Str 5 Ap2 attacks + Volcanic Embrace (1)) and 5+/5++(2+ agent fire) but watch out for supernalIf they whiff combat they could kill themselves with combat resolution.

'''Disciples of Lugar''' 320pts for 15 + 22ppm. Your Slayer equivalent but devoted to a Trickster god. They are your speedy DPS Flanking infantry, faster than normal Dwarves, getting around with their 12" March and avoid unfavorable matchups with Feigned Flight. No armor but a built-in Aegis 5+ and 2+ agent fire. Once in combat, unleash your Pact of Fire to get Fearless and Volcanic Embrace in exchange Off and Ap, but only use it to destroy mass infantry.  
'''Kadim Chariot:''' 225pts. Slow for a chariot. a viscous Kadim pulls two Acolyte of Lugar into battle. There is no point marching it and it will fall behind your marching line. It's meant to run interception, Drawing missiles against hits high defense, then smash in with all its attacks.

'''Kadim Incarnates''' 300pts for 3 + 85ppm. Your fun lava demons. They have good attacks and 5+/5++ but watch out for supernalIf they whiff a combat they can kill themselves with combat resolution.
'''Immortals''' 290pts for 15 + 25ppm. What they do is in the title. Citadel guard with better off/def skill, Fear, bodyguard, Battle Focus, Parry, and an Aegis (+5, special attacks)They will not die so it is hard to grind through them. Other than a Hero bunker, place them on an objective and the game is yours.

'''Kadim Chariot:''' 235pts.  
'''Disciples of Lugar''' 340pts for 15 + 20ppm. Your Slayer equivalent but devoted to a Trickster god. They are your speedy DPS Flanking infantry faster than normal Dwarves, getting around with their 12" Ghost Step March. No armor but a built-in Aegis 5+ and 2+ against fire. Once in combat, Theocratic Litigators grants them and the enemy Magic Resistance (2), which makes it harder for both sides to be affected by spellcasters. they flank, and Idealy stop wizards from effecting a fights outcome or at least wast extra magic dice.  

'''Taurukh Enforcers:''' 185pts for 5 + 24ppm. Half Dwarf, Half Bull, Your "cavalry" and they are great.  Good armor (Getting least a +4 when they charge) and 2 attacks per base and plenty of weapon options to kit them out to deal with whatever you want. Watch out for agility 2.
'''Taurukh Enforcers:''' 205pts for 5 + 25ppm. Half Dwarf, Half Bull, Your "cavalry" and they are great.  Good 3+ armor and 2 attacks per base and plenty of weapon options to kit them out to deal with whatever you want. Watch out for agility 2.
*they lack March & shoot and its 6ppm, but the range of the Blunderbuss let them deal more damage when they are not charging

'''Taurukh Anointed''' 330pts for 3 + 90ppm.  Take the above and make them large cavalry. Better Res, Str, 3 HP, and attacks per base. It's up to you which one you take.
'''Taurukh Anointed''' 290pts for 3 + 94ppm.  Take the above and make them large "cavalry". Better Str, 3 HP, stomp, and +1 attacks per base. It's up to you which one you take.

'''Lamassu Scholar:''' 300pts
'''Vassal Cavalry''' 200pts for 5 + 10ppm. Your light avoidance cavalry.  Take a few small units to cover the flanks of your main blocks, do some flanking, and cover the enemy in oil.

'''Vassal Cavalry''' 170pts for 5 + 15ppm. Your light avoidance cavalry. Take a few small units to cover the flanks of your main blocks, and do some flanking.
'''Vassal Slingshot:''' 125 pts. Take up a Fires of Industry and week to fire. It doubles as a Bolt Thrower to shoot through blocks and monsters or throw Oil Flasks to give them an Incendiary Marker.

'''Vassal Slingshot:''' 110 pts.
'''Gunnery Team''' 165 pts. Your baby war machine, They attached to a unit and shot.  Comes in 3 flavors:
*Naphtha Thrower: benefits the most when marching closer to the enemy having March and Shoot. They do have the defense to distract the enemy.
*Rocket Battery:
*Titan Mortar:

'''Gunnery Team''' Your baby war machine, shorter range than your other options but they have ''quick to fire'' and ''march and shoot'', abuse it. Comes in 3 flavors:
'''Infernal Artillery''' Your War machine proper, taking up. They don't have mobility or a train chassis but are granted longer ranges and inflicts penentes to target's movement.
*Naphtha Thrower: 155 pts.
*Naphtha Thrower: 155 pts.
*Titan Mortar: 155 pts.
*Titan Mortar: 265 pts.
*Rocket Battery: 180 pts.
*Rocket Battery: 280 pts.
'''Infernal Artillery''' Comes in rocket or flamethrower flavors.
*Naphtha Thrower: 160 pts.
*Titan Mortar: 235 pts.
*Rocket Battery: 240 pts.

===Instruments of Destruction===
===Instruments of Destruction===
'''Infernal Bastion:''' 275pts. Bring along a large stage tower into battle. a War Platform with Impact Hits and Crush Attacks. The Dwarfs pushing it gain softcover and up to 20 models gain an improved line of sight as if Gigantic. A use full thing to have in a large unit of Infernal Warriors or Citadel Guard with Blunderbuss or Flintlock Axes.

'''Infernal Engine''' A decent catapult style artillery weapon that further debuffs units hit by it.  When a unit takes damage from this it treats all terrain as dangerous terrain and re-rolls 6 to-hit (shooting and melee) for one turn.  Furthermore, a war machine hit by or within 8" of a hit unit cannot shoot for a turn.
'''Infernal Engine''' 420pts. Choo choo. A big steam-powered chariot with drill or gun. Makes the artillery much more survivable with a 3+ and res 7. Has a crazy number of attacks for a war machine with its impacting and Grinding.  The downside to all of this is its Fires of Industry (2), it can only change facing when marching, and a misfire could put it into a melee-only frenzy all game. watch out for your war machine only becomes useful at to punch those flame wardens instead of shooting them with its gun.
**Not a unit on its own, but an upgrade to the infernal artillery or titan mortar.  Makes the artillery much more survivable with a 4+/5++ and res 6. It also gains Daemonic infusion and a crazy number of attacks for a war machine "crew".  The downside to all of this is that each turn it makes a discipline check, if failed it moves 3d6 towards the nearest enemy and tries to fight them in melee. With discipline 9 this is unlikely to happen, especially with a BSB or general nearby, but watch out for your war machine sometimes trying to punch those flame wardens instead of shooting them with its gun.
*With Steel Juggernaut, This train can tank. ups the normal engine Chassis's offense instead of being a mobile shooting should be given Rock Crusher, trading the gun and Fires of Industry for parry and upping its grind attacks from 1d3 to 3d3. Difficult to maneuver, but will trash whatever is straight ahead.
**Choo choo.  This train can tank. Res 7 and a 3+ save.  It's a bit finicky to charge with, but it does some work.  Can be given Steam Hammers, which ups its grind attacks from 1d3 to 3d3, or shrapnel guns, which gives it an 18" shooting attack with few shots but good strength and multiple wounds. Difficult to maneuver, but will trash whatever is straight ahead.

'''Infernal Bastion:'''
'''Kadim Titan''' 430pts. Giant Lava monster Slave.  7 HP, 6 Res, and 5 attacks at str 6 AP 2 and Volcanic Embrace (2D3) that are +1 to wound and cause enemies to lose -1 armour.  Sounds great, but be careful with it.  It has the same 5+/5++ as normal Kadim, and supernal makes it so it can lose health through bad combats.

'''Kadim Titan''' Lava monster.  6 HP, Res, and attacks at str 7 AP 4.  Sounds great, but be careful with it.  It has the same 5+/5++ as above, and supernal makes it so it can lose health through bad combats.  A canny opponent will abuse its frenzy rule to string it along by the nose, but every time it fails a frenzy test it gains +1 attack for the rest of the game, no limit, so if that opponent ever messes up they have a scarier monster to deal with.
'''Citizen Giant''' 320pts. A giant with a 3+ armor saves this a scary beast. has Infernal Brand to help vessels. Big Brother is +1 health for a bigger base, which can be good or bad. Club for Fighting monsters, Shield to make them a longer-lasting threat, or Infernal Lash makes it Agt 5 and to support units by giving them Flaming and Magical Attacks.
'''Citizen Giant''' A giant with a 4+ armor save and Chosen of Ashuruk makes this a scary beast. Big Brother is +1 health for a bigger base, which can be good or bad. Take the whip for mulching infantry, mining pick for fighting other monsters.

==Magic Items==
==Magic Items==
===Weapon Enchantments===
===Weapon Enchantments===
'''Triple Speed:''' 65pts Flintlock Axe only. Get out 3 shots and +3 melee Magic attacks and never hit worse than 3+. A good pick if you want more DPS from your Prophet of Nezibkesh(especially with is low off Skill) and Viziers.
'''Onyx Core''' 65pts. Infernal Weapon only, gain Kadim Manifestation and also adds multiple wounds 1d3 but only against models with flammable.  Given the tools your army has, that should be easy enough to consistently pull off. On an Overlord, it's a dedicated weapon that rerolls everything to kill heroes especially if you can stack flaming to get divine attacks.
'''Onyx Core''' 65pts. Infernal Weapon only, gain Kadim Manifestation and also adds multiple wounds 1d3 but only against models with flammable.  Given the tools your army has, that should be easy enough to consistently pull off. On an Overlord, it's a dedicated weapon that rerolls everything to kill heroes especially if you can stack flaming to get divine attacks.
'''Triple Speed:''' 60pts Flintlock Axe only. Get out 3 shots and +3 melee attacks and never hit worse than 3+. A good pick if you want more DPS from your Prophet of Nezibkesh(espeacly with is low off Skill) and Viziers.

'''Flame of the East:''' 55pts. Gain Volcanic Embrace (2D3) or +2D3 to an existing Volcanic Embrace. and those roll can be used when performing Impact Hits. You wished to solo wipe chaff your self, Mount on a Bull of Shamut or Kadim Chariot.
'''Flame of the East:''' 55pts. Gain Volcanic Embrace (2D3) or +2D3 to an existing Volcanic Embrace. and those roll can be used when performing Impact Hits. You wished to solo wipe chaff your self, Mount on a Bull of Shamut or Kadim Chariot.

===Armor Enchantments===
===Armor Enchantments===
'''Mask of Ages:''' 60pts. Gain Whispers of the Mask(never be wounded better then 4+) and +1 armour if Infantry.
'''Mask of Ages:''' 70pts. Aegis(+1, CC attacks), battle focuses, Fear, and +1 armour if Infantry.

'''Blaze of Protection:''' 40pts
'''Blaze of Protection:''' 35pts Shield only. fearless, +1 armour, and enemies in Btb contact that don't attack your character suffer an Str 4 Flaming attack.

'''Kadim Bindings''' 30pts. Shield only. +1 Aegis against Flaming attacks, and can be used and gives Parry even if the user has a non-hand weapon that is two-handed.  Great defensive when combined with a Great weapon or enchanted Paired Weapons while still getting the defenses of a shield.
'''Kadim Bindings''' 30pts. Shield only. +1 Aegis against Flaming attacks, and can be used and gives Parry even if the user has a non-hand weapon that is two-handed.  Great defensive when combined with a Great weapon or enchanted Paired Weapons while still getting the defenses of a shield.
'''Steel Skin''' +3 armor and attacks with lethal strike and/or poisoned attacks lose those attributes when attacking this model.  Is everything you need on defense and bumps your characters to 1+ on foot.

===Banner Enchantments===
===Banner Enchantments===
'''Pride of Zalaman Tekash:''' 50pts.  
'''Pride of Zalaman Tekash:''' 40pts. It cannot be taken by units that count towards Core. Ap of Special attacks during the fight phase against the unit is set to 0. Protects the unit from impacts, and stomps.

'''Trial of Ashuruk:''' 30pts.  
'''Trial of Ashuruk:''' 30pts. 0–2 per Army. unit and any unit in Base contact gain an unstack-able Magic Resistance (2) which also applies to friendly spells. Can't be reliably buffed by wizards, but also so your enemies.
'''Icon of the Inferno''' Whenever a friendly wizard within 12" casts a non-bound non-attribute spell the bearer casts blaze from pyromancy. Will pump your magic phases to insane levels as you essentially add 1d3 hits to a unit every time you cast a spell.
'''Banner of Shamut''' +1 offensive skill to the unit and +1 to combat score. Situational, but can help you break units.


'''Breath of the Brass Bull:''' 70pts.  
'''Breath of the Brass Bull:''' 70pts. It cannot be taken by models with Towering Presence. Gain +1HP and Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks). Can pump health on some of your squishy models and will help you open tanky units.
'''Tablet of Vezodinezh''' 65pts. Wizard only, during your opponent's magic phase steal one of their veil tokens.  Can limit how many dice your opponent can throw and helps fuel your own magic phases.
'''Ring of Desiccation''' 60pts. Units in base contact gain flammable.  Quick and easy, combos with most your army.
'''Unflame:''' 55pts.
'''Golden Idol of Shamut:''' 45pts.
'''Lugar's Dice''' 40pts. The bearer rerolls to-hit and to-wound rolls of 1 and attacks against the bearer reroll to-hit and to-wound rolls of 6. A very powerful buff and can cripple your opponent's offense as well as upping your consistency.
'''Gauntlets of Madzhab''' 25pts. +1 str/AP but melee to-hit rolls of 1 hit his own unit.  Your units are pretty tanky anyways and can probably take the hit, a quick and easy pump to your damage output.
'''Tablet of Ashuruk''' Wizard only, during your opponent's magic phase steal one of their veil tokens.  Can limit how many dice your opponent can throw and helps fuel your own magic phases.

'''Tablet of Vezodinezh''' 65pts. Dominant. Wizard only, when bearer attempts to cast a non-bound spell using 3+ dice, "1s" are treated as "3". If you suffer Witchfire, you suffer Magical Inferno instead.

'''Mask of the Furnace''' The bearer gains +1 armor and a breath attack (toxic attacks)Can pump armor on some of your squishy models and will help you open tanky units.
'''Ring of Desiccation''' 60pts. At the start of every Round of Combat, every enemy
unit in base contact gains one Incendiary markerQuick and easy, combos with most of your army.

'''Bullhorn of Nezibkesh''' The model extends the range of its engineer ability to 12" and when a warmachine benefits from this model's engineer it additionally gains +1 AP.  If you have the warmachine/engineer combo, take it.
'''Unflame:''' 50pts. One use only. At the start of a Round of Combat, enemies in contact loss -3 Agility but all flaming attacks against are put out.

'''Heat Haze''' The bearer gains Aegis 4+ vs shooting and the bearer's unit gains hard target (1).  This effect lasts until the unit takes any unsaved wounds.  Against shooty armies this can keep your deathstar up and running.
'''Golden Idol of Shamut:''' 50pts. Adv 4", Mar12", and gains Glory of Gold (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell.

'''Besheluk's Mechanism''' Wizard only, gives them a bound spell to raise wounds on disciples of Lugar or Kadims. It is a basic bound spell, and easy to dispell, but can give you the sustain you need.
'''Lugar's Dice''' 40pts. The bearer can reroll any to-hit, to-wound, or armour save roll per player turn. A very powerful buff upping your consistency. don't affect crush attacks.

'''Gauntlets of Madzhab''' 25pts. Infantry models only +1 str/AP but melee to-hit rolls of 1 hit his own unit.  Your units are pretty tanky anyways and can probably take the hit, a quick and easy pump to your damage output.

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The fair use The 9th Age expy of the Chaos Dwarfs of Warhammer Fantasy.

Why play Infernal Dwarves[edit | edit source]

like dwarfs but don't think their hold cousins had enough slaves, demonic artillery, or fire. You feel like your playing WWI while everyone else is still pre-renaissance. Also Lots of oil and fire.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

The tactics are current as of second edition.

Army Rules[edit | edit source]

Universal Rules[edit | edit source]

Furnace Breach: your Infernal machines' Misfire Table. 2/3 its takes damage, the other chance it stops shooting and goes on a murderous rampage for the rest of game.

Fires of Industry (X): the total number of models with this rule in your army can't be more than 6.

Incendiary: The unit is doused with kerosene. A unit given instances of Incendiary are Flammable until hit with a Flaming ranged or melee attack.

  • note You don't lose one instance of Incendiary from melee attacks until after a Round of Combat, while you expend one every time it suffers a wound from a volley of ranged attacks. Makes you Consider how many Oil Skins you should throw on a unit.
  • fire from Spell attack currently don't expend Incendiary

Infernal Brand: the mark you are a Dwarf. gain a 6" Commanding Presence for only Insignificant units, and double the number of full ranks they have in the First Round of Combat unless Charging.

Mechanised Support: your support heavy weapon and must stay with a unit with Infernal Brand.

Secrets of Nezibkesh: when successfully casts Curse of Nezibkesh (HS), target gains 1 Incendiary Marker.

Solitary: your Bull of Shamut and Lamassu cant join units or joined by characters.

Taurukh Ritual: 0-2 models/army. instead of riding a horse, your character turns into a bull centaur (Details listed under mounts).

Attack Attributes[edit | edit source]

Oil Skins Close combat, Shooting- on your Vassel units. when they make a shooting or melee attack, they also cover the enemy in oil, the enemy gains one instance of Incendiary if any hit.

Special Attacks[edit | edit source]

Volcanic Embrace (x) modle part gains Magical and Flaming Attacks. and gain Grind attacks(x) with AP 10 and wound agienst target's armour, be better the armor the easer to wound (equal to or greater than 7 minus the Armour).

Armory[edit | edit source]

Infernal Armor It's Plate Armour with a built-in Aegis 5+ vs flaming.

0–60 R&F Models with Flintlock Axe, Blunderbuss, or Pistols per Army.

Blunderbuss Range 12" Shot 1, Str5, Ap3, Accurate, March and Shoot, Quick to Fire, no negative to Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction. this is the close-range threat weapon whether it's enemies charging your guns or you marching at them with a 21" threat range. completes with Flintlock with as Blunderbuss as more effective range and more likely to kill the thing it shoots at like knights.

Flintlock Axe Shoots like a handgun but is not unwieldy and may be fired from the third range. In the melee, it's a 2-handed weapon that gives +1 str. So it's a handgun with more flexibility and a slightly worse halberd in melee. A good all-around weapon to give a unit the tools to do anything. completes with Blunderbuss with as Flintlock as more effective versatile at all ranged and getting 3 ranks of handguns are more likely to clean out the chaff.

Naphtha Thrower: A flamethrower. a no-brainer to clear the enemy's from close combat, especially how flammable enemies are. they can also take down those big elite units at closer rage when it gains its Multiple wounds(D3)

Rocket Battery: the big gun, 4 shots of Str 6 Ap3 Multiple wounds (D3) Quick to fire. they suffer the same easy-to-misfire problem multishot but are effective at shooting monsters out of the air.

Titan Mortar: a big (4x4) splash zone with a big cannonball landing on one person's head. the Mortar is veristial like a cannon, able to deleting goblines along with their hero leader or take a dragon.

Infernal Weapon Special melee weapon, Gets +1 Str and Ap while can still wear a shield.

Hereditary Spell[edit | edit source]

Curse of Nezibkesh (Cv +6/7) Hex, Target suffer -1 Off and Def plus gains one Incendiary marker or suffers an additional -1 for every Incendiary marker(max -3) if overcast. Nutters most threats and make them very easy to hit in melee.

Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Overlord 285pts. The same stats as his King counterpart, but with better options for offense. Instead of grudges, the overlord has Hatred and can grab any weapon and put any enchantment on it for free. lets your Overlord adapted to what your opponents bring. The blunderbuss is now worth taking for Poking at a distance. Currently using "Keys to the Citadel" for a Great Weapon is not a good idea compared to other enchanted weapons.

  • when on foot He can take Arrogance, causing enemy Characters and units with Champions to gain frenzy while within 12". forcing them into unfavorable matchups against your bricks.

Prophet: Comes in 4 flavors. He starts very defensive with Infernal Armour and can get wizard levels up to the master level with the same path selections of Alchemy, Occultism, and Pyromancy.

  • Prophet of Lugar: 190pts. Turns into a Slayer Wizard. This Trickster, Loses Infernal Armour for a more reliable Aegis 4+, speedster, and Volcanic Embrace (1). He wants to be a battlemage, moving with Disciples with their Feigned Flight and 12" march to get close safely, cast some augments and hex, then do some slaying with his enchanted weapon.
  • Prophet of Nezibkesh: 205pts. Your Engineers and they take up a Fires of Industry. They would prefer to take a ranged weapon and support your Artillery weapons from the back.
  • Prophet of Shamut: 195pts. Your mounted battle wizards, either turned into a Taurukh or ride a Bull of Shamut. He is better protected then a Vassal Conjurer when going solo but will need an enchanted weapon to justify taking a mount.
  • Prophet of Ashuruk: 215pts. He is devoted to spell casting. He is strong because he can always cast the Blaze (Pyromancy) or Alchemical Fire (Alchemy) instead of his paths normal A spell.

Vizier: 115pts. Your cheapest dwarf character and a good BSB choice. He has 150 points for special equipment making him a great BSB option as his vanilla equipment is pretty great.

Taurukh Commissioner: 250pts. Your bigger bull centaur man, often leading your Taurukh Anointed. A 3+ standard armour, he barely even needs equipment. Give him paired weapons to slam out more attacks or a great weapon if you need a can opener. The infernal weapon is good, but expensive, buy a shield with it if you need a beefier tank option. He can be the BSB as well but he will often outpace your dwarf bricks.

Vassal Conjurer: 115pts. Your cheapest wizard, only go up Adept and knows Pyromancy for a cheap blaster or Witchcraft makes Dwarfs fast and indestructible bricks. Most lists should be able to afford a Conjurer.

Lamassu Scholar: 300pts. Though a mounted monster, He is more of a defensive flying wizard with a dwarf on his back. He knows 2 spells (pick from Word of Iron (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), Flaming Swords (Pyromancy), Deceptive Glamour (Witchcraft), or Curse of Nezibkesh (H)). near the start of the game, your opponent will have to make the dedication of giving it Channel(1) or let it know another spell.

Character Mounts[edit | edit source]

Taurukh Ritual: Dwarf becomes a Bulltar. Gain all the characteristics of being Calvery (Cannot be Stomped, Impact Hits (1), Tall, Adv 7", Mar 14", 25x50mm base), gain +1 armor, but are a beast type and lose March & Shoot.

Seat of Authority: Vizier and Prophet of Ashuruk only. Gives a Vizier more attacks, Armour, and expands his unit's footprint. While seated he can join Vassal Levies letting them reroll charges and all Oil Skins units near him gain +2" on Marchs.

Vassal Steed (Wizard Adept only) A dirty dog for your dirty hobgoblin Vassal. Will make him very fast, give him a little armor, and more attacks than a horse. A Conjurer will use him to get close to the enemy to cast his spell first turn and will roll with the Vassal Cavalry for protection.

Kadim Chariot: Prophet of Lugar only.

Bull of Shamut Overlord, Vizier, and Prophet of Shamut only. It will make your character fast but won't boost their defenses at all besides +1 to HP and Aegis (5+). His offense is great though, 4 strong Divine, flaming attacks make him scary to be in combat with.

Great Bull of Shamut: Overlord and Prophet of Shamut only. instead of a dragon, you get a bigger winged bull. 6 HP and res, only 5+ armor but an Aegis 5+ as well. He has the same number of attacks as the little bull but is stronger and has a breath attack. A good choice, but be careful as you don't have a good means of sustaining your big monster

Infernal Bastion: Prophet of Nezibkesh only. Buy it out of your character allowance but cost 60pts less.

Core[edit | edit source]

Infernal Warriors 270pts for 20 + 10ppm. Your cheapest dwarf boys but don't let that fool you, you will be dumping more points into them. They have the baseline character of an Infernal Dwarves, slow to advance but one inch faster than most infantry when marching, and very defensive with their 4s in Def and Res + Infernal Armour. Shields are never not good, great weapons help them crack elite units while attacking with 3 ranks, and blunderbusses are scary to be close to.

  • Min size unit of blunderbusses can hurt hard armored unit at range.

Citadel Guard 270pts for 15 + 16ppm. A step up from Infernal Warriors being the primary bricks your build your army around. Str4 can always have a gun choosing between Flintlock Axes, or pistols with or without spears. Pistol Guards are a march up close dwarf gun block while the Flintlock Axe's ability to shoot with 3 ranks is an excellent reward for doing the normal defense dwarf strategy.

Vassal Levies 130pts for 20 + 5ppm. Your cheapest trashcan, They gain battle focused and can stand further away from leadership bastions. They are your chaff waiting on your Dwarfs' flanks, filling in the line, and pincering anything that sticks to the shield wall. With a shield, they could also block things intended to destroy your expensive Dwarfs. Bows let you shoot over your frontlines with mass fire. Besides meat shields, making the enemy flammable is their main role. using Oil Skins don't inflict much damage, that's for the artillery.

Shackled Slaves: 120pts for 20 + 4ppm. Your menial servant, a first thought would use them as meat shields as they can take shields and have a large footprint of 25x25 for their price. "Enslaved Porters" rule better defines them, helper monkeys. At the start of the battle and each of your turns they may "attach" themselves to a dwarf unit within 6", Granting their masters Soft Cover if equipped with shields or Reroll hit rolls of 1 in CC.

Special[edit | edit source]

Kadim Incarnates 300pts for 3 + 90ppm. Your fun lava demons Slaves. They Ghost Step through the ground when charging, They have good attacks (3 Str 5 Ap2 attacks + Volcanic Embrace (1)) and 5+/5++(2+ agent fire) but watch out for supernal. If they whiff combat they could kill themselves with combat resolution.

Kadim Chariot: 225pts. Slow for a chariot. a viscous Kadim pulls two Acolyte of Lugar into battle. There is no point marching it and it will fall behind your marching line. It's meant to run interception, Drawing missiles against hits high defense, then smash in with all its attacks.

Immortals 290pts for 15 + 25ppm. What they do is in the title. Citadel guard with better off/def skill, Fear, bodyguard, Battle Focus, Parry, and an Aegis (+5, special attacks). They will not die so it is hard to grind through them. Other than a Hero bunker, place them on an objective and the game is yours.

Disciples of Lugar 340pts for 15 + 20ppm. Your Slayer equivalent but devoted to a Trickster god. They are your speedy DPS Flanking infantry faster than normal Dwarves, getting around with their 12" Ghost Step March. No armor but a built-in Aegis 5+ and 2+ against fire. Once in combat, Theocratic Litigators grants them and the enemy Magic Resistance (2), which makes it harder for both sides to be affected by spellcasters. they flank, and Idealy stop wizards from effecting a fights outcome or at least wast extra magic dice.

Taurukh Enforcers: 205pts for 5 + 25ppm. Half Dwarf, Half Bull, Your "cavalry" and they are great. Good 3+ armor and 2 attacks per base and plenty of weapon options to kit them out to deal with whatever you want. Watch out for agility 2.

  • they lack March & shoot and its 6ppm, but the range of the Blunderbuss let them deal more damage when they are not charging

Taurukh Anointed 290pts for 3 + 94ppm. Take the above and make them large "cavalry". Better Str, 3 HP, stomp, and +1 attacks per base. It's up to you which one you take.

Vassal Cavalry 200pts for 5 + 10ppm. Your light avoidance cavalry. Take a few small units to cover the flanks of your main blocks, do some flanking, and cover the enemy in oil.

Vassal Slingshot: 125 pts. Take up a Fires of Industry and week to fire. It doubles as a Bolt Thrower to shoot through blocks and monsters or throw Oil Flasks to give them an Incendiary Marker.

Gunnery Team 165 pts. Your baby war machine, They attached to a unit and shot. Comes in 3 flavors:

  • Naphtha Thrower: benefits the most when marching closer to the enemy having March and Shoot. They do have the defense to distract the enemy.
  • Rocket Battery:
  • Titan Mortar:

Infernal Artillery Your War machine proper, taking up. They don't have mobility or a train chassis but are granted longer ranges and inflicts penentes to target's movement.

  • Naphtha Thrower: 155 pts.
  • Titan Mortar: 265 pts.
  • Rocket Battery: 280 pts.

Instruments of Destruction[edit | edit source]

Infernal Bastion: 275pts. Bring along a large stage tower into battle. a War Platform with Impact Hits and Crush Attacks. The Dwarfs pushing it gain softcover and up to 20 models gain an improved line of sight as if Gigantic. A use full thing to have in a large unit of Infernal Warriors or Citadel Guard with Blunderbuss or Flintlock Axes.

Infernal Engine 420pts. Choo choo. A big steam-powered chariot with drill or gun. Makes the artillery much more survivable with a 3+ and res 7. Has a crazy number of attacks for a war machine with its impacting and Grinding. The downside to all of this is its Fires of Industry (2), it can only change facing when marching, and a misfire could put it into a melee-only frenzy all game. watch out for your war machine only becomes useful at to punch those flame wardens instead of shooting them with its gun.

  • With Steel Juggernaut, This train can tank. ups the normal engine Chassis's offense instead of being a mobile shooting should be given Rock Crusher, trading the gun and Fires of Industry for parry and upping its grind attacks from 1d3 to 3d3. Difficult to maneuver, but will trash whatever is straight ahead.

Kadim Titan 430pts. Giant Lava monster Slave. 7 HP, 6 Res, and 5 attacks at str 6 AP 2 and Volcanic Embrace (2D3) that are +1 to wound and cause enemies to lose -1 armour. Sounds great, but be careful with it. It has the same 5+/5++ as normal Kadim, and supernal makes it so it can lose health through bad combats.

Citizen Giant 320pts. A giant with a 3+ armor saves this a scary beast. has Infernal Brand to help vessels. Big Brother is +1 health for a bigger base, which can be good or bad. Club for Fighting monsters, Shield to make them a longer-lasting threat, or Infernal Lash makes it Agt 5 and to support units by giving them Flaming and Magical Attacks.

Magic Items[edit | edit source]

Weapon Enchantments[edit | edit source]

Triple Speed: 65pts Flintlock Axe only. Get out 3 shots and +3 melee Magic attacks and never hit worse than 3+. A good pick if you want more DPS from your Prophet of Nezibkesh(especially with is low off Skill) and Viziers.

Onyx Core 65pts. Infernal Weapon only, gain Kadim Manifestation and also adds multiple wounds 1d3 but only against models with flammable. Given the tools your army has, that should be easy enough to consistently pull off. On an Overlord, it's a dedicated weapon that rerolls everything to kill heroes especially if you can stack flaming to get divine attacks.

Flame of the East: 55pts. Gain Volcanic Embrace (2D3) or +2D3 to an existing Volcanic Embrace. and those roll can be used when performing Impact Hits. You wished to solo wipe chaff your self, Mount on a Bull of Shamut or Kadim Chariot.

Armor Enchantments[edit | edit source]

Mask of Ages: 70pts. Aegis(+1, CC attacks), battle focuses, Fear, and +1 armour if Infantry.

Blaze of Protection: 35pts Shield only. fearless, +1 armour, and enemies in Btb contact that don't attack your character suffer an Str 4 Flaming attack.

Kadim Bindings 30pts. Shield only. +1 Aegis against Flaming attacks, and can be used and gives Parry even if the user has a non-hand weapon that is two-handed. Great defensive when combined with a Great weapon or enchanted Paired Weapons while still getting the defenses of a shield.

[edit | edit source]

Pride of Zalaman Tekash: 40pts. It cannot be taken by units that count towards Core. Ap of Special attacks during the fight phase against the unit is set to 0. Protects the unit from impacts, and stomps.

Trial of Ashuruk: 30pts. 0–2 per Army. unit and any unit in Base contact gain an unstack-able Magic Resistance (2) which also applies to friendly spells. Can't be reliably buffed by wizards, but also so your enemies.

Artefacts[edit | edit source]

Breath of the Brass Bull: 70pts. It cannot be taken by models with Towering Presence. Gain +1HP and Breath Attack (Toxic Attacks). Can pump health on some of your squishy models and will help you open tanky units.

Tablet of Vezodinezh 65pts. Dominant. Wizard only, when bearer attempts to cast a non-bound spell using 3+ dice, "1s" are treated as "3". If you suffer Witchfire, you suffer Magical Inferno instead.

Ring of Desiccation 60pts. At the start of every Round of Combat, every enemy unit in base contact gains one Incendiary marker. Quick and easy, combos with most of your army.

Unflame: 50pts. One use only. At the start of a Round of Combat, enemies in contact loss -3 Agility but all flaming attacks against are put out.

Golden Idol of Shamut: 50pts. Adv 4", Mar12", and gains Glory of Gold (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell.

Lugar's Dice 40pts. The bearer can reroll any to-hit, to-wound, or armour save roll per player turn. A very powerful buff upping your consistency. don't affect crush attacks.

Gauntlets of Madzhab 25pts. Infantry models only +1 str/AP but melee to-hit rolls of 1 hit his own unit. Your units are pretty tanky anyways and can probably take the hit, a quick and easy pump to your damage output.

The 9th Age Tactics